#lexxierave's writing
lexxierave · 7 months
Well the poll is closed and the results are in!
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Which means today you lucky ducks get the update of "I Don't Need You" and if I have the free time possibly "When Fate Intervenes" will be next today....
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Love Letters #14
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From: @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes​ and Logan Delos
To: @lexxierave​
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Full text: 
Lexxie -
You know how sometimes people are too stupid to see what’s right in front of them? I’m not. I can’t be, because otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am with my career. I make it my business to know things that other people don’t, to see the potential where other people overlook it. This might seem like it’s coming out of nowhere, but I know things haven’t been the easiest for you lately, and I want you to know that I see it. I see you, and I am proud of you. Not just with work, but with everything. 
We haven’t known each other for too long, but I know you. And you know me - know that I don’t just say things, won’t just tell people what they want to hear without there being some truth to it. So I mean it when I say that you’re important to me. I won’t overlook you. I won’t let other people treat you badly. I won’t stand back and let you struggle - unless I think you can learn something from it, and even then it won’t go on for long. That’s not how this works - not when you’re with me. 
Oh, did I forget to say that at the beginning? Maybe I shoulda started with that, hmm? Probably. Sorry about that. You’ve seen some of the perks of knowing me, gotten to feel what it’s like to live my life, but even that? Those glimpses? They’re nothing to what it’s like being with someone like me - but you’ll get to know that, too, if you want. 
I know you weren’t expecting this note - or the flowers - but I thought they’d cheer you up. 
See you soon.
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danyka-fendyr · 5 years
5 Times Dick Grayson Tried To Ask You Out and the 1 Time He Didn’t Have To
Well, everyone, I’m sick, I’m incredibly tired, and this is way shorter than it should be, but you know what? My darling @lexxierave requested this and I am going to get it done tonight even if it kills me, which!!!! It well might. But it will all be worth it, for my muse.
Description: Dick Grayson keeps trying to ask you out and keeps meeting with varying degrees of failure. What will happen when external forces get involved though?
Warnings: None. Fluff all the way.
Wordcount: idk man I’m going to be running a fever imminently do you think I can even read the words blurring on my screen I’m about to start typing with my eyes closed (no seriously I just looked away from my computer screen for a second and my head started spinning and everything went sort of blurry and there was this fuzzy imprint of the glow messing around behind my eyes it was wILD)
The first time Dick Grayson tries to ask you out, it does not go well. This shouldn’t be a surprise, as that’s how these things usually go, but Dick fancies himself an exception to the rules. He is smooth, suave, whelmed, traut! These sorts of things just don’t happen to him. But apparently, they do now.
It started out fine. He complimented your outfit first. That always went over well. Smiled at you very smoothly, because yes he was nervous, but he was also trained to lie by the world’s greatest detective. And then, just as he was asking what your plans for the weekend were, there was an interruption. A small, dark-haired, very angry interruption.
Oh no. That...could not be good.
“Grayson! I need your help at once!”
“What is it, Damian?” Dick was doing his best to be compassionate towards the kid and to be a good big brother but now was really not the time.
“We must leave at once. I have just been informed that there is an animal shelter downtown with a surplus of kittens that need adopting.” Damian’s hands were planted firmly on his hips, trying to make his slight stature take up more space.
“Dames, do you think it could maybe wait, I’m-”
“We must leave at once Grayson! These kittens are in a crisis. There is no waiting!”
“Okay, here we go,” Dick mumbled under his breath, looking up to offer you an apologetic smile. “Hey, I have to go save some kittens. Could we maybe finish this later?”
You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure. Good luck with the kittens.”
“Thanks. I think I’m going to need it.”
Dick was a little upset, but it was no problem. It was only the first time. Things would go great next time.
Things did not go great the next time.
Dick tried. He really tried. He figured casual was still the way to go, since more flashy methods were likely to backfire on him, and he didn’t want to risk that what with the complications of last time. You were both standing in the manor kitchen talking when he broached the subject.
“So Y/N, there’s another one of my Dad’s endless galas coming up, and I was wondering if-”
“Oh, I am going!” You cut him off. “Damian asked me if he could ‘escort’ me. Isn’t that adorable? We were talking about pets and I said I’m a dog person and a cat person because they’re both great and deserve love and he said I was, ‘quite adequate’. He’s such a sweet little guy.”
“Yeah. Sweet.” Dick might have to have a serious talk with Damian.
Third time’s the charm. That’s what everyone said right? There was no way this could go wrong. Not this time.
This time, Dick went elaborate. Because, well...because he could. At this point, he had nothing to lose. The plan was pretty clear cut. He would use the spare key to your house you had given him, sneak in in the early morning, make you breakfast, and then express his sentiments that he would like to make you breakfast again under very different circumstances. 
What could go wrong?
“Grayson, are those pancakes?”
How. How was he even here? This was more than improbably. This should be impossible. There was no way this was happening to him. Not again.
“Damian, why are you here?” Dick turned his back to your stovetop where he was indeed making pancakes so that he could better see Damian in your doorway.
“Sometimes I come over to Y/L/N’s to do sunrise yoga with her. You should try it sometime Grayson. It really aligns the body and soul. I find it helps me keep my temper in check.”
If it helped keep your temper in check, Dick might need to try it.
Well, if nothing else could be said for this attempt, at least you had liked the pancakes.
This time, Dick was going to write to you. If he wrote out his request, there was no way it could be interrupted. Nothing Damian could do could possibly intercept this heartfelt, beautiful email. It was no love letter, but it was less likely to be intercepted than the actual snail mail alternative. Dick was 3 seconds away from hitting send-3 seconds-when the power cut out, causing his computer to crash and all the lights in the building to go off. When the backup generator kicked in a few moments later, the email it had taken him hours to write was gone, erased completely.
That was it. What had even happened? Before he could ask further though, the obvious answer appeared in the form of Damian in his doorway, hair sticking up in every direction.
“Apologies for any inconvenience Grayson. Drake and I were having a brief altercation and the powerbox may have become involved. I assure you it will not happen again in the future. Next time I will be certain not to miss.”
He was moving back to Bludhaven.
Okay, well, if the third time wasn’t the charm, maybe the fifth time was. Or maybe it was just really, extremely cursed. Maybe he was just really, extremely cursed. Any way you sliced it, Dick Grayson wasn’t a quitter. He would keep trying until he had you.
This time, there was no mistaking it. The rose petals leading upstairs to where he waited for you were a clear sign of romance. The second you got to the manor and saw them, following them upstairs, he would have you. All he had to do was wait.
But...he waited. And then he waited some more. For hours he waited, not moving from his spot, because he had invited you here. You should be up here, by all logic and reason. Maybe traffic had just gotten really bad?
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He headed downstairs to go see what exactly was happening, only to find the house was empty except for Damian reading on the couch.
“Damian, did Y/N come by earlier?”
“Yes. She was looking for you but said she could come back later.” Damian flipped a page in his book.
“But...didn’t she see the rose petals?”
“Oh, those were for her? Unfortunately, Batcow has a strange liking for rose petals and ate them while I wasn’t looking. How unfortunate.”
Okay, that was it.
Dick sat down on the couch at Damian’s feet, stealing the book out of his hands. “Listen, Dames. I know that chances are, you’re not doing this to give me grief. You’re a good kid. But I have been trying to ask Y/N out for months, and every time so far. every. single. time. You have somehow interrupted. So could you please just...try to keep the chaos to a minimum. Please? For me?”
Damian stared at him curiously before a realization seemed to set in. “Oh, is that what that was? A mating ritual? I assumed you were attempting to explain to her that you could no longer be friends, which I could not allow because Y/L/N is a very valuable asset.” Translation? Damian thought you were enjoyable to be around. “I suppose you may carry on as you were then. I shall not interfere anymore.”
Dick wanted to be mad at him for doing it on purpose. He really, really did. But the thing was...if the kid had thought he was keeping you in his life, he supposed he couldn’t be mad about that. Or at least, not mad forever.
Dick was a little bummed, to say the least. He had decided it would be a good idea to allow for a cooling-off period before he asked you out again. Damian or no Damian, he hadn’t been met with a lot of success in that department. He fixed his tie in front of the mirror, getting ready for the latest Wayne gala. Because heaven only knew they needed another one. For some odd reason, Damian had been particularly insistent he look his best tonight. When he had come out in his favorite flower-print button-down, Damian had shoved him back into his wardrobe and demanded he choose something classier. There were several wardrobe changes. Eventually, though, he was released to head downstairs. 
Much to his surprise, he was met by you. Dressed for the gala. Looking amazing.
“You clean up nice, Grayson.” You smiled at him.
You laughed. “Damian said something about you wanting me to go to the gala with you but not having the time to ask?”
Time really hadn’t been the issue.
“Uhhh...yeah. I’ve kind of been meaning to ask you out for a while now.”
“Really?” You blushed.
“Yeah, really. So uhh....shall we?”
“We shall.” You looped your arm through his, and you two headed off into the night.
Dick supposed he had something to thank Damian for after all. Even if the kid could be a bit of a pain.
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strawberrywritings · 4 years
Now, I want to give a shoutout to everyone who inspired me with their writings (which also brought me to the decision of opening this blog):
@breanime @imagineredwood @svucarisiaddict @carisi-dreams @woahitslucyylu @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown @kokomobunny @madamsledge @svudrabbles @svuwritings @officerpuppy-eyes @coffeeandcannolis @8cetera @blackleatherjacketz @summer--infinity @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul @hibiscuswrites @enamoured-x @lexxierave @multi-fandom-inserts @elcococruz @putas-in-suffering @samcrobae @jetsandbennie @babebenhardy @supersonicfreddie @m0etenchandon @cleolemonfanfiction @rogerfckintaylor @freddies-yellow-jacket @queen-irl-af @mightyfineblog @lavenderbones22 @theonewiththefanfics @almightygwil
The people tagged here are amazing writers, really💙 and I’m sure I’m forgetting lots and lots of writers, apologies.
I could go keep on tagging people forever but I don’t wanna end up annoying.😂 These are a bunch of blogs that I truly love. I will probably end up making a masterlist with fic recommendations because why not🤷🏼‍♀️
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banditthewriter · 4 years
Lexxierave deserve so much love!! I love her writing and her blog!! ❤
@lexxierave You’ve received an anonymous love letter!
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Little Darlin's All Things Fall Writing Challenge
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Jumping straight into this, y’all know the deal!
Rules and things!
You don’t have to be following me, but it would sure be spooky if ya did!
Please signal boost this so it doesn’t flop!
Open for all Marvel characters!
Send me your pairing and prompt in an ask! That way I can keep track of things easier in case tumblr implodes, a url changes, whatever!
Use the “keep reading” insert on anything over 500 words
No word minimum or maximum
Use proper warnings please!
No rape/incest
This does not have to be spooky! it could be the fluffiest Halloween fic ever and I would love it because I love all things Halloween!
AU’s are allowed, especially Supernatural AU
Fic due date: November 10th, 2019
@ me in the fic when you post and  # it #ldatfwc
Once a prompt is gone, it’s gone! If I run out of prompts I will try to find or cook up some more!
That’s it! Any questions feel free to send them via DM or my askbox
Prompts below the cut!
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"Hold on, you have hay in your hair." @all1e23 w/ bucky
“Take that mask off it’s creeping me out.”
“Babe, the sweets are meant to be for the trick or treaters.” @mrsalh32611 w/ bucky
“You’re on my cape.” @just-the-hiddles w/ loki
“Trick or treat!” / “You live here.” / “It was worth a go.” @intheendyouwillalwayskneel w/ clint
“Dead men tell no tales, but we do bend the truth alot.” @sebastianstanfavpita w/ bucky
“Out of all the items in this thrift store, you find the only cursed one.” @iambuckyrogers w/ carol
“With the last breathe in it’s body, it cursed me to death.” @afewmarvelousthoughts w/ natasha
“You can’t sell me your soul, when you don’t have one to begin with.”
“Okay, who’s raising the dead when I’m trying to sleep?” @sammy-jo1977 w/ daredevil/matt
“My life goal is to be a swamp witch.” @slithredn w/ jessica
“The full moon is out tonight. You know what that means.” @chuuulip w/ bucky
“Do you think it tickles when ghost pass through things?” @nacho-bucky w/ clint
“How long have you been dead?” / “Roughly 70 years.” / “Damn. Guess I missed the funeral then.” @afewmarvelousthoughts w/ bucky
“Bite me!” / “No thanks. I’m trying to go on a diet.” @oliviawestbay w/ natasha
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you didn’t have wings yesterday, right?” @rebloggerblogging w/ pietro
“I will dress up as literally anything else, but don’t make me wear this.” @saltybaltic w/ natasha
“We should do a couples costume.” @a-crowd-of-newsies w/ tony
“You’re too old to go trick-or-treating.” @avintagekiss24 w/ bucky
“I know the neighborhood by heart, which also means I know exactly which houses give out the King Size bars.” @selfcare101stuff w/ loki
“I thought you agreed I should wear this costume to the party tonight?” / “Oh I agreed to you wearing it tonight, but I had no party in mind” @shield-agent78 w/ bucky 
“Come on, just let me scare a few trick-or-treaters.” “You’re going to horrify them!” “It’ll build character.” @spacemansam w/ peter q
“Oh my gourd, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you’re a dumbass.” @justagaymess w/ natasha
“Making out in a graveyard?” @friday-ocean w/ steve
“Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” @caws5749 w/ natasha
“There are some things about Halloween you don’t understand.” @notyetneedcoffee w/ steve
“You look the same as you did 600 years ago.” / “Thanks. I have a great skin care routine.” @lexxierave w/ loki
“Do you remember where I put my grimoire?” @daffodilsbucky w/ bonky😉
“Vampires, geez.”
“Your soul, or hers.” @bettercaptain w/ steve
“I hate costumes, just get me a shirt.” @infinity-witch clint x natasha
“I can finally wear my sweaters.��� / “You mean my sweaters?” @lesbian-deadpool w/ natahsa
“Don’t you just love it when the trees change colors?” @marvelgirl7
“Did you seriously just jump into the leaves I spent an hour raking?” / “Possibly.” @jobean12-blog w/ bucky
“Stop picking up the leaves its gross.” / “But they’re pretty.” / “That one has a spider on it.” @the-unspoken-rule w/ sam
“The fall fairs this weekend, we have to go.” @littleredwritinghood13 w/ bucky
“Who knew it would be this cold?” / “Me, that’s why I brought you extra gloves.” / “Well I was just gonna ask to hold your hand…” @multi-fandom-imagine w/ stephen
“Nothing is better than a crisp fall day and hot apple cider.”
“Apple cider is better than pumpkin spice and on this hill I will die!”
“I don’t do horror movies- no, puppy dog eyes are against the rules, you can’t make me- fine, I’ll watch a scary movie with you” @dtrainwin w/ bucky
“I had an amazing idea for a Halloween costume but it requires two people, can you please be the other person?” @sincerelymlg w/ bucky
“I’m having a bonfire. You should join me.” @wkemeup w/ bucky
“Ooh! A pumpkin patch! We have to stop.”
“Do you want to check out that corn maze?” @sunmoonandbucky w/ bucky
“I hate haunted houses. Why would I pay for someone to scream at me?” @harringtonsbaseballbat w/ loki
“I thought you said we were gonna watch a scary movie?” / “We are!”  / “Y/N, Hocus Pocus isn’t a scary movie.” @ruckystarnes w/ sam
“Is that my shirt?” / “It’s the only one that will warm my cold soul.” @louhooo w/ bucky
“That hay ride was a lot scarier than I thought it would be.” @jessiejunebug w/ loki
“I just wanted to jump into a pile of leaves once in my life, I didn’t notice you were in there!”  @spectralbucky w/ steve
“It’s storming pretty bad out there, I think we have to cancel our Halloween plans…” @stanningsebucky w/ bucky
"Being normal is vastly overrated."
"Are you going to start wearing all of my sweaters now?" / "First of all, they're our sweaters." @awkwardfangirl2014 w/ bucky
“Hot cider and a warm blanket — what else could I need right now?”
“Is fall supposed to be this cold?”
“It’s snowing... in October.” @winterromanov w/ bucky
"'Who ya gonna call?'" / "Uh- (insert other character name)." / "You mean to tell me you don't even know about Ghostbusters?" (This dialogue prompt can be played with a bit, or insert more dialogue between those three lines to make it work) @spacemansam w/ bucky
“Cuddling always helps combat cold weather.”
“Ugh, I think my fangs are coming loose.”
“I love you almost as much as I love this weather.”
"I don't want to look 'pretty.' I want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening."
“At least we’re cozy now.” @evanstarff w/ bucky
“I made four different types of soup. Is that over-doing it?”
“Do you think this sweater is too big?” “A sweater can never be too big.”
“I think I need to put on a few more sweaters.”
“Grab the blankets, we’re going stargazing.” @nobernieyouareunderreacting w/ bucky
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suchatinyinfinity · 4 years
Pass the happy! 💙 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
Five things: 
Reading a good book and getting totally immersed (I need this badly.)
Being in a Writing Zone, everything falling away and my brain going faster than I can write/type.
My weighted blanket
Peach cobbler (made from scratch by me, thank you.)
Learning everything I possibly can.
Tagging: @the-blind-assassin-12 @something-tofightfor @ificouldhelpyouforget @lexxierave @thisisparadisemylove @witchygagirl @carlaangel86 @crushed-pink-petals-writes @toboldlywrite @its-my-little-dumpster-fire
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littledarlinwrites · 5 years
Pairing: Stephen Strange x surrogate daughter!reader
Word Count: 2239
Author's Note: okay, this one was a struggle (and life was not being any kinds of helpful either)! This was also my first time writing for Doctor Strange! A big thank you to @lexxierave for helping me brainstorm when I got stuck! This was a request by @littlepurplewarrior for a bit of angst to end with fluff with a surrogate father!Stephen Strange. Thank you so so so much for being so incredibly patient while I worked on this and I hope you love it!
Warnings: parental death, vague description of a panic attack sorta, angst, fluff
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You were used to being alone and you were used to people leaving. Your mom left you and your dad when you were just two, not even old enough to remember her. The more shocking blow was when your dad died three years ago. You were fourteen and you were walking home from school as usual when you saw an ambulance, firetruck, and police a block away from your house. As soon as you saw the crumpled motorcycle in the street you knew what had happened. You remember dropping your knees onto the cool cement, it was spring and hadn’t been consistently warm yet, but that day had been beautiful for a ride and your dad had probably gotten the bike out to get it warmed up for the season. Ever since you figured it was safer to be alone, people always left anyway. This way they couldn’t hurt you if they couldn’t get close. 
Every Wednesday Stephen would visit a little deli nearby, he had tried everything on the menu at this point at least twice, it was one of the few normal things from his life that he couldn’t shake. Maybe it was his version of comfort food, maybe it was what kept him connected with his old life, but nonetheless, he would go to that deli religiously. He recognized familiar faces, and he knew that he had never seen yours. You knew your way around though, so he knew you weren’t new. However, that wasn’t what caught his eye the most. No, what piqued his interest was the magic he could feel clear across the deli that was humming through your veins. He knew that there can be at most two Sorcerer Supremes per world at a time: there will be two Sorcerer/ess Supremes if one of them has greater skills than all others, while the other commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other, and he knew that you would be the next sorceress supreme, with guidance. He could also sense a great darkness looming within you. Not evil or doom and gloom, but more of a loneliness and deep sadness obtained from some great personal loss. 
Stephen knew that if he didn't approach this carefully, he would spook you, and who knows what could happen after that. If he could so easily and clearly sense the magic coming off you in waves then that meant other sorcerers could too, ones that may want to use you if you were lucky, and kill you if you weren't. He walked over to the counter were standing at, simply acting as if he were perusing what was behind the glass. He saw the man prep your order as another worker came over and asked him if he knew what he would like to order. He rattled something off and discretely told them to put your order on his bill as well. Stephen looked you over for any clues as to your interests, you t-shirt was plain, your bag wasn't decorated with buttons like most kids your age, but you were holding a very worn book of poetry by Bukowski in your hands, and what looked like an older journal with it. He averted his eyes when you were passed your order, trying to hand your crumpled bills in your hand to the man only to be refused and told that someone else had paid for your meal. Stephen could feel your eyes upon him when the man behind the counter pointed out who had so graciously paid for you. Stephen continued to act as if he wasn't aware and paid for both meals as he was handed his. A gentle tap on his shoulder causing him to turn around.
"Thank you for paying for my meal, you really didn't have to."
"Oh it's no problem! I was a struggling college student once too. It's good to see not everyone is as caffeine addicted as I was though."
"Uhm, I'm not a college student, I actually just graduated high school."
"Oh, so the Bukowski is just a bit of light reading?" He asked inquisitively.
"Yeah, something like that." You told him with a sad smile.
"Favorite quote? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours?"
"We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain." He nodded his head thoughtfully. 
"I never met another man I'd rather be. And even if that's a delusion, it's a lucky one." The silence was a comfortable one and Strange stretched out a shakey hand. 
"Dr. Stephen Strange." He introduced himself. You shook his hand while introducing yourself to him. 
"So, Y/N, tell me more about your fondness for Bukowski." Strange said as you two walked towards the park. The two of you talked poetry for hours while walking around. What were your favorite pieces, favorite authors, what made them tick, and just theories behind who they were as people. 
Hours later the sun was setting as they walked around the city. Strange stopped at a doorway with 177A Bleeker St. labeled beside it. 
"Well, Y/N, this is me. You okay getting home by yourself?" Strange asked. 
"Uhm, yeah, I'll be fine. It was nice meeting you Dr. Strange."
"Hey, if you ever want to borrow some books I have a whole library full of them."
"I thought you were a doctor?" Your head tilted to the side confusedly.  Causing a chuckle to erupt from Strange's chest, one that reminded you of your dad's. 
"I was, but that's a story for a different time. Wong is actually the librarian. I just kinda keep an eye on things here."
"Oh, that's cool. Well, I look forward to the story and meeting Wong sometime."
"You sure you're gonna be alright getting home? I don't mind the walk."
"Oh no, it's alright. I'll be fine. See you tomorrow at the deli?"
"Tomorrow at the deli then."
Slowly Doctor Strange earned your trust, and quickly you looked forward to your daily deli trip. After having cut yourself off from others in fear of losing them, you forgot how nice human contact was.Strange just had such a permanence to him. As if he could never die. 
Eventually, you did check out his library. Excitement trimmed through your veins as you gazed over the books, each time you entered the library you felt that way, it was like being a kid again where everything felt magical, like you saw the world through rose colored glasses. You never thought you'd feel this again after your dad passed. 
One day you were in the library reading a book about magic, figuring it was some type of myth textbook. Feeling a bit childish, you decided to practice one of the spells in the book like you would when you were a kid watching a movie about magic. The spells never worked, but you couldn't help but feel nostalgic and try it out just for nostalgia sake. You moved your hands in the described pattern a small smile on your face with your eyes closed envisioning what the book described. When you open your eyes, you're amazed at the sight before you. The air was sparkling gold with what could be best described as a window in the middle. A window to the past, a happier time that brought glistening tears to your eyes. There was a white bedroom with bright colored accents, a nightlight that cast stars and constellations on the ceiling, and in the bed was a father reading to his 6 year old daughter a book of bukowski poetry, skipping over or improvising the more mature bits for something more fitting for a six year old. You could see the little girl struggling to keep her eyes open as her father's baritone voice lulled her to sleep. Once her eyes fluttered shut one last time, her father kissed her forehead before whispering "goodnight sweet pea." The window darkened before disappearing altogether. Your breathing was coming in shallow bursts, tears cascading down your face, and your heart was thudding in your ears. The tap on your shoulder nearly caused you to jump out of your skin as you turned and launched yourself backward to face Stephen. He had a cut on the left side of his face and his lip was busted. Fear clutched your heart in it's cold grip nearly stalling it. Without think you pushed yourself to your feet leaving all of you things behind as you bolted through the door and out of the building. 
Stephen stood there awestruck and dumbfounded. He couldn't believe how easily you completed the spell without even knowing about your ability. However he was dumbfounded by what caused you to be so upset. The memory seemed to be a happy one. When he looked down he saw the journal on the floor, picking it up gingerly he opened the cover to see on the left a quote written, "some moments are nice, some are nicer, some are even worth writing about." Another Bukowski quote. On the right was a man's name with the same last name as yours. He began flipping through the book and it didn't take long to deduce that the man the book belonged to was your father. On the last day was an entry about taking the motorcycle out for a quick spin after a long winter before going out to what was said to be your favorite little deli. That entry was dated years ago with no new ones since. A faded, folded picture lay in the crease of that page, a man and his daughter on a carousel. One look at the picture had Stephen's gut turning. He remembered that face. Everything clicked. He had worked on your dad, but there was no saving him, even with his skilled hands at the time. Stephen figured you'd be back for the journal and book you carried with you religiously and decided to wait.
It was two weeks later when he stopped waiting. He ventured out to the deli placing an order to-go before making his way to your place. He knocked sharply on the wood before hearing a soft shuffle on the other side. When the door opened enough to get a look at who lived behind it, he wished he hadn't waited so long. Your eyes were raw and bloodshot and your hair a tangled mess of knots. Stephen pushed his way past the door frame and did something a bit uncharacteristic of himself and wrapped his arms around you as you cried. He didn't shush you, but he did rub your back with his free hand, and he let you let out all the pent up emotion before guiding you to your couch that was a few feet away. He put the bag of food in your hands gently instructing you to eat. He used magic to summon your brush and continued to use the magic to gingerly brush the knots from your hair. Once both tasks were finished you sat in companionable silence before your voice broke the silence. It was rough from disuse, but Stephen caught every word.
"I never knew my mom. She uh, left when I was like two. It was me and him ever since. He would always read me poetry to get to sleep. Bukowski was his favorite. He would take me to the deli, it was our favorite little place to go when we ate out. We were supposed to go-" your voice cracked halting your sentence. You took a deep breath and carried on. 
"You remind me a lot about him, you know. You have the same laugh. You just seemed so permanent. Like you'd never leave, like you couldn't get hurt. I mean, you probably think that's childish of me, but, it's just how it seemed. And then I did that spell, and I didn't think it would work, but it did, and you showed up and you were hurt, and I just don't think I can handle it when you leave too because people always seem to leave me and-" you began to hyperventilate and Stephen put his shakey hands on your arms, grounding you. 
"I can't promise that I'll never leave, but I can tell you that I won't leave willingly. Everybody has to leave at some point. Somebody once said, 'every song has a CODA, a final movement. Whether it fades out or crashes away, every song ends. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music? The truth is, there is nothing to be afraid of. It's just life.' One day you'll have your own CODA, does that mean you should die now?" 
"N-no." You stutter out between sniffles and a small smile lit up the doctors face. 
"It's going to be okay you know. There’s no shame in being afraid. We’re all afraid."
"Even you?"
"Yeah, even me."
"How do you face it?"
"Get comfortable kid, this is going to be a long story." The two of you settled in on the couch as Stephen described to you all the times he was scared. The world not only became a little less lonely, but also a little less scary. 
"there are worse things
than being alone
but it often takes
decades to realize this
and most often when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
than too late"
-Charles Bukowski
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
listen to me, lupin iv
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pairing: sirius black x reader
request:  anon asked “Hey! Could you write a Sirius Black imagine where she’s Remus sister and they don’t know that she became an Animagus and they find out because one full moon she is with her brother alone and he started to transform so she had to run with him to Whomping Willow and when the boys came back from the detention they find Remus swooping a wolf (she) and he runs to the Forbidden Forest while Sirius take care of her and gets angry but is fluffy and mad with her? (Sorry if it’s too specific) Thank you!!”
notes: last part! :) also a bit of a time skip from part 3
warnings: swearing, injuries
word count: 1.1k!
part 1 part 2 part 3
“shit, shit, shit!” sirius hissed, as he tried to both hurry remus down to the shrieking shack and support him. james was holding him up on the other side, muttering reassurances. “wormy! go down to the shrieking shack, get the doors open. it’s gonna be a close one, boys.” peter nodded, transforming and scurrying off, and as soon as he had gone, you appeared, a determined look on your face. sirius groaned. “y/n, go back to the castle.” you didn’t even bother replying, instead changing into your animagus form. sirius tried to look without looking interested, because while he never wanted you to be an animagus, he’d always wondered what animal you’d be. and... a wolf? remus laughed breathlessly. “of course she’s a wolf.”
you trotted along beside them, eyeing the moon which was becoming rapidly more visible worriedly. finally, you approached the shrieking shack, but remus fell out of his friends’ grasp, hunched over. you whined, pawing him gently, but when he looked up, his eyes were already black. you jumped back, whimpering as he transformed, his screams seemingly endless, until... there was silence. 
and then, it began.
remus lunged towards you, jaws snapping on thin air as you leaped out the way. sirius and james quickly transformed, and sirius jumped on the wolf, distracting him so you could get a safe distance away. however, remus shook him off within seconds, advancing to where he was curled up on the floor, drool dripping from his mouth until peter, who had been inside the shrieking shack, scurried over him, nipping his legs. remus roared, swiping at himself to get peter off, but the rat had already vanished into the grass. he looked around, before his eyes focused on you, a guttural snarl coming from his lips as he stalked forward. 
steeling yourself, you stayed still until the last second before running off, remus hot on your heels. you headed into the forest, your senses on fire as you leaped over fallen trees with ease. while remus in his wolf form was deadly, he was also pretty loud, and that accompanied with your advanced hearing made things a bit easier. you were just starting to tire when you heard a howl from outside the forest, remus’ attention being shifted immediately. he abandoned you, bounding back to the source of the noise, and you huffed, licking a graze on your hind leg from some thorns as you walked back. 
james had briefly transformed back, faking a howl to lead remus away from you. you meant too much to both sirius and your brother, and remus would never forgive himself if he hurt you. a few seconds after he had returned to his stag form, remus appeared from the forest, growling as he saw him. james started to run, but remus easily caught up, and was just about to swipe him when sirius jumped on his back, his claws sinking in. remus roared in pain as he shook sirius off, sirius whimpering as he hit a fallen log. remus ran towards him, paw raised with claws extended, until you threw yourself on top of sirius, howling as your side was torn open. 
james butted remus with his antlers to distract him, bounding off as sirius quickly transformed back into a human, bending over you. “oh, y/n, you self-sacrificing idiot. look, you gotta transform back, we’ve got to get you to sick bay.” you did so, wincing as you tried to stand up, clutching your side. “no... i’ve got to help remus...” sirius stared at you, helping you up and ripping a sleeve off his t-shirt, scrunching it up and giving it to you. “don’t be thick, y/n. you need medical help, like now. here, keep pressure on the wound.” 
with that, you stumbled up to the castle, nearly giving madam pomfrey a heart attack what with all the blood, and then? then you passed out.
your eyes fluttered open, before squeezing shut again at the bright light invading them. you attempted to bring your hand up to cover your eyes, but there was... something holding it? squinting, you looked at your left hand to see... sirius. and on your right, remus. both were asleep in their respective chairs, snoring away. at the end of the bed, there was a little table nearly overflowing with cards and sweets, and two empty chairs. you smiled, but started to cough, ripping your hand out of remus’ grip to cover your mouth. he jerked up, looking around wildly before his eyes settled on you. tears welled in his eyes, and he jumped on you, hugging you tightly. “i thought i lost you, y/n. you’ve been out for days.” you winced gratefully, shoving him off slightly. “ow, ow, ow. my side, remus, my side.” he sat up immediately. “oops?” he said, leaning over to shake sirius awake. 
“five more minutes,” he mumbled, snuggling more into the armchair. you laughed, using your free hand to whack him. “oi, wake up, black. apparently i’ve been out for days, and this is the time you choose to sleep?” immediately his eyes opened to reveal that beautiful grey that you’d been missing, and he sat up, pulling you into a (thankfully gentle) hug. “i’m so glad, you’re okay, you have no idea.” you smiled, nestling into his shoulder until remus cleared his throat pointedly. you jerked back, eyes wide, until sirius laughed. “it’s fine, i told him.” you looked at remus, anxiously awaiting his reaction. “i’m cool, seriously. just, no pda in front of me, alright?” you both nodded, you sighing in relief. “anyway, i’m going to go get pomfrey. you two... talk.” 
there was a brief silence once he left, neither of you making eye contact but at the same time refusing to let go of each other’s hand. “so...” you mumbled, but he cut you off. “i’m sorry.”
you looked up, shocked. “what?”
“i’m sorry, y/n. it’s not that i didn’t think you could do it- of course i did, you’re a total badass, i was just so scared. i... i can’t lose you. you’re everything to me.”
you squeezed his hand comfortingly. “hey, it’s okay. i overreacted a bit too, and to be fair, you might have had something to worry about.” you laughed, gesturing at your bandaged side. sirius, however, didn’t laugh. “y/n... it was so deep. there was so much blood, it was everywhere.”
you reached up to cup his face, rubbing his cheek gently. “i’m okay, sirius. we’re all okay.” he nodded, leaning into your hand, and then leaning forward. “...is it okay if i-”
“ugh, i said no pda!”
listen to me, lupin taglist: @magicalmarauder @lexxierave @blaised-zabini @pigeonsbones @avengersassemblee @remusandsiriusxreader 
taglist: @shadylittlewonder @sassy-specter @hoewkeye @blackpinkdolan @knowledgeisthebomb @im-eating-rn
it’s been a long four months, guys. thanks for sticking with this through my shitty chapters and long periods of procrastination :) love you all
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Wednesday, March, and May
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated? Hmm. Neon Lights, I think. Ryan’s not as popular a character as Billy or Logan, and so I think that impacts things a lot in terms of what people read. The people that HAVE read it seemed to enjoy it a whole lot…. but compared to things like Tonight or HNH, that one’s gotten very little attention.
march: do you listen to music whilst writing?: Sometimes. I’ll usually have the TV on in the background, but I only listen to music occasionaly while I write, because I’m sure I’d be jumping back and forth between songs too much to get really into what I’m writing.
may: a fic you have regretted posting?: Regret isn’t really the right word for it, but I’m very apprehensive about the 5th part of “tonight” because of the POV I chose. I’m really afraid that the way it’s written will make it difficult for people to read, because I know that a lot of people don’t actually “self insert” when they read with their names and all that, but this one kind of forces you to.
I actually thought about changing the POV for this part to Logan (which I still might do in the future, FYI, giving us a totally different perspective of what’s going on) … but decided to go with what I’ve been doing in order to finish it out strong. Treating Logan RIGHT has always been really important to me, and when I first started writing this, I said “go big or go home” … and, well… I guess we’ll see what you all think of that.
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heychangbin · 5 years
Memory of an Enlisted Man ║ A Billy in Westworld Story
Wordcount:  4576
Warnings: blood, depictions of injuries, death
A/N: this is a memory of one of Billy’s earlier deployments during his first tour as an enlisted man in Afghanistan. (way before he met reader) You don’t have to read it to know what’s gonna happen in part 3 of BiW, just some backstory for our guy. 
despite the amount of research that went into this, some liberties were taken with call signs and protocols but i tried to be as faithful to the material as possible.
Also,  this is me Marie Kondoing all over canon and giving one of Billy’s major and most significant injuries and scars a new story that won’t just be a one and done deal. 
Also also, can’t thank @the-blind-assassin-12 enough for reassuring me every step of the way while i was writing this. 
tagging my BiW peeps, 
Tagging my BiW peeps: @something-tofightfor @the-blind-assassin-12 @songtoyou @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ificouldhelpyouforget @suchatinyinfinity @christinawxxx @drinix @lysawayne @lexxierave
Let me know if y’all want to be added, removed of just wanna be tagged for the main story!!
The trip was as routine as they came, get from point "A" to point "B" neutralize the threat, and then back to base, debrief, then retire for the night,wake up at 0500 the next day ready for the next mission. They had done several of these since their company had deployed months ago, every road, every turn, planned and carried out without so much as a hiccup.
It was routine.
What wasn't was the IED that tore through the first Humvee midway through the third and fourth checkpoints.
An ear splitting boom filled the air followed closely by the sound of metal being torn apart as if it were paper along with the cracking and shattering of glass. He didn’t hear any screams, everything was drowned out by the high pitched ringing in his ears. He knew he didn't have the luxury of waiting ‘til the ringing died down, there could be enemy combatants surrounding them at that very moment, aiming their guns at the wreckage that was their convoy and pick them off one by one. 
Billy grabbed his M27, the automatic rifle feeling heavy in his hand, squinted out of a portion of the window that wasn’t damaged too much, eyes quickly scanning the outside for hostiles. When he was satisfied that there wasn’t any immediate danger, he threw the door open, wincing as he planted his feet on the pebbled floor, adjusting his stance as he brought the butt of the rifle against his shoulder, eye looking through the optic mount, pointing the barrel of his rifle as he does another sweep  of his immediate perimeter.
Once he is sure that he is not under enemy fire he goes to take a step but a sharp pain shoots up from his abdomen and makes him stop immediately and look down where the pain was radiating from and sees a large shard of glass protruding from low in his gut, blood thick and slowly oozing around the sharp edges that are further cutting into the soft tissue with every shift.
“Fuck” he mutters to himself, he hadn’t thought that he had been injured, there had been no pain but now every breath he took was almost too much. He had thought that the Humvee had taken most of the damage, was expecting only a few minor cuts and scrapes, not to have a piece of fucking glass sticking out of his lower stomach. A piece of glass he’s gonna have to remove if he wants any chance of getting back to base.
He grits his teeth at the mere thought of having to pull the large shard of glass out, it’s gonna be painful but it has to be done, he can’t move without almost whiting out, and if he wants to get back to base, he needs to scour through the wreckage that is their convoy and radio for help.
As gently as he can so as to not irritate his wound further he leans onto the opened door and looks into the Humvee, the three other marines that made up the second car not moving, Reyes, the brother that had sat beside him in the back, was slumped against the side of the car, the right side of his face covered in blood as is slowly poured outta somewhere underneath his helmet, muttering a curse under his breath when he can't tell if the man is breathing. 
Knowing he won’t be able to help anyone before he sorts himself out, he reaches for the first aid bag under the front passenger seat, pain shoots up his side as he feels the glass move against the tender edges of the torn skin. Biting back a groan he pulls the bag free and with deft fingers pulls the zipper open and lifts the flap. Despite his training he forgoes the nitrile gloves and picks up the scissors and as carefully as he can cuts around the piece of glass sticking out and removes the soiled pieces of clothing. The skin around it looks angry, red and swollen, knowing he can't delay any more he picks up one of the gauze packets and rips it open, quickly discarding the packet, takes one of the few loose straps from him uniform and bites into it and finally with his left hand takes hold of the end of the glass, the slight jostle makes him groan again. He steels himself, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and holds it in his lungs as he begins to pull. 
He feels how the edges drag against the soft tissue of his insides and cries out in pain, the sound muffled slightly by the impromptu gag in his mouth. He feels lightheaded for a second when the tip of the shard is freed dropping it as he slumps against the Humvee door at his back, feels the blood rush out and wet the skin around the wound and down, quickly seeping into the top of his fatigues and he forces himself to continue. He takes one end of the gauze and stuffs it into the cut, squeezing his eyes shut and biting on the strap in his mouth as pain shoots through him. 
He’s halfway through the roll of gauze when he feels resistance and he thanks his lucky stars, the wound isn’t that deep, and it didn’t feel like anything internal was punctured, and firmly presses the rest of the roll onto the wound and does the three minute count, then one more just to be safe. He tears through the packaging of one of the larger bandages and wraps it around his waist, making sure that there is enough pressure on the wound to keep the gauze tight against it but not so much that it makes him too uncomfortable.
He pushed himself off the door slowly, carefully, there was pain still but it wasn't the searing and blinding pain that had left him gasping before, it was duller, bearable. He quickly tested his range of movement and is relieved that he isn't too restricted, maybe if keeps the strain to a minimum he’ll live to see another day. 
Himself squared away he checks on the other men in the Humvee, going first to open the front passenger door and swears, Sticks, a 23 year old surfer type, blonde, blue eyes with golden tan skin, from California is slumped against the seat not moving, the front of his uniform is dark, the wet material clinging to his unmoving chest. He reached over and pressed his fingers to his neck, to the spot under his jaw, next to his windpipe but wasn’t too surprised when he didn’t feel anything. There was too much blood soaked onto his clothes for there to be one. He walked around the large car, and threw open the back door, Reyes’ body falling onto him in the same motion, the strain of holding up the 180 odd pound man makes his wound flare up, making him guide the unconscious man down to the floor and propping him up against the back tire of the Humvee. He quickly checks for a pulse and is relieved when he feels a pulse against the tip of his fingers, it’s weak but it’s there.
“Reyes, Reyes can you hear me!!” Billy shook the man’s shoulder his neck lolled from side to side, his dark skin looking more ahsen than it had a few minutes ago, he shook him harder calling his name out louder a few more times until there was a visible hitch in the mans breathing, the rising and falling of his chest more pronounced,
“Bill...what th--” Reyes let out a groan when he tried to move Billy’s hand shooting out to press against the middle of his chest to ease him back against the wheel,
“Easy man...we hit somethin’, took out the first two cars
“We gotta--” Reyes made to get up again, pushing himself off the ground and away from the car, when he was upright he began tilting to the side, Billy barely managed to get a hold of him in time before he hit the ground.
“Easy, easy,” he said as he lowered Reyes back down and against the side of the Humvee, “right now all you gotta do is get yourself right...you can join me after the nausea passes and are able to take a step without wanting to hurl.” 
Reyes gave him a curt nod, Billy knew the guy hated it but he was of no use to anyone with his senses impaired as they were. Billy had had his share of concussions in the past and they weren’t anything to sneeze at. 
Billy stood and peered into the front of the car, Scott “Tennessee” Graves, one of the older men in their unit, who had two tours under his belt already, who had that very morning mentioned over breakfast that this would be his last deployment since his wife was a few months away from giving birth to his first child, was pinned to the seat, a metal rod, no doubt from something off the second car, sticking out of his shoulder, the area around it already drenched in red, skin more pale than it had any right to be, shattered glass littered all over him like some over enthusiastic kid got carried away with a glitter pen. Billy knew the man was gone, no one could be that still and still be alive, still he reached a hand over, laying his index and middle finger against his neck and checked for a pulse. When he didn’t feel one, he shifted his fingers slightly and continued to wait for the slight push against his fingertips. When it still didn’t appear he picked up the arm that was closest to him, pushed the sleeve up and pressed his fingers to Scott’s wrist. C’mon Tennessee, with a heavy heart he placed Scott’s hand on his lap, sniffed back the tears he felt pricking in his eyes and continued on. 
He walked over to the second car, body crouched low and eye looking through the optic mount of his gun again, quickly scanning the area, when he came up on the rear of the Humvee he could make out the sound of someone crying out in pain from the back. Without hesitation Billy reached for the handle of the rear door, having to yank on it a few times before he was able to throw it open, and for a split second he wished he hadn’t. The first thing he saw was one of his fellow marines, Jason Todd, clutching at his left leg, or rather half of it, the bottom half was lying just out of reach from Jason, the stump bleeding profusely. Billy reached for the nearest first aid kit and tore it open, once again forgoing the gloves and reaching for the tourniquet. He ripped the plastic bag it came in and wrapped and secured it around Jason’s thigh, all the while Jason cried, voice hoarse and raw, “My leg, my leg is gone, my leg is fucking gone!!”
Billy gave the tourniquet the final tug and fastened it in place, reaching out and took a hold of Jason’s scruff, and looked Jason in the eye and in as sure a voice as he could said, 
“You’re gonna be okay...Red listen to me...you’re gonna be alright!”
Jason shook his head, the action so violet Billy wondered if he should move out of the way so to not get thrown up on, then Jason started listing to the side, 
“Hey, hey! C’mon stay with me man!” Billy shouted as he slapped Jason none too gently to get him to stay awake and aware.
There was shuffling coming from behind him, making Billy bring up his automatic rifle and aim, finger ready to pull on the trigger, relaxing only when he saw that it was Reyes, legs dragging on the pebbled ground as he slowly made his way towards them, torso low and gun tucked against his side. He looked somewhat better than when he left him, some of the color had returned to his face.
“You good?” 
Reyes only nodded, lips pressed together in a hard line as he leaned against the side of the car. 
Billy tuned and ducked back inside the car, Jason was slumped back against his seat, head rolling from side to side as he continued to mourned the loss of his leg. At least you still have your balls Red.
Knowing Jason was good...as good as he was gonna be given the circumstances, he moved on to check the rest of the men in the car. Norris, Dean, and Hanson were all full of shrapnel and way too bloody to be anything but dead. Still, he went around and checked each for a pulse. He didn’t allow himself to hesitate, to wait, to check and recheck for a pulse that he knew wasn’t there and wouldn’t come no matter how long he pressed his fingers to their necks and wrists.
He goes back around the car, tells Reyes to stay with Jason, keep him awake while he goes and checks the Lead car, Reyes nods and shuffles over to lean against the open car door, Jason only an eye shift away as he looked out to the open road. 
Billy turned to make his way to the lead car and for a seconds wondered if he should, the car was flipped over, the outside burned black, windows completely gone from their frames. I’ve heard of guys surviving worse. 
With that thought in mind he crouched low and made his way to the wrecked vehicle, every other step he took he scanned his surroundings, unable to trust the quiet and still expanse. Once he reached the wreck, he lowered himself onto one knee, a spark of pain shooting up his side when the motion put too much pressure on the packed gash on his stomach.
Despite the pain and through gritted teeth he inspects the inside of the Humvee, he almost steps away, the smell of burnt flesh too strong for him to take but the sound of wet breaths keep him where he is. His eyes scan the inside as quickly as they can and he sees Otto, his body is twisted, one of  his arms is bent in the wrong direction, his mouth is open and half his left cheek is missing, along with his closely cropped chestnut hair from the same side, left in its wake is raw red skin with a scattering of large bloody boils, his bright hazel eyes swollen shut into purple slits, nowhere in sight is the...boy fresh out of MOS training and on his first deployment. He’s gaping like a fish out of water, the sound wet as he struggles to breathe or talk or cry out for help, it’s a sight Billy knows is gonna haunt him for the rest of his life. 
Next to him is James Malone, their companies charismatic reverend and medic, in much the same state with the only difference that he was not only missing part of his face but also his right arm. What could God's plan possibly be for this? He thought bitterly as he saw his brothers suffering. He reaches inside and grips one of the straps from his vest and drags him out and away from the wreck, Otto makes the first real sound, a wet choked off scream that makes Billy wince, silently promising that if the kid makes it out of  this, he’s gonna buy him his first beer. He goes back and pulls Malone out calling out to Reyes as he lays him down beside Otto. When Reyes comes into view Billy shouts at him to bring the first aid bag. Reyes disappears for a minute as Billy removes what’s left of his shirt and presses it to what remains of  Malone’s arm to try and staunch the bleeding. When he looks back up, Reyes is trotting over, first aid kit hanging off his shoulder and tourniquet in hand, Reyes dropping to his knees as soon as he reaches them taking out the scissors and cutting away the sleeve at the shoulder. Reyes gags when he pulls the fabric free, Malones arm is mangled, the skin bloody and torn to shreds. He knows the sight isn’t anything new to the other marine, but he imagines it’s not something you ever get used to.
Reyes tears through the plastic packaging and wraps the band around the swell of his shoulder, the skin there smooth and unaffected. 
“How’s Red?” Billy asked as Reyes finished tying off the tourniquet.
“Had to give him something for the pain, he’s a little outta it, but...we gotta get him outta there, it ain’t good…” Reyes trailed off but Billy knew what he meant, it ain’t good being up close and personal with all that death. 
Billy nodded, “Gonna check the others, you got this?”
Reyes nodded once and moved over to Otto, Billy saw him bring the scissors out before he turned and headed back to the lead car.
The smell of burnt flesh was just as strong and as gag inducing the second time around, he looked over the bodies that lay mangled on the car roof, looking like bloody chewed up dog toys. Georgie’s neck and chest were gone, having taken most of the damage, he would have to check his wrist if he wanted to check for a pulse. Dwight was in much the same boat, the right side of his body shredded to the point that he could see bone. 
If he were a man of belief, he would’ve sent out a silent prayer, begged whatever higher power there was in the world that they accept his brothers into...wherever, both had been good men. But he wasn’t, he couldn’t bring himself to believe that there was an all seeing, all powerful being out there in the cosmos, that controlled all of their day to day occurrences. And if he did and let things like this happen, then he was a cruel being and didn’t deserve that power and the adoration of millions. 
He just hoped their deaths had been quick, a flash of something and then nothing. 
He was pushing himself back up when he caught and heard a groan. He peered back in and caught the rise and fall of Stone’s chest. Billy reached in and grabbed onto the strap of his utility vest and started pulling him out as he said in a hurried voice,
“It’s alright Sir, I got you...we’re gonna get you outta this!” Billy said as he tugged harder, trying to unlodge Stone from under Dwight.
“Stop...it Russo,” the older man said, his throat clicking audibly as he swallowed. “Get the others out…”
“Just go...I can’t...I don’t want…”
It’s then that Billy took notice of the extent of the damage the man took, while the wounds on his upper body could probably been treated in one of the med tents, then taken to the nearest hospital, his lower half was broken in more ways than one.
“God damn it Russo, I said to fucking leave me here!!” 
Billy flinched back at the amount of venom in the man’s words, hesitated telling him that he still had to pull him out, lay him along with the others. Instead he gave him a hard pat on the shoulder and pushed himself up and walked away from the car. Red still needed help, he still had to check if one of the Humvee had a working radio so he could request a medevac. He’d take care of that first and then, he’d go back and drag out the bodies, leaving the lead car for last, that should be enough time for Stone. 
Billy looked over at Reyes as he trotted back to the second car, he was working over Otto still, holding  wad of gauze over one of the larger injuries as he checked his eyes. When he reached it, he found Red slumped against the side of the car, eyes closed and breathing through his mouth, there was a slight wheeze with every intake of air. 
“C’mon Red, let’s get you outta here.” he said as he reached in and gently shook the marine whose eyes slowly opened, giving him a small nod. 
It took some maneuvering, but Billy was able to get Jason out of the car, left arm over his shoulder and side pressed firmly against his own and hobble to where the other survivors were. They had just cleared the front of the car, Billy gritting his teeth and pushing past the pain shooting up his side when Reyes walked up to them and went to take hold of Jason’s other side. The walk went by much quicker then.
Once Red was settled with the others, Billy had Reyes stay with them while he went and searched for a working radio. He checked the second car and went directly to the consol between the two front seats, the radio was a little banged up but the disp[lay was functioning making him breathe a sigh of relief as he turned the dial and entered the frequency for the distress channel, pressed and held the button on the receiver and said the words he was trained to say but hoped he’d never have to. 
“Dustoff, this is Blackbird, requesting medevac, over.”
Billy waited and counted the customary three seconds needed for a response, when it didn’t come he cursed and took a breath and tried to maintain his voice steady and clear. Then repeated the line.
“Dustoff, Dustoff, this is Blackbird, requesting medevac. Over.”
He took the pressure off the button and the click on the radio was the most beautiful sound Billy had ever heard. 
“Blackbird this is Dustoff, send it. Over.”
Billy kept a cool head and clear tone as he said the first line of the request, reciting their coordinates then continued,
“Line too: niner niner six fife. Break. Blackbird. Break
Line tree:...” here Billy hesitated for a moment. There had been 13 members in the squad that left their base that morning, packed away in 3 vehicles on a route that had been previously scouted and cleared as safe, the faces of the brothers he lost flashed through his face, he didn’t let his thoughts linger any longer, knew he didn’t have that commodity, not here. He had to think about the men that were still alive, still breathing, still had a chance to make it outta this desert road. He cleared the knot that had formed in his throat and continued to recite the request he had to get through. 
“Three alpha, break, two delta. Break.
“Line fow-er: Alpha. Break
“Line fife: 3 Lima. Break. 2 Alpha. Break
“Line six: November. Break
“Line seven: Charlie. Break
“Line eight: Alpha. Break.
“Line nine: None. Break. 
“This completes 9line medevac request. How copy. Over.”
The click came again and the voice over the radio was clear as it said, 
“Blackbird, this is Dustoff. We copy, medevac dispatched, EAT 10 minutes. out.” 
Billy breathed a sigh of relief, 10 minutes. He quickly unscrewed the radio from the console, grabbed a couple of smoke grenades and trotted to the back of the car, unhooked the stretches they had strapped there and trotted back to where Reyes and the others were, they still had to transfer Otto, Jason, and Malone onto the stretchers so they could just be loaded up onto the helicopter and evacuated. 
When he reached them he set the radio down and the stretchers down, looked up at Reyes and told him, 
“Bird is 10 minutes out, we need to get these guys on the litters to load them up and…” he paused but the we gotta get the others outta the others outta the cars hung unsaid between them. 
Without further prompting, Reyes hooked his arms under Jason’s armpits and Billy took his leg and gripped at the loose fabric of his fatigues, counted to three and lifted him up and onto the stretcher, gritting his teeth as pain shot up his abdomen. Doing the same for Otto and Malone. Then started the arduous task of removing their dead and lining them up a little ways away from their injured, covering them with a canvas sheet, Billy was working on tugging Stone out of the lead car, the man deathly still as Billy pulled and yanked to free him from where he was snagged on something when he heard the crackle of the radio, he jumped up and out and rushed over to the radio, pushing down the dizziness that threaten to overtake him as a voice came through the receiver,
“Blackbird this is Dustoff 609. Two minutes out. Over.”
At those words Billy pulled the pin from one of the smoke grenades and almost instantly, green smoke erupted from the top of the can, encasing them in seconds. 
“Blackbird this is Dustoff 609, we got visual on green smoke. Is that you? Over.”
Billy says a breathless yes into the receiver before his training kicks in and corrects himself, reciting call signs and confirming that the green smoke was in fact them.
“Blackbird this is Dustoff 609 we see you. Over.”
It wasn’t long before they were able to hear the sound of the helicopter, even less when the spinning of the blades cleared the smoke, men jumping out of the helicopter and running to where they were, taking hold of the stretchers and rushing them over and loading them onto the helicopter. Another couple of guys went to where the rest of their squad laid and loaded them onto other stretchers and carried them to the second helicopter. He was on his way to help them when he stumbled, his vision blurred at the edges and everything seemed a bit too bright He closed his eyes tight and breathed for a moment, steadied himself and took a step when he was caught by the shoulder He turned and saw one of the guys from the first helicopter, his lips were moving but he could barely make out he was saying over the sound of the helicopter motor. 
“What?” he yelled, hoping the guy was able to hear him.
“I said, we gotta get you loaded up!”
Billy gave him a quizzical look, to which the guy said, 
“Soldier, you’ve bled through your bandages, we gotta get you outta here!”
Billy looked down at himself, the dark elastic bandage he had wrapped around his stomach had a large, wet dark spot. He looked back over at the guy, Wade read the name over his right breast pocket
“C’mon, we gotta get you outta here.”
Billy nodded and let Wade guide him to the belly of the helicopter, where Otto, Jason, and Malone were already being hooked up to IV bags, Reyes was sitting on one of the seats in the back, holding a cold compress to his head. Wade pointed for him to lay across a few seats and had him hold clean bandages to his stomach.
He felt when the helicopter took off the ground and shifted forward and that’s when his eyes began to droop, everything fading as tiredness overtaking him.
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banditthewriter · 4 years
hi bandit, hope you're well. do you know any other billy russo fic authors? thank you
I do! I will admit to not knowing if these people are currently writing for him, but I know they have written for him in the past.
@breanime @something-tofightfor @lexxierave @obscurilicious/@whos-pretty-now
I know there are more but my brain is broken. Sorry!
Please feel free to drop your favorite Killy Russo fic writers in the comments!
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bewitchingwitch · 5 years
Constellations Pt. 15
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Hey guys I’m so sorry for along so longtime o Update I’ve had writers block for such a long time. Thank you for encouraging me to fight through it and a special thanks to @lexxierave @hannah-mic @bowtrucklescamander and @fricktheitinerary for commenting on my posting and inspiring me to keep in writing and for showing me how much my work means to you! :)
So here it is part 15 featuring Adonis as Liam Hemsworth. I believe @newletas said that she saw Adonis as Liam Hemsworth and for this chapter it was very fitting! This is for you
Word count: 3, 170
Songs: One Of us- ABBA for the first part of the chapter and then My love, my life- ABBA for the second part
Your head was swirling, you were being practically pulled part as you struggled against Adonis. He had apparted away with you in his arms and you had been trying to pull away. You had no idea what would happen if you separated during a transportation, but you didn't care. Newt and Theseus were in danger. And so were Queenie and Jacob.
But it was no use he was holding onto you too hard. Wherever you were going it was taking an awfully long time. You never liked appartating or using portkey to travel it always gave you nausea. You much rather preferred driving in your car or walking. You felt lightheaded, you closed your eyes in a hope that it would ease your stomach.
How could you let this happen? You should have just gone back with Adonis when he had asked at the Quidditch game. And none of this would have happened. No. You should have never left home for that year. You should have stayed and prepared for the wedding. Then you would have never gotten the Scamander brothers mixed up in your family drama.
Your thoughts crashed down around you as you came to a jerky stop. You felt ground finally settled underneath your feet. You began to open your eyes and your vision came back into focus. At first you had no idea where you were but as you looked around you noticed certain features of this room. The high ceilings, the crisp white walls, the golden curtains that surrounded the roof high windows. They fluttered around encasing the whole room.
The sunlight streamed in covering the piano in a yellow glow. You hated playing the piano, during the summers your grandmother would make you practice your scales over and over on her grand piano until your back hurt from sitting in the small stool. But she would never let you leave because it was never good enough for her. A black tabby cat laid lazily atop of it. It stared at you with unnaturally golden eyes. It hissed at you. At that moment you knew exactly where you were.
You were back in a place you never hoped to see again. You were in your grandmothers house. 
A big black cat that was easily the size of a dog sauntered into the room. It's eyes glowed yellow, no pupil, no iris, just golden light emitting from its eyes. The cat that was laying across the piano sat up at attention and jumped off. It began to trail the big cat and one more similar to the other followed. Another dog sized cat sat in the corner of the room it's eyes cast downward.
The cat slowly began transforming into an older woman covered head to toe in white. One of the small black cats jumped into her arms while the other circled around her feet. It was your grandmother. "(Y/n)." She spoke stiffly.
"Grandma." You responded dryly.
"Lyra dear. Aren't you going to welcome your own daughter home. " Your grandmother called out to the cat like creature that was still tucked away in the corner.
You watched as your mother transformed into herself. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, she had the same hair color as you expect it was streaked with strands of grey. "Hello darling." Her voice was hollow. She seemed to be sucked out of life when she was here, when she was with your father was when she was happiest.
Your mother has fell in love with your father at a very young age, which was a scandal all on its own. But the fact that he was a muggle made it even worse. She was supposed to marry this rich wizard from Scotland but instead she ran off with your father. Your grandmother was disgraced by this. In hopes of reclaiming your family's pure blood legacy she was going to marry you off to Adonis. It was accident that you met him, you were supposed to marry the son of the rich Scottish wizard but when you met Adonis your grandmother was over the moon. He was of much better status. And you gladly content with marrying him. Which was fine until he went crazy and came to get you 3 months early.
The black cat that circled around your grandmothers feet was staring at you. You hated cats and yet it seemed ironic that your family curse was indeed cats. All of the women in your family had the ability to transform into these cat like creatures that were the size of dogs.
"So I see you're back early." Your grandmother clucked her tongue as she sat down in a chair motioning you over to sit next to her. You remained standing.
"Not at my own free will." You shot back. You crossed your arms over your chest. Your grandmother looked you up and down you could see the disapproval she had as you surveyed your messy hair and crumpled dress.
"Greens not really your color kitten. Neither is blue." Your pet name that your grandmother had for you made disgust run throughout your veins.
"I think it looks nice." Your mother spoke up from where she was standing. She was being so quiet you had forgotten she was even there.
You paused before answering. "Thanks." You were a little betrayed that your mother didn't think of warning you about Adonis arriving.
Adonis was still had a grip on your waist. He was starting straight ahead. His stubble was still very evident and he still smelled of alcohol. He was obviously drunk when he came to fetch you from the club.
"I can't say I was too pleased that Adonis decided to come and fetch me especially at your command." You glanced over at your grandma. She just gave you a sly smile.
Your grandmother lifted her hand in the air and snapped, the sound ringing throughout the house. Immediately Adonis stood at attention and dropped his hand from your waist. He moved to stand at your grandmothers right side.
"Adonis what are you doing?"
"Whatever I say. You see deary Adonis didn't come to get you at that Quidditch match."
Your interrupted her. "Wait how do you know about the Quidditch match?"
"I did."
Your grandmother smirked at you while your mother cast her eyes downward.  Your grandmother took out her wand from her coat pocket and held it to her lips. "(Y/n) where's your ring?" As she spoke so did Adonis he was like a moving puppet. You were horrified
For the first time you noticed how his normally brown Carmel eyes glowed golden like your grandmothers did now.
"What did you do?" You asked with a quivering voice.
"What I had too." Your grandmother placed her wand down but still Adonis was in her control. Her butler brought her a cup of tea in a white cup and she took it, taking a small sip. She stared at your through the smoke, her golden eyes looking like headlights piercing through fog. "You see there was a article in the  Daily Prophet a couple of days ago, saying that you were gallivanting around with the most eligible bachelor in the Wizarding world. Theseus Scamander. "
You remembered the paper and your were shocked that someone had managed to get a picture of the two of you kissing. It was supposed to be a private moment but it soon became the most talked about gossip in Paris.
Your grandmother continued. "Now you can imagine my surprise when I saw that my engaged granddaughter was running around with a ministry official. It wasn't long after that I received a visit from Adonis he came here drunk crying his eyes out. He was devastated that you were cheating on him-"
"I wasn't cheating on him I-" your grandmother help her hand for silence and if by magic you stopped.
"He was completely broken, I'd never seen a man so raw before." You snuck a glance at Adonis, your heart softened, you never intended to hurt him. "Anyway I welcomed him in of course and we sat here on this very couch. Now I knew your actions could not go with out consequences. I sat him down and offered him a cup of tea. He took it and he begged me to help him get you back. And I asked him if he would do anything for you. And he said I'd do anything. Are you sure I asked in return. And he responded with all my heart. And that was all I needed."
"You didn't."
"Oh but I did." Your world shattered around you. Your grandmother had done the unthinkable. She had put your family's special spell on Adonis. This spell when combined with a cup of tea, spiked with a bit of magic, those who agreed to the terms and drank it were under there control. Your grandmother was famous for it, it was how she "handled things."
You should have known before from the harsh words Adonis has said at the Quidditch match, to the way he was so rough and violent at the dance. He was under a trance. She had been speaking through him, manipulating him in her game.
Your grandmother set her teacup down at the coffee table and picked up her wand. She mumbled the counter curse and Adonis slumped forward, catching himself of the back of the satin couch.
He shakily probed himself up. He placed a hand to his forehead letting out a small groan. He blinked as if his eye sight was still blurry. You watched as the golden light seeped out of his eyes tricking down his cheeks like tears. "W-whats going on." His voice was raspy like he hadn't spoken for days.
You turned to your grandmother. "How could you."
"You left me no choice." She stood up and sauntered over to you. She was a couple inches shorter than you but none the less you cowered at her stance. "What was a supposed to do pray tell me dear granddaughter? Was I just supposed to let you do whatever the hell you wanted. You are no longer a kid (y/n), you need to stop acting like your actions won't have repercussions. I did what I needed to do for this family, I suffered for the sake of my family's legacy, I married a horribly abusive man for the sake of keeping our bloodline pure." You felt your eyes grow wide at this. You never really knew your grandfather, he never seemed to be around. But as you thought more about it your childhood memories seemed to resurface. You remembered visiting your grandmother and seeing purple bruises decorate her skin. But she never seemed to show any pain around you.
You wanted to hate your grandmother but this memory caused you to bite your tongue and let her continue her rant. "And here is a young man who loves you, who wants a life with you! For Merlin's sake actually cared about you and us not marrying you for your bloody namesake." Tears began to form at your grandmothers eyes as you looked you dead in the eyes, gesturing to Adonis behind her. He shot you a weary smile. "You are so naive. What must it be to not only hold the Keys to this boys hearts but to dangle those two boys in strings in your little love game. You think it doesn't affect them, you are so naive.  You are so stupid! You know what you have to do (y/n). Grow up and do what is right." She took a deep breath and wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. She looked back at you and for a moment you could see just how much she had suffered for your family. This did not make you forgive her but it made you understand her. "So yes I did what I had to. I did what was best for you and for this family." She held her head high starring you down.
You looked around the room surveying those in it. Your grandmother had done her duty to the household and yet she was miserable. Your mother had followed her heart but at the same time cost her family everything. And in the end was she even happy? How could you be happy being separated from the love of your life and only being allowed to see them every once in a while. You came to the conclusion that no matter what you did you would always be stuck in this pressure to do what was right. So you made you decision.
You lifted your head up and looked your grandmother in the eyes. "Fine I'll marry Adonis." Your grandmother looked shocked at your words, as if she had not expected you to agree. "But for the family." You said the last part softly, but at the Adonis turned to you and you couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes.
You sat in up in your room your grandmother had for you. It still looked the same after all these years. The walls covered with posters featuring musicians or famous muggle artists. You laid across the bed on your back staring up at the sealing, the family crest painted up there. When you were younger you tried to paint over it but no matter what you did it burned through it. You could still see the faint outline of various murals you had attempted to do.
You tossed and turned it was a early in the morning but sleep seemed to have abandoned you. Reluctantly you transformed into your cat like state, you always seemed to sleep better this way. You paved around the bed, kneading it before you settled down. Sleep was slowly approaching when you heard a knock at your door.
As you jumped off of the bed you transformed back just in to open the door. As you did you cake face to face with Adonis. "Hey." His eyes were tired. He had changed out of his clothes and had slipped into an oversized ravenclaw sweater with sweat pants.
"Can I come in?" He rubbed his hand up and down the nape of his neck in a nervous manner.
You didn't say anything you just opened the door further and sat down on the bed. He followed and sat down weighing his side down. "I came to talk about to earlier. I'd didn't  mean to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me."
"Of course I did it wasn't you saying those things to me. It was my grandmother speaking through you." You kept your gaze cast downward.
You could feel his stare on you. "What did you mean when you said you'd marry me for the family."
"Adonis don't do this." You felt the lump forming in your throat. You felt the weight of the bed shift as he moved closer.
"Look at me."
"I can't."
"Why my love?"
"Please don't call me that. I'm unworthy of that title."
"Don't be silly." You felt his hand cup the side of your face. He ran his thumb over your cheek bone in a soothing manner. "You are the love of my life." You looked up at him. "I love you (y/n)." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. You didn't even respond. He pulled away but kept his hand on the side of your face. You laid your hand over his.
His eyes watered, his face was stilled stained with golden tears and now new ones accompanied them. "Did. Did I ever have a chance?" His Adam's apple bopped up and down.
You felt tears escape your eyes and well. "Of course." You saw his shoulders relax. "But-" His shoulders tensed and he let out a shaky breath.  You threw yourself into his arms and buried your face in his shoulder. You aren't strong enough to tell him to his face. His familar smell welcomed you but you knew that soon it would no longer be yours. "That was Once upon a time, we're no longer kids. "
"But you are my one and my only." His voice quivered. "I grew up with you and watched your transform into the person you are today. Was it a dream, a lie."
"Never." You broke down and gripped on tightly onto his sweater. You sniffled.
"But I can see it all so clearly." He ran his hand through your hair. " I'm now sitting here today close to you and yet I there is a distance. I could see it in your eyes when I came here." He swallowed hard before pulling you as close as he could. "I can't lose you."
You pulled back and looked him in his eyes. They were back to his normal Carmel brown color. You rand your hand down his face and stopped close to his mouth. He pressed a kiss to your palm. "You never could you are my love and my life."
He ran a hand through your hair before tucking it behind your ear. He gave you a sad smile. "But I no longer posses you." He asked as he held on a little looser.
Your silence was answer enough. "What are we going to do?" You rocked back and worth him holding you tightly now as if he was afraid any moment you were going to leave him just like his family had. "You are all I have." He whispered far to lowly for your to hear. "I know I don't posses you but tell me why it's so hard to say."
"I'm going to marry you." You refused to look back at him, you wanted to at least enjoy this moment, you knew that moments like this were over.
"Even though you don't love me?" His voice was dull. He shifted to where you were holding him. You were on your back and he was laying on top of you, his face pressed against your chest listening to your calming heartbeat, his words muffled. You wrapped your arms around him.
You lifted his face to yours. "I love you Donnie I'm just not in love with you." You sadly smiled as tears continued to trickle down your face.
"You will still be my one and only, my love, my life. If if I no longer posses your heart." Adonis said as he kissed you softly and it was only for a moment. But he knew even if you married him it was no longer for love but for obligation. This time you kissed back. It was your way of saying goodbye. And yet it was never enough, because how do you say goodbye to your first love.You kissed each other as the sun began to rise and as morning came you knew that you no longer belonged to one another.
Tag list: @hearteyesmotherclucker @theroyalbrownbarbie @hoodedbirdie @annyinlovewithkpop @c8n10n4o2-geek @martarosado @nanjaeminie @moisoverennyi-thestarlessone @profangirllex @gaenahelleborus @melodramaticmelon2118 @michellekstr @nctyong-xo @preppy-by-the-c @sweetlyshinylady @emo-plaidin @dreacantsleep @theetherealbloom m @lily2089 @mywckdmind @barbarachern @imbiandiwanttocry @ollyoxenfrees @newtslatte e @pettylady @februarycalum @justanotherenglisheducationmajor @feelthefeelingsinsideyou @ombriescent @ztinge @liloefuru u @babywizardoll @heckin-kat @thewitchmadness @bunnie-kookie @the-fandom-life-forever @missanonyma @frozen-blue-eyes @newletas @sassycassyhoneybee @spookysunflowr @arosewithdaisies @spreaded-butter @dreacantsleep @constantdisgrace @madamnouiselle @pureawesomeness001 @hp-forever-generation @princeofsassgard @hereiamhereigo @coniumalces
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Nicky's cousin is getting married, and you need a dress! Is my badass boy any help in the mall?
Plus One 
A/N: this one was really fun to write. like, just imagine Nick covered in glitter, first of all, because that’s enough to make me giggle any old time. So this is not associated with Made Man. It’s a standalone piece. Is Nicky any help in the mall? We shall see. 
Word Count: 1,547
Nick opened the heavy, ornate envelope, already knowing full and well what was inside. His cousins could hardly shut up about the upcoming event at family dinner last Sunday, the girls all clustered around one end of the table with his aunts and Nonna, clucking like hens about dresses and favors, decorations, desserts and floral arrangements. Gold glitter fell freely as he pulled out the lace embellished invitation and response card, covering his hands and his jeans, sticking to the table top and falling to the floor. Goddamn it, Adriana, gonna be covered in this shit for months now . He tried fruitlessly to wipe his hands clean on his tee shirt, only resulting in giving the black fabric a golden shine. Just like Mariella’s. Can these girls do anything without glitter? Clicking his tongue and shaking his head, he read the scrawling script on the elaborate announcement.  
You are cordially invited to the wedding of the year. Given by Mr. & Mrs. Christiano Tortano as their daughter Adriana Tortano weds Michael DelAngelo, son of Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo DelAngelo, on the fourteenth day of August in the year two thousand and nineteen. The ceremony is to be held at St. Gabriella’s Cathedral at two o’clock in the afternoon, reception at the Venetian Manor to follow. 
Blah, blah, blah. Nick dropped the glitter coated page on top of the envelope and looked at the response card. There were little lines next to “declines with regret” and “accepts with pleasure” for him to denote his attendance, and he laughed to himself thinking about how quickly he’d gain black sheep status if he didn’t show. I’d regret it for the rest of my life if I declined, he mused, imagining his grandmother’s rant, half in English, half in Italian and full of swear words. What caught his eye though, wasn’t the extravagance of the decorative paper or the over abundance of gold glitter, but the line above the decline/accept portion that read: Mr. Niccolo Tortano & Guest.
Huh. He hadn’t thought about getting a plus one to his cousin’s wedding. Nick had had girlfriends for his last two family affairs, and so it had just been a given that they would attend as his date. But it had been a few months since he’d parted ways with Catherine Zerillo, and he hadn’t found another place holder just yet. 
In truth, he hadn’t been looking for one. Word on the street was that you were finally through with that punk Bobby Scrabonia, and he could finally ask you out. Nick had a thing for you- had for a while now, ever since your family moved in next door to his father. You'd talk from time to time and it didn’t take long for him to know he liked you; you were funny and smart and he thought it was cute when you rolled your eyes, which you did often. But one or both of you were always seeing someone and he wasn’t about to go after another guy’s girl. Not even a dumb punk like Bobby. 
But now that you were single and he was too, he found himself wondering why it had taken an overly glittered piece of paper to realize he should ask you out. A wedding as a first date though? That’s somethin’. Before he could talk himself out of it, he imagined what you’d look like all dolled up and there with him, how you’d smile as he twirled you recklessly on the dance floor… how it would feel to spin you back into his arms and finally hold you close. 
He called you the next day to try his luck, greeting you by name when you answered. “Hey, hi, it’s Nick. Tortano.” 
You laughed as his words fell quickly over one another. “Hi Nicky, how’s it going?” 
“Good, real good, listen I called to uh… ask a favor.” 
“Oh yeah?” Nick heard a rustling sound and imagined you switching the phone to your opposite ear, swinging your hair over your shoulder. “You don’t seem like the kinda guy asks a lotta favors, must be serious.” He could see the look of mock severity in the set of your eyebrows and the quirks of your lips. 
“Ha. It uh, well, it kinda is, yeah.” He ran a hand through his hair, his own mouth curving into a smile that he couldn’t stop if he tried. “You know my cousin Adriana’s gettin’ married, yeah?” 
“Ha! Yeah, Nick, I might have heard something about that.” Your eye roll was a sure thing here- you worked with Adriana and Nick was sure that she hadn’t stopped talking about her wedding since Michael put that chunk of diamonds on her finger. 
“Yeah, well, I uh...I wanted to see if you’d wanna go. With me.” 
There was a pause before you spoke and he held his breath. “Nick. I... “ you laughed. Was that a nervous laugh? She wants to say yes. He let the breath back out. 
“It doesn’t have to be like-”
“Nick I don’t have anything to wear to-” 
You spoke over one another.  “Nothin’ to wear? Whaddyou mean nothin’ to wear? You always look...you always look nice.” Nice was an understatement. You always looked gorgeous to him. 
“Not to something like Adriana’s wedding, Nick, haven’t you heard?” You put on a fake accent- he wasn’t sure if you were trying to sound French or British...or whatever else…as you said ”It’s the event of the year!” Again he felt that involuntary smile climb his face. 
“A dress? That’s all you’re worried about? Don’t worry about a dress, just say yes.” 
“Come on, Nick, what do you mean don’t worry about a dress? I can’t show up at The Venetian Manor in...well, in anything I own.” 
“Alright, fine.” Nick put his hands up as though you were there in front of him and could read his nonchalant gesture. “Fine, I guess you can’t come to the ball if you don’t got a dress, right Princess?” 
“Not a princess, Nicky, just your dad’s neighbor’s daughter.” 
“Yeah...yeah, alright well, I’ll uh, I’ll let you go then, just... okay. I’ll see you soon, okay?” You ended the phone call and he already knew what he was going to do. 
.  . .  . . .  . . . .
Two days later, he got a text from Vito- Her car’s outside. He’d asked his brother to let him know when you’d be visiting with your family, and he was ready, grabbing the bag that he’d picked up immediately after your phone call, and heading the 5 or so blocks over to his father’s neighborhood. She can’t say no now. 
Nick stood on your mother’s doorstep, bag in one hand and the other raised to knock on the outer edges of the screen door. The barking of your sister’s teacup yorkie followed by shouts of “Shut up, Pinkie!”, Opera music and the unmistakable smell of Sunday Gravy wafting out from the kitchen, and finally your footsteps coming down the steps. He licked his lips and smiled as he saw your socked feet descend the staircase, followed by your legs, hips, and finally your face, hair piled messily on top of your head and a shocked expression on your face. “Nick?” You spoke his name through the screen before you even opened the door, a smirk pulling up one cheek as you reached for the door handle. “What are you doing here, Tortano?”
“Hey, nice ta see you too, Princess. I thought I’d ask you one more time if you wanna be my date for Adriana’s wedding.”
You absently smoothed some fly-aways back and let out a breath that was part exasperated sigh, part laugh and what he hoped was part appreciation for his persistence. “What’d I tell ya, huh? I have nothing to wear to the ball, Nicky.” You hadn’t noticed the bag in his hand. 
“That really the only reason you won’t go with me?” You nodded. “Well then,” he set the bag down on the doorstep and pulled out the dress that he’d gone directly to the mall to pick up for you after your phone call. It was black, long enough to hit your knees with a low cut back and high halter top, and he’d asked the girl in the store for help with the size. “How ‘bout now. Will you go with me now?” 
You bit your bottom lip, one hand on your hip, and let out a burst of air. “Nick, did you…” your hand raked over your face before you reached out and touched the chiffon material in his hand. “You really picked this out for me, huh?” 
Nick nodded, dark eyes fixed on you. “Yeah. So now that you have something to wear…” 
You narrowed your eyes before shaking your head, an incredulous smile on your face. “Okay, Nick.” 
“Okay yeah?”
You nodded again. “Okay, yeah, I’ll go with you.” 
“See how easy that was?” His grin flashed like a thousand watt lightbulb. 
“Yeah. Easy.” You shook your head again.
“Alright, well, here you go.” Nick placed the dress back inside the bag and handed it to you. “I’m sure you know when it is and all, Adri’s told you?” he asked facetiously and you laughed. “Alright princess, I’ll see you for the ball.” 
@something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @suchatinyinfinity @agent-bossypants @lexxierave @songtoyou @thesumofmychoices
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suchatinyinfinity · 5 years
43-51(odds),55,61,and 81
Thanks again, @lexxierave!
43, 45, and 47 I answered already for @something-tofightfor, so here come the rest!
49. What saying or quote do you live by? It’s so overused and I never really liked it, but “Live and let God”. I had one hell of a 2016-2017 and it was the only thing that got me through everything that happened.
51. Current stresses? HA! Children, health, writing, impending cleaning and weeding out books (SOB), my inability to sleep and complete and utter lack of alone time.
55. Favorite fairy tale? Oooh, this is a good one! My favorite Disney movie fairy tale is Sleeping Beauty, so we’ll go with that. And fairy tales re-told are always great, like The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/TV show/etc?  All books:
“One was a book thIef. The other stole the sky.” (Markus Zusak, The Book Thief). 
“I had absolutely no interest in being somebody else's muse.I am not a muse. I am the somebody. End of fucking story.” (Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones & The Six)
“I wish someone had told me that love isn’t torture. Because I thought love was this thing that was supposed to tear you in two and leave you heartbroken and make your heart race in the worst way. I thought love was bombs and tears and blood. I did not know that it was supposed to make you lighter, not heavier. I didn’t know it was supposed to take only the kind of work that makes you softer. I thought love was war. I didn’t know it was supposed to… I didn’t know it was supposed to be peace.” (Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones & The Six)
“The problem with books is that they end. They seduce you. They spread their legs to you and pull you inside. And you go deep and leave your possessions and your ties to the world at the door and you like it inside and you don't want for your possessions or your ties and then, the book evaporates.” (Caroline Kepnes, You)
81. Fireflies or lightning bugs? I thought these were the same thing so I had to Google. I learned that they are, in fact, the same insect and are actually beetles, so I’m guessing this means what I’d rather call them... fireflies.
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
listen to me, lupin iii
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pairing: sirius black x reader
request: anon asked “Hey! Could you write a Sirius Black imagine where she’s Remus sister and they don’t know that she became an Animagus and they find out because one full moon she is with her brother alone and he started to transform so she had to run with him to Whomping Willow and when the boys came back from the detention they find Remus swooping a wolf (she) and he runs to the Forbidden Forest while Sirius take care of her and gets angry but is fluffy and mad with her? (Sorry if it’s too specific) Thank you!!”
notes: okayyy ik i haven’t updated this in ages but progress right?
warnings: swearing. angst? fluff? not sure tbh
word count: 900
part 1 part 2 part 4
it was just over a month later, and you had finished the stack of books mcgonagall had given you, taking the mandrake leaf out your mouth a couple of days ago. ever since your argument, you had ignored sirius- not just because of your disagreement. that, you got over in a matter of hours. it was better, for everyone, if you didn’t continue your.... thing. whatever it was that you had, it would hurt remus, and you hated sneaking around all the time anyways- it was frankly exhausting. 
sirius wasn’t too happy either. he knew you were now an animagus, which made him worried point blank, and there was still the niggling fear that remus would find out his best mate was crushing on his sister. he would not take that well. plus... well, he missed you. you had only been dating for a short time, but it meant something to sirius. he thought it had meant something to you, too. apparently not. sirius had been moping around for the past week or so, and remus had caught on, and now he was worried about sirius, and sirius was worried about you, and you were worried about remus- forget a love triangle, this was a worry triangle. 
however, unlike you and sirius, remus decided to do something. after class, he caught sight of sirius, and ran up to him, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the common room, ignoring his splutters. when he reached the common room, he looked around, saw all the people, and proceeded to drag sirius up to their dorm, the squawking starting up in a matter of seconds. sirius slammed the door shut, and turned round to face his best friend, hands on hips and face flushed. “what the fuck, moony?! if i wanted to be dragged everywhere, i would have asked my mother.” he said, snorting at the last bit. remus rolled his eyes, pulling him to sit down on his bed.
sirius sighed. “what’s going on, moons?” he asked tiredly, but remus scoffed. “what’s going on with me? what’s going on with you, pads?! you’ve been out of it for weeks now. is it family problems? girl problems? struggling in class?” he said.
sirius pulled back. “didn’t realise this was going to be an interrogation, mate. i told you, i’m fine.”
“somehow i don’t believe that, sirius. don’t you trust me?” remus asked, slightly hurt.
the gryffindor sighed. great. he’d ruined another friendship. “’course i do, moony! i just... can’t tell you.”
remus huffed, shaking his head. “why? i thought we were best friends, pads!”
sirius exploded. “what, do you want me tell you that i’m crushing on your sister?! that we dated behind your back for three months?! that we had an argument and broke up because she’s a fucking animagus?! is that what you want, remus?!”
sirius glared at him, breathing heavily, before he realised what he had just said. “shit.”
remus just stared blankly at him, watching sirius panic. “shit shit shit. i wasn’t supposed to tell you that. y/n’s gonna kill me. you’re gonna kill me! i’m such a stupid shithead!”
“shut up.” remus said, deathly calm. “what do you mean, y/n’s an animagus?” 
sirius sighed, waving his hands. “i found books mcgonagall had given her, and they were like... i don’t know, instructions for how to become an animagus. they’re the same ones we nicked in third year. that was over a month ago, and knowing y/n, she’s most likely gone ahead with it, so she should have just taken the mandrake leaf out her mouth. i was going to tell you, but then you would’ve found out about me and her, and we knew you’d be super pissed about that-”
“yeah, no shit sirius. you dating my sister? i think i have a right to be pissed about that. i swear, if i find out you hurt her, i’m going to kill you-”
“i didn’t hurt her, remus! i was trying to stop her becoming an animagus, to keep her safe!”
there was a brief silence, before remus spoke again. “okay, i can respect that. and- while we’re talking about it, i’d rather she dated you than anyone else. i know you, pads. you’re a good guy.” 
sirius tentatively smiled. “thanks, moons. she means a lot to me.”
remus grimaced, groaning. “alright, i stand by what i said, but no lovey dovey talk when i’m around, ‘mkay?”
sirius nodded, pushing his hair out of his face. “don’t really think that’s gonna be a problem right now. last time we talked- well, it wasn’t talking, more of a shouting match. i really like her, but i don’t know if.. we can go back to what we were, yanno?”
remus nodded, clapping him on the shoulder. “look, i’m going to talk to y/n about the animagus thing, but after that’s sorted, i’ll talk to her about you two. not gonna lie, you guys would have cute kids.”
sirius fake groaned for a minute, before grinning. “i know, right? my hair and y/n’s eyes.... perfect combo. i was thinking emma and nathan-”
“too much info, pads. too much info.” remus cut him off, before standing up, walking over to his “secret” chocolate tin (everyone in the dorm knew where it was, and stole from it regularly), grabbed a crunchie bar and tossed it to sirius. “don’t tell anyone where my tin is, alright? can’t have people nicking my food.”
sirius nodded, hiding a smirk as he took a bite. “gotcha, moons.”
tags: @blackpinkdolan @shadylittlewonder @sassy-specter @hoewkeye @im-eating-rn @knowledgeisthebomb
listen to me, lupin tags: @magicalmarauder @lexxierave @blaised-zabini @pigeonsbones @avengersassemblee
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