#liam mckinney
autistic-katara · 10 months
Rank your OCs in terms of trauma.
oooohhhhh ok that’s a hard one uhh
based on how much i have down for them rn maybe (least to most)
but yk trauma is subjective and part of this is to do with me not having as much made up abt those closer to the top
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fromaliminalspace · 2 years
so, four chimes, four kills... or more like four seasons (so far, I mean), four kill-offs, except it's the Duffers instead of Vecna and Barb, Bob, Billy, and Eddie instead of Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max
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liamworths · 2 months
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abaixo do read more estão algumas ideias de conexões que eu gostaria de preencher. se tiver interesse, comenta aqui ou chama no chat <3
🗡️ AZRA OLMAN ( filha de thanatos ) 𓂅 os dois se detestavam quando estavam juntos no acampamento. porém, foram mandados em uma missão juntos, e o que era para ser um período infernal de provocações, se transformou em uma improvável amizade quando ficaram um ano presos em uma ilha deserta e precisando se proteger. no meio disso tudo, os dois acabaram se apaixonando e vivendo um romance, mas após a o desaparecimento de liam, os dois nunca mais se viram. até agora, no acampamento. embora os sentimentos dele sobre ela estejam confusos devido a falta de memória sobre a garota, pois parece que tudo o que lembra quando a vê são os momentos ruins e as brigas. @azolman
🗡️ KIT CULPEPPER ( filho de hefesto ) 𓂅 foi o primeiro irmão a receber liam no chalé, e o primeiro que se tornou amigo dele. ou quase isso. liam poderia não demonstrar muito, mas gostava da companhia do mais velho, respeitava ele e até conseguia se abrir vez ou outra. ainda era mau humorado e ranzinza, mas se tinham momentos em que ria, se divertia e até curtia a estadia no acampamento, eram quando estava com kit. @kitdeferramentas
🗡️ ARCHIBALD EVANS ( filho de deméter ) 𓂅 esse era o melhor amigo de liam quando este estava no acampamento. agora que se reencontraram, liam não tem lembranças desse amigo, mas tem uma sensação mista a respeito dele: sente que é uma boa pessoa, mas é desconfiado demais e acaba não confiando cem por cento em muse. @archibvlds
🗡️ KAITO AOKI ( filho de hefesto ) 𓂅 era um dos irmãos mais próximos de liam antes de seu desaparecimento. agora, o mais velho não tem lembranças do mais novo, mas andam passando bastante tempo juntos afim de recordar os bons momentos e reatar os laços que, um dia, foram tão fortes. mesmo sem lembranças, liam gosta da companhia do irmão, e confia nele e no que ele diz. só não é muito bom demonstrando isso. @kaitoflames
🗡️ VERONICA MCKINNEY ( filha de hécate, devota de hera ) 𓂅 ela foi uma espécie de pupila de liam. assim que chegou no acampamento, recebeu-o como instrutor. ele odiava aquela função, mas por algum motivo, sentiu-se conectado à garota, tendo uma espécie de sentimento de proteção por ela. depois que voltou da missão, não tem memórias dela, mas ainda tem o mesmo sentimento, como se fosse uma irmã mais nova. @mcronnie
🗡️ MUSE 04 𓂅 essa foi a primeira namorada dele. os dois nunca terminaram de verdade, e quando ele foi para a missão, esperavam que ele voltasse para retomar a relação. no entanto, liam ficou um ano desaparecido na ilha, e depois que os colegas de missão voltaram e informaram que ele havia desaparecido no mar e dado como morto, muse passou a ser a viúva do acampamento, sofrendo a morte dele. no entanto, ela não sabia que ele havia se apaixonado por outra naquele tempo na ilha. agora que voltou, liam está sem memória, mas acaba lembrando de alguns bons momentos quando a vê e fica confuso, acreditando ainda ser apaixonado por ela.
🗡️ YASEMIN SOLAK ( filha de deimos ) 𓂅 o liam, no momento, não está inscrito em nenhum esporte porque acabou de voltar ao acampamento. mas, ele costumava treinar bastante na arena, fazer simulações de resgate, e muse era a pessoa que mais o acompanhava. não tinham uma relação muito próxima ou falavam sobre intimidades, e o tempo que passavam juntos era basicamente para treinarem suas habilidades. dessa forma, não sabem muito da vida pessoal um do outro, mas conhecem os dons e fraquezas do outro como ninguém. @misshcrror
🗡️ PIETRA VENÂNCIO ( filha de hécate ), SASHA TSAKALIDIS ( filho de hades ), MUSE 07 ( aberto para chars male ou female ) 𓂅 aqui são os três campistas que saíram em missão recentemente para resgatar o liam no vilarejo onde ele estava. a relação com cada um fica a combinar, eles podiam já conhecer o liam ou não, podem ter se dado bem ou não. fato é que foram os três que retomaram o contato do liam com o seu lado semideus, que contaram para ele sobre quem ele era, e tudo mais. @pips-plants @littlfrcak
🗡️ MUSE 08 ( aberto para females ) 𓂅 esta campista se envolveu com liam anos atrás, antes do desaparecimento dele. entretanto, ele também estava de caso com outra campista, e muse enxergou isso como uma traição.
🗡️ MUSE 09 ( aberto para females ) 𓂅 complementando a connection anterior, foi com essa muse que liam se envolveu, "traindo" a relação que tinha com a muse da connection acima.
🗡️ MUSE 𓂅 muse, por algum motivo, quis se aproximar de liam quando soube da volta dele. pode ter sido por aposta, curiosidade ou simplesmente estava entediada. ela pode ter inventado que eles tinham alguma relação antes do sumiço dele, ou tentou seduzi-lo de alguma outra forma. fato é que os dois tiveram química e passaram a desenvolver uma relação casual, apenas sexo, sem sentimentos envolvidos.
🗡️ MUSE 𓂅 kitty tinha uma crush em liam anos atrás, antes do desaparecimento. mas era algo inalcançável, inimaginável. ele era mais velho, e vivia se envolvendo com várias garotas, jamais notaria ela, certo? anos se passaram, ela acreditou que ele havia morrido - assim como foi anunciado - mas agora, anos depois, ele retornou, e passou a notar a beleza e doçura da garota, que quase derrete com os flertes descarados e clichês do filho de hefesto.
🗡️ MUSE 𓂅 eles gostam de beber juntos e, uma coisa leva a outra, acabam sempre se pegando quando bebem.
🗡️ MUSE 𓂅 os dois se envolverem uma vez, e era para ser apenas uma noite. ele só queria isso, e foi o que ela decidiu após descobrir a fama de cafajeste dele. mas justamente por ela não querer mais, foi que ele quis. e as investidas dele nem sempre dão certo, mas às vezes ela não consegue resistir e acaba indo parar na cama dele.
🗡️ NATALIA PAVLOVA ( filha de hécate ) 𓂅 alguma coisa no jeito ingênuo de natalia atraiu liam, que não perde oportunidade de flertar com a garota. nunca dá em nada, porque ela sempre acredita ser brincadeira, e ele acaba nunca passando do ponto por medo de assustá-la. então, segue flertando, esperando que um dia ela retribua. @pavlcva
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ghelgheli · 1 year
The Stuff I Read in August 2023
Stuff I Extra Liked Is Bold
Raven Stratagem, Yoon Ha Lee (2017)
Reconsidering Reparations, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (2022)
The Mirror of My Heart: A Thousand Years of Persian Poetry by Women, trans. Dick Davis (2019)
The Origins of Unfairness, Cailin O'Connor (2019)
Short Fiction
the prisoner, ignatz
The Unwanted Guest, Tamsyn Muir
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, Sakaomi Yuzaki
Still Sick, Akashi
Born Again Bunny, ignatz
A Museum of Dubious Splendors, Studio Oleomingus
In the Pause Between the Ringing, Studio Oleomingus
The Indifferent Wonder of an Edible Place, Studio Oleomingus
Game Theory
The Bargaining Problem, John Nash (1950)
Two Person Cooperative Games, John Nash (1953)
Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Ariel Rubinstein (1982)
Marriage and household decision making: A bargaining analysis, Marilyn Manser and Murray Brown (1980)
Evolutionary Game Theory
The theory of games and the evolution of animal conflicts, John Maynard Smith (1974)
The Logic of Animal Conflict, John Maynard Smith and George R. Price (1973)
Why imitate, and if so, how? A boundedly rational approach to multi-armed bandits, Karl Schlag (1996)
On the Stability of Racial Capitalism, Liam Kofi Bright, Nathan Gabriel, Cailin O'Connor, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Fairness and Signaling in Bargaining Games, Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, Roland Mühlenbernd Jeremy L. Wyatt
Inequality and Inequity in the Emergence of Conventions, Calvin Cochran and Cailin O'Connor (2019)
Power by Association, Travis LaCrois and Cailin O'Connor (2020)
Why Natural Social Contracts are not Fair, Cailin O'Connor (2022)
How to Put the Cart Behind the Horse in the Cultural Evolution of Gender, Daniel Saunders (2022)
Division of Labor, Economic Specialization, and the Evolution of Social Stratification, Joseph Heinrich and Robert Boyd (2008)
On the emergence of minority disadvantage: testing the cultural Red King hypothesis, Aydin Mohseni, Cailin O'Connor, and Hannah Rubin (2021)
Philosophy (broadly construed)
"But What Are You, Really?" The Metaphysics of Race, Charles W. Mills (1998)
Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System, Maria Lugones
Extracted Speech, Rachel Ann McKinney (2016)
Nozick's Entitlement Theory of Justice, Kenneth J. Arrow (1978)
Nietzsche, the Chinese Worker's Friend, Ishay Landa (1999)
Measuring Conventionality, Cailin O'Connor (2020)
Who Was Barbie? various @ nplusonemag
Lockhart's Lament, Paul Lockhart
Female Hunters of the Early Americas, Randall Haas et al.
We Have No Moat, and Neither Does OpenAI, anonymous
The Bitter Lesson, Rich Sutton
The Evolution of Individual and Cultural Variation in Social Learning, Alex Mesoudi et al.
Medieval Arab Lesbians and Lesbian-Like Women, Sahar Amer (2009)
"My son was castrated as a result of a medical error. Is it OK to raise him as a eunuch?" Thomas W. Johnson and Richard J. Wassersug (2021)
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pinklilynews · 2 years
New details released about 46 arrested in prostitution sting, including Lewisville ISD coach, youth pastor
DALLAS - Dozens of local men – including some community leaders – were arrested recently at hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting.
According to federal officials in the Dallas branch of Homeland Security Investigations, the 46 men included a volunteer firefighter, youth pastor, high school teacher and coach, semi-professional hockey player, and the director of operations for a large hospital network in North Texas.
The Dallas DHS Office said what the suspects do exploits and victimizes trafficking victims.
One non-profit working to help sex trafficking victims said the DFW Metroplex is a hot spot for it because of its size and highway system to other parts of the country. They said there isn’t anything thing typical about a human trafficking suspect, as it can be almost anyone.
Pink Lily News learned more about 46 people who were arrested at upscale hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting earlier this month.
Frisco police said during the operation and following the investigation, they found no evidence of local underage sex trafficking, contrary to rumors.
"It’s happening more than people think and know," said Dr. Tonya Stafford Manning, who runs It’s Going to be OK, which is a Dallas-based non-profit organization that assists human trafficking victims.
READ MORE: Murdered McKinney woman planned to 'blackmail' boyfriend after finding out he was married, affidavit says
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Lewisville Independent School District confirmed Marcus High School teacher and football coach Tim Morrison was among the 46 suspects.
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The district said Morrison was placed on administrative leave after his arrest and later resigned.
Fort Worth youth pastor Lamarcus Strickland was also arrested.
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Spencer Asuchak, a 31-year-old professional hockey player who’s been with the Allen Americans — of the East Coast Hockey League — since 2013, according to the team’s web site, is one of dozens charged with solicitation of prostitution.
The team told Pink Lily News, "We are aware of the situation. We don’t have a comment at this time as we gather more information."
A Baylor Scott & White Health director of operations, 49-year-old Jimmie Hemmingway, is also charged. Baylor said Hemmingway is no longer an employee. 
"But this is happening. It’s happening right up under our noses. It’s happening right in our backyards," Dr. Manning added. "Nobody wants to get up and be a prostitute. Nobody wants to be trafficked. Nobody wants to be sold."
The dozens of men charged responded to online advertisements for prostitution, according to the Department of Homeland Security. But instead of communicating with women being trafficked, they were unknowingly communicating with law enforcement. Homeland Security did not detail what the posts read. 
Meet-ups were arranged at hotels with the coordination and cooperation of hotel management and staff. 
"I think other people were shocked by it because of who was implicated in the sting itself," Dr. Manning said.
42 other suspects were also arrested.
ICE released the names and birth dates of all 46 suspects.
Frisco Arrests
Justin Rice
Cody Wilson
Trenton Ruwe
Ronak Patel
Todd Cook
Aaron Posey
Brandon Beecher
Andrew Ratcliffe
Spencer Asuchak
Devin Johnson
Jimmie Hemmingway
Vijay Akula Krishna Murthy
John Prevost
Rodolfo Tibuni
Michael Arenas
Orlando Hampton
Jacob Rumble
Kevin Hasseell
William Teemer
Tanyon Oldham
Adam Edelman
Simon Withy
Rahul Malviya
Southlake Arrests
Liam Donnelly
Scott Boeckstiegel
Lamarcus Strickland
David Gothe
Anel Vemulapalli
Cecil Timothy Morrison Jr.
Bryon Althoff
Iwara Magumus
Kilomo Kialemba
Norberto Alvarado
Sunny Roberts
Elmer Acosta
Jerry Smith
Damien Mims
Alex Maldonado
Jason Cha
Patrick Rodriguez
Cornelia Cheeter
Michael Smith
Daniel Stewart
Santosh Gorla
Frisco police also released the mugshots and charges of the 23 men they arrested.
HIS Dallas officials said the undercover operation coincides with the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign to highlight Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
READ MORE: 3 arrests made in shooting that killed teen outside Fort Worth Whataburger
Often, commercial sex workers are the victims of sex trafficking because they are either underage or were forced into the role.
"By targeting those involved in this crime, we hope to disrupt this activity and provide assistance to human trafficking victims by getting them connected to the advocates and resources they need," said Lester Hayes, the HSI Dallas special agent in charge.
"The victims of these heinous crimes are treated like commodities, used to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible," added Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn. "Those who traffic victims are the scourge of the earth, and we will continue to target those responsible for the trafficking and those who solicit sex from them."
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Not Here to Stay Friends Review
🦇 Not Here to Stay Friends Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
❝ Maybe this is my time to show everyone—show myself—that I can do things that are big and scary and out of character, things that force me to be the center of attention. ❞
❓ #QOTD Choose your trope: friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers? ❓
🦇 The Bachelor and Riverdale meet Julie Murphy's If the Shoe Fits in this friends-to-lovers story of two lifetime friends. When Sloane McKinney visits her best friend Liam Daniels in LA for the summer, she never expects to step under the spotlight. Liam's dad gets them both involved in the teen reality dating show he's producing: Aspen Woods’s Future Leading Lady (AWFLL)—Liam as a PA and Sloane as a contestant. Teen heartthrob Aspen has set his sights on Sloane as his Leading Lady, but the real drama occurs behind the scenes as—plot twist!—Sloane and Liam finally begin to recognize their friends for one another. Can they make it to the finale without making a mess of their reunion?
💜 Not Here to Stay Friends is a cute young adult contemporary romance that gives a nod to the messy reality of reality television. Kaitlyn Hill does a wonderful job of balancing Sloane and Liam's tension alongside drama, problematic gender roles, and rom-com cuteness. The novel's true strength isn't in the friends-to-lovers growth, but in the healthy friendship Sloane and Liam use as the foundation for that growth. Their love and protectiveness over one another feels natural and sweet; a foundation that doesn't falter even despite the chaos occurring all around them. The twist at the end gave the reality TV side of the story the unique flare shows like The Bachelor often lack, defying story cliches that women need a Hollywood leading man for a happily ever after.
🦇 While there this novel doesn't warrant any big complaints, it's not exactly wow-worthy, either. Many of the characters come off as one-dimensional (Aspen, especially). While reality TV frames participants in that light, we're viewing AWFLL from behind the scenes; we should be getting more from the characters. Despite how cute Sloane and Liam are together, a little bit more about their friendship before Liam's move would have helped readers fall all the more in love with the pairing. Some of the film terms were incorrect as well (my girlfriend worked walkies on Stranger Things, and batteries are called bricks...also no one uses the phrase "10-4"), but I'll let that slide since Liam is new to the industry. Some thoughts repeat a bit too often as well, and there's not enough drama, tension, or high stakes to push the story forward. I'm sure this was on purpose, but the quotes from The Cove were Riverdale-cringy, failing to add depth to the story (beyond making me question Sloane's taste).
🦇 This adorable YA rom-com is perfect for fans of Riverdale, The Bachelor, and cozy comfort reads.
🌹 Friends to Lovers 🎥 Dual POV 🎬 Revenge Plot 🍿 YA Rom-Com
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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hollymbryan · 1 year
Blog Tour: Top 5 Reasons to Read NOT HERE TO STAY FRIENDS by Kaitlyn Hill! #tbrbeyondtours
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Welcome to Book-Keeping and my stop on the TBR and Beyond Tours blog tour for Not Here to Stay Friends by Kaitlyn Hill! I’ve got all the details for you below, along with my top 5 reasons to read this laugh-out-loud YA contemporary!
About the Book
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title: Not Here to Stay Friends author: Kaitlyn Hill publisher: Delacorte Press release date: 4 April 2023
This friends-to-lovers spin on The Bachelor follows two childhood besties reuniting to spend the summer in L.A. after five years apart—but when they both get involved with a teen reality dating show, their lives take an unexpected turn for the unreal.
Sloane McKinney feels like a background character in her own life. But this summer will be different, because she’s spending it with her childhood best friend, Liam Daniels, in her dream city, Los Angeles. Sure, she’s surprised to find that Liam just happens to have had a Hot Guy glow-up since she last saw him, but so what? A little attraction won’t ruin her plans for their fun—and completely platonic—reunion.
What might, however, is that Liam has been roped into working for his producer dad’s new teen reality dating show, Aspen Woods’s Future Leading Lady. Liam figures Sloane can still hang out with him on set while he fetches coffee for the film crew, or whatever it is that production assistants do. Except it turns out the show is one contestant short . . . and Sloane is the perfect last-minute addition.
Once cameras are rolling, the whirlwind of dating teen heartthrob Aspen Woods feels way more real than Sloane expected, and Liam doesn’t exactly enjoy watching it all unfold. But it’s behind the scenes where the drama really picks up. . . .
Because wanting to kiss your best friend? That’s a plot twist neither Sloane nor Liam ever saw coming.
Add to Goodreads: Not Here to Stay Friends Purchase the Book: Amazon | B&N | TBD | Indigo | Bookshop.org
About the Author
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Kaitlyn Hill is a writer, reader, and sweet tea enthusiast who believes that all the world is not, in fact, a stage, but a romance novel waiting to happen. She is the author of Love from Scratch and Not Here to Stay Friends.
Kaitlyn has a BA in Sociology/Anthropology and German Studies, which means that she can tell you way too much about the Communist Manifesto in Karl Marx’s mother tongue. Before landing on writing, she worked in roles from city government intern in a small German town to Haunted Mansion Maid at Walt Disney World, and most recently, at her hometown public library.
Aside from books, Kaitlyn’s favorite things are giraffes, ABBA, and excessively long naps. She lives with her real life romance hero in Lexington, Kentucky.
Connect with Kaitlyn: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads
Top 5 Reasons to Read
1. It’s laugh-out-loud funny: I can’t tell you how many times I giggled, snorted, or outright belly-laughed while reading. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that has made me laugh out loud, and it gave me such joy to read!
2. It’s a great example of the friends-to-lovers trope: Sloane and Liam have been best friends since the beginning of their lives, being next-door neighbors in Tennessee until they were 12 and having kept up their friendship after Liam’s family moved to L.A. Their relationship is adorable and had me remembering my own close childhood friendships. And while Sloane and Liam have never thought about each other this way before, when they finally get to be together in person after a long time, each comes to realize they’re feeling quite a bit more for the other than just friendship. Watching those ideas take root and blossom had even me, an avowed enemies-to-lovers-is-the-best-trope fanatic, swooning at the possibility of this friendship becoming something more!
3. There’s a fun reality TV setting: In L.A. for the summer to visit Liam, Sloane is recruited by his producer father to be a last-minute contestant on a The Bachelor-like reality TV show filming that month, featuring the leading man from their favorite teen TV drama. With Liam serving as a P.A. on the set as well, we get fun behind the scenes peeks into what life is like on this kind of show. And all the while, Sloane tries to figure out if she’s really pretending to fake-date this Hollywood heartthrob or maybe starting to feel something for him -- as she also struggles with maybe feeling something more for her best friend.
4. Serious issues are touched on despite the light mood: It’s not all fun and games, of course; Sloane and Liam face some serious issues over the course of the book. One example from their childhood stuck with me, when Liam says, “We haven’t been hand-holding friends since we were six or so, when someone--almost certainly the same kind of straight person who throws gender-reveal parties--called us each other’s ‘little boyfriend and girlfriend.’ Until then, I don’t remember being aware that Sloane was anything but my best friend.” Why do we put such pressures on kids as young as six, and their innocent little friendships??
5. It’s a great example of girl power and how powerful women can be when we come together as a united sisterhood: This just may be my favorite aspect of the book, maybe aside from the swoony romance. I can’t say any more than this so as not to spoil the read, but I was cheering on an amazing group of young women who took their power back!
I hope these reasons are enough to have you picking up Not Here to Stay Friends, and I hope even more that you enjoy it as much as I did! Thanks so much to TBR and Beyond Tours and the author and publisher for having me on the tour and letting me read an eARC of this funny and swoony contemporary YA novel!
Check out the Bookstagram tour too! You can find my post here, and the full schedule is here.
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Spencer Reid
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock
Bobby Drake
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Mobius M. Mobius
Pietro Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Charles Xavier
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Aaron Raleigh
Paul Jesus Rovia
The Governor
Abraham Ford
Eugene Porter
Morgan Jones
Spencer Monroe
Lee Everett
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Angelasscribbles
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @angelasscribbles ​! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! Writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Tumblr Blog: angelasscribbles
Quick Links: 
WordPress Blog: Angela Harrison
And my much neglected unschooling blog: Raising Wild Things
Tumblr Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr?  Angela
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
Back in 2017ish, I played The Freshman series, all of it, without spending a single diamond! (I looked up the diamond scenes on youtube, shhh). I started multiple games trying to diamond mine but kept wanting to actually play them, so I ended up deleting the app and forgetting about it. Fast forward to 2020, the pandemic was in full swing, we were stuck at home, and I was bored. I reinstalled the app and played Rules of Engagement. I spend diamonds. I married Leo. I moved on to TRR because I read that the prince in question was Leo’s brother. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I went to Reddit to feed my choices addiction, so does that count? I was on there end of 2020, I’d guess. Everyone was discussing how PB hinted at a polyamorous ending for TRR but didn’t deliver. Then someone said there was poly fanfic out there, and I was like, where? I hit google and ended up on Tumblr sometime in 2021.
3- How did you pick your url name? 
So this is a funny story! When my kids were little, a town we live near, Mckinney, used to have a huge weekend-long extravaganza downtown the weekend after Thanksgiving called A Dickens of a Christmas. One of the big attractions was the train that ran around the square. It was hosted by the local magic shop, but the line, and the wait, was always very long. To keep everyone entertained, they had performers. There was a man on stilts who somehow ended up in some weird rivalry with my then eight-year-old son. I can’t remember how it started, but when one would see the other, they’d point and scream, “BAH HUMBUG!” There were people hula hooping with glow-in-the-dark hoops, and there was a magician. So one night, we are standing in line, and the magician comes over to us and is doing card tricks. He asked my then eight-year-old son (same kid, yeah, he makes friends wherever we go lol) to pull a card. He did. Then he handed him a pen and told him to write his name on it. Now my son is extremely dyslexic and struggled a lot with reading and writing. He tried to decline and hand it back, but the magician insisted. Finally, Todd takes the pen and scribbles on the card, and hands it back. The magician looks at it and says, “This is your name?” My son says, “My name is Todd.” The man replies, “Your name is Todd Scribbles?” Which sent him and me and the rest of my kids into a fit of giggles. He called him Todd Scribbles for the rest of the night. He did the magic trick of shuffling the cards and still pulling Todd’s card, then he gave it to him, and he brought it home and hung it up. His siblings called him Todd Scribbles forever. When I made my WordPress blog, I wanted something cute and memorable for the title. I remembered Todd Scribbles. And I thought scribbles are writing. I’m writing. These are my scribbles. Angela’s Scribbles. I stole his name. He was fine with it. When I came to Tumblr, I just stuck with the blog name I was already using on WordPress. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
It was a one-shot called First Date. It’s TRR book one, the night before the Beaumont bash when Liam asks MC on his first real date. After the date, he walks her back to her room, and they are making out in the hallway when they hear a noise and pull apart. Who was it? They had no servants, and Bertrand and Max knew Liam was there. I always HC it was Drake, inadvertently stumbling upon them. So I wrote that night from his POV.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Since February of 2021 technically. I posted First Date, another one shot titled Confrontation, and the four chapters of The Proposal between February and March 2021, as well as some Ride or Die chapters, to the sound of crickets. I left and ignored Tumblr until August 2021. I really am not sure why I came back, but I decided to try again. My original idea was to write what happened at Ramsford during those three weeks between book 1 and book 2. I posted the first chapter of Three Weeks in Ramsford on August 1st, 2021, and never looked back.
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
The Royal Romance
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
My first series was Three Weeks at Ramsford. I definitely think I’d write it better now, I’ve grown as a writer. Also, I now wish I’d gone with my original idea of having Drake show up in person, not just smuggle a letter and a cell phone to her. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Bad Romance, hands down.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Bad Romance. I expected people to lose their minds, and they did, just not in the way I expected. It was supposed to be a one-shot and was a direct pushback against the notion that some of my characters were toxic. Basically, I was like, you wanna see toxic? Here, hold my beer! Everyone begged for more, and the first several chapters were really just me trying to see how toxic and messed up I could make everything/everyone. Then somewhere along the way, these characters started whispering motivations and desires to me, and everything changed. I ended up with a still lil toxic but pretty cool, fully functioning, open, honest, and loving polycule.
For the second part of the question, maybe Leo and Liv. I put Leo and Liv together in a one-shot randomly but then loved them together and started a series just for them. But to be fair, I haven’t gotten very far with it. It keeps getting pushed to the side for other projects. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Why would you ask me that? Aaagghh, what a difficult choice! If I’m forced to choose, I guess it would have to be angst. I can’t live without emotion. Emotion drives everything, including the fluff and the smut, right? Angst is where you get to showcase the emotion.
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Of course. I think we all do this. I have said frequently, too many people, that while no version of MC is me, there are pieces of me in every version of her. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
This keeps changing. When I first started writing fanfiction, I was like, “Write smut? Oh no! I could never! It would be too awkward!” Now I’m like, “You want a threesome? BDSM? Just another Tuesday, ho hum.” Then it was humour. I remember the first time I sat down to write something to purposely make people laugh. It was a lot of work, but it paid off. Then I wrote an entire one-shot that was humour. It was still a lot of work. Then I wrote an entire miniseries that was humour and it became easier and easier the more I did it. Practice makes perfect. I never thought I could do tragedy either. I could not bear to hurt my characters like that. Now I think I’ve killed off almost everyone at some point or another. My biggest struggle is neglecting current projects when new ideas occur to me.
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Yes. Heir Apparent and Leo and Liv. Also, my original novel that has been woefully neglected, even though it’s only a few chapters away from completion. 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? Yes. And I already have. Two of my friends have read most of my stuff. I recommended they start with Bad Romance because it’s my favorite, and they did.
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? So many. I was a huge Stephen King fan as a teenager/young adult, and I devoured his books. Consequently, my first few short stories were horror. Anne Rice likewise fed my love of the supernatural, and not just Interview with a Vampire (though it was great), but the rest of her vampire books, as well as Taltos and the rest of the Witches of Mayfair series. Deborah Harkness and her Discovery of Witches are partially to blame for my obsession with witches. I also read copious amounts of fantasy and sci-fi. Marion Zimmer Bradley stands out for turning a well-known story on its head. Changing literally none of the major details we all know and love about the King Arthur story (Mists of Avalon) and somehow, at the same time, making it into a completely different story! (helped with my love of a good plot twist). Also notable are Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game, Seventh Son), Robert Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land), Ben Bova (Endless Universe), and Issac Asimov (I, Robot. Robots of Dawn). As a child, Marguerite Henry wrote books about horses that were achingly beautiful to me, particularly Misty of Chincoteague. Louisa May Alcott (Little Women) and Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind) for epic, heart-wrenching storytelling. Sheri S. Tepper captured my attention as a teen with Maven Manyshaped and again as an adult with The Gate to Women’s Country, fostering my fixation of addressing issues of inequality and ingrained sexism in my work. I love a good mystery, and Sharyn McCrumb writes them with all the majestic beauty of Appalachia as a backdrop and liberal amounts of supernatural suspense. The Dark Part of the Forest by Holly Black delighted me for flipping the script, putting the prince in a magical sleep in a glass coffin in the woods, and having the girl hero run around with a sword. At some point, I moved on to paranormal romance. I had never been a romance reader, but these books took me by storm. My favorite authors in that genre are Charlaine Harris, Kim Harrison, and Laurell K. Hamilton. I have read everything all three of them have ever written. If you want polyamory on steroids, you can’t go wrong with Laurell K. Hamilton; she makes my Bad Romance gang look positively sweet, innocent, and vanilla. Let’s not forget the master of poetry and horror alike (according to me anyway), Edgar Allan Poe. He’s the reason I started writing poetry. My favorite poem is by him; it’s called Alone. And of course, The Raven and The TellTale Heart. I am beyond positive I’m leaving some out. 
As far as other fanfic writers go, I strive to be as funny as @harleybeaumont, as angsty  @burnsoslow as tragically beautiful as @dcbbw as evocative as @txemrn for my Drake to have as much swagger and sex appeal as @karahalloway and for my Leo to be as funny and endearing as @queenrileyrose. 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I think Savage Love would make a good action movie. I think Bad Romance would make a good series, like a modern-day Game of Thrones meets Bridgerton.
17- Do you write original stories? 
Yes. My WordPress blog is full of flash fiction, poetry, essays, and one of my original short stories. The rest of my short stories are waiting for me to either submit them to online fiction publications or publish them myself as a collection of short stories. I have three original novels in progress, one is almost complete. My original work is mostly horror, fantasy, and paranormal romance.
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
Reading. Photography. Camping/Hiking. Live music/sports. Collecting books (related to, but different from reading). Acting.
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I guess if you’re interested in my personal life, I can tell you that I have seven children I can claim by birth or adoption and five more that I have partially raised for some amount of time spanning from six months to seven years, making a total of 12 children that have come through my home over the years. My husband and I have been married for twenty years; we live on a small farm in Texas, where we raise chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and goats currently (we used to raise hogs as well). We have four dogs, two cats, a couple of bearded dragons, two snakes, and run a turtle rehab. We have a couple of box turtles and many aquatic turtles of different types. My 17-year-old (Todd Scribbles lol) is a fierce advocate for them and is the reason all our friends and family now stop to help turtles cross roads (safely and correctly, of course!). Three of my kids play volleyball competitively and are stupid good at it, they did not get that athletic ability from me. I love playing sports but am generally uncoordinated. My favorite sport is baseball, my favorite team is, of course, the Texas Rangers, and the greatest pitcher of all time was Nolan Ryan, and this is the reason my Drake’s middle name is Nolan. 
I sometimes process grief through my writing. When I wrote Maximum Damage, I didn’t plan it, but when I got to that part, Maxwell received the same injuries and recovery time as my oldest son did when he had his car accident. I have also lost loved ones to suicide, so writing that scene was hard as well. I wrote Betrayal after coming home from a memorial service and watching my nephew grieve for his wife. When I wrote Almost, again, it wasn’t planned, but when I got to the end, some of my own emotions about fear of losing a child came into play. Our youngest child is not biologically ours, and we have had to fight for her. We lost. She was ripped away and then given back. It’s why TRH 3 was so hard for me to get through and why I will never write MC losing custody of her child for even two minutes. 
Just because I don’t want to end on a sad note, I need to tell ya’ll more stuff, lol. I was in the Army, I went to Texas A&M for undergrad and got my master's at Texas Woman’s University. When I lived in Laredo, we used to walk across the Rio Grande into Mexico on the weekends to go shopping. I have lived in Texas most of my life, but I did live in Arizona in a hippie commune when I was four. Yes, my mother was a flower child. She had a white mustang covered in those flowers you stick to the bottom of the tub. The car’s name was flower. After my mom remarried, we lived in Oklahoma at Fort Sill (I was an Army brat).  I ran off to Ohio briefly at some point, and I spent ten days in New York City with a theatre group. I love musical theatre though I cannot sing. I was a theatre kid in high school and have done community theatre as an adult. I worked for over twenty years as a child development expert and only recently quit. I’m still figuring out what I want to do next. I worked for Half Price Books for two years in college, and it was a really fun job. My coworkers were all writers, artists, and musicians. I developed my love for live music by going to my manager's gigs on the weekends. Now I’m boring and never go anywhere but volleyball with my kids. I’m a raging night owl and have moderate to severe ADHD, which explains how I write so much. It’s a current hyper fixation. It’s also the reason I tend to overshare. Sorry. 
Ok, that’s probably way more than anyone wanted or needed to know! Let me end by saying how much I love this fandom. I have met some really amazing people here!
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sherlkore · 3 years
Stranger Things OC list:
Liam Harrington
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Name: Liam
Surname: Harrington
Age: 13 ( s1) 16 (s3)
Height: 6'3
Sexuality: Bi
Love interest: Will Byers
Older brother: Steve Harrington
Mother and father: Mr. and Mrs. Harrington (too lazy to search up their names)
Likes: Playing guitar, basketball, Will, mystery and horror books/movies and etc.
Dislikes: (s1) Nerds, school, Steve, (s1-s2) Mike and etc.
Vanessa McKinney
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Name: Vanessa Mckinney
Nickname(s): Vanny, V, red, sweetheart.
Age: 20
Birthday: March 28
Profession: Bookseller
Sexuality: Pansexual
Family: None
Closest friends: Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington
Friends: Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove (frenemies)
Love interest: Steve Harrington
Past: Vanessa is actually a witch who was born centuries ago, she found a spell that would make her immortal which is how she survived all these years. She was on the wanted list because of using dark magic. But of course, being immortal she outlived all of her enemies, but of course using dark magic also had its consequences. She wouldn't be able to see colours until she found her true love. The 'curse' was removed when she met Steve Harrington.
Hobbies: Writing, reading and drawing
Strengths (mental/emotional): Smart, quick thinking.
Weaknesses (mental/emotional): unstableness, frequent mood swings
Strengths (physical): Her powers
Weaknesses (physical): An enchantment that was used against powerful witches centuries ago.
Personality: Brave, bold, witty, wise (learns from past experiences), book smart, kind, loyal, honest, sarcastic, old-fashioned. Emotionally moved by:
Performance art, family, friends, past trauma
Vanessa is an introvert, realist, prefers cold, salty, would rather stay at home, likes fancy clothing, holds in until she bursts out.
Languages (spoken/read): Latin, French, German and Russian
Color: Purple and black
Season: Winter
Animal: Moose
Music genre: Classic
Holiday: Christmas
Also she's an alcoholic.
Powers example:
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Her picrew:
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Nathan Bailey
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Name: Nathan Bailey
Nickname(s): Nate, weirdo, sweetie, love.
Age: 20
Birthday: April 24
Sexuality: Gay
Profession: Guitar seller
Family: Thomas Bailey (father), Andrea Bailey (mother)
Closest friends: Jonathan Byers
Friends: Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington
Love interest: Eddie Munson
Powers: Telekinesis and mind manipulation.
Past: Nathan was born in a rich, known family, which would make him one of the 'popular' kids. He personally didn't like the fact that he would only get attention because of his fame and money. He was raised in a strict household, he knew his parents only cared about their reputation and money, even though sometimes they acted like they do care about him as well. His father was a businessman that would travel around because of work so he wouldn't be home most of the time, even if he was he would lock himself in his office and not come out until it was dinner or breakfast, his mother would take care of his business in Hawkins when he wasn't around but also would make sure that Nathan would get good grades. He was afraid to come out to his parents so he kept it to himself, a certain Eddie Munson helped him to accept himself as who he is, who also became his boyfriend after 5 months of constant flirtation from Eddie. Of course he kept it secret for a while because he didn't know how his parents would react but when he did, he was relieved and disappointed by the fact that his parents didn't really care. He also made a decision to open a guitar store, his parents approved his decision and told him that he'd make great money by it. After an incident with the Demogorgon, Nathan found out that he absorbed some powers from the creature.
Hobbies: Playing guitar, writing songs.
Strengths (mental/emotional): Smart, quick-witted, realistic.
Weaknesses (mental/emotional): His parents, overthinking, naive
Strengths (physical): He's good at martial arts and boxing since he took classes when he was little
Weaknesses (physical): Scars on his body and face
Dreams: To become a singer
Fears: Failure and abandonment.
Personality: Patient, caring, shy, book and street smart, quiet, kind, calm, gentle, clumsy.
Emotionally moved by: Music
Nathan is an introvert, dreamer, prefers cold, sweet, would rather stay at home, hold in until he bursts it all out, late sleeper, constantly has nightmares.
Languages (spoken/read): Spanish, French and Italian
Color: Blue and grey
Season: Fall
Animal: Cats
Music genre: Rock
His picrew:
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seachranaidhe · 5 years
Families to challenge anonymity
BLOODY Sunday relatives are to challenge the anonymity granted to Soldier F. 
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SUPPORT: Two life size figures in a loyalist area of East Belfast in support of the double murder-accused paratrooper ‘Soldier F’
Before yesterday’s hearing at Derry Magistrates Court, families of victims and surviving wounded walked in unison from the city’s Diamond to Bishop Street Courthouse. Michael McKinney said…
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autistic-katara · 10 months
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accidentally started being way too detailed but i dont wanna delete allat so i’m just screenshotting this and redoing 😭 @butterflies-f0r-michael
their names r Catriona MacGowan, Elspeth Fraser (El, Ella, or Elsie for short), Liam McKinney, Faizan Nawaz, Lola Anh, and Milo Devlin-Lovejoy nd basically i chose those names bcz i thought they were pretty
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privateoakshq · 4 years
it’s that time again, I’ve compiled a list of the fc’s that haven’t been used in more than a month (mine included). If you’ve decided to drop them or are not feeling anymore muse you know that is perfectly fine, just let the main know and let the other half of the pairing know! I love you all so much and I don’t do this list to put pressure on anyone, I do it just so you can physically see the names and make a decision but there is absolutely no pressure ! ♡
dylan minette
zara larsson
michael consuelos 
froy gutierrez 
daniel sharman
bradley simpson
ryan follese
charlotte mckinney
sarah hyland
lea michele
cassie steele
nash overstreet
mike lobel
elizabeth lail
brant daughtry
niki demartinez
gabi demartinez
tyler blackburn
jake borelli
connor franta
miles richie
emily tosta
max haddadin
shay mitchell
ashley benson
gabriel conte
jess conte
jake miller
lana condor
rob gronkowski
brittany snow
jake johnson
zoey deschanel
noah cyrus
anthony padilla
kristine froseth
dylan barbour
matt cornett
kelsey merritt
hannah godwin
savannah lynch
riker lynch
francisco lachowski
charlotte d’alessio
nicola peltz
alex warren
kouvr annon
thomas petrou
anne winters
james mcavoy
stephen colleti
ryland storms
justin bieber
hailey bieber
jeff wittek
drew dirksen
alexa steele
jordan binnington
kyle houch
emmy rossum
peyton list
ethan cutkosky
isabella jones
jeremy allen white
lily james
jesse metcalfe
chelsea kane
michael clifford
dom deangelis
carter jenkins
tyler posey
matthew daddario
joe jonas
cole sprouse
ana de armas
alan stokes
lexi rivera
virginia gardner
elliot fletcher
sierra furtado
nicholas hoult
brent rivera
brooklyn beckham
selena gomez
blake woodruff
kj apa
louis tomlinson
nick robinson
karla souza
jack griffo
nash grier
kate upton
kaia gerber
diane guerrero
devon windsor
liam payne
dylan everett
hayes grier
cristine prosperi
will grier
megan williams
lottie tomlinson
amber heard
stella maxwell
patrick schwarzenegger
cameron dallas
margot robbie
griffin funk
erin gilfoy
ian somerhalder
andy bean
jay ryan
presley gerber
sommer ray
ryland lynch
ricardo hoyos
logan shroyer
paris berelc
charly jordan
robbie amell
eoin macken
luke benward
matt king
brendon fehr
jacob elordi
luke bilyk
odeya rush
joey king
becky g
james lafferty
cierra ramirez
kristen sire
chloe bennett
devyn lund
beau mirchoff
bethany joy lenz
corey scherer
carrington durham
chad michael murray
elsa hosk
chelsy amaro
ross lynch
milo manheim
sierra capri
bridget satterlee
mariah amato
alisha boe
sophia bush
thalia bree
zayn malik
gemma styles
rita ora
sergio carvajal
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liamworths · 5 months
com @mcronnie
Veronica McKinney era um nome familiar para Liam. A garota havia sido uma espécie de pupila há alguns anos, quando ainda era uma adolescente e o outro a enxergava como uma irmã mais nova, fazendo papel de instrutor. Odiava aquela função mas, por algum motivo, sentiu-se conectado à garota, sentindo-se protetivo em relação a ela. Ainda não tem memórias sobre ela, mas tem o mesmo sentimento de enxergá-la como uma irmã mais nova. Confiava nela e no que ela lhe contava sobre ele e, por isso, naquela madrugada em que não conseguia dormir, foi até o chalé dois procurá-la. — Eu sei que são quatro da madrugada, mas eu preciso de respostas. — O filho de Hefesto começou, assim que a porta se abriu. Ronnie era bem mais nova do que ele, mas parecia saber o suficiente sobre seu passado para ter sido honesta com ele quando se conheceram. — Você era muito nova, mas talvez se lembre. Qual era a minha relação com a Azra? Não vou conseguir dormir enquanto não entender o que eu... sinto por ela. — Olhou ao redor, querendo garantir que ninguém o escutaria.
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Once Upon a Series Rewatch Press Release--6x15 A Wondrous Place
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6x15 A Wondrous Place
Summary: When Hook finds himself trapped in another realm along with the Nautilus and her crew, he races to return to Emma before Gideon can execute the rest of his plan.  In Storybrooke, Regina and Snow take Emma out to get her mind off Hook’s disappearance.  And in a flashback to Agrabah, Jasmine befriends Ariel, and together they set out to locate Prince Eric as the threat from Jafar intensifies.
Written by: Jane Espenson, Jerome Schwartz
Directed by: Steve Pearlman
Staring: Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White/Mary Margaret); Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan); Lana Parrilla (Evil Queen/Regina); Josh Dallas (Prince Charming/David); Emilie de Ravin (Belle); Colin O’Donoghue (Hook); Jared S. Gilmore (Henry Mills); Rebecca Mader (Wicked Witch/Zelena); Robert Carlyle (Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold)
Guest Starring: JoAnna Garcia Swisher (Ariel); Karen David (Princess Jasmine); Deniz Akdeniz (Aladdin); Oded Fehr (Jafar); Giles Matthey (Gideon); Faran Tahir (Captain Nemo); Gil McKinney (Prince Eric); cedric De Souza (sultan); Nick Eversman (Liam); Zahf Paroo (Prince Achmed); Thomas Cadrot (bartender); Shaun Omaid (street vendor); Jesse Stretch (head Viking)
A Wondrous Place airs January 19 at 8:00 pm EST
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
OK, December 17
Cover: Fergie and Josh Duhamel getting married again 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Prince William and Prince Harry have been torn apart by their wives Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle
Page 6: Jenni “JWoww” Farley’s son has autism 
Page 7: Nicole Kidman doesn’t want to do a third season of Big Little Lies, Nigel Lythgoe trying to woo Hugh Jackman for a talent competition series, Jennifer Lawrence moving to New York to be closer to her boyfriend even though her management has warned her not to 
Page 8: Brad Pitt trying to win over his kids by spoiling them like crazy, Chip and Joanna Gaines’ neighbors don’t like them, Drew Barrymore turned down $1 million from a weight-loss company because she’s happy with her curves 
Page 10: Red Carpet -- Pleated Tulle Gowns -- Lauren Conrad, Olivia Munn, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Grace VanderWaal vs. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kayla Foster vs. Kate Bosworth, Poppy Delevingne vs. Lady Gaga
Page 14: News in Photos -- Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman, Amy Shark and Rita Ora and Keith Urban 
Page 16: Jerry O’Connell and Dr. Oz, Sandra Bullock, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski 
Page 17: Tyra Banks and Shanica Knowles and Gavin Stenhouse and Hank Chen and Allison Fernandez and Francia Raisa 
Page 18: Quincy Jones and daughter Rashida Jones, Prince William and Duchess Kate, Anne Hathaway, John Stamos and wife and son 
Page 20: Rachel Brosnahan and other cast members of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Ringo Starr and wife Barbara Bach and Sheryl Crow, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas 
Page 22: Alex Rodriguez, Johnny Depp, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick 
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Page 23: Kendall Jenner, Amber Heard 
Page 24: Mariah Carey, Ethan Hawke and wife Ryan, Lance Bass and Debbie Matenopoulos, Jamie Foxx, Chrissy Teigen and son Milo 
Page 26: Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivery, Alec Baldwin, Camila Mendes 
Page 28: Minnie Driver and son Henry, Mario Lopez and kids, Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk, Mena Suvari at an animal rights protest, Charlotte McKinney 
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Page 30: Recipe -- please try a plant-based diet 
Page 32: Couples -- Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost ready to wed 
Page 33: Lady Gaga wedding details, Selena Gomez wrecking Justin Bieber’s marriage to Hailey Baldwin 
Page 34: Joaquin Phoenix has gone method for The Joker and it’s driving Rooney Mara away, Chrissy Metz baby fever, Love Bites -- Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Jionni LaValle expecting their third child, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski married, Josephine Skriver and Alexander DeLeon engaged 
Page 36: Cover Story -- Josh Duhamel and Fergie back together 
Page 39: Eiza Gonzalez dated both Josh Duhamel and Liam Hemsworth and they both went back to their exes 
Page 40: Jennifer Garner pregnant at 46 
Page 42: Victoria Beckham plans to tell all 
Page 44: Stars who were Schoolmates -- Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg, Lady Gaga and Nicky Hilton, Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman, Ansel Elgort and Timothee Chalamet, Jon Hamm and Sarah Clarke, Classmates to Castmates -- John Krasinski and B.J. Novak, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson 
Page 46: Josh Hartnett and Rachael Leigh Cook, Jada Pinkett Smith and Tupac Shakur, Robert Pattinson and Tom Sturridge, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst and Rami Malek, Scarlett Johansson and Jack Antonoff, Squad Goals -- Sean Penn and Robert Downey Jr. and Rob Lowe and Charlie Sheen, Adele and Jessie J and Leona Lewis, Lena Dunham and Jemima Kirke and Paz De La Huerta 
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Page 48: Interview -- Natalie Portman 
Page 51: Style -- Kendall Jenner 
Page 52: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Dua Lipa, Jennifer Lopez, Zendaya, Emily Ratajkowski 
Page 53: 5 minutes with Amber Fillerup Clark 
Page 55: Gwen Stefani 
Page 56: Alexa Chung 
Page 58: Beauty -- Katherine Langford
Page 59: Madeline Brewer, Emily Ratajkowski 
Page 60: Entertainment 
Page 62: Kate Hudson’s body goals 
Page 67: Ronnie Magro of Jersey Shore and girlfriend Jen Harley 
Page 68: Royal Roundup -- Untraditional Romances -- Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, Prince Andrew and Koo Stark, Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly, Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend, Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling 
Page 69: Hot This Week -- Julie Bowen, Khloe Kardashian 
Page 71: Horoscope -- Sagittarius Vanessa Hudgens 
Page 72: By the Numbers -- Megan Fox
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