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lefty-script Β· 7 years ago
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Pretty simple. Queso is life! πŸ’πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Tag a friend that gets it! πŸ§€ * inspired by an anonymous quote on Pinterest * β€’ β€’ #leftyscriptbrushes πŸ–Œ #lsfude #lsfudemono #lsmicron . . . . . β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ #leftyscript #leftylettering #ipadlettering #procreateapp #applepencil #ipadpro #handlettering #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #letteringlefties #brushscript #obsessedwithlettering #lettering #letterart #etsyseller #etsyshop #momlife #wahm #shopsmall #lefty #girlboss #bossbabe #bossmom #momboss #creativebiz #makersgonnamake
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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🎢Just let me cry a little bit longer I ain't gon' smile if I don't want to Hey man, we all can't be like you I wish we were all rose-colored too My rose-colored boy🎢 Loving everything from @paramore @yelyahwilliams @bodegajonez But this one is really sticking in my head. Thank you paramore! πŸ’– #paramore #weareparamore #5more #afterlaughter #rosecoloredboy #paramorefan #handlettering #handletteringlefty #lettering #letteringlefty #leftypower #design #designer #graphicdesigner
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lefty-script Β· 8 years ago
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27/31 #happyletteringchallenge #beyond πŸ“· @loftcreative β€’ #leftyscriptbrushes πŸ–Œ #LSmicron β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ #leftyscript #leftylettering #ipadlettering #procreateapp #applepencil #ipadpro #handlettering #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #letteringlefties #brushscript #obsessedwithlettering #lettering #etsyseller #etsyshop #momlife #wahm #shopsmall #lefty #girlboss #bossbabe #bossmom #momboss #makersgonnamake #madeintx #cactus
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lefty-script Β· 8 years ago
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After hours of weed pulling, I can barely move my arms. πŸ˜‚ 23/31 #happyletteringchallenge #vision β€’ #leftyscriptbrushes πŸ–Œ #LSmicron β€’ β€’ β€’ #leftyscript #leftylettering #ipadlettering #procreateapp #applepencil #ipadpro #handlettering #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #letteringlefties #brushscript #obsessedwithlettering #etsyseller #etsyshop #momlife #wahm #shopsmall #lefty #girlboss #bossbabe #bossmom #momboss #bosslady #creativebiz #makersgonnamake #cactus
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lefty-script Β· 8 years ago
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It looks good on everything! I've released a handful of these large monstera leaf key fobs/bag charms in 3 color combos in the shop today. Check them out at byleftyscript.etsy.com before I change my mind + keep them all for myself! 😍🌴🌿🍹 #byleftyscript β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ #leftyscript #leftylettering #ipadlettering #procreateapp #applepencil #ipadpro #handlettering #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #letteringlefties #brushscript #etsyseller #etsyshop #momlife #wahm #shopsmall #lefty #girlboss #bossbabe #bossmom #momboss #bosslady #creativebiz #makersgonnamake #madeintx #tropical #palmleaf
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lefty-script Β· 8 years ago
From June 4 - July 16 we have 5 family birthdays, Father's Day, + the 4th of July. I am partied out! Can I just nap the rest of summer please?? 😴😴😴 β€’ #leftyscriptvid #leftyscriptbrushes πŸ–Œ #LSmicron β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ #leftyscript #leftylettering #ipadlettering #procreateapp #applepencil #ipadpro #handlettering #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #letteringlefties #lettering #letterart #etsyseller #etsyshop #momlife #wahm #shopsmall #lefty #girlboss #bossbabe #bossmom #momboss #bosslady #creativebiz #makersgonnamake #madeintx #htx #tired
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lefty-script Β· 8 years ago
Rose gold pineapple! #🍍#foilallthethings #rosegoldallthethings #leftyscriptvid β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ #leftyscript #leftylettering #ipadlettering #procreateapp #applepencil #ipadpro #handlettering #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #letteringlefties #brushscript #letterart #etsyseller #etsyshop #momlife #wahm #shopsmall #lefty #girlboss #bossbabe #bossmom #momboss #bosslady #creativebiz #makersgonnamake #madeintx
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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The art of bathing featuring lush intergalactic bath bomb #artofbathing #lush #lushbathbomb #handlettering #handletteringlefty #lettering #letteringlefty #leftypower #ipadprolettering #ipadpro #procreate
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about my mamaw. I have so many memories I can think of but one that sticks out is her in the backyard teaching me how to butterfly kiss. I remember laughing because I thought it was funny and tickled. She also had a huge love for butterflies and said she would come back as a monarc. It never fails that when it's nice out there is always a monarc butterfly that lingers around, I truly believe it's her! I hope that she is proud of the person I am today. I love you mamaw πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ˜‡πŸ¦‹ #flashbackfriday #fbf #lettering #letteringlefty #leftypower #butterflykisses
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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πŸ’– #lettering #letteringlefty #color #procreate #ipadpro #ipadprolettering #practicepracticepractice
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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My favorite part of the day is seeing the color of the day from Pantone. Today was almost apricot! 🌈✨ #pantonecoloroftheday #almostapricot #apricot #color #lettering #letteringlefty #practicepracticepractice
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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Playing around with the different brushes and drawing inspiration from my hand lettering book. It's exciting to watch your work slowly get better πŸ™ƒ #handlettering #handletteringlefty #handletteringpractice #learning #letteringlefty #leftypower #ipadpro #ipadprolettering #procreate #practicepracticepractice #makeasplash #texture
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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❄️Totally chill ❄️ I'm not hoping for snow but that's what the future is looking like. Oh well! Created on the iPad Pro with procreate! #lettering #letteringlefty #ipadprolettering #procreate #lefthanded #leftypower #handlettering #handletteringlefty #totallychill #chill #winter #snow
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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Think spring thoughts. That's what I keep telling myself since cold weather has crept back up on us. All I want is sunshine and a minimum of 70 degrees! β˜€οΈπŸŒΌ #lettering #letteringlefty #letteringnewbie #practice #procreate #ipadprolettering #spring #springthoughts #wishingforspring
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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Got an iPad Pro today and am already in love! Compared to my Wacom tablet is just so smooth and satisfying. So far I just have been playing around but I can't wait to see all of the things I will create and learn :) #ipadpro #ipadprolettering #procreate #lettering #lefty #letteringlefty #practicepracticepractice #graphicdesigner
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instinctsgirl Β· 8 years ago
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New Lana Del Rey music 😍 #love #youngandinlove #lettering #letteringlefty #practice #lanadelrey #lanadelreylyrics
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