#letter for the king oc
wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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the daughter of the king, xerneas's beloved child... she loved all pokémon, but floettes were undoubtedly her favorite...
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ancientgreekyuri · 5 months
i want to say that reading ur very sweet post and seeing that theseus and asterius r relatively minor characters had me so shocked as someone w very minimal hades knowledge like thru u i had thought they had much more story importance omg bc of the thought and love u put into portraying n analyzing them (@dmclr)
😭 this makes me curious about the impression people who've never played get about them from me...! In the actual game they're a boss battle for Zagreus ^.^ a mandatory one so they do interact with him a lot, but unlike most other characters the audience doesn't get to see what they do in their down time... So I fill in the blanks 🫶🏾 of course I truly to do so using actual things they've said and talked about in battle :~) here's a random clip btw
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blankdblank · 2 years
Garlic & Clover
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Pt one of a mini series that is currently unfinished. Now, for this it might seem a bit hard on the Dwarves, I love them, but sadly this plot bunny was not the kindest on them at the culture habit Dwarves have to not overshare outside their trusted circles and kin. They will make nice in the end, promise. Just have to get there first. 
If you wouldn’t mind let me know what you think and if you also want to be tagged or taken off the tags let me know. Stay warm and cozy out there in yoru corner of the world. :)
@theincaprincess​, @lilith15000​, @devilishminx328​, @jesevans​, @tigereyesf​
“She reeks of garlic again,” you could hear the words echo through the stone halls. Not an uncommon occurrence, nor the silent forced grins and greeting nods of the head you mirrored on your way to an invitation only dinner at Oin’s home.
Once one of the bubbliest of the members of the Company, rules and social decorum had you back to those days at your final foster home. The one you were told you had to bear or you would be cast to a group home, the one you could never do or be respectable enough to be kept around when guests came over.
Middle Earth was nothing like the tiny flower bed of clover you had been allowed to grow up in the attic to focus on while you were pretending you didn’t exist. A magical forest like any you hadn’t seen before in your wildest of dreams. And it was there you found what your Gran would have called a sign from the Saints. A four leaf clover on which you wished in a return visit to clear out your things before they would throw them out and found yourself in the middle of a band of Dwarves accompanied by a Hobbit and a Wizard.
“I miss you,” echoed deep down in your very core to your long lost Gran and lost loved ones.
You studied hard and still it was never enough, all the way to a pair of Masters Degrees in Psychology and Linguistics. You hoped it would be enough, sent to live with one of the top Criminal Psychologists in the world and one of the most renowned masters of Dead Languages and forgotten histories contacted for the most essential of rare cases that had them living in infamy. Another notch on their belt. Another trinket to boast about and never touch.
The door opened and you smiled bowing your head to the servant who allowed you in after seeing you had brought the servant you had been forced to hire to act as your morality compass for others to see you were never alone to be improper in public situations. One who kept their distance by the very scent of you.
While your nose burned in a now tolerably miserable way behind the servant you strolled through the uncomfortably homey dwelling filled with hearty chatter and laughter. Through the roar of painful pasts you kept a grin in greeting all of these supposed friends who eyed the towel wrapped dish in the basket you bore with both hope and dread. “I brought some boiled potato slices and some oiled veggies. We can never seem to have enough.” You said convincingly with a weak chuckle the others laughed gladly at in ease for not having to relive your first dinner invitation while you convincingly held back the wish to act on this latest crack in your heart.
Four years you had lived here and still to this day the appalled looks on the faces of your supposed friends stabbed at you in a stunning refusal of your chicken pot pies in a try to surprise Thorin at his first meal out of the healing tents.
“I miss you,” again it echoed in your heart while in the taking of your seat at the table as the final guest and around the simple dish of yours free of anything personal to you or your past their clan dishes had every memory with your Gran roaring. Family dishes with hints from around the world that had tears brimming in your downward cast eyes to every bland, bitter or oily to the oddly edge of being burnt while being perfectly moist. Every bite unflattering to the next no matter how you tried it with some of the most lifeless bread you had ever tasted.
Somewhere out of the back of the apartment a soft sound of the twins Dis had given birth to had your free hands clench atop your lap in a faked adjustment of the napkin laid there. Enabling a touch of the ring on your right hand, rose gold and meant to memorialize the husband and child lost long before the pull to this world. A teardrop diamond angled at the tip out of the band that drops into a V, the band topped by small diamonds, an heirloom from your grandmother paired with the newer similarly diamond topped rounded halo band like a crown to hint to your son’s name meaning of King. War had taken the one and an infection set in by injury from an accident took the other who were buried together where you couldn’t visit anymore. Not far away from the joint plot holding the parents you never met.
“I miss you,” pooled into your chest like a slow flood of inescapable melancholy to chase off the thought you had to be cursed to lose all you loved. Not unacceptably long your hands left your lap to adjust to help you finish this meal. Muffled compliments came from those who dared to sample your safe dish while you stomached your small yet un-insulting portion.
Dessert would be next and yet still under thirty you took your required leave to return home, or at least to the four walls you were granted. Down nearer to the markets and workshops where the young lived supervised to protect their morals, even those not of Dwarf blood where you had been given lessons and chances to conform. Not one who understood how badly this hurt. Behind your door your breaths wavered as you glanced at the apron from your Smithing lessons, for which you had to change and get some rest to attend in the morning.
“How long do I have to bother with this? The Lass has the patience but in the time to teach her the craft her life would be spent. She’s no metal in her bones.”
Audibly for you at least the crack of the dam was heard and a glance over the shoulder of your teacher the Wood Smith he had been speaking to shifted his gaze with lips parted at the astonishing to them quiver of your lip and instant tears you forced a smile through.
On the verge of buckling to their knees at the unexpected reaction, that had every student and Master in this forge in stunned silence. All watching the folded leather apron you had intended to put on set on the station to your right. And in a frail but determined tone you said, “I am unquestionably thankful for your efforts to teach me, and I cannot put into words how painful it is to know I will never be enough to be worthy of it.”
Straight around you turned and in a flurry of sniffles and wiped away tears that had every Dwarf and namely the Dams stare your way at the unthinkable tearful young female on her way back to her protected quarters. No one had died and so there was clear fault to have stirred such a reaction and since there was no family involved one of the Ruling Clan would have to be sent to investigate.
Not that you would know them personally, as since the moment you met them it was made clear that any in depth information on family or their internal workings beyond the simplest of things such as hunger, exhaustion, or wish to smoke, play music and be merry was not permitted. Only outside of kin signaled and intention of courtship alone. So those degrees you had worked so hard for were all but useless and there was apparently no way to find employment as a therapist here.
All the way to the door you had managed to keep just a few feet ahead of your assigned shadow, and once at it your trembling hands worked the lock to open the heavy stone barrier that after another step through the small opening you said, “I plan on peeling and cooking with garlic. No need to sully your reputation any more by lingering to reek like me. I know you have plans to marry into a good clan. I won’t be leaving again today.”
The door was shut in the servant’s mid step a good six feet away and for an awkward moment they paused and waited as if you would change your mind then turned away. Inside however your face scrunched up in a collapse of that façade while you blindly found your way to the kitchen to stress cook.
Even behind tears you could feel your way on muscle memory alone. You knew just what you wanted, what she would make you. A surefire cure for a breaking heart. Garlic bread, lasagna and a ratatouille to go with it on top of several servings of a cake you had baked the day prior in some pretend game you always held as if you could be welcome to stay for dessert and intrude on time to discuss personal things.
“I miss you,” again and again the words were pressed into the dough for the bread and the making of the pasta on a press you had made yourself in now past tense lessons never to be had again. A project that had them scratch their heads along with the other tools you made to help with noodle making and other baking tools. Possibly saltier that usual due to shed tears you missed their falls while you worked the meal together, including the Dwarf loathed garlic.
Dinner wouldn’t do much as you had to eat it alone again except for the knitted pair of otter dolls you had made on your nights in when you got tired of stabbing your fingers in tries to learn embroidery.
Above the front door a small hawk flew through the messenger door that spun behind it to shut again and landed on your raised arm as the minimal counter space was already taken up.
“Hello,” you said. From around its neck you accepted the pouch with the letter inside you brought out with a soft, “Thank you,” small offering of treats and some water on top of your table you carried it to allowed it to rest while you sat down to read the letter from King Thranduil.
 *.*.* Thranduil *.*.*
 ‘King Thranduil,
I know we only met and spoke a couple times but I was wondering if you might be able to possibly offer an official invitation so I might take up your generous request to visit your kingdom?
I understand if the offer has been revoked after all these years, yet Lord Elrond lives too far away to write to conveniently for a response.
Could you still issue an invitation anyways with a symbol of a flower in the corner to show that it is fake to just me so that I can follow Dwarven tradition and have a proper reason to be able to take leave of King Thorin’s Halls?
Either way I shall forever be in your debt.
Yours Sincerely,
Jaqiearae Pear
 P.S. If you cannot recall me I am the one who kept you from treading on the ducklings between two of your meetings.’
The words across the page had the King pulled back to that first week when you had stayed in his guest rooms, fully bound and yet as the guards had tried to bring you to him the curious stares up at the architecture and questions had him curious himself and offering much more comfortable rooming for you and the Company. Moonlit snow like white unruly curls to match the deep purple eyes containing silver flecks like mesmerizing constellations on a petite body slightly taller than any Dwarf yet far too short for any race within the East only adding to his prisoner’s alluring mystery.
Just a sudden hand in the center of his chest while his eyes were on a set of pages held him in place. And that same curious stranger with that same curious innocent glowing gaze was behind that hand that held him in place so effortlessly even when both wrists were bound in mithril chains linked to a belt that could be grabbed by a guard if need be. Much unlike the Dwarves confined to their rooms between meals with the King. From your hands downwards his eyes followed yours to the smile worthy sight of a line of ducklings he almost had broken in his distraction in a shortcut through a garden.
“Why would Miss Pear imagine I would rescind my invitation?” he murmured to himself and then promptly moved to his desk to write out a lengthy invitation to be taken as open for as long as you wished.
He had crossed paths with you a few times in Erebor since then, far beyond chance of forgetting you.
The last time after being turned out after a few minutes of a fruitless trade talk when in passing he greeted you kindly and rather boldly you offered him and his group a meal. With your shadowing servant to a delicious yet unfamiliar meal the group spoke of the change of the seasons in the Kingdom to keep the known decorum.
Since that first meeting he knew there was something you wished to say and that was why he allowed you to roam at your whims and keep his best architects enthralled with someone who was hungry to learn everything they could.
With a hawk regrettably two weeks late after returning from a trip to Lothlorien he sent off his reply and hoped the wait had not been taken as a refusal to aid in most likely some time away from the strict lifestyle of the Longbeard Clan compared to that of the Silvans.
 *.*.* Jaqiearae *.*.*
 “There’s no flower,” you whispered to yourself in your own tongue that had the bird’s head cock to the side as you sat mesmerized that the kind King who didn’t spread the distaste for who ruled the Company you were a part of onto yourself. Across your lips a grateful grin eased that at least in all this you might have a glimmer of a friendship somewhere since Gandalf had left you here.
They were supposed to be your friends and you stupidly assumed they might smudge traditional rules to still keep daily meetings. Yet you barely caught a glimpse across the crowded marketplace or the bustling streets of Dale when you were able to shop there as they each had their own roles in the final stages of the rebuild of that ring of the city.
Now you were merely a ward of the King Under the Mountain and nothing more. Not even allowed to be employed or courted until you reached your 50th birthday and set to live off of a set allowance from the Crown as you were laughably also too young to enter into contracts and left out of a slice of the ocean of gold shaped pie.
 With a sigh the knock on your door that clearly belonged to your assigned shadow had you on your feet and in a childlike tantrum stomping your way to the door you opened to find her there with a bow of her head, “Miss Pear, Prince Dwalin is here to see you.”
Through the door you stepped and at the set of chairs you were to use when meeting a fellow unmarried person alone you sat down with a cross of your ankles. Ignoring the chill of the marble floors on your bare feet and the wooden seat on your lower thighs your shorts didn’t cover, not even with your oversized flannel you had changed into from the more conservative thick layered shirts and pants supplied to you by the trunk full to keep you like the few other wards well dressed as per order of the King.
Across the small table from you Dwalin bowed his head in return for your flash of a grin and cleared his throat. “Miss Pear, we were made aware of an upsetting earlier today in the forges and we wished to settle any misunderstanding or discomfort any of the Smiths might have caused you.”
You shook your head and said, “They didn’t do anything but state the truth. I’m absolutely useless here.”
His head shook and still holding his far from familiar tone meant solely to absolve this issue on official business alone, “Miss Pear you are a ward-,”
“I am my own person!” you cut him off and his mouth parted, “A fully grown adult being treated like a useless child! You’re supposed to be my friends and I can’t even get any of you supposed friends of mine to even talk about anything of substance or try a single nibble of what foods aren’t remotely Dwarfly to sate your comfort!
I wear your clothes, eat your demanded dishes in monthly dinners, speak your language and none of you even bother to ask me what I might like or feel comfort in!
Well I’m so sorry that you all missed your home so terribly that that you can’t bother to show the least bit of respect to someone in the same boat as you! I can’t ever go home even if I wanted to and none of you have ever missed the chance to spit on my heritage or culture!
So if you don’t mind I have dessert inside and much like the last few years I fully expect to be eating all of it myself to gather strength for my trip to the Greater Greenwood. King Thranduil has issued me an official invitation and I will not do him the disservice of making him wait for my company, something nobody who isn’t paid to do so inside this mountain feels free to accept without a structured invitation!” Up you popped and promptly went inside your room. Slammed the door and huffed your way to your table to angrily eat your way through the cake until you decided to get packing to leave as soon as possible even if it meant using the river that sprouted from this mountain.
 *.*.* Durins *.*.*
 “We spit on her heritage and culture?!” Thorin just about growled, not out of anger at you but more for how they had slighted someone they had only meant to ever shield from harsher cultures to have been dumped upon. He drew in a breath then asked, “What did she mention about an invitation from Thranduil?”
Right away bylaws of the Wards of the King Under the Mountain were to be brought up to consult each for the majority of requirements and restrictions to see what wiggle room they could make to grant some more comfort where obviously some was lacking. Social constructs however would be hard to broach the topic of as you were still of ward age in their culture. Yet clearly the issue had to be seen to be made as flexible as possible since clearly for some time this pain had been stewing until it bubbled over today.
By the time they made it to your quarters however you would be gone.
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hiddenbeks · 2 months
they don't know i'm planning major changes to my da worldstate,,
#wish i could be normal abt this silly game series. wish i could just go with whatever im vibing with#but nooooo i have to lose sleep thinking abt the Most Perfect Worldstate hhhhhhhhhh#think i might have to go with a dual worldstate solution. it's so much work tho...#anyway i loveeeee andrale but what if my warden was a brosca actually. what if andrale was a mage lavellan and my inky.#what if i was finally brave and conscripted loghain. alistair would become king... or exiled..... ough#i could see andrale making all the choices i'm abt to make in dai#but also i don't want to put her through the torture that is dai's story ahah#she loses a lot in dao but also gains a lot. love and friendship and a new purpose etc. meanwhile dai is just loss loss loss <3#or maybe im just being overly pessimistic abt dai again idk <3#also where would celyn fit in all this. would she still be a dao companion oc... or something else..... a dai companion?????#anyway i need to get back to my puter i need to plan this more. i need to make a brosca and see what happens#oc: andrale#oc: celyn#el.txt#i've spent the past couple weeks at my parents' n that's why i haven't rly engaged with anything here#the area my childhood hometown is in is so beautiful btw. every summer when i visit it hits me again#its the lakes!! they dont fuckin have lakes in the south!!!!#but there is so much lake here i am surrounded by beautiful lakes in every direction. sigh#anyway im going back home this sunday. will have more time to be here again :)#alsooo how do we feel abt the name ronya. i want my brosca's name to start with the same letter as rica's hehe#and ronya was the first name that came to my mind#idk... ronya brosca...... does it work
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urutaguja · 1 year
oc doodle game maiko 👕
@adaleim asked for:
👕 - Romeiro Maiko wearing a shirt with some stupid quote (in my own words)
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You asked, you received
Context here is Midna and Zant decided to poke fun at the fact Romeiro Maiko is a common male genetic that can also be bested as intersex.
Therefore both joined forces and casted their enemyship aside to buy an ultimate shirt.
Maiko is not amused to say the least, yet he is glad the two rulers are not fighting for now.
Thank you for dropping this ask!
The shirt reference below the read more
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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TAGGED BY the darlings @chuckhansen, @risingsh0t, @confidentandgood and @dihardys to do this cutest picrew for the loves! ty sm!
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @queennymeria, @aartyom, @florbelles, @belorage, @jackiesarch, @stormveils, @marivenah, @roofgeese, @shadowglens, @themysteriouslou, @pearlcscent, @aceghosts, @multiverse-of-themind, @yennas, @roberthouses, @lavinet, @swordcoasts, @shellibisshe, @arklay, @unholymilf and you!
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disneynerdpumpkin · 1 year
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~0~ Psalm 19:1 ~0~
hewo :) I'm disneynerdpumpkin! 🎃💜 I'm a made new child of the King & I love Jesus! I am a Christian Tumblr blog.
I'm also a fangirl; I love Disney, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Disney Pinocchio, Winnie the Pooh, Gravity Falls, Wish, etc. etc. etc. etc.! I'm multifandom (but mostly Disney)
Check out my blog for fandom/fangirling content, scriptures, Christian content, and just overall wholesome content :D
Remember that God loves you and He has a wonderful plan for your life! Jeremiah 29:11 "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'"
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."
Here are some rules for my blog:
Please, no inappropriate asks. Ty :) (any inappropriate asks will be deleted and blocked and ignored) (NSFW blogs, please do not interact)
You can repost my stuff, but please just don't deliberately claim anything as your own
Have fun (obviously)
I want to make it absolutely clear that even though I'm a fangirl, JESUS is my #1 priority; NOT my fandoms.
Proverbs 4:23-27 "Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life. Never tell lies or be deceitful in what you say. Keep looking straight ahead, without turning aside. Know where you are headed, and you will stay on solid ground. Don't make a mistake by turning to the right or the left."
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My OC/self-insert btw! 🡡
Laura Nightshade Skellington Lorenzini Pines
Laura Pinterest aesthetic board: https://pin.it/EJQ9MeS
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tomster1274 · 1 year
Drew my trollges 4 the 1st time in a while now.
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palossssssand · 2 years
(any combination of) 4, 5, 10, 15, 32, 34 for King... love that guy
OH BOY.... a lot of questions to answer, I'll do my best to answer them with the information that I know about King. Admittedly, he isn't a character I've really thought over too much outside of "main character's dad and moral support figure" but let's dig in.
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4: How easy is it to earn their trust? It's not completely easy, but King is the type of guy that remains optimistic about people and will at the very least give others the benefit of the doubt, and for the most part, that has worked out fairly well for him. He's good friends with the downstairs neighbor (unnamed but does have a design), and is pretty much on good terms with most everyone he knows. It helps that he's pretty laid-back, but definitely not haphazard about it. I think it's easy to earn his trust in a way that you could tell that he's been double-crossed before, but is mature enough to know not to dwell on it too much and open up in due time.
5: How easy is it to earn their mistrust? On the flip side, I feel like due to his generally forgiving nature, you would have to go out of your way to hurt him/his family explicitly, because otherwise, I think he would be one to remain hesitant about mistrusting someone due to 1-2 mistakes. He's generally good at communicating, so issues would either be ironed out fairly quickly, or they kind of build up until it reaches his breaking point. This guy is divorced, I haven't decided on whether it was an agreeable split or not mainly because both ways are interesting to me in terms of developing his character. An agreeable split + on continued friendly terms is in line with his compromising nature, on the other hand, I'd imagine a disagreeable split would lead him to understand why, but still desire to reach out and be on good/neutral terms. Overall, I think he's more likely to want to forgive someone and work towards good standing than put his foot down and cut them out completely.
10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
This is probably something I'd have to think about more specifically with like, his personal backstory (which I haven't thought of yet), but I'd imagine it would have something to do with his ex spouse that lead to the split.
15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
I feel like he's not one to really dwell on words, he'll just say what he means and go from there. Conversation isn't something that comes difficult for him.
32: Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
He'll either talk about his kids, or he'll tell a bad dad joke, and then follow it up with a story or anecdote related. Again, I haven't really thought about specifics, but he's great at conversation.
34:  How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
There's Definitely guilt that's he's accumulated over the years, like guilt about not being able to provide for the kids more(they live in the poor outskirts of the city) and guilt about being their only parental figure(he divorced before he adopted the kids) among other things, but the root of this guilt would have to stem from things being "his fault", and he's wise enough to recognize that there are things out of his control and therefore shouldn't feel guilty about. He's present-minded and focused on doing the best he can in the moment, so he can shrug off guilt a lot better than most.
Hope this was interesting!! I certainly learned more about him from typing this stuff out, again, not really something I've actually thought about before but probably stuff I've been thinking about subconsciously. These questions are really good for me to get a better sense of how the characters interact with each other, so feel free to send more!! list of slug city characters question list
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miniquiny999 · 2 years
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he almost pulled it off, crazy bastard. But he couldn't account for the crown prince. He was caught off guard and that was the end for my old man.
I guess he changed the course of history that way, even if he couldn't finish the job. I sure can't finish it for him anymore. Maybe one of you kids will do it someday
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
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.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ع˖⁺
✿ When She Loved Me | CEO!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @jungkookstatts
✿ Sleepaway | Yandere!JK X Reader | Series | @flowesona
✿ Mine | Jungkook x Demon! Female Reader | One-shot | @playmetheclassics
✿ Your eyes tell | Yandere!JK X Reader | Twins AU | @angellgguk
✿ Noir | Daddy!JK x Little!Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ Love Is a Game: For Political Enemies | JK X Reader | @lleldey
✿ petals with luv | Emporer!Jungkook x PalaceWoman!Reader | Hanahaki AU | @hisunshiine
✿ a lover’s bond | jungkook x female reader | greek mythology! AU | @latetaektalk
✿ love in the dark | Ceo!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @spideyjimin
✿ Like I’m Famous | Idol!JK X Reader | One-Shot | long distance au | @softyoongiionly
✿ I’ll Be Home for Christmas | Pilot Jungkook x female OC | One-Shot | @bluewhale52
✿ Falling | jungkook x female reader | Soulmate AU | @starshapedkookie
✿ Pick Your Fighter | gamer!jk X gamer!reader | @jikookiekosmos
✿ angels like you | Jungkook X Reader | S2L | One-Shot | @aquagustd
✿ Killing me softly with his touch | JK X Reader | One-Shot | @borathae
✿ Bad Man | Badboy!JK X Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ The Monster in the Dark | yandere!sleep paralysisdemon!jjk X fem!Reader | One-Shot | @themochiverse
✿ S O U L M A T E S | Crackhead!Jk X Reader | Series | @smaubts
✿ bad romance | badboy!jungkook x goodgirl!reader | One-Shot | @noteguk
✿ No Guardian Angel | The Crow!Jungkook X Reader | @jiminstonic
✿ Love Letters | Prince!Jungkook × Maid!Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ LESSON I | YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem!reader | Three-Shot | @redsaurrce
✿ RED | demon!jk x fem!reader | Series | @armpirate
✿ Follow the White Rabbit | idol! jungkook x idol! reader | @youthguk
✿ Numb to The Feeling | Dark! Shitty! Yandere! Jeon Jungkook x Fem!Reader | One-Shot | @pynkgothicka
✿ Delivery Date | pizzadeliveryboy!jungkook x reader | One-Shot | @dntaewithluv
✿ Who is in control? | jk x reader | Drabble AU | @ctrlsht
✿ sweetest apparition | nerd!jungkook x popular!female reader | @jeonfiles
✿ m y s t r a n g e a d d i c t i o n | professor!jk X student!Reader | One-Shot | @joonberriess
✿ to err is to love | dilf!jk /ex husband!jk / ceo!jk x afab reader | Series | @jungkookschin
✿ polarity | BestFriendBF!JK X Reader | Series | @darkestcorners
✿ KILL TO KISS YOU | Yandere!Jungkook x Prostitute!Reader | One-Shot | @chummywchimmy
✿ Ode To The Nature Of Romance | Jungkook x Reader | @yeoldontknow
✿ Cabin in The Woods | Werewolf!Jungkook x Human!Reader | One-Shot | @girl8890
✿ Nothing was gonna stop me | Jeon Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot | @wildestdreamsblog
✿ Teacher’s Pet | professor/dilf!jungkook x student!reader | Series | @axigailxo
✿ prima nocta | king!jungkook, virgin!reader | royalty au | One-Shot | @yoon2k
✿ End of Time | Jungkook x Reader | Series | @deepdarkdelights
✿ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | Yandere!JK X Reader | @euphoricfilter
✿ Paint | painter!jungkookxassistant!reader | @hongjoongscafe
✿ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 & 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔 | environmentalist! jungkook x college student! reader | @miraclesatnightfall
✿ The Broken Vow | Husband!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @lleldey
✿ Euphoria | bad boy jungkook x librarian yn | @btsydtrash
✿ White Pearl | CEO Sugar daddy Jungkook x stripper sugar baby reader | @lovelyspring7
✿ just a little bit of your heart | JK X Reader | @chemicalpink
✿ imminent danger | jungkook x reader | @whatifyoulivelikethat
✿ Knockout | boxer!dad!jungkook x pregnant!reader | Drabble | @jvngkook97
✿ Please Love Me! | Frat President Jungkook x Succubus Reader | @icedmatchatae
✿ The Boyfriend Experience | Escort!Jungkook x Fem!Reader | @shina913
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two-white-butterflies · 2 months
a lemon cake | daemon targaryen
Description: The Hendriks have always kept to their own. What happens when a betrothal happens between the only Hendrik daughter and the Rogue Prince? A story where, you go through lengths in order to ensure your lord husband's loyalty.
W.C: a lotta words super mega ultra
A/N: After re-watching Descendants. I figured that this would be a good plot. Reader basically gives Daemon a love potion. It wears off. He's still in love. No beta we die like men. OC Daemon because of the love potion, but otherwise still him.
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House Hendrik. In silence we persevere.
When the first lord of your house settled from Old Valyria, they did not bring dragons or swords - but they did bring magic. Magic that allowed the members of the house to hear the whispers of nature. But lately, nature has only answered with silence.
The lands were barren, and the sheep were dying of illness.
The gold in your coffers were nearing extinction. Correction, there wasn't anything left - your father has to work in the King's council to ensure that you and your children would live a comfortable life.
A prolonged sigh escapes your mouth. You stared at yourself through the reflection on the mirror. In silence we persevere.
You remind yourself of the words your father uttered before he left.
"My lady," the maid clears her throat. She was holding a sealed letter. "Thank you," you mumble while taking the paper from her hands.
You force a smile on your face.
My dearest daughter,
I am pleased announce that the King has agreed to an engagement, and your presence in the Red Keep is of utmost importance. It seems like the Seven Gods have answered our prayers. Do not think about the gold that we'll use to bring you here, your Aunt Jayne has agreed to sponsor the trip, with the promise that you won't forget her once you are a nobleman's wife. Take care.
All my love,
your father.
You finished reading the letter, inhaling the scent of vanilla. It was sadly a short letter, not detailing anything about your father's stay. He made sure that the letter was short and concise. He did not even have money for ink.
"My lady?" the maid inquires, curious about the contents of the letter.
"Lord Hendrik has invited me to join him in the Red Keep." you inform, watching as she poured you a glass of tea. "- will you promise to take care of the household in my absence?" you asked, and she presses a kiss to your forehead.
She stood as your mother, after Lady Hendrik died.
"I promise." she swore. "- have fun in the Capital." she smiled.
You could only nod.
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"You told me that he agreed on a betrothal!" your eyebrows merged together. "You wouldn't have come here if the only purpose was finding a suitable match." your father insists.
"Our house has stood proud, looked down on others with lesser breeding. If word ever comes out that I am here to save a sinking ship, our reputation will be ruined." you argued.
"If there was another choice, I wouldn't ask." he says regretfully, his eyes cloudy with tears threatening to spill out. "- my position in the King's council is under threat. My health has fallen drastically, and only a husband can save you and our house." he breathes.
He knows that it shouldn't be that way, but it is.
"What you mean to say is..." you could not stomach to say the word.
"- this is my last gamble, child. If you do not wish to do it for our family, at least do it for yourself." he pleads.
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Stupid family with their idiotic gambles. You cursed while continuing to concoct the potion. There was a hundred other ladies in this court, some more beautiful - some having bigger breasts - some having more melodious voices. And what were you stuck with?
This old gown that you inherited from your mother.
You weren't dealt the winning hand, so you must play with the cards that you were dealt with.
"Kesā sagon ñuhon." you whispered into the powder, feeling chills run up your spine as the magic takes effect. You will be mine.
You press a finger to your lips. Who will be mine?
Of course, they needed to be rich. You were in poverty and eating love for breakfast wasn't something you're looking forward to.
And of course, they needed to be handsome - because it will be a curse to stare at an ugly face everyday.
"Prince Daemon," you say out loud.
You fancied him when you were younger.
He had flowing silver-gold hair, and entrancing deep purple eyes. He was every maiden's dream. All everyone saw was a dangerous man - a shifting tide. He was quick to anger and slow to forgive.
But that wasn't going to be a problem.
If your love potion was going to take its full effect, he'd be a tamed dragon, and you'd be the most beautiful maiden in his eyes. He'd be loyal to you no matter what you did.
The thought of taming an untamable man was...alluring.
"Prince Daemon it is, then." you decide. Carefully storing the powder in the empty space of your locket.
The plan needed to work.
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Daemon's eyes narrowed, seeing Lord Hendrik's daughter walk across the garden. His eyes were drawn towards her figure. He's heard stories about your great beauty - and now he's finally had the luxury of meeting you. "Lady Hendrik," he calls your name.
"My prince," you bowed, surprised that he knows you. "- it is a pleasure to be be in your presence." your gaze remained on the floor.
"I believe that I am the one who should be saying that," he tilted his head with a pensive smile. His eyes alternated between your eyes and your lips, engrossing himself in your features. "- it is not everyday that a maiden from Quid Isle visits the Red Keep." he added, offering his arm for you to take.
"It is a long journey." you were quick to answer, holding his arm as you both strolled down the gardens. Your father's castle used to have a garden exactly like this - but all the flowers have wilted now. Its beauty was forced to remain in your memory.
"I can only imagine," he hummed - still staring at your face.
There was a look in his eyes, telling you that he was interested.
He kept staring at you and you found yourself staring at him in return, waiting until he opened his mouth again. "You're very beautiful." he observed, moving a strand of hair away from your face.
"T-thank you." you surprise yourself by stuttering.
Gods, you've always been eloquent but what you were about to do was making you nervous.
You turned to look at the table behind you, sprinkling the secret powder on one of the lemon cakes.
"Lemon cake?" you offered, holding the pastry up with a smile.
"Sure," he agreed, not bothering to take the pastry from your hands - instead taking a small bite while you were still holding it.
The way he licked his lips made shivers run down your spine. You were indeed making the right choice. "Is it good?" you raised an eyebrow, waiting for that grumble on your stomach that told you that the spell was working.
"They taste different today." he admits, chewing at the sweet treat - surprised at the slight specks of saltiness. It brought the sweet flavor out, but it was the first time he's tasted lemon cakes like this.
"Good or bad?" you inquired.
Your stomach grumbles. His pupils dilate.
"Good," he says.
The love potion has indeed worked. He's looking at you the same way that the moon looks at the sun. There was a smile on his face, a soft and gentle smile only given to those feeling pure love. "You should try one, my lady." he offers, and you nod - doing exactly that.
"Is the court to your satisfaction?" he asked, unable to stare at anything other than you. "It is beautiful, my lord, especially the gardens. I've never seen anything quite like it." you smiled.
He admires the innocence in your eyes.
Your smile makes him want to smile too.
"Our gardens pale in comparison to Highgarden. Mayhaps, one day I shall take you there." he made a promise. You are slightly taken aback by the potency of your love potion.
"Take me there?" you repeated his last words.
"If it is your will, my lady." his hands rubbed circles on the back of your waist. "It is unbecoming, especially from an unmarried maiden. I wish not to impose, my prince." your mind returned to marriage.
Our last gamble.
"Oh yes, unmarried." he reminded himself. He takes a step backwards, a wave of clarity crashing through his features. You worried for a second that the love potion lost its effect, if it weren't for the look in his eyes - utterly dedicated and in love.
"I must leave to attend my business with the Gold Cloaks. Do not stray too far in the gardens, I shall talk to you later." he vows.
"Yes, my prince." was the only thing that you could say.
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Daemon was fascinated but now he was sure that he was in love. Ever since he spoke to you in the gardens - you're the only thing that he thinks about. When he drinks wine, he wonders about the types of wine that you like. When he reads a book, he thinks about what your favorite books are.
Even a chore a simple as breathing makes him think about you.
As the months occurred, he's spent every living second beside you. Braiding your hair, reading books about his ancestry. He's even taught you a few things about sword-fighting.
He's defenseless against your love.
There was no escape.
"I intend to marry the Lady Hendrik." Daemon boldly announces in front of his brother. He was a million times sure that you were the woman he wanted to spend his eternity with. "I beg your pardon?" Viserys gazes up from his miniature version of Old Valyria.
"You've been pestering me about marriage ever since that Bronze Bitch died. I've finally made my choice. Lady Hendrik, the Master of Coin's daughter." Daemon emphasized.
Viserys' eyebrows merged together.
"Have you spoken to her?" Viserys inquired, surprised at his brother's sudden enthusiasm towards you. "I have." Daemon responds.
"How many conversations have you had with her?" Viserys follows up, a little skeptical but otherwise relieved that his brother has found love. "It matters not, she is the best choice. She is set to inherit her father's island. It shall keep me out of your way." Daemon argues.
"Lady Royce inherited the Runestone. What makes you think that this lady of yours is going to be different than the last?" Viserys queries, poking through his brother's resolve - trying to look for holes. He does not wish to grant annulment or mend Daemon's losses when the time comes that he falls out of love.
"I will wed the Lady Hendrik. We will live in Quid Isle." Daemon ignores his brother's question. His destiny already written in stone.
"There isn't anything that could stop you anyways." Viserys agrees, finding no other reason to disagree.
"Speak to her father. Make sure that he agrees." Viserys adds, returning his attention to his little Old Valyria.
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"Your father has agreed to an engagement between us." Daemon announced from behind you, and suddenly your eyes light up. "Really?" happiness was leaking from your voice.
Your happiness, gives him happiness.
"I thought that what we had was merely friendship. You've really proved yourself, my prince." you smiled, as he presses your foreheads together. Your smile sinks to the floor, that feeling of guilt threatening to make your heart explode.
He doesn't actually love you. It's the potion.
"Is everything alright?" he inquired, his eyes flooding with worry.
I'm a horrible person for making him something that he is not.
All the nobles and maesters have fawned over his loyalty to me. The way he stares at me with love and adoration. He's not spoken to any other maiden except me. He refuses to dance with anyone but me.
When he realizes that this is all an enchantment, will he hate me?
"Darling," he repeats that term of endearment.
You snap out of the trance.
"I need a moment." you break free from the embrace. Sprinting towards the direction of your room. "Sure," you hear him mumble.
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Once the doors to your chambers were shut - the tears flowed. "I'm sorry," you mumbled while laying on your bed, covering your body with the layers of blanket and furs. "I'm sorry," you kept repeating.
I'm a horrible person.
You've toyed with the very will of the gods, made Prince Daemon fall in love with you and act uncharacteristically - all for what? So you wouldn't starve when all the gold in your father's coffers runs out? There were thousands of small-folks starving everyday, their lives are lost to famine - all the while you worry about not living in luxury.
It was another day for you in paradise.
Even if your father died, you'd still live a comfortable life - as long as you didn't live above your means.
You shouldn't have done that to Daemon.
And the worst part was, you loved him - loved him with your entire heart. He was a constellation to you. You've never loved anyone as deeply as you've loved him.
But you betrayed him!
Betrayed the man that offered you jewelry and pretty dresses. Betrayed the man that looks at you with warmth.
You sniffle, slowly rising above the pile of blankets on your bed.
You march to your vanity, beginning to concoct a potion that will reverse your love spell.
You needed to make things right.
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Daemon stares at the small hidden lake. It was something that his ancestors consecrated to have a piece of Old Valyria. The lake had magical powers, some say that it cures disease, but to him - it was the only thing that could convince him that gods were real.
"Ever since I was a little boy, I'd stare at this pond and feel peace." he explains, placing his hands inside of the lake - allowing that mystical feeling to wash over him. "They say that it is a piece of Valyria." he continues telling you the story.
These past few days, you've been avoiding him like a plague. When he meets your eyes - he sees nothing but sadness. He wishes that taking a bath in this lake would bring peace to you, or mayhaps cure the sadness that you've been feelings - you refuse to tell him what.
"Thank you for bringing me here. Dragonstone is beautiful." you were quick to thank, but your eyes were focused on the ground.
"Why do you evade my gaze?" he inquires, holding your chin with a finger - and lifting it so you'd meet his eyes. "We are going to be husband and wife soon." he announces, and that makes you flinch.
"I know," you hum.
"If you're scared of living Quid Isle - I promise you that we'll live there after the wedding." he points out one of the possible reasons as to why you were sad. "- I am much prepared to eat fish and chickens until I die." he smiles, and that sparkle returns to your eyes.
"Get in the water." he commands with a chuckle. "No," you shake your head - feeling his hand on your shoulder - threatening to pull you down. "Daemon," you warned, holding onto his forearm.
An involuntary giggle escapes your mouth, and you both plunge into the cold lake. That grumble in your stomach returns. Magic?
You hold onto him, unable to reach the bottom of the lake floor. "You are a cruel lord," you teased wrapping your arms around him.
He takes a second longer - still staring at your face. With that same lovestruck impression as the day you first met.
"Daemon," you say his name.
"I love you." he says out of the blue, burying his face on your nape.
For a second, his voice sounds deeper - his words more meaningful than usual. It almost made you doubt yourself.
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You were about to lose everything.
Today is the day that you give him the reverse potion.
"Lemon cake?" you offer, holding the pastry with a forced smile. Daemon's hands found the small of your waist. "I don't want one." he shakes his head, instead choosing to take a sip of his wine.
"Are you sure?" your eyebrows merged together.
Why was he refusing your effort?
"I don't really like eating pastries, my love." he covers his smile with another sip of wine. He's been looking at you with more adoration, lately. He's been more dutiful than before. Always opening the door for you, always carrying your books, and of course, helping with the planning of your wedding.
"But I seem to remember that our love story began with a lemon cake?" you try to persuade him. A lemon cake is also how it ends.
"I've not had the stomach for anything as of the late. I'm sorry, dearest." he tries to say no as politely as he could. "But you have to eat it, please, for me?" you resorted to begging.
"No," he responds as petulantly as he could muster.
"Daemon," you say firmly this time.
Don't make it harder than it has to be. Eat it and hate me forever.
"Give me one good reason?" he says. His voice telling you that he knew something that you didn't. "Because your future wife wills it." you insist, and he sighs - taking a bite of the lemon cake.
He eats it with a smile, watching your features carefully.
"Does it taste good?" you found yourself asking the same questions as before. "Yes," he responds - chewing softly. "How do you feel?" you inquired, worried about his wellbeing.
"Why are you asking, little flower?" his grip is firm on your waist, ignoring the looks that you were both getting. It was a behavior unbecoming of unmarried people, even if you were engaged.
"Nothing," you shake your head. "Do you still love me?" you found yourself carefully asking, masking it with sweetness just in case the potion wasn't in full effect yet. "I think that the potion takes a while to settle, my lady." he smiles, saying those string of words in a whisper.
You nod your head involuntarily until his words sink in.
The potion takes a while to settle.
"What?" your voice suddenly turns an octave higher.
"You are adorable." he muses, laughing.
"How long have you known?" the words spill out of your mouth. "It wore off when we swam in the lake of Dragonstone." he explains.
"So you've been pretending to love me these past few days?" you ask, guilt eating you whole. "I've not been pretending." he confirms.
"I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice. Our family isn't as rich as we appear to be, I-my father... I mean I thought that marrying you was the only way my family would be secure. But I love you and my conscience will not allow you to live in lie." you apologized, the tears pooling.
"Hate me if you want to. Have me executed for treason if you must..." you rambled but he silences you with a finger to your lips.
"You didn't need that spell." he says tenderly. His eyes still held that warmth, the promise to love you for more than a lifetime.
"I was enamored with you even without it." he chuckles, wiping the tears away from your eyes. "What?" you were confused. "- you need not to go through with the wedding." you add.
"But I wish to marry you, my lady." he takes the upper hand.
Oh, he's been long aware of your house's financial problems - it was one of the few reasons that Viserys chose your father as Master of Coin. He couldn't bare to see a friend of his suffering. And Daemon, well he's been drawn to you since you first stepped inside the castle.
You were magnetic and you made good company.
"Adorable," he hummed - pulling your face closer to his and silencing you with a deep and long kiss.
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Sending Aemond dirty letters by raven while you are away at Dragonstone. She is betrothed to another Lord’s son, but they see each other whenever she visits. He fucks her hard as punishment for sending the letters
Request: Imagine Aemond bejng completely enthralled by reader soft skin and perfumed hair. You can make it a smut if you want to.
Request: Fic request - Luke discovers Aemond x Reader/OC (his sister) having sex outside of marriage
Warnings: 18+, smut, p + v, implied cheating, caught,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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In honor of the King’s fiftieth name day, lords, knights and their families from all over the realm traveled to the capital for a celebratory tourney. 
The guest wing of the Red Keep was already full when you arrived, forcing you and your family to be moved to the royal quarters. This tourney was going to be massive. 
‘’I heard Lord Tully’s son is participating in the tourney,’’ Rhaenyra said, giving you a knowing look. ‘’You should make a special flower crown in case he wins and ask for your favor.’’ 
The mention of your betrothed left you indifferent. You had seen Lord Tully’s son two times since the betrothal. The first time was during the royal hunt two years ago and the second was at a feast where he asked you for a dance. For you, it was just a dance, but your mother saw an opportunity to offer your hand to the Tully boy.
‘’I am taking Aegon and Viserys to see your grandsire, are you accompanying me?’’ 
You declined and told her you wanted to lay down before supper, feeling tired from the travel. 
‘’Tell Grandsire I will see him later,’’ you added with a sweet smile.
Rhaenyra nodded and you headed to the royal quarters. As you walked down the corridor, you walked past Aemond’s and excitement filled your stomach. You hadn’t seen him in months. You knocked gently, but the prince was unfortunately not there. He must be in the training for the tourney. 
Looking on both sides of the corridor, you saw no guards. Carefully, you pushed the door open and stepped in, writing a small note on Aemond’s desk, telling him to meet you in your chambers after his training.  
You exited Aemond’s chamber quietly, and scurried to your own, a devilish idea sparking up your mind. 
A rush of anticipation coursed through you as you closed the heavy wooden door behind you with a quiet thud. You had no idea how long you had left until Aemond would return, so you disrobed completely, and waited on your bed for him. 
Your hair was down and cascading in waves down your back, accompanied by a few braids at the front to keep it your face — exactly the way Aemond liked. You even added rose oil to your hair in the morning, and put on the earrings he had gifted you for your eight and ten nameday. 
Minutes turned into what felt like hours as you waited, the silence of the room amplifying every creak and distant murmur from the corridors. If anyone were to walk in, they wouldn’t be able to see you from the door. Not right away. The bed had drapes on the bedposts and was situated on the right wall of the room, shielding you completely from the view. 
Finally, you heard footsteps approaching. Your heart skipped a beat as you heard a knock on the door. A second knock followed — your secret signal — and when you didn't answer, Aemond pushed the door open and stepped inside. He closed the door quietly behind him, taking a quick glance around. No sign of you. 
He wondered if he’d missed you or if you were elsewhere in the chambers — mayhaps in the bath. Then, he heard someone clear their throat from the right. Aemond  turned, his gaze narrowing in surprise when he finally saw you on the bed in all your naked glory. He felt his throat go dry and his breeches suddenly felt tighter.
‘’Hello, my prince.’’ Your voice was sweet and innocent, but the smirk on your lips was not.
Aemond stood there speechless, his eye roaming over your body, taking in the sight before him. He thought you looked more beautiful than ever, sitting there against the velvet bedding and ornate cushions waiting for him like a gift. 
He gathered his bearings and stepped closer to the bed. His eye traveled down the length of your body before returning to your face. He’s dreamed of you every night since Heleana’s nameday in the spring; your sweet laugh, the smell of roses on your hair, the pink shade of your lips and the way they felt against this, your perfect and soft breasts, the tightness of your cunt — the most perfect cunt. 
‘’Missed me?’’ you asked.
‘’You certainly did,’’ Aemond returned, slowly walking closer until he was at the edge of the bed, his gaze never leaving your body. ‘’Have you gone mad? Sending me scandalous letters via ravens… What if someone else had read them?’’ 
You let out a soft smirk, unbothered by his reprimand. ‘’Has anyone read them?’’ 
Aemond shook his head, his jaw clenching. ‘’I’d take the eyes of anyone who would dare reading those letters.’’ 
You chuckled, a playful glimmer in your eyes. ‘’Possessive much?’’
He’s been looking forward to the tourney specifically so he could strike at your betrothed without facing consequences. 
‘’You’re a sight,’’ he muttered, his voice hoarse. ‘’Waiting for me like this, bare and ready to be taken…’’ He grabbed your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed, right in front of him.
You let out a gasp, your breath catching in your throat at his words and arousal pooling between your legs. You liked it when he talked like this — dirty and possessive. It contrasted with his usual composed and cold demeanor. 
You pushed yourself up on your knees and placed your hands gently on his shoulders. ‘’You like this?’’ you asked, looking up at him while your fingers began to unbuckle his jerkin. You pushed it off him, revealing a white undershirt under it, damp with sweat from training. 
He should have bathed before coming to you, but knowing you were at the Keep made his mind spin. His hands reached for your hips, holding onto you, before crashing his mouth on yours. 
You pulled at his undershirt until he fell on the bed with you, losing yourself in his kisses. 
''I need you,'' you said against his lips. ''I need you now.''
Aemond growled in response, nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth. ‘’So impatient, so eager.''
He sat up and pulled his undershirt over his head, revealing broad shoulders covered in muscle and a softly defined chest. Lower, a line of silver hair was going down his breeches. You licked your lips, knowing what was hidden under. 
Not wasting time with his boots and breeches, Aemond unlaced the latter and pulled them down to his mid-thighs, his cock springing up from its confinement. He gave it a few tugs, the tip red and leaking. You reached for it, but Aemond slapped your hand away and commanded you to get on your fours. 
You positioned yourself and waited, the anticipation making your heart race. Your cunt was wet and begging for Aemond to fill it up. 
The bed creaked as he moved behind you, his hands gliding over your hips before gripping them firmly. He teased you for a moment, swiping his finger along your slick folds and giving it a light smack, making you gasp and push back against him. 
Soon enough, the room was filled with the sounds of your mewls mixing with Aemond’s grunts every time his pelvis smacked against your ass. You always found this position too animalistic, but you could feel Aemond’s cock hit so deep inside you that you forgot about the dogs. He gripped your hips tighter, his movements growing more urgent.
‘’Yes, Aemond! Right there!’’ you gasped, your back arching as you felt the coil in your stomach get tighter and tighter. 
Just as you were on the brink of release, the door to your chambers flew open. Lucerys stood, dumbfounded, with his hand still on the latch of the open door, frozen in place. Neither you nor Aemond appeared to have noticed your little brother’s sudden arrival, too caught up in your activities.
‘’Luke!’’ you shouted, when you spotted your brother in the doorway, your eyes wide and startled. 
Behind you, Aemond’s head whipped around to look at the door, his eye falling on Lucerys. Fuck. He thought of pulling out, but Lucerys had already blurted out a ‘’I’m sorry!’’ and shut the door, horrified by what he just saw. 
The poor boy will never erase the image of his sister on her fours with their uncle’s cock drilling into her relentlessly.
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard@domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios@lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale@mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron  @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit
All and more taglist: @kenqki@hawkegfs@gillybear17@black-rose-29@fudge13@cece05@laylasbunbunny@gemofthenight@beautyb1ade@mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog@queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  @Anouknani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3 @dahlia-blossom21
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drgnmnts · 2 months
knuckles bruised (like violets) │ jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!OC
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Title: knuckles bruised (like violets)
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Targaryen!OC (Daenys Targaryen, daughter of Viserys I Targaryen and Alicent Hightower)
Summary: There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin, especially for those caught in between, longing only for peace as they're met with fire and blood.
Chapter 4 - Belonging
Word count: 3.4k
“Limbās, Silverwing.” 
The powerful beat of the she-dragon’s wings came to a stop as she let her enormous body glide steadily through the clouds, her iridescent scales glistening like precious jewels in the sun’s embrace. 
As she circled around Bronzegate, right above Storm’s End, Daenys could descry King’s Landing on the other side of the Kingswood. 
Despite Rhaenyra giving her full agency to visit the capital whenever she so desired, the truth was that Daenys had only flown back to see her family three times in the time she had spent living at Dragonstone. 
The first time had been a couple of months after her departure, upon receiving a letter from her mother in which the queen told her she missed her. When she arrived, Alicent had stared at her in confusion, as if she hadn’t expected her daughter to interpret her words as an invitation. 
The second time had been for Aegon and Helaena’s wedding, but she was back at Dragonstone before the bedding ceremony. 
The third time was a year later, when Helaena had given birth to Jahaerys and Jahaera, and it had pained Daenys terribly to say goodbye to her dear niece and nephew. 
After that, she had never returned.
Across the expanse of trees, Vhagar’s silhouette stood out, too big to be kept in the Dragonpit with the others. Daenys had encountered Aemond several times throughout the years, both siblings finding the coast of Tarth their preferred place to rest after a long ride. They had never spoken to each other, perhaps out of fear of not knowing what to say, or perhaps (and this Daenys would never admit out loud) because Aemond had grown up to become quite an intimidating young man, and Daenys wasn’t sure whether he would be up for a conversation or a shared meal. She didn’t really know him anymore, and a big part of that was her fault.
As she ordered Silverwing to head back to Dragonstone, the dragon’s sinuous movements beneath Daenys so familiar and a testament to its formidable strength, Daenys wondered if her brothers ever thought of her. She knew Helaena did, as the sisters often sent letters to each other to keep in touch and share whatever news they may have, but she hadn’t heard from the boys in years, not even from Daeron. 
“Lantā mēre,” she commanded after a few hours in complete silence as Silverwing approached the Dragonmont and, as her rider requested, the dragon descended gently. 
Daenys was sore after such a long ride, though this kind of pain she was happy to endure.
“We imagined you in Essos already,” welcomed her Daemon, covered in ash and dirt as a result of one of his expeditions to the volcanic tunnels searching for eggs.
“I am ten-and-seven, Uncle. How come you still worry about me as if I were a child?” she asked, smiling at him as she let the dragonkeepers tend to Silverwing.
“When did I say I was worried?” he wondered, feigning confusion, as he properly greeted his niece with a side hug. His other arm was occupied with a satchel, where she assumed he had placed Syrax’s eggs.
“How many?” she asked, pointing at the leather bag.
“Three,” he said, clearly overjoyed by the new addition to the Dragonmont collection. “We would have more if you let Silverwing rest for a bit, being able to coil with Vermax would have her producing eggs in no time.”
Daenys let out a small laugh. “You ask too much of me, Uncle,” she replied. “Speaking of Vermax, where is Jace?”
After a quick bath and a change of clothes, Daenys followed Daemon's indications about Jace's whereabouts. His High Valyrian lessons always took place in the Great Hall, where he practiced with old texts and the invaluable help of Maester Gerardys.
"Vezhof, Maestur. Iā iāhor naejot ābrot ñuha lentys' tresys isse hāedrys," she said as she walked down the stairs. You may leave, Maester. I wish to instruct my sister's son this morning.
“Certainly, Princess.”
As Maester Gerardys left the room, Jace stood in his place, hands joined at his back, waiting for his aunt to take the maester’s place next to him. Daenys could feel his warm gaze on her, but she didn’t meet his eye; instead, she scanned the page they had been practicing with and continued the lesson where the maester had left it.
“Aegon mazverdagon lēkia rȳ ondoso lentor bē skoros,” she read.
Jace repeated the sentence a few times, and tried his luck at the translation:
“Aegon… built a small wooden fort… atop the hill”.
“Sȳrī jorrāelagon, ñuha dārilaros,” Daenys said. Well done, my prince.  “Dāria voktys belmonda zūgusy issa nāpār lēkia.”
This one took a bit longer. It was a difficult text but she knew Jacaerys was eager to become fluent, which made this kind of practice necessary.
“The city expanded… fast?” he tried. He used to be ashamed of speaking High Valyrian in front of her, too embarrassed of his struggles when it clearly rolled so easily off her tongue, but he enjoyed her lessons way too much to miss them due to his own self-consciousness.
“Rapidly,” she corrected. “Zūgusy issa nāpār lēkia, under his descendants. It’s a tricky one.”
“Not for you, it seems,” he said, not an ounce of bitterness in his tone. 
Daenys beamed at him and shrugged. “I guess growing up with Aemond being as competitive as I am had its perks. It motivated me to become better than him at everything.”
Jace nodded, chuckling at the memory of Daenys as a girl, all those times she would demand a rematch with tears in her eyes everytime she lost at something, tireless. 
“Come on, one more,” she urged. “Ñuha jorrāelagon gevie issa bē sȳndesse.” A small smile tugged at her lips, and Jace grinned to himself as he approached her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“My betrothed looks… lovely this morning,” he replied, earning himself a pleased hum from Daenys, thus letting him know that he was, in fact, correct.
“Perfect,” Daenys said, placing the palms of her hands on his chest.
Neither of them could remember when their friendship had turned into something more, as the idea of marriage slowly shifted from a burden to something they both awaited with indescribable excitement. 
Perhaps it had been a consequence of the hours they spent flying together on Vermax and Silverwing, or their walks along the coast of Dragonstone, sharing memories and secrets. Perhaps it had been Jace’s efforts to make her feel included and welcomed from the moment she set foot on Dragonstone all those years ago, despite her initial reluctance to get close to him and his family. Or maybe it had been the tenderness she exuded every time she spoke to Joffrey, or how easily she made Luke laugh, or the way Jace’s heartbeat quickened every time she met his gaze.
Jace brushed his nose against hers. “We can go for a walk later,” he offered.
“Or a ride,” she said, and the two of them smiled at her eagerness to be on dragonback again after having spent so long flying over the bay.
“A ride, then,” he agreed.
Daenys’ hands slid up his chest and shoulders until they reached his face, where she gently stroked his cheeks with her thumbs. Too absorbed in gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, neither of them noticed that someone else had entered the room.
“Is this how you expect to become fluent at High Valyrian?” Princess Rhaenyra asked as she made her way down the stairs. Her tone was of amusement and there was no intention of admonishment in her face, but her presence made the young couple separate immediately.
“Mother,” Jace greeted her bowing his head, partly to salute her, and partly to hide the bright red that now tinted his cheeks.
“My princess,” said Daenys, curtsying accordingly, equally embarrassed.
Rhaenyra walked up to them, her hands softly caressing her pregnant belly, which was now starting to round as she was almost halfway through her pregnancy.
“Maester Gerardys said I would find you here. I should've known you would be much more invested in your lessons with such a beautiful teacher.”
Jace smiled timidly, still unable to look at his mother. Amused, she continued.
“Perhaps you’d like to show me how the instruction is going?” she requested as she took a seat at the table, tired from the pregnancy. 
Daenys quickly returned to the text, ignoring the pink in her cheeks. It took her a moment to find the right page.
“Dāria Āeksio daor lēkia Aegonforto,” she read.
Jace sighed. “Daria…”
“Dāria,” Rhaenyra corrected, watching her son intently.
“Dāria Āeksio daor… The Red Keep changed the Aegonfort.”
“Replaced,” the two women said at the same time, the occurrence making them chuckle. 
Not wanting to make her son suffer any longer, Rhaenyra gestured for Daenys to close the book; there was no need for the lesson to continue. 
“It pleases me that you two have found it in you to enjoy each other’s company so much,” she began, “but you have to be careful. We do not need rumors starting to spread around about the princess’ virtue.”
At the mere mention of his betrothed’s reputation being affected in any way by his lack of care, Jace’s expression changed into a serious one.
“Of course, Mother. I would never allow such a thing.”
“It won’t happen again, Princess. I promise,” added Daenys, fully aware of how terrible it would be if such slander was thrown her way.
Rhaenyra nodded, pleased with their attitude, while she caressed her belly. As she stood, both Jace and Daenys straightened their backs again, showcasing the respect they felt for the princess. Rhaenyra approached them, and placed her motherly hands on each of their cheeks.
“A raven arrived today from Driftmark,” she began, and both Jace and Daenys’ brows furrowed with worry almost simultaneously. “Baela wrote to Daemon to let us know that Vaemond Velaryon is attempting to challenge Luke’s claim to the Driftwood Throne.”
“But Lord Corlys already named Luke his heir, and Father agreed,” Daenys protested.
“Lord Corlys might not survive his injuries. We cannot count on him,” Rhaenyra said simply.
“What about Princess Rhaenys?” wondered Jace.
Rhaenyra sighed. “Let us hope she chooses to support us.”
“So we’re going to King’s Landing?” the young princess further asked.
“On the morrow,” Rhaenyra confirmed, and Daenys’ expression changed despite how much she was trying to hide her emotions. “Luke is upset, as you can imagine,” she added, speaking to Jace. “He needs his brother.”
Jace nodded, understanding, and gave Daenys a look of apology: their ride would need to wait. 
After her son had left the room, Rhaenyra sat down again.
"I know that face," she said to Daenys. 
Ever since welcoming her into her family, Rhaenyra had earned herself the role of mentor and confidante in Daenys’ life. She had taken the time to explain the politics of the realm to her, the importance of legacy, and the strength that Daenys would need to cultivate if she were to become queen consort one day. With time, the pair had found it in them to slowly build a bridge over the chasm that had once separated them.  
Daenys sat across from her, and that perspective made them look like two different versions of the same person.
“How bad is it?” she asked. 
Rhaenyra took a moment to answer as she stroked her belly.
“By putting into question Luke’s legitimacy, he’s also questioning Jace’s and my own claim to the Throne.”
Daenys lowered her gaze, worried. “Why now?” she asked.
“What did your mother say the last time she wrote to you? That Father was getting weaker and weaker by the day, could barely move or speak without overexerting himself,” she said, raising her brows slightly.
“So you think this is their doing? The queen and the Hand’s?” Daenys asked. My mother and my grandsire.
“Not entirely, but they are definitely supporting Vaemond’s claims.”
Daenys buried her face in her hands. She was tired. Exhausted. The fact that after so many years the matter was still being questioned despite King Viserys’ blessing for Luke to inherit the Driftwood Throne was senseless.
“There is something I wanted to talk to you about. Or ask of you, to be precise,” said Rhaenyra after a moment of silence. 
When Daenys nodded, encouraging her to speak, Rhaenyra reached over the table and grabbed her hand.
“I need you to promise me that you will stay strong while we’re at King’s Landing. That you won’t falter when they spill their honey in your ear,” she said. Daenys’ brow furrowed, feeling confused and slightly insulted.
“Have I not proven my loyalty to you time and time again?” she asked.
“Of course,” Rhaenyra replied immediately. “Yes, always. But right now, the Red Keep is a venomous place. I wouldn’t want you to be put in a situation where you have to choose sides.”
“But I have chosen a side,” Daenys said, defensive. “Every single day, by not escaping, I am choosing a side. It is your cause that I believe in, your son the one I want to see sitting on the Driftwood Throne when the time comes.”
Rhaenyra let out a breath. When she spoke again, her eyes were honest.
“You are very important to me, Daenys. Not only as a sister but as an ally. Your support means a lot to this family and I fear that, by exposing you to them, I might be pushing you away from us.”
As she always did when she was stressed or worried, a habit she had unknowingly picked up from her mother, Daenys began nervously picking at her fingers. Rhaenyra noticed and held her hand again, making her stop.
“You took me in six years ago,” she began, “a girl you barely knew, who had been mean to your children, who had... taken part in the narrative that was told about them at court. I didn't make it easy for you at first, and yet you treated me as if you were my— as if I was your daughter. You offered me a seat at your table, a chair next to you by the hearth, a place in your council. Do you really think me so ungrateful?”
Rhaenyra lowered her gaze, ashamed for having even considered the possibility of betrayal, but also pleased with Daenys' contained outrage: it meant she truly cared.
“No. No, of course not.”
The tension between them eased as they shared a moment of silent solidarity, but the weight of the impending trip to King’s Landing still loomed over them.
Finally, Rhaenyra spoke again, her voice steady. “You should get some rest. There’s much to be done before we leave.”
That night, as she sat at her desk with only the hearth and a single candle illuminating her chamber, Daenys decided to write to Helaena.
My dearest Helaena,
It has saddened me deeply to learn that Vaemond Velaryon means to call into question Lucerys’ legitimacy. I might err on the side of innocence, but I had hoped this matter was already settled. Perhaps this instance will finally put an end to such nonsense. 
Despite this, I look forward to seeing you again, and your children. They must be so grown now… I will make sure to bring presents for them so they can remember their aunt. 
We will arrive at King’s Landing within the week, as we must sail since  Rhaenyra and Daemon want Father to meet little Aegon and little Viserys.
I do hope we can have a peaceful time together.
Your sister, who loves you,
As she rolled the piece of parchment, the wax for the three-headed dragon seal already melted and ready to use, Ser Lorent knocked on her door.
“Forgive me, Princess. Prince Jacaerys requests a word,” he announced. 
“Of course. Send him in.” It wasn’t uncommon for Jace to visit Daenys in her quarters, and Rhaenyra allowed it, so long as the door remained open.
Unlike Daenys, who was already clad in her sleeping clothes, a beautiful crimson robe covering her nightgown, Jace was still wearing his normal clothes, save for the cape. Once he was inside, she stood.
“How’s Luke?” she asked.
Jace made a face, shrugging. “Terrified, honestly. You know how he feels about this matter,” he explained.
Daenys hummed, cutting the distance between them. As soon as she was in front of him, Jace wrapped her in his arms.
After a few seconds of comfortable silence, drowning in each other’s familiar scents, with Jace’s face buried in her neck and her hands in his curls, Daenys spoke. “I don’t want to go,” she confessed, and she sounded just like she had all those years before, except this time it was the opposite situation. She had been holding her feelings in all day but now, in Jace’s arms, she felt safe enough to let them out.
“I know,” he murmured back. “I’m not too excited about it either.”
When Daenys spoke again, she was crying.
“Am I horrible?”
As soon as he heard her broken voice Jace broke the embrace, only to gently grab her face as his brow furrowed in worry.
“No! Of course not, why do you think that?”
He caught a tear with his thumb as it slid down her cheek.
“I don’t know, I— I haven’t seen them in years, and when the opportunity arises I would rather just not go. And I’m worried about Luke, and I don’t want your mother to get upset, and—.”
“Shh…” Jace soothed her gently, noticing the way her anxiety was starting to escalate. He put his forehead against hers, and Daenys closed her eyes. Outside, Ser Lorent peeked discreetly, just to check in on them. “Listen to me. Whatever Vaemond Velaryon has to say, it will be to no avail. My mother will defend Luke and put an end to all of this once and for all. And… I know it is difficult for you to see everybody again, but you will not be alone this time, hm? I will be with you. We will all be with you.”
Daenys had spent her entire life trying to feel like she belonged. Somewhere. Anywhere. Neither from here, nor from there. Always adjusting, fitting in, packing up, looking for a spot.
For many years, the only moment she was able to achieve that feeling was when riding Silverwing, hence her passion for spending her days on dragonback. Whenever she rode her dragon, she felt like a part of her that was never good enough for anyone was restored: bad daughter, bad sister, bad princess, good dragonrider. And so, she had decided that her place in the world was on her dragon’s back.
Jace had changed her mind.
He wasn’t just kind, or gentle, or good. He knew her; really knew her. And every new part of her she showed him, no matter how ugly, or embarrassing, or despicable, he embraced it. Loved it. 
Daenys belonged on her dragon’s back, but she also belonged in Jace’s arms.
I love you, she thought.
“You are too good,” she said instead, still sniffling but much calmer.
Jace smiled before softly kissing her forehead. “And you worry too much. It isn’t so bad, actually. I think I’ll find enjoyment in showing off my betrothed around the court.”
This made Daenys smile, a beautiful shade of pink bringing her cheeks to life. “I’m sure all the girls will bat their eyelashes at you as soon as they see you,” she said. “And the women.”
Jace chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Let them. They can bat their eyelashes all they want. Besides, they’ll be too busy being envious of how beautiful you are.”
Daenys shook her head, but her beaming smile and the way she couldn’t hold Jace’s gaze for a second showed how much she loved his flattery. 
She kissed his cheek, and Ser Lorent cleared his throat outside.
Jace sighed.
“I must go. I’ll come for you in the morning.”
“Sleep well,” she said as he softly kissed her hand.
Jace smiled at her once more before finally walking out the door, leaving her alone again in her chamber.
As she settled into bed, trying to find sleep quickly, she didn’t think of Vaemond Velaryon, her mother’s frown, or the politics of the realm. Instead, the only thing on her mind was kind brown eyes and the smell of leather and salt water.
If you liked this, let me know in any way! 💕
Also, thank you so much for all your kind comments! If I'm missing someone who wants to be added to the tag list, let me know!
Series Taglist: @void21, @burningwitchobject, @hellish-idiot, @inf4ntdeath, @klutzylaena, @swimmjacket , @helo1281917 , @cat-winter
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pumpkinfyre · 17 days
The Realms Pearl
note: just a ramble on how I think the yandere! hotd cast would be with a darling who is daeron's twin sister ♡
warnings: yandere content, platonic and romantic relationships, darling is religious like her mommy, incest mentioned, aegon and helaena have the hots for their sister, lol, this is based on my oc daenys but is a reader insert for inclusiveness, spoilers for s2
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Viserys and Alicent are very similar in the way they treat her. In the books, we know that Viserys was very close with both of his daughters. He was a girl dad! He adores his youngest daughter, and she often reminds him of how Rhaenyra was when she was a child. He spends long hours in (Name)'s company, letting her read to him as he fiddles with his duplicate of Old Valyria. Once he gets much sicker, close to his death, she'll remain by her father's bedside, speaking of old stories.
Alicent, on the other hand, is fiercely protective of her youngest daughter. She adores both Helaena and (Name), so she keeps them both close to her. Daeron is sent away to Oldtown at a very young age, but Alicent chooses to keep her daughter in Kings Landing. Having her sweet girl sent away would destroy Alicent. As the youngest of her children, (Name) is kept safely away and rarely makes public appearances in court. It's her parents' way of making sure that she isn't corrupted by the politics of Kings Landing.
Her two older brothers, Aegon and Aemond, are tasked with keeping an eye on her when Alicent has things to attend to. Aegon is the more fun brother, always helping his little sister to sneak in the kitchens to steal a piece of cake. He's especially funny, never failing to make (Name) laugh. As they all grow older and mature, Aegon becomes very dependent on his sister. His relationship with their mother is strained, and after being married to Helaena, he feels isolated and odd. Aegon turns to his youngest sister for comfort and companionship. His feelings for her perhaps go deeper than a sibling bond, but it never goes farther than that. Aemond is similar, but he's more of a stick-in-the-mud. He's less inclined to give in to games, like his elder brother. He absolutely adores his baby sister, of course, but he focuses more on her protection than her happiness. Once the Dance begins, she's locked in the Keep and not allowed to mount her dragon, Grey Ghost. Aemond takes on the role as her protector, and in doing so, he is less kind.
Helaena is the closest with her sister. Helaena is the second oldest of Alicent’s children, and as such, (Name) often goes to her older sister for advice. Once the twins are born, (Name) spends even more time with Helaena, as she absolutely adores her niece and nephew. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera are always with her if they're not with their mother. Helaena loves her sister. I think her feelings would be similar to those of Daemon and how he felt about Viserys. Helaena sometimes wishes that she were born a man, so their mother would allow she and (Name) to marry each other. Helaena daydreams about living a quiet and peaceful life with (Name), and even after the death of Jaehaerys, she keeps her sister very close, fearing that someone will kill her darling.
(Name)'s twin brother, Daeron, sends her letters from Oldtown on a constant basis. While they were separated when they were very young, she sometimes travels to Oldtown on Grey Ghost to visit her brother and uncle Gwayne. The letters often consist of how Tessarion is growing and how he wishes they could be together. Gwayne tries to convince Alicent to let his niece stay in Oldtown for the benefit of Daeron. Gwayne and Daeron plan to move (Name) to their home once the war is over.
Kings Landing obviously isn't safe!
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this is such a ramble, but my mind is reeling from s2
( :゚皿゚)
who else is super excited for daeron and tessarion ♡♡♡
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jeonggukookies · 7 months
the crown's kingdom || jjk
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– summary: after rejecting many suitors, your mother chooses a husband for you, and her choice is none other than your worst nightmare: Jungkook, the prince heir of Aurum. How will you survive an arranged marriage with Jungkook, the one you hate the most?
– genre: royalty!au, enemies to lovers!au, prince!jungkook, queen!reader, arranged marriage - fluff/angst
– note: this is rewritten and reposted as i changed and added some NEW details regarding both oc and jungkook & loosely based on the history of mary stuart !! (i am so sorry)
– word count: 1.2K
The two countries, Caelestia and Luxuria, have been in conflict with each other for many generations now, with constant ongoing invasion battles and military campaigns, shedding hundreds of thousands of blood on each landmass. Being two border countries surrounded by the sea, both countries were hungry for the power, land, and wealth for it to be one.  
Tensions escalated even further after your father, the king, had been assassinated by a Luxuria anarchist. Luxuria soldiers saw this opportunity to put the Caelestia castle under siege, seeing this as their chance to finally take the country as their own. 
But what they didn’t know is that your mother, the Queen Consort, had given birth to his heir. 
The throne of Caelestia, was inherited by the daughter of King Constantine of Caelestia and Queen Consort Nylah, you, two days after you were born. 
During your childhood, your mother has been acting Queen Regent, taking care of all the responsibilities on your behalf since you’ve been crowned Queen. She wasn’t like most mothers, letting you live a privileged life, not wanting you to suffer through the hardships of royalty until you were of age. 
Despite spending most of your time with your many governesses and trying to play hide and seek in the castle with other noble children, the People of Luxuria still saw you as a threat. And by your seventh birthday, they were finally brave enough to send a message, that they still wanted your throne by seasoning your porridge with poison, intentionally killing your royal taster.  
With a failed assassination attempt, your mother sent you to the country of Aurum for your protection away from the Luxurians, hidden away from your own people across the sea. 
Not only were you the Queen of Caelestia, but because of your mother’s side, you were related to the Queen of Luxuria, meaning you could claim the Luxuria throne as yours if the Queen of Luxuria dies without a heir and if the people accept you.
Before marrying your father, she had been an Aurum noblewoman with land in Luxuria, and the Aurum court allowed you to be there for your safety and as a part of a small, meaningless alliance. 
Living at Aurum Court was almost the same as your own courts. The only difference was being with other Aurum royals. As a child, the Prince of Aurum had been a constant troublemaker, a reigning terror for his own people. He was known for cheekiness and confidence, getting out of tough situations with his charms and good looks. 
“Jungkook.” You forced a smile, entering the throne room after being suddenly summoned in the middle of the night. “What are you doing here?” 
He pointed in the direction in front of him, and there was his parents, the King and Queen consort of Aurum on their respective thrones with your mother standing next to his mother.
Your jaw dropped, not expecting her to be standing in front of you. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had seen her in person. The last few years, you’ve only been corresponding with letters to her. “What are you doing here?” 
“That’s no way to greet your mother.” She came forward to give you a quick hug and then returned back to her original position. “The Luxuria troops are getting stronger at the border.”
“And I’m sorry, how does this matter revolve around me and my country?” Jungkook asked. 
You rolled your eyes at Jungkook’s comment. As children, your personality always clashed with Jungkook. The two of you always tried to avoid each other at all costs.
Although you and Jungkook were raised together in the castle, experiencing the same exact royal lessons of courtesy, ballroom dancing and diplomacy, you never once could get along with Jungkook, turning everything with him into an argument or competition whether it was for academic endeavors or favoring the people of
the court.
“I took a risk coming here as Luxuria has barely allowed travel between our two countries,” she said. “I came here to finalize the alliance, that the two of you would wed.” 
Jungkook sighed. “It happened, didn’t it?” 
“What happened?” You asked, not understanding the context. “Hasn’t Jungkook been engaged with Princess Comet of Cometes since they were six?”
“The King legitimized his first-born and mistress’s son,” his mother explained.
Your heart dropped upon hearing the news. “She is no longer the Princess of Cometes?”
“I am afraid not, but good news, Jungkook, you have a new bride,” your mother announced. 
“This can’t be,” you insisted. “Surely, there’s someone else.” 
“My child, you will marry our son and make him the king of two countries, and then later put your claim on Luxuria once the queen dies. There, you two will have three countries,” the King said. 
But you never once wanted to rule Luxuria.  
“We have given you protection and will continue to do so for this alliance.” 
“But we cannot be wed,” Jungkook argued. 
“You will especially since you’ve scared all the other suitors away,” your mother said. 
You were fiercely known for your independence and stubbornness, always speaking your mind. Your honesty and independency allowed you to earn your title as the Ice Queen, but that was all because of Jungkook. 
Through the game of telephone and writing secretive notes around the castle, the whole castle knew how you rejected possibly the best suitor for love, Kim Namjoon. He would have given up his country for you, and everyone knew it. 
At the time you were thirteen, still lacking tact, you met with Namjoon in the library and told him that giving up his own country for someone was foolish and idiotic. And Jungkook, hiding behind the curtains of that room, ran with it, spreading the word that you broke Namjoon’s heart, needing more than him and his country as a power hungry queen. 
Kim Namjoon’s heart wasn’t the only one you broke. Prominent and wealthy families from neighboring realms had sent their sons to court you, yet their efforts left you unimpressed and unmoved. 
As the years went on, there were less and less potential suitors. No one wanted their son to marry someone who was an intimidating person, and no one especially wanted a queen that could not be controlled. 
“It’s time for this childhood rivalry of yours to end.” 
“Mother, you know he’s the reason why suitors are afraid of me.”
“Get over it,” Jungkook gritted through his teeth. 
“How dare he disrespect me as a queen?”
“He was thirteen.” Your mother groaned. “You will marry Jungkook for your people, for your country.” 
You stepped forward, distancing yourself away so no one could hear what you were about to say. “And you and I know he will not love me.”
As fortunate as your life was, there was still a burden to bear, a burden even heavier as a royal. You still sought for an union to secure your financial and political status in society. Despite being a queen and having almost everything you want, the one thing you want the most is the one thing you knew you couldn't have: love.
She sighed. “And we both know love does not matter for people like us.” 
“But did thou not love my father and he thee?” Despite his death, the story of your father and his legacy lives on, including his love story with your mother. 
“Indeed, we loved each other truly,” she said. “But stories like his and mine happen once in a lifetime. Perhaps, the promise of love and the future of reconciliation can come.” 
Taking a look over your shoulder. You see Jungkook smirking. “Well Ice Queen looks like we need each other after all.”
hello hello hello!
thank you for reading the prologue for this new series :) i am very excited! please let me know if you need more context or visuals of some things were confusing.
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