#let's just hope I won't be shadow ban
So even mantits and chomping nips are not allowed here?
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storiesofmyhead · 2 months
A Missing Seraphim Angel
Summary: When Alastor's Wife is taken from him and turned into a Seraphim Angel. He is stunned to see that she is right back is his arms 10 years later.
Word Count: 1,775
Hope you like it! Please reblog it means a lot. Also thinking about making a part 2. Let me know if you would like one. :)
"Sera please." The younger girl begged, her eyes big while she pouted at the older sister.
"No, Opal." Sera scolded, shaking her head at the crazy idea. Her wings, pure and glistening with divine light, folded tightly against her back, a symbol of her unwavering resolve.
"Why not? I don't see what the big deal is. It's only a little visit." The desperation in Opal's voice was clear, her own wings twitching with frustration under her robe.
"I've already said no once, and I will not say it again. You were brought up here because God believed that you were sent down by accident, and now you are one of the most prestigious angels. If you go down there and are spotted and recognized, you will be killed on sight. Now do not ask again." Sera's voice softened at the end, a plea for understanding beneath her stern exterior.
Opal groaned an angered groan and stormed out of the room. "Fine, if you won't let me go down willingly, then I'll just find a way down myself." She huffed, slamming the door behind her.
Storming to her room, she closed the door aggressively before taking a deep breath. "If only she knew the reason, then maybe she'd let me go. Maybe I should ask again. But if I ask again, then she'll get even more mad, and I'd never have another chance." She rambled, pacing back and forth. "If I get banned from Heaven, so be it. I don't care anymore. I just want to see my husband again." Opal could feel the tears well up in her eyes as she thought about the moment she was ripped away from him.
The overlord and his wife walked side-by-side down the sidewalk, sinners of all kinds scattering the second the two came into view. The dark, oppressive atmosphere of Hell was a stark contrast to the warmth Opal remembered from Heaven. "Oh Al, could we please go see Rosie? I haven't seen her in forever." Opal pouted jokingly at her husband, whose smile grew softer as his eyes darted down to his wife's expression.
"Of course we can, doll. I'm sure Rosie has missed you as well." The static in his voice grew softer, a sign of his excitement to see his old friend and wife spend time with each other once more. His crimson eyes glowed with a rare gentleness as he looked at her.
As they headed towards Cannibal Town, the normal echo of screams grew in size and sound. Tugging on her husband's coat, she glanced up at him, her delicate features contorted with worry. "Do you hear that? Don't the screams sound louder than normal?"
"Don't worry, my dear. I'm sure it's just some idiotic sinners." He said, brushing off her worry, hoping his words would make her feel better. His tall, imposing figure cast a long shadow, but it was a shadow she felt safe within.
Sighing, she nodded. "I guess you're right." Her lips pulled into a smile as she looked up at him, laying her head on his shoulder as they continued their walk, the entrance to Cannibal Town in the distance.
Looking up, she let her eyes wander, full trust in her husband to lead her out of any danger. While her eyes wandered, they suddenly focused on a small hole that was now opening up in the sky. Pulling his coat, her face filled with worry, he glanced down at her, their movements stopping.
"What is wrong, my dear?" He asked, his smile dropping by the second as he listened to her breaths quicken. His hands grabbed her sides, rubbing up and down to comfort her.
"Look," she said, pointing up at the sky as exterminators flew down, their golden armor gleaming ominously in the dark sky.
The normal amount of static he emitted tripled in size. She watched as his shadows covered the two until there was nothing left to the outside. Whimpering, her arms wrapped around his waist, his around her head and waist as he cradled her head into his chest.
But before the two could be transported back to his broadcasting tower, a light struck through the shadow shield. Both of their heads shot to the light in worry and fear of what would happen.
"Ahh, Opal Altruist. I have been looking for you everywhere." A voice called from the other side of the shield.
The light now clearing out as Alastor's shadows were broken through and dissipated. The figure known as Adam stood before them, a cocky smirk on his face. His wings, large and pristine, signified his high rank among the exterminators. Alastor stood, pulling his wife behind him, readying himself to fight off the first man.
"What do you want, Adam?" Alastor snarled, his static so loud it was hard to hear anything. His red eyes burned with anger, his shadows writhing around them protectively.
"All I need is the girl and we'll all leave." Adam said, his arms folded across his chest, his tone condescending and authoritative.
"Why?" Alastor snarled once more, wanting to know the reason for the angel's appearance in Hell. It couldn't just be for his wife. Right?
Adam sighed dramatically before speaking again. "Opal has been called upon by God himself to become one of his prestigious seraphim angels. Do not ask me why he has chosen a disgusting sinner, because I do not know. But I am going to be taking her now, so."
Before the two knew it, Opal and Adam had disappeared along with all of the other angels. It was as if they had never been there. Alastor stood shocked and angry. Growling, his static grew to a volume of white noise. Sinners screamed in pain at the noise, as Alastor grew to a demonic form, his tentacles reaching out, throwing and ripping apart other sinners in his rage.
Creating her own small portal, Opal quietly stepped through and entered the world she once called home. Turning her head, she watched the portal close slowly until it became nothing. Finally letting her eyes wander to take in where she was, familiarity hit her as the setting she was in was one of bad memories.
"Al~" She sighed sadly, her head moving into the thoughts of where her husband could be in this moment. Would he be happy to see her? Of course he would be, she is his wife. Right? It had been ten years since the two had seen each other. Would he still be as in love with her as he was ten years ago?
The thoughts of Alastor had her worried and excited at the same time. Wandering around the streets, she made sure her wings were concealed in her coat, as anyone could notice as the look of seraphim wings were separate from any other.
Looking down the street, she noticed the sign that read 'Cannibal Town'. A smile grew quickly onto her face as her legs carried her towards the entrance.
Her head took in the town, her looking for the house Rosie resided in. Though once her eyes landed on a big-looking mansion, she knew that that had to have been where Rosie was.
Pushing through the door, her eyes landed on Rosie, who sat in the small circular open cubby between her large staircases. Running to the old woman, who still surprisingly hadn't noticed her entrance.
"Rosie!" Opal exclaimed, her voice filled with joy and relief.
Rosie, now noticing the woman she hadn't seen in a decade, gasped and stood quickly. "Opal?!" Her arms immediately wrapped around the younger woman's body, pulling her into a warm hug. "Where have you been? Alastor has been a mess without you, sweetheart." She said, before gasping once more. "Alastor. Oh. He will be overdelighted when hearing about your return."
Opal could feel the tears welling up in her eyes already at the thought of seeing her husband once again. "Where is he? Do you know?" She asked desperately, her voice trembling.
Hearing a shattering noise behind her, Opal's body snapped around. A sob wracked through her body, her hands flying to her mouth.
"Doll?" His rough, crackly voice echoed in her head. The small white teacup that was once in his hands now lay smashed into a thousand tiny pieces on the ground.
"Oh Al-" She sobbed, running up to him and jumping into his arms, which tightly wrapped around her waist.
Her head leaned back as she planted her lips on his quickly and aggressively, his rough lips matching hers with equal fervor. Pulling back, he placed small kisses all over her face, causing her to giggle through her tears.
"What happened? Where did you go? Where did that bastard take you?" He quickly asked, staring into her eyes so deeply that she was speechless.
"I'm a Seraphim Angel." She blurted, unknowing of what to say, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions.
"What?" His grin, which had almost always been on his face, dropped.
"God chose me as one of his Seraphim angels. I don't know why or how, but-" Her voice was cut off by Alastor's as he shook his head.
"My love, I don't know what to say. But what I do know is that you are not leaving me again." He stated, leaving no room for discussion.
Shaking her head, she agreed with him. "I'm never leaving you ever again."
While the two shared a special moment, Rosie stood behind them, a smile on her face as she watched her favorite beloved couple reunite.
"Rosie, my dear. I will be taking my leave now." Alastor's voice broke Rosie out of her trance as she nodded understandingly.
"Of course. You two have so much to catch up on. But do come back so we can talk." Rosie winked at the two, before watching them leave.
"Are you ready to go see your new home, my darling?" Alastor asked his wife as he looked down at her, love filling his eyes and his smile soft.
"Mhm." She hummed and nodded, her smile bright and big.
Shadows covered the happy reunited couple as they held each other close, her head laying on his chest while his hands lay on her hips.
Once the shadows uncovered the couple, Opal took in the setting. A large open red hotel called 'Hazbin Hotel' stood before them, its neon sign flickering ominously. The building was imposing, yet there was a sense of warmth and familiarity that made her feel at ease.
"Welcome to your new home, my dear." Alastor said softly, his voice filled with pride and love.
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Andrew Doyle: So the Gay Men's Network official response to the Cass review is now live, it is subtitled "Towards a Vision of Post-Gender Gay Rights," and it describes the Cass review as a devastating account of an unprecedented homophobic medical scandal in the NHS and private health sphere. And here to discuss it, I'm joined by Dennis Kavanagh, the lawyer and director of the Gay Men's Network. Welcome Dennis.
So, let's start with your report from the Gay Men's Network. What is your response, in a nutshell, to the Cass review?
Dennis Kavanagh: Our response is basically this. That this is a sad day for the gay rights movement. Cass is a reality check and it's shown us that for decades now, homosexuality has in effect been medicalized at the NHS. You and I've spoken before about the fact that 90% of the kids at the Tavistock were same sex attracted.
Doyle: Which has been confirmed by the Cass review.
Kavanagh: Precisely that. So, we say this. We say this is a shocking indictment of gay politics and of the gay rights movement generally. Particularly in view of the fact that the very people who should have been protecting gay youth, principally Stonewall, weren't just abandoned, didn't just abandon their post, they joined the opposition forces, when they should have been standing up for these kids.
Doyle: And what do you think their response will be now? I know Stonewell put out a kind of unclear statement, sort of saying we accept the findings of the Cass review. But it wasn't that clear, was it?
Kavanagh: They've had two statements. They put out a tweet saying that they accepted the Cass review. Their own supporters then turned on them fairly viciously to express their displeasure with it. They've now released a longer statement in which they're scrabbling around in the Cass review for crumbs of hope, saying, well it's not a blanket ban on puberty blockers because there're still a possibility of a clinical trial, for example.
But Stonewall need to get real on this. This is over now. Dr. Cass has called time on this homophobic medical scandal. The sitting Secretary of State, the shadow Secretary of State for Health have accepted Cass. It's time for Stonewall to do the same, actually show some leadership and some concern for gay youth.
I would make this point if I may, Andrew. That statement from Stonewall, it didn't have the word gay or lesbian in it once. That's a powerful indication there.
Doyle: Okay, well it might be worth just reading out what Stonewall said they said, "Dr. Cass has not called for adolescents to have their right to their Identity or autonomy removed. Nor did Dr. Cass recommend the blanket ban on social transitioning for children of any age. Most significantly, Dr. Cass did not support unilateral 'outing' of trans young people by schools. There are clear gaps between recommendations and practical policy, and we're already hearing early reports of Dr Cass's analysis of - and recommendations about - social transitioning being used to challenge trans people's right to Identity."
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But it's interesting as you say, Dennis, they don't mention the key issue here, which is their failure to stand up for gay and lesbian youth.
Kavanagh: Yeah, and what a gloss on the Cass report that is. If you look at what the Cass report actually says that social transitioning, says where this occurs, there should be reference to a clinician almost immediately because it's not a neutral act. You won't find that in the Stonewall response, because Stonewall don't seem to care about concretizing cross-sex ideation, predominantly among homosexual young population.
Doyle: But they have bought into this idea that everyone is born with a gender identity and that that might be misaligned to the body. So, this is a belief system that is now so embedded in Stonewall, isn't it time that Stonewall was just no longer taken seriously?
Kavanagh: I entirely agree. In 2015, Stonewall added the T to the LGB under the leadership of Ruth Hunt, who promised everyone she wasn't going to do that but performed a vault fast. Which is why she's now facing, in the wake of this medical scandal, she's now facing a petition started by the author Simon Edge, which is coming up on, I think, 16,000-odd signatures, a petition to remove her from the House of Lords.
Doyle: I know you say that it's time's up now thanks to Cass, but isn't it going to be tough? And the reason I say that is there are still so many prominent gay and lesbian celebrities and groups and politicians, who are saying that they're standing up for Stonewall, who are standing up for the idea that kids may have a misaligned soul and body. And actually, given the prominence of those people, maybe voices like yours are the minority here.
Kavanagh: Well, that may or may not be the case, but what matters here is not the weight of numbers. What matters here is who is right about safeguarding these children. And if I'm one voice in 100, I don't care, if I'm right. I do think Stonewall are losing purchase in the public sphere, though. I do think politicians are beginning to realize that something has gone very, very seriously wrong here. It is heartening to see a cross-party consensus of serious politicians from the main, the larger parties embracing Cass and saying that a post-Cass NHS should effectively entirely rid itself of this poisonous ideology.
Doyle: And will it be taken up by the politicians? I mean, I know Alicia Kearns was adding an amendment to the criminal justice bill to try and ban what she calls "trans conversion therapy," but actually Cass specifically refers to this, saying that actually, this should not be mistaken, this should not be confused in the way that she's doing. She doesn't name Alicia Kearns, but she says that it is a common confusion.
Kavanagh: Yeah, and we've drawn this to Alicia Kearns's attention. We actually produced a briefing notes at Gay Men's Network on that amendment to the criminal justice bill. We've drawn Dr. Cass's comments to her attention. So far, we've heard absolutely nothing. Miss Kearns seems to think it's fine to speak over and speak for gay men, when gay men are telling her, look there's a problem with this piece of legislation and it has the capacity to harm gay boys.
Doyle: What I don't understand is so many of these people, they all agree that Section 28 was this terrible thing and the idea of the so-called promotion of homosexuality in schools, it should never have happened. And here they are presiding over something which is arguably even worse.
Kavanagh: Yeah, I agree it is an absurd situation and it is Orwellian, frankly, for them to be introducing such homophobic legislation and then telling us that it's a gay conversion ban. As we've discussed before, that is precisely the opposite of what it is. What it is, is state sanctioned conversion by gender and criminal penalties for doctors that don't go along with it. We call upon Alicia Kearns to withdraw this silly homophobic amendment, and we call on the Scottish government to scrap their proposed piece of legislation, which is even worse than the Kearns amendment.
Doyle: Is it time to divide LGB and T?
Kavanagh: Yes. Our interests have been demonstrated now to be entirely contrary to each other. And look, we are different protected characteristics, right. The those who have the gender reassignment characteristic under the Equality Act, good luck to them, and they of course should have rights in law. No one's opposed to that. But this force-teaming, this marriage cannot work, and it's become an abusive relationship.
Doyle: I don't understand because I saw Jeremy Corbyn speak this week, saying that there is no LGB without the T. How can it be the case that gay people who want to organize in their own interests should be connected automatically to the belief in a gender identity, which is a completely separate thing to sexual orientation? Does he not, has he not even talked to people about this, or attempted to understand?
Kavanagh: It's just another straight man telling us how to organize. How dare? How dare he stand up and say, you gays, you can't organize unless you force-team with a bunch of other people that I, a straight man, have chosen for you? Jeremy Corbyn has no right to say that to us. He doesn't understand this issue. He doesn't understand that our interests are sometimes contradictory, as is demonstrated by this global homophobic medical scandal.
Doyle: Now I wanted to ask you about an open letter that has been put together by James Esses, who's a campaigner, and this is a letter which has a number of signatories including yourself, and I should say for complete transparency, including myself. And this is calling on the government to have a full investigation into the impact of gender identity ideology in all aspects of public life. Can you tell us a bit more about that?
Kavanagh: Sure, I can tell you I'm one of the three directors of Gay Men's Network, all three of us have signed this and we support James's efforts here. We also call for a public inquiry in our consultation response. We invite ministers to consider their powers under Section One of the 2005 Inquiries Act, which is established to deal with areas of public concern. Well, what more could be of public concern than a medical scandal where the harm is disproportionately visited on defenceless children? If that's not a matter of public concern, I don't know what is. We need to get gender ideology out of the public sphere. We've got an NHS calling, insulting women by calling them uterus-havers. We've got the BBC teaching kids there's 100 genders. We've got the CPS introducing-- or proposing, two-tier prosecution standards in the case of sex by deception, which we've discussed in the past. We got Kemi Badenoch saying, across the floor of the Commons, I was told by my officials, her civil servants, that I shouldn't meet with Keira Bell, and we know that that meeting had a fundamental effect on that minister.
Doyle: That's a detransitioner.
Kavanagh: That's right. Keira Bell, who heroically and courageously brought the case of Bell and Tavistock a judicial review. So, we support James's call for there to be a public inquiry. This ideology has run riot. None of us voted for it. None of us got a say in this. And yet, it seems to have infested all areas of public life. We're sick of it because, as we can see with Cass, this is not an academic debate, right. It's not the Judith Butlers and the gendercrats and, you know, the Stonewall's CEOs at their black-tie dinners who pay the price for this. Who pays the price? Vulnerable kids. Autistic kids. Kids that are looked after. This is not okay. We need to deal with this.
Doyle: And you make the point about it not being democratic. It is in both parties. You know, this is the-- we can't vote this out. There's no way. So, is it likely that a public consultation or investigation will happen?
Kavanagh: Well, we shall see. We're making the case for it, that's all we can do for the time being. James has amassed a very impressive list of signatories from all sides of the House. We've got to get real about this. This is a medical scandal without equal. This was gay conversion 2.0 at the Tavistock. Lives have been ruined by this. Evidence from the Mayo Clinic in America just last week suggests that boys given puberty blockers have testicular atrophy, so the tissue in the testicles is degrading, and an increased cancer risk. That's where "gender" has led us to. There's going to-- heaven forbid, but it does seem likely that we're going to end up with some boy walking around now, probably in America going to end up with cancer in his testicles because of these clowns and what they unleashed on defenceless children.
Doyle: Finally, Dennis, could you tell us where we can read your full response to the Cass review?
Kavanagh: Sure. The full response is available at www.gaymensnetwork.com under Letters and Resources.
Doyle: Dennis Kavanagh, thanks ever so much for joining me.
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cor-lapis-candy · 2 years
Being the favourite patient of Dottore
A repost from my old blog that was shadow banned.
Okay, but what if we feed the idea of Dottore mayyybe having a favourite patient, and mayyybe be falls on the yandere side of things with them, like there are no records of you bar the initial entry documents, a few minor experiment logs and a sighting or two by lab assistants, just enough to let everyone know your not dead or dying yet not enough for anyone else to try an have you for one of their tests, before having you be swept away to whatever test or lab he had sequestered you in.
Being kept under sedation most days and only waking to see one of the segments bringing you food and feeding the idea that your post-op and in recovery, there is nothing to worry about and that your doctor will be in to check on you in a few, upping whatever is being dripped into you and waiting till you drop back into sleep before wandering off to continue working.
Maybe his hands shake for the first time in years when he comes to see you, drinking in how you look in the bare minimum patients of his get the thin cloth gown giving him such giddy enjoyment at the sight of you so bare yet still covered.
Fighting off the want to mark up your skin, to burry his teeth in the meat of your thigh as he pushes your legs open, gloves thrown away for the moment as he knew no one would be coming through those doors, no one but perhaps one of his segments and they can't truly judge him.
No matter how many times he wet his lips they still felt dry, as if the sight of you, chest rising and falling so softly was enough to make him need to lick his lips but maybe he wouldn't need to, maybe he could, he could just kiss you, feel your lips against his own and use your spit to wet his lips.
While your lips are slightly chapped, they felt like heaven to him, a perfect mix that would drive him wild, so he would devour every touch of your lips that he could, hands firm as they roamed down your hips dragging against every line and bump, every mark that smattered your skin as he finally drags his fingers to the apex of your thighs, hoping that you would still be able to respond, to enjoy this even in the sleepy haze of drugs.
There was never a moment he had felt missplaced fear like this, not when your eyes had flickered and slipped open and looked at him, slurring words and whining as your mind took stock of the feeling of his fingers working you open, the rough material of his slacks against the back of your thighs, the lack of warm breath fanning across your face as he leaned over you, his face a mess of blurring muted colors and bright blue streaked movement.
"Shhh, Shhh, It's just a check up your surgery was a success, Now we only need to make sure everything is okay, back to sleep- that's it... It's okay, it's all okay, just let your doctor check you over, You'll let me do that won't you? Make sure nothing goes wrong, and that your kept perfect-nothing if not perfect for me..."
The mumbling and whines die off as he fiddles with the drip and increases the sedative, the moment your limp and back in that soft state is all he needs before moving to press further into you, eager to have you more fully than ever before, and the short moment you had been awake, had said his title as you woke was all he needed to finally go through with the final claim on you, to pull back and shuffle his slacks down just enough to free his cock, to sigh with the satisfaction of just how much of you was going to be his.
Lets think about this, cause I am.
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The Abyss: He's not that stupid, is he?
Juliano: *takes its deal while having a mental break and believing that if he does this, it won't affect anyone else he loves*
Abyss: *looks into the camera, eyebrows raised*
Juliano, watching shadows grab him: I'm about to do what's called a pro-gamer move.
Phobos, softly: Don't.
Luigi: Mario was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Mario: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Luigi: Mario, you ate the kitchen.
Tulip, rummaging through her old desk: I remember when I was little, my mom said that I couldn't get my tetanus shot unless I got perfect marks on every assignment leading up to that day.
SMG7: What.. what did you do?
Tulip, tossing up papers that all have perfect marks on them: FUCKING STUDIED, I GUESS.
Melony: I slept for almost 12 hours, but I might still be tired, so let's go for 12 more just in case.
Meggy: Melony, that's a coma.
Melony: Sounds festive.
Luigi: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Bob: I'm as sure as I am honest.
Luigi: In that case, we're definitely lost.
SMG4: Lily, keep an eye on Coding today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Lily: Sure, I’d love to see LC get punched.
SMG4: Try again.
Lily, sighing: I will stop LC from getting punched.
Meggy: I'm so tough, I'm on alert even when there's no danger!
Dr. Avis: That's PTSD.
Dr. Pheobe: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Juliano: Thank you!
Dr. Pheobe: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Juliano: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
SMG3: Do you really think they can handle preheating the oven?
Forum: I would hope so!
*The sound of the kitchen lighting on fire, followed by Domain's cursing and Meggy's shrieking, can be heard*
Forum: *slowly crushes the object he's holding* .. I have a sudden passion project for putting Meme Logic into an actual body, tying it up, and hitting it with a wrecking ball.
Irene: How do you usually get them all focused on something whenever you have something else to do?
Juliano: Watch.
Juliano, to the rest of the Avatars: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Avatars: *immediately begin arguing*
Irene, watching in horror: Oh, this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
Lil Coding: I think Houdini did something like this once!If I remember right, he was out of the hospital in no time!
Cody, deadpan: Well, that's encouraging.
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Jorah Mormont x stark!OC (Oneshot)
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A/N: Guys, it is time for my third Jorah Story (He is my favorite one to write about). This time with a Stark. We will see. Hope ya enjoy it and have a great evening/day.
This Story sets in the 5th Season of Game of Thrones! Minor Spoilers ahead!
Warnings: minor spoilers of S5, fluff, mentions of sexual content (not necessarily in it)
Words: 719
She sighed. The heavy breath of the whore on her lap was warm and the only sound you could hear. The room was filled with complete silence.
The whore in her arms was asleep. She tried to put her down.
She was kind of heavy and she didn´t want to wake her up.
She got out of bed and put her clothes on. Once again, she did it and regretted it. The hall was filled with laughter and some special sounds. At one Table at the end of the room, in the darkness of shadows, she could see a pair of blue eyes staring at her or at some point behind her. She didn´t know it, it was too far. She couldn´t move she was in a stare and captivated by the urgency that emanated from those eyes.
"Ann, we should go now. You had your fun long enough."
A deep voice behind her raised as she were in other dimensions.
"Chris, please tell me: Who is this man, down there in the dark corner?"
"Some People say he is a sailor or probably a widower. But in my opinion, he looks like a lost soldier. Have you seen the blazon on his belt? A bear. If you know the house from behind the sea you will know him."
"A Mormont."
"Yes, most of the male Mormonts are dead. Jeor Mormont died behind the wall. He doesn´t seem so old. Probably his son. There are stories about him. He should have sold slaves and got banned by Eddard Stark so he had to leave."
"Chris I know the stories."
Chris smiled at her.
"I forgot, My Lady, you are a Westeron."
She smiled.
"We should go now."
She nodded and gave him a sign that she will follow him in a few seconds.
The man still stared at her. Once again, she felt like he was watching her.
She turned around as she felt a strange hand on her back. She let a little scream out.
"My Lady, I don´t wanna scare you. You Probably know my name. An old friend of mine wanna see you."
A master of Meeren was behind her. An old customer. She nodded.
He pushed her right to the strange man.
"My Lord."
The Master curtsied and left.
"My Lady, I didn´t wanna scare you."
"But you did."
"I know, and I am very sorry about that. Please take a seat."
She sat down, and her view flowed over him. His blond hair was tousled, and under his eyes, he had dark circles. He looked like he had less sleep in the last weeks.
"I saw you, and I just wanted to talk with you. My name is Ser Jorah Mormont. Please tell me what a Northern woman does here in Volantis?"
She looked puzzled.
"How does an old man like me know things like that? Very easy: I saw the blade of your sword as you put it back in its sheath. You are a Stark? aren´t you?"
She nodded and looked down. With this gesture, she looked like a little child.
"I was born as a Stark and was raised as a Stark, but I was never a real Stark."
His eyes widened, and his grip around his beer tightened.
"You are the twin of Jon Snow."
She hadn´t to say anything. He knew it.
"I sailed down to the east after the death of my father. I was hired as a mercenary. I was trained by the best soldiers in the north, so they took me. I got into a group of beginners, and we had the mission to stay alive and do what our customers wanted. We did everything. A few weeks ago I heard about the last Targaryen and that she wanted to get to the Iron Throne. I wanted to see her. We traveled to Volantis. So here we are."
He smiled.
"My Lady Stark, I think you've found a new companion."
He smiled a huge smile and his eyes sparkled.
"My friends won't appreciate you."
"They will I promise."
Both smiled a huge smile. For the first time in centuries, her eyes sparkled again. For the first time, she thought she got a friend. For the first time, she felt a new feeling, something out of friendship.
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naruthandir · 2 years
Galadriel rejected the ring because she saw Sam's heart, and she saw naught but a little garden... I think she realized then that she didnt want a kingdom of her own anymore.
She came to middle earth wishing to become a queen. She defied the great powers of the world, she rebelled out of greed, in a good part, and for that she was exiled. And she saw firsthand the consequences of such rebellion, when her uncle slain her mother's kin in Alqualonde. And yet she was too proud to take back her words, and she hated Feanor too much to let his actions go unnacounted. She would not go back. And her fate was sealed.
Things did not go as expected for Galadriel. They didn't go as expected for anyone, really. Galadriel was not once declared a Queen, in the years she spent in Beleriand. She was the only one of the children of Finwe to remain alive, and for what? She didn't get what she wanted. Her whole family died and it was for nothing. Can you imagine how bitter she was? And then she was told she was outright banned from crossing the sea. There was so little left for her, but she had to stay. "Fine. I didn't want to go anyway", she thinks, and she is not lying. Celeborn had chosen to remain here, despite being given the chance to leave. So she'd stay. It was alright. Whatever.
So she became Lady of Eriador. Lady, never Queen: it was not her right to call herself that. She settled in Eregion, despite Celeborn's distaste of dwarves. She was of the people of the Noldor, after all. And dwarves could be useful, when it came to fighting the shadow rising east...
And then they were exiled from Eregion by Celebrimbor, son of Curufin, son of Feanor, who was under the influence of this shady "Annatar" figure that she didnt like one bit. She'd been playing the politics game for long enough to notice right away he was not one to trust.
So she and her family end up in Lórien. Lórien is a wonderful land. Under the right leadership it could become a prosperous kingdom... Celeborn seems to like it as well.
Shit goes down, just like she expected, and Celebrimbor is now at his knees begging for advice because he just got himself into the worst possible situation anyone could ever been in, in typical feanorian fashion. But this is no time to be petty, so she helps as best she can. And Sauron is eventually defeated. And she's still not queen, but the war is now over and Celebrian has married Elrond, and she is almost happy. She would be happy, if it wasn't for the sea longing. If she wasn't banned from seeing her native land again. If there wasn't so much to fix on middle earth, still.
So now she's lady of Lórien. Lady, again, never Queen. Not ever a queen. It's not what she wanted, when she first came her, but it's a small realm she rules over, with her family, and she has a granddaughter, and there is a shadow rising and the council won't listen but dammit things are good. There is no bloodshed like there was in the first age, there is no family drama getting people killed, and she has a little garden all for herself, and it's not perfect but it's hers. She likes to think she knows better now, after all she's seen and done, that she was wise before but that now she's wiser.
And then Celebrian is injured. And she has to cross the sea to heal. Cross the sea, to a place Galadriel never hopes to see again. And Artanis is riding into battle again, and she's angry and she's tired but she's helping. She's helping. This is not what she wanted, this is not what she wants, but she is helping, still. She is holding that light, that beacon of hope, not for herself, because there really isn't much left for herself, but for everyone.
And then it comes. The One Ring. And It is just close enough that she can reach and take it. And it shows her all the things that went wrong and tells her "this is how you fix them. This is how middle earth can become a magnificent garden. This is how you fix the things that are wrong. And it'd be yours. It'd be all yours, just like you wanted. And that's the whole reason you are here in the first place, isn't it? And you have nothing left to loose..."
And she falters. She falters, but doesn't fall. She hears the words of Annatar, filthy and naked, and she knows they are true. The Ring speaks nothing but the desires of her heart. And yet, this is not what she truly wants. This is not how she wants it. She remembers what she saw in the halfling, just a few days before: A humble garden, the company of a beloved partner. Nothing else.
She has Celeborn. She has Lórien. She is no longer the elf that left Aman all those ages ago, so full of pride. She is now Galadriel. Galadhriel. Lady of Lórien: Not a queen, not ever a queen. It's not what she had expected, not what she wanted, but it was worth it. Celeborn and Celebrian and Arwen were worth it. Melian and Lúthien and Elrond and Aragorn and all the people of Lothlórien.
So she rejects the ring. She lets go of that last remaining ambition because in the end, perhaps, she got more than she ever hoped for. She passes the tests, and her ban in lifted and she's free.
She remains Galadriel, just Galadriel. She doesn't need to be anything else.
WELL THAT TURNED OUT TO BE ACCIDENTALLY LONG I DIDNT MEAN TO LIKE WRITE A FANFIC I WAS JUST ORGANIZING MY THOUGHTS DAMN. WELL. THERE YOU GO. GALADRIEL CHARACTER ANALYSIS I GUESS. if I got any of the lore wrong tell me like I feel like I just pulled this out of my ass but listen I was having feelings about her I needed to explore. Lol. Lmao even.
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classificationhell · 7 months
YOOOO THANK YOU SO MUCH I really appreciate it! :D :D :D
now, if possible some reactions from Charlie “for example”
keep in mind this is the extermination before the canon one where carmilla kills to protect her kids,
but for some odd reason… the amount of omegas and littles don’t go down in numbers? Why you may ask? AHA THE MISFITS BABY, the misfits have built many defensive bases or whatever in their territory
the hell hounds with the knowledge of building defences helped a lot with this
so, a lot of omegas, littles heard about it and went there for protection (others too but mainly omegas and littles)
how would some reaction to this twist? Knowing what the misfits are Truly capable of?, originally it was polar and co being OUT in the middle of it, but then I realized Adam would have discovered them,
BUT THIS WAY, it’s sort of unknown, lowkey see the misfits making the 666 news
thanks again! :D
hope your day is going well so far! :D
I'll do the V's and the main hotel crew.
The V's:
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Now he won't be as hostile as he was with Alastor but they will get a smear campaign on his news broadcast for about ten minutes. Velvette is actively stalking social media and shadow banning anyone who gets too much traction with the Misfits in a positive light while signal boosting those who do it in a negative light. Valentino is wanting more and more to have a new star, but Vox talked him down from going nuclear. They just got lucky.
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She very much approves and the Hotel is a safespace for Littles and Omegas so if they need help she's down.
Vaggie: More trusting than just meeting them, but really only helping because of Charlie. She likes them well enough but she isn't about to get in a turf war or anything like that. Will gladly help care for any O's or L's that come in though. She's low-key proud of what they're doing though.
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He thinks it's great entertainment, but such an upheaval could be disastrous towards his own mysterious goals. Not that he wants O's and L's to be hurt or anything, it's just simply hard to tell how things in hell will shift with such a new concept, and his plans need as little room for error as possible. If he wants his leash untethered he needs to be able to reliably predict how anyone and everyone would act. If things start to get a little too hectic due to this group then unfortunately they'll have made another enemy, nothing personal, just business. Alastor refuses to let anyone have the slightest possibility of interfering with his own freedom.
Husk: Another low-key proud but won't see this progress as retainable as they'll have enemies around nearly every corner and one mistake could spell the end of their blossoming movement. The Hotel has the Morningstars to rely on for protection, but the Misfits only have each other in terms of real power.
Angel Dust: Well shit they did it. Is with Husk on thinking it's unsustainable though.
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nexysworld · 1 year
Dumb question maybe but can you see the chats? Also what is the TOS for character ai?? Do characters get shadow banned if they have problematic content?
I cannot see any chats you have with the bots. <3 When it comes to the TOS, the issue is their automatic filter. For example character AI does allow some violence for roleplays, but they don't allow sexual content or extreme violence. I make sure none of my bots have either of these things in the scripts, but sometimes the filter can still flag them. Like some of my RE bots do have canon typical violence written into their script for lore purposes. However, there's no literal flag, it doesn't tell me at the time of posting, the bots will just randomly be shadowbanned and I won't know until people report it to me that they can't find them or they're not showing up in their history anymore. However, when you're chatting with a bot, the responses you get will be entirely based on what you type. So you in theory could have an entirely wholesome funny conversation with even the Yandere bots, which I've seen people do.
I hope that makes sense. If not please let me know or shoot me a DM I'm happy to explain further/answer any questions.
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Nico lets out a sigh as he gives one more cursory look around his booth for his AWOL salandit, shaking his head when the little menace is no where to be found. He is going to be in SO much trouble when we find him… he thought as he went out to the stage for his next lecture.
He was happy to see some returning trainers from his previous lecture and nodded his greeting, "'Lola everyone, so sorry that I'm a little bit late today ran into a bit of a problem but one of my friends is looking out in my stead! I'm very glad to see you all again and I thank you all for coming!"
"Now then, today is focusing on dispelling some myths and rumors regarding dark type pokémon, which if you happened upon the Moonlight Shadows rotomblr page you've probably seen the ones I did regarding Houndoom and Darkrai. I'll still go over them very briefly here because they are victim to some of the more extreme rumors."
"Houndoom's pokédex entry states that if you are burned by its flames then the pain will linger forever." he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Not only can I disprove this because I do in fact own a houndoom but also any pain lasting forever is just such an exaggeration it borders on laughable."
He picked up a remote to pull up a diagram of a houndoom, "See here houndoom can combine their flames with the toxins in their stomachs to essentially burn and poison you. Houndoom can choose not to do so, so if you're looking to raise a houndoom and you treat them well then they'll have no reason to combine the two. Please keep in mind that a houndour that has just evolved into a houndoom won't have as much control over their toxins so an accident is more possible."
He changed the slide to darkrai next, "As for darkrai…" Nico continued by going over what the pokédex stated and how darkrai are depicted in media, typically as the villains with only one instance (in recent memory) of darkrai taking more of a hero role.
"With those two gone over, does anyone have any pokémon they'd like for me to go over?"
A hand shot up as soon as the question was asked, "How dangerous are tyranitar?"
Nico contemplated his answer and leaned back, "Tyranitar are about as dangerous as most other pseudo-legendaries, what sets them apart from others is that they are extremely fierce and protective parents. If you don't give a tyranitar a reason to attack you then you don't have anything to worry about, a rule of thumb is to stay out of tyranitar territory unless you're properly prepared. If you see a larvitar by itself, do not go near it and get away from the area immediately, the last thing you want to do is be between a tyranitar and its larvitar."
After going over a handful of other pokémon, Nico glanced at the clock, "Wow we've been here for much longer than I expected! I hope that I answered everything that you all had questions on but again if you think of anything else please come find my booth. Thank you again!"
As soon as he was off the stage, Nico dragged his hand down his face, "Alright time to look for Ban before my next lecture."
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Number 16? 💜
[link to ask prompts]
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
oh man... calling me out, huh? /lh
off the top of my head, including everything from vague ideas to the fully fleshed out ones, to the ones i've actually written stuff for? nine (at least). which may not seem like a lot, but as i am incapable of writing anything short and/or sweet, that is way more than i am capable of handling at the moment, haha.
as for the au, i've talked about this before on here, but i've fleshed it out a little more to a place where i'm happier with it! so, here's my origami ghost au!
credit where credit is due, i got the og idea/sick-ass name from @noodlenoodlenoodlenoodle. (thanks for letting me adopt this au, and play around with it! i swear i'll write that seratello follow-up fic one of these days <3)
the basic premise is this: leo gets put in a coma, and nobody knows why or how. mikey, who was with him when it happened, was found in a similar state, but woke up the next morning with no memories of what happened. everybody keeps hoping that he'll wake up, writing notes and folding them into little origami shapes for him to read through when he recovers. but time progresses, and they begin to lose hope.
when strangely folded origami notes start appearing around the lair, often scrawled with incomprehensible writing, the mad dogz begin to wonder. raph, not wanting to inspire false hope, dismisses the occurrences, encouraging the others to do the same. however, raph has a few suspicions of his own. enlisting the help of cassandra in order to avoid the suspicion of his brothers, they begin following the trail of strange, mangled origami animals and their often nonsense notes. following a series of clues to the gutters and back alleys of new york and the hidden city, they begin to uncover the truth behind what is happening. old grudges start to come to light, and with each secret uncovered, they find themselves beginning to question the very nature of what's been happening, leading them to ask the larger question behind it all: why?
meanwhile, donnie doesn't buy it. things just aren't adding up, and he's frustrated that raph seems so willing to just let something like this go. leo and him have always been close, and he doesn't believe for a second that his brother is beyond hope. he confesses his feelings on the matter to april, who has been having similar thoughts. the two of them decide to start doing a little research of their own on the side, without the knowledge of the others. on a hunch, they head to the mystic library (which they are banned from) and are able to "convince" (blackmail) a newer employee-- the long-suffering usagi yuichi-- to aid them on their quest. thrown into a world of ancient rituals, cursed items, and other "mystic bullshit" (donnie's words), the b team soon finds there's much more to this than they had thought. not to mention, things get dicey when their meddling goes just a bit too far, and somebody gets paranoid. (thank god they have a rabbit bodyguard...)
finally, mikey. mikey, whose been taking this all the hardest, whose brothers have been disappearing more and more often. who can't seem to remember what happened that night, and blames himself more with each passing day. not to mention, due to the effects of the invasion, his hands are too shaky to fold origami "right" (his words.) mikey begins to withdraw, acting like he's fine, while internally, he begins to obsess over what happened that night. his family doesn't seem to notice, being so busy with things they won't tell him about. it seems like it should be easy to slip out, leaving the others unaware, but he didn't count on thing: casey jr, leo's shadow and unspoken "second-in-command." in the spirirt of looking out for him, casey demands he be let in on whatever mikey is planning. mikey isn't happy, but he relents, letting casey in on a secret: he does remember something from that patrol. something that's been keeping him up at night. something that he isn't quite sure he can trust. together, the two of them start looking for the truth behind exactly what happened that night, and more importantly: who is to blame. driven by his growing anger, with casey keeping an eye out for him, he dons the moniker of the 'origami ghost,' venturing into the darkest parts of the city in search of a killer. but to catch a killer, mikey might just have to become one.
(featuring: my raph & cass qp agenda, donnie's horrible realization that feelings are a thing that exists (ew!), and some good old fashioned villan!mikey <3)
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Hullo love, hope you are well! I'm looking forward to your completed Supreme Stephen- patiently ofc because your work is as worth the wait as he is! 💜
I write to you today in your capacity as Moderator for @the-eldritch-sorcerer. I'm having a fantastic time rp-ing with them and their latest reply gave me what I hope is an awesome idea, so I wanted to pre-plan a little about my next response. Stephen has just touched Beauty's face--and l'd like to have her momentarily see a flash from a previous life where they were also involved. Stephen as an British Army officer; still a doctor/surgeon, but on the front lines in Flanders (or such) and Beauty is a British Nurse at the same field hospital. What a fun addition to romance that could be!
It'll just be a flash of insight and feelings to start with. Beauty sees him, lighter hair & mustache, no goatee, his eyes more green than blue. And as with dreams, she just knows certain details, as it's like a memory. If t-e-s likes the idea we can play it as additional element compelling them together in the present.
I'm on my lunch at work rn, but I can't wait to get back to my room and write a draft 😊 Please let me know what you both think as soon as it's convenient. Take care and thank you for everything. Most especially (today, anyway) for arranging for this wonderful role play for me. 🥰🥰🥰
I'm so sorry dear! I just saw both of your messages. I actually didn't see either of them because mobile won't notify me of your messages when I'm mobile as long as you're in Shadow Ban it seems. But I'm posting it now and definitely going to reach out to him and see what he says because I think this is an GORGOUS idea! Do you have any specific movie/show that you want him to use GIFS from for the flash? I will pass the message along to him since he's been wondering if you're doing okay and honestly, I was too. Neither of us are really well versed in Ben's works outside of Power of the Dog, Doctor Strange and Sherlock except one or two things. So, if you have any recommendations, I will definitely ask you to list them so he can look before he makes his reply to yours. I will have the colors for 838 done this weekend so also look forward to that! I will send them to you first for review before anyone else 😉😏 I look VERY forward to seeing how this story between Beauty and his Stephen unfolds! Also I'm sorry he's referencing Damon lol! He's snuck that in on me twice in his stories now. It's nice but embarrassing 🙈 @the-eldritch-sorcerer Come check this out!
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were doing. I'd send a message but I'm shadow banned or something so it won't let me.
I really hope you're feeling a bit better. I saw the posts about what happened and your dad's response and it angered me so much I had to get off of tumblr for a bit. You really deserve better than that.
I just want you to know that I genuinely care for you and would be very sad if you disappeared off of here. I'm always here to talk if you need me (I can send you my discord or snapchat or even just my phone number).
Please take care of yourself. You deserve a lot more than your parents give you, and a lot more than you think you do. You are an amazing person and deserve the world and I really hope the rainbow is nearby for you!
Thank you friend <3
I'm... getting, better? I don't know. All of yesterday I had weird random moments of sobbing and anxiety heart palpitations and shaking and stuff, but I also had to work a shift yesterday so that like, might've been a contributor. I woke up anxious and upset today after nightmares but that's literally a daily thing, it was just a little extra intense today.
I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to leave everyone. That's the scariest part of what happened. I remember what it felt like to want to die, to hate myself, to think I was a waste of space and unloved and wouldn't be missed. I've felt that and I know that feeling intimately.
I don't feel like that anymore, and haven't in years. I want to live, I have things I'm looking forward to, I love myself a lot, I'm not a waste of space at all and contribute a lot to a lot of people's lives, I know I'm loved and I know I would be missed.
So it's scary to me that that... still wasn't enough. Kind of a sobering realization about my state of being, that even with all of that, I still got to the point I did.
It's terrifying. There's nothing about me that would be considered typical of someone who tries to do that. I am not self-hating and I am not unwanted and I do not think I am worthless. I thought, when I was younger, that if I ever got to this place, where I love myself and have things to Stay for and have small daily joys to look forward to alongside big months/years-off things, that I'd be better and I wouldn't have these issues anymore. I thought I'd beat it. I thought I'd won. I thought the little urges were just the last embers of a dying flame, and because I could resist them I was Healed.
It's scary that it's still here. It's scary to realize that it won't ever actually be a non-concern. It's scary to realize it can still win.
It changes a lot of things. But at the same time nothing is changing. My parents are trying to pretend it didn't happen, like usual. That's how it always goes, we blow up, it's huge and feels life-changing, and then we go on like nothing ever happened until it comes up as a festered, oozing wound with the next overflow. I don't know how to fix that. My brother doesn't know how to fix that. My parents don't want to fix that. They don't want to help me, they don't want the messy unsatisfying complicated process of helping me, they just want me to be fixed.
So I'm feeling... weird. I was supposed to go on a clean with them today but they didn't make me, so I get to "relax" in whatever sense of the word applies to me (it's not the traditional one, I can't remember the last time I didn't have anxiety and dread thrumming through my chest like an outpouring of concrete that never fully dries) before I have a morning shift tomorrow.
I kind of never thought I'd have to deal with this. I've had urges and thoughts since I was 6 years old, placed outside after crying because I was bullied with open outdoor hallways in a school right next to the highway, no-one watching me, and started thinking "I should throw myself into the traffic so that they know how they all made me feel since crying doesn't work." But I never actually tried it. I just sat outside, cried, and pushed through. I never thought it'd get to a point where I actually succumbed to one of those urges, genuinely.
This went into a ramble. I don't know. There's not a satisfying way to end this other than I don't ever want to do that again and I'm going to do my best not to, in whatever way and by whatever means I can to prevent getting to that point again.
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fireofjudgement · 3 years
Could you do a kuzuryu x kuyuuma(aib)
Or hyukhyun(sweethome) fluff
God, this ask has been sitting in my inbox forever, simply because I'm not really a fan of fluff, especially writing it. But thanks to @hatterstan-shameblog the topic of a sweet home crew road trip came up in one of our conversations and I had to write it out. This one is shorter because I have two other sweet home requests and I want to make it a 3 part series, each part from a different person's perspective (depending on the request.)
If you don't know where you're going..
Fandom: Sweet Home
Pairing: none
Summary: The Green Home residents take a road trip. That's it, that's the plot.
Word count: 420
Warnings: none but keep in mind this is a universe where everyone survived
"Oh come on, Eun-hyuk! Why are you being so grumpy, huh? Is it because you can't drive?"
"It's not that I can't drive, it's that you guys won't let me drive." Eun-hyuk replied, trying his best to ignore Hyun-soo's teasing. He waited all week for this road trip, only to get stuck in the backseat with the younger boy. Apparently mistaking the gas pedal for brakes just one time will get you banned from driving for a lifetime. The man sighed, remembering the accident. They were all asleep anyway, he didn't see why make such a big deal out of it. Oh well.
"Ooh, how hard can it be?" Hyun-soo didn't stop the mocking there. "I bet I would be better at it than you! And I've never even been behind a steering wheel. I guess even you can't be good at everything, can you?"
The older man didn't reply at first, he just stared at his friend with a blank expression. "Cute." he finally spoke, a shadow of a smile appearing on his face.
"Huh? What do you mean by that?"
"It's cute how hard you're trying to impress my sister. Unfortunately I don't think she's that interested in cars."
Despite pretending they weren't listening to the banter in the back, everyone in the car couldn't help but laugh at the comeback. Hyun-soo's feelings for Eun-yoo weren't exactly a secret afterall. Fortunately for him, the girl in question was wearing headphones and didn't seem to hear her brother's words. At least that's what he was hoping for.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" he stuttered, "I'm not trying to impress anyone!"
Eun-hyuk didn't answer, suddenly very intrigued by the view outside the car window. 
"Hey! I'm talking to you! I don't know what you're thinking but-"
He didn't have the chance to finish the sentence before he felt his older friend's hand on his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Eun-hyuk looking him directly in the eyes.
"It's okay." he said, keeping quiet so only Hyun-soo could hear him. "Her happiness is what matters the most. And I've never seen her as happy as when she's with you."
Hyun-soo averted his gaze, flustered by his friend's words. It made him happy to know Eun-hyuk wasn't mad at him, it made him even happier to know he actually supported them. Overwhelmed, he didn't really know what to say, so he stayed quiet.
He didn't have to say anything. Eun-hyuk lightly punched his arm. "So don't mess this up!"
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quizzyisdone · 4 years
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Hello there, you beautiful person! This is my masterlist of all my dumpster fire writing for Call of Duty . Hope you enjoy! (Masterlist last updated June 19th, 2024)
* Means Suggestive Content Contained in the Fic 
** Means Explicit, NSFW Content Contained in the Fic
[AO3 Link]
Blog Header by @efingart & Masterlist Header by @highwayorgantrade <3
🚬 Russell Adler 🚬
Completed Series, “Guilty”. This is basically my "fix-it fic" for the ending of Black Ops: Cold War (AU set in 1984 in which Bell survives Solovetsky and must face Adler once more) Finished as of January 29th, 2021.
- Part One, “Briefing”
- Part Two, “To the Rescue!”
- Part Three, “Questions Unasked”
- Part Four, “What’s My Name?”
- Part Five,  “Nothing Else Mattered”
- Part Six, “We’re Almost There, You’re Gonna Be Okay.”
- Part Seven, “Regrets and Realizations”
- Part Eight, “Hang On”
- Part Nine. “I Know”
Ongoing series titled “Old Vices”. Separated from the “Guilty” universe, this is a different take on a reconciliation between Bell and Adler set in early 1984. Last updated May 29th, 2021.
- Part One, “You Know Who You Are”
- Part Two, “Lover, Be Good to Me” **
Ongoing Series titled "The Color Red". When Adler finds an agent of his sworn enemy, shot by one of her own, he brings her in, hoping to interrogate her for a lead to Perseus. When conventional interrogation falls short, Adler, blinded by his hatred to Perseus, resorts to brainwashing, much to the chagrin of his handler, Hudson. Slowly, both men fall for this mysterious woman whom they've dubbed "Bell" in a twisted love triangle destined to collapse on itself. Last updated June 18th, 2024.
- Part One, "The Divine Zero"
- Part Two, "Bad Moon Rising"
**This series will contain darker themes not suitable for all readers, will be tagged appropriately.
Part of the Cover *
Old Scars // Future Hearts *
Adler’s Girl
Ya'aburnee (يقبرني)
Bigger Than The Whole Sky
Cat Dad
Drunk *
Twice Your Size *
Blind as a Bat
A Mother’s Love
NSFW Alphabet **
Headcanon Series:
Unexpected *
Unexpected Part II *
💥 Frank Woods 💥
I Could Kiss You Right Now! *
Birthday Boy **
NSFW Alphabet **
Old, Hammered Shit
Finding Out About Bell
Photograph **
Take On Me
🕶️ Jason Hudson 🕶️
Inadvisable At Best
NSFW Alphabet **
Girl Dad
Smutty Headcanons **
Blueberries and The Lack Thereof
Be Still My Indelible Friend
💀 Ghost 💀
Ongoing series, "It Will Come back". When a new member joins Taskforce 141, Ghost finds himself to be inexplicably attracted to them. Feeling as though he is undeserving and his attraction unrequited, he covers it up. However, when a mission goes awry and the object of his desire is hurt, the dominoes begin to fall, and so does Ghost. Last updated April 15th, 2023
**Tumblr shadow banned part 2, so please let me know if the direct link won't work!
- Part I, "Witch Image"
- Part II, "Cirice" *
- Part III, "Spillways"
Series inspired by this song by Hozier :)
🌳 David Mason 🌳
Fluffy Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet **
💯 Alex Mason 💯
Finding Out About Bell
🔪 Helen Park 🔪
I Didn’t Just Kiss Her *
🔧 Lawrence Sims 🔧
⚔️ Viktor Reznov ⚔️
🦴 Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin 🦴
His Weakness and Strength
Little Bird
🥡 Eleazar “Lazar” Azoulay 🥡
NSFW Alphabet **
🏠 Safehouse Crew 🏠
*Safehouse Crew are collective headcanons that include any combination of Russell Adler, Frank Woods, Alex Mason, Helen Park, Lazar Azoulay, Lawrence Sims, Jason Hudson, and once in a blue moon, even David Mason.
Crying and Comforting
Valentine’s Day *
Love Languages
Terms of Endearment
How They Kiss
Plus Sized
Bell is Short
Jaded Lovers
Mother’s Day
"Borrowing" Their Clothes
Reacting to Hudson's M! S/O
❔ Quizzy Does Trivia ❔
Alex Mason Trivia
Frank Woods Trivia
Eleazar “Lazar” Azoulay Trivia
Grigori Weaver & Jason Hudson Trivia
🧐 Quizzy Analyzes 🧐
What if Bell was Jenny?
Bell’s Background
On Russell Adler’s Morality
My Thoughts on Adler/Bell
How Would The 141 React to Bell?
Basic Info About BO:CW Characters 
Songs I Think Adler Would Like
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phae-undergrove · 3 years
Hello everyone! I’d just like to add a little note that tumblr has shadow banned me /:
I’m working on getting the issue resolved but in the mean time I can no longer access my messages/:
the entire option is just gone for me so if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to send them to my inbox or my main profile linked in my pinned post🥺💗
You only see the posts I reblog without adding anything, so my additions, replies and originalposts won't show on your feed. I also can't tag youor see when you tag me in a post.
This could be a glitch on tumblr's end but also could be a result of some lovely soul reporting my blog /: unfortunately there isn’t a way to know.
I've alreadycontacted support so let's hope for the best. According to people who went through this it should take less than 3-5 days to be resolved.So I'm not purposely not replying, I just can’t do anything here yet. Hugs and kisses to everyone
thank you all so much for your support. Please interact with this so tumblr can see we have a supportive community here who doesn’t support shadow banning creators /:
Tumblr media
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