#let’s say there’s a chance that desmond’s team survives the flare as well
teecupangel · 2 years
So i had these ideas while at work. what if Altair and Ezio were aware of Desmond and they’ve been trying to get to him either going forward in time or pulling Desmond back to their’s. pulling him back would be easier and they’ve been trying but none of the ‘calls’ stick. That’s because Desmond needs to be ‘vulnerable’ in order to be pulled back. Not necessarily physically or mentally vulnerable but like his soul? Same feeling as when your in a good book or your ‘in the zone’ of a craft or sport. Desmond hasn’t been able to get that feeling in ages because *gestures at assassin/templar/isu BS*
I saw “Altaïr and Ezio trying to pull Desmond back in their time but none of the ‘calls’ stick” and thought “Well, yeah, it won’t stick. Both of you are trying to call the same number at the same time so, of course, you’ll both get a busy signal.”
But we can make this work a bit by making their ‘calls’ actually visible to Desmond alone. But he doesn’t realize it because he thinks he’s just Bleeding.
That the fact that, even for a few seconds, he could feel their touch or could hear them as if they were talking to him, only mean that his Bleeding Effect was getting more severe.
And, of course, he was the only person who could see them so everyone believes him when he says his Bleeding Effect is getting worse.
And when his soul is finally vulnerable, it is during the time when he finally accepts his fate to die for the world.
But then both Altaïr and Ezio try to pull him to their time periods and, instead, gets pulled to his because he’s in a prime state for such an event, yes, but he is also in one of the most guarded locations in any given time: the singularity of which the Isus’ calculations have been moving future and past events along for it to come to fruition.
And Desmond is too surprised by what has happened that he missed his chance, that moment of confusion meant that he was too late to activate the device.
And the world burns.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
155. Part 2
This was prompted by the AO3 user Kira_Katashi! Enjoy!
Fandom: [Prototype] & Assassin’s Creed | Ship: Almond (Alex/Desmond) [part1]   [read on AO3]
Alex sat on top of a destroyed skyscraper, hidden behind the shattered beams and broken flooring. He simply waited there while watching humanity rebuild what was previously known as the Red Zone. Lower Manhattan was still largely a wasteland. In the distance he could see cranes and scaffolding rebuild tower after tower. Who knew, maybe in a few years’ time, everything would be back to normal and the next generation would have already forgotten how narrowly humanity had evaded extinction. It wasn’t without a sense of disbelief when he reminded himself that back then there had actually been two threats, and no one knew about either. Well, the viral outbreak could hardly be hidden away, but had Alex not run into Desmond at Abstergo, he had never known of the solar flare and a conflict between opposing forces that had existed through all times. What else was there he didn’t know about, he asked himself some days. He sighed. He guessed it didn’t have to bother him anymore. His only concern was to eradicate the remaining nests in New York that sporadically popped up. He had to make sure he was the last remaining piece of Blacklight in the world.
Other than that, the only thing for him to do was wait until the assassins needed him as a weapon. He didn’t know how it had first happened, but ever since rescuing Desmond from Abstergo out of mutual gain, they considered him an ally to their course. For now, he hadn’t tried to change that. Once humanity had reconquered the Red Zone, there was nowhere left to go for him. He wasn’t human anymore and with Blackwatch being able to discover any and all particles of Blacklight with their scans he basically had a large target on his back once Lower Manhattan had been cleared. Maybe in the end, he would have to side with the assassins if only for the reason they would take him in and hide him from the world. If it wasn’t just a plot to get a sample from him to infect a fellow assassin and transform them to have a weapon that was truly loyal to their course.
But Desmond had been serious with his offer, right? The man had seemed like he was honest with what he said at least. If he was to believe what he had heard, Desmond wasn’t truly human himself anymore and with having relived the memories of his ancestors, maybe they were more similar than Alex dared to think. Also, it wasn’t as if he could be contained if he really didn’t want to be there. Even Bloodtox would only slow him down at this point. Well, he had time until there was real urgency in the decision, but Alex would rather get it over with while there was still a plan-b for him and the assassins remembered he had saved one of their most valued members.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he nearly missed the phone call. He had only two contacts, Dana and Desmond and he had a feeling it would be the latter this time. He was right: ‘Hey, Alex, there is another briefing scheduled in an hour. Err… Just tell me where I can find you afterwards, so I can keep you updated.’ Alex thought about it for a moment and then cut the line without answering. An hour? He could make it. If only to test the waters with his presumed allies and spare Desmond the way over through a partially infected district.
He climbed to the floor above him and jumped out of the hole in the wall, gliding over to the next building. As he continued his way towards the river, he was thinking about what Desmond had suggested. He could try making his way in with a disguise, but would that really solve anything? In the end, he decided to leave the deserted stores alone and simply head over to their hideout. He scaled the last building and used the height to soar over the East River until he hit Williamsburg Bridge and travelled along its side. From there on he travelled by foot using small streets and staying away from the gates on the larger ones checking those that wanted to leave the district for any sign of the virus. Used to the speed he normally travelled at in the Red Zone, it was agonising walking through the streets slow enough not to raise suspicion. As he finally arrived at the hideout, a building made from simple bricks in an industrial area, he was already late. He walked towards the entrance, noting, but not reacting to a person standing leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette. The human on the other hand stepped into his way. ‘Wait. Who are you?’ Mercer looked the man up and down. His first instinct was to consume, but that would likely lessen his chances with the assassins, so he accepted the delay begrudgingly. ‘I’m expected.’ ‘I still need your name.’ The virus sighed. ‘My name is Mercer. A… friend of Desmond and your brothers used me often enough as their weapon to justify me attending the briefings, does it not?’ He enjoyed seeing the instinctive flinch the man couldn’t quite stifle. ‘The virus?’ ‘You want evidence?’ He couldn’t help his biomass shifting in anger at the unwanted delay. ‘Or will you let me in now?’
Apparently, the man was clever enough not to take him up on that offer and opened the door, leading him through the building to the meeting room. Then he left him alone. Mercer decided to make his first impression count and opened the doors without knocking or further notice, interrupting the meeting and immediately gathering all the attention in the room. He let his eyes fly over the different persons and relaxed a bit as he saw Desmond. He was surprised as the man pulled an empty chair back for him and quickly made his way over. As soon as he had sat down, the meeting continued as if nothing had happened and the few glances his way stopped after a while.
‘I’m glad you came’, Desmond whispered, leaning over a bit. ‘Although you won’t gain points with my dad by being late.’ ‘I don’t really care for that’, Alex grumbled. ‘Well, you have mine, then.’ Desmond grinned at him, before he returned his attention back to the briefing. ‘Desmond, how’s the team with the new network?’ ‘Dana’s making progress’, the man answered. Alex perked up at the mention of his sister. He didn’t actually know what she was doing here. ‘We planned on getting the bugs positioned in the city by the end of the week.’ ‘Mercer, how’s the situation in Manhattan?’ Alex looked up, not quite expected to be asked yet. ‘Err… The hum- the people of New York have begun rebuilding. I’m keeping an eye on the infected and at the moment there are no nests that survived my last hunt.’ ‘Good. How difficult would it be to infiltrate the working crew to bug their systems during construction.’ ‘Quite easy. They take everyone who is brave enough to go into the Red Zone. Most of the workers don’t know each other.’ ‘Alright. Desmond and Mercer, as soon as those bugs are ready, it’s your job to distribute them.’ ‘Understood’, Desmond answered, leaning back. The rest of the briefing went on without Mercer being addressed at any time. Still, he was impressed with how little his presence was questioned. Sure, a few people stared, but that was expected.
‘Ahh, so that’s over with!’, Desmond sighed as he went outside, stretching. ‘I hate these briefings…’ ‘Couldn’t say I enjoyed it, either’, Alex nodded. ‘At least your people didn’t seem too bothered with a mass murder in their rows.’ ‘Too be honest, I did some cultivation of your image here… It was only me, Shaun and Rebecca against Abstergo for a long time. With me being the one destined to saving the world and you being the person who saved me, I think they have to at least pretend to like you. Also, Dana already did great work, so you joining isn’t too sudden for them. But come on, I’ll show you your room!’ ‘My… room?’ ‘Sure. You… You are staying right? I mean, why else the sudden change with the briefings?’ Alex still looked sceptical and Desmond continued: ‘We kept you a room vacant that’s far from the others’. I know you like it secluded.’ ‘I… do.’
Desmond led him through the building past a gym and weapons range as well as sleeping quarters, up two flights of stairs until they were standing under the roof. It was a narrow chamber with a bed, a desk and its own bathroom. Not that Alex needed anything of that, but it was a nice touch. ‘You can use this room, if you want. If you want to stay.’ Alex stood there and contemplated. It sure beat his draughty shelter in the collapsed skyscraper. Maybe he would test it out for a while and go back when it didn’t feel right. Slowly he nodded. ‘It will take time adapting to it, but I will try.’
Desmond smiled at him and patted his shoulder companionable. ‘Then welcome home.’
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teecupangel · 10 months
Ok so like I've been having thoughts about this. We usually go with how Juno and Minerva royally fucked Desmond over right? Plus aita (and I think Jupiter I can't remember, I think Demeter was a thing too but I'm rusty on Isu lore.) with their bullshit.
Anyway, so remember how Anubis was emphasized in Origins and Bayek actively worked for him in a way? Especially after losing Khemu. Naturally, I think Anubis would follow and protect the bloodline down to Desmond. Because Khemu wasn't supposed to die and now, what if the same thing is happening with Desmond where he isn't supposed to die either? Juno and Minerva are messing with his shit so much that they've basically altered the death date of his favored mortal's descendant.
And Anubis does not take kindly to the tampering of the balance. Of Ma'at. So what if he intended to set it right? So when Desmond is supposed to touch the Eye and do the bidding of either Minerva or fall for Juno's trickery, a third option rises up. Anubis cannot force the outcome to change with force, but he can nudge it off course for a mere moment to alter the result of the Calculations and give Desmond a fraction of a chance to survive.
And maybe if Desmond survives (knowing his luck, he likely will) they could look for the records of Thoth to figure out another way of saving the world. Since touching the Eye and altering the result might have caused only a temporary protection from the solar flare and another is coming.
Desmond dies and Anubis offers him an afterlife of his choosing, but not the kind Desmond expects. It's essentially a do over, a go back and start over kind of thing. Because although he lived, his life was never his own. And Anubis wants to give him that. A life of his own. A chance to change everything. But not without being prepared. Anubis will offer guidance when it is needed most and Sekhmet will not let him be without training.
Technically, Aita didn’t screw him over. He screwed Desmond’s son, Elijah, a lot though XD (Tinia/Jupiter had the least connection with him so I’m not sure how much he screwed Desmond other than being part of the Capitoline Triad that decided to pick him and Demeter didn’t have any appearance in AC other than maybe Odyssey? In a ‘someone uses a god’s name as an expression or something’ kind of way. As far as I remember anyway)
So let’s focus on how we can make this work.
Anubis would probably be part of an Isu research team that focused on the afterlife, maybe even becoming one of the Isus to escape the Solar Flare by using the afterlife program and… live in the Calculations as part of its system.
As the overseers.
The Calculations itself isn’t an entity but the very foundation of the world.
Many would say the soul.
Its fate.
The overseers are tasked with ensuring the Calculations do not end. That the world continues for eternity.
The death of the world means the death of the Calculations.
And without the Calculations, the overseers cannot exist.
He would be the one in charge of ensuring the Calculations stay the course in respect to the lives and deaths of the people.
There is always a margin of error, of course, because humans can show impressive feats of unpredictability at times and it is Anubis’ job to ensure the system can handle those margins of error.
But then…
More and more error pops up as time passes.
And Anubis, as a system administrator and having fused with the system itself, is tasked with finding what the anomaly would be.
And he learns it soon enough.
Juno wants Desmond to die, whispering to him the importance of human life. How one sacrifice is worth to protect the world.
Minerva is telling Desmond to stay his hand, to let the world burn. To keep Juno imprisoned or to save Desmond is unclear. Minerva is asking Desmond to be selfish and prioritize himself.
Either option does not bode well to Anubis according to the system.
The death of billions was not part of the Calculations. They were risking the destruction of the overseers that kept the Calculations going. They risk killing Anubis.
The death of Desmond Miles is a Calculation that will lead to many more deaths and damage to the world. The Calculations is already moving to that path for Desmond has a 98% probability of sacrificing himself at this point in time.
Anubis could let him die.
The tragedies and disasters that would follow his death were far apart enough to keep the Calculations and overseers in motion with minimal problem.
Anubis was an overseer long enough to find… a bit of affection to life. The way mortals live, knowing they will die but doing everything they can to live nonetheless.
Looking for a reason for their lives.
Simply living their lives to the fullest.
Having hope for a brighter future.
Even those in the throes of despair, those who believed they could not get away from the darkness around them.
Whether they crawl out of it or if they are swallowed by it.
They were all beautiful in Anubis’ life.
Living beings are beautiful because they are all unique.
Even if the difference with someone else is minimal, it is still that difference that makes them one of a kind.
Makes them special.
And Anubis cannot do nothing when so many of them will be snuff out before they could live their lives to the fullest.
But he is an overseer.
He cannot intervene directly.
But with another overseer’s support…
He might be able to nudge it a bit.
To give Desmond Miles a bit more life than he actually has.
He knew the people who would be willing to give a part of their life for him.
The three men connected to him the most…
Their data exists in Anubis’ domain.
They might be dead.
But their lives…
For what is the very essence of life but the memories made?
As for an overseer to support him?
Sekhmet would help him.
Sekhmet oversaw war but her focus had always been in the lives that were saved. The warmth that lies in the people’s will to live.
Anubis can persuade Sekhmet.
There was still time.
“Entering the next room.” A team of armored soldiers with the logo of Abstergo at the back of their vest walked inside the innermost chamber of the Grand Temple, rifles drawn but finger not on the trigger.
“Target sighted.” The one leading the team said as he aimed his rifle at the lone figure lying on the ground. They begin to fan out as the one in front walked towards the figure cautiously. He made a hand signal and three more men aimed their rifles at the figure while they stayed further back. The other men aimed their rifles at the opening they came from and at the ceiling.
Just as the point man reached the figure, he turned around quickly when he heard a thud from behind him.
“What the fuck?!” The man shouted and the others turned around as another of their team is struck down before he could make a sound.
The darkness of the Grand Temple meant nothing thanks to their night vision goggles but what they saw…
Large figures with dog-like heads…
They were masks weren’t they?
“Fire! Fire!”
The three imposing figures used their shield to cover their body, the bullets ricocheting dangerously all over, hitting one of the men closest to them who fell back as he let out a scream.
“Aim for the legs!”
The figure simply covered their legs with their shield as they made their way towards the team and some of them shot at their head as well.
The bullets simply bounced off their heads.
One of them got lucky and managed to shoot the shoulder.
There was no blood.
The point man’s headgear was hit by one of the ricocheting bullets and he had to take it off before the shattered glass could harm him.
That’s how he saw it.
Black smokes coming from the wound. With golden sand falling from the wound.
As it slowly close up.
“Mayday! Mayday! We need- Argh!” Their radioman was struck down by an arrow from one of the figures just as its two companions reached them.
More fell to the other’s large axe.
While the pointman comes face to face with the last one, holding a sword…
He aims his rifle at the monster.
And screamed in pain as the monster cut both his arms off before he could pull the trigger.
He fell to his knees as blood pooled underneath him.
His eyes focused on the monster in front of him.
Behind him, he saw the rest of his team…
The figure…
Subject 17…
He was being carried by the monster with the axe.
Did his blackened hand twitch?
He could not be sure.
The last thing he saw was the pommel of the monster in front of him.
The head of the eagle as the world turned dark.
Excerpts from Juhani Otso Berg’s report, December 21, 2012, 21:55.
“… there were no survivors. The remains of Sample Recovery Unit 3 will be collected by a separate team. Tech support informed me that all recording devices have been burnt. They do not know what could have burned them but there’s a high possibility that this was the work of a POE.”
“… my initial conclusion is that this was a trap set by the Assassins.”
“… Desmond Miles is still at large and is possession of a highly dangerous POE. Find and apprehend with the utmost caution.”
(The jackal masked figures are based on the Anubis servants you can fight in Origin’s Curse of the Pharaohs DLC. Up to you if they’re mindless servants sent to protect and support Desmond or I was hinting on ‘who’ they truly are XD Desmond wakes up later on and that’s when he comes to contact with Anubis.)
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