niall-is-my-dream · 3 years
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Addicted to You - Part 16 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1160919841-addicted-to-you-part-16?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Niall-is-my-dream&wp_originator=aqfISggCO3nuiJ6PYFA0wkjzLHBaPsM4ye%2FsJQX2MS85ZXq0KI2DtlYG4eKi%2FTqOrFAC7CyMxW23w8b9hF3mjDa7%2FiM5RCMjmQR%2FvC8DGfi%2BTXXa7MDAeTdrrfzZBLoq When Jessie arrives at work Monday morning she doesn't expect to find herself staring at his name on her meeting agenda. Was Niall Horan a common name? Was it just a pure coincidence that she'd spent 3 years studying architecture with a Niall Horan at University and there happened to be someone called Niall Horan joining a team meeting at the architecture firm she worked at? This fic has smut, kinks, sexual harassment and swearing. Addicted to You - Picture This And I'm so in love with you Do anything you tell me to You got me in the palm of your hand I'm borderline obsessed with you I wanna see your every move I hope that you understand I'm addicted to you And only you And I am surviving on you And only you Oh I am addicted to you And your face tells me everything That I need to know cause you can't Seem to hide your smile You know I am the same You just have that affect on me So I called you up again last night
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You’re all I need (the air I breathe)
sixteen - in which the new semester starts and Stella thinks things 
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love-at-first-sight, falling-too-fast, uni au that will make your heart ache (in a good way)
catch up here
The start of the spring semester started abruptly and without much warning. The month off was enough to make Stella comfortable doing nothing. Except here she was, back at the library working her evening shifts, rushing to early morning classes and finding little time to breathe in between.
Of course there was also the getting used to new routines aspect of a new semester. This was Stella’s least favorite part. It was just when she got used to things, they changed again.
What didn’t change was Niall, though. He was still the very same, soft eyes meeting Stella’s from across the dining hall table. His hand in hers when they walked back to his room. This was exactly the same.
Stella periodically thought, “how lucky am I?” in regards to Niall’s kindness. She didn’t doubt for a moment that she was lucky, not taking any moment for granted.
That was why she kissed him more than usual, thanked him for everything and hoped he knew how grateful she was. There was a bit of fear inside of her, that this would come to a crashing end. Stella would be destroyed. She knew she would.
“What are you thinking about?” Niall asked, unlocking his door. “You’ve been quiet all evening.”
“Just thinking,” Stella shook her head as they walked in. “Tired. Stressed. You know the bits.”
“Right but...” Niall trailed off with a chuckle. “Those aren’t usually things that keep you quiet.”
Stella silently cursed him as she collapsed in his bed. “Don’t know what you mean.”
“I’m sure you don’t,” Niall rolled his eyes, taking his jacket off. “You know me. Talking absolute none sense.”
“Right,” Stella agreed, crawling under his duvet.
“You have homework,” Niall reminded her, sitting down at his desk. “And so do I. You said you were going to do it.”
“It’s not due for another two days,” Stella argued, eyes fluttering as her senses were overwhelmed by being in his bed. They always were.  
“Well mine’s due tomorrow morning so I have to...” he trailed off, looking over his shoulder at her. “I have to get mine done. Stop looking like that.”
“Like what?” Stella asked, laughing.
“Like that,” he emphasized. “In my bed. I need to focus.”
“Stop looking at me,” Stella laughed, shaking her head.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he muttered, turning around in his chair. “But I know you’re laying there waiting for me.”
“Take your time,” Stella murmured, relaxing against the mattress. “I’m not moving any time soon.”
This time when Stella closed her eyes she thought about New Year’s Day. She had to open her eyes, feeling breathless at the thought. She had no business thinking about that now.
“It’s an easy assignment,” Niall told her. “A discussion board on whether or not Napoleon’s invading Egypt was ethical or not.”
“Interesting,” Stella mumbled. “The answer is no, correct?”
“I have no idea,” Niall shrugged. “And that’s what I’m writing. I literally do not know.”
“Honesty,” Stella commented. “Nice.”
Stella lasted ten minutes before she fell asleep. Niall was engrossed in his work, unaware. January was miserable in Manchester. Rain and gloom. It wore Stella out, exhausted her. Most nights, she preferred Niall’s bed over her own but she didn’t usually let herself stay. Maybe tonight would be different.
“Stella,” Niall drawled out, closing his laptop. “I finished now we can...” he trailed off, settling his eyes on her, “hang out.”
Niall got into bed beside her, not caring if he woke her up. He didn’t. He settled beside her, staring at the ceiling until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Stella,” he mumbled, nudging her.
“Niall,” Stella mumbled back, nudging him with her foot. “Shhh.”
“No,” he laughed. “Wake up. It’s only seven.”
“I’m tired,” Stella emphasized, rolling into her back. “What is the reason you woke me?”
“Oversleeping can increase your risk of heart disease and obesity,” Niall answered, almost robotically. “I’m just looking out for you.”
“Right,” Stella laughed, rubbing her eyes. “God, Niall, that’s absolutely ridiculous.”
“I’m looking out for you,” he repeated, laughing.
“altruistic,” Stella murmured, looking up at him.
“Always,” Niall mused, pushing his fingers through her hair. “Finished my assignment.”
“Good,” Stella mumbled. “Anything else I missed in the last twenty minutes?”
“Yes your phones been going off. Veda,” he told her, though he hoped she wouldn’t move.
Stella didn’t, eyelashes fluttering as Niall continued to run his fingers through her hair, “I’ll fall asleep again.”
“Don’t do that we’re hanging out,” Niall argued. “Wanna talk to you.”
“About what?” Stella asked, tired. “We talk a lot, you know.”
“I know,” Niall chuckled, letting his hand fall from her hair. “You can go to sleep.”
“No we can talk,” Stella shook her head, rolling onto her back. “What’s on your mind?”
“I should be asking  you what’s on your mind,” Niall emphasized. “What was that eerie quiet earlier?”
“Oh nothing,” Stella chuckled, rubbing her forehead. “Just... thoughts.”
“About?” Niall laughed.
“I don’t know,” Stella laughed, shaking her head. “Nothing. It was nothing. Just tired.”
“Right, the bits,” Niall agreed. “One day, Stella you will spill your secrets. I just know.”
“They’re not secrets,” Stella laughed, looking up at him. “Do you share every thought that pops into your mind?”
“No,” Niall chuckled. “But I certainly don’t get distracted the way you do. Thinking secret thoughts that are just so secret you can’t tell anyone.”
“You aren’t gonna let me out of this one, are you?” Stella deadpanned, eyes narrowing at him.
“I was thinking about it,” Niall laughed. “But now since  you’ve given me that look, no, I’m not. Spill.”
“I was thinking about last semester. How crazy it’s been,” Stella shrugged.
“That’s it?”
“And what would happen if we broke up,” Stella added, convinced he wouldn’t stop until she’d said it.
“Oh,” Niall mumbled, eyebrows furrowing. “That’s not a good thought. You want... you’d want to-“
“No,” Stella cut him off with a startled laugh. “No, of course not. It was just a fleeting thought like I’d be devastated if that happened, those sorts of things.”
“Right,” Niall agreed.
“You’re upset?” Stella murmured. It was half a question, half a statement. Judging by the look on Niall’s face, eyebrows knitted together still it could have been a statement.
“Not upset,” Niall shook his head. “I pressed you to tell me and I shouldn’t get upset about what you think about. Thoughts are private, you know.”
“Right,” Stella agreed, though she did feel guilty.
“Do you think about that a lot?” Niall asked, looking up at her.  
“No,” Stella shook her head. “Never. I never think about it. It just happened upon me. I think I was thinking about how grateful I am for you, and then thought I’d be crushed if this ends because I’m so happy with you.”
“Well that’s a relief,” Niall chuckled. “So you don’t daydream about breaking up?”
“No,” Stella laughed, sliding her hand into his. “I don’t daydream about breaking up.”
“Good,” Niall mumbled, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “Stella Bella, if I hear you thinking about us breaking up I’ll... I’ll... I don’t know what I’ll do but it’ll be serious.”
“Hm I’m sure,” Stella murmured, letting him pull her in.
Niall slid his hand around her waist and Stella couldn’t remember why she was thinking about breaking up in the first place. Niall kissed her softly and it was decided, they’d never break up because this, between them, was too good to let go.
taglist: @niallsguitarsthings​ @exoticniall​ @jadore-lamer​ @nannav47​ @coconutdawn​ @stayclose-holdsteady​ @my0nly-remedy​ @missy14us​
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whitterzthefangirl · 4 years
Niall Horan One Shot - The Weight of It All
Happy Saturday night beautiful people! I have been writing for 8 months with the intention of eventually sharing something. I have been far too nervous to do so, but I finally read my writing to my husband and best friend who both encouraged me to post this. I have about 15 written stories, so if you like this LEMME KNOW!  I will tell you that there is TW: miscarriage. 
When Niall arrived home that evening he was disappointed to find the house dark, except for the light at the end of the hall, their bedroom. 
 “Lovey,” he called, continuing his steps into their bedroom. He found her seated in their master bath, their rescue pup, Rosa Barks at her feet. She was staring into space, but met his eyes when he stepped into her space. 
 Niall, hi,” she forced a smile, as he took a seat next to her, scratching behind Rosa’s ears, “How was the meeting?” 
 “Just finalizing album artwork, sorry I had to go,” he nudged her shoulder with his, “Why’d you move in here?” When he left she had requested alone time in bed. He had checked on her a few different times, bringing snacks, water, and coffee, which was the only thing she didn’t refuse.  Never once had he found her doing anything but writing in the journal he’d bought her a year ago. It was a grey leather bound book with a silver heart in the corner. It currently holds more used than blank pages. They weren't the best at talking things through with each other at the moment, so he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t curious about the words in there. He was hoping that one day she’d tell him all about it, maybe let him read some of it, but he wasn’t holding his breath. 
 “Change of scenery,” she stated with a shrug, refocusing her gaze in front of her. On the other side of her, he saw 2 items. One was her journal, the other a baby onesie. He felt a sense of panic inside of him. It became obvious that he had not succeeded in the hunt to clear the house of any mention of a baby. Their baby. 
 “What have you got there, lovey?” he asked, grabbing her hand. She did not return the embrace, and he quickly let it go feeling silly at the unreturned exchange. He felt another feeling rise inside of him, frustration. They had been doing so well. 
 “Do you ever think about the baby? “ she asked.   
 Her question made Niall wish he was anywhere but here at the moment. Not because he didn’t want to comfort her, but because he feared being honest with her at this moment. He thought of the baby frequently, but not in the same way that she did. Both of them were sad, but she harbored guilt over the fact that her body had betrayed her. It was something she carried alone, because she wouldn’t let him carry it with her. 
 At the time of her pregnancy test, she had been getting ready to start her own marketing company and had been vomiting at nearly the same time every morning. At first she thought it was nerves, until she had confided in her mom who teased her about being pregnant, which sparked an internal countdown to her last period, which she realized was late. 
 She had taken the test alone, and only waited hours to share the news with Niall. She had feared how he would react, but if he was freaked out, he wasn’t letting on. He had immediately gone out, and bought the unborn baby a set of golf clubs, and a guitar. She remembered teasing him that their child might not want to participate in the same hobbies, she remembered when he smiled back, “They won’t have a choice.” 
 An accidental pregnancy is a weird thing between two people, who love each other, especially as you realize how much you truly want it. She remembers the first 3 weeks after finding out she was pregnant, and all the plans they made for baby Horan, and her upcoming pregnancy. He was excited to learn of her cravings, and to be there anytime she needed him, after he finished his last leg of the tour. She loved that the two shared this super intimate thing between the two of them which resulted in a lot of sex, followed by a lot of time in bed. By week 8, the pair frequently caught the other in daydreams about what he or she would be like, look like, sound like. By week 9, he was leaving for a 13 show tour, with promises of Facetime, belly time, and lots of visits. By week 12, she was calling Niall from the hospital, sobbing about not being pregnant anymore. As quickly as they had dreamt it, it was gone. That was the hardest part for Niall, not being there when she needed him the most, which was why he was choosing to keep her close now. 
 At the end of week 13, she couldn’t talk about the baby without crying, but found solace in the fact that Niall couldn’t either. By week 17 , Niall had stopped bringing the entire thing up for fear of making her cry, which made him cry. She took this as a sign that he didn’t want to talk about it at all, so she began retreating to the bathroom where she cried alone. Niall took note of this, and would hover outside the door with their pup, Rosa any chance he got. By week 20, Niall  had thought his girl was back, but a birthday party in week 22 made her fall apart all over again at the sight of her baby brother’s baby. For week 25, Niall surprised her with a 3 week trip to Hawaii which she accepted, and he could have sworn that he saw the light return to her eyes when she smiled at him and said, “Some time away will be good for me.” During that vacation, he believed she was back, and he found himself hopeful that things were going to be ok, which is why he chose to travel to New York come week 29. Things were not ok though, and week 30 through 39 were spent with her going through the motions of life, crying alone in the bathroom, only this time around she was really good at hiding it. Week 40 brings us to the bathroom floor where Niall and she are sitting. The due date. 
 Remembering her question, he bumps her shoulder as a playful gesture, trying to engage her physically, “Of course I do, Lovey. You know that,” he smiles at her, and prays that tears don’t fall from her baby blues. 
 “We don’t talk about it.” She mentions in a very matter of fact tone, she does not engage him physically, she doesn't even look at him as she says, “I’ve cried in this bathroom almost every day for 40 weeks.” 
 He was confused, he knew she had cried quite a bit at first, but it had all stopped after Hawaii. Hadn’t it? She didn’t allow him time to question, instead stating, “I had a dream.” She was sprouting so many things off, he did not know which one to bite on to, but again she did not give him a chance to offer any feedback, she just continued, “The baby was there. A baby girl.” She took this chance to look at him, which helped him to gauge how she was emotionally, she was lit up, and then started crying suddenly, “She had your nose, and my lips, our eyes. She was the perfect mix of both of us, and it was all so sad, Niall.” She leaned into his side, as he placed an arm around her, stroking her long dark hair. 
 “Oh lovey, why didn’t you say anything?” He cooed. As her cries continued, he shed a few tears of his own. She didn’t answer his question, instead saying, “I thought about dying today. I think about dying a lot,” she paused, moving away from him as if he was a hot stove top. 
Niall’s face softened. Had he been so naïve to think she was fine after everything that had happened? It hurt to hear that she thought of dying so much, he was speechless, which allowed her to continue. 
 “I’m mad, and sad, and still grieving. I don’t know how to get over this, and it feels like I never will,” she was in hysterics at this point, “I never talk about it. I never told anyone.” He knew that to be true. It was something she had requested of him. The only people who knew she had a miscarriage were the people who knew she was pregnant: Niall and She. She continued crying, and he wasn’t sure what to do, so he did the only thing he could. He held her, rubbing circles in her exposed flesh. He was hoping she would focus on anything, but how she was feeling. He believed it was working, because her cries got softer. What felt like hours was really ten minutes, and Niall decided it time to speak up. 
 “I’m not much of a talker, darlin’. When we first came home, and had to deal with the weight of it all, I didn’t know how to talk about it without crying, and my crying made you cry, so I decided to be strong for the both of us.” 
 She closed her eyes, facing him. “I appreciate that, but I think I need to be strong for me now. I need to get some help.” 
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1dfangirls35 · 5 years
Guess who finally started writing the next Voir Dire update (with a little Christmas sprinkled in☺️☺️)??
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hazzaescheggia · 7 years
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Neutron star collision ❤️
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Who has seen Liam's video to strip that down?😍 He also looks so perfect in this photo🤤 Remember to read my book 'psychotica' and you can give me tips or suggestions.. If the book is good and you wanna be in it, dm me😊 Its really hard to find so you can put in my profile for wattpad 'krissyisqueen' Thanks💕💕 #harrystyles #harryfanfic #liampayne #liamfanfic #louistomlinson #louisfanfic #niallhoran #niallfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #maggiefanfics #maggielindemann #onedirectionfanfiction #onedirection #wattpad #wattys2017 #wattpadbooks #wattpadfanfics #wattpadfanfiction
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irish-nlessing · 7 years
i just went outside at 2am in the frozen cold to use an astronomy app to look at constellations and planets and satellites and niall is a space nerd and someone needs to take him on a planetarium date and i would love to be that person sighhhhhhhh
You need to read In Other Words by @horansacked. It’s old but there’s a whole thing about Niall taking his date to an observatory.
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buck-nialled · 4 years
At Home Picnic - N. Horan Imagine
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Being self-isolated with Niall in his apartment until further notice was not intended. Though the idea appears like an extraordinary thing to experience, you and he would much rather be with your own families to fill the position of caretakers, even adequately. You were only meant to stay for three days maximum when you flew down to see him. When one of the first few harbingers of canceled flights began appearing, you hastily began refreshing your flight information, praying to any and every deity that your plane home would remain scheduled to be taking off, even if delayed. After it was confirmed to be canceled the next morning, your hope was waning as you attempted to book another flight back home, but to no avail. All were booked and/or boarding, and no flights were to be departing or arriving at certain countries until mandated by the government.
Though your intended stay was only three days, you found a little thankfulness in knowing that you overpacked like always, and silently thanked your mother for drilling the “safe than sorry” expression into you as many times as possible growing up. Niall’s great innkeeping skills shone greatly over the following days. Of course, you felt bothersome and that of an imposition, Niall could not have expressed his buoyancy enough after being told you were staying for longer than anticipated. Had it only been him isolated in his home with nobody to talk to he would have driven himself up the walls. Both of you also knew three days of visiting was not nearly enough time to catch up verbally and intimately in your relationship. But that was what worked then, and now you both have this new normal to become acclimated to, whether you liked it or not.
But you admit that Niall surpasses anyone else to room with. Specifically, because he gave the most comforting hugs and warmest cuddles and knew when you needed them, too. There would be no asking for his affection, but purely random spurs of action at seeing a downtrodden expression on your face. When you declined his invitation for a walk, he would toss a soft blanket in the dryer for a few moments to let it heat up and also hand you a book you had brought once on a prior visit, but never read to complement it. He tried teaching you piano at one point during the weeks, but you were far too impatient while he was far too adamant trying to instill the notes of Mary Had A Little Lamb into your brain.
On a sleepless night, one where you two could not help but overthink where this situation was going and also how far it was going to go, you said you had enough of thinking. Therefore, you proposed the idea to spend the rest of the night not thinking and to live life like children who have nothing better to do than waste time and have fun doing so. And that’s exactly what you did. One pillow fort, pillow fight, a large bowl of popcorn and some old movies later, you both fell asleep curled into one another like a yin yang sign on Niall’s living room floor.
The thrill of not thinking did not last long though. You texted your mother each day, asking frequently for updates in your city, state, and family. Unfortunately, she only knew as much as what the news was telling her, a platform that you had also been perusing more often than not. A few tears followed your phone call with your mother. And upon Niall asking what was wrong, the only word you could choke out was “homesick.” You dismissed yourself to take a hot shower and let your mind wander, your logic was that maybe more thinking was the antidote to your anxiety. Afterward, you took some loose-leaf paper from Niall’s office, along with a pen and scribbled down all of your feelings. Every single thought which has been dangling over your head the weeks before, and with the paper covered in ink and your hand cramping, you are not hesitant in saying it felt almost as cathartic as screaming. No wonder Niall did this, you commented to yourself, it felt amazing.
Venturing out of the office after hours of pondering to yourself made you feel like a troll exiting from a cave after years of hole-ing herself in. But the smell of bread ignited your nostrils and whetted your appetite to the point where thinking of how you must have looked was no longer important. You wandered into the kitchen to find it empty but noticed the few dirty dishes that were stacking up in the sink.
“Wrong room, love.” You heard behind you, and twirled around to see Niall shirtless and only in sweatpants. A sight like this was one you stumbled on quite often, however it never failed to take your breath away. “M’lady.” He greeted, offering his bare arm to you.
Your arm wrapped around it without any questions, and you leaned your head against his bicep while you two traversed languidly around the vicinity until he halted his steps in the living room. Your eyes were focused on his smiling profile for most of the walk that you had not taken in any of your surroundings. Upon noticing the two of you have completed the small walk, you turn to find your messy tent of sheets and blankets now only one plaid cloth, candles keeping it held down and a large basket placed right in the middle as the centerpiece.
“What did you do?” You turn to ask Niall, who was already smirking at your moment of awe at the scene.
“Well, I realized…” he began leading both of you to the blanket, “with all this craziness happening, we never got to go out on a date once during your stay. I figured I’d make it up to you.” He held your hand gently as you seated yourself before him. The orange candles matching the sunset behind him made his blues pop out at you.
“Thank you, Ni…this was incredibly sweet of you.” You were tempted to begin the ‘you didn’t have to spiel’ but the heavy rumbling in your stomach gave you the hint to save the sweet-talking for later. “So what’d you get?” Your hunger was now apparent to Niall as he watched you eye the mysterious basket before you. A chuckle left his bouncing torso as he flipped the basket’s lid open.
“Only the best isolation snack…NANDOS!” HE cheers, revealing the boxed food he predictably ordered earlier.
And you knew then, as long as you had him with you, everything would be alright.
want more niall? understandable. here’s my masterlst :)
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sweetgirl1d · 9 years
Niall and Harry FanFiction: When there’s a dark side and a side full of lightness
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Coming home pt 4 - Niall fanfic
(Charlie’s POV)
Sitting on the couch with a whole tube of pringles and watching a Teen Wolf marathon seemed much more appealing when it was the only thing getting me out of going to that dinner, but now I’m feeling too bloated to even breathe, and pretty tired of seeing TW season 1 over and over tbh. Not that I don’t love Tyler Posey’s rock hard abs or anything, it’s just that no one’s could be as perfect as Ni-
“OKAY that’s enough of that…”
“Wow I’m talking to myself, soo attractive Charlie”
I just seriously haven’t been able to get Niall off my mind, especially since all this shit with reunions and dinners, and God knows what else. I’ve been thinking about it so much that for like 5 solid minutes I almost wanted to go to it… just like, show up.
Insane, I know.
I kick the empty pizza box out of the way and wrestle with gravity to stand up, looks like I’m really going need to work for summer, and not like just saying I’m going to go to the gym and not actually doing it, I seriously gotta work out.
When I check my phone I’ve got no calls or even texts from Ben, is he really having that much fun?
NO I don’t want to go! Why would I want that, that’s insane, it would just be so awkward, I would only talk to Eleanor. The boys would try to make conversation but wouldn’t know what to say, and Niall… I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even want me to be there. And Perrie, God I wonder if she’s there. Well, of course she would be, she’s still dating Zayn. I bet she still hates my guts after the last time we met, and tbh I don’t even blame her.
Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, I put my phone back down and decide I need a hot shower. Grabbing any old shower gel from the assortment in my cabinet (I’m obsessed) I strip down and get into the shower, letting the hot water melt the stress away.
Everything is going great and I’m pretty relaxed until I open the top of the shower gel and smell what I’ve done.
Shit, really?!
It’s just my luck that the one shower gel I pulled out of the WHOLE GROUP just had to be the one from the bath set that Niall got for me the very first Christmas we were together. It of course used to be my favourite scent, but now I just associate it with Niall, so there goes that.
Deciding that I’d really rather not stink, I use it anyway, the smell covering me so that my outside was just as focused on Niall as my inside is.
After having sat in my robe for the past twenty minutes, the scent had infiltrated every nook and cranny of my entire house, I couldn’t smell anything apart from Niall, and after being on the verge of tears twice, I decided on doing something I never thought I would.
I have no idea why it was what I wanted, but fifteen minutes later I was all done up and opening the door of my car, on the way to the dinner.
On my way to see Niall.
Heyy guys whats up?! So I know it’s been absolutely ages since I’ve updated but I’ve been doing mocks so everything’s been super busy. ***                ♥ Mandeep ♥ 
Link to the rest of the fanfic so far
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niall-is-my-dream · 3 years
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Addicted to You - Part 10 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1139076515-addicted-to-you-part-10?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Niall-is-my-dream&wp_originator=z742wIvuB%2FFQ%2F2Drd0VXNgb6vRb8PHWiPj8vpw8DHqtcpddd933CvXrvGw3Vp2YsoUG0sfCdlMAueR8x8yoe7QDdctjvOOVLQRF7MV%2BE6Amf%2FkUgVpN5f33XYTjo7FqJ When Jessie arrives at work Monday morning she doesn't expect to find herself staring at his name on her meeting agenda. Was Niall Horan a common name? Was it just a pure coincidence that she'd spent 3 years studying architecture with a Niall Horan at University and there happened to be someone called Niall Horan joining a team meeting at the architecture firm she worked at? This fic has smut, kinks, sexual harassment and swearing. Addicted to You - Picture This And I'm so in love with you Do anything you tell me to You got me in the palm of your hand I'm borderline obsessed with you I wanna see your every move I hope that you understand I'm addicted to you And only you And I am surviving on you And only you Oh I am addicted to you And your face tells me everything That I need to know cause you can't Seem to hide your smile You know I am the same You just have that affect on me So I called you up again last night
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Chapter 2 of my niall au - AQUAMARINE . Please read . Vote and comment .
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1dfangirls35 · 7 years
The Fallout Chapter 1
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After nuclear war leaves the world in shambles, Charlotte Breslow finds herself simply trying to survive, until an unexpected stranger reminds her of what it means to live again.
Read on Wattpad
Chapter 1- 463
463 days. 463 days have passed since the world as I knew it  ended. It has been 463 days since I last saw my parents. 463 days since I last binged on Netflix. 463 days since I wandered through the grocery store, checked my email, or navigated through the lovely Los Angeles traffic. 
I pull out my notepad from inside my worn black backpack. Its once light blue edges now wearing down to a dusty tan color. The spine binding beginning to loosen, enough so it doesn't quite stay open. I flip to the inside cover and trace my fingers over the "To our dearest Charlotte, may your journey await" in my mother's swirly script. 
I flip to the page I've marked last, with the edge bent slightly inwards. 463, I write in bold print. Wednesday, July 15th, 2020. I stare at it for a moment, letting it sink in. Wrapping my head around those numbers, that date. It was the only thing that I had to grasp onto anymore after all. 
"And what day would it be today?" 463 days ago I would have jumped at the sound of my little brother Luke's voice behind me. Today, I don't even bother to turn around. 
"Today is Wednesday, July 15th," I respond.
"Well then happy hump day Charlie!" Luke pulls off some obnoxious dance move and I roll my eyes. Sometimes Luke's sense of humor was the only thing getting me through the day. 
"Happy hump day Luke," I respond back with a grin, although we both knew there was no such thing as hump day anymore. 
I shove the notebook back in its assigned pocket for safekeeping, and begin to gather my belongings. There wasn't much anymore. The blanket my grandma knitted for me before I left for college. The hairbrush that kept me from developing a rat's nest at the nape of my neck. The small pillow which had a hard lump I couldn't quite get rid of. My backpack, which carried things that I didn't dare use. The duffle bag where Luke and I kept all the necessities, soap, Pork and Beans, matches, and of course Oreo Cookies. Today the bag felt a little lighter, which meant that once again we were growing low on the very items keeping us alive. 
"Where to today?" Luke asks as he slides into the drivers seat of the maroon Honda Odyssey we lovingly referred to as Gertrude. I was always the navigator, because apparently my six months post graduation living in California had given me the knowledge to navigate its every where about. 
"Liam told me to check out Pomona. He said they found some good stock ups there last week."
"Where's he been anyway, we haven't seen Harry and him in ages." Ages was a bit of an exaggeration, it had only been 12 days by my records, but twelve days out on our own seemed like so much longer.
"Twelve days. It hasn't been ages, its been twelve days,." I partly snap. Luke always had a small level of distrust in Liam,Harry as well. He argues I don't know either of them well enough to be trusting our lives to them. I argue that in this time there isn't anyone else left to trust our lives to. "Remember I told you they were going to follow that lead on the safe zone Liam heard about."
"You mean the safe zone that Liam made up?" Luke says back with a roll of his eyes. 
"It very well might be out there Luke, what do you want to do wander around this wasteland for the rest of your life?" Luke grows mute at my comment, and I wonder if I've come at him a little too strong. Death had become quite a sensitive subject considering recent events. 
"Let's try Pomona today. We are going to meet back up with Liam and Harry on Friday," I say. If you had asked me 463 days ago who would be the leader of the group of four survivors in a nuclear fallout, I definitely wouldn't have volunteered my name. Hell, I wouldn't have even counted myself as a survivor. But a lot has changed in 463 days, that's for certain. 
The Spears Ridge neighborhood was marked by a large, multi-tone rock on the corner of the street. A large sign indicating a new neighborhood was usually a sign that it would be a good location. Neighborhoods with signs were like that, full of well-stocked cupboards and closets. Luke slowly turns Gertrude around the corner, driving slowly as I look ahead for any sign of others. 
The streets look deserted, and from what I could tell they hadn't been touched for a while. We pull up to a large brownstone at first. After one more survey of the area we decide this is a good place to start. Luke and I each grab a duffle and head towards the door. 
As we approach the front door, Luke checks the door frame for the key. I scour the mat and under the flower pots. 
"Got it," Luke exclaims, holding a small silver key in his hand. That's one thing I'd learned being out here: everyone had the same hiding places for their spare keys. Luke slides the key into the lock and I soon hear the satisfying click that means we have access. 
Walking in we can see its been left fairly untouched. There's a slight disorder that was no doubt a result of the warnings we heard 463 days ago. But there wasn't any disorder that suggested someone else had been here to raid through the closets. 
"Jackpot," Luke says aloud as he opens a pantry full of canned goods. I head upstairs and raid the bathroom, finding ample soap, shampoo and even some badly needed lotion. I find the closet of a young woman, and am so pleased by her clothing tastes that I snag a few outfits, pushing them into my bag. 
"To the next one?" I ask Luke as I walk back down the stairs. He gives me a head nod and we make our way towards the front door once again. We barely take a step out the door when we hear it. The noise that even 463 days hadn't erased the response of my hair standing on end. The sound of a gun shot. 
"Don't move," I reach out to grab Luke's shoulder holding him in place. We hear incomprehensible shouting, but no more gun shots. Seconds later we hear the sound of one car race down the drive, my heart stops for a moment as they rush past our vehicle, but luckily they don't seem to notice. Another vehicle rushes off behind them.  We wait a few minutes, trying to return our pulse to a normal rhythm. The road becomes silent once again.
"So I guess we better head back then," Luke says grabbing for the keys in his back pocket. 
"Why would we do that?" 
"Why wouldn't we? You heard those gun shots. Someone else was here," I can tell by the paleness of my brother's face that he had gotten a little spooked. I should have thought that through before going to a high profile neighborhood that Liam suggested. When Liam heard things, others did too. 
"Luke, listen to me," I grab my brother's shoulder in a reinforcing grasp. "Someone else was here, but they are gone now. You heard them race off didn't you? They left, two vehicles left. We will be fine," Luke takes a deep breath. "C'mon," I say standing to my feet and slinging my black duffle across my shoulder once again. 
The next house doesn't have much. The following looks like they hadn't even moved in. We walk up to the third house. When Luke tries the door its already open, not atypical. We walk in and observe the surroundings. Its a bit of a mess, but when we open the kitchen cabinets we find that nothing has yet been looted. There's enough food in there to last us months. 
"We might need another bag," Luke says with excitement. 
It's while we are filling the second bag to the brim that I hear it. A loud crash from the upper level. We instantly freeze. Luke looks at me with his "I told you so" eyes. I bring a finger to my lips and draw out the knife that I carry at the back of my belt nowadays. You could never be too careful anymore, especially after what happened when Liam and I went to Beverley Hills .
I begin to creep up the stairs, knife in hand. It's then that I hear another thud, the sound of a body hitting the floor. "Shit!" The voice echoes through the hallways, its deepness has a strange noise to it, almost resembling an accent. I put my back to wall as I reach the top of the staircase, and hold the knife to my chest. Then, taking a deep breath, I reveal myself to the person sharing the house with us.
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These numbers have been quite still for a while. Please read and maybe you'll get to be able have your name in the book! And if you've read it already, what do you think? #fanfiction #wattpad #wattys2017 #onedirectionfanfiction #onedirection #harrystyles #harryfanfic #niallhoran #niallfanfic #zaynmalik #zaynfanfic #louisfanfic #louistomlinson #liampayne #liamfanfic #maggielindemann #maggiefanfics
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irish-nlessing · 7 years
Didn't Niall said in an interview a long time ago that he never went to his prom? Can we get a blurb where his girlfriend decides to throw him his own prom party? please?
Actually.......that exact scenario comes up in the fic Worth the Wait by @horansacked http://horansacked.tumblr.com/niallfanfic
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floresinmari · 10 years
im not a directioner but this story is so good and my friend made it, please read it! :)
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