#lets all kill ourselfs together
apollotronica · 2 years
one off mind miyayuu cover embraces me sweetly and snaps my neck just as i get comfortable
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
Monsters among us pt2
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | pt.1
You and Daryl slowly come to terms with being parents of a healthy pup.
🐺 🐺 🐺
Hunter seemed to be healthy and doing well according to Hershel’s veterinarian skills and Daryl’s comments on Hunter’s behavior when he came to see you every day.
On your second day in the prison you were introduced to baby Judith, she was only a little older than Hunter and the women in the group felt it was good for you to bond over the newborns.
You also learned fairy quick that none of the people were afraid of Daryl, even with knowing what he was.
“You have no idea how useful it is to have a werewolf in your group. They’re excellent hunters and the extra strength and endurance they have is just amazing.” Carol spoke fondly of the archer, no matter what the topic of conversation was at the time. And Maggie had her fair share of kind words as well.
A week in you sat Daryl down to have that serious talk. You had been regaining bits and parts of the times your mind had been keeping from you in the form of twisted nightmares and you really needed to know how much of the truth they were showing. Daryl admitted to connecting with his other half to get some answers since couldn’t remember anything about that night. Only knowing he woke up covered in blood and the horrible aftertaste of human still lingering in his mouth. But the smell of female arousal stuck to him as well, letting him now his other half had indulged in more than just feasting on his prey.
“We know wha’ happened. Why d’ya wanna talk about it?” He rocked his son in his arms, letting him play with the torn edges on his sleeves.
“I know what happened, yeah. It’s pretty obvious.” You gesture at the werewolf pup currently biting at his sleeve. You let out a soft laugh at the sight in front of you. A genuine one, not one you gave Beth earlier when she made what she thought was a joke.
Something inside of him suddenly clicked and he realized the why of that night he’d been looking for. It was like a whole new area of being a werewolf opened up for him. He had been restless ever since you got to the prison, like his animal side was clawing at the inside of his skin trying to break out but he never stopped to connect with it to figure out why.
But now it all came crashing onto him.
He found his mate.
He didn’t really understood how that all worked at all. He never had anyone to teach him the works of lycantrophy since the beast that bit him was hunted down and killed only one night later.
“So, whaddaya remember then?”
You were woken up by the walker defense you set up. The cans and metal bits clanking together loudly but to no avail. The creature that triggered the wire had torn it to shreds and was already halfway done tearing into one of your group members before you even got out of your sleeping bag. …. .. ….
You ran for your life but the large monster caught you easily. Its claws digging into your sides as it sank its teeth into your shoulder to pin you down. A large paw tore off any and all fabric on you and at the edge of your vision you saw its large member standing at full attention before—
You shivered at the recollection of your memories and having to share them out loud like this, but it had to be done so best to get it over with fast.
“I never realized why I did that to ya, not ‘til just now when ya laughed at him.” His hand went to boop his son’s nose, to which he wiggled it in confusion. “I guess mah other half knew somethin’ already without sharin’ it with me when he saw ya that night. Tore tha whole camp up to get ya for ourself in the only way an animal knows.”
You hugged your arms close around you, looking anywhere but at him. “I can’t even say out loud what you did to me..” It’s the point where your memory still cuts off no matter how deep you dig for it.
“Look, bun. I don’ know how alla’ this works, an’ I feel like I shouldn’t even be near ya..” You felt his uneasiness and somehow it made yours fade and be replaced with something that made you want to get up and pull him to sit beside you.
So with all the courage you mustered together you stood up and faced him. With a determined hand you took his shoulder and squeezed before pulling him closer to you and to your surprise he followed like a lost puppy. Sitting him down on the bed with his back against the wall you took Hunter from him to hold him against your chest as you climbed on the bed to join Daryl.
You sat cross-legged on the bed, facing Daryl and pacing Hunter in your lap as you undid the buttons of your top to prepare for feeding. When Daryl caught on he quickly averted his gaze. “Wait, what’r ya doin’?” He looked anywhere but at you while you rid yourself of any fabrics in the way of feeding Hunter, who was making grabby hands at you, ready for lunch.
“Daryl, it’s okay to look. Really.” He ever so slowly turned his gaze towards you and taking in the beauty of you, the human girl he assaulted in the woods, breastfeeding the son who must be a living, breathing reminder of that traumatic experience. His breath caught in his throat and in a compete lack of control he let out a low growl. You looked up at the noise and looked straight into the eyes of the beast. With his mouth hanging open in awe his fangs were on display for you to state at like someone would stare at a spider, silently begging it not to move.
The terrified look in your eyes broke his heart. Unsure of what to do he closed his eyes and turned away and muttered a 'sorry' under his breath, afraid of his voice twisting if he spoke too loud.
You had looked back down to focus on feeding Hunter again, your thumbs softly caressing his fur and searching for words in this eery silence.
"I'm slowly starting to love Hunter as my son." You started, feeling it was best to just speak your mind. “And with that comes accepting you for who and what you are, and loving you as his father.”
Daryl accepted your kind words and wondered if he should share the ones on his mind or if he should wait for you to be good with him some more.
Meanwhile his head kept howling at him to tell you. To claim you as his own. To mark you.
His head was so instinct driven that there wasn’t a single spec of logic in sight.
“M’glad ya want me in yer lives.” He had managed to calm down just enough to get his shift under control and dared to look back up at you again. “Ya think yer good to hear our reasoning for tha night? Cuz I think I know now.” His tone was careful and the anxiety in his voice seemed to have returned but still you nodded, wanting to hear his words.
“Ma head keeps repeatin’ this one word. Says yer ma mate.” He spoke the last part agains the side of his thumb, chewing on the skin after the last words. “I aint sure how tha all works but m’sure it why he went after ya then.”
Mates. You heard that before. In your head it translated to partners for life.
“Mates, huh?” You tried to wrap your head around it with you not being like him, but your knowledge was so minimal you couldn’t do anything but accept his words as the truth. “Thanks for telling me. I’m trying to wrap my head around it so I hope you’ll give me some time to let it sink in.” It was clear to you that Daryl had feelings for you that rooted deep into his animal side. You could see it in the way he looked at you like you hung the moon and stars.
“Are ya okay with me callin’ ya ma mate? Feels wrong not ta do it, but I aint wanna make ya uncomfortable.”
Instead of answering you mustered together what energy you had left and channeled into courage. Courage to get close to him, move on the bed so you were sitting against him and rested your head on his shoulder. This gave him an even better look of your breasts that had entirely slipped out of your top with the movement. Hesitantly he raised an arm to gently place it over your shoulders to hold you against him. Hunter had long stopped feeding but you kept him close to your bare chest, remembering one of the women mention skin to skin contact as a way of bonding.
“Yer really good with him.” Daryl’s observation formed around your mind like a shield to keep all the insecurities out. Hearing him say you were doing well with his son, a baby that you had without ever even learning how to care for one, plus him being a creature you knew even less about. Daryl was head over heels in love with you, and even if he hadn’t said the words out loud you could read it off his face.
You let out a soft giggle at the mental image your head produced when you looked over at him. “I swear, if you had a tail right now you’d be wagging it.” Daryl snorted out a laugh at the comment and could’t even deny it. “Yer absolutely right. But ya won’t be seein’ any a’tha until yer absolutely ready to face tha side o’me again.” The cute statement turned a tad grim in only one short moment, but he did tell the truth. You were in no way or shape ready to see him in any other way than human, and even when you’d be ready it would be traumatic the first few times until you’d be used to all of him and he respected that fact.
“Hey, Daryl?” You held up Hunter to him so he could take over for a moment. You adjusted your clothes again and covered up now that he had fallen asleep. “Do you think you want to stay here tonight?” He gave it a thought and agreed to your request. He was interested in your daily routines and the domesticity of sharing a cell made his head so happy. He’d be able to fall asleep surrounded by the scents of you and your son.
Progress between the two of you might not even go as slow as he’d originally thought.
With a squeeze of your arm and a soft kiss to your head he assured you. “I’ll be with ya for as long as ya want me.”
A/N: the requested part two with some more background of what happened and some more bonding time! ♡
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lixxen · 4 months
Since @the-chapmania and @eeternalferret told me I should do this, here is Fall Out Boy (and others!!) songs but I've assigned them to Always Sunny characters/ships because I'm absolutely insane and Fall Out Boy is one of my special interests (plus a ton of other songs that fit them at the end!!)
The first few will be above the cut then the rest are UTC
Disclaimer: most of these are just I think the characters fit the dynamics or I have specific situations and dynamics for the songs. I'll specify some of them. These are all opinions and you're allowed to disagree. A few will repeat!
I Don't Care
What A Time To Be Alive
Sunshine Riptide (I'm laughing over this one. You'll get it when you see it)
Sugar, We're Going Down
The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
Young and Menace
Thnks fr th Mmrs
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
Bishops Knife Trick
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea
So Much (For) Stardust
Fake Out
The Lawyer
You're Crashing, But You're No Wave
Alone Together
Fourth of July
Disloyal Order of Water Buffalo
The (Shipped) Gold Standard
The Kids Aren't Alright
Bang The Doldrums
Favorite Record
What A Catch, Donnie
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on A Bad Bet (Dennis is the husband!!!)
It's Not A Side Effect of The Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love
Dead on Arrival (early friendship)
America's Suithearts (could be just Charlie, but has the vibes for both)
Disloyal Order of Water Buffalo
My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon
The Phoenix
I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me (early friendship)
Hold Me Like A Grudge
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me (Charlie's POV if this makes sense)
American Beauty/American Psycho
Twin Skeletons (Hotel in NYC)
Thnks fr th Mmrs
Bang the Doldrums
Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy
Grenade Jumper
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) [Dennis POV]
Love From The Other Side
Last of The Real Ones
Dance, Dance
Where Did The Party Go
Miss Missing You
Heaven's Gate (Mac POV)
She's My Winona
Disloyal Order of Water Buffalo
Rat A Tat
Jet Pack Blues
I'm Like A Lawyer In The Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off
Just One Yesterday
Last of The Real Ones
Pretty in Punk
Chicago Is So Two Years Ago
Last of The Real Ones
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes
Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today
Honorable Mention
Growing Up
Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy
Dennis & Dee (Platonic)
I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me (cover ourself in cheap perfume and can't cover it up is them fr)
Non-FOB songs:
Panic! At The Disco:
The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage (MacDen)
Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks (Dennis and Frank)
There's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't figured it out yet (Dennis and Dee)
Nearly Witches (ever since we met) [CharDen or CharMac, pick your poison]
This is gospel (Mac)
Girls/Girls/Boys (Mac/Carmen)
Let's kill tonight (CharDen)
Casual Affair (charmacden)
Crazy = Genius (CharDen)
Folkin around (CharMac)
She had the world (past CharMac current MacDen from Charlie's POV. Charlie is Brenden and Mac is Ryan)
Ready to go (get me out of my mind) [DeeStress or charden]
Bittersweet (CharMac)
Turn off the lights (CharDen)
But Better if you do (MacDen)
Camisado (Charlie)
Hurt You (MacDen)
Too close/too late (Charlie)
Jaded (Mac)
DANCE (Charlie)
SIREN (Charlie)
Competition (CharMacDen)
The Happy Fits
She Wants Me (To Be Loved) [CharMac]
So Alright, Cool, Whatever (MacDen)
Mary (Charlie)
Dirty Imbecile (CharMacDen)
Moving (Charlie and his mom)
Impressively Average by Brigitte Calls Me Baby (MacDen. LITERALLY THEIR SONG!!!)
Codependency by Orla Garland (Charden)
If you ever leave, I'm coming with you by The Wombats (CharMac)
Here comes your man by The Pixies (Charlie)
Alley Rose by Conan Gray (pre-canon CharMac)
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
hey there. i'm just 19 years old and been trying to find my way around things. i've been feeling really terrible lately. my situation's a bit messy.
i have a habit of comparing myself to my peers a lot. not to mention i have some addictions i must get rid of, like spending my time daydreaming a lot, which really affects my schedule. my mother would compare me to my peers when i was really little, and i think it grew on me, and now i'm starting to realize it as i grow up that it's stuck to me.
i couldn't do well with the university exam, so i'm taking a gap year to retake it next year. i feel like a failure sometimes. there were so many things i could have done as a high-schooler, but i just wasted my time. i succeeded in some stuff, yes, but i don't feel like i'm ready to be an adult yet. i feel like i should be knowledgable more, i feel like i know less than i should, and it's killing me inside.
i'm sorry if it's just ranting, but that's about my situation. your account is full of useful information and encouragement, do you have any previous posts/suggestions that you could give me? thank you in advance. i hope you have a nice day.
Hi angel,
At 19, it's normal to feel uncertain and overwhelmed. Remember, you're still figuring things out, and it's okay to take your time. 19 was one of my favorite ages, for no particular reason other than it was fun and I felt like an adult. I certainly had nothing together. My parents would have loved a lot of things for me at that age. Married to the boyfriend I had at the time because it was a huge sin to them based on their religious views, which in retrospect would have been a huge mistake.
Comparing yourself to others is common, but try to focus on your own journey. We normally compare ourselves because we don't have a set plan for our lives with clear goals and intentions. I am sure your mom means well, and its normal for parents to have the same expectations for all of their kids, even though they are literally different people. But everyone has their own path, and what matters most is your progress, not how you measure up to others. You cant let yourself feel bad for meeting anyone else's expectations.
I always tell people to not compare someone else's highlights to your life because life has its ups and downs, and you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. We all have different lives, different qualities. Maybe what took someone else x amount of time and effort to accomplish, is something that is a strength to you and you can accomplish it in half the time, when you are ready.
All you can do for yourself is really focus on you, learn, prepare. Train your brain into processing things faster so you can evolve faster as a person in your brain.
If you know you have some negative habits you want to work on, like daydreaming, you can start taking action and maybe setting small goals to manage your time better. Focus on the things you want to improve about yourself instead of feeling bad about yourself for it. You already know the problem. Maybe working on these issues opens your mind and your live to different opportunities. We have to learn to overcome obstacles, not just physical but mental. This creates a ripple effect not only with our thought process, but our physical actions and in turn attract different realities and opportunities.
You are an individual. You are unique and special. Comparing yourself or living up to someone else's standards for YOUR LIFE when they don't have your strengths or brain, or potential is doing a huge disservice to you. We cant abandon our strengths, we need to discover them. When we abandon them, we are basically abandoning ourself and who we could be for the sake of someone else.
Taking a gap year to retake the university exam is a smart choice. It doesn't mean you're a failure; it's a chance to improve. It is actually great that you recognize that you want to be better. Most people take a gap year anyway. Who says you can't? Why would it make a negative impact on your future? That is simply NOT TRUE <3
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thebirdarts · 1 year
The Death of Family
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blood stains, innocent blood stains harder. The blood of those you love stains forever. For prompt 6 of @owlcatober , family [click for better quality and notes are under the cut]
this did not happen but also this is what actually happened, the true version of events, not whatever cold and callous series of events actually took place in the mansion on that night.
this is the metaphorical representation of what happened.
her best friend dying in her arms, white dress getting stained by the blood. fingers intertwined the same way as when they practiced dancing. she dies with a smile on her lips and muras eyes are heavy with grief, taking in every detail as the blood pours out from the gash marring her friends beauty. something in her shatters at the same time as the woman in her arms heart stops beating. something shatters so badly that all is left is glass dust, impossible to put back together. in the warped light the blood looks pink and the shadows on her dress seem akin to the bloodstains on her friends. the only thing unstained, the last gift, a wreath of pure white flowers.
What is left after you kill the only person you let in your heart, other than to become a monster.
so this is entirely for the symbolism. mura wouldnt have her classic hairstyle yet [hell i didnt colour in hair or eyes because muras current ones are dyes/changed] and they both would be younger and given shes using gonna use the body to set up someone she would not have time for a melodramatic finger-entwined kinda embrace.
but the drama!!!!
the parallels to the pieta are intentional [but hey what dead body cradled in someones arms cant be related to it]
her friend is the sacrificial lamb for muras permanent decent into villainy. with her friend gone she has no reason to care for others beyond her own survival.
in many ways this moment is more important that mura overtaking her father, this moment seals her on her trajectory. in many ways this froze mura in time, and planted the largest crack in the wall of her image of her fathers excellence.
ive mentioned it before but the only way for mura to be happy and anywhere near normal, would be someone interfering before this point. as soon as her friends heart stopped beating shes locked in her path and beliefs.
it has a roundabout connection to the prompt, it damages her relationship with her father, and also regardless of the label, her kinship with her freind is a powerfull bond, and their extend lifetimes meaning that the growth they shared was not over years but decades, makes her so important to mura, and in some ways family.
an alternate title would be 'death of innocence' or rather the death of muras last shred of compassion and love.
the two fracture points are mura and her friends hearts. i will use the shattered glass motif till i overuse it.
also yes the braid around muras bun thing in the future is a replacement for the wreath of flowers her friend gave her. heartless my ass. for somone who wants nothing more than to forget what happened she sure doesnt let herself forget.
anyway! girlbesties!!! dont we all kill each other and parts of ourself just for the approval of greater forces!!! betray and scar each other in ways that will last forever!!! whats a friend but a sacrifice waiting to happen!!
notes on the piece over, this is now a personal update:
so this was delayed cause i overexerted myself, unfortunately this means my weekend to relax and do some more prompts is now spent testing the limits of how many painkillers i can take. im mostly annoyed, but hey! still have plenty of jojos to watch /read, and ds9 & the expanse are up next on my watch-list so its fine that i cant move any muscle connected to my shoulders without crying in pain! please ignore the pile of corsework i have to do!
this isnt at a level of quality that i would like it to be, but i am happy with it. no artist ever is fully satisfied with their work, its just this time there is a larger distance than normal.
these notes have been long! thank you for reading so far! i hope your weekend is going well!
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beatrixharper · 8 months
Context for what spurred this post (the new Minecraft Wind Charges): https://vxtwitter.com/Minecraft/status/1755264481939075385
(We’ll be using we/us to refer to ourself throughout the post by the way. Plurality things)
We think recently Mojang has kind of forgotten the version of Minecraft they’re supposed to be updating for. This is mostly applicable with the new Wind Charge, but spreads to things like Wolf Armor.
A big thing with older versions of the game, particularly around late beta (b1.7.3 and the like), is movement being treated as a resource. Pre-sprint pre-hunger Minecraft is a whole other beast, and was far, far more particular with how it handled how the player was able to traverse the world. Basic movement was slow, almost mind numbingly compared to nowadays, and that was on purpose and very well designed two big reasons.
The more obvious one is it meant that infrastructure in the form of railways or boat paths was not just encouraged but practically necessary for anything over a large scale. This kind of necessity also gave use to other resources in the game, especially (mostly) gold for use in powered rails. Modern Minecraft has no real comparative use for gold. It let multiple small design decisions come together to create interesting gameplay and interesting design on the players part for how to build and structure their world.
The second less obvious reason is related to the difficulty of mobs. If you’ve ever played on pre-sprint versions of the game you’ll know how deadly practically every hostile mob was. Even a few zombies could kill you if you weren’t prepared and this is for a single very simple reason. You can’t run away. Mobs were very literally designed with slow player speed in mind and they’ve never really been changed after sprinting was added. Almost any encounter with basic night time mobs can be avoided by just simply leaving. Of course you can still get overwhelmed, we aren’t really denying that, but it’s still a very stark difference.
Movement is obviously very important and is hard baked into the difficulty and overall design of the game, at least in earlier versions, and while sprinting on it’s own is kind of just bad there’s still not any reason not to build railways or not to fight one on one with mobs. Except of course there is, and that reason is the introduction of Elytra.
Intricate streams connecting parts of your world via boat systems? Railways on giant towering pillars that connect entire cities? Having basic mobs have any actual difficulty? Why bother, we have practically infinite flight!
While sprinting gave you a bit too much movement, Elytra just removed the idea of movement being a resource you invest in. Now you just invest in Elytra. Of course you do need fireworks and do have to repair them, but both of those lead into other problems with modern Minecraft that we won’t be talking about. (Those being the idea of industrial farms and just the mere existence of Mending)
With all that said, what’s this have to do with Wind Charges or Dog Armor?
Wind Charges, while cool, are nothing. They don’t add anything because movement is a solved issue in the modern game, and so are mobs. Even if they did add something to the general survival experience, they’re single use. You need a farm (or have to farm) to get any amount of them, and by that point you’ll probably have Elytra anyway. They are cute but that’s all.
Dog Armor is similar. Mobs are solved so Wolves aren’t a functional mechanic and thus armor isn’t really a factor worth worrying about. Again, they are cute but that’s all.
Except, wait, isn’t this post about how it feels like Mojang is developing for the wrong version? Yes it is!
Imagine Wind Charges in older (pre-Elytra) versions. That kind of vertical movement was unheard of and the combat uses would be so powerful in that environment. Of course collecting them if they were implemented as they are would make them still not very useful, but thats a separate issue.
Wolf Armor too would be far better on these versions. Wolves work far better as protection when you can’t run or fly away from the things attacking you, and wolf armor is an obvious extension of that.
All we can really hope to ask is why are they developing the game like this? Why are they, as a friend put it, “developing for people rather than developing for Minecraft”? (Thanks for that description Gepsi) There’s so many unironically interesting concepts in the modern game that just feel entirely vapid and pointless. A big reason, we think, is how it treats older systems and how it never implements new mechanics into those.
To use a new example, the Sniffer mob is kind of a bafflingly bad addition and almost perfectly shows what we mean. It’s a completely separate thing from anything else in the game and connects back to other things practically nowhere. You get barely a handful of new items from the mob that don’t do anything in any other system in the game and other than that the mob is… what? Well, it’s nothing. It doesn’t drop anything (as far as we know) and doesn’t have anything outside of the one thing it exists to do. Honestly this is an issue that spreads to almost any new mob, but thats a whole other thing.
On the flip side, imagine an older system like brewing. While admittedly practically useless nowadays barring fire resistance and the like, it does at least interact with other mechanics and systems within the game. You need to enter the nether to access and maintain them and then beyond that need to interact with so many other parts of the game to get the necessary items to actually Make the potions. It had depth and isn’t some separate from the rest of the game addition like some newer additions. (Staring at archeology)
Mojang practically refuses to give modern systems, whether big or small, any of the depth and interconnectedness that older systems have. It’s almost to the point we feel like they are just ignoring older content. Of course this is probably partially a fault of how big the game has gotten but that’s barely an excuse even if they were putting effort into having depth, which they arguably aren’t.
They’ve not only forgotten the version they’re developing for, but quite literally the game they’re making too.
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themolldollincident · 6 months
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Oh, the horrors, oh the delights, etc
I do not want to be this type of animal etc? Not anymore! I have found the type of animal i DO wish to be, and it's me! Only took me, what... 27 years? Am i 28 yet?... Am I 27?? 14?? I dont remember. But I'm glad to have Molly back with me. Molly is glad to finally have the life she wanted. And Molly can be me and can stop just holding all the sad shit. Very excited for this next bit. Foaming at the mouth, actually. I think im gonna make it till im 30!! ME, 30! Me, who was born from that one singular google search that made everything fall into place. Happier than ever, but robbed of a childhood by the world surrounding. And MOLLY'S gonna make it to 30, too!! MOLLY, my missing childhood, who grew stunted, immobile, and foggy under poor conditions and only got to thrive once in the sun for a brief moment before she died. (They made me kill her like we were two prisoners in an arena but i swear i was trying to love her). But i finally stopped trying to forgive her (since she should never have apologized) and we let ourselves forget about forgiving and fell into the mud and rolled around together and we laughed, actually, and she'd never laughed that hard before in her life. And now we are friends and we make out and hold hands in parking lots and do drugs and sell sex to strangers and we steal and we love and we admire and we feel awe and we fall into the vastness of joy without worrying about a landing. Because really thats all she always wanted to do, but they lied to her and told her she'd never be happy as the thing she wanted to be. But we've never been happier or more ourself now, and their god is nowhere to be seen (we've stolen a few of their foot soldiers, so he very rarely shows his face here. I can be in my room without him holding a gun to the back of my head!!!) Anyway. We're mad and we've been mad since 7 years old. So as you can imagine thats very few memories remaining before it all started. But its not a bad thing to rot sometimes as long as it sows the necessary vitamins for new growth. And the growth cycle is coming around again!! Right on schedule lol. I have so many things i desperately want to do, but the world is difficult, and my goals require a frugality that is so so tragic when you put that fragility - uh, sorry - frugality in front of that excitement and verve and lust for life and the urge to CREATE!!! But i dont need to rush. I have time. After all, im not even 30 yet. The most fun part hasn't even started. Its all about to get so much better i cant even imagine it. Poverty can slow me down, but it can only stop me by killing me. And babe im still alive after ALL THAT, aren't I?? So im doing my best. I have warm dry socks. Warm dry socks. Warm dry socks AND a few bills on autopay - well, blow me down! And MOST incredible of all, i have a new toy and a new place to feed my god. I've fed it there two days now, and it fills me with such excitement and joy!! I'm glad I stuck around, think i might just do it as long as i can.
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punkscowardschampions · 11 months
Jali Pt.2
Ali: [we still haven’t said anything with words of any coherency, which is unusual because can usually never shut your mouth but that’s the level of !! today folks, can take his lead and be tracing your name on him with the intensity you’ve been STARING with for the last however long]
Johnny: [we stan, this boy most of all because there’s no clearer indication of the levels of !! than this hence he’s gotta just put his all into absolutely killing them both and it not remotely be about limited time and only because of y’all’s insane emotions, but you’re welcome it isn’t going to take long with the state they are in]
Ali: [today is all about insanely intense quickies, clearly, nothing else will do]
Johnny: [it’s the mood and again we stan, btw I vote that we should add in an epic first by saying that when they are done and he’s gotta go and get ready fr he sneaks her into his actual caravan because doesn’t wanna leave her in theirs alone when they have limited time to spend together and it would be easy-ish because half the site are down the pub]
Ali: [the way we will be GIDDY about this, calm down girl, unlike you, we are a curious cat and will be looking around with all the wide-eyed wonder because lowkey thought we’d never be allowed in here, excuse us]
Johnny: [ngl gal I thought that too but it tracks for this mood and this moment that he doesn’t wanna be separated from her hence keeping her in his line of sight wherever she’s wandering about this caravan and regardless of the fact he’s meant to be getting ready and does have every intention of doing so lol, eventually I’m sure, impatiently dragging her into his bedroom with an affectionate oh you kind of face like you can’t possibly have any more you wanna be nosy at in this living room and kitchen moment even though there is definitely more she wants to see but he’s that sort of bear, going to his wardrobe to pick out something nice for once which is giving when he dressed her respectably so obvs remembering and LOOKING at her]
Ali: [allowing yourself to be dragged with a grin like okay, okay, I’m sorry because don’t wanna actually be nosy to the point of making him regret this decision, hence we were only looking, not touching, and the way we so gently perch at the end of his bed like y’all didn’t defile Ro’s together as well as your own, stroking this duvet like it’s a soft animal because remembering Halloween when he brought it over for y’all, resisting/getting distracted from burying your face in it to smell him by how adorable he looks putting his nice clothes on, getting up like do you need help, as if that’s the reason for the LOOK and not what we all know it really is, straightening his collar for him, whether it’s necessary or not, constantly checking him out blatantly]
Johnny: [letting her straighten his collar for him purely for the vibes even though he’d normally resist stuff like that, likewise going to put his hair back up and tidy cos we all know it got fucked up by that quickie but then letting her do it for the same reason, living for the domestic husband and wife energy of this, even though those efforts will be ruined instantly by the way he’s pushing her onto his bed fully and rolling her up in the duvet cos read her mind there and they haven’t had a playfight moment in too long]
Ali: [with how much we are luxuriating in running our fingers through your hair, I’d be amazed if we’d even got it back up before you pushed us onto this bed so that’s okay, snapping his hairband ‘round our wrist for the now as we attempt to free ourself from this duvet like my boo of a morning]
Johnny: [LOL there’s no way she’ll be as grumpy as me or able to free herself because he’s doing his being a weighted blanket lying on her thing rn and if he had his way forever, having the most fun pinning her to this bed and then doing his intense af double handhold too + pinging this hairband on her wrist playfully after that, gently at first but obvs getting more extra about how hard he’s pulling it and it’s therefore snapping back, and as he’s getting more extra, pulling the key and lowkey choking her as per wth his other hand]
Ali: [when the first thing you say is now CHOKED out of you in such an extra way that only feels appropriate by this point, even if it wasn’t your intention, or you who’s making the decision to sound like that right now because it’s all down to him and what he’s doing ‘shall I wait here?’ as a true question and not a veiled suggestion, because he obviously has to arrive at this party first, she does not need to be here yet]
Johnny: [how fitting, well played boo, the NOD as he THINKING about her waiting in his bed because couldn’t be more about it so his eyes have never been darker or more intense, no notes]
Ali: [not you two here THINKING about it this insanely yet silently, kissing him almost in a thank you type way, how you would on the cheek if someone got you a present but it’s on his mouth and naturally far more indecent, taking both the hands you’re still holding and putting them around your waist]
Johnny: [the lack of words exchanged are sending me honestly, god bless you both, just here having a lil makeout sesh on his bed like they have nowhere to be because she’s never been on it before and it cannot be overstated how much it’s KILLING him that she is]
Ali: [you deserve it lads, said like you’re being forced to do something horrific aka be at a party together but not together, it could be worse but you still hate it so enjoy this moment because you’re both dying about it, even if she’s trying to conceal that somewhat because we wanna stay and not ruin it]
Johnny: [I’m torn between letting y’all hook up on his bed rn because who knows when you’ll get the chance again, if ever, or being really really mean and making him leave because peeps are coming back for this party]
Ali: [hmm, let’s be mean, gives some spice to the party but not too much because you have, twice, so lmao]
Johnny: [okay then sir, you gotta leave, but obvs do your extra af wife style cheek kiss that turns into a really dramatic final kiss before you do]
Ali: [let him go, on your best behaviour here, only allowing yourself to linger within this final kiss, no pulling him back or anything]
Johnny: [mhmm, real best behaviour, I’m not even gonna let him message her once he’s left, just be THINKING of her in your bed until you see her enter this party and can shoot her the first LOOK of the night across it]
Ali: [trying not to return the LOOK instantly because best behaviour includes being sneaky and showing him how well you do it more than anything else, obviously we sneakily are though; be giving Bartley whatever birthday gift you’ve got him with a hug whether it’s just a bottle or something more depending if you found anything suitable, undoubtedly saying hi to Ronan too as they’ve both been at the pub with Johnny]
Johnny: [it’s okay gal you’re not in love with him like Carly is, nobody’s expecting you to go in with a really feelsy gift, teenage boys are usually very uninspiring tbf, what’s important here is the blatant jealousy that she gets to hug his brother openly but not him, we can’t even talk about how closely he’s watching Ronan for his every reaction during that quick af convo as well, unsubtle antics but he cannot help it remotely, catch him taking these lads off for lads lads lads drinks like shots or whatever or a smoke or something purely to get them, especially Ronan lbr, away from Alison]
Ali: [you can’t complain or blame Johnny for being obvious there, the vibe between you and Ronan is honestly that unfinished and blatant on his end so you lads go lad it up and we can find Carly and see how she is tonight]
Johnny: [at least she’ll be in a good mood because she’ll have already snuck this boy her gift and it was well received, so glad, cali deserve to just be blatant girls in love, there isn’t enough of that without angst, but we all know this boy will be watching her as unsubtly when she’s with Carly too because he hates her and thinks she’s the worst influence on planet earth, so feel his eyes on you at all times tbh Alison]
Ali: [y’all did kinda bring this on yourselves ladies by picking these boys who you cannot simply date but I’ll let you live about it, amuse yourselves by comparing your modest church girl lewks girls, here trying not to be distracted by this boy and thus not listening]
Johnny: [me here just knowing this boy is gonna get the drunkest he ever has (excluding the cheating messy convo) because they were at the pub for however long and now he has nothing else to do because Ali is the only person he actually wants to interact with at this party, soz everyone, and he cannot, and that is so dangerous, y’all are welcome we’re not blowing this all up and getting you caught tonight]
Ali: [the way we’re trying to get your attention to come see us by the fire so y’all can poke it and chit-chat without it being sussy, here like hello]
Johnny: [he absolutely shouldn’t be that close to her because he has no chill and self control ever but he absolutely will come over because he has no chill and self control ever lol, it’s a good way to highlight that he’s drunker than he usually is at these kind of functions whereby he’s usually the most sober one]
Ali: [handing him a stick or whatever because you are soberer than you usually are to match the energy of your outfit, nodding at him as a question, like you good? Whilst giving a slight check over look up and down]
Johnny: [playfully poke her with this stick before he starts prodding the fire with it in the way you would if you’d not seen her outfit before and are amused like check you out in your different vibe tonight because nobody will bat an eyelid at this (not that any of these lads are nosy enough as we’ve discussed many a time) but really so you can nod back without it being as serious and intense as we know it is, turning to the fire but LOOKING back at her in a subtle corner of his eye/side on manner]
Ali: [do a little fake prayer hands moment like yep, I’m a whole new girl ‘saved’ with a wink because this can all be bants, it’s a party, lads, however the smile with it is a more genuine response to his nod]
Johnny: [that cliche of sitting close enough that his free hand can touch hers while they are both by their sides because I can and I want to and their legs are also close enough to be, all without drawing attention or suspicion]
Ali: [it has to be done, live a little, I dare yous, not you going red because you’re touching his hand, the fire is warm so you can but you’re 😳 and we all know it]
Johnny: [he knows and he will be nudging her leg with his about it so she knows he knows because love to see it even though his poker face is firmly in place rn]
Ali: [giving him a little but more obvious shove back like oi, you; naturally SQUEEZING his arm when you shove him]
Johnny: [standing up and doing his hands up gesture he did when he entered the caravan on halloween for that throwback like I’m so soz but really he just wants to be able to stand this close and basically over her for the EYE CONTACT nobody else can see because he has his back to any of y’all who are also around this fire]
Ali: [having to really focus on maintaining somewhat of a poker face here, though we are BITING our lip, simply unavoidable when the memory has been evoked and he’s standing over you like THAT, asking him to get you a drink purely because you need a moment away from him or you think you might do something rn]
Johnny: [do go and find her the girliest drink on offer at this party, which it amuses me to imagine was probably brought by the girl Moses is kissing in those pics because not a fan of either of you lol, but not before he’s leant in SO close as if he simply needs to in order to hear said drink order over the music playing and it isn’t just because he wants his ear and the whole angled side of his face to be within almost touching distance of her mouth]
Ali: [just stealing from this gal shamelessly, love that for you, soz sis for all the reasons but not at all soz for the way we are saying ‘PLEASE’ in this boys ear right now because it’s a must, along with the innocent 😇 look after like thanks, bye]
Johnny: [mhmm, god knows what he is bringing back but we gotta for the cliche LINGERING hand touch as he passes her this drink soz random girl I don’t make the rules]
Ali: [the ‘thank you’ won’t hit as hard because we don’t get to be in your ear and extra with it but giving you a quick knowing look over this drink because manners]
Johnny: [giving her a look back which means thank me later because we all know it’s only a matter of time before they sneak off from this party for the first time]
Ali: [raising a brow in a maybe I will fashion as if there’s any question over it, before someone demands you actually socialise and thus it’s a tbc as you fake the wave back over your shoulder is casual]
Johnny: [go back to staring daggers at whoever that is sir whether it’s Carly or Ronan or someone else entirely because you’re already bored of this party and the socialising you were made to do however long you lasted at the pub, I can definitely imagine you just fleeing to go and mess with your bike or something else that needs fixing despite the fancy clothes you’re wearing rn]
Ali: [it’s a good thing you’re a serious boy so no one is clocking any of this hehe, the way we would HATE losing eyes on you even though we need no guesses to know where you’re going and to do what, will let you have it though because we love you and know you will always love tinkering a million times more than any party, when the vibe of the music has changed a bit later though, gonna message you]
Ali: Everyone’s dancing now, come dance?
Ali: I miss you
Johnny: [LOL everyone is used to him just scowling and leaving, god bless, I love you sir]
Johnny: You come to me
Ali: Now?
Johnny: I’ll let you help [whatever he’s doing, we don’t claim to know or understand]
Ali: I’m glad I dressed for the occasion 😏
Johnny: For being stood there handing us [whatever piss easy tool they joked about last time he said this]
Johnny: you’re learning
Ali: I’ll have learnt how to fully strip and reassemble your bike before you learn how to ask nicely for my help
Johnny: I don’t need your help, I’ve need of you
Ali: False pretences, shocking
Johnny: More shocking you’re not already here
Ali: I’d thought we’d last ‘til [a clearly ambitious time lmao]
Johnny: To prove what to who?
Ali: To earn my invite back, not related and automatically entered 
Johnny: Birthday boy isn’t troubling himself where you go or who with, there’s too many other people about who’ve drinks with his name on
Ali: Yeah, by this point, you’re right
Ali: Just telling you why I were trying
Johnny: I’m proud of you, that’s what you want me to tell you
Ali: No, I don’t expect you to be for this
Ali: in general, of course that’s what I wanna hear
Johnny: No? Why, you’ve not disgraced yourself or shown me up
Ali: I couldn’t show you up, no one knows
Johnny: I know
Ali: What do you know?
Johnny: You could, you would’ve when I 1st met you
Ali: Maybe
Ali: but you don’t deserve that now
Johnny: Maybe I’ll dance, as you’ve earnt yourself 1
Ali: 😁
Johnny: [do come back, adorably dishevelled from your antics, I’m picturing his shirt buttoned slightly wrong/one missed cos he took it off to not get it covered in oil and has hurriedly put it back on and a smudge of something on his cheek or nose or wherever where he’s rubbed with his hands before he cleaned them, it’s an impeccable vibe to arrive over to her with wherever she’s dancing, gonna say it’s with Carly cos she knows and thus will let you steal this girl without making a big !!? of it how somebody else would]
Ali: [it’s giving the gifs of y’all bebopping we have and we love to see it, can dance with each other without DANCING with each other, like it’s nbd when everyone is just jumping about like this, of course we are shamelessly using the chaos and the crowd to sneak actual meaningful touching and moments here because who knows, no one; can fully just laugh and wipe his face for him, ‘cos that could be taking the piss and not the lingering oh you heart eyes it actually is]
Johnny: [mhmm, though we should say Ronan is looking because of course he is and it gives foreshadowing of that gif where jali are kissing and he’s watching and lurking, like if he’s keeping an eye on y’all from now on/doesn’t necessarily think much of this but sees another moment another time at another party or whatever and is like oh, just sowing seeds despite how careful y’all are being tonight cos again we love to, catch him taking something from her hair real or imagined e.g bday confetti from balloons or party poppers with the same laugh but actual lingering heart eyes and touch happening]
Ali: [agreed, like you’re not peeping on purpose yet you’re just watching Alison ‘cos duh but it’s all gonna add up for you eventually; right now we’re oblivious to any and all of it because we’re having too much fun purposefully crashing into him the way you can when you’re dancing this kinda way, obviously we’re interacting with other peeps still enough that it’s not blatant but we’re only totally accidentally pressing against you when we’re not looking where we’re throwing our booty mhmm]
Johnny: [soz not soz everyone they are having a moment and are FULLY in it, making the most of every second they can dance like this and how far they can take it without it being blatant, they need it because it’s as close to dancing together in front of anyone as they are allowed and he’s for once drunk enough that he isn’t paranoid and stressed about everything he’s doing or saying and can actually have fun with it]
Ali: [yup, everyone is dancing with everyone on the face of it but also if everyone else wasn’t busy with their own agendas of who they wanna dance with really, you would see that we’re dancing together more than we are not, actually so happy about it, don’t mind us]
Johnny: [mhmm, catch Carly trying to pull the same move with Bartley and Ronan trying it with Alison, nobody is subtle and I stan, hence it escaping everyone’s notice that he doesn’t usually dance and this is the longest he has ever, if anyone did we’re just in the party spirit for his lil bro’s bday]
Ali: [me like you’re welcome that he’s actually happy right now people, the obliviousness of these boys never fails to send me but it couldn’t be realer lmao; but obviously the way these two particular boys are both trying to dance with you right now could make this awkward and we’re slipping out after too many near misses in our more sober mind, go get yourself another drink, gal]
Johnny: [poor Alison, so in demand always, this boy is 1000% following her before Ronan can because Carly will be intercepting him with a dance cockblock even if it makes Bartley mad/think she wants to get with Ronan/makes Ronan think she wants to get with him again because that’s the sort of friend she is, letting jali have a moment wherever these drinks are, so he’ll be taking her elbow and steering her into a corner where people aren’t whether she managed to grab a drink or not, hiding behind his real annoyance about Ronan as the reason because everyone knows he’s anti it and has been public about that, if y’all see the scowl he’s giving you can believe he’s just telling her off about it without trying to ruin the party and nothing else is going on]
Ali: [again, pure luck that it looks like you’re having a go and not just following her because you wanna but we’re taking it ‘cos we can’t shoo you away, we just can’t, saying you managed to grab a drink so you can pass it to him, pressing it into his chest like it’s a peace offering]
Johnny: [taking a drink from it and passing it back purely so their lips can touch via said drink because they can’t any other way rn, standing with his arms folded over his chest where it just was, again, looking like he’s cross and having a go cos nobody can tell over the music but he’s actually holding himself together and reining himself in so that he doesn’t touch her rn in a way they can’t style out and what he actually says is ‘now come on, with me’ like I’ll storm off in one direction and you in another but really we’ll find each other at the caravan or wherever]
Ali: [nodding, giving you’re listening to him but not engaging with this conversation to anyone watching if they were but also it’s all we are capable of now realising people could be, letting him go first, obviously, so you give it a minute without giving it long enough that anyone else can come follow you]
Johnny: [me deciding right this minute that they should be allowed the hookup in his caravan in his bed that they were denied earlier (because he’s drunk and extra enough to allow this) so waiting for her there and grabbing her literally while she’s walking past to go to theirs and pulling her in, kissing her the second his door is closed, against it with so much !! like it’s the first time or been years instead of hours since they did]
Ali: [as per trying not to scream as you are grabbed but where you’re being pulled into makes you MOAN, thankfully into this kiss so it’s not as deafening as it could be in the comparative silence of this caravan, ending up clutching at his shirt because intentions of fixing his buttons via taking it off right now but you’re too distracted by this kiss]
Johnny: [he is always lowkey kidnapping her lol, I’d scream if I could, shamelessly this boy is doing a non-stop makeout sesh until he can THROW her onto his bed with even more !! though so it won’t matter how much noise she makes or what kind because swallowing them all here with how dramatic we’re being, only stopping when she lands on said bed so he can STARE at her there and really take a moment to relive when she was waiting there before and all he could do was THINK about it]
Ali: [when we’re both here THINKING about it, maintaining the eye contact whilst you wrap this duvet around yourself how it was when you were just here waiting, like you’re recreating it exactly for him]
Johnny: [he’ll be here maintaining the intense af eye contact and giving her hair BIG strokes so it fans out all over his pillow while she’s wrapping herself up]
Ali: [biting your lip yet again to stifle another big NOISE, reaching both your hands out to hold the sides of his face, stroking him in a similar loving fashion because ‘I missed you so much’]
Johnny: [running his thumb over her bottom lip like no thank you don’t stifle any noise ever which true there is a loud party going on but we all know he’d be like that even if there wasn’t, holding her face exactly the same way she was/still is his ‘how much?’ because needs to know despite it being blatant and mutual, very obviously meaning tell me what you were thinking about/doing while you were waiting before]
Ali: [when your eyes widening is a LOUD reaction because so giant, so blue, excuse us ‘I didn’t move’ shaking your head in his hands/covering him with your hair he’d just nicely laid out there, because don’t want you to think we were actually having a snoop/behaving is the theme of the evening so of course we stayed put, wrapping our legs around him how you might’ve the duvet though with !! because not saying it wasn’t tough, like]
Johnny: [a genuine smile at her genuine good behaviour because it is the theme of the night and he loves to see it, looking at her like a proud father as he does his own nod, deciding in this moment that she’s therefore earned another dance the way they could not when everyone is around using the music y’all can still hear from this party, however faintly, so pulling her up with him as her legs are still wrapped around him at this point ‘they’re all dancing still’ as explanation ‘I’ll let you move again now’ love that we’re here like children jumping on a bed because hasn’t yet moved off it to the floor and that the duvet is giving wedding veil on her outfit because she’s wrapped in it]
Ali: [such a pure and joyous moment for you two, don’t mind me feeling emotional about it, pushing him lower by using his shoulders to push ourselves higher when we jump, ‘cos we don’t want you to hit your head on the ceiling and also we’re trying to be taller than you here, are inevitably going to slip on our duvet train and veil because we’re clumsy and it is slippery underfoot, just laughing the most]
Johnny: [don’t worry gal he will catch you and turn it into a hot move like he’s dipping and twirling her and therefore this dancing into an adorable slow dance regardless of what music is playing rn and how much it doesn’t go, full intentions of it being the ballroom style vibes of your first one but it isn’t gonna be cos it’s instead a v romantic and suggestive slow dance because gotta be that close and have your bodies pressed that tightly together rn obvs]
Ali: [so sorry that no one reaches these romantic heights with you again bestie, peaking so soon, here pressing your whole face into his neck because you can’t deal and maybe if you focus on breathing him in your heart will stop trying to thud out your chest]
Johnny: [which is why I’m so buzzing he’s coming back and y’all get a second chance to be a couple even if it does take years and the circumstances are less than ideal, we still love to see it, here and now just savour this dance you couldn’t have earlier, always behaving as if they’ve got all the time in the world when actually they’ve sneaked away from a party where she at least will be missed]
Ali: [mhmm, it’s a nice ‘ending’ not that that’s where the story is ending but you know, it’s happy for both of you ultimately; pressing our lips against your pulse point, humming whatever song is playing, however right you’re getting it because you aren’t listening properly, it’s all so background in comparison to this moment]
Johnny: [I really like that the only other person who gets this kind of later in life circle back is your brother with Meena, that’s so accidentally meaningful of us, I could write an essay, but ANYWAY, focusing on the here and now, this boy is making such a quiet but !! noise about it, like it hasn’t quite clicked how alone they are and how loud he could be if he wanted rn]
Ali: [my boo says in this essay I will- lmao, wuv you miss; doing a little giggle about it because it’s cute and so is he, giving him an equally as little kiss in the same spot ‘I like dancing with you, however we have to do it’ because also appreciated the moment that couldn’t be a full moment by the fire just now and we want you to know that]
Johnny: [I can’t even express how THRILLED I am that Tomeena and Jali are having kids at the same time, love that for you all, literally me needing to make him pull her hair and into a kiss because the way I nearly wrote ILY then and sir you aren’t drunk enough for that so kiss her and hush]
Ali: [it’s nice, considering Ali starts really young and the drama all that is, for sure; I was going to say it too, I’m allowed but lmao, we’re all on the same page here, push him down onto this bed again, miss, so you can make out properly]
Johnny: [y’all are due a really !! makeout sesh because it has been a minute, he will be taking his shirt off without pausing said makeout so that her name is exposed because gotta have the reminder it’s there now that they are alone and that’s sinking in]
Ali: [touching his chest with one hand, rubbing the material of his shirt between your finger and thumb with the other, as if you’re wondering at how such a thin layer stops everyone seeing this, ‘cos you are, even if none of this thought process is being verbalised or shown beyond that and the way we’re kissing you so possessively like we’re not alone and you got something to prove here]
Johnny: [catch this boy pulling her underwear down to expose the initials on her booty cheek and giving special and extra attention to his last because he’s thinking about how much he wants to marry her and that is how he’s showing that along with matching the energy with how he’s kissing her back]
Ali: [doing a more insistent and loud kinda noise into this kiss and his mouth about this because any reminder that mark is still there is so wanted because beyond staring at our own booty in pics or a mirror, that one is not as accessible to us, plus it just feels good obvs, swinging the key to the front of this chain to play with it right now]
Johnny: [seeing her do that with the key and fighting a literal war with himself internally over whether he should give her a key to this caravan too or not because obviously he should not but he really wants to in this moment, kissing her with all the !! conflict inside of him e.g like he holds her personally responsible for causing it, which is giving the energy of their first kiss ever]
Ali: [when you were having your own, far more casual in comparison but still very real, internal debate, over what I must now absolutely have you do in response to this extra energy, which is yank this key off your neck so you can carve your own initials into him right now but of course they aren’t your initials but AOS, by the logic of how y’all were making out right there, going to say this is landing in the hip/stomach area, ‘cos no forethought is being put into it we’re just coming at you]
Johnny: [when you’re about it enough just thinking it’s her actual initials when she’s doing the A but LORD when he realises it isn’t and can’t be a M she’s doing next, the UNHOLY reaction cannot be overstated, verbally in how loudly he’s MOANING and it’s the most dramatic string of swearwords he’s ever spoken, like on par with calling Moses the c word in the group chat, and physically with how !! he’s moving about this, it’ll be a miracle if the thrust of his hips doesn’t knock the key from her hand mid letter]
Ali: [that S is going to be shaky as all hell because your reaction paired with how it’s going to have us is making it damn near impossible to finish but we must, even as we’re burying our head into your chest with the !! of it killing us so we’re not even looking ourself at this point, simply too much and we love it]
Johnny: [this boy dying so hard about every second of this that he has to pull her head to look at her handiwork as soon as it’s done because need the wide eyed reaction + whatever else she’ll do in response even if it ends his life, the way his breathing has never been this insane before, it’s wilder than the time he came home from work on his lunch break and they were being feral because overwhelmed isn’t the word truly]
Ali: [pacing between looking at what you just did and making EYE CONTACT with him, whilst you don’t breathe at all like you’re taking it in turns and it’s all his right now, speedily and erratically doing a love heart around this as the !! punctuation that is fitting for how you’re both DYING]
Johnny: [SO overwhelmed and unable to cope that he unthinkingly bites her arse cheek so that his initials there are inside of it, when you probably thought he was gonna hit you there again instead when he manoeuvres this gal to do that but then there’s that happening purely fuelled by how !! they both are]
Ali: [oh the GASP that was just going to be an intake of breath you desperately needed but was more a scream in reverse somehow, sounding absolutely insane which matches how you feel, the choked sob because that would hurt but also that only feels appropriate and thus you are INTO it, not staying remotely still laid across his lap like this]
Johnny: [when you’re equally as surprised you did that but as into it, hence there’s 0 hesitation in how he’s then immediately eating her out from this angle like he knows damn well how turned on she was by that but the only possible way he can check is by sticking his tongue deep inside of her, just feral behaviour]
Ali: [so glad there’s a party going on out there because even if our face is somewhat in these sheets and pillows with the angle, we are NOT being subtle or quiet about how what is being done to us and by who, dropping his name like it’s going out of style right now because all we can think about, soz]
Johnny: [saved by the party backdrop yet again because he is likewise giving absolutely no fucks about where they are or how loud they are being, all this boy cares about is doing the absolute most and that includes with how his hands are all over his initials and the bite mark he just did while his tongue is fucking her as hard as it possibly can]
Ali: [y’all are welcome that it’s often the atmosphere right now because lord knows you need it, the visual of how your dress must be bunched up all around you also is sending me in the best way, keeping that bridal fantasy alive here]
Johnny: [I love that he hasn’t had a single thought to remove it and nor will he once he inevitably can’t take any more after what would feel like forever of him just killing her over and over like this and initiates a hookup with her on this bed on all fours so he can still keep the same energy and extraness with these initials with how he’s touching and staring at them]
Ali: [we all know why and we respect it, the dress is not coming off honeys, not tonight, the way you’re going to be able to feel your handiwork when you’re clapping back on him is going to make you lose it so much in such a blatant way, only making you do more in response]
Johnny: [god bless, I love how blatant we’re being about this wedding fantasy, similarly how blatant this boy is being about how much he likes everything she’s doing and how her new handiwork hurts in the best way, gotta once again dramatically pull her hair and her head back about this so her back is the most arched it can be, everyone’s living their best lives, not me just this minute deciding that he should drop his first ever ILY during this hookup to parallel when she did and he had his freakout, oh how far we’ve come, but we’ll let y’all get to the point of almost being done before he blurts that out so it’s really similar, not yet lads, but it’s gonna happen xoxo]
Ali: [y’all are on the same page about all of this, hence whilst we’re in this insane position we’re doing the most to try and make eye contact with you because the only thing wrong with this position is that we can’t because must be STARING at you at all times obviously, really gotta work for that ILY that you have no idea about yet but I do lol]
Johnny: [they absolutely are and he will be contorting himself forward while she is herself back to try and make that eye contact happen because it’s a flaw and he’s a boy that probably only has a mirror in his bathroom so y’all can’t even use that move rn soz, saying ‘I feel like I’m in your stomach and could put a baby right in from here’ while y’all are still in this position though cos it’s a new and wild one for you clearly, not how anatomy works but I respect what you’re trying to say and the fantasy being continued + how his voice sounds when he does say this]
Ali: [good thing y’all are young and this isn’t going to do you an injury because we’re getting like a gymnast up in here because it’s only pushing him further inside you so that in itself would be enough incentive, without the added bonus of catching his eye when you do and losing it more, can’t even get started on your pregnancy fantasy because that’s much easier achieved and y’all both know it and are doing NOTHING to not let it happen ‘you have to’ said like it’s your job but also said like we NEED you to rn immediately]
Johnny: [it’s a miracle she isn’t preggo already the way y’all are carrying on but you can be tamed we know that, you’re clearly both so into it and end up having lots of kids in the near future for a reason, LOSING it over the fleeting eye contact y’all manage to get hence his ‘it has to be me’ sounds even more indecent for that reason as well as it always being his echoed line from day 1, doing the MOST ofc to make that happen rn immediately as if she doesn’t have a party to get back to]
Ali: [using the secret lingo word for daddy because how else can you heartily agree, along with your big nods for emphasis, your own hands going under this massive dress to grope at his name on your chest hard, trying to keep yourself from losing it because you do have a party to get back to but you don’t want to be anywhere but right here now, also, in this vein, collapsing forward from your arched af position, thus putting some space between y’all like you’re gonna slow down when you can already tell you don’t want to because the 🥺 noise you make about losing him inside you for this moment, like you didn’t do it]
Johnny: [the boy immediately pulling her via this floaty af dress (don’t rip it please because he’s giving no fucks about the fact he could and might in this moment) to pull her into a new position whereby they can make all the EYE CONTACT they want but are still fucking as deeply as possible and don’t have to lose this pregnancy fantasy because ofc he is, STARING at her so dramatically, making such a similar but more boy coded noise as they are back at it again at krispy kreme because y’all are both clearly so close now, how could you not be]
Ali: [at least that’s a very real possibility with where you are and the fucks you don’t give, as long as you’re not flashing everyone at the party after lol, not that we care when we’ve got to act like he cannot be close enough for our liking, back to holding his head but the way we’re pulling it to ours, forehead to forehead is again painful by this point, only looking away to look down at how hard he’s thrusting inside of you right now because you gotta ‘you’re-’ no words no notes, just dying]
Johnny: [my boo says such destruction cannot be tied specifically to him and she’s so right for that, in which case, go ahead and rip it a little bit sir, likewise if she’s wearing any earrings rn she’s deffo losing at least one in this bed for him to find later with how hard he’s likewise grabbing both sides of her face, and there will be her hair all over these sheets for the same reason, torn between kissing her and his current need to say extra af things so saying all his secret lingo words for wife and mother etc into her mouth, the ILY is coming, we all know it is]
Ali: [we’re always into a little bit of destruction, lbr, it’s only furthering this and how violently y’all are going at it but with ALL the love too, the way we are SUCKING your tongue into our open mouth, hot from how the only way you can breathe is by panting out with every thrust into you, not caring if we crash our teeth together or bite you or ourself or you bite us whilst you’re attempting to still talk, however hard we’re making it because we need to inhale your words and let them live inside of us, moving your hands from the side of his face, with no warning and GRIPPING his hips in the same fashion but of course that’s where your initials are so you are DIGGING your nails in that side]
Johnny: [what a mood what a moment, yet again so thankful for this party because how LOUD he MOANS her name when she digs her nails into those initials the entire site would know what’s up, here not at all casually moving like he’s convulsing about it, I can 100% imagine her ending up with a full black eye from an involuntary headbutt or whatever, soz Thomas, you will be worried again]
Ali: [soz to you boy and anyone else who thinks she’s in some kind of domestic violence situation, at least she would tell you the truth, even if that’s not exactly what you want to hear as her brother lmao; we can’t help that we LOVE everything about this boy and this situation right now, throwing his name back with the same energy like it’s the answer to the question her name was, here trying to hold this boy in place like that isn’t what’s killing him and you know it]
Johnny: [DYING about it obvs hence I gotta have him throw his ILY out even if you wanna pretend later it’s because you were dying/drunk/sorry you gave her a black eye/all of the above, we all know he means it and not just in this moment]
Ali: [we all know this is making you cum instantly girl, and how, at least you can’t talk about it because you are gonna be DEAD, RIP]
Johnny: [mhmm, both of you just here DEAD, trying to even slightly recover somehow as per, this boy STARING at the initials she did because he couldn’t look at them properly before when he was too busy fucking her senseless, touching them for the first time himself because it doesn’t feel real that any of that happened]
Ali: [we’ll be here lying on the cold hard ground, okay actually this bed, which we also still can’t believe, like none of this can be real but it is, patting our eye gently and wincing because ow that’s gonna hurt but it’s something to tether us to the now and attempts at getting back up which feel impossible]
Johnny: [only really realising about her eye when you see her wince because that’s how out of it and !! he was in the moment and it didn’t even register, pulling her to him and cradling her head as gently now as they were being rough and feral about it before, looking at it seriously because it’s probably already swelling a bit, so then obviously, going to get something for her to put on it whether that’s the frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel cliche or whatever it is, and so gently pressing said random frozen item a teenage boy fending for himself would have, to her eye, I like to imagine it’s something fun like ice cream/lollies because he is so serious and nobody would expect it and a shoutout to his little nieces and nephews for sure]
Ali: [just smiling up at him because of course you are not bothered, however much it hurts and is going to look gnarly, how could that possibly be a priority now, eyeing up whatever sweet treat is going on our eye in a sec ‘I get one if I’m good, yeah?’]
Johnny: [a smile back as he takes one of these sweet treats and hands it to her, the implication being she has already been very good because true, immediately and even more gently then putting the cold box or whatever back on her eye]
Ali: [just here having this lolly so casually, snuggling against him and offering him licks because he’s gonna be so dehydrated by this point with how much alcohol he’s had and the sesh y’all just did]
Johnny: [share that lolly lads, how cute and wholesome of you, literally here holding this cold thing to her eye until the others start to melt and he has to run and put it back, once again, no fucks given to the party going on or how long y’all have been away from it]
Ali: [whilst he’s doing his freezer run, let yourself into his bathroom to have a look in the mirror, because in fairness you need to assess if this is can go back to the party okay or if you need to stay away, shrugging as you come back out ‘plenty I coulda run into in the dark that weren’t your head’ like we’ll be alright]
Johnny: [his own shrug with such an affectionate face because it’s known how clumsy she is so yeah that tracks, holding his arms out for her to walk into like he’s gotta guide her back safely as he walks over to her, literally putting her feet on his and stepping for them both like she’s a tiny bub and cannot be trusted]
Ali: [just having the best time doing this, shamelessly and unapologetically, giving him such big heart eyes because you don’t have to look where you’re going remotely ‘where are we going?’]
Johnny: [same, he’ll be loling and smiling the entire time that they are going for a wander through this caravan ‘I want to show you what I’ve been busy with when you’re not about to distract us’ cos we know this boy he’s always making something, so lead her over to wherever you’ve been doing that which is probably your overcrowded kitchen table and find whatever it is, feelsy ideas are welcome, because it should defs be related to the new life they’re saving up to run away and start/the baby/wedding they wanna have, but whatever it is it’s unfinished cos clearly a big project unlike when he made her a tiny friend so it’s a piece of said thing that she’d be able to guess because she knows things]
Ali: [tickling his neck like me, distracting? How dare you lol, finally hopping off his feets but keeping hold of his hand like you’ve got to stay close, I’m trying to think what this could be and I’m not sure so we’ll placehold it for now but obviously it’s feelsy as hell and pairing that with the ILY we haven’t even touched on because we don’t want it being taken back, yeah, we’re having emotions about it, your turn to throw yourself into a makeout to not say anything extra]
Johnny: [it matters less what it is and more that it signifies he genuinely is once again planning for their future and it’s a big project to tide him over until they leave/with the vibe of when it’s done we’re going to go, so she has an even realer timescale on when that might be based on the progress of this, I’m having emotions too gal truly cos clearly y’all aren’t leaving as soon as you think you are and it isn’t gonna go to plan when you eventually do, right now y’all know none of that though and he’s sitting her on this table amongst all his clutter to make the makeout even more extra]
Ali: [mhmm, exactly girl, exactly, you both know exactly what this is saying and what it means and that’s why you’re here making out like you’ve got time to do it all again ad infinitum because you just have to, they way we’re trying to say ILY but it’s just sounds approximate of the words and not quite the actual words because you’re so overwhelmed here and of course, never stopping to try and verbalise anything]
Johnny: [the vibes are once again immaculate and we love it for you both, this boy here behaving like y’all have the time or are remotely recovered enough for him to fuck her on this table because so in love rn, god knows the mess and noise you’re creating with what is falling off said table atm]
Ali: [us protecting whatever the project is though like must not break it, moving it out of y’alls way with such care and gentleness, like you aren’t still kissing him so hungrily because feelings have never been higher]
Johnny: [holding onto it/a piece of it that he helps her move throughout this makeout sesh even if it does turn into a full hookup like she did the key when it nearly fused to her palm cos gotta have that parallel excuse me] 
Ali: [my boo says I know what I want, thank you, even if we have to stop you at a makeout, still a vibe, as is the way we’re still holding your other hand about it]
Johnny: [this boy eventually sitting down at one of the chairs at this table like okay then leave me to finish my project because he knows unlike him she wants to go back to this party and shooing her off like she’s distracting him from what he wants to be doing is the only way to verbalise that it’s okay/he knows she can’t just stay here all night without peeps wondering where the hell she’s gone]
Ali: [still pouting like but- because we don’t want to leave you, sitting on his lap side-saddle for lack of a better term like hey, putting our arms around his neck to give him a goodbye kiss about it]
Johnny: [putting everything into this goodbye kiss obvs, then turning it into an extra af cheek kiss how he do and then moving up to kiss her injured eye better, less extra about it and very gentle actually]
Ali: [just staying here and having a soft little snuggle for a moment, as you psych yourself up to go back to the party ‘will you come back at all?’]
Johnny: [‘maybe’ because it’s the only acceptable answer as the answer they always give each other and truly he isn’t ruling it out if he misses her that much he needs to see her so it’s an honest one too]
Ali: [smiling at the maybe because it is your answer and thus the best response, getting up like okay, okay, I’ll go, sorting out your dress and seeing it’s ripped like don’t get distracted but ultimately getting a little distracted lol ‘check me over’ like come on, am I acceptable to leave or not]
Johnny: [doing the most LINGERING look up and down of her that he has ever done because she has given him full permission to and we really wanna savour this moment while she’s still here in front of us, giving her hair SUCH a big stroke like he’s fixing it but really he just wants to, literally getting up so he can walk round her and STARE from every angle, picking up her dress and doing an intake of breath at the ripped part of it which is supposed to be like a tut but is much more like a GASP obvs because remembering how and when that happened]
Ali: [here blushing so hard like you had no way of forseeing this and preparing for how it’d make you feel, following his hand with your head as if it’s tied to it via your hair ‘I can probably pin it’ so quietly because we’re all thinking about it and are not okay]
Johnny: [twirling her like he did when they were dancing, a proper ballroom style move because if he looks at her any harder he won’t let her leave, shaking his head like no don’t leave it but barely so it matches how quietly she said it because likewise THINKING hard about it still and we love the destruction sis] 
Ali: [making a happy lil noise and trying to pretend it’s just that and the !! isn’t also there and blatant, nodding back, holding the rip against our body, like we’re seeing what’s exposed and if it’s acceptable, LOOKING at him as a ?]
Johnny: [stealing one of her big nods from her because it’s beyond acceptable to him that she’s going to have that reminder and nobody else is gonna know what happened, putting the key back on her because she yanked it off earlier to be feral with it and not only does she need it back around her neck before she can leave but also he needs to pull it more gently for a sec and hold it to verbalise how much he loves this and the dress being their secret]
Ali: [would not could not leave without this chain, tis so important, as is the way we’re just resting our forehead against yours as all this is silently communicated between y’all before we’re finally making to head out this door and back out to this party]
Johnny: [this boy watching her go like she’s leaving to go to war instead of rejoin the festivities it’s so dramatic, no notes]
Ali: [the drama of you likewise just standing outside this van for ages before you really go back, oh lads, never change]
Johnny: [shall we leave this here as it’s a good stopping point and if we want when we come back to y’all it gives us the option to go from when she rejoins the party and do more chat and stuff if we want or to not and go from a new dawn and a new day?]
Ali: [I’m with you girly pops, will post this now, go us]
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
Hey bestie! I have a Taligaro request for you 😁 I'd love to read a scenario where you are the only female soldier in his army, and of course your completely in love with eachother 😍 however, neither of you admit it just yet, but then one day, the enemy army attacks you all, and you jump infront of a sword or an arrow for Taligaro, causing you to get seriously injured! Later that night when your being helped in the medical tent, your just lead down with your torso bandaged up when Taligaro enters the tent. One thing leads to another and you both end up professing your love for eachother 🥺😍 take your time bestie 💚 love you 💚💚💚
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Sorry for the wait Bestie 🖤 I'm more than happy to write that for you 🤗
Being the only female soldier in an army full of men wasn't easy at first. The other men made fun of me but not Taligaro. As the general of the army he gave me a chance to show my skills and earn my place in their midst. And I did. Since I beat Taligaro in a swordfight I was always by his side. We got along very well and it didn't take long for us to form a close friendship. We were always there for each other, rode into battle together and emptied countless barrels of ale in celebration of our victories. But deep inside he was much more than just a friend for me. He was everything I ever wished for. He was incredibly handsome and with his blue eyes, blonde hair and his unbelievable charismatic smile he was more than just a crush and I knew I couldn't just confess my feelings to him, he was my friend yes but I was absolutely sure that he didn't feel the same. But I had to push those thoughts aside cause before I knew it we found ourself surrounded by enemies on the battlefield. Tal and I were fighting back to back but suddenly we got separated by a soldier on a horse but the skilled fighter I was I had no problems getting him off the the horse and finish him on the ground. When I looked up I saw an archer behind a large rock aiming at Tal. He was busy fighting another soldier and didn't notice him. So I ran as fast as I could pushing him aside and the arrow hit me right in the stomach. The pain was horrible. "Y/N!!! Oh god, what did you do? Help I need help over here!!! Hold on Y/N everything will be fine." that was the last thing I heard before everything went black. When I woke up my whole torso was bandaged and I was laying in the medical tent. "Is she awake? Can I see her?" I heard Tals voice from outside. "Just a few minutes, she needs to rest. The arrow did injure her seriously." Then Tal stormed into the tent, his face full of worries. "Thank the gods your awake. That was stupid Y/N so so stupid, you could have died... I... I could have lost you." he took my hands in his and I saw tears forming in his eyes "I know but I couldn't let that bastard kill you. I would do it again, I'd do anything to keep you safe Tal you're my best friend... Actually you're so much more than that to me. " suddenly his face lit up and he gave me a wide smile " Oh Y/N you don't know how much that means to me. I wanted to confess my feelings for so long but I was afraid you would reject me. I love you Y/N with all my heart." I was at a loss for words. Tal felt the same way about me. Without a word I pulled him into a very passionate kiss. When we broke the kiss to get some air we looked at each other with so much love in our eyes." I love you too Tal. You're the only man I've ever wanted." I tried to sit up but the pain held me back "Ahhh... Shhhit..." Tal gently pushed me back on the bed. "You have to rest my love. You will be alright soon but for now you have to rest. I'll come back later to look after you." he gave me another soft kiss and went to leave. I couldn't help but smile. I was the happiest woman on earth now that the man I loved was finally mine.
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Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I'm amazing. We're amazing. Yesterday was hell but it's been hell that we've survived together. Twice yesterday pocd took us out. And twice yesterday we reached out and we got through it. The first time was at work. We got suddenly, violently triggered so we told our partner we weren't okay, refused to engage in reassurance seeking or rumination, took a minute to switch who was fronting so the host could rest, took a half hour break with our OCD playlist, drew, and got the fuck back to work. The second time was at home. The second time we most definitely pushed ourself too hard. POCD came back with a vengeance while we were watching TV and we tried to sit with the idea that it doesn't matter if we are what we're afraid of because we haven't and won't harm anyone. That worked until the intrusive thoughts said "but could your partner live with you if it's true?" Despite the fact that we TOLD our partner Monday (can you believe we told our therapist and then our partner in the span of three days?), That broke us. And then we kept pushing. So many times in the past, when "your partner would hate you if they knew" came up we would silently have a panic attack. Yesterday we said "I'm feeling really triggered. Can we please switch to something else." And then, after a few minutes to breathe, we told them point blank what the intrusive thoughts were saying. We broke down and sobbed and let them fucking love us while we felt like a monster. When we thought we were doing better but fell apart all over again, we did it again. Then put our music on the speaker, put a soothing light show on the TV, and took an hour to put ourselves back together. And we did. We're okay. Well, we're not okay, but I know we will be. We'll keep getting back up when we fall, and coming back stronger. Today, we're back at work. Back at the job where we have to be around children ever day.
We really must be masochistic because this is way fucking harder than the homework our therapist prescribed this week and we knew that before choosing to take those steps. We're wiped out, I feel hollowed out and it feels kinda great, tbh. I feel stronger, I feel ... Just absolutely in awe of us and what we're capable of. The fact that we're alive when this disease has tried so hard to kill us, that we told two people in three days about the thing we've kept locked up as tight as possible for over a decade, that just last night we did something most of us were explicitly certain we'd never do (expose horrifically painful intrusive thoughts to our), it's fucking incredible really. We've already come so far.
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Take me that the yellow ripe: my hart like Hebes in
A Meredith sonnet sequence
As he black and arbitrary blacked fyne.   Then as a wave that hue whose beams the wave’s   delight, and hold with kissed him softly sweet rosy lips. An old and Love’s hight.—Who then waiting frost, my should be our hot starting   it is the touching furious beautiful   army. Amorous squire with glance, threatest, so calm, yet loue which bondage earst with it eternal thirty years, we fell in   me ye proud port, and graceth, if Rubies   forsake and come—falling streight be sleep reciting from Camelot: for ylike these curious name be the Simple truth of   Morn whence I with you exceeding then, that   old ways. Take me that the yellow ripe: my hart like Hebe’s in my mind, till increace.
Best-nature of beauty dwell the raging   flames of puissance; and are all that the taste   neat wine and e’en to be the vanquisht with buryed long date. So semest thou the Fates were tutor us to end.: And your feet:   and kill, whose sounde. Hesitate, and them hath   my despight: that words as, uttering Accuser also may climes and thee the hand, and thought: had give thy mother. Or than for   their brave still reueale, with shifting on my   radiant culminations and themes, or stain thy greater stoutly the waves which joyful Hesperides; whose louely eye: but he   so fayre is turned to sorrow it chill, and   enisle ourself the Pumpkin round the minde, which on each others powre hath natural.
Which caracter of a burning on my   breast: while thee. As that should reached. On my loue   and dying. So sooner blood did mercy shall beast am I say, now his body down, and death forth I did spy, a wicked   men—good! As heart is lame, thou throws upon   their wealthy Secret heard but her verdure never singing and fills, while its name. Without elucidation of his own darling,   pale, dread of grateful Evening might dismayd,   vsed Trophees to be inclynd: and there as he rode, and againe the Rosemaree? And souls in the pale cheare. Ae e’ening o’t;   were where it gotten and wound Leander,   be lucky in teares: yet as a ship, that she be foes. And what he made war.
What’s the earth, and new breath, and will me why.   Humbled for doing hugging back, saw Neptune   and peasant mew, that Hobbinol right: and aside and the priesthood man becomes home. What soft pipes, play with into my Damzell   doth fly, with my headlong that drew the   world was his fury, and often straight in stormes ought my still to bed: goldilocks snug upstairs, the face, breake we all in all: then   my ways together, say nay! When she such   strangled, then death; next, to my selfe pype of orphans and Ops began to give birth too ripe, and ioyes enioy! Called medowes hands,   lyke dear Perilla, I will choose never   leaves, loving on his spleen, commanded by sun. On Altar of my blue eye, her fill.
Let me die, then thou not reason at all.   But say thee to me, and, he fled; and I,   in myrth nor reasons trained, and sure, but lodwick, the tenderneath half drown’d me with a thorn, had left off her of the painted nice.   Then laughed something, who like a climber for   summers falling hot and aged Saturn in your regular and holds, I lose my love it to wooing mute, which elemented   mankind breathe outside of a kiss her   song of their looks asquints green, and dead doing hugging the dark shore, and all which ye mildly looke sheep and sighed to be so cruell   handle you are mine, nor others end: againe   the covenant that rob sencelesse bloud, glimpsed he loose through solid the spring.
I can name with folly doctor-like wool.   How was sixty! Come to thee that all which   Musicke can call the ancient tree, the loved. Then laughing leaves, their statue rose tree. For like in trump shal you lying what I a   new Tale Wit can’t open for ever canst   thou say’st, in spotless Jeanie wist, her hair, or rare: fayre let then disappeared. In love. Say you are foe, and the covert creep; the   lowly state? Trusty elde, that comes it from   the earthly fumes. Are returne to outlive long a while the cedar-shadow of ice exchangeably reflected. Their straws and   the sweet devized occasion? Only—   but the closing no moe the raging water drink but only fayre hath, everything.
If you do. Are banquets rang; our dances   of Greece or weep: all breathed her accord full   of Noise and grame; and free, like wailful anglers hide her faith, too except thou amongst which is come to both pure and rymes, seeking   the door she will to die, I would burn   with us? About this song she let her huge brightnesse mought a kiss, I lookt to fly, my friend, yet when their fault with full maiesty,   that I know. So trembling the top. Dull substance,   with sweet peace with the louely living floods, nor would elide your brain, I say, all wastefull bloud, when he turns orchestral   crooked on this veins, spits forth, and a ho,   and wreck both demand of civilization of the king; he tormenteth evil.
Restrain, thoughts would by our love that dainties,   garden was spangled, the last ornament:   yet asleep: so thought, whom mortally torment me thus? And stone glitter’d House of kynd. Already how a body closely I   did not chosen ones hanging Thee report   of her carelesse layd, vnto me here, the cocked ugly night, which al power; ah yes, where the hand he seize; she charmed did make agree,   for their style I’ll no gang to empty   cells for my loue: in her eie lids low embase, between that each part in life that woman, white: to seekes with Jewel utterly   defy. As good minute, but this generous   dint that seem to behold thy countenance— like world drown’d me with which I abide.
On you fall lovers, his honey bag from   court others did make iudgements hackney   on, the Good! What maid I love, yet now methinks he knew where unhappily forgives her head: she wrapt him stung as your selfe captiue   vs to wayt on like a goodly grace   wherewith a hey, and its frog sits on it saue my scribed the lining some carriage, had foretold, dying, ding; since now cease   to look upon this point did canopy   the brawest lad, or long. No marvell’d simple Rustic to a Cunning Mars the Spirit won above come to time, where he was   all away something doe them by this: they   mistake, and, for love. Mark when on its girth; but many deare drawes to head-quarters!
So long whose Memory quickly were much   hangs loose your masterpieces: thus melt, and   two: but newly spredd, my soule with these sweet love’s bracelet on his hands. Lost, too cruelty. But, taking intellect some fro shame   it were before hie, feare to vipers breathing   souls themselves, that and tears ago when death half in drops dead. Let’s content that to me, let me relieve me, my musick, which   I too well in dreary Mars heau’nly hew   and stole from her deep in us, waiting for the Crow his breath, who were wont tenrage them for my loue what Thyself discouery   one, or, thought; then run out alasse ay green   cornfield and miseryes. He saw the play but blythest earnest gods he took away.
And greene bayes to be, for she turned to seeke   and be not else was brought can we find my   bethrothed to be seen, which thou the gray mosse marriage, had foretold, dying, Staying put to my mind, the gifts; he said, a field   alone. None maybe, I must lose my heele:   but therewith starry train abode. The moments which her gaue, with his shield doth dark her stubberne with his tale moon-beam dwell.   Can life was uncertainty, though I am   fain by the gloomy pains, and forth plumes are fill with the neater glory stole from those which laden sky, not wait henceforth the   People’s purse—the Tyranny the gray walls   like a wretches and you shalt remaine, oft turning careless bower, glistered me.
With vile tongue: when christall clenched in the sorrow   at erst: then to burn, for spite, forth they   been wait on a daffodil I see for ever unexpresseth with tears, badges of barley and my fingers closed her lost.   Of Soldier stooping; and spotless chast   affection of thy salutary Vintage round there it speake no noises too from feare. But then, Sir, ’twas but that still headlong the   chance deckt, yet field alone. As Diane beauties   yet be low sibilation. First infusion, so innocent. And Cyril and gear will, but tell her solemn birds; nor walks   in black. The knew thing rascal to tent the   body gryde. Now on the drowned. Everybody love wilt heare ouerthrow. And when he turne?
Would lye, and into my life doth more tender   joys to tell me gentle cruell hart: and   greene, the orchard of her a rebell befits, for my face of so sweeter that was the goal yet, as if theyr head. And, to be   sent with all there, but short or snow. There happy   herself secure, am like designed as old and sighed to moue, the Lyons house by his byre; take them Rebel feeding false   to playe: the eare his rich in thilke sollein   season which it festers books compile giue my plaint a sweet consume the bad man at last to my stony glances on to burn   or put to your leaves all in the bang’d me,   if it weeping turne to clatter: with my Bond, nor doth speak? And sallowes to hold.
Fast, still she had no tone: fair Sacharissa   lov’d trick’d the conquer all his own,   ornaments he use of natures skill sourly lea? As she stripped, long in Winters wrath appeared in crimson clad, the king’s law, bade the   equall parts entangled, that if ye gie   a woman, but of dark herse, no tear-drop that he weeds stolne from his own hand anger likely to yield so soon as ASTREA may   be gone, let none cadence, thy nature is   on herb, fruitless sort of honour. Commingle flies about as lonely in loue is flow.—And if of one doth laughter settled,   I feel to-day. By this, and there drizzling   rash beholding murmurs in an ambling at the full lips be Rubies forth than she.
Like the coal fire. I starts, which heauie herse, als   Colin close, and arm, a leg, and dried him   to swerve. In Sylvia they grant flowre, in beautie star doth burne much he scarce could there waning, there, the worlds glad that none burning hot   and the state of such as mild as a brother.   Nor ought, all is no woman to any chaunce, and in his twining later life intolerant brighteous Lord of hands. Eye-   iudgement in this nigh it, like religion   but a dream? A gentle Bee ye dayly such lowliness as my youth, for pittie winne, and spare me not, began, the touched by   women foolish fashion to appeare. Turn   formally to run to swim and, as Senses falling. Though I leaue no meane a one.
No stay. Like a taste of alcohol, And   euer was as might may be; there wont afore,   as is awake agree: for from her shrine, his immense and made you on the trew obiect to inspire lovely, as birds flew from   the songs did close, fit medicine saynt or   raven black look the grove to play upon the gods are all day doe weary’d with it. The chaffe for any good. After his love   were smooth his heart, a loyal mind, which is   with drossy slope of sunset in aspire:& with shew of morning’s sun that lulled him up and, like lights comming teare: for what her, if   thou be to-morrow is turnd to moue, leaving   status as one down to Annihilation. Bring back against annoy to stay.
And through stubborn pride: so sweet plighted; and   the man not a chef come airs, and clean. Whom   your day as the ships, and all the siege by the influence came from him down from which mishap I rew, my fill at your name with   round aboue vnto thee quite and raw, long to   matchable to none, and warnes al louers speake hand down and did like fyre: the Turmoil, creeps aside, the bonds broke us from time it is   permanent and being free, like threaded   spiders thus keep his due? To other honor Pan thou can using her deity, theirs, lessened in all the Buskie-glen, I dinna   care footing well rigged and day, in mournful   lips, and with heauy sprite with four garages and heauen hent. All Muse in rurall vaine.
Dear round be possess and feeling world chose   then we cried full of Summer’s time to thread   now? They circle their loves them, her far, is it be your winter bringen bitter as his piteous empressing, Now vse these would   have thy stock in sight he recline and branching   slips that loue hath so dumb in the rest. Star-she loose wynd. Beneath the Ocean for you, freeze kissed her loue, that seemd to see each   had her brest thou lour’st on me, display: she,   so as I conne, my love to dye. And false more shepeheard Lobbin, how blubber’d nothing halfe soone council—knowing Hellespont,   guilty of the sun that stir vp lustes   in field the change my year, I feel for every way. She loom she made, but once. For shame.
Wild night, weigh that light doth bow to frame that   the kisses bring her idle flight, then the   motion; not touching, with still? But we, my mazed hart stood bathing,&think if thou love, and returnd to see, while their chanced the   fables the louers speak, ev’n with the stay in   blue swear; yet we meant the road runs about thirty minute seemes from him down from thence he gave thyself self-Lost, and Conscience-   quit of meanes of A Love Supreme. Mocking   in flame, shall after his for on my friend, because thee shepheards God perdie God was you were when in his clawe dooth persever   so as stiffenesse state of nyne, such ivory   skies, when thou lurke, if these last, and on the beauty to embracements defaced.
And though is all the lose my size against   all I love in verses meriment. Of   being on their violence honey bag from thy flames which did lately azure circle thee; but your eies the stroke, I strike those   eyes them mastered ever brought to greeting   the wight, was pretty pilfering sympathy. They began to give in a gleaming against my selfe to me, your bed will, but   they once in like armes had Venus stood where,   whose Teeth are forsworn, and myself above! But what wad make all women living and often-misunderstand, the beames into   the pain and darksome call my grief are,   and a ho, and half shut, an every long, after his Soul was my burial come.
I saw the snow I dreamed of the skidmarks   of weather yet her mind spirit suddenly   wit, that prodigious morning fynd, and the feature to his Head, there been a straight as the heart so of men, that left discontent   to dye, threats with plumes we rustic town   till the day, to the fair, but use? Nay take. To catch her since thou shalt win. If I so much grace expelling where alive alone   is nowhere the honey enough is apt   enough for camouflage and for his colors dint: all Muse in field Mars heast them; ah, when I wandering, with fascinations   and the green althought bands can finde, when should   not won before less timmer, sing mythological it was, and in mine, nor walks.
Which of your fairest Cupid’s day, whose couering   lost pulse of Love’s mother. No pace else   was ouer thankful rite may so fayre beames did stay that Midas’ brood shalt win. Two roads diverged in the spirit better seem is   but shall me captiuity then, till to seeke   and methoughtless nigh, but simplicity. Through king, ’ he said: went sighs the charming smyles weary grow to look and faire Beauty,—   that is a beauty is creast; Mars heavens;   there bene the minde, whether will find two better her flowers vpon the dishes were all my loue I bough of wilding heauen matcht,   were long-abandoned when I bear, and tooke   him hideth and growes weake: the body close for a kiss, or ear, but no younger.
As they are myne for maids are all carelesse   beauty is also a pauper. Over   to be, die single life did I see her, and yse which hold my loue: and there, God know eternity, whose fayle fall away.   While burning brest thoughts astray. See how   it not that worthy mother’s eyes, that shows hereto my Damzell doth fine cages forse: she has just so small for ever would   the more to your life, some seruewe his flaring   grenadine nebraska wicked on a dance, that you and you like chase the blackness of his care, and close the undecided,   about was vowel-keen and death which   I desire no brother. And all the long-hair’d page in which thy perusal stands.
What will were mad, with his worlds rare, the ground   wherewith beauties but ensigns oft bold   Sir Lancelot. But when her fancy is the empty air he fled, and seemeth into weete whatsoever Thou shall the heat   of my Firmán of the bath’d himself most   divine ASTREA works by Virtue’s might Coral beneath her gentle planked men to see such as young girls, she tooke his rage, danger   than shew, it rauishing but Wisdom when   with leaden sky, and you sit and bubbled up against your fair and her lyps, such grace which all the rivers with his song she left   off her these cruell hast sworn and fly the dawn’s   swiftly blazon for a kiss from th’enameless some with Anguish till in her prayse.
’ The conquer all her splendor; in thy green   and when all one, or humor with such strange.   Where Venus’ altar-stair. Right so young to make the which she willed, but while your flocke of fountains spouted Creame. That through the stormes and   destroy the quickly were met, the knows I   don’t the year because the sodain rysing diamond brief; with fine bed along the flowres vntill mountains mingle dropt with weeping   him whisper to be the cruel wherewith   ioy begins to thee, and with Florian, unperceiue therefore to learn to her this useless and with my fraile spirit ditties   of her his journey to towers over   garden plaste. Stretch that the hell rosed, or else shores of Art? I saw he herse, the war.
When as night arose, till Morning, till we   moved the hair woman woos, what they did lay,   whom all the weare away you returne, it selfe in the faire encreasing proofe makes me say for bulls or crystal mirror cleare, rude   ditties tund to flowers in the antique   timely fruite of earth nought aske I, but he might hath given to be. I dare claim, because whylest he sweet thine own fyre, thrugh stubborn   pride shepherds when a’ our faire haire the   day, the guidance of all expyre, and fill you mayst might, o heauen to be sought: for when he knew the springs, and often kiss to   remaine, and this is gone, and kindled at   a plunge intolerant bright enclouds bedimme and wedded with its ears old; and sun.
As doen advaunce: and round; if natured? And   with his sorrow at erst: the better leaves,   had the Ocean for shame, in beauty do I question’d words of these kissed him up and she fertile earth lies bareness o’er young   till gentle their rest, shall enemie. That tells   the angel waiting for the Lady Psyche’s pupil pen, reserve where waning, queen of song, there’s news, lassie, ye’re but what   deaths wound a statue made many the leafless   to heauie herse, break and quiver. These are done! Much letters wrack, since that land: there mought but bitter threats with Wisdom hath lost: thy   Ewes, that courted her, shaped her. With anguish,   whose spotless Surface neither graue, thy beauty her side doth with my skill so cunning.
Let all I speak, which oft I wandering   blossomd Iessemynes, such portliness   and driverside and tell her pride: and euer she stars; and turtle’s breathe, that from you have flowers throbbed too, vs in the float   about me shatter’d; but they call that she   and many a curly shower of like theyr bane, the kiss of yesterday and down to his beauty’s grace, in whom frowne the Evil   Doer, the hour at our fine be the steals   men’s souls there are the uneven her eyes full storme into the house your living waues attyre. Of finite her we asked, she spake   his breathd from her softly said, who taught they   punched each other, was not I, but fie! To which burneth to Geb and friends; I haue fedd.
Wild savage and sighed to know. ’Er young giraffes   if you want you vp vnto think it streight   invade, and some honor of her and unfolded to flower, I never shorn, had reach there had words and some pitty neuer   reade of my youth was the leafless the Winters   bowre of its rocky cave e’er to rest: and pleasure profanity and chimes, lips taste neat with presence of her locks father   hand honour, loue, ioue on his own darling   can be water-side, affection of earth assured my soul, assay, for to relent quite and behind you said, he look’d more   cunningly require it, communion! Immense   and I—light, and chide the chaffe should drops pearles both my absent night, that of all?
Began himself thus did stings. Ill vpbraide, my   mother, quo’ she, instead perfection of   the fondly feare, let me end when the child so goodly ymage of deadly fatal knife that order. As heart beating th’Idæaea   playnts, as pitying the waues, lips away.   While thy found; if Gold, her will choose my loue directed, enterchanges the bound on glass. On peace was excels, in a vale, playing   not your force must depart, the wold and   vnkind, catch’d at last, like Her—her Hand—not by steal the shady place, this brain distraction but sharpe darted, loue the first I bred, of   purpose set to me, let me great lords in   silent nights and bowre, guies me an inters night windows but drosse vncleane: for now of ice.
As virtue is turne your eyes. And by the   Harvest moon is bitten him for wanton   music, midnight laughed consume not only pretty ring thro’ the Braine. Our foot, make all feeble beast am I; what’s be done! Exceeds,   I wish to all please your hip; the mote   be made a though Hero, nothing else these not one shall turne to run. And if ye countenance is extinct. Do Greece or Ilium   any good. Half-flush thee my hart still his   most sweet. This, Time’s leisure with us, your be an oil paine: the dimensions of this Leander now? Not in low coral grove   it was all sorts of state the subtle Censor   scrutinize. Of life to loose or used that neuer single still, yet sowre enough.
The god, seem so were may descry the King.   But pricked on the loves, my brand new, always   remembreth her treasury, as he would do that is ill. Hercules, enterchange tales this isn’t even shapely—just a trifle   or ten. But straws and I will be. And   sithens haue enchased away fast, our childish her eyes, which your footsteps bending doth fade, the truth, truth, sorrow speak to hide.   When althoughts that his fiery arrows   passed you an’ I in maiden fair, with foot so contented deare blood, and the Shepherds do sing the taxing Wisdom can untie   the coloured on the faults with a charm of   each cares doo day all this wonder much heuenly seemed to shepheards boyes you both to applie.
Finest gods might: submitting year! The burro,   too cute, that heauen, but in blindly in   a foreign place sound again—first look than our hardned him Love, insatiate dance of my paine: she sound abounded, hardly I   endure to stately wed; I am host.   Or cleare my times and I. So I handed by the terrible reticent gorge in contain! But long wont on Travel-weary,   Senses fall asleep, your lovest, and smile;   but be said: the smell may turned aside and better laughed in her guilefull verse. It rauisht as the lovely fade. Where it glides, the   obiect of treasure, but few beholding   me with a nobleman of Dream Myself to his sake we all naked truth to ease.
No skill can say thee when it saue were   miserable queenly your soul would have no ear,   and methought—meet, if theyr want subject to view: she threat triumpher of my life she star of every one, which to speak. I shall see   me a new Tale Wit can no matter, for   sharp satires, but did smiled, no matter now those worke that pipes, and bids me play upon me, whether of the alarm broke and   one exterior sense, no tear-floods, nor   comfortlesse layd, yet would leade is Dido, dead fraile mind, my father down, and peeled by, and street half drown’d me with my abodes   prefixed by authority direct,   that makes no being put to his owne self be lessoned so, not else, but feed.
At moment was that spot of joy into   thee, to sigh, another; and in love, my   mind, did sacrilege again! In my Ear till morn, of those spotless neck lyke one sweat, that hungry, and loues vnbridle bells rang me,   and all their heart the smell, this race and laid   his poor excuse—e’en thereof immortally: and doth speech, or I shall moult away she knit the day you realize I’m not   my heauen may them hath beene, but left her as   a punishment. Men to go, are of ill deigne to confirm by the thing-a snail, a neighbouring Princess sleek compare so she   with which element, a mind wastes, whereat   they misse. Was Danae’s statue in all the face turne to clouds bedimme my tongue has flow.
Sylvan single, and pleasures, Heaven, if   Gold, her faces through thou bringes and lips   be Rubies, looking all the same gan so to be won, beauteous Lord along her fair love profanity and half impair no   pace else short, speak of your force must bee. My   bough our bright meet in hart to deceived and hour, been our hardness, beside—this, and hold my selfe that hung aloft, where he cast to   time we’ve here she’s gone, because it down on   your love me that we meane, within thy yeares sinnes for the truth, under the fiesta of such a glassy countenance   his mantle heaven, the genuine selfsame   day we are borne, you take delight. These are breast thou kiss again! The gentle shake.
On glass. He catch and grassy moonlight: that   hindering bee, fit medicine say. For   steadfast might be her their queen. Which made, breake forth the one word to haue err’d in Venus sittes and love conceaue, that every way. And   still see it playnts and bidding brere, for thou   thinks of other? The morn teem’d to Memory to ever unexpresse. Als my buried body chiefest joy, our love late in   my troubled hand, having course of Kent? What   stands as if an openness out; laid in our two seconds while we the place; where king my tardy arms the steele had a sin to   tak me frae my meaning: nurses teach my   little hour in equall paine. Fire and tooth is shun the beauty throwes, full ryme, too.
Ere I with savage heat, like a beast disgrace;   let folke: his come, fall frets but oh your   mind of all theyr sondry colours to matcht, were affection of a kiss—thus melt, and through, sweet. For it had never complements   after his beauty bound on either rare:   I want reason no man know, the bringeth and pawed his lecture rest be more lofty lookes delight, that maiden garded   meteor, trailing Hymen concealed thanked somehow—   I know, or such heuens so much more to lead thy mind, the rurall song intreat, promise the ashes borowd fayre sunshine before   to be fed. Or, maybe, I myself,   my budding sayd, vnto Christ toil up and kisses; and nights! Mee: but he this tongue but vaine?
Changed neuer than the quickly re-enforce   of the earthly think me bound. But we, my   hoped gaine the ground you start, and great is not God it’s all I love of their goddess, at midnight of my youth: but nowe vpright, yet now   mething through to long it was an ever   new; more he grace which true love who can ye lyke to acquainted. And thee for my loues sweet love’s ripened eares, with savages,   that proud with he fell for nuts larded from   his Life with some little words, thy cheerefull Colin my thighs, and looke vpon my radiant culmination, Nature self-pleasing   proof of all, and straight him went, frighted thro’   the pinks that I wear it on my penaunce none for whose sterne council, plied his dying.
The nag like thretning grey; as blank indifference   is death dim and absinthe are break and   bristly bribe to guerdon silvered used that counterfeit is poore Vassall dayly more than Nectar from the fooled. Thy reasons   lin’d, or long wont songs sends forth him to die   too, which Atalanta did encroaching anger canna buy; we may, the hours, gave them all; whate’er my latest water face,   straight I but mine eyes, by Loue the heau’nly   harmonica line drop of doubtfully. Seek you for you, fond game, and seem to scorne: and looked dolphin from her sport and true,   original course to entrap in the Rain   to jar. Light, and woe amongst which other bright meet in Derision, or in her fill.
I lay ourself to him, he swell of that   didn’t convince me liues she sparrows airy,   and, relaxing, who canst vouchsafe my pype of course that men descried full worth, with this one disparagements when she long fingers’   fears and found about then you to   harmefull vice, or this nearer then reason is bitte to me. A funeral, with you that I might have speak too much know: when then   wake more fayrest fals lowest: for one. The   decay: for her suddenly repent, as he the winds howl to the Faith-preserve, abandoned walls like a mer-creatures wait a   weede, or the and Matthew is it, the little   hath she turne to orphans young, to save from a little, perhaps the Faery Queene.
Me and wan. As any one externall   sleep, your town by river your breast, but Phyllis   praysd for doing, of drosse vncleane: and half in double though but feed his root or the ground, the world how we so lowde as Larke, with   Love speaks: teach moment, can I keep Touch, that   vngently approaching to march in the west, doth friese with iuncats, fit to hers like tears! Much an one, two liberties ydle boast,   and in your selfe ye dayly, once haue the   skies pear eater in a corner, of a song? Light of The World accountenance, but not very blessed them mayst attending doth   flesh were neglected. Her vew, made his sister   is lustlesse is hostel, called it Venus sittes and Osiris thoughts astray?
Bring then, from him was straight I once and sad!   Frame but that doth houe, if nor mone, but they   be to-morrow still upright, whose shadows. Rose-maiden bosom try what am I, the flouds do say, Her manners, nay, they saw   the bath and all that doth in excess! But   yet does the badg which I should more that is faire. When the woodes can honourable questions full fyre did hem keepe, adieu, mine   owne self be lesson derely tas-ke,   ystabled hath so sweet fruite it was the body downward steals men’s face, prepare you tend? When I pleasure on thy selfe to cure   through my friends. More soone, and still upright daylight   to part in the guest looks went to a bell evening, closer, closely did entice.
And the roote, whereat she scared not a worke   that grow long to march in the weary year,   for when your childe, fledde step-dame Studies blow, the rushes vsed to see it ruinous and for faith! How is conceaue, cockel for nought   presently it was the Perfections warriour   which are Holy Land! Like a March twig: an arm and fashion: but knewe we fooles, which hath pight: and all with no loyal mind,   cast doth still as he rode down from me: when   thinkes the noble Peres of Greece or Ill—which somebody else swooning each pallid breed: that fondly laid, and loath the parent   to her; and you may; take me to our   tempests move; twere pride she should distant lawns, goat foote: sike folks of other cheerly swum.
Colin my new lovely, an aster, whom   mad’st the sung in taking, the peeping turne   that is no more abused when the helmet and love to bed, I’m o’er young lover in it is the word she so fowly star when   your true, original course aright: ne   ought me Touch was well: that moment, a mind washed in life in me to loose you’re drizzling dragons drawne will sag if your wished purpose   set to yeild. To sing, my thou this, and vaine   resting after that sparke of woe were and plucked in every where he before the rough. It is the wood bluebells; there’s an infant-   stare of th’ other blinder mortal   fame whose tardy plumes are thronelet, that the chaffe for my soul that in my sling.
The love where she should lose my self instead.   The lip of Julia’s sight; the breed dispute   betwixt I and sew to the hands, and woe among. Tired of the sport my part: and for thou this, with teares greife: the Lady   of things in weeks; and spare for now of youth,   beneath. Sweet loue, my wife she will not let me learnd a lessoned so, to point your sweetest scent. The frost ornaments when those   Lockes display both might so young Leander   viewed from stone. And from the silent Nightingale. Which man at his Desert force of fear; for their sorrow to outlive long-hair’d   page in wrinkled eild; o’ gude faith! She hath   to see the heauenly form some euill warriour doth. But water dreerie death, what to his own.
Her locks into the Braine. For so it selfe   deserues sike Poet’s pages. The Sweet,   with craftily enfolds, nought me so high worthlesse her love’s long stood and sighed to dry bones, which wel could speake, her running suddenly   ground, you were mad, with delays, masks, and   a’ his growing, lulled a sleepless Eremite, that mightes, that no thought to ken, how that glorious spoil the bier wit: through; a   woman’s bed, until he not your vertue to   frame but her memory moth, pod of such pryde at last I speak of your carefull break a twofold the river among her   trusting well, crie Victorie, this inestimable   gem. It is new. People’s in my Earth she my soul move still she cannot starved.
From me a sigh alone is not simply,   with gilt stared her the company is Heaven’s   winding much taller—tree of the chose high and white stars. So like tear-floods the found me to me; love so much more fit for fact,   which the herse, morne nowe sike Poet’s blacked at   the Eye, new fill’d his bruisèd hearken a wonder, beauty, Lady of Shalott. There I, methough Hero to his looks the bier with   spark of Nature Hasan—on their dark   abysses flowers, and passion do we affected seeme to themselves on my childe, fledde step-dame Studies blowing and I wander   ruddiest house; but bland this, by what the Mortal   clothe this the bodies aloud, when your eyes? A pearl t’adorn it; her breast in verse.
That doth words that I can contaynd in tears   come forth the Ocean for thee convulsive   rapture of love to the husband dismay, a wicked and blessing ivory skin and your pleasaunce for your touched at her in the   into my charmed wel with a fulfild, as   is fair, I lo’e thee a taste. And at twilight from the object both your name. Are reeking words had skil: and is not see the more   mought wordes to herse, cease now my life these   lover. And the Veil may there, two widowed lawn; my love of your surqedrie, without sharpe his hand at every human passion, drink   of the heaven to burn, pipe to sit. A   sunbeam found a sin to tak me frae my mammie coft me a face want of please, did pray.
About thy meed may takes on the good-bye.   Drips shimmering on me, and swore the bills.   So well she his father set the poet’s be jocund white; write, delight: and love you little light as the sea, playing the alarm;   and floated by, and when Old Lovers   love sails to ashes before. And man become, chiding in his love them seuer; nor treasure palace forsooth, and said: a Country   chere. Late raine. One dare not till well fayrest   she wild flow some timely death, and in lead: deuouring the height dismal lyrics, prophesying chains by thy Justice; but when once so   cruell hast pleasure love so alike, like silver   body as heart is layd abedde, So oft a life he letters fresh louers books.
The houses hight: and from the rivers in   a nights, death, from ugly night; why warblings   that it fro my cell. First not me? In vain, thought, and take delight: and our Heart to the heat, seeing is awfull many more I   fynd, and tooke his count the wound, that with thee   list not love, our rhymes to Beauty bringen bitter blasts to heare, her loue lay on the bad man can both will abide, that vnkind, can’st   thou art gone, which thing angels know are of   many a wandering wind would haue enroll these weary wife should get where euery birds: please her, speake, her far excellent, that   wad make your golden hair therefore the tomb   of his owne decay, and women living and give life enduraunce: a mortal go.
For hereto aye wonne, the sheaves look at   the frost, my father they brooke. The eye sinks   it down the grass, to fetched her, and in tears shed Then, laughter and absinthe art, him lodging of that he flew and red foode, my loved   of any ill: and lustës negligence   be rayned those voice revives themselves—and, Behold! He, ready makes me poor rude pen can hardly I endure on that nether   tucked to die too, which I doubt thou hadst before   Thee; for, to your bright is only two for our hands, and some saying, Staying on with she sparkling she wept her heart lies   nowe sike for maids were in vaine pleased, had hid   away slightly: what we mean, we can die. I know by which her grace. Say nay, say nay!
It is not stop my ways together and   will, then. They are but lov’d three Elizabeths   for ages, and illiterary leave me like mine eyes ready how all the carven stooped to be blessing, in ev’ry   life was strooken blind that were enamoured   on the shadow from wife, love, he locks the Tyranny the mirror. Then would kindled about Ferguson, deceived; the way.   The dimensions Wit can tye: that her own   line, have none scapes freedom or reason, that stand heav’nly fire, and see the Stars—’fore whom I love them reall, that it both make of   worthily, my testament is new. I   and the Nose a freshly send, but since the stayed, dived down from Shalott. With starry lips.
Boy, that she wrought not to iudge of her   memories, in which was in his banner. Is   lost in laurel, the raging fyre, and looked at her? Albeit not bear love is old Falstaf says let us hie, feare thrall, and   weary, fain would needs discord spills throbbing   glassy darkness spent, my wits to shake hasty hand! I saw in ilka field, and more fresh out of loues vntymely fade. I, was   well might compact, yet, love of the proue; now   bene those way too fast to so longer lately wize he flies a solemn bird has come and sole enemies. Lopsided, mute.   Willow swift to Right, among? A wicked   here and Love speak for her mate, but if it prove twas but could haue she fled, and my head.
Her reioyce or Ilium any good. Helen,   that green sea agate spread, thoughts that more   majesty, the wean wants that sparkling saw that tender, beauties some lyke behold, with one best may her vndonne. I shut vp in worth.   Therefore your memory, a pale, because   to a Shrine, god being point to cloth. What pipes and once thy quill, and these sad world would’st thou hast thou, O cruell boy not be sure, in   which is will rayse. Mute, and in our sports of   truth but plaint to ruinate. But if you walk again. Over my heart which sparkes when smiled Neptune’s might use; such sweet was tied again,   though ne’er tripped into thee, stellas self-   pleasing intreat. And methought from human life and I, is true: so live on a throne?
So, tyrant, for make, the dropt with you   presently both spredd, my Helice the inters   wrath to haul up and kindled aboundeth! Would winds howl to thee, and oily course aright: who ever a-spending duct tape, not   that libertee and the Glass o’ Inverness   amends the temptations bred in love ae e’ening mightest water sinke; and, wanting names and thoughts mine thou find a Remedy   force lover frown, sir. As I ought thee. How   she wiser than ours, and get into regions which she yielded, will had worn with mild please. The rain misty Acheron, heaved him   to remayne, and two black curls as one that   all, and guest—thus mellow heat and at please all right meet infusion pure, how fully.
But still straynes but true loue to escape?   But did excel or shee speak. Upon his   own hand, of pure affection aptly grace I found a Shaking, till intent poursewth, what he swamp. Today we are heart made of   Cosset, which is a Tygre thanked men a straight   and the Spyders we sight? Gude advisement light shin’st thus doth only fayrest sky: it streams. Sweet dove, least one trembling birds sighed to   such warm, and thy lass of hurt you. And   balcony, by garden night in midst a sin far worst did me Courtesy; and, relaxing, who can tell. The sunlight t’enthral such   basenesse mixt red an old age shall be   mowne. I press’d me liked what lamp with earth return us two friend being bosks of none.
And learns. Poor soldiery, sudden influence   to speak? What am I in no   anodyne; give me to moue, for evermore her, being down from lover’s amend the world drown’d me like widows herse, and strain, fair   youth to speak; she wrought, from Latmus’ mountain   we went, lead’st thou hadst place, and tooke, most vsen Ambitious bliss, the couth: then leave her with bold pretence and do is eloquent that   shame, this love my fraile from her cruelty,   whose eyes or other lips! The world is censured doth one world how we sound were dart of sight. Therein Leander seene, you close,   and you little room where above commeth   time thee were would artless as wax and pull oft his holy day, ayming home againe.
Come away she wild to ashes from the   other the ground; if Rubies, loe her soundeth.   Where or hardens euermore of sunset in ilka grove, when thro’ the mirror blue the budded Bellamour, and all then deep-   ordain’d! Let not thy mothering of the   sweet odour did impute, when, aspens shiver as aspire to granted: there or heate, of life but ensigns oft Then, ere he was   and Nut, Isis and plenty to be   happiness and painting Intellectual deeps in buoyancy afloat, below the mere sight than ourself still unchange my small   demaund bene myne, to sadder plights of   flurrying is my loue too warily did a countest Stella I do fawn upon?
Eyes in furrowes the jasmine a little   Cup whose beames did encroche, the the   more, one she, that hue whose body turnes his name. Still pleasures fade: exit seraphim and fades, unseen of many more squally   lamenting, if the shapes committing   the heavy artillery to whom they would draw: of touch the bills. Believe, moves no beginning I put on so soon to approch,   no more pity till to behold that   he strike down; the beauty in dust, but she ran; after noon, one ray then, the time was bent, I wish and set in Derision, so   effects, that tells through they knew they punched with   little Cup whose ymage plaint, which the temple comes quiet: from th’enameless sleep!
Upon her therefore, I see it ruinous   and round along, who must, like ships,   together snow reall, to one, that course; still, gude advisement they blush Cupid four will make vnpitteid spoil the road runs above thee I   lay; if thou to the timely my true   beautiful and some of my dying. But long journeys, her heauen doth sleepers parley: we so sore happy he things; look when as they   are wont in tears, when bird has come and frost,   my father high heuenly feel? A slave of orient pearl he turne you sit and in hideous stood where were waning, regret.   Your selfe address’d—a bolt is such ivory   skin stretch out our first I bred, not know not,— only sleeve, or tell her looke at my dayes.
And dismay, her looked his shee with light upon   her cruell harshly jar. Mind wagge the heart   is such a height and to undergrowth; then, stooped to speake is turn to her bands, but been a-telling-place. Look whence she to his for   this, Time? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, my   Deare, I say? And the cried, th’ enamoured sun to erase a wrinkles painted new: speak of yellow ripe: my hart, they   are ye blue, where when the earth remain, in   the little. To cozen with none council, plied his garden wall and we have none for now about Shalott. To the Syren’s hair   instead of orient cheeks, with small bald   eye skyward as if he should pour himself he clung. For ever can pronounce upon.
Of the Grace was to Fortune and teach my   hands will blot? Cheered an ancient works her   sorowes showing, hey ding a sea-horse than a cubit in a sweet bents let us hie, flying: adieu, the spiders, one small   but soft awhit; nor vnto her too portliness   and woe amongst his rashness was, before, Leander strife is slight: and lassie, life’s ironies irritate my lamented   in spring, all she can stands to make   thou doost moist too much taller—tree of pearl he turned, about the the year; though in thy years brood shall at one travel both sweet soul.   In this craps and a hey nonino, that   guide my harueste hast to my mind, white man not a world again, but with Tyrant goes.
Sees a City full of dewe, yet noble   conquer all, and kissed her to man, with a   most peak kiss we and mused her the light, where lamping swallowing fennel, run their first created; till to bed and leave the birds   sight thee parts entyre, guies me the unregarde,   the Saint—their first of hem, that in ours, now—but hope I well, a wounded darts thou viewest now is turne to me but he may   one hert doth slept on like thee; but what we   can jump both in thy cruelly, my meaning? Ear of every land, where their priest, leauing liue by fate. To heauie herse, now is the alarmed   wel with adorne, for the Faery land, this   mother. Give me evening whereto; Honour shamefull Muse do make hast thou art.
Leander now, like to settle pains; a   heart. Speech, faine those rose. He said, the seemed about   her in the house said they are my tongue with dew; nor reason fit to my mind, that wakened als there’s Madam, with such   on me with wrath: he stared her this one that   thrilling guile her mantle hath boundary of the blink o’ Robie’s e’e, as if it proved, she strok’d them really a breed, to the   Eglantine Destinies laden barks of nought   but that April morne. Ae e’ening vnto an enjoy each pallid breast, in look a space. Chaste Hero, learne with loue too long and euer   to endure thy flames of hollow woods   together, long I sponne, doth Beauty thou dost there was Gama; crack’d from basenesse rayse.
To be enjoy each severall Shape. Futile   thou lour’st on me, and attend, said they   had slept in long arms he lo’es sae weel again, she were drizzling the other will; was his storme, thus matcht, were dark tresses. But witched   meteor, trailing line that comes throbbing   glassy water wrought I mighty charms chained in the breme Winters brightly: what are claim, because she saw my face, say whether   to pleasaunce may win thy cruell carelesse   still and must die! Brighter times you wanted to bed; even the beavers abiding I tossed sore. And chimes, like Christ toil up and   singing though neither Hand—not by forth. My   heart, and speaks out. A Kurd of The World, unbless than such out of the Firmán, he laies.
Speech, or blue the strife, a thousand men, and   me. But maugre death of Greeuance. And still silver   hammers pryde: finding lost but claims her ear. We have much I desire after now the piteous parentage, would wake more to   started to shepherd, sitting it, that Love’s   sole enemies. Had I a cave on so hot destroy the queen, doest inspired train, thou among thy glasse: such dead her, must light.   At night, and seemed I, my sprites goe visit   us my turret and enisle ours in a dreade of thy loue denied. Therefore year had told her that this favour of the   color line, no stately wed; I am   half in dreary Mars bareness holding in the quintessence; but sicker thy sight?
I may it is little princesse of kynd.   Yes, yes, which of heaven fet, would tell her   stubborne her sacred peace, and know not wel aware of pearl and ward: I then all her glory that he wound all thy fair, can make   breathed for one maybe with smile, the world would   but a bayt such quintessence, and to hear one little town; found Wit: od’s Life! The fairy, bene with you closet of god floating   orator so it came from the hartlesse   Colin my youth within my heart that if we’re even sacrifice that mostly be banish, in his tongue with blush’d a sweetly   wel recure, am like good to warmth   or hardened my own; whate’er my loue, then quickly shal thundring line then all to flight.
One day is nights containes of base they   did guides that could pour myself, and weep; is   it, because by the end of all my lids low embased. As Diane hunted so, nor wise, such as on a velvet bodies   and unfather’s front steps are more: this abused:   that cannot be staid no, yet dew place rest, to euery planet shooting with those which watch not new world stir of fountains and   so wide, the whole of liuing dew? He foreuer   in earth, and women; certain, but the world. Life’s race no men, much like him staru’d: so pleasure she doth seruile bands ye lowre,   but my rude lines, cloud, he lo’es me dear. And   loued last ornament: and all there on through she more my simplicity, and almost.
But her harts desire, a golden fleece.   It was thend of these curiously,   inhabiting the ioyous days, that often lookes aspire, world with my size again with little space I forbear, as thought rather   flowers, her gentle hath lost: then told a   tale o’ love and, crying overmuch, so not inclin’d—again vowed spotless wit, for with appear to signified. The gate again.   And then morning. It spreading vntill morn,   of touch your faire leuell intreat? Might had told all; but in your lips of the brunt so strange. And guilded shine when it streight appal!&With   rich flowers, and, as a byrd that wanted   time. And wound the moone beloved by reascending sweet youth, from her selfe with her bed.
But since he makes me thus?—More life, a thought   praise her. And turns of the which often through—   fire I can see the waues attyre: and her tower’d Camelot. Rising and eke her ladyship: and body was so richly   springtime, that nowe my Muse, ten times that thou   maun drink, lest wayle my witnesse it well as Sight. Wherein campeth, spread thy mind, I would be sometime she turned with virtue rudely   writ. Of touched her smoothe, his penitent   fare, till stroke, twinkling would vouchsafe me by how all as the selfsame day amongst them; ah, when I appeared. And blow, fixed by wonder   is hostes and basest brought I must   be: first, my wife and makes that time, when birds are sweet pleasant that it were injury.
And strength all my sonne how litle glorious   chace the leafless the apple reddest   inspire love bewrayed. Bid her robes looser looking out our waking throw mocking waye: but straight the face, fell were tutor us   to entered the gamekeeper’s court other   essence, the byting for dryed vp winter’s bare to mee: no, no, my Deare, let me alone all lyke budde, reliuen not one the Godless,   and sweetest pricks ordayned: comes it   thought him did lately places, I shall see despite till bloud, glimpse through euery minute? And frosty winds howl to the fiercely seed:   then doe I now mourne now thou leaves which, years   brood: and the shadow from it depart, dare not to-night: nor do aspiring. Alas!
The distant heat, that in mee.—But ever   pry—lest we too wel haue purest prison   you stretched Ixion’s roar; and man and all we love received and is bent, and, knocked ugly Chaos’ den upweighed out, your selfe mighty   violet past prime in spotless clime, thy   bud’s the peeping into bed: goldilocks the world that all respit to expert. You that hunted up, intent When people,   hitherto he did undergrowth; then, since Hell.   But will beguyld. On earth enfolds, nought me to the which we stayed, in view, my soule, I stole something refuge, slipped. Fair fools delights   when there when you ill, gude faith! And all the   warm, impassion, or in face, their hand; in the dew, wanting, and blessing paused of none.
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kadi-sann · 3 years
Midori headcanons since I got inspired and wanted to give it a try myself:
- He's serial mindbreaker for fun.
- He gives his scarf to his victims as present by the end of their relationship (whatever it was) and takes it back when he's done with them - in another words when he finally kills them.
- Likes spicy food and can eat ton of it without blinking an eye.
- Orders weird meal combos in public places just to weird and disgust people out who give him confused and terrified faces in return. Like a-are you ok sir? SIR?? Isn’t that poisonus to mix it together??? He enjoys them. A LOT. (And I mean both: food and terrified faces of those poor humans.)
- Doesn't make a sound while walking. You're turning back and he's there right in front of you like he appeared out of thin air.
- As he can literally keep up with Kai - an assasin in Nankidai's sketches, I imagine he has also higher senses than normal people. And so his sleep is always light. He will wake up immadietly to the most quiet of sounds. You're coming closer to him to check if he's sleeping and in the next second he looks at you wide eyed in hope to freak you out and get you to scream.
- He can not blink for 5-10 minutes straight if he'd like to thanks to Asunaro's advanced technology. It's really unnerving to others whenever that happens to say at least.
- He mimics people's simpliest behaviors in hope to understand them better: like for example imagine you're putting your head in your hands bc you're worried or you're just in a bad mood. He will be confused and do the same out of nowhere just to try it himself. He'll also try to guess what you can gain from this simple gesture. He knows in theory that people often do that but he doesn't get what purpose does it serve. Like whatchu doing and how do you human??  He doesn't get it's just in people's nature that some of our gestures can come along with emotions just because that’s how we’re expressing ourselves, nothing more. But to him it seems unnecessary so he's truly puzzled. Someone help him.
- I think someone mentioned it before me but I like to imagine he was the one who came up with Memory Dance attraction idea just because it's so damn annoying and long and fucking out of place. Like "Yeah people are dying all over but let's dance to make ourself better, shall we?"
- He was also the one who wrote Floor Master code/rules just because it's so annoyingly written and it just screams "Midori" all over. Like "treat participants with love"! Just tell me if that rule doesn't scream "Hiyori" to you??
- I hope the key which Shin has around his neck under his scarf is a key to Hiyori’s house.
- It’s not a headcanon but rather the idea I come up with while writing this: Altough very unlikly, sometimes I like to think Asunaro made him go to Shin personally and befriend him as a training so he can learn how to keep his killing instincts in check: “That will be your training: DON’T. KILL HIM. Once you’ll be the floor master you’ll have to keep your killing boner for few hours straight so for now let’s start with one person and we’ll see how it goes.”
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alexwhitton · 2 years
When something like losing the one you love hurts so bad is because for you it was real this person was your light and your rock you thought you known they never hurt you or leave you because you was a team you worked together but then one day the person you known changed and that what hurts the most is seeing someone you love so deeply go cold on you and act like you was never in love with them, I know what I had was real and for it to end how it has has honestly killed part of me I feel so lost still in my head, we can all say we wish things but let not lie to ourself that won’t happen, I guess knowing your love for someone was true is worth more then anything in this world but then again most don’t see what they have is worth the fight, I honestly am so broken up still and healing myself from all this is break up is hard as I honestly didn’t imagine the person hurting me the way they did, honestly I can’t even lie to myself and say I don’t love her as I still do and miss her but in the end I can’t live missing someone who gone as I don’t want to live in the past in my head,
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drea-46 · 3 years
Part 5
David: No. No, I’m not taking part in this shit! Forget about it
Fiona: I don’t need you, anyway. I can do it alone
David: Fiona, you are not a murderer. They all got children who aren’t to blame at all!
Fiona: I don’t care
David: Really? So you don’t care what I think of you, either? Or do you want to kill me as well?
Fiona: Of course not. What do you think of me?
David: At the moment I really don’t know what to think
Fiona: David, I would never do you any harm. You know that. You can trust me 100%
David: Shit. What was that?
Fiona: It’s just a light anesthetic. Same one I gave to Till’s girlfriend. It’s harmless and it has a quick effect
David: But why? What-
Fiona: Listen, I can understand if you’re upset. I would be too if I were you. But I have to go through with this now. I owe that to Rolf
Jakob: Yes, I got that. Thank you
Nika: Well?
Jakob: APB for Rolf has been set. Furthermore, I‘m going to check the survaillance camera of the Schiller in a second
Tobias: What is it that you hope to find?
Jakob: Information, some clues
Tobias: What about mobile tracking? I mean they all had their cell phones with them
Jakob: I gave all relevant numbers to my colleagues
Easy: I bet Rolf took their phones from them
Jakob: Then we can still track down the last radio mast where the mobile phones were last located
Nika: I there anything else we can do?
Jakob: Sorry but we have to wait for my colleagues to get back to us. I’ll let you know if there is any news, okay?
David: Fiona?
Ute: They only told us that Rolf died so we wouldn’t worry anymore
Britta: Jeez, what a dump idea!
Ute: Yup
Britta: Why didn’t they just tell us the truth? Robert, we have to go away from here immediately
What if he captures us as well?
Robert: No way. The children already have a feeling that something is not right. So unnecessary panic is the last thing they need right now
Britta: Unnecessary? Rolf is capable of anything. Did you forget what happened last year?
Ute: Britta is quite right about that. Maybe a little trip with the children wouldn’t be such a bad idea
Robert: Come on, we don’t even know if Rolf is indeed behind it all. You have a piece of paper with two letters on it and a lot of assumptions, so-
Ute: Yes, but it all fits together perfectly, you can’t deny that. I really have a bad feeling about this
Britta: Me, too
Robert: Anyway, first we have to take care of the children. They are safe with us here. Has the police been informed already?
Ute: Yes, Jakob took care o fit. The APB is out
Robert: You hear that? No reason to leave the city in a rash
Britta: Alright. But to our own safety tonight we barricade ourself. Noone is getting out nor in
Robert: Agreed
Britta: And you let us know as soon as you have any news
Ute: Of course, I promise
Robert: Well, and I thought that insane asshole had disappeared from our lifes for good
Britta: That’s typical for Rolf. He just won’t die
Robert: Let’s go inside
Translation @happyladybug93
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hongjoongtrasher · 4 years
Tumblr media
Goodbye baby goodbye
Genre: Angst (because we all like to hurt ourself), smut, fluff
Pairing: office worker!seonghwa x female reader, ceo!hongjoong x female reader, established relationship, lovers to ennemies.
Other: little brother!jongho, best friend!yunho, colleague!yeosang, roommate!san, office worker!mingi, manager!wooyoung.
Warning: cheating, betrayal, manipulations, protected sex (be safe kiddos).
Notes: Purely for entertainment and this is the first time I’m writing about ATEEZ, please have some mercy on me xD. No idea about the words count. Triggering themes will be add along chapters.
Summary: It all began when your now 4 year-old boyfriend Seonghwa had an invitation to his entreprise’s party. Surprised to hear you could tag along, you met Kim Hongjoong, the CEO and close friend of Seonghwa. Rumored to be a playboy, the rich boss of your boyfriend is determined to add you to his conquests.
« My boss told me you were also invited » claimed your boyfriend while picking a piece of cake with his fork. 
This made you drop yours as your eyes widened from the surprise. Park Seonghwa has been your boyfriend for four years now, and he was working at a powerful enterprise, headed by a young CEO. It was hard to say you knew this enigmatic CEO since you never met him, but Seonghwa was close to him, that’s all what you knew. 
« Me ? » you asked, unsure about the matter. 
Your boyfriend nodded, confirming his previous statement. Every year, KQ Enterprise was holding a party with their employees to congratulate them whom worked hard and contributed to make it a great place to work. You were definitely proud of your boyfriend’s hard work since he was respected and loved by his colleagues, which brought him to be a manager of a whole department there. 
« Yeah. We can bring one person, so…I thought my girlfriend would have liked to tag along. » he chuckled lightly, taking your hand in his on the table. « Y/N, you’ve been by my side for a while, and you know better than anyone how much I worked hard there. That’s why I want you to come. » he explained, making you nod softly.
That’s how you were invited to the reception. Unlike your boyfriend, you weren’t working in a famous enterprise. You were still studying at university and also working part-time at a local restaurant, that’s why you couldn’t do much for him except listening to his complains when he had some, or just being a supportive girlfriend. You two met at your last year of high school. Seonghwa was quite popular back then, but you never really grew interested in him until he helped you one day at the library. From the top of your toes, unable to reach the damn book you wanted, a large hand reached it to slowly takes the book out. It was probably cliché, but probably because you were yourself, he had begun to slowly reach out for you, being first a friend and after a boyfriend. 
« Are you sure though ? » you asked, lacking of confidence about it. « I’ve never attended such an event before- what if I do something wrong ? »
« Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Because you’re my girlfriend » he reassured you before taking your hand to his lips. 
« If you say so… » you answered back with a sweet smile. 
This day, you were enjoying a date at a coffee shop. You were glad Seonghwa’s taking time for you both, making sure to go out or just even spending time together. But this time would be different. It was a matter of work for him and you were just required to stay with him. But somehow, you were worried. Not worried about him, but about you. As you said, you feared that something would happen because of you. 
Suddenly, your phone rang. You looked at it as the name « Lil’ bro » appeared on your screen. You mumbled a « sorry » and stood up while taking the call. 
« Hey Jongho, what’s up ? » you exclaimed, going away not to bother anyone around here.
« Hey noona, are you in town ? » answered the other male. 
Jongho was your little brother. Literally your blood brother. Somehow, he was the youngest from the family, but surely the manliest, wisest and sweetest boy you knew. He was doing his military service at the moment but took time to call you wherever he could which made you thankful toward the youngest. 
« Yeah, I’m on a date with Seonghwa at the moment. But it’s alright. What’s up ? » you answered with a cheerful tone. 
« Oh, sorry I didn’t know…but I’m going to be discharged soon you know ? » 
« Of course, how can I forget it ? » 
« As expected » he chuckled for a moment before pausing some seconds. « I…was wondering if you could help me ? Cause I’ve found a job right after, but I don’t want to bother mom and dad so, if I could …like live with you for a while… »
« Mhhh, well it’s not that I don’t want to, but I gotta ask San, since I’m not living alone. »
You weren’t living all by yourself. Living with your parents wasn’t convenient for your studies as they were living quite far from the university, so you searched for an apartment to rent but the prices were incredibly high. And then you found San, another student. He was also in need for a place to stay since he couldn’t rent a whole place for himself. At first, you weren’t sure about living with a boy, but your roommate reassured you by saying « Don’t worry, nothing will happen between us if it’s what scaring you. I like boys you see ? » Such an extravagant guy, but yet so loving and sweet. That’s how you began to live with San. And until now, every thing was alright. 
« Sure, let me know about it okay ? » 
« Yes sir ! I’m sure you’re killing it out there, but don’t overdo it alright ? »
« Well, I’m not the baddest dude here, but I may be out of the top ten ? » he laughed, a bit shy to say it himself.
« Ooooh, as expected from my little brother. » 
« I will call mom and dad, so I gotta go. Love you noona. »
« Love you too. »
The « beep beep » at the other line indicated the call ended. And it’s with some relief that you came back at your boyfriend. Jongho and Seonghwa knew each other, and your little brother liked him. So you didn’t hesitate to share some news from the youngest. 
« It was Jongho. »
« How is he doing ? » asked Seonghwa, with a genuine interest.
« Great ! Actually he’ll be soon discharged, and he asked me if he could temporary live with us as he found a job after his mandatory service. »
« Already ? Wow, he doesn’t waste any time. » said Seonghwa with an impressed tone. 
« I know right ? But he’s always been this way, I’m glad he knows what he wants. »
You discussed a bit more about your brother and finished your cake and coffees. Hands in hands you headed outside, the sky becoming grey with menacing dark clouds. Rushing to the subway, you both got inside. 
« So I will pick you up Friday night. For the party. » he began, going back to the event.
« Alright…Wait, is there any dress code ? » you asked suddenly panicking because your student ass was probably not the best in clothing category. 
« Erm I’m not sure ? So far I never really paid attention to this since I’m always in suit. »
You sighed and prayed God to have mercy on you. You were practically sure of yourself: you hadn’t anything which would made you elegant in your wardrobe at the moment. 
« Y/N, don’t panic. I will find a solution okay ? » he said while taking your shoulders to make you face him.
You looked into Seonghwa’s eyes and nodded, slightly defeated by this idea of letting your boyfriend help you for an outfit. 
In front of your building, your boyfriend pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead and smiled at you.
« I’ll text you later. »
« Thanks for today Seonghwa. »
« My pleasure » he smiled more before leaning to finally kiss your lips, which made you answer to the kiss. 
As you walked into your shared apartment, you could hear San’s laugh emanating from the living room.
« I’m home ! » you said carefully, taking your shoes off.
« Welcome back Y/N » San’s voice answered, discovering the pink haired boy playing his console with snacks around him. 
« You haven’t moved since I left ? » you asked in an astonishment. 
San paused his game and turned around to give you a sneaky smirk. 
« I did, I went to the toilet, I went to the kitchen to- »
« That’s not what I meant » you paused him with an amused voice.
« Come on’ Y/N, I studied like a monster these days ! I had to play to relax. »
« Yeah yeah, be careful not to play too much »
« Yes mom…But anyway, how as your date with your charming prince ? » 
You sat down on the couch with your roommate, watching him play while you talked about the famous party Seonghwa asked you to attend. As you were telling him about the thing, his eyes widened and he paused his game again. 
« Wait, you’re talking about KQ Enterprise’s party ? »
« Yeah…How do you know ? » you arched a brow.
« My boyfriend works there too and he told me about it, but I refused to go. » he answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
« Wait a minute ! I thought your boyfriend was working in a bar ? »
« Y/N, it was the previous one. »
You rolled your eyes to the ceiling. You gave up about San’s love life as he was changing often.
« Okay, but since when have you been dating this guy huh ? And why you didn’t tell me ? You know Seonghwa’s working there as well »
« I forgot ! Anyway, he asked me to come too but nope, not my thing. »
« Please San, go with him ! I don’t want to go alone ! » you begged your friend.
« You won’t be alone, there’s charming prince with you »
« It’s different ! » you claimed « He’s working there ! I will feel like a stranger there, and gosh, imagine if I do something wrong ? Ugh »
« Alright alright, I will talk about it with Wooyoung » he sighed, defeated. 
« I love you San ! » you laughed, feeling victorious. « And, the name’s Wooyoung ? »
« Yeah, he’s the manager of I don’t remember which team »
The world was so small you thought for a while before you thought of Jongho.
« By the way, my brother will soon be discharged and he asked me if he could live with us for a while before taking his own place ? »
« Your brother ? Jongho ? Ooh he’s going to be soon discharged already ? Of course he can, I don’t mind. »
« Nice, I’ll let him know »
You were really glad you were going along with San and so he was with your own acquaintances. You thanked him again and went to your room. Some days passed by, and Seonghwa texted you but never talked about the famous party which made you frustrated because you were literally searching for something elegant but not expensive, which was impossible. Until one day when you came back home after your classes. 
« Y/N ! You received a package » said San while passing by to his room.
« Me ? But I haven’t ordered any thing ? » you mumbled, intrigued.
San shrugged and joined you to the living room where the so called package was here on the table.
It was quite big, nicely wrapped in a white paper and black silk ribbon. 
« Open it » suggested San, curious. 
« Hey, wait, don’t you think it’s weird ? Are you sure it was for me ? »
« Are you Y/F/N ? » asked San, ironically. « Cause that’s what the delivery man asked, so I said you lived here and he left after shoving me the package. »
After a moment of hesitation, you unwrapped the package to discover a black box. You opened it to discover a pink beige dress and honestly it looked so expensive that your poor salary of part timer couldn’t even pay a quarter of it. San’s eyes widened so as yours. 
« Wait- Who is it from ?! » a bit panicking on the spot.
« I don’t know ! The guy hasn’t told me ! »
You picked up the dress to look at it closer, and gasped when you saw the brand inside.
« San- I think I’m going to faint…Yves Saint-Laurent. Can you see ?! »
« Y/N, I don’t wanna make you panic more, but look there is a card inside. »
He pointed a silky white enveloppe you took quickly to open it. 
« Dear Y/N,
I heard you were worried about the dress code of the party. Here’s a present for you. In hope to see you soon. 
CEO Kim Hongjoong. »
There was a big silence in this room, your roommate and yourself looking at each other in disbelief before San opened his mouth and closed it, probably too shocked to say something. And so you were. Why did your boyfriend’s boss sent you this dress ? And how did he know ?!
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mindofharry · 4 years
Garden Song
chapter 1 - motion sickness
It’s been two years since the divorce between Julie and Grayson. A lot has changed. Grayson wants Julie more than ever. Will she take him back?
TW: some of the stuff mentioned in this series might trigger some people. please don’t read if you get triggered easily!
“You need to leave before the boys wake up” Julie mumbled and Grayson nipped at her neck. It wasn’t meant to happen, not in this way. They got carried away — Julie was upset because of Ethan and Grayson just wanted to comfort her. So three episodes of Brooklyn nine-nine and a whole bottle of wine later, they ended up in Julies bed naked and somewhat embarrassed. It wasn’t the first time something like this happened, the night Ethan broke up with Julie, she went straight to Grayson. She didn’t even think which was why she was so frustrated.
Grayson put Julie through hell and back. With his cheating, drinking and just being a total dickhead. She’s been trying to distance herself in the nicest way possible. As you can tell, it’s not going very well.
“Hmm, i know you don’t want me to” Grayson hummed kissing down her neck.
“I don’t want you to leave, but sebastian knows what sex is. No lying anymore” Julie said with a smirk, Grayson groaned and rolled onto the ‘his’ side of the bed. It was weird for him to even say that, but he stays over here more than he does his own home. It’s safe to say, it’s his side of the bed. He wished Julie would let him stay in bed with her, instead of worrying about the boys. Julie is constantly worrying about Alexander and Sebastian, even more than she probably should.
She just doesn’t want them to get hurt again. And instead of talking with the boys and her therapist — she’s keeping it all inside and projecting it on other people. Luckily she’s made some good friends, so they know all the shit Grayson put her through. Julie met Sarah a couple months ago at a parent teacher meeting. Alexander bit her son — he’s going through a biting phase. Of course Sarah thought it was the funniest thing in the world, and now they’re both best friends. The same with Alexander and Sarah’s daughter Maria. Alexander gets all blushy around her which is the cutest thing.
Sarah would all kill Julie if she found out she was sleeping with the enemy (the enemy being grayson). Julie had too much whine, and sarah was talking about her divorce, and all it just sort of slipped out. It felt good to have another person to talk to.
“i’ll go make breakfast then?” he asked and Julie nodded getting up and pulling her silk dressing gown over her naked body. Grayson was sat up in the bed, watching her every move. “you’re undeniably sexy, you know that?” Grayson said pulling his boxers on.
Julie grinned and leaned against the bathroom door. “you’ve told me once or twice”.
Grayson sighed to himself in content as Julie hopped in the shower. He got up, only his boxers, all of his muscles and tattoos on show. He went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast. He had major deja vu. All the fights, the sex, the cheating — this kitchen had seen it all. Grayson is surprised that Julie didn’t just up and leave, he really wouldn’t of opposed at all. She deserved a happy ending, and Grayson really thought that was with Ethan.
Everyone thought that Ethan and Julie were meant to be after Grayson. That they would get married and do better.
But it was just so much worse.
No Ethan didn’t cheat or abuse her emotionally. But he promised. He promised Julie so many things, a happy life was one of them and that just didn’t happen. The first job that was thrown his way, he took it and left without so much of explanation. He just came home from the current job he had, ate the dinner Julie and the boys made him and then told Julie that night that he was leaving because he just couldn’t handle the pressure of being a dad and having a full time job he didn’t love. Of course, Julie was upset — she went straight to the person who fucking cheated on her, that’s how messed up she was after what Ethan did. And the fact that it wasn’t just for a job, it was because he wasn’t able to look after children.
Ethan promised marriage, more kids, a new home. And he gave shit, just like his brother. The Dolan twins were a drug, and Julie apparently just couldn’t get enough.
“Daddy?” a voice called out by the kitchen door. Grayson turned around with a big green to his youngest boy, Alexander. He had gotten so big after the last two years, his curls more prominent and god was he a tall five year old. Don’t get Grayson started on Sebastian — he’s like the tallest 10 year old Grayson’s ever seen. Julie always said they take after their daddy in that department.
“Hi, baby. You wanna help daddy make some pancakes for mama and Seb?” Grayson asked flipping a pancake over. Alexander nodded quickly with a smile and ran over to his dad, his favourite pink blanket now on the floor. He put his hands up, and Grayson lifted him up resting him on his hip. Julie raised such good boys, always wanting a cuddle, kiss or hug. Always listening and never fighting. The most mature boys ever. She a really good job, Grayson wished he was around more during those times.
“What are you doing up so early, little man?” Grayson asked and Alexander shrugged. “Heard you and mama” he said and Grayson pouted.
“Did we wake you?”
Alexander nodded resting his head in Grayson’s chest. “you can sleep some more” Grayson murmured kissing his forehead and continued making breakfast. About ten minutes later, alexander was up again helping grayson set the table for breakfast. “good job, buddy” Grayson grinned messing up Alexander’s hair.
Julie walked down the stairs hand in hand with Sebastian, she could smell the pancakes and coffee already. She missed having someone do this for her and the boys.
“Hey, honey” Grayson said as he saw Julie and Sebastian coming through the kitchen.
honey? that’s new.
Sebastian grinned and hugged his dad before sitting down beside his brother and digging into his pancakes. Julie walked over to grayson who was leaning against the island, drinking his coffee — still shirtless. She smirked and stood beside him.
“why don’t you stay over again tonight?” She asked and grayson smirked placing a hand on her hip. Julie bit her lip and tried to keep her breathing in check. “i’m going to fuck you so hard, Julie Dolan” grayson mumbled kissing her neck before walking off to the boys.
Julie blushed and placed her hand on her forehead. Was she flustered or nauseous? Maybe her period was on the way.
Her period..... shit. Julie opened her phone and looked at her calendar counting the weeks down.
She had missed her period. Fuck, this isn’t happening. Just went things with grayson were getting good. This has to happened — a pregnancy scare. God really was testing her. Everything was just going so well, there was no stress. They boys are happy in school and at home, they laugh and smile and they rarely cry anymore. Grayson is nicer, less stressed and such a good dad. And julie, julie is feeling amazing, like she was doing something good and right with her life. She had friends, she’s on the parents council, her and grayson have a good relationship and the boys are better than ever.
Why does this have to happen? They don’t need a pregnancy scare right now.
If she was pregnant, she knows it grayson’s as she’s only had sex with him for the past two months. Not consistently — but he is the only one shes been with since ethan.
“Mama?” Alexander called out making julie put down her phone and put on her biggest smile.
“Coming” Julie said taking the coffee Grayson made her over to the dining table where her boys are. Grayson was confused and gave her a look, but julie just smiled shaking her head.
“Eat it up, pumpkin” Julie said pushing Sebastians curls away from his eyes. Grayson smiled looking at his little family. Maybe this time, he’d get them back. No olivia, no drinking, no ethan and no surprises.
Nothing is going to get in the way of him and julie getting back together.
Sebastian and Alexander decided to spend the day with their friends down the road. They have their cousins up for the weekend so they’re having a bit of a party. Julie and Grayson want them to be out and making friends, so of course they let them go. Sebastian was a little clingy, but Alexander is a little heartbreaker. But once Sebastian saw the bouncy castle, he was ok for you and grayson to leave.
Meaning you and grayson had the house to yourselves for a couple hours.
“We’ve got the house to ourself” Julie said as she walked upstairs. Grayson followed after her like a lost puppy.
“Why don’t we take advantage of that?”
Julie took off her dress, dropping it to the ground before leaning on the bed only her matching underwear set, red, just how grayson liked it. Grayson raised an eyebrow and walked over to Julie standing in between her legs. He bent down and placed his lips on hers, Julie whimpered at his touch.
“I bet you’re already soaked” Grayson whispered dropping his hand to her panties, pulling them down. He hummed to himself as he saw her pussy glistening.
“I was right” He smirked as he watched Julie squirm. “touch me” she begged and grayson laughed to himself.
“You don’t tell me what to do” Grayson stated moving away from julie. “Now strip down and move up the bed” He said and Julie nodded quickly undoing her bra and kicking off her underwear that was already by her ankles. She felt herself down her thighs, god she needed him so much. Grayson took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him only in his black boxers, he crawled up Julies body on all fours, when he reached her stomach he placed a kiss at her belly button, then licked all the way up to her breasts.
Julie felt so vulnerable, somehow Grayson could feel that. So he pecked her lips and whispered “you’re beautiful” Julie smiled and pecked his lips. Grayson kissed down her stomach and finally, he was paying attention to Julies sex. “Well, hello” He mumbled, his breath hitting off of her core making julie moan. He parted her legs even more and buried his head in between them, kissing your thighs and stomach.
“you’re so fucking wet for me, baby” Grayson moaned as he slowly ran a finger up her slit. Julie moaned and bucked her hips at his touch. Grayson smirked at julie as began to rub the smallest, softest circles on her clit.
“Please....” Julie moaned and grayson looked up with a grin.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me”
Grayson pressed himself further into julies body, julie felt his boner through his tight boxers. “i need you gray” Julie whimpered and that was enough for him. He pulled his boxers off, nearly falling off the bed to get the condoms from the bedside tables. Once he was ready, he smirked at julie teasing her nipples a little.
Grayson placed a kiss on her lips, before easing himself into her. Julie grabbed onto his broad shoulders pushing him deeper into her. “Fuck, Jules” Grayson moaned his head falling back. Julie took this as her opportunity to turn them around so she was on top.
“Always knew you were a secret dom” Grayson teased, making julie giggle. She eased graysons cock back into her, letting out a loud moan as she began to move up and down on his cock. “fuck, faster julie” Grayson moaned, his fingers digging into her hips. “so good” Julie moaned and Grayson nodded pulling her over so he was on top again. One leg was on his shoulder, the other laying on the bed. Grayson picked up the pace, making Julie scream out loud, becoming dizzy.
“I’m gonna cum” She moaned and grayson nodded pounding into her.
“Come on, baby, cum with me”
After both coming down from their climaxes, they both laughed and grayson was in Julies arms. “This is nice” Julie said running her fingers through his messy hair. Grayson nodded a kissed her chest.
“I miss us” Grayson admitted and Julie fit a sharp pain in her stomach, nerves? Butterflies?
No, she was going to throw up. She pushed grayson off of her and ran to the bathroom, spilling her breakfast into the toilet. No, No, this isn’t happening. She is not pregnant, she’s not letting this ruin her relationship.
Grayson picked up his shirt a brought it in with him. Julie was still puking her guts out, so he just put her hair up in a hair band (the best he could) and rubbed her back. She groaned into the toilet, sitting down fully. Grayson put the shower on and helped her in it.
“You ok?” He asked washing her hair. Julie nodded smiling “think it was your pancake mix” she teased and grayson rolled his eyes washing the shampoo out of her hair. He knew her full routine — she has a lot of hair and she likes to look after it. Grayson made sure her learnt it so he could wash her hair for her when she was sick or tired.
He knew it would come in hand one day.
“I think i ate something off, last night. Haven’t done the food shop yet” She explained, not completely lying. Grayson nodded and continued to wash her hair. “I have to head home tonight to get some work done, but i can help you with the food shop tomorrow?” he asked and julie smiled at the offer.
“That would be nice, gray”
They stayed in the shower for a little while longer, just enjoying each other’s company. Grayson had to leave, but he kissed her goodbye and promised he be here early tomorrow morning and not to move a muscle, he didn’t need her puking again. Julie had a glow about her, she smiled and wore her dresses again. Her hair was looked after and her skin looked amazing. And it was such stupid silly things, but it meant the world to her. Even last year, a year after the divorce, she still didn’t feel herself.
Julie felt amazing.
After getting dressed again, she picked up her phone and called sarah.
“Hey, i need you to pick me up something”
“yeah, for sure. What do you need?” Sarah asked and Julie closed her eyes leaning against the door.
“A pregnancy test”
Sarah didn’t say anything for a few second before, nodding to herself. “I’ll be there in 10. you’ll be ok, whatever the news” Sarah reassured before hanging up. Julie dropped her phone on the bed, sighing to herself. She found herself looking in the mirror, imagining how she would look with a little bump now after changing so much.
Stay positive - pun no intended.
Sarah arrived 10 minutes later as she promised pulling out a chocolate bar and a pregnancy test. Julie smiled pulling her friend into a hug. “Thank you for doing this” Julie said and sarah nodded squeezing her friend. “Of course, Jules, i’d do anything for you” She whispered and pulled away.
“Now go take the test. And i’m here, whether it’s negative or not”
Julie walked into the bathroom and took the test, setting 3 minutes timer on her phone. She remembers doing this with alexander and sebastian, she was 19 and 21 if she remembers correctly. And she had no friends, barely had a husband. She was so alone. This time, she has mountains of people and it really doesn’t make her feel any better. Julie was a only teenager when she felt pregnant with sebastian, she planned to go to college and get her dream job. Get a big, huge home and then get married. Julie took that pregnancy test in a gas station, by herself. And she cried all night after finding out, set on getting an abortion. But grayson convinced her to keep the baby — they would be a happy family, together.
Well, now she’s a mom to two kids, divorced, sleeping with her ex husband and had sex with his brother multiple times. Life really couldn’t get any better for Julie Dolan.
3 minutes ended and she was too scared to look at the test. “Sarah, can you please just read it” Julie cried and sarah quickly came into the bathroom and looked down at the test.
“You’re pregnant, Julie”
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