cursedbeasts · 4 months
Urum-13 Lore
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General Info
Location: Urum system. Calixis sector. Segmentum Obscurus. 
Forge World colors: Teal gray and bright orange
Exports: Augmetics 
Unique traits: Antennae that give its tech priests access to Urum’s noospheric network. If a tech priest of Urum commits a crime, their antennae are removed, and they are exiled. Skitarii are sent after them, and if they are caught, they are executed, but if they manage to escape, they are free to go.
A volcanic forge world located in Calixis sector. Mechanicus activity is centered in six forge centers known as Spires. They are named after the tech priest in charge.
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The majority of Urum's inhabitants live in six huge forge cities known as Spires. Each can be mostly independent, with its own voidport, but each also has its own specialty. The spires are connected with miles of railways.
Spire Aurelia
The biggest and central spire. Houses augmetics manufactorums and the fabricator general's personal forge temple. 
Spire Cordelia
Houses the largest voidport and guest quarters. A beautiful place decorated with sculptures and lush gardens for the less augmented guests to enjoy. The Spire is covered by a massive canopy that keeps Urum’s ash-choked air out. 
Spire Kassander
Urum’s data storage, library, and working spaces of Lexmechanics and Logi. 
Spire Karhu
Urum’s genetors work in the myriad laboratories housed here, monitoring Urum’s genestocks, the health of its inhabitants, and conducting research. 
If you mention the Prime Genetor's name while inside the Spire, he might just appear from practically nowhere.
Spire Maledicta 
This spire houses Urum’s Skitarii and Secutor barracks and training grounds. The spire sits on the side of a volcano, and is protected by a forcefield.
Spire Teyron
Teyron’s spire houses the strategic center, as well as weapon and armor manufactorums.
Ruling Council
Urum-13 is ruled by a council of six tech priests led by Fabricator General Aurelia. The members of the council represent different branches of Mechanicus operations on the Forge World. 
Fabricator-general Aurelia Alpha-1-Omega
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The priestess in charge of the forge world. Aurelia's origins are shrouded in mystery, there's evidence that she once started as a Lexmechanic. Now she is a master artisan in charge of her own Forge World.
Fabricator Locum Cordelia
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The diplomat and Aurelia’s right hand woman, Cordelia conducts dealings with the outside world.
Secutor Prime Maledicta
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Once plucked from a world besieged by Tyranids, Maledicta was entrusted to the previous Secutor Prime, whose name was also Maledicta. Maledicta senior gave the girl her name, and raised her as her apprentice and daughter. Maledicta rose through the ranks and now commands her own Spire and oversees the training of Skitarii and more militant Tech Priests. She resents Aurelia for taking her away from her home, but she feels like she owes it to her mother to make Urum her home.
Magos Dominus Teyron
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Teyron oversees the planetary defense and strategizing along with Maledicta. 
Prime Genetor Karhu
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A weirdo genetor trapped on Urum because it’s the only place where his ideas of using Terran animal parts to strengthen humanity aren’t seen as tech heresy. Bonds with Maledicta over disliking Aurelia. Also knows that Maledicta is a former genestealer cultist.
Lexico Arcanum Kassander
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A quiet fellow who can fivine the future using numbers, data analysis, and statistics. Mostly keeps to himself.
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
oh hey this is awesome!!! your english is v good btw. I've been trying to read stuff in original ever since i discivered the british book centre here in my city: lots of books, all in english. they host gamenights too, with board games! i love to brag about this so you gotta hear it too: the first and only time i went to a gamenight there, a bunch of older people (over 30) and i played the game called lexico... -🍒
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is Lexico kinda like Taboo? I may be getting it wrong, but it reminded me of the time at uni we were playing Taboo with some friend, and I was feeling quite anxious so I almost didn’t play, I was afraid I would look so stupid. But one of my friends convinced me and I actually did really great! And I felt so smart and then I came home and downloaded an app to play with my family cause I was so happy :’)
I played it in spanish tho, but I could potentially play it in english with my fam cause they we all speak it ;)
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radiocoverage · 4 years
Signal Boosters for Home
A stronger signal means faster internet, consistent service, and reliable connections. Keep life on track; your signal shouldn’t slow you down.
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While everyone is enjoying their activities outdoor, many are still enjoying staying in their comfort zones. People regardless of age are using cell phones as the primary ways to communicate with friends and family. And that means a strong and reliable cellular coverage in our homes is needed especially for emergency cases that is rather more important.
No one has time for spotty cell reception, poor audio quality on calls, and slow data transfers. But our homes and small work spaces are made of the very materials that block cell signals from getting inside – concrete, brick, metal, and coated glass, therefore, there’s a need of signal booster that helps signal pass through the walls getting inside the house.
Shop with our home signal boosters guaranteed to increase signal at your home.
The signal boosters work for homes in the location where you are in a remote area or big city. Whether your home’s wall blocks the signal from the outside, we have signal booster products that helps passes the signal through the type of wall your home has.
Lexico provides signal boosters that works in a wider space homes extending your low network signals from your room coverage. It will determine its weak signal and this will instantly boost your calls, text and internet, no interruption in between your activities. Read more..
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pamilaeealeman · 4 years
Buying or Selling a Home? You Need an Expert Kind of Guide
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In a normal housing market, whether you’re buying or selling a home, you need an experienced guide to help you navigate through the process. You need someone you can turn to who will tell you how to price your home correctly right from the start. You need someone who can help you determine what to offer on your dream home without paying too much or offending the seller with a low-ball offer.
We are, however, in anything but a normal market right now. We are amid one of the greatest health crises our nation has ever seen. The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the journey consumers take to purchase or sell a home. To successfully navigate the landscape today, you need more than an experienced guide. You need a ‘Real Estate Sherpa.’
According to Lexico, a Sherpa is a “member of a Himalayan people living on the borders of Nepal and Tibet, renowned for their skill in mountaineering.” Sherpas are skilled in leading their parties through the extreme altitudes of the peaks and passes in the region – some of the most treacherous trails in the world. They take pride in their hardiness, expertise, and experience at very high altitudes.
They are much more than just guides.
This is much more than a normal real estate market.
Today, the average guide just won’t do. You need a Sherpa. You need an expert who understands how COVID-19 is impacting the thoughts and actions of the consumer (ex: virtual showings, proper safety protocols, e-signing documents). You need someone who can simply and effectively explain the changes in today’s process to you and your family. You need an expert who will guarantee you make the right decision, especially in these challenging times.
Bottom Line
Hiring an agent who understands how the pandemic is reshaping the real estate processes is crucial right now. Let’s connect today to guarantee your journey is a safe and successful one.
Article sponsored by Builder Hot Spots.  A new home search site that allows you to to look at 1000's of floor plans, images and city subdivisions when you are looking for a new home.
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Blog #4: El Paso and Globalization
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On August 2019, a devastating mass shooting took place at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, leaving 22 dead. This massacre was led on by a 21 year old white man who held strong anti-immigration views (Charlton, 2019).  El Paso is located at the far western side of Texas bordering Mexico, thus many Mexican immigrants reside in the city. This type of attack- one targeted at a specific group of individuals due to white nationalism on behalf of the attacker- is commonly known to be an act of white supremacy. Oxford dictionary defines this concept as “the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.” (Lexico, n.d.). Minutes before the shooting, the gunman left an online manifesto where he alerted the public of what would soon be taking place. In his hatred-filled manifesto, the attacker proposed an idea to separate the United States into various territories, one for every race, in order to avoid clashes between the different races (Charlton, 2019). 
Only days after the incident at El Paso, multiple threats to other mass shootings have been made with the same objective. It is said that the police has stopped over seven white supremacist attacks (Levin, 2019). A key concept shared between all attackers is the idea of the “great replacement”, which essentially claims that global elites are replacing white groups with immigrants (Charlton, 2019). The thwarted attacks all echoed the El Paso shooting as they build off one another. They targeted minorities such as LGBTQ people, Jewish people, black Americans, Latinos and Muslims. Supremacist attacks go against the ideals of globalization. Globalization creates a cosmopolitan world where everyone is seen as equal. Supremacist terrorism, in turn, isolates minority groups which defeats the purpose of cosmopolitanism. Such acts of violence are almost an attack on globalization itself. Instead of creating global citizens, it creates an “us” versus “them” nationalist division. Oddly enough, technological advances also made possible by globalization permitted the attacks and threats to take place. This demonstrates how acts of violence are enabled by globalization yet are aimed against it. 
Following El Paso shooting, President Trump claimed that he would enhance gun control laws and increase background checks with the hopes of reducing gun violence (Board, 2019). Months have passed and he has yet to enforce these laws. No noticeable action has been taken on behalf of the government to enforce gun safety. Instead, more shootings and threats have happened since (Board, 2019). In the El Paso manifesto, the attacker says, “my opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president” (Fearnow, 2019, para. 6). The attacker does not want the blame to be put on Trump and instead uses Trump’s own words and actions in the manifesto. Trump has made countless racial and chauvinistic comments in the past. Now, white supremacists  are quoting him. So it makes me wonder, will Trump actually take serious action towards the safety and protection of the people?
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Expanded research - revised
What is nature?
The definitions of nature, natural and artificial varied and contradicting. Dictionary.com first defines nature as “the material world, especially as surrounding humankind” and in the very next sentence as “the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilisation”. The idea that nature is something separate from humans is confusing in two ways. Firstly, how can humans be separate from nature if our very biological and molecular makeup is natural? Secondly, if the idea that something is natural, it must be untouched by humans and, we as humans have now impacted or touched every part of the natural world in way of our conquering the planet (climate change, pollution, population, etc.), Then surely is there no nature left? The word natural leaves the interpretation a bit more open, “existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind” (Lexico Oxford Dictionary) as does the word artificial, “made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural” (Lexico Oxford Dictionary). The word wild and wilderness, also follow a similar path of confusions as nature does due to it often being understood “as an incipient and pristine land free of human interference” (Vannini, 4). Vannini’s opinion is that wilderness should be “a place that is perceived to be wild by a person or group” (Vannini, 10). Therefore, if some part of my project appears to be wild from myself and those who occupy the designed space, it will be considered wild and in a sense, to be natural.
Despite the confusion, it is important to have clear definition of what nature/natural and artificial mean for clarity in the intention of the project. “Nature in the ‘realist’ sense refers us to structures and processes that are independent of human activity (in the sense that they are not humanly created), and whose forces and causal powers are the condition of, and constraint upon, any human practice” (Soper, 226). This is the definition of nature the project aims to reconnect with. However, nature co-existing with people will still not be nature in its truest form. Instead it will be a nature that we have influenced but whose “laws we are always subject, even as we harness them to human purposes, and whose processes we can neither escape nor destroy” (Soper, 226). Similarly based on Vannini’s idea of definition being of personal opinion, my definition of nature will be relative to what is or seems to be natural or natural processes in a particular site. My definition of a nature will include natural life (plants, animals), natural spaces (beach, parks) and natural processes (seasons, wind). Nature in the aim of my project works in cohesion with people and our artificial creations, especially if these creations work with and not against natural life, spaces and processes.
Site-specificity is important in understanding the natural environment in which the project explores. By defining site, not “in terms of geometry but in relation to the cultural and spatial practices that produce them” (Rendell, 33), it will reveal a deeper narrative of the site. Importantly, for Wellington City as a wider site, weather is a natural force defines and shapes both natural and urban environments situated here. By definition, architecture should respond to weather, in order for the structure to be stable in its climate and comfortable for users. Jonathan Hill recognises that architecture is often in “opposition to weather, which represents a physical and psychological threat” (Hill, 2). Instead the aim should be to highlight “the dialogue between architecture and weather as a means to encourage buildings that coexist with immediate and wider environments and acknowledge time, decay and change” (Hill, 4). In turn a spatial design practice can begin to explore the forces such as weather that run the narrative of a site and ensure that a design responds flexibility to the notions of all aspects of a site. This includes also environment, topographical, historical, culture and social narratives.
“A human/nature disconnect due to urban form that ignores, rather than embraces nature and natural processes” (Church, 878). If the human/nature disconnect can be partly to blame on the way we design and build the urban environment, then could the notions that run through site-specificity be a strategy to reconnect? Church suggests strategies that considers the notions of a particular site in order to integrate natural systems into the everyday environment, therefore impacting our everyday lives. If a connection could be formed a the intersection between humans, the built and natural environments, this could be “a precursor of environmentally responsible behaviour” (Church, 878)
Interior vs exterior
“In contemporary Western societies, we place ourselves at risk of becoming prisoners in our own designed environs, evading the inevitable truth that humanity’s home extends far beyond the intimacy of the walls that protect us” (Hay, 1). While walls protect us from hazards that exist in the natural world, they also disconnect us from that same world. Naomi Hay talks about how inside spaces and outside spaces are two separate entities in our society. “Nature is something we crave only in small and controllable doses” (Hay, 2), we only go outside when we need to get to another interior space or have an innate desire to be outside. Interior spaces are claimed as our own because we designed them to be that way, we make memories and experience events in these spaces. These spaces separate us from making connections with the environment we live within and sever relationships that could potentially happen. In saying this, walls and roofs do create an important shelter that does enable our survival. But what if we could not have such a rigid wall between us and outside? Hay refers to doors and windows being pathways and glimpse into the outside world. Hay recognises that the way we build is a reflection of our consumerism society in the way that we collect the things we buy in a space and then attach meaning to those things in that space. This creates a feeling of belonging to a certain place which Hay argues that means that we do not reflect that the entire planet is our space. This is reconfirmed through things like countries and borders between countries. Hay begins to explore strategies that could begin to bridge the disconnect. She looks at methods that vernacular architecture embodies through its necessary response to the surrounding environment. These structures are often made from nearby materials, create a undefined sense of space, are easily adaptable and often create an shared social and cultural space. I think that these ideas are what is need to redefine interior space through “integrating the need for essential shelter and protection from the elements while reducing environmental impact” (Hay, 4-5).
Cathryn Klasto discusses the way in which nature can simultaneously create an open relationship with spatial surroundings as well as an intimate one. Through notions of interior and exterior, the idea of blurring the boundaries between the two could be useful as a spatial strategy to reconnection humans with the ‘outside’/’natural’ world. “Perhaps the way in which nature can occupy the in-between public and private through collapsed inside-outside manifestations offers a new kind of relationship” (Klasto. 171).  I intend to explore the ways in which challenging rigid identities of infrastructures could begin to open new narratives towards the way we interact with urban and natural spaces. Through a blurring the boundaries between interior and exterior space, a spatial language might reveal a way in which a relationship between people and nature could be designed and instigated. Therefore, leading to the ultimate goal of establishing a connection with nature to “function as a treatment for the global environmental crisis” (Ives, 1389).
Klasto, Cathryn. “Tokyo’s Kyōshō Jūtaku: Nature through the Inside, Outside and the In-Between.” Interiority, vol. 2, no. 2, July 2019, pp. 155–76.
Ives, Christopher D., et al. “Reconnecting with Nature for Sustainability.” Sustainability Science, vol. 13, no. 5, Sept. 2018, pp. 1389–97.
Hay, Naomi. Outside as Inside. Zoontechnia Journal, QCA Griffith University.
Church, Sarah P. “From Street Trees to Natural Areas: Retrofitting Cities for Human Connectedness to Nature.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, vol. 61, no. 5–6, May 2018, pp. 878–903.
Soper, Kate. “Unnatural Times? The Social Imaginary and the Future of Nature.” The Sociological Review, vol. 57, no. 2_suppl, Oct. 2009, pp. 222–35.
Rendell, Jane. “Space, place, and site in critical spatial arts practice.” In Cameron Cartiere and Shelly Willis (eds), The Practice of Public Art, London: Routledge, pp. 33-55, 2008.
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mirandachenfun · 5 years
Shanghai, shanghai
For me, the word “Shanghai” means one of the biggest cities of China. However, it also has other extended meanings, which were more broadly used today.
According to Oxford dictionary, there are three definitions to the word Shanghai. First and foremost, Shanghai is “a city on the east coast of China, a port on the estuary of the River Yangtze; population 11,283,700 (est. 2006)” (Lexico, 2019). Secondly, it means “shoot with a catapult” (Lexico, 2019). Lastly, as a verb, Shanghai also means “coerce or trick (someone) into a place or position or into doing something” (Lexico, 2019).
The second meaning of shanghai is not commonly used, and not everyone has been to Shanghai. It is located south east of China Because of its advantage of being close to the sea, the harbor is one of the busiest business center of the world. Thousands and thousands of ships and flights come and go every day, carrying cargo and people from and to all over the world.
The meaning of shanghai that is most popular today is to abduct or force someone do something against their will. However, the origin of this use came from mid nineteenth century. “History is vague on the origin of the term shanghai. The explanation most widely accepted is one given by the Reverend William Taylor in his 1856 book, Seven Years Street Preaching in San Francisco”(Keller, 1995). He told the story of drinking a water that contained either drug or booze, and when he woke up, he was on the ship sailing to Shanghai, China.
Some people might think the word “shanghai” is a discriminative word against Chinese, or even find it offensive when they don’t know the meaning of it. On the contrary, it is a saying that express the protest of the people who were drugged and forced into being an unwilling labour. It was the capitalism in the United states in the nineteenth century, using coercion to abduct people when the captain of the ship was short of labour.
Nowadays, this word generally developed the meaning of being cheated or deceived . The common expression is “I got shanghaied into doing something’, which states that they were cheated into doing the thing they don’t want to do or have no choice but to comply. For example, in the movie “La La Land”, when the guy Sebastian was fired from his job, he said “it is not my fault, I got shanghaied!”  
Keller, D. N. (1995, September). Shanghaied! American Heritage, 46(5). doi: https://www.americanheritage.com/shanghaied
Shanghai: Definition of Shanghai by Lexico. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2019, from https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/shanghai.
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lexicolaura · 8 years
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Day 8 - Where? #marchmeetthemaker with @joannehawker I am from Nottinghamshire in the East Midlands, a little village not far from the historical town of Newark. I have lived here all of my life and it's a beautiful town. The cities of Nottingham & Lincoln can be reached within the hour and Grantham town too. We have lots of tours of the town not just for it's history but for its architecture too. The River Trent runs through the town past Newark Castle. We also have the main London to Edinburgh train line, so it's quick to travel across the country. I'd love to know how many of you are near to me Xx #meetthemaker #marchmaker #whereweare #smallbusiness #lexicolaura #nottinghamshire #lincolnshire #eastmidlands #england #newark #where (at Lexico)
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emergency-responder · 4 years
Signal Boosters for Home
A stronger signal means faster internet, consistent service, and reliable connections. Keep life on track; your signal shouldn’t slow you down.
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While everyone is enjoying their activities outdoor, many are still enjoying staying in their comfort zones. People regardless of age are using cell phones as the primary ways to communicate with friends and family. And that means a strong and reliable cellular coverage in our homes is needed especially for emergency cases that is rather more important.
No one has time for spotty cell reception, poor audio quality on calls, and slow data transfers. But our homes and small work spaces are made of the very materials that block cell signals from getting inside – concrete, brick, metal, and coated glass, therefore, there’s a need of signal booster that helps signal pass through the walls getting inside the house.
Shop with our home signal boosters guaranteed to increase signal at your home.
The signal boosters work for homes in the location where you are in a remote area or big city. Whether your home’s wall blocks the signal from the outside, we have signal booster products that helps passes the signal through the type of wall your home has.
Lexico provides signal boosters that works in a wider space homes extending your low network signals from your room coverage. It will determine its weak signal and this will instantly boost your calls, text and internet, no interruption in between your activities. Read more..
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radiocoverage · 4 years
Signal Boosters for Home
A stronger signal means faster internet, consistent service, and reliable connections. Keep life on track; your signal shouldn’t slow you down.
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While everyone is enjoying their activities outdoor, many are still enjoying staying in their comfort zones. People regardless of age are using cell phones as the primary ways to communicate with friends and family. And that means a strong and reliable cellular coverage in our homes is needed especially for emergency cases that is rather more important.
No one has time for spotty cell reception, poor audio quality on calls, and slow data transfers. But our homes and small work spaces are made of the very materials that block cell signals from getting inside – concrete, brick, metal, and coated glass, therefore, there’s a need of signal booster that helps signal pass through the walls getting inside the house.
Shop with our home signal boosters guaranteed to increase signal at your home.
The signal boosters work for homes in the location where you are in a remote area or big city. Whether your home’s wall blocks the signal from the outside, we have signal booster products that helps passes the signal through the type of wall your home has.
Lexico provides signal boosters that works in a wider space homes extending your low network signals from your room coverage. It will determine its weak signal and this will instantly boost your calls, text and internet, no interruption in between your activities. Read more..
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lies-e-vill-blog1 · 10 years
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lexico-city replied to your post: anonymous asked:Did Lex bring you...
You have to go to school sometime, Liese.
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Do I though?
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
Who do you ship Liese with? Sam or Bailey?
Can I say neither? I mean I don't ship her with Sam, that's for sure. I guess if I have to default to Bailey, then I will. I think that Liese can make her own choices, though, and I don't want to be pushing any ships on her. Except maybe her and Lex, because those two obviously love each other on some sort of deeper level. 
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emergency-responder · 4 years
Signal Boosters for Home
A stronger signal means faster internet, consistent service, and reliable connections. Keep life on track; your signal shouldn’t slow you down.
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While everyone is enjoying their activities outdoor, many are still enjoying staying in their comfort zones. People regardless of age are using cell phones as the primary ways to communicate with friends and family. And that means a strong and reliable cellular coverage in our homes is needed especially for emergency cases that is rather more important.
No one has time for spotty cell reception, poor audio quality on calls, and slow data transfers. But our homes and small work spaces are made of the very materials that block cell signals from getting inside – concrete, brick, metal, and coated glass, therefore, there’s a need of signal booster that helps signal pass through the walls getting inside the house.
Shop with our home signal boosters guaranteed to increase signal at your home.
The signal boosters work for homes in the location where you are in a remote area or big city. Whether your home’s wall blocks the signal from the outside, we have signal booster products that helps passes the signal through the type of wall your home has.
Lexico provides signal boosters that works in a wider space homes extending your low network signals from your room coverage. It will determine its weak signal and this will instantly boost your calls, text and internet, no interruption in between your activities. Read more..
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lies-e-vill-blog1 · 10 years
Did Lex bring you donuts?
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She did, she did.
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