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luvvcho · 2 days ago
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biker!choso x reader
a/n: i dont like this... heh...
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biker!Choso who walks into the department store the same time the next week, pretending not to glance around as he steps past the automatic doors. He tells himself he needs a new hoodie for the colder nights, even though he has four just like the one he’s wearing right now
biker!Choso who wanders the men’s section for ten minutes, barely looking at the racks, eyes flicking toward the front of the store more than he’d like to admit
biker!Choso who’s about to give up and feel stupid about this whole thing, when he hears your voice, asking an elderly customer if they need help finding anything
biker!Choso who turns the corner just to see you again, heart skipping a little when your eyes meet his
biker!Choso who awkwardly holds up a folded black hoodie and says, “Hey. Uh... do you think this would shrink in the wash?”
biker!Choso who could’ve read the label, who did read the label, but just wanted to talk to you
biker!Choso who watches as you walk over, your fingertips brushing his as you take the hoodie from him to check the tag yourself
biker!Choso who doesn’t say much, but listens when you tell him how to wash it, nodding slowly, watching your lips move, feeling like a fool and liking it
biker!Choso who walks out fifteen minutes later with a hoodie he didn’t need, and a receipt he plans to keep because your name is printed at the top from the register you used
iker!Choso who starts showing up every week now, always around the same time, always with some weak excuse
biker!Choso who comes in asking about gloves again—“Do you think these would hold up on a bike?”—even though you already told him which ones were best two visits ago
biker!Choso who browses jackets for way too long, letting you help him decide between two almost identical ones, just to hear you talk
biker!Choso who thanks you every time with that soft-spoken “Appreciate it,” eyes lingering for just a beat too long before he heads out
biker!Choso who buys something small just to come through your register, your name tag memorized now, your smile something he looks forward to more than he should
biker!Choso who doesn’t say much, but always listens when you talk about the weather, your shift, how dead it’s been today
And you? You notice.
You notice the way he shows up when no one else does. The way he always comes to your section. The way he never seems rushed, like he’s waiting for a reason to stay longer.
So this time, when he lingers by the checkout with another random item (this time a pair of sunglasses he probably doesn’t need) you decide to say something.
“You know,” you say, scanning the tag, “if you keep showing up like this, I’m going to start thinking it’s not about the gear.”
biker!Choso blinks, caught, mouth parting slightly before he glances away and rubs the back of his neck. “Maybe it’s not,” he admits quietly, almost a mumble
You smile, sliding the receipt into the bag before you look up again. “Then give me your number.”
He pauses, stunned for a second. “…You want my number?”
You raise a brow, teasing. “Do you not want to give it to me?”
He shakes his head quickly, already reaching for his phone. “No—I do. Yeah. I do.”
biker!Choso who fumbles a little handing you his phone, ears tinged red, watching you type in your name like it’s the first thing that’s gone right all week
biker!Choso who smiles as he walks out this time, the sunglasses swinging from the bag, your name now glowing on his screen like something worth coming back for
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tags : @krispywhisperswhispers @apricotprincessar @annel33 @ukiyodestiny @sacred-treasure @inoluvrr @thaisszz55 @kkataleena
comment on part 1 to be added.
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soupcafe · 1 day ago
I have written and rewritten this post so many times after taking time to really gather my thoughts and sit with everything that has transpired in the last two weeks. If I'm being honest.. what has transpired the last three years of running the FindRPs server. Under the cut if you want to read. Warning: it's really fucking long. Sorry about it.
God I don't even know where to start, okay.
I have always tried to do my best to remain neutral in most situations and show a face of calm collection when it came to matters in the server. As a leader there, I believed that being anything other than that would only show instability of myself and on the rest of the staff. I always tried to make it known that I was willing to hear people out, and ready to enact changes if it felt like the right thing to do for the collective.
I don't know if that was the right choice to make, but it certainly felt like it for me, so that's how I ran things.. that's how I encouraged the rest of staff to run things. I've already said this to the former staff, but I have nothing but the highest respect for the hard work they put into that server. All of us were running that place for free, but it felt like a full time job with the way people treated us both on the server and here on tumblr.
Our goal was to provide a space for various platforms to advertise their rp groups, post 1x1s, post their resources, ask for help from their community, and more. FindRPs all started because tumblr tags became notoriously unreliable, group rps weren't able to mass fill their queues, sideblogs were being shadowbanned and deleted left and right. Why not streamline it into one easy hub? Why not make a place for a community? I've seen it said a few times now that we should have learned our lesson and not had any general chat or allow conversation at all. How fucking sad is that? In a hobby where the whole purpose is writing a story together... collaborating.... and you all can't even handle or have the civility to have a general chat.
I don't claim to have made all the right decisions, or to have said the right thing in a moments time. But things could so very quickly go from zero to one hundred there. Within minutes people would be at each other's throats and god forbid anyone on staff have a real life and not take care of it within seconds. I can't count how many times I was at work, or a family function, or a doctors office, and I get the ping that something happened but I can't deal with it right then and there. The anxiety of knowing that it will be talked about in the tags, and that if I or another staff member isn't online to take care of it right that second, we will get shit for letting it happen.
Isn't that insane? That I couldn't go about my daily life and do normal things without thinking about you all having no decorum and going after one another like children?
I was getting anxiety from not looking at the server for more than an hour or two. I don't know how in the world I thought I was going to be able to handle having a newborn and focusing on something that is going to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life, knowing that all of this would be in the back of my mind. It wouldn't be fair to my kid... to my family. And yeah... maybe that's me taking it too seriously. But when you dedicate three years of your life to this, and have been in this community on tumblr for as long as I have.. you fear the loss of it.
Don't even get me started on the lack of communication. Any blog that decided to let anons and rumors come into play and pass judgement on us with lies or half the story over the course of the server's activity... you all are complicit. No one ever came to us with their opinions and issues — the first thing that was on anyone's mind was which rpt blog can I go to. So instead of handling things like adults, you all hid behind anon and let someone else post it for you.
Because why attempt to make an actual change by speaking to us when you can just judge and bully us instead? No one ever said maybe they need some help and I should offer to join the team. But why would you... when you could see how we were being treated. When you were the one treating us that way.
Anytime something happened in that server, my inbox would fill with anon messages of death threats or otherwise inflammatory and cruel statements against me. I always deleted them and gave them no merit because what is some fucking anon going to do to me in my real life? Nothing.
This time though.. I was simply done with it. I was looking at the server, at my own happiness, at my own life and where I was being led, and decided that it simply wasn't worth it to subject myself and the rest of the staff to it any longer. All of us were preparing major life changes and were having conversations about possibly stepping down and handing the server off. I'm sorry that a few people decided to ruin it for the rest of you who never did anything wrong. I would have loved to hand over the reins to someone else and let FindRPs live on as the needed resource it was, but you all can make your own servers as you've said many times that you want to do. You can spend three years growing it to nearly 3k members of all rp backgrounds and life backgrounds and you can make your rules exactly how you want them and to deal with things exactly how you want to deal with them... I sincerely hope it thrives for you.
I'm going to call out a few specific blogs from this situation because you are directly complicit in the spreading of this. JJ (galitzined), Nan (nanschman), Xan (jimiin), Jas (snoopdoggs), Veda (nosyrpt), and fluoresceins. All of you decided that it was okay to bully. Several of you decided to say that I was subjecting Hermie, a Palestinian mod, to coexisting with zionists knowingly.. when it has always been the case that if they made themselves known we would ban them and Hermie would be the one to do it. We realized too late that we missed one glaringly obvious one and Hermie got the satisfaction of banning them before FindRPs was deleted for good.
All of us in our real lives are putting in the work to make change, you know, where it matters the most. Personally for myself, I involve myself in local and state politics and actively ensure that I am voting for representatives that align with Palestine or at the very least is not interested in supporting Israel. I donate to fundraisers when I am able. Not that I ever owed any of you a list of what I am doing... but I have always stood with Palestine. I fucking hate JKR, and was a moderator who voted to ban it in the initial rule change. (Love that some of you are trying to say I've been extremely active in the HP RPC and have proof because.... bitch where?) But you know... you all will spin anything to fit your narrative.
I said it many times that everyone on staff, every single one of us, was part of a marginalized group one way or another. Half of us were trans, more than half were people of color, I think literally all of us are queer. So you all decided that the best thing to do was to hurt members of your own communities, hurt the people that you claim to stand up for... that's incredibly telling about the kind of people you are.
Mar made a post recently that I think all of you need to read and take to heart. Many of us are so disheartened by the lack of change that we are seeing in the real world that going hard within a small community like the one here is where you can get your satisfaction — because it seems simple in a smaller space where you can watch change happen in real time. Mar put it really well, better than I ever could, so here is a link for you to read it yourself.
We are actively driving people away from this community. Some of them are warranted, but a majority of it is over the most petty bullshit that could be solved if we weren't so catty and quick to jump to conclusions.
Shadow, I do want to apologize to you. You did not lead to the downfall of this server, it was a long time coming. And I agreed with all of the resources you gave, I agree with wanting to educate someone. What I failed to communicate effectively, and I do take responsibility for this, is that you didn't need to do it publicly. You could have DM'd Lumos and taken care of it outside of the server, which is really all we were trying to say in that statement we made: why in the world are we having these conversations in the general chat of a rp advertisement server when you can just... talk to the person directly. Or I don't know... use the block button. All of you need to learn how to use that more. And you did already apologize for necro-ing it... but I believe you knew what you were doing there. Even on a laptop you had to scroll up to see the interaction with Lumos and there was no way you missed the timestamps. It was not the first time you decided to use a public space in the server to be mean to someone, so, I don't believe that you didn't know what you were doing there. Regardless of being correct in the information you were spreading, you were an asshole. We gave you a warning that the behavior wouldn't be tolerated and yet you continued to harass Lumos so consequences of your actions were to be banned. Not because of what you said or how you went about it, but because you didn't know when to stop.
I don't think Lumos has tumblr to see all of this, and I literally deleted everything from the server — I have no logs of anything that happened anymore. But we did rail into them. We told them that what they were saying was fucked up and they should read into the resources. All of us were talking about banning them anyways, but we wanted to take the time to think things through, to step away and sit with it and decide. Once again, God Forbid we handle things like adults and have real lives and think before acting, especially with all of you shouting into the tags about how we were handling it. They were getting death threats, both in their dms and out in the open in the general chat. Like what the fuck. Who in their right mind thinks that's an okay thing to do?
Anyway, we tended to handle things there privately. We preferred it that way because no one needs their dirty laundry aired out in front of 3k people, and have them weigh in on it while we're trying to handle things. Just because you didn't see anything happening on your end, doesn't mean things weren't happening behind the scenes. And screenshots are always a thing; we have never feared someone taking them for their records. I sent the screenshots to JJ because Shadow left out an entire part of the conversation. I didn't send it to "make ourselves look better" as Nan so lovingly put it. I did it for transparency.
Maybe we could have been more transparent over certain things, I don't know. But also.. some situations are simply none of anyone's business.
Anyway. It's gone now. I mourn the loss of something that I truly put my heart, soul, and tears into. I helped to provide a resource for the community who does not deserve it for free for three years of my life. I met some of the most amazing writers in there that I never would have crossed paths with if not for the server.
It's time to move on from the greater rpc for me though. I don't know if I am going to continue to be on this blog. I really don't have a desire to at this time. I do know I will be writing with my rp group and continue keeping in touch with others on discord. That's really why I'm not afraid to post all of this and let you all pick it apart. I simply don't care anymore. I'm a week away from my due date, and ready to take the step into motherhood. I'm so excited for it. My blood pressure certainly thanks me.
I urge you all to take a good hard look at how you interact with this community. I want you all to take a look at the complaints that are made all the time and have been for years now — of groups not surviving, of no one writing, of people feeling hopeless, or judged. You actively create this space. You truly want to be the change? Do better for the rpc then. Be kind, and if you can't do that, block and move on. The people you don't like and you don't agree with are going to be around for as long as they want to be anyway.
Best, Maeve.
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wailingclown · 2 days ago
Invincible chapter 2
It was another chance to be alone with you that was unfortunately ruined but this was also an opportunity for his father to see just how great you are.
Still, he was a bit worried about inviting someone without checking in with you first.
Should he call?
You did give him your number but he felt a bit off being the first
To call it seemed a bit weird.
How would the call even go?
“Hey clockwork I know we haven't known each other long and you don't usually work with others but I invited another hero to join us for patrol hope you don't mind”
He groaned harshly, rubbing his face.
It's not like he knew you long, a week into being a hero you had taken him under your wing after watching him get his ass kicked.
He wasn't even sure what this relationship was.
Mentor and mentee?
It's not like you trained him sure you offered but he never had the time.
He didn't even know what you sounded like he didn't even know your favorite color, maybe purple? Your suit seemed to be primarily purple with splashes of vibrant greens and yellow, a bit of a tye-dye effect. It was cool straight out of a comic book, did you paint it yourself?
He had so many questions but it felt weird each time he tried to ask you about anything personal. He felt like he was intruding, worried that if he irritated you he'd be abandoned. You already rarely work with other people so allowing him was amazing all things considered.
So lost in thought his ringing phone was able to startle him back to reality the moment he saw the name of the caller he dove for the device quickly accepting the call.
“Heyyy um clockwork been awhile haha”
He froze (why did I say that I'm sure he thinks I'm weird
now shit shit)
“Yes it has been a while invincible, about tomorrow's patrol It's a bit dangerous unfortunately I'm unable to discuss much over the phone to put it simply wed be taking down an organization that has been experimenting on humans as well as a few superhuman individuals I'll protect you with my life I feel like this would be a great experience for you”
He flushed pink as a peach hiding himself under the blankets.
“Can you say that again”
“There's an organization I plan to take down so”
“Not that about protecting me?”
There was a long pause long enough for Mark to regret his words fidgeting a bit.
“I promise to protect you, invincible I won't allow you to be seriously injured I simply want you to observe a bit how I work I want us to continue working together think of this as a bonding experience”
Sure the voice was robotic but Mark couldn't help how warm he felt from the man's words pressing his face into the pillow with shame. What if it's an old frail man behind that suit or maybe a woman? There had been some theories that the man behind the suit was a woman.
Still, the hero was around for over 30 years, and having a crush on someone older than his mom felt weird.
“Invincible you alright?”
“Yes! I mean. Yes I'm fine it's just is it okay if someone else tags along?”
“A friend of yours is a friend of mine”
Mark bites his pillow to hide the squeal he is about to let out
“You think of me as a friend?”
“I'd like to think we are our time together has been short yet very meaningful to me”
“I think of you as a friend to”
“I'm glad”
Mark let out a yawn.
“I wanna talk to you a bit longer”
“It's important to get the proper amount of sleep when you'll have a busy day ahead of you”
“You're curious about me, right? It'll allow you to ask 3 questions about me if you do well tomorrow so get some rest”
And with those parting words, he hung up
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sun-yearning · 3 days ago
100 Follower Writing Text Post: Overstimulation
[Involves overstimulation (shocker) where the reader is made to touch themself past their perceived limits. The reader is also referred to as 'toy' and 'thing', alongside my usual 'darling' and 'dear'. This is all through a purely fictional and consensual fantasy, though some may consider this as CNC. If there is anything else I should tag this under, please let me know and I will update accordingly]
[On a lighter note, I'm experimenting with colours and feedback is appreciated!]
Well don’t you look so lovely like that my dear. Oh come on, don’t be shy. It is so very sweet that you’re getting all worked up for me. Enlighten me darling, how desperately do you need to touch yourself? Are you truly that eager for it. Are you really so willing to throw away your pride and beg me to get you off?
Alright then darling.
There we go, there’s one. Oh darling, what do you think you’re doing? I didn’t say you could stop. You were the one who wanted this, and I’m letting you. Aren’t I such a gracious lover, I could deny you but instead I’m letting you go again and again. Why would you want to stop darling?
There’s two. Oh and aren’t you such a sweet thing my dear. I know I know, you must be getting overwhelmed darling, but you’re doing so well for me. Chin up love, just a few more. Don’t bother trying to speak, I doubt you’ll think much of anything in a bit.
That’s it, you did so well. Three times, good job sweet thing. Crying already darling? That’s alright, let it out. You sound so adorably pathetic begging. Now I need you to tell me the truth. Do you genuinely want me to stop, or are you just stuttering over your words because it feels so good. Be honest with me darling.
There we go, that’s what I thought my dear. Keep going.
What a good toy you are for me darling, that’s four. Oh what’s wrong, can’t speak anymore? That’s alright, I’ll do all the thinking for you. You can let yourself be soft and pliant for a bit, let me do all the hard work. You just be a good kept thing, keep letting out those adorably pathetic begs for me darling.
What’s wrong, lost count? Mm what a shame, poor thing. That’s alright, suppose we’ll just keep going for now. Come on, you asked for this. You wanted me to help you feel good. I know it hurts now sweet thing- but you’re doing so well for me, just think about how good it is to give in, how hard you’re making me with your sobbing pleas. You’re just so pretty when you beg.
Oh, there you are. Hi darling. There’s my favourite toy ♡
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fanfics4all · 2 days ago
Request: Yes / No  Hi hermione anon.Can I change it to ne without the prompt and hermuone and sister with the sister struggling post battle of hogwarts? Anon
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Hermione Granger x Younger Sister!Reader 
Word count: 905
Warnings: Y/N struggling after the battle of Hogwarts
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The war was over. Voldemort was dead. The world was supposed to feel lighter… but it didn’t. The weight of it pressed against my chest, suffocating in its silence. Everyone called it a victory. They call it the start of a new era, but all I could think about was the people who weren’t here to see it. 
Professor Lupin. 
So many others whose names felt like open wounds whenever I thought of them. I had walked through the ruins of Hogwarts after the battle, stepping over broken stones and shattered glass. My shoes were damp with blood that would never fully wash away. There was no victory in war, just the cruel, indifferent reality of loss. And now? We were supposed to move forward. To rebuild. But how was I supposed to rebuild when I had lost so much? 
I curled up on my bed, staring at the ceiling, my chest tight. The house felt too quiet. No distant murmur of Mum and Dad talking in the kitchen. No warmth of their presence, no familiar scent of morning tea or old books. They were gone. Not dead, but… gone. 
Because Hermione made them forget. 
I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting back the lump in my throat. I knew why she had done it. It was to protect them, to keep them safe from Voldemort and the war. But now the war was over, and they had gone off to Australia, living their lives without us- without even knowing we existed! 
I should have fought harder to stop her. 
I should have begged her to find another way. 
Because now, it wasn’t just our parents who were gone. It was our home. Our childhood. Everything familiar, wiped away with a single spell. A soft knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts. 
“Y/N?” Hermione’s voice was quiet, almost hesitant. She knew. She always knew when something was wrong. 
I didn’t answer, but she took that as permission to enter. The door creaked open, and I felt the bed dip as she sat beside me. I kept my gaze fixed on the ceiling, my arms wrapped around myself as if that would hold me together. She didn’t speak right away, just let the silence stretch between us. Maybe she was waiting for me to say something. Maybe she just didn’t know how to fix this… how to fix me. 
Finally, I broke the silence. “Do you regret it?” My voice was hoarse, barely more than a whisper. 
Hermione stiffened beside me. “Regret what?” 
I turned my head to look at her. “Making them forget us.” 
Her face fell. I could see it in her eyes… the way her breath caught, the way her fingers clenched against the fabric of her jeans. 
“I…” She swallowed hard. “I did what I had to do, Y/N.” 
I let out a bitter laugh. “That’s not an answer.” 
She sighed, running a hand through her curls. “Of course, I regret it. Every single day. I miss them too, you know.” Her voice cracked slightly, but she quickly steadied it. 
“But I couldn’t risk their lives. I couldn’t risk yours either.”
Tears burned at the back of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.
“And now they’re gone…” 
Hermione exhaled sharply. “They’re not gone. They’re just… they don’t remember us.” She reached for my hand, squeezing it tightly. 
“But we can find them. We can bring them back.” 
I turned my face away, blinking up at the ceiling again. 
“And what if they don’t want to come back? What if they don’t want us?” 
She hesitated, and that silence told me everything. 
We didn’t know what would happen. We didn’t know if Mum and Dad would ever want us again. 
Hermione took a shaky breath. “Everything’s going to be fine, Y/N.” 
I bit my lip hard, closing my eyes. The grief sat heavy in my chest, but Hermione was here. She was still here. For now, that had to be enough. So I nodded. Just once. Hermione didn’t let go of my hand. Instead, she shifted, hesitating for only a moment before lying down beside me. It reminded me of when we were kids- on nights when thunderstorms were too loud, or nightmares too real, she’d sneak into my bed and hold me close until I fell asleep. 
Now, she did the same. 
Her arms wrapped around me, warm and steady as if she could physically hold me together when I felt like I was breaking apart. I let out a shaky breath, finally allowing a few tears to slip free. She didn’t say anything, just held me, resting her chin on top of my head. 
“I miss them so much.” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. 
“I know.” She murmured. “I do too.” 
We lay there in silence for a long time, the weight of everything down on us. But Hermione didn’t let go or pull away. 
“I’ll fix this, Y/N.” She finally said, her voice firm, full of quiet determination. 
“I’ll find them. I’ll restore their memories.” She tightened her hold on me, as if grounding herself in the promise. “I swear it.” 
I wanted to believe her. I needed to believe her. So I let out a slow breath and whispered. 
For the first time since the war ended, I felt a sliver of hope. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @madammarvellous-blog1 @in-slytherin-we-trust @accio-rogers @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 @vanessa-kom-skaikru @impulse-anchor @psamathegoesrawr @nighttimemoonlover
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amarguerite · 5 months ago
I think maybe my take away from this national nightmare is that American voters are on average trapped on the first level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs l. and the price of groceries is literally the make or break issue for most, to the point where it doesn’t matter why the grocery bill is higher or who can control that or how it can be controlled
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my-life-is-falling-apart · 4 months ago
I'm guilty as charged for leading you on a lie that I know is easy to see
In which Grian believes his friends would hate him if they knew he was a Watcher.
In this fic everyone knows about The Watchers, but to everyone but Grian (because he knows more about them) their just god-like entities who make them do murder games
Title from Fine, great by Modern Baseball
Takes place after session 4, before session 5 (Wild Life)
AO3 version
Grian had stayed in the server after the others left, and was about to leave when he tripped over something but he caught himself before he fell.
"That was close...huh?!" Small wings covered his eyes, he felt feathers tickling his ears. Oh no. No no no! Grian tried peel the wings away from his eyes but they wouldn't budge.
He sighed before giving up and opening his new eyes that appeared on his wings. With the eye above his hair he looked at his wings, once bright and colorful were now a purple and black shade.
"That was a pathetic attempt." Grian turned towards the voice."You?! Of all you guys it could be..." He said annoyedly. "I wouldn't talk to me like that if I were you." The Watcher said. Grian rolled his eyes, "What do you want? I'm kinda busy right now."
The Watcher sighed "Busy with what? Because look we'll forgive you running away if you just join us again already!" He glared at them, "Yeah that's a hard no. I'm busy because I'm going to my friends soon." They laughed at him.
"What" Grian said getting more annoyed. "You really think those mortals are your friends Oh please, tell me you don't actually believe that?!" They said with a cruel laugh. Grian sighed "Just shut up and go away!"
"Look I'm not here to fight, I'm here to make you see reason." The Watcher said. You, reason?! Ha! The Watcher's are the opposite of reason. He didn't dare to say it out loud though, because that would end badly and sometimes he knows when to shut up. "And just how are you gonna do that oh great one" he said sarcastically.
"Watch your tone!" They jabbed a wing at Grian, who jumped back with a glare. The Watcher toke a deep breath "Do you honestly think they'd still be friends with you if they, I dunno, found out you're a Watcher?" Grian froze "..." "That's what I thought." They said.
"They- they would! Because unlike you guys, they actually care about others and actually like me for who I am!" He shouted.
The Watcher sighed "That's exactly why they'd hate you. They care to much about each other to ever like you, so save yourself from that inevitable betrayal and just join." Grian shook his head "NO! JUST GO AWAY!" They glared at him.
"If you're sooooo convinced being a mortal is better, then you'll suffer the consequences." He backed away slowly "So can I just lea- AAAA!" The Watcher gave him a harsh shove, making him fall over.
Grian stumbled backwards, his extra eyes and wings disappearing, and fell. He sat up "You have got to be kidding me. YOU COULD'VE HAVE JUST OH I DON'T KNOW LET ME LEAVE!?"
He shouted in a random direction. Grian sighed quietly They have a point...Not that I would join them but they probably right that the others would hate me if the knew about... this.
Which is why it's a secret. No one has to know and everything will be fine.
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acoustic-crayons · 7 months ago
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Poor Junior, all he wanted was to learn archery from his uncles, and now he's in the hospital with his dad
[Pic inspired by @renjaminnifer's post]
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freshiegayboi · 1 year ago
All the Sanses playing "never had I ever" and it getting steamy. Except Blue has drunk every single time for anything they could think of. Everyone has a conniption.
you. you get it /lh
went with the ever fun Blue and the Bad Sans Poly for this, just to keep it funky lol enjoy!!
(this one gets a little nsfw, so its under the cut for talk about kinks and suggestive stuff. please do not read if you are under 18!!)
Laughter filled the castle, and had been for a couple hours. The longer the drinks were brought out, the louder the gleeful sounds got, until Nightmare finally cut them off. Water only, but as a consolation he permitted them to play a few group games, without his supervision.
He knew they were less likely to try anything violent with how drunk they'd all gotten, but he was also fairly likely to come back to something less than innocent if he didn't give them something else to do.
It was Horror that had recommended Never Have I Ever, a simple game that while usually had alcoholic drinks accompanying it, was easily supplemented with weird sodas. Blue had agreed easily; surely it couldn't get too bad.
Now armed with ranch, bacon, bubblegum and other various flavored sodas, they started in almost immediately on the most hardcore things they could think of.
"Never have I ever kissed someone until they couldn't breathe!" Killer said, smirking as both Horror and Cross blinked, then took a drink, grimacing at the taste of synthetic bacon. All of them did a double take, however, when Blue also took a drink. He didn't seem to notice them all staring at him until he glanced up from his phone, his sockets widening.
Killer shook himself out of his shock, waving a hand. "You're just a lot more kinky than we thought, Baby Blue, that's all! Your turn Dusty~"
Dust gave him a look, then signed a quick "Never have I ever spanked anyone."
This time Killer took a drink, gagging at the horrendous taste of fake bubblegum, as well as Cross. But they all stared as, once again, Blue took a drink with them.
"...Blue?" Horror asked, Blue startling as he realized they were all staring at him again with something only definable as total shock.
"What? I like impact play!"
Horror blinked, but shrugged. "Alright. My turn, I guess. Never have I ever... Used a knife on somebody."
Killer raised a brow, Horror huffing a laugh as he supplemented a "Sexually."
Dust took a drink. Killer took a drink. Blue took a drink.
And once again, they all stared. Blue stared back, perplexed through the state of being drunk off his ass, and finally said...
"...I've literally done all these things with you guys."
And well. There was truth to that, wasn't there?
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glittercakes · 5 months ago
Since it’s Halloween, how about we do a spooky (and also kind of sad) headcanons set, concerning the Portrait Ghosts of Luigi’s Mansion?
(TW for fire and death, including that of several children and a dog, as brief mentions of decapitation and a heart attack. Yeah, pretty morbid compared to my regular stuff, but that’s Luigi’s Mansion for you!)
The loud majority of them were friends and family of E Gadd, perishing when their mansion burned down during a party, after the house was struck by a mysterious bolt of lightning (which was strange, because there wasn’t even a storm). The only reason that E Gadd (who was about 20) survived was because he was away at the time. He built the Portraitficationizer in order to try to seal away their souls and let them rest.
Spoiler Alert: It did not work.
The mansion that Luigi would end up exploring was largely based on the original home of the Gadds (not an exact replica, but there’s still some similarities)
To go into more detail:
Neville Gadd: The husband of Lydia, the biological father of Henry, Orville, and Chauncey, and the adoptive father of Elvin, taking him in after his parents died in a car accident when he was ten. He died in an attempt to save his wife and unborn child.
Lydia Gadd (née van Gore): The wife of Neville, biological mother of Henry, Orville, and Chauncey, and the adoptive mother of E Gadd. She died while pregnant with her youngest son.
Chauncey Gadd: The unborn child of Neville and Lydia, and would-be younger brother to Elvin, Henry, and Orville. He wasn’t even alive yet when the fire happened, and was instead born as a ghost with help from Madame Clairvoya.
Albrecht and Giselle Whirlinda (née van Gore): Lydia’s younger sister and brother-in-law. They died in each other’s arms when the fire reached them.
Sebastian Shivers: The loyal butler of the Gadd family. He was at the direct epicenter of the fire, which is why he is so afraid of it.
Melody Pianissima: E Gadd’s friend and girlfriend of Biff Atlas. She accepted her fate and was able to play one last song, going out in a literal blaze of glory.
(Bonus: The song she played is actually the Luigi’s Mansion theme, and Luigi (thanks to his odd attunement to the supernatural) was able to hear it throughout the mansion and finds himself humming along to it)
Mr. Trevor Luggs: A neighbor of the Gadd family and brother of Miss Petunia. He knew he was about to die, so he decided to go out doing what he loved, eating and eating until his heart gave out.
(Bonus: In my version, he plays a large role in the reveal of E Gadd’s connection to the portrait ghosts. Instead of rice, he appears to be eating a strange dish. Later, when E Gadd says he’s making “pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marmalade”, Luigi recognized that as what Mr. Luggs was eating, prompting him to press the issue and get E Gadd to reveal what’s going on)
Spooky: The beloved dog of the Gadd family. He stayed with his family right until the very end.
Bogmire: He was never alive to begin with, and was instead a being born from the fear and despair that all the victims felt the night of the fire. Of course, he’s not too sure what to fear or despair these days…
Biff Atlas: A friend of E Gadd’s and the boyfriend of Melody Pianissima. He sadly was not strong enough to escape from the flames.
Miss Petunia Luggs: The elder sister of Mr. Luggs and neighbor of the Gadd family. She was taking a shower during the incident, and she slipped and fell in the tub while trying to run away.
(Bonus: The reason she looks like a pig as a ghost is due to a curse placed on her by a jealous beauty pageant rival, making her soul a reflection of her greed. Petunia did not take her seriously until it was too late, and Clairvoya was unable to reverse it.)
Natasha “Nana” Gadd: The mother of Grimmly and Neville and grandmother to his four sons. The scarf she was knitting only served as kindling for the fire.
Slim Bankshot: A neighbor of the Gadd family. He was playing pool against himself when the incident happened.
Henry and Orville Gadd: The twin children of Neville and Lydia, brothers of Elvin and Chauncey. They picked too good of a hiding place and were trapped at the time of the fire.
Madame Clairvoya: A member of the Tribe of Ancients, who died of an illness long before the other ghosts, unable to warn them of their untimely demise. She watched over the house in the past and helped the recently deceased adjust to their new circumstances, even helping to create Chauncey.
Uncle Grimmly Gadd: The older brother of Neville and uncle of Elvin, Henry, Orville, and Chauncey. He was alone at the time of the fire, which suited him just fine.
Privates Redford, Greenley, and Blueson: They were never alive to begin with, instead being toy soldiers that belonged to a toy maker/dark magician before being purchased by Neville and Lydia as a gift for the twins.
(Bonus: Their creator is the father of the one who cursed Petunia, and they got their magic due to being descended from the Tribe of Darkness.)
Sue Pea Whirlinda: The daughter of Albrecht and Giselle and cousin to the Gadd boys. She was napping in the guest room, and she had a quick death of smoke inhalation.
Jarvis McJarvis: A ghost of a man who was decapitated long ago, whose head has taken to living in a jar. Nobody really knows what his deal is, not even Clairvoya.
Sir Weston Chilton: A neighbor of the Gadd family. He was so traumatized by his death in the fire that he took to staying in the cold storage, as it reminds him of the freezing mountains he used to explore.
Vincent Van Gore: The father of Lydia and Giselle, and grandfather to their respective children. He was driven mad as a ghost, and eventually unlocked the secret to giving his creations the life that was stolen from him.
And the culprit of all this? None other than King Boo. E Gadd managed to offend him and his Boos in some way, so he decided to take revenge by destroying his home and family. This is what prompted E Gadd to take such an interest in ghosts, to make sure nothing like this happens again (Although, considering that this is E Gadd, his methods are not necessarily the best…). When King Boo went to free Boolossus, he decided to also free the Portrait Ghosts to not only help with his scheme against the Mario Bros, but also to torment E Gadd some more.
After the events of the game, Luigi convinces E Gadd to release the ghosts from their paintings (except for Boolossus and King Boo, for obvious reasons) and uses the money he gathered from the adventure to build them a new mansion, allowing them to live the rest of their afterlives in peace.
And that’s it! Let me know what you think!
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fishedeyelenz · 2 years ago
Billy Lenz headcanons 2
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Part two baby let's go
TW: child abuse, animal death again :( though I don't really get into the details of either of it
Grew up in a kind of suburban/rural like area, not totally isolated but definitely a bit remote, so a lot of things that happened in the Lenz household went unnoticed by the wider community
Lived close by to a pig farm as a child, hearing their grunts and squeals all day and all night. He quickly adopted the sounds, and now grunting and squealing and snorting are a stim to him. Though, because of this he often got compared to pigs by his family as a child :( he did sometimes sneak away to the pig farm to look at the pigs to get away from his house
Had a crooked broken nose. He either got it broken by one of his parents or Agnes broke it in self defense
As stated in the last part, he loves movies, and one of his absolute favorite ones is the shining. Jack Nicholson is one of his favorite actors, and he watched most of his filmography- exept one flew over the cuckoo's nest. He can't handle that one, it's too real for him
Likes those adult oriented animated movies that came out during the 70's-80's like Fritz the cat, Fantastic planet, Rock and rule, and so on. He also very much enjoys who framed Roger rabbit and cool world, though not really for their technical breakthroughs (perv)
I can see him also appreciating eastern block animated films if he ever got his hands on them, like Russian fairy tale animated films and early Hungarian folk tales, János vitéz etc.
Last unicorn enjoyer but prefers the book to the animated movie (though he enjoys both)
Doesn't really like Disney animated movies though (exept for Roger rabbit). The ones that came out during his adulthood were too "kiddie" for his tastes, and the ones from his childhood trigger him greatly
Has Italian heritage
Hates hippies, though likes a couple of bands that can be considered to make hippie/stoner music like Pink Floyd and the Doors
Yes he relates to Pink from the acclaimed concept album/rock opera movie Pink Floyd's The Wall why do you ask
Every weed is scary weed to him, don't let this man bake
Cat's are his favorite animal, aside from pigs, and he would feed the local stray cats as a child
Would honestly be catkin in a modern au
Garfield is his favorite mediocre but cute Saturday morning comic strip <3 he relates to Jon a lot
Doesn't like children, they freak him out, he would never want to have children and that's for the best
Has an appreciation for naive/amateur/outsider art, and he himself does make his own collages and drawings from time to time, whenever he's mentally stable enough to do that. His works are crude, both technically and thematically, and there is a very morbid quality to them. One of his great inspirations is Henry Darger
Has hoarder tendencies
Loves soft things, like blankets, pillows and plushies. His nest in the attic is like the most comfortable pillow fort there is
Yes the plushies are stolen directly from children
Honestly has his own collection of small, tinny , insignificant shinny things he found/stole. If he ever gets his own place his house would look like Howl Movingcastles room just more... Dirty and covered in cat hair
Liked to lay out all the things he stole from the girls in the sorority house on the attic floor, and admire his spoils from time to time
Yes he is a panty snatcher why do you ask
Doesn't like people staring/looking at him, though he himself has a staring problem
Is afraid of dogs, he got bitten by a stray dog one time when he ran away from home when he was just three years old. A stranger who just so happened to be passing by saw what was happening and defended him, killing the dog in the process. Then he took Billy right back to his family home, like any good Samaritan would. Sometimes Billy's nightmares have bloody, gaping black dogs in them.
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Thoughts that came up in a discussion with @robocatfan:
"I'm not sure Clotted Cream Cookie has never had a romantic thought about anything apart from finances." *several seconds later* " Oh god thats a pun isn't it? Thats a pun with his relationship with financier cookie. I did not mean it but I must share it"
Also, we had discussed Grand Madeleine Cookie and Light Cream Cookie's relationship. I think it is incredibly cute, but i'm also 90% sure that the relationship has a B plot where Clotted Cream Cookie does not pick up anything about this relationship until 2 days before the wedding.
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cleaverqueer · 1 year ago
Nathan and Rich!! Here's some questions, you can pick one to answer or as many as you'd like:
How they met? Doesn't have to be set in stone but just ideas you're playing around with :)
How's Rich's relationship with his ex-wife?
Any specific kinks Nathan is into? Also does he go by Nate or is it only Nathan
Thanks Jed! :) I appreciate the interest ^^ sorry i took so long to reply, i was gathering my thoughts!
this got longer than i thought it would so ill throw it under a cut!
cw discussion of kinks including BDSM
i dont have much plot yet, just characterization, but i like to think they met by chance- something like, Nathan picking up his little siblings from the library that Rich works at, or going to the same bar, or something casual like that and they hit it off :) I really want them to have a slow burn kinda thing, especially since Nathan gets a crush first, and i want him to have to convince Rich that his interest is genuine. Plus i think Rich turns him down a time or two because he thinks Nathan deserves 'someone better', which to him meant someone younger and prettier, like himself.
Rich doesnt have much of a relationship with her anymore, he could never find it in himself to tell her the real reason he kept so distant when they were married, even as close as they were emotionally. Deep down i think she could only assume the reason he wouldnt sleep with her was because he was cheating, though she couldnt find proof that wasnt there. Eventually they had a falling out over it, and when Paula moved out, they stopped talking. When the papers came in the mail he just signed them.
and uhh! hm, specific ones? Mmmmm leather for sure. And hes definitely a masochist, so things like spanking and hair pulling and biting, as well as harder kinks like being smacked around, bruised, drawing blood, though for all of this he prefers a hands on approach over tools like idk a crop or knife. If youre not willing to break his skin with your teeth, youre not the one for him lol (it should be noted that Nathan doesnt let anyone leave marks that last longer than a day or two except Rich <3) also a handful of others he'll discover later :)
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amarguerite · 9 months ago
Biden is doing… so bad lol
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rxvera · 2 years ago
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I- r*df*ms are literal fucking monsters
username is: @/radfemfox4 if you'd like to block
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acoustic-crayons · 7 months ago
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He's in his 30s and still feels sensitive, young, and reckless
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