#let Kjelle have her boyfriend
harblkun · 2 years
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let Laurent into the game, you butts
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: Back to the new house for lunch?
Marijn (playing Godric): Yes.
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): Yep.
DM: Galwyn is going to go to Enwyn's for lunch since he hasn't checked in with her since before the big J fight and also he should let her know that he's moving in with you. He asks if you want to come, Kjell.
M (playing Kjell): Sure!
DM: He says, "I can introduce you to her as my boyfriend for the first time."
M: I go very pale.
DM: "Is that okay? I don't have to."
M: I square my shoulders. "No. That should be fine. Enwyn and I are cool. I'll just stay away from her chickens."
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Game Night
A commission for @bullfrogonthehorizon. Also on AO3.
The doorbell rang at a quarter past six, and Gerome grumbled as Laurent got up from the couch. “I thought we weren’t going to start until seven.”
“That’s what I thought, too, but…” Laurent tilted his head to the side, working out the stiffness in his neck. “I guess we’ll just have to ask why.” He opened the door.
“Kjelle? You’re… very early.”
The tall girl rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. I probably should’ve texted you or something.”
“Well, you’re here now, so you may as well come in.” Laurent beckoned her inside. “So, to what do we owe the pleasure?”
“Homework,” said Kjelle, grimacing and shrugging off her backpack as Laurent closed the door after her. “I’ve been behind on turning in my trig assignments, and Coach Fred says I’ll have to sit out the next game if I don’t take care of it.”
Gerome rolled his eyes. “Typical of him.”
“Nothing quite like threatening to bench your star player to drive home the point about academics being more important than basketball,” said Laurent.
“Especially when our next game’s against Ferox West. Right now, they’re our main rival for regionals.”
“It’s things like this that make me glad I don’t care about sports,” said Gerome.
Kjelle snorted. “You say that, but I seem to remember you getting pretty worked up over that broadcast of--”
Gerome interrupted. “That’s because I like the team! Not the sport!”
Laurent cleared his throat. “If you want to get anything done, Kjelle, we should probably start now.”
“Good point.”
For the next half-hour, Laurent walked Kjelle through the equations. Gerome ignored them both, popping in his earbuds and playing a game on his phone while he waited.
At ten minutes to seven, the doorbell rang again. “I’ll get it,” said Gerome. “See, Kjelle, this is when I thought you would be arriving…”
“Bite me.”
The door opened to Lucina and Severa, arm in arm. “Hey there, princesses.”
“You know I hate that nickname,” Severa grumbled as the pair stepped inside.
Lucina frowned. “I thought you liked it when I called you princess.”
“I-I mean, it’s fine if it’s you, but--”
“Oh my god get a room.”
“Is that you, Kjelle?” Lucina looked around Gerome, surprised. “I thought you’d be the last one to get here…”
“She needed help with her homework,” said Gerome smugly.
“Can it, you wannabe goth.”
“Are we operating under the hypothesis that one must have participated in the sacking of Rome to be a true Goth?”
Severa scoffed. “Laurent, you complete and utter nerd.”
“Honestly, that probably applies to all of us,” said Lucina. “I mean, we did all come here to play D&D, right?”
Laurent straightened his glasses. “Have either of you heard from Brady? Usually he’s the one who shows up early.”
“You mean he’s not here yet? Huh.” Severa scratched at her cheek. “That’s unusual for him.”
“He probably got wrapped up in practicing his violin again and forgot to look at the clock,” said Kjelle. “That sort of thing is definitely usual.”
“The orchestra concert is only two weeks away,” Lucina pointed out. “And he’s the first chair, so practicing is a pretty big deal.”
“I just hope he remembers to eat and sleep,” said Laurent.
Gerome prodded his boyfriend’s shoulder. “Look who’s talking.”
“I think I’ve been pretty good about that lately.”
“It’s eat and sleep, not eat or sleep.”
“Okay, but one out of two is better than none…”
The doorbell rang again.
“Well, speak of the devil…”
Severa, standing closest to the door, pulled it open. “Hey, Brady.”
“Sorry I’m late…”
“You’re still five minutes early.”
“I mean, yeah, but I’d planned on showin’ up a little earlier than this…”
“Yes, how dare you keep us all waiting,” said Severa in an acidic tone of voice. “You’d better have a truly incredible excuse for such terrible manners.”
Brady held out a large plastic container. “I brought homemade cookies.”
“Holy shit, really?!” Kjelle’s jaw dropped as she stuck her head into the entryway. “Brady, you’re the best!”
“Geez, I wasn’t actually being serious…” Severa rubbed at the back of her neck with one hand. “Now I feel like an asshole.”
“That’s because you are one,” Gerome quipped.
“Oh, shut up.”
“At least she’s lovable,” Lucina said with a grin.
“You shut up, too!” Despite her annoyed tone, Severa was still blushing.
Laurent cleared his throat. “Now that we’re all here, we may as well get started, right?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Brady. “I’ve been lookin’ forward to this all week!”
With some more good-natured joshing, the six students settled in around the dining room table. Laurent set up his screen and whiteboard before taking out a marker and starting to sketch out the outlines of a hallway.
“When we left off, you had just entered the lair of the elder lich, Ikana.” His voice dropped into a storyteller’s cadence. “Cobwebs cling to the ceilings, and faintly glowing crystals offer the only illumination. The hallway extends straight ahead for as far you can see, fading into the distance…”
~ ~ ~
“Okay, I am super not liking this,” Severa muttered as she glared down at the board. They’d been playing for a few hours now, and most of the lich’s lair was mapped out on the board.
“Yeah, same here,” said Brady. “Ain’t there normally enemies in rooms like this?”
“That’s usually the case.” Gerome shrugged. “Though I’m not complaining about being able to save my spell slots.”
Currently, they were in a large room that Laurent had described as a decrepit dining hall. A massive pair of doors blocked off the far end of the room, but there were no obvious foes in sight.
“Luna’s gonna check for traps again,” said Severa, rolling. “That’s a… 27, total.”
“You do not detect any traps,” Laurent replied.
“That’s gotta be at least the tenth time you’ve done that, and you haven’t found a single thing.” Kjelle rolled her eyes. “He already told you there aren’t any traps.”
“He said I didn’t detect any. That’s a completely different thing.” Severa glared at Kjelle. “If you want, I can just give up on it and let you get blown up by whatever nasty stuff he’s hiding from us.”
“Hey, I’ve got plenty of hit points!” Kjelle looked over at Laurent. “I’m gonna move Sonja over to the doors and try to open them.”
“Clotho will come with you,” said Lucina. “Just in case you end up needing healing.”
“You know how much I love it when you lay hands on me,” said Kjelle with a wink.
“Oh my god, stop trying to seduce my girlfriend.”
“Why, Sev? Afraid it’ll work?”
Severa grabbed a cookie and took a big bite out of it before speaking through a full mouth. “You’re awful, you know?”
“I know.” Kjelle looked over at Laurent. “All right, do I have to roll for anything?”
“Make a strength check.”
The die clattered across the table. “18.”
“You push against the doors, and they slowly but surely begin to budge. You can hear the hinges screeching as accumulated rust impedes their movement.”
“Probably should get ready, just in case somethin’ nasty’s on the other side,” said Brady.
“I’ll detect evil.” Lucina looked over at Laurent. “Do I sense anything?”
“There’s a powerful evil aura on the other side of the door--more powerful than anything you’ve sensed before. You can’t tell if it’s from one source, or multiple.”
“Probably the lich,” said Gerome. “I’ll have Ylir start readying a fireball for when the door’s far enough open.”
“I’ll, uh…” Brady scratched at his scalp. “Guess Kote'll start playing music to inspire courage, if we’re settin’ up for a fight.”
“Luna will duck into a corner and wait for--ah, shit, never mind.” said Severa. She sighed. “Stupid undead and their stupid sneak attack immunity. She’ll just find a safe spot to settle in and draw out her shortbow.”
“That leaves Sonja and Clotho on the front line.” Kjelle grinned at Lucina. “Think we’re up to it?”
“I doubt that turning undead will work on these guys,” said Lucina. “So we’ll just have to destroy them the old-fashioned way.”
“A heavy flail to the face? Simple. I like it.”
Laurent cleared his throat. “The doors open fully, and you see Ikana standing in front of a throne, flanked by two undead knights. The lich’s voice echoes to you: ‘Come, and die, like all before you!’”
The other five blinked as Laurent snapped his laptop shut. “And I think we’ll wrap up there for the night.”
“You’re friggin’ kidding me!” Brady put his head in his hands. “Just when we were getting all hyped up for the boss fight, too?”
“You realize it’s almost midnight, right?”
Brady looked up at the clock and winced. “Aw, crap, you’re right. I oughtta get going, or I’ll hear it from Ma.”
Severa snorted. “My mother probably doesn’t even realize I’ve been out, but I suppose I should get back anyway.”
Lucina pushed her chair back and sighed with contentment. “That was fun. Thanks, everyone. Same time next week?”
Laurent nodded, smiling. “That’s the plan.”
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jenmedsbookreviews · 5 years
Another week another unapologetically shameless attempt to tempt you into joining me at one of the five (yes five!!!) Orenda Roadshows that are happening around the country from Monday 24th February. I absolutely love these events which are fun, informal and always entertaining. I can’t wait to catch up with faces old and new as I shadow Karen and the authors (shadow – not stalk I’ll have you know!) on this latest round of events as part of this Year of Orenda celebration. I’ve made it my mission to get to as many Orenda events as possible this year and by virtue of having too much annual leave this week of Orenda is a goer. Whoop, whoop.
Orenda Roadshow Birmingham in 2019
So what is an Orenda Roadshow I hear (some of) you ask? This is the nationwide celebration of all things Orenda where you will find the largest number of authors in any one place, outside of a bog standard festival, talking about their books, sharing the book love and spending time with their readers. It is both informative and entertaining. Fun and a place for serious book purchasing. A little birdy (Karen) tells me there is also the chance you may be able to pick up some not yet released titles as the authors prepare for their upcoming launches. You just don’t know.
To give you an idea what to expect, starting last weekend and going through the next couple of weeks I’m going to be resharing my round up of the last three years worth of Orenda Roadshows. You can find my write up on the 2017 even in Liverpool right here. Before I take you back over the highlights of 2018’s tour, here is the list of this year’s venues and the bookshops you need to stalk on Twitter and Facebook to keep abreast of the bookings opening.
24th February: Waterstones Glasgow 25th February: Drake the Bookshop, Stockton on Tees 26th February: Linghams Booksellers, Heswall 27th February: The Bookcase, Lowdham 28th February: Griffin Books, Penarth
Tickets are already on sale for Heswall, Stockton-on-Tees and Glasgow so don’t delay. Book today. For those of you who are still undecided, let me tempt you some more with some info about some of the authors who will be appearing this year …
Appearing in Glasgow: David F. Ross; Doug Johnstone; Helen FitzGerald; Louise Beech; Thomas Enger; Johana Gustawsson; Simone Buchholz; Antti Tuomainen; Michael J. Malone; Matt Wesolowski ;Vanda Symon
Appearing in Stockton: Helen FitzGerald; Louise Beech; Thomas Enger; Johana Gustawsson; Simone Buchholz; Antti Tuomainen; Michael J. Malone; Matt Wesolowski; Vanda Symon; Will Carver; Kjell Ola Dahl; Helga Flatland
Appearing in Heswall: Helen FitzGerald; Louise Beech; Thomas Enger; Johana Gustawsson; Simone Buchholz; Antti Tuomainen; Michael J. Malone; Matt Wesolowski; Vanda Symon; Will Carver; Kjell Ola Dahl
Now without further ado, here is the round up of what happened when Mandie and I braced the snow and made a somewhat chilly (and pretty slippy) road trip to Warwick for a celebration of all things Orenda. Coincidentally, this was the year of the Beast From the East, the subject of Matt Wesolowski’s latest Six Stories thriller, Beast. No Ergarth Vampire in Warwick but it was held in a rather cold church which made for a very dramatic backdrop to the evening …
The Orenda Roadshow Warwick
In a week which has been dominated by the Beast from the East, travel plans cancelled, people all across the country battening down the hatches and heading into various states of hibernation, it was with bated breath than Mandie and I sat and watched the weather on Wednesday morning, wondering if it was going to change significantly or if we could brave the elements and head to Warwick for our long planned visit to the Orenda Roadshow.
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Sadly, due to the madness of the weather in the North-East, Sarah Stovell was unable to make it to the venue but everyone else battled their way over from Nottingham, and thus we found ourselves in a very snowy Warwick in a slightly chilly Church, hoofing down cake (not me – I was being a good girl) and waiting patiently to hear from the stars of the show, #TeamOrenda.
Compered as always by the lovely Karen Sullivan, it was a chance to listen to the authors talk about their latest books and even give a reading to whet people’s appetites. I always love these evenings as hearing an author read from their books adds so much more to the text the nuances and the emphasis that they can bring to it as they know their writing and their characters better than anyone. There was a wonderful mixture of authors, both international and UK based, some taking part in their first roadshow, many now old hats at it all. All were absolutely fabulous.
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From left to right: Matt Johnson, Su Bristow, Thomas Enger (mmmmm), Michael J Malone, Antti Tuomainen, Louise Beech, Steph Broadribb, Louise Voss, Lilja Sigurdardottir, Lucy V Hay, Simone Buchholz and Karen Sullivan.
Fabulous line up right? And what a venue – the acoustics were fabulous even if the windows did amplify the cold too. Quite dramatic with that cross in the background though…
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First up talking about their book was Simone Buchholz, whose debut novel with Orenda, Blue Night was celebrating it’s paperback birthday that day. I really enjoyed the book, could be described as a little quirky as the styling is quite unique. You can follow Simone on Twitter @ohneKlippo
About the Book.
After convicting a superior for corruption and shooting off a gangster’s crown jewels, the career of Hamburg’s most hard-bitten state prosecutor, Chastity Riley, has taken a nose dive: she has been transferred to the tedium of witness protection to prevent her making any more trouble. However, when she is assigned to the case of an anonymous man lying under police guard in hospital – almost every bone in his body broken, a finger cut off, and refusing to speak in anything other than riddles – Chastity’s instinct for the big, exciting case kicks in.
Using all her powers of persuasion, she soon gains her charge’s confidence, and finds herself on the trail to Leipzig, a new ally, and a whole heap of lethal synthetic drugs. When she discovers that a friend and former colleague is trying to bring down Hamburg’s Albanian mafia kingpin single-handedly, it looks like Chas Riley’s dull life on witness protection really has been short-lived…
Fresh, fiendishly fast-paced and full of devious twists and all the hard-boiled poetry and acerbic wit of the best noir, Blue Night marks the stunning start of a brilliant new crime series, from one of Germany’s bestselling authors.
You can purchase a copy of Blue Night here. My review can be found here.
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Next up was Lucy V Hay talking about The Other Twin. Released last summer this is a brilliant book which tackles some very sensitive subjects very carefully. You can follow Lucy on Twitter via @LucyVHayAuthor
About the Book
When India falls to her death from a bridge over a railway, her sister Poppy returns home to Brighton for the first time in years. Unconvinced by official explanations, Poppy begins her own investigation into India’s death. But the deeper she digs, the closer she comes to uncovering deeply buried secrets.
Could Matthew Temple, the boyfriend she abandoned, be involved? And what of his powerful and wealthy parents, and his twin sister, Ana? Enter the mysterious and ethereal Jenny: the girl Poppy discovers after hacking into India’s laptop. What is exactly is she hiding, and what did India find out about her?
Taking the reader on a breathless ride through the winding lanes of Brighton, into its vibrant party scene and inside the homes of its well- heeled families, The Other Twin is a startling and up-to-the-minute thriller about the social-media world, where resentments and accusations are played out online, where identities are made and remade, and where there is no such thing as truth…
You can purchase The Other Twin here. My review can be found here.
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Next, talking cheese smuggling and tigers we had Lilja Sigurdardottir. I absolutely loved Snare, such an unusual story in that you really shouldn’t like any of the characters, their circumstances quite objectionable, and yet you really really do. I can’t wait to read the next one. You can follow Lilja on Twitter @lilja1972
About the book.
After a messy divorce, attractive young mother Sonia is struggling to provide for herself and keep custody of her son. With her back to the wall, she resorts to smuggling cocaine into Iceland, and finds herself caught up in a ruthless criminal world.
As she desperately looks for a way out of trouble, she must pit her wits against her nemesis, Bragi, a customs officer, whose years of experience frustrate her new and evermore daring strategies. Things become even more complicated when Sonia embarks on a relationship with a woman, Agla. Once a high-level bank executive, Agla is currently being prosecuted in the aftermath of the Icelandic financial crash.
Set in a Reykjavík still covered in the dust of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption, and with a dark, fast-paced and chilling plot and intriguing characters, Snare is an outstandingly original and sexy Nordic crime thriller, from one of the most exciting new names in crime fiction.
You can purchase Snare here and find my review here.
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Another author celebrating publication day was Louise Voss whose new psychological thriller, The Old You was published in ebook on Wednesday. I have this in my pile to be read in the next few weeks and can’t wait as having heard a reading from it, it sound fantastic. You can follow Louise on Twitter @LouiseVoss1
About the Book
Nail-bitingly modern domestic noir A tense, Hitchcockian psychological thriller Louise Voss returns with her darkest, most chilling, novel yet…
Lynn Naismith gave up the job she loved when she married Ed, the love of her life, but it was worth it for the happy years they enjoyed together. Now, ten years on, Ed has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia, and things start to happen; things more sinister than missing keys and lost words. As some memories are forgotten, others, long buried, begin to surface … and Lynn’s perfect world begins to crumble. 
But is it Ed’s mind playing tricks, or hers…?
You can purchase or pre-order The Old You here.
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Now who doesn’t like a bit of Lori and JT? Steph Broadribb read from the fabulous Deep Blue Trouble a scene which sees Lori in great jeopardy. If you like action and adventure, you will love this series. You can follow Steph on Twitter @crimethrillgirl
About the Book
Single-mother Florida bounty hunter Lori Anderson’s got an ocean of trouble on her hands. Her daughter Dakota is safe, but her cancer is threatening a comeback, and Lori needs JT – Dakota’s daddy and the man who taught Lori everything – alive and kicking. Problem is, he’s behind bars, and heading for death row.
Desperate to save him, Lori does a deal, taking on off-the-books job from shady FBI agent Alex Monroe. Bring back on-the-run felon, Gibson ‘The Fish’ Fletcher, and JT walks free. Following Fletcher from Florida to California, Lori teams up with local bounty hunter Dez McGregor and his team. But Dez works very differently to Lori, and the tension between them threatens to put the whole job in danger.
With Monroe pressuring Lori for results, the clock ticking on JT’s life, and nothing about the Fletcher case adding up, Lori’s hitting walls at every turn. But this is one job she’s got to get right, or she’ll lose everything…
Breathlessly paced, and bursting with high-voltage action and edge-of-your-seat jeopardy, Deep Blue Trouble is the unmissable next instalment featuring one of the most memorable and fearless female characters in crime fiction.
You can purchase your own cpoy of Deep Blue Trouble here. My review can be found here.
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Maria in the Moon by Louise Beech is one of the only none crime/thriller books in the bunch but it is a really beautiful piece of writing. Set in Hull after the flood crisis, it examines the life of a young woman who has blotted out part of her past she is now forced to confront. You can follow Louise on Twitter @LouiseWriter
About the Book
Long ago my beloved Nanny Eve chose my name. Then one day she stopped calling me it. I try now to remember why, but I just can’t.’ Thirty-two-year-old Catherine Hope has a great memory. But she can’t remember everything. She can’t remember her ninth year. She can’t remember when her insomnia started. And she can’t remember why everyone stopped calling her Catherine-Maria.
With a promiscuous past, and licking her wounds after a painful breakup, Catherine wonders why she resists anything approaching real love. But when she loses her home to the devastating deluge of 2007 and volunteers at Flood Crisis, a devastating memory emerges … and changes everything.
Dark, poignant and deeply moving, Maria in the Moon is an examination of the nature of memory and truth, and the defences we build to protect ourselves, when we can no longer hide…
You can purchase Maria in the Moon here  and find a copy of my review here.
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Ahhhh. This book. Probably my all time favourite read of 2017, The Man Who Died demonstrates perfectly the subtle and yet undoubtedly brilliant humour of Antti Tuomainen. From the moment I read the teaser back in May, I knew I had to read this book and I wasn’t disappointed. You can follow Antti on Twitter @antti_tuomainen
About the Book
A successful entrepreneur in the mushroom industry, Jaakko Kaunismaa is a man in his prime. At just 37 years of age, he is shocked when his doctor tells him that he’s dying. What is more, the cause is discovered to be prolonged exposure to toxins; in other words, someone has slowly but surely been poisoning him.
Determined to find out who wants him dead, Jaakko embarks on a suspenseful rollercoaster journey full of unusual characters, bizarre situations and unexpected twists.
With a nod to Fargo and the best elements of the Scandinavian noir tradition, The Man Who Died is a page-turning thriller brimming with the blackest comedy surrounding life and death, and love and betrayal, markinng a stunning new departure for the King of Helsinki Noir.
You can purchase a copy of The Man Who Died here (you really should) and can find my review here.
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Wowing the crowd with his impressive array of Orenda accents, Michael J Malone treated us to a reading from his latest book, House of Spines. This is a creepy, haunting novel which put me in mind of Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House. You can follow Michael on Twitter @MichaelJMalone1
About the Book
Ran McGhie’s world has been turned upside down. A young, lonely and frustrated writer, and suffering from mental-health problems, he discovers that his long-dead mother was related to one of Glasgow’s oldest merchant families. Not only that, but Ran has inherited Newton Hall, a vast mansion that belonged to his great-uncle, who appears to have been watching from afar as his estranged great-nephew has grown up.
Entering his new-found home, he finds that Great-Uncle Fitzpatrick has turned it into a temple to the written word – the perfect place for poet Ran. But everything is not as it seems. As he explores the Hall’s endless corridors, Ran’s grasp on reality appears to be loosening. And then he comes across an ancient lift; and in that lift a mirror. And in the mirror … the reflection of a woman …
A terrifying psychological thriller with more than a hint of the Gothic, House of Spines is a love letter to the power of books, and an exploration of how lust and betrayal can be deadly…
You can purchase a copy of House of Spines here and check out my review here.
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Warwick really took to Mr Enger, upping Leeds chorus of mmmmm to an mmmmmm and a wolf whistle. Somebody’s popular 😉 I am happy sad when I think about Killed. Happy as it is fabulous, sad because it is our last outing with Henning Juul. 😦 Brilliant reading from Thomas Enger though which had the audience hooked. You can follow Thomas on Twitter @EngerThomas
About the Book
Crime reporter Henning Juul thought his life was over when his young son was murdered. But that was only the beginning…
Determined to find his son’s killer, Henning doggedly follows an increasingly dangerous trail, where dark hands from the past emerge to threaten everything. His ex-wife Nora is pregnant with another man’s child, his sister Trine is implicated in the fire that killed his son and, with everyone he thought he could trust seemingly hiding something, Henning has nothing to lose … except his own life.
Packed with tension and unexpected twists, Killed is the long-awaited finale of one of the darkest, most chilling and emotive series you may ever read. Someone will be killed. But who?
You can purchase a copy of Killed here and find my review here.
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Sealskin is a book that once read, stays with you for a very long time. I was not really aware of the legend of the Selkies prior to reading, and the story is often difficult to stomach, with Donald a character you really shouldn’t like and yet somehow, by the end of the book I found myself strangely drawn to him and moved by his story. YOu can follow Sue on Twitter @SuBristow
About the Book
What happens when magic collides with reality? Donald is a young fisherman, eking out a lonely living on the west coast of Scotland. One night he witnesses something miraculous … and makes a terrible mistake. His action changes lives – not only his own, but those of his family and the entire tightly knit community in which they live. Can he ever atone for the wrong he has done, and can love grow when its foundation is violence?
Based on the legend of the selkies – seals who can transform into people – Sealskin is a magical story, evoking the harsh beauty of the landscape, the resilience of its people, both human and animal, and the triumph of hope over fear and prejudice. With exquisite grace, Exeter Novel Prize-winner Su Bristow transports us to a different world, subtly and beautifully exploring what it means to be an outsider, and our innate capacity for forgiveness and acceptance.
Rich with myth and magic, Sealskin is, nonetheless, a very human story, as relevant to our world as to the timeless place in which it is set. And it is, quite simply, unforgettable. For fans of Angela Carter, Eowyn Ivey, Alice Hoffmann and Geraldine Brooks.
You can purchase a copy of the book here and check out my review here.
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Aww. Matt Johnson is so lovely and his books are brilliant. I’ve loved following the story of Robert Finlay and I’m sad that End Game brings his adventures to a close. I have been promised a few surprises and perhaps a naughty bit (not too naughty) when I read this book over the next week or so. Having spoken with Matt after the event I’m excited to see what he delivers next as he’s had a very high profile author providing tips and a few plotline ideas too. Mentioning no names but it made Mr Johnson very Smiley. You can follow Matt on Twitter @Matt_Johnson_UK
About the Book
Robert Finlay seems to have finally left his SAS past behind him and is settled into his new career as a detective. But when the girlfriend of his former SAS colleague and close friend Kevin Jones is murdered, it’s clear that Finlay’s troubles are far from over. Jones is arrested for the killing, but soon escapes from jail, and Finlay is held responsible for the breakout.
Suspended from duty and sure he’s being framed too, our hero teams up with MI5 agent Toni Fellowes to find out who’s behind the conspiracy. Their quest soon reveals a plot that goes to the very heart of the UK’s security services. 
End Game, the final part in the critically acclaimed Robert Finlay trilogy, sees our hero in an intricately plotted and terrifyingly fast-paced race to uncover the truth and escape those who’d sooner have him dead than be exposed.
You can purchase or preorder a copy of End Game here and check out my review of Deadly Game, its predecessor here.
So there we have it. My night on the tiles in Warwick. I may have purchase one or two books while I was there – seemed rude not to as they were so nicely laid out and everything. I don’t think there is anything nicer than seeing yourself quoted in the books too … Lovely End Game 🙂
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  Once again I find myself looking forward to the next roadshow (four weeks to go!!!) and making room on my bookcases for all of those lovely books I’m going . to be rehoming. Thank heavens we are driving for half of the week or I’m going to need a bigger suitcase …
Have a brilliantly bookish week all. Same time next week?
Orenda Roadshows 2020 – A Preview Another week another unapologetically shameless attempt to tempt you into joining me at one of the five (yes five!!!) Orenda Roadshows that are happening around the country from Monday 24th February.
0 notes
the-werdna · 7 years
Robcina Week 2017  Day 5 - Birthday
Title: Birthday
Description: It has been years since Lucina has celebrated her own birthday. In the future there was never time, not when fighting for the very survival of the human race. After so long without paying it much heed, she’d expected the day pass once again without exception even after coming to the past. However, this time, someone else is there to make sure her Birthday is not forgotten.
Notes: Takes place a few weeks after Robin and Lucina’s S-support conversation, but before Morgan’s recruitment chapter.
Words: 1609
Lucina woke that morning in a cold sweat, roused from sleep another nightmare.
It was one she’d had before. More times than she could remember. At least, many very much like it. While small details always changed or played out in different orders, the dream itself followed very much the same pattern. She would be dragged through a constantly shifting landscape, populated by a host of her worst memories. Soldiers dying before her eyes, the smoldering ruins of villages she arrived to late to save, hordes of Risen closing in around. Every battle, every loss, every sacrifice made, all played out before her eyes, the scene tearing between each in turn. And all the while the great  shadow that loomed in the distance spread out further, blotting out the sun until all was black, until only those six, terrible eyes stared back at her from the void. Then, with a rush of foul air and a deafening roar, it's open maw would swallow her whole… only to find herself awake him beat, her heart pounding and trembling hands gone pale white with fear.
Lucina shuddered, squeezing her eyes shut as the last echoed of the dream faded from before her eyes. With an effort she willed her breathing to slow, each rise and fall of her chest becoming long and purposeful, the frantic hammering in her chest at last falling to a steady rhythm.
Outside birds sang, their music mixing with the gentle whisper of wind in the trees and grass, Through the cracked in the tent’s stitching, a faint golden light trickled in, each beam seeming to flicker and dance as the swaying leaves moved before the rising sun. No other sound could be heard from camp, all still fast asleep save for the few who would still be on the final watch before morning officially began.
Slowly, Lucina pushed off her covers, combing her sticky, sweat soaked hair from her face. For a moment she sat there, recalling the previous day’s activities, needing to know what tasks awaited her to resume. That was when she remembered the day’s date, a sigh falling from her lips.
It mattered little, she supposed. If anything it was more surprising to her that she had even remembered. It had been so very long since she’d had a chance to worry about such things.
Retrieving her boots and Falchion from where it lay next to her bedroll, she got dressed, buckling the sword at her hip. Then, taking a clean towel from among her things, she stood, pushing back the flap and set out into the morning light.
She walked quickly through camp, breathing in the fresh morning air. The scent of green grass, blooming flowers, and the final remains charcoal smoke that curled from last dying embers from the night’s campfires. She ran into not a single soul on her way to the edge of camp, only once there finding others yet awake. She nodded to where Gerome and Kjelle stood on watch, the two nodding back to her in turn, before she continued on, making her way to the small stream that flowed through a thicket of trees just beyond.
Coming to a stop before crystal clear waters, Lucina kneeled down on a large, smooth stone that stretched just over the flow. Unfolding her towel, she dipped it into the stream. Pausing only the wring out the excess liquid, Lucina set to work cleaning away the sweat that still clung to her face and hair. Several times she repeated the processes, soaking and wringing out the towel before continuing. After several more moments she set the towel side, satisfied. While it was no replace a proper bath, it would have to do for now.
Just as she moved to stand, Lucina heard the crunch of footsteps behind her. She twisted, the sound coming to an abrupt spot as she turned to faced their source. Then she smiled as her eyes fell on where Robin stood nearby. The tactician was smiling too, his hands folded behind his back in a gesture he’d often took when pacing camp, lost in thought.
“Oh, Robin, I did not know you were up. I hope I didn’t somehow wake you,” Lucina said, dipping her head to the tactician greeting. Their two tents were nearby after all, a practice the two had engaged in as much as they dared. It at only been a few weeks since… well, since Robin had confessed his feelings and she had done so too in return. It was the most they had dared do to, not yet ready to make their relationship public knowledge quite yet.
“No, it's quite alright, Lucina. Actually, I was already awake before you got up I think, had a lot to do this morning,” Robin answered, perhaps a bit stiffly compared to normal. Before Lucina could question it any further, however, Robin’s eyes seemed to fall the damp towel folded at her feet, his face turning bright red as he put together what he’d walked in on. “Oh, gods, Lucina. I am so sorry. I didn’t think... I almost… Why does this keep happening to me?”
A laugh fell from Lucina’s lips. She couldn’t help herself, having at once recalled the stories she had heard the others at the tactician’s expense, which she was certain he too was now recalling. Besides, she found it quite cute when he got flustered like that: it was so different from his normally serious and focused demeanor that it was a chance she never got tired to seeing. “It’s fine, Robin. You didn’t walk in on anything private. I was just washing my face, nothing more,” Lucina assured him, stifling another laugh with a hand.
It took a few moments longer before she managed subdue herself enough to resume speaking, not helped at all be hower embarassed her boyfriend still seemed despite her reassurances. Removing her hand, she continued to smile. “So what brings you here. If you were hoping to wash up as well, I can give you some privacy.”
“No,” Robin shook his head. “It's not that. I actually was looking for you, Lucina. Seeing what today is and all, I figured that I should... should…” he paused, his face turning a bit red once more as he removed the hand he’d kept clutched behind his back, revealing a large bouchette of followers. They were the same type white daisies had had given her when he’d confessed to her those weeks before. “...should give you these, as a present. I know it's not much, but I hoped I could make the day special. For your birthday, you know?” He continued to blush all the more furiously as he extended his arm, offering the flowers to her.
So a long moment Lucina stood there, staring at the bouchette, the smile having faded from her lips as surprise at taken hold of her features. Then her vision began to blur, tears beginning to form in her eyes. She sniffed, the sound somewhere between a hiccup and a surprised laugh.
However, upon seeing the tears in her eyes Robin must have gotten a different idea. His own smile vanished as once, replaced by a worried look. “Lucina, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, I just--” Robin started to stammer in an apology.
“No, it's not that. It's just…” Taking a step forward, Lucina accepted the offered flowers, even as  brought her free hand to her face, wiping her tears on her sleeve. “I just didn’t expect you to remember. It's been years since anyone has celebrated my birthday,” she sniffled once again, continuing to wipe the wetness from her eyes.
“You mean…” Robin started to ask, his expression now turning to one of surprise.
“In my future there was never time to concern ourselves with such things. When every day was a fight to simply survive, birthday celebrations were always at the bottom of the list. After a while, we stopped even paying attention to them at all,” she explained. “The last time I could remember anyone celebrating my birthday was when I was a little girl, before father…” she trailed off, blinking as she fought back more tears. “Even now, I just never imagined anyone to pay the day much mind. Not when there are  much more important matters to think about.”
The instant those words left her mouth, Robin moved forward, closing the gap between them. He gently place his hands on either side of the one she gripped the bouchette with, bending slightly so they were both at eye level. “Lucina, of course we would remember your birthday. Because it is important. At least it is to me,” she assured her, smiling gently. “More so now, knowing how long it has been since you’ve had a proper one. I promise you, I’ll do everything I can to make this day special.”
“Robin, I…” she trailed off, fighting back another sniffle. “I honestly do not deserve such treatment. You’ve done so much for me already and for nothing in return. It makes it hard for me to feel like I am worth such effort.”
“Seeing you happy is the only reward I need to know this is worth it Lucina. After everything that’s happened to you, after every hardship… there is not a person in this world that deserves happiness more than you.” With that Robin leaned in closer, gently kissing her upon her forehead. “So let me say it now. Something that I think you have waited far too long to hear…” He paused, smiling deeply.
“Happy Birthday, Lucina. And for many more to come.”
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grandsonoflightike · 6 years
Sasha’s New Shadeliel Cult Chapter 4
Story Summary: This happens after “The Truth About Tiki’s Knowledge About Grima’s Aura”. This Character Sasha In the Title is an OC female Shadow Manakete Who seeks to revive Medeus in the Awakening Era. The Shadeliel worship the Medeus The Shadow Dragon.
Chapter Summary: Ylisstol Does a Royal Ball, with invites to All The Shepherds, Grima, And The Risen Forces' Two Leaders. Vannas And Cregath went as a couple plus the Shepherds have their couples. Then There is Grima and Tiki as a couple which is our main focus.
Background Song: Bring Me To Life By Evanescence Ft. Linkin Park
Sasha's New Shadeliel Cult Chapter 4
The Whole World Of Ylisstol And Valm are Invited to The Ylisstol Royal Ball especially the Shepherds, Tiki, Grima, Vannas, and Cregath. Vannas and Cregath came together as a couple. But the main focus has been on Tiki and Grima.
"You Look Quite Lovely Tonight, Tiki." Grima says nervously. He offers his hand to dance.
"I didn't know you could dance, Grima." Tiki says.
"When The Future Robin Became One With Me, I got his knowledge so I learned how to dance from that." Grima Says Nervously.
'Why is he so nervous?' Tiki thinks and then says "Well then lets get to the dance floor."
Everyone saw Grima guide Tiki to the dance floor and saw the two of them begin to dance. This dance was exotic and sexy and reminded them of Robin's First Dance With Princess Lucina The Time Traveler. Then came Groans from Grima. He started to transform and Tiki, Thinking It was part of the dance, Started to transform as well. The Two Dragons amazed the crowd as for some reason Grima was a smaller version of his dragon form and Wasn't attacking them. The two dragons started to fly into the air and do an aerial version which Grima was making up on the spot and Tiki was just mimicking.
Chrom says, Amazed, "Wow, I didn't know manaketes had a special dance with each other when they're Opposite Genders."
Nah and Nowi say "They Don't."
"Huh?" Vaike says after hearing both His Wife and Daughter Say that. He then says "You two know because?"
Nah says "The Earth Dragon Curse is what made Grima Transform and He is fighting the curse's orders to attack everyone."
Robin says "You mean by using his energy to make up a exotic and sexy aerial dragon dance?"
Nowi says "Yeah. It even tricked Tiki because he is trying to hide the reason why he doesn't want to attack."
Lucina says "Lady Tiki was tricked but not Nowi or Nah?"
Nowi says "It is because they're dancing."
"I can sense it a little being part manakete myself." Ophelia says.
"My Granddaughter is part Manakete, Owain?" Lissa says and Owain Nods. She then says "Who is her mom?"
Nah says "I am."
Nowi says "You mean Nowi's A Grandmama?"
"Yeah you are and no, dad, It wasn't out of marriage but in marriage." Nah Says "Owain and I Are Married now. So Are Kjelle+Inigo and Severa+Brady."
Severa says "Did you have to mention that, Nah?"
"I want all the guys to suffer at the same time." Nah Says "And Why are you complaining and Not Brady?"
"Because My dad and mom would be alright with Brady Marrying me but Brady's mom isn't alright with me." Severa says and then chuckles.
Maribelle says "I am not alright with this because I wanted someone kind to their parents to marry Brady. I only approved it when you were just boyfriend-Girlfriend is because I thought it would end."
Gaius says "Oh Twinkles, Let me tell you what we can do to solve your issue with her. What your dad did to me."
Brady Says "What do ya mean, Pa?"
"Etiquette Lessons on how to act like a lady like she got from her mom. I got it from her dad on how to act like a gentlemen." Gaius says.
"That is true. I could treat her because that worked on you. If she agrees to it, I will accept the marriage." Maribelle says.
Ketchum says "Heh, So that's how mom will change."
"Did you say Mom?" Gaius And Maribelle say.
Brady shouts "Son, did you have to mention that?!"
Maribelle Screams after that shout "You have a child with her as well?!"
"Yeah, Ma. I do." He says.
"I agree to do the lessons and my son will do the lesson with his great-grandfather." Severa says.
"Woah... I never Expected to agree that quickly." Cynthia says.
"I really love Brady. Is that okay with you, Cynthia?" Severa says.
"Yeah and that is princess Cynthia to you!" Cynthia says.
They look at the dance again and they flying in a loop and, in the middle of the loop, a time portal starts to appear.
"A Time Portal?!" Lucina says.
Suddenly a man falls through and he's wearing a mask.
Lucina says "Who are you?"
"My name is Roy." The man says.
Suddenly Tiki and Grima land and Transform back. Everyone cheers.
"Argh. Tiki, Can we talk?" Grima asks "In Private?"
Tiki Says "Okay."
Grima leads Tiki outside the ball. They arrive at The Castle Gardens.
Tiki says "What Is It, Grima?"
Grima says "I can't stay above ground too long. The Shadeliel Leader aka Sasha Cursed me when I was revived as she found me just as I was revived. The Curse will cause me to kill humans as long as I am above ground and around someone I love. She didn't know it is you that I love."
"It is not safe for me then to be around you. Right?" Tiki says.
"Yeah. I got to go." Grima says.
Naga says in Tiki's Mind "See my daughter, he doesn't love you."
Tiki replies "If anything, it proves he loves me more with his memories. He only left to protect the humans and me from The Earth Dragon Curse on him."
Naga replies "What?!" She then reads her daughter's Memories. She then replies "Dear god, he's fighting his kind's Curse. I got to go talk to my superiors."
Tiki replies "Superiors?"
"The Gods Of The Emblem..." Naga replies before leaving.
Who are these Gods Of The Emblem?  Did they pick Naga to be the goddess of Continents of Ylisse And Valm?  What could they do that Naga can not?  Find out more next time.
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