theycallmestar-lord · 11 years
tag game
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them.
1. If you ever cosplayed which character would you pick?  maybe the 10th doctor or Daenerys Targaryen
2. If you could travel to the past for a whole day where would you go? To the first Star Wars movie screening because I would like to see how other people would react to the first special effects ever used
3. Top 10 songs that cheer you up.
Fall Out Boy – The Phoenix
Arctic Monkeys – Snap Out Of It
Mallory Knox – Beggars
Panic At The Disco – Vegas Lights
Panic At The Disco – Nicotine
Tonight Alive – Lonely Girl
My Chemical Romance – House Of Wolves
You Me At Six – Win Some Lose Some
All Time Low – Paint Your Wings
All Time Low – Lost In Stereo
4. Do you believe in aliens? Hmmm never really though about it. Maybe, idk. I somehow believe that we are not alone in the universe but I don’t believe in that stereotyped figured of what people see as an “alien”
5. Favorite all time tv show. THIS IS HARD OMG. I think I’ll go with Game Of Thrones
6. Would you ever steal something for someone in need? I don’t think so…
7. If you could choose a mythical creature which one would you pick? To be real? I don’t know… maybe dragons or phoenixes
8. What’s your dream job?  This one is easy :D it is in the cinema industry, more specifically on visual effects. I would love to work at ILM, where they do all the Marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek films.
9. What’s your ringtone? Beggars by Mallory Knox
10. What’s the meaning behing your URL? I like pop punk and idk I think I was going through a “mainstream music is shit” fase so yeah
11. What do you think of Benedict Cumberbatch?  He is a brilliant, charming, lovable and talented guy that knows how to make a damn good performance with any role. He was the one that made me love cinema as much as I do nowadays and made me want to work with people like him in the future. He’s my favorite actor and I have a huge respect for him
  My questions will be:
1.      If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be?
2.      Favorite food.
3.      Favorite sci-fi/fantasy movie.
4.      What are your main goals to pursue in the future?
5.      Something/someone that you though “I liked it first” when it started to become known by other people?
6.      Last concert you went
7.      What do you do when you're feeling sad to brighten up your mood?
8.      A book that made you change your perspective of life
9.      A good quality about yourself
10.    A character from a book/tv show/movie you identify with
11.    Favorite plot twist on a book/tv show/movie
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liquor · 11 years
Tumblr media
My Tumblr Crushes:
shout out to these cool people
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liquor · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
shout out to these people for making my dash a better place
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