#lesbian fiona gallagher
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acethetically-bway · 5 months ago
recently joined the lesbian fiona bandwagon and now i need to express my hcs & analysis on debbie/fiona realizing they’re lesbians:
debbie secretly prints out the lesbian masterdoc when she first starts to struggle with having/finding a bf. she skims it and brushes it off (bc comphet/repression), shoving the pages between her mattress and boxspring so no one can dig them out of the trash and interrogate her. she forgets about them for years and just continues to try to fit in with other girls and gets pregnant and has franny. and franny is her everything and she thought maybe franny could fix her and make her appreciate and love a man for giving franny to her but oh fuck there’s still something missing.
so later on when she’s older and genuinely having an identity crisis, one day she takes the sheets off her bed to wash them and she finds the old crumply lesbian masterdoc pages peeking out. she steals one of ian’s blankets from his bed (bc he’s in jail and she wishes more than anything he could talk her through all this but at the same time knows he wouldn’t ever fully understand. but at least he’s here in spirit). and she reads that shit cover to cover under her blanket with a flashlight and makes the most scribbled manic nonsensical annotations all over the pages to the point where the paper is made of more pen strokes than original text. she rereads the doc every night until she falls asleep for a week straight. she puts herself in every hypothetical situation, conjures up random male fictional characters/celebrities to deny the truth, looks over at her baby and feels the worst kind of guilt that she doesn’t know how to love the 50% of her own kid that came from a man. and then she falls in love with a girl for the first time, like REALLY in love, and all that doubt and anxiety just disappears and it’s them and franny against the world and nothing could make her happier.
okay and then fiona is a whole different ballpark. she doesn’t have the time or energy for such insane levels of self-discovery. she’s so focused on her kids that thinking about who she loves is like the furthest thing from her mind. she knows she *can* be happy with a man, she knows that she enjoys sex with men in theory, she doesn’t see any other option for herself besides what she’s been doing, going through the motions. i imagine younger/teenage fiona inherited her parents’ fucked up ideas and perceptions about sex and relationships and so the bar for her is literally on the floor. she’s perfectly fine just engaging in meaningless sex and impulsive relationships that end sooner than they begin and throwing herself and her worth away to keep the men in her life happy. these relationships come to her naturally because she’s been doing this for so long, likely since middle/high school. she doesn’t care if the guy is objectively bad for her or if she fucks him every night or if she marries him after only knowing him for a week because none of it really holds any weight to her. she dates guys who can provide for their kids because it doesn’t matter if they’re good for her as long as her kids are happy. to her, relationships with men are just standard practice. it’s not so much about genuinely being in love, it’s about the benefits and the recklessness and the constant need to throw herself into chaos lest she feel completely useless.
and then along the way she meets jasmine and angela and nessa (and probably others too). and whoa boy everything gets flipped on its fucking head. she finally starts to understand what people mean when they say their S/O or crushes give them actual butterflies in their stomachs. she gets excited imagining herself being intimate with them. it’s not some chore or some ritual/routine that just exists for the sake of feeling connected, it’s an *actual* connection. it’s confusing as fuck because it’s not like she’s actually ever been with a girl before so she doesn’t understand what about it makes her feel so giddy, but the feeling doesn’t go away. the way she interacts with these women she barely knows is SO different than the guys she dates and sleeps with and even marries because these women have such fresh perspectives and raw energy that excites her. they care about her in a genuine sort of way, they’re tender and gentle but also loud and bold and confident all at once and it’s the actual coolest thing.
her biggest struggles come with the fact that she’s realizing her sexuality relatively late in life. she feels repulsed by identifying as a lesbian because of the whole “gold star” rhetoric, and because what nearly 30-year-old dates and sleeps with and marries dozens of men since they were a teenager and then suddenly goes “mm actually i’m gay”? it’s all so pointless to her and it doesn’t compute in her brain that there’s more than one way to be a lesbian. and i think debbie coming out first would help her with this; even though she dismisses it (because deep down she’s projecting her own experiences and beliefs about sexuality onto debbie), she realizes that damn, her kid sister is way happier than she’s ever seen her with any of those other losers. so when fi leaves for florida, she figures it’s the perfect time to reinvent herself and start fresh. no strings attached, no ghosts of past relationships haunting her. she’s free to be with whoever she wants and no one has to know anything else beyond her present self. (although moving to florida as a newly discovered lesbian is definitely a choice given everything that goes on there relating to LGBTQ+ issues, but it’s something new for her at least. tbh i imagine she only stays in florida for like a year or two max, makes some money, gets a gf, and moves with her to somewhere else much more tolerant and vibrant and similar but not identical to home).
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lupeloto · 1 month ago
thinking about the life we could have had if fiona and nessa became a thing in s8…
lesbian fiona gallagher you will be mourned everyday in this house
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svltzmans · 1 year ago
lizzie's masterlist ♡
the following works are all entirely written by me. all of my writing is intended for an audience that is 18 or older.
all works are fem! reader, i do not write any content involving men!
♕ denotes smut or sexual content.
hope mikaelson
hope bringing her girlfriend home
dating hope
being lizzie saltzman's best friend and dating hope
dating hope with her humanity off
drunk in love
i can see you
hope comforting you
hope nsfw headcanons ♕
so hot you're hurting my feelings ♕
for worse or for better
paint the town red ♕
jealousy, jealousy ♕
see you soon
softly ♕
'tis the damn season
message in a bottle
hope nsfw headcanons, part two ♕
dating hope after a bad day
fluff alphabet
nsfw alphabet ♕
out of the woods ♕
bottom! hope ♕
boxer! hope ♕
take it out on me ♕
playing pool with hope ♕
jealousy, jealousy, part two ♕
begin again
lizzie saltzman
being lizzie's best friend
josie saltzman
cooking with josie
penelope park
stranger things
robin buckley
she's just not into you
waves ♕
nancy wheeler
slow dancing in the dark ♕
fiona gallagher
it's nice to have a friend
take care
illicit affairs
fiona nsfw headcanons ♕
ink ♕
cassie howard
invisible string
lipstick ♕
maddy perez
jules vaughn
rue bennett
lexi howard
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iangallagherisadeadman · 3 months ago
im watching arcane s2 finale right now and my god i just know liam ate this shit UP fucking god this boy must have loooved this show i kind of wish i could talk about it with him is it insane?
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ingydarz · 5 months ago
fiona gallagher is the straightest woman alive and that’s ok, good thing emmy left because debbie being a lesbian makes so much more sense
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ange1sang · 6 months ago
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losing my fucking mind over this picture
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cringengl · 5 months ago
Debbie abandonment issues because of Frank and Monica leading to her needing to find a romantic life partner who won't leave her like everyone else but all she knows about that is heterosexual so she puts all her effort into being liked by boys as soon as possible in order to find someone who will stay with her but it never works because she's never pretty enough even though she's still young and doesn't need to find a romantic partner right now, meaning that when she got pregnant she was going to keep it to have someone who won't leave her and although discovering herself as a lesbian has allowed her to stray somewhat from heteronormativity some of those lessons about marriage and family are so ingrained that she'll do anything to find a family and keep it Gallagher I think I understand you
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lovekenney · 1 year ago
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year ago
debbie and her sexuality
this is in a way a shit post and it’s not really organized because i just was thinking about my own experiences and decided to talk about this
i think that there’s something to be said about the way that the gallagher’s and the fandom talk about debbie’s sexuality because it’s infuriating to me as a lesbian. ian straight up tells debbie to her face that she’s not a lesbian, fiona describes debbie’s sexuality as her “thinking” that she’s a lesbian, nobody, except for sandy, really awknoleges that she is a lesbian. and i get it, being a lesbian isn’t her entire character, just like how being gay isn’t ian’s entire character- as homophobic as the writing in the show can be i appreciate how they didn’t focus the character’s entire plot on that. however, i wanted it to be awknoleged more. i wanted debbie to stand up for herself. i wanted debbie to just fucking say, “i’m a lesbian!”. wlw representation, specifically lesbian representation, is so shitty- shameless gave us lesbian representation, but the best representation we got wasn’t even purposeful until nine seasons into the show. even then, debbie’s representation is treated as a joke.
growing up as a lesbian sucks and it is so hard and confusing and even if they didn’t mean to, early seasons debbie perfectly captures comphet. she stares longingly at girls, she tries desperately to get boys to like her by sexualizing herself, but fails to realize that liking someone is more than just having sex with them or liking the attention they give you, she doesn’t even like any guys until someone tells her “hey, you like that guy”, and then she just magically decides that she does. she never actually seems into a guy in the way she thinks she is, she just seems to like the attention.
i feel like debbie represents growing up as a teenage girl, specifically growing up queer/poor/not “conventionally attractive” (even though debbie is gorgeous, but she doesn’t think she is and is told that she isn’t). debbie is so realistic and tragic to me because all she ever wanted was love, and she could never get it. she didn’t understand the concept of love, and her attempts to get it failed so much because she just assumed that love was all about sex. she just assumed that her worth was tied to her looks and body and that she was ugly. she grew up with a father who drank, a mother who left, a sister who tried to parent her but failed, older brothers who could never fill the role of her father, younger brothers who could never fill the role of her child, and a bunch of kids at school who hated her. at home, she felt alone. at school, she felt alone. and she loathed loneliness, she loathed the idea of somebody leaving her and would do anything in her power to make somebody stay, but again, always failed.
a big part of her character in season 1 (and 2 and 3) is just desperately wanting her father. she cared so much about him and would do anything to get his love, attention, and praise, but she never could- and when she did, she clung onto it. so i don’t think it should come as a surprise to anyone that once frank was officially not somebody she cared about (lies) she started to try to get male validation from boys. she “liked” boys because they gave her the attention she lacked, she didn’t like them in the way she was supposed to.
with girls she always seems more comfortable and more herself. i think that once debbie figures out that she’s a lesbian, she becomes more comfortable with herself- which is the case for many people. she has always been very opinionated and sure of herself, so you can imagine how it must’ve felt to finally figure it out.
figuring out this major thing about herself was so big and so important, and the fact that people just brush it off?? just say that she’s lying, that she’s actually bi?? it’s fucking bullshit. hate her all you want, whatever, but to completely ignore/destroy her character like that is stupid. if you don’t like her then you don’t like her, but either way, she is complex and she has layers and i hate how people just try to pretend otherwise. she is a lesbian. she likes women and only women. that is who she is, and in my opinion, that is who she has always been.
and your reasoning for saying that she isn’t is stupid. yes, she got high and had sex with a guy as a rebound, but that doesn’t make her bi/straight. she literally said she only did it because she was horny and he was the nearest person. ALSO, if you wanna play that card, you may aswell say that mickey’s straight too because if you recall, he basically did the same thing at the start of 5x12.
so yeah.
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destielbunnies · 2 months ago
wish i could be in a club in 2011 and make out with a girl who looked like s1 fiona from shameless and she was kinda mean to me after is that too much to ask. IS IT REALLY TOO MUCH!
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tillidrown · 7 months ago
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I'm not sure if i want to look like her or be with her
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forthelostones · 1 year ago
i’m supposed to believe this isn’t a dyke?
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lupeloto · 7 months ago
everyday i remember that we almost got gay fiona gallagher… and everyday i mourn
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thelesbianluthor · 2 years ago
Lip really is so fucking stupid when karen is there i cannot believe how worse he gets whenever she appears. I understand all of them have their issues and I honestly don't hate any of the kids i do care abt all of them but damn i want to bonk lip on the head so much most times.
They are all such a mess. I love them but come on wake up!!!
Also maybe unpopular opinion i fucking hate jimmy he is so fake and a liar. He is a rich privileged boy that forced himself into the gallagher's life and sweared up and down he was there for fiona and then goes and cheats on her and lies repeatedly.
Fiona deserves to be happy appreciated and loved. I hate that she learned to trust him and he has been lying and cheated on her multiple times.
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lakemichigans · 2 years ago
i love when i stumble upon one of my own posts from not that long ago but i disagree with it and i have no memory of ever saying it. i just speak recreationally
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listofwhyyouloveher · 9 months ago
The Gang Masterlist
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outsiders w dancer!reader outsiders w sensitive!reader bestfriends w ponyboy outsiders w tall!reader outsiders w food sensitive!reader outsiders w boxer!reader outsiders w stoner!reader outsiders w domestic!reader outsiders w glowup!reader outsiders w silent!reader outsiders w ocean o'connell rosenberg!reader outsiders w photographer!reader curtis brothers w young sheldon!sister outsiders w latina!reader outsiders w fiona gallagher!reader outsiders w daddy issues!reader outsiders w curly haired!reader outsiders w black!reader outsiders w reader on her period outsiders w sleepy!reader outsiders with reader painting on their arms outsiders at your quince outsiders w christian!reader outsiders w latina!reader (teaching them how to dance) kissing them with flavoured lipgloss outsiders w wildchild!reader finding out youre a lesbian seeing your sh scars wildchild reader (again) outsiders x fiesty!reader outsiders x +sized!reader outsiders choosing your braces colour getting their initials on your nails outsiders w short!reader outsiders react to you not eating talking you through it outsiders w busty!reader outsiders w lesbian!reader (plat) what would get them mad crushing on you (1) cont'd
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