#levi erwin hange miche
zoozvie · 1 month
My bf doesn't watch aot but he wants to read my one-shot that features Levi, Hange, Erwin, and Miche. I asked if he wanted a picture of them so he could put it together in his mind a bit easier and he was like nah, I'll make it up based on vibes.
Now I really want to know what he comes up with because I don't mention their physical appearance at all.
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happybird16 · 11 months
The way he looks at all the friends he's lost
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strawberrybuni · 2 months
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Characters: Levi, Hange, Eren, Armin, Erwin, Miksasa, Reiner, Annie, Miche, & Yelena Summary: Sometimes you just wanna fuck around, but your lover is ready to let you find out CW: LOTS of suggestiveness, degradation, yelena says 'bitch' A/N: request complete! I hope you enjoyy :3 I was still ovulating LOL
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imjustsomebodyelse · 6 months
tinies 🖤
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i really wanted to draw the new designs from isayama's latest illustration and then decided to spend my days while attending a con to add as many characters in the black uniform as possible
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leviismybby · 6 months
Would Levi let these people babysit your kid?
Erwin: He would but only for a few hours, he trusts Erwin with a lot of things but his kid? Not so much. Erwin never held a baby, he wouldn't be able to handle a toddler and Levi is afraid thay Erwin would forget about your kids since he is busy with work.
Hange: He trusts them too just not with his kid, even if his kid has fun anytime they babysit them, he has to explain to them that they can't experiment anywhere near his kid.
Nanaba: Yes and surprisingly she is good with kids. Although it takes her a bit to get comfortable around the kid, she manages. You have to ask her twice, it is kind of hard to convince her.
Miche: So so, unlike Nanaba, Miche isn't good with kids, he would be like a silent guardian watching over the kid like a hwak.
Moblit: Out of everyone, Levi would definitely let Moblit babysit. He knows how caring Moblit can be, he still warns him not to drink around your child tho.
His squad: Yes, they don't let him down in anything so he has no problem leaving them to look after his child. Petra is especially sweet with the kid.
Eren: Actually he would but would check up every 15 minutes to make sure that Eren's dumb ass isn't messing up.
Mikasa: He would, she would care and be careful with his kid more than anyone in that squad. She is also has a soft spot for the kid despite denying so.
Connie, Jean: You have to beg him for this if there is no other option. Levi explains to them 300 times what they can and can't do. Connie is also good with kids, he has siblings too so he can handle the little Ackerman, most of the time at least.
Sasha: Yes, she knows how to handle kids because she has younger siblings and is funny so your kid would have fun. Levi isn't surprised that the lunch box from his kid is empty for once.
Historia: He would, she is sweet and besides, she can use it as training when she has her own.
Ymir: Nope. She said "Fuck them kids" and Levi doesn't even try asking.
Kenny: Absolutely not. Do I even need to explain why not?
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theysangastheyslew · 1 year
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Gave up on my himym comic bc I desperately needed some pre-war shenanigans, and a @mello-jello post is a great way to break out of a funk 😅
Plus I think we can all agree that Erwin fan or not, he kinda deserves it XD
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secretrcn · 1 year
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original post here
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angstym0chi · 1 year
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aot men, women + hange
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104, veterans
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warriors, anti-marleyan volunteers
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ema, scjm, rba, warrior kids
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dropping this height chart i made for aot artists. hope it helps🫶
psd file if you want to mix different characters together💕
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Summary: After three weeks apart, Hange plans a get together with the gang.
Pairing: LevixFem!reader
CW: This one shot heavily revolves around the use of alcohol. mentions of smoking and related language. 18+ MDNI.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: First, I'd like to thank @i-lev-you. She has been here to hold my hand through all the sweat and tears of writing my first Levi fic, I truly cannot express how much I appreciate the help and advice I was given. If you do like this, please send some love her way. This cute lil fic is loosely based off of this song, and the scenes were living in my head rent free for weeks prior to writing it, enjoy~
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“Took you long enough.” Erwin teases as you hop into the passenger seat, He texted you fifteen minutes ago letting you know he was out front waiting for you. 
“Don't be dramatic, it was only ten minutes.” you huff, pulling the seat belt over your chest and clicking it into place. Erwin gave you a once over, his gaze halting before turning back and shifting the car into drive. 
“You did your hair for this?” he comments, raising an eyebrow. Doing your hair was a generous observation on his part, you just spent extra time on it for tonight. 
“Yeah, and what's that look for? We haven't been able to get together like this in so long, so I wanted to look a little nice.” It's been three weeks since the five of you could all hang out together. Miche got a new job and Hange had a change in shifts, making it nearly impossible to do something collectively. It just so happens that everyone has the day off tomorrow, so Hange suggested getting together to drink and catch up.
 “It's just us, you never cared like that before. Besides, if this is like any other time your hair’s gonna look like shit by the end of the night anyways. Like that time Miche set your hair on fire lighting that cig for you.” He laughs. You cringe and brush your fingers through your hair in the same area that was singed short, only just recently were you able to make it look like it blends in with the rest of your hair. “Or, that time Hange-” Erwin starts but you quickly interrupt. 
“Okay! I get it, I'm accident prone.” you mumble, giving him a playful glare. “Both of those are better than the time me and Levi had to drag you out to the car which, by the way, wasn't fun.” you smirk, watching his dumbfounded expression illuminate under each street light you pass under
 “Like that compares at all, it was one time, and my birthday” Erwin retorts and gives you a gentle nudge. You shrug in response, looking out the window to see you're already turning down the street that leads to the house that Levi, Hange, and Miche share. “We’re late again, you know how much shit we’re going to get?” 
“Finally!” Hange raves when you walk in with Erwin. You make your way in and take your bottle of contribution to the cooler that was already set up in the living room, stuffing it in and shutting the lid. Almost instantly after, you were met with a fierce hug from Hange. “Late, as always. What was the hold up? Anything interesting?” They beamed, their eyes gesturing hopefully towards Ewrin. You parted from Hange’s hug, shaking your head at their silent accusation. This wasn’t new for the two of you. For as long as you could remember, you both have been teased about your friendship. Everyone constantly begged for you two to finally get together. Erwin is your best friend, and has been for years. The thought has never crossed your mind. The only person who understands that is Levi, he's the only one who never pokes and prods for something more. 
“Thought I heard the lovebirds were finally here.” Miche announced as he emerged from his bedroom. He makes his way into the living room and grabs two beers out of the cooler and tosses one to Erwin as he walks past him. “Catch up” Miche enthusiastically demands, cracking the tab on his can and raising it up to Erwin in a faux cheers. 
“You guys really started without us?” Erwin groans followed by the sharp hiss and snap of his own can. 
“What, were we supposed to wait for the two of you to stop sucking face in the car?” Miche laughs and gestures to you and Erwin both. Erwin rolls his eyes but just as he was about to respond the whole room collectively flinched at the sudden piercing interruption of music that gradually dimmed down to an appropriate volume. All eyes fall on Levi who’s standing in front of the speaker with his phone in his hand. 
“Cleaning playlist, forgot to turn it down earlier.” He explains candidly and takes a swig from the cup in his opposite hand, seemingly unapologetic for the disturbance. 
“Jesus, Levi. When did you get out here?” Miche groans, rubbing his ear melodramatically. Levi ignores him, instead he turns to face the group. “Didn't realize this party was about celebrating Erwin sucking face. I would have stayed in my room had I known.”
 “No one’s staying in their room!” Hange chimes as they make their way to Levi “it’s been three weeks, we should do something fun!” they place their hands on Levi’s shoulders and grin “like a drinking game.” they suggest, approval spreads across the room. 
“Pass.” Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes like he was above the activity. “Looks like you're outvoted.” Hange sings, squeezing Levi’s shoulders and quickly moving to drag the coffee table away from the couch for everyone to sit around. Miche was already on his way in with the bottle and a shot glass.
“Fine. I’ll play but I'm not sharing that shot glass with any of you, I’ll get my own.” he sighs, heading straight for the kitchen. Hange cheers and grabs chasers out of the cooler, lining them around the circular table as everyone settles into their chosen spots. Levi returned shortly after with his own shot glass, you notice a clean rag hanging out of his pocket as he sits in the space left open for him. Miche chooses the game for the group, the rules are simple and easy to follow. It doesn't take long, just a few rounds in and everyone around the table seems to have a pink flush across their cheeks, slurring their words, and laughs at anything anyone says.
“Damn!” Hange rasps out with a cough, slamming the shot glass back down onto the table. At this point in the game Hange was doing horribly, the last 3 rounds of the game they were the one to take the losing shot. They pick up the bottle and shakily attempt to fill the glass up for the next victim. Liquid splashes around the glass as they miss a couple times. 
“Okay,” Erwin says and takes the bottle from them “I’ll fill them from now on.” He adds. “it’d be nice if someone else could start taking the shots!” Hange complained, folding their arms over their chest. 
“That’s entirely on you, Hange.” Erwin pointed out as he finished pouring for them. His hand was stable despite being just as drunk as anyone else at the table, he was always the one who handled the liquor best. 
“Stop losing and you won’t have to take any more.” You laugh and watch Levi lean forward, pick up the glass, and quickly wipe underneath with the rag he’d brought to the circle. Even tipsy he was concerned about keeping things at least a little clean. 
 The next round, Hange takes the losing shot again. “of course!” They spout, taking the bottle from Erwin’s side, forgetting that he was in charge of filling the glass after each shot. Before he could register that Hange had taken the bottle, they were attempting to fill the glass again. With shaky hands Hange tips the bottle too far, causing the rim of the bottle to clash with the shot glass, tipping it over. The jolt alone was enough to cause them to drop the bottle as well. You watch as it rolls off the table, its contents spilling out. 
“Come on, Hange.” Levi groans as he lunges forward. He fails to catch the bottle, forced to watch it spill out and seep into the rug. “Games over.” He announces, immediately going back in with the rag. Levi sets the bottle back upright on the table and Miche gathers up the remnants of their game, wiping the liquor off the cards as he organizes everything back into the box. 
You thread your fingers between Hange’s after they stand up. “Kitchen, Hange.” You sang, guiding them out of the living room. Despite their protests, you decided you both need a water break. You let go of Hange’s hand, and they lean against the counter to the right of the fridge. You grab two glasses from the overhead cabinets and pull the ice tray out of the freezer. “Sooo,” Hange coos as you as you cracked the tray, haphazardly dropping ice into both cups. 
“Yesss,” you mimic back in the same tone, opening the fridge. 
Hange pushes off the counter and leans over the open door “Erwin looks cute tonight, huh?” They try, grinning. 
“Not this again,” you laugh at them and set the first filled cup on the counter behind you. 
“Give me a break!” Hange groans, dropping their head onto their forearms. “You always avoid talking about it, when will you guys give up the act?” You look towards them and your attention is immediately drawn to Levi, who is discarding an arms worth of cans onto the counter. He kneels down in front of the sink and starts digging through the cabinets underneath. 
“It’s not like that, and it never has been.” 
“bullshit, there’s got to be a reason you haven’t just gone for it yet. We can all see how it is between you two” they pried for more. 
“And you’re all wrong” you say as you set the second cup down next to the first. 
“Then what is it? You still have that thing for Levi?” They joke. Your eyes immediately flicker back to Levi, he’s frozen, still knelt down at the sink. You swear you can feel all the color drain from your face. Hange has already started mumbling about a new topic you couldn’t focus on. 
“Hey, four eyes.” Levi stands up from his position, peeling out the trash bag he was digging for. “Keep me out of your fantasies and come help me with your mess” he says, his tone was flat, as usual. He turns away without looking at either of you and walks out of the kitchen. 
“Shit, he heard that?” Hange asks, looking back at you. It's obvious by their face how embarrassed you must look because Hange immediately starts assuring you that it’s fine. 
You walk back out to the living room with Hange, still fighting off the embarrassment from the kitchen. You watch as Hange picks up the various chasers that were still left over from the game. When you turn your attention to Levi your face burns, you wonder if that made everything weird now. “You good? You look like you could use one of these.” Erwin interrupts your thoughts, handing you a new can. You accept and pop the tab.
“You have no idea.” You confirm, taking a drink.  
“What a mess.” He comments and shakes his head, watching as Hange and Levi clean. Just as you open your mouth to reply, Miche caught your attention as he made his way across the living room, careful to walk around the chaos that Hange and Levi were cleaning. When he catches your gaze he raises a hand up, flashing a lighter and gestures towards the back door with a nod "smoke break?" 
"Count me in!" Hange yells, quickly standing and discarding the handful of cups on a nearby side table and making their way out, followed by Erwin. You tip your can back, finish the beer, and make your way to the back door. you lazily slide your shoes on not even bothering to pull the backs up over your heels, you glance behind you to see Levi gathering up the empty cups and beer cans and throwing a couple unopened cans into the cooler placed in the living room. You think for a moment about staying inside and doing damage control with him, maybe you could convince him that Hange was just being dramatic, or using it as a means to prove that they’re right about Erwin. "Come on! What're you doing?" Hange interrupts, pulling you away from the door and sliding it shut, dragging you over to the group. 
"Hange, you really couldn't have said that a worse time." You groan and squeeze your eyes shut, willing another wave of embarrassment away. At this point, you didn’t care about bringing it up in front of Erwin and Miche. You figure Hange would tell them on their own anyway. 
"Said what?" Miche mumbled around the cigarette hanging off his lips, passing the lighter to Erwin. 
"Well.." Hange drawled, a shit eating grin on their face "I may have spilled the beans on her little crush on Levi.. right in front of him." Now both Erwin and Miche were looking right at you, a few moments of silence pass before Erwin raises a brow and glances between you and Hange
"Crush?" His tone was so flat it didn't even sound like a question.
"Levi?" Miche interjected quickly, waiting for you to say you were joking. When the silence began to linger Miche let out a quick snort "like, Levi?" He asked again, his hand gesturing towards the house. "No shit, way to pull the rug from under our feet." He shakes his head in disbelief and nudges Hange with his elbow "you knew and still said your piece about Erwin this whole time? Evil." he laughed 
"Hey, I was told in confidence that she thought Levi was hot one time!" Hange spills out. It was true, months ago you hung out with Hange alone. The two of you decided to have a night in with movies and wine since no one else could join. After a couple glasses you let it slip that you had a small crush on Levi, making sure to paint it as fleeting so the two of you didn't get the same treatment as you and Erwin. "Hey," Hange places a hand on your shoulder "are you alright?"
“I’m just worried about it, I never would have told him that. You saw him in the kitchen, everything is probably going to be so awkward now.” 
"Oh stop, it's Levi!" Hange encourages and pulls you in close by your other shoulder "he doesn't care, he probably won't even mention it" they try to reason with you, but it falls on deaf ears. you were so full of doubt. How could things be normal after this? Were you just supposed to continue on while pretending it didn't happen? That's exactly what you plan to do because there was no chance you could bring it up to his face.  
"I'll be back" you mumble at Hange as you spin on your heels and make your way inside through the back door and decide the bathroom would be a more private place to pull yourself together. 
You admire the photos that hang unsystematically in the hallway, tracing waves on the wall with your finger as you glide through, the music slowly starts to fade the closer you get to your destination and completely muffles as you close the bathroom door. 
"uh, hi?" 
You snap your attention towards the voice, meeting a sharp but forgiving gaze. "Levi, I didn't realize you-." you start, feeling the heat in your cheeks as you stammer for the words to apologize. Levi's stare is unmoving for a moment. He looks down, swiping the cloth off the hook to dry his hands. His eyes dart back to your face. "Your shoelaces are untied." 
You take a moment to register what he just said, double checking that you heard him correctly and glancing down to see the strings loosely hanging off each side of your shoes. "That's how I like them..." When his expression doesn’t change you curse yourself for sounding so dumb. 
"And you're walking through my house with shoes on." he states and you can feel your face burning even more. Duh, Why wouldn't you have remembered to take them off as you came in. Just as you part your lips to muster up what would probably sound like another pathetic attempt at an apology, you notice the small smirk pulling at Levi's lips "Save it. Hange's party, Hange’s mess to clean" He assured you.
You hum in response and started to turn back towards the door to leave "Was that true?" He asked, you can hear a subtle eagerness in the question "What Hange said, I mean" he corrects his tone this time. You’re completely still while a wave of embarrassment washes back over your whole body trying to think of something to say, but you're stuck speechless. Muffled music and Hange’s voice chanting at Erwin to chug from outside quickly fill in the silence. You take a deep breath, realizing that now is your chance to give context. 
“Yeah, but that was so long ago,” you stammer your words and finally turn to face him, he’s closer now. 
“Yeah? How long?” He’s smirking now, arms crossed over his chest, like this is amusing to him. 
“Months.” Was all you could say in response. 
“So what happened? You let eyebrows take my spot?” He teases. 
“You’re starting to sound an awful lot like Hange, It was never like that anyway,” you scoff, not realizing his implication of having a spot. In your attempt to explain yourself you hadn't noticed Levi closing the space between you. 
“You done?” He interrupts, glancing down at your lips then back up. Your eyes meet his and you nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Levi leans in, his fingers brush against your jaw as he reaches out resting his hand at the nape of your neck. He pulls you in gently and pauses briefly before your lips meet. You hear his breath shake before he closes the small space between the two of you. Warmth spreads across your whole body and the intoxication rushes back in. You drape your arms over his shoulders and relax into it, tilting your head to follow his lead. Levi rests his other hand on your hip, pulling you flush against his body and snaking his fingers through the hair behind your head. He guides you back up into the door, his hand acting as a cushion for your head as he moves his lips against yours. Your breath hitches at the gentle impact against the door, you pull your arms back in to cup his face just as he parts from you. He rests his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out in soft pants. Your eyes meet again and just as he parts his lips to say something you hear the back door slide open and shut. Levi quickly pulls back from you, a quiet ‘shit’ falling from his lips. You realize how long you have been missing from the group. Grabbing the door handle you turn back to Levi, he responds with a gestured nod toward the door. A silent agreement that you leave first. You twist the handle and exit the bathroom quickly, closing the door behind you. As you step away from the door Erwin turns down the hall and stops at the sight of you. 
"There you are.” he starts, sounding relieved. “We got worried when you didn't come back and," he stops speaking when you hear the bathroom door click shut behind you. You watch as Erwin's eyes flicker back and forth. You press your eyes shut as Levi slips quietly past you. When the back door slides shut signaling that Levi is outside, you open your eyes. Something is different about Erwin’s posture; he seems stiff and his expression indecipherable. "Oh, looks like that worked out for you then?" He questions, referencing Hange’s slip of the tongue earlier and offering a wistful smile.
"Yeah, I guess it did." You agree, biting back a grin. 
The night died down fast. Miche made sure Hange had more water and got into their bed without issue then retreated to his own room. Erwin has the couch, and you have the recliner, your usual arrangement for nights spent over. The music was silenced, the only light now coming from a single lamp on the side table keeping the room just lit enough for Levi. He paces between the living room and kitchen, picking up the last of the mess left behind from the night. Erwin hasn’t said much since coming back inside. You assume he's not feeling well and decide to leave him alone for the night, you could fill him in tomorrow. You spend your wind down time curled up on the chair, your eyes flicking between your phone and Levi as he moves around the room. "You always had a staring problem, now I know why." he teases.
 "Shut up" you roll your eyes at him, setting your phone down as he walks back towards you. 
"Let's go." He says as he yanks the blanket you were using off of you, tucking it under his arm. 
"Where?" You ask.
"My room, dumbass."
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Taglist: @ackerbootytobbi @amywritesthings
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taylorlynn-art · 3 months
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A tribute to some of my favorite Attack on Titan crushes characters ✍🏻 ✨
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lilliyoona · 4 months
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zoozvie · 2 months
I love modern AU's with your fav because
deciding what kind of job they would have
more character quirk headcanons because of the slower-paced, lower-stressed timeline (if they came from, like, war)
seeing how they interact with social media, or technology in general
envisioning how their house/little apartment would look like
being able to put your fav in situations you've been through or when you wished they were with you (isekai them to you babes you don't gotta die in their world)
but mostly
they deserve to wear sweatpants goddammit
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exosalt · 5 months
aot headcanons - skincare edition
Slightly on the dry side but v sensitive
Has a pretty simple routine - cleanser, toner, moisturiser, aftershave etc
His products are high end and high quality
Knows exactly what to use for specific skin issues
Religiously uses SPF
Combination skin but slightly on the oilier side
Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Uses 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash on his face when he’s in the shower
Steals Armin’s and Mikasa’s skincare products
Uses them wrong
Refuses to use SPF in winter
Normal balanced skin
Literally only needs cleanser and SPF and that’s IT
Likes trying out new face masks and sheet masks
Physically has to hold Eren down and rub SPF on his face
Used to have balanced skin like Mikasa but it dried out because he kept using hand sanitizer on his face
Cleanses twice a day but with antibacterial soap
Skin stills looks good because ✨Ackergenes✨
Combination and slightly acne-prone
Needs encouragement to use proper skincare
Not too fussed about following a proper routine, always forgets in the evening
Thinks growing a beard will cover the sins
Has an oily T-zone
Tiktok is her main source of skincare info
Tried homemade Pinterest face masks but ended up eating it
Has a post on her Instagram of herself and Connie with face masks on and cucumbers over their eyes
Combination skin but slightly acne prone
Doesn’t really use anything special unless it’s recommended to him
“What’s your skincare routine?” “Water” - thinks that’s a flex
Loves trying new face masks with Sasha
Dry, sensitive skin but no one can ever tell because she’s perfected her skincare
Has a full 12 step routine
Loves giving skincare recommendations
Convinces Ymir to do spa nights with her
LMAO jk jk his skincare is pretty simple
Has mostly normal skin but stress causes him to break out
Still trying to find products which work for him
Oily + sensitive skin
Constantly forgets to use SPF
Doesn’t really matter because he sweats off all the product anyway
Combination skin
Constant dark circles
Uses super simple drugstore products
Only really focused on keeping her skin clean
Started using SPF because Armin suggested it
Combination skin but has an oily forehead
Doesn’t have a proper routine
Only buys products that are half off 🙃
Low-key scared he’ll exfoliate a freckle off
(The freckles demand love)
Really only uses water and it works out fine
Doesn’t understand the skincare hype
Will still try out whatever Historia recommends for her
this set
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Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Likes putting weird things on their face just to see what effect they’ll have
Like they’ll rub a whole lemon on their face just to see what it does
Enjoys popping pimples
Soap goes up his nose every single day and impairs his sense of smell for like an hour afterwards
Cries when this happens
Prefers to keep it simple
Doesn’t wash his face
Crusty ass bitch
s/o to @sehun-cakes for helping me with this 😂
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strawberrybuni · 3 months
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Characters: Levi, Hange, Eren, Armin, Erwin, Mikasa, Reiner, Jean, Annie, Miche, Yelena Summary: Your lover came to see the play that you're a lead in, however you have a kiss scene that they're not exactly super keen on CW: crack, fluff, a dash of suggestiveness A/N: as an actress this was so self indulgent LOL
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thena0315 · 4 months
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rowenas-megacoven · 2 years
Fellow Hange fans we CAN heal. Just remember our bad mf is in Scout Heaven with the gang and they’re all playing a drinking game called “take a shot for each day Levi survives” they’re all cheering him on and getting absolutely plastered bc he refuses to die. he WILL live in the better world they gave their lives to help create. HE WILL
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