lessthansix · 3 months
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stoportotouch · 9 months
Tag Game: 9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
thank you, @saints-who-never-existed!
last song:
the sea shanty from billy budd! i've had the opera on my mind a lot of late. can't explain why.
currently watching:
rather than any of the moderately dull youtube videos i watch i will say that i am watching the terror every thursday with two friends. we are watching the final episode tomorrow! (and then doing a mini terror camp!)
three ships:
would it be cheating to say all three possible arrangements of terror's lieutenants? because that's really the only way that i engage with the Shipping Goggles in relation to the terror. also i guess hodgson, fitzjames, and fairholme? that one really did just start as a joke but i think all three of them would have said yes if the other two had been more serious. and, finally, dundy and fitzjames i guess.
favourite colour
currently consuming
nothing at present. i am going to get an Interesting Sandwich before rehearsal perhaps, though.
first ship
hms pinafore. sorry.
relationship status
in the dry dock
last film
1776, i believe. i'm going through media that turns me into the rat from horrible histories.
currently working on
later parts of it hurts to pray to god, and also learning lines for my upcoming production of hoffmann. we have changed the perfectly serviceable recitative to dialogue, in a move pleasing to everybody except for me.
fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. @peglarpapers @infinitelytheheartexpands @witcheryen @widevibratobitch @the-golden-vanity @whiteraven13 @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 @lessthansix and @brimstone-cowboy
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april-rainer · 2 years
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nellygwyn · 2 years
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I was tagged by @blackhyena to post nine books I'd like to read this year! Thank you! Here are mine.
I tag @ourgraciousqueen, @titleleaf, @lessthansix, @storywonker, @bimbogollum, @nellgwynn, @elizabeth-karenina, @the-perdita, and @fairclorinda <3
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deadpanwalking · 3 years
if you are still taking 📸
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elucubrare · 4 years
top 5 fantasy tropes
hoo boy. 
1. Give me a duel people don't want to fight and I'll be yours forever 
2. Mystical Visions and dream sequences; also Seers 
3. When the gods walk among mortals (n.b. really hard to do well) 
4. When someone in the main cast is secretly someone famous from history or a god or a demon or otherwise much more powerful than they immediately appear
5. floating castles. 
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titleleaf · 4 years
💙, 👎, 💢
Ship that you used to have as an OTP: 💙
It will shock no one who’s been following me on here since ~2010 to know I used to be super into Tom Riddle/Horace Slughorn, and it will shock no one who’s followed my cryptic vague trauma posts on here since 2010 to know that I can’t go there any more, but I salute those horny-angry days of yore.
Ship that you can never see happening: 👎
I don’t know what on earth I follow that has ongoing ships in this sense, but I guess I can’t really see Don Draper/Peggy Olson happening for any real sense of “happening”. 
Ship that is most misunderstood: 💢
Finnlo, in that people do not understand that Finnlo is canon. 
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simone-boccanegra · 5 years
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lessthansix replied to your post: doreenaloysius replied to your photo: ...
“Oh no my husband/father is coming”
(repeat 15 more times)
Husband or father: O TRADIMEEEENTO! (pulls sword) VENDETTA! 
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Les Huguenots and as many of the modern life questions as you care to answer
Hello! Sorry about the wait (I took two finals this morning), but here we go, with ALL THE QUESTIONS!
1. Have a blog?
2. Have a vlog?
For some reason, I could see all of them having vlogs and occasionally appearing in each other’s vlogs.
3. Be an Instagram influencer?
Marguerite is on Instagram 24/7 and also who doesn’t want to follow royalty?
4. Do the Tide Pod challenge?
Urbain because “It’s fun!”, Raoul because he’s canonically suicidal
5. Do the Number Neighbor challenge?
Nevers and Urbain both attempt the challenge only to discover that they are each other’s Number Neighbor.
6. Make the funniest memes?
7. Make the most niche (but still funny) memes?
Valentine (it gives her some stress relief).
8. Use the same meme format for all their memes?
Raoul uses the distracted girlfriend (gender-swapped distracted boyfriend) meme format because he’s a little bitter.
9. Be completely unable to read for context on social media posts?
10. Argue about politics on Twitter?
Marcel, Saint-Bris, and Nevers all get into arguments, especially with each other (although Nevers is always civil)
11. Attempt to mansplain to a woman who’s right?
Depending on what point in the opera, either Marcel or Saint-Bris.
12. Start a flame war?
Saint-Bris and Marcel.
13. Go viral (and how would they go viral)?
Urbain makes a hilarious video or meme.
14. Be addicted to Starbucks?
Urbain, Marguerite, and Nevers
15. Work at Starbucks but get fired (and why)?
Urbain gets fired for drinking too much espresso (he thinks it makes him look cool and gives him energy, but he does not need any more energy) and also a little bit for flirting with too many other employees
16. Be Vine-famous if Vine still existed?
Raoul, but on accident (I think what happens is that Nevers is trying to become Vine-famous and Raoul’s in one of his Vines but he’s the one who ends up Vine-famous, much to Nevers’ chagrin)
17. Make the most apology videos?
Valentine, who else?
18. Use Tinder most often?
19. Work for a ride-sharing service?
Nevers, absolutely. (Urbain would if he were old enough to drive, although he would not be the best driver.)
20. Host a podcast (and what would it be about)?
Nevers would love podcast-making; in his podcast, he interviews people while drinking copious amounts of wine, with hilarious results
21. Say “OK boomer” most often and buy a lot of “OK boomer” merch?
22. Be the recipient of an “OK boomer” comment?
Marcel and Saint-Bris
23. Claim young people are killing capitalism?
24. Vote for Trump?
Saint-Bris and Marcel both vote for Trump, Marcel comes to regret it, Saint-Bris does not
25. Have anxiety problems?
Valentine :(
26. Make self-deprecating jokes only?
not sure, maybe Raoul?
27. Be nihilistic?
28. Post “I wanna die” every day?
Definitely Raoul.
29. Lead a protest?
Nevers would absolutely do that.
30. Use a live TV appearance to protest?
Nevers and Valentine
31. Use a live TV appearance to do something funny/stupid so they can go viral?
Urbain has a ridiculous obsession with going viral.
32. Become hopelessly confused about technology?
Marcel (Saint-Bris may be old, but he would absolutely be tech-savvy for reasons that totally do not have anything to do with distributing propaganda/planning a genocide)
33. Apply for a job at Buzzfeed?
Marguerite (she loves writing and creating happiness in my headcanon)
34. Enter the Hamilton ticket lottery every day?
Marguerite and Nevers
35. Somehow win the Hamilton ticket lottery on the first try?
Valentine gets the one lucky break in her entire life, goes, and is sobbing uncontrollably by the end.
36. Have a catchphrase?
Marguerite, Nevers, and Urbain all try to make good catchphrases for fun and all of them fail miserably.
37. Try being vegan?
Marguerite (she fails because see #14).
38. Binge-watch Netflix every weekend?
39. Wear crazy socks all the time?
Urbain, absolutely (Nevers and Valentine also like wearing crazy socks, but Valentine is hesitant about them wearing them in public, so Nevers doesn’t do it either because he is a Supportive Husband)
40. Write fanfic?
Urbain is a self-shipper and Nevers likes rewriting stuff so the courageous, morally right underdogs win.
41. Be addicted to Fortnite or Minecraft?
42. Stream video games on Twitch?
43. Tip service workers more than 20%?
Valentine, Marcel, and Nevers.
44. Say people/things are “cancelled” most often?
Saint-Bris, it’s canon (Marcel and Raoul also occasionally do this)
45. Say “mood” in response to literally everything?
46. Speaking of which, use “literally” the most?
Probably Valentine.
47. Be really, really good at escape rooms?
Valentine, Marcel, Nevers, and Saint-Bris*
48. Be really, really bad at escape rooms?
Raoul, Marguerite, Urbain, and Saint-Bris*
(*Saint-Bris can solve an entire escape room by himself but as soon as you make him work with others, it ends poorly)
49. Be fascinated by VR?
Valentine, it lets her see places and experience things she never would in real life
50. Enter one of the TV talent shows?
Urbain tries and makes it reasonably far but he ends up making some iconic mess-up and gets eliminated 
(Nevers auditions on a dare but does not get selected)
51. Make obscure references and then get upset when no one gets them?
52. Do satire?
Marguerite and Urbain.
53. Follow God’s Twitter account without actually paying attention to any of the tweets?
54. Unironically follow both God and Satan’s Twitter accounts?
No one in this opera would DARE follow Satan’s Twitter.
55. Dab the most?
Urbain does it all the time and it’s annoying. Also, Marcel learns it and starts doing it nonstop for a while because he interprets it as “dab on the haters” (i.e. Catholics) and dabs at every Catholic he sees until he realizes they’re mostly amused by it, so he stops.
56. Be the person who changes the world for the better?
Valentine and Nevers. :)
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lessthansix · 9 months
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stoportotouch · 1 year
song shuffle game
(tagged by @theresa-of-liechtenstein!)
rules: shuffle your "on repeat" playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag 10 people
i. the universe is going to catch you / the antlers
ii. signed on for a sequel / aviators
iii. psalms 40:2 / the mountain goats
iv. roll northumbria (loud version) / the dreadnoughts
v. pompeii / bastille
vi. black horse and the cherry tree / sour mash string band
vii. too late for a saviour / aviators
viii. flugufrelsarinn / sigur rós
ix. lovecraft in brooklyn / the mountain goats
x. i dansinum / skáld
tagging... let's see. @verdiesque, @widevibratobitch, @lonelyroommp3, @lessthansix, @witcheryen, @smileofacaffeinatedsaint, @28dayslater, @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882, @habemuscarnificem and @ohelpthekraken!
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shredsandpatches · 5 years
putting it behind a cut in case anyone plans to do the puzzle, but the quote in today’s NYT acrostic puzzle cracked me up:
“Who is the beauty icon that inspires you the most? ...Mine is Nosferatu, because that vampire taught me my...two favorite beauty tricks of all time: avoid the sun at all costs and always try to appear shrouded in shadows.” -- Mindy Kaling, Why Not Me?
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fionatlux · 5 years
12, 33
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deadpanwalking · 3 years
🐄 tools
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elucubrare · 4 years
how about cadmus?
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You slay the dragon. You take his teeth. 
The teeth become men. The teeth fight each other. 
You watch them, how the swirling knot 
of warriors pulls and tugs, seeing alliances 
form and break in seconds, and think, 
well. You lean back. What could you do? 
You solved one problem. Now you've got ten. 
Set problem upon problem. Wait. Hope. 
They wear themselves out. Now you've got five. 
Five men, the strongest of the crop. 
You take them. You found the city. You wait. 
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likeniobe · 5 years
dettareus, who is the father of bellamira (one of the many wroth analogues) who at the time of his introduction into the romance is living as a hermit on the island of saint maura because when he was a courtier he was sent as an ambassador to italy where he tries to have a tryst with a married woman but a candle he left burning sets his rooms on fire and when the lord goes to save his wife he finds him in her room, so the lord gives dettareus real clothes and takes him into a field and says this
“‘Till now had I never the misfortune to be acquainted with the worst of offences; which is breach of the true law of Friendship, but since I am falne into the wretchedest experience of it, I must, like the most miserable, seeke a way out of it. you cannot deny but you have deserv’d death, and in the worst kind; yet thoug hI may have it, yet will I leave the fault wehre it is, and in the bravest manner, wipe away the staine, which acannot be washed but with your bloud, or cleansed by my ende. Take then this Sword,’ (throwing one to mee) ‘and,’ said he, ‘defend your selfe.’“ (1.ii.178)
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