#less than neverland but more than enchanted forest
sillysoul1 · 2 months
again ranting on my favourite subject, pan in the storybrook/modern world. now i want to write some of my headcanons/opinions.
he doesn't like much modern clothes, he thinks it's too simple and weird (but that was still better, than what he wore in enchanted forest, so he didn't really complain).
although he got used to shirts and now quite frequently wear them.
he LOATHE modern boots. they're overly fragile and flimsy to him (per month he wore out 3 pairs and never put them on again).
he thought that sparkling water shimmering:((.
but it's still funky to him. he really loves it.
he adores any funky iridescent things, especially he likes modern toys ("why i wasn't born here?? kids in your world are so lucky!").
he quite quickly understood technology and had with it some fun. particularly amused him hacking (he definitely was hacking rumpel's acc).
henry tried once to play with pan in video games, but to pan that quickly started to being boring and he never return to it again.
he was absolutely delighted about airplanes, but a little bit disappointed, that them not used as personal transport ("so, everybody can buy their personal car, but not airplane? terrible".).
he secretly collect all outlandish things from modern world, so his room is real mess.
never NEVER let him drive.
he's too lazy to explain how he related to heroes or why he looks so young to be henry's great-grandfather, so he just tells everyone that he's henry's step-brother, also adopted by regina (regina almost killed him for that, but after several attempts in this complicated and fatiguing explanation, now she simply agrees with his words in front of another overly curious person).
after a long, long time he managed to befriend henry. rumpel hate their bond, regina either. however david find them droll.
he purely by accident find out about books and movies "peter pan", he was laughing and mocking it a lot (particularly about tinkerbell and hook).
he showed it to felix, he was laughing too (f: "i don't know who's dumber there, crack version of you or of hook" p: "as if hook smarter here").
every time when in storybrook shows up a new villain he bets who will win. he was little disappointed when ingrid didn't win, she had a big potential in his opinion. also he annoys everybody with that that he's never really on someone's side, he just deceives and outwits everybody and watches what a mess happened due to his little games.
out of all, cruella is the most boring and crappy villain to pan. however he had a little fun with her dogs (cruella will be always remember this).
and his favourite became zelena, particularly he evaluated her trick with marian. however zelena was wary and vigilant towards him, she absolutely didn't trust him and called him a crazy freak.
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charg3rs0ck3t · 2 years
Faux promises and secret solaces.
Killian jones x reader
Warnings: it’s once upon a time, that’s the only warning you’ll need.
This is not proofread. There will probably be mistakes and I will fix them!
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You met him in the enchanted forest.
You fell for him in Neverland.
You lost him in Storybrooke.
You found him in your heart.
The first time you met Hook, you could tell he was trouble.
He did him self no favours in trying to not be suspicious, but the others needed him so you held your tongue. Although, this was despite how much you truly wanted to rip out his tongue and shove it somewhere the sun doesn’t shine.
The way he’d take glances at you and smirk if you were walking close by, would make backhanded compliments, flirt to get his way, pick winning sides, he was a pirate. He was a pirate and you hated him. You hated his kind.
He was exactly the sort of man Regina would have used in her pursuit of ‘revenge’, the exact sort of man that killed your father.
But he wasn’t, no matter how many times he would breathily chuckle at some comment or some face you had made, you had to hold yourself back. You had to stop yourself from killing the man who smoothly laughed even in the face of his own demise. You had to stop from wanting to punch him in the throat and strip him of that feathery and deep chortle that took away all of your fears, that freed you of your panic, and provided you a euphoria that you had personally forbidden.
He was bad for you, bad for this team, bad for this mission.
He was a bad guy.
He was a villain,
and villains don’t get happy endings.
Leaving him behind was something you and Emma had talked about, you knew she also held distrust of him. Luckily, she had already planned on abandoning him.
The bean stalk was a stroke of luck, Anton was a stroke of luck.
Sure, you felt a slight sense of remorse as you had distracted him. But, as soon as Emma has attached that shackle, you let out a breath that you didn’t even know was there. Something felt good about going back to your life of solace, your newfound life of grief. He was too wild, too unpredictable, it scared you more than anyone would ever know.
You had fully expected not to see him again.
But fate seemed to have a sense of humour.
Such a fickle thing.
Going back to Storybrooke, nothing was the same.
Your life had changed.
You didn’t know if it was for the better.
But your life had changed, your old life was gone. You had to adapt. No more was it straight lines and schedules, none of the life that Regina had provided was there, instead it was constant fights and unpredictability.
You had to become as unpredictable as the dangers you faced. You turned to the memories of the man in the enchanted forest, his power hidden behind his nonchalance and his loyalty a question left unanswered.
However much you hated the man, you needed to channel some part of him to adapt, to evolve and to overcome. The curse was broken, but danger seemed ever present. The towns memories were returned, but so were their worries, their fears, their anger. Instability was the first sign of anarchy and chaos, one weakness could enact a revolution among the people. So you did as you would, a child of a royal knight, ever loyal to Snow and Prince Charming, one of whom had raised you as a child throughout the curse.
All you had was your friends and your loyalty, but you’d soon learn that wasn’t enough.
Yet the man returned, Hook. Still as untrustworthy as ever and yet, he seemed less irritating when in Storybrooke, except maybe for his dangerous tendencies and antisocial behaviour.
Henry being taken by pan was devastating, but this was the unpredictability you had planned for. So you knew what to do.
The ride to Neverland on the Jolly Rodger was less than pleasant. It was full of cryptic warnings and misdirected anger. Even Emma was struggling.
The mermaid that was soon brought above deck definitely didn’t help your nerves, nor did the storm that soon followed and berated the ship.
You could catch no one’s attention, you had figured that the warnings may have held some truth. This land was built on belief. There were definitely some strong negative beliefs between them all. The blame fest began, fighting ensued and you couldn’t take it. So as you searched through the rain, you caught sight of land and jumped overboard. Your thoughts were that if no one would listen, you’d at least catch someone’s attendance or make your own way to land without them.
What you didn’t account for was a bit of broken barrel being launched after you and slamming into the back of your head once you had reached the ice cold water.
Losing your breath and all reasonable thinking, you gaped your mouth like a fish, breathing in and spluttering out water to no avail.
You could feel it filling your lungs and your eyes began to close, focused on the blurry light of the moon above you, till it was covered by the shadow of someone diving in for you. But by then you were already too tired.
Opening your eyes and coughing out liquid from your burning lungs seemed to have never felt so good. That was until you saw it was a particular irritating man that hovered over your jolting form, hand on your shoulder as he helped you sit up.
The storm has calmed now, and you smiled. Everyone’s focus was on you, eyes wide at the madness that had ensued.
“Hey! Don’t look at me like that! See! I got the storm to stop.” You proclaimed in a broken voice, interrupted slightly by a coughing fit and a small ‘thank you’ as you were passed a blanket.
The way that David and Snow stared at you was obvious you’d get some form of scolding later, but you hadn’t cared too much for it. When the curse was first broken, they had to double check you weren’t in some way related to Jefferson with how you often acted on impulse, in supposed madness. So rest assured you were used to scolding.
Getting to the island was your priority, keeping the team together and getting Henry was your number one goal.
But you could help but notice the glances the pirate would send you when he thought you weren’t looking.
Neverland was a place of pure belief. A place of magic and miracles.
It seemed like as if by some miracle, you started to believe in the sincerity and goodness of a certain pirate.
Hook was caring, he was careful and serious. He was always suited to the situation, always ready. But he could also lighten the mood.
It seemed all the time that wasn’t spent avidly searching for Henry, fighting Pan or planning, he always wanted to make you laugh.
The first time you had laughed at one of his jokes, it would have been some stupid joke about his hand.
“Can you give me a hand?” David had yelled over.
“Cmon really? Last time I lent one out I didn’t even get it back!” He had hollered back in response, turning to smirk at David’s glare.
Only.. only he spun right back around when he heard a small chuckle.
Seeing you, with your back turned to him and hand coving your mouth, was all he needed to decide that you were right for him. He walked over to David with a huge smile on his face and kept stealing glances at you the entire time.
Getting Henry, finding Neal alive, dealing with Rumpelstilsken. Everything felt insane.
It was all too much, you had lost Henry again to Pan, he was too powerful and you all seemed powerless.
You pulled your legs to your chest and buried your head in your knees. Making yourself small was all you could do when the world felt so big around you that it felt like it would swallow you up and you’d be nothing but a snack to a bigger cause.
Feeling a soft hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality, the reality that you had been sat sobbing into your arms after you had ran off from the main camp.
At first you were afraid, was this hand malicious, was it Pan?
But after hearing a feathery throat clearing, you raised your head to meet eyes with Killian.
“Killian? What’s up? I thought you’d be with David or Emma.” You muttered out in response to his presence.
“Y’know, I’m not sure Miss swan or her doting ‘same-age parents are too fond of me. Plus we both know that I can’t exactly tell one hand jokes to Regina lest I want to lose that and another appendage id much like to keep..” he takes a breath whilst you smile at his sarcasm. “Plus, You’re the only one who calls me my name, I’m getting sick of ‘Hey you’ ‘Oi’ ‘pirate’ or if they’re really creative, I get to hear ‘asshole’, would that be pleasant for you m’lady?” You laugh and shake your head in response.
“No, I suppose not kind sir~.” You tease him, just wanting to stay in the moment, it felt light and airy, for the first time in days you felt free. “Although I’m honoured you’d grace me with your presence, I sure hope it’s not because I’m the only one who doesn’t currently want to stab you?”
He turns to look at you, “Of course not, for a royal knight though, surely you should be the one to want to stab me most of all. Maybe it’d be better that way.” He moves in, close to your face, as you are enamoured with gazing into his eyes.
“I’m sure they can handle themselves, Four powerful people after you if you do anything wrong, I think I should be okay to try and resign from stabbing at the moment. Plus, if anything were to happen I’m sure I could accept the consequences.” He grabs your chin and smiles.
“You? Face the consequences? Perhaps you just are afraid to accept you might actually have fallen for me~” He pulls you into a short and passionate kiss. Grinning against your lips as he rests his forehead against your own.
“Not a chance pirate!” You tease as you stand up and begin to walk away, sporting a mischievous grin of your own.
But before you could walk further he grabbed your wrist and was suddenly stood right in front of you.
“Mark my words sweetheart, I’ll have your heart, we’ll take it as slow as you need but I will have it, as you’ve enslaved mine.” And as you turned your head away to think on what he had said, he had already walked off deeper into the forest.
Okay, maybe you did like him.
Your return to Storybrooke was perfect, you could live the life you had whispered plans of every night since that moment in Neverland.
It was meant to be your fairytale ending.
Meant to be.
Falling asleep every night, Hook would sit there hands running through your hair as you laid your head in his lap.
Every night he would repeat one sentence
“I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise.”
Except one night, when he wasn’t.
You woke up one night. Checking the clock next to you it was some time around 1 in the morning.
You weren’t sure what had woken you up until you heard sounds of struggling and choking. It was Killian! He sounded in pain.
You rushed down to see Pans shadow ripping Killian’s as he struggled against the figure.
Catching a glimpse of you, the shadow tore the other from your lovers frame and stole them both. Dragging them from the home as you chased and screamed for help, for Killian, for anyone.
You pinched yourself, you screamed until your throat went raw and your mouth ran dry, you yelled and sobbed until you had half of the town surrounding you, trying to figure out what had happened.
In your worn voice you could get out two sentences.
“Pans back.” “Killian’s gone.”
That was all you could force out before you fell to the floor, soon encased in a warm pair of arms trying to lift you back into the house. The house that you had just lost everything in. The house that was meant to have been your home.
It had been months since the incident, months of failed attempts and grieving.
But you had had enough of being sad.
Nothing was going to save you, no one was going to save you, so you were going to save yourself.
One day you got up, took a shower, brushed your teeth and hair, and went into work.
Life had to continue as normal, you had to ignore the concerned glances and you had to hope the eye bags would go away on their own.
So life went on, it went on without him. Although it hurt, it needed to, the world couldn’t stop for another 28 years, everyone couldn’t just forget again.
However much you wished they could.
Emma and David had been trying to interrogate the shadow for months now. They had decided to keep Regina’s torture methods away and just had to hope that a non physical being had some form of conscience.
In those months they had nothing.
Nothing until the shadow gave off a mirage, a realm of bodies and their shadows caring for them.
And in the middle of it all was him.
The man you cared about most.
Waking up to a breathy humming and the feeling of hands in your hair wasn’t unusual.
In your grief, you had accidentally began to see Killian. You’d see him every morning, you’d see him at dinner, you’d even make him an extra plate.
You knew he wasn’t real.
But you needed to cope somehow.
There was a hole in your heart and you couldn’t just fill it with a child like Regina could.
This morning felt real though, it felt too real. But it also felt too good to be true.
You opened your eyes to see him where he usually sat, next to you, hands in your hair playing with the strands.
“Why must you torture me every morning.” You muttered. “He’s gone and he’s never coming back.. I’m never gonna wake up to him ever again so just! Just go away!”
You yelled.
You’ve been yelling at your hallucination of him a lot lately.
Usually he’d disappear, actually, every single time he’d disappear. But you turned around from where you were now sat up and he was still there.
He stared at you, tears in his eyes, reaching out for your cheek. He needed to touch you again.
“Killian..?” You whimpered out.
“I told you I’d be here when you woke up” he said, tears streaming down his face as he tackled you and held you in his arms.
You both sobbed. You cried like you hadn’t seen each-other in years. You held each-other like the other would slip out of grasp and disappear again.
You were here.
He was here.
You had him back, you had your home and he had your heart.
And in his heart he knew he’d never let you go ever again.
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cssns · 3 months
Please welcome the multi-talented @spartanguard to CSSNS24!
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Your Tumblr and any other applicable names
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
I watched the show from Day 1 until the very final episode; became active in the fandom during 4A, so coming up on 10 years!
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
Actively after the first date; low-key in 3x14—"If it can be broken, that means it still works." SWOON. (You speak for all of us, Kaitlyn!)
What drew you to this event?
I love Captain Swan and I love fantasy!
What inspired your topic?
I really enjoyed the movie Jungle Cruise and there were a few aspects of Frank's character that really reminded of Killian (not saying what as I don't want to spoil the movie), so the wheels have been turning on how to adapt it into an AU for a while. But I knew it wouldn't have quite the same meaning with the OUAT characters if we just dropped them into what's essentially a historical fantasy in our world, so twisting it into something that fits into the Enchanted Forest (and associated realms) has been fun.
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
Inspired by the movie Jungle Cruise, but set in the world of OUAT; Princess Emma is searching for a cure to help her kingdom's war effort—but so is the leader of her enemy kingdom. Alongside her sister, Snow, she seeks out a guide to Neverland, where the mythical cure supposedly hides, and finds Captain Killian Jones, who is less than eager to help. Adventure, danger, and romance follow!
For our artists: What kind of art do you like to do? Picsets, painting, digital, etc? Feel free to give as much info as you like.
Mostly manips, but the occasional picset if everything I want to convey outstrips my photoshop abilities.
For our betas: Who/what have you beta'd before, or is this your first time? Feel free to give as much info as you like.
I've been beta'ing almost as long as I've been writing fic, and my day job is as an editor. (Fic is much more exciting than the things I edit at work, though!)
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
Seeing all the fun stories and adventures we get taken on!
We are beyond excited to see Kaitlyn's story drop on 8/14/24! She's also going to be an artist and beta, so she's going to be super busy for CSSNS24!
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
CaptainCroc ask (or as I call them, Goldenhook):
Wholesome: what kind of candy do you think they’d eat on Halloween? And would they share or would they bicker about who gets what?
Not so wholesome: who do you think dies first? (If we’re sticking with Hook’s lifeline being longer due to his stay on Neverland. But also if you want, throw in some ideas about Hook being a dark one too cause I feel that has POTENTIAL)
Lucky for me my siblings just brought me a bag of candy from a parade a couple days ago so I've been able to do plenty of first-hand research on this lol
The thing they fight over is 100% the chocolate stuff. Milky Ways (they've definitely almost gotten divorced over a Milky Way Midnight), Twix, M&Ms, Reese's Cups, all those. For Hook, I really want to say somebody handed him a package of Swedish Fish once and he tried one and went "who had the audacity to call these fish?" but then they kind of became his guilty pleasure. For Rumple, my first instinct is to say he wouldn't like any of the artificial fruit flavored candies, but y'know the guy did eat a burger once, and apparently he likes ketchup, so I'm gonna say his other favorite is the classic Twizzlers.
Now the hard part. I have spent entirely too much of my time thinking about who dies first, because there are just too many juicy options.
I'm tempted to say neither of them dies; in a relationship with another villain (and I'm pretty sure Hook would still be a villain if he was with Rumple, mostly for family reasons) Rumple wouldn't hesitate to use whatever incredibly dark magic he needed to keep Hook alive indefinitely. They outlive all the heroes, probably return to the Enchanted Forest bc realistically what the heck are the Dark One and his pirate husband gonna do in Maine, and they basically rule unchecked for all eternity. Maybe they get a little more mellow as they age, and eventually they fade from unquestioned lords of the land into these semi-mythical beings; Hook is the thing all sailors pray to and fear, and Rumple is the thing people only whisper about in broad daylight.
Now, if Hook became a Dark One, there's obviously two ways that could go down: either the way it did in Camelot or he kills Rumple (which means Rumple would die first). The more angsty way is if he kills Rumple, but there's not really a good reason for him to do that if they're together. Maybe another villain steals his heart or uses illusions to manipulate him into taking the dagger and killing Rumple, which honestly isn't too bad of an idea. Said villain expects to be able to kill Hook and get the power for themselves; they just knew it would be easier for him to kill Rumple than to do it themselves, but Hook wins and becomes sort of a vengeful ghost, slowly but surely undermining the heroes in a plan to slaughter them all as punishment for not defeating that other villain themselves (what are heroes for, after all) and the heroes find a way to kill him because there's no other way to stop him. He and Rumple are reunited in the afterlife.
If it goes down like Camelot and they're both Dark Ones, it's probably pretty similar to the first scenario, because they're both theoretically immortal. But in this situation, I think Hook would take the original darkness from Rumple, less to protect other people than to keep the darkness in the family, and when he's transported to Camelot he realizes he can use the other half of Excalibur to give Rumple back some darkness, and make him immortal again. So of course Hook does that, with a Dark Curse along the way bc why not, and then the heroes have to solve the problem of what to do with two Dark Ones running around Storybrooke. They steal Excalibur and offer Hook and Rumple the choice of death or having their dark magic cut away. Rumple's been pretty close to death recently, so he says he'd rather lose his magic than die, but Hook is totally mad with power and won't settle for that. A mega-battle is waged and in the end the heroes kill Hook in front of Rumple and then he goes totally nuts and probably takes down at least one hero with him, but he's also killed because there's no other way to stop him.
If they're both mortal for some reason, then I think Rumple probably dies of old age. In this scenario, they're both mellowed out a bit, because they have less power than if one or both of them was the Dark One, so Hook either waits patiently to die and be reunited with Rumple or he does the classic old-people-in-love thing and dies within days to weeks of Rumple.
As a generality, I think Hook seems to win the Dies Last award, mostly because it's fun to kill off the immortal guy before his mortal husband, but also because it's fun to kind of twist around the guy who canonically died first and say "well if he was a villain, would that still be the case?" and I think the answer is no, if Hook was a villain in love with Rumple, another villain, it wouldn't be. (Although I'm kind of enjoying the neither of them dies scenario, them being sort of eldritch gods of terror in the Enchanted Forest a couple hundred years later is a slay.)
Anyway the point is I couldn't decide who to kill first so I just invented ways for both!
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A Year Without (1/10)
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Summary: After the curse returns Killian to the Enchanted Forest, he struggles to acclimate to his old life and his old ways. When a bird with a letter and memory potion arrives on his ship, he accepts the challenge to find Emma and help her save her family. Getting to Emma won't be easy and will cost him dearly, but what choice does he have when he cannot go a day without memories of her haunting him?
A03 | CH  1  |   2  |   3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  | CUTS
Day 05
Golden strands of sunlight break through the forest canopy as the horse trekked on and carried him further from the Enchanted Forest for which this land was named and toward the first port on his search for his misplaced ship. Watching the golden strands dance pulled him back to Neverland.
Soft, golden strands of hair filling the space between his fingers. Warm lips pressed firmly, desperately on his own. His own surprise and quick surrender to her sudden invasion. The shift he felt in the depths of his soul when they connected for the second kiss. The words "just a one time thing" thrown at him, nonchalantly, as she raised the walls back in place to protect herself from the very real truth that kiss revealed to both of their broken hearts - broken hearts can be put back together, to be broken, again, in new ways.
Killian let out a shaky breath and pulled himself into the present. The forest was thinning, the trees less suffocating than the days before. A breeze stirred the leaves and carried a briny scent, stirring up a bit of anticipation.
Pirates, for that is all he was, belonged on ships. Fierce pirate captains, feared in the seas, belonged to their ships. And somewhere out there, the Jolly was out there, waiting for her captain to be back at her helm. Without him, she was lost, directionless, rotting at sea. Despite a lack of consciousness, she was more aware of his absence than Swan would be.
With the crocodile gone, his future lied with his ship. Wherever she was and he needed to find her to figure out just what that would entail.
Day 13
Another shabby sea town, another rumour of his ship sighted followed directly into a dead-end, another pub with cheap pints of watery ale, and another day he kept his promise to Swan.
Even, now, while drowning in the tenth? ninth? pint of the warm ale that small smile she gifted him before turning away and leaving them, leaving him, to the curse lingered in his mind. Perhaps, he'd cursed himself when he'd spoken those last words to her. Words she'd forgotten as easily as she'd forgotten him.
A loud eruption of laughter drew his attention to how crowded the pub had gotten. Killian scowled at the lot of messy sailors yelling for women, booze, and rooms. Throwing some coin on his table, he stumbled from his table toward the door. His escape was blocked by a burly in a bright red hat.
“Captain?” squeaked out a familiar voice.
Killian smiled, more of a grimace that didn’t reach his eyes, “If it isn’t my favourite, flea-ridden, bilge rat scampering about on two legs again, are we?”
“We’ve been looking for you since the curse dropped us back here. We can’t wait to join you, we’ve been keeping an eye out for the Jolly Roger, but I knew you’d find her!” Smee spoke without pause for a breathe, then he called over his shoulder to a table behind him, “boys, captain’s back, we’re going home, tonight!”
Killian groaned and stepped into the persona he’d worn so comfortably over the last few hundred years.
Hook turned, spread his arms wide, and greeted his former crew with a wicked smile. “Men, tonight we celebrate for tomorrow we will begin a new adventure. One on land. Relieving many a carriage of their burdens.”
Day 27
A few of his faithful crew left that night, muttering about how the captain had either gone soft or lost his senses. The few who'd stayed with him had profited handsomely. They'd gotten rich as highway bandits as they travelled between ports searching for the Jolly.
While they enjoyed pints in a pub indiscernible from those visited the evening prior, Killian's wondered if he'd left enough with the carriage to ensure the safety of the couple he'd robbed. They'd had knights escorting them, so that spoke of some wealth and standing. He'd assuaged his guilt with another pint and stood to toast his crew.
"To the most clever, dastardly band of pirates to ever set sail-," he shared a laugh at his slip up with Smee before continuing, "stride, on the open road!"
"To Captain Hook!" Smee responded, clinking his drink with Hook's. They took a sip in a companionable moment of quiet. As Hook turned, Smee stopped him, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The boys and I chipped in and got you something."
Hook followed Smee's fingers toward a brunette woman walking toward him, seductive smile at her lips. He forced a smile as he escorted her out, planning on how on to buy off her silence and where he'd spend the rest of the night. It was too early to go to the room he'd let - quiet nights welcomed thoughts veering dangerously close to heartbreaking - but he couldn't return to the pub once he'd dismiss this mistress.
Once she'd left, pleased with her heavier purse, Killian planned to walk the docks. Maybe the Jolly had made an appearance after all. A sharp pain burst on the back of his head and he was on the ground with a knife at his throat. One of his victims must have recognised him an planned to exact his revenge.
"Move and I'll slit your throat!" The command was issued by a feminine voice.
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atwistedtalehq · 1 year
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**CHARACTER NAME:** rosalie hale/cullen 
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** nicola peltz 
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if from enchanted forest, general age okay):** july 24th 1915 / like 108 almost, changed at 18
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** she/her, cis-female, bisexual/biromantic/emmett simp forever
**CHARACTER FANDOM:** twilight 
**OC OR CANON:** canon
**WHICH LAND ARE THEY FROM (examples: earth, enchanted forest, wonderland, monsterland [frankenstein, dracula, vamps etc], neverland):** earth
from a young age, rosalie hale knew what it was to be adored. her parents doted on her, two younger brothers protected and loved her dearly. and those around her would constantly rave about what a darling child she was-- and what a prize of a wife she'd be to someone some day. all of the positive attention meant that rosalie grew up with a sure and concrete sense of self. insecurities were at a minimum and her ego was, in a way, elevated. some could call her shallow and self absorbed. to rosalie, she just saw it that she knew her own worth and value and would never settle for anyone in her life seeing any less than that worth. 
and knowing that worth, meant never settling. it meant always expecting the best of those around her. she let her family do the social climbing though, happy to just reap the rewards, content with the happiness it found her family. but, in spite of her fulfilment, in spite of the ways she was happy with her life, there was something so clear and obvious missing, something she’d read about in books, something she saw in the eyes of her friends that were married: true love. so desperately, she reached for it. she longed to be loved, rather than just adored. she wanted to be appreciated and loved in a way that was different from the lustful looks or the envious eyes. she wanted _more._ 
and she was so sure she’d found that when she met royce king. she was so sure that the flowers, the kind words, the sweet dates– she was so sure they all meant it was real. and that the ring on her finger _meant something._ she’d finally found it, hadn’t she? she’d finally found the true love she’d been searching for. sure, there were times when she’d look to her friends– see the way they kissed, the way they looked at one another and wonder if she was missing something with royce. but, she convinced herself it would all come stronger with time. 
the day she found out she was wrong, was the day her life almost ended. 
when carlisle found her, she was bloody and beaten, wishing silently for death, for an end and escape. she’d been betrayed and abused, how could she go on when her life had been such a cruel, vile lie? how could she go on, if this was how she was to be treated? 
and then edward had to go and deny her too. not that she even liked him, but, still. it was a dent to her fragile sense of self, to her vanity. and for a while, rosalie nearly lost herself to an endless pit of depression. one that she only pulled herself out of when she decided to go a bit… wild. on a bit of a vengeance kick. 
she left royce for last, of course. made it dramatic, theatrically. let him know she was coming, that he couldn’t stop it. but she was sure that with every one of them she killed, not to drop a single bit of blood. she didn’t want any further part of them within her. they didn’t deserve that. they just deserved pain and then death. 
for two years after that, rosalie settled into life with the cullen family. it was comfortable enough, her ‘parents’ were kind, of course. but she still felt like something was missing: that hole that had been there before royce felt even more dark and gnawing now. the problem was, she was terrified that it’d never be filled. that she was destined to be alone. that, in spite of her great qualities, she was destined to be unloved. 
saving emmett from the bear, taking him to carlisle to change him to save him– it changed everything for her in such a _real_ and positive way. getting to know him, falling so helplessly in love with him, it softened rosalie’s heart. she and emmett, over the years, have often remarried and gone off on their own from the cullen family to live like newlyweds. each time is just as special as the last, and rosalie’s love for emmett has only grown more intense and fierce with time. she is dedicated to him on every level. yes, she wishes for more: she wishes they could have met before. fallen in love. grown old and had a family. but that doesn’t mean rosalie doesn’t cherish what they have. she at least is comforted by the knowledge they will get forever together. 
over the years, rosalie alongside the rest of the cullen’s has cycled through education, usually getting to college level before starting again. she doesn’t always though, she sometimes tries to live out as long as she can before things start to get suspicious. through these educational pursuits, rosalie has been able to keep up with the latest advancements in the medical field and often times helps carlisle here, but engineering and astrophysics remain to be her favoured subjects– something she would never have imagined for herself in her younger, mortal years. 
rosalie was just finishing up with the latest round of ‘college and living alone with emmett’ time, when edward made the call to bring the family back together. and so, she’s now in storybrooke, trying to piece together this strange situation, while also noting that maybe, there are magics and horrors even _they_ aren’t prepared for.
admin alex app.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Wish Upon a Star
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Our childhoods began with the magic that was found within these movies. Whether it be Disney, Pixar, or Studio Ghibli, our love has not once wavered. We’ve grown, and dare we say that we’ve matured, but there’s still a special place in our hearts for our favorite movies.
Except, these movies now have a twist.
We are no longer kids.
Welcome to Wish Upon a Star, where your favorite childhood movie finally grew up.
Disclaimer: The following stories are a combination of SFW, NSFW, or a combination of both.
Wish Upon A Star is collaboration of works containing stories based on some of our favorite movies from Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli.
Writers from both the BTS Fic Hub and BTS Smut Hub servers (founded by @gukyi​​) have come together to write stories for the month of January. While this event is not directly affiliated with these servers, please feel free to check them out!
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Name of the Game by @ggukcangetit​​​​
Movie: Anastasia
Starring: Seokjin and Reader
Summary: The Hotel - Strange, The Manager - Far Too Charming, The Situation - Dire, The One in Trouble - You.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 9th.
Two Birds, One Cake: by @pajaritojin​​
Movie: Brave
Starring: Prince Seokjin and Witch Reader
Summary: After Seokjin fails to return his mother to her human state because Y/N gave him the wrong spell, he is forced to release the Queen into the wilderness whilst he tracks down Y/N.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 20th.
That Famous Happy Ending by: @jinpanman​​
Movie: Enchanted
Starring: Seokjin and Reader
Summary: You don't know what you expected when you followed the Prince to Andalasia... but of all things, you didn't expect to fall for him and his kingdom so quickly.
Rating: SFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 21st.
The Medallion Calls by: @pajaritojin​​
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
Starring: Captain Seokjin and Governor Reader
Summary: Upon Seokjin’s wash up to shore after months of being lost in a wrecked boat, the town is attacked by a crew of pirates. Kidnapping Governor Y/L/N Y/N, the crew of pirates flee — leaving her friends and Seokjin to rescue her and keep the town at peace.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 29th.
The End of the Fucking World (or: the Alpacalypse) by: @hauntedlilies​
Movie: The Emperor's New Groove
Starring: Seokjin and Reader
Summary: Over the past few years your life has been slowly falling apart. You didn't think it could get any worse — until your father comes home with a talking llama alpaca who claims he's the emperor of a lost civilization. But is he really who he says he is?
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 22nd.
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The Ghosts of Daegu Town by: @cremeandsuga​​
Movie: Monsters Inc.
Starring: Ghost Yoongi and Phasmophobic Reader
Summary: For the last 18 years, Min Yoongi had been appointed Resident Ghoul for his Scare Ratings. He managed to scare the life out of everyone…except when your door came down before him.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 24th.
Second Star to the Right by: @thatlongspringnight​​
Movie: Peter Pan
Starring: Yoongi and Reader
Summary: Min Yoongi never believed in magic, but all it takes is a found shadow and one very frustrating girl to turn his world upside down. The real question remains: Will he keep that magic in his heart and choose to stay in Neverland, or will he abandon this magical world and the girl he's grown to love?
Rating: Combo
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 3rd.
Basil & Beliefs by: @cremeandsuga​​
Movie: Ratatouille
Starring: Sous Chef Yoongi and Heir Reader
Summary: When the long lost daughter of Gusteau reappears and gets hired at his restaurant, she is expected to stay quiet and stay out of the spotlight — but her and her server friend Seokjin can’t do anything to stay out of the eyes of the sous chef, Min Yoongi.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 14th.
A Restless Slumber by: @wwilloww​​
Movie: Sleeping Beauty
Starring: Yoongi and Reader
Summary: When one of you is always asleep, spending quality time together becomes easier to do in dreamworld.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 1st.
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Coral Subconscious by: @hermosohoseok​​
Movie: Finding Nemo
Starring: Mermaid Hoseok and Mermaid Reader
Summary: When Y/L/N Y/N swims past Hoseok’s reef and saves his mother from the teeth of their terrorizing resident barracuda, he can’t help but feel indebted.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 15th.
Cactus by @hesperantha​​​
Movie: Fantasia
Starring: Hoseok and Reader
Summary: Meeting a stranger at the club turns into an adventure. Starring Mickey!Hoseok, featuring Yensid!Namjoon.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 2nd
Bare Necessities by: @hermosohoseok​​
Movie: Jungle book
Starring: Bear Aspect Hoseok and Adult Mowgli Reader
Summary: After Y/N’s life is threatened by resident Tiger Aspects Yoongi and Taehyung, Y/N is forced to vacate the jungle and leave behind her friends. Along the way, she finds the bear that saved her as a baby.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 27th.
Smutocchio by @jinpanman​​
Movie: Pinocchio
Starring: Hoseok and Reader
Summary: You didn’t mean to fall for the growing dick man.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 13th.
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A little less than 101 Meetings to fall in love: by @thatlongspringnight​​
Movie: 101 Dalmatians
Starring: Namjoon and Reader
Summary: Kim Namjoon has seen enough of the world to know two thing, dogs always look like their owners, and he's going to be perennially single. A chance meeting at the park changes at least one of those ideas forever.
Rating: Combo
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 10th.
The Aftermath: by @queridonamjoon​​
Movie: Big Hero 6
Starring: Engineer Namjoon and Friend Version Tadashi Reader
Summary: After Y/N dies in an attempt to save Namjoon, his dreams are nothing more than memories of her and their adventures together — so he builds Y/N prototypes for every scenario, in which he will always be able to save her.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 26th.
One Cube At A Time: by @queridonamjoon​​
Movie: Wall-E
Starring: Cyborg Namjoon and Cyborg Reader
Summary: Namjoon is the only functioning being left on planet Earth — imagine his surprise when he is made aware of a completely different world just a few galaxies away.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 11th.
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Otherworldly Lovin’ by @thatmultifandomhoe​​
Movie: Flubber
Starring: Alien Taehyung and Human Reader
Summary: Not only did he crash land into you yard, but he also crashed right into your heart...among other places.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 6th.
In The Doghouse: by @mariposatae​​
Movie: Lady & the Tramp
Starring: Dog Hybrid Taehyung and Dog Hybrid Reader
Summary: After Y/N finds herself in some hot water with Jungkook and her housemates, she must trust from afar as they find a mate for her in a serial monogamist with a knack for knocking up.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 25th.
Bad Stitch 2.0: by @jinpanman​​
Movie: Lilo and Stitch
Starring: Taehyung and Reader
Summary: You and Taehyung finally get the house to yourselves and you’re not going to let it go to waste.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 5th.
Blood from The Emperor: by @mariposatae​​
Movie: Mulan
Starring: Solider Taehyung and Solider/Princess Reader.
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N is the only daughter to The Emperor, and when she escapes her luxurious life in the palace to join the military, Kim Taehyung is the one to discover her.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 12th.
Had it Been Another Day by @ggukcangetit​​
Movie: The Princess and the Frog
Starring: Taehyung and Reader
Summary: When the universe hated you enough to pair you with the most obnoxious guy in your class, for a project that would decide your future but had no such implications for him.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 16th
Fairy Wings: by @ezralia-writes​​
Movie: Tinkerbell
Starring: Taehyung and Reader
Summary: "You should have never crossed the border," he choked out, "I should've known better to stop this before it even began."
Rating: SFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 30th.
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Unholy Lightning: by @sunnydelightjimin​​
Movie: How to Train Your Dragon
Starring: Lightfury Hybrid Jimin and Nightfury Hybrid Reader
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N was taught to soar in the clearest of skies and attack in the deadliest situations — crazy how she has a tendency to flip those in her mind.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 17th.
Chasing Waves by @magicalcrwn​​
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Starring: Jimin and Reader
Summary: From a young age, their curiosity grows stronger. For the human princess who has always been interested in the ocean’s secrets, for the merprince who has always been interested in the surface’s life. What would happen once they finally chase the waves to sate their curiosity?
Rating: SFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 18th.
Lava In The Afternoon: by @sunnydelightjimin​​
Movie: The Incredibles
Starring: Immortal Superhero Jimin and Immortal Villain Reader
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N has terrorized the City of Seoul for generations alongside her friends — and Jimin has been tired of fighting her time and time again.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 28th.
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The First Snow: by @carinojungkook​​
Movie: Bambi
Starring: Rabbit Aspect Jungkook and Deer Aspect Reader
Summary: When the daughter of The Great Prince is presented before the forest on the day of the First Snow, Jungkook finds himself enamored with the doe eyes filled with fire.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 19th.
The Fourth Unforgivable by @ggukcangetit​​
Movie: The Lion King
Starring: Jungkook and Reader
Summary: Seven years is a long time. Enough to bring about many changes - new laws, dangerous associations, and the return of the one you had forced yourself to forget.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 23rd
Moves Like An Ape, Looks Like a Man by @carinojungkook​​​
Movie: Tarzan
Starring: Tarzan Jungkook, and Animal Researcher Reader,
Summary: When animal researcher best friends Y/L/N Y/N and Kim Namjoon are sent on an expedition to gather information on the gorillas of West Africa, they aren’t expecting anything but — and yet, are met with none other than Jeon Jungkook.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 8th.
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Abstract Thought: by @milktbaby​​
Movie: Inside Out
Starring: Emotion OT7 and Student Reader
Summary: When Y/L/N Y/N is leaving her hometown of Busan for university, she is faced with a series of unexpected events that make her realize she’s not where she needs to be.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 31st.
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You’re never too old to find yourself wishing upon a star.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 7x07 Eloise Gardener
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Yay! Love this episode!
Yep, so they basically confirmed that the Wish Realm was around long before Emma arrived there by showing this flashback and revealing it occurred many years ago. That would be impossible if it was only created like 30 years after the curse. I reckon Emma’s/Split Queen’s Wish only caused her to replace Wish Emma.
Wait, so Wish Hook still being young in this flashback indicates that there is also a Wish Neverland. We know there’s a Wish Peter Pan as he appears in one of the last few episodes, but the original was originally from the Enchanted Forest. Then again, he appeared a lot younger than he should be as well.
Wish Hook could have never gone to the Land Without Magic like he planned, unless there’s a wish version of that realm as well.
I wanna know how Wish Snowing stole her magic.
Wish Hook does generally seem less ruthless than original Hook, even before he had Alice. Maybe we just caught him on a good day but if not, it’s interesting that they have slight differences in their personalities despite their paths being the same at this point. I wonder if any of the other wish!characters have naturally different personalities to their counterparts.
Does Victoria even care about her step-granddaughter? Probably not. She just wants to punish Ella and use Lucy’s belief.
That bond he feels is for Alice not bloody Gothel but of course the curse twists things.
I will forever be bothered by the fact that the tower should be impossible to climb. That is a damn smooth surface most of the way up. At least season 3 Rapunzel's tower had crevices to aid Charming, but this is just bananas. 
For so long I thought the tower didn’t have a kitchen, but it totally does. No sign of a bathroom. Fair enough there’s no toilet but what about a bath or something. Maybe there’s a sink?
Talk about getting your hair tangled lol.
She’s holding a pan just like in the Tangled movie, only she’s not Rapunzel.
Remember when the actresses who played Rapunzel, Alice, Gothel and Wendy all went to Disneyland together? That was so cute!
From how she identified Eloise’s supposed past situation I’m guessing Tilly has memories of having a bad home life and parents who didn’t care. I know Rumple said her ‘father’ was the only person who understood her, but I reckon, in her memories, he was so brainwashed by the cult he lost sight of what was important, his daughter and her well-being. Go read abetternameneeded’s fics about Tilly, her father and the cult on Ao3. They are so freaking amazing! 
“And bring a sandwich!” Tilly and her sandwiches haha.
Victoria was gonna straight up kill Rogers.
Why couldn’t they have had some kinda vine creature or a whomping willow defending the garden instead. It would have been so much cooler.
Wish Hook and original Hook likely do have other children they don’t know of. Maybe they abstained for a while after Milah but before that he probably had like 12 baby mamas. Those kids must have died by this point then, since presumably they didn’t go to Neverland to stay young. 
Every version of Smee is so in love with Hook and you can’t convince me otherwise. Jealous of Rapunzel, are we, Smee?
Wow, the sexual tension between Victoria and Gothel in this scene lol. I don’t think either of them are straight.
Jacinda is so in love with Henry, bless her.
Poor Regina having to break Glass Believer apart to save Henry. 
I wonder why it took Lucy about 2 years to find Henry. Did she lose the book up until a few weeks ago? Did it take her a while to believe in the stories? 
I miss the sea. I usually go to the beach once a year but haven’t for the past 2 because of the pandemic. Damn, I miss the theatre even more. I would love to see the Prince of Egypt onstage. It’s one of my favourite movies and my favourite animated movie ever. And there’s a Spring Awakening revival! But I digress!
Tilly really doesn’t want to lie to him. She was about to turn back.
“I spoke to one of the runaways from the old group home.” Oh! So she does have memories of being in a group home. That’s where I got that from. I was beginning to think I just made that up. 
I know it is widely headcanoned that the notebook is Tilly’s or Alice’s, but I really don’t think so. For one, those drawings are modern, and Tilly would have recognised the notebook. She would have realised that she was the ‘Eloise’ he was looking for (as I initially suspected would happen. I first thought she was lying about her own death because she didn’t wanna be found. I was convinced she was Eloise, and Eloise and Hook’s daughter were one in the same, so this really made me question if Tilly was even his daughter). There is no indication that she ever recognised it, however. She wouldn’t have felt the need to apologise if she didn’t think she’d lied to cover up who she thought was the real Eloise.
Poor Rogers. Due to Eloise being the redirected focus of his anguish over Alice he must feel like he’s just heard his daughter is dead.
If that drawing was only freshly made, how comes it fits exactly wear it was supposedly torn out? I suppose Rumple could have ‘borrowed’ the notebook and made a clever copy.
“It turns out abandoning people just isn’t my thing.” I mean, he presumably abandoned Wish Baelfire but I guess he learned from that mistake.
Does he know if that flower can be used to free ‘Rapunzel’ as well as to trap Wish Rumple? Was he willing to sacrifice his revenge for ‘Rapunzel’?
Oh, okay, he only needs one petal.
He should probably hide that dagger somewhere else, like in his house or something.
Thank goodness baby Alice cried. Hook could have left without even noticing.
Quick, Hook! Grab the baby and climb out before Gothel can! If only he had a giant trampoline so he could just jump out with Alice. 
Hang on. If Hook had taken the remaining petal and trapped Wish Rumple, or anyone for that matter, would that person have taken Alice’s place or would Wish Rumple be trapped in there with his worst enemy and a baby? I’m guessing it’s the former as they’d have to be in Alice’s bloodline. Quick, find Liam II or an estranged cousin and shove them in there instead lol! Or do they have to be from Gothel’s side of the family? So many questions.
Gothel was straight up willing to leave her baby to starve to death. Wow. She is definitely a huge contender for worst parent in the whole damn show. The only person who comes super close and might actually be the winner if we include ouat in wonderland is Jafar’s father because he straight up violently drowned his son in a basin. I’m pretty sure he actually killed Jafar but Jafar’s mother’s magic dust resurrected him. Honestly, both ‘parents’ are heinous and belong together.
Wish Hook could never leave his child, but can you imagine if he had? He’d live a life riddled with guilt and Gothel probably would have enslaved him.
Please stop touching him.
Oh, Victoria locked Gothel up somewhere else? I suppose that makes sense since she knew people were onto her.
The Eloise Gardener mystery was cleverly woven into the curse by Gothel so that she could count on being freed when the time was right. The question is, why did she feel the need to be held captive by Tremaine in the first place? Was it so Tremaine would think she was in control, thus keeping Drizella satisfied and in her pocket?
It’s nice he made Smee captain.
Agggh! This scene! I’mma cry! Look at Wish Hook with his baby girl. Most important person in the world to him who he loves more than anything. I love it so much!
He’s so happy to have his baby in his arms. Look at Alice smile! 
I wish we had a flashback of Killian and Liam’s mother, Alice. For a while I thought Killian and Rumple might share the sane mother because neither had been introduced at the time. I’ve probably said this before. Been doing this rewatch and writing my thoughts on this blog for nearly 3 years and I cannot remember anything I’ve said. 
I’ve said this exactly 1 million times, but it will always get to me that they established in s6 that the Wish Realm was created by a wish at a time where Emma was an adult. If that was the case, there should be no Wish Hook flashbacks. And we know that the Wish Hook flashbacks aren’t just false memories that were planted by Emma/Split Queen’s wish because he actually went to the New Enchanted Forest, slept with a woman who was not from the Wish Realm and had a baby as proof that that time he spent in the New Enchanted Forest was indeed real. And then he spent years raising the baby who was of two worlds in the NEF. That should be impossible if we are to believe the Wish Realm was created with Princess Emma already an adult. It literally drives me bananas. Time travel has to be involved or the Wish Realm was there longer than we were told.
That reveal and then the scene switches to Tilly! Love it so much! 
When Tilly opened her eyes, it looked like she didn’t know where she was or how she got there. I wonder if she blacked out.
Poor Tilly. She’s so sorry and it’s because of Gothel. Gothel should be the one who’s freaking sorry.
It hurts! Hook being disappointed in Alice. Help!
When Alice cries, I cry.
Parents giving Tilly dirty looks.
Where’d they appear from.
This scene makes me feel sick. It reminds me of the time social workers took me away from my mum. It was horrible. For the best at the time, but such a sickening feeling.
Why is Drizella so horrible to Ella? Does she blame her for what happened to Anastasia or is she just copying her mother’s behaviour towards her. What’s it to her if Lucy goes to live with her stepsister? Maybe it’s because their dad loved Ella more. I honestly think Ella may have been his favourite.
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priscilla9993 · 3 years
Killian Jones and Alcoholism
This is mainly a summary of things relating Killian/Hook to alcohol/rum. It was done for a college paper and is very long, therefore it’s under the break. To warn you, it is going to be mainly Wish Hook based since I needed to narrow it down and it was easier to show how he handled alcohol as a recovering alcoholic. Enjoy!
The character in question for this case study is Killian Jones, well known by his more colorful moniker of Captain Hook, as portrayed from the ABC TV show Once Upon A Time. He lives in a region of a fantasy realm known as the Enchanted Forest. He used to be a Royal Navy Lieutenant with his older brother Liam, straight-laced on being good and not getting into trouble in any way, especially after getting somewhere in life and no longer subjected to being an indentured deckhand like when their father abandoned them as kids. During a daring quest to Neverland to find some medicine for the king, Peter Pan said they had been tricked to bring back a poisonous plant called Dreamshade, meant to be used as a weapon against unsuspecting enemies. Killian was wary, ready to denounce his service to the king, but his brother was willing to have faith in a noble king and country. With one swift motion of the plant’s prick hoping to prove otherwise, Liam began dying and realized his mistake. Recruiting the help of Pan and some magical water, Liam was cured but soon died in Killian’s arms on the voyage back to the king, the price of the magic being death if Liam ever left Neverland with the water running through his veins. His brother’s death made Killian vengeful at his king and country as his brother had been noble until the very end and everyone else was corrupt, playing noble, proving to him that the world was at fault. From that day on, he took over the ship and decided to be a pirate named Captain Jones, pursuing freedom, and throwing away all he’s ever known because being noble didn’t serve justice. This starts his life of thievery, promiscuity, and never-ending drinking. His coping solutions to deal with his emotional pain only gets worse when he loses his hand, first love of his life, Milah, and his honor after losing a duel against Rumplestiltskin, a coward turned into a powerful Dark One; which leads him on a path of revenge to kill the Rumplestiltskin, “the crocodile”, to avenge Milah and his pride. This leads him to makeshift a hook for a hand and him going by the nickname of Captain Hook, leaving the last piece of his past behind and never letting himself be vulnerable again.
Throughout the series, whenever he or someone in his vicinity is having a rough time, his solution is to pour out some alcohol and drink his feelings away, acting like an egotistical flirt rather than expressing himself and wallowing in misery. His choice of alcohol happens to be rum, a hard liquor. The acute symptoms he has in the show are the loss of judgment, a reddened face, confusion, potentially heightened sexual desire, and sometimes blackouts/unconsciousness. There are multiple times where he’s in a tavern, pouring doubloons into drinks for his crew, rum for himself, and flirting with women/barmaids to have a nightcap with. From here on, I will refer to him as Hook unless stated otherwise. On one occasion of his usual proclivities displaying or implying such symptoms, Hook tries to seduce a woman named Emma. She manages to use his habit of drinking to her advantage, making him jolly and willing to take her back to his ship for the said nightcap; her actual objective was being a distraction while his future self did recon for info on how to get back to their timeline in a Back to the Future sort of way. He continues heavily drinking on the way back with Emma without a care for his health. As soon as the plan goes awry with Hook seeing double, Emma not realizing Future Hook was still doing recon, he gets knocked out for good measure and partial jealousy. Future Hook justifies this, saying his past self was “asking to be knocked out, will wake up upset, and blame the rum.” The lines construe how frequent the drinking was for his future self to determine Hook’s ill-mannered disposition while drunk. 
Eventually, in a parallel way that stems from drunk Hook, is a feeble and spent pirate coined as “Wish Hook”. I have and will be focusing on this iteration for the whole of the paper, but what was written before was his younger self’s background. Wish Hook is the same guy as Hook, but years older down the line, differing paths from Future Hook as he never found love again with someone like Emma and had let his grief and alcohol from more recent negative events consume him. Wish Hook had lived out most of his lifespan, having been a sober father, but cursed to be poisoned any time he drew near his daughter after a witch encounter. Haunted by his regrets and somber circumstances, he turned back to an alcoholic, spending his days eased by rum. His body and actions in this form show the physical and mental effects of chronic alcohol consumption. About ten years or less had passed between his younger self and he had become an experienced middle-aged man with a complicated history, yet he looked far older than his years and decrepit. Without a doubt, by looking at him, people could assume he was an old drunk, his liver and heart having gotten fatty and overworked from the alcohol catching up to him. His belly was rotund, his hair disheveled and gray with streaks of white, his stance crumbling to nearly falling over with each step, and clothes dirtied with filth and old rum stains. Wish Hook still had a flirty and dramatic personality to cheer himself up and mask his turmoil, rum making him courageous and numb, while his actions told another story. He didn’t have sexual desires or try to provoke anyone by that point, just wanted to drown himself in alcohol. His words typically came out slurred, his movements sluggish and unrefined, and he had low problem-solving skills when it came to formulating a plan based on anything other than motive.
In the Enchanted Forest, alcohol like rum is not hard to come by as long as money is involved. Killian Jones/Captain Hook as a pirate drinking rum all the time did not affect him negatively socially or career-wise. If anything, it boosted his status and reputation. For him to be mingling in bars asking for expensive hard liquor and fine women to spend time with was a pleasantry. Bar owners got money, the crew got free alcohol, the women got paid, and he got to immerse himself in pleasure rather than thinking about trivial or serious things. Hook was the life of the party as a pirate captain, seen as a person with good tastes and great to have a fun time with when it came to alcohol. However, when it came to settling down and being a father later on in his life, Wish Hook reserved himself back to his more vulnerable side, caring about how his alcoholism could affect his parenting or child’s perspective. There are moments like that where he’s introspective and wants to do better by others that look up to him or who he cares about. In the show, when he is parenting, there is never a time where he has a bottle or flask of rum stashed nearby or is drinking. Wish Hook deems alcohol as the problem when it affects his judgment or his perceptions on how he could hurt the way people he loves view him. Love in any form brings him back to his core of being the best person he can be.
Killian Jones’s problem originates in nurture rather than nature because his alcohol problems started after he needed a reliable coping mechanism to lean on to deal with grief and anger. Although both nature and nurture influence him, for argument’s sake, nurture has the upper hand. Growing up, his father was a person he looked up to and wanted to be like, but that changed when he found out his father was a criminal who sold him and Liam to pay a route for a selfish escape. What little of his parents shown on-screen left betrayal or sadness in him, not the desire to drink. His parents weren’t clear on alcoholics or drug users as far as it goes. The only things he inherited from nature were probably his mischievous personality, temper, looks, and a high tolerance for alcohol. Living on a ship and being a poor deckhand, Killian didn’t seem to be the kind of guy to squander his savings on alcohol or other frivolous means. However, he would be on a ship constantly surrounded by adults who drank with a captain who cared more about money rather than morals, feeling squandered by his oppressed freedom and building resentment for authority. Without his brother steering him on track, Killian was no more than a young man with impulsive rebellious nature. When Liam went to get them navy papers to earn them their freedom from Captain Silver, it took Killian an offer of temptations from Silver, as much alcohol as he could drink and a bet on his money, for him to fall hook, line, and sinker; no pun intended. Alcohol and gambling meant a reprieve from thoughts, a chance at earning more than what he had before, and the same social standing as the other men aboard the ship. Perhaps, as much as he wanted to be strong as his brother, one good force cannot shield against all of the negative parts of society and adulthood. From Captain Silver, Killian got his first taste of alcohol and his desires did the rest, leaving him blackout drunk and penniless for Liam to find. As he grew older and slowly became Captain Hook, there was nothing about pirate life, being an adult, or people to keep him from drinking. He needed people to talk to, who supported him and he could feel vulnerable in front of, but the few people he trusted in his life were dead. As anyone knows, pirates steal treasure, so they’re not exactly the forgiving or down-to-earth types. Instead, rum became the solution to drown or fuel his emotions, being the substance of celebration and de-stressor.  
Hook’s rum/alcohol addiction would fall more on the dependence spectrum rather than abuse. What had started as a small reprieve to the woes of life became a daily saving grace when he was wracked with loneliness or anger. He depended on the rum to mask his disposition of physical pain from his missing limb as well as emotional pain having experienced love and loss. Abusing alcohol meant that it would put him into dangerous scenarios, have little to no commitment to change his habits to improve his health, and he’d put off important social aspects. If it was alcohol abuse, Hook wouldn’t try changing his habits when he sees it affects others or his relationship with those he loves. Sure, he spends most of his life binge drinking and making merry with the tides of life, but when given the chance and support to abstain from alcohol, he takes it in a heartbeat. For Wish Hook, the thought of being a father who abandons his child or messes up under hazy judgment didn’t add up to him. With the birth of his daughter, Alice, he made a vow to stay with her as long as he could and to be the person he thought she could be proud of. Nevertheless, when he had lost purpose in life by something he had no control over (via death, distance, or curse), his first reaction was to either turn back to alcohol or solve his problems. Sadly, after he had spent a couple of years looking for a cure for his poison heart curse, he gave up hope and chose to go from sobriety back to alcoholism, into a form of regrettable self-destruction. Hook knew that it was not the way to go about life but he felt he had no other choice and had nothing left to lose, leading him to further prioritize and depend on rum to continue living. He built a tolerance to it, needing a copious amount to get drunk, and potentially suffering withdrawals from it after getting in too deep. From the state he was in by the time he gets old and portly, being a nearly homeless drunkard, it can be assumed that he spent most of his days looking for money to acquire more alcohol so he could feel okay.  
Finally, by the end of the series, Killian Jones had managed to go through all the stages in the Stages of Change Model. He was in the Precontemplation stage as a pirate and Captain Hook as he didn’t see a problem in his daily rum and alcohol festivities, making no commitment to change his ways. By the time he gets to be Wish Hook and becomes a father, hesitant about settling down, he could be in the Contemplation stage. He’d want to do something about his alcohol problem and not be stuck relying on it but doesn’t know how to go about it or why he should, therefore staying stagnant to change. When he has his daughter, Alice, in his arms for the first time, we see him in the Preparation stage, planning to give up his ship, sea life, status, and most importantly, rum. Hook gives himself time to think of why he would do so and how he’d commit to it, eventually telling his crew the news. By the time he is taking care of her, he has already taken the actions needed to wean himself off alcohol and apply himself towards abstinence, taking him through the Action and Maintenance stages. There is a relapse back to the Contemplation stage in the paragraph before when he becomes poisoned and loses hope. Even so, the silver lining is that he had made the hard journey back into the Maintenance stage with the help of Ariel detoxing him and others giving him a magical second chance of bodily time renewal, sparking the hope to reunite with Alice and find a cure for his poisoned heart.  
Plans go awry on this end as we get to his final iteration as he is teleported and cursed into our modern day and age as Detective Rogers. Although his memories of what happened in the past as this persona are fuzzy, he is shown to stick to his renewed alcohol abstinence and maintains that in many ways, just like when he was Wish Hook. His habits become integrated as a function rather than a hindrance as part of the Maintenance stage. As Rogers, we can see him frequent bars such as Roni’s or Flynn’s Barcade when he is invited out with others. He is shown to let others know what to get him, as a regular or not, something non-alcoholic. This usually shows up as sparkling water or regular water with a lemon slice in it. His friends and work partner continue to support his sobriety through friendly acceptance and never forcing him to drink alcohol along with them. Rogers is tempted by alcohol again when he believes a missing girl from a cold case, one he was responsible for since he was drinking on the night she went missing, is dead. He sits on a park bench alone grieving, a full bottle of rum next to him, ready to drink. As Rogers gives it a whiff, he is disgusted at himself for getting back to this state again and slams the bottle down on the bench in frustration, not even having taken a sip. He came too far that doing so again would be meaningless and would get him nowhere. Even though he is in situations full of temptation, he makes huge strides to not relapse and maintain his sobriety, with the hopes that it will eventually lead him back on the right path of happiness and belonging. Fortunately, his actions have positive consequences that ring true when the curse breaks and he gets reunited with his daughter and has the strong support of friends and family. In conclusion, Hook is a flawed human being that is more complex and his struggle with alcohol/rum is just a part of him, one he will never lose but continues living with.
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It Was Only a Kiss 1 /3
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Neverland may kill her. If it’s not her fear for Henry, then it will her exhaustion, or her doubt, or the overwhelming despair that she’ll never get out of here alive, that she’ll fail her son, that she’ll fail everyone. There’s only one thing she’s found that can silence it all, that can make her feel real again. She shouldn’t be seeking comfort in Hook. She shouldn’t, but she does. It was only a kiss. That was all it was supposed to be. But now that she’s started, she doesn’t think she can stop. Not now that she knows what it’s like. 
Rated E. 
Also available on Ao3
My first entry for the @neverlandnewyear​ 
Disclaimer: @elizabeethan and I are very aware that we are basically writing the same story. This is how the event started. A big thank you to Elizabeth for betaing this fic and to @xhookswenchx as well for letting me brainstorm out loud with you guys. 
Part One: Neverland
It had all started with a kiss. That was all it was supposed to be. Just a kiss; a one time thing. She’d been feeling good, she’d been relieved, he’d saved her father’s life for god’s sake. What she hadn’t expected was that kissing him would make her feel better- would make her feel like, for a second, things would stay better. For a whole thirty seconds, she’d forgotten that she was trapped in fucking Neverland, that her son was missing, that her parents were breathing down her neck, constantly giving her these sad desperate eyes, begging for mother daughter bonding time or ready to offer up speeches about hope. 
No, for thirty goddamn seconds- for the first time in months- she’d just been Emma Swan and he’d just been Captain Hook and nothing else had mattered. It had been addictive, that feeling, that relief, the rushing of her blood and the turning in her stomach being brought on by excitement and desire rather than fear and anxiety. So she’d shut it down. “Don’t follow me,” she’d ordered, afraid of what might happen if he did, of what she’d do. She couldn’t start flirting and making out with Hook, or doing anything else with him for that matter. Not while her son was out there, not if she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stop. 
To his credit, he respects her wishes. He waits a whole twenty minutes before returning to camp, arms full of firewood. She doesn’t miss the nod her father gives him and it raises a strange sort of satisfaction in her. She doesn’t know exactly what went on between them on their little adventure but this is the first time David hasn’t glared daggers at him since they met. When Hook’s eyes meet hers though, she swears the whole damn camp must feel the tension between them. 
Her body stiffens, that twisting in her gut coming back in a mix of the good and the bad now, but he doesn’t say anything. He only smiles at her a little sadly before dumping the wood into the fire pit so Regina can light it. Then he takes a seat across the camp, as far from her as he can manage and pulls out his flask. She only realises she’s staring when she catches herself watching his throat as he swallows. Stop. 
“We should turn in,” she says, noting how dark it is suddenly. Hadn’t it been midday less than an hour ago? Does time even exist on this island where it seems to both stand still and move too fast? 
“Aye,” Hook says, nodding and returning his flask to his pocket. “I’ll take the first watch.” She almost expects her parents or even Regina to protest, but to her surprise no one does. 
As they set about unrolling the bed mats, she can’t help but glance over at him. Something is… off. She’s not sure what it is, but he’s quiet. Way too quiet. Normally she can’t get him to stop talking- one innuendo or flirtatious comment after another- but now, nothing. 
When she glances over again, he’s watching her, eyes boring into her like he’s trying to burn a hole through her and still, there’s that sadness, that regret. That’s what it looks like: regret. Does he regret kissing her? After all his quips about fancying her and the little playful smirks, has he changed his mind? 
She focuses back on what she’s doing. Who cares if he regrets it? She should regret it. It was a stupid idea. Her son is here. Everyday he gets further and further away from her. She knows how easy it is to start believing you’ve been abandoned. How easy it is to slide into the role of an orphan, to build walls. The thought of Henry feeling any of what she spent her whole childhood feeling - it kills her and that unpleasant twisting in her gut is back, the one that makes her want to vomit. She doesn’t know how to get rid of it, how to stop it. 
Well, she does know one way. But she can’t do that. Not again. She tells herself that over and over again. She can’t. She tells herself that as she lays down on her mat. She tells herself as she listens to Regina complain about sleeping in the forest. She tells herself as she hears her parents whispering sickeningly sweet nothings to each other.  She tells herself again as she hears everyone’s breathing even out and the jungle goes quiet- she can’t. But they’re all asleep. Well, everyone except her. Everyone except her and Hook. 
She hears him sigh, a deep, heavy thing, and she turns over to face him. She can’t see him well in the dark but she can make out that his head has fallen into his hand, and can picture him running it through his hair in frustration. Even from here, she can sense how tense he is. 
His hand scrubs over his face and he lets out another one of those sighs, this one angrier, and stands suddenly to cross the small space quickly, pacing back and forth. He reaches a tree then and she jumps as he strikes it. 
She must have made a sound because his head snaps towards her, clearly on high alert, and it makes her feel a little better having him keeping watch. His shoulders relax when he realises it was her and not some lost boy trying to find his way into the camp. 
She meets his eyes in the dark. Even in the blackness of the night, she can feel his stare heavy on hers and her heart hammers against her ribcage. She shuts her eyes tight, determined to just stop thinking about everything- about him, about Henry, about Pan,- and just sleep, but sleep doesn’t come. Instead, she finds more fears, more worries, more doubts, and soon she’s sitting up, scrubbing a hand over her own face. 
The tell tale sound of his flask being opened makes her turn to look at him as he drinks deeply from it before leaning against the tree he’d struck earlier. His head falls back against it as another sigh leaves him. There’s a long silence, the jungle is heavy and quiet as the dead, not even a rustling of wind or a chirping cricket, and it sends a shiver down her spine. 
He doesn’t say anything, but after a moment, he raises his arm while holding the flask out in her direction. She only hesitates for a moment- she shouldn’t do this. She shouldn’t have a midnight drink with Hook. She shouldn’t want to ask him what’s wrong. Shouldn’t want him to ask her what’s wrong. 
She shouldn’t, but she does anyway. 
Emma takes the flask from him and swallows a mouthful, wondering for a moment how it could still be full. Knowing him, it’s probably enchanted. The rum feels good as it burns down her throat, settling hot in her stomach. She takes another drink. 
She hands it back to him finally and he takes it, his fingers closing over hers around the bottle, and she looks up at him with a sharp inhale. Neither of them move even though every fiber in her body is telling her to step closer. Or to run away. She nearly does, nearly uses their shared grip to pull him closer, nearly turns and heads back to her mat to fein sleep. 
But then he drops his hand, taking the bottle with him, and she regains her senses. This is Hook, she reminds herself. He’s one of the bad guys, or he was. She’s not even sure anymore. But he still hasn’t said anything, and it’s starting to worry her. Here they are, almost alone in the dark, drinking together, and he hasn’t so much as raised an eyebrow at her. Surely he can’t regret kissing her that much. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks finally, the words falling out of her mouth of their own free will. 
“I don’t believe you,” she pushes. 
He shrugs, taking another drink. “You don’t have to.” 
“Swan,” he repeats and she rolls her eyes. That makes him smile a little at least. “Why are you up?” he asks, turning the question on her. 
“Can’t sleep,” she says simply, taking the flask from him again. It’s definitely enchanted. 
“Why not?” he pushes and when she doesn’t answer, he grins at her a little. Fine. They can keep their secrets. “Funny thing about Neverland,” he says then, and she looks at him wearily. “The ones who’ve always known love sleep soundly. It’s the ones who’ve been left behind who can’t find rest. That’s why you hear the Lost Boys at night.” She straightens her shoulders, her jaw clenching. Open book, he’d said. He nods, like she’s confirmed something. “So you do hear them.”   
“How’s your hand?” she snaps, changing the subject. He doesn’t seem so restful himself.
“Which one?” he asks and she’s relieved to hear the teasing slipping back into his tone. Instead of answering, she takes another drink. He flexes his fingers a few times, turning his hand over to look at his knuckles. 
“I’ve had worse,” he tells her, gesturing vaguely with his hook and she nearly chokes on the rum. He smirks and takes the bottle back when she hands it over. “You should sleep, Swan. Get some rest.” 
“Yeah, well,” is all she can say. She’d love to sleep, but as long as Henry’s out there… Another silence hangs between them. “He’ll be alright,” Killian says then, and her heart swells into her throat, her voice coming out cracked and weak when she speaks. She wonders if Henry’s sleeping tonight, or if he already feels like a lost boy. 
“How do you know?” 
“If he’s anything like his father,” he starts and then looks at the ground for a moment before meeting her gaze again. “If he’s anything like you, then I’ve no doubt he can outwit Pan long enough for us to find him. He’s brave, Swan. You taught him well. I know a survivor when I see one.” 
And that’s it. She breaks. A sob bursts from her chest, her hand snapping up to cover her mouth as every horrible thought she’s had since they got here- every thought she’s pushed down and refused to face- comes rushing to the surface. 
She didn’t teach him. Any bravery, any survival drive he has isn’t because of her. She left him. She abandoned him. She left him to fend for himself in a world that she knew was nothing but cruel. She’s only known him a year. And if this year is all she gets with him, if Pan wins, if he takes Henry from her… She can’t lose him, not when she’s only just found him.
She struggles to muffle her cries, desperate not to wake her parents but unable to stop herself now. She can’t handle another speech about hope, about good always winning. Not when they’re so close to finding Henry but just as close to losing him forever. Good doesn’t always win; life’s proved that to her over and over again. If she’d kept him, if she’d just held him that one time, he wouldn’t be here at all. He’d be safe. He’d be with her. There wouldn’t be any magic or villains or monsters to threaten him. This is her fault. She can’t lose him. 
Hook only hesitates a moment before he’s pulling her into his arms, cradling the back of her head in his hand and letting her tears seep into his shirt and his chest, letting her silence her cries against the leather of his coat. Her fingers find the chain on his neck and twist around it for something to hang onto, something to ground her. 
He doesn’t say a word and she’s grateful for it. There’s nothing he could say that could make this better. Everything hurts. Her chest burns from strain and fear and she can’t stop thinking, can’t stop crying, though that’s all she wants. She wants it to stop, all of it. She wants to stop hurting. She wishes she’d never come to Storybrooke, wishes she’d never broken the fucking curse, wishes she’d never seen Neal again and let him and Tamara and all this fucking magic and madness into Henry’s life. He’d have been better off without them- without her. 
Her sobs slow after what feels like hours, all the energy drained from her body, but the pain won’t go away. She may have run out of tears to shed, but the fear and self-loathing are still wracking her body, making her shake as she holds tighter to Hook’s necklace, her other hand finding the fabric of his shirt and bunching it in her fist. 
She can hear him shushing her softly, his lips pressing against her temple as she trembles again. The sharp pain in her chest morphs into an ache that fills both of her lungs, suffocating her, drowning her. It overwhelms her, the grief, as though she’ll never be happy again. She imagines this is what it’s like to have her heart ripped out. She wonders if that would hurt less.
She just wants it all to stop. She can’t take it, feels like she’s going to crumble under the weight of it. She just needs something good. Just one fucking good thing, one good feeling. She turns her face into Hook's neck, seeking the warmth of his skin against her drying cheeks and the comfort of his soothing phrases breathed against her ear. She just wants it to stop. She just wants to feel something else, wants to know she still can feel something else. 
She slides her hand from the chain at his chest up to his neck and pulls him down enough so she can press her lips to his. It’s messy and desperate, but he lets her kiss him, lets her fist her fingers in his hair and slide her tongue past his lips, and slowly, the pain is overtaken by this new ache that he stirs in her. It’s not enough, though. His hand is at her hip but she needs it everywhere, she needs him to erase every thought and feeling with his mouth and his hand and his hook. She needs him to make everything go away like he did earlier. She just needs more.
Her lips find his jaw and his neck, trailing heady, open-mouth kisses to his collarbone, and she hears his strangled moan as he catches his lip between his teeth, his breath panting above her. 
“Emma,” he whispers, and she knows he thinks they should stop. The others are right there. But like he said, they can sleep soundly. “Emma, wait,” he says, a little desperately as she pushes him back against the tree. But she doesn’t listen. She shuts him up with her mouth on his as her hands reach for the few measly buttons he actually bothered to fasten. Her fingers undo them quickly and move to his belt before he stops her with his hook on her wrist. “Emma, I - I can’t…” 
“What?” she demands to know. Why can’t he? She knows he wants to, she can feel the evidence pressing against her stomach through his leathers, and while his hook may have stopped her, his hand has a death grip on her hip. His head falls back against the tree.
“I have to tell you something,” he says, and she can tell from his tone that she won’t like it; that it’ll hurt. She doesn’t want that. She’s had enough of that. She just wants him. 
“I don’t want to know.” She shakes her head and tugs him closer, and he lets out a sound that’s close to a whine.
She knew kissing him was dangerous; even as she pulls him back to her and kisses him again, she feels the rush of relief from the exhilaration and she knows she’s already hooked. She craves him and the release she knows he can bring her. “Please,” she says pathetically against his lips.
He doesn’t stop her from kissing him, but he doesn’t move until she reaches for his belt again and he stops her once more. She nearly lets out a cry of frustration, as she snaps her head back to glare at him. He barely gives her a second to be truly angry before his hand grasps the back of her neck and he kisses her like he’s drowning, like she’s the air he needs to breathe. 
He turns her, pushing her back against the tree behind her as he tilts her head so he can open her mouth and find her tongue with his own. She moans softly against his lips and reaches desperately for him, clawing at his jacket, sliding her hands into his open shirt, dragging them through the hair at his chest. 
He pulls back with a gasp and takes both her hands, pulling them away from him and trapping her arms at her side. She has a mind to protest but his lips find her neck, trailing down her throat to her collarbone and down her chest and the words die on her lips. His teeth and tongue tease at the spot beneath her ear, the hollow of her throat, the valley between her breasts, making her writhe against him. 
He finally releases one of her hands so that his own can trace up her side, slide under her shirt and cup her breast in his palm. His thumb drags over the peak through her bra and he swallows her gasp with his mouth. She frees her other hand, giving up on undressing him and tangling both into his hair as he shoves her shirt aside with his hook and drags his tongue over one nipple before taking it into his mouth. 
She’s too loud again and his lips quiet her even as his fingers trail down her stomach to the waist of her jeans. He pauses, toying with the button, the scratch of his nails against her skin driving her insane and he looks at her as he pulls away long enough to meet her eyes. She realises what he’s waiting for and nods furiously, dragging his mouth back to hers as he makes quick work of popping the button and yanking down the zipper. 
The first touch of his fingers against her center is bliss and fire. She only barely manages to catch her moan, it coming out as a desperate sigh, her forehead falling against his as she grabs his lapels the way she had that afternoon. She expects him to say something, to smirk or laugh or whisper filth in her ear, but instead he just watches her, eyes fixated on her face as his fingers slide inside of her and find a rhythm. 
When his thumb finds her clit, she can’t contain the sounds she makes anymore and he captures her mouth with his to keep her quiet, his kisses languid and slow and deep as his hand works her higher. He’s everywhere, his tongue sliding against her own, his fingers curling and circling, his chest pressed to hers. He’s all she can see and think and feel and she lets it overwhelm her, lets all the horrible thoughts of the day and of this place slip away under his touch. 
When her mouth leaves his for air- hands fisting tighter in the leather and pulling him even closer as she pants and gasps, already nearly there- his lips find her neck. He presses slow, deliberate kisses against her skin, his tongue playing against every sensitive spot he can find as his fingers and thumb work faster, driving her to that edge she so desperately wants to fall over. 
“Yes,” she whispers into the darkness when he finds just the right spot, just the right pace, and he redoubles his efforts. She can feel him watching her, can see the awe and the reverence in his eyes as he watches her come apart on his hand, and it’s too much. She drags his mouth back to hers, rolling her hips and riding his fingers until she comes with a gasp, her head falling back against the tree as for one, small moment, she feels something good again. 
When she comes to, he’s pressing soft, gentle kisses to her jaw and below her ear as his fingers slow within her. She doesn’t protest when he takes her lips with his own again, too boneless and blissed out to register the intimacy of his kiss, to be bothered by it. She reaches for the laces of his pants, but he shakes his head, resting his forehead against hers. 
There’s a moment when she can tell he wants to say something, his whole body tensing and his brow pulling down like he’s in pain. But instead he kisses her again, harder and more desperate than before. There’s an edge to it, like he worries this will be the last time. 
And it should be, she reminds herself. Fuck. She just let Captain Hook finger her against a tree a few dozen feet from where her parents sleep. She nearly let him fuck her against it. What the hell was she thinking? She wants to tell him that this was a mistake, that it was another one time thing,but as his lips leave hers and a sigh leaves him, she knows she can’t promise either of them that. 
The moment he steps back, she can feel the bad thoughts starting to creep in again and she nearly grabs him and holds him close just to keep them at bay. It’s never been like this. She’s never craved the comfort of a man’s presence, of his touch before. And it scares the shit out of her. 
“You should get some sleep, love,” he tells her and she nods, only half registering what he’s saying. She doesn’t know what to say. Should she thank him? Address what this was or wasn’t? Warn him not to tell anyone? No, he wouldn’t do that. So she says nothing, setting her clothes right and returning to her mat. 
She watches him as she tries to sleep, watches the tension return to his shoulders and the heaviness return to his composure. When he looks up at one point, finds her in the dark and catches her studying him, his brow pinches tight and then relaxes, a melancholy and a want settling over his features and it stirs new longing in her gut. Fuck. She should never have kissed him. 
The next morning, Mary Margaret tells her Neal is alive. She doesn’t believe it. Not until she looks to Hook and sees the guilt and the shame on his face and she knows it’s true. Was that what he wanted to tell her last night? Was that why he wouldn’t let her touch him? 
Neal’s alive. The revelation settles like a lead weight in her gut. She can’t. She can’t handle him being alive. After all the pain he’d caused her, his death had finally let her put him behind her, let her move on from everything he’d done… let her begin to see the possibility of being happy again. And now he’s coming crashing back into her life again. 
They have to find him. She knows they do; he’s Henry’s father. She owes her son the attempt to rescue him if nothing else. She may never forgive him, but Henry has a right to make up his own mind, so they head off after him. Another detour, another chance at breaking her heart again, another chance to hurt. 
She doesn’t know why she tells Mary Margaret. The words just slip out. ‘I kissed him.’ She can’t explain why she did it either, can’t explain to the woman who preaches hope that she feels hopeless, that finding solace in Hook and what he makes her feel is the only thing keeping her alive, keeping her going right now. She’d never understand. 
‘I’m sure Neal will understand,’ she says, and it feels like a slap. She thinks she needs Neal to forgive her, after everything he’s done. She doesn’t say much else the rest of the way. 
“I kissed Emma.” The confession makes her roll her eyes. They did a hell of a lot more than kiss. How is that his biggest secret? But what he says next, about moving on, about finding love again… until I met you. 
Her heart hammers against her chest and she fights to ignore all the feelings his reveal brings to the surface. She’d thought maybe, with Neal dead, she could start to think of moving on, of trying again. But he’s not dead. And Hook just told her he’s falling for her and all of it is too much and she can’t handle it. She needs to focus on Henry. He’s all that matters. Her feelings, what she wants, it doesn’t matter. 
When they make their way back to camp, Neal finds her and she feels the need to apologize. Everything she said in the cave was true, but it was harsh. He may have hurt her more than anyone in her life ever had or likely will again, but she can’t help but feel guilty. She blames Mary Margaret. 
“I have a secret, too,” he tells her. “I’ll never stop fighting for you.” 
Her throat constricts, she can barely talk, barely breathe through it. No! she wants to shout. No, I don’t want that. He hadn’t listened to her at all. She’d told him she wished he was dead, that the idea of him being alive, of being a walking, talking reminder of the worst moments of her life, was too much for her to handle. A part of her may always love him, and she’ll hate that, but she can never forgive him. The thought that he believes they can find their way back to each other, that she can excuse what he did as though it doesn’t matter… she feels small, worthless, all of the bad creeping back in. 
He walks away first, going after the others, but she takes a moment in an attempt to compose herself and bottle up all the emotions once again so she can just focus on why she’s here and not on her heart being slowly ripped to shreds. 
“Are you coming, Swan?” she hears, and she looks up to see Hook standing a few feet away. His whole body is hesitant, poised to run if she tells him to leave. But she doesn’t say anything. She still can’t find words. 
I’ll never stop fighting for you. I’ll never stop fighting for you. It plays over and over in her head and she wants to scream. The thought of him being there, of Neal being around all the time, trying to worm his way back into her life and her heart -
“I’m sorry,” Hook says then and her eyes snap up to his. She frowns. Why is he sorry? “If my confession made things awkward for you and Balefire, I apologize. It wasn’t my intention. I heard you speaking just now and -” she wants to laugh. She almost does laugh. 
“I told him I wished he was dead.”
“You what?” 
“In the caves. I told him I wished he was dead, that having him in my life hurt too much, that I couldn’t take it. And he took that as an invitation to try to worm his way back in. And Mary Margaret, my mom, wants me to let him. She’s all about forgiveness,” she practically spits. “But if she knew what he did, if she knew…” She’d probably say the same thing, Emma realises with a twist in her stomach. 
“What do you want?” Killian asks then, taking a step forward and then another, closing the distance between them. He’s still hesitant, still not turned towards her, but his head ducks down, trying to catch her eye and she does let out a laugh this time. Bitter and hopeless. She doesn’t even know what she wants. She can’t remember the last time someone asked her that. She just wants it all to stop, the barrage of memories, old and fresh wounds opening up again leaving her raw and exposed and vulnerable. She just wants it all to stop. 
She shouldn’t. Not after his confession, not when he might think it means more than it does. But she reaches for him, taking his face in both her hands and pulling him to her, slanting her mouth over his, invading his mouth with her tongue, desperate for that release she’s come to associate with him. 
He doesn’t miss a beat, both arms wrapping around her waist, tightening and pulling her closer as he groans into her mouth. This, this is what she wants. His lips devour her, tongue delving deep and demanding as his hand traces her side where she isn’t wedged against him. His fingers trail over her breast, her waist, her hip and her thigh, his arm dragging her hips against his own as he rolls them against her, the hard ridge of him pressing against her center through all their clothes and making her gasp. 
He bites her lip, soothing it with his tongue before doing the same to her chin and her jaw and her neck and her shoulder, never stopping the steady grind of his cock against the seam of her jeans. She’s lost in the ache and the passion and the pleasure. Fucking hell, how he can make her feel this good with all their clothes on is beyond her, but if he stops, she might kill him. 
“Emma?” Mary Margaret’s voice cuts through the quiet and she wants to cry as Hook jumps back from her before her mother can emerge from the dense forest. She looks between the two of them, Hook with his back to her, his hand crossed over and resting on the hilt of his sword as he says something about them having thought they heard lost boys lurking in the jungle. She helps them do a sweep but decides they’re safe and they head back to the camp. She can feel him watching her the whole way back. 
 They almost die. Both of them. Over a fucking lighter. 
Okay, she knows it’s not about the lighter, but the fact that they let anything get between them, let anything risk their lives, risk Henry’s life… she’s furious. She hangs on to it, grabs hold of her anger with both hands and doesn’t let go because if she does she knows what will creep in. The fear. The fear that gripped her when she saw Killian at the shadow’s mercy. 
She tells herself it was hatred and anger at Pan that made her find her magic. But she knows that’s a lie. It was him. The thought that she would lose him. She couldn’t lose him. Not after what he said. When I win your heart, Emma, and I will win it, it will not be because of any trickery. It’ll be because you want me. 
Even now, remembering his promise sends her heart racing and her blood rushing through her veins and she wants. She’d almost kissed him then, almost let him in, almost let herself believe that maybe there was a possibility… 
And then he went and almost got himself killed and she remembered again, remembered that she couldn’t let herself want him because everyone she’s ever cared about has left her, hurt her, abandoned her. Why would he be any different? 
The whole way back to camp, Neal won’t even look at her. It takes her a moment to realise why. Because of her magic. He hates it, is disgusted by it. She heard it in his voice when he asked if Regina was teaching her and it hurts to hear him disparage it, to hear him fear it. 
But then, suddenly, they’re arguing again and she snaps. Her mother warned her about the dangers of both of them having feelings for her. She just hadn’t thought this was what she’d meant. She knew that Mary Margaret wanted her to choose Neal, to reunite her family, and she worried that Hook might not react well. But she’d never imagined the risk they would put themselves in. Both of them. She can’t choose either of them, no matter that they’ve both asked her to. It’s too dangerous. 
Enough. It's enough. She can’t take it. They already almost died and now they’re at it again. So she tells them like it is. She doesn’t have room for either of them in her life. Not for Neal’s persistence or Hook’s heartfelt confessions. She can’t. Not now. She needs to focus on Henry, on saving him and she can’t do that if she’s spending her time thinking about them. She sees the acceptance on Hook’s face. She can’t do that if she has to watch him die. It would break her. 
When she thought Neal was dead, it had been a relief. All that pain had finally managed to leave her after over a decade. But when she saw Hook pinned against that tree, saw the life being ripped right out of him, god, it might as well have been her own shadow being ripped out. 
She shuts her eyes as she walks away, trying to block the image of him screaming, of him begging her to go, from her mind. But it won’t go away. It just stays there, playing over and over well into the night as she tosses and turns on her mat. Neal has placed his own right next to hers, closer than she’d like. She’d seen her mother smile when he did it. 
Regina’s on watch duty tonight and Emma sighs as she sits up, unable to sleep but glad for the other woman’s indifference to her troubles. Neal sleeps soundly, the sound of his breathing distracting. How can he sleep so peacefully while she continues to grow more and more distressed, continues to break at his hands? It’s not fair. She needs to get away. She needs to just… she glances over at where Hook lays a more respectable distance away. 
She can tell he’s awake. His head turns to look at her after a moment and she meets his eyes. He almost died today. At least he has the good sense to look ashamed. She hates how much she wants to crawl across the space between them, feel his heartbeat under her hand, reassure herself that he’s really okay, let him wrap himself around her and hold her until the dread finally leaves her. She wants to let him take everything away with his body against hers, make her forget everything the way she knows he can do so well. 
But they’re in the middle of the camp with eyes everywhere, so she can’t. Instead, she has to stew in it. In her fear for Henry, in her anxiety over nearly losing two people she cares about today, in her growing shame over her magic, both her possession of it and her failure to control it. At what he said. At what Hook said and how much it made her want, how much it reminded her that she can’t have the things she wants. 
She can’t breathe. Right now, literally feeling like she’s trapped between the two of them, between two paths to inevitable heartbreak, she can’t breathe. She just needs to get away. She stands, storming past Hook and Regina into the thick canopy of trees. It’s not until she’s several hundred feet away that she finally feels like she can take a breath again. 
Emma only realises what a stupid thing she’s done when she hears a rustling behind her. She reaches for her sword but it’s not there and panic seeps through her as she realises she left it next to her mat. But before she can look for a place to hide, a figure emerges from the dark and she lets out a breath. Hook. 
“Apologies,” he says when he spots her, sees what must be the obvious distress on her face. “I saw you left your cutlass behind. It’s not safe to be alone in this jungle. Especially unarmed,” he warns her, just this side of chastising. She rolls her eyes but sees that he’s holding her blade in his hand and appreciates that he’s brought it to her. 
“Thanks,” she says sincerely as she takes it from him.  
He nods, scratching awkwardly behind his ear. “I don’t know what’s troubling you, Emma,” he tells her, and her eyes snap to his at the sound of her name falling from his lips. “But I can’t bring myself to leave you alone out here. I’ll step away,” he promises, gesturing back towards the thick brush. “But I won’t stray far should you need help.”
She wants to roll her eyes. He’s seriously going to go stand somewhere where she can’t see him, ten feet away so she can have her breakdown privately while still protecting her? Why the fuck would he do that? Because he cares about you. He nods again, taking her silence as permission and stepping back to leave her be, but she stops him.
“Do you have your flask with you?” she asks.
He reaches into his pocket and retrieves it. “Shall I leave it with you?”
She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to go, Hook,” she says and he looks wary. “I’m over it. I just… had a moment.” 
“Hmm,” he agrees. “Neverland will do that to you.” 
She scoffs, glaring at him, pissed off now. “It wasn’t Neverland that did it to me,” she snaps and he frowns. “It was you. You and Neal and your stupid fight. Both of you, risking your life like idiots, like children!” He looks taken aback, searching for words as shame washes over his features again.
“Swan, I’m sorry. We -”
“Did you even mean what you said?” she demands then and he frowns in confusion. 
“What I said?” 
“All of it. About winning my heart, about moving on from Milah, about wanting me to choose you. All of it.” 
His face grows serious then. “Yes.” 
“Then how the hell could you do that? How can you make promises that imply you sticking around and then just be so goddamn callous with your life?”
“I’m sorry, love, I -”
“Stop apologizing!” she barks. His head snaps back like she slapped him and she stands there, panting and glaring at him. He studies her for a moment then steps forward. 
“No?” she demands incredulously.
“No. You’re right. It was reckless and stupid and childish. I know how much you’ve lost and I’m sorry if I made you fear losing more. Whatever this is, Emma,” he says, using her name again as he gestures between them, “whatever it is you do or don’t want from me, I meant what I said in Echo Cave. I meant what I said to you today. I’m not going anywhere. Not until you send me away. And I’m sorry if I made you doubt my intentions.” 
“Stop,” she says, unable to hear more. Every word he says makes her hope and every moment she hopes is another moment closer to heartbreak. She can’t let herself care for him. She can’t let herself fall for him. What chance do they have? Her parents would fight her every step of the way, Neal would fight her. And he’ll leave. Just like everyone leaves. Everyone always leaves. 
“Swan,” he says, stepping towards her again. His hand comes up to cradle her jaw, thumb brushing against her cheek as he tilts her chin up to face him. 
“Don’t,” she warns again, tears burning her eyes now.
“Is that so hard for you to believe? That someone would want to stay? That I-”
“Stop,” she says again, giving him no choice this time, pulling him to her and stealing whatever words might have fallen from his lips with her own.
She kisses him until a small groan rumbles deep in his throat, reverberating through her and sending tremors of desire coursing through every inch of her body. She can’t let him in. She can’t let him say whatever it was he was going to say. But this, this she can do. She needs this, him. Nothing else calms and excites her all at once like this. Nothing else stops everything like this. 
His hand leaves her cheek, tangling in her hair, fisting in it and tugging as he opens her mouth under his. Her hands leave his face, sliding down his neck to his chest to the clasps of his vest. He breaks apart from her as she undoes the first one, looking down at her hands and then back at her with heavy lidded eyes. There’s a question there, a request or a plea. 
She answers by undoing the next clasp and he drags her back to him, tongue delving, seeking, teeth nipping at her lips as he guides her backwards until her back collides softly but urgently with a tree. By then she has his vest undone and she pushes it off, shoving his jacket down with it where it falls heavily onto the jungle floor. 
She finds his shirt next, not bothering with the few buttons as she pulls it from his pants and lifts the shirt over his head. He releases her long enough to lift his arms and help her to pull it free from his hook. She traces her fingers along his forearms, marveling at the sinewy muscles and dark hair under her hands, hesitating a moment over his tattoo. 
She follows the path to his biceps, to his shoulders, tracing the intricacies of his brace on one side, and the defined shape of his obvious strength on the other. She realises she’s never seen his arms before. His chest is always on full display but the rest of him is always covered head to toe in leather, in armour. She traces along his sides next, over his ribs where she notices another tattoo: ‘Liam’ written out in small, elegant script. 
She looks at him, so much of him on display beneath her hands. He’s so goddamn beautiful and it sends an ache tugging low in her belly. As she draws her gaze up his neck and jaw to his face, she finds him watching her, something curious and tender beneath the desire. She kisses him again so she doesn’t have to see it. This isn’t what this is. 
He takes the hint, hook snaking into her belt loop to pull her hips firmly against his as his hot and calloused hand slides up under her shirt, over her stomach to her breast. She keens when he presses his palm against her, dragging over her slowly, filling his hand before his fingers find her nipple through her bra. 
She pushes him back a little, almost smirking at his surprised expression before pulling her shirt over her head, reaching behind her to undo her bra and let it fall somewhere at her feet. She reaches for him but he steps back, eyes raking over her slowly and intently and goosebumps raise everywhere that his eyes burn over her. 
“Bloody hell,” he breathes. 
“You gonna do something about it?” she challenges, and then he’s on her, lips attacking her neck, causing her to cry out as he sucks a mark into the hollow of her collarbone, dragging his tongue down her chest to her breast. He takes a nipple into his mouth, rolling it under his tongue and his teeth and she fists her hand in his hair so tight that she thinks it might hurt. His strangled moan makes her think he doesn’t care. 
He moves to her neglected breast, giving it the same treatment before nipping and licking and sucking his way down her ribs and her stomach to her navel and to the waist of her jeans as he kneels before her. He doesn’t ask for permission this time, the way she pushes her hips against him clear enough as he makes quick work of them, sliding them down her legs and pulling them off along with her boots. 
He looks up at her, toying idly with the waist of her panties, and it’s the hottest fucking thing she’s ever seen. Killian Jones, Captain Hook, shirtless with his hair a mess, kneeling between her legs and watching her like he wants to devour her. Then he smirks, eyebrow twitching up as he leans forward, holding her gaze as he presses an open mouthed kiss to her covered clit. Nevermind, that’s the hottest thing she’s ever seen. 
“Killian,” she begs, shocking them both as his name falls from her lips. Something flashes in his eyes then and suddenly he’s yanking the fabric off of her and pulling her leg over his shoulder. Fuck. Fuck yes, is all she can think. But… “We don’t have time,” she tells him, knowing that the others could wake up at any moment, that Pan or a lost boy could stumble upon them. 
He glances up at her with a smile that she can only describe as devilish. “There is always time, Swan,” he insists. Before she can protest or agree, his tongue is dragging through her folds, licking her slowly until he reaches her clit and pulls it into his mouth. 
“Fuck!” she practically yells, head falling back as she fists her hands in his hair. She can feel him smirking against her but she doesn’t care because his tongue is flicking against her clit now, slowly, meticulously, and then quicker as she starts to roll her hips against his talented mouth. 
He alternates flicking his tongue against her and sucking on her sensitive bundle as his fingers find her opening and push in roughly, pumping into her hard and fast. One of her hands finds his shoulder, steading herself against him, nails digging into his flesh, and he drives her to her climax so goddamn fast that she barely registers she’s almost there until she’s right at the brink. 
She’s gasping, muttering incoherent yeses and pleas, when he suddenly pulls away and stands and she wants to scream. But before she can, he’s freeing himself from his leathers and pulling her knee up over his hip, sliding into her easily despite his impressive size. 
Her fingers link behind his neck, her head thrown back against the bark behind her as he thrusts up into her purposefully, each stroke powerful and just the right side of rough. She’s forced to stand on her toes, foot nearly lifted off the ground as he drives into her, but she doesn’t want him to stop. Fuck, she’s never going to be able to stop. Not now that she knows this is what it’s like to be with him. 
His head falls to her shoulder, lips and teeth finding her neck as he moves faster and she knows he’s close, can hear it in the desperate sounds he’s breathing against her skin. She’s nearly there, she just needs… He pulls her thigh higher over his hip, hand finding her ass and pressing her closer until he’s grinding against her clit with every push inside of her and that’s it. 
Her back arches and her head falls back as she screams out her climax into the quiet of the jungle. He looks up at her, watching her fall apart, brows pinched in blissful anguish as he sets a breakneck pace, seeking his own release. She fists her hands into his hair, tugging and watching as his face becomes almost pained before she captures his lips with hers, biting at his lips, sucking at his tongue until she swallows his moan as it reverberates through her chest and he goes rigid. 
She can feel him finishing hot inside her and it sends another little quiver of pleasure through her, her muscles contracting around him and he groans, sliding his tongue into her mouth and seeking her own. 
They stay there, pressed against the tree, panting into each other’s mouths, seeking whatever they can find in one another until the sweat begins to cool on her body and a shiver runs through her, bringing her back to reality. He seems to sense the change because he’s the one to break the kiss first.
She just looks at him, unable to process any of her thoughts. She doesn’t know what this means. She doesn’t know what she wants it to mean. The thought that it could mean anything at all is terrifying to her. But a part of her knows she’ll find herself here again. But this is all it can be. 
She can’t risk it. Can’t risk him. She’s damaged goods and she’ll hurt him or he’ll hurt her because… she cares. Fuck. She cares. There’s nothing more dangerous or terrifying to her than getting her heart involved. If she has to choose - and she does have to choose - the one where her heart isn’t on the line is the only safe option. 
Neal could never break her heart. Not again. She’d have to be able to give it to him first for that. 
She tenses in his arms, hands sliding from his shoulders to curl into her chest and she tries to make some room between them. She can’t look at him but it’s like he can read her mind, his eyes casting over her face as she makes her decision. Open book he’s always said.
He lets out a soft sigh of a laugh, self-deprecating and accepting as he slides out of her and pulls back, allowing her room to dress as he pulls his pants back up his hips. She knows he thinks she regrets it. She wishes she could tell him she doesn’t. But she can’t give him hope. And he wouldn’t believe her if she did, not while she’s practically recoiling from his touch. 
“So you’ve made your choice then?” he asks, but it’s not really a question.
“Don’t call me that,” he says, shaking his head and it feels like a knife twisting in her heart. 
“You don’t have to explain, Swan,” he says. “He’s Henry’s father. He’s a better man.” 
She wants to scream at him, tell him that he’s wrong, but that would mean facing whatever it is that’s happened between them, whatever it was that started on that beanstalk and led them here, and she can’t do that. 
He watches her for another moment, the pain and the self-loathing written all over his face before he slides his mask of indifference right back up and it hurts to see. It's the one he wore in New York and in Storybrooke after she betrayed him. She supposes this isn’t much different. 
He gathers the rest of his clothes, nodding at her once before heading off into the jungle. “Don’t stay out here alone,” he says over his shoulder, and a tear runs hot down her cheek. He may hate her right now, but he’s still watching out for her. 
 They defeat Pan. They save Henry. She still can’t believe it. But they’re sailing back to Storybrooke and her son is sleeping soundly down below in Killian’s cabin. She frowns. She wonders when she started thinking of him as Killian. Probably when you realised how you felt about him, probably right before you broke his heart. 
She’s staring out at the sky below them, leaning on the railing and she lets her head fall over her arms. When did everything get so complicated? She feels so lost. She wishes she had someone to help her, someone to guide her. She wishes she had Mary Margaret, her friend, but that woman is gone. In her place is Snow White, her mother. Someone who should understand her but doesn’t. 
It’s Snow who finds her, places a comforting hand on her shoulder and gives her a supportive smile when she looks up. 
“Are you alright?” she asks. Emma shakes her head, too tired to lie, and her mom gives her a sad look. “Emma…” she starts, and she braces herself for whatever speech is about to come. “I know that love can be scary. And after all you’ve been through, I don’t blame you for being afraid of it. That’s my fault,” she says and Emma wants to say no - well, yes, but not just her fault. 
“But if you think that everyone that cares about you and who you let yourself care about is going to hurt you, if you don’t let yourself try and open up to the possibility… you might keep out pain, but you’ll also keep out love,” she finishes, parroting her words from so long ago and for a moment, Emma feels like she has her friend back, like Mary Margaret understands her. 
“You owe it to yourself to give Neal a chance,” she says, and it’s like a bucket of ice water falling over her. “I know what you said, about it being easier to forget about the pain and to move on with him out of your life. But he’s your first love; he’s Henry’s father. Don’t you think he deserves a second chance? Don’t you think Henry does, that you do?” 
Tears well in Emma’s eyes and her mother misreads them, assuming she’s hit the mark. She couldn’t be more wrong. But she’s right. Choosing Neal is easier. It's what everyone wants. It’s what everyone expects. It's the easiest way to make everyone she cares about happy. Even if it’s at the cost of her own happiness. Of Killian’s happiness. Her heart burns in her chest.
She wonders where Killian is. They’ve barely spoken since their moment in the jungle. He hadn’t been cruel or even angry, of course he hadn’t. But he’d been distant, keeping himself at arms length. She understands that, self-preservation and all. She’s been doing the same. She hears footsteps and looks up to see Neal walking towards them. Mary Margaret gives her an encouraging smile before disappearing below deck. 
Neal leans against the railing next to her. “We did it,” he says, a big, satisfied smile on his face. “We got our kid back. We got our family back,” he says and the word is loaded. 
“Yeah,” she nods, forces a smile. Neal could never tell the difference between her real ones and her fake ones. “We did.” 
He nudges her shoulder with his and she laughs. They did get their son back. That’s the silver lining to this. That’s what she should be focused on. “Emma, listen,” he says then. “I meant what I said. I’ll never stop fighting for you.” His words twist in her gut but she doesn’t let it show. “And now that everyone’s okay, that it’s all over and everything is behind us… maybe we could try again.” Everything is behind us. Just like that he’s wiping his slate clean of any wrongs he’s done her. 
“Neal, I-” 
“I know I hurt you, Emma. But I had to. You know I did. And we have Henry to think about too. Do you think there’s anything he’d want more than for his parents to get back together? Don’t you think we ought to try? For him?” Her fist clenches against the railing but he takes it in his. “I’m just asking for a chance, Ems.” 
She considers him, thinks of Henry. “Okay,” she says. “Okay.” 
He beams, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it, then, before she even knows what’s happening, he’s leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. It’s familiar, slow and practiced and it brings a slew of painful memories rushing back to the surface. He pulls back with a pleased smile and she forces one back. 
“I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” he asks and she nods. As she watches him walk away, she knows one thing for sure. There’s definitely no risk with Neal. He could never break her heart. She could never give it to him. 
She brings her fingers to her lips, still feeling his kiss and his scruff burning against her chin and it just feels… wrong. It leaves an ache in her, an emptiness and a need, a craving for something else and her whole body hums with it, burns with it. It’s wrong. It’s wrong. It’s wrong. It’s wrong. She needs to make it right, to set it right. 
She walks almost blindly through the ship's lower deck, making her way past the crew’s quarters where everyone sleeps, past the captain’s cabin where Regina is watching over a sleeping Henry, past the galley and the storage and every other room she doesn’t recognize until she reaches the back, the bosun’s quarters where she knows she’ll find him. 
She pushes the door open, not bothering to knock and he sits up where he was lounging on the narrow mattress, book balanced on his knee. He’s discarded his coat and his vest, his suspenders hanging at his sides. “Swan?” he asks, a frown marrying his brow. “What’s wrong?” 
She doesn’t speak. She just crosses the room to the bed, shoving the book out of his hands and climbing over him, straddling his hips as she pulls his lips to hers, hands finding his shoulders as she uses his shock to push him back against the pillows. 
“Swan,” he breathes against her mouth. “What are you -” She stops his words with her lips again, sliding her tongue into his mouth until she can pull that groan that she loves so much from his chest. “Emma,” he tries again, weaker this time and a little desperate. 
She shakes her head, kissing him again, biting his lip, pulling at it, teasing him with her tongue until he breaks, sitting up and kissing her back, taking control as he tilts her head this way and that, arm sliding around her hips to set her more firmly in his lap. Yes. This is what she needed. The press of his lips, the scratch of his stubble, it feels right. And she knows she can’t have it, not really, but she can have tonight. She can have one last night. 
She feels him stirring beneath her and she grinds her hips down over his to encourage him. It works, his lips dropping to her neck, sliding her shirt easily over her head and taking her breast in his mouth like he already knows she likes. God, he’s perfect. Perfect in that he’s not. In that he knows he’s not. That he doesn’t pretend to be. He knows her. He understands her. And she knows she’s going to break his heart. 
She stops him as his hand begins to trail down to her jeans, pushing against his shoulders until he lays back. She pulls his shirt open, not caring about the few buttons that she sends flying across the floor as her lips latch onto his neck, desperately trying to find the spots that make him let out those sounds she can’t get enough of. 
When he’s practically writhing beneath her, she trails kisses down the center of his chest, glancing up at him as he watches her, her lips teasing their way down to the waist of his pants where he’s already straining against the laces. She can see the head of his cock just peeking out and she draws her tongue over him. He hisses, hips pressing up involuntarily towards her. 
She makes quick work of his laces, shoving his pants far enough down his hips that she can free him from them and take him in hand. He gasps out her name and it spurs her on, knowing how much he wants her. She’s glad when he doesn’t protest, only watches her as she drags her tongue slowly up the length of him before taking him fully into her mouth. 
His back arches, his hook reaching up to find purchase on the headboard as his hand tangles in her hair. The sounds he makes as she works him with her lips and tongue send heat straight to her core, making her slick and desperate as she tries to rub her thighs together and find some relief. He lets out a litany of sighs and moans and words, both praise and filth as she drives him towards his release. 
Before she can, he uses his hold on her hair to pull her off of him, to slide her back up his body to face him where he looks at her like he can’t quite believe she’s real. He reaches for her pants, undoing them and pushing them down her hips. She rolls onto her back beside him so that she can work them off and his mouth finds her breast, tongue pulling at her already hardened nipple and making her gasp. 
As soon as she’s free of her jeans, she rolls back on top of him, taking his cock in hand and sinking down onto him. They both hold still for a moment, adjusting to the feel of him inside her, to how fucking perfectly he fits. Fuck, she’s going to miss this. 
He lets out another moan as she starts to ride him, head falling back against the pillows. She’s never seen him quite like this, so lost in his bliss, so out of control, and god it makes her want him even more. She braces herself on his shoulders, moving over him faster, hips snapping against his, and he looks at her like she might just destroy him.
His hand grabs hold of her hip, pulling her down harder against him as his own hips lift up to meet her with every thrust. She can’t believe how close she is. He’s barely touched her. But with every roll of her hips over his, every time she feels him fill her up again and again, she feels like she’s on fire and she just wants to keep burning. 
“Fuck, Emma,” he curses, his brow pinched tight, the chords of his neck stretched taunt. “Emma I’m going to -” he tries to warn her but she only rides him harder, desperate to get him there first. Her nails dig into his chest as she tries to hold off as long as she can and she sees the moment he breaks. It’s the most fucking amazing thing she’s ever seen and it sends her over the edge, collapsing over top of him as they both struggle to catch their breath. 
His fingers trail over her spine, his head tilting down to kiss the skin of her shoulder, turning to press another to her temple. God, she wants to just stay here with him, to let him keep tracing patterns over her back, to let him keep kissing whatever parts of her he can reach, to let him just hold her here as long as she needs. But that’s exactly why she can’t. 
“Emma,” he says softly, a little hopefully and she rises, getting off of him and standing, pulling her jeans and shirt back on, not bothering to look for her underwear because that would take too long. “Emma,” he says again and she makes herself look at him, makes herself face the hurt she’s causing him. It’s better this way. They’ll only hurt each other in the long run if they keep this up. “So, it’s still Neal then,” he says finally. 
She nods. “It has to be.” 
“And this was what?” he asks, an edge of anger in his voice. “Goodbye? One last fuck with the pirate before you go back to the man you’re making yourself choose? The one you’re settling for?” 
Tears burn her eyes. “Killian...” 
“I told you not to call me that,” he says, bitterness in his tone. “It’s Hook you want.” But he’s wrong, and that’s exactly the problem. It is Killian she wants, the man he might be, the man he is, the man she wants too much to trust herself with. 
“Goodbye,” she says, backing away towards the door. “I’m sorry.”
@kmomof4 @snowbellewells @teamhook @resident-of-storybrooke @stahlop @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @gingerchangeling @bubblegum1425 @jackieorioncat @darkcolinodonorgasm @xhookswenchx @lfh1226-linda @searchingwardrobes @winterbaby89 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @xsajx @thejollyroger-writer @elizabeethan @carpedzem @spartanguard @tiganasummertree @demisexualemmaswan @itsfabianadocarmo @courtorderedcake @yasbio2015 @the-darkdragonfly @klynn-stormz
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scvrllet · 3 years
If you're still doing these, could I get a 🎫 concert ticket for Harry Potter and Once Upon A Time?
Glad to have found your blog!!!
I'm Lucifer, but people call me Luci or Luce, I'm 21 (22 in September), I identifiy somewhere around the nonbinary category, but I see gender as something trivial. I'm a panromantic demisexual and prefer they/her pronouns. 6'3 tall, long wavy blonde hair, black eyes. I wear glasses and usually skirts with old band t-shirts (that I actually listen to).
I always have a bunch or rings around my fingers as well as multiple ear piercings. I'm super pale, to the point that people often ask me if I'm sick.
I'm introverted, but I can be a social butterfly if required. I love listening as much as talking. I never really talk about emotions/feelings but anything else I'mhappy to chat about. I don't really react to things apart from my facial expressions. The lift of an brow, a smirk or an eye-roll will let you know how I feel about things without verbal confirmation. I'm always calm and collected, and my voice stays monotonous no matter what ; I don't stutter, yell or scream.
I'm highly intelligent and very sarcastic, and rarely laugh outloud, but smirk a lot. I might come across as rude and blunt but on the inside I am a softie, just don't show it often.
I love literature (especially classic), arts and learning languages (I currently speak 18). I'm also musically very inclined. I study History and mythology. When it comes to hobbies, I read and collect lots of things things such as lighters, tarot cards, night lights, rocks/crystals and books.
I have four siblings and am the oldest, but I don't really keep in touch with my family that much. I have a few good friends (2 or 3) and I don't even really need much more.
I'm a Virgo, Slytherin and INTJ-A if that tells you anything.
I'm not athletic in the least, but am in good shape. My body is an hourglass figure and I also got a bunch of tattoos.
I have a bad habit of smoking, and usually having a glass of scotch or wine with me (but I never get drunk or even tipsy). I love spending time near water, but hate getting wet. I usually take long walks outside after midnight while listening to creepypastas or true crime podcasts. I love the genre horror overall, yet I rarely get scared. The only thing I'm scared of is being scared if something. And Santa Claus (<-- no idea as to why).
If I were to go on an ideal date, it'd hopefully be something original and not the cheese classics, but I wouldn't mind them either. I just want to experience new things.
I don't really celebrate holidays (e.g. Christmas, Ester) since I was raised in an atheist/witchcraft household.
If I still might add something, when it comes to relationships I'm never overly dramatic. I don't, as previosuly mentioned, yell or really even cry. I don't get frustrated or suspicious easily. If I see any inclination that my partner might be e.g. cheating on me, I ask them about it directly and will absolutely under no circumstanses go through their phone, computer or start stalking them. 
You wanted 3 random things, here :
1. I can't cook shit, I have set spaghetti on fire, cracked a pan in half and blown up a microwave.
2. I'm very unpredictable, but at the same time I like to stick to certain routines etc.
3. I've had my hair dyed more times that I can count with more colors than I know how to name.
Uhhh, I think that's all? I hope you have a good day :)
(🎫) CONCERT TICKETS - get a platonic or romantic ship/match-up from the fandom of your choice (max. two) along with a shirt headcanon
I ship you with....
Peter Pan
- Arriving on Neverland, in hindsight, was a mistake. Magic beans while very reliable were prone to mistakes every so often and so instead of appearing in the Enchanted Forest, you were on the beach of a large island. And what was the most odd of all, was not the strange feeling you felt upon arriving on the island, but the pair of eyes you could practically feel staring at you from the trees. Hoping that it was just an animal of some sort, you walked off the beach and headed to the path through the forest.
- Unfortunately for you, the feeling lingered, following you almost as you walked through the forest. Tall trees lined the path and every once in awhile you’d see some small animals scurry away. What seemed to stand out the most however were the silhouettes standing off in the side, deep within the trees but standing right below the sunlight for you to see clearly. There was four, than five, than six than......only one. Looking at your surroundings, you saw your footprints in the ground before you and it hit you. You’d been walking in circles the whole time and the silhouette was still there.
“Hello?” You called out, not sure as to whether or not the silhouette really was there.
Without a verbal response, the figure disappeared only to reappear a few feet in front of you.
You jumped back in shock but quickly regained your balance as you studied the person before you. It was a boy, looking to be around your age, with a questioning look on his face as he looked at you. “Who are you?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
“I asked you first!”
“And I’m in charge of this island!”
“You? In charge of an island? What is this Neverland?” You rolled your eyes at the possibility. Neverland was a place made up so that kids could fall asleep. Not a real place that you could visit.
“Yes it is, and I run things around here so tell me, who are you.” The boy replied, emphasizing his last three words as he spoke.
“As if, what’s next? You call your little Lost Boys to come prove to me?” You scoffed. To believe that you were on Neverland was already too much and all you wanted was to get home to the Enchanted Forest but it seems you’re stuck playing pretend with a boy who doesn’t want to grow up. A shame really
Smirking, the boy simply pressed two fingers to your forehead and before you could even say something, your mind went foggy and your vision was filled with black.
- To say you got off on a rough start was an understatement. The two of you were constantly at each other’s neck while he kept you on the island, the camp specifically, and didn’t let you leave due to belief that you were a spy of some sorts. Not that he had anything to hide. Not yet at least.
- As time went on however, the two of you had begun to form a friendship. It wasn’t anything big or odd, but it was definitely new. He’d be less of an ass to you and let you explore the island on your own (with some exception).
- Upon finding your out about your hobbies, he would discreetly try to surprise you with materials to help you engage in them even if Neverland’s magic still had some restrictions. He would still try to the best of his abilities.
I also ship you with....
Blaise Zabini
- Losing was one thing Blaise never took lightly. Competitive he was but even with his ambition and skill, it was the mundane things that revolved around luck that often made him lose. Like the stupid bet he made with Theo on whether Gryffindor would win or lose where the loser would have to make a full four course meal complete with drinks for all the Slytherins in their year. Unfortunately for him, he had lost unlike Gryffindor and now here he was, spending his Saturday afternoon in the kitchens and a cookbook Pansy had given him “to help”.
- Blaise didn’t know what he’d see upon entering kitchen. He was sure to see a few House Elves, perhaps he could ask them for help, but what he didn’t except was to see you standing in front of the stove with a pot spilt cleanly in half somehow and a fire burning below. And to make matters worst, you were simply standing there as if you had been frozen.
“Hey watch out!” He called out as a flame went up towards you. Pushing you out the way just in time, he managed to save you from the burn in return of him getting burned.
“Fuck.” He hissed out in pain. Gripping his arm as he put out the fire with his wand before dropping it on the ground.
Without a word, you simply grabbed your wand and waved it above his burn. You seemed to be muttering something, a spell of some sort, as a cooling sensation covered his wound. Looking down, he was shocked to see that the burn was actually healing.
“How, how did you.... Thank you.”
“I was practicing a charm, fire control, but thank you for the concern.”
Feeling sheepish for thinking that you didn’t have it under control, he ended up excusing himself from the kitchen to head back to his dorm where his friends immediately pounced on the chance to tease him for a variety of reasons.
- The next day, instead of going to Hogsmeade with his friends, Blaise stayed back at the castle to catch up on a paper he had failed to submit on time. Deciding on going to the library, sh was disappointed to see that almost all of the tables were taken. All but one in the far back corner. Quickly heading towards it, a sigh left his lips as someone dropping their book bag into the table beat him to the table: you.
“Oh did you need the table? I can leave if you’d like?”“ You said upon noticing him standing in front of the table.
“No, no it’s alright I just uh, planned on finishing a paper for Flitwick’s class.” He admitted.
“You can have a seat if you’d like, I’ll just be doing my own work and you can do yours.” You kindly offered and Blaise gladly accepted. He really need to finish this paper or else he’s be kicked off the Quidditch team so while he didn’t get the complete privacy he originally wanted, he’s fine with this.
As the two of you worked in quiet, occasionally Blaise would sneak glances your way which you ended up catching once.
“Hi.” was all you managed to muster out as you tried to contain the wide smile that wanted yo grow on your face.
Trying his best to not chuckle at your slightly flustered state, he mirrored your smile as he replied with a “Hello.”
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killiansprincss · 4 years
Could This Be Us?
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This is my work for @csjanuaryjoy​ this is my first year taking part and I’m excited to share with you all! I’ve made it my goal to write more this year and this seemed like the best way to do that goal! This is just a cute fluff missing scene that I hope brings you joy!
Also on A03
Summary: set in the few weeks before 4b when everything was clam, Emma and Killian agree to babysit Neal and Emma slowly begins to let down her walls and Killian becomes vulnerable. Pure fluff. Babysitting adventures.
Emma was happy. The Snow Queen was gone and Gold was banished to the real world. There was nothing and nobody that could hurt them anymore. They could begin their normal life, well as normal as a town filled with fairytale characters could be. Her parents were Snow White and Prince Charming and her boyfriend was Captain Hook, so it was a little crazy, but for the first time in her life, Emma was truly happy.
She goes downstairs to see her parents cooing over her baby brother. Again, still weird that she was 30 and the same age as her parents, and had a newborn baby brother. Even weirder that he was named after her dead ex boyfriend, but his death did allow them to defeat Zelena. And she couldn’t tell them the horrible things Neal did to her, it would only ruin their sense of hope and belief that everyone could be a hero.
“Morning Kid, want me to drive you to school?” Emma asks her son, as she pours her coffee.
Henry spent 4 days at the Apartment Lot with Emma and his grandparents, and the other 3 days at Regina’s. It was their best attempt at normality, and Henry seemed to like spending time with David, dropping not so subtle hints that he wanted to take up sword fighting lessons.
“It’s okay Mom. I think I’ll walk, Ivy is meeting me early as we’ve got our science project due today so we need to go over everything.” He tells her. He was getting pretty friendly to this Ivy girl, Emma was sure he had his first crush, but wouldn’t say anything in case she ruined anything.
Checking the time and realises she’s late, she takes a final sip of her coffee before saying, “I’ve gotta go. Killian’s helping out at the station today and I’m meeting him at Granny’s for breakfast.” It had become a weekly tradition to meet Killian for breakfast, she was getting him to try everything on the menu, and this week was Pancakes with bacon and maple syrup.
“Wait, Emma before you leave.” David says, picking up Neal from his crib. “We wanted to know if you and Hook would babysit tonight. We haven’t had a night to ourselves in a while.”
Emma smiles, “We would love to. And since when do you approve of Hook babysitting? Does this mean you like him now?”
David rolls his eyes, but can’t stop the smile from his face. Truth is he was warming to the fact that a pirate was dating his daughter, he was a good guy, he cared for Emma and he was proving day by day that he wasn’t the man he was years ago. “He’s still a pirate dating my daughter, so he’s under careful supervision. But if he makes you happy I’m not standing in your way.”
“Morning love.” Killian waits for Emma outside the lot, which he really didn’t have to do seeing as he lives in the room he rents at Granny’s.
She gives him a quick kiss, and takes his hand as they start walking. “So my parents have asked us to babysit my brother tonight. I told them we would, I hope that’s okay.”
Killian gives Emma a worried look. “Just so you know Swan, I know nothing about babies, I’m not so sure how helpful I can be.”
Emma smiles at her boyfriend, he could’ve easily said no, but he didn’t. “That’s okay. I didn’t raise Henry, I also don’t know the first thing about babies, so it’ll be an adventure for both of us.”
Killian was so lucky. He truly was the luckiest man in the universe. He never imagined Emma would be with him in the way that she is. He also never imagine he would help look after her baby brother with her. If Liam could see him now, he hoped he would be proud.
They walk into Granny’s hand and hand and sit down in the booth. Emma orders them both Pancakes with bacon and maple syrup, and waits patiently to see what he thinks of them. She shows him that he has to cut into the fluffy circle stack and pour the syrup all over them, the more syrup the better.
His eyes go wide as he chews and realises it’s delicious. “It’s so sweet. This is breakfast food?”
Emma laughs as she digs into her plate. “Oh yeah it’s breakfast all right. I don’t know what you eat for breakfast in the Enchanted Forest but we have many sweet options in this world.”
“Much better than the things I was eating whilst at sea.” He says as he pours even more syrup onto the pancakes.
“And what was that, Rum and more Rum?” She teases as she takes a bite off her plate.
“Ha-Ha Swan. Contrary to your belief, I did eat actual food as a pirate. Not nearly as sweet as this though, it consisted of dried fruits and nuts, then once we docked into port, we were able to have bread and other fresh pastry delicacies.” He chooses to leave out that in Neverland his diet did consist mainly of Rum and non poisonous fruit from the Island.
Emma smiles. This is what happiness looks like. Watching her pirate boyfriend eating Pancakes for the first time. She could get used to it.
That night, Killian comes over around 6. Her parents had decided to go to a restaurant in town that wasn’t Granny’s, but after constant reminding that Emma had their number to call should anything go wrong. Not that it would. Hopefully.
Emma’s donned her leather jacket for some comfy clothes, leggings and an oversized hoodie, hair in a messy bun. Not her usual sheriff, or saviour look. Killian however is still in his modern leather jacket and jeans, not quite understanding that babysitting would be much easier in comfy clothes.
“Here, put these on.” She tosses him a pair of David’s clothes, sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, hopefully her dad won’t mind, he did say he was liking Hook more and more every day.
“Swan, the clothes in your world are utterly ridiculous.” He says as comes out of the bathroom, looking a lot less like a pirate, and more like a man.
Emma smiles, she had to say he looked good in sweatpants. “Trust me if Neal pukes all over you, it’s a lot easier to get it out of an old t shirt that it would out of leather.”
Killian looked vulnerable. For the first time really. She’d seen him in a lot less clothing before, but she never noticed how vulnerable it makes him look. Underneath all the leather, was a man who had been broken before.
He looks down at his Hook, “do you want me to take this off?”
Emma immediately tells him no. “I don’t see why you should. It’s a part of you, and he’s gonna have to get used to it.”
Killian smiles, the little prince will have to get used to it. Because he’s not going anywhere, he’s sticking around. He will never leave Emma like all those before.
“So where is the Little Prince then?” He asks.
Emma leads him over to the crib in the corner of the room, “Do you want to hold him?”
Emma trusts him. Wholeheartedly. So he agrees to hold the baby.
Neal fusses at first in Killians arms, but he fusses with everyone. He just needs to get used to it.
“Am I doing it okay Swan?” Killian asks as he fusses, but he isn't crying which is a good thing.
“You're doing great.” Emma smiles at him. This was a rare sight, Captain Hook in sweatpants holding a baby. Emma was getting butterflies in her stomach looking at it. She and Killian had been together for a few months now but she could already see a future with him. Being with him was so different than it ever was with Neal, even Walsh, despite it being all fake, was so different to Killian. He never tried to shower her with gifts or presents or big romantic gestures like Walsh. Killian was just there, by her side. And that's all she wanted.
“I think the Little Prince likes me.” Kilian beams as Neal starts laughing at the faces Killian was pulling.
It was scary. Emma was sure she was in love with him. She just couldn’t bring herself to say the words out loud. Because as soon as she said them, things would change between them and it would become real. When she told Neal she loved him, he left her. Killian wouldn't leave, she knows that. But it still scares her.
“Oh no. No. Swan. What’s happening, why is the little lad crying?” Killian asks frantically, starting to panic that he was doing something wrong.
“He’s hungry,” Emma tells him, grabbing his bottle from the counter. “This should be warm enough by now.”
Killian takes the bottle and gets Neal to drink.
“You gotta make sure you’re holding his head, it’s sensitive at this age.” Emma says making his arm support her brother's head.
“You’re good at this you know.” He says as she helps him. “How is it you know all this?”
“Just watching my mom do it really. Also, my cursed memories of me raising Henry. Even though it didn’t happen, I remember learning everything from the books. I remember staying up all night when he cried, and learning how to be a mother at barely 18.” She decided to confide in him, she’s never told anyone about her cursed memories, or about her time in prison, but she feels like she can confide in him, tell him anything without being judged.
“I was 17 when I gave birth, cursed or not, I turned 18 a month later and a few weeks after that I was released from prison. It wasn’t my finest moment, but in my cursed memories I had Henry to keep me going. When I woke up and got my memories back, it made me wish I never gave him up. Because those 12 years were the best 12 years of my life.”
It feels good to open up. She’s letting him in slowly, but it feels nice. He doesn’t pry, he doesn’t ask too many questions, he just listens to her.
“After our father abandoned us, Liam practically raised me. I felt empty and hurt, but Liam, he was there even in my darkest days. The best years of my life was when we were in the Navy together, before it all went wrong.”
They were two halves of the same coin, both abandoned and lost everyone they ever cared about. But together they were healing, both themselves and each other.
“I think he likes you!” Emma says wiping her tears away as Neal becomes fascinated with Killian's Hook.
Killian looks down at the little prince in his arms to see him trying to grab his Hook with his tiny little fingers. “Everyone likes me Swan. I’m not surprised your brother does too.”
“I didn’t like you at first.” Emma teases.
“Aye but my charming wits and looks won you over eventually.” He teases back, causing the smile that he loves to see.
It would be so easy in this moment to say the three words. Killian knew it the moment she kissed him back in Neverland, and in the missing year he realised how much he loved her when he thought he’d never see her again. But he knows better. If he said the words right now, it would cause a rift, and maybe cause her to run. So he doesn’t, he will wait for her to say the words first. He’ll wait forever to hear her say it, it doesn’t matter. As long as they’re together.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it Swan!” He speaks too soon as he begins to rock the little prince to sleep, he decides to bring up the contents of his tiny stomach all over Killian.
Emma tries not to laugh, but she can’t help it as laughter fills the lot.
She takes Neal from Killian so he can clean the sick off his shirt, “told you this would be a better idea, imagine trying to get that off your leather vest. There's another one of David shirts on top of the dryer, you can put the dirty shirt in the basket with the other dirty laundry.”
Looking after her baby brother with her 300 year old boyfriend is honestly not even the weirdest thing about her life at the moment. But it’s something that she never thought she would be doing, she was 17 when she gave Henry up and she thought she would never want kids, or even be ready after that. But just seeing how good Killian was with her brother, it got her thinking could she want this life? It wasn’t off the table. A baby with her hair and Killians eyes. Maybe one day.
“He won’t stop crying. Why won’t he stop crying?” Emma cries. They had been trying to settle him for almost an hour now and she’s getting tired. If this was a recurring thing then maybe having a baby of her own wasn’t something she wanted. Especially as it was barely 8.30.
“What else can we try?” Killian asks with Neal in his arms trying to send him to sleep by rocking him slowly.
“I don’t suppose you know a lullaby?” Emma asks, half joking, not really expecting him to.
Except he starts to sing, or hum a melody. It’s quiet enough that she can’t hear the lyrics properly, but Neal seems to like it. So much so that it stirs him off to sleep.
Emma’s really impressed. “That doesn’t sound like a sea shanty. Since when does Captain Hook know a lullaby?”
“My mother used to sing it to me and Liam. Before she died that is.” He tells her, putting Neal down slowly into his crib.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don't be, love. It was a long time ago.”
“Can you tell me about her?” She asks.
“I was 5 when she died, Liam was 8. I don’t remember much about her, Liam probably remembers more. But I know she was tough, she wouldn’t have taken my fathers bullshit. She used to sing that to Liam and I every night before we went to sleep. I sang it to myself sometimes on the Jolly in Neverland after Liam died. It comforted me.” He brushes it off as if it’s nothing, similar to how Emma talks about her past. She takes his hand and interweines their fingers as she leads them back to the couch.
“I like hearing stories about your past. About your pre-pirate days. Reminds me you weren’t always cursed.”
She wraps her fingers around his Hook, she’s never been afraid of it. Or afraid of the man attached to the Hook. She can’t help but imagine one day a baby with her hair and his eyes fiddling with his Hook the way her brother did tonight. And that’s scary.
Emma has a way of seeing the good in him, despite his cruel actions she sees beyond it, sees the pain it’s caused him in the past few years as he attempts to better himself. “I certainly was cursed with bad luck but sadly my actions were of my own accord. But I’ll tell you one story of the time Liam and I got caught in a storm at sea. Liam was a Lieutenant at that point and wanted to prove he could handle it, the stubborn arse.”
And so he tells her stories of his time in the Navy. He tells her anything she wants to hear, and he realises this is the first time anyone has really asked about Liam, or his past. The women he spent the night with back in the Enchanted Forest, well they never did much talking. And with Milah, she was focused on forgetting her past so didn’t care much to ask about his.
“I wish you could’ve met him. He would’ve loved you.” It’s nice, speaking about Liam, telling her the stories he hasn’t really ever told anyone-or thought about in centuries.
Snow and Charming return a few hours later, to find their daughter and Hook asleep on the couch, Emma’s head resting on the Pirates chest. Snow smiles at the sight, and even David isn’t appalled at the sight either, appreciating that his daughter is happy. Snow grabs a blanket and covers the two of them.
“Is that my shirt?” David whisper screams at his wife seeing the pirate wearing his clothes.
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elizabeethan · 4 years
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Walk With Me (I Think We’ll Find A Way)- Chapter 7/8
Killian Jones travels across realms to find Emma and Henry in New York after receiving an anonymous message about a new curse. When he finally tracks her down, he makes a bold move and greets her at her front door, but before he can even attempt to convince her to come back to Storybrooke with him, he’s met with a surprise that will change his life.
Season 3B AU
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Read on Ao3
It’s here friends :) One chapter to go!!
The most beautiful header on the planet was made by @xhookswenchx, in case you were wondering
Tagging: @courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @profdanglaisstuff @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89​ @swampmedusa​ @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells​ @hollyethecurious​ @ouatpost​
If you want to be added or removed from my tag list please tell me because i’m bad at social cues on the internet
“Because I commanded you not to.”
The words tore a hole through Emma’s chest. Her foolish son somehow found his way to the woods and was standing off to the side with the Dark One’s dagger, holding it in front of himself and facing it towards Gold.
“Henry,” Neal starts, and she wants to scream at him to run, get out of here! but she can’t. Her brain has stopped working and her lips won't move. She feels Killian squeezing her arm but she can’t turn away from her child putting himself between her and the fucking Dark One.
“Get out of here, Henry,” Gold says.
“We’re not going anywhere, Rumple.”
Belle materializes behind Henry and Emma wants to explode. Where the hell is Corrine, if the two of them are here?!
“Belle, what are you doing?”
“You know why I’m here, Rumple. I’m not letting you steal this town’s memories just because you think it would bring me back to you.”
“No, no. That's not what I'm doing. I’m doing this for my son.”
She shakes her head and steps in front of Henry, who’s still wielding the dagger threateningly. He refuses to turn around towards Emma, which means she’s unable to reach out and grab for him. She’s worried that if she moves from this spot, Neal just might kill her.
“I left you, in the Enchanted Forest. I didn’t remember doing it, but I did it. And now you're here, doing the exact thing that I left you for doing!”
“Belle,” Neal tries, but she shoots him a threatening look.
“What you’re doing is selfish and dangerous. Neal, Emma’s clearly made her choice, and you need to accept that. If you truly love her like you say you do, you’d accept that.”
“I’m doing this for her; for us!”
“You’re endangering your son and her daughter. That’s not love, Neal. I should’ve seen a long time ago that wanting to control and manipulate someone isn’t the same as loving someone.”
“You’ve got it all wrong, Belle!” Gold tries.
“I can’t believe I was wrong about you all this time, Rumple. Your heart really is rotten, isn’t it?” He doesn't have a chance to answer. “Henry, the dagger, if you please,” she says, taking it from him as Emma breathes a sigh of relief. “Rumple, I want you to transport Neal to a cell in the sheriff’s station, and then you’re going to take us to the town line. We need to be alone for what comes next.”
They disappear in a cloud of red smoke. Emma’s hesitant to believe that this is all over, but the three of them are gone and Henry is standing safe and dagger-less a few feet away from her. “Henry,” she says, hating the worry laced through her tone.
“Mom,” he calls with a smile as he runs for her, throwing himself into her waiting arms.
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve been seriously hurt! Where’s your sister?”
“With grandma—”
“Henry,” Regina interrupts. Emma sighs, wanting nothing more than to continue to hug her son but accepting the fact that her life isn’t that simple. He turns towards her voice and his face is alight once again.
“Mom!” he calls, running towards her for an emotional reunion.
Rather than watch the two of them together, she turns towards Killian and smiles. He looks down to her and takes her hand in his, squeezing gently.
“Well, Swan, I do believe—”
“We’ve gotta go,” David calls as he tucks his phone into his back pocket. “Robin, can you make sure Neal is where he’s supposed to be? Emma, you’ve gotta come with me. Mary Margaret just went to the hospital and had to bring Corrine with her.”
“The baby?” she asks, pulling Killian along with her toward her father’s truck.
“He or she is on their way.”
Henry rides to the hospital with Regina in Gold’s car. Emma’s honestly a bit surprised that Regina is even bothering coming to the hospital, until she pulls up to the doors, drops Henry off, and pulls away again. Typical.
“Your mom didn’t want to come in?” Emma asks him, and he shrugs.
“Something about family bonding or whatever. It’s okay.”
They walk into the lobby and see Corrine sitting happily with Ruby, Tink on the other side of the coffee table and rolling a small ball towards her as she squeals with laughter. She hears Ruby gasp who’s that? before Corrine whips around and starts running towards her parents and brother as fast as her fat little legs can carry her.
“Hello, my love,” Killian says as he scoops her up, making a grunt as if his body is protesting. What a dad.
“Hi,” she says once she’s up. “Ball.” She holds up the small green ball in Killian’s face, making him back away with a laugh.
“You’re playing ball with Ruby? And…” he turns, cocking his head, “Tink.”
“Hi, Hook.”
“Curse is broken,” Ruby says by way of explanation. “Turns out you two weren’t the only ones getting it on after Neverland.”
“Ah,” he says with a blush, and Emma’s smiling until she hears Henry speak up.
“What does that mean?”
Ruby shoots them all a wolfish grin.
Prince Oliver Leopold is born mere hours after they arrived at the hospital; a healthy, happy boy who somewhat resembles his niece and nephew but has his mother’s bright green eyes.
Emma holds her baby brother and swoons at his plump lips and swollen eyes and rosy cheeks and before she knows it, she has baby fever, dammit. It’s worse when Killian takes the baby from her at David’s insistence and starts cooing. Captain Hook is cooing at a newborn.
Corrine won’t stop saying baby. It’s so adorable. She wants to hold her new uncle (Emma won’t ever get used to that), but refuses any help and would definitely forget to support his head, so a tantrum ensues, naturally. Killian hands the baby back to his mother and takes Corrine out to the hall, because apparently he’s already become an expert parent and handles tantrums flawlessly.
When she leaves the room a few minutes later to check on things, she finds them in the waiting room, Corrine on Killian’s lap with her thumb shoved in her mouth while he holds his phone in front of her. Emma rolls her eyes.
“We should probably try something aside from handing her a phone whenever she freaks out,” she reasons to him with a smile.
“Probably, but this always works so well. Plus, it’s rather catchy.”
When she gets closer, she sees that he’s playing a One Direction music video. Corrine is so fully engrossed that she’s barely dancing, just staring into the screen and bopping her free fist up and down slightly. “You're whipped,” she says to him with a snort as he smiles softly.
“Not since I was a lad.” Shit, she thinks, her face dropping. Poor choice of words.
“I’m sorry,” she says hesitantly. “I didn’t think before I said that, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, love,” he says with the same smile.
“Yuh you, yuh you momma,” Corrine says with a cheeky grin shot Emma’s way.
“I love you, too,” she returns.
“Yuh you, duddy.”
He leans down to her and kisses her cheek tenderly, chuckling lightly. “I love you, too, darling.”
She tries to say darling but it doesn’t come out quite right as she struggles with her Ls. It’s cute either way, and she’s still the smartest baby around.
“I think this one is overdue for a nap. Care to tag along?” she asks as Corrine reaches up for her and she scoops her up. They’ve barely eaten or slept today, so she’s surprised Corrine is even still functioning.
“Sure.” Killian stands, locking his phone and tucking it into the back pocket of his jeans like a real twenty first century man.
Henry asks to go to the sheriff’s station on their way back to Granny’s. Emma isn’t sure what he’s going to say to his father, but she assumes he’s about to get an earful from a rightfully angry thirteen-year-old.
Henry gained his memories back, but his old, cursed ones remained. This means that, while he finally remembers who he really is, he also remembers the story Emma gave him about his father. The reason he was abandoned is clear in his head, along with the betrayal that comes with almost having his memories wiped again and his sister removed from his life at the hands of the same man.
Safe to say, Henry is pissed.
Killian offers to go into the station with him and he accepts, as long as Killian promises not to listen in. Emma’s heart is racing the entire time they’re gone, but Corrine’s soft snores and gentle kicks to the seat in front of her keep her mind somewhat at ease for the ten minutes that they’re inside.
When they emerge from the building, she notes that they're both looking down as they walk to the car with somber looks on their faces. She wants to ask what they talked about, but she knows Henry would rather not talk about it, so when they get into the car, she drives towards the inn silently.
Henry decides to take a nap as well, so Emma puts Corrine in her crib and shoots him a gentle smile before grabbing the monitor and leaving the room to cross the hall towards Killian’s door.
“Hi,” he says as she enters, glancing up from the book he was reading on his bed.
“Alright?” she shrugs, contemplatively standing before him before crossing the room and taking a seat on the other side of the bed. He closes his book and crosses his ankles before shifting so that he can face her.
“Weird day.”
“I’ll say,” he chuckles. “Would you like to lie down, Swan?”
She shrugs again. “I would, but I'm scared to go to sleep. We still haven’t seen Belle, so we don't know what happened to Gold.”
“Aye,” he agrees with a sigh. “But I think I trust her to make the right decision in that regard.”
“She’s taken him back countless times before, though.”
“It’s a complicated relationship, love. She said something about having left him when they were in the Enchanted Forest, and she’s obviously still angry.”
“Yeah.” She sighs deeply, sinking a bit further into the mattress as he places his arm on a pillow behind her back.
“Lie down, love. You're exhausted; I’ll stay up and make sure nothing goes awry.”
She sticks her lips out in a pout of contemplation, but the heat of his arm behind her neck is tempting along with the memory of his body shaped around hers during the night. “You’ll stay here the entire time? Unless Corrine wakes up?”
“Promise.” She nods at him, scooting herself down so that she’s lying with her head on his chest and her arm slung across his waist. She takes a moment before she hitches her ankle up and over his own, breathing heavily as she feels her body begin to relax. “Swan?” he says softly.
“Can you tell me what Baelfire did to you? What were your parents talking about?”
She tenses in his arms, squeezing her fist around his shirt until her knuckles are white. “He, uh, he left me. He betrayed me. Before we were together, he stole some watches and hid them, and then I went to go get them because he had wanted posters floating around. He went to fence the watches and when I met him afterwards, the police picked me up. He had given me a watch as a gift, and that was all the evidence they needed. Turns out he was the one who called the cops.”
“Bloody hell.” His hand runs along her spine with a comforting pressure as she relives one of her worst moments.
“Turns out August told him I was destined to be the Savior and he had to leave me, but the decision to call the cops was all him. So I went to jail for eleven months and that’s where I had Henry.”
“I’m sorry, Swan. That’s awful.” His voice is soft as it rumbles through the soft afternoon light in the room
“I’ve had a lot of time to get past it,” she shrugs
He nods against her hair and she revels in the gentle squeeze he gives her, the compression against her chest soothing her nerves.
“Swan,” he says again, and she lets out a breathy chuckle.
“What does whipped mean, in that context?”
She wants to groan, still disgusted with herself for even saying it, but she answers anyway. “It means she has you wrapped around her tiny little finger. I’m pretty sure she could convince you to do anything for her without so much as blinking.”
He laughs. “You’re probably right.”
They’re quiet for a few minutes, and she thinks she might fall asleep, but something stops her and makes her speak.
“She loves you so much,” she says after a few moments.
“Aye, I love her as well.”
“She needs you in her life, you know.”
He intakes a breath and she thinks she may feel the ghost of his lips pressing into her hair. “I need her, too,” he says softly.
She nods her head against his chest and takes in the scent of leather and sea and rum. He may have traded in his leather slacks for jeans, but he still smells the same, and she’s relieved. “That’s why… that’s why we’re staying here.”
She feels his body freeze as his arm tightens around her and his breath hitches in his throat. “Aye?”
“Mhmm. After everything, I just… I want to be close to my family. I almost lost them again today, even though a part of me still doesn't believe that Neal would do that, but… still.”
“I have trouble believing it myself.”
“Yeah. But Corrine likes it here. Henry obviously does too, and as much as it pains me to say, his mother is here. And... you're here.”
He rolls them over so that she’s on her side and he’s facing her before he takes his hand and runs it along her cheek gently. “I would've gone with her. With you.”
“I would've let you. But I'd rather stay put.”
He hums out a soft laugh, one that says I can’t believe this is happening, then touches his index finger along her brow and down the side of her face before he reaches his hand behind her head and pulls the two of them together in a soft, warm kiss.
She kisses him back instantaneously, swiping her tongue out against his soft lips as a sigh escapes her mouth. She feels so relaxed in his arms, and the feeling of him gently massaging her lips with his own and his fingers stroking against her scalp with gentle pressure is lulling her back into the sense of calm that she’s been missing. She thinks she could get really turned on if she lets herself, but for now, the chaste, gentle kisses relax her into a state of bliss.
She pulls away from the unexpected kiss after a few moments and sighs through her nose, pressing their foreheads together and biting her bottom lip. “I’m glad you have your heart back,” she says after a moment. “It probably wouldn't have been very fun kissing a heartless Killian.”
“I think I still would have had fun kissing you even without a heart.”
She hums out a laugh. “Yeah, but this is much better. Are you okay? After the whole heart thing?”
“Aye, I’ve been through dire straits before, nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Right,” she laughs before pressing her body close to his and snuggling her head into his chest. “Can you tell me what happened?”
He clears his throat. “Neal must've knocked me out. Or it was the Crocodile, I'm not sure. But I woke up in the cabin surrounded by potions and spells and other nefarious things and knew something was wrong.”
“That’s where they were making the memory potion.”
“Aye,” he confirms. “Neal told me his plan, then he sent me back to the loft for dinner without my heart so that he could control me. He wanted to see me suffer and lose everything I hold dear. I believe the Dark One must've enchanted his hand somehow and that’s how he was able to control me.”
“What a bastard. I can't wrap my head about it.” He hums softly in agreement. “What was it like? Not having it, I mean.”
He’s still and quiet as he takes in a breath, then answers, “it’s like I was dead. I was so numb and empty, I couldn’t feel anything but pain and fear. But when you put it back, love, I’ve never felt better.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. Picturing the way he must have felt causes Emma near-physical pain “That sounds awful.”
He changes the subject away from his suffering easily. “May I ask you something else?” she nods against him. “When did you know? That it wasn’t me?”
She shrugs, the painful memories of last night flooding back into her mind. “Before you even got there I knew something was wrong. Henry said you left him alone at Gold’s and I knew you wouldn’t do that. And during dinner, Corrine refused to even look at you because she’s a smart baby and she even knew something wasn’t right. But it was really clear after dinner when you said you were leaving.” She nearly chokes on the words as they leave her lips.
“You have to know how hard I tried to not say it.”
She nods, thinking back to the tears in his eyes and the tight grip he had on her wrist. “I do know, I saw it. You were fighting him.”
“Aye, I was,” he whispers.
“You were doing it for your family.”
His grip on her tightens still and he presses another kiss to the crown of her head before he says, “that I was, love.”
Despite no longer living in a magical forest over which he reigns as king, Emma’s father chooses to have a small ceremony to celebrate the birth of his son. As strange as it is to be 30 years older than her brother, and for his niece and nephew to be older than him, Emma happily attends the small gathering hosted at Granny’s once everyone has finally woken up from their naps. Their sleep schedules are going to be completely messed up for the rest of the week, but that’s something she’ll just have to deal with.
When Corrine, Henry, Killian, and Emma finally find their way down to the diner, the party is in full swing. Emma doesn’t miss Killian playfully swiping a donut from Ruby’s tray, giving a little piece to Corrine and finishing the rest himself. She could scold him for feeding her sweets before dinner, but seeing them together and seeing her back to her normal playful self with him makes her heart swell.
She catches Belle at the counter and hops into a stool beside her. “Thanks for your help today.”
“Oh, of course.”
“What, uh,” she starts again, contemplating whether or not it’s logical to start this conversation. “What happened to Gold?”
She purses her lips and looks down. “I sent him over the town line. He won't be back.”
“I’m sorry.” No matter how much she can’t stand Gold, she couldn’t imagine being in Belle’s position; loving someone so evil and having to make such a hard choice.
“Don’t be. I did leave him, you know, in the Enchanted Forest. He started working with Neal and… I was just unhappy with the changes I was seeing with him. He was starting to show his true self. So I left, and he seemed to just snap. I knew they were going to do something drastic when I found out that Neal spoke with your parents, so that’s when I stole the memory potion and sent that message to Killian.”
Emma draws her brows close together as she spins in the stool to face Belle. “Wait, you sent the message?”
“Yeah, you didn’t know?”
Emma shakes her head; the information is making more and more sense the more she learns. “Thank you. Seriously, thank you. You probably saved everyone in Storybrooke. You definitely saved my family.”
She smiles up at Emma. “It was the right thing to do,” she says, before she becomes distracted by whomever has just entered the diner. When Emma turns, she sees Robin’s friend Will waving at her and making his way towards them. She excuses herself when he kisses Belle’s temple softly and wiggles his eyebrows at Emma.
When she gets to the booth that Henry’s sitting at, she takes a seat enthusiastically and bumps his shoulder with his, making a comment about his new uncle to which he barely responds.
“I’m sorry, kid. I know this sucks,” she says after a moment of pointless small talk.
“You spent two years thinking your life was one thing and now it’s something completely different.”
He nods. He’s silent for a few moments and she sits with him, knowing that he may need time to ponder through his thoughts. “Why did he do it?” he finally asks.
She sighs and puts an arm around him. “I don't really know, Henry. Your dad… something happened to him and he just couldn’t handle not having his family with him.”
“We weren’t ever a family, though, not really. I mean, sure, we hung out, but it wasn’t anything like what you and I have, or even what me and Regina have.” She nods. “It was only a few months that I knew him. And he left you in jail.”
“I know. I’m sorry that you had to see your dad like that.” He shrugs. “You know I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you, right?”
With a nod, he says, “I know. That’s not what I'm worried about.”
“Can I ask you something?” He nods. “What made you come to the woods? What happened with you and Belle that made you do that?”
He shrugs again. “I don't know, really. We were messing around at Granny’s and I was talking about how mad I was, and that I wanted to just take the dagger and give both of them a piece of my mind. Then Belle said ‘if only we had the dagger,’ and I told her we did have it. And she said we had to go and put an end to this. You guys probably should have just brought it with you.”
Emma nods in response, laughing lightly at his logic. She was expecting some type of grand revelation between the two of them, but the reality was much more simply: Belle knew that Neal and Gold were up to no good, and she decided that she had the power to put a stop to it. “You’re right, we should have. Luckily, we had you to save our butts.”
“My dad…” he starts, ignoring her lightheartedness. “I just can't believe he would do something like this.”
She makes a bold move and says, “is that what you told him? When you went to the sheriff’s station?”
Henry chuckles sadly and rolls his eyes. “You mean Killian didn’t tell you?”
She bumps his shoulder again and responds, “I don’t think he would even if I begged. He respects you too much.”
He nods back at her, still looking down at his glass of water and plate of cake. “I guess I told him that. I told him I was done with him. I said he could’ve had a chance but he ruined it by doing this.” Emma nods softly. As much as it hurts to hear her son say these things about his father, a part of her must admit that she’s relieved to hear that he’s made this decision. She isn’t exactly psyched at the concept of giving Neal visitation rights after this. “I told him he’s a selfish dick for trying to keep my mom away from the guy she loves.”
She freezes at that, and not because her kid is using the unsavory language that he probably learned from her. Henry has always been a smart, perceptive kid, but has he always been this perceptive? To the point where he knows she loves Killian before she does? “Henry...” she tries to speak but can’t.
“It’s okay mom. Maybe two years ago I would’ve wanted you to be with my dad, but… I don’t know. Hook has only been here for a few weeks and he’s been more of a dad to me than Neal ever has.”
Corrine is put to bed by her father several hours later after a tantrum over not being able to put her hand in a bowl of hot soup. She wanted to grab the floating crackers as Tink dropped them into the dish, and each time Killian stopped her hand she screamed no at him. At one point, it started to get out of hand and Emma called, “Corrine Alice Swan, you get your hand away from that bowl, right now,” as if the child could understand full sentences. She understood the tone, though, and boy, did she respond with a vengeance.
Killian took her upstairs to her crib once she started screaming so loudly that Emma’s sure the entire town heard. Now that she can’t hear the blood curdling screech anymore, she’s about 98% certain that Killian is in the bedroom playing a One Direction music video, but that’s alright. The two of them dancing along together is quite possibly the cutest thing she’s ever seen, so she thinks she’ll let it slide as she ascends the stairs and opens the door slowly.
What she’s met with is not a pair of One Direction fans, but rather, a swaying Killian holding a tearful but relatively calm Corrine as he hums lowly in her ear and rubs up and down along her back. Emma swoons, again overtaken by the image of dad-Killian in all his glory.
He’s only known his daughter for about five weeks, but in that time they’ve become so close. Each day, Corrine learns more and more as she explores her world, and Killian is always trying to help her along by teaching her new words and phrases. He’s a natural with her, especially at this age, and the more of it Emma sees, the more she wants.
“It’s time for sleep, my darling. Mummy and daddy will be here when you wake,” he whispers softly into her hair, and when Emma looks again, she sees Corrine’s thumb hanging out of her mouth and her face squished into his shoulder. He turns around and catches Emma’s eye, blushing fiercely as he bends to place the baby in her crib. Once she’s settled, he rubs a finger along her sweet face to remove one final tear and backs away before making his way towards the door and following Emma out.
Emma doesn’t miss the promise he makes his sleeping child to be here when she wakes up; he’s still reeling from almost losing her, and it breaks her heart.
“She didn’t need the phone, huh?” she jokes as they make their way down the stairs.
He laughs lightly in response and says, “I believe she was too tired for that. It’ll be difficult to get her back on schedule, I’d say.”
When they get back into the diner, Killian disperses into the crowd and Emma sees Henry talking to Regina. She’s happy that he’s rebuilding his relationship with her, she really is, but she’s also having trouble getting past their history. Try as she might, she can’t unsee that small child waiting on her doorstep begging for help defeating his Evil Queen mother.
Regina stands from the booth when Emma makes herself visible and walks over to her, clearing her throat and brushing down her blouse before she speaks. “Emma, I was thinking it might be good for Henry to spend the night at my house tonight. He’s open to it, but said we had to check with you,” she says bitterly.
Emma raises her brows, glancing back at Henry, who gives her a smile. “He is?”
“Yes,” she responds sharply, as if Emma has offended her. “He has his own room, why should he stay here?”
Emma lets out an exasperated huff but nods her head. As much as her delivery absolutely sucked, Regina has a point. Perhaps she should start thinking of a permanent living arrangement herself. “Okay, if he wants to, then that’s fine.”
Regina looks chuffed as she says, “good,” with the soft hint of a smile before heading back to the booth to collect Henry.
With both kids gone or asleep, Emma suddenly finds herself free of her motherly duties for at least the next few hours, and so decides to follow Killian to the patio with two tumblrs of rum, neat.
“So, Gold’s gone,” she says once she’s sitting next to him, and he tips his glass to her in thanks.
“Aye, I ran into Belle earlier. Relieved?”
She nods, taking a sip from her glass. “Yeah. I’m still… I don’t know. I’m pissed.” He nods back at her. “He knew that we… were together on the ship, so he’s known this whole time. He knew it in the Enchanted Forest, and he knew it when he came back here. He could have just let it go and accepted that it was over between us, but he didn’t. And he messed up because of that.”
“Aye. It’s quite frustrating, isn’t it?” She nods in agreement and rolls her eyes as she stares into her glass. “Do you think he knew about Corrine all this time?”
“That she’s ours?” He nods. “No, I think he genuinely blocked the possibility that we have a kid out of his mind. I think when he found out from you and Henry at the pier, that’s what clicked his plan into place for him. He realized that he would’ve lost without this memory potion.”
“Makes sense,” he starts, sitting up in his seat slightly. “I mean, it doesn’t. But it does.”
“Yeah.” They clink their glasses together as they both finish the contents, feeling the warmth rushing through their veins as it combats the cool bite of the late-autumn air. “I have a question,” she states.
“Go on.”
“Can you tell me what Henry said to Neal?”
He purses his lips, glancing up at her and shaking his head. “I don't want to violate his trust, love, but I can tell you that he’s a very smart lad.” She nods. “And I can also tell you,” he starts again, slowly and hesitantly reaching his hand towards her’s, “that Bae is not exactly safe to be around, and I’d feel much more comfortable if you and Henry stayed far away from him.”
“Did he threaten Henry?” She feels her palms starting to sweat.
“Not Henry, love. The lad stepped away from the bars and Neal said some things about you that I’d rather not repeat. That I wish your son hadn’t heard. I stepped a bit too close— in anger, I’ll admit— and he lunged for me, as well.”
She nods her head again, looking down at the table grievously at the news. Before everything, before Neverland and before the curse, she thought she may have been able to have a good co-parenting relationship with Neal, or that they may have even been able to become friends again. But now, he’s gone and ruined everything because he thought he could have more than he even deserved.
“Thanks for going with him.”
“Of course I would, love.”
“And thanks for… for coming after us, in New York. If you hadn’t…”
He shakes his head to silence her and says, “It was the right thing to do.”
They sit in comfortable silence for a few more moments before she says, “can I ask you something else?”
“What is it, darling?” She smiles at the fond nickname.
“How did you do it? How did you get to us?”
He looks down with a small, shy smile and says, “Well, the curse was coming, so I ditched my crew and took the Jolly Roger as fast and as far as I could to outrun it.”
“You outran a curse?” she asks with a doubtful smile.
“I’m a hell of a captain,” he returns in a flirty tone, to which she responds with a soft laugh. “Once I was outside the curse’s purview, I knew that the walls were down. Transport between realms was possible again; all I needed was a magic bean.”
“Those are not easy to come by.”
He looks down again and takes a breath. “They are if you have something of value to… trade.” His words are clearly calculated as they leave his mouth.
She hums again and asks, “and what was that?”
He smiles, eyes still looking at the ground, until he looks up and raises his brows at her, smiling as if he wasn’t about to admit to her that he sold his heart and home to find her and save her family. “Why the Jolly Roger, of course.”
She’s frozen. Her brows pinch together as they often do when he says something heartfelt and profound, although this time feels different. It feels like more. “You traded your ship for me?”
He doesn’t hesitate, answering her with a firm nod. “Aye.”
It happens so fast; she’s kissing him and his hand is lacing through her hair and hers through his. Her heart feels about ten times bigger than it should be at the feeling of his lips on hers after such an emotional confession, and she doesn't know if she’ll survive much more of his thoughtful words and selfless actions. When she finally pulls from him slightly, it’s as if he’s taking stock of what’s happening between them; as if he can’t quite believe that they’re here despite having been here before.
“I—” she starts, although she isn’t quite sure what she wants to say. She smiles as he does, the feel of his thumb running along her jaw and chin and his nose nuzzling lightly against her’s stirring the butterflies in her stomach and the heat much lower. “I want you,” she finally whispers. “All of you. Every part of you and everything that comes with it… I want it all, with you.”
It’s as close to a profession of love as she’s ever come before. She’s perhaps closer to telling him that she loves him now than when she actually said the words to Neal over a decade ago. She thinks she should be afraid— of his answer or of what may change between them, she isn’t sure— but she isn’t.
“I want everything with you, too, Emma. Always.” His use of her name rather than any number of nicknames he has to choose from, and the meaning of his statement, isn’t lost on her.
He kisses her again, like he can’t stay away from her any longer and absolutely needs to have her lips on his. While the last kiss was soft and slow, this one is more passionate and heated as he presses closer to her and laces his hand tighter into her hair. He pulls her gently towards him and she hears his chair scraping against the ground as he scoots forward. Once he’s got her where he wants her, he deepens the kiss, curling his tongue against her bottom lip until she opens up to him. It doesn't take much, the feel of him pressing close to her driving her mad with want.
She’s just about lost her mind when she starts to shift in her seat, planning to move forward and hoist herself up and onto his lap so that she can get closer to him and hopefully sate the heat erupting through her down to her core, until she hears someone behind him clear their throat.
“I think it’s about time you and I have a little talk about your intentions with my daughter.” Emma squeezes her hands around the collar of his jacket as her eyes fly open. Thank god she hadn’t actually mounted him…
Killian clears his throat in an attempt to calm himself down before answering Emma’s father, although he still looks completely wrecked and refuses to turn around. “That’s a little old-fashioned even by my standards, and I still pay with doubloons.”
“Yeah, well, I’m leaving,” he says firmly, although she can hear a smile in his voice. “I was coming to give you a hug, but I’m not sure I want one anymore,” he jokes.
She laughs breathlessly as she stands up, moving to her father and giving him a tight hug. “How’s mom feeling?”
“Good, just tired. I’m happy that everyone threw this together, but I feel guilty being away from them, so I'm gonna go back to the hospital.”
“Give her a hug for me?”
“‘Course,” he says, kissing her cheek sweetly, then making a disgusted face and laughing.
Her breathing is still rapid and her heart is still racing as she sits back down next to Killian, so she takes in a big gulp of air and wishes she had more rum.
“Awkward,” she says with a small laugh.
He laughs. And he keeps laughing, and eventually he rests his head against his arm on the table and continues on laughing until no sound is coming out and he’s just a mess of shaking shoulders and teary eyes. At some point, she started laughing too, and anyone who exits Granny’s at this point would probably have the two of them committed.
“We can’t catch a break, love,” he remarks through more chuckles, and she laughs harder still.
Then she has a thought and acts on it so quickly that she can hardly even keep track of it. “Take me upstairs,” she says boldly, desiring not to be interrupted again when all she wants is to feel him on her.
He raises a dramatic brow and cocks his head at her in question, or perhaps seeking confirmation, and asks, “aye?”
She nods, biting her bottom lip in a way that she thinks may be more flirty than she intended before she leans in again and kisses him softly. “Take me upstairs,” she repeats against his mouth.
He stands so quickly that the table shakes and the glasses nearly fall over, and she laughs again. He holds out a hand to her, his smile bright and beaming, and when she takes it, she knows that things between them are shifting and that her life is changing.
She can’t wait.
Read Chapter 8
A/N: there’s one chapter left!! The next one is..... pure smut. Like, there’s a little plot in there but... it’s smut. So. Stay tuned if you’re into that?
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rebelbyrdie · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic where ... Regina and Marian are bridge partners, and there's some cutthroat playing in Storybrooke!
Snow and Emma have joined the new Storybrooke Bridge Club and things get a little out of hand.
Building Bridges
“I don’t get it.”  Emma mumbled for the fourth time.  
Snow sighed.  David would have been a better partner than Emma.  She thought they could join the new Storybrooke Bridge Club to bond while David, Henry and Neal did “man stuff”.  Whatever that meant.
“Its an easy game to learn but impossible to master, Sweetheart.”  She patted Emma’s arm.  “You’ll get it.”
She would if she actually paid attention to her cards or their game.  Emma was watching a game three tables away.  She was specifically watching two of the players.  Regia and Marion were quite the pair.  They were at the top of the leader board.  They were playing against Granny and Marco.  It was a heated match, as Granny and Marco were sitting at a very close number two on the board.  
“Emma.”  Snow needed her daughter to focus on the game.  Not only were they losing, but Marge and Bea were getting annoyed.  
“Oh!”  Emma jerked her head and laid her hand down on the table face up.  Snow dropped her face into her palm.  “You weren’t the dummy hand this game.”  They were already past that phase.  
Emma picked back up her cards sheepishly.  “I mean yeah.  Uh.”  She glanced over the cards on the table and half-heartedly laid down a six of spades.  It wasn’t the suite they were playing or even the trump suite.  They lost the trick to Bea. They were being slaughtered because Emma was too busy staring at Regina to even try to play.  
“Why are they partners?  I thought they would uh not like each other.”  Emma was staring again.  “She’s mad at me, but best buddies with her?  How is that fair?”
Marge rolled her eyes.  Bea snickered. Snow wished that she were anywhere else.
Bea twisted around in her wheelchair to look at them.  “I think they make a good couple.  They bonded over what an asshole Robin is.”
Marge chuckled.  “Madame Mayor’s been hell on wheels lately but Marion can calm her down with a few words.  Her PA keeps her on speed dial.”
Snow felt her eye twitch.  This was not helping!
“Okay, yeah, sure.  I get that.  Do they have to be so buddy-buddy though?  I heard they both walked Roland to school.  Like suddenly they’re co-parenting!  Like divorced Mommies instead of girlfriend in-laws.   I had to fight tooth and nail to even see Henry for a year and I gave birth to him!”
Marge penciled in the scores onto their team cards.  She had a calm and unreadable face.  More suited to poker then bridge.  Snow knew that she was on Regina’s side.  She had been one of her biggest supporters in the Enchanted Forest.  Not that Snow held that against her or anything.  Bea was far more expressive.  She had been one of Regina’s advisors and made no qualms about it.  She looked like she was genuinely enjoying what was happening.  Like she was watching her favorite soap opera in real time.
Snow shook their hands and stood up to walk around a bit.  They had lost the match badly, again.  They were going to be at the bottom of the club.  Maybe not last since Grumpy was half-drunk and his partner, Anton, was too busy chatting with everyone to keep up with the game.
Snow sighed and checked the board to see who their next match was with.  She almost screamed and wondered if she could just forfeit now.  Emma would be useless sitting that close to Regina and Marion.
It took a few minutes for Marion and Regina to finish, and win, their match.  Granny looked sour and Marco disappointed.  Marion and Regina were arm in arm, laughing about something.  
Emma scowled as they walked closer.  Snow sighed.  This was going to be a long match.
For the first time since they’d arrived, Emma paid attention to the cards.  More specifically, she watched Regina’s hands shuffle then deal the cards.  Her fingernails and lipstick were the same shade of red as the back of the cards.  She was wearing black and red, like she had planned to match the cards.  Snow wasn’t blind, Regina was dressed to impress (more like torture and tease) today.  Several eyes, both male and female, had wandered her way.
Snow suspected that Regina had let Marion dress out of her closet too.  She was wearing a vibrant violet wrap dress and heels.  She looked very modern but comfortable, almost smug.  Regina was rubbing off on her.  They had been inseparable since they had both broken up with Robin.
“So you’ve adapted to Strorybrooke pretty quickly, Marion.”  Snow looked over her cards and hoped Emma was at least looking over hers.  “I’m so glad you’re doing well.”
As well as any out-of-time, out-of-realm, recently-resurected, almost divorcee could be doing.  
“It is my second chance.  I am so happy to be here.”  Marion flashed a brilliant smile at Regina. “There are so many miracles here.  I can’t imagine going back.”
Regina chuckled.  “Going back for a year was awful.  I’d forgotten how much I hated chimera and corsets.”
Marion giggled and reached across the table to touch Regina’s arm and spoke in a different language.  Regina’s eyes lit up with a mischievous spark and she replied in the same language.
Emma scowled, “Did you guys invent a special BFF language?”
Marion blinked and Regina cocked a brow.  “Have you never heard of Spanish, Miss Swan?”
“8 Hearts.”  Snow started off the bidding since no one else had bothered.  
“So you both just happen to speak Spanish?”  Emma squinted at them.  “Seriously?”  She shifted in her seat, “I didn’t even know you spoke Spanish.”
Snow did, though she had rarely heard her do so.  She also spoke French, Elvish, Latin and was passable at Agrahbani and Skailling (the language of the Northern kingdom that her mother had come from).
Snow had begged her stepmother for Skailling lessons, but had ultimately found them difficult and boring so she had quit less than two months later.  She had never been a good student and often wondered if Regina had cursed her to be a teacher just for that reason.  
She shook her head and focused on the game.  Someone on their team should at least try to play.
The bidding went fast and ended with Regina being the dummy hand.
“Well, Miss Swan.  I have all my cards-”  She spoke slowly and rubbed her fingers across the top of her hand as she laid it down.  “-on the table.”
Oh My God.  Regina was flirting.  With her daughter.  Right in front of her!  How was she supposed to focus on the tricks when Regina was trying to seduce her baby girl in front of the entire club?!
Snow looked over at Marion and the woman smirked and gave a quick nod.  Like she was in on Regina’s grand plan.  Like she thought it was a grand idea. They were doing this on purpose!
The rounds went quickly, but Emma was so focused on Regina that she rarely put down a card that helped.  Regina and Marion won the game easily.  Emma got the next deal and she shuffled the cards roughly, bending them and mixing them with some faces up and others down.  She corrected them with a grumble and finally dealt them out, counting to thirteen under her breath.  She slapped each card down hard and refused to make eye contact with anyone.
Regina and Marion upped their ante.  Not at Bridge, though.  They were playing an entirely different game.  Marion was intentionally trying to make Emma jealous.  Regina was putting on her best I’m not trying to be sexy I just am naturally irresistible act.  Snow could not believe Emma was falling for it.  The whole thing was middle-school drama club melodrama.  It wasn’t subtle.  For a master manipulator, Regina was certainly being blunt.
Snow wondered if she should stop them.  After a few calming breaths and a few sips of grape soda, she had calmed down a little.  
On the one hand, Regina had been the Evil Queen.  Her mortal enemy, the caster of the darkest curse in the land, etcetera etcetera.  On the other hand, Emma’s other suitor was a morally dubious pirate who drank five times more than he bathed.  
At least Regina was trying to redeem herself.  All Hook did was hang out on the docks, drink and make sexually charged passes at Emma (or any other female he happened to see).
Furthermore, Snow wasn’t deaf, dumb or blind.  Emma and Regina had been dancing around each other from day one.  She wished she didn’t know that, but she did.  In fact, she was starting to wonder if they had already crossed a line or two.   When she really thought about it, the signs were all there.
There had been the time that Emma had all but carried Regina out of the fire.  The way Emma had fought to save Regina from the wraith.  Then there was the way that Regina had been amazed at Emma’s magic.  How she had looked so devastated when Emma had accused her of murder.  They’d disappeared in Neverland a time or two with little to no explanation.  Then there had been the long and longing stars and stilted conversations when they were fighting Zelena.  Not to mention the fact that Regina had tried to remove her heart the second she was separated from Henry and Emma.  How she had spent a year ignoring her “soulmate” and staring off into the distance, like she was thinking about Emma had been more excited to see Regina than her and David.
She rolled her eyes, laid down her card, and gave Regina a small nod.  She wasn’t going to object, but it was not a full blessing either.  It was more of a we’ll see.  She’d leave the threats of bodily harm to David.
During the bids this time, Regina and Marion were far more tactile, leaning into each other’s touches and whispering back and forth in Spanish.  When Regina laughed, she threw her head back and her dark hair swished across her face.
Emma was gripping the edge of the table so hard that her knuckles had blanched white.
Snow looked around and realized that they were the center of attention.  Everyone was watching Regina and Marion torture Emma.  They were all obviously enjoying the show. 
“Nine Spades.”  Marion smiled and leaned over to take Regina’s glass of ginger ale.  She drank deeply.  “Thanks, Sweetie.”
Emma’s face twisted and she stiffened in her seat.  Three lightbulbs at the far end of the community center went bright and then blew out.  It could be a coincidence or Emma’s magic.  Snow bit her lip, but didn’t say anything.  Emma only became more agitated when people pointed out her magic being “temperamental”.
The game went fast but much differently than Snow expected.  They were winning.  Not because she was a particularly great player or because Emma had  suddenly started trying.  No, it was plain to see that Regina and Marion were intentionally throwing the game.  So there would be a third tie breaker game for the match.  They were dragging this out as long as they could.  It was diabolical and just a little bit cruel.  
Snow was pretty sure that no one else was playing.  They were all watching Regina and Emma.  There were the cards on the table and the entirely different game being played out with little smirks and furrowed brows.  The tension was so thick that Snow would need a battle ax to cut through it.
“Pardon me.”  Regina jotted down her team’s intentionally abysmal score on their card.  “I need to visit the powder room before our final game.  May I?”  She stood, not waiting for their answer.
Emma stood up too, faster and way less graceful then Regina had. Her chair screeched back and almost tipped.  “Yeah.  Me too.”
Snow watched Regina sashay towards the ladies room and Emma stomp after her.  Since Emma hadn’t taken a drink of her now warm soda all morning, Snow doubted that she needed to use the facilities.
“Whatever happens in there.”  Snow glared at Marion. “I blame you.”
Marion laughed, which was not the reaction Snow had expected.
“I don’t understand.”  She sounded like Emma now.  “What is going on with you and Regina anyway?”
Marion had been caught up in the war she and Regina had waged.  She would have been executed if not for Emma.  Not to mention there was the whole Robin situation.  Marion should hate Regina, or at the very least not be best friends with her.  
“I know what you’re thinking.”  Marion took a handful of the snack mix that sat on every table.  “I should hate the Evil Queen.”  
Snow nodded and grabbed a couple of chocolate covered nuts for herself.  “But you don’t?”
Marion smiled.  “We both know that Regina is not The Evil Queen.  She’s a completely different person.  Did you know that she came to me a few days after I arrived?”
During the two weeks that she had refused to speak to anyone but Henry?  During those same two weeks that Emma had been beside herself with worry and guilt?
“Robin tried to rush her off, like Regina was the dirty little secret I wasn’t supposed to know about.”  Marion shook her head.  Her voice was quiet and low, far less cheerful than it had been.  “Robin had taken mistresses before.  His code of honor is very flexible when he wants it to be.” 
Snow almost choked on her snack.  What?  
“None of them had dared to come talk to me.  To look me in the eyes.  She wasn’t there to talk to Robin, to convince him to leave me.  She came to talk to me.  I thought she was going to apologize.  I think if she had I might have hit her.”  
Marion looked over at the closed bathroom door.  
“She asked if I was okay.  If I needed anything.”  
Snow blinked.  Again, she hadn’t really expected that.
“Everyone was so excited about my sudden resurrection.  Robin had his wife back.  Rolland had his mother back.  Not a single person had asked me how I felt.  I-it-I cried.  I broke down sobbing and she comforted me.”
Marion picked up the deck of cards and started to shuffle it.  She was moving her hands and fingers, playing with the cards.
“She explained things to me that no one had thought to mention.  Offered to help me find a home.  She explained that here I could divorce Robin without losing Rolland to him.  She asked what I wanted.  She didn’t have any expectations or demands.  She really wanted me to have choices about my new life.  I don’t know what your life was like, Princess, but I’ve never been given a lot of choices.”
Marion paused and looked around the room briefly. “I get to be what I want here, and I want what she has.  A home, a job, a safe place for my son to live, learn and grow.  Love with no judgement.”  
Did Marion harbor love for someone?  If it wasn’t Robin or Regina, then who?  Snow was dying to know.
“So yes.  Regina and I are friends and-”  Marion chuckled.  “-she is a mess.  She is hopelessly in love with Emma.  She doesn’t even like Bridge.  She hates it.  She’s only here to see Emma.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  Even Henry is ready to lock them in a room together and throw away the key.  So we-”
A burst of bright light flooded the building.  There was a small earthquake and hundreds of butterflies suddenly appeared in the room.  They fluttered around and filled the room with a rainbow of colors.
“Well!”  Marion grinned.  “I suppose its mission accomplished, then.”  She looked over at the score cards.  “I wonder if they’ll let us team up since Regina and Emma aren’t going to be spending their Saturday mornings playing Bridge anymore.”
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.8
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The Enchanted Forest. Past. The Genie's Lamp, Interior. (The Genie of Agrabah is seated with a mirror. Rumbling is heard, distantly, from outside, growing louder. Sighing, he looks up and sees King Leopold stooping down to pick up the lamp.) Genie: “Here we go.” Beach. (King Leopold picks up the Lamp and rubs it to clean off some plant matter. Black smoke emerges from the lamp and the Genie appears.) Genie: “You awakened the Genie of Agrabah. You're entitled to three wishes—no more, no less. But, you must know that magic has its limits. You cannot wish for life, nor death. You cannot wish for love. You cannot wish for more wishes. And, once spoke, a wish cannot be undone, no matter what the consequences. So... tell me your first wish.” King Leopold: “Hmm. Uh... (Laughs:) Hmm. I cannot think of a single thing I desire. I have everything I need. I seek nothing more than the happiness of all who set foot in my kingdom.” Genie: “Ugh.” (He sits on some nearby driftwood.) King Leopold: (He chuckles. The Genie sighs:) “You are in my kingdom, and yet you seem unhappy.” Genie: “I have served as Genie of the Lamp for longer than you've been alive. Life as a genie is not as magical as it may appear.” King Leopold: “So you wish to be free?” Genie: “More than anything.” King Leopold: “Then I know my first wish. I wish you to be free.” Genie: (The shackles around his wrists glow and fall off with a magical sound:) “Can it be? Am I truly free?” King Leopold: “You're the genie. You tell me.” Genie: “There are two more wishes left in the lamp, what will you do with them?” King Leopold: “For my second wish... I wish to give my third and final wish to you.” (Offers the Genie the lamp.) Genie: (Taking the lamp:) “In my time, I have granted 1001 wishes, and I have seen them end poorly 1001 times. Making a wish comes with a price, and that is why I will never... use... this wish.” (Puts the lamp in a purse at his belt.) King Leopold: “You are a man of wisdom, Genie. Now tell me, what will you do with your freedom?” Genie: “Find the one thing I've always desired, that my prison has kept from me... True Love.” King Leopold: “Then you must come join me at my palace. I am certain you will find it there. Come. Meet my family.”
Enchanted Forest. Harbour. (Mulan sits beside Emma on the docks. The recent events causing an awkward silence between them.) Mulan: (Sighs:) "Look, I'm sorry about what I said. I should've been more sensitive. We're going to have to work together if we have any chance of getting home. (Looks up at Emma who seems lost in thought:) Emma?" Emma: "Do you... do you think Regina will be all right?" Mulan: (Considers the question:) "Honestly? Yes I do. (Emma looks to her:) Being separated from you because of Snow, just might be the spark Regina needed." Emma: "Will it be enough to make her-" Mulan: "Cast the Dark Curse? (Scoffs:) Yeah, I'd say so." Emma: "We only knew each other for a few days." Mulan: "Emma, you can't seriously think that you meant less to Regina than that farm boy." Emma: (Reflecting on her time spent with Regina:) "She was still so raw about it, you know? It was like Regina's heart hadn't hardened yet. Like she hadn't had time to heal before I came along." Mulan: "You met Regina at a time in her life where she needed hope the most and you gave that to her. You showed her that she could love again." Emma: "Yeah and now I'll be remembered as the reason the Dark Curse was cast." Mulan: "Hopefully, yeah. I know it sounds like a terrible thing to hope for, but ultimately Regina's curse may be the greatest thing to happen to the realms of story. Ruby often tells me that her life before it was full of pain and her years spent in Storybrooke allowed her to live without fear of being hunted. She was miserable perhaps, always longing for more, but she was safe." Emma: (Nods:) "A lot of people found another side to themselves during the curse. Some for the worse, but a lot more for the better. I just wish Regina didn't have to go through all these years of pain she's about to experience alone." Mulan: (Thinks a moment:) "Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation. Regina won't be alone, Emma. She'll have her memories of the time you spent together to keep her company." (Wordlessly, Emma leans over and hugs Mulan. Smiling in understanding, the warrior returns the embrace.)
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Aladdin: (Arriving behind them:) "So, er... (Mulan and Emma turn to look up at him:) I spoke with the harbour master and the boat at the far end of the dock is headed to Agrabah." (Emma and Mulan get to their feet while Tiger Lily and Tinker Bell approach.) Emma: "So I guess this is it." Aladdin: "Yeah, I guess so." Tinker Bell: "Sorry I couldn't magic you back home, Aladdin." Aladdin: "Oh, don't worry about it. I never get to see the ocean, it'll be a unique experience for me." Emma: "After a week full of them." Aladdin: (Smiles:) "You can say that again. (Holds out his hand:) Goodbye, Emma. I hope you find your way home." Emma: (Shaking his hand:) "Thanks, stay out of trouble." Aladdin: "I think we both know that's unlikely." (Winks.) (While Aladdin hugs Tink goodbye, Tiger Lily talks with Emma.) Emma: "So where should we try next? Obviously we can't stay in the Enchanted Forest with Snow on our tail." Tiger Lily: "Actually, about that. I think I'm going to travel with Tink for awhile. Adjusting to life without your wings can be pretty tough on your own." Emma: "You're not coming with us?" Tiger Lily: (Shrugs:) "I don't really have all that much waiting for me back home." Emma: "But wait, won't you bump into your past self at some point?" Tiger Lily: "Not if we travel to Neverland." Emma: "You can catch a boat there?" Tiger Lily: (Smiles:) "No, but there's one that travels pretty close. I have enough Pixie dust to take me and Tink the rest of the way." Emma: "Sounds like you've got it all figured out. (Leans in to hug her:) I'm going to miss you, you know?" Tiger Lily: "We'll see each other again someday. Or I'll see you at least. Don't worry, I promise to keep out of sight when Team Henry arrive on the island." Tinker Bell: (Joining them:) "Team Henry? What's that?" Tiger Lily: (Chuckles:) "Don't worry, I'll explain later." Tinker Bell: "Okay. Well, I guess this is it?" Emma: (Smiles:) "Thanks, Tink, for everything. I'm sorry how things turned out." Tinker Bell: "Oh, I'll be all right. I was always on thin ice with Blue anyway. I think she was jealous of my skills personally." Emma: "I think so, too." (They hug.) Tiger Lily: "Knowing Blue as well as I do, I'd agree wholeheartedly." (Waving farewell to the former fairies, Emma turns to see Mulan talking with a familiar looking pirate.) Mulan: (Emma walks over:) "Emma, this is Captain-" Emma: "Blackbeard. I know." Blackbeard: "You do?" Emma: "Yeah, er, your legend proceeds you, Captain." Blackbeard: "Oh. Well, of course." Mulan: "The Captain here has agreed to take us to my homeland." Emma: "Your homeland? Why?" Mulan: "I might know someone there who could help us." Emma: (Shrugs:) "It's worth a shot." Blackbeard: "Your friend was also telling me that you have no money." Emma: "Ah, no, we don't." Blackbeard: "I see. Well, ladies, the Queen Anne's Revenge is not a day cruiser. If you wish safe passage you're going to have to work for it." Emma: "Not a problem, I have some experience." Blackbeard: (Looking her up and down:) "I'll bet you do." Mulan: "Do we have a deal?" Blackbeard: "Mm. Very well, we leave in an hour. However, as Captain I reserve the right to throw you both overboard if you don't pull your weight." Emma: (Salutes:) "Aye Aye, Captain." (Blackbeard scoffs and walks towards the nearest tavern.)
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Storybrooke. Present. Swan-Mills House. (Dr. Hopper has dropped by to speak with Regina while Zelena busies herself putting together a crib by the fireplace.) Archie: "So, it's been over a week now since Emma's disappearance. I was curious as to why you haven't come to see me?" Regina: "Well it may have slipped your notice, but I've had other things keeping me busy." Archie: "Yes, the crisis with the Dorocha and of course, raising your child alone." Regina: "Raising Maria is one of the few things keeping me sane, Doctor. As for being alone, I have more family now than I know what to do with." (Zelena curses loudly as the crib falls to pieces, much to Maria's amusement.) Archie: "Yes, I can see that. Still, I had hoped that I would see you. Given your history with personal loss, there-" Regina: "Emma is not lost, she is missing. There is a distinct difference." Archie: "Yes, of course." Regina: "Now, do I miss her? (Regina gasps, trying to keep her emotions in check:) To say I miss Emma would be a major understatement. I love her so much that I feel a part is missing from me." Archie: (Nods:) "I understand." Regina: "You can't possibly understand. (Takes a breath:) But, like I've said, there's nothing I can do for her right now. So I've been focusing on other things. The situation in Camelot. Being there for my sister who's pretty much been driven crazy with worry over Robin Hood. Although she'll never admit it. (Another loud string of expletives erupt from Zelena before she throws the crib instructions into the fireplace:) Zelena! Watch your language. (To Archie:) I swear we'll be lucky if Maria's first word isn't a curse." Archie: (Chuckles:) "Like mother like daughter." Regina: "Not that kind of curse, you buffoon." The Daily Mirror Newspaper Offices. (Archie sits down with the Reporter.) Archie: "Clearly Regina is hurting, as we all are. Emma and Mulan are a big part of Storybrooke's community. Emma moreso, being Sheriff and wife of the Mayor. But we've gotten to know Mulan more through Ruby so, thinking about it, it's about equal." Reporter: "And Tiger Lily? She too vanished through the portal." Archie: "I can't say I know much about her. Other than she was Rumplestiltskin and Morgause's Fairy Godmother." Reporter: "Both of whom went on to become fierce practitioners of dark magic." Archie: "Yes, that's true but I don't think you can blame Tiger Lily for that." Reporter: "I wasn't, but it's interesting your thoughts went in that direction. Surely as the town's psychiatrist, you believe we are all responsible for our own actions?" Archie: "Why yes of course-" Reporter: "And yet when the original Dark Curse was broken, the people were quick to blame Regina for their miserable lives. Perhaps their thoughts turned to revenge after years spent listening to your advice and following your moral code?" Archie: "Now wait just a minute-" Reporter: "The people were ready to lynch Regina for what she'd done, weren't they, Doctor?" Archie: "I was the one who convinced them to stop-" Reporter: "Now that's just not true, is it Dr. Hopper? According to eye witnesses, it was Emma who ultimately stepped in to protect Regina from the mob." Archie: "Well yes, that is true." Reporter: "So on the verge of being attacked by the entire town, Regina's only savior was an outsider?" Archie: "I guess you could say that." Reporter: "I am saying that." Archie: "I'm sorry but, is there a point to this line of questioning?" Reporter: "My point, Doctor, is that in light of what happened back then, combined with Emma's current absence, maybe Regina feels duty bound to continue putting herself in harm's way to protect herself?" Archie: "I'm not sure I follow you?" Reporter: "Perhaps Regina realises that as soon as she's no longer of use to the people of this town, the mob might just turn on her again?" Archie: (Shaking his head:) "No, Regina's changed now. We all have." Reporter: "Then answer me just one last question." Archie: "All right..." Reporter: "Should Morgana Pendragon one day be caught, what do you expect the people's reaction to be? Will she be given a fair trial, or will she too be met with the wrath of those she's wronged?" Archie: "I... honestly can't say." Reporter: "Thank you, Doctor Hopper. That's all the questions I have for now."
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Morgana's Hovel. (Morgana holds up a medallion with a snake-tree on it and incants a spell.) Morgana: “Astige ðu wyrm fah ond geþéowe ðæt mod ðisse þeowes. Hine bind ond ða heold. Awendaþ he ealle!” (Morgana’s eyes glow and she casts the medallion into the flames. The flames flare, the firelight dancing in her eyes. A hiss rises out of the metal bowl as the flames disappear. The snake-tree has come to life. Morgana smiles. Turning at the sound of footsteps, Morgana looks up to see Anastasia lead Will into the hovel.) Will: “Oh bloody hell. I knew it was a trap. (To Anastasia:) How could you do this to me?” Morgana: “Don’t be so hard on Anastasia. I assure you, she had no choice.” Wonderland. Recent Past. (Drizella and Anastasia ride side by side on a horse-drawn carriage.) Drizella: “Why did I agree to this? You just know there’s zero cell reception out here.” Anastasia: “Oh cheer up, grumpy guts. You survived your entire life without a phone, a few hours spent without it won’t kill you. Besides, it’s a lovely day for a ride.” Drizella: “Well, that depends where we're going.” Anastasia: “Where it all began, Darling.” A Short Time Later. (Having ridden ever deeper into Wonderland’s dense forest, Anastasia pulls the horses to a stop seemingly in the middle of nowhere.) Drizella: “What is this place? (Anastasia steps down from the carriage:) What are we doing here?” Anastasia: (Excitedly:) “I found it, Drizzy. Our old wagon. The one we came to Wonderland in all those years ago.” Drizella: (Steps down from the carriage:) “It’s still here?” Anastasia: “Yes, come look. (They walk a short distance between several trees:) See? I found it when I was out here searching for Will. I didn’t want to go inside until we came here together.” Drizella: (Scoffs:) “You first. (At Anastasia’s look:) Ana, seriously, why would I want to see some smelly old wagon?” Anastasia: “Because for the longest time, it was our only home.” Drizella: “Yeah and those aren’t memories I care to remember. Call me if you find something interesting, but I’ll wait out here.” Anastasia: (Rolls her eyes:) “Fine.” (Striding forward, Anastasia uses her powers to open the wagon doors.)
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Drizella: (Calling after her:) "Show off! (Climbing the steps, Anastasia enters the wagon. Looking around she sees several items of clothing, including a familiar pink dress she wore in her younger days. Rummaging through various cases Anastasia is overwhelmed by the memories of a much simpler time. Hearing Drizella call out to her, Anastasia stands and pokes her head out of the wagon door to see Drizella being held hostage by Agravaine:) I'm sorry, Ana, they came out of nowhere." Anastasia: "It's all right, Drizzy." Agravaine: "It appears, Your Majesty, that we're on your side of the board." Morgana: (Stepping forward:) "Looks like you're running out of moves, too." Anastasia: (Standing tall:) "You may have compromised a few pieces, but in the game of chess there's only one Queen, and she's more powerful than them all put together.” Morgana: “Perhaps, but I didn’t come here to play games.” Anastasia: “Neither did I.” (Anastasia sends a fireball towards Morgana who casually disappears.) Morgana: (Her voice echoing around the clearing:) “You'll have to do better than that, Your Majesty.” Anastasia: (Spins around uneasily, wary of an attack at any moment:) “What's the matter?! You afraid, Morgana?!” Morgana: (Still unseen:) “I'm not the one trembling. (Anastasia conjures a sword and points it towards Agravaine who is still holding Drizella hostage:) I can taste your dread. (Finally appearing behind Anastasia:) Your fear.” (Anastasia turns and charges, impaling Morgana with her sword and pinning her against a tree.) Agravaine: “Morgana!” Morgana: (Gasps as Anastasia backs away, then chuckles:) “No mortal blade can harm me. (Morgana vanishes the blade currently penetrating her abdomen and stalks towards Anastasia:) Enough foreplay.” (Morgana punches Anastasia, knocking her to the ground. Drizella’s screams are the last thing Ana hears before passing out.)
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (Wracked by stormy seas, the Queen Anne's Revenge is at the mercy of Poseidon as all hands are on deck. Emma and Mulan cling to whatever they can to remain standing. Blackbeard, still full of bluster and bravado, barks orders at everyone.) Blackbeard: "Heave, lads! I want crew aloft! Quick as you can! We must reduce the windage, or we'll sink. (Glancing at Mulan and Emma with a smirk:) Hang on, ladies. Things are about to get rougher!" Morgana’s Hovel. Present. (Morgana douses Will with a bucket of water and he jolts awake, hanging from the ceiling by his wrists.) Morgana: “Good morning.” Will: (Breathing heavy:) “Is it?” Morgana: “Oh, don’t be like that. We have a lot of catching up to do. Pleased to meet you, Will Scarlett. I am Morgana Pendragon.” Will: “Yeah, I know who you are. You’re the nutcase who tore open the veil.” Morgana: “And you’re the one who allowed Robin Hood to reseal it.” Will: “Robin. (Looks away for a moment, then back at Morgana. Defiantly:) He did it then. Robin became the hero he wanted to be and stopped your evil plans.” Morgana: “It seems so. However, while your friend’s quest may be at an end, your suffering is about to begin.” Will: “You know I’ve been wondering when my next round of misery was coming. It’s been over a week, so clearly I’m overdue some.” Anastasia: (Looking on while chained to the wall:) “Don’t kill him, please!” Morgana: “Oh, he’s not going to die. Oh, no. I’m not going to make it that easy. You know, there’s one thing I don’t understand, Will. You’re nothing more than a servant at best and a thief at worst. Yet, time and again, you’ve proved yourself to be a very capable ally to many in Wonderland and now in Storybrooke. (Morgana grabs his face:) Why is that?”
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Will: “Just always in the right place at the right time I suppose. Or the wrong time, depending on your point of view.” Morgana: “You’re wrong. I think people have underestimated your abilities for far too long. (Returning to the metal bowl from earlier, Morgana lifts the cloche to reveal the hissing snake-tree:) I take it you’ve never met a Fomorroh before? (The Fomorroh hisses and Morgana giggles evilly:) Aw, he’s a little grumpy. (Morgana pets the Fomorroh:) He’s not used to being out in the light. No, my friend, I’ve called you from your depths for a very good reason. (Morgana takes a dagger and slices off one of the Fomorroh’s heads. It writhes, still alive, and another head grows back on the main body. Will and Anastasia look on, unsettled:) Fomorroh are creatures of dark magic. Even if you cut off their heads, you cannot kill them. Another will just grow in its place. (Will glares at Morgana, dreading what’s coming:) In the days of the Old Religion, they were revered by the High Priestesses as they allowed them to control people’s minds. (Morgana approaches Will menacingly and he glares at her, disgusted:) The Fomorroh will suck the life force out of you. Everything that makes you Will Scarlett will be gone. And in its place there will be just one thought. One thought that will grow until it’s consumed you completely. (Morgana moves over to Anastasia who is chained helplessly by the hands:) One thought that will be your life’s work. Allow me to demonstrate. (Grabbing Anastasia by the hair and pinning her against the mouth of the pit as Drizella looks up helplessly. Breathing into Anastasia’s ear:) You will not be able to rest until it’s done. And for you that one thought is simple. You must kill Xena and Gabrielle. (Morgana places the Fomorroh at Anastasia’s neck and it burrows into it, making her writhe in pain. The creature squirms under the surface of her skin. Turning to Will:) See how it works? Good. (Morgana’s eyes glow. She grabs Will’s face again:) Now it’s your turn.”
9 notes · View notes
themattress · 4 years
Story - The story for the first half of the season is the Frozen Saga and the story for the second half is the Operation Mongoose Saga. The Frozen Saga is about Elsa from Arendelle crossing over into Storybrooke in search of her sister Anna, bonding with Emma in the process and helping her face another Snow Queen who has a secret connection to both of them, while the Operation Mongoose Saga is about heroes and villains alike searching for the elusive author of Henry's storybook so that he can give them their happy endings.
The Frozen Saga is noteworthy for being the last time that OUAT was big in the mainstream, due to the ubiquitous nature of the Disney phenomenon it was capitalizing on not even a year after its release in theaters. And despite the initial apprehension of many, it's actually the Frozen elements that are the strongest part of this story. The flashbacks tell an interconnecting tale serving as the backstory of the present-day events much like the flashbacks of the Dark Curse Saga did, making excellent use of both Frozen and OUAT's established mythology. And the present-day story is all about the unexpected yet perfectly natural bond between Emma and Elsa, and it's honestly one of the strongest depicted friendships the show has ever had. The way the two of them are further linked through the Big Bad is also ingenious, bringing about a great feeling of cohesion to the narrative.
In fact, rewatching this arc after Frozen 2, it's kind of funny how I actually prefer it as a sequel to the original movie than the actual sequel! Like Frozen 2, this arc deals with why Elsa and Anna's parents left on their fateful voyage, the discovery of a secret from their mother's side of the family, a revelation of what the source of Elsa's power is, Elsa making peace with herself while Anna learns to be more independent and ends up marrying Kristoff, and a location called the Enchanted Forest. But it does so in a way that feels more true to the characters from the original film and avoids all of the pratfalls that Frozen 2 stumbled into. There's no over-its-head political message, no sisterly separation ending, and no Olaf.
Unfortunately, there are two subplots that put a damper on things. The first subplot starts off well enough, with Rumpelstiltskin returning to his former villainous glory as he sneaks and schemes and manipulates his way through a plan to obtain the power of the Sorcerer's Hat of Fantasia fame, but it sadly fails to stick the landing in a way that matches the build-up and there end up being no lingering consequences to it when there really should have been. The second subplot is horrendous, focusing on the increasingly skeevy romance between Regina and Robin Hood while also pushing Regina forward on a ridiculous quest to find the Author of Henry's storybook. Why? She believes some cosmic rule is preventing her from having a happy ending  because she was written as a villain in the book (and not because, y'know, she was actually a villain in the past), and if she's rewritten as a hero she thinks that will change. Yes, that is the absurd idea that this whole subplot is founded upon, and the fact that everyone goes along with it as if there is an ounce of logic behind it is cringe-inducing.
Sadly, that subplot ends up becoming the plot of the Operation Mongoose Saga, which on the one hand gives Season 4 more connection between its two arcs than Season 3 had, but on the other hand it's so fucking stupid. Now, whenever it's Rumple leading around his villainous team, "the Queens of Darkness", to find the Author before the heroes can, things are fun and watchable in spite of the plot's stupidity. But whenever it's Regina and Robin's continued relationship angst or a horrendous new subplot about Snow and Charming having secretly been villains in the past by causing Maleficent to lose her child, it's tiresome and insulting. The finale, a two-parter actually named "Operation Mongoose", is highly enjoyable, but it can't fully wash away the taste of what came before it....or what it sets up to come after it.
Characters - Heroes and villains everywhere, and not always where you expect.
* Remember how in Season 3, Emma had a great character arc in the Neverland Saga but then it came to a halt in the Wicked Saga until the two-part season finale finally picked it up and resolved it? And that the Wicked Saga did her dirty by building her up as the only one who could defeat Zelena only for Regina to defeat her instead? Season 4 does kind of a repeating of these problems, except this time around they are a lot more glaring.
For most of the Frozen Saga, Emma has a great arc that's essentially her and Elsa's shared journey toward self-love; learning from each other to accept themselves and their innate powers without having to always rely on the approval of a loved one. But then, after a huge broo-ha-ha is made about how Emma must be the one to defeat the Snow Queen....she doesn't, and Anna barges in to help the Snow Queen see the error of her ways before Emma can lift a finger. She isn't even the one to save her own boyfriend from Rumple afterward, Belle does it instead. It makes Emma look like the definition of a Boring Failure Heroine.
And things don't improve for her in the Operation Mongoose Saga. Her roles are being subservient to Regina in spite of the abuse Regina had thrown her way in the previous arc, being unreasonably angry at her parents for keeping a secret from her, being vilified for daring to kill a heinous villain in defense of her son, going back and forth between being a friend or an enemy to her "dark half" Lily, and being hyped as the key to restoring reality to the way it was in the season finale...only for Regina, yet again, to end up taking that role away from her. I think it was Disney's insistence that Emma be tied to Elsa and have that arc in the Frozen Saga, because Adam and Eddy clearly couldn't care less about her.  
* Snow and Charming....SIGH. In the Frozen Saga, Snow is the new mayor of Storybrooke...until the Operation Mongoose Saga, where she suddenly isn't anymore and Regina takes up the mantle again. Through both arcs, Snow reaches new levels of bad motherhood toward Emma while continuing to coddle Regina, which is not touching, it's creepy. Charming, meanwhile, is revealed to have been a long-haired coward during his shepherd days and owes his bravery and swordsman skills to Anna, which neuters just about any coolness he ever had. And then, of course, there's the egg-napping subplot from the Operation Mongoose Saga, where Snow and Charming are revealed to have stolen the egg containing Maleficent's baby, transferred Emma's darkness into it while Emma was still in Snow's womb, and then sent it away in a portal. All because of some nebulous prophesizing and interference from Isaac. And this revelation means, according to the show, that they were villains all along and thus all this time have been pious hypocrites who just do things the easy way rather than the right way. Doesn't Regina look so much better in comparison to them now? Because that's clearly the intent behind this fucking writing decision. Character assassination at its finest.
* Henry sucks, Henry sucks, Henry.....doesn't suck? Yes, for most of the season Henry is lamer than he's ever been, still being treated like a precocious kid character even though Jared Gilmore has clearly entered puberty. But then he ends up as the leading character of the season finale, and shockingly rises to the occasion. It concludes with him becoming the new Author, and this marks a turning point in Henry's character that has been a long time coming, which I will go more into detail about when I talk about the next two seasons.
* This is the season where Regina officially crossed the line into Mary Sue territory. She decides that Marian's reappearance means that she is being punished for being a villain...not because she actually was a villain, but because some Author dared to write her as a villain in a storybook, and that he needs to rewrite her into a hero so that she can get the happy ending that she's entitled to. And in true Mary Sue fashion, she warps the plot and characters around her so that nobody objects to this idea and instead whole-heartedly embrace it.
Every good guy in Storybrooke fights to help Regina get her happy ending, constantly repeating that she "deserves it" and has "come so far" even as she continues to act in ways contradicting that notion. In the end, she doesn't even need the Author since she gets Robin Hood back, gets the adulation of being a "Light Savior" who restores reality back to normal, and has Emma sacrifice herself to the Dark One curse in order to save Regina and her "hard-earned" happy ending. I think the scene that best displays the problem is in the flashback of the episode "Mother", where we see Regina in the past remorselessly murder a groom on his wedding day for no good reason, then immediately go cry over Daniel's grave since this is the anniversary of his death, and then we cut to present-day Regina mention how life always "kicks her in the teeth". Yeah, I kinda think life kicked that groom in the teeth WAY more. So where the Hell is the Author who's gonna give his poor widowed bride her happy ending?
* Rumple, for the most part, is great in this season. In the Frozen Saga, we see him going back to his Dark Curse Saga roots as he plays the role of the true villainous mastermind behind the female Big Bad, dealing and manipulating his way toward one single objective - in this case being to use the power of the Sorcerer's Hat to "cleave" himself from the Dark One dagger. And in the Operation Mongoose Saga, he steps up as the direct Big Bad who leads a team of other villains in pursuit of the Author, under the promise that he can give them their happy endings. It helps that Robert Carlyle is clearly enjoying himself; that fun is infectious.
Unfortunately, there is a problem: Rumple fails to stick the landing in his last three episodes of both arcs. In the Frozen Saga, his failure to absorb Emma into the Sorcerer's Hat seems to drive him bonkers because he then rips out Hook's heart, relying solely on commanding him to do his dirty work all while ranting and raving repetitively about how when the stars in the sky and the stars in the hat are aligned, he will cleave himself of the dagger and he will kill Hook to do so, and that Hook better enjoy so-and-so because it'll be his last and blah blah blah. It's boring and silly, and Rumple's arrogance as he keeps saying it just makes his failure that much more pathetic. And in the Operation Mongoose Saga, his suddenly revealed heart condition ends up taking its toll on him and he is ultimately unable to mount a final assault against the heroes on his own, requiring the far less impressive Isaac to do so instead. The "Light One" version of him that Isaac overwrites him with manages to put up a fight, but that's not nearly as good. Rumple as the Big Bad should have gone out with a bang, not a whimper.
* Hook remains one of the best characters in the ensemble, forced to reconcile his pirate past with his heroic present in both the Frozen Saga and the Operation Mongoose Saga. In the former, his fears of regressing allow Rumple to manipulate him into servitude, which Hook ends up fighting against until Rumple rips out his heart. In the latter, he contends with the way in which he'd wronged Ursula in the past, and with the help of Ariel (whom he also finally does right by), he is able to rectify his mistake and grant Ursula her true happy ending. I'm not really a big fan of his new modern leather jacket, though. The pirate coat was iconic!
* Following such a good Season 3 performance, Belle looks like she's on track to become even better at the end of the Frozen Saga when she finally sees Rumple for who he is and dumps his ass all the way across the town line. It was a powerful scene with some great lines from Belle, and by all logic it should have been the end of her and Rumple as a romantic pairing. They needed to be done after that, with Belle now being free to develop her character entirely apart from Rumple. But of course, Adam and Eddy would never allow that, so all she does in the Operation Mongoose Saga is date a man she doesn't actually love to soothe her heartbreak, fall passed out on the floor, have her heart stolen by Regina and then have it recovered by Rumple which causes her to inevitably crawl back to him at the end of the finale. As the next seasons will show, this damaged Belle's character beyond repair, turning her into the very Stockholm Syndrome-afflicted abuse victim that stupid detractors of the Disney version always claimed she was. This isn't a love story anymore. It's a horror story.
* Robin Hood is a regular for this season in all but title, being present for many episodes in the Frozen Saga and even getting his own focus episode in the Operation Mongoose Saga. If there was any chance of salvaging this horrendously misused character, it died the moment it showed that he still desired a relationship with Regina even after learning that she was the one who killed Marian, which would have stuck if not for Emma and Hook's time travel adventure. I'm sorry, who does that!? That is not realistic human behavior! And it only gets worse when he ends up deliberately and vocally throwing away his honor code by cheating on Marian with Regina while Marian is frozen solid and could possibly die! Oh, but Marian ends up being Zelena anyway, so all's cool. No! All's not cool! Why did this show make Robin Hood into such a lame character!? It's especially a disservice to Sean Maguire, who's a smooth and funny guy in real life and the Robin Hood he plays utilizes none of his charm.
* And then we have the regular in title only, Robin's former associate Will Scarlet, carried over from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. Of all the screwed-over regulars the show has had, none can compare with Will Scarlet. He does little of interest in the Frozen Saga except for enticing viewers with various mysteries about who he is, why he's here and what's he up to...and those mysteries get absolutely no pay-off in the Operation Mongoose Saga, where he barely shows up and when he does is mainly just Belle's new boyfriend (whom she scarcely interacts with directly!) so that Rumple can get jealous and more determined to find the Author. In the end, Will Scarlet is a nuisance who has fuck-all to do with anything that's going on in the season, leaving viewers scratching their heads as to why he was included to begin with. I can't believe that in his last speaking appearance, the show actually has him deliver the line "I warn ya, I'm scrappy", to which Rumple replies "All right, Scrappy." It's funny because Scrappy, in the TV Tropes usage of the word, perfectly describes Will here.
So, what went wrong? Well, originally the Wonderland spin-off was meant to take place during Season 2 of the main show, with the originally filmed pilot making this explicit. So Will in Season 4 was to be the Will we have after the Wonderland Saga's conclusion, meaning somehow he'd gone back to Storybrooke and regressed back into a selfish, self-esteem lacking, seemingly heartless thief separated from his true love Anastasia / the Red Queen. Highly unoriginal of Adam and Eddy, but whatever, there were still plans to move forward with him as a character on the main show. But those plans failed to materialize and Michael Socha spent a lot of time on set doing nothing, a miserable experience which he was very vocal about afterward. And what was Adam and Eddy's excuse? "It’s just, you know, there’s just so many…there’s just so many people that it’s like, it’s sometimes hard to do that story and sacrifice Regina’s story. That’s just showbiz." It all comes down to Regina. Of course.
In the end it's for the best that the confirmation of the Wonderland Saga as taking place in Season 2 never happened in the pilot we actually got, since Will's existence in this season only makes sense now if it was happening before the Wonderland Saga rather than after, thus my headcanon will always be that Will's fateful break-in to Granny's was after it closed up on the night "Operation Mongoose" ended on rather than the night of the wraith attack.
* Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven, Hans, Grand Pabbie, Oaken, the Duke of Weselton, and the former King and Queen of Arendelle are all lifted from Frozen to OUAT, and for every character that required an actor they got an actor who perfectly brought the animated movie character to life. They are also written accurately as well, with Elsa naturally being the stand-out given how much she gets to do and the bond she forges with Emma. And then there are the new Frozen characters invented for the show: Elsa and Anna's aunts - the deceased Helga and the icy-powered Ingrid, who is also the Frozen Saga's Big Bad, the Snow Queen. Ingrid, played beautifully by Elizabeth Mitchell, is essentially what Elsa might have become if Anna hadn't been so unconditionally loving toward her - her mind warped by her past pain and trauma, embittered toward all normal people, and willing to cross any moral boundary to find a family and place to belong to. Her connection to Elsa and Anna is perfectly exploited, her interactions with characters like Emma and Rumple are fascinating, and her ending where she realizes the error of her ways and sacrifices her life to reverse the damage she's done is the show's most beautiful, emotional send-offs for a villain since Rumple's death.
* The Queens of Darkness are Rumple's cohorts in the Operation Mongoose Saga who also desire the Author to write them a happy ending. The initial group is the trio of Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella De Vil, and it's later revealed that not-so-dead Zelena is also a member.
Maleficent, in spite of being played competently by Kristen Bauer van Straten and having great fashion sense in both worlds, is the weakest of the initial trio, since she is saddled with the mind-bogglingly stupid eggnapping subplot. Ursula isn't actually reflective of the Disney version of the character (Regina already did that in Season 3) and is more like a dark version of Ariel in regards to her backstory. She also isn't nearly as villainous as her peers and naturally she is redeemed rather quickly and easily as a result. And then there's Cruella De Vil, who is not a fairy tale character so everyone feared how she'd come off. Well, she's not only the best of the trio but one of the show's best villains, period. Victoria Smurfit looks, sounds and moves like the cartoon character made flesh, backed up by strong writing that makes her both funny and menacing - especially the latter when it comes to her backstory, a twisted little tale that subverts the show's usual "evil isn't born, it's made" mantra HARD.
Zelena.....SIGH. Like I said before, Adam and Eddy were dropping obvious clues that she wasn't really dead at the end of Season 3, which begged the question why they did a fake-out death to begin with. Apparently, it's because of this season's twist where, with almost no foreshadowing whatsoever, Marian is revealed to actually be Zelena in disguise, having traveled back in time with Emma and Hook and then killed the real Marian in order to take her place. She's revealed to then be pregnant with Robin Hood's child (since he slept with her thinking she was Marian...therefore, she raped him) before being hauled right on back to Storybrooke prison again. It's awful writing, salvaged only by Rebecca Mader's performance.
* We get some welcome returning characters this season, including Sydney Glass, Blackbeard, Ariel, Cora, and against all expectations August Booth. There are some interesting new side characters introduced as well, such as warlord Bo Peep (yes, really), Ursula's father Poseidon played by the great Ernie Hudson, and the Sorcerer's Apprentice, keeper of the Sorcerer's Hat and the Author's boss, meaning he naturally plays a major role throughout the season. The Author himself is Isaac Heller, played by Patrick Fischler, and he turns out to be a surprise villain who abuses his powers to influence events, which an Author is not supposed to do. While I wish he didn't take over the Big Bad position to such a degree in the finale, Isaac is still a very entertaining villain, especially when he's playing off of Regina and Rumple. His sardonic and cynical attitude also make him the perfect foil to Henry.
And then there's this season's biggest waste of a new character: Lilith "Lily" Page. There are three major problems with Lily. First of all, her origin - she's Maleficent's child that Snow and Charming kidnapped, passed all of Emma's natural-born darkness onto, and sent through a portal when she was still in an egg. It's so utterly stupid. Second, she is played by a Latino actress as a child only to have a white actress playing her as an adult. How does that work!? Finally, for all of the build-up she receives, she and her story go absolutely nowhere after she is reunited with her mother. They even make a point of giving her a scene toward the end about wanting to find who her father is, and that never gets followed up on. Even worse, the next story arc is all about Emma going dark, which Rumple had been trying to make happen throughout this arc and Lily was linked to, and yet Lily, her literal dark half, ISN'T involved!? Honestly, Mal from Descendants made a better "daughter of Maleficent" character! MAL!
Atmosphere - The Frozen Saga's atmosphere is very...Frozen-y; I don't really know another word to describe it. At least whenever it's focused on the Frozen characters. The Rumple subplot gets progressively darker to the point of becoming unpleasant, while the Regina subplot is just romantic and existential angst 24/7. These atmospheres don't fit in with the Frozen one at all, which is a testament to how Adam and Eddy are going the wrong direction with this show. Once the Operation Mongoose Saga happens, the atmosphere of the show goes insane, flip-flopping back and forth between family fairy tale wholesomeness to dark and disturbing and depressing to campiness on a level that feels off even for this show.
Episode Quality - For the most part, the Frozen Saga's episodes are perfectly fine and entertaining, although stretching out the 8th episode, "Smash the Mirror", into a two-parter was a horrible idea that cost the show terribly in the ratings. The only two standouts of badness are the 5th episode, "Breaking Glass", which introduces Lily in the flashback story while the present day story is all about Emma just having to sit back and take Regina's verbal abuse in spite of doing nothing to deserve it, and the final episode, "Heroes and Villains", whose only redeeming quality is the scene with Rumple and Belle at the town line, which doesn't even have lasting consequences. For the rest of the episode, we either spend time giving the Frozen cast a rushed, underwhelming send-off, having Rumple continue to abuse Hook while none of the idiot heroes catch on, fixating even more on Regina's angst as she has to let Robin Hood leave town in order to "save" "Marian", and watching a stupid Rumbelle-based flashback introducing the Queen of Darkness trio. In short, the episode is more the start of the Operation Mongoose Saga than it is the end of the Frozen Saga, which feels like a slap in the face to the last thing that made this show relevant to the mainstream.
And the Operation Mongoose Saga's episodes....actually got a lot better on a rewatch!? Don't get me wrong, this story arc is BAD. But when you detach yourself emotionally from the show and its characters, it becomes So Bad It's Good. It's as if the entire saga is Isaac's fanfiction; after all, it truly got started in "Heroes and Villains", and that's the name of Isaac's book in the "Operation Mongoose" two-part finale. Some episodes are unironically fun: "Darkness on the Edge of Town", "Poor Unfortunate Soul" and "Sympathy For the De Vil", but the other episodes are also fun when you just embrace how batshit crazy this whole story is and just enjoy watching how these poor actors are struggling to make something out of the material, and it's just as much fun when they fail as it is when they succeed. "Heart of Gold", the Robin Hood focus episode that reveals the Marian = Zelena twist, is one I have a soft spot for, because between Mader and Carlyle's acting, the scene of that reveal is hilarious.
Overall -  Season 4 is basically the inverse of Season 2. Whereas Season 2 was horribly structured but a lot of strong material in either writing or acting was able to make it stronger than the sum of its parts. Season 4, on the other hand, has a solid structure with two inter-connected story arcs, but the material gets so increasingly shoddy that it doesn't matter. Until Seasons 6 and 7 came along, this was definitely the weakest season the show had to offer. If you don't mind a So Bad It's Good quality, then you should stick with the entire thing. But if you only want something that's actually good, then just watch all of the Frozen material.
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