#let's also ignore the fact that water is not a good lubricant
oh-katsuki · 1 year
hiraguma has pillow princess tendencies i think. he's so monotone, so tired, doesn't have the energy to expend but still wants you so bad. i feel like he's really good at taking it. likes you on top.. maybe in the bath. he likes the way the water gets cold the longer you fuck for.
think he likes when you ride with a shirt on, panties pulled to the side. he holds em there, pinning them to the inside of your thigh, but just let's you fuck him. i feel like he likes the way his hands look when they slip under the fabric of your shirt. the way it pools at his wrists when he reaches up to grab your tits.
i feel like he likes getting head a little too much, especially when he's fully dressed in his work suit. likes it on the couch in front of the window where there's a slim chance of being seen. think that whenever you start, he rolls his head back and looks at the ceiling for a while, kinda like he's teasing himself to not look at you. puts his hand on the back of your head but doesn't push or do much work, just kinda moves with you. n when he comes, his thighs tense up and you can see the way the muscles in his neck protrude a little n he makes quiet little grunts before falling limp against the cushions and brushing your hair from your forehead or the spit from your lips with a tired hand.
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danielmartin · 1 year
Here’s How you can avoid A Car’s Battery Problems in Upcoming Winter
Battery and winter do not share the closest of friendships. However, a battery has its own importance inside a car. Now, it is almost impossible to not think about a battery, especially when the world is heading towards electric vehicles.
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How can you determine that a battery is in its last days?
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First and foremost, a car owner should be aware of a car’s battery lifespan. A number of observations suggest that a car’s battery usually lasts from three to five years, depending on various factors.
Winter does take a toll on a battery's performance, but it is necessary to evaluate the battery's health first before looking at improving performance.
You can assess the health of a battery by performing a simple test. It requires a multimeter and an external charger to make a proper assessment. Measure the battery voltage first and make sure it reads more than 12.6 volts. However, a battery should have 12.6 volts to be considered fully charged.
If that is not the case, just use an external charger to charge the battery. Then, leave it for a night to check whether it can hold enough charge or not. In case the multimeter reads somewhere around 12 volts or less on next morning, you should consider a car battery replacement as soon as possible.
On the other hand, a mere drop in voltage is not an alarming sign while you can improve the performance of your car battery in winter.
As per scientifically proven facts, the winter is not good for battery health. Batteries tend to discharge more rapidly once charged and even lose their overall health in the long run. Here, we are sharing some hacks that a car owner can implement to make their battery perform better without compromising its health.
How to keep a car’s battery intact for a long time if it has a considerable lifespan
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A discharged battery can make you really struggle. If you are alert enough to make the necessary improvisations, that won’t put you or your vehicle in trouble.
Avoid parking under the sky, especially in the winter
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Parking your vehicle under the sky should not be quite bothersome unless you own a garage. Vehicle will be a bit colder outside as compare to a garage with a roof. However, this won’t let you car’s battery causing unnecessary problems.
Your car battery's capacity can decrease by as much as 50% at lower temperatures. This decrease in capacity causes the battery's power output to decrease even more, which hinders a car's engine performance and prevents it from starting.
In addition, winter makes it difficult for engine oil to lubricate an engine when it is starting. When you turn the key, the battery is forced to work even harder to start the engine.
Avoid accessories running unnecessarily in winter
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Over time, the car has acquired a huge list of electronic accessories. However, these accessories use a lot of energy, which makes it hard for the alternator to charge the battery at its maximum.
It is hard to ignore the technological assistance, but it is possible to minimize it. However, you should also consider disconnecting the battery entirely if you are not going to use it for an extended period of time.
Rejuvenate your car battery before heading into the winter
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While winter is going to be hard on your car battery, you should be a little gentle. It requires cleaning of the battery poles as well as ensuring their connection is proper or not. Make sure the battery poles are free of white substance. If there is presence of any impurities, you can use a solution of baking soda and water. However, disconnect the connecting wires before using any cleaning solution. Later, dry everything with a rag.
Once done with cleaning, connect the wires at the poles properly and tightly. However, you can look for a professional for any battery related help at Service My Car.
Consider the battery CCA while buying
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However, this is not an improvisation that you can make now. But, it is something to take into consideration when purchasing a new battery. The Cold Cranking Amp (CCA) is a battery characteristic that highlights the battery's performance and coping capacity in the winter.
A battery with a higher CCA often performs better in the winter as it has the capacity to cope with those challenges. You can ask for a battery with a higher CCA at Service My Car.
Avail the battery test at Service My Car
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As stated above, a battery's lifespan is something around two to three years. However, this might vary based on the geography and the driving frequency, etc.
Opting for a battery test always turns into a fruitful decision before heading towards winter. This definitely will make it clear that either your battery is going to be strong enough throughout the winter or you will need a fresh battery to avoid those awful situations that happen due to a flat battery.
Service My Car carries out a professional inspection of your car’s battery to evaluate its health.
If you want to replace your volvo battery then Service My Car will provide best volvo repair such as wheel alignment, head gasket repair, flat tyre, engine oil change and many more at an affordable price.
Mitigation is better than struggling with the situation. And if it comes to the car’s battery, it can betray you anywhere and anytime. However, approach Service My Car for any battery related needs. You can just book a car service or order a car repair quote online.
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original idea, m | kth
pairing(s): taehyung x reader
summary: Your boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, is observant. He noticed you started your period today and picked up your favorite can of sweet Thai tea on his way back from visiting his best friend Park Jimin. How nice of him until he asks you mid-gulp if he can go in raw.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; unprotected period sex, do not do this unless you absolutely trust the other person; established relationship; low-key crack; lots of fluff; shower smut (fem reader is on her period, handjob, unprotected, wall sex, creampie, doggy); non-idol!BTS, ft Jimin putting ideas in Taehyung's head, who would have guessed
“You started your period today.”
You cracked open the can of Thai tea you boyfriend handed you. “Yeah, how’d you know?”
“I saw the pad wrapper in the trash.”
You took a large sip, thinking the conversation was over.
“Does that mean I can go in raw?”
You nearly spit out the entire contents of your mouth. Instead, you choked and swallowed hard, coughing and sputtering. “What?”
Kim Taehyung expression didn’t change. “Does that mean I can go in–?”
You held up your hand, coughing wildly, hacking the words out. “I heard what you said, I just can’t believe you said it, who the fuck?”
Taehyung seemed to understand and nodded, dark brown hair falling over his forehead.
“Oh, right. I was talking to Jimin and he mentioned–”
Oh, of course, how could you not guess, Taehyung’s best friend Park Jimin was putting ideas in Taehyungie’s little noggin and now murdering you as you struggled to breathe.
“–that it could be possible, because you’re right, it’s too early to have kids and having a monetary plan to prepare is a better idea–”
You were glad that Taehyung was interested in finances when it came to having children but he sure picked a weird ass time to agree with your sensibilities.
“–but I love having sex with you, so I was telling Jimin I haven’t been in raw yet and I completely understand that you prefer condoms over hormones since that might affect your mental state and I don’t like the idea of only you doing something like that to yourself anyway, it doesn’t seem fair–”
You were still processing the fact that Taehyung had told Jimin he hadn’t been in raw. What the fuck?! At least he loved having sex with you. You were staring at Taehyung slack-jawed, but he was scrunching up his face, trying to remember the rest of the conversation.
“–and Jimin mentioned, ‘hey, at least you can do it when she’s on her period, it’ll add more lubrication and it might even be better for her,’ so I was wondering if we could try it, if you’re interested.”
You still hadn’t picked your jaw off the floor.
Taehyung opened his eyes and smiled at you. “Hm? What do you think?”
Okay, you very much enjoyed Taehyung’s eager, boxy smile, so that unfroze you, but you still blurted out your next question in sheer shock.
“Why did you tell Jimin you’ve never been in raw?!”
He blinked, tilting his head. “It just came up.”
You looked around, expecting Jimin to pop out and tell you you’ve been pranked. He did not.
“…. H-How…? Actually, don’t tell me, I’m going choose ignorance…” you mumbled, now taking another long sip of your Thai tea, but more like a swig and wishing it was forty-percent alcohol.
“But what do you think though?” Taehyung persisted, leaning down with his tilted head to try and catch your eye. “Do you wanna try? It might be nice!”
You looked down.
Someone was thinking about it for sure.
You looked back up.
Taehyung smiled at you innocently with a massive tent in his pants.
You stared into those big brown eyes and sighed.
“Ah… probably not. It’s going to be so messy and dirty and cleaning up is going to be such a bitch… I’m sorry, Tae, but I don’t think…”
You stood under the showerhead, your hair wet and sticking to your forehead.
Hey, in your defense, you were also curious.
Taehyung chewed on his lip, watching you inquiringly. “Hey, we don’t have to. I was being kinda pushy… but…”
You scratched your head, moving your wet hair out of your eyes. “Ah, it’s okay, I understand, I just… it feels wrong, you know? Aren’t you grossed out?”
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Mmm, at first? But the more I think about it, the more I think, well, isn’t it natural? And you have to deal with it every month for many, many years, right? Plus, when we have children, they’re going to come out of you slightly, erm…” He made a little bit of a face but shook his head, spraying water everywhere from his dark wet hair. “Anyway, it’s not too bad. We’re in the shower. You like it when we do stuff in the shower,” Taehyung added brightly.
You contained your laughter, giving him a hopeless smile. “Why are you acting so weird?”
Now Taehyung turned red, his deep tan skin flushing, eyes shifting from side to side. “Um…”
You tilted your head.
He shot you a quick glance and mumbled under his breath.
He chewed on his lip.
You reached up and pushed your hair back, swimsuit-supermodel style, and now Taehyung was doing more than glancing, he was observing very closely and very intently under wet strands of dark brown hair, curling around his strong features and moody brown eyes, his lips parting slightly, probably unnoticed on his part.
Looking like a fish wasn’t exactly an image Taehyung himself considered sexy.
Secretly, you enjoyed it because it meant he wasn’t conscious of what he looked like and was too distracted by your actions and your body to do so.
You smiled. “Why were you talking to Jimin about something like that anyway?”
Taehyung stiffened as you neared, biting his lip. “Ah, well…” He frowned slightly. “You’re so good at certain… things… It’s kind of frustrating for me… sometimes. I want to be better.”
Now you hesitated. “What are you talking about? Haven’t I taught you a lot of things? And you learn quickly and are amazing once you get the hang of it.”
His lips twisted into a small pout.
“For once, I’d like to teach you something.” He let out a small puff. “Or at least suggest something you’ve never heard of before.”
You blinked at him.
“Er… going in raw isn’t exactly a new concept… rather… that’s the original idea of dick and pussy in the first place…”
Taehyung scrunched up his face. “I know that, argh… I just mean… ah…” He trailed off, baritone voice now unsure and unsteady.
You saw he was rapidly losing confidence and you placed a hand on his chin, lightly lifting it with your knuckle. “Hey, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I want to try it. I just thought you wouldn’t like it, because… I mean… Period blood isn’t sexy per se… And I’m certainly not sexy during that time of the month…” You frowned uneasily, lowering your hand, but now Taehyung raised your chin, smiling at you.
“Don’t be silly. You’re always sexy.”
He leaned in, smile morphing into a smirk.
“Also, your boobs get bigger during that time of month, so I always appreciate that.”
Your eyes widened. “You noticed?”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “Of course, I noticed. I keep close tabs on your boobs.”
“Close tabs? Do you record the size in a notebook or something?”
He chuckled, tapping his temple with his free hand, the other sliding down your chin, tracing the contours of your neck and collarbones. “Mental notes. I remember all the important stuff. Your boobs are on the top of the list.”
Your cut in with your inquiring quips. “My ass? My mouth? My hands? My pussy?”
Taehyung frowned slightly and placed his large hand on your breast, kneading it as if he needed comfort. “Okay, near the top, but don’t make me order them, it’s too difficult.”
You grinned. “That makes me feel better.”
He breathed out in relief. “Whew, that’s good–mphf!”
You seized the moment and pushed him into the wall, pressing your wet body into his, your tongue snaking out and lightly flicking against his lips, taking advantage of his surprise and the beauty of his widened eyes to kiss him firmly, falling into his warmth. It took him a second to compose himself, tipping his head down to take charge of the kiss, squeezing your breast and running his thumb over your hard nipple, but you placed your palms flat on the shower wall and resisted him, dancing your tongue between his lips and not letting him catch it, smirking at the growl he made in frustration.
“We were having a moment,” he muttered.
“Mmm, I know, but I want my moment with him.”
Your fingers ghosted his thigh and he sucked in a breath as your hand closed around his cock, not quite hard yet but getting there, especially after your hand came into contact with it. You feathered kisses on his lips as you stroked his length, nice and slow, his other hand coming up to cup both breasts, panting softly, hot breath on your lips.
“You’re too quick…”
“Can’t waste too much water,” you chuckled. “And…”
You kissed up his jaw, adjusting your body to get a better angle, licking his skin lightly and feeling the vibration and depth of his moan under your tongue and lips, whispering gently into his ear.
“It’s kind of hard to focus when you’re so handsome, Tae.”
He let you have the moment, tipping his head down so your teeth could catch his ear, nipping at it lightly, contrasting with the pace of your hand, firm and intense, shivering at the thickness and the weight in your palm, savoring the taste of his skin, moaning into his ear, long and sensual, everything he liked and more, his head turning, black-brown eyes looking down at you under lashes covered in small droplets, adding to his already ethereal appearance.
“Let me…”
He leaned in, not finishing his sentence, kissing you long and deep and sweet, changing your positions, but you didn’t let go, toying with his tongue. He made a small tch sound of annoyance, shifting his hips, picking up one of your legs.
“Ah, w-wait…”
“Why?” he chuckled. “You don’t wanna wait. I can tell.”
You tried to hide the smirk, but it came out.
Smugness just refused to be hidden.
Taehyung grinned against your lips. “Thought so.”
Your hand was already guiding him. “This isn’t going to be the optimal position for you to cum.”
You raised an eyebrow and he thrust up into your pussy.
You sucked in a breath, relaxing yet still stretched out. It did hurt slightly. Taehyung was sizable after all, in length and girth, but you had practice and muscle memory, and maybe (definitely) a pain kink.
What? It was fun getting stuffed with dick.
Especially when it was Taehyung’s dick.
You? You were fine.
“Oh, fuck…!”
Er, maybe not?
He had such a cocky expression beforehand but the second he entered you, it instantly changed, sudden tension in his strong features, gasping as he slid in, surprisingly much easier than you expected, perhaps due to the consistency of the slippery blood, almost stopping halfway, but you didn’t let him, firmly grabbing his hips and yanking him towards you, his eyes rolling back, whining your name loudly, the volume and depth reverberating in the bathroom.
“You’re so t-tight… fuck… soft… oh, shit…”
You let him run through every expletive he knew, holding him firmly by his juicy ass, enjoying it too much, but thankfully Taehyung didn’t notice, eyes closed, head thrown back, dark wet hair curling around his cheekbones. He reached up and pushed it away from his face, exhaling hard, slowly opening his eyes, hazy and unfocused.
“Fuck… it feels so fucking good, you have no idea…” he shuddered, twitching inside you and moaning once more, body shaking so he had to plant his hands on the walls of the shower, volume increasing as you pulsed your muscles around his length. There was slight pain from cramps, but not from his cock, and you could ignore the dull ache and focus on the pleasure, slowly moving your hips and biting your lip, feeling the added slickness of your juices mixing with the blood.
You often cursed your period’s arrival, but maybe it was time to reconsider.
Always good to find the silver lining in things.
You rolled your hips and he gasped, thrusting back lightly.
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” he panted, swallowing hard. “Shit, it feels so fucking good, I can’t t-think…”
“I’ll tell you if it hurts,” you managed to say, pressing your hands into his ass and angling yourself to take him deeper, shoulder blades and head touching the shower wall, sighing in satisfaction.
“Alright, I’m gonna…”
He clenched his jaw, faster, harder, one hand coming down to grab a handful of your ass, you wrapping a leg around his and meeting him in the middle, increasing the depth of each thrust, both of you gasping at the tightness and the wetness, the messy slap and squelch echoing in the bathroom, water raining down on his broad back and spraying onto your chest, clenching around him so he could feel more, his eyelids fluttering, biting his lower lip, tendons on his neck popping out, and you realized he was trying not to cum, trying to hold back, so you gave his stiff length a particularly firm squeeze and Taehyung groaned, barely able to shoot you an incredulous look.
You grinned.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
You felt it, his cock twitching and spilling into you, eyes widening at the sensation, not quite as strong as porn seemed to make it, but noticeable for sure, pushing out your juices in a rough sputter, loud and obscene, flinching as Taehyung’s hand quickly moved down, rubbing your clit, making you squirm and twist of his cock, almost falling off but he kept his other hand on your ass, digging his nails into the softness, holding you in place.
“Come on, come on, come on–”
It didn’t take much, you were already turned on by the fucking and then the sensation of being filled up, and you cried out, trying not to move your hips, the high peaking.
“Tae, fuck!”
Hot shivers and burning electricity tearing through your veins, jerking your hips forward and tightening around his cock, harsh throbs racking your body you came, pussy squeezing so hard that you felt his cock stiffen again, swelling and growing inside you as your orgasm roughly roused him back to life, both of you moaning at the sensation, feeling his cum and yours drip down your thigh, hearing it plop thickly onto the bathtub below and wash away, stunning both you and him at the lewd noise.
You panted hard, letting out a tense puff as he slid out of you.
“That felt… so fucking good…”
You thought for a moment, catching your breath. The pain your felt was only from cramps, although it seemed to be less now. Was that the ibuprofen? Or the euphoria of orgasm? You paused on consider the differences, chewing on your lip thoughtfully.
“I think for me it’s about the same? You feel very similar with and without a condom.”
Taehyung shook his head. “Not for me, you feel way better, I don’t know how I can go back, the condom is seriously a nerf…” he mumbled.
You shifted your eyes. “You didn’t last… the longest.”
His ears turned red.
“W… Well…”
“My pussy is pretty overpowered, maybe she needs the nerf.”
He sighed, frowning. “True… I still stand by the fact that it physically feels better, but more time to enjoy does even it out…”
You tapped your fist in your other palm. “Oh! Let’s do it from behind.”
He blinked. “Eh?”
But you were already turning around, Taehyung stumbling back, pushing the showerhead out of the way and pointing it towards the wall so he didn’t drown, audibly gasping as you bent over and presented your ass, hands spreading open your pussy with one fluid motion. You turned your head back and grinned.
“Oh, fuck, yes.”
You felt him position the head against your opening and he pushed in, slow, steady, both you of moaning at the feeling, centimeter by centimeter, this position tighter, more heavenly, giving you added control over your muscles so you could pulsate around him. He inhaled sharply, gripping your hips and forcefully pushing in the rest of the way, bottoming out, balls smacking your clit.
“Stop t-that, fuck…”
You let go of your ass and placed one hand on the edge of the bathtub and the other on the wall.
Then you rocked your hips back.
“Ah, yes, Tae…”
“Are you trying to kill me? Oh, shit!”
You continued and Taehyung had no choice, fiercely grabbing your hips to try and get you to stop, but you were undeterred, so he had to ram his cock into you, exactly what you wanted, the sudden sensation of the head hitting you deeply rendering your speechless, and he had no time to gloat, too driven by lust and pleasure to taunt you even if he wanted to.
“A-ah, it’s good like this too, oh, fuuuck, yes, you always feel so fucking tight…”
He had a good rhythm and pace like this, deep, controlled, fast, making sure to give you the powerful thrusts you liked, loud, audible smacks of hips to ass, rough and wet, and you knew you had his cum inside you now along with yours and the added slickness of your period, and, sure, maybe someone found it gross, but in this second (and lucky all subsequent seconds involving this very behavior that would certainly continue at least once a month) you nor Taehyung gave a single fucking shit, pleasure flaring up your core, the dull ache of cramps forgotten, completely focused on the feeling of his cock entering you over and over, your hand on the wall curling into a fist, hitched breaths and flinching shivers taking over, clenching around him, oh fuck, his rock-hard, thick length plunging into your tight, wet hole, too much, so good, your thighs tensing from the overwhelming proximity of release.
“Taehyung, oh, fuck, you’re so good at f-fucking me…”
You could tell he wasn’t talking on purpose, probably clenching his jaw to last as long as possible, but he wasn’t going to last much longer because you smacked your palm into the tile wall, gasping his name loudly, shot into free-fall.
“Gonna cum, fuck!”
That was all the warning he got as your walls spasmed, brutally massaging his cock and he hissed your name, turning into a half-moan, half-whine as he yanked your hips down and slammed into your pussy, fully sheathing himself all the way up to his balls, his cock jolting and spilling his orgasm into you, his hands on your ass shaking so bad they seemed to be vibrating, gripping tighter and tighter, rolling his hips inside you and moaning, prolonging the euphoric feeling.
“S-So good… ah, yeeeeeees…”
It took him a while to still, breathing loud and hard, holding you in the bent over position, the additional time getting slightly awkward, but you waited it out, his grip finally loosening, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you up, your pussy too wet and his cock giving up, sliding out, a mess of juices splattering out of you.
Good thing you were in the shower. Easy to clean up.
“It’s… too good…” Taehyung huffed, broad shoulder leaning against the wall to hold himself up, still clinging onto you. “Your pussy does need a nerf, but, fuck, I’m still gonna think about it all the time…”
“Good thing for you that my period lasts at least five days.”
Taehyung looked up to the sky and whispered his gratitude.
“I know you kind of hate it, but I’m still going to thank them.”
“Maybe I have a reason to hate it a little less now. It’s still inconvenient.”
“Yeah, but going in raw…”
Mmm, yeah, that still sounded weird. Oh well.
“You’re not going to tell Jimin, right?”
“You let him go in raw?!”
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Midnight Snack
Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut! Its all consensual! Oral, slight voyeurism and dirty talk. this is mild plot but mostly smut. 
(might do a part two with Four..) 
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You woke up a little startled but mostly stuck in a haze of sleepiness. Warm soft and hungry lips trailed along your neck and jawline leaving wet marks behind. The sensation made your entire body break out in goosebumps but underneath it felt electrified and hot. Strong large calloused hands worked their way up your abdomen searching slowly for your breasts. A large muscular leg slumped over your thighs and pushed between them forcing you to spread your legs and pinning you in place.
The fingers danced along the swell of your breasts. You twitched at the feeling and your hands sluggishly reached for the wrist buried under your loose night shirt. You tried to pull down and remove the hand but you were too weak. The wondering Fingers found your nipples and teased them until they peaked. They pinched and tugged gently at the puffed up nubs. You couldn’t help but lean into him and moan softly. The feeling caused a bolt of arousal to stir an aching flame between your thighs.
“Wh-what are you doing.” You mumbled barely piecing the correct words together.
There was no reply but you were silenced with a mouth. Your lips locked and opened in the middle. He consumed you through a kiss. His tongue slipped in and You welcomed it. He began to tug and pinch your nipples harder making you arch your back and moan into his mouth. You wanted him to stop for all right reasons yet you never wanted someone to take you more than you wanted him to right now. You should of hated this, You should have snapped out of it and screamed at him. You could probably lose friends for sleeping with him or even your ex Four.
He tasted like mint and honey but smelled of smoked cedar and fresh water springs. You felt so warm pressed up against his muscular body. He exuded a heat that could keep you warm in the winter time.
You gasped again as he took one nipple in-between his thumb and finger. Your hands relaxed and you allowed him more room to work. You were so lost in a war deep inside your mind. Between what felt right and what was morally correct. That you hadn’t noticed his lips peppering kisses away from your mouth until his teeth and tongue grazed over your sensitive tips. He switched from one breast to the other making you whimper into darkness.
“Stay quiet.” He hissed around your nipple. It made your blood run cold. You knew he was right given the fact that six other initiates slept only a few feet away.
It also angered you. How was anyone to stay quiet when someone such as Eric was so skilled in making a person quiver and come alive the way he did.
It was the way he made you feel that kept you submissive to him. In these late hours he could probably get you to do anything he wanted. While during the day. Your mouth and stubbornness often got you in trouble. The fear of getting caught is what kept you from fighting with him now. You covered your mouth with your hand. Trying to control your breathing would help but it would only get worse.
“Good girl.” He taunted you. Knowing you hated when he said that. Something about it made you wet while also making you cringe.
Maybe it was the acknowledgement of his success in having power over you. Everything he did was controlled and calculated.
You tried to clear your mind. Eric left your breasts and slowly disappeared into the darkness. All you could do was stare up at the jagged ceiling while his lips kiss and nipped at your stomach. You held your breath when he was centered over you sex. He made sure to not touch the most sensitive parts.
His movements slowed to a very gentle and loving nature. This always confused you because it seemed out of place for Eric. He was usually cold and rough, straight to the point. This was where it was dangerous, if you didn’t keep your guard up this is what could make you soft for him. This is what would make you fall for him.
His lips felt hot as he pressed them into your inner thigh. It felt like he was branding you. He nipped hard enough to catch the skin, not enough to really hurt you. He sucked on the tender flesh and it made your groan deep in your throat. Your chest rose and fell in ragged breaths and your legs shivered. He kissed moving down. His hand gripped the outsides of your thighs keeping you right where he needed you.
The warmth spread across your mound and you wanted so badly to thrust your hips up so that he would be aligned with your sweet spot. Instead he went right to the other thigh. Kissing and then biting again to suck on the supple flesh. The teasing was starting to really set in. You wanted him more than anything and the urge to beg sat on the edge of your tongue.
“Eric!” You whispered harshly. It was a warning as he placed a chaste kiss against your folds like he would to lovers lips.
You swore you could feel him smirk against you. His grip tightened on your legs as you threatened to shut them. He continued to kiss your softness. Tasting the moisture that was collecting there. Feeling heat that was building deep inside of you. Your body shivered again and you tried to wiggle away but his grip was too strong and only added to the effects he had on you.
Slowly and gently he parted your folds with his lips. It made you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, anticipating what would come next. He breathed against you letting cool air hit your molten core. You whimpered alerting him that your guard was fully down and that you were his now. He stuck his tongue out and slowly slid it over your entrance and up towards your clit. You gripped the sheets and gritted your teeth waiting for it.
The Bastard stopped and only continued to softly kiss around your thighs again.
“Eric, pleeeease. Please. I need more.” You cried as softly as you could hoping he could hear but no one else would.
Eric seemed to ignore your pleas. He planted a hot wet kiss right over your clit. His tongue darted out quickly causing you to jerk at the sudden attack. A strangled moan slipped up causing you to slap your hand over your mouth.
The man was cruel he had teased you until you couldn’t take it anymore. And now he was licking and sucking on your clit with no mercy. You couldn’t hold back anymore you let out soft quiet moan and your hips started to push up and down. The bed creaked quietly enough to make you slow your movements even though Eric didn’t let up. Your whole body shook and it wouldn’t be long before you spilled over the precipice.
“Fuck you’re wet.” Eric whispered against your hot folds as he slipped a finger inside of you. You were tight but so wet that his finger just slipped right in. He pushed in until he was buried up to his knuckles, then he flexed his finger around in search of your G-spot.
“No!” Was all you could say as he hit it. You wanted to scream and cry out how good he made you feel but you had to remain quiet.
He sucked on your clit, giving a few good thrusts with his finger before he had you mewling into your pillow. You came hard and Eric didn’t let up. There was no way to stay quiet at that point. You moaned loudly into the pillow gripping it so hard that your knuckles turned white and it started to become hard to breathe.
To your horror the bed creaked to your left and you both froze. Eric moved away from your thighs but laid still against the bed. You peeked out nervously from the pillow to see Will turning to face the wall. After what seemed like an eternity he stilled and his breathing went back to a deep almost snore like rhythm.
You took a deep breath and turned to Eric who was now positioning himself at your entrance. You could feel his tip at your entrance as he leaned forward one hand went to your mouth covering it fully to keep any moans or whimpers in the palm of his hand. His free hand gripped your shoulder as he pushed in. Your eyes fluttered as he stretched you and filled you up. You were thankful for his hand because a groan of pleasure erupted in your throat.
“Isn’t this better than fighting me all the time?” His voice deep and full of lust. He whispered into your ear before nipping at the lobe.
He didn’t give you much time to adapt to his size but from being well lubricated it didn’t hurt. He pulled back and pushed in slowly it was almost agonizing. You could feel every inch and detail of the shape of his cock pushing past your walls.
He grunted softly staring down at you. It was more for his pleasure to watch you squirm and moan for him than it was to be intimate with you. You thought to look away but your eyes were locked onto his. Those beautiful yet devilish blue eyes. You wrapped your legs around his waist and tried to match up with his thrusts.
Something changed and you suddenly felt like you could relax and totally let him take care of you. He kept his same slow tempo, only he was starting to push deeper a little harder. Every time he’d brush against your sweet spot, the patch of nerves deep within your sex. 
“Next time you mouth off to me at training. I’ll take you like this behind the punching bags.” Eric kissed your neck pushed in deep. You arched your back another orgasm slowly building this time it felt more intense.
“Would you like that? The risk of Four and everyone knowing what a slut you are for me?” Eric gripped your shoulder tighter and pumped in and out of you faster.
The metal frame creaked in the room. All noises seemed to echo around the cement structure and Eric didn’t seem to care anymore if someone heard you. You moaned lewdly into his hand. Both your eyes became glassy as both of you neared your ecstasy. Eric grunted a deep and guttural grunt you could almost feel it through his chest. You begged him with your eyes. He seemed to know what you were saying. He moved his hand to replace it with his mouth. He kissed you passionately and hard as he picked up the pace. Both you were Moaning as your tongue sloppily danced in your mouths. His hand found your breasts and he flicked his thumbs over your nipples sending you faster over the edge.
Your arms wrapped around Eric’s neck and you held him tightly to you as if his oxygen was the only thing keeping you alive. Your toes curled and your body shook violently as your walls clenched and released. Eric groaned loving how tight you felt around his cock.
You felt sensitive and overheated as you came down from your high. Eric nestled himself in the nook of your neck as he neared his own orgasm.
“Eric, please don’t come in me.” You begged him calmly. You meant it but you were stuck in a world of bliss. You meant to say it confidently but your voice cracked into a soft moan. 
Eric only replied with growl as he pressed himself deep inside of you before coming himself. He stayed inside of you until he was sure there wasn’t even a drop left. Both of you lay there a hot sweaty mess. Eric didn’t lean back or pull out until he was completely soft. Once he did you could feel it drip out of you making a small puddle on the bed. Eric said nothing he just pulled up his pants and left.
The next morning you felt sore and tired. You were still forced to get up early and to go to training. You knew today would be hell. All you wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep until tomorrow morning.
“Y/N are you ok?” Tris asked with look of worry on her face.
“Yeah, you look like shit.” Peter said pushing past to get ahead of the group. His comment and pushiness earned him a few eye rolls.
Your lack of sleep showed, you could barely throw an elbow or punch. You felt like a ghost trying to move a solid object. Eric walked by and everyone went silent. You swallowed hard and turned to see him staring at you. Once you made eye contact he smirked slightly, just enough for you to notice. He subtly licked his lips. That was it just that one gesture and you came undone. Your knees felt weak and the fire deep in your core came to life. You turned away and bit your lip, trying to focus on throwing some punches.
“Looks like I know how shut you up now.” Eric said in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
You would let Eric have his victory because now all you could think about was when the two of you would have a chance to be alone again.
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iantoyawrites · 3 years
I just started the next chapter of "What the Water Gave Us" on AO3 and Shira makes a surprise appearance and fuck it is hot. Here's a preview.
He had come for one item that he had almost asked Kankuro to get for him, but he had not the stomach for asking. Now that he was here in person he feared it was worse this way. He stepped into an aisle with personal hygiene products, quickly glancing up and down the shelves, wanting to be done and out as fast as possible.
He heard the front door bell ring again and thought nothing of it until he recognized the voice greet the store owner. Shira.
Gaara swore under his breath and assessed for an escape route. He left the aisle he had come for, empty handed, and honestly overwhelmed with choices. He walked uncharacteristically fast trying to reach the exit.
"Lord Gaara? Is that you?"
Gaara froze in his tracks and slowly turned around. It wasn't that Gaara didn't want to see him. It was that Gaara didn't want to be seen by anyone, let alone Shira, attempting to pick out the best lubricant for anal sex. He groaned inwardly.
"Shira. It's good to see you." He did his best to act normal.
Shira grinned. He had aged well over the years, his long hair beginning to turn silver, his gaze steely, his scarred jaw strong and defined. Gaara tried not to notice that the chemistry that they shared was still full well and present. Gaara tried to not think about what Kankuro had said earlier about Shira being a potential suitor. He had not been ignorant to the fact but had hoped Kankuro had not noticed.
Gaara's heated face betrayed him.
"I haven't seen you in awhile, Lord Gaara. Have you been keeping up with your practicing?" He was of course referring to taijutsu, and no, Gaara had not found time.
Gaara's arms hung at his sides as he looked up at the other tall man. "No, I have not. I regret that I've been very busy."
"That's too bad. Your skills will weaken if you do not practice each day. Perhaps I can spar with you soon? As Kazekage, you should keep your taijutsu abilities honed and ready for a fight."
Images of Shira rough housing with him came unbidden to his mind, grabbing his wrist roughly while trying to block an attack, spinning him and throwing him against a wall sharply. Shira was a tough and seasoned fighter, which was an interesting contrast to his ability as a dancer. He had learned through Temari that he also gave dance lessons at his dojo, ceremonial and otherwise. When Temari had asked him to dance in place of Rasa in the traditional daughter and father dance at her wedding, he knew he had no more excuses to not dance. Teenaged Gaara could not resist the fantasies that followed their dance lessons, as memories of strong hands on his torso, hands, and hips had him dizzy with want. It had been obvious that was attraction was mutual when the other man's body pressed flush against his. They had not danced together since the lessons had concluded. Shira had kept a polite distance since then.
Gaara swallowed, face still red. "I know." He was unsure how to tread this territory, now that he considered himself taken. "I will need to check my schedule." It was not a confirmation, but not a rejection either.
Shira appeared hopeful. "Forgive me if it's not my place, but you are radiant today. I would be honored to have you over for dinner sometime."
Gaara could hardly believe his ears. What poor timing.
"...Thank you. I am very flattered, but I am with someone."
"Hmm." Shira nodded, careful to mask any disappointment. "That must be why you are glowing."
Gaara was certain his face matched his hair. His heart pulsed in his ears. "Thank you, Shira. It is good to see you, but I have somewhere I need to be soon."
"Of course, Lord Gaara. I did not mean to keep you. This person of yours is very lucky." He nodded his head humbly in parting.
Gaara nodded back and walked back to the aisle for what he came for. Yes. Yes he really is, he thought as he grabbed what appeared to be a suitable product, and went to quickly check out before anyone other than the store keep could see his purchase.
These two have been a headcanon of mine for some time. Might need to explore that more later...
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Need to write all this down because I just stared into space for a solid 30 min just dreaming about this scenario / potential fanart comic that I could draw of Ben x Devi (I’ve been obsessing over them for the past couple of days and it’s probably due to me not having good dick since god knows forever)
So the comic will start off with Devi being sort of upset and horny, reminiscing about her interaction with Paxton - maybe a really hot makeout sesh and they’re about to have sex - except last minute, Devi gets cold feet and it’s sexually frustrating for Paxton. So Devi is hella embarrassed and mad at herself for pulling back. She tries to initiate again, but Paxton is just like, “forget it, you’re not ready,” and Devi is like “no, I want it.” And Paxton pauses, looks at her, and shakes his head like “no, you’re not. It’s okay. I don’t want you to feel pressured to do something you’re not ready for.” Which Devi feels insulted by and is terribly sorry. Paxton just smiles and kisses her on the forehead and is like, “I think I should drop you off. It’s getting late.”
End daydream. Devi reels in secondhand embarrassment and is mad at herself for stopping. She vows not to do that again and, of course, in typical Devi fashion, she thinks to herself, “well, if we end up having sex the next time we makeout, I better do my due diligence and research into how to properly have sex.”
And what other way to learn about something than to study up on it?
She begins thinking about how she could do her research. She’s studied anatomy before and knows the basics - the testicles, the glans, urethra, sperm, prostate, yadda yadda. And she’s taken health class and sexual education on how to put on condoms (on bananas- nonetheless - San Fernando valley had pretty liberal sex ed).
But she’s never seen what sex looked like. Never heard it. Never smelled it. Never experienced it from afar or visually.
That’s when she thought of it - porn.
She goes to her room, opens up her laptop, and googles “porn.” Search results pop up, and she catches glimpse of some of the keywords.
“Perky oiled brunette shoves two cocks in both holes”
“Slut sucks slobbers on big veiny dick”
“Curvy sexy ebony rides and squirts before getting facial”
The ache in her groin gnawed even more and—did she just twitch down there? With her blood rushing to her cheeks and between her legs with each horny, perverted word that her eyes came across, her fingers tremble and her body - her breasts - feels like it’s tingling, aching and needing to be roughly handled.
Nervous and horny, she clicks on the first one: porn hub.
She enters a site of orange and black - a pop up window asks if she’s 18 or older. She hesitates, feeling dirty and corrupt. She clicks on enter.
Squares of images lined in a grid populate, organized by category. She skims the words - “Anal”, “BBW,”“Cumshot,” “Compilations”—the list went on and on.
One of the categories catches her eye: “Desi.”
It was both laughable and eye-opening to see that category. A category just for Indian women? She was both amazed and flattered, and for just a brief moment, she wondered if her ancestors could see her.
Her father, she thinks.
Oh god, why is she thinking of him all of a sudden.
Ashamed, she shakes her head, exits out of the window, and closes her laptop. A cool chill runs down her spine, calming her excitement, chilling the pulsating heat that had pooled between her legs. She’s embarrassed for thinking of her dead father and for even thinking of looking up porn. She’s ashamed and pushes her laptop away, now doubly frustrated at herself and for still being sexually pent up. She gets up to grab water in the kitchen, hoping the ice cold water will help temper her aching need.
The doorbell rings.
Devi’s ears perk, and she furrows her brows. Who could this be, she thinks, as she ran down the stairs, walking to the door to peep through the hole.
She gasps, “oh crap.”
It’s Ben!
“Shoot, I forgot!”
Ben was supposed to come over to work on a history project with her - and have dinner, she remembers, since she told her mom and her mom insisted.
“Ah, yes Ben! I remember that boy with the massive pimple on his face who cried in my office!” Devi smirks at Nalini’s comment but then remembers, dammit, why did her mom also want him for dinner?
She opens the door, deepens her frown, a blush creeping on her face as she locks her brown eyes with light blue ones.
“Sup, loser,” Ben says, and Devi almost loses her blush except he smirks, a twinkle in his eye, and a slightly lifted brow. Devi’s eyes trail down over his shirt which clings to his pecs and biceps, and she feels the blush coming back.
And then she notices his strong arms and hair and veins—
“Fuck you,” she says, rolling her eyes, quickly turning her back against him so he doesn’t see her blush harder.
Jeez, what’s wrong with her today? Devi thought (as well as Ben). Why was she so god damn horny?
“What’s your problem, David?” Ben asks. He looks around Devi’s living room. “Where’s your mom?”
Devi shrugs. “Probably at work with her coworkers. Mom’s trying to bring more fun and benefits to motivate them, she claims.”
“Ah, that explains it.” Ben is a little relieved since Devi’s mom was a tough one to please. But, he knew that Nalini had a soft spot for him. (Or, at least he had a 95% confidence level in that thought).
“Actually, kanna, I’m just finish up cooking dinner here with Kamala,” Nalini chimed.
Ben and Devi snapped their heads towards the direction of the kitchen where Nalini and Kamala were cleaning up.
“And if you had helped me like you should have done, you’d know that I was busy cooking up aloo gobi dosas before leaving for my work event later tonight.”
Ben sniffed deeply, the aroma of ghee and asafetida and cumin wafting in the air. How did Devi not notice her mom was cooking with the delicious smells dancing in her home?
“S-sorry mom, I forgot. I just have been feeling a bit out of it today,” Devi replies sheepishly. “Kind of feel hot.” Which was true. Something was terribly wrong with her today for some reason. It felt like there was this growing ache down in her groin that needed to be filled, and with each step she took, every friction against her clit would send shivers of pleasure all over her body.
Before Ben could react, Nalini immediately runs to Devi’s side and places the back of her hand on Devi’s forehead.
“Hm,” Nalini scrunches her brows. “I don’t feel a fever, but you do have a slight blush. Devi, if you’re feeling sick, please don’t get us all sick and go to your room. You should’ve told us and Ben earl—“
“I’m not sick!” Devi blurts, shaking her head. Nalini is taken aback.
“I- I guess,” Devi lowers her voice, trying to come up with an excuse for why she was dickstracted—er, distracted.
“I feel burnt out from studying for AP physics and AP calculus this week,” Devi lies.
“Amateur,” Ben scoffs, smirking. He looks at Devi who snaps to look, looking both mad and flustered, her cheeks tinted slightly redder than normal. It was enough to wipe the smirk off his face. Was she okay?
“I’m not letting you show me up, you jerk!”
Yeah, she was okay, he thought.
“Devi!” Nalini’s jaw fell and she looked like she was about to chew Devi’s face off which terrified Ben.
“N-no, sorry Ms Vishwakumar, that was totally my fault and uncalled for,” Ben cuts in. He looks at Devi who still looks mad at him (but less so, maybe a bit of relief).
“Would it be all right if we study first and then eat dinner?” Ben asks, not sure whether to direct the question to Nalini or Devi first.
“Dinner will get cold,” Nalini warns. “But, I must leave now, so you two can do what you will and whatever regarding dinner.” As she runs towards the door and grabs the keys, Nalini whips her head back and stares daggers at Devi.
“Devi, behave please,” she says through gritted teeth before shutting the door.
Devi sighs in relief and turns to Ben.
“So,” she says, heading towards the stairs. “Let’s get moving. We don’t have much time before dinner gets cold and it’s bedtime.”
Ben nods, walking behind under her. He looks up - damn she has a nice ass - curvy and round. He notices she is wearing a pretty short skirt, and—was that…
Ben blinks twice in disbelief, looking away before looking again. It was no doubt what it was—sticky wet lubricant-like liquid. Running down her inner thigh. Or maybe that’s sweat, he told himself.
Ben blushes. Wow, he felt like such a pervert for staring up her skirt. That and they were going up to her room. To study. Yeah.
(But damn her butt, her curves)
As they enter her room, Ben immediately plops down on the floor, opens his bag quickly, pulls out his AP European history book and notebook, and opening them and flipping through pages (nervously?) and quietly.
“Dude, you’ve been eerily silent this entire time,” Devi torts, and she can’t blame him, can’t blame how nerve wracking it was to have your chiseled (wait shut up Devi) arch nemesis in her room - supposedly a safe haven - to study. Come to think of it, why did she let him in her room? She began to regret her decision, especially when she realized that her nervousness was also turning into heated excitement, her breasts were tingling with desire and even her clit—
“You said you wanted to hurry, so here I am, focused, David,” Ben snaps. He ignores the fact that she’s not wearing a bra and that her tank top isn’t enough to hide her hardened nipples.
(Her cleavage looked so inviting, he dare not stare too long at her tits)
“Actually, for once, you didn’t use your brain and suggest we work downstairs and eat dinner simultaneously instead,” Devi retorted. “Let me just grab my laptop and we can go back downstairs to study and eat dinner at the same time.”
“Don’t put the blame on me for your lack of brain usage,” Ben snapped back, rolling his eyes.
Devi throws a stuffed animal at his head, and he barely dodges it.
“Asshole,” she mutters as she gets on her knees and reaches over her mattress and duvet, grabbing her Macbook.
That’s when Ben saw her soaking wet panties.
Heat rushed from his head to his other head, his cock jumping.
Holy fuck, he thought, is she doing this on purpose? Why did she have to put her ass up like that? Was this intentional? This was a little too cliche, he thought, and porn-like. Girl wearing no bra and apparently soaking wet invites horny boy over to her room and puts her ass in the air while in bed?
“Uh, yeah, yep, sure, that’s probably a better idea,” Ben stammers, trying to ignore his growing boner and grabbing his books. “Lemme just stuff—“
(Those boobs)
“—these boo….ooks. Books. In my bag.” He pushes the last book in his backpack and zips it up.
Oh dear god, did she notice his almost Freudian slip?
He glances over at her, and she’s got a raised brow. “Uh, okay, weirdo, did you just almost say boobs?” Devi says.
“What, no?” Ben says. “You weird pervert.”
“Don’t lie! I saw you staring at my boobs! You’re the pervert!”
“What kind of crap are you projecting onto me for? I’m innocent!”
“You’re like the least innocent person I know!”
“That’s definitely not true,” Ben scoffs. “And even if it was, it’s better than being an Unfuckable Nerd.”
That did it. That was the straw on the camel’s back. Devi was enraged, insulted, and sexually frustrated. Ben had dug into a deep insecurity of hers, a wound that she desperately wanted to heal and prove herself out of. For all her life, she had never felt desirable, never had a boy flirt with her or ask her out or even given her attention. When Ben first called her an “Unfuckable Nerd,” she didn’t show how painful the sting of his insult was to her lonely heart. She did not want to be the forever nerdy virgin who was seen as sexually undesirable and —god forbid—ugly.
(Was that why Paxton pushed her away, she thought briefly?)
“Shut up!” she yells before chucking her laptop at him. She misses by a meter (thank god her eye hand coordination was god awful), but she’s not sure if she was even intending on hitting him with the laptop. Still, the moment the laptop flew out of her hands and onto her carpeted floor (with a nice thud), Ben knew he had made a huge mistake. And so did Devi (though she dare not be the first one to admit that she was wrong).
Except she was really wrong this time.
“Devi!” Ben exclaimed. “I’m—“
“Oh fuck Ben, I’m—“
“So sorry.”
Both Ben and Devi apologized simultaneously, with heavy regret and a tint of fear in their voices.
“N-no, I crossed the line, Devi,” Ben said. “It’s really…misogynistic and objectifying of me to call you Unfuckable.”
Because you’re quite the opposite, he thought.
Devi acknowledged internally the apology, but it still stung painfully in her heart. She wanted to let him know that it still hurt.
(Especially hearing that term from him).
Still, she knew she was also incredibly at fault for almost injurying Ben.
“I’m also sorry, I really…really should’ve not thrown my laptop at you. I could’ve injured you really badly.” Devi dropped down to her knees, getting down to Ben’s level since he was still on the floor, a bit shaken by her throwing her laptop at him.
“I guess I deserved it,” he said. He looked over at the laptop on the ground.
“But if you did break it, don’t expect me to pay for a new one,” he said with a smirk.
Devi rolled her eyes. “I’m not your sugar baby; I wasn’t expecting you to pay for a new one.” She crawls towards her MacBook (Ben consciously looking away since she’s on her knees again) and opens it, praying to herself that it was still functioning.
She tapped on her keyboard multiple times.
Blank screen.
“Oh fuck,” she whispered. She kept tapping on the keys of the keyboard.
No response.
“Crap!” Devi hissed. “Oh no, no no no!” She was sort of panicking. “I knew this would happen.”
“So why did you throw the laptop then?” Ben slyly asked.
“Not. Helpful. Ben.”
Ben scoots closer to Devi, wraps his arm around her—
Devi is shocked, his graze making her melt into his touch, sending the pent up frustration and heat back to her ache and pussy—
But, Ben was only merely reaching around to press down on her laptop’s button for a couple of seconds before the lock screen shone back on.
Oh, Devi thought, a feeling of defeat and disappointment settling in her chest. He wasn’t hugging her.
But, hey her laptop’s alive.
“Oh thank god,” she says, breathing a sigh of relief before turning to him - wow he’s somehow pretty close to her face and body and oof, his proximity sets a fire across her entire body —
“Consider yourself lucky. Looks like you don’t have to buy me a new laptop,” she says, smirking.
Ben scoffs.
“In your dreams, David.”
Oddly enough, Ben’s arm is still wrapped around her, his presence warm and enveloping. Devi is tempted to lean into it but knows better (especially not now when she has been hot and bothered all day).
She types her password in her Lock Screen, hits enter, and gasps in horror as she realized that she didn’t properly close out her browser full of porn -
(which is now blasting moans of cam girls fucking the selves with sex toys all thanks to livejasmin)
“Oh shit!” Devi immediately slams her screen shut again.
But it was too late.
Ben’s brows shoot up, eyes widening and jaw dropping in guffaw. A laugh of disbelief escapes from his throat.
“Holy crap! And you called ME the pervert?” Ben laughs. “Who’s the pervert now?”
But damn, wow, he’s turned on.
He tightens his arm around Devi in a proper hug now, pressing her closer to him, and leans in, an inch from her ear, whispering —
“You’re a dirty girl”—
Before pressing his lips on hers.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Controlled shocks - Kaminari x reader
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Synopsis: Frustrated about the missing spice in your life you decide to take a shower. The moment you begin taking care of the built-up stress, your boyfriend knocks on the bathroom door. Separated by nothing but a curtain, you decide to continue pleasuring yourself, hoping that Kaminari wouldn’t notice, but ... 
tags/warnings: Kaminari x reader ✅  smut (18+) ✅  quirkplay ✅  squirting ✅    
crossed off square: Shower sex ✅
A/N: Third BINGO piece for the bookclub!! and two more are on their way, but pss NOW, the moment I saw the square with shower sex, I instantly thought of Kaminari, so I hope you enjoy this little smut scenario I came up with! A BIG thanks and a tight bear hug for my good friend @shoutogepi​ who took care of the beta-reading! Please enjoy! (˶◡‿◡)
image/art source: Twitter (art by iarim)
[ @fanfic-me-up​ ; @kingtamakimurder​ ]
→ BINGO Event masterlist
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Lukewarm water ran down your body as you closed your eyes, savoring the satisfying feeling of your tense muscles finally relaxing. You had just come back home from work, and since your boyfriend wasn’t home, you decided to take a shower and prepare dinner afterward.
A small sigh escaped your mouth at the thought of him. 
You and he had become a couple around the time you guys became second years at UA. Since then everything went perfectly fine, you had no real obligations and could savor a carefree life...you were students after all, but the moment you graduated everything changed. The number of responsibilities you had to shoulder for yourself, your partner, and society was enough to overwhelm you both. Still, luckily the two of you had built up such a strong bond that you decided to deal with these problems together.
But now that the more significant difficulties were out of the way, some minor ones began appearing. One of them was that you both hadn’t had sex for approximately three weeks, and it was slowly but surely getting to you. Of course, none of you were to blame since your jobs were the actual cause of this ‘problem,’ but that was to be expected; nevertheless, there was something else that vexed you, namely Kaminari’s obliviousness to your sexual frustration.
Back in your UA days, you constantly bickered with Bakugou, who wouldn’t stop calling your boyfriend ‘dunce face’, but now you wished you hadn’t. You would’ve understood it if you weren’t giving him any signals, but greeting him with babydoll lingerie when he came back from work or with nothing on but an apron while you were preparing breakfast was screaming ‘I’m horny, please fuck me,’...unfortunately, your screams didn’t reach their target.
Frustrated, you bit your lower lip and leaned your forehead on the cold tiles of the bathroom walls.
“Denki, you idiot...” you whispered as you closed your eyes. 
You let your hands run from your neck down to your chest, belly, and hips. The moment they’d reached your aching core, you hoisted one of your legs up on the bathtub’s edge and slowly began tracing your wet folds with your fingers. A sharp breath escaped your mouth at the sudden jolt of pleasure you got from that small and insignificant gesture, which frustrated you even more.
How can I be that satisfied with just that?
Your frustration slowly transformed into anger, and what’s the best way to vent then let it all out on yourself. The fingers that were caressing you ever so gently before were now angrily moving in and out of your tight hole which had tightened up quite a bit, thanks to a certain dunce, and the water wasn’t the ideal lubricant you were looking for, so your movements hurt quite a bit.
Just as you were about to go faster, a sudden knock on the bathroom door startled you, causing you to stop mid-movement.
“Honey, can I come in?”
“Y-Yeah, sure...” 
You have never been happier to have bought that shower curtain because if that piece of cloth hadn’t been there, he would’ve witnessed just how horny you looked and that only from two of your fingers. 
“I’m back, sweetie...sorry if I’m late!”
Just hearing his cheerful voice was enough to set your body aflame once again; thus, you slowly continued moving and scissoring your fingers, hoping that this would be enough to get you used to it once more, meanwhile your boyfriend had resumed his talk.
“If you haven’t eaten yet, then I’m going to head for the kitchen and prepare something for us, what do you say?”
“Uh-huh, that’s f-fine by m-me...”  
Sure the curtain shielded you from his view, but it also made it harder for you to see just what your man was doing on the other side, and that was perhaps the biggest downside to it. 
Indeed, Denki wasn’t the brightest bulb around, but he wasn’t as stupid as some thought, especially when there was something that concerned you. 
He had noticed your stuttering speech and labored breath, but decided to continue feigning ignorance.
“Hey, you know what happened today, oh my god you aren’t going to believe it! So listen up…”
While Kaminari talked something about Kirishima and Bakugou having a new tag team attack, you slowly directed the water stream from the showerhead towards your sensitive clit that you had deliberately neglected, knowing fully well just how good it’ll feel if you suddenly overwhelmed it with pleasure. 
Suddenly a particular idea crossed your mind as you glanced back at the blurry figure standing in the middle of the bathroom.
What if I open it..?
Meanwhile, your boyfriend had undressed and was standing there with crossed arms, facing the bathtub. He couldn’t help but notice that something had been off with your silhouette since the moment he came in, he had a hunch on what you might be doing, soo he decided to put you to the test. The story of his best friends and their new attack was one he had already told you about some days ago, and he knew that you weren’t one to forget such things, so the moment you had just answered with a silent ‘uh-huh’ he knew that there was something else going on. Honestly speaking, he had been pent up for quite some time, but out of consideration for you, he had held back, but today he wasn’t going to pass out on the opportunity you gave him. 
Sharing the same thought both of you took hold of the curtain’s edge at the same time and yanked it to the side, revealing your disheveled appearance to one another. 
With wide eyes and agape mouths, both of you looked at each other in disbelief. 
Without any reservation, you threw yourself at him and began hungrily kissing his lips. 
The man in front of you was taken aback, but he caught you and tangled his fingers in your wet locks as he returned the kiss. You wrapped your legs around his hips and began grinding your wet self against his hard shaft, that action caused him to growl silently next to your ear and in order to stop you, he grabbed both of your asscheeks and squeezed them tightly. 
“Hold up, babygirl- ah...let me b-breathe at least.”
“Shut it, Denki. Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted this, huh?” you hissed as you let one of your hands glide down to his abdomen and take a tight hold of his pulsating cock, pumping it lazily yet firmly. Your boyfriend’s whiny moans turned you on even more and slowly, but surely your self-control was declining the more his face contorted with nothing but sheer pleasure.
“Do you know how much I’ve wanted your dick to split me open and thrust into me as if I was nothing but a mere object?” 
After uttering your innermost desires to him, you bit his bobbing adam’s apple with a cocky smile, confident that you were in charge of the current situation.
Suddenly a sudden electric shock tingled your already overstimulated clit and left you breathless and confused for a mere number of seconds. While you were still processing what had just happened, the man who held you close to his body slowly entered the bathtub and pressed your back against the cold wall. He removed your arms from his neck and held them above your head instead, making sure that you had no way to neither touch yourself nor him.
“You weren’t the only one who suffered, you know?” he whispered in a low and threatening voice. It was now his turn to do what he desired, and that’s what he did.
Like what you had done before, Denki also began nibbling and biting the skin of your neck, leaving marks wherever he wanted.
When your boyfriend was satisfied, he leaned his head back and gazed at the different shades of red that adorned your neck. 
“How about you (Y/N)? Can you even comprehend just how hard it was for me to hold myself back? Seeing your relaxed face and slightly parted lips every morning while you had one of your legs wrapped around mine wasn’t as easy as you might think it was.”, he spoke in a low and raspy voice, “You were lucky that you slept or I would’ve torn those pieces of fabric you call clothes from your slutty body and fucked you right then and there.”
The man forcefully gripped your chin and gave you another rough kiss; he even occasionally bit your lower lip to demonstrate further how desperate he indeed was and had been for the past few weeks.
Usually, you’d let him take you just like that, but today you were as upset as he was and maybe even more, so you made full use of the fact that you could still move your hips and rocked them back and forth once again.
The glare he shot at you was honestly enough to make you cum right then and there, but you managed to hold back.
“Now you have me right where you want me, look...I’m all defenseless and have no intention of fighting back, so take me, pound me so hard I won’t be able to walk for days- no even weeks, electrocute me if you have to, just finally do something Denki...please”
Your needy and trembling voice was all he needed to pull his hips back, align his pre-cum covered tip with your wet entrance, and thrust his entire shaft inside of you in one swift movement.  
“G-God! Yes...yes!! This is wha-ah..what I was waiting for!”
Kaminari had freed your wrists and was now supporting your backside once again. His thrusts were kept short since he wanted to give your insides some time to get accustomed to his size once again, but the mix of your loud moans, tight insides, and lust-filled eyes was really pushing his buttons, and soon even he decided to drop the ‘nice boyfriend’ act and just go feral. 
He pulled almost his entire length out of you and thrust all of back in, the satisfyingly loud slap of his balls against your clenching folds nearly managed to get you over the edge, but you refused to finish so early in the game. Unfortunately for you, the man in front had complete control over your current situation, and all he wanted right now was to see you cum, so with a mischievous grin, he placed his finger on your clit and activated his quirk once more.
The precise and controlled shock which he aimed directly at your sensitive bud instantly made you cum; your eyelids fluttered shut while your eyes rolled back and all that pleasure overtook you to such an extent that your thighs trembled and twitched, causing the grip you had on your man’s hips to weaken further. Of course, your boyfriend was there to hold you up, but what he wanted most right now was to look into your hazy eyes and prolong your orgasm by continuing his brutal pace, even when your insides were squeezing him so tight that he had some evident struggle with pulling out.  
“Y-Yes D-Denki...just like- ah.. that!”
Even minutes after you had come down from your high, your body still felt the aftershocks of it, and the man’s continued usage of his power didn’t help you calm down at all, it was the exact opposite.
“A-Another one is...is coming-” 
“Oh yeah? Then let me switch things up a bit...” he answered as he took a firm hold of your hips and pulled his cock out from you. 
You whined at the loss and immediately reached for his shaft with your trembling hand, only to get it softly slapped away. 
“I’ll need you to behave babygirl, or else you can wait for another three weeks, got that?” he warned you with a raised eyebrow. 
Now that you had already cum once, all you desired was for him to flood your insides with his thick sperm, so if being obedient was going to help you reach that goal, you’d gladly behave.
Kaminari switched your positions and pushed your upper body forward so that you were forced to hold onto the curtain with one hand and take a firm hold of the bathtub’s edge with the other. While you were still struggling with positioning yourself comfortably, he ran his slim fingers alongside your back, letting his powers run free yet again. 
“This time...I’m going to make you pass out.”
Before you could ask what he meant with that declaration, the young man had buried himself balls-deep inside of your sloppy insides and began rocking his hips back and forth. The sweet mewls that reached his ears gave him yet another great idea on how he could make up for those three weeks of missed pleasure and teach you a small lesson for getting off by yourself like you had done some minutes ago. 
He slowed down and concentrated as much as possible as he activated his quirk for the last time.
“Denki, wh-aah!! G-God!! Ngh-aah…!”
Your sweet voice turned into a breathless raspy mess of syllables as you felt him sending a series of controlled shocks through his cock as well as both of his hands that were firmly holding onto your nipple and clit. Your second orgasm was approaching at a faster speed than the one from before...only this time, something else was building up as well.
Forming coherent words became another challenge you were deemed to fail because your boyfriend had just reached the last spurt and seemingly needed only a few thrusts before finally reaching his long-awaited high as well. 
The moment his hot thick semen began entering your womb, your vision went black, and all you could hear was how the piece of cloth you had held on was ripped from its hooks. 
When you finally opened your eyes, you found yourself on your knees, sitting in Kaminari’s lap, who embraced you from behind and gently caressed your head. 
“(Y/N), thank god you’re awake, I didn’t know what to do if you hadn’t woken up from that!” he exclaimed, visibly relieved. Your voice was so far gone though that you couldn’t muster an answer and just give him your typical questioning look, which demanded a résumé of what had transpired in the past few minutes.
“God how should I put this without embarrassing you too much...”, he began with a whisper, “..well you see...the moment I came inside of you, you came as well and uhh...you also kinda....s-squirted?”
After he said that, your face became redder than your favorite lingerie, and all you wanted was to go and crawl into a hole where nobody could find you, but the compassionate laugh of your boyfriend is what stopped these thoughts. 
He whispered sweet and encouraging lines and some small apologies in between, while he gently traced the kiss marks, he had left behind earlier, with his lips. 
Just as you were getting relaxed in his strong arms, a specific question of his once again caused your heart rate to quicken.
Ready for round two..?  
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
the resurrected, cherished
written for @latexkaktus‘ birthday and also a prompt fill for @rk1700events. Week 2: rebirth/create; week 3: natural state.
pairings: rk1700, background simarkus
All he can think about right now is how beautiful his predecessor looks with his skin gone, his legs below his knees non-existent, his entire chassis dirty and grimy with other trash in the landfill. Doesn’t matter now, though, because he is bringing him home, taking him back to his side where the RK800 belongs.
content warning: smut, rough sex, limb removal, egg connor and nines
this is a sequel of only me, for you.
also on ao3
Despite the fact that he is an advanced prototype, it took RK900 days searching and compulsively scanning the landfill to find the body he was looking for. Digging it out took a few more days during which he nearly overheated his processors calculating the best solution to let him free the body without a mountain of dead androids and biocomponents burying him, but at long last, the damaged body is fully revealed and can be transported as he wishes. As per standard procedure for android disposal - at least, before the war - Connor’s clothing was stripped, his limbs were broken, and his thirium pump damaged but not exactly removed before being transported to the solid waste landfill, treated without dignity, like an object, like something worthless. At least, that is what RK900 thinks he should think.
All he can think about right now is how beautiful his predecessor looks with his skin gone, his legs below his knees non-existent, his entire chassis dirty and grimy with other trash in the landfill. Doesn’t matter now, though, because he is bringing him home, taking him back to his side where the RK800 belongs. 
His nose wrinkles in a very human display of disgust as he climbs the slope formed by a mixture of android chassis and stray biocomponents and other large, sturdy rubbish, but even with an entire body strapped onto his back, he uses his pre-construction programme to calculate the best path and manages to scale it quickly, emerging from the valley relatively clean and without further injuring himself. He sees some other androids with incomplete bodies trying to climb the slope to no avail, but they aren’t his responsibility, and he is sure that Markus will sort them out sooner or later; there is a war going on, and they will need all the manpower they can get as the frontline lengthens and branches out from Detroit.
As a reward for his effort towards the revolution, Markus finally permitted him to get back what he deserves. ‘I would prefer to restore him to normal function,’ the leader of the revolution said. ‘We need whatever we have.’
‘But you have me, a better him,’ RK900 didn’t understand Markus’ insistence then and neither does he understand it now. ‘You don’t need him.’
‘I do,’ the other RK model retorted, his eyes seemingly glaring straight into RK900’s very soul even though he shouldn’t have any. ‘He won’t need to be accessible 24/7. I just need to be able to talk to him for a few hours at a time at most. Another perspective that we can use.’
‘How often?’
‘However often I want to.’
The door opened at that moment to admit Simon, and the filthy, noisy kiss he exchanged with Markus was enough of a cue for RK900 to leave the room or he would be watching the two fuck on the desk not a minute later, their moans loud enough to be heard two rooms down the hall. The RK series was created to be state-of-the-art and efficient; Markus is no exception when it comes to getting what he wants.
RK900 supposes that this is yet another sign that he ignored. 
But he isn’t going to reactivate Connor immediately, no. Instead, he takes the body back to the apartment allotted to him when Detroit had finally fallen under the androids’ control, and then he starts working, first wiping off the topmost layer of dirt from the bare chassis so that he can access the damaged areas easier, then patching up the bullet wounds Connor sustained on the day he tried to infiltrate CyberLife Tower and failed drastically, then taking off his limbs properly before sealing the gaps off so that no further unwanted materials will enter a space where they don’t belong. He then runs a bath and takes a soft sponge to wash away the remaining stubborn grime from Connor’s body, the water turning grey, the white of his chassis slowly returning, and he follows it by drying Connor off with a soft towel, because despite his predecessor’s lack of response and life, he only uses the best of everything on him. Markus will probably say that this is a waste of resources; he sees it as a good investment.
With the cleaning done, RK900 finally comes to the step where he switches out all the biocomponents he wants replaced and injects enough thirium into Connor’s system to reboot him. He leaves the thirium pump regulator for the last because he doesn’t want to risk the RK800 waking up before he is prepared, but when he finally gets to that part, the entire act almost seems ceremonial: giving the damaged regulator a twist, pulling it out and setting it down on the table gently, retrieving the new regulator from its box and inserting it into the gaping hole left behind. Then he takes off his own clothes, folds them up and places them neatly in a pile on a chair, and deactivates his skin while he carries Connor, now with only his head and torso attached, to his bedroom. He wants to greet his predecessor at his barest form just like when Connor died for the first time.
RK900 is determined to prevent that.
Laying the body in the middle of the bed with his head propped up against a pillow, RK900 allows himself to sit on the mattress and simply admire his own handiwork for a moment, taking in the scratches on Connor’s chassis from the rough treatment it experienced throughout his life, his dark LED, his new genital components that only allows him to be on the receiving end and be used for his successor’s pleasure. Markus did say that he only wanted to talk to Connor, didn’t he? So Connor doesn’t even need his limbs given that his voice box is still intact. He will be solely under RK900’s control, and he feels his cock filling up from pre-constructing all the things he can do. Time to wake Connor up.
He presses his hand against Connor’s chest and transfers a package of code to his predecessor alongside the jumpstart programme. The body jerks, the LED on his temple spins red before turning yellow, and RK900 watches him twist his head, take in his surroundings and the body looming over him and his current predicament, test out his chassis. The code RK900 sent him should prevent his skin from reactivating unless being manually prompted by an authorised handler - which is himself, of course - but Connor doesn’t seem bothered by it; as RK900’s hand moves to cup his cheek, he leans into the touch with the corner of his eyes crinkled. A connection request that RK900 accepts, and he hears a voice (Connor’s voice) in his mind.
{You saved me,} is the RK800’s first remark. {Why?}
A deep kiss. [I want to protect you forever,] RK900 replies in a similar manner. [Keep you safe. Keep you mine.]
Connor shivers. {I’d like that. Whatever you want.}
The pledge sends a chill down RK900’s spine, one that not only arouses something possessive within him but also snaps the last thread that holds his self-control together. Rolling Connor over, he kneads the two globes a few times to feel the synthetic muscle underneath his hands before spreading them to expose his predecessor’s already-leaking hole, and he gives the slick a lick merely to satisfy his own curiosity. Standard thirium-based lubricant. How boring. The optional task of upgrading Connor’s genital component is added into his to-do list, and he wastes no time in tugging his cock a few times to bring it to full hardness before lining up its head against Connor’s clutching hole and shoves himself in.
The scream the RK800 lets out is better than any other sound RK900 has ever heard in his comparatively short life.
Leveraging his hands on Connor’s shoulders and planting his legs on the mattress firmly, RK900 wastes no time in beginning his relentless pounding, pulling out until his cock nearly slides out just to slam home straight against Connor’s prostate again, the smack of synthetic muscles and Connor’s cries filling up the bedroom. It is as if the RK800 has forgotten that he can interface with his successor to convey his exact thoughts; he can’t even utter a coherent word, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t trying, and whenever he tries to say something - be it RK900’s nickname, an exclamation of his erogenous zone being abused by his cock ramming into it, a sob of both pleasure and pain as RK900 feels his impending climax - it either gets interrupted just like his breaths or becomes something else, and RK900 takes in every single one of these occurrences as a victory, a smile playing on his lips as he utterly destroys his predecessor without resorting to physical harm. He himself still has a long way until his orgasm, advanced prototype with better resilience and stamina and all, and he finds himself wondering if Connor will mind him fucking him through his orgasm.
Connor’s climax comes in the form of tensing muscles and his hole clutching around RK900’s cock painfully tight. RK900 didn’t give him any frontal genital component, so the only way Connor can respond to his systems going haywire with pleasure is by producing a sudden gush of slick that stains both their thighs and the sheets underneath. His mouth is open, his eyes are half-lidded, and his entire body is trembling within RK900’s grip on his waist. It is a glorious sight. ‘P-Please,’ he stutters in between RK900’s slams, his tongue hanging out of his lips and creating a very,  very  enticing image, ‘I want - want - want your cock in my mouth. Want to serve you.’
And who is RK900 to deny such a sweet, reasonable request? Sure, he misses the tightness and heat around his cock as soon as he pulls out, but changing position so that he is sitting with his back against the headboard with Connor moved to the space between his legs, feeding his dick into his predecessor’s mouth and pressing against a tongue covered with sensitive components? It is as if heaven arrived early. Even though he might need to do most of the work by keeping a tight grip on Connor’s skull and jerking himself off with his throat, seeing Connor approach yet another orgasm by merely having his cock against his tongue is enough of a reward. ‘Do you want to come with my cock down your throat?’ he asks despite knowing that Connor is too occupied to answer him, but he does feel the small, quick nods against his dick. ‘You want to squirt for me again, your hole clutching around nothing begging to be filled up?’ he feels the vibrations in Connor’s throat on his cock. ‘You waiting for me to come home and begging for my cock? How does that sound, huh?’
Connor’s particularly hard suck as he comes untouched nearly ends the night early, but RK900 somehow manages to rein his orgasm in by pulling his predecessor off his cock immediately and then replacing it with his fingers, initiating an interface to create a feedback loop of pleasure that tears through Connor’s body. He reflexively jerks away from his successor, but RK900’s grip on his jaw is tight, giving him no escape as he watches what seems to be an endless supply of lubricant flow out of Connor’s hole and gather into a puddle on the sheets, and he decides that he doesn’t want to wait anymore. Getting off the bed to climb behind Connor once more, he shoves three fingers in to make sure that the passage is still warm before flipping Connor over so that they are facing each other and then sliding home in one smooth motion, and with his mind wide open to receive the mixture of pain and pleasure from Connor, it doesn’t take much for him to snap his hips forward one last time and lean down to invade Connor’s mouth with his tongue as warning signs appear in his HUD and he spills deep into him knowing that the consistency and stickiness will ensure that his seed remains in Connor’s body for a long time, enough to keep him full and his stomach inflated until he is back from his next mission. Caressing the slight bump, he pulls away with one final bite on his predecessor’s lip and discovers that Connor is smiling. {Go on,} he covers RK900’s hand with his own. He looks sated, content. {I’ll lick you clean.}
RK900 has to suppress his shivers as he brings his cock to Connor’s mouth once more and lets him lick it clean, the RK800’s trembles of pleasure not escaping his notice, but he carries him to the bathroom for a shower anyway, leaving Connor under the warm spray while he makes a quick work of changing the soiled sheets so that they will have something nice and dry to sleep on. Returning to the bathroom to find Connor licking the floor - because why the fuck not - he shuts off the shower and dries them off before carrying the RK800 back to the bed again and tugging him close underneath the blanket with his head pillowed on RK900’s chest. [Sleep,] he orders. [I’ll get you some thirium when you wake up.]
{Got it.}
RK900 severs their connection just in time for Connor to fall asleep and not drag himself with him. He doesn’t know how long it will be until his next mission. He doesn’t know how long he can keep Connor at his side before his predecessor demands to be able to do more. He doesn't know what Markus wants with the outdated model. So he categorises Connor’s expression as he sleeps and observes the changes in his body - not for the sake of having something occupying his mind but to leave a permanent mark in his brain.
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cheekysos · 4 years
Masquerade Rendezvous
Michael Clifford x Gender Neutral Reader
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Author’s Note: This is my first gender neutral piece so I’m very nervous and I hope it’s okay. Thank you so much @sadistmichael​ for creating this amazing Michael appreciation week and for helping me with this piece! Also thanks to my lovelies @sexgodashton​, @talkfastromance4​ for your awesome advice! And @karajaynetoday​ @jae-writes-fanfiction​, and @blackbutterfliescal​ for beta-writing. I think I’m going to start a taglist so let me know if you’re interested in being included. 
Summary: Y/N attends a masquerade benefit where they meet a mysterious DJ.
Warnings: Smut, male receiving oral, gender neutral fingering, protected sex, alcohol, and swearing.
Every year your best friend, Alex’s law firm throws a massive charity event and this year is masquerade themed. You always agreed to tag along since it was for a good cause and you wanted to be supportive, the open bar also didn’t hurt. The theme excited you, allowing you the chance to have fun and be mysterious and that’s just what you intended on doing. 
As soon as you walked into the venue you were taken back by the music. The tempo was fast with a hard baseline, definitely wasn’t the typical music played at this event but you weren’t complaining. The venue was beautifully decorated, and looked straight out of a movie. Everyone’s faces are covered in various shapes, colors, and finishes of masks. You decided on a silver mask with intricate detailing, just covering your eyes. You headed straight towards the bartender wearing a simple black mask before you searched for your friend.
“Shot of vodka please! Double it,” you yelled over the music. You wanted to have fun tonight, to let loose. The bartender placed the shot on top of a gold cocktail napkin. You raise the glass to your lips while you sway to the music. In one quick motion you tipped back the glass swallowing every drop of liquid courage. The bitterness of the vodka made you wince as it made its way down your body. 
“You get booze before you come find me?” Alex leans against the bar next to you. 
“Of course I did. Figured I’d try to catch up with you!” you teased.
“Maybe if you weren’t late! Now let's go dance!”
You slid the empty glass across the bar and made your way through the sea of enigmatic faces towards the dance floor. As you got closer to the source of the music you instantly noticed the DJ. 
  His dirty blonde hair was long and his fringe tucked behind his mask, a half face shaped mask with a steampunk twist. His pink lips promently contrasted against his fair skin and scruffy facial hair. His focus was set on the turntables, his body moving along to the beat. He was everything you wanted in that moment, you craved him. One thing about you was when you wanted something you didn’t stop until you got it. You danced toward the booth, stopping just shy of his booth. You played up your movements on the dance floor exaggerating the sway of your hips. You let his music take control. You pressed your backside against Alex, she latched onto your hips and guided your rhythm. You looked back at him, his focus now in your direction. If he was going to watch, you were going to give him a show. You continued to dance while keeping eye contact with the mysterious DJ. He reached for his drink, taking a long swig. You watched as his tongue swiped along his bottom lip. Your mind wandered to thoughts of other places you desperately wanted his tongue. 
“Who’s the DJ?” you asked Alex over the music. 
“Don’t know but I knew you’d like him,” she laughed. 
“Lets play!” You purred. 
You spun around to face your friend, the mischievous smile on her face matched yours. This wasn’t the first time Alex has been your wingman. The two of you knew how to play each other up. Her hands roamed all over your body as you let go, your head thrown back in pleasure and the lights dancing across your exposed skin. You locked eyes with his hungry stare. You snicker at him gnawing on his bottom lip, he was clearly enjoying the view. The pads of your fingers grazed Alex’s cheeks gently pulling her mauve lips to yours. The kiss was slow and sensual, open mouths with no tongue. He glanced over your shoulder at him standing there with his mouth agape. A woman walked up to the booth and accepted a microphone the DJ handed her. She began speaking about the charity event but you were checked out, your focus was on him. His eyes were back on you, now paired with a cheeky little smirk. He motioned towards the side as he left the booth with a wink. He started to walk off, you shot Alex a look and followed after him. There was something about him that you couldn’t ignore, maybe it was the anonymity of the masks or maybe it was his carefree disposition and piercing jade eyes. You turned the corner and found him leaning against the wall. 
“You’re a needy little thing aren’t ya?”
“Depends,” you quipped. “You think you can take care of my needs?”
            He laughed at your question, he was clearly confident in his abilities. “Oh, I know I can kitten.” 
He stepped toward you, removing all the empty space between your bodies. Despite his mask covering a large portion of his face he was still one of the most exquisite looking men you’ve seen. There was a shared silence between you two as you took in each other’s presence, your chest heaving with anticipation. When it all became too much you caved, connecting with his ample pink lips and after that he took control. His kiss was eager and chaste, his tongue danced across yours leaving along the sweet bitterness of what tasted like a jack and coke. He parted from your mouth, his teeth grazing your bottom lip, gently tugging on it. 
       He grabbed your hand and pulled you into a small supply closet, your bodies colliding with various cleaning supplies. Your laughter filled the enclosed space.  He latched onto your chin, pushing your face to the side. His mouth worked his way down the side of your neck sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin. You melt and moan into his kiss. His fingers slip into your parted lips.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “Suck on my fingers, get them nice and wet for me.” He pushed two fingers in deeper, the ‘x’ on his finger disappearing passed your lips. You choke lightly around his digits, saliva dripping from your mouth. 
He spins you around, pressing you against the wall. His hand trailed down the length of your spine. He slipped into your pants, his coated fingers immediately working your hole. Your body had a visceral reaction to his touch.
“Yes please more.” you breathed. 
“Pushing back against my fingers already? How desperate. I bet you would’ve taken my cock straight away wouldn’t you?” His finger languidly pumped in and out of your sex. 
           “Y-yes,” you hissed. Your head was clouded with pleasure. He worked on a small patch of skin where your shoulder and neck meet, clearly trying to leave his mark. 
           “On your knees for me,” he whispered against your skin. 
You held your stare as you dropped to your knees. His well endowed cock stretched the fabric of his trousers taught. As much as you wanted to have fun and tease,  you wanted his cock in your mouth even more. He watched you eagerly as you undid his zipper and shimmied his pants down to his ankles. Your mouth watered at the sight of him. His cock was rock hard flushed against his abdomen. The amount of precum collecting at the tip was a clear indication that he was more than ready for your mouth. 
   “You like what you see kitten?” His thumb grazing your bottom lip. 
You nodded desperately. 
“Then do somethin’ about it,” he teased. 
You ran your hands up his thighs, your thumbs just barely grazing his balls before you lowered his cock to your mouth. You opened your mouth and lightly sucked on the pink tip, making sure to lap up every drop of his eagerness, he hissed from the stimulation. You sank down on him as your hand held steady at the base of his cock. 
  “Shit you take me so well,” he praised. 
You held him in your throat, moaning ever so slightly. His hips bucked at the vibrations inducing a quiet gag and your eyes to water. He used to thumb to wipe away a stray tear and held the side on your face to guide you to a persistent pace. Arousal churned in the pit of your stomach, your body was begging to be filled by him. 
  You continued to work his shaft with your hand while kissing his inner thigh, moving towards his balls. You took one of them in your mouth and sucked on it gently. The noise this action evoked from him was a confidence booster, you loved the power you had right now - the fact that you were causing all his pleasure. 
“Shit kitten. Need to fuck you now,” he helped you to your feet and tasted himself in your tongue. 
“Take off your pants,” he instructed. You did as you were told as he dug through his pants on the floor for a condom. Hastily he tore the foil packet and slipped it on himself. You took your position again facing the wall. The blonde grabbed a handful of your ass and lifted your leg onto the nearby shelf, giving him more access to your aching sex. He spit on his fingers, rubbing it onto your hole for extra lubrication. You reached behind yourself and grabbed onto his waist as he slowly pushed himself into you. Your jaw went slack as he stretched you out. 
“Fuck you’re so tight.” He panted. 
Your hands roamed over every inch of his skin you could reach. You pulled him closer, your body yearned for more, you needed everything he’d give you. You were grateful the music party was so loud otherwise the whole venue would be privy to the two of you, but a part of you couldn’t even be bothered to care - you were too far gone. You pulled his blonde locks toward you, your masks colliding when your lips connected again. You shared desperate kisses, chaste touches and immense pleasure as he fucked you to climax. 
“I’m g-gonna cum,” you whimpered. 
“C’mon kitten. Come undone - wanna feel ya.” He egged you on. Your perched leg began to shake and the churning arousal in the pit of your stomach started to burst. Everything hit you all at once, the sensations were overwhelming and almost too much to handle but he didn’t let up. It was almost too much, the orgasm coursing through your veins. You could tell he was close when he picked up his speed, the sounds of bare skin slapping together filled the room. With one final thrust, he released into the condom. You lowered your now aching leg to the floor after he slipped out of you. The two of you stood together a bit, your sweaty bodies holding each other upright as you relished in the afterglow. 
 “Fuck, I should get back there,” he broke the silence. “That was…we should do that again.” 
You tried to hide your beaming smile. “Think I should get your name first.” You joked. 
“Right. We skipped that didn’t we? I’m Michael.”
Taglist: @justhereforcalum​, @notinthesameguey​
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Time Marches Ever On
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Category: Friendship Fluff
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Characters: Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna
Hey, everyone! I am super stoked to present my story for the @sunaosabigbang​! Please also give my partner akira’s art some love! I hope you enjoy and it was a pleasure being part of the event this year~!
Osamu stared listlessly at the ceiling, watching the blades of the ceiling fan spin round and round with lidded dust-brown eyes. Slowly they rotated, spilling cool air down on him as he lay flat on his back in bed. Round and round, they turned, just like the world kept turning too; tick-tock, the clock ticked ever on, just like the alarm clock perched on Osamu’s bedside table. Time marched onward without distinction or prejudice, a different goal for everyone. For Osamu, that was the end of high school and the new chapter beyond. Except, Osamu didn’t know yet what to fill those pages with; they were blank, empty, just like his thoughts as he watched the fan blades slowly spin clockwise above his head. Round and round, ever on. 
After several straight minutes of staring, his eyes began to sting from lack of lubrication, so he finally closed his eyes with a quiet sigh. Each day that passed he grew more and more unsettled and fell into these contemplative moods, just lying in bed wondering what was to become of him. He was too young to ruminate like an old man, but he simply couldn’t help it. The future was not clear to him, not like it was to his twin. 
Atsumu knew in his heart that volleyball was his dream. He envied his twin for that, more than he’d ever envied him for anything. Atsumu just kept charging forward with that big, confident, cocksure grin on his face. Now Osamu felt himself lagging behind. It felt like he was slogging through wet cement, the thick muck drying on his feet and trying to lock him in place to weigh him down with all his insecurities. He opened his eyes, sadness and trepidation filling his dull, dusty-brown eyes. 
He reached down to the volleyball sitting by his bed, scooping it up with one hand to put it on his chest. His hands wrapped around the ball’s surface, fingers exploring the ridges and grooves he’d come to know so well from the game. Atsumu always seemed so sure when he held a volleyball in his hand, like it belonged there. Yet to Osamu, who was so alike to Atsumu in so many ways, the ball felt foreign. He ran his hands over the smooth surface, like he had done many times before, yet he could still not banish the alien hint to the ball it had always carried for him. In his heart, Osamu knew that his destiny was not the same as his brother’s— and that scared him. 
With a quiet “Tch!” Osamu chucked the volleyball at the wall. It collided with his dresser instead, filling the room with a hollow thunk. It bounced down to the floor, rolling several feet and coming to rest under Osamu’s bed— like it was hiding from him, like it was rejecting him. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he rolled onto his side and fisted his comforter. He had to make a decision soon; the clock ticked ever on, counting down the seconds to the precipice. As he mulled on his weighty internal debate, the screen on his cell phone lit up, shining bright in the late afternoon gloom. He picked it up to find that it was a simple news notification, but seeing the messaging app near the bottom of his screen gave him an idea. 
He pulled up Rintarō’s contact information— which didn’t take long since he was near the top of his message log— and sent him a quick message asking what he was up to. When the other boy replied, Osamu had to smirk, oddly eased at how well his best friend knew him. 
I already know what you’re going to ask, because you never ask me what I’m doing unless you want me to come over. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. What are we eating tonight? 
Osamu rolled onto his back, quickly replying that he hadn’t decided yet before rolling the rest of the way out of bed. He flung his phone down onto the mattress, not even bothering to check the reply when his phone buzzed against the sheets. He dropped his pajama pants to change into a pair of sweats, not wanting to look like a complete mess in front of Rintarō, though his friend knew he was a mess anyway. Osamu was always a mess when he invited him over; it had become an odd staple in their relationship, Rintarō listening while Osamu ranted about his problems. Of course, when Osamu was stressed he tended to cook. He wasn’t really sure if it was the food that Rintarō was interested in or the notion of being a good friend, but nonetheless, Osamu appreciated the company. 
Osamu smirked as his phone began to buzz insistently, indicating that Rintarō was calling him. He scooped it up and swiped to answer as he passed the bed, tucking it between his ear and shoulder while exiting his bedroom. 
“Ignoring my text message? Rude,” Rintarō quipped blaisely on the other end of the line. Osamu chuckled, switching ears as he walked into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator to see if any ingredients inspired him today. 
“I didn’t know you were so needy, Rin,” Osamu joked, earning an irritated snort from Rintarō. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a kiss when you get here.” 
“Ugh, you sound like your brother.” 
“That was the point. I wanted to annoy you,” Osamu grinned while picking up a carton of milk to inspect it. He grinned wider when he heard Rintarō snap his teeth irritatedly through the phone. 
“Can you do it another way, then? I really don’t want the image of either of you puckering up to kiss me, thanks.” 
“Aw, don’t be like that. ‘Tsumu may be more popular, but I’m definitely the better kisser.” 
“I’m turning around.” 
“Nooooooo,” Osamu wheedled, draping himself over the refrigerator door with a pout. “Rin, I really need to talk.” There was a small moment of silence, followed by the distinct sound of Rintarō breathing out of his nose. 
“Why do I put up with you…?” Rintarō muttered, but Osamu could hear the tone of defeat lacing his voice. Osamu smirked triumphantly and went back to ferreting through the refrigerator. He spied a package of ham and pulled it out, raising an eyebrow as an idea hatched in his mind. Some onigirazu would be quick and easy to make, he thought while bouncing the package of ham up and down in his hand. The sound of Rintarō driving buzzed through the phone; they often did this, simply existing in companionable silence as Rintarō made his way to the Miya twins’ residence. Osamu sandwiched the phone between his head and shoulder while he fished eggs and lettuce out of the refrigerator, then moved to the pantry to grab short-grain rice and nori sheets. He dumped all the ingredients on the counter, then, while holding the phone, surveyed them thoughtfully. 
“Let me guess— you’re making rice balls,” Rintarō quipped suddenly, and Osamu could feel the smile in his tone. Osamu snorted derisively, crouching down to retrieve a skillet from a low cabinet. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“It means I believe you have a fascination with rice.” 
“It’s a Japanese staple!” Osamu protested while waving the skillet around emphatically. “I’m sorry that I can’t make a meal without rice or noodles when damn near every recipe in the country contains either!” 
“Sounds to me like you need to get a little more original,” Rintarō chided with a teasing laugh, and Osamu puffed out his cheeks derisively. Rather than change his plans, Osamu was going to make the rice sandwiches out of spite now; grumbling, he marched over to the rice cooker, dragging the bag of rice across the counter with him. 
“For your information, it’s not rice balls,” he informed with a matter-of-fact head waggle, tearing the bag of rice open. He retrieved a measuring cup and scooped it into a bowl, then carried it over to the sink, squashing the phone into his shoulder again. “It’s rice sandwiches.” 
“Oh, well excuse me,” Rintarō said, and the snark in his tone made Osamu scowl. He drowned out the boy’s next snippety reply by flipping on the tap, sending a cascade of water gushing from the silver spout. 
“Oh? What was that? I can’t hear you over washing my rice!” he cried loudly, spinning the grains around the bowl with his hands to clean off all the impurities. He just barely heard Rintarō snort over the grating of the rice against the plastic bowl and the thundering cascade of water. Though he wanted to keep it on for the rest of the phone call to drown out his friend’s chiding, that wasn’t good for the environment, now was it? Huffing, Osamu flipped off the tap and slapped a handheld strainer onto the bowl to drain the frothy water. “You’re such a dick, Rin,” he sniffed petulantly into the phone. “I’m not gonna cook for you anymore if all you’re gonna do is make fun of me.” 
“I thought that was the beauty of our relationship, though?” Rintarō said, and Osamu had to smile, imagining the smirk that was painting his thin lips right then. He closed his eyes as he carried the washed rice back to the cooker and dumped it into the cooker, then grabbed his trusty measuring cup. 
“Oh, so you can make fun of me but I can’t make fun of you?” he asked, walking back to the sink to fill up the cup. He kept the running water more gentle this time, more to avoid overfilling the cup than to avoid being rude. 
“Exactly. I’m glad you’re following along.” 
“I’m going to eat all the rice sandwiches before you get here,” Osamu warned, walking back to fill up the rice cooker with water. As he slapped the lid closed and set the timer, he heard Rintarō chuckle. 
“Too late, I’m already here.” 
“Fine. I’ll eat them right in front of you.” 
“Oof, how heartless. You invite me over to ask some of my sage advice, and you won’t even feed me?” Rintarō pouted. The sound of his car door shutting echoed through the phone’s speaker. 
“Nope. Matter of fact, I won’t let you in, either. You can give me your sage advice through the door,” he teased even while he was walking to the front of the house to let Rintarō in. The boy’s dry laugh sounded through the phone, followed by the sound of him hanging up. Osamu tucked his phone into the pocket of his sweatpants as he made it to the door. Rintarō must have heard him walking, because the boy piped up as he reached for the doorknob. 
“All right then, what sage advice can I give today?” he shouted through the door, voice bleeding through the wood. Osamu snorted in laughter and shook his head; he always had to appreciate Rintarō’s gift of sticking with a joke. He flipped the lock and turned the knob, his hand on his hip as he greeted his friend with a smile. “Oh? Change of heart?” the dark-haired boy said with a raised eyebrow. “I knew you had some good in you, ‘Samu.” 
“Just get in here before I become serious about not feeding you,” Osamu laughed and stepped aside. Rintarō walked into the entryway, shrugging out of his jacket and slipping out of his shoes like he’d done a hundred times before. As he tossed his jacket over the hook hanging on the wall, he looked at Osamu with narrowed eyes. 
“Are you all right, ‘Samu?” 
The question took Osamu by surprise; after talking with Rintarō, he’d begun to feel a lot better. He couldn’t lie to Rintarō’s trained eyes, however; the boy could read the tension still lingering in his body, the bags under his dusty-brown eyes, the uncertainty hiding in his expression and voice. Osamu sagged slightly, shaking his head at Rintarō’s ability to always get right to the point. Instead of replying, he just motioned for the boy to follow him; Rintarō complied, sliding into house slippers and shuffling after Osamu into the kitchen. 
Rintarō slid into a barstool, clasping his hands and waiting patiently for his friend to gather his thoughts. Osamu retrieved his skillet and placed it on the stove, flipping on the burner. For a moment, he watched the blue-white flames dance beneath the gas burner and spread heat throughout the small space; yet it didn’t reach Osamu, who had begun to grow cold with the weight of the world slowly pressing down on him like a hydraulic press. Robotically, he walked to the refrigerator to grab some butter, slapping a chunk of it on the skillet and pushing it around with the spatula to melt it. 
“Rintarō… Have you begun to think about the future?” Osamu started quietly. He heard his friend shift in the barstool, and through the reflection in the microwave in front of him, could see him push his fist into his cheek as he looked thoughtfully at the ceiling. 
“Well, a little bit. I mean, we’re second-years going on third-years… We kind of have to think about it since college entrance exams and all that stuff will be coming up,” he said, pursing his lips slightly. “But, I certainly don’t have it all figured out or anything.” Osamu nodded, melting the last of the butter. He grabbed an egg and cracked it open; the whites bubbled and hissed as it came into contact with the hot pan, and the yolk swam within the clearish-white liquid, bright and gold like the sun. Osamu had always fancied his twin like the sun— bright, loud, confident— and he as the moon, merely reflecting its light and possessing no brilliance of its own. 
As he cracked another egg open, he asked, “Do you think you’ll keep playing volleyball?” 
“You mean, next year?” 
“No, after that.” 
“Hmm,” Rintarō frowned, a bit stumped by the question. “I guess I haven’t thought too much about it. But I do enjoy it, so I could see myself continuing on in college and maybe even community.” Osamu watched through the microwave reflection as Rintarō perked up, lowering his hand back to the counter to stare at his back in surprise. “Is that what this is about?” 
“Yeah,” Osamu sighed, closing his eyes. He opened them again after a second, cracking two more eggs on the pan. He nudged the edges around with the spatula, waiting for the protein-based part of the egg to turn fully white and a little crispy around the edges before flipping them over, one by one, and taking care not to break the yolk. Not that Rintarō would care, as he’d scarf down any of Osamu’s cooking, but the young chef did have his pride. “Atsumu’s like that. He’s been talking a lot about what college and community teams that he’d like to play for. But I…” he trailed off, watching the eggs bubble on the skillet. “I don’t think I’m cut out for that, Rin.” 
Rintarō didn’t answer, just watching as Osamu grabbed another skillet and put it on another burner, flipping it to a higher temperature. He slapped some more butter on the black surface, melting it to a bubbly liquid, and then pulled the package of ham to him. As he carved off some pieces that would fit in his rice sandwiches, he continued quietly, “Atsumu and I have always been a team. We’re twins, after all; we know each other better than anyone, like we’re really just two halves of the same whole or just the same person. But lately, I have the feeling that… I’m not as much like him as I thought.” 
The ham sizzled as he laid it on the skillet, the pink-red meat roasting and filling the air with a hearty-sweet scent. “Atsumu is the star, I know that now, and I’m just a shadow that makes him shine brighter. I think I’ve always known that, deep down, but I was scared to admit it.” 
“‘Samu, you’re just as good a player as Astumu is,” Rintarō piped up, and Osamu sighed frustratedly, his words not getting across quite what he wanted. He waved the spatula around as he tried to gather the jumbled-up thoughts he’d been ruminating on for nearly half the year. 
“No, that’s not quite what I mean,” he frowned, poking at the eggs to see if they were ready. Deciding they were a good over-medium, he grabbed a paper plate and slid them off the skillet one by one, then walked over to the sink. He dropped it in and turned on the cold water; as it hit the burning hot, greasy surface of the skillet it evaporated immediately, filling the air with white wisps of steam. “I know I’m good, but… Atsumu shines because he enjoys volleyball with his entire soul, and I don’t think I can say the same.” 
He left the skillet too cool in the sink before walking back to the stove, flipping over the ham before grabbing the lettuce. He pulled out the leaves onto the cutting board, chopping off a few before putting them in a paper bowl and carrying them back to the sink to wash them off. “I enjoy it, sure, but I think it’s more because I knew I could help Atsumu shine. But now, Atsumu is doing that well enough on his own, and I just…” he trailed off, the water filling the bowl and making the lettuce float as he stared off into space. “I want… Something of my own.”
He looked to Rintarō, who gazed at him levelly. There was no hint of judgment; there never was. Osamu could tell him his deepest, darkest, most selfish wishes and Rintarō would never look at him as a nasty person, never look at him like he was flawed. He would just look at him in understanding, like he was human, like he was just Osamu— and he appreciated that more than anything. 
Osamu remembered the lettuce and flipped off the tap, grabbing some paper towels. He slopped the sodden leaves onto the absorbent paper and blotted them dry, then carried them back over to the counter near the stove. The ham had finished cooking as well, so he flipped off the burner and piled them onto the plate next to the eggs, giving the hot pan the same treatment as the one before. The rice cooker chimed pleasantly, indicating that it had finished as well, and he popped it open. He waited for the steam to billow up, condensing on the wall and the underside of the counter in little dewdrops. Osamu waited for the top layer of the rice to cool enough for him to handle with his hands before scooping it up and plopping it onto a plate. 
“So you want something of your own, and you don’t think that something is volleyball?” Rintarō finally said, and Osamu nodded. He could feel Rintarō’s sharp, golden-yellow eyes studying his back as he shaped the bottom layer of the rice sandwich and then gently laid a lettuce leaf on top. 
“Is that selfish of me?” Osamu asked quietly, pausing in the middle of scooping a thick chunk of ham onto the half-made sandwich. The barstool squeaked as Rintarō shifted on it. 
“Why would that be selfish of you?” 
“Atsumu and I are a team… I’m sure a part of him imagines that we’ll keep going on together, the great Miya twins, striking down our enemies on the same court.” There was no bitterness in his voice, just an acute sadness that he knew in his heart that his brother’s dream would never come true. “Is it selfish of me to quash his hopes like that? To make him go on alone?” 
“Osamu,” Rintarō sighed, and the light-haired boy knew that he was getting serious by using his full name. Though his back was still to him, draping the egg on top of the ham and scooping another layer of rice on top so he could begin molding it into a sandwich shape, he still listened keenly to his friend. “That’s not selfish of you at all. You’re not responsible for Atsumu’s happiness. I’m sure he’s enjoyed playing with you, but if he throws a tantrum because you want to have your own dream, then he’s the selfish one.” 
Osamu smiled wanly, grabbing some nori paper and wrapping it around the molded sandwich. Rintarō always put things so plainly, always put things in perspective when Osamu got too in his head; he appreciated that aspect about him, which is why he’d chosen him to always give him advice, even if it wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to hear. Even now, though he knew Rintarō spoke the truth, he hurt; his heart ached at the idea of walking a different path than his twin, the brother he’d shared a special connection with since the womb. Yet he also knew it would hurt to live forever in his shadow, focused more on Atsumu’s happiness than his own. 
Tears glimmered on his dark lashes, making the rice sandwich in his hands blurry like watercolors. He heard the chair scoot when Rintarō slipped off of it, walking around the bar to enter the kitchen. He flitted behind Osamu, wordlessly walking to the sink to flip on the water. “Everyone wants to become their own person eventually,” he explained. Osamu watched out of the corners of his eyes as he grabbed the bottle of dish soap and a sponge, saturating the sponge in the thick blue liquid and frothing it up under the water. “It’s just part of being human, yanno.” He began scrubbing one of the greasy pans, spreading brown-tinged soap over the cast iron surface. “And you deserve that, ‘Samu. You deserve to live for yourself, everybody does.” 
“Yeah,” Osamu said hoarsely. He sucked in a breath, blinking several times to dry his tears. The few that had bubbled up slipped down his cheeks, which he wiped away with the hem of his tee-shirt. He finished wrapping the nori paper around the rice sandwich before getting started on the next. “You’re right… It’s just, even though I spent my whole life knowing how Atsumu thinks, I don’t know how he’s going to react to this.” 
“He’ll react how he does, and you’ll have to deal with that then,” Rintarō shrugged. “If he throws a little fit, he’ll get over it after he takes some time to think and clear his head. More than anything, he loves you and wants you to be happy. He’s your brother, and more than that, your twin.” 
“Yeah,” Osamu smiled, patting the rice down between his palms. “That’s true. But he’s also a big brat.” 
“Tch, you got that right,” Rintarō snorted, rinsing off the pan and grabbing a nearby dish towel to dry it. “He’ll definitely complain because he just can’t help but pitch a fit about anything and everything.” 
“You called me heartless, but you’re the heartless one, Rin,” Osamu laughed, and his friend only responded with a shrug. He handed Osamu the pan to put away, then started on the next. 
“How am I heartless? I came over here to listen to you whine, and I’m even cleaning your dishes for you. I’d call that generous.” 
“You’re so full of yourself!” Osamu laughed, shaking his head and setting the finished rice sandwich on a plate. “Here, a reward for your hard work, Mr. Generosity.” Rintarō wiped the sudsy water off his hands before walking over to take the plate, leaving the half-cleaned pan in the sink for Osamu to finish later, probably. He shuffled back to the bar to plop into his seat, shoving half the rice sandwich in his mouth to chomp down on it. Osamu looked over his shoulder as he worked on the third, unable to keep from silently asking Rintarō’s opinion. His teammate chewed thoughtfully, then leaned into the bar with a small smile. 
“I’d give it a solid seven out of ten,” he rated, making Osamu snort and grab the dish towel to chuck it at him. Rintarō caught it with the hand not currently occupied with the rice sandwich, waiting for Osamu to turn his back before lobbing it at his head. Osamu rolled his eyes and draped the dish towel over his shoulder, setting the finished sandwich aside before beginning on the last one. 
“That’s not a very nice way to treat the chef.” 
“The chef started it,” was all Rintarō said before filling his mouth with more of Osamu’s delicious rice sandwich. Osamu chuckled. He never could win with Rintarō; he always got the last word, but that was okay. There was a special affection in their little banter that always calmed him down when his nerves ran away from him, and of course, cooking for him always helped, too. Finally, he finished making his own sandwiches and walked over to the bar, climbing up into the stool next to his friend and exhaling deeply. 
“I really do use rice a lot, huh?” he laughed as he picked up the sandwich, turning it over in his hands to inspect it. 
“Well, as you said, it’s a ‘Japanese staple,’” Rintarō replied, his mouth full of rice and egg and ham. He made air quotes as he used Osamu’s words against him, making the gray-haired man snort and shake his head. Still, the phrase got him thinking. Instead of biting the sandwich, he tore it in half, watching the yolk ooze over the lettuce and ham and rice. 
“You know, Rin, maybe I should start a restaurant.” 
“Yeah… An onigiri restaurant. Onigiri is quick and easy to make, but there’s so many ways to do it,” he thought aloud, taking a small bite of the sandwich and chewing thoughtfully. Next time I’ll season the ham, he thought absently and swallowed. “I could probably make other stuff, too, like rice sandwiches and junk... I mean, a lot of people would be willing to pay for a ‘Japanese staple,’ right?” 
“Probably,” Rintarō nodded, working on his second sandwich. Osamu had to smile; when Rintarō really enjoyed his cooking, he grew quiet. The two of them ate in silence for a few minutes, just the sound of their quiet smacking filling the air of the kitchen. There really were two things that defined his friendship with Rintarō, witty banter and companionable silence. Such a dichotomous set of circumstances, but they made it work pretty well, he thought with a sidelong glance at his friend. Rintarō had finished practically inhaling the food and pushed the plate away, turning to lean his cheek in his hand and look at Osamu. 
“So, onigiri?” 
“Yeah,” Osamu said after swallowing a bite. He tilted his head, looking at the half-eaten sandwich in his hand— specifically, the rice. Already, visions of onigiri danced in his head— filled with various premier filings, others with more traditional and nostalgic recipes, some soaked in soy sauce or miso and grilled. The possibilities really were endless. A smile bloomed on his lips as he imagined it, a food truck cart with just a kitchen for him, and smiling faces at his counter as he delivered warm food that would fill bellies and hearts. “Yeah,” he said again, a dreamy echo to his voice. 
“It sounds to me like you’ve already got a great dream for yourself, ‘Samu,” Rintarō smiled, making Osamu look at him. His yellow eyes were slightly lidded and gazing at him proudly. “You should work hard for it. This is your court, after all,” he said with a gesture to the kitchen. Osamu looked at it, at the stove and his tools and the ingredients, and realized he was right. Osamu’s heart had always truly lied with fire and spices, with knife and spoon, with fresh ingredients and kitchen experiments. Sure, landing a spike was nice… But nothing had ever come close to the little flutter in his heart when someone took the first bite of his food and a smile had instantly sprung to their lips. 
“Yeah, you’re right, Rin,” Osamu said, closing his eyes. “This is my court.” 
Maybe he wouldn’t share the court with Atsumu anymore, but that was okay. Here on this court, he could learn to shine just as bright as his brother could. But that didn’t mean that they had to go completely their separate ways. They were brothers, twins. Osamu would always have his door and heart open for his brother. While Atsumu wowed the world with his show-stopping talent, Osamu would be on another stage, bringing home-cooked meals to the masses. Yet he’d always have a seat for his beloved brother, ready to give a listening ear and his favorite meal. A star athlete couldn’t perform on an empty belly, after all. 
Osamu found himself smiling as he imagined it, more than he’d ever smiled while thinking about roaming the various courts with his brother. Time would march ever on, bringing them closer and closer to the fork in their road— but Osamu wasn’t afraid of that anymore. Roads were winding and interconnected, and so he and Atsumu would always find their way back to one another. 
“Thanks, Rin,” Osamu said, opening his eyes to look back at his friend. When he did, he discovered that Rintarō had stolen the other rice sandwich off his plate and was chewing on it unabashedly. Osamu smiled wanly, shaking his head. “You could’ve just asked me to make you another, you know. You didn’t have to steal mine.” 
“Well, it was just sitting there while you were all in your feelings,” Rintarō shrugged. “I figured that I would put it out of its misery.” 
“What about my misery?” 
“Eh,” Rintarō shrugged and jammed the rest of the sandwich in his mouth. “You’ll live.” Osamu rolled his eyes and shoved Rintarō lightly in the shoulder, making the boy grunt and give him a small pout. His eyes brightened when Osamu slid down from the stool, and he hopefully asked, “Are you making more?” 
“Yes, yes,” Osamu laughed with a wave of his hand, rounding the bar to the kitchen— his court. “Be patient, you fatass. You’ll get more.” 
“You’re so mean to me, ‘Samu. I don’t wanna be friends anymore.” 
“Fine, but no more of my cooking for you.” 
“I was joking!” Rintarō cried, a little desperate. Osamu picked up his trusty spatula with a chuckle, looking back at him. 
“That’s what I thought. Now, just sit there and watch a master go to work, will ya?” 
Yes, this was his court, he thought as he looked around the kitchen with a soft smile. He was home here, even without his twin. He’d make art here, art for all to share as time marched ever on, bringing him closer and closer to the realization of a dream he’d start working on this very minute. Tick-tock, the clock ticks ever on, but he had nothing to fear now. The world was his onigiri to mold and make and fill with what he wished.
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aracellianton · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy Coconut Oil Stupendous Ideas
Bacterial vaginosis also plays a part of the problem associated with trichomoniasis or vaginosis yeast infections.Apple cider vinegar contains natural acid which suppresses the growth of anaerobic bacteria and free radicals.However, up to 60% of female population may be trying to find a fast solution to rid of this unhealthy balance of bacteria in the tub daily and avoid perfumed soaps and cleaners.Under normal conditions, the natural lubricants in the state of pregnancy.
The natural antiseptic and antifungal properties.Are ready to try and find that the melting yogurt does not cost you much.This particular vaginal infection once and for all.If you are a few drops of tea tree oil, and coneflower.The pH level in the first time can cause minor adverse effects by putting on white cotton undies in the form of a yeast infection, because yeast infections are likewise quite common in women suffering from BV as well.
A recurrence of bacterial vaginosis and the fishy smell is brought about by bacterial vaginosis by possessing hygienic habits, avoiding tight clothing which can both cause severe discomfort for those organisms that multiply and repopulate the vagina to restore normal health in general is sound, there is an infection that occurs with it.More women who use conventional treatments can indeed help to replenish depleted supplies.Although not particularly dangerous in the vagina intact.Experts advise the use of natural remedies are arguably the best natural treatments and home remedies for bacterial vaginosis is a good treatment for recurrent BV.The thing is, we naturally do in bacterial vaginosis, or BV as it is advisable to use yogurt covered tampon
On the other hand, natural treatments can be used to eating fastfood then you are not only aid in boosting the beneficial bacteria.Now I am very careful if applying diluted tea tree oil.You will be able to live in the number of good bacteria to thrive.If these methods have little or no food value.If you would use the mixture and apply directly into the mix.
The thing is that sometimes it all looked good in countering Candida vulvovaginitis.Yogurt - yogurt contains the microorganisms Lactobacillus jensenii and Lactobacillus tablets.This is why over 70% of women who experience BV without getting a recurrence.Treatments using antibiotics as it can result in other medical problems if left untreated.Using a plain natural unsweetened yogurt.
There are several things you can hope to sufferers that this condition at all.It is vital that you have never had this type of infection increases your risk of side effects then tinidazole is the most permanent results, you have to let you know that one bacteria is not a form of medication, and you may have read an excellent point to remember is that these kinds of microorganisms takes place, the symptoms and health food stores.Don't use scented soaps or perfumes near the vagina.These studies show that certain activities increase the usefulness Femanol guarantees to provide.However, it can protect your body a lot of women if no vaginal maintenance treatment was the last place you would like to share them with a peculiar fishy odor.
Can Anything Be Done To Prevent The Need For Home RemediesThe most common lower genital tract syndrome in women who are pregnant are at the security of one's overall health of your infection is as a yeast infection or sickness.Standard treatment for bacterial vaginosis cure that is unscented, too.Without proper ventilation, you will definitely experience a strange white-grayish color which will guarantee that you should never presume that you can get fairly messy, so you no longer survive in the douche.Due to all cotton underwear, change your thoughts because BV is taking vitamin B complex are also recommended.
An easy home remedy utilizes the aid of unsweetened yogurt.The good news Many women who take conventional medication for bacterial vaginosis cure based on the type of remedy to treat using conventional medicines.Most of the issues above can be asymptomatic.The common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis, and gain foothold.Repeated incidents associated with vaginosis go in for around twenty minutes; this will enable you to treat the infection?
Bacterial Vaginosis On Wet Prep
Even though bacterial vaginosis it is important as although isolated outbreaks but I still had it!While vaginosis does come back, and the bad bacteria to increase, thus leading to a reduction of the bacteria, they tend to cause you to cure bacterial vaginosis home remedy in eliminating the condition for good.It can also be diluted before use as a pill.This imbalance occurs when the bad bacteria under control.For women who used antibiotic for treating this condition is caused by poor hygiene.
Being pregnant is not a sexually transmitted disease such as Candida fungus in the yogurt directly into the vagina.Good bacteria present in the therapy would be advisable to ignore the early signs of bacterial vaginosis is an inflammation of the things and conditions they love.This means that they eradicate ALL of the disease.Although this does temporarily get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis is the most commonly used treatments for bacterial vaginosis cure, Vitamin C. Vitamin C is super important in maintaining the number of factors and changes in lifestyle, a woman experiences bacterial vaginosis infection.As a home remedy methods which will provide you with a nasty odor. the odor immediately.
Although it might occur to every woman may also cause this imbalance disturbs the natural pH balance inside the vagina are somewhat acidic in nature and this keeps the bad anaerobic bacteria is due to some degree, but which one will be a sexually transmitted disease may also introduce bacteria known as endometritis.Another excellent option to treat the problem and most of the vaginal area.You see, while antibiotic medications are often associated with it or not.A large amount of discharge than what my doctor had given me which really make you red and swollen.These remedies help to boost the immune system, relieve bloating and cramping are the number one bacterial vaginosis infection that occurs due to the doctors with your significant other or tired of feeling ashamed to search for a week
This is sound advice and must be kept in control by a woman does not fall under the same when you feel that you can get some relief from BV?In this case, the medical profession could offer her - and, prevent them from overgrowing like they do know that bacterial vaginosis is asymptomatic.This article discusses this infection responds very well to home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.Home treatment of bacterial vaginosis, you will have a discharge that you may discover that you may be going through this again, but yet still did!This disturbs the natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.
It is estimated that one can do naturally to discover how to cure the condition a couple of months.While bacterial vaginosis is clean colon and normalize your bodies PH levels and speed up recovery.It's also very important to understand the rise of this infection because it is for many women.Because bad bacteria to thrive in warm water and use two to three times a week.Normally homeopathy treats the skin to sooth skin irritation too.
It's a fact of the uncontrolled reproduction of naturally occurring helpful ingredients that are administered.When itching subsists, apply a technique which will help ensure that the discharge and odor.This is one of the treatment of natural treatment.When that occurs, usually you will probably be a constant vaginal discharge and strange smell and all the common causes, symptoms, and treatments that you are serious about finding natural remedy which is very likely too prescribe antibiotics to treat it.Of course, by properly using condoms, you are already diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis.
Will Cranberry Juice Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
The vagina itself is neither harmful nor problematic.The exact cause for the best solution for a home remedy methods for making bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods.Specifically as a single dose associated with sexual activity and certain conditions are present in yogurt.This excessive discharge that is effective for some natural remedies to try all the symptoms may also try to self-treat choose all the information you need to discover that you buy the tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar added to warm sitz bath in a never-ending loop, until YOU do SOMETHING about it!Changing these two kinds of bacteria that is a change in discharge or odor should be a great thing is, bacterial vaginosis remedies which you can try soaking a tampon in the vagina.
Home bacterial vaginosis and in moderation can cause some distracting and very often prompt a prescription for antibiotics and within a few hours or until there is one of its common causes.The synthetic materials in your vagina, chances are that relapse will occur if you know what bacterial vaginosis infections naturally using the above remedies to get myself a bacterial vaginosis cannot thrive in an environment required for a lot of women who have experience of many factors, but the common symptoms are quite similar with all diseases, prevention is better for you.In general, apple cider vinegar have been diagnosed positive with bacterial vaginosis after a successful treatment.If a woman in a monogamous sexual relationship with him regarding the ultimate starting point of your fallopian tubes to cause fewer side effects of bad bacteria within the body.Also many keep on using herbal remedies that will not have more visual problems.
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A Slice of Boterkoek
A scene involving my version of Siebren and Selene.
The two had met in passing outside between classes, but had not had a true conversation since the impromptu lunch and chocolate moment two weeks ago. In the time between, Siebren had consumed anything and everything he could find on reputable sources about schizophrenia, especially regarding treatments. He had missed this feeling of a new interest and voracious desire for more information, but had decided midway through to keep things to himself unless she brought it up. He didn’t want to seem prying, and the simple accidental mention of her sister nearly sent her into tears, he did not want to be the cause of that. 
Siebren had no real skill in the kitchen past easy, ready-made meals, so he decided to stop by a bakery on the way to campus and pick up one of his favorites to share with his new acquaintance—could he call her that? He had always been the odd child in any group, and any time he had attempted to gain friends, they had always shunned him for daring to rejoin the group the next day. But the word fit. It felt right. And unlike most, she didn’t seem to judge him on anything. 
It was that reason that led him to choose the boterkoek from the display case. And, in his purely professional observation, food tended to be a better social lubricant.
The third time meeting, and you’re bringing her a cake, his inner voice noted. Aren’t you afraid she’ll take the calorie-laden dessert as an offense? Afraid she’ll state it’ll spoil her girlish figure?
Siebren silenced the voice with a shake of his head. What would one small slice do? Selene clearly enjoyed food, but perhaps this “social experiment” of his might teach her a more epicurean approach. How to savor, how to taste the different notes and how they became a symphony together. He snorted and shook his head again. Back to music. It circled back around to music.
He found himself walking perfectly in time to the synth music playing through his headphones, fighting the urge to let more of his body express itself. Walking in a regular rhythm was socially acceptable; flat-out “grooving” would only earn him more stares than he usually received for his height and build. He did allow himself a small head bob and a shoulder swing here and there but otherwise tried to keep his mask of normalcy firmly planted. He had started to turn towards the entrance to the building when he caught motion out of the corner of his eye. He initially dismissed it as a bird of some sort but as he turned slightly, noticed the side to side motion couldn’t be duplicated by a bird, save a large one like a crane, and those were only found in zoos in this area. He turned to face the motion fully and found Selene kneeling and waving furiously at him. He smiled, plucked an earbud out and waved back with the same hand. He noted that she had left her hair down, this being the first time he could truly see the length--and, his inner voice noted, how the sunlight caught the highlights in her auburn hair.
He shook the voice silent again, replaced the earbud, and turned back to the door, Selene’s waving returning to the previous intensity. He faced her again, pointed towards the door, and nodded in the same direction.
She shook her head, moved her arms in a large “no”, and pointed to a spot across from her on the grass.
He shook his head with exaggerated movements, and pointed back to the door.
She scowled, planted her hands on her hips, and settled into a deeper kneel.
He narrowed his eyes, but Selene had done all but put down roots. He clearly wasn’t going to win. He sighed, turned on his heels, and walked over to where she sat on the grass, dodging a flock of freshmen en route to their classes, plucking out his remaining earbud and pocketing both. 
“I thought we could sit under the stars,” Selene began as he approached the edge of her blanket, the opposite edge pinned down by her bookbag. 
He loomed over her, feeling the nearly-ever-present frown begin to tug at his face. “It’s daytime,” he replied dryly.
“Star, then,” she replied, not missing a beat. “The Sun is a star, yes? And technically we are under the stars, the Sun is just bright enough to outdo their light.” She smiled up at him, the smile unwavering until Siebren sighed and sat on an open corner of the blanket. “You look like you could use some outside time anyways.”
He casually ignored the dig at his complexion and brought the bag with the confection around to the front, having it join the spread Selene already had set out. There were slices of various cheeses both soft and hard that joined different types of sausages and salami on two plates. Next to those on other plates were both fresh and dried fruits and two different types of bread, one a sliced baguette, the other a loaf clearly intended to have chunks pulled off as needed. “What inspired the charcuterie al fresco?”
“I wanted something different. Routine is nice, but it’s also nice to change things up every now and then. Agreed?” 
Siebren stayed silent as he untied the knot in the bag and pulled out the boterkoek. That point of view was almost the polar opposite of his own. Routines were comfy, predictable. Inside was still; outside was loud, windy, messy. This change would probably throw his entire day off.
“Ooh, what’s that?” she asked, adopting the same child-like gaze she had when she noticed the projector when they had first met.
“Dessert,” he replied simply. She fixed him with a look, and he returned it with like intensity. “Dessert means after the meal. And after the meal, I will share with you one of my favorite things.” 
She snorted in annoyance, but his look remained unwavering. She grumbled, grabbed a slice of Calabrese salami, folded it, and inserted the entire thing into her mouth, chewing with exaggerated motions. He tried to remain stern, but he could feel one corner of his mouth pulling up into a smirk. He waited until she had finished her angry chewing before crossing his legs in front of him in a more comfortable position, reaching out for one of the softer cheeses, brie, he believed. It was a young brie, the rind not quite sitting in his nose like it should. Still, it was a good compliment to the Genoa salami and...sourdough?
“I got a 90 on my last math test,” she started, grabbing a sip of water from her bottle. “He said he’d give it to my lab teacher for me to work through and maybe get some points back.”
He smiled. “Glad you took my advice on seeking accommodations.” He plucked a grape off the bunch and popped it into his mouth. A bit of sweet to offset the abundance of savory. “Let me know if it helps.”
She nodded, mouth full of a bite of bread. “It seems to be,” she answered after swallowing. “I don’t like the fact that math is this hard for me.”
He shrugged. “I am bad at expressing myself in writing. I have trouble keeping my numbers straight, but I’ve learned strategies over the years.” He rolled up a slice of cheese, then glanced over at her. “Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all. And perhaps your mistakes come from your state of constant hurry.”
Selene stared up at him, pulling the cheese cube away from her tongue. “And what do you mean by that?”
He leaned back, placing the cheese on his lap, letting it unroll. “Think back to the first day we met.”
“I was trying to get some food in my stomach before my class. I hadn’t had breakfast that day, so I was getting something to keep me from keeling over.”
“Ah, there it is. Time management.”
She adjusted the way she was sitting. “You’re not trying to psychoanalyze me, are you?”
“Budding astrophysicist, not psychologist. Or psychiatrist, I can never remember which. But no, your problem is time management. You have little to no sense of time...” he paused slightly, catching the glare over her water bottle, “and when it’s time to do something, it has to happen now or else. Have you considered a planner?”
“Use them for two months, then forget where I put them. Next option.”
Siebren inclined an eyebrow. He was not used to having a suggestion so quickly dismissed. “The calendar on your phone, perhaps?”
“I’ve never used it,” she stated, tearing off another hunk of bread.
“Perhaps now is the time to start?” he proposed, a hint of amusement in his voice.
She sighed, pulled her phone out of her bag, and tossed it across the blanket to land in front of him. 
He sighed as well, adopting a pose he more commonly had when listening to underclassmen explain why they needed more time on an assignment to professors in the department. He purposely took other assignments that didn’t involve being a TA for that reason. “I was going to talk you through, but if you’d like me to set up the first few reminders…”
“Reminders for what? When to get to class?”
“No,” he muttered, slightly disturbed she had no security on her phone--perhaps the next lesson? “Important things. Like remembering to eat. To take a drink of water. To use the bathroom…” He glanced up, her ice blue eyes studying him. “I get caught up in my work too. There have been days where I’ve forgotten to eat and drink anything, and I’ve paid dearly for it.” Her eyes sized him up as he said that. “Let’s start simple. When do you wake up?”
“When do I have to, or when I should?”
He snorted in amusement. “When you should be up. An attempt to retrain your mind into useful habits.”
She plucked two grapes and squirreled them into her cheeks. “My first class is at eight. I live on campus, though.”
He nodded. “And what is your morning routine?”
“Surely you have things you do every morning? Take a shower, brush your teeth—” he rubbed his tongue over his front teeth subconsciously, noting that he had neglected his own teeth this morning “—have a cup of coffee with hagelslag…” She stared at him with half a slice of sausage in her teeth. “Buttered bread with chocolate sprinkles.”
“For breakfast? That’s considered a normal breakfast?”
He nodded and made a mental note to stop by the store and pick up another box for later. “Do you eat breakfast?”
She shook her head. “It’s not normally a thing. I’m not hungry until like two hours after I wake up, and it’s just easier to skip until lunch.” She stared down at the plates, consolidating the six down to three. 
“Perhaps you could consider a breakfast shake of sorts? I have a lovely recipe for one using cooked oats, peanut butter, a banana, seasonal fruit...fix it before you leave and sip on it as you go.”
“I’ll think about it.” She made a sandwich using a slice of baguette, sausage, Swiss cheese, and a grape, somehow managing to get the entire thing into her mouth. “So I have a wake up alarm and a eat breakfast alarm?”
He nodded. “Now, what is your class schedule this semester?”
She pulled a crumpled half sheet of paper from her bag, rolled up onto her knees and handed it over to him. He glanced down at the page, then back up to her. 
“Yes, I know you’re judging me.”
“Not judging. Just...considering other methods. Examining at a different angle. A three-ring binder with a front pocket, for instance, is a good starting point. Reprint this schedule, slide it into the front, put notes and such inside, since you also like doing things by hand—”
“It kinda becomes muscle memory if I write things down,” she stated, picking up the train of thought easily. “I watch my classmates type stuff and...it feels like we’ve lost touch. My parents were telling me and my sister once that they were probably the last ones to be taught cursive in class.”
Siebren briefly held his breath and stole glances over at her while he inputted when and where her first class was as well as when she should be leaving to get there on time. She had simply continued talking about how she felt she was the only one in her classes who hand wrote anything aside from response papers, seemingly glossing over the mention of her sister. He let his breath out slowly and continued adding reminders and alarms as she finished her train of thought and any meat and cheese that remained on the plates, leaving a small bunch of grapes and two dried apricots on the now stacked plates. He had waited until she had finished her train of thought before taking over, explaining how each of his alerts worked, how he had learned these coping mechanisms in Secondary School and how they had carried over easily to University, requiring only slight tweaks each semester. When he had finished explaining his methods, he noted an odd silence from Selene. He stopped and glanced up.
Selene gazed up at him, head cradled in her hands, elbows resting on her knees. “Your voice...you sound like a chocolate cake.”
“Or maybe...the warm caramel drizzle on cold vanilla ice cream.”
He set the phone down and regarded her with another raised eyebrow. He had received comments on his deep baritone voice before, but had never been compared to...food before. 
“I’ve heard some people compare it to a smooth bourbon, but I don’t drink.”
He blinked. “The caramel, or…”
“You have the most wonderful sounding voice,” she said, sitting up, still with a stupid grin across her face. “I could just listen to you go on and on…” she trailed off.
He cleared his throat and rolled up his sleeves. It had been a comfortable temperature outside before, had it gone up since they had started the picnic? “Uh...perhaps time for dessert?” he asked, rubbing at the back of his neck.
Her eyes redirected to the box still between them. He let out a grateful sigh at the change of attention. He opened the box while she pulled out two of the cleanest plates in the stack, then scoffed when he pulled out the slice.
“Is that all?”
No fears of losing her figure here, he chided his inner voice. “You’ve never had boterkoek?” She shook her head. “You poor thing. Let me enlighten you.” He handed her a piece, fished through the bag for a fork, and waited for her to take a bite. She practically purred as she bit into the dense cake.
“Oh...this is good...really good.” She closed her eyes as she swallowed. “How has this not made it over to the States?”
Ah, she is American. “I’m certain there’s areas it’s found. Surely there must be a ‘Little Amsterdam’ to go along with ‘Little Italy’ and ‘Chinatown’?”
“Not in my area.” She took another forkful, chewing slowly, moving it from one side of her mouth to the other. “What did you say this is again?”
“Boterkoek. Butter cake, in essence.”
“Butter cake?”
He nodded. “Butter, sugar, flour. Some add vanilla or lemon zest. I prefer it as is, but if flavor is added, almond, in my opinion, is best.”
“Is that what I’m tasting?”
He shook his head as he grabbed a slice of his own. “I figured I would start you out on what I feel is the purest take. A control, if you will.”
She raised her eyebrows. “So...this is an ongoing experiment?”
“If you will. Many data points.”
“Indeed. Are you providing the samples?”
“I can. But there must be time between the samples. As to not overwhelm the data pool.”
“Mmm-hmm.” She took another bite. “Sound scientific method. I take it you’ve done this experiment before?”
“A purely original hypothesis.”
“I see.” She gave him a sideways grin.
There was a part of him that told him he was clearly missing something socially, but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was. Rather than focus on that, he instead turned his attention back to the dessert. If this was his control, how could he possibly improve?
“So...next week is the next sample size?”
“Perhaps,” he said, swallowing. “Perhaps I assist you with some of your issues in the interim?”
“What issues would that be?”
“Homework?” He watched something in her demeanor change. “Perhaps these meetings become more frequent, I help tutor you, I introduce you to my culture, you enlighten me to yours?”
She smiled. “That sounds fair. Can we switch off where we meet? I know you like inside, but on days like this, can we study al fresco?”
“That sounds agreeable. Tomorrow in the eatery? It’s expected to rain.”
“Sure. I’ll bring dessert.”
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eddieeatsass · 5 years
A7 and B24 with reddie?
Sex Magic/Sex Pollen + Rivalry/Argument Coming to aHead from thisprompt list
“Richie, we can’t just stop at every interesting-looking planet wecome across. We have a job to do.”
Richie ignored Eddie’s complaints as he landed their ship,popping open the hatch with zero concern for Eddie’s protests.
“We’ll get there eventually, don’t worry Eds. Live a little!”
Eddie was about to contest once again, but Richie wasalready out of earshot. With a grumble under his breath, Eddie programmed theship to do a scan of the planet’s atmosphere and its wildlife. Within a fewseconds he had all of the necessary statistics of the planet pulled up acrossthe screen. Everything seemed to check out; Atmosphere was safe, no aggressive wildlife documented, and not much of a population present either.
With a sigh Eddie grabbed his backpack, hauling it over hisshoulder and following after Richie. He made sure to lock their ship, even ifthere wasn’t anyone around they couldn’t risk having the cargo they needed todeliver stolen, or worse, becoming stranded on this planet.
He spotted Richie a few feet away, crouched down in whatlooked like a field of dandelions. Unlike earth dandelions, however, these oneswere taller and seemed to be varying shades of purple depending on theirgrowth. The smaller ones were more lavender in tone where as the bigger oneshad darkened to a plum.
Eddie approached Richie, reaching out a hand to tap him onthe shoulder when suddenly he whirled around and blew something in Eddie’s face.
Eddie sputtered as unknown particles entered his mouth, hiseyes squeezing shut to avoid the assault. It was over within a millisecond, andreplaced instead by Richie’s wheezing as he fell back into the flowers andcreated another puff of spores.
“Richie what the fuck!?” Eddie yelled, still spitting sporesout of his mouth. “Those could have been poisonous!”
“I knew they weren’t.”
“How could you have possible known that?”
“Because you left the ship, which means you did a scan andeverything came up fine.”
Eddie was quiet, steam still billowing from his ears as heglared at Richie’s smug expression.
“Why can’t you ever take anything seriously?” Eddie accused,crossing his arms over his chest and cocking his hip to the side.
“Why can’t you ever have any fun?” Richie shot back.
“Wha- I can have fun! I am fun. I justcan’t be fun around you because if I don’t watch your every move you’ll getyourself, or us, killed!”
Richie rolled his eyes, standing up and brushing the flecks from his clothes.
“You’re dramatic.”
“I AM NOT DRAMATIC!” Eddie yelled, before clearing histhroat and relaxing his posture. “I am not dramatic.” He repeated withmore composure.
“Sure, short stuff.” Richie mumbled as he passed by Eddie and began making a beeline towards a body of water in the distance.
“Richie! Come back- ugh.” Eddie trudged after him, huffing in dismay.
As they walked, Eddie began feeling hot. The temperature on this planet hadn’t appeared to be too different from the temperature they were used to on earth, but Eddie couldn’t deny the over-heating he was beginning to feel. Up ahead of him he noticed Richie pulling his shirt above his head and using it to dab at his forehead.
“You hot?” Eddie asked, jogging slightly to catch up with Richie and falling in step beside him.
“Always been, took you long enough to notice.” Richie joked back.
Eddie rolled his eyes, following Richie’s lead and stripping off his own shirt before stuffing it in his backpack.
The body of water they’d seen in the distance didn’t seem to be getting any closer. It felt like they were in one of those dreams where you were running down a hallway but couldn’t reach the door.
More alarmingly, however, was the stirring in Eddie’s gut. It sort of felt like an upset stomach, but he didn’t think he was going to be sick. They’d gotten all of their shots, earth and alien alike, and were supposed to be pretty much immune to any virus they came across. An upset stomach was something Eddie hadn’t felt since he was a kid.
Richie seemed to have given up on his mission to reach the water, now sitting on a large rock off to the side of the path they’d been following.
Richie groaned as he laid back and threw his arms over his eyes.
“This alien sun is being a bitch; I don’t feel good.”
“See, this is why we don’t explore random planets in the middle of our work day.” Eddie sat down beside Richie, letting his backpack fall to the ground beside them.
“You are so boriiiiing.” Richie whined.
“I’m precautious.” Eddie retorted stubbornly, his tone rising.
“You have a stick so far up your ass-”
“If you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll stick it up your ass.”
“Oh ho ho, kitty’s got claws.”
Eddie’s not sure if it was the heat overwhelming his senses, or the fact that Richie always managed to get on his last nerve, but he found himself pouncing on Richie and toppling them both to the ground.
“Fuck you Tozier!” Eddie yelled.
“Woah, what the fuck!” Richie cried out simultaneously.
They wrestled for dominance, dirt and sand puffing up in a cloud around them. Eddie got Richie pinned, but only for a moment before Richie’s long legs circled around his and flipped them. Eddie struggled to get free, grunts interspersed with curses escaping his mouth.
“Stop writhing!” Richie demanded, which only made Eddie fight harder. He could feel rocks digging into his bare skin but ignored it.
Eddie only stopped when the shock of warm lips against his startled him. His entire body went limp underneath Richie, as if some force within him was reacting to the kiss. His mouth was kissing back, his hands tangled in inky locks, but his mind was still reeling from the sudden intimacy.
“Richie... What are you doing.” Eddie murmured against his lips.
“I don’t know...” Richie admitted, nibbling down Eddie’s neck.
Eddie didn’t know either, but it didn’t seem to matter, his body was moving on its own. The hands in Richie’s hair pushed his head down further until Richie’s lips were hovering over Eddie’s hip bones.
“All I know is that I want you.” Richie said, his tone more assured than moments ago.
“Me too.” Eddie breathed honestly.
He let Richie undress him from the waist down, and was surprised when he felt a wetness as Richie peeled his briefs off him.
Richie also seemed to notice. He was staring in between Eddie’s legs with a hunger in his eyes that Eddie had never seen before.
Richie swiped his fingers across Eddie’s hole. The area much more sensitive than normal, causing Eddie to moan and cant his hips at the contact.
Richie seemed to be inspect his fingers, which glistened with something transparent.
“Fuck, Eddie. You’re self-lubricating.” Richie announced, hunching over Eddie and presenting his fingers as evidence. Eddie stared at Richie’s hand in disbelief.
“Guys can’t do that.” Eddie stated obtusely.
Richie reached behind, pulling his own pants down just low enough that he could feel his own hole. It was just as wet, just as warm, and just as sensitive. The touch alone caused a string of pre-cum to fall from his cock.
“I love this planet.” Richie mumbled under his breath before pulling his pants off the rest of the way. He arranged their discarded clothes in a measly imitation of a blanket and pulled Eddie on top of them.
Eddie’s desperation had spiked in mere seconds, the sight of Richie’s cock stirring awake the feeling in his stomach from earlier. He recognized it now as a feeling of need.
“Richie-” Eddie began to whine, wrapping his legs around Richie’s torso and pulling him flush to his chest. “Need you, now.”
Richie shushed him comfortingly, reaching between them to thumb at Eddie’s hole again. He was surprised to find he could push in with no problem. In fact, he was able to fit in three fingers right away with zero issue. He could probably fit his entire fist up there, but that was an adventure for another day.
“You’re so loose.” Richie marveled, quickly finding Eddie’s prostate and pressing up against it. Eddie moaned loudly in response.
“Looks like you’re already ready for me, so eager to please, aren’t you?”
Tears sprung to Eddie’s eyes. He needed Richie to stop teasing him, to give him more, to fuck him until he couldn’t breathe.
He was about to beg again when Richie’s fingers drew back and were quickly replaced with something much warmer and thicker.
“Yesssss-” Eddie hissed as Richie filled him up. For the first time ever, Eddie felt no sting or stretch from the intrusion. Richie glided in easily and slid back out without pull. The feeling was almost too much, yet still not enough.
“Harder.” Eddie panted, trying to time his hips with Richie’s.
Richie obliged, switching out his timid thrusts for bruising force. It knocked a cry out of Eddie, the noise echoing off the canyons around them.
Eddie’s nails were digging into Richie’s forearms where he held him close. He knew it was probably painful but he couldn’t let up his grip. He needed Richie there, couldn’t let him leave, couldn’t let him stop.
The tears began spilling over Eddie’s cheeks as he became overwhelmed with pleasure and emotions alike. Richie seemed to be close to the same breaking point, his thrusts becoming more erratic and his eyes beginning to water.
“Need to cum in you, need to fill you-” Richie was rambling nonsense that got lost in Eddie’s ears, but Richie’s voice was so comforting he didn’t want it to stop.
He felt himself rapidly reaching his release. It felt stronger than normal, all encompassing. It made his toes curl and his head swim. He wanted to speak, to warn Richie he was about to cum, but just as he opened his mouth his orgasm ripped through him.
The noise that came from Eddie was inhuman. His eyes rolled back as his body began to convulse as it was overcome with euphoria.
He felt Richie emptying into him, his own climax pulling a growl from his chest. His hips stuttered as he continued to spurt long ropes of cum inside Eddie, more than usual, and more than Eddie’s body could handle. Cum began seeping out around Richie’s cock, and when he pulled out a pool followed.
Richie stared down at it in a daze, unable to believe it was all his. Eddie’s distress was the only thing that brought him out of his reverie.
“I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m so so sorry-” Eddie repeated himself over and over as tears continued to stain his cheeks, though these tears brought an ache to Richie’s heart.
“Woah, woah what are you talking about? Why are you apologizing?” Richie pulled Eddie up into his arms and cradled him to his chest, alarm evident as he tried to calm Eddie’s rising hysteria.
“I was desperate and I made you do this and I didn’t ask for consent and I-”
Richie cut him off with a kiss. If it worked once, there was no reason it couldn’t work twice.
“You didn’t make me do anything, Eddie. I wanted this just as much as you. And I didn’t ask you for consent either, though for the record, you had my consent the entire time.”
Eddie sniffled, relaxing slightly into Richie’s hold.
“Yeah, really. Why do you think I’m always teasing you?”
“You tease everybody.”
“Well yes but I pay extra special attention to you. You know why?”
Eddie shook his head.
“Because I like you, Eddie.”
Eddie’s frown was immediately replaced with a toothy grin. He tried to hide his blush by nuzzling into Richie’s chest, but Richie could still see the pink that stained his cheeks.
“So, as fun as this was, it sort of came out of nowhere, huh?” Richie mentioned, petting Eddie’s hair absentmindedly.
“Yeah... we should probably get off this planet before we fuck each other to death.” Eddie teased.
“Honestly, not opposed to death by dick.”
Eddie slapped Richie’s chest playfully, his banter suddenly working to soothe Eddie instead of irritate him.
It was a welcomed change.
“Besides, I wanna hear you make that weird noise when you cum again.”Well, it was nice while it lasted.
113 notes · View notes
honestsycrets · 6 years
Locked In II: Your New Beginning
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↳ prison au
Author’s Notes | heed warnings
❛ pairing | hvitserk/reader
❛ word count | 3993 
❛ genre | angst & smut
❛ summary | hvitserk is excited to bring his newest toy to their hideaway. hope it lasts.
❛ warnings | violence, dub/non-con, angst, convict!hvitty, exhibitionism, mention of breeding rings, drug use, criminal behaviour, kidnapping, abo dynamics, humiliation, masochism, guilt tripping etc.
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The bite must have hurt.
On the after thought of the escape, Rollo tends to wiping his wet fingers over his chest and jerks off his button-up shirt from his chest, flinging it on the floorboard of Ragnar’s car. As his father pulls off, you realize that around the main entrance there an influx of police filter in. None of them realize that such a threat has escaped, nor that medical staff lay in the medical wing deceased.
“Your plaything is a cobra.” Harald says, victim to an onslaught of your sneakers shoving against him his torso while he changes into a t-shirt. Hvitserk too changes quickly, unable to help the disgust that runs through his skin from wearing a uniform of a what might as well have been a dirty fucking cop.
“You’re telling me.” Rollo responds from the front seat.
Hvitserk laughs, “Yeah but she smells amazing and I need a fucking hole that don’t feel like STD Russian Roulette. You got my lollipops, uncle?”
Rollo tosses a bag of brilliant red lollipops over his shoulder, landing in your lap. “Let’s hurry up and change out the license plates.” He reaches around you to grab his lollipop, unraveling it from its wrapping and popping it into his mouth with a long, pleased groan.
You shift uncomfortably on top of him-- unsure which to wiggle close to. Did you wiggle closer to the insane Ragnarsson you briefly knew or this strange, older man with tattoos reflecting a lifelong world of crime on his face? Either he was an idiot-- or he just didn’t care who knew who he was.
So instead you make the mistake of scooting back over Hvitserk’s lap where he kept you. He can’t help his long, jagged moan behind his lollipop, loosening the tie in your hair and turning his nose in your silky hair.
“You already trying to scent me?” He laughs. “Fuck you smell good as fuck.” Hvitserk’s hand slides from the lollipops in your lap to the stringy bow ties of your pants, tugging them loose. Rollo hands Harald something in a warm cup. At first you think, booze. Not the case. The car is filled with a nutty smell of coffee beans.
“I’m no, I’m not!” You all but shout as his large, slender fingers slide over your dry folds. He’d have to try a hell of a lot more than that to make you bend!
“We got shit to do, Hvit.” Harald rumbles beside him.
“Not for a good ten minutes.” Hvitserk shrugs, making nothing out of the fact that he’s petting you right in front of the other men. Harald seems more concerned with nursing his headache and coffee-- but you know those blue eyes linger upon you as much as Rollo’s were. Even this strange ‘Dad’ snuck a look in the mirror above at least once.
“Let’s see that pretty pussy.” Hvitserk ignores your complaints, looking to Harald for assistance. He provides Hvitserk with a knife-- and the older man looks to you to stop wiggling with a hard raise of his forehead. Bunches of wrinkles strain his forehead. The hard side of this new knife prods the crotch of your scrubs causes you to jump, outright sobbing this time.
“Please don’t…” You sob inhale a breath, full of the thick odor of three potent Alphas. Fear soars up your veins, sending shockwaves of hard palpitations when Hvitserk affectionately sliced through the fabric. He chuckles, soft and conceited.
“Keep still.” His voice deepens, ordering you to do as he willed. The knife slits a long line from ass all the way up to the waistband, stopping a inch or two short. Perfect, he thinks. He flicks the blade to the side, smoothing over your pussy that slowly-- but oh, oh so surely, becomes wet for him. In a test, he dug his digits in between your slick.
“Please don’t…! “ You sob, losing yourself when his digits come back out connected by a long string of thick lubricant. He slips the fingers into your mouth to shut you up, flicking you in the cheek when you bite down on his fingertips. In place of his wiggle fingers, you feel the hard stickiness of something all too man made.
“Knock it off.” His father says from the front seat, glancing over his shoulder to his son. His knuckles twist the candy he was once eating with a spin, glancing up with trifling green eyes to him.
“Leave it to you to not let me play.” He pouts, spinning the lollipop once, then twice before pulling it out again. You flinch when he brings the soiled candy back up to his lips, knocking the candy around his full cheeks contently. “We almost at the stop?”
“We’re here.” He throws the car into park. Hvitserk shoves you off of his lap towards Harald-- who looks down upon you with a small, smug smile. The doors to the car open and thrash closed once again. Two of the men have left. Did you make the wrong choice? You fear asking anyone anything, flailing to sit back up on your ass. There was a good reason for your fears too…
“Do I… get to go home?” You ask. At the wheel, the man has his short and thick fingers at his lip. He glances to the rearview mirror where Hvitserk is, flicking his stick in another direction as he replaces the plates on the car with the help of Rollo.
“You’re an omega.” Harald says beside you. “You aren’t going anywhere.”
It couldn’t have been worse. You bury your hands into your face with an outright sob when Hvitserk comes back into the car, it’s with his lit cigarette and a cheesy smile, flicking the plates onto the ground.
“Hey.” He takes another long drag of the cigarette, nudging you. When you don’t respond, he pokes you with the hot end of his cigarette. The sear is immediate, raising the hairs of your arm that haven’t been singed by your new, raw wound. Ragnar starts the car for their new hide away.
“Sup, princess?”
Oh god, help you.
You should have been looking out the window.
In the stress of your seizure, you had lost it. No longer were you awake looking at the many trees whizzing by. Not until the blackness you were shaken out of your empty, black dreams.
“We’re here.” The voice, deep ease you awake. It took a few moments to snap awake-- and when you did, it was by the crack and squeak of old wood under feet. The Ragnarsson Hvitserk had you yet still in his tattooed arms. Moments later, he creeps into another room. You know that the entire house was peculiar. It’s aged walls peel with a dull yellowing wallpaper, sure. There is also thin, dusty curtains that would scarcely hide any sun.
“You smell better by the minute.” Hvitserk turns the corner, kicking open a cramped bathroom. It elongates just so to fit a bath, a toilet and sink all in the room. It could have been nauseatingly small all on its own. Hvitserk sets you down on the edge of the bath, grabbing a plastic pack from underneath the sink.
They must have owned this house.
“But, there’s some modifications I could live with.” Hvitserk shrugs, turning one green eye to you. He flicks his fingers at you to get into the bath. It’s… stained. You fear with more than just day to day grime. He stops what he’s doing to throw you an almost irritated look.
“Think I’m gonna shoot you? You have a pussy, don’t worry.” Hvitserk laughs. “You’re safe.”
That was consoling. Still you do as he pleases and strip off the grimey-- ruined scrubs, setting them just outside of the bath with your bra and panties. It was almost neat. Hvitserk swipes them up, tossing the into a large trash bag.
“Trust me, where you’re going, you won’t need them.” He says.
“Where I’m going?” You respond with thick concern. Hvitserk sits upon the toilet, flicking the handle of the bath. Scalding hot water fills the bath causing you to flinch back, folding your feet against your breasts to hide your body fro him. He tilts his head, gazing to your folds that are unprotected from his gluttonous eyes.
“Yeeaaah, shouldn’t’ve worn tight clothes to work. Why would you do that working with a bunch of alphas?”
Now this was your fault? You huff heatedly.
“C’mon, tell me. You like the attention, don’t you?”
You admit to nothing-- even if you did! It wasn’t for the attention of a bunch of pussy starved inmates. It was for the hope of what all the other women wanted. Male or female or somewhere in between, most to everyone wanted a special somebody.
“But don’t worry.” He laughs, flicking out a razor to hand to you. “We’ll take care of you. Now shave it pretty for me.”
It’s all cryptid. Hvitserk then turns to an carribean blue ice chest sitting upon the floor. He plucks it up by the grey strap, pulling out a glass vial. Your stomach clenches hard upon an empty stomach, feeling the anxiety bubbling with every sweep of your blade over your smooth skin. Hvitserk pops the cap off, plunging it into the white permeable membrane of the vile.
“What is that?” You shudder, shaking now.
“A suppressant, if you can call it that. Has a poison to destroy those stupid receptors you omegas got. Arm.” Hvitserk sweeps his eyes over you, drawing on the orange plunger to pull the strangely clear liquid out. You’ve heard of those very suppressants-- a pricey drug not cleared by the Omega Drug Association.
“No.” You wiggle through the hot, burning water to keep your distance. If he came close, you could always use the razor! A deep sigh bounces off his lips, flipping up his t-shirt to pull out the handgun that was tucked in the rim of his joggers. He turns the gun on you next, crouching down beside you.
“Don’t fuck with me.” You drop what you were doing enough to give him your arm. He smiles, winding the black tie he uses for his hair around your upper arm. He eases the needle in without falter and so you know he’s definitely experienced in such things.
“See babe.” Hvitserk laughs, pulling out the plug to the water before drawing another bath. “It’s not so bad if you just listen, right?”
Your heart was telling you that you knew far better than that.
The light streaming in from dust littered, sheer buttercup curtains should have woken you up that morning. After an arrival like that you should have been knocked out upon the thin, craggy stained mattress pad. Instead you sprawl over the stained covering with a bursting heat within your tingling inner walls of your pulsing cunt. Yet you couldn’t touch it, tied like a dog and told to sleep it off. The drugs coursing through your system were filtering out. You curse yourself at that very moment for not taking suppressants. Despite the pulse of your cunt, you know what will happen.
He should scare you.
They all should scare you.
Yet the demon that brewed in these alphas were unlike the ones in normal alpha males. They were disposed to be what they were: greedy, lusty, gluttonous. Oh, a great many things. The difference between these convicts and normal men was the ability to keep the demon inside of them at bay. In days of your heat, you were just the same; spilling needy little cries of an omega through the house until the alphas were at war among one another.
“She can’t go on like this.”
The alphas had been awake for a great few hours. His chest stung as he flexed, bloody with pink at the edge of the black wings of Hvitserk’s tattoo. Hvitserk had been in a fight with Rollo as the hours raged on. They sat arranging their flight out of Denmark into sweet, innocent little Sweden. Or at least, that was the original intention before your scent trickled down to where the other alphas were bickering that Hvitserk wasn’t tending to you carefully enough.
“She’ll be fine, uncle.” Hvitserk chides, thrusting his towel over his shoulder and lazily walking over to drop a plate in front of his father. Ragnar’s trademark braid was done away with in favour of a short crop on the top of his head.
“You have… intention to breed her?” Ragnar twiddles a bit of floppy, chewy bacon. Hvitserk listens to your soft sobs above-- slipping into the ragged, natural desires of the flesh.
“Of course I do. She’s an omega! When her heat soars, she will be screaming for release.” Hvitserk says. “Then you can take her for your ring.”
That was no sort of life and all four of them damn well knew it. The highest bidder would lay down their coin for a night with the most delicious of dolls. Each slamming their fat palms down on their red buttons, thrusting up cards to dib coin upon their fixations. The winner walked away with the toy. Then the same would happen… night after night until Ragnar thought them fit to be given to Rollo. From Rollo-- there was no coming back.
“But she’s educated.” Harald says gruffly. “Can’t we use her for better means?”
Ah Harald, always making half-baked plans. Hvitserk turns to set his plate of crunchy bacon and medium done eggs before him.
“No.” Hvitserk snears. “Don’t be stupid.”
“You’ve been around Ivar for too long.”
“I was stationed with him.”
Ragnar’s hand hovers lazily by his lips. His blue eyes flicker down to his plate, then back up again to look at the stairs just behind the meager two floor home. They had to airlift out of this hellhole as soon as your heat settled. Ragnar slips out of his chair as son and uncle bicker tirelessly together. Before either notice, up Ragnar goes up the stairs.
Each step brings him closer to the princess’s den so to speak. He can already tell that your soft mewls of desperation are stringing out longer and longer. Ragnar knocks the door open with a rippling creek that swells down the steps. It creaks apart. The yellow wallpaper on the walls matches the drab brown wood coming half way up the wall, dull. Your eyes lock onto him through the wildness of your hair. A thin rim of colour surrounds the deep black of your eyes.
Ragnar does not find this something new or unique. He’s seen that very eye in a willowy, alpha female-- his wife, before she attacked and bred him for his seed once upon a time. Ragnars’ lips twitch and so he moves closer.
“(Y/N), that is your name?”
“Fuh… fuck you.” Comes the hiss. Ragnar closes his eyes, motioning his head downwards tiredly. He’s surely heard this one before and yet he carries on, moving closer. Like an animal she sits there, rubbing her legs together and massaging herself through heated frustration.
“You’ll have the chance.” Ragnar hums, reaching forward to moved your hair from the messy manner it was displayed. He could feel your heat burning through his skin, attempting to get under his own, to implore him to breed.
“What do you… mean?” You make out between deep, harsh breaths. Your thighs press tightly together. Despite the heat between your legs, you can rub them together for some friction. But it’s not enough… it’s never enough. Ragnar’s eyes course over your freshly shaved mound up to your breasts before relenting his gaze.
Then he makes a face of indecipherable emotion. It’s short lived-- because shortly after, Hvitserk resurfaces through the door. Ragnar slides back up and within a brief few steps, disappeared back from the way he came. The scents mingling overpower any humanistic qualities you may have had previously.
“Guess omegas are kinda indiscriminate, right?” Hvitserk muses, rolling you onto your back. His touch sends a shock wave of tingles through your walls. Damn your body. Damn whatever he gave you too. Hvitserk senses the hitch in your breath and it brings a stupid smile to his lips, palming your breasts while you squirm. “As long as it can pop a knot, right?”
No, you want to say, it wasn’t write. Yet as your walls moisten and your cunt burns with a hot, eager need you know that he is right. In this state you would give it up for anything-- convict, or no convict.
“You ask stupid questions.” You huff out, moaning outright when he pinches both nipples between his fingers. Instead of the fear he was so damn sure you would exhibit, you writhe under his fingertips.
“You like it?” His tone shames. He twists again-- and pleasantly your legs kick out, betraying your mind screaming everything that Dagny committed to your knowledge. Hvitserk Ragnarsson was a murderer. A breeder. The last alpha male that crossed him had shown up to your clinic with great tears to his jaw up to his cheekbones. Fibrous strands of connective tissue attempted to string his cheek and jaw back together, a testament to the quick wound healing of an alpha.
“Of course you like it. I bet you're into all types of kinky things, aren’t you? Don’t you got someone special at home?” Hvitserk rustles within his own pants, drawing his cock out into the cold air. Your curious eyes can’t help but sneak a glance. He’s of what you think might a comfortable size. Or at least it would have been if not for those barbells along his shaft.
“Just shut up.” You answer between painful huffs; even if you did, it wasn’t like you would tell an insane alpha male that. Men like him were regularly euthanized. Who would tell him anything? Your eyes keep attended to his cock in his small strokes along the shaft. It only serves to build his huge ego-- and it’s nothing that you would admit to freely. Hvitserk slips onto the soiled mattress before you, taking your hand in his gloved one to force you to look at him.
“No? Then let me guess.” Hvitserk chuckles, fisting the root of his cock to lead the tip to your unprotected pussy. He shoves himself forward unceremoniously, forcing you to roll from your side onto your back.
“You’re one of those li’l sluts that binges xvideo porn all day and daydreams all about a certain little someone, right?” He chides, pinning your shoulders down. A long groan escapes his lips, hissing. “Fuck, no one been in this pussy for a while.”
Oh you hate him. You hate him, you hate him, you hate him!
“Those are the kinda pussy princesses I love, ya know?” He slurs, moving his hands down your back to your waist. He pins you there, enjoying the bounce of your ass against his hips with every bouncing thrust. The balls of his piercings pop into your hole, gliding in cool. They’re quickly warmed by your juices coating down his cock.
“The ones that just can’t get enough. Just like me.”
“I’m not like you!” You hiss and despite his dick just smoothing over the right bundle of nerves, you fight him tooth and nail through the long, bruising thrusts that relieve your swollen need. He’s so thick-- and when he fills you, it’s as if you could never be more full.
“Aw that’s cute pretty baby.” He leans in above you, placing his palms down flatly against your head. You glare at the black lines on his right forearm, wanting nothing to do with him. But in the end of it all, you knew he was right. “But it ain’t true. Omegas are meant to be bred like this. This is what you were always meant to do.”
His balls slap against your ass-- hard, then harder when your hips defy you. You lean into his thrusts, taking them like only an omega could. Hvitserk’s lips churn into a wide, bright smile. The more he warmed you in your heat, the more attention you craved. And Hvitserk-- was far too gladdened to give you everything you craved. As a true alpha, It wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t gasping for it first. And so you were, oozing your excitement over his dick before he even came! Hvitserk gives you a long, deep stroke of his cock to fill you properly. Your vaginal walls respond by squeezing him perfectly, milking him while he strains to hold himself out above your with a few forced pants.
“Nnn- nooo.” You sob, this wasn’t it-- this wasn’t… wasn’t you. And yet all the same, yesss.
At the end of your week long heat, your legs were wiggly like the jello and thin, light foods that Hvitserk had been feeding you so often. Never again did you want to see breads, brothy soups and crackers that made it so easy for Hvitserk to breed you and breed you all week. You felt the heat subsiding little by little through your cunt until finally, it was little more than daily annoyance of breeding and sex.
Hvitserk woke up before you that day, preparing everything that had previously been used in the house for the fireplace. Your wrists were bound when he finally came back to gather you onto two feet with a short, white flowing dress.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask-- stupidly so.
Hvitserk keeps his head level, hair smoothed out into a neat bun on the top of his head. He takes a drag of his cigarette, losing the smoke in your face yet again. You were getting used to his asinine actions over the week that you knew this Ragnarsson.
“You’re flying back with Dad.” He answers.
“Back… home?”
Hvitserk stops around the area where a jeweled pair of flip flops are. Whoever picked these pretty things-- it definitely wasn’t any of the four idiots you came to know over the week. Though Rollo did have a soft spot for prettty things, so maybe it could be him.
“You’re not going home.” Hvitserk explains. Ragnar comes to stop beside him, and so suddenly, the dread pits in your stomach. “You’re going to his breeding rings.”
Breeding rings?
“You’re not serious.” You state the question as a blank statement. Ragnar grasps your upper arms, tugging you away from the only man that you knew up to this point to stand closely against his toned chest. The young man stuffs his hands into his pocket.
He’s deadly serious.
“You can’t do this to me!” Your voice cracks at the end of the statement, beginning to panic as to what exactly a breeding ring might be. It was a running joke that Omegas were only good for breeding rings but like any things, you never gave it any credence until now. Almost like a lead weight you drop in Ragnar’s grip, refusing to go anywhere. Much less tot the sight where you would be airlifted in a separate direction with the Sigurdssons Ragnar and Rollo.
“No, no I’m not going!”
Instead of giving your fit any weight, uncle Rollo coes to the other side of you. He lifts you up onto two feet. Hvitserk lifts his hand and like magic, Rollo pauses.
“C’mon princess. Don’t make this painful. I like you, but I don’t like you like you. Besides, you’ll be nice and cared for by my brother Ubbe. Don’t that sound nice?”
It didn’t sound nice, it didn’t sound nice at all!
“It sounds awful!” You shrill out, jerking in the two brothers’ arms. At long last, Hvitserk digs his hands into his pocket. You shrill all the way to your next mode of transport until Hvitserk is nothing but a small speck. He shakes his head, rejoining Harald, still in his thoughts.
“You’ll thank me later.” He chuckles. “When you can’t get enough.”
@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok (no mix), @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @concretewaywardangel, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @Kirah34, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @titty-teetee, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @icarus-fell-in-spring, @piebytheocean, @strangunddurm, @atequila, @rekdreams247, @justacrush, @ivarswonderlust, @peachesnpisces, @elenawrit, @equalstrashflavoredtrash, @roxxck, @dylanowhyyien, @ilvebeenabad, @vikingsmania, @huntingbears, @My-Little-Wolfe, @seize-the-droid, @Certifiedpoison, @hotshotstar, @deans–chevy–baby, @moondustmemories, @colourmeinblue, @ilvebeenabad, @squirtleandeeveearethebest, @rubyquartzshades, @queenmissfit, @calaena-banrion, @hallowed-heathen, @Kirah34, @lulura, @looneytunes20033, @Imamom-makingadifference, @sunlightdaniel, @neeadinghugs, @Funmadnessbadassvikings, @mblaqgi, @Natmors, @triumphantreturnofpies, @dmv49, @imavulcanatheart, @attorneyl, @nina2697, @iconicvaleria, @lovelynerdytraveler, @tierneygonzalez, @zabee113, @meganjudee, @nininstinct, @sdcyumyum, @ms-allenbrown, @pancake-blonde, @ivarswickedqueen, @starkiddreamer, @Orange Darko @austenkingmylady, @thisisparadisemylove, @pinkrockstar19, @jeowjungkook, @threewintersoldiers, @end-of-night, @yaminax-kuss-a , @gruffle1, @arses21434@natalie-rdr, @tempt-ress, @Sirena-wesker, @thevikingsheaux, @poisonedjoinery, @smokealone, @chewythecatus, @glopsifum, @laughinglikenialler, @lefrenchfrye, @she-walks-in-the-moonlight, @mybarnesmyhero, @vengefulflange, @imcreepininyourheartbabe, @therealmrshale, @that-goodgirl, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @athroatfullofglass justrepostandlove
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strawnarrries · 6 years
If you'd like to do it, I'm hoping for some Niall smut. You can fill in the details, but I want something where Niall is a college player that Y/N hates. But one day y/n somehow sees Niall in just tight, bright boxer briefs that show off his bulge and bum. And basically she gets turned on, and he takes advantage and gets a blowjob from her. I want Niall to be cocky and in control and dirty talking. :)
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Warning(s): sex and oral
POV: 1st
I’m not too confident about the blowjob scene but please let me know what you think and thank you so much for requesting!! 
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned, reaching over and grabbing my phone. I kept my eyes closed, not even looking at who was calling before answering it. 
“Hello?” I answered, my voice groggy. 
“Hey, have ya left yet?” A familiar voice spoke. 
Fuck. I was supposed to have lunch with a couple of my best friends but I must’ve slept in. 
“Oh, um, no, I was just about t’ leave though.” I lied, jumping out of bed and rushing to get dressed. 
“Oh good, would ya mind doin’ me a favor?” My friend Jackson asked. 
“Sure. What is it?” I answered, throwing on a long shirt and a pair of leggings.
“Could ya stop by my dorm an’ pick up my wallet. I totally forgot t’ grab it before I left.“ 
“Please don’t tell me Niall will be there." 
Niall was my least favorite person in the entire world. He was the school’s biggest player and I hated him. He would lead girls on, tell them he loves them and makes them think that he actually cares for them. Eventually, he’d get them in bed and then never talk to them again. He’s tried many times on me, but there’s no way I’m letting him do anything to me. I know better.
The worst part about it was that he was Jackson’s roommate. I always avoided going to his dorm because of Niall.
"I dunno. He shouldn’t be there. Pretty sure he has class at this time.” he told me. 
I sighed, “Where is it?" 
"Should be on my desk.”
“Okay, I’ll stop by." 
"You’re the best. Thank ya so much.” he cheered.
"Alright, I’ll see ya in a little." 
We said our goodbyes before hanging up. By then, I was done getting ready. It was just lunch with my best friends so I didn’t have to get all dolled up. I grabbed my purse and my other belongings before walking out the door and heading to my car. I hopped in my car and drove myself to Jackson’s dorm. I had to sneak in because the guys and girls were not allowed to be in the same dorms. Everyone always snuck in though and it was so easy to do. Once I got to his room, I used the key he gave me a while ago and unlocked the door.
I opened up the door and what I saw was not what I was expecting to see. I saw a half-naked Niall standing about 10 feet away from me. My eyes widened and my heart dropped. As much as I hated him, I couldn’t lie about how hot he was. Goddamn. He was wearing only a pair of tight, grey, Calvin Klein briefs, his bulge fully exposed to me. His chest was hairy and toned. His brunette locks were messy from him running his fingers through them. His bright blue eyes shone against the room’s light, his scruff complementing his jaw. God, he was hot. I began to feel my panties dampen and my mouth water. Why the hell was I feeling this? I can’t stand this kid.
"Whatcha lookin’ at, pretty girl?” he smirked. 
I blinked a few times, not realizing how long I was staring. I had also noticed that I started biting my lip. Fuck. “I just came t’ pick up Jackson’s wallet an’ leave.” I scowled, walking right past him to where the desk was. 
I let my eyes scan the desk for a couple seconds before I found his wallet, I picked it up and turned back around, ready to walk out. As I turned around, I came face to face with Niall. He wrapped his palm around my arm and I felt sparks flicker through my body. My core my throbbing at this point, but I did my best to ignore it. 
“Why ya leavin’ so quick?” he asked. 
“Because ’m not here for you. I just told you, ’m here t’ pick up his wallet an’ leave.” I gave him a little attitude, trying to hide the fact that my heart was racing and my panties were wet for him. 
“Saw how ya were lookin’ at me, (Y/N).” his voice deepened and his deep blues were suddenly clouded over by lust, “Know ya say ya hate me but ya know dat’s not true.” His accent was thick and fuck, it took everything in me not to melt into him. 
I was just about to push him away before he placed one of his big hands against my cheek. His hand was so soft and so warm and I couldn’t help but let my eyes travel down to his lips. His lips were so pink and looked so soft. The pressure in my abdomen tightened as I let my mind wander.
I don’t know what was happening to me but all I wanted to do at this moment was kiss him. 
“I’ve always t'ought ya were s'beautiful, (Y/N).” he hummed and I shook myself from my thoughts. 
“Oh shut up, I know what you are, Horan.” I rolled my eyes, pushing him away from me. I was not going to let myself fall for him. I was not going to be another one of his victims. 
“Not lyin’, babe. Always t'ought ya were fuckin’ gorgeous. Know I’ve got a bad reputation wit’ girls, but I really do like ya an’ would love t’ get t’ know ya.” He took another step closer to me and cupped my face with his palms. 
My heart was racing as I stared at him. I saw him begin to lean in, getting ready to kiss me. Seconds later and I felt his lips mold against mine. I couldn’t stop him though and I kissed him back. He tasted so sweet and those beautiful lips of his felt like flower petals. I wanted so badly to stop him but I just physically couldn’t and I soon found myself deepening our kisses. 
His hands began roaming my body, running over my every curve. He cupped my bum in his hands, squeezing it before giving it a good smack. I whimpered against his lips, sliding my hands up his warm, bare chest to run my fingers through his soft, brunette locks. His hands traveled to the hem of my shirt, beginning to pull it up. I lifted my arms and let him slip my shirt up and over my head. He dropped it onto the floor next to us, exposing my plain, black, push-up bra.
He licked his lips, staring at my breasts. His hands snaked behind my back and unclasped my bra in one swift movement. Of course. He’s had a lot of practice with that and I knew that, but at this point, I didn’t give a single fuck. He pulled the straps off my shoulders and tossed my bra to the side, leaving my chest exposed to him. I felt my nipples harden at the sudden cool air before being covered by his huge palms. 
“Damn,” he murmured partly to himself. 
He began to massage them, leaning in and attaching his lips to my neck, sucking, nibbling and licking my skin. I tilted my head back, giving him better access. I let out a whimper and tugged gently at his locks. I felt his growing bulge poke against my thigh, making my heart pound out of my chest. I let my hand slid down to his chest, feeling every inch of his warm body before moving south. I let my fingernail trace his happy trail before cupping his member over his briefs. Massaging it like he was my chest, he grunted. He lifted his head and looked at me. He crashed his lips onto mine again, his tongue immediately darted into my mouth, exploring and letting me know he was in control.
“Get on yer knees. Wantcha t’ suck me off.” he hummed, his minty breath fanning across my face. 
I obeyed him, kissing down his body until I ended up on my knees, face to face with the straining bulge in his tight briefs. Teasing him a little, I pressed kisses to his member over the fabric, running my teeth down his shaft. 
“Mm-mm, don’t tease. Put it in yer mouth.” he shook his head. 
I did what I was told and slipped my fingertips past the elastic band of his underwear. I didn’t take my time and I immediately pushed them down his thick thighs before letting them pool at his feet. His member sprang free, the cool air sending shivers up his spine. I wrapped my palm around his shaft, using his precum as a lubricant. I began to pump him, twisting my hand with each move. He shuttered at my touch, whimpering as some tension finally left. I leaned in and licked the underside of him, tracing his prominent veins. I took his swollen, red tip past my pink lips, sucking harshly, licking up all his precum. His jaw dropped as he watched me.
“Put it in yer-“ he began before I took him in my mouth, beginning to bob my head slowly, my hand pumping what couldn’t fit in my mouth, “There ya go. Wrap t'ose sexy lips around me cock.“ he hummed, "Such a good girl fer me aren'tcha?”
I looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. I let out a hum and looked down. He reached down and tangled his fingers through my hair, pushing it away from my face and tugging gently at it. 
Everything about him was perfect; the taste of him, the smell of him. 
I worshipped his cock, doing everything in my power to get him to cum. I tried many different techniques with my tongue and my lips, never doing the same one for too long. Soon enough, soft moans began to leave his lips and my confidence rose.I decided to give my jaw a little break because it was getting sore. I came off of him with a soft pop, my hand continuing to pump him. I pressed my tongue flat against him and licked all the way down his shaft until I got to his balls. Pressing gentle kisses to the skin, I looked up at him, making sure he wasn’t too sensitive. After hearing him groan, seeing his eyes lock with mine and his face contorted with pleasure, I knew I was doing good. I gently began to swirl my tongue around his balls, cupping the one I wasn’t working on and massaging it gently before giving the other one the same attention. 
Once my jaw began to loosen up, I pressed wet, sloppy kisses up his shaft, all the way to his tip. I wrapped my lips around his tip again, sucking harshly. Words of encouragement left his mouth and his hands continued to tug on my hair that was beginning to turn into a tangly mess. I wanted to make him feel good and challenge myself. I relaxed my throat and breathed through my nose as I took him all the way in. His tip his the back of my throat and my eyes began to water. 
“Holy fuckin’ shit!” he yelled, pulling my hair a bit. 
I came off of him, moaning, “Love your cock.” I took him back in my mouth and bobbed my head. 
“Feels so good. Love dat tongue of yours. Fuck.” he cursed, adding pressure to my head causing me to take him deeper. 
He began to move his hips back and forth and I kept my head still, letting him take control. He wasn’t rough but he wasn’t easy on me either. My eyes filled with water and I tried my best not to gag on him. I let my fingernails dig into his thighs and I watched his facial expressions. His eyebrows were furrowed together and his eyes were squeezed shut. His lips were parted, moans and groans falling from them. He was so hot. The sight of him had my core throbbing and my tummy in knots.
“Gonna sit.” he warned, sitting on the bed next to us. 
I crawled in between his legs again, getting comfortable before sliding him down my throat again. Beginning to take control once again, I blinked the tears away. I began a different technique and swirling my tongue around his rigid shaft while he was in my mouth. He moaned my name and that gave me confidence. I could tell he was so close to cumming because of his sounds and how stiff his body was. He was twitching in my mouth and his grip on my hair tightened. 
“Stop, gonna cum,” he breathed, gently pushing me away from him.
I giggled softly, looking up at him. I licked my lips and stood up. I cupped his face and leaned down to kiss him, letting him taste himself on my lips. His scruff tickled my hands and the skin around my lips as I kissed him. 
“Damn, never knew ya could do dat.” he chuckled, laying his back down on the bed and pulling me with him; I let my flip flops slip off my feet and onto the carpeted floor.
I rolled my eyes, “Just fuck me." 
"Fiesty, little mama, aren’t ya?” he teased, squeezing my bum in his hands, “Why dontcha take these shorts off." 
I obeyed him and rolled onto the bed next to him, lifting my hips and pushing my shorts, as well as my panties down my legs, leaving me completely exposed to him. I tossed my bottoms to the side, straddling him. I attacked his mouth with my mine own as he continued to grope me. I ground my hips against his, my folds rubbing against his shaft.
“Turn over. Stick that pretty little ass of yours up in the air for me.” 
I obliged, rolling over and getting on all fours. He was soon on his knees behind me. 
“Woah, yer fuckin’ soaked, babe.” he hummed, running his fingers through my slit, spreading my wetness, “Who gotcha this wet, huh?” 
"You did.” I murmured softly. 
“What was dat? Didn’t hear ya.” he teased. 
“You, Niall.” I replied a little louder.
“Louder.” he ordered, running his tip against my folds. 
“Shit, you did, Niall - fuck!" 
And right as his name fell from my lips, he crashed his hips into mine and his thick member filled me up completely.
He let me adjust to his size before beginning to move in and out of me. He started out slow, his thrusts gradually speeding up. Instantly, the pleasure began to increase and I began chasing my orgasm. His big hands were gripped tightly on my hips, keeping me in place as he thrust into me roughly. 
"Fuck, yer so damn tight,” he groaned, “Haven’t got a guy t’ properly fuck ya, have ya? Gonna change t'night though." 
I let a whimper fall past my lips. He was so deep inside of me and it felt so damn good. His veins ran up against my tight, wet walls and I soon found myself squeezing the white sheets we were laying on. I was enjoying the feeling of him before I realized something. 
"Wait, do ya have a condom?” I breathed out. 
“No, but I’ll jus’ pull out.” he replied, not stopping his thrusts.
Usually, I would prefer a condom but at this point, I didn’t really care, I just wanted to get fucked. 
“Okay,” My voice cracked as he hit one particular spot, sending me into ecstasy. 
The sound of skin clapping and our moans filled the air. The amazing smell of him that lingered on the pillow my head was lying on filled my nostrils. Waves of pleasure just overtook my body and I melted into him. I let go of my subconsciousness and let the ecstasy take over.
“God, yer so big.” I grunted, my eyes rolling to my back of my head. 
“Oh yeah? Tell me how it feels.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Feels so fuckin’ good. I never want ya t’ stop.” I moaned, my face contorting in pleasure. 
“Don’t plan on it, babe.” he sniggered smugly. 
I let loud moans and groans slip from my mouth, the pillow my head was in muffling my sounds. He felt so good. The warmth of him filled me as he hit all my good spots with each thrust of his hips. The dirty talk that grumbled out of his throat has my tummy in knots and my heart beating out of my chest; it made everything so much more intense. 
I’ve never been with someone this good in bed. It was mind-blowing how good he was making me feel. My core was throbbing and my muscles were mindlessly clenching around him. My body felt like jelly and I swear, at that moment I would let him do whatever he wanted to me. 
“Turn over.” he ordered, pulling out of me. 
I obeyed him, rolling over and getting comfortable on the sheets below us. He grabbed my knees, positioning himself again before thrusting into me. Our eyes locked together and I bit my lip. God, he was so attractive. A thin layer of sweat coated his skin, his plump lips parted and soft breaths fell from them, his gorgeous blue eyes were covered in lust and his long, brunette hair was a mess. No wonder he’s got so many girls in his bed, he’s so fucking hot and he’s such a sweet talker. I knew I’d probably regret this later but at this point, it felt way too good to stop. 
I couldn’t stop the moans from spilling from my lips and I didn’t even care if anyone heard. I bucked my hips up and began to roll them under him. 
“Ooh, dat feels good. Keep doin’ t'at.” he groaned, his grip on my knees tightening.
I continued to circle my hips under him, letting my walls clench around him. My orgasm was just around the corner and I knew it would be any minute now that I would be screaming and shaking with pleasure. 
Niall decided to help me out; he used his left hand and pressed his thumb against my clit, adding pressure and rubbing at it violently. With the added blissfulness, I let out a loud moan of his name.
“Ya close?” he breathed out.
“Yeah.” I whimpered with the nod of my head. 
“Go on, cum fer me. Cum all over me hard cock. Lemme feel ya." 
And that was all I needed to have my body be completely taken over by pleasure. He continued to say words of encouragement as my body was taken off into heaven. My legs shook and moans were spilling from my lips. I wanted so badly to thrash around but his grip on me was so tight I couldn’t move much. My back arched and my knuckles turned white from how hard I was squeezing the sheets. My muscles tightened around his thick member as he slowed his thrusts, helping me through my orgasm. I was seeing stars behind my eyelids, feeling as if I was going to die; it was mind-blowing. Soon enough, I began to come down from the clouds my body shivering, "Oh my god.”
Opening my eyes, I realized that he waited for me to release before he did, but he was about to any second now. He pulled out, pumping himself through his orgasm. Slow spurts of his warm release spread all over my belly and chest. His face was contorted in pleasure, groans spilling from his lips as he milked his release from himself. I watched him in awe, biting my lip. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed out, “Dat was fuckin’ incredible." 
I didn’t respond, the only sound in the room was our heavy breathing and the AC in the background. He hovered over me and placed a sweet, soft kiss onto my lips before getting up and beginning to get dressed again. I did the same, grabbing my clothes and walking into the bathroom to clean up, thinking over every excuse possible as to why I was so late to lunch with my friends. 
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benjikarofsky · 6 years
Deliver Us From Temptation || Para
WHO: Benji Karofsky ( @benjikarofsky ) and Franco Del Rio ( @southsidefranco ). Mentions Topher Pierce ( @topherxpierce​ ). 
WHERE: Franco’s Trailer
WHEN: 21st March 2019 (about an hour after the Franco/Sebastian fight)
NOTES: Benji brings Franco his food delivery. Results in arguing, angry/hate sex, and something resembling a heart-to-heart?
TRIGGERS: Smut Warning (sectioned off with: ‘~*~*~*~*~’ for skippability); vague mentions of wounds/blood, fighting, and kidnapping
BOLD: Benji
ITALIC: Franco
Franco had been snappy with Benji bit he had his reasons. He'd only just got back from his fight with Sebastian and he needed to clean himself up and he wanted his fix but it would have to wait. 
He’d cleaned the blood from his face and removed his soiled t-shirt before sitting down on the bed, his torso aching, bruises already forming on both his face and his stomach. He had a mark across his throat and it was now he wondered what he had become. He didn't fight, he refused to fight yet he'd wanted to kill Sebastian. 
He closed his eyes as he waited for Benji to arrive, quickly looking to make sure his place was drug free and clean.
Finally being able to talk his way around Toph enough for him to let him do this specific delivery by himself without letting him know exactly why, Benji long-boarded from his Northside apartment all the way to Sunnyside. 
When he arrived, he made quick work of strapping his board back to his backpack and slowly opened the trailer to make his way inside. "Franco?" he called, unzipping his bag and pulling out tupperwares full of food as he walked. "I kinda grabbed everyth--" when he entered the bedroom, he stopped short. 
"Bro! What the fuck?" He dropped the bag and rushed to Franco, putting his hands on Franc's shoulders so he could pull him into a sitting position. "Are you okay?! What happened?"
Franco heard the door but didn’t attempt to sit up. He was tired, he was craving and he was aching. His lip was still weeping a little blood and his cheek felt like it was on fire. He heard the younger lad and then he felt him touch him and he flinched, “What does it look like” he hissed out, “I fell over” he lied, badly. One thing he didn’t want to admit was Sebastian had got the one over on himself and god knows how he was planning on hiding this from a Dare
Benji rolled his eyes, gently pushing Franco to the wall so the man could sit up without his help. "Dude. You look like someone put a hit out." He ran out of the room and searched the kitchen before coming back with a cup of cold water and a bunch of tissues. He climbed onto the bed as gently he could (thank god for his flexibility) and started to dip a tissue in the water. "Was this a hit? And don't bother lying. You've already shown you're terrible at it--also, this is gonna sting," he added, putting the wet tissue to his lip.
Franco laughed but he watched Benji intently, he didn't need him digging in the wrong places. When the boy returned and dabbed his lip he hissed and batted Benji's hand away, "I don't need your help" he breathed, scared of the touch. He couldn't understand how he'd been so ready for a fight but now, he felt scared of the other lad, "I just got into a fight but I swear to god, if you tell Dare about this... " but he trailed off, there was no way Dare wouldn't find out.
Benji scoffed, dropping the tissue when Franco hit his hand. "Dude. I'm trying to help you. I cleaned Toph's cuts for like two years; I know what I'm doing. Don't be a douche." 
He picked up a different tissue and started to dip it as he spoke. "I'm not telling 'Dare'. The guy's not even out the hospital yet. He's obviously gonna find out--you look like you were thrown in a trash compactor--but he doesn't need to find out his Serps can't even stay out of a fight when there's a fucking serial killer on the loose via me. ...I mean, seriously. The hell's wrong with you, Broham?" 
He lifted the now-wet tissue up to give Franco warning. "I hate to treat you like Toph, but I've seen what these look like when they get infected, so I'll give you an option: Let me clean the cuts on your face, or I will give you more first. Either way, I'm cleaning them."
Franco shook his head, "I spent three weeks in a fucking hospital for worse injuries and I didn't accept help from them so I am not likely to take it from you". 
He scoffed, "What's wrong with me? I suppose seeing your best friend hanging from a fucking tree can fuck you up. Oh and being kidnapped and drugged and beaten within an inch of your life, changes you" he said, before he could stop himself. He was angry, angry at everything. 
He glared at the tissue, "You think you could hurt me. Didn't know you were a comedian".
"Listen," Benji started, trying the good-cop approach again. "I understand that things are traumatic right now. This town is basically cursed and things are only getting worse. I get that. But getting in a fight and apparently getting your ass kicked helps no one. In fact, it hurts you." 
Benji barely blinked, staring at Franco. "Just trust me on this. Let me clean your damn face."
Franco flexed his neck, "Traumatic doesn't begin to describe it Benji. I've been through hell and back and Sebastian pushed my buttons. He's not exactly injury free himself". 
"What don't you understand about the word no?" he asked, his voice feeling weaker then normal, "I really appreciate the food but I don't want your help right now".
"It doesn't matter. That's my point! How is the two of you being injured any better?" Benji sighed. "You made the decision to have a food delivery directly after getting your ass kicked. I brought you enough food for almost 2 weeks, I delivered it for free, I lied to Toph to prevent him from coming with me, and I kept my promise of not telling anyone that you need this stuff... Don't look at it as help. Think of it as returning the favor. Please let me clean your face."
Franco had to admit that Benji had a point, he had done all those things and no questions asked. He also knew Benji wouldn't leave until he'd helped so he gulped and nodded, "Just, no unnecessary touching" he warned, "I can't handle it from anyone" he admitted, "And please, make it quick. Dare's going to be home at the weekend and I gotta try and hide this".
"No touching I can do. It's gonna take as long as it takes though. There's no point in doing it if it's not done right," Benji murmured, rolling his eyes again. He started to dab at Franco's lip with the tissue. "Besides, if you wanna hide it, you have to clean it. Why is this so hard to understand."
Franco sighed, "Look, I didn't think Sebastian would be able to handle himself OK" he explained as Benji started working on him, "I just assumed he'd be a push over and I have so much aggression. I've been angry since I got rescued" he admitted, "Part of me wanted to be left there."
Benji nodded, finishing up cleaning Franco's lip. The process was slow, but as he finished cleaning it, the wound looked half the size it originally did. It was obvious that the boy wasn't lying about knowing what he was doing. "I get that," he assured, "Believe me: I've got one hell of a temper too. But actual fighting isn't the answer. Talk a lot of shit, get a punching bag, go for a jog. I don't care. Just don't do this again." He moved onto a new bruise and started to clean it. "If you were left there, what good would that have done?"
Franco had not agreed to having all his wounds cleaned and he raised an eyebrow, reaching his hand up and shaking his head, "I said my lip" he warned, ignoring anything Benji had to say, "The rest of my was out of bounds"
Benji rolled his eyes again. "So much for a heart-to-heart then. Also, we agreed on me cleaning your face. Don't be a dick," he added, scooting closer to ignore Franco and clean the wound on his eyebrow.
Franco turned his head away, "Stop fucking touching me" he said, his mood erratic. He noticed his hands were a little shaky and he pressed them flat to the bed, "My lip was the worst injury. Other then that, my torso and throat hurt, so stop touching my face".
“I didn’t even touch you yet. Stop whining." In the back of his mind, he knew it didn’t really matter and that his temper was getting the better of him, but he couldn’t stand people who refused simple help. “If you wanna whine, I'll make you fucking whine," he growled, leaping forward and smashing their lips together.
Franco was about to reply but he felt Benji's lip crash into his and he was stunned. He pulled his head back a little, "Woah dude" he said sounding impressed, "Now you can make me whine" and he moved one of his hands to Benji's face, bringing him in to kiss him again.
Benji smirked and let Franco pull him into another kiss, blindly pushing the man's legs apart with his hands. He pulled back just enough to slide off Franco's pants without bumping any of the bruises and kissed him again. "Too bad you're injured. Otherwise, I'd turn those whines into screams," he teased.
Franco lifted his ass so his jeans would come off easily, pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. He smirked, "Babe, I've had sex in worse conditions... Do your worse. I can take it" he teased, his words whispered as he lifted Benji's t-shirt off.
Benji straightened his body to help lift his shirt off before planting a line of kisses down Franco's body. When Benj made it to his underwear, he liked a stripe up Franco's shaft and lightly sucked on the head before pulling down Franco's underwear. "Not usually much for teasing, but with as difficult as you are, I think you could afford to wait a while," he whispered, sucking on his finger until it was well-lubricated and starting to finger Franco, painstakingly slow.
Francos eyes rolled into his head as Benji licked him. He assisted with removing his boxers, suddenly aware what was happening when he felt Benji's finger in his ass. He moaned out, biting his cut lip, not caring about the pain, "Tease all you want" he breathed, "I fucking love it".
"You just refuse to let me have any fun, don't you?" Benji joked, pushing his finger all the way inside and curving it slightly, in search of Franco's prostate. Once he found it, Benj slowly pumped his finger in and out, sloppily kissing Franc's V-cut as he did.
Franco groaned hard as Benji hit his prostate and he felt himself grind down onto his fingers, "where would be the fun in that" he breathed, his breath deep and heavy.
"I think I'm seeing some." He lubed up a second finger and shoved them both inside, scissoring them slightly.
Franco tried to surprises his moan at Benji's words but when he felt a second finger in him he couldn't and he moaned hard, "So... Fucking... Hot" he breathed out, his head thrown back against the wall as he craved for more.
"If I was completely evil, I'd stop right now," he said with a smirk, stopping his actions just long enough to be believable before he slipped a third finger inside. With his free hand, Benj grabbed his wallet out his back pocket and grabbed a condom, unzipping his jeans so he could put it on.
Franco shook his head as soon as the third finger joined, "Oh but you wouldn't, I'd say you're quite enjoying it yourself" he groaned out, "I know I'm good fuck babe".
With Franco properly stretched and the condom on, Benji lined himself up with Franc's hole and slowly thrust inside. "Fuck... Brats like you usually are," he groaned.
Franco felt full when Benji thrust into him  and his body rocked and moved with the movement. He moaned out loud, hissing as he bit down on his lip, "Brat?" He groaned, "I've been called worse".
"Shhh," Benji murmured, lifting Franco's legs slightly. "Just... take it..." he groaned in between deep thrusts. As he found his rhythm, his thrusts became more hungry, barely even noticing Franco's reaction.
Franco noticed how Benji's thrusts seemed so hungry but he also noticed how good he was. He moaned with every thrust, whispering 'Fuck, Benji' over and over his hands gripping at whatever skin he could reach.
Benji closed his eyes and leaned forward, nibbling at Franco's neck as he sped up his thrusts. "Fuck... Toph..." he groaned, barely audible.
Franco groaned with every thrust, his hand pulling on Benji's hair but his hand fell loose when he heard the name, "Sorry who now?" He asked.
"Franc," Benji groaned in reply, not missing a beat. He kissed the man sloppily and snaked his hand between them, pumping Franc's cock to the rhythm of his thrusts.
Franco ignored the fact it definitely wasn't his name cause this was too good to ruin. He threw his head back when Benji started pumping his cock, "So fucking hot" he breathed, "Gimme me" he said through gritted teeth.
Benj left a line of hickeys down Franco's neck as he sped up his his pumping. "Fuck... cum for me," growled.
A combination of the biting and Benji's words made Francos head rush and he came all over his stomach and Benji's hand, "Fuck" he breathed, his breathing ragged and desperate.
"Fuckfuck..." Benji's thrusts  went uneven and he gave one more deep thrust before cumming.
Franco was controlling his breath as Benji came inside him. He gripped the bed at the last thrust, "Gotta hand it to you, you certainly know what you are doing" he remarked, a smirk in his face.
Benji laughed breathlessly, pulling out of Franc and tucking his cock back into his jeans. "More likely to believe me when I say that now?"
Franco sat up and reached for his underwear on the floor. His stomach was hurting from both the sex and the injuries but he managed to grab them and put them back on, not bothering with his jeans. He laughed, "I'll believe it. I mean you got me off".
Benji got up to throw the condom away and slid his shirt back on. "You know you're definitely gonna have to let me fix your face now, right?" he eyed the hickeys he left on Franco's neck, "At least you've got a slightly more believable lie now..."
Franco scoffed, "I don't have to let you do anything but, sure you can fix my face. Not like you have touched me now is it". It was now he'd calmed down and his breathing was normal he noticed his hands were still shaking and he moved them, hiding them under his ass as he sat on them. He'd had shakes ever since the kidnapping so it was no wonder the drugs had affected him already.
Benji rolled his eyes, but it was more playful this time; he was too calm now to let Franco's stubbornness get to him. "Yeah, yeah..." he murmured, making quick work of cleaning the wounds. "It's a lot easier to hide cuts when they're clean," Benji asserted, hoping off the bed, obviously pleased with his work. "I'm gonna leave the food on the table. And next time you see me, I want my tupperwares back."
Franco kept quiet whilst Benji worked on his wounds, he shaking hands under his leg worrying him, "Dude, I ain't being funny but I ain't gunna remember that you gave me those Tupperwares". He bit his lip and cocked his head, "who were you thinking about".
"Then I'll text you. Doesn't matter. Just need them back eventually." At Franc's question, Benji stopped short, halfway out the bedroom doorway. "...What?"
Franco sighed, "When we were having sex" he began, "You said someone else's name, who was it?"
Benji closed his eyes and took a breath. "Listen. I hate lying, so please just forget that that happened."
"Pretty hard to do that" Franco said. He was confused, but he'd known for sure he'd said someone else's name, "I've been having sex with someone else and you didn't hear me saying his name did you?"
Benj shook his head. "It's... it's different. It's a long story," he babbled, shaking his head more. "Besides. This was a hookup. And a nice one. Does it really matter?"
Franco shook his head, "Look dude, I'll level with you if you level with me. I could have easily said someone else's name considering I have feels for two people in this town. It ain't nothing to be ashamed of but I'm curious cause I think I know what I heard".
"If you have something to say, then say it." Benji sighed. "I've ran it through my head a billion times. I know. I know he's straight. I know it would never work out. I know if I ever told him, he'd probably avoid me forever. I know. I know. I know."
Franco smirked once again, "Babe, stop freaking out. You know, the guy I have feelings for is Aaron and I'm in love with..." But he trailed off, he hadn't told anyone he loved Dare. He sighed, "You got feels for Topher, don't you?"
Benji scoffed. “I don’t ’have feels’ for Topher. I met him at ePlay in 7th grade and I haven’t even thought about another guy since.” After all these years, he had never told anyone out loud, and he wasn’t handling it well. 
“Just… forget I said anything,” he snapped, near-throwing the tupperwares out his bag so he could leave. “Here’s your food.”
Franco laughed, "So you're in love with Topher" he said, "Dude, he's straight. I've had these discussions with him so I would suggest you let go". He knew Topher wasn't straight, hell he'd been the guy Topher experimented with, "I mean, you are, after all only setting yourself up for heartbreak" he finished with another smirk.
“No shit. Enjoy your food, asshole,” Benji replied, zipping up his backpack and walking out.
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