stacysmash · 5 years
Relationship: Lev x Inuoka x Hinata Rating: Teen WC: 3348 Spin-off to A Double Dose of Trouble for @finnthebunneh! Make sure you check out her adorable art of these guys that pretty much inspired me bring this AU back from the dead 
Inuoka sighed, his breath visible in the chilly night and further obscuring the sky above him. He’d been wasting time up there on the roof of the MSA dorms ever since the sun had set but he still hadn’t found what he was looking for. It was his usual custom on Thursday nights when most of the other nocturnal races had classes, but he didn’t. The whole roof was his alone, giving him the peace he needed to search the dark sky.
For all his immortal life, the Nekoma coven resided in the outskirts of Tokyo. At least there, away from most of the city lights, he could pick out enough stars to connect into a constellation. Maybe one day he’ll return to their old house, but he doubted it. Life for the vampires wasn’t as it used to be, they were integrating with all sorts of species and finding new families. Perhaps he’ll have a new family of his own once he worked through the MSA program.
Just as Inuoka was beginning to feel lonely, staring up at the light-polluted sky, the door to the roof burst open. He smiled and chuckled softly, recognizing the scent of his intruder as well as the noise as he scuffled around.
“Inuoka, there you are!” Lev shouted as his head came into view, upside down and blocking every bit of sky.
“It’s just me here, you don’t have to be so loud. Lay down,” Inuoka said, patting the space beside him. Even in the dim light, Lev’s emerald eyes glimmered above him as he cocked his head.
They’re beautiful, Inuoka thought, not for the first time. Perhaps I don’t need to see the stars when I can see them.
“Why are you lying down? Aren’t you bored? Wouldn’t you rather go to the gym and play with me?”
“Hm, maybe later. Right now, I just want to chill.”
For a moment, Inuoka was worried he was just going to take off and leave him there. He could hardly expect someone as energetic as Lev to lay down and relax. Although, most of the members of Nekoma probably thought the same about him. When Lev finally nodded and dove onto the space next to him, Inuoka snorted.
“Can’t you do anything slowly or gracefully?”
Read the rest on AO3!
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