#lesbian abo
artinvain · 2 months
Werewolf!Abby with an omega!reader in heat who is whiney and needy!! Abby tries to tease but fails.
yeah! yes yeah!
cw: pure lesbian smut, breeding kink, daddy usage, impact play, cum play, so much cum talk, alpha/omega dynamics - not proof read
men, minors, ageless blogs DNI or follow.
“please abby,” you whine out, your back arched and ass on display, legs open wide enough that abby can see your ridiculously wet pussy - heat addled and swollen. you moan out high pitched when your girlfriends heavy hand comes down to smack your pussy and rub her fingers through your lips, sinking two fingers in.
“jesus christ,” abby moans out at the feeling of your gummy wet walls squeezing around her. “this cunt’s so needy for me,” she curls her fingers in and out so agonisingly slow you try to push back and hump them, she gulps as the sight of you, “god fuck wanna - push my cock inside you and breed you,” you yelp at her words and the harsh smack against your ass.
abby can smell you, you’re fucking dripping down the sheets and you’re dripping down her wrist “please abby - alpha I need you need to cum please -“ she nearly melts
“nuh uh sweetheart, just need to stretch you out - get you ready yeah? just a little,” she mumbles into your pussy and starts lap at you. sucking your clit and dipping her tongue in. “please daddy,” you groan, hands gripping at your sheets
“please daddy want your cum, need - need want your cock aahgod,” you babble drunkenly at the feeling of abby’s fingers rubbing your gspot and her mouth suckling at your clit humming at the taste of you and suddenly you’re cumming and abby’s cheeks are wet as she grunt, precum dripping from her and nearly cums too.
abby’s panting, pulling her boxers down and “oh fuck - fuck this pussy’s made for me,” she moas as she sinks home, “you’re so fucking warm,” abby pulls your hips back against her and grinds into you. pushes forward and pressing a hand down between your shoulders and fucks into you deep and hard.
“fuck you feel me stretching you out?” she pulls your hair to smoosh your face into the pillows to see you — a drooling mess, eyes rolling back in your head and so pretty as tears fall from your eyes squeezing shut tight. “oh my god i’m gonna fuck you full of my cum, get you full of my baby,”
“daddy so big,” you mewled out trying and failing to match her thrusts as she moans, leaning over you - pressing her tits against your back as she thrusts into you, her fingers starting to rub your clit. “fuck, fuck m’gon’ cum alpha please please want please cum inside me-“ you whine as she growls low in your ear “yeah, I’ll fill you up with my cum pretty doll, but I wanna feel you cum around me - squeeze my cock tight and - fuck-“ abby moans her fingers still strumming your sensitive clit.
abby moans as you cum, your pussy squeezing erratically around her and she can’t help but cum moaning and gasping as she spurts inside you - “oh fuck alpha,” you yell winding your hips and feeling her press against your gspot and inhale through your teeth as you cum again, shaking and twitching against her.
abby falls on top of you, your legs giving out and moaning as she pulls out, her cock still hard and twitching and leaking as she gazes at you, pulling your legs apart
“fuck baby, pussy looks so pretty all swollen and dripping with my cum - shit,” abby moans her fingers easing inside your still twitching pussy and getting between your thighs before you can close them.
“come on - you were just begging for me baby you can take a little more can’t you? still need to stuff you with my knot,” abby moans, sucking on her you clit and moaning “so fucking wet with my cum - wanna fuck it into you get you pregnant with my baby,” she moans as you whine, back arching.
“alpha! daddy daddy m’cumming, please yes wanna be full of your baby - and you cock,” you whine, thighs shaking as you cum and abby moans “of course honey, now give daddy your cum, you look so stupid drooling all over the place so needy for me huh?”
you nod frantically, hands gripping her shoulders and hair - bucking into her face as you cum thighs tightening around her head. abby fucks you through your orgasm, getting up on her knees and slipping her cock into your spasming cunt.
“that’s it honey, just be a good girl, yeah keep taking daddy’s cock,” she moans, as you cling onto her - her hips never stop moving, she never stops moaning into your ear.
“good girl, so pretty - love this pussy, m’gonna cum inside you -“ she gasps, her knot inflating, “gonna keep cumming until your full of my fucking babies,” abby moans as you grip her and gasp babbling dumbly into her ear as she slips deep inside you, squirting cum into you as you gasps, falling over you gasping and panting into your neck.
🫢🏷️ @lesbian-useless @sexysapphicshopowner @iamaboringrattat @lavendersgirl @bimboprincezz @emiliabby
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notkitten · 5 months
(alpha girls in love get a wreck room for their ruts)
her body is full of static electricity, the need to move, to fight, to fuck
the room is plain - a desk, a chair, a double bed, a small fridge
her own scent is heavy in her nose - sex, salty and musky and sweet, pheromones, spilling from her like smoke from a censer
where is she where is she where is she
when the door clicks open, a snarl is ready at her lips, answered by a sharp, short growl from the woman who enters
so beautiful - she wants to rip her throat out she wants to kiss messy and sharp she wants to break her
"Oh, darling, you're a mess," the crooning sets her hackles up but she can't stop her body from launching, from taking the steps that she needs to to pin her composed lover to the wall
she presses her nose under the curve of her jaw, scenting and biting - not gently, harsh - she will make her lover a mess - she will make her beg and cum on her fist and with her teeth buried deep in the meat of her shoulder and on her thigh and on her strap as she breaks the bed
her world tilts as she is shoved back towards the bed-
and when they are sticky and sweaty and bite marked and the will to battle turns into something languid and dark, she will bite deep bruises to paint a claim in purples and yellows over her lover's body
mine, alpha, all mine
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slutbuny · 6 months
Just got off work and I've had Alpha/omega brainrot all day so now y'all get this.
Oh to be a pretty little omega completely fucked up on my heat out in public. Maybe I forgot my suppressants, maybe it was on purpose. It's impossible to say, and I'm far too gone to give the answer. And it doesn't really matter anyway. There's only one thing that happens to pretty little unclaimed omega femmes that go out in public, after all.
Some butch Alpha catches my scent on the wind, and it's a siren's call they'd never want to resist. The next thing I know they've got a firm hand on the small of my back, and they're guiding me into a nice, quiet, secluded corner. I don't even know their name but they smell so good, and their voice is so warm and rich in my ear as they flip my pretty little skirt up.
I'd feel them getting hard against the small of my back as they reach and pull down my soaked panties, exposing me for them. They're so, so much bigger than any of the toys I've used before, and I wouldn't be able to think of anything besides how perfect they'll feel locked in me. Normally I'd be embarrassed by being so exposed in such a public space, but the corner they chose is nice and isolated, and they'd use their body to block the view of any passers-by. Curling up over me and letting their scent smother any part of my rational mind that wasn't already scrambled by my heat.
Their hands would find their rightful place on my waist and hips, and they wouldn't be able to keep a pleased growl out of their voice as they tease me. Playfully chastising me for coming out in public smelling so sweet, where anyone could come and take advantage of my vulnerable state.
But it's okay, they'd say, breath hot against my neck. Alpha's here now, and they're gonna take care of everything. I don't have to worry about anything anymore. Alpha's gonna get rid of all those pesky thoughts so I can focus on what's important. Taking care of my Alpha and letting them take care of me in kind. Omegas don't need all those worries, after all. I just need to focus on being a pretty little thing for them to claim and fuck and breed.
And as they line that massive bitchbreaker up with my hole, cooing in my ear about how pretty I'll look fucked full of their pups, I couldn't agree more, and I couldn't possibly be happier.
This post is about lesbian sex.
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spitinsideme · 3 months
Honestly, girl (and anon), you're so right. Like, bro, I'm a furry, and that knot shit always grosses me tf out. It seems to me it's normalized in my Fandom, but hey, that's a different conversation entirely. We should get more afab representation with nsfw fics and art. But that is not to say I hate folk under the Trans umbrella lmao. I need to get to writing more stuff and actually finish it like God damn I have a problem with abandoning shit.
yeah !!! i mean obviously its normalised in lime furry since its a thing in that community mostly, but i think that there is so little attentiin to vaginas in like MOST places actually which really sucks. i think some of this is that lesbian relationshios are somewhat rare to come across (not as much anymore, but still) and even then lesbian sex is MUCH rarer. like healthy lesbian sex not for men to wank off to. i do also havw to say that a lot of people label lesbians as pure and shit, like people who dont have sex and its this like "oh theyre just two girls in love !!" and whenever lesbian sex IS talked about, a lot of people are quick to go "oh thats all for male gaze" as if women dont have sex wkrh other women in wlw relatiionships ? i dont think people mean bad when theh sah these things, but when SO MUCH of lesbian sex is accused of being only for the male gaze it makes lesbians seem like these pure relationshios where 5hey can do nothing rxcept go on little dates and its sort of infantalised in that way ? like two tirls being togethe4 is nothing more than two girls holding hands and kissing (but not with any sdxual feelings !) and going on walks togeher and shit. i think that this is very obviously in the movie love lies bleeding, whwre i have seen many people say the sex was "clearly for the male gaze" when it really isnt. if we assume everything is for men, then what do we have left ? i feel like this is a whole other problem that is relevant to this actyally, but its a differnt problem entirely and has its own thing going on
we need more oussy representation !!!! give us aroused vaginas !!!! explain that wetness running down her thighs in detail please and thank you !!! make her squirt !!!
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snoelledarts · 4 months
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instead of giving money to giant corporations who will ditch you after pride month is over, you should give it to ME, a full time certified gay person :) /lh
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the-genius-az · 2 months
Azula: I don't know if I like Alphas, Betas or Omegas... I don't know which one I decided!!
Mai, Ty Lee, Katara (Just Passing):
Azula:... Women, I like women.
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fengshenjunlang · 1 year
I don't remember when I stopped reading WangXian AU or canon divergence fanfic that rewrote the event of mdzs. Basically, the post-13 years still happen.
I wondered what good it is to read AU or divergence, if in the end Wei Wuxian still had to die horribly, and Lan Wangji still had to suffer?
I love WangXian, and I want them to be happy. I stopped reading such fanfics because I feel sad. I feel like, since they'd suffered a lot in canon, I want to read a scenario where they don't need to bear all those shit. Even if it is just fanfiction...
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aspidities · 2 years
I have been snowed in for two days and all I can do is write smut and eat snickers and I’m all outta snickers
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It’s that Arcane CaitVi smut this time! And it’s some slow burn tension 🔥 with a shared shower scene and forced fake alleyway make out. You can read what oil does to water ch.1 now on AO3 and/or skip ahead to Patreon to read the second chapter for some Piltover’s Finest ABO.
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Have a great weekend to those of you not surrounded by a blizzard! I’m gonna be here, furiously depleting our chocolate supplies as well as aggravating my carpal tunnel.
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artinvain · 21 days
begging on my hands and knees 4 some alpha abby
thank you because me too. men, minors, ageless and blank blogs dni or follow!!!!
alpha!abby x omega!reader
cw: alpha abby, abo verse, masturbation, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, daddy kink,
your body is thrumming, blood running too fast and too hot through your veins. you can feel the ache in your belly, stretching out and aching to be filled to be stretched and bred.
you'd nested and prepared yourself with warmth and abby's scent surrounds you, her warm sweaters bushing soft against your skin. you groan out, whining as you press a vibrator to your clit, bucking your hips and jerking as you cum, your overly sensitive bud twitching.
"abby please," you yelp, fingers sinking into your swollen pussy as you reach for your phone and dial abby's number again and it goes to voicemail again. you cry out in frustration about to reach for a dildo when your bedroom door creaks open.
abby steps into the room and her scent permeates your senses, back arching and nipples hardening as she approaches, shedding her clothes and murmuring sweet nothings as she clamber into your nest.
"it's okay baby," abby moans at the sight of your pussy open and glistening on display for her. "my sweet omega," abby bends herself over you, kissing your face and cheeks and mouth. tasting your moans as she sucks your tongue into her mouth and reaches down to rub at your wet clit.
"please, please i need you inside," you whine out as abby sinks her fingers into you, "you're so fucking wet honey, oh fuck is this all for me?"
"all for you alpha," you gulp, "just to take your cock," you whine as abby's fingers curl into your gspot and uses her thumb to rub over you clit until you're shaking.
abby grunts as you start to leak down her wrist, "just cum for me honey, i'll make you feel good yeah? I'll take care of you," she kisses your open mouth as you cum, gripping her bicep and biting down on her shoulder.
wordlessly abby kisses down your neck, her hands coming up to play with your sensitive nipples. abby squeezes and twists your nipples, your skin prickly as abby sucks and makes marks on your mating gland, your eyes go hot white with pleasure as you cum, heat spreading from your belly and coursing through your veins. "god you're so fucking needy, cumming when i haven't even touched you?"
"so - need you inside daddy - please," you mumble as abby shifts her sweats down and eases her cock into you, watching you eyes roll back as she sinks in. you moan loudly as abby's hips press against yours and she groans with you at the pressure of you hot and wet around her.
"good girl, omega. such a good girl for me," abby groans, her hips moving of their own accord as she holds you close, and your nails scratch down her back. "oh god you feel so good baby," abby slurs, drunk on your pussy and the moans you make as she fucks into you.
"want your cum inside, please please," you moan, you feel like you'll explode without it. her hot cum seeping into you - "want you to get me pregnant," you moan and abby's body shudders, freezing as her hips snap into you and she cums whimpering "oh baby, god you feel good, that's it fuck," she groans biting down on your shoulder, her eyes rolling back.
abby's hips don't stop moving and you cum, the feeling of her cum spilling into you sending you over the edge, "oh fuck, god i wanna see you all swollen with my baby," abby moans as she starts to buck her hips with new vigour.
"oh my god, yeah - please wanna be so full of you - abby," you whine as she reaches down to rub your clit and your back arches as she spears into your gspot and you quiver with another orgasm, your eyes squeezing shut as you cum with a yell of her name.
abby groans and turns you over, her cock slipping back into you, "god you're so fucking easy, just begging for my cock yeah?" abby moans, pulling your hips back into her.
"yes! yes daddy, just for you -- need you please,"
"m'right here baby," abby presses her hand in between your shoulders and starts to fuck harder into you.
"wanna fill you, see your tits all big and leaky for me," abby whines, the feeling of her knot making her so sensitive. you grip the sheets so hard your palms hurt but you're so overridden with pleasure, all you can feel is the delicious stretch and grind of abby's cock inside you.
"fuck, m'gonna cum baby, fill you with my knot -- shit want you to cum with me," she moans, and you groan low, cumming and squirting onto the sheets below you as she stuff you full with her knot and collapses on top of you.
😘🏷️ @lesbian-useless @sexysapphicshopowner @iamaboringrattat @lavendersgirl @bimboprincezz @emiliabby
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notkitten · 5 months
reading too much a/b/o makes me want to drag a girl into my nest and fill the bone deep biological need to pump her so full of cum that she's mindless and leaking
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Last Line
🌻 Here we go again with the last line game 🌻
Okay so at the time this notification came through I'd just finished writing this line, and it's much more exciting than the last line that I actually wrote.
Thank you @thatsbitchcraft and @wanderingdonut for le tags 🤗
“No way!” Peta shouts, horrified. “I wouldn’t wish a cock on anyone, not even as a joke!” She says.
No pressure tags: @nightshift-clocking-in @stonedregulus @queerregulusablack @jegulusofwesper @underburningstars and idk, everyone else I've ever met online.
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blackcrystalball · 2 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Bridgerton (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Penelope Featherington/Original Female Characters Characters: Penelope Featherington, Portia Featherington, Prudence Featherington, Philippa Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Original Female Character(s) of Color, Colin Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, Gregory Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Simon Basset, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Edwina Sheffield | Edwina Sharma Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Courtship, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Penelope Featherington, Alpha Original Character, Friendship, Nobility, Insecurity, New love, Very mild abo, Slow To Update Summary:
The season has arrived for Omegas and Alphas to come together. The season has arrived for matches to be made and for families to come together. Although not everyone is too sure of their prospects, one being a Penelope Featherington. Having been snubbed, possibly by her father's doing, she was not too sure, Penelope wasn't so sure about how well this season would go. She was unsure about whether or not she would catch someone's eye this year, or if she would be left, alone and disheartened once more.
What poor Penelope doesn't know is, that luck is about to change, with new faces come new prospects. And most of all, new hopes of love. Best be on the lookout because this might be our dear Penelope's best season yet. Will she be pulled from her observation post and straight into society? We will just have to wait and see.
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pregnancyismykink · 1 year
WIP 1: A meet cute ABO story about two guys fucking like crazy, accidentally getting pregnant, and then going through life figuring it out as they go. (This story is already 50 pages long and over 22k words 😅 and he doesn’t find out he’s pregnant until page 37)
WIP 2: Another ABO story but based in college where an omegas first heat is dangerous and painful. Omega goes into heat on campus and the alpha jock finds him and takes care of him. Omega gets pregnant from the experience, they get together after some angst, and that’s as far as I’ve gotten. (This one is 14 pages and a little over 7.5k. I’m enjoying this one but I’ve lost track of where I want to go with it)
WIP 3: A werewolf clan just going through life. It’s really intricate and has a lot of characters so keeping up with it is hard. But I really enjoy the premise and definitely want to write more for it. (This story is a little over 5 pages and 3k words)
WIP 4: A rich lesbian couple puts an ad out for a surrogate, boasting they would pay for everything and house them. Our main character eventually gets chosen for the job and they all end up together. Very lesbian, very gay, threesomes… (This story is 14 pages and a little over 6k words)
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itsza · 5 months
we still got 23.5 tmrw
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shadestar413 · 8 months
Most of my in person friends who are afab tend to be queer, and most of the in person amabs I’ve known end up cheaters
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thefluxqueen · 8 months
started the sims 3 legacy challenge. being myself i made a spreadsheet ta plan out how ta get as many points as possible n keep track of which lifetime wishes ive gotten. they dont call this thing a challenge for nofin yall like bein broke as hell ta start has genuinely got me thinkin bout the sims gameplay differently akjwerkkjwe HAVIN A GOOD TIME i love the sims
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