#Azula A/B/O
the-genius-az · 2 months
Azula: I don't know if I like Alphas, Betas or Omegas... I don't know which one I decided!!
Mai, Ty Lee, Katara (Just Passing):
Azula:... Women, I like women.
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livrere-green · 5 months
ATLA x Omegaverse AU
Part 1 | Part 2
I've been thinking about an omegaverse atla au a lot recently, so I'm gonna vent about it cuz it's getting tiring just to have it spiralling in my head ngl
So, the only thing that I need to mention now it's that the standard age at which someone presents is around 13 to 14 years old. Knowing that, lets talk about the main characters.
Aang (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. Also, I don't believe that being the avatar makes him an alpha perse. I mean, there's a possibility he presents as one (but he could also be a beta), and it wouldn't have anything to do with his avatar status (historically there could be a higher rate of avatars being alphas/betas, but there are some important exceptions... iykwim). Well, I think he'd present at age 13 almost 14.
Katara (14) is one of the characters that confuses me the most in this aspect, but just to add fuel to her fury and her personality, I'll make her an omega, not the kind that rejects her nature but the kind that embraces it and doesn't see it as something that makes her inferior or helpless. Katara would fight against the life society wants to impose on her in the same way she does in canon, maybe even more. She would resent the people who doesn't respect her because of her gender and at some point, she'd get frustrated about it, but she would think that hating herself would mean letting her oppressors win. About her presentation, there's two option: 1. She presented some months before they found Aang, 2. She presented during the first months they were traveling to the NWT (in this case, I think the ideal place would've been Kyoshi Island, because there's people able to take care of her there).
Sokka (15) would be an alpha, he probably presented after Hakoda left (14), he fits the type and the stereotypical personality at the beginning of the show. But I think he would get over it sooner rather than later, because the why he acts has to do more with his perception of himself and the expectations set upon his shoulders than with unshakeable beliefs about the ability of betas and omegas. He would learnt to respect and don't underestimate them quickly. Also, I think that Sokka would scent the Gaang to protect them and particularly to cover Katara's scent as they travel or run away from trouble.
Toph (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. She'd present as an alpha some time after the end of the war (13). There's not a lot to explain here (talking about her at that age, except for the fact that even during her time with the Gaang, she probably hated Sokka's essence, just as an early hint about her gender). I consider that there's a lot to discuss about her as an adult and how she managed her relationships, but that's a discussion for another time.
Zuko (16) would be an omega, and also a late bloomer, probably presented a couple of years after his banishment (15).. Zuko would be determined to hide his true nature under any circumstances, letting only his Uncle know about it. Ozai would've been informed that his son is a beta, which was already a disappointment for the Royal Family (historically alphas), but it wasn't nearly as negative as being reduced to be treated as an omega. Zuko would end up causing himself a lot of damage in order to disguise as a beta, either by using too many suppressants or other medications, or even hurting himself. He would stop hiding after joining the Gaang but It'll be complicated, since he'd be distressed all the time and even Aang and Toph would be able to notice (their senses are not totally develop, so it'll be kinda alarming).
Suki (15) would be a beta, presented at 14. In her case, the characteristics of its gender would be especially helpful to mediate conflict or get out of it. The scent of a beta has calming effects in both alphas and omegas, so she would use it with her friends, or even in battle, to make her opponents lose focus, particularly if they are driven by rage. The fans are particularly helpful for that.
Azula (14) would present early as an alpha (12/13). At that age, one of the traits she would manifest the most is assuming the position of head of the pact with her friends, she'd probably scent them with the intention of establishing superiority and control over them. In this context, Mai would be a beta and Ty Lee an omega or a beta as well.
That's all for now, I still have some things in mind for this, but I'll share that later, and if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer!
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blorboazula · 4 months
Azutara A/B/O be like:
Katara: "sometimes I forget you're an alpha."
Azula: "because I'm not violent?"
Katara: "nah, because you're a fucking puppy. you cuddle my sweatshirt!"
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ly0nstea · 4 months
All this ABO azula yapping (thank you @the-genius-az ) has given me the idea of MPREG Sokkla and i think that would be an amazing idea knock that man up with her baby
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smvtgalore · 4 months
Whispered Secrets in the Dark: Chapter III - Corridor Encounter
do block this blog if you don't like A/B/O & incest fics so I don't show up in the tag for you
pairing: Azula x Ursa – but Azula x Mai in this chapter | rating: explicit | A/B/O; alpha!Azula x omega!Ursa
general content warnings: omegaverse (feat. g!p), explicit sexual content, parent-child incest, consensual underage sex.
Azula is not in the habit of questioning reality, but she wakes up and stares up at the ceiling like it’ll tell her if last night actually happened.
Did Mother give her an Agni-dammned handjob?
She woke up with a raging hard-on, something normal at this point, and the memories of lingering scent, lingering touches, of a person that shouldn’t be there. It’s not her first sexual experience, Azula’s not quite a virgin – well, she is in the more “traditional” sense, fooling around with Ty Lee but never going all the way with the non-bender omega. She went farther with may, but as a proudful alpha, she’ll never admit those… tendencies out loud.
She’ll also not rub one first thing in the morning, those early craving are soothed on their own, no need of her assistance. She’s all soft again by the time she’s on her morning training clothes, which’s great, there’s no need of a princess to walk around with a visible erection. 
Filled with hormones or not, Azula’s above such carnal, dirty little things.
Dressed in her usual trousers and chest wrappings, and covered with one of her many silk robes, the princess makes her way to her favorite training courtyard. Or she tries. First, she smells the strong, musky scent of another alpha. With a sharpness of steel that tells her exactly who it is. Then a hand, followed by flowing clothes, grabs her arms. She has been jumped times enough to know it's better to be pliant and let herself be pinned to the wall. It’s not like she likes it or anything.
“Do you not have better things to do than jumping on unsuspecting alphas?” It’s mostly a snarl. “The sun has barely risen.”
“Perhaps I do,” where Mother’s voice is soothing, Mai’s breathtakingly sensual. “Like fucking you against this wall.”
“I have a schedule, I’m sure you don’t fit in its current slot.”
“I can make it quick.”
“I thought you had better stamina.”
“I can make yours quite short.”
“We established I last longer than you.”
“I’d like to test it.”
“Would you now?” Mai responds by undoing her robe’s knot. “Do you think Zuko would be happy that you’re about to suck off her little sister?”
“Don’t talk about yourself in third person, it’s weird. And we’re not even engaged, she won’t mind it at all. Also, who said I’ll suck you off? I said fuck you against the wall.”
“I have more important things to do than be your fuck buddy,” like finding Mother and questioning her what the fuck last night was about. 
“Sure,” Mai’s well-kept claws leave pink trails down Azula’s stomach, it makes her hiss and immediately rise to a half-mast. Mai knows her a little too well. “Then why are you hard?”
“Barely hard,” Mai moves her hands up again, they’re the adequate size to perfectly cup her breasts, Azula might or might not be sensitive to someone fondling with those. “This is not fair.”
There's a small lift of the corner of her mouth, it’s a smirk in Mai’s body language: “Such a whore.”
“I’m a young alpha, and you’re groping me, that’s all.”
“Groping you?” Her left hand moves south, gripping firmly her now fully hard cock. “This is groping.”
“Just get on your knees and suck my cock.”
“I intended to fuck you,” her fingers hook on Azula’s waistband. “I guess sucking you off will have to be enough.”
“And I’m the horny one.”
Mai doesn’t answer, pushing down her trousers to her knees without saying another word. Her cock’s heavy enough to be weighted down when she’s up on her feet, but not so terribly weighted down, it almost points straight forward. 
Mai’s long, slender fingers wrap around her girth, fingertips overlay each other. Azula appreciates the length of her fingers (specially when they’re inside of her, she’s proud but not proud enough to not allow herself to be touched in all pleasurable ways. That’s definitely why she let Mother touch her…) Azula relaxes against the wall, also braces herself for what she knows will be an intense session of Mai trying to suck her soul out via her cock.
Mai, the stoic, expressionless alpha (more of a role model of Fire Nation alphas than she has any right to be), kneels in front of her with golden eyes full of lust. She looks quite pretty when on her knees, not so subtly smelling in Azula’s scent like it’s fresh air after years suffocating underground. Her nose traces from the hilt of her shaft to the tip and down again, she licks and sucks on unfairly sensitive balls. She licks slowly up, she takes some sweet time licking the extremely sensitive cockhead. 
It’s fascinating. Azula thinks, to watch how Mai takes all of length into her throat.
She covers her mouth to muffle her moans, her other hand tightens in a fist – Mai bit her cock almost hard enough to draw blood the one time Azula tried to hold her head without permission. Azula’s self-control is commendable, even more so when you consider what she’s going through, and she keeps her hips as still as possible as Mai performs one of her cocksucking shows.
And the nonbender alpha looks up at her, keeping Azula imprisoned in their eye contact, something that only adds to the pleasantly experience of getting a head in a public space.
(Azula knows she’ll think about Mother in that position, on her knees and looking so pretty it hurts, taking her in like she was made for it. )
“Such a good cocksucker.”
Mai rolls her eyes, but sucks her harder and she can smell the fellow alpha’s arousal scent. It’s a shame the princess won’t be able to do anything about it, since she’s running late already with this small encounter. Mai sneaks her hands up her tights and then gropes her butt, pulling her closer, pushing her cock even deeper. Azula doesn’t try to hold back much as the alpha works the muscles of her throat around the thick shaft invading her throat.
The continuous intense sucking sends Azula over the edge quicker than she’ll admit.
Nai swallows every drop of cum, she always does. She eases Azula out of her throat, licks to make sure it’s all clean and nice. She gets up, smelling like an alpha needing of release soon. However, at least she understands that making Azula ever more late to her training isn’t good.
The princess reaches to one of Mai’s flowing sleeves: “Meet me later.”
“Will you let me fuck you?”
“Maybe I will. We will see.”
Azula knows she will, at least when they do that, she can fully ignore other thoughts, not that Mai needs to know that.
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liuwithheadcanons · 2 years
do YOU have Avatar the Last Airbender a/b/o placements/hcs?
my energy is really low cause bad day but yes!!
Aang- born pandynamic, all the avatars are born this way cause I said so. He smells really fresh- think of the wind mixed with mildew cinnamon and a hint of cantelope seeds
Katara - Alpha cause I said so. She smells like coral and seaweed
Sokka - Beta, Beta Chad, it just fits, cause he wants to prove himself like his dad, he smells like kelp
Hadoka and Kya - Standard Alpha/Omega couple, Hadoka smells like the saltwater and Kya smells like iron and berries
Toph - Fucking Omega girlie no one can change my mind. She’s blind and am Omega which adds to her father being an annoying blah blah she’s too fragile - she smells like water melons
Zuko - I’m so conflicted 😭 cause either Beta or Alpha. But I think Alpha, the fact his dad disgraced him for bein an alpha who’s weak just adds. He smells like Ashes and ginger
Iroh - Beta , he’s a wise man, and he smells like chai and green tea
Ty Lee - Beta, it adds to her backstory about her 6 sisters that all look like her and since betas are seen as less interesting it’s just yeAh pushed her to be more special. She has a wooden anise scent - which really attracts the alphas lol
Mei - Beta, her being a beta just kinda adds to the whole Azula control thing cause I can see them being easily ‘moldable’. She smells like green apples
Azula - Alpha, smells like fire lilies
that’s it really for now I’m really not feelin it sorry- I’ll add more later tho if ppl want
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heirscrchd · 4 months
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Wrong choice. As when the waterbender would take the older woman's hand she would find herself being shocked. Not horribly so, but still enough to hopefully have her pull away. " I don't recall asking for any assistance. "
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gold-fire · 7 months
My ATLA stories on AO3:
Tyzula series:
Where are my hoodies?
I hate being short... well, only sometimes
Karate tournament
Fire Lord Azula series:
Azula's journey - Book 1: Ashes
Spirits series:
Thanks to the spirit
A/B/O Azutara series:
I fell for you when you fell in my arms
Rose's thorns pricked my heart
Eclipse series:
Last dance
Azutara in college series:
Happy Valentine's Day
Tumblr Prompts series:
I thought you were dead
Please, don't leave
Come here and make me
I can't believe you talked me into this
Azutara Weeks series:
Azutara Week
(New stories coming... 👀)
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atla-confessions · 2 months
I normally dislike a/b/o stuff (mostly because of how it’s usually an au for purely sexual reasons) but to be completely honest my brain has been stuck thinking about a/b/o in ATLA, to the point I’ve made around five plus google documents about it, three being unpublished and rushed fics plus two being rambles. My mind focuses on the weirdest of things. Anyways, since I can’t stop thinking about it, I just wanted to put it down here so that my mind hopefully starts being so focused on actual important things.
NGL, I’m an Omega Sokka and Alpha Katara truther. I just feel like it makes more sense to me than them both being Alphas or both being Omegas or whatever, ya know? I want to explain more but I, unfortunately, would make a fool of myself because it just shows goes to show much I’ve thought about this all if I already have an explanation prepared. But yeah, while I can handle the idea of an Alpha Sokka, whenever I think of him as an Omega my mind is quick to be all ‘Well, it makes sense, considering how he acts in canon, his choices, blah blah blah…’ same with Omega Katara v.s Alpha Katara.
Personally, I think that in ATLA, pups would present some time after they become 12 (can take weeks, months, maybe even a year or two), so for the entirety of ATLA Toph and Aang are unpresented. But in the comics and such, I’d say Aang would be a Beta and Toph either a Beta as well or an Alpha, but I lean more towards the idea of her being an Alpha.
I think Suki could be a Beta or Omega, but I usually see her as a Beta. She could possibly be an Alpha, and I wouldn’t mind hearing what people think she could be, but I mostly assume she isn’t an Alpha because I feel like it wouldn’t make exact sense. Her wariness of men and how she protects and supports girls so much makes me think if a/b/o were a thing, she’d also feel the need to protect Omegas/Betas from bad Alphas… and it would be a little strange to make her an Alpha if she was trying to protect her girls from them, wouldn’t it? I’m not sure. Either way, I think Sukka would still happen; Betas/Omegas can be with Omegas as well, not just Alphas.
I know that with most a/b/o ATLA fics people tend to make Zuko an Omega, but I seriously think he’d be an Alpha. It makes a lot more sense to me than him being an Omega does, but it’s hard to explain myself considering that this has been in my head for around a week or two now and this whole post is just a random thing I made. I’ll try my best though; I feel like he doesn’t embrace his Alpha tendencies much because of how Azula and Ozai (both Alphas) act and treat others, and he’s afraid of becoming like them. Before his redemption he was deadset on trying his best to be like them, but there was always an underlying disgust he felt at trying to fit into shoes that were a size too big for him. But he continued trying to be a manipulative Alpha anyways because he thought his feelings were cowardly and weak. Does that make sense? I want to explain more, I really do, but I already feel so awkward talking about this all. It feels like I’m nervously rambling to a judge who could throw rotten tomatoes at me at any moment and shout, ‘OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!’ for being dumb 🥲.
I’m not gonna give each of Ozai’s Angels a whole paragraph, nor the side characters, so I’ll just put what I think their second gender is here:
Jet, Azula, Ozai, Iroh, Hakoda: Alphas
Mai, Bato, Hama: Betas
Ty Lee, Yue, Kanna plus Kya, she’s important even if she’s passed long ago: Omegas
There’s probably more characters I missed but who cares! Sorry for the ramble and the scattered ideas, and if you guys don’t like a/b/o please don’t throw a tomato at my anonymous face. Still hurts, even if it’s not directly to me. I’ll maybe speak more about it if it interests others? Maybe? 😅 Like I have a whole document ready of stuff that isn’t even close to finished but that I’d still be willing to talk about!! But I don’t know, just like… if you care to know more… I DON’T KNOW!!! Ahhh! Don’t throw tomatoes and boo at me I’m a sensitive little dudeboygirlthing !!!!
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Please Don’t Go
Originally written for Zutara Month 2023
The final Agni Kai between Zuko and Azula comes to a head. Zuko is winning. This is the most powerful he has ever felt in his entire life. His entire body was calling on him to egg his sister on, not even realizing the consequences that may come with it. "What? No lightning? What's the matter? Afraid I'll redirect it?," he mocks his visibly unstable sister. In the back of his head, he knows he is playing with fire, and not the type of fire he is used to. Maybe it was the influence of Sozin's Comet going to his head or perhaps it's the adrenaline from the fight. But he was confident he would succeed, not even thinking about the possibility of what was about to happen.
Azula prepares to shoot as Zuko gets into position, ready to redirect whatever she threw at him. A sadistic smile creeps across the princess's face, like she was ready to kill her brother without a slither of remorse. Suddenly, her eyes dart to another direction and shoots a large bolt directly in that direction. Azula never misses. Even on her worst days, every shot was intentional. Realizing what was happening, Zuko turns and sees a familiar shade of blue. Katara. Frozen in fear as the lighting flies across the arena right towards her. Zuko runs to try and intercept the lightening in time, but he is too late. He trips as the lightening reaches the water bender. "NO!," he cries as the bolt hits her in the heart. Time feels like it is going by at a snail-rat's pace as he can only watch the young tribeswoman's body fall to the ground.
"Katara!," Zuko cries as he immediately gets up and runs over to her, hoping against all hope that she was going to be ok. He feels like he is back in that ghost town in the desert, right after Azula shot a bolt into Iroh's shoulder, sending the old man into a coma-like state that lasted for days. As he gets on his knees, kneeling over Katara's body, lying in a pool of blood, he could feel the life slowly slipping from her. "Katara, please wake up," he holds her limp, delicate frame in his arms. "Zuko... I-I'm sorry," her eyes crack open slightly, her voice quiet and strained. "It's ok. I'm here now. It's going to be ok. You're going to be ok. You just gotta stay with me," he assures her through the hot tears falling down his face. "Z-zuko, I-I-I'm so ss-sorry. I c-c-can't-t-t...". Katara's eyes slowly start to flutter to a close.
The fire bender feels her body getting cold, so he heats his body temperature and holds her to his chest, hoping the heat will keep her alive just a bit longer. "Katara, don't worry. I'm heating you up. Everything's going to be ok," he keeps telling her. "I-I c-c-caa-nn't feel y-yyour waa-rmthh," her voice barely going above a whisper. "Katara, no, please stay. Sokka will be here with everyone soon. We'll take you to the healers and you'll be ok. You have to be. Please, stay with me," he pleads with her, even though he knows in his heart it's no use. "D-d-don't-t-t-t w-w-wor-r-ry-y-y ab-b-b-bout-t-t me-e-e-e. I-I-I-II'll b-b-b-be o-o-k-k," she whispers, smiling one last time before her eyes finally close. "No! Katara, please! Don't go! I love you," he sobs as he finally admits how he feels out loud for the first time. "I love you, Katara. Please... don't go".
Zuko holds her limp body close to his chest as he cries out for her to stay with him. “Please, Katara. We need you, I need you. Please wake up,” he begs her through his tears. But it was too late. Katara takes her final breath in the arms of the fire prince.
As the comet finally exits the earth and the dark, nighttime sky blanket over the Fire Nation, Zuko stays on the ground in the arena. Everyone has already left. Azula had been taken away by guards hours ago. The Sages went back to the palace. All that was left was Zuko, sobbing with Katara’s lifeless corpse in his arms. Suddenly, a familiar orange glider flies over the arena, swiftly landing just feet from the prince. Aang had returned. But Zuko was too upset to care anymore. "Zuko, what happened?," the Airbender asks as he runs over to his two friends. "Katara... she's dead. I thought Azula was going to aim at me. I thought I could redirect it. But she aimed at Katara. I ran to intercept the hit. But, I tripped and fell before I could get to it in time. Azula bent lightning to her heart and killed her," the prince replies sadly, still holding her close to his chest, refusing to let her go. "You were going to intercept Azula's lightning?," the Avatar asks. "Yeah," Zuko responds. "Wouldn't that have killed you?," Aang questions.
"Yeah. I wouldn't have cared if it did. As long as she got to live"
Silence falls between the two boys. Zuko doesn't even look away from the girl in his arms. He didn't want to. He would've happily stayed there for the rest of his life if he had to. He couldn't bare to let her go.
Suddenly, Aang gets up and goes to fetch Katara’s bag on the ground nearby. After a few minutes of searching through it, he finds what he's looking for. He takes the vial in his hand and goes back over to sit on the ground beside Zuko. "Here," he presents Zuko with the vial. "What's this?," he asks, confused. "It's the spirit water from the North Pole. I had a feeling there was some left. There's only a little bit, but it just might be enough to save Katara," the Airbender explains, much to Zuko's surprise. "How do you know if it'll work?"
"Azula killed me with her lightning back at Ba Sing Se. It was the spirit water that brought me back."
Aang can feel Zuko was still doubtful of this idea.
"You love her, don't you?," he asks all of a sudden, taking Zuko a back. "Yes, I do," he answers, simply. "Then, let me try and bring her back," Aang offers. The fire bender nods, laying Katara's body down on her back, allowing Aang to bend the tiny amount of spirit water into her heart. With that bright blue light entering her bloodstream, Zuko takes her back into his arms, hoping that it worked.
As if the god Agni himself was truly shining over them all, Katara's eyes begin to slowly flutter open and Zuko feels her breathing starting to beat again. "Z-Zuko...," she speaks again. Tears of joy pour down as he sees his love come back to life, taking her into his arms for a hug. "Katara, you're ok. You came back," he rasps as he feels her hug him back. She pulls back slightly from the hug, smiling up at him with a glimmer in her eyes.
"Zuko... I love you, too," Katara confesses. He couldn't believe his ears. She had heard those last words spoken to her and she felt the same way. Zuko couldn't help himself. In the only way he could respond in that moment, Zuko captures her lips with his own in a passionate kiss. She returns the kiss with equal passion.
It was in that very moment, with Katara by his side, Zuko truly felt invincible
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Smut bingo 2 (Closed)
(Please keep in mind that all characters are aged up)
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A/B/O dynamics+Mommy kink Pietro maximoff x Female!Reader
Accidental stimulation+ Party Vil x Female!Reader
Maid+Power exchange Tenya iida x Female!Reader
Big Sub Tatsu x Female!Reader
Predator/Prey roleplay Tatsu x Female!Reader
Age difference+ First time+ Dirty talk Azula x Male!Reader
Body worship+ Wall sex Tatsu x Female!Reader
Bunny+Breeding+Shower sex Hawks x Female!Reader
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the-genius-az · 4 months
To celebrate your ascension to kind of Azula A/B/O, here's a soft-ish alpha!Azula headcanon: she really likes nesting – she suppresses it for a long time, she's an alpha, she's above the soft comfort of a warm little nest. She builds and un-builds every night. (Later, when it's post-war and she gets a good mate, said mate will build one permanently for her because turns out nesting is quite a healthy coping mechanism.)
- Ash 🔥🍌
👑: Thank you, my loyal subject.
(Just kidding, Ash!)
Now...I thought about that too! Azula makes nests and snuggles in them, though it took her a while to get rid of the idea that that's not an Alpha thing.
And possibly she is in charge of making her children's nest in their first years of life, she loves to make nests.
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livrere-green · 5 months
ATLA x Omegaverse AU
Part 1 | Part 2
This post is going to revolve mostly around cultural and social perception of alphas, betas and omegas in the Water Tribes and the Fire Nation.
Northern Water Tribe & Southern Water Tribe
First of all, the way gender (conventional) is managed in the SWT/NWT is evident from the begining. There's a certain order about what every person must or mustn't do, so I'm gonna talk about it, but establishing how these two communities beliefs and practices may differ.
Talking about omegaverse's gender divisions, I considered that doing an extrapolation of some of the beliefs from the Inuit culture (main inspiration of the SWT/NWT) is needed. This is, taking as axis that gender roles are demarcated, but there's no sense of inferiority regarding any gender, because the fulfilment of their roles is highly needed for the survival of the community.
Of course, here's where the difference resides. While the STW, as a whole, doesn't establish limitations or prohibitions about what an omega can or cannot do or learn, the NWT does, they also continue with the tradition of arranged marriages as a way to maintain the equilibrium of the community (after puberty, all omegas are considered in marriageable age).
Now, this is important, a young omega is eligible for marriage after their presentation, but an alpha or beta had to prove they are efficient enough to support a family before they could marry.
Why? Because roles are important, but an omega is appreciated only for the fact of being an omega and what that naturally implies. While an alpha or beta had to show that they can fulfill certain expectations (this usually happened through courtship when it came to alphas).
This is a complex issue, because it doesn't mean omegas are equally free, they are valuable because their worth is inherent to their nature (yes, as baby machines) and what that role demands of them (taking care of a household and taking care of children).
History fact here: the SWT separate from the NWT due to their different understandings and ways of living, the South grew detach of some expectations and practices regarding gender, such as prohibiting omegas from carrying out certain activities such as hunting, armed fighting and waterbending to combat. Most of these changes took decades in being completely embrace, but the war and the subsequently limitation of material and human resources forced the community to accept changes faster.
While in the South, being a chronically reduced and scattered population, there were no many options, they couldn't keep up with the demands that came along with gender/sex roles. If became a situation in which, if you can fight, you fight, contrasted with the teachings that the old sages shared with the young kids that were left behind during the war.
In consequence, there was a clear dichotomy between what those children were taught by the elders who refused to let go of the past and the reality they lived in, because there were omegas that left to fight, as much as old alphas and betas that had to stay behind because they couldn't fight anymore.
This difficult context had different effects in characters from the SWT, for example, Sokka and Katara.
While Katara recognized the value in who she was, and embraced the idea that she could do whatever she wanted because her status as an omega wasn't a limitation or a specially relevant factor to it; Sokka learned that there was an order that wasn't being follow, that things were out of place because of the war and maybe when it ended, everything would be normal again.
The reality is that after their journey started, Katara was faced with a harsh world, one in which all her value resided in her sex/gender, or worst, with a society that didn't even see her as a human worthy of respect, because her nature was a inherent sign of inferiorly.
In the other hand, Sokka found his beliefs refuted the hard way. He came to accept that there was not an ideal order, or a place in which an alpha, beta or omega is limited to be; he also outgrew past resentments and conflicts that he had been holding since Kya died and Hakoda left.
Fun Facts:
Avatars born in the SWT/NWT have commonly presented as alphas.
The practice of giving mating marks was discourage during the war to avoid the harming effects of broken bonds.
In both tribes, Alphas are neither obliged to take any kind of suppressants nor prohibited access to them.
In the South, the use of natural suppressants is common between omegas, stronger medications are not recommended if they can be avoided. While in the North, only recently presented omegas are allowed access to light suppressants.
Packs are uncommon in the South due to reduced population. In the North, there's requirements that should be fullfil in order for a pack to be formally recognized.
Fire Nation
The Fire Nation maintains an strict social order when it comes to the understanding of oneself, family and community (the prominent inspiration for this comes from Confucianism). Their values are widespread and forced in people through propaganda, just as part of nationalist beliefs.
They preach that maintaining the hierarchy between alphas, betas and omegas is needed to reach harmony within the Nation and encouraged the fulfilment of the duty of filial pleity. Is important to highlight that the alpha population is almost equally divided between male (+6%) and female alphas, while beta females (+15%) and omega females (+31%) are more common that their male counterparts.
Under this statement, male alphas and betas, as well as female alphas and betas are optimal for training and taking place in the army. Being alphas the ones that are regarded more respect from fellow officers, soldiers and other members from a crew. Usually, only alphas assume positions of power within the army, the only exception could be a beta who is also a powerful firebender.
On the other hand, omegas are not allowed to take part of any military training or operation. They are relegated to stay home, and are usually educated since their presentation in the different knowledge regarding their own nature, the care of a household and raising children. The government provides this type of education aimed at omegas in schools, but they can also be educated at home, in which case, omegas from wealthy families could access a more integral education.
Also, If they happen to be a bender, once presented, all omegas are only allowed to use their abilities for domestic activities and must be inmidiatly retired from any sort of training.
Omegas that had already underwent proper education are eligible for marriage, this is estimated around age 16 to 20, they are usually courted by alphas or betas. Although, it's always preferred to marry an alpha, as it it's believe they're better providers.
Courtship is a mere formality when it comes to arranged marriages, those are common within the upper class of the Fire Nation, and are set in order to reinforced the status and power of the families.
The Royal Family relies on arranged marriages too, being the members commonly alphas, the court assumes the task of finding a proper omega to take place as their partner, they execute an exhaustive evaluation process (it includes, but not limits to: physical condition for procreation, mental state, education and economical status). Most upper class families encourage their omega kids to participate in this selection, despite the humiliation and trauma it implies.
Due to the inequality in access to education, most of the people working as servants at the Royal Palace, are lower class omegas and betas. While trainers, instructors and governesses of the Royal Family children are alphas, betas or middle/upper class omegas, as long as they fulfil the requirements.
Now, talking about Zuko and Azula. It was expected for both of them to present as alphas, but only Azula did.
Ozai was informed that Zuko presented as a beta by Iroh, because during the standard years of presentation (13 to 14), he didn't show any major change. Clearly, this was another thing Ozai added to the list of reasons why his son was a disappointment, but Iroh was aware that he had blatantly lie, because Zuko never show any of the signs or even minor changes common in betas. He presented as an omega almost a year later, and Iroh agreed to help him hide it, because they both were aware of the vulnerable position that put him in, even when it came to his own crew, let aside his father.
Back in the Fire Nation, Azula presented early as an alpha, which was celebrated and granted her respect around the court and military officials. After her presentation, she was taught, mostly by Ozai, to employ her nature as a tool to control others, mostly through her alpha voice, which she started to use, mostly with servants and in occasions, with her friends.
Fun Facts:
Avatar Roku was an Alpha, Fire Lord Sozin was a Beta, but everyone within the Nation and its colonies is taught that both of them were alphas.
Unmated Omegas are allowed access only to light suppressants unless they're older than 50 or have a broken bond, in which cases they can access stronger medication. Mated Omegas can access any kind of suppressants as long as there's a justification for it (I.e. their alpha mate is abroad, serving in the military).
The Fire Nation has its own regulations regarding a packs legal recognition. Also, It's common to find pup packs that are formed for young presented people, but these are not formally recognised. That term is also used in a derogatory tone to refer to a pack that was formed impulsively.
High rank military officials are allowed to use their alpha voice and other actions, such as a throat grab against other alphas. But an alpha can be condemned for using their voice, independent of rank or position, if they end up harming/endangering children and pregnant omegas.
Alphas serving in the military must take suppressants and these are part of the supplies they receive, but it's a rule that's widely ignore by officials of all ranks. Most of them commonly abuse unmated omegas from any nation, this is also common in all prisons or detention centers.
That's all for now! I linked some stuff here for context, and I know some of these stuff is truly raw but I tried to be realistic.
Thank you for reading!
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blorboazula · 5 months
I've been sorta exchanging ideas with @the-genius-az and that whole thing is fully to blame for the upcoming A/B/O fics :)
the context for this is: Maizula are "true mates", Mai still betrays Azula in the boiling rock and it basically breaks Azula. despite all the healing, Azula still can't form actual bonds with people and the closest she gets to do it (and to form a pack) is with her own pup and the Gaang's pups. cue to Mai watching Azula with babies in the garden (this is also the version they're a little bit aged up in canon). it's alpha!Azula x omega!Mai.
During the short years when Mai tried to give Zuko a chance, she thought she could love him when she watched him being soft. Soft and gentle with the turtleducks, sat on the grass and allowing the tiny creatures to climb on him.
She could fall in love with him, if he was the only option she had. She could fall in love with him, for showing genuine affection towards a pup that's isn't his.
Nowadays she still likes watching him, she thinks he looks great playing with the turtleducks and spending time with Izumi, still spending time with Ilah. Years later, she still loves it.
Nowadays, she has a better sight to enjoy.
It's not surprising at all, not really, to see Azula in the garden. All the rough, sharp edges have always hidden the softness inherent to the alpha. Searing heat to harm, soft warmth to make you feel safe and loved. Azula is soft when she's allowed to.
Her father never wanted her to, he wanted a weapon (and Azula needed a parent).
It's a heartwarming sight, it truly is. Azula, who grew to be a strong, handsome alpha. She healed enough to let her inherent protectiveness shine through. Mai can see it often, and can see how Azula now has good days more often than bad days. Can see it in the way Azula isn't that afraid of allowing herself to be an affectionate mother to their daughter.
(It's so, so beautiful, Azula playing with Ilah, showing how beautiful her firebending is.)
Sometimes Azula sits with the baby turtleducks, they climb her lap, seeking a human's soft warmth. She pets them, picks them up to give them soft kisses on their little head, allows them to nip her fingers and her toes. Gives them bread and fruit cut in tiny, neat cubes.
Destiny or not, Mai never had a chance of not loving Azula.
When their friends come around, the kids flock Azula the same way the baby turtleducks do. Ilah is always a little jealous, but Azula makes sure that her pup isn't left out in favor of the other kids. Nowadays she's too big to fit on Azula's lap when she has Bumi and Kya and Lin, but she glues herself to Azula's back. (Mai is infinitely happy that the early years separated didn't mean that Ilah's bond to Azula was permanently damaged). Izumi too, more often than not, it's adorable how the cub is close to her aunt.
Today Toph brought Suyin too, so Azula is really under a pile of cubs.
And she's glowing.
Really, Azula's giving off happy pheromones like there's no tomorrow. And the cubs respond to it by doing the same, so the whole garden is smelling like happy alpha and her cubs.
Mai loves it.
Mai loves that Azula gets to be happy, even if it's with pups that aren't hers. Azula gets to be happy, and it's all that she needs. All that she deserves.
Mai doesn't dare intruding, not when Azula is softly telling them a story. Probably a play, even if the alpha still won't admit that she loves those plays. That she likes theater as much as Zuko. That it comes from her grandmother, probably the one person of her family that never gave her so much trauma she can barely look at them.
The world feels right like this. Not perfect, but much better than Mai would have dreamed.
Better yet when Azula seems to find a moment to look back at her, and offers a small smile. Amber eyes shining with happiness that Mai feared would never be there.
Really, not loving Azula was never an option.
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thebluemallet · 11 months
A look at my first thoughts on the trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender
IT'S SOZIN'S COMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we going to see the attacks on the Air Temples???
That iceberg already looks better than the one from the movie that shall not be named. Just that one shot of the iceberg and I'm fucking sold on the art direction of this show.
SPOT ON casting for Katara as far as looks go. She even has the same face shape.
The parkas on both Sokka and Katara look amazing. Again, much better than what they had in the movie that shall not be named. I love the details in the designs on them.
Zuko has a SCAR. He has an actual SCAR. Not just something that looks kind of like a rash.
I've only had Netflix Uncle Iroh for a day and half. But if anything happens to him, I will hurt everyone in this room and then myself.
The Fire Nation throne room looks SICK with the flames cropping up.
It's the Fire Lord! I wondered if we would see him or not. But keeping him in shadows for two seasons won't work as well in a live-action show so I'm fine with it.
(Daniel Dae Kim voiced an Earth Kingdom General in the original series and now he's the Fire Lord!)
Honestly, showing Suki and the Kyoshi warriors in the trailer felt like a direct message from the show to fans of the original series that said, "Yes, they will be included and not cut out from the final product, unlike that other project."
Seriously, for those who don't remember, people in 2010 were getting their hopes up that the movie that shall not be named would be a) good despite the whitewashing and b) still include the Kyoshi warriors despite them not being in the trailers.
Okay, I'll admit it. I may have gotten a little choked up when I first saw Aang flying through with his staff.
AANG!!!!!!!! Looking like a badass emerging from the mist.
That shot of Aang in the burned forest looks exactly like the shot in the original show! Holy shit!
AGNI KAI!!! I have conflicting emotions about this! I'm excited it's in here but I'm not ready to see Zuko in that much pain.
ZUKO AND IROH FIGHTING TOGETHER!!!! Is this when Iroh got captured by the Earth Kingdom???
Also the animation on the firebending looks incredible and it looks reminiscent of the martial arts style they used for firebending in the show.
It looks like the fire is glowing in her eyes.
Sokka and Katara in the Southern Air Temple maybe?
The tattoos GLOW.
Is this Zuko attacking Kyoshi Island?!
The whole trailer I was chanting Show me Appa! Show me Appa!
Oh, but I'm probably gonna have to wait a while before I get to see this, right?
So yeah, I'm excited for this.
Also, not in the trailer, but the Cabbage Merchant is supposed to be in the show.
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smvtgalore · 5 months
Whispered Secrets in the Dark: Chapter II - A Helping Hand
do block this blog if you don't like A/B/O & incest fics so I don't show up in the tag for you
pairing: Azula x Ursa | rating: explicit | A/B/O; alpha!Azula x omega!Ursa
general content warnings: omegaverse (feat. g!p), explicit sexual content, parent-child incest, consensual underage sex.
One of the most useful skills learned in the Fire Nation Junior Corps is, undoubtedly, how to put all your clothes in under a minute.
Very useful, Azula, gracefully, jumps into the closest pair of trousers, hoping it would help a little. She ties her robe close, and is quite grateful for her own habit of sleeping under heavy blankets, the weather never matters. Just to be sure Mother dearest won’t see her erection at all – even if she’s not escaping the scent of arousal, – she places one of the many extra pillows at her lap. After unlocking the door and then hiding under the blankets, she giives Mother permission to enter the room.
She can’t hide the scent of arousal, but, well, Azula’s a young alpha going through body changes, it’s normal for her to be aroused at any moment of the day.
“Am I interrupting  something, sweetie?” Mother has always called sweetie – Azula’s sweetie, Zuko’s dear, Lu Ten’s love – and it shouldn’t affect her like this. The stupid cock strains against hastily put on trousers. 
“Just doing some light reading before sleeping,” she half lifts the scroll she decided to pretend to be reading.
“My girl, always interested in learning,” Azula does not blush a little at the praise. Stupid cock keeps twitching under any attention from the older woman. “I’d like to have a conversation about you behavior earlier today.”
She steps into the room, properly. Her nose flares just a little, twitching like Azula’s does when she’s noticing some sort of interesting scent. But the reagal princess does not react, even if she should have a disgusted look on her pretty face, nose filled with the arousal of her own offspring. Mother’s floral, soft scent does not help Azula’s current situation.
She’d like to be alone so she can jerk off in peace, without the object of her lust in her bedroom, thank you very much!
“Feeling alright, sweetie?”
“Y-yes,” fuck, I do not stutter! “Yes. Yes, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, my dragon cub?”
Azula full on flustered, what was the last time Mother called her the old, maybe adorable, nickname?: “Yes, I’m sure. Do not worry. What about about my so-called behaviour?”
“It’s not polite to threaten to burn servants.”
“They were annoying me,” they were staring at me like a piece of meat. “Annoyances need to learn their place.”
“A kind ruler does not burn their subjects.”
“I’m fifth in the line of succession, and I have no interest in being Firelord, Zuzu is more interested than me. Go pester her with your ‘how a proper ruler behaves’ nonsense.”
“You’re still a royal, and you’re still not meant to behave like a childish brat.”
“Perhaps I am a childish brat,” it feels almost more like a banter than a scold. “And I didn’t burn any of them, stop worrying about it.”
“I’m trying to fix your reputation. How are you going to find a suitable omega with the reputation of being a violent, brutal alpha?”
“I’m not interested in finding a suitable omega.”
“Crown Prince Iroh is. He’ll be Firelord soon, Lu Ten already has. You and your sister are the next.”
“Being this far down the lineage, I’d expect to have the same experience as Father.”
Mother steps closer, it throbs and Azula has forgotten for a moment that she was in the middle of something: “Your Father is a decent alpha, a decent Firebender, however you… you are a prodigy. No Firelord would allow it to go to waste your seed in inferior omegas.”
“I didn’t know you were so… defiant.”
She scoffs: “I am honest.”
“My Father is a great Firebender.”
“You’re better than him, are you not?”
Would that be some sort of treason? She knows she is a better Firebender than Father. Objectively, only Uncle and Grandfather are better benders than her. It’s an experience thing, she knows, being a prodigy like Grandfather, it won’t take much longer for her to be superior to Uncle in his prime. And she respects him just enough to admit she’d like to be better than him.
(Maybe she’d respect Uncle more if he didn’t keep choosing Zuko over her, if he didn’t act like he had only one niece.)
“You’re on the way to becoming the greatest Firebender in history, sweetie.”
Azula blinks, surprised that Mother’s close to her, standing beside the bed: “I believe that’s true.”
“Good girl.”
She makes quite an embarrassing noise, Mother smiles and cradles her cheek, her quite flustered cheek: “I do… I do try, sometimes.”
“So keep trying to be a good girl,” she places a knee on the edge of the bed, and Azula’s brain gets full of static. “And tell me what you were doing before I knocked on your door.”
“Perhaps I was having some quality private time.”
“So I interrupted your playtime? I could help.”
“Help?” Azula blinks, her speech impaired by how close Mother is, by how the omega smells sweet and how her night robe doesn’t hide much of her body at all. Has it always been this… inappropriate? “Help… how?”
“Help however you want,” she places a hand on top of the pillow, applying minor pressure that is enough to get yet another embarrassing noise from the young alpha. “Tell me to leave and I will.”
“No,” she grabs her wrist. “Stay.”
“Whatever you need, little dragon.”
Mother kisses her forehead, and Azula is about to burst. Maybe in flames, maybe in a fountain of cum, maybe in ashes from a mix of embarrassment and that warmth burning on her chest from Mother’s affection. It feels like something innocent, it feels like there’s a dirty promise underneath.
A dirty promise she hopes Mother fulfills.
Azula can’t avoid the deep red flush on her face when she allows Mother to pull the pillow away, her cock makes quite the visible bulge on her trousers, the wet spots from the precum that didn’t stop leaking only makes her fluster more. 
“It’s alright, don’t be ashamed,” Mother says, all sothing and calm. “It’s normal.”
“I don’t think this is normal.”
“Don’t worry, no one will judge us."
“I imagine no one should know.”
“You’re correct.”
“I always am.”
She’s smug for a second, before Mother gropes her, as bold as the one person who has the courage to do that. And it makes her hips jerk with the almost unexpected touch. She throws her head back as Mother squeezes it, and Mother takes the opportunity to kiss her neck. The older woman hums in approval. She keeps kissing and sucking at the sensitive, soft skill before she pulls down Azula’s trousers just enough to set her cock free.
At least she’s leaking enough that no spit is needed.
“Such a majestic thing you have here,” she praises, not even looking at it, just stroking slowly. “My little dragon is all grown up.”
Azula is a master of self-control. it’s the only reason she doesn’t start to fuck into Mother’s hand. Soft, warm, fingers almost not long enough to touch each other when her hand is wrapped around Azula’s girth.
Much better than her own hand.
Paired up with the atack on her neck, she’s dangerously close to an orgasm within minutes. Mother withdrawns from her neck, her free hand sneaks up to her chest. Not expecting her breasts to be played with, she moans almost too loud.
“Let go, sweetie” her hand moves down her abs and back again, the hand stroking her cock speeds up. “Let go of what you’ve been holding back all day. And all because of me.”
Count on Mother to know of Azula’s dirty, little incestous feelings.
It doesn't matter, not when she’s twisting her right nipple just enough to be the last straw to make her burst in a ridiculously intense orgasm. Grabbing at the bedsheets, moaning Mother just loud and clear enough for the woman to hear.
“There you go, my good girl. My beautiful good girl.”
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