#let olimar see his wife and children
danndeemo · 3 months
going through my switch screenshots and videos and...
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
The timeline for Pikmin 2 is so funny because like, Olimar's been missing-presumed-dead for an entire month (rightfully so, considering how very dead Olimar should have been with the events in Pikmin 1) and he escapes by the skin of his teeth and beelines it back home with the desperate desire to see his wife and children who've probably been starring on Dateline: Hocotate every day for the last month to be grilled about their tragically missing father.
And instead. Instead. The absolute literal second Olimar's ship docks down, his fucking boss of all people comes running out of the woodwork and shakes him by the shoulders going "Terrible news Olimar your new coworker fucked up and now we're $10 million in debt! Go immediately back to that planet you escaped from and hunt its wildlife to extinction in order to collect enough valuable treasure to pay this off."
Like we're not even gonna let Olimar brush his teeth huh? Not gonna shove some antibiotics in him for the undiscovered foreign pathogens clinging to his suit? This man survived 30 days on 10 days of emergency rations and probably a few bulborbs once he got hungry enough to no longer care about the parasites. Not a hello? Not a 'you're alive'? Not a coffee?
What the hell does this even look like from the President's perspective? Your shipwrecked presumed dead employee whose life insurance policy paperwork is sitting on your desk shows back up out of the literal sky, down 20% of his bodyweight covered in superficial injuries smelling like gangrene and carrying himself with the haunted and (no, dare I say, passionate?) look in his eyes of someone who has learned to indiscriminately kill for the sake of survival.
And your first thought is "oh thank god my single competent employee isn't actually dead. I need to exploit him as soon as possible."
President's so fucking lucky Olimar is both a broken salaryman and also deranged enough to find wonder in the hostile world that so very wants to rip him to pieces. If I were Olimar I'd have killed President and Louie on the spot.
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elstreem · 1 year
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Felt like drawing my flower shop AU Bedi with some Pikmin. I've never played the games though, just read and watched some stuff about it. I am interested in trying them out sometime - in the meantime, can I just say Namida ga Afureta is such a beautiful song?
Oh, and I know Pikmin are super tiny, but I sized them up so they would be visible with Bedi here.
So what would it be like if Bedi met Olimar and Pikmin? I guess it would go something like this....
"I received a rather unusual request today. This morning, a man and his family walked into my flower shop - they appeared to be tourists on a family trip. The father bought some flowers for his wife and daughter - and then asked me if he could let 'Pikmin' come into the store as well. I am not familiar with these creatures, but when he whistled, in ran three small creatures, each one with a bright color and their heads were topped with long, thin stalks. I am not sure if they're plants with animal characteristics or the other way around...but from what was explained to me, they were creatures of the earth. So, while the family was busy on a tour around town, I was asked if I could let these Pikmin stay in the shop so they wouldn't be lost. I agreed - I could see this man was going to be very busy and well, I can't say no to who someone who was obviously a family man. How his children adored him! Few things bring as much joy as seeing children who are obviously loved and well cared for.
So for the afternoon, I had these guests with me. I allowed them to do as they please in the courtyard garden. Such curious little creatures - they investigated their new surroundings thoroughly, and sometimes picked up objects to move them around. I was not too concerned about it, they were so small and could not have done any trouble. I rather enjoyed seeing them run around, to be honest. Even my little friend, the red butterfly, hung around to watch them, though she was careful to keep distance.
In the evening, the man came back and thanked me for takin care of these creatures. It was no trouble at all, and while completely unexpected, a rather pleasant event. I wonder if I can see more of these Pikmin another time?"
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smashy-headcanons · 5 years
An anon's complete list of headcanons on the WoL intro
So, yeah. This is what I headcanon happened to every fighter during the World of Light intro. But just for fun, I’m not using names, only numbers. So without further ado…
• Mario and Peach disregarded all logic and ran for each other, knowing they were doomed and wanting to be together. The sick part was, the light didn’t touch them until their outstretched fingers were mere inches away from each other. • Donkey Kong knew only one thing in his final moments: he wanted Diddy Kong to live. But all he could do was launch him into the air, hoping his rocket barrel would carry him the rest of the way (spoiler alert: it didn’t). • (Young) Link, Sheik, and Ganondorf were cursed with the knowledge that they would die here. They knew they had to go down fighting, and that’s exactly what they did. • Samus kept fighting even after she saw Link die, knowing she could do nothing else. • Dark Samus quickly realized there was no point in getting others to fight for her, and she tried to flee, just like so many others. • Yoshi ran. He ran as fast as he could, hoping to carry Jigglypuff, Olimar, and Alph on his back to safety. It just didn’t work. • Fox had an agreement with Falco. If things went wrong, Falco was gonna get out of there as fast as possible and call for help while Fox faced his fate. He knew what was coming for him. • Sonic tried to save Pikachu. We all cried. It was very emotional at the time. • Since Luigi and Daisy were standing at the back of the group, they had an agreement with Bowser that they would get Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings to safety if anything went wrong. When things did go wrong, they lost track of one, but in the end, they shielded the other seven from the horror that awaited them. • Ness and Lucas ran for their lives together. In the end, Ness tripped, and Lucas shielded him in vain. • Captain Falcon didn’t even get a chance to run. • Bowser fought back, knowing he had people at home and with him depending on him. His last thought was of his children, but he didn’t see Bowser Jr. running up behind him just to be with him. • The Ice Climbers held each other in fear, drawing comfort from the one person who understood most. • Zelda and Mewtwo were hopeful, which is the only reason why they shielded themselves at all, but they were also smart enough to know that, without a miracle, they were all done for. • Dr. Mario went looking for his sons, but he couldn’t find them. He died after they did. • Snake’s attempt at hiding seemed hilarious at the time, until he sadly admitted he had been hiding Pichu and Isabelle. • With tears in his eyes, Marth tried to fight back. He died a broken man, having helped lead this massive army and knowing he had failed them. • For once, Lucina didn’t have to protect anyone. Instead, she was held and protected by the people who loved her the most. • Young Link rewound time over and over and over again, until he realized there was just no fighting this. In the end, he let the light take him. • Roy hid with Toon Link. The light had stolen the courage from the Young Lion and the Wind Waker. • Chrom knew only one thing: he had to protect his baby girl. He died holding her, trying not to cry, his two best friends at his back guarding them. • Mr. Game & Watch didn’t understand completely, but knew beyond a doubt that this light thing was not good. He hid too. But since he was made of shadow, the light actually hurt him when it touched him. • Meta Knight and King Dedede could only watch a miracle in the distance. They knew beyond a doubt that they were not getting out of here, but they could see that star and know it meant hope. • Pit and Dark Pit thought they were safe until their wings stopped working. They knew what happened in that exact moment: Pit’s patron goddess was dead, and they were next. • Wario didn’t even get a chance to pull out his bike before he was taken. Good thing too, he would’ve trampled over so many if he had. • Ike did what he did best: he fought for his friends. • Charizard, Ivysaur, and Squirtle stood defiant, even as their trainers urged them to leave. They refused to leave them even in this desperate hour. • Lucario, Greninja, and Bayonetta felt foolish later, as they all dodged one beam only to get hit by another. However, Bayonetta found the courage to laugh about this once it was over. • R.O.B. only stood and cried (or as close as a robot can get to doing so), hoping to be reunited with his family. • Wolf wanted to run, but he absolutely refused to go down without a proper fight. Plus, if Fox was staying, so was he. • Villager panicked and couldn’t even hide in time. • Mega Man fought back and just hoped the light wouldn’t get his dad, sister, and brother back home. His hopes were dashed later. • Knowing what was coming, the Wii Fit Trainers just tried to calm themselves down. • Rosalina wanted to stay with her friends, but she was a mother. She couldn’t abandon her children like this, and if she asked Mario and Peach, they’d have agreed with her. It was the only comfort she had when she died. • Little Mac didn’t even know what to do, so he ran. • Mii Brawler died alone and he died later than the rest of them. He saw his friends, the Mii Swordfighter and Mii Gunner, too late and he couldn’t even go to them. • As for Mii Swordfighter, he shielded the Mii Gunner though he knew it was futile. They both hoped the Mii Brawler didn’t see them. • Palutena was one of three people who secured their hope for rescue, and unlike Falco’s failed attempt to call for help, she succeeded. She called to other dimensions, other deities, hoping something would work as she tried to get Pit and Dark Pit to safety. • Pac-Man didn’t know what to do, he’d never been through anything like this before! • The Robins went down with a unified blast of thunder. They had their best friends behind them to protect, and that’s what they were going to do.  • Shulk refused to be totally helpless in his final moments. He made sure their last hope, their miracle, got out safely.  • The Duck Hunt Duo went down as a pair, one wanting to hide but refusing to leave his best friend alone.  • Ryu channeled his honor and tried to fight.  • Ken decided to screw honor and retreated, but that’s only because he wanted to see his wife and son one last time. He didn’t get the chance to.  • Cloud charged at Galeem. …He doesn’t know what he was thinking either.  • The Corrins went down together, fighting and protecting the one other person who truly understood their struggles and pain.  • The Inklings tried to hide in their own ink…they weren’t ready. They didn’t know what to expect when they accepted that invitation, but it so was not this.  • Ridley only thought of himself. He wanted to run, and damn it, that’s what he did.  • Simon gave a final word of encouragement to Richter. They refused to meet their maker scared.  • King K. Rool fought back, defending Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, his former enemies turned friends.  • Incineroar hadn’t been this scared since he was a Litten. But he put up a brave front and went down fighting, with a massive grin on his face.  • Piranha Plant, Joker, the Heroes, and Banjo & Kazooie were actually saved by Palutena before they could officially be brought into the fight. She contacted their deities and told them to hide their chosen champions in the space between dimensions, where they’d be safe, and to only bring them out when the time was right. They were forever indebted to her, but they couldn’t save their friends. Later, when everything was over, they all decided to stay in the world of Smash.  • As for Kirby…well, they all had to be saved somehow, right?
(submitted by anonymous)
I changed the #s to the character names just to make things easier on others.
Also I’m going to add to some of these because I can and I want to.
When Fox told Falco the plan, there was a lot of initial refusal on Falco’s part, which only stopped when Fox yelled at Falco five minutes away from the expected arrival of Galeem, at which Falco had no more time to be oppositional. Fox was making sure Falco got in the Arwing and fled, even if it meant he had to drag him kicking and screaming into the Arwing and lock him inside.
Captain Falcon had no plans to run. His initial plan was to try to attack from inside the Blue Falcon because if he was fast enough, he didn’t think Galeem could catch him. That all changed when he saw just how quickly people were being lost.
Dr. Mario realized what had happened to his kids in the split instant before Galeem’s beam hit him.
The moment when Young Link realized there was no stopping Galeem was when he found one (1) possible solution to stop Galeem before he attacked and save everyone, only to have Dharkon arrive and wipe everyone out instead. He played the Song of Time one last time to go back to Dawn of the First Day, and just stood where he was.
When Mr. Game & Watch was first freed, he started asking a bunch of questions which, if Pac-Man was around to translate at the time, would have been translated to, “Is that this realm’s version of Dharkon? Am I gonna have to leave this realm too? Where am I gonna go? …Wait, are we planning on fighting this guy?! Will we have to fight Dharkon too?!”
R.O.B. was hoping and praying that he would end up in the Subspace where his people were trapped, because he knew that there was no afterlife for robots (the closest thing is the internet or cloud storage, which he had no access to at that moment).
Pac-Man was off somewhere else when Galeem arrived. He had no knowledge of the invasion until he saw a light beam flying at him for half a second.
K. Rool helped give Donkey Kong an extra height boost to try and get Diddy Kong away (to no avail). Afterwards, Donkey Kong and K. Rool stood behind hoping to try and combat Galeem.
I have my own developed headcanons regarding the DLC fighters but I also like that idea too.
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pikkish-moved · 6 years
Growing in Other Directions
In which the Koppaiates encounter a new species
Today, the Koppaiates were returning to the Garden of Hope. There was still some fruit to be gathered there, and this time, returning with Captain Charlie, they were sure they could add to their juice supply exponentially, and maybe even find some hint to the cosmic drive key’s whereabouts.
Alph was, as usual, at the helm of the Drake, scoping out the best landing place. Thus far, it seemed such a spot was the very same place he had landed the ship when first seeking out Brittany. Then, he hadn’t so much been looking for a good landing spot, but merely somewhere close to her signal.
But, now, coincidentally, it seemed that was the best landing spot anyway.
Alph panned over the map onscreen one more time, just to be sure. No better landing spot caught his eye, but something else certainly did grab his attention, something he hadn’t really paid attention to on his previous scans of the topography. The image was small on the Drake’s map, nestled under some tall foliage in the northern part of the Garden, but the longer Alph looked at it, the more certain he was that he knew the familiar shape. Still, the unlikelyhood of it being what he thought was so great, he couldn’t be entirely sure.
“H-hey, um… Captain Charlie?” Alph called, seeking a second opinion. He pointed to the map as Charlie approached. “What do you think that looks like?”
Charlie leaned in, his brow furrowing as he looked at it. After a moment, the sudden widening of his eyes, the sharp hiss of breath between his teeth was all the signal that was needed to tell he had come to the same conclusion as Alph. “I… I would say it’s a spaceship.”
“A spaceship?” Brittany asked from across the room, where she was still pulling on her suit. “Another one? Did someone get here before us?”
“Seems that way,” Charlie responded. “Or, at least, around the same time as us.”
Alph looked to the captain. “Should I land the Drake nearby?”
Charlie nodded. “We might as well introduce ourselves, and try to make a good impression.”
Brittany muttered something under her breath about how it shouldn’t be Charlie to make first contact if they were going for a good impression, then, but it wasn’t quite loud enough to reach the other two’s ears.
Alph landed the Drake a safe distance away from the other ship, and after calling out a band of pikmin, the trio made their way towards the other ship.
But as they neared it, it quickly became clear something was wrong. The ship was nose-down in the ground, its hull scorched and stripped, the interior of a ship clearly exposed in some places. Wreckage was strewn about all across the ground, and there was a trench cut in a long line where the ship must have impacted the ground and then slid.
Worst of all, the pikmin seemed nervous. They were unnaturally quiet, not keeping up their usual enthusiastic chatter and sticking close together.
And as the Koppaiates approached the wreck, their pace slowed considerably.
Eventually, Alph took the lead. As the engineer of the crew, he could tell a lot about the ship from a single look that the others couldn’t, and some of his nervousness was dampened by his curiosity in the alien vessel.
“It… looks Hocotatian-made, I think,” he relayed to his companions. “An older one, too; it’s still got the whole ‘aerodynamic rocket’ design. Looks like… I think it’s a deep-space freighter, probably a single passenger ship. The crash is… it must have hit the ground from freefall, probably from the upper atmosphere, though… I think it’s probably been here a long time. Most of the shielding is gone. Looks like a lot of the equipment is missing, too, though-“
Alph froze as there was a crunch underfoot. Looking down, he saw something glinting in the mossy ground.
“Alph?” Brittany asked as she and Charlie came to stand beside him.
Alph didn’t answer, just knelt down, looking for whatever he had stepped on. After a moment, he came up with a clear shard of-...
“Is that glass?” Charlie asked.
“No,” Alph said quietly, turning the shard over in his gloved hands, careful to not let the sharp edges cut his suit. “It’s polycarbonate.” He didn’t look up to meet his crewmates’ blank looks, instead reaching down to unearth more pieces. “There’s-... probably more of it nearby, too. I don’t think-... Whoever it was, they would’ve had to land pretty hard for-... for their helmet to shatter this badly.”
There was a long moment of silence as his companions processed what he had just said.
Finally, “Are you sure that’s what it is?” The quiet plea that Alph was wrong was still audible in Brittany’s voice. She may not have had the greatest opinions of people in general, but that didn’t mean she wanted to find some poor person dead of oxygen poisoning.
Unfortunately, Alph was certain. “Yeah. Same stuff our helmets are made of.”
For a good long moment, there was silence among the Koppaiates.
Then, looking over his shoulder at the wreck, Charlie said, “We should check the crash.”
Both Alph and Brittany recoiled at the suggestion. The very thought of setting foot in a derelict ship that had crashed there long ago, possibly still with the remains of some crew…
But Captain Charlie was a veteran space ranger. This wasn’t the first, nor the worst crash he had ever seen, and, he added, everything had to be inspected in case any of it could be if use. They were in a hostile environment, and everything that could provide them with an edge was to be claimed.
“Besides,” he added in a slightly more sympathetic voice, “we ought to see if they left any sort of log, or journal. To try to figure out who they were, and… Well. I can tell you from experience, it’s better to know the fate of a loved one than to be left wondering forever.”
Though Alph and Brittany hated the thought of being such bearers of bad news, they couldn’t argue with that, and with significantly lower spirits, they followed after Captain Charlie towards the crashed ship.
Captain Olimar had, in fact, left a voyage log.
On arriving at the derelict ship, the lettering “S. S. DOLPHIN” still faintly visible on its scorched, scraped hull, the trio of Koppaiates had left their group of nervous pikmin to board the ship. Once inside the small main bridge, Alph had found the main computer to, surprisingly, still be functional. He had navigated to the captain’s log file. Inside, there were two folders, one marked “notes,” and  the other “logs.” Inside the logs folder, there were a mere twenty nine entries.
At Charlie’s quiet direction, Alph opened the final log entry.
“Entry 29”
“Tomorrow, is the day my life-support system fails. If I do not recover all my parts, I have no choice but to try to blast off. Missing a few parts may not affect my attempts to return to Hocotate...but then again, it may. At any rate, I must try to recover the remaining parts tomorrow."
“I... feel so very tired.”
“That… doesn’t tell us a whole lot about them,” Brittany murmured. “Except maybe they were a Hocotatian.”
Biting his lip, Alph selected a different log.
“Entry 14”
“Looking from this planet into the skies above, I see the pale white moon floating overhead. It brings to mind memories of the moon from back home. I bet that even now my wife and children are sitting at home, gazing up at our pale red moon... Hang on, dear ones! Your Olimar will return some day!”
In that moment, all three Koppaiates felt something of the same grief. It was not to be so; Captain Olimar had perished, and his family would never see him again.
Almost out of a sense of duty, then, Charlie took over the computer terminal, and opened the first log. And from there, they read, from the beginning, the final trials of Captain Olimar.
They read his accounts of his crash landing the first time, to awaken on a strange planet, his ship broken and incapable of flight. Of how he discovered the pikmin, and with their help, he recovered his ship’s engine, and at least managed to reach the relative safety of low orbit for the night.
How he had a mere thirty days of life support battery to recover all his ship’s missing pieces and escape the planet.
They read his discovery of yellow and blue pikmin, of his valiant battles with the indigenous monsters of the planet to recover the pieces of his ship.
Of his hope on the recovery of every ship part, and his despondency on the days without success.
And they read of his longing for home, of his love for his wife and children, as he watched himself growing thinner in the mirror and only thought of the worry his absence was causing his family.
When they had finished reading Captain Olimar’s voyage log, they sat for a moment, in silence.
“I… suppose we’ll have to find his family when we get back,” Alph eventually said in a whisper, barely meeting his crewmates’ eyes.
Charlie just nodded in solemn agreement. There was another long moment of silence.
Finally, Captain Charlie turned away from the computer. “At any rate, we’re wasting time here. We are on a mission, after all.” Being a space ranger in the war, he had seen his fair share of death, and more than once had to postpone mourning for the sake of work.
Alph and Brittany quietly agreed, and turned to follow Charlie out of the ship. But when they got there, they found the pikmin they had left were not waiting patiently for their return. In fact, the entire group was marching away, as if led by one of the Koppaiates themselves.
Or… maybe a new type of pikmin? There was, at the front of the crew, a bright red flower that rose a bit higher than all the others- about the height that the antenna of one of the Koppaiates’ helmets rose.
Regardless, whoever it was, they were leading off one hundred pikmin, possibly into danger.
Running forward, closely followed by Alph and Brittany, Charlie let out a sharp blast on his whistle, calling for the pikmin to stop. The pikmin, being very well tuned to the more urgent tone of the whistle, froze, and disbanded, leaving the would-be leader alone in front of the charging Koppaiates.
All three of them quickly slid to a halt, however, on seeing the figure in front of them.
For he stood with the same confidence and determination they had come to expect of him, and though his suit was dirty and torn, and his face smeared with mud, and his helmet long gone, swapped for a stem and flower, there was no mistaking it.
Standing before them, pikmin gathered about him and looking to him for instruction, was the very same recently deceased Captain Olimar.
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pikkish-moved · 6 years
Best of Both Worlds ~ 1
In which an old event is repeated and a new adventure begun
Or, in which the author spontaneously decides to begin a multi-chapter fic with very minimal planning.
“Olimar! We’re losing altitude!”
Olimar grit his teeth, hands racing across the Drake’s controls. He knew they were losing altitude, knew they were falling far too fast; the warning lights on the ship’s screens more than told him so. The problem was, he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Alph, how are those repairs coming?”
He was a skilled pilot, yes, but navigating a gravity well immediately after three successive meteor impacts was a bit out of his capabilities.
“Not good, Captain Charlie! We’re taking too much damage! She’s being ripped apart!”
It was a bit out of the Drake’s capabilities, too, it seemed. They were going down, and nothing could stop them now.
As Alph, Brittany, and Charlie shouted back and forth over the comms, Olimar began to filter it out. He knew how this went. They were all going to be stranded. That was how it always went with this accursed planet.
As Alph shouted something about one of the filtration units just being gone, Olimar curled a hand around the Drake’s throttle and threw the ship into full reverse. They were going down, yes, but he could at least try to make the landing a little softer.
Why had he agreed to this?
The Drake burst through the cloud cover and suddenly, in the great bay window, Olimar could see the green foliage below hurtling towards him.
He knew this would happen, he knew it would, and still, still, he had agreed to come back.
As soon as the Drake shot through the top canopy of the massive trees, Olimar flipped her nose-up and gunned the throttle, hoping to slow their imminent crash landing, and at least land the right way up.
He should have known better.
“Must you go again?” Petra’s voice was quiet, but sharp with anguish.
They stood in the living room, the sun having long since set and the children put to bed.
“Yes,” Olimar replied with equal pain, taking his wife’s hands in his own. “I-... I have to. I can’t-... the whole of Koppai is in need, and I can’t tell them they’re on their own. They need me. And I owe them.”
“No,” she whispered. “No, you don’t have to. You don’t- don’t owe them anything.”
They both knew that wasn’t true. Olimar wouldn’t have been standing there had it not been for the Koppaiates. He would have died in his sleep on a far away world. He owed them everything.
“They’re starving, the whole world,” Olimar responded. “The plants won’t grow. They need my help.”
“What if-“ Petra looked at her husband, tears in her eyes. “What if I need your help? What if I need you here?”
Olimar just let out a sigh, pulling Petra close for a hug. “...I can’t say no.”
Petra knew this. It was why she had fallen in love with him to begin with, his abounding kindness.
“And you’ll be well taken care of,” Olimar continued, hugging Petra a little tighter. “Alph’s grandfather is offering us more money than Hocotate Freight was ever paying me.”
Sniffling a little and blinking back tears, Petra replied, “money won’t be able to help with the groceries, or put the children to bed, or sit with us for dinner.”
“No, that’s true. But money isn’t saving the Koppaiates, either.”
Petra was silent for a long time, burying her face against Olimar’s shoulder. Finally, “...But what about you? Y-your suit is so old, and worn- what if something happens to you?”
Olimar wanted to agree with her. He wanted to say she was right, he couldn’t go, his equipment would fail, it was too dangerous. “They’re bringing me a new suit. A Koppaiate suit, too, so probably better quality than mine.”
There was no escaping it. He didn’t want to go back, not again, but he had to. Millions of people were relying on him.
Petra knew this.
“...Just promise me you’ll write.”
“Every day. I promise.”
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