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keytogala716 · 11 months ago
Hi! I was tagged in this cosmos persona personality quiz by @tamiveldura
This quiz was SOOOOO cute!!!! Here's my results!!
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I think it's pretty accurate, I always do try to do 100 things at once 😅 but yeah! take the quiz here: https://iseej.github.io/CosmosPersona/index.html tags: @lexywrite @luma423 @holisticdetective42 @bloodmoonloveletter @goodluckclove @katwritesshit @ebevkisk @utterlybrainwrecked @addicted2coke-theothercoke @alinacapellabooks
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tiredpapergirl · 2 months ago
New Intro
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Hi! I'm Kat! I am a multi-media artist and occasionally a writer.
My blog is very random and consists of anything that catches my eye along with the sporadic post rambling about my life.
My Esty Shop! My Kofi (I haven't finished setting it up yet.)
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My various side blogs:
@one-of-the-wanderers-who-is-lost My writing blog. A bit stagnant because I have writer's block right now.
@the-roach-is-taken An rp blog
@the-narrator-not-the-author Kinda self explanatory.
@information-could-save-your-life Random information. Does approach some potentially triggering topics so be careful.
@tiredpaperartgirl My art blog!!!
I promise I'll get around to actually updating and posting on these blogs, eventually.
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My mutals (It's a scary long list. Why do y'all like me?)
@danco110 @that-weird-bee @mushroom-the-trauma
@gh0stgirlv @sugaredparchment @thornveili
@bonnibellexox  @sunflowerrosy @galaxybearcat
@grimfox @gl1tt3r-gutz-and-r0b0tz-sl @thebirdhivemind 
@ilov3b00kss0much @bookish-phile @sk3erboi
@feerique @crowded-empty-places @ladysdevotee
@alairmena @floweryprosegarden  @ijustwantmycoffeback
@sweetreveriee @apollosmusee @beabeebeee
@meangirlsbway @thecomfywriter @daphloveskitties
@lyutenw @evaaraa @the-letterbox-archives 
@shockwave157 @thehighladyreads @libravenusangel
@riotgrrrl555 @kip-davis @momhwa1117 @thecoolerlucky
@his-littlefox @pre-raphaelite-cat-woman @mamasuhayl
@a-bi-cat-with-books @littlestchildofthemoon @lexywrite
@blrplr @bloodmoonloveletter @cptnbandana
@ghormehsabziwithashedloadofrice  @foyle-writes-things @rizzgoddessans
@thebombofficial @illarian-rambling @gallowayisacow 
@yakultstan @agirlwiththoughtsandnegativity @naharie 
@agirlandherquill @swingingonhope @bklenk
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Dividers by @/firefly-graphics
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kitty-is-writing · 4 months ago
writemas day 2!
thanks to @agirlandherquill for this game, you can find the day 2 prompts here
this one, uh, kind of ran away with me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the prompt I picked is: "You did this... For me?"
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Oliver stared, his eyes wide and popping, at the man he had long considered his most loyal guard and closest friend.
"You did this... for me?"
"For us," Zach corrected. "For us, and all those like us, to have a chance to live freely as ourselves."
Oliver sank into the throne, head in his hands. He had known for some time that his sister was involved in this equality movement, along with some others, but he had never imagined Zach would join them. While he agreed, in theory, with some of what the group wanted, he had doubts it could ever truly work in practice.
"The public's opinions do not echo your father's, Oli. Most have little thought to spare for the relationships of others. Many I have spoken with support the rights of anyone to live in peace, without threat of imprisonment or ostracism."
"And what of my right to privacy? My right to have some sliver of a personal life not exposed to all and sundry? What we have is between us, something special and personal, not a piece of gossip to spread around the tabloids!"
"What we have is a secret!" Zach shot back, clearly sick of holding in his feelings about this. "A dirty, shameful secret to be hidden away in shadows while you parade around with the Queen in public. I love you, why should either of us be ashamed of that? Because your father hated everything he couldn't understand?"
"Because nobody would accept a deviant King, Zach! If anyone realises what I am, there will be chaos, and everyone I love will be caught in the crossfire, including you!"
"Nobody would care! You're still taking the prejudice of a dead man as gospel truth!" There was a moment of heavy, ringing silence as the two men caught their breath. "I know the things your father said were terrible, but you can't let those words rule you the way he did. If not for yourself, then for the good of your subjects. You're not the only one who has suffered under the name of deviant. People have died because this ridiculous, outdated bigotry is enshrined in Kingdom law. Set your people free from the past, Oli."
Oliver shook his head. It couldn't be that simple, there were decades of tradition to account for, and foul slurs echoing in his mind from years past. "What of the rest of their manifesto? Abolishing the ruling class and setting up some... commoners court, isn't it?"
"An elected government, yes. The two would, we hope, go hand in hand. With less pressure and attention on you, at least in the context of ruling the kingdom, your personal life would be less fascinating to the gossipmongers. With the Crown less of a centrepiece in running the kingdom, the public would be freer to support their own values and beliefs, which do not always align with centuries worth of monarchs' whims."
Oliver lifted his head to look at the man who had meant everything to him for so long, the man who he trusted with his heart and soul, and who knew him better than he knew himself. "If I do this - if I abolish old laws against deviancy and put an end to prison sentences for those like us - will you stay at my side regardless of what backlash may come?"
"I will always be by your side, Oli."
"Alright." Oliver stood. "It looks like I have some decrees to write. Would you tell Alicia to meet me in the study? I have a feeling she will have opinions on what I'm about to do."
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tagging writer mutuals!
@calliecwrites @leahnardo-da-veggie @eli-t-spoon @charlesjosephwrites @theeccentricraven
@rhiannonhgarrard @mysticstarlightduck @lexywrite @kaylinalexanderbooks @oh-no-another-idea
@bloodmoonloveletter @aquixoticwrites @writer-ace
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riveriafalll · 10 months ago
I’m gonna hop on the open tag from @illarian-rambling for the OC question taggg
Honestly it jump scares me sometimes to remember that I don’t actually post much for my ocs, my brain kinda assumes that everyone lives inside my head and knows all about my babies. I might have to actually start talking about them…
In other words, I’ll be using Cassie from the (place holder name) fic TVDeeznuts
My questions
What’s your shower routine?
Do you like makeup?
Is there any scent you associate a memory with?
What’s your shower routine?
Given the number of vampires with super hearing who regularly break into my house, I tend to shower pretty fast and with at least three signs on the door refusing entry while I’m showering. While Elijah and Finn are perfect gentlemen and will usually leave as soon as they realise I’m not ready for company, Kol and Rebekah have no sense of boundaries, and Nik insists he’s seen it all before and that there’s nothing I have that would surprise him. Other than that… shampoo and conditioner I guess?
Do you like makeup?
I love wearing makeup when I can, but given that at least something is trying to kill me at least once a week I don’t have much time to practise. Rebekah picked up most modern day makeup techniques pretty fast, so I let her do my makeup for any big events.
Is there a scent you associate a memory with?
A memory? As weird as it sounds, burnt toast is the best memory I associate with a smell - Jenna, my aunt, always managed to burn it in the mornings when we were all in a rush… she’s dead now, but whenever someone burns something I think of her…
Your questions:
If you had a YouTube Channel, what videos would you make?
Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut?
What’s the worst book you’ve ever read?
Tagging: @brotrustmeicanwrite @cssnder @caxycreations @hyperfixation-tangentopia @lexywrite @rkmoon for this, and an open tag!
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bloodmoonloveletter · 9 months ago
Picrew Kiss Tag
thank you @rivenantiqnerd for the tag!
rules: make your barbies OCs kiss (and I do apologize because there are quite a few of these) using this picrew!
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Michael (left) and Virgil (right)!! /actually pretty accurate (except maybe Michael's nose but it was as close as I could get) and I like to imagine that Michael can't stop looking at Virgil when they kiss :)
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Vil (right) and Emile (left) my beloved :) seen here doing couple things as they do, Emile possibly still thinking they're friends cause he's dumb like that.
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Aria (right) and Evie (left)!! everything here is pretty much accurate except Evie's hair, which is dyed dark green at the roots and slowly fades into black. Evie's just so happy that Aria likes her and oh my heart hurts
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Laurie (left) and Amara (right)! wow is that two women in love who constantly used to compete for social status?
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Charlotte (left) and Ella (right)! btw Amara and Ella are twins so that's why they have the same color palette. the hair is natural, unlike Aria's. this pic was taken the day Ella was crowned.
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Julian (left) and Henry (right). this is in their 80s prequel era, specifically the moment that Julian essentially threw what he was doing to the side and kissed Henry. I will say that Julian's scar is a little farther from sight and a little less conspicuous. aaaa they're so cute <3
(p.s. I made a funnier version)
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Taj (left) and Itsuki (right). this is their kiss right after Taj rescues Itsuki from Akahana, hence the blood and fresh scars on Itsuki and the scratches on Taj. might I mention that Itsuki is being carried bridal style?
oh this was great. thank you for introducing me to this!! gently tagging @elsie-writes @mundanemoongirl @the-letterbox-archives @missaddledmiss @lexywrite and @leahnardo-da-veggie + open tag!
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aintgonnatakethis · 10 months ago
out of context line
Tagged by @fortunatetragedy 😄
The ability of these two to always be ready at a moment's notice to devolve into violence is something that can actually be so personal.
"What about someone off-world?" Rush snapped. "Or are you just as unpopular out there?" Young launched his ice pack full throttle at Rush's head.
Tagging: @sga-owns-my-soul @snarkyauthor @galadhir @lexywrite and as it's been long enough since you tagged me in the first place, reverse tag! @fortunatetragedy
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theaistired · 10 months ago
Tag Game - Character Voice
Thank you @wyked-ao3 for the tag!
My line is: "Was that a bloody dragon?"
Let's see what the squad from Galidean has to say...
Valerian: "Th-that was a dragon! Right?! Do we - what - I - what?"
Sanura: "Oh... how fucked are we?"
Calder: "Dragon... Could be anything from a lucky break to a funeral."
Rune: "Thyra."
Thyra: "Yes."
Rune: "That is a dragon."
Thyra: "Indeed."
Rune: "What are our chances?"
Thyra: "Eh." *shrugs*
Rune: "Fantastic."
Your line is: "No, I'm telling you, that actually happened!"
Tagging (no pressure): @zonnemaagd @lexywrite @bookish-karina
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fantasywriternimzy · 10 months ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you @drchenquill for tagging me!
This is the last few lines I wrote for LOG (translated from Hungarian)
That’s why they all stood in front of Anya’s tent in the middle of the night, which even the Name Giver didn't like, while it was not uncommon for people to ring her bells this late to name newborns.
“The adults can wait until the morning” Anya waved and started to pull down the dark purple cloth back to its place. 
“It is the Queen’s order” she answered peremptorily.
Her features became hard and in that moment she was not Aradia, the child, the kind soul, the person. She was the Consultant of the Queen, whose words mattered, especially when they were the Queen’s. Power is a dangerous game, and she didn't play it willingly, she would rather be the nice Aradia than the Consultant of the Queen, what came with the title, the soft cloth, the riches and the comfortable bed didn't matter. 
Tagging with no pressure @sunflowerrosy @leahnardo-da-veggie
@finickyfelix @lexywrite @urlocalwitch555
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stars-forever · 3 months ago
Thanks @littlelilliana15! I'm not sure what this is either but I'll ping all my mutuals:
@huskyblader, @winter-doggo, @peri-crone-al, @otaku-girl-ao3, @subukunojess, @anamateurhumanbeing, @bizships, @abdquffa9, @hozier-cried, @thatfantasyreader, @scarletbeast, @midnightwhispersinthemoonlight, @thedragonchilde, @urnumber1star, @wendydarlingfics, @akemisalem, @emmaspersonaldiary, @hamsteriffic, @aleheartilly, @deadpoolredhoodwintersoldiergirl, @fallenangelicss, @lillyrosenight, @sincerelyrushwriter, @randyzdz, @redlion8123, @fandomsandfoxlore, @sizzlingkingdomsheep989, @exactlydelicateflower, @lumpofsand, @fractured-shards, @illarian-rambling, @lexywrite, @the-ellia-west, @cssnder, @hallsoffandom, @fallenangelics, @teine-mallaichte, @starlight-write, @piperslovebot, @freddy-eynsford-hills-cuck-chair, @rynrising44, @wyked-ao3, @nothankyou543, @littlelilliana15, @bisexualbiancatruther, @endlesstwanted, @queenofsliferred, @lesquidhorse, @evilwriter37, @evadne01, @blackwood4stucky, @eclipsingbingo, @zestialdragon, @alchemicalwerewolf, @theneverwriter, @hellsresidentfallenangel, and @deception-united.
Either way, I am going to turn off my asks until the new year, so if anyone needs to contact me, please send me a message on Tumbler or message me on Discord. I'm stars2302 over there.
Hello dear!
Sorry for bothering you, but it's important to remind you to turn off your asks for a few days! Bad things are going to happen on Tumblr soon...
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Don t know anything about this but BETTER BE SAFE EVERYBODY!!!!!!
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tiredpapergirl · 10 months ago
oc interview tag
Thanks @agirlandherquill for tagging me.
I'll use Vasily from A Bloody Anti-hero
Were you named after anyone? - "Named after somone? Nah. 'least not that I know of. My mum probably read it in a trashy novel and though it sounded cool or something."
When was the last time you cried? - "Do I look like a crybaby? Ha."
Do you have any kids? - "Kids? What gave you that idea? I'm not old enough, and even if I was I couldn't afford to raise a bunch of brats."
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - "Me, use sarcasm? Never."
What is the first thing you notice about people? - "How they enter a room. You can tell a lot about someone by watching them enter a new room. That goes along with how they hold themselves, of course. That's probably it."
What is your eye colour? - "Uh... I donno. Brown?"
Scary movies or happy endings? - "I don't have time to watch movies."
Any special talents? - "Swords. Don't ask me to elaborate on that... okay fine I'll tell you more." (Way too many spoilers for me to include his rambling.)
Where were you born? - "Donno."
Do you have any pets? - "Yeah~ I call 'em lil' bastard." (He doesn't have a pet. He's mocking a 'friend' of his.)
What sort of sports do you play? - "I told you I don't have time to mess around with stuff. I guess fencing counts or something. Not that I really do that much anymore."
How tall are you? - "Don't ask!"
What was your favourite subject in school? - "School. Ha."
What is your dream job? - "I'll tell you, but you better keep it a secret." *Leans forward and clinches fists with absolute puppy eyes.* "I wanna be a blacksmith. Yah know, work with metal and fire and make swords and have a steady income and all that stuff."
Tags! @naharie @thenightmareinyourcloset @agirlwiththoughtsandnegativity @yakultstan @illarian-rambling
@foyle-writes-things @lexywrite @informedimagining
Sorry if you've already been tagged.
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kitty-is-writing · 4 months ago
writemas day 1!
my bit of writing from the writemas game by @agirlandherquill ! see this post for more info (°∀°)b
my chosen prompt from day 1 is: A frozen lake
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The expanse of ice seemed endless, glistening white and pale blue in the harsh sunlight. Kandrina was glad of the crackling fire and warm tent a few paces away. "Do you think this lake ever thaws out?" she asked Remlik.
"This far south? I doubt it. Maybe once in a while, if it's a particularly hot summer, but I'd imagine it stays frozen over most of the time."
"I wonder if anything lives in it. The whole place seems too cold for much to be here."
Remlik brought over two steaming mugs of hot tea, handing one to her. "You'd be surprised. A lot of creatures are adapted for cold and icy conditions. There's a type of cralek that lives out here year round, with white fur instead of the usual brown you see in the hills. A lot of fish do quite well in cold water, and if you look closely at the edges of the lake there, you'll see some nests."
Kandrina looked to where he pointed, and after a moment spotted some bundles of snow coated twigs and rocks. "I see something. What lives there, then?"
"Types of seabird, mostly. Snowbills, the Southern Greyling, things like that. There's one now."
They both watched as a large grey and white bird swooped across the icy lake, landing by one of the scrubby nests. It picked at the side for a moment, then a few smaller, darker heads popped out. The bigger bird fussed at the little ones, then settled into the nest beside them.
"See Kandi? There's more life here than it first seems. It's not the most hospitable place for us, but plenty of things thrive where we can't."
Kandrina nodded, watching the bird. As she watched, slowly sipping the warm tea Remlik had brought, she saw more little snow creatures than she had ever expected. A small family of white nentila scurried about near a rocky outcrop, more birds were apparent the longer she watched. She smiled, realising this frozen place wasn't as empty and barren as she had first thought.
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tagging my writer mutuals, if you want to join in!
@eli-t-spoon @leahnardo-da-veggie @charlesjosephwrites @mysticstarlightduck @theeccentricraven
@rhiannonhgarrard @calliecwrites @writer-ace @lexywrite @aquixoticwrites
@bloodmoonloveletter @kaylinalexanderbooks @oh-no-another-idea
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tiredpapergirl · 8 months ago
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Thanks @his-littlefox for the tag!! I love picrew games.
I couldn't think of a blorbo so here is me and my blueberry girl.
@cptnbandana @bloodmoonloveletter @blrplr @lexywrite
@a-bi-cat-with-books @mamasuhayl @informedimagining @naharie
OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTEEE VEE AND BELLE!! 🥹💖💖 also thanks for the tag @xoxo-vee @lxvebelle <33
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here are me and jacks!! <33 i’m his angel 🙈💕💕
tagging (no pressure! <3) @crenna @meangirlsbway @binolar @feerique @highladyofterrasen7 @theprinceofbrokenheartss @rizzgoddessans @fayrie24 @sugarcandydoll @lost-my-head-in-the-clouds @daimerpassionement @sugardonutzz @starrynightsxo @reminiscentreader @nqds @awebriuwu @pppaper-planes @thejudeduarte @jkriordanverse @doeyedbambi @xoxo-lenah @shattermelyhfmlblog @gergthecat @reyreadersblog @ladysdevotee @tiredpapergirl @ant-thebooknerd @love-and-books320 @princesscherry @persassyjackson102 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @letmeliveinelfhame @reggiescat @sc11vb @steph-schuyler @whentheysaidspeaknowww13 @nemesispendyala @sweetnemesisss @xoxzso @s-rosie @sitting-in-a-library @lyra-kane @mrs-jameson-hawthorne @magicalbookwyvern @zephyrdaze @beabeebeee @underneaththefloor @skeelly + all my moots & anyone who wants to!! 💘
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fantasywriternimzy · 10 months ago
Character Voice Tag ^^
Thank you @leahnardo-da-veggie for tagging me!
My line: I don't want to deal with this.
My chosen tributes are Aradia, Kindra and Firmis.
Aradia: I heard The Gardens are nice at this time of the year. (The Gardens are the afterlife in this universe)
Kindra: No.
Firmis: Can I just...not do it? Good luck to you tho.
Your line: I want to leave.
Tagging with no pressure @sunflowerrosy @finickyfelix @drchenquill
@lexywrite and also anyone who wants to do it <3
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tonysrhodeys · 5 years ago
all i wanna do is to fall in deep
basically fluff and bad humour! steve uses tony’s special mug and tries to seduce him through shirtlessness and tony is obviously thirsty for some of that. i apologise in advance! :)
Pepper was the person who gave him the “I Am Iron Man”. It was custom made and appeared on his workstation the day after the press conference.
She slammed it on the table which woke Tony up. She smirked at him before leaving. The tapping of her heels helped wake him up. He grinned as he saw it.
It quickly became his special mug and he treasured it. Even DUM-E knew that that was the mug to bring to him whenever he wanted coffee. Rhodey and Pepper said that they regretted ever giving it to him since it stroked his ego even more and it was only a matter of time before his head no longer fit in his helmet.
When the Avengers moved into the tower, Tony made it clear that his mug was off-limits. It was respected at first since they were tentative around each other. The team was new and had won one major battle after splits within the team. They respected each other’s boundaries and it was peaceful, albeit dull and safe.
Then they were called in more (which meant they complained more about Nick’s complete disregard for their rest). They began to bond more (by order of their Captain) and the team seemed to click. That’s when movie and game nights started. They started to lean on each other more. For a group of people with ingrained trust issues, they forgot about that really quickly. It turned out being with people who shared similar life experiences really did solidify relationships. In fact, it made them into some sort of family.
That did not change how territorial Tony was with his mug.
After the Pepper break-up, he seemed to retreat into his shell once more. He hid in his workshop all day to try and distract himself from the pain. The team thought they would be doing him a favour by getting rid of the mug, but his explosive reaction induced a sliver of fear in them that they had never felt before.
He was a sobbing, remorseful mess afterward. There was nothing to be forgiven. He explained that even though their relationship ended, his history with her would always remain. It didn’t change the fact that she was one of the first people to support him on his heroic journey (even though her feelings toward that did change), and he was still Iron Man.
He had owned that mug for years (it was beginning to fade, but he would just have JARVIS mend it) and nobody else had used it (except for Clint, but that was a mistake he would never make again. Note: do not play pranks on Mr. Tony Stark involving that mug).
Then one day he and Clint were playing Mario Kart in the living room. Tony was decimating Clint, but it was no surprise. During a break, Tony went to have a glass of water (it shocked Steve, but yes Tony actually drink normal, still water) when Steve walked in. He and Natasha had just gotten back from a mission and his exhaustion was evident in his features. He rubbed his eyes and murmured morning pleasantries and grabbed a mug from the cupboard.
Tony’s mug.
Tony stood there frozen in his spot as Steve poured the already brewed coffee into the mug and walked away, his loud yawn echoing in the hallway.
“Holy shit! You let him use your mug!” Clint exclaimed, jumping off from the floor. IN a quick movement he was perched on the counter staring gleefully at Tony.
“Shut up Barton.” Tony grunted, finally snapping out of his trance.
“Shut up? You blocked the WIFI on everything that I owned for a week. I couldn’t even use the internet on the TV. The only thing I had were my aids, but cutting those off would be fucking criminal. Now, you let Steve use it without even a warning. Oh, honey, you are soft for him!” Clint spun around on the counter (knocking a few fruits, the bastard).
“I can still cut those aids off,” Tony says and he leaves the room quickly before Clint can see the blush on his face.
Because yes, Tony liked Steve. How could he not? Steve was drop-dead gorgeous. Blond, blue eyes and a huge expanse of muscles that Tony wanted to run his fingers across. He was strong in a knight in shining armour kind of way, and honestly Tony would reduce himself to a damsel in distress if it meant being held in his comfortable looking arms of his. But he was more than just brawn.
Steve was one of the smartest people Tony had ever met, and he didn’t say that lightly. He was seventy years behind but was committed to learning as much as he could. Tony had spotted Steve staying up late, his head hung over a book, his eyes getting heavier. Steve was also caring. He was shredded, but he had a soft, deep heart that he seemed to wear on his sleeve when it came to the team. He forced them to bond and to go on retreats together which they inevitably enjoyed. He kept them healthy physically and mentally and pushed them to their limits, but was the first person to call it quits when he could see that their struggle was becoming too much to bear.
On top of all of that, he especially looked after Tony. Maybe it was to make up for their fight on the helicarrier, maybe he truly pitied Tony or maybe (and Tony always hated to go here, it was dangerous) he genuinely liked and cared for him. It scared the hell out of Tony. Steve would come down and regularly bring him meals and water, but when it began to look like a bender, Steve dragged him upstairs to sleep and to socialise. It was torturous and Tony loved it. Steve also spent a few hours of his day (sometimes most of it) in the workshop with Tony. He would sit on a couch, close enough to feel his presence but far away enough to not be an obstruction and sketch. It was what made Tony fall in love with him.
The worst part was that Tony knew he could never have him. Steve was too good for him. He wanted to maintain a friendship. So if that meant letting his crush use his mug once, so be it.
Steve had no idea what he was doing.
Put him in a fight and he would become the embodiment of courage and confidence. He could assign duties in a battle with ease even with his constant self-doubt. It was exhausting to lead a team because he was endlessly worrying about them and making the wrong decisions which could end up with them being hurt in the end. But at the same time, he still gave his orders with conviction. It was a skill that seemed to only benefit him in the field.
Put him in the same tower as Tony Stark and he becomes a fumbling, bumbling mess. He didn’t what it was about Tony, but he seemed to bring out the best and worst in him and it was fascinating, thrilling even. Tony was an enigma but Steve was willing to spend the rest of his life trying to figure him out.
Tony spent his entire life trying to prove that nothing could hurt him, but that left him vulnerable. It was a crack in his armour that he had persistently tried to glue back together. Steve hated that side of him (okay, hate is a strong word that he would never associate with Tony, but he’s trying to make a point). It was all false bravado and smiles. It always scared Steve how well he played that act.
It was the façade that made it so difficult for Steve to get a read on Tony. It seemed no matter how much he thought he knew about Tony, there was also something new to learn. He did love that about him (and he would be lying if he said he was not willing to spend the rest of his life unlocking parts of him) but it also made it impossible for Steve to make the right move. If he came on too strong, then Tony would surely be scared away. If he didn’t come on strongly enough, then his advances would fly right over Tony’s head.
Of course, there was also the whole figuring out if Tony even liked him back thing. But he tried not to think about that too much.
Steve didn’t know why he went to Natasha. Although, Steve supposes she came to him. Apparently she was considering gouging her eyes out because seeing him so hopelessly pining physically tortured her. But Natasha’s plan took him out of his comfort zone, but she insisted that it would entice him (more than entice him if he was lucky).
Which is why Steve had been hiding for the last two hours in only a pair of briefs.
He was pressed against a wall in a corner that gave him a good view of the elevator, but also hid him from Tony’s view. He was in briefs because it accentuated his package. Natasha took pictures of him (more when he blushed), so her plan better work or else the eternal humiliation and blackmail would be for nothing.
The elevator finally dinged and Steve pressed further into the corner. Tony slowly made his way to the kitchen, his exhaustion evident in the slow drag of his steps. Steve took a deep breath and mussed up his hair a bit. He prayed this would work.
Tony tipped back a glass of water when he noticed Steve strolling into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes with a soft yawn. Tony blanched and his mouth instantly when dry. Standing before him was a man who looked like he had been carved out of marble. Tony could see almost every inch of his tantalising body. The little that was covered was done so in a pair of tight, Iron Man briefs.
Yes, Tony’s armoured face was on Steve Roger’s ass…and dick.
This was not fair. Steve was torturing him. Tony was practically drooling as he continued to drink in the muscular expanse of his chest. He glanced briefly at the Iron Man faces, but he knew if he stared any longer he would jump Steve’s bones right there. At this point, Tony didn’t know if he wanted to wrap his thighs around Steve, or rather feel Steve’s thigh’s wrapped around him. It was a dilemma.
“Hey Tony,” Steve says with a soft, dazed smile. He reached up (showing off his arms which looked fantastic obviously) and grabbed the mug. The Iron Man mug.
Once again, Tony did not feel an ounce of anger. He felt possessive, but his jealousy was directed towards the mug for being able to held in Steve’s hand like that. He filled the mug up with water and drank, leaning his head back leaving his Adam’s apple ripe for viewing. And now Tony was thinking about licking that.
Yes, Tony was falling down a rabbit hole. It did not help that he had not slept in thirty-two hours.
As much as he wanted Steve, and boy did he want him, Tony pushed all of that away. He rushed past Steve and only managed to squeak a Goodnight on his way.
He had a cold shower in his future. Multiple cold showers.
A week passed and nothing happened. Steve kept using the mug and there was the occasional ogling of a shirtless chest, but Tony had managed to keep his reactions in check. Other than Clint, nobody mentioned it. Natasha would raise her eyebrows in a way that told you that she knew exactly what was going on and she was just waiting for you to tell her..
Rhodey was not that kind. He was an inquisitive little shit, always had been. As soon as he arrived he noticed Steve drinking from the infamous mug on the couch next to Tony. They were a friendly distance apart, but Rhodey knew his best friend well enough to notice the slight shuffling of his feet and furtive glances to the other man. Rhodey could barely contain his laughter. It was like seeing him as a giddy teenager all over again.
Tony’s crush (which Tony continued to deny) thrust them back into their MIT days. Rhodey didn’t even use his bedroom which was opposite Tony’s, he made himself comfortable in Tony’s. He also made sure that they stayed up all night talking about Steve and what it was about him that made him so in love (Tony was not in love, he was just thoroughly infatuated). Tony was tired enough at that time that he let the fact that Steve’s smile was the very image that helped him sleep at night (Tony is pretty sure that everybody heard the way Rhodey giggled).
Their sleepovers made Tony realise how much he missed his best friend and how much he missed having somebody like that to talk to. There was something about the way that Rhodey just knew how to react to everything that made Tony so comfortable around him. Rhodey never stopped laughing as he recounted the early-morning-kitchen fiasco, but Tony couldn’t sense any judgement. If there was anything, it was pure joy. Rhodey left too soon for Tony’s liking, but not without an affectionate kiss on the cheek and a not so discrete inappropriate whisper to snatch that hot piece of ass while he still could.
Tony was pretty sure that Steve heard, if the pink tinting his cheeks and neck were anything to go by. Tony wondered how far down that blush traveled, but he really didn’t want to dwell on that thought.
Tony was caught completely off guard during their next encounter. Steve and Tony were supposed to go and see Frozen 2 together and Tony wanted to see if he would be willing to grab lunch before, but Natasha said that Steve had gone out. Tony decided to go down to the workshop and work on the new suit he was working on for Steve (the one he had now really was an atrocity. Somebody with his body needed something worthy of it). He made himself a cup of coffee in the mug he hardly ever got to use these days and started thinking of safety features for the suit.
He was rummaging through his drawer for a pen and paper when he hears some metal creaking and then dropping. He is about to call JARVIS when he sees the source of the noise.
Steve fucking Rogers.
He stands up and grins at Tony innocently. He is a white tank top, but he may as well be shirtless with the sweat on his shirt and glistening on his arms which only made the shirt appear tighter which Tony didn’t think he was possible. He wiped his slightly grimy face with a cloth and tucked it into his back pocket. There was still grease on his hands and arms, but he didn’t seem to care. Tony couldn’t stop caring. Seeing Steve like this was a completely new territory that he didn’t think he could handle. Steve may be the hottest mechanic he has ever seen. Tony just wanted to feel him. He wanted to know how it felt to have that hard body pressed tightly against his, taking complete control.
“Just fixing my bike, hope you don’t mind me in your space,” Steve says walking closer to Tony. Tony barely manages to croak out his answer, which was probably best because if he could speak coherently, he would probably start begging Steve to take him on the workshop table.
Steve gently takes the mug from Tony’s hands and takes a long sip. He stares right into Tony’s eyes as he sinfully licks his lips. His smirk is barely concealed as he returns the mug and tilts his head slightly.
Steve was asking for it. He was bloody asking for it. That’s what Tony decided anyway.
He slammed the mug on the table (which spilt coffee all over that DUM-E would inevitably have to clean) and grabbed at Steve. He latched onto Steve’s sweaty shirt and placed a hot, searing kiss on Steve’s lips. Steve groaned and settled his hands on Tony’s hips gently but firmly. The kiss was passionate, hot and heavy. A culmination of all the pent-up tension which had been bubbling for months. Tony could barely contain his moans as Steve licked into his mouth. His hands were travelling everywhere, he wanted to burn the outline of every inch of his body in his mind.
Steve broke apart first and Tony may or may not have whined. Steve didn’t move far, their noses were still brushing and their breaths were mingling in the air between them as they panted. Steve stroked Tony’s face with feather-light touches and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
“I have been waiting for so long for this,” He whispers.
“It was all a plan?” Tony shouts incredulously, the pieces finally fitting into place. Steve blushed, but nodded.
“Nat helped. I was at a loss. I just really really wanted you. All of you, by the way. I know you think you’re going to mess this up or something, but you won’t. I won’t let you. I just want you.” Steve’s voice was soft but full of promise. Honestly, now that Tony had finally gotten to taste him, he didn’t think he physically capable of stopping. He wanted to taste, feel and have everything. Steve was utterly irresistible and addictive (which was so unfair to Tony. He didn’t stand a chance!).
“If you want me so much, then what the hell are you waiting for?”
It was a promise on its own, slightly shielded by humour but Steve understood it.
It was all he needed to reclaim Tony’s lips and drink in the wonderful sound that he made. It was easily his new favourite sound, and he was determined to hear it the whole night. Maybe even the rest of his life.
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lexywrite · 3 years ago
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