#leyu yoshida
karmirage · 8 months
incomplete list of niche characters i restrained myself from submitting to the niche comic character tournament
Ryoko Sabuki/Radiance: 7 appearances. Granddaughter of Gwen Lou Sabuki, whom I did submit. Biggest sensation since Dazzler, which would mean more if Marvel remembered Ryoko existed. Light generation and manipulation, just like her grandma.
Ameiko Sabuki/Goldfire: 9 appearances. The dead sister of Ryoko. I don't think she ever even showed her face in her non-powered form.
Leyu Yoshida/Sunpyre: 9 appearances. The dead little sister of Shiro Yoshida/Sunfire.
Marnie/The Rumor: 9 appearances. Spider-Man side character. Badass old lady. Figured out Peter Parker = Spiderman in like two issues.
Takeshi Matsuya/Wiz Kid: 29 appearances. He's literally so funny to me. I think he should be allowed to say fuck.
Nuwa: 2 appearances, once in an X-Force annual and once in a Tabitha Smith oneshot story. Her personality shifts wildly between those two and they never elaborate on why.
Tamara Kurtz/Dragoness: 28 appearances. Evil and loving it. Has wings, but they're technological, not part of her mutation.
Rina Patel/Timeslip: 19 appearances. No hate to whoever submitted Robbie, but she is definitely the more niche New Warrior.
Georgia Dakei/DK: 13 appearances. I like it when teenagers sass tf out of adult characters I think it is so fucking funny.
Sybil Dvorak/Skein: 44 appearances. her original villain name was a slur and i am SO glad they changed it. canon sensory issues queen. Also evil and loving it. Canonically bisexual (for evil).
Larry Bodine: 1 appearance. This is the guy from New Mutants vol. 1 who killed himself after his classmates joked about outing him. Yes this is the issue of NM with Kitty's infamous slur speech.
Rebecca Littlehale/Lighttrakker: 3 appearances. Kid from Power Pack who could teleport to light sources she could see.
Helen Takahama/Jolt: 74 appearances, which makes her the least niche character here. I need to reread Thunderbolts. In MC2 (Mayday Parker's universe), she was an Avenger.
Charlie Burlingame/Charcoal: 41 appearances. Created by a reader via a Wizard magazine contest. Legal problems means that he was never brought back when he was killed off.
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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-Real name: Leyu Yoshida
-A.k.a.: -
-Type: Mutant
-Afilliations: Clan Yashida, X-Corps, X-Men
-Powers: Transforms solar energy into heat/flames, protective fire aura, flight,super speed, heat visión, radiation and heat immunity, blast power, fire control, light projection, radiation.
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
Marvel Asian Supers
EAST ASIAN (China, Korea, and Japan)
1. Jubilation Lee aka Jubilee - Chinese American
2. Xorn - Chinese
3. Colleen Wing - half Chinese and half Japanese American
4. Shang Chi - Chinese
5. Cindy Moon aka Silk - Korean American
6. Amadeus Cho aka Brawn - Korean American
7. Danny Rand aka Iron Fist - Tibetan American; I know he’s often depicted as white but after his first live action portrayal was panned, with a lot of the reasons being because it was somewhat racist, I think Danny being Tibetan makes perfect sense given that his powers are in an area in Tibet plus there would be a Tibetan superhero.
8. Lei Ling aka Aero - Chinese
9. Dan Bi aka Crescent - Korean
10. Seol Hee aka Luna Snow - Korean
11. Lin Lie aka Sword Master - Chinese
12. Ami Han aka White Fox - Korean
15. Isaac Ikeda aka Protector - Japanese
16. Jake Oh aka War Machine - Korean American
17. Jimmy Woo - Chinese American
18. Monica Chang aka Black Widow - Chinese American
19. Clarice Ferguson aka Blink - Chinese American
20. Wong, ally to Dr. Strange - Chinese
21. Hisako Ichiki aka Armor - Japanese
22. Big Hero 6 - a team of Japanese heroes; they are based off the movie from Disney, Big Hero 6. I loved the movie but I would’ve kept them all Japanese with no racebend
23. Jennifer Takeda aka Hazmat - Japanese American
24. Nico Minoru - Japanese American
25. Peni Parker aka SP//DR - Japanese American; she’s possibly biracial but it’s never been confirmed
26. Kenuichio Harada and Shin Harada aka Silver Samurai - Japanese
27. Shiro Yoshida aka Sunfire - Japanese
28. Leyu Yoshida aka Sunpyre - Japanese
29. Noriko Ashida aka Surge - Japanese
29. Pei aka Iron Fist II - Tibetan
30. Kei Kawade aka Kid Kaiju - half Japanese and half white, American born
31. Takuya Yamashiro aka Tokusatsu Spider Man  - Japanese; from the famous live-action Japanese Spider-Man TV series
32. Daken Akihiro aka Wolverine - biracial; half Japanese and half white
33. Suzi Endo aka Cybermancer - Japanese American
34. Yukio - Japanese; last name unknown
35. Brother Sabre - Chinese
36. Sister Dagger - Chinese
37. Sister Hammer - Chinese
38. Katy Chen - half Chinese and half Korean, American born
39. Xialing - Chinese
40. Ancient One - Tibetan
41. Betsy Braddock aka Kwannon - British Japanese; and none of that whole “white woman trapped in Japanese woman’s body”
42. Toni Ho aka Iron Patriot - Chinese
43. Sam Chung aka Blindspot - Chinese
44. Ganke Lee - Korean American
45. Daisy Johnson aka Quake - biracial; half Chinese and half white; American born
SOUTH ASIA (Afghanistan, Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
1. Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel - Pakistani American
2. Kareem aka Red Dagger - Pakistani; last name unknown
3. Raz Malhotra aka Giant Man - Indian
4. Sooraya Qadir aka Dust - Afghanistan
5. Tara Virango aka Enigma -Bangladeshi
6. Raju Rai aka Chakra the Invincible - Indian
7.  Paras Gavaskar aka Indra - Indian
8.  Pavitr Prabhakar aka Spider Man India - Indian American who moved to India due to his parents’ death
9. Faiza Hussain aka Excalibur - British Pakistani 
10. Dinesh Deol aka Grid - Indian
11.  Neal Shaara aka Thunderbird III - Indian
12. Qureshi Gupta aka Pinpoint - Indian
13. Trinary from Xmen - Indian; real name unknown
14. Sapna from Xmen - Indian; real name unknown
15. Rina Patel aka Timeslip - Indian
16.  Karima Shapandar aka Omega Sentinel - Indian
SOUTHEAST ASIA (Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore)
1. Triumph Division - a team of Filipino superheroes
2. Pearl Pangan aka Wave - Filipino
3.  Xuyen Kieu Manh aka Karma - Vietnamese
4. Silhouette Chord aka Silhouette - biracial; half Cambodian and half black
5. Mantis - half Vietnamese and half German
6. War Tiger from Warriors of the Sky - Thai; real name unknown
7. Rong Xanh aka Blue Dragon from Warriors of the Sky - Vietnamese
8. Burung Matahari aka Sun Bird from Warriors of the Sky- Malaysian
9. Shadow Shell from Warriors of the Sky - Taiwanese; real name unknown
WEST ASIA (Iran, Iraq, Israel, Leban, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey)
1. Fadi Fadlalah aka Amulet - Iraqi American
2. Navid Hashim aka Arabian Knight - Palestinian
1. Jeannine Sauvage aka Guillotine - biracial; Afro-Arabian
2. Lucy Nguyen aka Marygold - from the 2021 Black Widow run; from her last name she is Asian, possibly Vietnamese
Please be respectful with your comments. If I missed anyone, please add.
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sayruq · 3 years
I was reading about Sunfyre in AWOIAF and I found out that GRRM took inspiration from X-Men mutant named Sunfire for creation of Sunfyre. Thoughts?
according to wikipedia
Sunfire is a mutant and former member of the X-Men. Sunfire is a Japanese mutant who can generate superheated plasma and fly. Not suited for teamwork due to his temperament and arrogance, Sunfire was briefly a member of the X-Men and has kept limited ties to the team since.
this matches sunfyre.
The two ran into Lady Deathstrike who, in a heated battle, cut off Sunfire's legs, leaving him in critical condition.
in the books, sunfyre lost one wing and the other wing became injured.
Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire) is the brother of Leyu Yoshida, alias the superheroine Sunpyre, who shares his flame-based powers.
i guess grrm was influenced by this character a lot, he even has a sister with similar powers, just like aegon ii (rhaenyra has a dragon too).
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sofiamantegafan110 · 4 years
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Top Row
Mr. Sensitive (Guy Smith), Threnody (Melody Jacobs), Cypher (Doug Ramsey),
Lifeguard (Heather Cameron), Morph (Kevin Sidney), Siryn (Theresa Rourke Cassidy), Sunspot (Roberto Da Costa), Penance (Monet St. Croix), Synch (Everett Thomas), Sunpyre (Leyu Yoshida), Tempo (Heather Tucker)
Middle Row
Mirage (Danielle Dani Moonstar), Forearm (Michael McCain), Shard Bishop
Manifold (Eden Fesi), Shinobi Shaw, Nocturne (Talia Josephine Wagner), Daken Akihiro, Rictor (Julio Esteban Richter), Shatterstar (Benjamin Russell), Spyke (Darian Elliot, Evan Daniels), Prodigy (David Alleyne), Risque (Gloria Dolores Muñoz), Warpath (James Proudstar), Ruby Summers, Random (Marshall Evan Stone III), Marrow, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Fatale (Pamela Greenwood), Kylun (Colin McKay), Vertigo, Maggott, Venus Dee Milo
Bottom Row
Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh), Lila Cheney, Blink (Clarice Ferguson), Bedlam (Jesse Aaronson), Darkveil (Darnell Wade), Darwin (Armando Edi Muñoz), Chamber (Jono Starsmore), Jubilee (Jubilation Lee), Magma (Amara Aquilla), Mondo, Feral (Maria Callasantos), Skin (Angelo Espinosa)
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99) SUNFIRE Imię, nazwisko: Shiro Yoshida                                                                          Inne pseudonimy:                                                                                                 - Femine                                                                                                             - Taiyo Kaji                                                                                                          - Japan's Ichiban                                                                                                Pierwsze pojawienie: X-Men v1 #64.                                                                Moc mutanta: Moce Shiro pozwalają mu absorbować promienie słoneczne i inne, w celu wygenerowania procesu zjonizowanej materii (zwykle powietrza) poprzez mentalnie wywołany proces biochemiczny, tak by powstała plazma. Dzięki temu Sunfire może pokryć swoje ciało ogniem.                                          - Latanie: Używa swoich mocy by tworzyć ciepłe prądy powietrzne, unoszące go w powietrzu i popychające do przodu. Czasami to przegrzane powietrze ciągnie się za nim jak płonący ogon. Górna granica prędkości lotu Sunfire jeszcze nie jest znana, chociaż wiadomo, że jest większa niż Angela, która wynosi 240 km/h.                                                                                                                    - Wybuchy plazmy: Ma zdolność wyrzutu płomieni, które wytwarza, jako potężne podmuchy energii.                                                                                                - Emanacja plazmowa: Sunfire może generować temperatury plazmy, które odpowiadają tym wytwarzanym  przez Human Torcha, osiągając około 1 000 000 stopni Fahrenheita na maksymalnym poziomie. Może także użyć swojej mocy w potężnym podmuchu podobnym do „Nova Burst” Johnny'ego Storma. Jednak Shiro ma znacznie większą kontrolę nad obszarem działania, wystarczającym do tego, aby jedna osoba mogła się czuć, jakby opalała się przez cały dzień, aż do całkowitego spalenia innego celu.                                   - Wyczuwanie sygnatury cieplnej: Ma zdolność wyczuwania istot po sygnaturze cieplnej, którą wydzielają.                                                                                     - Tarcza plazmowa: Ma zdolność manipulacji plazmą dookoła siebie tworząc w ten sposób aurę, która potrafi stopić nadlatujące pociski lub zapobiec innym atakom.                                                                                                                - Ochrona słoneczna: Jego ciało automatycznie generuje osłonę, która chroni Shiro przed efektem jego własnych mocy. Spekuluje się, że może on wygenerować moc przekraczającą jego naturalną ochronę.                                 - Generowanie tlenu: Po przemienieniu w Femine (jeden z jeźdźców Apocalypse), Sunfire nabył moc generowania tlenu w strefach beztlenowych, takich jak przestrzeń kosmiczna.                                                                          Krewni:                                                                                                                 1. Saburo Yoshida (ojciec)                                                                               2. Matka nieznana                                                                                              3. Tomo Yoshida (wujek)                                                                                    4. Leyu Yoshida "Sunpyre" (przyrodnia siostra)                                                5. Mariko Yashida (kuzynka, narzeczona Wolverine'a)                                  6. Keniuchio Harada "Silver Samurai" (kuzyn)                                               7. Yoshi (kuzyn)                                                       ��                                         8. Ichiro (kuzyn)                                                                                                  9. Shin Harada "Silver Samurai"                                                                      Drużyny:                                                                                                             a. X-Men                                                                                                            b. Avengers Unity Division                                                                              c. Clan Yashida                                                                                                 d. Marauders                                                                                                    e. Horsemen of Apocalypse                                                                              f. X-Corporation                                                                                                  g. Big Hero Six                                                                                                    h. Alpha Flight                                                                                                   i. The Twelve                                                                                                      j. Death's Champions                                                                                        k. Pacific Overlords                                                                                          l. Yakiba                                                                                                              - Od najmłodszych lat wychowany przez wujka Tomo w nienawiści do zachodu.  - Po latach treningu przywdział swój struj przypominający wschodzące słońce i zaatakował Amerykę.                                                                                           - W trakcie walki z X-Men zabił swojego wujka, po czym powrócił do Japonii.      - Dołączył do nowego składu X-Men by ratować oryginalną piątkę z wyspy Krakoa. Po ukończeniu misji odszedł z X-Men, jednak ich drogi przecinały się jeszcze parę razy.                                                                                                 - Uznany za jednego z mitycznych The Twelve reprezentujących potęgę natury wraz z Icemanem i Storm.                                                                                   - Zastrzelony przez Wild Child. Jednak jak się okazało, udało mu się przeżyć.   - Razem ze zreformowanym Silver Samuraiem założył drużynę Big Hero Six by zwalczyć przestępczość w Japoni i oczyścić klan Yashida.                             - Stracił nogi podczas walki z Lady Deathstrike.                                                - Po tym zajściu chciał popełnić samobójstwo, jednak przyjął ofertę Apocalypse'a, który zamienił go w swojego jeźdźca.                                           - Mr. Sinister wyprał mu mózg i dołączył do Marauders.                                   - Za namową Wolverine'a dołączył do składu Avengers.                                  - W trakcie wydarzeń z AXIS (event w którym za pomocą zaklęcia bohaterowie stali się źli, i odwrotnie), Sunfire dołączył do mutantów w "Jean Grey School for Higher Learning", którzy nie chcieli koegzystować z ludźmi, a stać ponad nimi.   - Stanął wtedy u boku nowego Apocalypse (Evan Sabahnur) w walce o przejęcie władzy nad Manhattanem.                                                                     - Po kolejnym zaklęciu wszystko wróciło do normy.                                               - Ostatnio Sunfire był widziany wśród uchodźców z Weirdworld.
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sidekickhq · 5 years
helllloo!!! parent suggestion for mio imada and for rena takeda please?
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i could see them BOTH as a child of tony stark & pepper potts, daisuke, eiko hasigawa, hisako ichiki, scott summers ( adopted ), kenuichio harada, amora & bragi, harvey dent, yukio, lady deathstrike, tatsu yamashiro, selene gallio, lisa snart, scott lang, any of the big hero 6 squad, phil coulson, piotr rasputin, alison blaire & longshot, tsunami ( dc ), oswald cobblepott, jason todd ( adopted ), hope van dyne, sunburst, illyana rasputin, harleen quinzel & pamela isley ( adopted ), hiro okamura, noriko “nori” ashida, felicia hardy, edward nygma, bobby drake & john allerdyce ( adopted ), shiro yoshida, leyu yoshida, namor mckenzie, charles xavier & erik lehnsherr ( adopted ), bruce banner & betty ross, shingen harada ii, brunnhilde & sif ( adopted ) or nico minoru ! 
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ao3feed-cherik · 8 years
From Space, They'll Make you Scream
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nqGjUZ
by TheBobcatHews
24 years have passed since the last fight against Apocalypse.
The X-Men have grown and changed in many ways. During all these years, they have faced many challenges and saw the world change, as well as the entire Universe, be revealed to them.
However, something is brewing on the horizon and the Mutants will soon have to face another challenge that will change their lives.
Words: 11887, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: X-Men Evolution
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, Jean Grey-Summers, Logan, Ororo Munroe, Kurt Wagner, Kitty Pryde, Lance Alvers, Rogue (X-Men), Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Lorna Dane, Piotr Rasputin, Bobby Drake, Amara Aquilla, Tabitha Smith, Danielle Moonstar, Sam Guthrie, Ray Crisp, Rahne Sinclair, Jubilation Lee, Illyana Rasputin, Douglas Ramsey, Xi'an Coy Manh, Hank McCoy, Warren Worthington III, Laura Kinney, Leyu Yoshida, Erik Lehnsherr
Relationships: Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Lance Alvers/Kitty Pryde, Bobby Drake/Piotr Rasputin, Amara Aquilla/Tabitha Smith, Lorna Dane/Alex Summers, Amanda Sefton/Kurt Wagner, Ororo Munroe/T'Challa, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Other Marvel Characters - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nqGjUZ
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Women of Marvel - Series 1 (2008)
#70 Sunpyre
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