whiskeyworen · 5 years
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Last night the Mistspread Guild finally got around to trying for a Guild Hall in Gilded Hollow. It was a great experience, and we did a pretty darn good job. Spent the rest of the nice exploring the place, and HOLY COW is it huge. I had no idea how big it was. I physically got lost in such a way that has not happened since Tangled Depths. I’ve tagged everyone I can easily identify (I’m still learning who is who is who, if you get me. Discord v Character v Tumblr profile (if they have one)). I apologize to anyone I haven’t tagged, or tagged incorrectly. This was so great for me. I’ve been playing since about six months after launch...and this was probably the first real time I’ve felt like I’m part of a guild. Like, the concerted effort thing. We planned for this, we got together, did our research, and then got it. And then spent like, 4 hours doing a high-speed turnkey upgrade to everything. LoL. @lesbiancharr, @canid-slashclaw, @phnx-rosemary, @intern-seraph, @mavelleofdawn + others I don’t know the screennames of.
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myta-art · 5 years
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And the price of the winner @lesbiancharr. Their gw2 oc Sig.
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where-is-caithe · 5 years
realized I didn’t really explain anything in the reference I made so here’s a bit of info about Rhowan’s magic
She gets her power from the sun and the moon (I got this idea when I made her in an AU of mine as an angel - there’s a whole thing and it’s long winded so I won’t get into it) and her weapons are supposed to be extensions of that - I didn’t mention it in the post but she’s only got one weapon and it transforms at her will (gw2 basically GAVE this to me by making Exordium - the only reason this thing can’t become a longbow in game is because it’s a game) and she fights with each form equally. She was trained in Guardian magic, she shields and she heals, she protects; her healing magic feels like warm sunlight, her fighting magic feels like cold moonlight - that isn’t to say one is stronger than the other or one is more for healing and the other for fighting, but I think sunlight feels more healing than moonlight, though the sun can burn (I am a redhead) and moonlight is not always cold and in fact sometimes feels like a guide, a light in the darkness if you will. So she uses both aspects of her magic intermittently. I also like to think that she’s a good combination of Firebrand and Dragonhunter, not really chained to either one, but using both almost, though fighting with traps is because she was taught to hunt by her father who used them.
I decided to make and keep her as a Guardian not only because I’ve grown fond of playing the class but because of the angel aesthetics and how Guardian magic is both blue and orange or yellow, it ties in with her magic use Extremely well, not to even mention the healing abilities like damn it’s literally perfect for her.
(I also have this headcanon that sylvari like to be around her because she feels like the sun and she doesn’t really notice, but if she spends much time in the Grove or in close proximity to sylvari they start to gravitate towards her like sunflowers to the sun akgfkdhgf, when Yden finds her again she can feel herself being drawn to her for more than one reason, the comfort of her magic)
ANYWAY I still don’t have a solid idea for where her weapon came from, I’m still leaning heavily on it being from the Mists but I’ve changed her story from staying in the Mists for an amount of time to almost dying and being brought from the brink of death by Raven and that kind of kills that idea? So the sword is a mystery at this point. I DID have an idea for her armor though, the crystals embedded in the metal (the ones that glow as well as the ones that don’t) sort of draw power from her and keep her protected, giving her an extra shield and a boost to her strength (not that she really needs that) and that’s something she had the idea for when she was in Rata Sum as a teen (more on that later) and I wanna say she developed it herself and made her armor but I think she worked alongside an asura (probably Taimi? maybe someone else, I want her in this armor early on)
OKAY OOF that was a bit longer than I anticipated adjfhsdk more of a ramble than anything
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caim-the-godstomper · 5 years
It’s alright, Rytlock
   They had planned to meet Kasmeer at an oasis near the temple. They just didn’t expect her to take her sweet time about it. The Commander, restless these days had decided to use the time to try and contact Taimi. That left Canach and Rytlock. And there was a limit to the number of time one can check one’s weapons before getting bored.
   Naturally, they came to sparring. It was that or blowing something up, really and there isn’t exactly much to blow up in the desert. Plus, Rytlock is actually an interesting opponent. All these forged and their previsible fighting style are getting him rusty. But that wasn’t a reason to send Rytlock so hard into a palm tree that he’d grunt and fell on his tail.
“You alright there, old cat? Getting tired? Or is it that you can’t handle being banged around?“
“Worry about your own ass, Choya, grunted the Charr getting on his feet. Beside, pain makes me purr“
   That made Canach stare at his sparring partner. Before raising an eyebrow. Well he was probably not doing it but poking fun at him is a great solution to boredom.
“Too much information. Unless you’re flirting with me, in which case I gotta say, it’s very straighforward”
   After that it’s just a matter to keep a straight face and an understanding tone. Thankfully, the poker face is an expression that Canach mastered long before serving Anise.
“ You think I was flirting with you? By Smoldur’s cranky ass, no!”
“Please tell me you two are not fighting…, come the tired Commander voice.
“Canach needs to get his head checked before I tear it off, grunts Rytlock
   Canach puts away his sword before shrugging at her.
“How else would you qualify “pain makes me purr” if not flirting?”
   There’s a glimmer of mischief in her eyes as Rytlock protests, again, that this is just a charr saying, it doesn’t mean “whatever the fuck” Canach is thinking about. Caiméilia turn towards Rytlock with the ghost of a smile and with an understanding tone, assures him that:
“It’s alright Rytlock. Everyone get thirsty in the desert”
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gaycharr · 3 years
yo ive been dead on the tumblr scene but im gaycharr now (was lesbiancharr, not that big a change im just not a lesbian anymore, you know how it be)
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brax-was-here · 4 years
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I visited a card reader this night who provided me some insight.
Thank you to @lesbiancharr. It was a pleasure :)
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mystery-salad · 4 years
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Goodness!!! It was so fun to see more NA peeps finally, what a lovely tarot reading event set up by [FOOL] and lead by @lesbiancharr~ I’d tag everyone I had the delight of running into but there were so many of you I hadn’t talked to in ages since I’d gone on hiatus and just found again!!
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ascalonianpicnic · 4 years
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went to @lesbiancharr ‘s tarot night tonight and had a genuinely great time, even if i did spend most of it hiding behind @where-is-caithe as well as @lackluster-plays and @bonethot
It was great to meet so many people! I was Ynneir there to anyone who saw me, they’re currently my only character on the na servers but i’ll be around on them~
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sunshinemage · 5 years
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Inktober 2019 - Day #13
Featuring @lesbiancharr‘s Koriko <3
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tyrias-library · 5 years
Valentine’s Week Masterlist
Valentine’s week is officially over! I hope everyone had a great time participating in the event, whether it was writing, reading, or both. Once again I am in awe of everyone’s hard work and the encouragement and support for your fellow gw2 fans.
For your reading convenience here’s a list of all the fic received so far. If you’ve posted something and it isn’t listed please let me know! I’ll update this list as needed. And again, thank you for participating!
@astralarias - Confessions
@commander-luna - Stargazing
@commander-passiflora - Something So Magic About You
@commander-rook - Already Gone
@cousinslavellan - untitled
@eir-shaman - Confessions
@emotional-support-salad - Confessions
@firestonewritesstuff - Under Stars
@intern-seraph - Confessions
@knight-of-thorn - The End of the Beginning
@lesbiancharr - A Confession
@magisterlys - Unsent Letter
@mxrshall-trxhearne - Luna and Ashal’s plan to falling in love
@nornatheart - Sometimes I like to break my own heart
@resonatingfern - Confessions
@sylvari-bouquet - Distance
@tears-of-frost - Confession
Memorable Dates:
@brax-was-here - Unrequited Love
@commander-passiflora - miscommunication
@cousinslavellan - untitled
@eir-shaman - A Memorable Date
@emotional-support-salad - Memorable Dates
@magisterlys - Totally Not a Date
@nocte-argentea - Stargazing
@nornatheart - Date
@resonatingfern - More of This
@skullsunflowerstars - untitled
@aerisdraws - Owl & Raven
@astralarias - they had lights inside their eyes
@commander-rook - Feels like Yellow
@cousinslavellan - Soul Mates
@duskroots - Soulmates
@eir-shaman - Soulmates
@emotional-support-salad - Soulmates
@firestonewritesstuff - As One
Platonic Love:
@commander-vesnilla - The Way of the Wolf
@cousinslavellan - Quiet Space
@eir-shaman - Coming Home
@nornatheart - Partly like its 1316AE
@cousinslavellan - Stolen Moments
@sylvari-bouquet - There’s something holy in your touch
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Just tip them and they will leave.
@lesbiancharr‘s Dijji and Mozz, out delivering pizzas. Mozz isn’t taller than Dijji, he’s just the one who has to get up on the pizza boxes to ring the doorbell. 
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aerisdraws · 5 years
Under the snow moon
Big thank you to my guild Mistspread [FOOLS] for hosting a wonderful full moon tarot night guild event. Special thank you to @lesbiancharr​ for being an excellent photographer and the card reader! Thanks to all those who read this story and provided feedback. 
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The wind howled outside the mouth of the cave, occasionally triggering an eerie hum that echoed through the tunnel. Snowflakes swirled at a breakneck pace — the blizzard was picking up, and it was going to be a long night.
Solvi prowled along the cold rocky walls, her footsteps soundlessly landing in Sahar’s, the snow leopard that preceded her. Sahar’s spotted silver coat blended almost seamlessly with the surroundings as the feline cautiously stepped forward. There were ice imps in this cave, and while they were only a minor threat, they remained a nuisance. Best to avoid them, particularly as they attacked in swarms. Together they quietly traced the outline of the underground system.
The pair had initially entered the cave seeking shelter, but as they wandered deeper, the soft sound of voices bounced off the walls. Solvi could make out both male and female voices, so it couldn’t be Svanir, and they lacked the rich timbre of Kodan. As they snuck closer to the source, it sounded like... a party?
Solvi rounded the corner, bow in hand with a notched arrow, ready to get the drop on hostiles. Sahar crouched low, bracing to pounce. A large room came into view, carved into the belly of the mountain, and the occupants were revealed. 
To say it was a party was an overstatement, but it was a merry band of... she couldn’t quite tell. There were many sylvari — surely they’d freeze in this arctic weather? — and a handful of humans, as well as a number of charr. The last were not a big surprise, considering the proximity of the charr tribelands to norn territory, but these didn’t look like legion soldiers. 
“Relax,” she whispered to Sahar. Solvi stowed her bow. These people were unlikely to pick a fight, and they’d likely be more inclined to share the warmth of their fire with her if she approached them in a friendly manner. She considered removing her mask, but decided that she’d rather not run the risk of being recognised. Not everyone was a friend.
Now that she was out of the blizzard and had a chance to warm up, the snow that peppered her hair and clothing started to melt. Her skin seemed to steam in the glowing light of the fire — a sight not uncommon with norn, nature’s most efficient furnaces. She waved at the group as she approached them. Most were in animated, enthusiastic conversation. Another, more broody type, sat in the corner of the room. Solvi caught a few words. Something about murder, killing and the Pit... None of my business. Perhaps she’d approach the cheerier group first. 
As soon as she made it within the circle of strangers, a peculiar-looking pink-clad charr padded her way towards the red haired huntress. The chard’s soft white muzzle filled Solvi’s field of vision, sniffing the giantess’s person. 
“You have a strange energy! Would you like me to do a reading for you?” the white charr asked. 
Solvi looked at them with a quizzical expression. “A... reading?” Strange gathering indeed. 
The stranger nodded. “With my cards. You’re norn, aren’t you? Do you follow a Spirit?”
“I do,” the huntress replied. She glanced at Sahar, who had begun to pace around the charr, picking up her scent. Solvi’s green eyes darted back to the stranger. “My chosen totem is Wolf. He guides me when I need it most.” The crackling fire flickered for an instant, the silhouettes of the cave’s occupants dancing against the rock face.
The charr nodded knowingly, their friendly demeanour slowly putting Solvi at ease. “My cards offer guidance too – except that instead of calling to a Spirit, they use magic. Sit down, make yourself comfortable,” said the feline, waving to the warmth of the fire. “Do you have a question you would like answered?”
Solvi stepped forward and settled herself down beside the kind stranger. Sahar did not need to be told to relax, as soon as her companion had sat down the snow leopard curled up beside her, muzzle towards the flames. Solvi knew that Sahar was keeping a keen eye and ear on the crowd, despite her restful appearance. Comfortable and steadily warming up, Solvi took a moment to ponder. She had many questions, though most, she knew, could not be answered – yet. Her duties as commander had led her to making many grey decisions, of which their integrity was ambiguous. What did the ranger want to know? What could these cards answer? Could Trahearne have survived? What would he have done? No, there’s no use in torturing yourself over that again… and there’s no point in wondering if this struggle against the dragons will ever end. Surely there was something she could think of that didn’t awaken feelings of frustration. She wanted to know about something close to her heart, something almost forgotten. Solvi’s eyes twinkled as the question surfaced from the depths of her memory, a wisp of hope, loss, and love. She looked to the charr.
“There is something that weighs on my mind. A long time ago, I… I lost my pack.” Solvi furrowed her brow, trying to remember. She was so young when her parents had left her and her brother in Hoelbrak. The details were lost, like the horizon in a snowstorm. “I would like to know… if it is still worth looking for them, and if your cards can show me where to go.” She suppressed the urge to shift uncomfortably. It’s only memories. They won’t hurt you.
The question was asked. The charr revealed a deck of cards in their paw, padded digits gently grasping it. “I’ll shuffle the cards now. While I do it, focus on sending your energy towards me. When the cards are ready, I will draw them for you.” Solvi nodded, locks of red hair falling from her braid and sticking to her face as the snow melted. She closed her eyes, bringing her mind to stillness. Soon she felt the soft hum of energy that connected her to her snow leopard, but rather than following that thread, she searched for another. On her journey to become a soulbeast she’d learned that all things were connected, living and dead. Solvi found another hum, a different frequency that felt like the charr beside her. The norn focused on that lead, and tried to convey her emotions across the energy. Feelings of confusion, grief, and unshaken but dwindling hope. In her mind’s eye she saw herself, young and small and vulnerable, clawing in rage at the Wolf shaman that delivered her the news. The body of a child was too small to contain such enormous emotions, and even now as a fully grown norn, Solvi could barely fit the grief back into the small box she’d hidden away deep in her soul.
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Inhale, exhale. The cards were drawn, sharp claws handling them with the delicacy of a feather. Ace of cups, seven of cups reversed, knight of cups. What they showed meant nothing to Solvi, but it only took the space of two breaths for the charr to understand.
Solvi’s interrogator cocked her head to the side curiously. Solvi noticed her four ears pricking as the charr interpreted the cards. “Could you tell me some more about your pack?” she asked, whiskers twitching. “How many were there, why did they go?”
“There were three in my pack, but only two were lost.” Solvi thought of her brother, with whom she had not spoken in… Spirits, it’s been many winters. Though Wolf taught her pack was her brothers and sisters, she could not help but feel guilt for the way she’d left things with her true brother. “I was only a pup when they left. It was for…” How do I explain that they left to forge their legend? “… work. They sailed south, and vanished. The trip was meant take only a few months, but when a year passed I was told the ship on which they sailed was… lost at sea.” Solvi was thankful for the mask that covered her face from the nose down. Though it could not hide the storm in her eyes, it did hide her clenched jaw. She swallowed the waves of emotion that threatened to burst her cool façade. It felt odd, talking to a stranger about something so personal. Perhaps that’s what made it easier: there was no judgement. The thoughts of an unknown person weighed less than the thoughts of people she cared about. The edge in her voice softened. “Over the years they’ve found some signs of it. Bits and pieces washing up on the shore, but no crew made it back.”
“Oh! The cups is a more clarified suit with that in mind…” pink eyes peered over each picture, seemingly unfazed by the tragic nature of the story. “The ace of cups, a crow looks into a cup overflowing with water – in the background, a crow holding a sun falls down. The aces are usually almost divine gifts: great potentials and opportunities.” The charr pondered, claw gently tapping the second card. “The seven of cups reversed. Upside down it’s the image of a crow surrounded by cups of different things, some good, some bad. She’s lost – shrouded and stuck in opportunity.” The claw traced the outline of the final card. “And then the knight of cups. He has mastered flying alongside a white horse as they journey along.”
The pair exchanged a glance. “So I think, overall what these cards are saying is… the seven of cups is clearly your crew, right? They must be adrift somewhere – trapped or lost or maybe even scattered.” The charr hummed. “It’s reversed, so they are kind of trapped by a ring of possibilities… mist world waters. It’s not an issue of having a way out, it’s… finding the right one for them.” Solvi saw the picture drawn by the reader in her mind: her parents, caught somewhere in-between worlds, the ship surrounded by fog. The reading continued. “You also have the ace of cups, which is overflowing with potential. I think this is you and your goals. The crow falling with the sun in the background symbolises the falling of your pack. You’re looking into the cup back on them and trying to find them in the waters.”
Obscure inner truths were revealed, knowledge untapped now bathed in light. While the answer remained elusive, Solvi saw new ideas in the charr’s words. What stood out to her the most was the presence of this black bird in each card. She reached a gloved finger and pointed at the corvid. “This looks like Raven. He encourages thinking out of the box, and this is certainly an unusual method. Maybe Raven has some guidance for me, and I’ve simply been asking the wrong questions.”
A smile drew its way along the stranger’s muzzle. “Maybe you should go as the crow flies,” they said with humour.
Solvi laughed, enchanted by these cards and their reader. “You’re clever and wise. Thank you for this reading. May the Spirits guide your hand when you next seek the counsel of the cards. What is your name?”
The charr seemed surprised. “Vetrius, uh…” they paused for a moment and glanced at the cards. “Pathreader.” Vetrius smiled. “I am sure our paths will cross again.”
Solvi returned the smile, though it was hidden under the mask. “I have no doubt it will, Vetrius Pathreader. Come, Sahar” she said, and the snow leopard came to its feet, stretching its spine. Solvi rose, her own legs feeling stiff from sitting on the cold floor for what felt like hours. Most of the eclectic group of people had left. The blizzard must have blown itself out. The norn brought two fingertips to her left cheekbone, touching the green tattoo just under her eye, and then turned her hand for her palm to face Vet. Her own way of saying ‘I see you’. “Thank you, again. Take care in this snow.”
With that, Sahar took the lead once more, guiding the pair out of the depths of the mountain. The wind had settled, and the night had cleared to reveal the full moon casting her silver light across the snowy ranges.
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matcha-bnuuy · 5 years
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Some pictures I took at the meetup! It was so great to meet so many of you, and actually be recognised too, oh my goodness! :’D I was sort of shy and starstruck so I was a bit quiet as well as late because of timezones.. but I’ll definitely try to make it to any next one that happens too! 
We marched 10 Trahearnes from the Grove to Lion’s Arch successfully- Well done!
Let me know if I missed you in these tags and I’ll add on! @duskroots, @procession-of-blades , @commanderdeadeye , @heart-of-tyria , @a-blue-tree-man , @knight-of-thorn , @thelittlestnorn , @commander-angeallen , @maidenofghosts , @satellitescion , @elementalist-alomanca , @lesbiancharr , @miz-yin , 
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where-is-caithe · 5 years
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saw a friendly face at the boss rush earlier! @lesbiancharr
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OTP Playlist
Tagged by: @fallenqueero​ TY FOR THE TAG! 
Tagging: @thelittlestnorn​ as I mentioned, but also @commander-daine, @trahearnes-roommate, @lostmylongbow, @a-blue-tree-man​, @warmaster-aranaies, @commander-thiernaen, @morgueanite​, @clawojormag​, @averyboneyguy​ (idr your gw blog if you have one,) and to cross into another fandom, @dissnomia​, @beetlebrownleaf​, @abyssal-drain​, and uhhh oH ALSO @duskroots​ AND @lesbiancharr​! (AND WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO, THESE ARE FUN AND I HAVEN’T SEEN ONE LIKE THIS IN A WHILE!)
for #fort trinity! 
(Pukh x Trahearne x Taliesane, the latter belonging to @thelittlestnorn, so I’ll make this just Pukh x Trahearne, let him make his own Trahearne x Tali list >:3)
1. The Cure - “Just Like Heaven” - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (1987) Show me how you do it and I'll promise you I'll promise that I'll run away with you, I'll run away with you
2. Vanessa Carlton - “A Thousand Miles” - Be Not Nobody (2002) I, I drown in your memory I, I don't want to let this go I, I don't
3. The Calling - “Wherever You Will Go” - Camino Palmero (2001) If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all Then I hope there's someone out there who can bring me back to you
4. Tobu - “Calling” - Calling (2018) Tell me can you hear me now? Can you hear me cryin' out? Like an animal out in the wild I shout your name into the night
5. Peter Hollens - “I See Fire” - Peter Hollens (2012) And if we should die tonight, then we should all die together Raise a glass of wine for the last time
6. P!nk - “Who Knew” - I’m Not Dead (2006) When someone said count your blessings now, ‘fore they're long gone I guess I just didn't know how; I was all wrong
Bonus for Pukh x Sieran
Rise Against - “Savior” - Appeal To Reason (2008) It kills me not to know this But I've all but just forgotten What the color of her eyes were And her scars or how she got them
Link to the playlist!
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oprez · 5 years
Tagged by @emotional-support-salad​​ :3c
― your muse’s name: Oprez, my Sylvari Daredevil
― a favorite picture/face claim of your muse:
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
He was taught the Daredevil elite specialization by an outcast Tengu Whisper’s agent named Ksaya. After spending time together either through missions or winding down at the HQ with some herbal tea, the Tengu offered his Daredevil skills that he learnt back at the Dominion of Winds which the Sylvari gladly accepted and mastered - with his help. Ksaya gifted him his Bo staff as a reward.
Oprez is a reserved person, especially on the job. He doesn’t like to share about his private life with just anybody nor does he react well on friendly physical contact. Only people he respects and who have earned his trust are allowed to approach him with such gestures.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
learning new cooking recipes
carving wooden figures
training his skills (goes to the training grounds in Caledon Forest and sometimes may teach new saplings; he has mentored some in the arts of Thief in his free time)
― seven people your muse loves/likes:
Lyovan (my OC)
Orphilian @emotional-support-salad​
Agueda Maricruz @emotional-support-salad​ (fellow Whispers agent)
Astra @emotional-support-salad​ (fellow Whispers agent)
Tybalt (Whispers mentor) (He usually has up to 5 people he hangs out with)
― a phobia your muse has:
He’s afraid of ending up alone or being left behind. Having most of his close and trusted friends in organizations against the larger threats of Tyria, it’s a thought that weighs on him often.
Tagging (if you want to!): @hahnchenator​ @jegg-reh​ @maybe-i-was-the-illusion​ @juvenile-sand-lion​ @lesbiancharr​ @lorerys​
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