Explore tagged Tumblr posts
jrooc · 4 months ago
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Thanks for the tags @blue-disco-lights @deedala and @energievie
How long have you been writing fics?
I wrote Drunk Text in March 2023. It was the first fictional thing I'd ever written
What fic are you reading right now or what was the last one you read?
I'm rereading Since We're Alone by @buffymilkovich and @lethargicmick
I'm also rereading Psychopomp by @sgtmickeyslaughter which I love.
I'm also reading @notherenewjersey's The Stylist
And Electric Blue by @goodkwuestion There's more but we could be here all day..
What fic are you most proud of?
In My Veins Like Lightning... my sports AU. I think people are hesitant 'cause it's about the random sport of cycling 😆 but I'm really proud of it. And people seem to like it if they give it a shot.
What is the last fic you wrote? Published? A New Personal Best.. my fun little olympics village hookup fic. And I'm working on something new that's.. well.. different lol
Your 3 favourite fanfic tropes:
enemies or FWB to lovers, (not a trope) but a wildly unique AU, meet ugly, trapped somewhere together probably with only one bed, hurt/comfort (did you say three?)
What is your favourite thing about writing fics?
Writing good dialogue. I hate the process as it's painful but feels so good when it clicks into place. (Least favourite? writing descriptions).
Trying to catch up on tag games!
Tagging @roryonic @ian-galagher @wehangout @thepupperino @the-rat-wins
@annarowyn @spoonfulstar @mmmichyyy @sgtmickeyslaughter @goodkwuestion
@whatthebodygraspsnot @gallawitchxx @darlingian @stocious @sam-loves-seb
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iheartmoons · 4 months ago
mood board for 'since we're alone' by @buffymilkovich and @lethargicmick on ao3!!
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When Mickey Milkovich first got to the University of Michigan he had two goals; play hockey and get drafted into the NHL. But by his junior year, he’s at risk of losing his full ride scholarship because of his slipping grades. Enter Ian Gallagher, an ambitious and fiery redhead who takes his job as Mickey’s tutor way too seriously and seems determined on making his life a living hell.
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ace-of-d1am0nds · 1 year ago
currently reading since we’re alone by @buffymilkovich and @lethargicmick and HOLY FUCKING SHIT IM SO NFSKBFKGB
this fic is so fucking good. like genuinely a novel in its own right. i’m only on chapter 23 rn but holy fucking fuck
i feel like a lot of ppl don’t always write from mickeys pov and this fic does it so fucking well and adds so many fun things going through his head that make him say and do the things he does. also the fun references to canon are so so good
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vintagelacerosette · 2 years ago
Tag game Tuesday ✨️
I' late but I this was made by the always lovely Macy @celestialmickey & I was tagged by these dear hearts Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest Lyds @ardent-fox Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy Vey @look-i-love-u Becki @francesrose3 Mikayla @xninetiestrendx Michelle @michellemisfit Julia @juliakayyy Leigh @thisdivorce Jay @surviving-maybe Leah @whatwouldmickeydo Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Melodie @sirrudo Evie @energievie Deanna @deedala Ling @lingy910y 💖
Thanksss y'all love ya 😘💕
Name: Myn
When is your birthday? 31 of July 🧡
Favourite social media platform outside of tumblr? Imma say Youtube
Do you wear makeup? Yes! Just when I go out with friends I love to do bright, colourful looks with lots of blush. I even 2 different colours on my eyes 🌈 But for for work if I can wake up earlier before I have to leave lol. Mostly do eyeliner but sometimes I do some neutrals shadows with fine sparkles ✨️
Favourite board game? Monopoly is a classic fun one
Do you have any tattoos? Not yet but a gallavich one & angel number one is on the to do list
Which of the seven deadly sins would you say you struggle with the most? Sloth the lil lazing lion in me keeps me procrastinating lol 🦁 (like with this tag & others 😅)
Best vacation you’ve ever been on? USA trip for a wedding renewal for an Aunt stayed there for a long time but it was like the vacay I wasn't having to be with my mum 24/7. I got to go out with my older cousins who could drive & we did stuff like midnight bowling, walking up a cliff to see the vegas skyline at night & getting drunk for the first time in a jacuzzi. Plus Pokemon Go just came out in australia & me & my sister helped my cousins get their account by making Australian google accounts & we walked & explored to find many pokemon 😆
Felt like the stuff of American movies haha
How do you get around town? You're girl is mostly an public transport girlie with buses, trains & getting dropped off by dad ✌️ Hopefully changing soon I booked my driving test in 2 weeks❗️❗️❗️
Describe your vibe in three words: Bubbly, pastel, creative
Share a song rec: Feeling some nostalgia so here's
Tagging these moonbeams if they wanna play & open invite for anyone else who would like to play 🥰 @scarcrosseduntouched @ian-galagher @suzy-queued @good-then-dont @chicanomick @deathclassic @grabmyboner @tomorrowillmissyou @crossmydna @too-schoolforcool @arrowflier @shameless-notashamed @sickness-health-all-that-shit @mixkeymilkovich @rereadanon @grumble-fish @y0itsbri @grumpymickmilk @lethargicmick @lee-ow @lalazeewrites
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heymacy · 2 years ago
macy!! hi!! i hope you’re doing well 💗💖💘
sooo i started yqhbr a couple days ago and just got caught up with it and omg??? im OBSESSED?!? the concept?? the writing?? the way you’ve captured the tumblr experience so perfectly?? the mere idea that mickey and ian exist on tumblr?? its all incredible and i cannot say enough good things about it or you 🤍
thank you for writing this fic and sharing it. im very much looking forward to the next chapter 🖤 and them meeting??? omgasdfghjkl
NESS OMG HI 💛 how are you?? i've missed you!!
i am so SO happy that you're reading and enjoying yqhbr! i've been having the best time writing it!! dreaming up this version of tumblr!gallavich has been such a wild ride but i'm actually so happy with how the story is shaping up — and BIG things are coming soon!!
thank YOU for reading the story and dropping by to say hi and offer up so much love, my heart is glowing!! the next chapter will be in your hands very very (very very) soon, so buckle in!!! let's watch those sparks fly baybeeeeee!!
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bravemikhailo · 3 years ago
hi val, angel! just swinging by to say hey and that i miss you and i hope you're well!! sending u love 🖤
ness!!! my dearest my MOST BELOVED 🖤🖤
I was just thinking about you and how much I miss you!! 😭 how are you what have you been up to tell me everything!!!!
this ask made my day, love you so so much 🖤
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hi, hi!! may i request 5, 8, and 27 for the tv show ask game? i hope you’re having a lovely day🖤
hello, hiii 🥰💖 it's been a pretty good day, thank you!! hope you're having a great one too ❤️
5. what’s your comfort show?
ugh I don't know that I have one in particular, and I don't tend to watch individual episodes if I'm not doing a full rewatch, buuut if pushed I'd say the office 💖
8. do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go?
well I don't usually binge-binge these days, like even if I'm watching a completed show from years ago I like to pace myself and watch a max of 3 episodes a day (I think the last show I properly binged was shameless, and that was 3 years ago?). and especially when a new season of something comes out, I don't like the fact that all the discussion around it is basically centered over one weekend and then that's it, we move on and have to wait months and months for the next one. so, all in all I prefer week-to-week, yes :)
27. which actor do you think deserves an Emmy for their work on TV?
I'm not fully up to date with which actors that I've loved watching actually have gotten an emmy ajkskds so I'll go with a safe bet and say Noel Fisher. he deserves all the awards <3
TV Show Ask Game
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movelikeyoustoleit · 3 years ago
reblog to give a strawberry to the person you reblogged this from
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shameless-notashamed · 3 years ago
sara!!! happiest of birthdays to you! 🎉🎂🥳🎈 i hope you have the most amazing day and im sending you so much love!! 🖤🥰
Dear sweet Ness! Full of so much sweetness (<- see what I did there, lol!) Thank you so much!
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My day has been phenomenal! No complaints here! And thank you for all that love, sending it right back atcha. 💖
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heymrspatel · 3 years ago
just here to give you all of these: 💘💗💞💝💓💕💖💞💝💓💕💘💗💝💖💞💕💓💝💓💕💖💞💗💓💕💘💞💗
and to tell you that you’re doing great and i love you 🖤
NESS MY LOVE! thank you for this message, it made me smile so big!
i love you so much and these are all for you: 💙💐🌻🍭🍪💌💚💙💐🌻🍭🍪💌💚💙💐🌻🍭🍪💌💚
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gallawitchxx · 2 years ago
2022 gallavich fandom faves 🤘🏼🖤
at the end of the year, i tasked a ton of us with picking some favorite creations from this year (& beyond!) & BOY DID Y'ALL DELIVER! here's what's sticking with us as we begin another fabulous year of making stuff about ian & mickey:
fics we're looking forward to re-reading 📚:
Sweetpea & The Switch-Up by @whatthebodygraspsnot 
These Foolish Games by @suzy-queued
Dancing after Death  by @squidyyy23
That's a Wrap by @crossmydna
OnlyFans series by @gallavichgeek 
Intro to Quantum Dating by @spoonfulstar
M8TE by @gallawitchxx
Change Like Shifting Shadows by @thisdivorce
Not so Secret Santa by @sweetbee78
Your Question Has Been Received by @celestialmickey
Since We're Alone by @buffymilkovich & @lethargicmick 
Catch a Spark, Start a Flame by @shannee10 and @o-on
Proud (Outro) by @twinklyylights
Meet the Neighbours series by @arrowflier
Ian Gallagher And All Of His Mistakes by toraten
Like Real People Do, Cooperative Gameplay & Things Beyond Mistake by grayola
The Captain of My Soul by lilbatfacedgirl
Hooking Up With Feelings by @peppermintkatie
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher, Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace & You Can Bite Me by @goodkwuestion
None The Wiser by @loftec
Restoration by @palepinkgoat
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art we can't stop thinking about 🎨:
Roadtrip Boys, Hickey Mickey, Shibari Ian & “More of a grape guy, huh…” (Sweetpea) by @heymrspatel
You're Under My Skin, Man, “Show Me What You’ve Got Tough Guy ;)”, & Sweetpea by @milkovski 
You're Under My Skin Shirt, Man by @gallawitchxx
Ask Box Christmas Cards by @deathclassic
Westside Mornings by @mikhailoisbaby
Kinktober Series by @suzy-queued
Commissions by @mariemarion
Sweethearts by @psychicskulldamage
Priest Ian, Rosary Hands & Mornin' Sleepyhead by @mishervellous
All the Mickeys by @spoonfulstar
1 year Anniversary Collection by @galladrabbles
Gallavich Kinktober 2022 by @darthvaders-wife
Mirror Selfie by @steorie
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until next year! xx
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galladrabbles · 2 years ago
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Dear wonderful Shameless Fandom,
Here it is! Our very first and very best Galladrabbles Collection. As a thank you for the last year we compiled amazing drabbles written by the Galladrabbles Crew.
And, as the cherry on top of the ice-cream sundae of awesomeness that are your writing and reblogs and tag comments... There's a ton of incredible new exclusive Galladrabble fanart for you - created by artists among the drabble writers.
Just click the pink link and enjoy!
Galladrabbles Anniversary Collection
We know we do. There have been tears and squeals. Not gonna lie. And we truly hope you love this as much as we do. As much as we love you.
Sending you many hugs and kisses and here's to the second year of drabbles!!
Evie and Vey 💕
@ardent-fox @arrowflier @auds-and-evens @bravemikhailo @celestialmickey @clingymickey @crossmydna @depressedstressedlemonzest @doodlevich @drvnkinlove @energievie @flamingbluepanda @freefallling @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @grumble-fish @heyheyusedtobemynickname @heyitsropi @howlinchickhowl @ianandmickeygallavich @ianmewkovich @iansfreckles @ianstummy @iansw0rld @imikhailotakeyouian @jomilky @lethargicmick @lizelandre @look-i-love-u @metalheadmickey @mikhailoisbaby @milkovetti @milkovski @mininusketears @mishervellous @mmmichyyy @mzshko
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buffymilkovich · 2 years ago
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since we're alone chapter twenty-six: take my hand
#college au #hockey player mickey #tutor ian #slow burn #enemies to friends to idiots to lovers
chapters: 26/27
chapter word count: 7.2k // total word count: 246.4k
click here to read chapter twenty-six; click here to read from the beginning
@lethargicmick ♥️
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ace-of-d1am0nds · 1 year ago
tag game wednesday even tho it’s thursday now!
ty @energievie for the tag
choose a fandom: the magicians
how did you first hear about it? my friend in my creative writing class in sophomore year of high school told me about the show
do you own any merch? i own a box set of the books but that’s it. i have so many liked things on etsy tho
what thing involving this fandom do you think non fans would be surprised to hear? it’s funnier than the dark themes would imply. but that might just be me choosing to focus on the good parts
favorite character: kady
in 5 words explain why they’re your fav: hot, complicated past, badass, real
choose another fandom: shameless
what’s your least favorite thing about the source material? they did some of these mfs dirty lemme just say
favorite ship: gallavich (obviously)
best fanfic: tie between since we’re alone by @buffymilkovich and @lethargicmick on ao3 and the menagerie by @crossmydna also on ao3
describe the vibe of the fandom in 5 words: kind, talented, welcoming, did i say talented?, divided?
what’s your name backwards? eca
tell me how old you are the way a three year old might: i’m this many ✌🏻✊🏻
what’s your favorite ice cream? chocolate chip
tell me something you wish more people knew about you: i wish ppl would stop being surprised i’m latine just cuz i’m white
where is home for you? that is a complicated question
if you could be an anthropomorphized stuffed animal, what would you want to be? yk those long squishmallow cats. those guys
the movie you wish everyone would watch: oh i’m a film major u can’t ask me that without an hour long conversation about how the greatness movies is subjective
what makes you really emotional lately? maybe tmi but i’m on mood stabilizers and anti psychotics so not a lot lately
are you okay? see above question
it’s a day late so i’m not gonna tag anyone but ty for the tag anyway!
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heymacy · 3 years ago
MACY!! hi🥰
i hope ur having the loveliest of days!!
wheel of fortune and the fool for the tarot ask game pls✨🖤
ness!! my sweet ness!! i'm having a pretty decent day so far, thank you! cozied up on the couch watching American Ultra and talkin' to y'all so zero complaints on my end 😍 i hope you're having an equally lovely and cozy day!!
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
"Superbad" by Relaye
"Bardot" by Raffaella
"Losing My Mind" by Party Favor and Elohim
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
not really! my wife has pet names for me (they're embarrassing and we will not be getting into that lmao) but my government name doesn't allow for a lot of nickname possibilities. my name on Animal Crossing is "spacemace" and i think that's the closest we're ever gonna get 😭
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bravemikhailo · 3 years ago
VAL🥰 i just came by to tell u how OBSESSED i am with ur new user?? like excuse me? its so perfect??
love u🖤
ness!!!! 💞✨💕✨💕 you’re so cute ahhhhh 😭 love you so much! I think it’s perfect for mickey and I’m happy you like it 🥰🥰
I also love how we all agree that mickey is the bravest boy ever 😌 I love brave mickey hours
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