#liam's leaks
savebylou · 10 days
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New leak of Liam: All Night. x
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veryloovy · 3 months
Nori's Killer Alt Theory
Now hear me out, this is an insane theory here but the logic actually works out. The acid that killed Nori? That could've been her own acid, NOW HEAR ME OUT. Read below.
So first off, Solver transformations. For Workers, these traits can be wildly different. Cyn is the odd one out since she has a centipede form, so let's instead get into Uzi and V. Uzi gets wings and a tail while V gets wings and a claw.
Wings seem over-represented here, but not so when you look back on these old "leaked" designs. We see what seems to be a red or purple Worker with what seems to be DD-style tail and claws. This design could have been changed at some point in the process, so the DD style may have been swapped out for the flesh look (not uncommon since Nori and Alice have previous old designs we know of).
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And regardless of if this Nori or not, Nori having a Solver transformation isn't off the table here because, well, she DOES have one.
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And it's these super DD-style Cyn-esque claws and whatnot. We know at some point Nori was controlled by the Solver and ended up nearly blowing up the planet. She seemed otherwise unaffected up until at some point after she and Khan had Uzi that she became "crazy". This was, in all likeliness, the Solver trying to regain control of her. She gets visions of the DDs arriving to Copper-9 which is something only the Solver would know since it was the one who sent them in the first place.
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So what does Nori do? She panics and does everything in her power to prevent this from happening. She begs Khan to build doors to keep the incoming Disassembly Drones away from the bunker. It's all she can do to protect her family because the very powers that could save them could also just make things worse. Using the Solver too much makes it easier to be controlled.
"So wait where does the acid come into play?"
Now actually.
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So we actually don't know yet what exactly the flesh tails produce for their injectors. So if Nori had this style tail, she would still be able to produce some sort of fluid to hunt with. Uzi seems to use it on Emily to paralyze her (she's not scared in Uzi's grasp, she's out of it until Uzi kills her. No other explanation for this).
"But the acid was yellow"
HERE we go. So accents on Solver forms relate to what color the drone lights are at the moment. Case in point, V. As a Worker, her lights are naturally white, but under control of the Solver they are instead yellow. Her Solver form under the control of the Solver keeps the new yellow color for her wing's accents and her claw's eye color instead of the white they should be (like the primary color of her wings and claw). Uzi has not been under the control of the Solver during her transformations so far, so they keep their natural purple coloration for both the primary "flesh" tones and the accents (eyes?) but SPECIFICALLY for this next bit, her tail also has her natural purple coloration which includes her acid as seen in the concept art.
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If Nori experienced control under the Solver again, her transformation would have given her yellow accents instead of purple, which means her acid would've been yellow too.
Her own acid could've done her in, and let me explain this. The Solver regains control of her, but not for long. The last time this happened, the planet nearly blew up. Nori has regained control of her body, and she's terrified. She's a danger not just to her family, but to the entire world. She stabs herself with her own acid to prevent the Solver from doing anything else. She begs Khan to get it over with, and he reluctantly obliges. The whole thing is blamed on the Disassemblers since that's the only explanation Nori can give to Khan, or that Khan can give to Uzi. After all, those are the only things that have yellow acid, right?
And I think that's delightfully messed up. Two generations of the Doorman family locked into this same messed up situation with this eldritch entity. N is already being told that he should mercy kill Uzi, the same fate Khan has told Uzi is what he had to do to her mom. Going full circle, Uzi learning what happened to her mom and deciding that it's probably the same decision she should make to protect everyone she cares about... ohhhh boy that would HURT.
Unfortunately (fortunately?) for Uzi, she can't use acid on herself because the very dude fated to kill her, her best friend, her crush, all that - is one of the few characters who can prevent that from happening.
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Which means they would have to talk about this again if that happened lol ;-;
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so-idialed-9 · 1 year
Where We Are Lyrics
Remember when we would stay out too late
We were young, having fun, made mistakes
Did we ever know (x3), yeah
All the things we just think of and say
Never wrong, always right, not afraid
Did we ever know (x3)
[chorus] Is it all inside of my head
Maybe you still think I don’t care
But all I need is you
Yeah you know it’s true, yeah you know it’s true
Forget about where we are and let go
We’re so close
If you don’t know where to start just hold on
And don’t run
You know we’re looking back, we messed around
But that was then and this is now
All we need’s enough love to hold us where we are
Saw the days rushing by you and me
Makes it harder to see underneath
Did we ever know (x3)
You know we’re looking back, we messed around
But that was then and this is now
All we need’s enough love to hold us where we are
But that was then and this is now
All we need’s enough love to hold us where we are (echoes)
With closed eyes and open minds
We could be there, we could be there
But this time let’s cross the line
Can you see it? Can you see it?
Forget about where we are and let go
We’re so close
If you don’t know where to start
Just hold on and don’t run
We’re looking back, we messed around
But that was then and this now
All we need’s enough love to hold us where we are
brb sobbing, this is just so hopeful and such a good love song, little bit of Infinity vibes in the sound. the bridge about open minds - and they named the whole tour after this - and declaring their intentions to make the relationship more serious - and in the middle of all the frenzy be the place where you can close your eyes and find yourself...
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elizabear · 16 days
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girll-almightty · 10 months
babe, wake up! there’s a new unreleased One Direction song that got leaked in 2023 called Pick your poison and it’s an absolute banger!
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Posting one Murder Drones meme a day until Episode 5 drops, Day Eight.
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I have no idea where this is coming from. It sounds so good
credits: Joji Smithereens' YouTube channel
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larrylimericks · 2 years
Lou’s playing a game but we missed it, So li’l bear stepped in and assisted; On cheekbones we’d focused, So clues went unnoticed— His songs and his mind are both twisted.
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melancholytimes · 1 year
Where the fuck are people pulling these one direction songs from?!
At this point I have to believe some of them are fake or ai or something because where? how?
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Liam in Melody: Is it brave to be this honest, say that you're just so damn gorgeous, and you had me from a mile away?
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perksofagoldenaura · 2 years
me vs smart louies decoding shit
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savebylou · 4 months
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Liam and Louis, If I could fly video.
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The new-old one direction leak really hit me hard. I came out of piracy retirement simply because I NEEDED to be able to blast it in my car
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cliffordmebf · 2 years
“it never snowed in Hollywood but when we sang it showed us that it could”
H felt it was so magical, anything was possible & put Hollywood, the industry, on a pedestal
“if you believe that guy is Superman, they’re selling tickets at the cinema”
is L explaining- you think so highly of this person when its all fake, an act. you might as well go buy a ticket to a movie. its all fiction. untrue.
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
Have you listened to the Zach Sang interview yet? Louis is protecting his closet yet some peeps are still annoyed that Louis mentioned Freddie but anyways good for him for not give an F. and WOW love the fact that he destroyed the theory that he was leaking stuff here, some peeps in the larr nation in Tumblr are baffled and mad LMAO. Not only that, he denied the choking allegations, just went in the barricade for the adrenaline. It's nice seeing people here fuming lmao. He was high af too
I *did* listen, and I love how high he was during it, too, geddit, Loueh! I truly TRULY hate it when I see edited pieces, or randos misinterpreting shit, so yeah, I checked it out in real time while I finished out my workday, and I might listen again while I'm walking tomorrow. I love to see him correcting shit in real time, like yeah, come on, tell me FOR REAL how Freddie is somehow not some kind of problem, j/k, you can't, nobody has, nobody CAN, lookin' at YOU, new sock with a mighty familiar flower blog connection
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Hi, this Liam song "leak" isn't actually Liam but it's an old song by Drake bell called "leaves"
Oh! So it is! Thank you nonnie!
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