elhawke · 10 years
✭ what is one of their favorite items?
Her coat. It belonged to her father and obviously was never tailored to fit her. She prefers it that way. It looks fairly thin from years of wear and has patches on the elbows, but it's soft and cozy. She likes to wrap herself up in it and pretend that her father's hugging her.
❧ describe their usual sleeping position
Semi-sprawled out, with her arms wrapped tight around her pillow and one foot hanging off the side of the bed.
❤ describe how they show affection.
Hugs. El's definitely a hugging cuddly type of person. She will hug all of her friends/family whenever allowed.
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taboopromise · 10 years
Throat: What is your muse’s greatest fear?
Hurting everyone that they love and not being able to rectify any wrongs or hearts he broke in the process. (Which ttly happens near the middle end-ish of the blight for him soo. Yup. Good job Toulius)
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chandeliersavant · 10 years
He looked up and wasn't all surprised at what he saw. Fenris couldn't help but chuckle, though. "Having fun up there, Sandal?" he called to the dwarf currently swinging on the chandelier.
Sandal hooted merrily, his grip on the chandelier's bronze arm sure and steady as he swung back and forth, pumping his legs to try and gain the maxiumum distance that he could. He grinned down at Fenris, kicking his feet in lieu of a wave. Bodahn had said that Master Hawke would be out for the day, and so neither of the dwarves had expected to see any of the Champion's companions--but he wasn't sad to see Fenris visit. The Song thrummed around him, purring like some great beast, and Sandal had always thought that he and Fenris might be friends. At the very least, Fenris seemed to have  no problem with looking him in the eye.                              "Hello!" he called down, acknkowledging the elf's presence and trying to let him know that he would be down in just a minute. He carefully switched his grip, turning in place even as the chandelier swung back and forth, aiming to jump back onto the second floor balcony. A maneuver he had performed countless times--as the dust, or lack thereof, on the various arms of the enormous lighting fixture could attest--and yet, today, it seemed a flawless execution was not in order. The Song twanged through his head in warning just as his right hand slipped, and he found himself dangling by one arm, the shift in momentum setting the chandelier to twisting slightly. He looked down at the floor, at the elf; up at his hand.                                           "...Oop!"
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6, 9, 13, 16
Munday v4
6. Favourite band
Honestly, this one is so tough—it’s a toss-up. I’d have to say either Great Big Sea—a Newfoundlander group that does pop/rock/folk, a mix of their own original material and traditional Newfoundlander songs—or Kamelot, a power metal band. 
9. Tattoos I want/have
I don’t really have any more tattoos I want—I’ll think of some ideas now and then in idle thought, but I don’t think I’d ever get another one. I have a line of footprints up my left shoulder that I got when I was in Thailand, and while I’ll never regret it, I don’t think I could go through that again (the tattoo as it is is technically incomplete—there was supposed to be text to go with it but I chickened out). If I was to get another tattoo—probably something in Elvish. Because it’s me. 
13. Life goals
AHAHAHAHAH //runs screaming
No, but in all honestly—I don’t really know. I’d love to work as a writer for Bioware—who among us wouldn’t, let’s be real—but I don’t know how much of a chance there is of that happening. My life’s dream would be to work full time as a conlang consultant, or to go back to school and get a degree in Paleontology, but who knows if that will happen. Right now, my goal is to one day finish my Sommelier certification and open my own tea shop, create my own brand and blends. 
16. Favourite movie
Already answered!
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