#ler!mike wheeler
cringemesstickles · 11 months
Tickly Kisses
(TickleTober Day 22: Ticklish Kisses)
Summary: Mike attacks Will with kisses
Pairing: Byler
Word Count: 728
A/N: the amount of byler tword content is scarce so I thought I’d contribute. Idk man they’re too cute :’)
The sun was setting in Hawkins Indiana, casting a golden hue through the youngest Byers’ window.
Lots of change had taken place over the course of the year, some bad, some good; one of the good changes however, was the new relationship between Will Byers and Mike Wheeler.
Today, the two lovebirds sat in Will’s bedroom, Mike flipping through an old comic book while Will sat at his desk, engrossed in his current artistic project. Though they were both doing separate activities, they were together and that’s all that they needed.
After awhile of sitting in comfortable silence, Mike started to feel bored, looking over at his boyfriend who was lost in his own world of creativity.
Getting an idea, he closed his comic book and carefully set it aside, hopping up from the bed and slowly making his way towards the unsuspecting artist.
When he reached his destination, he waited for Will to put down his pencil, not wanting to risk ruining the project by causing him to slip.
When the brunette set his pencil aside in favor of reaching for a marker, Mike put his plan into motion.
Before the boy could grab his marker, his boyfriend spun the chair around to face him, eliciting a sharp gasp from the Byers.
“Mike, you scared me- hey! Mihihike!” Any words that he tried to get out were cut off by the feeling of soft lips against his neck, peppering the skin with loving - and ticklish - kisses.
“What? I’m just showing you how much I love you.” Said the taller boy, smiling against the skin.
This comment caused Will’s cheeks to take on a rosy tint, and he was kind of glad that Mike couldn’t see it from his position.
“I-I love you tohohohohoo, but that tickles!” He giggled, hands resting on his boyfriend’s shoulders, head tipped back to welcome the affection, despite his protests.
Mike had known that Will was tickling LONG before they started dating.
He’d always tickle his - at the time - friend when he needed a pick me up or when he just seemed like he could use a good laugh, and the shorter boy never seemed to mind; he’d squirm around but would never make any attempts to escape and sometimes, albeit rarely, he’d get the courage to ask for the playful attention.
It was one of those things that made him love Will even more.
“Mike, plehehehease!”
The brunette squirmed in his seat, halfheartedly trying to dislodge his lover from his sensitive neck, which was starting to turn pink as well.
Mike started to laugh as well, the sound vibrating against Will’s skin and making it tickle more.
“I can’t help it, you’re too adorable!” He teased, continuing his barrage of ticklish kisses.
Will, though starting to reach his limit, couldn’t help the euphoria that had overcome him.
The reality of someone he loved for so long loving him back was just setting in and he couldn’t be happier, and he let himself continue to laugh and melt away into the silly moment.
“Am nohohohot! Eek- plehehease!”
The taller boy was about to relent, but then he realized there was one more thing left to do.
“Okay okay, one more thing and then I’m done…” He assured, letting Will catch his breath for a moment.
The brunette’s eyes flickered with curiosity and a trace of excitement.
“And what would thAHAHA- MIHIHIKE NO!” He squealed, childlike laughter following suit as Mike blew a sharp raspberries in the crook of his neck, sending ticklish shocks through his whole body.
At those words, the Wheeler immediately pulled away, not wanting to overwhelm his boyfriend.
He watched the artist recuperate from the tickly attack, eyes filled with love and affection.
Not missing a beat, he leaned in to connect their lips, locking them both in a soft, tender kiss.
When they pulled away, they shared a look of mutual infatuation.
“I love you, even when you torture me with tickles…” Will smiled, bashfully averting his gaze.
Mike laughed and pulled the shorter boy up from his chair, guiding them both to the bed.
“If you really love me, you’ll take a break from the paper and engage in some cuddle time~” He grinned cheekily, earning a chuckle from Will.
“Deal… but no more tickles!”
With a heart full of love, Mike smirked.
“No promises.”
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The way the entire “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before” “you know, like the word?” Milkvan scene from s3 was just Mike trying to have a “crazy together” moment of natural chemistry and connection with El and being unable to do so. Literally Mike taking all of these positive aspects of his loving relationship with Will and trying to force them with a girl and it Not. Working.
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I need to take Mike away from the majority of Byler shippers until they learn how to actually understand him as a character…
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thisisvalid3 · 8 months
My birthday was last week and the Duffers really came through and gave ME, gave US the greatest gift of all. The Will content we all deserve after an eternity of waiting. Much love to the By's and to the Ler's. Let's fucking get it 🗣🗣👏👏👏
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
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Ooohhhhh the block button of people saying that Will deserves better than Mike looks so good 😍
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qprstobin · 1 year
You know it kind of sucks that we as a fandom have gotten so caught up in Mike being a brat that he often doesn't really get to have adult mentors the way others do because he's "mean" to Steve/Will/Max/whoever.
Like, arguably Eddie should be a mentor to Mike as well as Dustin, even if they aren't as close - Mike obviously respects him a lot and looks up to him, modelling himself and his style after him. (Which is significant! Because historically Mike is probably the Party member aside from El who most looks like his parents dictate what he wears.) But instead we get fic after fic of Mike being "Eddie's least favorite" or him straight up disliking him because Mike lashed out at Steve.
I'm not going to deny that Mike is a brat and can be insensitive at times, particularly with Will. (Though some of that insensitivity does just come from the fact that he isn't aware of the crush Will has on him? Idk why people expect him to know that.) But he's also severely traumatized. He still obviously cares about his friends, and despite his issues with keeping properly in contact with Will (and in a different way, El) still makes efforts to reach out to them when they are in the same place.
Idk when writing the tags for my lrb I was just thinking about the fact that arguably more fics should have Eddie at least more sympathetic Mike considering he is one of his "sheepies" and also how much Mike clearly looks up to him. Makes me sad because you know Mike probably wants his approval more badly than he's wanted approval from an older teen/adult figure in a long time!
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jancysmixtape · 2 years
The way people in the Twitter side of the fandom treat El is seriously angering me. Everyday, there’s a new ableist tweet about her. People want Mike to hate her so badly, all over their love for B*ler. They try so hard to “prove” Mike never loved her, and someone just said they are a trauma bond. The same person said El is just a pen pal for Mike and that he’s teaching her English.. why do people want El to be hated by the most important person in her life?? She has dealt with so much abuse in her life, and has so much trauma. She has never done anything wrong to deserve this much hate all for a mlm ship. I can’t handle it. Seriously, I can’t.
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wheelercore · 1 year
I think the funniest area in which people try to project Lonnies dynamic with Will and Jonathan onto Ted and Mike is guns. It's very antithetical to what we're shown on screen like Mike canonically jumps into action at the sound of gunshots and Ted canonically startles at fireworks and doesn't seem to like the sound very much. Literally no creativity here. Guards! Send them back to the drawing board!! Tell them to analyze the toys!!
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I’m seeing a lot of homophobia, Biphobia and transphobia in the fandom at the moment on a lot of platforms and it sucks.
First of all, Robin is a lesbian okay? Not bisexual, not pansexual, A LESBIAN. Stop trying to erase it she very clearly doesn’t like men in the romantic sense. Second is Will who is clearly gay. He has feelings for Mike and has shown no interest in any girl. Don’t erase his sexuality it’s not cool anything he does that you don’t like or don’t agree with has nothing to do with what gender he likes. I don’t ship b*ler (censoring so shippers don’t get it in the b*ler tag) but I’m not going to erase his sexuality because of it he likes boys whether he has feelings for one or doesn’t.
If people like to headcanon or write their own versions of Mileven where their sapphic or trans let them it literally doesn’t hurt you at all and it’s not like the canon version is gone just because people are making headcanons. Don’t be horrible about trans people just because you don’t like the headcanon.
You don’t need to hate on people that headcanon Steve as anything other than straight or who ship him with Eddie either like it doesn’t effect you. They’re not changing the official story in the writing room lmao it’s just their own ideas that they wrote down for fun or for fics or edits
Also if people headcanon Mike as Bi but then disregard the Bi part of it please stop if that is how you headcanon him you shouldn’t ignore or act like the side that loves men or loves women isn’t there.
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ronanceisintheair · 1 year
The Nancy doesn't care about Mike b*lers are at it again. Please stfu and stop making yourself a self insert in analyzing character dynamics. Not to sound like an asshole.
But seriously. Comparing Nancy to Jonathan and their dynamic with their siblings is brain dead. Analyzing it in a way to villainize Nancy is laughable at best.
Jonathan and Nancy's situations are not the same. Yea Jonathan is there for Will because he's long been the man of the house and Will's guardian. *Jonathan parentification we all know and loathe
Nancy lost barb. Barb didn't come back. Nancy Blames herself for Barb. Then add the Wheeler family dynamic has always been strained this, family is not built on compassion and love/affirmation/affection, Nancy and Mike have to teach themselves that outside of their family relationships so ofc their sibling dynamic looks different.
You can care about someone and love someone and not know how to navigate that. Nancy does care about Mike and does love him and if you think she doesn't you're ignorant at best.
Also yes Mike is the younger sibling but he could reach out to her as well, as her best friend literally died??? She's dealing with the loss of the person she was closest with and the guilt. I say this as a younger sibling; older siblings need to be checked in on too??
It's blasphemous seeing what some of yall post.
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RIP queen-of-hawkins-bye-ler blog after one day (I was a dumbass and signed up with my university email lmaoooo)
Okay LAST time I am clogging the tag with my bullshit I stg I am so sorry y'all 😭💀 I signed up for my new second acc after I got shadowbanned with my university email bc I just wasn't thinking and quickly realized that that's probably a terrible idea bc holy shit don't want university admin people to see emails relating to my blog on which I write master thesis essays on Mike Wheeler being a homosexual 💀💀💀 for my mutuals wanting to follow me this is my new actual ACTUAL new account LMAO so sorry for the confusion and shenanigans.
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I’ve seen multiple b*lers saying that Mike is lying about being in love at first sight because he wanted to get rid of Eleven in season one. First of all no he didn’t, and second of all, have you ever been 12 years old?
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r-u-s-a-l-k-a · 1 year
gay/bi mike wheeler discourse is so hilarious from my pov. I'm here sitting on my bench watching you all going at each other's troaths virtually, eating popcorn and knowing that Mike is straight, that the Duffer Brothers are lazy and they wrote Will to be in love with Mike because they wanted to take the safer route : sad gay kid pining over his straight best friend. They didn't add a new character for Will in season four because it wasn't suitable for Will and Mike storyline. If Argyle wouldn't have existed and in his place there would have been the new Will's love interest, what the fuck would Mike have done for eight episodes ? Will's storyline would have been different, he couldn't be Mike's counselor. Will and Mike's storylines in season four are attached not because there is this big plot twist around the corner and by*ler will be endgame, it's because of cheap, lazy writing. They didn't know what to do with both of them. So it's really funny reading this whole online discourse "Mike is clearly gay" "Mike is perfect bi representation" when i am here with a bitter taste in my mouth thinking that in good hands, in hands that really cared about queer identity and queer representation Will Byers would have been treated differently.
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brionysea · 8 months
you ever open a b*ler fic only to immediately close it because it's blaringly obvious from page one that they do not understand mike wheeler at all
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Ooo ler!nancy hcs if you want!
i'm like 98% sure i've done this before but i'm too lazy to look for it and haven't written about stranger things in a while so i'll do some!!
nancy wheeler is the older sister to a mischievious, bratty tween boy - she has pretty good ler experience, okay??
with mike, it was always ruthless sibling rough-housing, so it was less about being a good tickler and more about getting him to fuck off, so she could be quite rough/mean. never with holly, though, holly gets treated like an angel by her big sister, lol.
when she starts dating steve, he's usually the one that will give her a quick squeeze to her sides when he sneaks up behind her, or will purposefully try to get a giggle when kissing her neck.
buuut she ends up tickling him back a few times, and she's way gentler with anyone she's dating. she's all well-manicured nails and teasing words.
she likes pointing out when her lee is blushing, or when their laugh obviously kicks up a notch, or when she finds a really bad spot.
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