#lets fix voltron
bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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"Hey Keith, what else is in your belt pouches?"
Keiths belt pouches 2/2
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vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
Happy Fourth of July!!
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I know not all my mutuals celebrate it but I couldn't pass up the chance to draw Klance watching fireworks.
Dialogue under the cut ↓
"Keith! Look, it's our colors!"
"Plus white."
"White doesn't count, it's an absence of color."
"Well, aren't you smart."
"Of course I am. Didn't you fall in love with me for my brain?"
"Sure... We'll go with that."
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rorimoon9597 · 10 months
He was tired. Physically, and mentally. That was a side effect of being the captain of the Atlas and finding out that your ex-fiancé that you were definitely still in love with was still alive and being held captive by your enemies.
So yeah, Shiro was tired. But he couldn't afford to go to sleep just yet. Not when Adam was in the medbay, unconscious and hooked up to fluids. He took in Adam's appearance, the feeling of his hand under his own, the warmth from it. The peaceful look on his face, how Adam's chest rose and fell steadily with each breath.
"You need to sleep."
"Do you think I can?" Shiro asked. His voice was flat, void of emotion. A hand rested on his shoulder.
"You need to sleep, Shiro. He'd want you to." Shiro sighed. Keith was right. He knew that. In the time that Keith had spent with Shiro and Adam, he'd learned that when Shiro was neck-deep in work that Adam would drag him to bed.
Shiro had always repaid that by doing the same thing to Adam.
"Fine. You win," he admitted.
"Don't worry. You'll be the first to know when he wakes up." The thing was, Shiro knew that already. He was the captain of the Atlas, it would be illogical for the captain of the ship that finds and frees prisoners to not know when the person woke up.
He didn't point that out to Keith. Part of Shiro wanted to be told because he still loved Adam, not because he was the captain of the ship that had saved him.
He squeezed Adam's hand. "I'll come visit you tomorrow," he promised in a whisper. He left, Keith walking with him.
They parted ways in front of the door that led to the room that Keith shared with Lance. Everyone on the ship knew that they were together. The amount of times they'd kissed before getting into their lions were too numerous to count on both of Shiro's hands.
He went to his quarters, which had a couch, something that the other rooms didn't have. That was it. There was a couch in the captain's quarters.
He changed out of his uniform and into his pajamas. Then he collapsed onto the couch and laid down.
It wasn't comfortable, but he'd rather sleep on something that made him uncomfortable than have to sleep in a bed by himself. He'd been having that problem since him and Adam broke up.
Adam... Would he want to get back with Shiro? He didn't think so. The thought hurt.
He curled into himself, trying to give himself warmth, even though he knew that it was useless. Only Adam's warmth could help him.
Nevertheless, he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
It was the lights brightening for the day cycle that woke him. He sighed, got up, and got ready for the day. He went to assign everyone their tasks for the day, listened to the status reports of the Paladin and MFE pilots mission and the Atlas, and made decisions based off of those.
Why the hell was he put in charge of an entire fucking ship? Because he'd had the most experience fighting the Galra and he wasn't a Paladin and had military training?
He didn't even remember what happened when he was held captive by the Galra.
He went through the paces of the day again, practically on autopilot.
"Shiro," Sam's voice said through his comm.
"Sam, do you need something?" Shiro asked.
"It's Adam. He's awake." Shiro froze. Adam...
"I'll be right there," he said. He handed Curtis the thing he was supposed to be looking over and made his way down to the medbay.
Adam was awake, talking to one of the medics and Sam. Shiro stood in the doorway, unsure. Sam looked up and motioned for him to come closer. Shiro's feet moved on their own, even when Adam looked up at him.
"Adam..." Sam said something to the medic. They left, leaving Adam and Shiro alone together.
For the first time since their fight. The fight about Kerberos.
"Takashi... You're really here," Adam whispered, barely loud enough for Shiro to hear him.
That's when the dam broke. That's when all of the tears that Shiro hadn't been able to cry decided to release themselves. He sat on the chair next to Adam's bed.
Arms wrapped around him and held him close. He clung to Adam.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You were right. I shouldn't have left for Kerberos. But... I don't know if I'd change that. The war... The Galra would've come sooner," Shiro said.
"It's okay, Takashi. I'm... I'm just glad that you're here," Adam soothed. Shiro nearly sobbed harder from hearing Adam's voice. "Come on, get on." Shiro didn't have to be told twice before he was lying on the bed with Adam, face buried in Adam's hospital shirt.
"I'm sorry."
"Takashi," Adam said. His voice was soft. Gently, he lifted Shiro's face so that he was forced to look at him. His eyes were soft, looking at Shiro as if he'd never broken Adam's heart years ago. "I've already forgiven you. I... When Sam came back with news of the Galra, I decided... I decided that I didn't want to die without forgiving you. It was time for me to do that, anyway."
"I don't deserve it. I- you deserve someone who won't leave you for the stars," Shiro whispered. Adam's face became pained.
"You know that I could never stop loving you." Shiro buried his face in the crook of Adam's neck, taking time to remember the feeling of their skin touching, of how warm Adam's skin was.
"I missed you so, so much."
"I missed you too." A gentle pressure on the top of his hair. Shiro knew Adam well enough to know that it was a kiss. After all, there had been too many times when Shiro was in this exact position, lying on Adam and crying from the intensity of the pain from his disease.
That reminded him...
"I'm not sick anymore," he said. Adam's grip grew tighter.
"I'm glad to hear that."
It took a while for the medics to be able to actually check over Adam. Shiro literally clung to him, just relieved to be able to hold him again.
Nothing extreme had happened to Adam. Shiro was so glad. He'd been subject to the Druid's experiments, and they were not nice.
Shiro was just sitting on the bed with Adam leaning against him - they were taking time to enjoy being with each other again - when Keith burst into the room, followed by his team, Coran, Romelle and Krolia. He went to the bed and climbed onto it.
"Hi," he said, looking up at Adam.
"You're not as short as you were a few years ago," Adam commented. Keith pouted.
"I hate you,' he declared.
"Sure you do, if the way you barged into here says anything," Adam retorted.
"My favourite teacher's awake!" Lance said, happily. Adam smiled at the teens.
"It's good to see that my three favourite cadets are alive," he said.
"Hello, Adam was it?"
"Yes, that's me," Adam replied. Allura smiled.
"I'm Princess Allura of Altea. This is my advisor, Coran."
"Hello," Coran said.
"I'm Romelle," Romelle added.
"It's nice to meet you," Adam said, honestly.
"The Galra there is my mom, by the way," Keith piped up from his place leaned up against Adam.
"My name is Krolia." She leveled her son with A Look. Keith smiled at her. "I've heard much about you from Keith. I want to thank you for the things you have done for him."
"It's not a big deal," Adam replied. He smiled. "And it's nice to meet you." Shiro felt as if he could melt into a puddle of goo.
He was mostly quiet as Adam talked with the team, the mis-matched family Shiro became a part of when they found Blue. It was nice, hearing the children of the team be children. And Adam was making an effort to get to know the Alteans and Krolia. Shiro honestly couldn't ask for more, really.
So he kept his head on Adam's shoulder, his left arm around his waist, and listened to the conversation around him, poking in from time to time to stop the Paladins from doing something stupid. Krolia gave him and Adam knowing looks, as did Coran. He just rolled his eyes at them.
He let himself be lost in the moment.
He woke up, gasping for breath. It had just been a nightmare, but it had felt real. Adam hid his face in his hands.
"Commander Wright? Are you okay?" The medic on duty asked, voice low.
"I'm- I'm fine I just-"
"Do you think that you'll be able to go to sleep when you've calmed down?" Adam shook his head. "Would you like me to alert the captain?" It took a couple of seconds to remember that Takashi was the captain of the Atlas. He nodded.
The medic disappeared. After a few minutes, there was a warmth by his side. Adam leaned into it.
"Nightmare?" Takashi asked. Adam nodded. "It's okay. I'm here now, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Takashi exaggerated his breathing slightly. Adam hadn't even realised that he was hyperventilating until his breathing evened out.
"Stay... Please?"
"Of course," Takashi agreed. Adam faintly thought that it was nice that Takashi was the captain of the Atlas. He could do whatever he wanted to and no one could protest against him.
They laid back on the bed, Adam tucked against Takashi and in the safety of his arms. They fell asleep like that, and when Adam woke in the morning, he realised that it was the best sleep he'd had in such a long time.
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prophecyofgray · 8 months
[coughing up blood] i could fix voltron legendary defender
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violent-kurumi · 1 year
I was OBSESSED at some point
But, all good times must come to an end. I kept watching it far too much while I got anxious.
Voltron my beloved
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laikahh · 6 months
im having visions again
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larothoughts · 3 months
anti-ship adjacent ships: liujiu and qijiu
so there's this weird thing that's happening in svsss of all fandoms that reminds me a lot of voltron's klance and sheith fiasco AKA the formation of what i like to call anti-ship adjacent ships
basically, when someone's favorite ship is more indicative of them being an anti-shipper of another ship.
i've had to start excluding liujiu in my ao3 searches because more often than not, the fics that come up are yqy-bashing and what?? this is svsss, right? mxtx's trashiest, most problematic, harem-bicycle-shen-yuan svsss? what is this moral outrage doing in my degenerate danmei fic space, and why are you mischaracterizing yqy just to make an excuse to hate on him??
i've had a few thoughts on the rising dichotomy of shen jiu sympathizers both validating sj's bad behavior and hating yqy for enabling the same behavior. and then shipping him with lqg because liujiu is 'less toxic.' As an old lady fanfic reader who's trawled through all the godforsaken dead dove ships of the old livejournal kink_meme, i'm writing these out because making sense of things helps me cope and i am too old for this shit
(this is actually more 'why anti-qijiu' word vomit than liujiu specific--it just so happens that so many liujiu fics are bizarrely anti-qijiu.)
narrative reasons for anti-yqy liujiu fic:
aka why an author finds it easier for the plot to bash qi-ge
accepting either romantic or platonic qijiu means trying to fix qijiu. this is hard. yqy and sj already have a proven history of failure, while sj and lqg (aka author's ideal white-knight love interest) would be the perfect do-over. making yqy a clear abusive villain sj must cut off ties with 'for his mental health' solves the problem without having to fix things. it frees the author to write what they thought qi-ge should have done to 'save shen jiu right.'
on the same note, liujiu have nearly no canon crumbs. the author can write them however they want without being constrained by their canon relationship.
why lqg over other possible ships? other than yqy, lqg is one of the few characters with any sort of previous relationship with sj. lqg is canonically hot, has strong (even if negative) feelings towards sj, and has no textual or subtextual canon ship (beyond a one-sided crush on shen yuan, with lbh getting in his way lol.) he is also the same generation as sj and thus avoids any age gap squicks like with sj's other ship partners (looking at you tlj)
yqy is the only person in cang qiong with higher authority than shen jiu. while other peak lords are antagonistic, all are ranked lower and can't get in liujiu's way the same way as yqy can as a sect leader. not even the old palace master has the same power because he's the head of a different sect. so if you really want to write a villain abusing their (implicit) power over shen jiu, yqy is the only one that fits the bill.
lbh, as sj's disciple, does not fit the same abuse of power trope even if he becomes an op demon lord. as for bingjiu, lbh's brand of diabolical stalkerish yandere is so over-the-top it's hard to equate him to any real relationship. it's easier to twist yqy's passivity to villainy because it's closer to reasonable human behavior.
if one is coming from the tgcf fandom, yue qingyuan is the closest junwu-adjacent character in terms of personality and rank (on the surface.) so it's easy to transfer any junwu hate to yqy by giving him all of junwu's worst traits and making him 'junwu-lite'
same thing as above but with mdzs and the lan xichen hate for his inaction regarding his own little meowmeow (jgy).
personal author-reasons for anti-yqy liujiu fic:
aka when the character himself doesn't matter
let's get a silly one out of the way: maybe the author only headcanons top shen jiu and most qijiu has sj being a bottom. lqg gives off better hot twinky bottom energy than submissive-but-still-tops yqy. this does not explain the anti-shipping though.
less silly: an author is projecting either themselves or other people in their real life onto their fic, and changing the character's personalities to match their real life projected counterparts (even if ooc). sj is a clear abuse-survivor insert, which shoe-horns other characters into roles that real people in the author's lives have. i think yqy is often seen as the insert for someone who 'could have helped but didn't.' there are many valid reasons why someone would be more mad at the person who averted their gaze rather than their actual abuser, but that doesn't change the fact that qijiu's relationship in canon is so much more complicated.
(it's easier to hate enablers instead of abusers, because hating abusers and inviting confrontation is dangerous. most of the time, enablers won't hurt you directly. they are the safer person to hate.)
an author thinks they could have saved sj better, that qi-ge had more than enough time to fix things and his failure not to do so must be punished by taking away his sj-simp-card and throwing him into the villain bin. this is similar to the phenomenon where an author hates the wife of canon anime couples b/c the author could clearly wife him better. and then writes a fic bashing said wife.
an author sees a messy relationship and equates messy with abusive. in reality many relationships can be messy but not abusive, messy but still fixable, but due to their personal experiences they see any attempt to do so as toxic. in this scenario yqy is often the abuser-insert and his ooc characterization takes after the author's own abuser.
specifically in fics where lqg has the personality of a cardboard cut-out: using liujiu to tell others they are still pro-ship, when in reality they dislike qijiu for their own reasons (and can't help but write it in their fic). it really reminds me of middle school lol like kids trying to find their identity by hating another identity. the whole 'ew pink is overrated, i hate preps which means i must be a nerdy rebel' and then two years later you realize you're not a nerdy rebel after all, you just based your entire identity on what you thought was the opposite of what you hated.
why i try not to read anti-qijiu liujiu fics:
aka write whatever you want, but sometimes i have to choose not to read
authors can write whatever they want. we're all doing this for free, so it's expected that a lot of fanfic have venting and some self-imposing onto a fictional character. i don't expect authors to NOT put themselves in their fic in some way. at the same time, however, i hope authors are self-aware enough to not bash another character just because that character reminds them of someone irl.
aka i get uncomfortable when i read a fic that has an author's obvious real-person insert. i'm not reading svsss fic anymore, i'm reading the author's version of punishing their abuser using fiction. i love transformative media that adds onto the canon! i love different interpretations even! but i'm here to read svsss? where are the svsss characters??
i'm not into character-bashing in general. i think the point of svsss and all of bingqiu's misunderstandings is the fact that good/evil is not a binary. sy spent the whole series fearing the 'evil' binghe despite the fact that post-abyss binghe was a complex person, causing a chain reaction of disaster. hell, shen jiu is the king of gray characters! he is a scum villain, evil and misunderstood, to be a sj-fan means to understand that no one is entirely good or evil. so it's even more cognitively dissonant when a pro-sj fic is so categorically anti-qijiu, as this often paints sj as good/misunderstood and yqy as bad.
(the only character-bashing i don't care about is the old palace master mxtx clearly wrote him to be bashed so throw him in a fire)
i don't mind liujiu actually, i think the dynamic has potential (see all the sj harem fic i've read lol) but qi-ge is such a big part of sj's character that vilifying/getting rid of him does sj a disservice too? sj has a shit ton of bad coping mechanisms, these aren't going to be magically fixed if yqy gets his limbs chopped off as 'just punishment' (??) for not stopping sj from abusing his own students (????)
in conclusion
there is no point to this rambling, and you don't need to agree with me on anything. these are just thoughts i had when trying to figure out why anti-ship adjacent ships even exist. the moral outrage is giving me war flashbacks of anti-sheith klance fans using their age gap as justification for their own ship, rather than liking klance for... being klance.
(I briefly considered going over all liujiu vs qijiu morality arguments, but if you're an sj fan i feel like morality arguments are pointless. he is an angry feral scum kitten who hits kids, no sj-fan has the moral high ground here.)
it's always unfortunate to see so much anti-shipping spilling into fandom, since by default most of us are living in the fringe minority anyway. further dividing us is just going to sink the whole ocean ala the death of livejournal and chinese ban on ao3. there's no point in ships if there ain't an ocean to sail in! aren't we all here because we are fans of these stories???
to make up for what must feel like a huge anti liujiu wall of text, here are some of my general thoughts on how their relationship would work. i'm more familiar with sj so most of these are from his pov.
while sj often has schemes upon schemes upon schemes, when it comes to anger/criticism/negativity, he's scathingly honest. lqg, a fellow honest asshole, is often on the same wavelength. once misunderstandings are cleared up and lqg realizes sj will do whatever it takes to protect big bro yqy (and thus the sect), they're able to work together as a ruthless team against cang qiong's enemies.
let's also assume fixing sj's emotional issues stops him from the worst of his scumminess aka whipping his disciples half to death.
teamwork -> enemies to lovers -> only one bed trope???
sj needs someone who will overtly believe in his goodness, and lqg, once he realizes the mistakes in his assumptions, is a loyal wall of support. unlike qi-ge who must always play diplomat, lqg blazes over all social cues. who cares if this looks bad on cang qiong, he'll throw down with anyone if his boo is insulted.
lqg is upfront and honest. there are no hidden plots for sj to be paranoid about in lqg, he's a Good Man through-and-through. if lqg has problems, he'll tell him. if he needs to apologize and sj tells him why, he'll do so. and if sj asks him a question, he'll always do his best to answer.
while lqg knows sj has trauma and a dark past, he will never truly understand what it was like. and that's exactly what sj wants. he likes how lqg knows him more as he is now in the present vs. someone who has lived through the same past. being with him is a reminder that he is now a powerful peak lord, not the starving street rat he once was.
for lqg, sj is like a complex puzzle box. an enigma so outside of his understanding of how the world works, he can't help but be drawn to it. he used to equate scheming with evil, but once he realizes much of sj's scheming was for the good of the sect, he lets himself be impressed by sj's intelligence. the fact that sj became a peak lord from nothing shows a certain type of strength-- and lqg has always appreciated strength.
a big roadblock in their relationship was sj's antagonism towards yqy (their sect leader whom lqg respects.) once qijiu reconcile (or sj stops being so disrespectful to yqy in public) lqg is better able to see him as an ally vs. an enemy.
sj rewards this loyalty by taking care of lqg's hidden enemies, because straightforward brutes are especially susceptible to devious snakes like that. sj would know. whether or not he tells lqg can go either way. he tells lqg if only to stop lqg from hearing it elsewhere and assuming the worst; or he doesn't tell lqg because he knows lqg trusts him and confusing his mind with schemes would just make him grumpy for not understanding.
...even if he's cute when he's grumpy.
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The absolute biggest issue I have with Voltron Legendary Defender weirdly enough isn't how the writing became a huge pile of confusing storylines and decisions.
It's the time when the show takes place. Please, let me explain, as I have pulled my hair out about this.
Confirmed by the writers, vld takes place in the year 2314. Okay. Fine. Makes sense. There's technology present in the show that we do not have in 2016/2017. Also Pidge stated that it took the Garrison ships a few months to get to Kerberos. Kerberos being one of Pluto's moons. This also implies that the space commissioners or companies that are involved in space travel and space adjacent activities declared Pluto a planet once again.
Shiro, our space dad and dilf in training, is 25 years old at the start of the series. He was born February 29, which is a date that is only available on a leap year.
Let's do some simple math, don't worry, I'll be your calculator. 2314 - 25 = 2289.
Ladies, Gentlemen, Nonbinary individuals, and possible other genders that I do not know about, 2289 is not a leap year. Neither is 2290. Would you all like to know when the next leap year is in this range of years? 2292.
Since I am a stickler for accuracy in regards to certain topics for reasons I can only blame my autism and ADHD on, the show taking place in the year 2314 bothers me. Please understand that this is simply a me problem. If Shiro was not my favorite character, or if he didn't share a birthday with my first adorable dog, I would not care about this blatant error.
If it helps to those who have the same issue as I do, my fix-it fic takes place 2317. It's not that much of a jump, but honestly it feels better knowing that the math lines up.
Thank you for taking your time to read this! Hope you all have a lovely day.
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mintybagels · 3 months
making my own comic means i can fix character arcs from media that let me down
Lance Voltron i will avenge you
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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"Go get your own peanuts!"
Keiths belt pouches 1/2
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wildglitch · 3 months
Heres 25 fics I really wanna write but havent gotten around to yet
For those that wanna know before reading the list, the fandoms include are
Marvel, Spider-Man, Loki, DCU, Batman, Justice League, Pokemon, Shazam/Captain Marvel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels (The Last Ronin), Danny Phantom, Sonic the Hedgehog, Voltron, Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall, RWBY, Camp Camp, Rise Of The Guardiens, Star Wars (Rebels), Miraculos Ladybug and Chat Nori, Ninjago, How to Train Your Dragon, Final Space, My Hero Academia.
Thats one long list of fandoms-
I swear its not a big ass crossover fic with all these fandoms.
The rest of the Wiz! Fics. Though one of them is almost done
Winter dad fic. Peter is dealing, Bucky dosent remember him, but the solder definetly does.
Parksborn fic post NWH. Peter and Harry meet at collage and become roommates (this was canon for like a day lol) Harry has issues, Peter has more.
Parent Loki and Son Jack frost. I love the concept and already have some plot planned out
Billy Batson has somehow been the child host of Whiz radio for about 70 years
The Last Ronin Time Travel fic
Dadow time travel fic. A few fics continuing my first dadow fic starting with Silver in the future and present, and later on future shadow goes to the past. Its a lit if feels
Sonic was raised by egg man. No one knows this
5 times Sonic confused people by acting like tails dad, and the the on time tails suprised them by acting like his son
Babysitter James. Basically, the geovani is Ash's dad theory + What if team rocket are juat there to look after Ash theory. He takes him in, James becomes one of the best in team rocket, and as a sign of trust, he makes him be his newborns babysitter.
Back to Jack Frost, A fic following his time alone and time people he meet
Dead On Main fic were Jason despretly tries to keep his ghost boyfriend away from his family
Rosegarden Fic where Ruby and Oscar are childhood summer friends who lost contact.
Ezra time travel fic because Im obssesed with them
Skybridge fic taking place during Twin Suns because Im also obsesed with those fics
Dadvid fic. David Adopts Max and the 2 of them are trying to find a new normal
Pinecone lost in the woods fic.
MLB fix-It. Cat becomes a night time vigilante as a way to deal with the stress, lower class people become more fond of him.
Klance fic. Congratulations, you got through 15 fics before Klance appeared. Ex's au, Lance dose hate Keith foe a reason, they used to date. No one knows about this and think their just being stupid
Httyd fic where toothless wasnt discoverd in the first movie.
Final Space fic were Little Cato deals with the trauma if spending so many years alone.
Ninjago Kai fic for the Time he spent alone. I have talked about this before I think
RodyDeku reunion fic.
Nightguard Denki au. A Fnaf x Mha fic
Rai: The Phantom Theif of hero society. My TodoKami fic I have been trying to write since 2022
Thats the List. If your curiouse about any of these or just wanna bug me into finally writing them, let me know in my ask box.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Just like a small question based on that one ask, but... might the lack of brown/black men in popular M/M ships have to do with people trying really hard not to be racist so they just... never feature black/brown men? Because I know several F/F ships with brown/black women, but I can't remember a single M/M or even M/F with a black/brown male love interest... well, maybe Link/Gan or Zelda/Gan? But besides that one... nothing rings a notable bell.
There are more than that, anon, even if there aren't a lot.
If we're talking about AO3, Link/Gan has 785 works. Finnpoe has 8,636. Sam/Bucky has 10,591. Do you just not watch live action media?
Part of it is "I don't know. I just don't find them hot for some reason..."-style racism. That can shift with time and exposure but there's no instant fix even if someone is interested in changing their own tastes.
Part of it is being instantly screamed at and held to higher standards. (And yes, no matter how much people want to whine and say this isn't true, it is true, and anyone who goes ahead and writes despite the haters will tell you so.)
Part of it is fear of messing up above and beyond fear of reactions. Personally, I think this is toxic white guilt-flavor time-wasting and it's better to try and fail than not try, but it's a massive factor in what some people choose to write.
A lot of it is simply the composition of the mega-franchises that tend to generate the ships with bajillions of works. If we're looking at AO3 circles, the biggest f/f ships are not that big. If you look at m/m ships of the same size, there are some with some guy who is not white and not a pale-skinned Asian.
Here's the AO3 f/f tag where you can directly see what's big in the sidebar.
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (20389)
Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (15516)
Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s) (14062)
Clarke Griffin/Lexa (12661)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (11492)
Adora/Catra (She-Ra) (10855)
Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (9751)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (7913)
Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long (7205)
Korra/Asami Sato (6866)
If we exclude nonspecific tags and misplaced dudes, we add:
Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (6127)
Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler (6120)
Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught (5738)
Luz Noceda and Korra have darker skin. Lana Parrilla is Latina, but is Regina Mills? This isn't exactly some paradise for the diversity you're talking about.
Here's the M/M tag:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (107699)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (68231)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (65757)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (64761)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (59546)
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (48169)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (47119)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (43665)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (41631)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (40374)
Let's exclude some things and see what we get as we head towards the 5-20k range.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (38445)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (36025)
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn (35907)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (31634)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (30488)
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (29568)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) (28959)
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (28191)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (27775)
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (27193)
Well, we've got Lance. (*shudder*) He's one of the most distasteful and useless stock character types in episode one and is the reason I never bothered to touch Voltron again, but his fans are certainly loud enough about him being Latino.
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (26087)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (26058)
Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) (21900)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (21897)
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (21296)
Original Male Character/Original Male Character (21035)
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion (20224)
James T. Kirk/Spock (18810)
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (18703)
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin (18147)
Eddie Diaz is Latino.
Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel (17787)
Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager (16950)
Dan Howell/Phil Lester (16818)
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (16229)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (16193)
Harry Potter/Severus Snape (15551)
Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich (15539)
Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki (14990)
Keith/Shiro (Voltron) (14816)
Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio (14780)
We've got the Taika Waititi thirsters in this cohort.
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier (14413)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (14209)
Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto (13135)
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (13016)
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know (12962)
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (12878)
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (12817)
Loki/Thor (Marvel) (12767)
Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren (12391)
Frank Iero/Gerard Way (12146)
Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams (12050)
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou (12002)
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga (11898)
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga (11352)
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin (11101)
Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (11088)
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (11083)
Loki/Tony Stark (10699)
Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables) (10523)
Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin (10415)
Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (10312)
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard (10211)
Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi (9950)
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne (9944)
Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee (9763)
Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington (9686)
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (9625)
Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol (9471)
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski (9367)
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (9359)
Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist (9347)
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (9317)
Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji (9186)
Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean (8973)
Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg (8785)
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (8710)
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) (8657)
Peter Parker/Tony Stark (8607)
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (8588)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson (8522)
Only here are we finally getting down to the range where a lot of the big f/f ships on AO3 hang out, and here's Sam/Bucky, which is frankly not a small pairing at all unless you only mean in comparison to Stucky.
I'll stop there for m/m since these numbers are getting pretty distorted by me filtering out everything higher up, but you get the idea. Even that wretched Old Guard fandom couldn't completely kill off its ship, though then we get into how you're defining your terms and how much actual skin tone matters.
Here's f/m on AO3:
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (32122)
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (26417)
Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s) (23498)
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (23403)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (18497)
James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (18142)
Kylo Ren/Rey (15915)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader (15200)
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (14547)
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (13843)
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (13551)
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (13145)
Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (11318)
Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (11031)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (10851)
Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (9236)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (9152)
Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (9141)
Other Relationship Tags to Be Added (9108)
Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper (9046)
Bellamy Blake's actor is Filipino, isn't he? I remember race wank.
I don't see anything particularly significant until we get further down the listings, but there are definitely smaller fandoms like Leverage where everybody loves and ships the black guy.
I mean, yes, clearly, media does have a bias against darker skin, and the darker the skin, the bigger the bias. This bias may be exacerbated by fandom, but in a lot of cases, it just seems to be replicated at about the same level.
That pattern notwithstanding, it seems like you just haven't heard of a lot of ships.
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bean-spring · 5 months
Not to mention Voltron and Klance/Allurance in our year 2024 but I find it very telling how they didn't have anything planned for the ending and how they made Lance choose Keith on "The Feud!" by saying "He's our leader, plus he's half-galra so he's like, the future" when a season later he refers to Allura as "the best thing that has ever happened to him".
And yes, you can love somebody to death and yet think somebody else should get to be the one to live, logically thinking, but Lance is pretty much the most emotional out of all the paladins. He's loverboy Lance. He speaks and acts with his heart all the damn time and thinks about the people he loves first and foremost. And I am not saying this is "wooahhh Klance proof!" because we are pretty over that. Just saying it feels like they didn't have shit planned for the last season because Lance (a Lance who is in love with Allura, in theory, from the start) would have never, even if it's logically speaking, let another person that wasn't her get out of there alive. And even if he wasn't in love with her, he has said multiple times how much potential, strength, and importance he sees in her role.
So it is just stupid to make him vote for Keith and say something extremely damn endearing like "he's the future" instead of saying it about his romantic interest.
Not to mention that they could have easily fixed this if they wanted Allurance to be canon. They could've made the bond and conflict Allura has with Keith deeper by making her vote for Keith and saying he is the future for being half-galra (something that is personal to Allura and it would've made more sense for her to say and eat her pride and hatred towards the galra. Character development who?). Then it's just easy to make Lance vote for Allura and make him go "She's our princess and her strength is what the world needs and the universe would be lost without her" or some bullshit like that. And then make Keith vote for Lance because the joke was actually perfect and I have nothing against it and it's pretty in character for him to say "I don't wanna be stuck with him" instead of saying that he truly believes Lance is crucial for the future. And idk, make Pidge and Hunk vote for each other because they are best friends and it makes sense to reaffirm their bond (although I do find really cute and in character their original votes).
I am just saying what we already knew and is that Allurance was so not planned and they could've written a way better build-up. And look, it would've still been shitty and forced and awful but at least it would've been written thoughtfully. Kind of. Instead, we got... Deeper bonding between Lance and Keith? And I am the first one to say that they barely have scenes together with the amount of drama people make about their canon relationship but... Why give these two this moment (plus the other two only emotional and well-written scenes of season 8) that could've been great to build up another romantic relationship?
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Fixing Voltron's magic system FT. Sanderson's Laws of Magic (and examples from various famous media)
Firstly, let's begin with what the Alteans canonically can do. As seen throughout the series, two alteans shown actually manipulate quintessence. Another has super strength but no magic. A final is shown to have none. (poor Coran). It is implied the majority (if not all,) have these abilities. 
Quintessence manipulation seems to have one small limit:  When Allura uses the magic too much, she passes out. But remember: shes powering a giant ship. We never see Team Voltron going and getting gas or whatever, which means Allura is probably the sole supplier of power for the Castle. Which is an example of how OP this ability is, even with the limit.
Then we have super strength and shapeshifting, two other abilities that all (or i guess most, since Coran never shows any signs of having them) Alteans seem to have. These abilities seem to have little plot importance besides a few certain episodes. There is nothing inherently wrong with these abilities. However, when you pile them on top of (if I'm being completely honest,) a character who's already quite over-powered, I think you can understand why I'm not the biggest fan. 
We know quite a bit about Alteans. They're one of the most important species in the series. According to Allura, they're super-ambassadors, and they use their shapeshifting to better blend in. Their culture seems very intellectual-based, with Alchemists holding high places. They mixed magic and tech to make incredible ships like The Castle. 
This is where things tend to taper off. We get brief glimpses of what could be rules: Allura always places her hands on whatever shes infusing. Clearly, you must be Altean or of Altean Heritage. 
Now, let's take a look at Brandon Sanderson's laws of magic. 
Number One: "An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic." 
This means that if we want to solve problems with magic, we need to explain how that magic can solve our problems. So, for example, Harry Potter. Every spell that Harry uses is explained beforehand so that the audience knows what he's doing. It just wouldn't work if Harry went around Lumos-ing away, making the reader guess what the spell does. 
However, in The Lord of The Rings, Gandalf doesn't need to tell us anything, because he barely ever uses his magic for plot important things. Readers don't want to read three paragraphs explaining how he made his fireworks, when the story isn't about his fireworks.
Number Two: Limitations are more important than power.
What your magic system can do doesn't make it interesting. There's no power that hasn't been thought of. Infinite power makes it impossible to come up with a plot. The character could solve anything, meaning there's no point in telling about the solution to their problem. However, when you throw in weaknesses, costs and other limitations, you get a much more original and interesting idea. 
Picture that one scene from Aladdin, where Genie tells Aladdin about the three rules. (No playing with free will, no raising the dead, no wishing for more wishes.) It's a simple and easy to follow system, with limitations that make the plot more interesting. Aladdin can't make Jasmine fall in love with him magically, so he's forced to come up with other ways. 
Rule Three: Expand what you already have before you add something new. 
This one leans more on general worldbuilding, but what he's saying here is don't shove new ideas in your reader's face. Don't create new magics out of nowhere. Build on what you already have. 
There aren't many examples of this, luckily Voltron isn't really guilty of this, so elaboration isn't really needed.
Now, we'll take these and begin perfecting the magic system. 
First, what is Quintessence? Quintessence is, essentially, the animating factor. It's what makes living things alive. It's a form of energy. 
This isn't to say nonliving objects can't have it, but most don't, unless it's given to them. 
Quintessence is energy. It can't be created, nor destroyed. However, you can transfer it from one container to another. 
There are a few things you can do with it. Firstly, giving a living being quintessence can make them stronger. This is what Haggar does with Zarkon throughout the first two seasons.
Next, taking too much quintessence from someone will "de-animate" them. A.k.a. They die from lack of life. 
There is one third thing you can do with quintessence. It takes a lot of training and a bit of energy. But I imagine you could also make these huge shockwaves that just fucken decimate everything in a 300 foot radius. However this is more after-we-get-ridiculously-good type material.
Our limits are these: 1. You must draw energy from something, whether that be your own energy or someone else's. If you use too much of your own, you could pass out and die. 2. You must maintain contact with whatever you're imbuing with energy/drawing energy from. (The only exception is the shockwave. But the shockwave comes from your hands so..?) 3. Too much quintessence can become an addiction. Specific examples can be Zarkon and Haggar. 
A little interjection: While Alteans have a lot of quintessence, it can only power a small ship for a few hours. However, Altean ships have evolved to collect quintessence from bacteria that gathers on the ship's metal. This keeps the ships sanitary and also helps with efficiency. As well, ships often use Balmera crystals as a secondary source of power. Balmera crystals hold high levels of residual quintessence.
We can construct so many different plotlines that can't be solved with quintessence, or the limits can prevent solution. What if the person who needs healing is out of Allura's reach? What if she doesn't have enough energy?
That wasn't so hard, was it, VLD team?
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lvrboylnyx · 3 months
broken crown — chapter 22 is now out!!
Keith stares at him for a moment too long, contemplating, before a soft, content smile breaks out across his face, brightening everything around him. “Don’t let Hunk know that, he’ll be unbearable.”
“He already is,” Lance laughs. “He’s convinced I’m your favorite,” he says without thinking. 
“Oh,” Keith says quietly, his intense gaze settling on Lance and sparking a fire across his face. 
“I know—ridiculous right?” he chuckles forcefully, trying to dispel the air of awkwardness suspended above them. 
“No,” Keith replies slowly, keeping his gaze fixed firmly on Lance. “Not really. I guess you are my favorite.”
read it here:
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Does anyone ever wonder just how fucked team voltrons teeth would be? Like do Alteans even have toothpaste specifically for human teeth. I imagine Haggar most likely fixed Shiro's teeth cause like hell she'll let him die of tooth decay. Keith and Matt and Sam's teeth though, they'll be gone by now, just rotting. Especially Keith's.
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