#lets face it guys this is basically a yamaguchi appreciation page
baguantte ยท 5 years
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today i offer you yamaguchi with a knife. tomorrow? probably more yamaguchi
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rikorene ยท 4 years
๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ? // Lev Haiba x reader
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[ a/n : iโ€™m so sorry for posting this late @thegreatoikawaโ€‹ huhu but i do hope you appreciate it. this is definitely one of my fave works hehe. thank you for requesting! <3 ]ย 
genre: fluff.ย 
warnings: just a few curse words.ย 
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it was just like a dream. you sat up still a bit sleepy and looked around, when you noticed that you were in your own bedroom you breathed out a sigh of relief.ย ย 
strangely, you've been having this hyper-realistic dreams that freaked you out, you were inside of a body of a very unfamiliar and foreign looking boy. he was tall, pale, had these cat-like emerald eyes, he someone that you didn't know.ย 
at class, the whole room stared at you for a couple of moments and you wondered what did you do for them to stare at you like you just sprouted another head.ย 
"hey, you alright now y/n?" your friend yamaguchi asked you, and you tilted your head to the side.
"you were acting awfully strange yesterday, like you were completely out of it! you didn't even remember my name." yamaguchi explained to you, and in return you just stared at him with a confused expression on your face.ย 
"it was like you were somebody else." tsukishima, another friend of yours, stated. his golden eyes staring into yours with his usual poker face on. and with that, yamaguchi nodded in agreement to what tsukishima said.ย 
you scratched the back of your head, now that they've mentioned it, you didn't think that you remembered clearly what happened yesterday. the teacher walked in and all of you returned to your proper seating arrangements. you were still weirded out by the fact that you had this weird dream and was even more confused on what tsukishima and yamaguchi pointed out.ย 
you took out your notebook and opened it, there it was, several drawings of cats on your perfectly clean notebook. and you didn't even doodle nor did you like cats THAT much. you flipped your notes over and over and saw more cats and random doodles of a volleyball. you thought that maybe tsukishima and yamaguchi was pranking you, saying stuff that would further confuse your mind. then you came across a page, there was a question there written in big letters.ย 
" ใ‚ใชใŸใฏ่ชฐ๏ผŸ" (who are you?)ย 
okay now this was definitely weird. โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” "HUH? I never did any of those!" Lev pointed out to kuroo who just stared at him with his arms crossed, it was a regular practice at nekoma. but this time, kuroo and yaku was talking to lev about yesterday's practice.ย 
"uh huh... you were like a whole new person yesterday. you were weirding everyone out with your shy and timid attitude. even the coach was worried about you!" yaku explained and it made lev tilt his head with a very confused expression, he furrowed his eyebrows as he squinted his eyes at yaku. not believing a word he said.ย 
"i think that all of you are pranking me! even alisa was saying how weird i was 'yesterday'!" he replied, looking down at them as he crossed his arms against his chest. yaku, in reply, kicked lev on his shin making lev lose all the feelings in his legs and drop down, and yaku stomped away huffing at lev.ย 
"as fun as it may sound, it's basically pranking you. so you better get your shit together, lev." kuroo said and walked away with his hands on his hips, lev grunted as he sat down.ย 
just what on earth is exactly happening right now? โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” you opened your eyes and realized that you were in an unfamiliar room. you were having the same dream once more, you sat up and looked around with a sigh. you thought at how ridiculous it was and pinched the bridge of your nose.ย 
you stood up and went into the bathroom, looking at the mirror, just as you had thought. you were in a dream once more, trapped in a body of a boy with dark emerald eyes and silver hair almost similar to the color of your upperclassman's hair. with a deep sigh you went and got ready for school without looking as a deep blush made it's way to your face.ย 
'oh gods, when will this dream end?'
at school, you had a difficult time going there, bumping into a raven haired man once more who greeted you.ย 
"lev! don't be late for today's practice, yeah?" he said, wrapping an arm around your tall figure and you nervously played with your bag strap, nodding in response. kuroo laughed at you and slapped your shoulder, leaving and went with his friends to go to their class.ย 
classes were boring, to pass the time you wrote in a your experience at school. 'i have no idea why am i having this dream and why this feels extremely realistic. this is officially the weirdest dreams that i have ever had, hoping to wake up soon. i'm tired of smiling and talking to people i don't even know.
then the bell rang, signalling you the end of your class, you started to pack up and a brown haired boy that had it styled upwards with dark brown eyes went to you. it was inuoka, you presumed.ย 
"lev! let's go to practice together!" he said cheerfully making you laugh sheepishly as you scratched your cheek. you didn't want to go to practice, a small salmon haired boy made your life a living hell and the raven haired upperclassman that you had literally pushed you to your limits then there was that really mean pudding head who kept on insulting your skills.ย 
to be honest, you just really wanted to wake up. โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” after spending a week in switching bodies of whoever this lev haiba person is, it started to make sense to you both. it wasn't a dream. you guys were literally switching bodies every other day.ย 
you pieced together the notes and led to the conclusion, leaving a piece of paper with your explanation on the desk for lev to read. and he did, he replied with a confused response saying that it was almost impossible for it to happen. but it somehow made sense, not being able to remember what happened on the day before you two were returned to your normal bodies.ย 
but it was the only logical explanation that you had to except. and so, you and lev came to an agreement on setting rules for each other, what to do and what not to do. but somehow, the two of your got on each others nerves on a daily basis by breaking the rules for each other.ย 
it was frustrating at first, once you found out that lev made a mistake by breaking a rule you sought out to get revenge on him. then it became a full out war between the two of you, constantly drawing and writing words on your bodies as a reminder for each other before going to bed.ย 
you once drew a dick on his forehead with a permanent marker and you threatened him that if he drew one on yours, you'd ignore his sister for the whole day, so you had the upperhand knowing how weak lev was for his sister.ย 
but despite all that, he also wrote you notes on what you should do to take care of your body better, and in return you would bake sweets before going to bed so that he and his sister can have something to snack on in the morning. and he enjoyed your cooking skills.ย 
and slowly, the war had ended and both have respected each others rules. you two would write each other letters on how the day went and what to remember and such, and slowly, lev thought that you weren't a bad person after all. โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” "lev, you've been glowing these days."ย 
lev whipped his head around to see yaku standing with a water bottle in his hand, the team looked at lev and said their own opinions on yaku's statement.ย ย 
"now that you mention it, lev does seem to have this kind of glow, like something good has been happening to him these days."ย 
lev looked around his team, confused with a smile on his face. "i'm not sure that i'm quite getting what you're saying." he said, putting his hands up. kuroo smirked and stepped closer to lev with yaku.ย 
"mhmmmm... there's been a skip in your step these days and a different look on your face." kuroo started, closing in on lev with yaku.ย 
"could you be... in love?" yaku continued which caused yamamoto to laugh loudly, finding it completely ridiculous for lev to like someone and lev paused for a moment, holding his chin on one hand.ย 
looking back, he thought of how your face looked, you definitely had a pretty face, round e/c eyes, soft and silky (skin color) skin, (long/short) soft (hair color) hair. not to mention your shy and timid yet friendly and fun personality that he adored, constantly biting back when he barked.ย 
then he thought of the times you would leave him notes to always take care of himself after practice and all the snacks you would prepare before he went back to his body. he did the same to you, but you would outdo him better.ย 
and realization hit him like a truck as a red blush crept on his face while yaku and kuroo's grinned wider at lev's flustered expression.ย 
"holy shit."
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