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Who has seen Liam's video to strip that down?😍 He also looks so perfect in this photo🤤 Remember to read my book 'psychotica' and you can give me tips or suggestions.. If the book is good and you wanna be in it, dm me😊 Its really hard to find so you can put in my profile for wattpad 'krissyisqueen' Thanks💕💕 #harrystyles #harryfanfic #liampayne #liamfanfic #louistomlinson #louisfanfic #niallhoran #niallfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #maggiefanfics #maggielindemann #onedirectionfanfiction #onedirection #wattpad #wattys2017 #wattpadbooks #wattpadfanfics #wattpadfanfiction
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warningnarry-blog · 11 years
I don't have a title yet for this but please enjoy :)
So, you think hanging out with Liam would be nice, cool, great, amazing etc.  Well, It's not.  Tattoos, piercings, nasty attitude, smoker, rough, irresponsible, not giving a fuck about anything except partying and his dick.
Just think about it, imagine it.
Liam comes home as a drunkard from different parties everynight.  He reeks the smell of beer and cigarettes and vomit and sex.  He has the audacity to yell your name loud enough to echoe throughout the halls of your home, him staggering against walls from one to another. 
I despise how loud he can be at such a time in the day without being aware of neighboors.
Spitting on everycorner he can spot..the disgust. "Where the FUCK are you?" he bangs his fist into your walls as if it were to be his property.  He slams your door open and switches the lights on just to give you a hint that he's here and he's going to stay and refuses to go. "Babe, come here love" is an everyday statement of his to make you feel as if you should be feeling somehow 'special' of his presence.
Ha, Here comes the best part.
He makes you sit down at the corner of your bed just to press your lips against his firmly but roughly to get the taste of this wine called Diamond Creek that he tends to love to drink as a 'party-starter', don't get me wrong i've tasted it and it's splendid but when being mixed up with vomit and cigaretts..isn't the best tasting thing now is it.  He places both hands firmly on each side of your neck and kisses you deeply and his tounge roams around the inside of your mouth.  You try to breath but he won't let you, he won't let go.
He undresses you completly and tosses the clothes to the other side of the bed.  Kissing every part, every structure your body has to offer at least twice.  You go against it but he doesn't let go.  "Liam, no..Stop not now" you say but he grabs you by the waists and pulls you close to him and squeezes you tightly to then throw you onto the middle of the bed.
Here it comes, you gonna like it.
He whispers slowly and softly agaisnt your ear "I love you" but you know it's all a lie, it's a way to buy you into sex.  "N-" you tried to manage to say.  He places his right hand over your mouth to silent you.  "It's okay, shhh" all you can see is that devilish smirk he always make, and all you hear is the un-bluckling of his belt and ziper quickly un-ziping.
Bam, here.
Your breath hitches in your throat as he thrusts his dick inside of you.  You let out a loud scream of plessure and moans fill the empty sounds of the room.  You dig your nails into his back and scratches him as he picks up the speed, making the bed creak and bang loudly against the wall.  Your back arches as you reach euphoria. "Liam, i'm almost..there" you moaned as seconds leave before you reach your climax.  Liam's speeds up a bit more, making the items on top of the dresser fall to the floor.  He groans "Fuck..(Y/N)" he kisses you, making your moans go silent and your screams go low to a humming sound.  "(Y/N)! fuck fuck..fuck" "Liam...i" "Wait (Y/N) not yet, don't cum yet." You hold back a bit but you can't hold it any longer "Lia-" "Now!" moans of satisfaction and heavy breathing filled the room.  He colapsed on top of you panting and gasping for air.  And he stays there, laying on you, rubbing your neck and hand to hand entwined.
But all of that ends.
He gets up, leaves the bed, gets dressed, winks and leaves the room.
And to think that all that is fun pfftt. There you go, this is the frequency between me and a guy named Liam James Payne and I fucking hate it.
-------- Please tell me what you think about it please :)
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ev-dr-4bc · 11 years
Hi everyone! Please read my fanfic, its one about liam and it would mean soooo much i am planning to upload tomorrow so please read it thanks you xx
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ezrakng-blog · 12 years
A normal day, I went to the bakery. My mom ordered me to buy some bread to eat. I liked the seller, he was about 50 years old. He was special, he was my best friend's father.
Her name is Pili. We've been friends since kindergarden. She was always there to support me. She was a great friend. And her birthday was coming soon: next week. 
(one week later)
The day arrived. It was her birthday party that night. I was really excited since I don't usually go to many parties. Pili wanted me to get a date before midnight. I refused. 'What are you talking about? I'm not that type of girl, you know' I said. 
'But you're cool and you need one, since you broke up with that dumbass' she answered.
'Let's not talk about that, please. It's your birthday and we should have fun, right?'
'Yes. But you won't escape. I WILL get you a date.' 
I ignored her comment and started dancing.
I took several shots and saw many pretty boys. They were really nice.
And then, that was the moment when I saw him.
Dressed in a suit, smiling and talking with adults. All I could see was his smile. his big smile. I stared at him for a few seconds, until Pili pricked my cloud. 
'Who are you looking at? she asked. 'What? Me? Nothing, nothing at all.' I replied.
'Yes, you were looking at him' she said, while she pointed to where the guy was. 'I know him, he's my cousin. He came from England'.
'Oh, an Englishman' I thought. He was kinda cute. 
Pili had the intention to introduce me to him, but I declined the offer. 
And it was only a few seconds and he was already on our side. 'Hi!' he said. His beauty was out of this world. Bright brown eyes. Brown hair. A small birthmark on his neck. And that big smile I've noticed before. His british accent was attractive, really attractive. 'I'm Liam'.
Even his name was perfect. I smiled and offered him a drink. He accepted.
He was from Wolverhampton. He and his parents came to America to see Pili and her family. He's my age, 19. We talked for a while, he could not stop laughing. It was adorable. When the party ended, it was time to go home. 
'Will I see you again?' he asked.
I really wanted to. He was nice.
'I hope so! You can come around with Pili, anytime you want' I said.
'Okay, see you soon! bye' He turned  and went away.
Pili came over to where I was. 'I see you are very good friends with Liam' she said.
'He's cool, such a nice guy' I chuckled.
'Well, we'll see what the future tells us, uh!' said Pili,  slowly tapping my arm.
I laughed. We got inside the car and drove to our homes.
And that was the night I met Liam Payne.
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These numbers have been quite still for a while. Please read and maybe you'll get to be able have your name in the book! And if you've read it already, what do you think? #fanfiction #wattpad #wattys2017 #onedirectionfanfiction #onedirection #harrystyles #harryfanfic #niallhoran #niallfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #louisfanfic #louistomlinson #liampayne #liamfanfic #maggielindemann #maggiefanfics
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nicolebynature-blog1 · 12 years
Smile for the Cameras Chapter 4
(A/N) I swear my freaking internet shuts down every time I want to update I'm so sorry (A/N)
Amber Rose Collins lived a relatively normal life in Los Angeles… until her mother died.  She and her father now live in London for his job at Syco Music.  Three years later, she is now eighteen and finally adjusting to her new life.  She is determined to make it as an actress all on her own, until she is given an offer she can hardly refuse.         Smile for the Cameras, because everybody’s watching.
Chapters 1-3 (x)
Chapter 4
  I looked at the clock.  2:06pm.  He was six minutes late.  “Not that I care,” I assured myself while playing with the hem of my shirt.  We had agreed that he would pick me up at two o’ clock and drive to a café somewhere in the heart of London, given that we needed to have at least some exposure at all times. 
  The minute hand ticked again.  2:07pm.  My palms felt clammy and I wiped them on a nearby dishtowel.  I had a lot riding on this “date”.  Sure we had both agreed on it over the phone, but one little slip up on my part could send him running back to management and telling them he wanted someone else.  This was a chance to get any issues worked out and make sure we were both really onboard.
  “Hello?” A voice called through the apartment.  “Amber, are you okay?” Liam walked into the kitchen warily, his phone out and poised to his ear.  He saw me sitting there and straightened up.  “Oh, there you are.  You know your door’s broken?” He asked.  “I thought someone might have broken in.”
  I smiled and nodded, getting up and walking towards him.  “You’re late,” I teased, ignoring his last statement. 
  “Just by a few minutes!” He retorted.  “But you should really get that lock fixed, how long has it been like that?”
  “Since last night.” I grabbed my purse off the counter and started for the door.  “Are you ready to go?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
  He followed me.  “Yeah.” He stopped to glance at the missing doorknob.  “You should talk to your landlord about that.  Someone could break in.” He murmured as we walked down the hallway.
  We made our way down the stairs side-by-side.  “Are you worried about me?” I kept my voice light, but on the inside he had put a voice to my fears about living where I did with such poor security. 
  The humor returned to his face.  “Yes, but I’m mainly worried about how the press would react if they found out Liam Payne let his girlfriend live in such a shabby flat.” The word girlfriend made me cringe slightly, even though this time it didn’t have the same meaning as it did before. 
  Men had called me their girlfriend before—and I guess technically that’s what you should call a girl that you’ve been seeing for a long period of time—but I had a hard time reciprocating the label.  Just the words boyfriend and girlfriend were so defined.  Once you reached that point, you were committed. 
  “Amber?” I realized we had reached the bottom of the stairwell, or more Liam had reached the bottom and was waiting for me.  “Look, I didn’t mean anything by it.  We were kidding around and I…” He looked up at me apologetically. 
  “I’m fine, Liam,” I assured him, walking down the last few steps.  “I mean, it’s what we are now, isn’t it?” He smiled with relief.
  Together we walked out onto the sidewalk, both blinking in the bright winter sun.  His car was parked right in front of the building; it was fairly obvious that it didn’t belong to anyone that actually lived around here.  “You should have parked somewhere with some cover,” I muttered.  “You’re lucky it hasn’t been stolen and stripped for parts by now!”
  He looked appalled.  “People really do that? That’s dreadful!” He looked over his shoulder as if he expected someone to jump out right then and there.  “Let’s just get to the café—it’s in a much nicer part of town.” He led me over to the car, opening the passenger door so I could get in first. Then he took the driver’s seat and we drove off.
  It was a bit of a lengthy ride to the place, and there wasn’t much to say.  What do you talk about with someone who is pretty much forced to date you? “So, um,” I began after a solid seven minutes of silence.  He looked over at me out of the corner of his eye.  “Are you excited for the tour?” It was a lame question, and one I’m sure he had heard numerous times. 
  Liam smiled to himself.  “Really? That’s your question? Come on, I’m sure you can think of something better than that.  Of course I’m excited for the tour, who wouldn’t be?”
  I sighed inwardly.  “Let’s just leave the get-to-know-you portion of our outing for when we get to the café.” I turned away from him and looked out the window, watching the building pass by: some that reached dizzying heights and some that looked almost pitiful.  When the streets started to look cleaner and the people less like they were going to rob you, I knew we were getting close. 
  The car slowed down as Liam parallel parked into a small spot by the curb.  “See that little shop over there?” He leaned over and pointed at the windshield.  “That’s where it is, doesn’t it look nice?”
  My gaze followed his finger to see a blue-and-white striped awning jutting out from a small building.  Underneath the covering were a few little tables and chairs on either side of a light blue door.  “It looks cozy,” I commented with a smile.  While we were in a fairly busy part of London, it seemed like we would have a bit of privacy.  The whole point of our relationship was for people to see us, but for today I would have liked to remain somewhat hidden while we got to know each other. 
  “The beauty of this place is that it’s so small compared to everything else around it, hardly anyone stops to look through the windows or glance at the little chalkboard menu.” He turned to me, and I was suddenly very aware of the fact that we were just inches away from each other.  “You won’t be bombarded by paparazzi… yet.”  There was a grin on his face and a laugh in his voice, but I knew what was to come in the near future.  “But some fans may escape with a few pictures.” He looked almost apologetic.
  “Isn’t that the point?”  I said with a smile. 
  He nodded before reaching for his door handle.  “You stay there.” He turned off the ignition and stepped outside, quickly jogging around the side of the car to open my door for me. 
  “What a gentleman!” I swung my legs around and stepped out of the car, smiling as we walked towards the shop.  I jumped a little when I felt his arm on my shoulders.  “Wh-what are you doing?” My cheeks turned a light pink and my heart beat a little faster.
  Liam looked at the ground for a moment shyly.  “I know it’s a little weird, but just go with it.” We went like this for only a few seconds before we reached the café, but it felt like an eternity to me. 
  “I’m sorry,” He muttered when the door closed behind us. 
  “No, don’t be.  I get it, really I do—I just wasn’t expecting it.” I realized his arm was still slung around my neck, so I decided to play my part.  Nodding at him, I placed my hand around his waist and briefly touched my head to his shoulder. 
  And just like that, we went up to the counter and ordered our drinks.  The woman on duty seemed mainly unfazed at the sight of Liam—I guessed he had been here quite a few times—but when her eyes landed on me I could tell she was a little surprised.  I simply told her what name to call when the drink was ready and offered a smile.
  However when we turned around it was a different story.  People were staring at us in awe, though thankfully there were no teenage girls to scream.  I looked to Liam, feeling very uncomfortable with all the attention.  He squeezed my shoulder.  Soon enough the drinks were ready and our names were called.  “Go ahead,” I murmured.  “Sign some autographs, take some pictures; I’ll get the drinks.”
  I pulled away from him, shrugging his arm off, and went back to the counter.  When I turned to Liam, he was busy signing napkins and smiling for pictures.  A few people kept glancing at me, but most were preoccupied with the celebrity.
  There was an empty table at the back of the shop, which I promptly sat at and waited.  It was semi-hidden from view behind a rather large potted plant—I took the seat facing the store window so that people on the street wouldn’t see Liam.  In the future I would definitely choose a more exposed spot, but we had agreed that today was just for us to become friends and stay away from the mayhem that paparazzi would bring.
  My tea was lukewarm by the time Liam finished up.  He gave me a quick side-hug before sitting down opposite me at the table.  “Sorry about that, love,” He said before taking a sip of his drink.  “Soon enough they’ll be asking for your autograph too.”
  I laughed a little and waved it off, because the thought that One Direction fans would actually like me for stealing one of the boys away was pretty far-fetched.  “Perhaps we should get started before someone tweets about this.” I nodded in the direction of the people that were still staring at us. 
  He grinned that famous Liam Payne grin and leaned onto the table.  “We’ll start simple.  Favorite tea?”
  “Green.” I held up my cup.  “Yours?”
  “Non.  There are some I don’t care for too much, but I don’t really have a favorite.”
  “Nuh-uh!” I protested.  “How can you not have a favorite?”
  “How can you have a favorite?” He countered.
  I rolled my eyes and tried to think of a question to ask him.  “What do you do for fun?”
  “You are just all about the easy questions aren’t you?” He joked.  “When I get a day off, sometimes I’ll visit old friends or… I’m really not sure,” He admitted.  “I guess it just depends on what I feel like doing that day.  I can’t go anywhere too public that often because frankly I don’t like being mobbed if I can avoid it.” I just barely noticed a hint of longing in his voice.  “Lately, however, I’ve been learning how to play piano.  Louis helps me sometimes, but when I see him we’re mainly recording and don’t really have time to work on it.” He broke eye contact with me and looked down at his cup.
  In a way I felt almost bad for him.  He could barely step outside without having dozens—if not hundreds—of people follow him.  Then again, his behavior the first night we met reminded me that he seemed more than willing to put up with it if it meant getting the star-treatment.  But looking at him now, he was a far cry from that night.  “I could teach you,” I finally murmured.
  “You play?” He looked back up at me.
  I nodded.  “A bit,” I said shyly, my cheeks flushing slightly.  “I know we’ll be seeing enough of one another already, but if you ever want to stop by… my keyboard’s not that great… but I’d be glad to help… you know, if you want.” My words got a little tangled up, so I left the proposition hanging in the air as I took a sip of my tea.
  “I’d like that.” He mirrored my action of placing his own cup to his lips.  “How’d you learn to play?”
  The mostly cooled down tea began to sting my throat and make my eyes water.  Wincing slightly, I swallowed it down and brought my eyes to his once more.  “My mother.” I replied with a barely-there crack in my voice.
  Oblivious to the painful memories this question brought back, Liam nodded along and smiled.  “Oh, that’s nice; is she very good?” It was another simple question, and he had no idea how it made me feel. 
  “She was.”
  His face fell.  “W-Was?” I remained silent as an answer.  “I’m an idiot.  I’m so sorry, Amber.” He reached across the table for my hand, gently wrapping his larger one around mine.  “We don’t have to talk about it anymore.”
  The action made my heart flutter, despite my mood.  Then I heard the whispers and excited glances from those around us.  Just for the cameras. I reminded myself.  “It’s no big deal; it was a few years ago and I’ve made my peace with it.” His sorrowful expression didn’t change.  “I’m okay,” I assured him. 
  We sat in silence for a few minutes.  “If you’re not going to ask any more questions,” I began again.  “I’ll just tell you what I like to do for fun.” He perked back up.  “You know I’m an actress—obviously—and you know I play piano, but I also teach private violin lessons on the side.”
  He started to loosen up again, the light returning to his eyes and the smile to his lips.  “Theatrical and musical.  I like it!” His face turned the lightest tint of red at his slightly over-enthused statement.  “Anything else I should know before word gets out and we’re swarmed?” A flash beamed from the window as I noticed more and more people showing up in and around the shop.
  “I’m taking a year off before going to Uni for… well I don’t know yet.” He nodded in approval. 
  Another flash.  We both silently slid our chairs out as Liam placed a few bills onto the table.  There was no back door, so our only option was to brave the growing mob at the front.  “And everything else can wait.”
  We stood facing each other in plain view of everyone, though we were a fair distance from the window.  “This was great, Amber.  I’ll talk to the, er…” He looked around.  “Team, and we’ll discuss when we can do this again.” Before I could tell him that I had fun too, he placed his hands on my waist and pressed his lips to mine.  I reeled back in surprise, but he held me to the spot for the few seconds that the kiss lasted. 
  When he finally pulled away the cameras were going crazy.  “No going back now!” I whispered as he grabbed my hand.   He chuckled under his breath at how obviously uncomfortable I was and made his way towards the door, towing me along behind him.  
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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes...Chapter 7
Switching P.O.V
"Let's play Truth or Dare on Gabrielle's phone."  Kalei says as she gets up to grab my phone off the coffee table.  Zayn, Niall, Louis and Harry all look at Kalei who looks stunned.  "I'll explain the rules as Kalei sets up my phone."  I say looking at the guys.  "If it's your turn, you have a choice of truth or dare.  If you pick truth, you answer a question, truthfully and if you pick dare, you have do a darea which is something crazy and weird."  I explain.  "But, whatever we say stays between us."  I look at Kylee who would gossip about whatever Kalei or I say.  "Sounds easy enough."  Zayn says looking at Kalei.  She shakes the phone and it says that it's Niall's turn.
"Turth or dare?"  Kalei asks.  "Truth."  Niall responds.  Kalei questions, "What is your guilty pleasure?"  The lads and I all look at each other knowing what he'll say....food.  Or Nando's.  Or both.  "Nando's, and food."  Niall responds.  We all look at each other.  "Called it."  Lou says slapping Niall in the back.  Next it's Tracey's turn.
"Truth or dare?"  Niall asks.  "Dare."  Tracey says confidently.  "I dare you to dance for us in the middle of the circle."  Niall says.  I look at Gabrielle who blushes.  "Maybe."  She says.  Tracey gets up and does a few ballet moves and laughs as she does it.  "I'm not very good."  She says as she sits back down next to Zayn.  Next it's Lou's turn.
"Truth or dare?"  Tracey questions.  "Dare."  Lou responds.  "I dare you to talk in an american accent until Christina's turn.  "Ok."  Louis answers in his american accent.  "Four scores and seven years ago..." He begins saying Abraham Lincoln's famous The Gettysburg address speech.  We all roll our eyes as he continues.  "I don't know how you guys can deal with him this much?"  Christina says smiling before nudging Lou in the stomach.  Next it's Zayn's turn.
"Truth or dare?"  Louis asks.  "Truth."  Zayn answers.  "Which place are you most exicted to go to on tour?"  Louis questions.  "Montreal, Canada.  Haven't been there before."  Zayn replies.  We all nod.  "What your's Liam?"  I ask as Zayn shakes my phone.  "Hershey Park.  Can't wait to try some American chocolate."  I giggle.  "I love Hershey Park.  I would do the Make Your Own Chocolate Bar in the factory itself."  I answer.  "I looovvveeee chocolate."  He smiles.  "Chocolate lovers unite!"  I giggle and nudge him twice.  Playfully.
Christina goes next and ends our pain of listening to Lou's accent which had gotten annyoying.  Kalei and Kylee both go.  I'm next.  "Truth or Dare?"  Kalei questions me.  "Truth."  I respond.  "Describe an embarassing moment." "It was in the 5th grade musical.  I started doing the wrong dance to wrong song and it ended up being a solo for all the wrong reasons."  I laugh as I remember the show.  "It's nothing compared to mine."  Liam says.  I let out a small giggle.  I shake the phone and it's Liam's turn.
"Truth or Dare?"  Gabrielle questions me.  "Dare."  "I dare you to prank call you sister Ruth."  She says as she laughs.  "Ok."  I dial Ruth's number and she picks up.  "Hello Ruthie."  I say in my best American accent.  "Liam is that you?" She asks.  "Nope.  It's me, Taylor."  I say randomly picking a name.  "Would you like to order a pizza pie?"  I question as everyone laughs silently.  Gabrielle is practically rolling on the floor, giggling.  "No. It's like 4:30."  Ruth responds slightly angery.  "Our special today is anchovies and pepperoni."  I explain rattling off a list of different kinds of pizza.  Ruth starts becoming angery and I quickly rap it up.  "Ok, thanks for listening."  I say.  "It was sooo convincing."  Gabrielle says inbetween laughs.  I shake the phone and ask Harry who ends up picking truth.
The 10 of us each go again and Tracey, Christina and Kylee leave after their turn.  Kalei and I stay.  I shake the phone and find it's Liam's turn.  "Truth or dare?"  I ask Liam.  "Truth."  He answers.  "Ok, why did you pick me to come backstage?"  I question.  He looks uneasy and looks at the rest of the boys unsure of how to answer it.
Liam's P.O.V
As soon as Gabrielle asks the question about her coming backstage, I become a bit nervous.  How can I confess to someone so sweet, and down-to-earth?  She's easy to talk to and it seems like I've known her forever.  I'd hate to hurt her.  I look at Lou, Zayn, Niall and Harry.  Zayn bits his lip nervously.  "Harry made a bet with us.  We are to pick a girl to come backstage and hang out with us.  The point is to try and see who reads the magazines about us and who believes the rumors.  The looser has to pay the winners."  I explain as she gets teary-eyed.  She looks up at me and leaves dragging Kalei by the arm. 
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
I guess I should've known that I shouldn't ask that question but the answer surprises me more.  I cried as Liam explained to me.  I grabbed Kalei's arm and my stuff from the table.  Kalei had her stuff in hand and we walked out.  "Am I just a peice in your games?  I'm a person, Liam.  Someone with feelings!"  I walk out crying, hiding my face in my arms as we walk out.  It hasn't even hit me that my Aunt has been waiting in her car all night.  She must be worried, beyond that.  I can't believe I ever thought I had a chance with Liam!
Liam's P.O.V
As Gabrielle walks out, I realize that I have hurt her more than I have hurt anyone else, including me.  I run after her leaving everyone else surprised with open mouths.  Our manager walks in as I leave.  "Liam's being a gentleman.  Why don't all of you?"  He says as he pops in the room.  The lads shake their heads and stand up, to clean the room.  I go out the back door and see Gabrielle crying as Kalei consoles her.  Kalei sees me and frowns.  I walk little by little.
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
"How...could...he do such a thing?"  I say between tears.  "I...am...a...fool...for....even....believing....I stood a chance...with him."  I say as I sniffle into Kalei's arms.  "It's ok, Gabrielle."  Kalei consoles as I cry into her arms.  I hear a few footsteps in the backround but don't make anything of it.  The boys have to go woo other girls.  I sniffle again.  "I mean....he...should...know...better."  I say again.  The footsteps become more prominent and I stop crying a little.
Liam's P.O.V
"Gabrielle?"  I ask as I move closer to them.  She looks up with puffy eyes.  "What...do...you want?"  She questions between tears.  I look up at the sky and it looks like it's going to thunder.  "I wanted to apoglize.  It was selfish to do such a thing to someone so nice and warm."  She looks up and smiles a bit.  I move closer and lean in.  As we kiss, the rain starts. 
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
It's Liam.  He apoglizes to me and compliments me.  But, it's his lips that surprise me.  He leans in closer for a kiss and I can feel his lips crushed on mine.  I shoo Kalei away with a few hand movements.  I know she's video-taping, wait.  She's laughing hysterically by my Aunt's car.  Oh...no.  She's watching.  But I don't care.  The rain begins and it's my first kiss in the rain....and my first kiss.  But it couldn't be any more magical.
Liam's P.O.V
I've waited a while to do that.  We kiss for at least 2 mins, but I didn't mind.  Her warm lips gently touch mine.  Gabrielle and I break away at the same time and she smiles.  As she blushes, I pull out a post-it and a pen.  The lads are waiting by the door and looking like they've just won the bet.  They all can't win.  She looks at the post-it in her hand and smiles.  I hand her them and a pen.  She neatly prints hers.  "Later."  She says and we both walk away.  I glance back and see her looking at the post-it.  Definatley later.  I greet the boys at the door.  "Who would've thought, Liam?"  Zayn says as the all smile.  We board the tour bus.  "Who wins?"  Niall questions.  "Liam does."  Harry says as he shoves the bag in my direction.  "No."  I push the bag back in the center of the table.  We all take our money out and put it back in our respective places.  I look out the window as the the bus leaves the parking lot.  I look down at the post-it and smile down at it.
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
"Oooo....Gabrielle."  Kalei says from next to me.  I blush profusely.  "It's nothing bigg."  I emphize.  "Yeah right."  Kalei responds.  My aunt looks back at me.  "Good job, Gabrielle."  I smile.  "Really Aunt Michelle?"  "Yes, really."  She says.  I look down at the post-it.  "Ahhh...." "Kalei, do you?"  I question.  "Harry gave his right as I sat down to eat breakfast."  Kalei answers happily, showing me her phone with his number in it.  I look up at the sky through the car door window.  The tour bus is right in front of us but my aunt goes south as the tour bus continues north.  I put Liam's number in my phone and then check my messages.  Liam texted a friendly "Hello. xx"  Just like him.  I reply back with a "Miss me? :)"  And it all happened it reality.
Hope You like it!! It's not the end!! A sequal to it will being with Part 8.  Thanks for reading!!
-G xxx
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The things he can do with that middle finger🤤😏 JUST KIDDING. lol.. Can't believe he's been in New York for the longest and I live in New York. We're so close yet so far away🙁😭 I'm feeling good right now so I'll be working on the next chapter. I'll post when I have updated the story. Thanks @zayn #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #louisfanfic #louistomlinson #niallhoran #niallfanfic #liampayne #liamfanfic #harryfanfic #harrystyles #maggiefanfics #maggielindemann #wattpad #wattys2017 #fanfiction #fantasy
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horansperm · 12 years
Chapter 5
All the boys kind of stared at each other, themselves confused about what had just happened. “I’m going to go see what’s wrong.” I said heading for the door, Zayn reached out and grabbed my arm stopping me.
“I think this is a guy thing.” I looked at him puzzled, I thought I was one of the guys? He moved to go through the door but he let me go. Naturally I ran out the door to find Liam. I heard shouts after me but I just dashed towards the bathroom, ignoring the pleads for me to come back.
Where was this kid hiding?
I round the corner and smashed into a large body, the impact forced me back wards falling not so gracefully to the ground. But to my luck it was just the guy I was looking for.
“Liam,” I smiled from the ground grabbing hold of his out stretched hand. “Where did you run off to I was worried!”
He pulled his hands away from mine, wiping them on his chinos.
I looked at him resting my weight on one hip crossing my arms, “Do you think I have some disease Liam?” I smirked at his awkward behavior.
“Well if you’re just going to stand there then I should probably head back to my rehearsal.” I should’ve gone back earlier but I had been a bit preoccupied with other things to go back. I shrugged at his lack of response and headed back.
I was about halfway down the hall when a warm hand grabbed hold of my wrist. I twisted around to Liam, “Hang with me tonight?” I smiled at his question. He was one of the boys who obviously had no idea how attractive he was.
“Yeah sure.” I slipped my hand lightly out of his firm grasp smirking a little. “I would love to.” He nodded eagerly, telling me he would text me details later.
I made my way back to the rehearsal room, thinking about the date that I had tonight.
[Lauren- http://www.polyvore.com/omg_sex/set?id=47478560 ]
I walked up to the door of their building six-pack in one hand, vodka in the other. I wanted to bring something fun that would lead to the best kind of memories, drunken memories.
“Lauren!” the boys yelled when they opened the door to their apartment. I quickly hugged each one of the boys, saving Liam for last. He embraced me tightly and unlike the others, his hands came nowhere close to my butt. Harry being the bastard he is squeezed my bum while giving me his hug.
The beers got drank, including the ones they already had, then came the shots.
“Let’s do something fun,” Louis slurred as he got up from the couch. “Truth or dare?” He asked pointing an empty beer can at the rest of us.
“I’m in,” I yelled pushing myself from the couch, nestling myself on the floor.
All the other boys obliged, sitting in the circle Louis and I had formed on their soft rug.
“I will go first!” Niall yelled raising his hand like a school boy. “Since she is our guest, LAUREN! Truth or dare?” He waggled his eyes at me, the rest turned waiting for my answer.
“Dare.” I smiled up at them. They all raised their brows, somewhat surprised I trusted them to have an appropriate dare.
“I dare you to…” He paused in careful consideration. His dare could be the defining moment of the night. “take your panties off!” The boys all cheered and high fived Niall at his excellent dare. But I just smirked at them.
“Tempting babe but ya see,” I crawled closer  and whispered. “I’m not wearing any.” I pulled away from his ear to look at his shocked face. BAHAHA I was such a liar
“Fine I will give you another one then!” HE yelled triumphantly. “I dare you to take off your top!” I shrugged, my senses far too dull to make a wise decision.
When I drink I really do feel numb, my head no longer works; blurring my thoughts with each other.  Touching things no longer feels the same, my eyes don’t focus correctly and just close. My lips no longer connect to my brain, and neither is my tongue spewing whatever crap comes into my mind.
I peeled my jean jacket from my arms, looking around the circle at each of the boys. I placed my hands at the bottom of my tank and slowly lifted it above my head. I reveled my somewhat toned stomach but my definite flat chest. I wasn’t a boob girl. The hungry eyes of 5 boys poured over my almost fully exposed upper torso.
“My turn,” I sang raising my eyebrow at the boys who were still staring at me. “Zayn,” I said finally ripping their attention away from my bra clad body. “Truth or Dare?”
“Dare.” He said reciprocating my sultry stare. I bit my lip and opened my eyes wide  with excitement.
“I dare you to…” I paused tapping my finger to my chin. “Call a random contact in your phone and asking them on a date!” All the boys oohed in excitement, I was quickly becoming one them.
Zayn whipped out his phone and went searching through his contact list. “Oh no you don’t.” I said reaching my hand beckoning for his phone. “You’re going to pick some hot model who you’ve wanted to go out with anyway.” He obliged handing me his phone. I shut my eyes, flicking my fingers across the screen. I pressed a name and handed the phone to him. He turned the phone to speaker a it began ringing. I had to cover my mouth to not laugh out loud.
I heard a female voice ring through the phone, “Zayn!”
“Yeah hi Marge, uhm I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out some time.” I heard the boys cracking up, probably over something I didn’t understand.
There was some muffled screaming through the speaker, “Yes, YES, YEESS.” This girl needed to be a little more subtle.
They talked a little longer, which just made the rest of us laugh more. Finally he pried himself from his phone and rejoined us.
Meaningless yet hilarious dares continued until Louis decided to spice things up.
I had chosen truth for the first time in this entire experience, which was frankly a mistake.
“Tell us dear Lauren Wilde,” Harry swung his beer bottle around, little bits spilling out. “Would you fuck anyone in this room?”
I giggled, at the time I swear it was really funny, “I would.” I laughed even harder
Everyone else joined apart from Liam. He just got up and walked to the kitchen to grab some food.
We just continued to play until most of us were too drunk  to talk.
“Jezzuz.” I slurred staggering my way to the door. “I need to get homeee.” I couldn’t get the door open I was that drunk.
I felt someone put my arm around their shoulder and help me out the door, I looked up to see the beautiful Liam Payne leading me to the garage.
“Where are you taking me?” I tried to ask completely normal putting my lips a little in confusion. He just shook his head smiling forward. “Babe I need to drive you home.” Damn that was cute, like really cute. And he called me babe.
We got into his convertible and he slowly pulled out of the parking lot. The drive was mostly silent as I knew if I said anything I’d probably end up blowing chunks everywhere.
We pulled up to my hotel slowly creeping to a stop. Liam hopped out of the car and opened my door extending his hand for me to hold. I easily obliged, even drunk I knew this boy was something else.
He led me up to my suite stopping just outside my door, “Thank you Li,” I mumbled resting my head against the door. “I’m not sure what would have happened if I had tried to go home on my own.” He chuckled a little his eyes glued to the floor. “Don’t mention it Lo.” He smiled actually up at me this time.
“New nickname I like it.”
And that is when Liam Payne kissed me.
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mrszaynjawaadmalik · 12 years
Uploaded the new chapters everyone! sorry for taking this long! Leave a comment in my ask!!
-Sheryl :) xxx
Chapter 3
Liam’S POV
I cranked up to the volume to my ipod as I was approaching the narrow flats that lead to my girlfriends flat .This had become my regular ritual for the last 5 months.
I always knew being in relationships wouldn't be easy but being in a relationship where everyone hated your girlfriend was something I did not expect.
Cassie had made a reputation for herself in school to be the school bitch , yes she had some flaws about herself but that didn't stop me from getting to know her.
I got to see the opposite side of her that she doesn't show to others, I got to see her vulnerability and I got to know why she behaves the way she does.
She doesn't mean to do it , but after overdoing it for so long its become a habit of her’s that she cant get rid off.I just wished she would show people that there was nicer and warmer side to her and she wasn't what everyone thought she was, if she did then it would make our relationship a lot easier.
I’m not saying that i don’t want to be with her because then I would be lying , I just wished if she did change how she was then it would be easier for me to introduce her to my friends and maybe they would like her.As I was thinking about how life would be simple for me ,I didn't realise that I had made it to the 4 th floor of the flats and I was just metres away from Cassie’s door.
Cassie Pov
I was cleaning up the living room before I left for school.This was what i normally did , I would get my brother and sister ready for their friends mum to take them to school and then I would get ready and clean the house and attempt to wash my mum, I did all of this before I went to school.
I remember the nights I would have to stay awake, ringing and running around the neighbourhood hopping that my mum wasn't in any danger.
My mum had become a heavy drinker for the past 3 years, I remember the first time I watched my mum stumble into our flat wasted and she could barely hold herself up.But the most recent occasion stuck in my head the most.
“Mum are you home”? I asked as I stepped into the pitch black flat.
“Grrrrr”, was all that I got in response.
“Mum , not again you promised”.
My mum was lying flat on her face covered with bear cans and marijuana
“Oh stop being a baby, live a little”, she said in a groggy voice.
“When are you going to stop this life and remember you have kids, I am tired of always having to clean up after you and covering your messes when the social workers come over".
“No one bloody asked you too , your just doing it for your own good”.
“And don’t even think about crying , because we all know why we are here don’t we ?”
As I rubbed my eyes ,I felt the sharp sting of the mascara running down my face and going into my eyes.I quickly dried my face , she was bringing “it” up again, I just wished we could move on and she wouldn't blame me anymore.
“Clean the mess up , I am going to bed”.
My mum staggered to go up the stairs but she did eventually and I was left to clear the cans , bottles and empty drug packages away.
There where times where I didn't understand why I  was there for my mum, I could easily let go of her and the pain .
I hated my life and I hated myself and I resented everything that was around me that reminded me of my past.
Why was I being punished I thought , I just wanted to get out of this nightmare and soon.
As I finally got out confound and back into reality , I finally heard the doorbell ring and peeped out to see who it was , thankfully it was only Liam.
I could finally calm down and just go to school and feel like a normal good.
Maybe I could be a kid but definitely not normal.
Would love it if you give me some feedback on your opinions about the fanfiction :) Next chapter will be uploaded soon xx
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pinnocck · 12 years
Planos com Harry. Parte 1
Estava caminhando no centro da cidade, esperando o Liam chegar... Já era mais de meia noite, deveríamos ir jantar. Estava olhando para o céu, quando nem percebi um buraco na calçada... Antes que eu pudesse cair no chão, alguém me segurou pela cintura e disse:  - Cuidado, imagine se você se machuca, o que seria da nossa noite? – Eu reconhecia aquela voz a quilômetros de distancia, era o Liam! Não pude me conter, sorri e me virei para trás, ele me abraçou enquanto riamos da situação, e ele sussurrou em meus ouvidos enquanto ainda estávamos abraçados: - Vamos meu amor- nunca existiu nem existirá voz tão doce e meiga como a dele. Respondi que sim, e fomos caminhando de mãos dadas até o carro dele. Chegando a seu carro, ele foi muito romântico, abriu a porta do carro para mim e seguimos. Percebi então que não reconhecia aquele caminho, então perguntei a ele: - Onde estamos indo? - confie em mim- disse ele sorrindo. -Eu confio.
Pegamos uma estrada e o carro parou no meio de um bosque, eu perguntei o que estamos fazendo ali e ele disse que o carro não estava pegando, o celular também não dava sinal... Ele disse: “confie em mim” eu com toda a sinceridade respondi “confio minha vida a você”
Fomos para o banco de trás, La havia cobertores e travesseiros, estranhei. Nos beijamos por um bom tempo,e adormecemos ali, abraçados. Quando amanheceu acordei com a risada do Harry dizendo para o Liam “ viu, disse que meu plano daria certo!”
Fanfic por: Bia Payne
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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes...Chapter 6
Liam's P.O.V
I wake up to the smell of warm pancakes and bacon.  I sit up wearily and look at the clock, 8:30 am.  I nudge Gabrielle gently, who's fast asleep on the other side of the couch.  As she gets up, she rubs her eyes.  I say "Good morning."  She elbows me in the stomach playfully and stands up streatching her legs.  She asks, "What's that...smell?"  She looks at the buffet and smiles.  I look around and see that Lou, and Nialler are both up along with their "friends".  Gabrielle streatches her hand out to me, "Why don't we get something to eat?"  We walk over to a table that's manned by 2 chefs and has a variety of breakfast foods.  I grab a plate and walk along the table looking at the different foods, something that we don't get alot on tour.
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
I wake up to a nudge in my back by...Liam Payne.  Wait, last night wasn't dream!! It actually happened.  Kalei really did make-out with Harry and Liam said I was his friend!! Ahhhhhh......... "Good morning."  Liam says in his wonderful accent that melts my heart again.  I nudge him playfully in the stomach.  It's too early!  "What's that...smell?"  I question as I look up to see a buffet manned by 2 chefs.  It makes me smile.  I stand up streatching my legs and sit back down.  "Why don't we get something to eat?"  I say as I streatch my hand out to Liam.  We walk up together and each grab a white plate.  I walk down the buffet observing the variety of food.  They have everything from sausage to eggs and english breakfast foods.  I ask politely for a few slices of french toast and some bacon which one of them serves me.  I walk back to the couch and find Liam waiting for me.  Aweeee.........
Liam's P.O.V
Gabrielle sits down placing her plate on the glass table.  "We got the same thing."  She says as she looks at my plate.  "We have a lot in common."  I reply back, cutting my french toast.  "We do."  She agrees.  Nialler walks in front of us with a plate of food.  "How many times have you been up there, mate?"  I ask as Nialler looks at us.  "Only 5."  He says as he walks back.  "I could never eat that much."  Gabrielle comments while eating a peice of bacon.  "Me neither."  I say with a mouthful of french toast.  Gabrielle lets out a slight giggle before eating some of her french toast.  I notice that Zayn and Harry are both waking up.  The room is full of commotion as some people go up for 2nds.
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
I look at Liam's plate as I place mine on the table.  "We got the same thing."  I say.  "We have a lot in common."  Liam replies back as he cuts his french toast.  "We do."  I answer.  Niall walks in front of us with a full plate of food.  Liam and Nialler have a short conversation as he walks back to Kylee.  "I could never eat that much."  I comment as I nibble on a slice of bacon.  "Me neither."  Liam replies back with his mouth full of french toast which I giggle at.  The boys' manager sneaks in acting stressful.  "We have to leave soon for the next venue."  He says frantically.  "Where is it?"  I ask looking up at him.  "Mansfield, New Jersey."  He replies checking his clip board.  "That's only 2 hours away.  You should be fine if you leave by 12pm."  I say as he walks away, happy about our conversation.  The entire time Liam looks at me.  "What?"  I say with a peice of bacon in hand.
Liam's P.O.V
Our manager comes in frantically.  He stresses about not being at the venue in time but Gabrielle assures him it's not that far away and if we leave by 12 pm, we should make it on time.  I smile at her as she and our manager have a quick conversation.  "What?"  She asks as I smile back.  "Nothing." I say returning to eating my french toast.  Kalei walks up to us with a plate of food.  "Why don't the 10 of us eat together?  It'd be more fun."  She says observing that we're keeping to ourselves.  Gabrielle glances at me and I smile back.  "We'd love too."  She replies happily.  Kalei walks back to meet Harry before going to ask Nialler and his "friend" and Zayn, and Lou and both of theirs.  Gabrielle smiles at me as she eats a peice of her french toast.  Her eyes are really pretty, I think to myself.  Big, and brown. 
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
After their manager leaves, Kalei comes up to us, balancing a plate of her breakfast.  She aks if we would all eat together, to which a reply with a "We'd love too."  I grab Liam's hand as Zayn and his "friend" walk to sit next to Harry and Kalei.  We all sit together with Niall, Kylee and Lou and his "friend" coming after us.  The 10 of us form a large circle and place our plate of food in front of us.  Well, plates...8 to be exact for Niall.  We all formally introduce ourselves and a little about ourselves.  I learn that Lou's "friend's" name is Christina and Zayn's "friend's" name is Tracey with an 'ey'.  I say that I would like to become a psychologist which earns a lot of "oohs and ahhs."  Kalei breaks in with "Gabrielle and I each got shirts from the concert.  Would you sign them?"  She asks.  I get my shirt from the coffee table and borrow 2 sharpies from the chefs.  We pass them around.  'What will Liam write?' I question myself.
Liam's P.O.V
The 10 of us sit in a circle and place our plates in front of us.  Many plates, for Nialler.  We all formally introduce ourselves to one another and I learn that the girls Zayn, Lou and Nialler picked are Christina, Tracey and Kylee, repectively.  As Gabrielle introduces herself, I look at her in awe.  As she explains her dream job to us, I ask "Really?  I never knew that."  She answers, "You never asked."  And playfully jabs me in my stomach.  Kalei asks us all to sign her and Gabrielle's shirts they got at the concert last night.  Thankfully, Gabrielle passes her's to the left so I have time to think about what to write.  "I really like your guys' Spin the Harry videos."  Gabrielle comments.  "And my accent?"  Lou asks.  "Spot on."  She answers smiling.  "We should all do one."  Kalei says and we all look at her.  "Lou and Christina can be hosts, Liam and Gabrielle can be team 1, Tracey and Zayn are team 2, Nialler and Kylee will be Harry's helpers and I can read the questions and work camera."  Kalei explains.  "Liam and I can write the questions."  Gabrielle says staring at me.  I nod approvingly.  "Ok.  It's settled."  Lou said as we all disperse to get the room ready. 
MEANWHILE Gabrielle's P.O.V
I blurt out how I love their Spin the Harry videos which I immeaditley scold myself.  It was so random!! Kalei saves me with adivising how we should all do one.  She lists our jobs and I volunteer Liam and I to write the questions for it....even more embarrassing.  We all leave the circle and Liam and I walk over to his laptop.  The two of us decide to do 5 categories and 3 questions per category.  He reads some of the questions, fans ask as I write them down each on an index card.  Occassionally, I'll look at some of the questions and answer as I write them.  Liam looks over at the stack of cards and comments, "You have pretty handwriting."  I blush and protest.  "I don't."  He shakes his head and writes his name on one.  I write my name and show one of the chefs.  He likes mine which Liam brags how he told me so.
Liam's P.O.V
I look over at the index cards stack on the coffee table.  I say how pretty her handwriting is and prove it by writing my name on a blank one.  Gabrielle blushes but writes her and brings it to one of the chefs to get his opinion.  I can tell he likes her's because she comes back all angry.  I say I told her so which she blushes profusely about.  As she finishes writing the last question, everyone else comes back in and I get up positioning each question where it's supposed to be.  Gabrielle gets up and says "Let's win this thing." I nod my head in agreement and say "I agree."  Kalei goes behind the question and counts down as everyone gets silent.  3, 2, 1....
MEANWHILE Gabrielle' P.O.V
I get up off the couch and walk over to Liam who's setting up the cards on the clothing racks.  "Let's win this thing."  I say which Liam says "I agree."  He nods his head approvingly.  Meanwhile, everyone else walks in and Lou and Christina walk in each with a banana, one for each loosing team member and a microphone.  Kalei walks behind the camera and counts down.  The entire room is silent and we begin.
Switching P.O.V's
"Welcome to another episode of Spin the Harry."  Lou says in his best American accent imiation.
"Let's introduce our teams.  Team 1, Liam and Gabrielle.  They're up against reigning champs, Zayn and Tracey."  Christina says.
"Both teams shake hands and lets begin by going over to Harry, who's in a secret location." Lou explains as Kalei turns the camera to see Harry. 
"I'm Niall and this is my friend Kylee and Harry's friend Kalei who will be helping."  Niall says and both girls wave.  Niall spins Harry who lands on the songs category.  Kalei reads the first question, "What's your favorite song to preform?"  I answer with "Moments" but Zayn answers with "Live While We're Young."  We win. 
Kalei reads a second question, which we win again with "What's your favorite song to do a cover of?"  Liam answers with Fresh Prince of Bel Air rap and Zayn with "Use Somebody".  We win.  Team 2.
Kalei reads the last question, "What's your favorite song to sing to somebody?"  Liam and I huddle and agree on "Another World" which is one of my favorite songs by One Direction, next to One Thing.  Tracey says "Save You Tonight".  We win again. 
Lou announces the winners and surprisingly it's Zayn and Tracey.  Gabrielle and I both earn a banana smashing and she laughs while wiping it off.  We end the show and we all giggle hysterically, starting to clean up the room.  Once we're done, we all sit back in a circle and Gabrielle sets up truth or dare on her phone and she explains to Nialler, Lou and Zayn how to play.  I look up at the clock, 10:30 am.  Time goes by fast, and I don't Gabrielle to leave.....
Hope you like Chapter 6.  Sorry it took a while.  Accidentally deleted the first draft of it.  Chapter 7 will come later today (hopefully)!
-G xx
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Nialls latest photo posted on Instagram.. Why does he look so delicious?🤤 Both Chapters 7 and 8 are posted on Wattpad right now! Go read and feel free to tell me how you feel about it!❤️💕 thanks #harrystyles #harryfanfic #louisfanfic #louistomlinson #liampayne #liamfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #niallhoran #niallfanfic #maggiefanfics #maggielindemann #wattpad #wattys2017 #fanfiction #moody #onedirection #onedirectionfanfiction
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This is just a random photo that I'm absolutely in love with. 🤤😍 I have been slacking recently mostly by the cause of stress and things that have been going on with family. Tomorrow I will be on full blast with no distractions! I will be posting double chapters because I just feel like you guys deserve it. I will be posting the two chapters tomorrow at exactly 8am. I will post when I have updated it! Thanks and love you guys❤️💕 #harrystyles #harryfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #niallhoran #niallfanfic #louistomlinson #louisfanfic #liampayne #liamfanfic #maggielindemann #maggiefanfics #wattpad #wattys2017 #fanfiction #psychotica
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This girl is insanely beautiful! That's why I made her my main character in the book "Psychotica" If you guys follow and like regularly, you know what to do. Link in my bio❤️Doing a contest tomorrow too! Stay tuned to compete💕 @maggielindemann #harrystyles #harryfanfic #maggielindemann #maggiefanfics #louisfanfic #louistomlinson #niallhoran #niallfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #liampayne #liamfanfic #wattpad #fanfiction #onedirection #onedirectionfanfiction #wattys2017
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So excited!!❤️ like if you agree that he looks so good😍 my book is on wattpad right now! Please read the 4 Chapters that are up🙏🏾 link is in my bio to my account.. Psychotica is the name (its hard to find when you search it so you might want to click that link🙃 Thank you!❤️ @liampayne #liampayne #stripthatdown #psychotica #wattpadfanfiction #liamfanfic #fanfiction #onedirection #harrystyles #louistomlinson #niallhoran #zaynmalik #maggielindemann
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