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Oiiii, booklovers!
Será que a adm aprendeu a fazer capas bonitas novamente?
Aproveitando a onda do sucesso de Divertidamente - ainda não consegui assistir, porém sei mais ou menos o que aconteceu - resolvi responder uma booktag que vi na rede vizinha.
Eu sei que vcs já devem estar cansados de booktags mas,
1 - Minhas leituras têm sido HORROROSAS.
2 - Mal tenho tempo pra fazer capas e vou escrevendo os posts de pouquinho em pouquinho (normalmente entre as aulas). Vou ver se consigo fazer várias capas agr nas férias pra escrever ao longo do ano.
3 - Peguei uma ressaca literária terrível - não consegui terminar UM livro desde maio - e só estou voltando ao ritmo agora.
Enfim, vamos à booktag!
💙| Tristeza: renderam um bom choro
Confesso que, pra mim, é mais fácil chorar de emoção por algum momento fofo do casal do que de tristeza (sou um pouquinho emocionada demais kkkkkkk). Maaaas, tem alguns livros que me deixam triste só de pensar:
• A Menina que Roubava Livros - Markus Zusak (o livro é sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Preciso dizer mais alguma coisa?)
• Sem Coração - Marissa Meyer (como a Rainha de Copas se tornou a vilã do País das Maravilhas)
• Rilla de Ingleside - Lucy M. Montgomery (meu personagem favorito foi promovido a defunto)
Em resumo, se quiser se afogar em lágrimas, leia 🙃
💛| Alegria: só trouxeram felicidade e boas risadas
Livros alegres têm meu coração todinho 😌❤️
• Confissões de uma Terapeuta - Renata Lustosa (isso aqui é pura comédia kkkkkkk)
• Amor & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welch (se você é um "tio do pavê" disfarçado, vai gostar dos trocadilhos da Lina e do romance fofinho)
• Crônicas Lunares - Marissa Meyer (Thorne claramente é o palhaço da turma)
• Me leve para casa para o Natal - Thaís Dourado (comédia romântica natalina estilo hallmark)
💚| Nojinho: me deram ranço
Como ainda tem o "raiva" ali embaixo, aqui estão os que começaram bem e depois desandaram...
• Saga Anne - Lucy M. Montgomery (não é que começou bem beeem, mas terminei a saga jurando nunca mais ler nada dessa autora 🙃)
• Um de Nós está Mentindo - Karen M. McManus (n tenho raiva mas tbm não pretendo ler mais nada dela)
• Princesa das Águas - Paula Pimenta (amo a Paulinha, mas detestei esse livro 🤡)
Os outros que conseguiram classificações abaixo de duas estrelas - tradução: me dão raiva só de pensar - ficam para os próximos "capítulos" kkkkk
💜| Medo: me deu arrepios ao longo da história
Essa categoria é a mais escassa, pq como sou medrosa demais (ao ponto de não conseguir dormir), evito qualquer coisa que possa me assustar.
• A Volta da Chave - Ruth Ware (apesar de passar 95% do livro crendo que tudo era causado por alguém de carne e osso, às vezes ficava com medo de ser um livro de terror disfarçado e do nada descobrir que era tipo A Casa Monstro)
🧡| Ansiedade: me deixou ansiosa
Eu fico extremamente ansiosa com fantasias/distopias, o que me faz evitar um pouco o gênero, pq tem horas que esqueço de respirar. Sério.
• Renegados/Sem Coração/Crônicas Lunares- Marissa Meyer (apesar de ser uma das minhas autoras preferidas, essa daqui tem potencial pra me matar do coração algum dia)
• Confusão é meu nome do meio - Stephanie Tromly (surtei praticamente o livro inteiro)
• O Beijo Traiçoeiro - Erin Beaty (no final, nem era tudo oq eu esperava, fiquei nervosa à toa)
❤️| Raiva: só passei raiva
Top livros que eu gostaria de "desler":
• Na Porta ao Lado - Luíza Trigo (eu shippei o casal errado. O título deixa totalmente na cara e, com o passar do tempo, a gente desenvolve o dom de ler o nome e saber que a protagonista vai ficar com ele, MAS EU QUERIA QUE ELA FICASSE COM O OUTROOOOO 😭😭😭)
• Shine - Jessica Jung (é tipo O Diário de uma Garota Nada Popular versão K-Pop. A briga entre a protagonista e a antagonista é muito sem fundamento)
• A Coroa - Kiera Cass (que quase ngm gosta da Eadlyn, nós já sabemos. E o pior foi que eu tava shippando ela com outra pessoa e do nada ela resolve se apaixonar por esse cara. Eu me senti uma palhaça)
• Sonata em Punk Rock - Babi Dewet (parece com Go! - Viva a Vida do Seu Jeito e eu tbm odiei essa série 🙂)
🩵| Inveja: uma série de livros que queria viver
Primeiro, eu diria Minha Vida Fora de Série, mas sou total e completamente apaixonada pelo Rodrigo Rochette e ele é apaixonado pela namorada dele, ent seria sofrimento na certa.
Dadas as circunstâncias, escolho me mudar para o 221b da Baker Street a fim de investigar casos com o Sherlock e o caro Watson. Ngm suspeitaria de uma menina ajudando Sherlock Holmes nas investigações, né? 😌
🖤| Tédio: achei entediante
Aqui sou obrigada a pegar uns livros que abandonei, pois raramente continuo algo que não tô gostando.
• Anne de Windy Polars - Lucy M. Montgomery (mds do céu, que livro chato)
• O Misterioso Sr. Quin - Agatha Christie (nada contra ela, por enquanto, mas esse é bem chatinho)
• Moby Dick - Herman Melville (juro que tentei)
🩷| Vergonha: me fez sentir vergonha
• Fazendo Meu Filme 1 - Paula Pimenta (quem leu não necessita de explicações. Aquela fala do intercâmbio dá mta vergonha alheia kkkkkk)
• Geekerela - Ashley Poston (se eu tivesse no meio daquela treta, teria vontade de enfiar a cabeça num buraco)
• Cecília Vargas em Mistério na Casa-grande - Kézia Garcia (a edição não existe mais, - agr é Cidades Pequenas não Guardam Segredos - mas a vergonha das maluquices da Ceci é eterna kkkkkk)
Enfim galera, é isso, estamos de volta aos posts quilométricos 🧚🏻♀️
Bjs e boas leiturassss <3333
#livros#leitura#livrosderomance#leitores#books#books & libraries#books and reading#livros nacionais#paula pimenta#divertidamente#book tag
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markus connor and kara from DBH pls for the ask game hehe
[Ask me: Fuck, Marry, Kill ~ Tickle Edition]
Hello!! Ngl, I had these answers on lockdowns, I love these funky little androids <3
Get into a tickle fight with: Kara!! She's so sweet and honestly I'd be down with either side I land on
Get tickle tortured by: Markus 1000% like,,, I feel like he'd be both terrifying and reassuring all at once, especially with his whole rebellion leader vibe that he's got going on. Plus he has such a ler voice, teases would be deadly coming from him
Have find out that you like tickling: Connor because I may or may not have fantasized about that exact scenario way too many times. You just know that he'd be confused but intrigued and ask a million questions about it, and want to try it out, and I would not be able to handle that in the best way possible. As much as I love lee!Connor, ler!Connor has me feeling some type of way,,,,,
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Resenha: A Menina que Roubava Livros
Livro: A Menina que Roubava Livros Autor(a): Markus Zusak Editora: Intrínseca Páginas: 480 Nota: 5 (sendo: 1- Não gostei 2- Gostei pouco; 3- Gostei; 4- Gostei bastante; 5– Adorei) Primeiro, as cores. Depois, os humanos. Em geral, é assim que vejo as coisas. Ou, pelo menos, é o que tento”. A quarta capa do livro diz que “quando a morte conta uma história, você deve parar para ler”. E deve mesmo.…
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ORIGINAL: The Book Thief 2012 Intrínseca 480p ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
SINOPSE: Ao perceber que a pequena Liesel Meminger, uma ladra de livros, lhe escapa, a Morte afeiçoa-se à menina e rastreia suas pegadas de 1939 a 1943. A mãe comunista, perseguida pelo nazismo, envia Liesel e o irmão para o subúrbio pobre de uma cidade alemã, onde um casal se dispõe a adotá-los por dinheiro. O garoto morre no trajeto e é enterrado por um coveiro que deixa cair um livro na neve. É o primeiro de uma série que a menina vai surrupiar ao longo dos anos. O único vínculo com a família é esta obra, que ela ainda não sabe ler. Assombrada por pesadelos, ela compensa o medo e a solidão das noites com a conivência do pai adotivo, um pintor de parede bonachão que lhe dá lições de leitura. Alfabetizada sob vistas grossas da madrasta, Liesel canaliza urgências para a literatura. Em tempos de livros incendiados, ela os furta, ou os lê na biblioteca do prefeito da cidade. A vida ao redor é a pseudo-realidade criada em torno do culto a Hitler na Segunda Guerra. Ela assiste à eufórica celebração do aniversário do Führer pela vizinhança. Teme a dona da loja da esquina, colaboradora do Terceiro Reich. Faz amizade com um garoto obrigado a integrar a Juventude Hitlerista. E ajuda o pai a esconder no porão um judeu que escreve livros artesanais para contar a sua parte naquela História.
“UMA TRADUÇÃO - Himmel = Céu P. S.: Que, quer que tenha dado nome a rua Himmel, tinha, sem dúvida, um saudável senso de ironia. Não que ela fosse um inferno na terra. Mas com certeza, também não era o céu.”
“Uma pequena teoria: As pessoas só observam as cores do dia no começo e no fim, mas para mim esta muito claro que o dia se funde através da multidão de matizes e gradações, a cada momento que passa. Uma só hora pode consistir em milhares de cores diferentes. Amarelo céreos, azuis borrifados de nuvens. Escuridão enevoados…”
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dbh tickle hcs
feeling sad so. this is a thing i'm doing. starting with the three protags, connor being deviant, might do more.
hooooooly shit this boy is so sensitive
he upgraded his sensors after deviating so he would feel the same sensations as humans do
what he was NOT prepared for was just how ticklish that would make him
hank actually realized before connor did, by nudging the android in the ribs only for him to flinch and back away
sumo kisses >>>>>
absolutely cannot take teasing, whatsoever
"yohohou're an ahahahasshohole!"
he knows that swearing will make hank "angry" so when he's in a particularly bad lee mood, he'll pretty much swear just as much as hank in hopes of getting what they both know he wants
his worst spots are probably anywhere on his torso, and also his ears
his laugh is very high and giggly, which hank also finds fucking hilarious considering how serious connor always was before
as ticklish as connor is, he can be ruthless as a ler
of course after first discovering his sensitivity and hank tickled him silly, connor needed to get his revenge
the plus side of being a literal computer is that he can research new information and find answers within seconds
so he quickly research the most sensitive places on the human body before completely destroying hank
"you shouldn't dish out what you can't take yourself, lieutenant."
thats right, this boy knows how to TEASE
he always knows when a lee has had enough, as he can scan their body to look for problems with breathing, increased heartrate, etc
however, scanning for increased heart rate also helps in discovering the best spots as he watches the speed raise or lower as he hovers his hands above certain spots
ok, i'm gonna say it
i don't think kara is ticklish
there might be a few spots that get her to flinch away and smile a bit, but really that's it
now when it comes to kara as a ler... completely different story
being an android that was originally made to take care of small children, kara is no stranger to tickling and play fighting with kids
she likes to tickle alice when she's feeling down on herself, especially when it has to do with todd
of course with alice, kara keeps things light and playful, as to avoid any feelings similar to the way she felt around todd. as soon as alice says stop, kara stops
now what kara wasn't expecting was how ticklish LUTHER was
she's a much more "intense" ler with him, but she knows he can take it
kara loves playing the big bad ler with luther bc she (a) loves listening to luther's laugh and (b) knows how much fun alice has while watching her strong and serious father figure reduced to a giggly mess
we all know that carl treated markus like a son before The Incident, and what kind of father doesn't play with his kid?
carl received markus after he was already paralyzed, but that surely didn't keep him from playing around with his new companion
markus was produced to simulate human senses and emotions, so markus being ticklish didn't really surprise carl
markus isn't insanely sensitive, probably fairly average compared to most humans, but you can still get him pretty bad when he isn't expecting you
markus taught the jericrew about tickling, but immediately regretted it as josh and simon immediately ganged up on him as north watched, smirking in the corner
simon LOOOOOVES tickling markus when he's being too hard on himself, he just cares abt his bf a lot
i'd say his worst spot is probably his ribs, and also the palms of his hands!
his laugh varies a lot depending on who he's with, what spots are being targeted, etc, but one thing that is almost always consistent is that he snorts. all. THE TIME
like i mentioned before, markus taught the jericrew abt tickling
the lesson of course, being the in the form of what essentially turned into a three way tickle fight between him, simon, and josh
before si and josh teamed up against him, markus was surprisingly quick with his hands and VERY teasey
"wait what's so funny? did i miss the joke?"
he knows that most forms of physical contact are something that north wants to stay away from, and markus respects that, of course
revenge for simon's tickle attacks always end well for markus, simon's just a lot more sensitive
100% the type to laugh along with whoever he's tickling, you can't change my mind
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Tickletober Day 16 - Massage [LATE]
Honestly I wrote this in a rush and I don't even know if it's in-character, but I remember really liking it when I wrote it, so, lol
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Ship(s): RK1000
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Connor/Ler!Markus
Word Count: 1770 words
Summary: The new software patch has come through, and androids can now feel sensations a lot more similarly to humans. Markus plans to use this to treat his overworked boyfriend to a massage, but things don't quite go as planned.
[ao3 link]
The new software patch hadn’t come without it’s fair share of difficulties. Granted, their new lives hadn’t come without their fair share of difficulties. In comparison, getting the software patch approved and developed had been a walk in the park.
Androids had always been able to feel, in some sense of the word. They could sense pressures and temperatures, just enough so that their bodies wouldn’t be damaged, but that was about as far as their sense of touch could go.
The new patch was optional, of course, and with it came a slew of new sensations: androids would be able to feel things far more similarly to how humans experienced the world. The brush of fabric, the squeeze of a held hand, the press of two pairs of lips.
Connor knew that Markus had been extremely excited for the new update to roll out. He was in one of the first waves to get it, being the current political figurehead for all androids, and Connor had stayed with him overnight exclusively to watch Markus obsess over the new sensations available to him. He’d spent no less than an hour just going through his paint brushes and dragging them across his hands and arms. It was rather endearing.
Connor himself was in one of the later waves, but he didn’t mind. Getting it later gave Connor ample time to consider whether he himself wanted to even accept the new software patch. On the one hand, it would likely make his job as a detective much easier if he wasn’t constantly being assaulted by such sensations. On the other hand… Connor wanted to feel. He wanted to feel the warm pressure of Hank’s hugs, the fluffy softness of Sumo’s fur, the press of Markus’s lips on his.
In the end, Connor couldn’t find it in himself to opt out, no matter the effect it would have on his work.
The day Connor downloaded the update, Markus insisted they be together. He dragged Connor away from the precinct early, Fowler and Hank watching them go with nothing more than a shake of their heads. He brought Connor home with him instead of taking him back to Hank’s and practically whipped his shirt off before demanding he downloaded the update.
“I still don’t get why my shirt has to be off,” Connor grumbled, though the effect was diminished by the way his lips ticked up at the corners.
“Because,” Markus said, lightly rubbing at the curves of his shoulders, “the second you’re done updating, I’m giving you a massage. You work too hard.”
Connor furrowed his brow and tossed a look at Markus over his shoulder. “We don’t have muscles Markus.”
Markus just rolled his eyes, grin not leaving his face. “Just do it, already!”
The update took a little over an hour to complete, Connor having gone into stasis in one of Markus’s plush chairs while Markus painted to pass the time. Once it was finished, Connor slowly booted up again, making a quiet, surprised noise as the soft fabric of the chair processed in his mind. The noise was enough to alert Markus, though, who quickly set aside all his paints and approached Connor.
“So?” He asked, voice giddy. “How does it feel?”
Connor chuckled a little, Markus’s giddiness becoming contagious. “It’s certainly… something new.”
Markus rolled his eyes. “That’s all you have to say?”
Connor reached up and grabbed the collar of Markus’s shirt, pulling him down into a kiss. Markus made a surprised noise, but quickly relaxed into it, bringing his hand up to cup Connor’s jaw while the other braced itself on the chair behind Connor’s head. Connor was grinning when they pulled back.
“It’s very good,” he said cheekily.
Markus chuckled lightly, his artificial breath puffing out across Connor’s face in a way that felt entirely foriegn, yet he couldn’t wait to get used to it.
“Humans take this sort of thing for granted, don’t they?”
Connor shrugged. “They’ve never been without it. Can you blame them?”
“I suppose not.” Markus grinned down at him. “But I believe I promised you a massage?”
Connor rolled his eyes, but let Markus tug him off the chair and onto the rarely-used bed. Androids didn’t need to sleep like humans did, only going into stasis if they were going to be idle for long periods of time. As such, bedrooms and the like didn’t get much use from android tenants, but Connor could tell that Markus had freshly washed the sheets just for this occasion. He couldn’t help but snort out a laugh.
“Hey! I’ve actually started using this bed, now! Sheets are so soft, Connor, you don’t understand.”
Connor held up his hands in surrender and climbed onto the bed. Markus manhandled him until he was lying on his stomach, head on a pillow, and Markus straddling his hips.
“Now try to relax,” Markus said. “We all know you don’t do that enough.”
“Says Android Jesus,” Connor grumbled into his pillow.
But he did try to relax when he felt Markus’s hands rest on his back. Markus lightly ran his palms up and down Connor’s back in smooth motions, and Connor furrowed his brow when the polymer skin seemed to twitch under his fingers. It didn’t feel bad, Connor was enjoying the sensation, but it certainly wasn’t relaxing. In fact, it was almost tingly, and it made Connor want to squirm around on the bed, almost fight to get away.
“This okay?” Markus asked, leaning over him a bit more.
“Yeah, it’s just-- Tingly. It feels weird.”
Markus hummed. “Probably just because you’re not used to being able to feel, yet.”
Connor hummed in agreement and tried to relax into the bed. The problem was, it only got more and more difficult as Markus kept going. He experimented with dragging fingers, different pressures, even using his synthetic nails to see if it would help Connor relax, and everything just made the tingling worse. The nails even made Connor let out a high-pitched squeal that he wasn’t even aware his voice module was capable of.
“Are you alright?” Markus asked hesitantly, having ripped his hands away from Connor’s back the second the sound started.
“I’m fine,” Connor said, though he knew his tone came across frustrated. “I didn’t even mean to make that sound. It doesn’t feel bad at all, it’s just… weird.”
Connor felt Markus sit back on his haunches and make a quiet little humming sound. He glanced over his shoulder to find that Markus had his Concentration Face on, the one he wore when painting or playing piano or researching something heavily. Then, when the Concentration Face broke into a wild grin, Connor suddenly felt very much like prey.
“Hey, Connor.”
“... Yes, Markus?”
“You’re ticklish.”
Connor’s jaw dropped, and he knew if androids were capable of blushing, he would be. Well wasn’t that embarrassing, a whole new weakness to add to the list, and he had admitted that he liked it. Connor quickly turned and hid his face in the pillow, letting out a loud groan.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Markus said, sounding far too cheeky for his own good. “Guess you’re just too ticklish to enjoy a massage.”
Connor made a series of wordless grumbles into his pillow, refusing to even look at Markus.
He felt Markus’s hands smooth out over his shoulder blades, thankfully firm enough that it didn’t tickle (too badly). He also felt Markus lean over him to talk softly into his ear.
“Do you want to keep going?” Markus asked, all teasing gone from his voice. “I know you said it didn’t feel bad, and I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing that beautiful smile and hearing that gorgeous laugh.”
“Flatterer,” Connor spat into his pillow, deliberately not answering Markus’s question.
Markus hummed, that teasing tone slowly making its way back in. “Oh, dear. He still has some sass in him, does he?”
Connor finally lifted his head to glance over his shoulder and give Markus a very fake scowl. “And what are you going to do about that?”
Markus grinned and Connor found himself squealing again as he felt fingers skittering at his sides. He snorted, an embarrassing, awful sound, and buried his face in the pillow to better hide his reactions. Markus cooed at him through a laugh.
“Come on, don’t hide! I want to hear you!”
Connor shook his head as an already embarrassingly breathless cackle escaped into the pillow when Markus squeezed his hips. Though he had to admit, Markus laughing with his took some of the stressful tension out of the situation, Connor didn’t think he’d get over his embarrassment anytime soon.
Especially when he nearly started flopping around like a fish when Markus started tickling his back for real. Connor found himself suddenly glad that androids didn’t really need to breathe, because Connor couldn’t have stopped laughing no matter how hard he tried. The tickling was like heaven and hell all at once, both too much and not enough, and Connor couldn’t imagine how ticklish the rest of his body must have been if this was how his back felt.
Connor wailed and laughed and cackled as Markus tormented his back to the fullest. Together, they found out that the backs of Connor’s sides and ribs would get him wriggling like a worm, tickling up or down his spine would give him full-body shivers (which was weird, Connor had never shivered before), and tickling at the stretch of skin between his shoulder blades or the patch of skin at the base of Connor’s spine would have him shrieking so badly he’d go silent.
Eventually, Markus had mercy and toppled off Connor’s back with a laugh, bouncing down to the bed next to him. Connor found himself panting for breath despite not needing air, and he quickly turned himself onto his side facing Markus to get his back further out of reach. Some tingles lingered despite the sensation itself stopping, and Connor couldn’t help but giggle as they slowly faded out.
Markus leaned forward and kissed Connor’s head, and Connor gave him a tired smile. Markus returned it with a smile that was far more mischievous.
“We are so playing with that more, later.”
Connor barked out a laugh that was completely unrelated to the lingering tickles, shuffling closer to Markus. “Yeah, sure. But right now, I want to feel what it’s like to cuddle with my extremely attractive boyfriend.”
Markus hummed happily and wrapped his arms around Connor, pulling them chest-to-chest. “Only if my extremely attractive boyfriend returns the favor.”
Connor pecked him on the lips. “I’d be happy to.”
#tickle fic#My writing#tickletober2020#dbh tickling#lee!connor#ler!markus#ticklish!connor#dbh#dbh connor#dbh markus#rk1000
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This is defenitely so cute!!! Goooosh, I just love this shipp so much!!! >w<)s2. They are adorable, just as this fic. <33
Portrait Mode
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Ship: Simon/Markus
Summary: Simon has too much energy to be Markus’ model today.
Notes: This is a Squealing Santa fic for @just-another-t-word-blog! And thank you sm to @ticklygiggles for hosting again this year!
Simon is always the voice of reason around his friends. He’s always the most logical, and he has always been the best at compartmentalizing his emotions and not letting them get in the way of his decision-making. Simon was a master of emotions, but he wasn’t always a master of his own boredom.
North found it kind of cute when Simon got bored because by nature, Simon was always kind of like a golden retriever. He is always trying to please and he’s as loyal as anyone could possibly be, so when his energy came out, the resemblance was almost uncanny. North found it cute, but of course, she’s not the one dating Simon, and Markus found it slightly less endearing.
Today, Markus was painting, trying his best to paint Simon as the blonde continued to fidget and shift out of his pose.
“Si, can you just stay still for like ten minutes?” Markus whined, having trouble continuing when Simon had gotten into a completely different pose.
Simon let out a noise that could be described as a whimper, and blushed lightly. Markus hadn’t yet figured out all of the meanings behind blushing, as their human-like upgrades were very new to all of them, but he assumed that Simon was embarrassed.
“Sorry, I’m just getting a little bored sitting here for so long. I’ve got a lot of energy right now, b-but I can enter sleep mode for a sec if you want me to.”
Markus felt bad bringing up Simon’s squirming when his boyfriend offered to enter sleep mode, and he reassured Simon that it wouldn’t be necessary, “then I wouldn’t be able to see your eyes.”
“Oh, you wanna look into my eyes, don’t you?” Simon was getting feisty, something that often happened when he was antsy, and it was Markus’ turn to blush.
“Watch your mouth. You’d hate to get punished for it, wouldn’t you?” Markus snapped back, though the tint of his face was betraying him.
“Oh no, I am ever so afraid.” Simon now had a wide smile across his face. When he saw the mischievous look on Markus’ face, his smile dropped, and he sprinted off of his stool towards the door. Of course, he didn’t quite make it, and he was quickly pulled into Markus’ arms from behind.
Simon’s eyes held fear as he started to beg for Markus’ mercy, using all of his strength in an attempt to get free.
It was no use, and Markus went to work immediately, digging his fingers into Simon’s sides.
Simon grit his teeth, shaking his head furiously, though he knew Markus wouldn’t let up until he got what he wanted.
“No, no, no, Markus stop. Don’t do this,” Simon warned through his teeth.
“I’ll stop when you agree to stay still for ten minutes. Maybe this could even help with all that energy you seem to be having such a problem with.”
After their upgrades, it turned out that Simon was ridiculously ticklish, so much so that he had considered getting another upgrade to disable the feature, but Markus had convinced him otherwise. Of course, Markus was also the one who used Simon’s ticklishness to his advantage the most.
Markus moved his fingers to Simon’s ribs, wiggling them up and down quickly, and then slower, in a vicious cycle. When Markus’ fingers went a little too high, it broke the dam that Simon was trying so hard to conceal, and he started to giggle, trying desperately to stop himself.
Markus smiled adoringly until he remembered that he had an end-goal, and he started to tickle Simon under his arms. Simon let out adorable shrieks, throwing his head back and gluing his hands down to his sides.
“Aww, what’s wrong Si?” Markus teased, his fingers now stuck under Simon’s arms.
“Ihihit tihihickles!” Simon tried to speak through his laughter.
“Uh, duh, that’s the point.”
Markus got an idea while tickling Simon, and he quickly moved his fingers down to Simon’s tummy, receiving exactly the reaction he expected.
Simon almost screamed, little hiccups laced with his hysterical laughter. Markus took a moment to take a picture of his boyfriend’s adorably scrunched face.
Simon couldn’t take it anymore, and his begging was interrupted, “I’ll sit still! Just stahahap! Please!”
Markus stopped, slyly taking another photo as Simon tried to smother his giggles, rolled into a ball on the floor.
Markus ruffled his hair, getting up and walking towards his easel, switching to a different canvas.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Simon asked, still slightly out of breath, “I said I’d pose.”
Markus just grinned, winking towards his boyfriend, “I actually found a pose that I’d like to paint more.”
It took a second for Simon to clue in to what Markus meant, but when he did, his face was bright red again, “Markus don’t you dare. Don’t you dare.”
Markus just shrugged Simon off, but that answer didn’t satisfy the blonde. It was only minutes until Markus’ own laughter filled the room just as Simon’s had only minutes before.
#sooo cute#gosh#It's been a while since I read some fanfic for DBH#aaaaa#<3#fluff#cute#tickle#squealingsanta2k19#SS2K19#Lee!Simon#Ler!Markus#DBH#Detroit Becomes Human
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Things are Looking North
Things Are Looking North
"Nope, not there!" North smirked as Markus poked her side. "Oh come on! You have to be ticklish somewhere!" "No way, no how," she happily sang. Simon quickly attacked under her armpits, wiggling his fingers. "Haha! I got... you...?" When he didn't see the reaction he was hoping for, he lowered his hands and sighed. "This isn't fair...!" North smiled and tickled under Simon's armpits, making him fall into insane giggles. "Eeheeehee!! Nohoho!" North chuckled and stopped as she felt Markus tickling her belly, but stopping when there was no reaction. "You have to have some sort of secret place..." "Ooh! Ooh! Her neck!" Simon almost bounced in his place. At once, they both tickled all around her neck, but she didn't hunch up her shoulders, much less give a smirk. Simon huffed and crossed his arms, looking disappointed. "Hooow abooouuuut here!?" Markus immediately attacked her hips, squeezing and kneading them, but she only scoffed and got away from him. "Just admit it. You won't find my spot," she smiled. "I'm just not ticklish." "B-but everyone has a tickle spot!!" Simon whined. "Not meeee~!" She walked off, Markus groaning, but he had one more plan. He snuck up being her and scribbled all over her back. She sighed and let him, but when he hit the shoulder blades, she jumped, squeaking. Simon perked up and ran over. "You found it!?" "N-no!" North shouted. "I-I was just... surprised, that's all!" "That's not what I heard," Markus grinned, circling her shoulder blades. North tried to run, but Simon grabbed her arms and held her still, making Markus go to town on her shoulder blades. "Aaah!! Nahahahohohohahahaha!!" "Yes, yes we found it!!" Simon cheered. "Time for some much needed revenge..." Markus sinisterly whispered in her ear. He put his hands up the back of her shirt and scribbled his nails all over her precious shoulder blades. North arched her back, screaming with laughter at the sensation of his rough fingers against her smooth, sensitive skin. "M-Mahahahahark!! Stahahahahap!!" "Nope! Suffer!" he giggled playfully. "Here, let me try!" Simon suggested, clearly excited about this news. Markus nodded and they both quickly switched spots. North screamed at the touch of Simon. His tickles were so light, but fast, you might as well have hairy spiders crawl on your skin. "Aaaaaah!!! Nohohohoho!! This ihihihis sohohohohoho much worse!!!" "It is? Hm, I should put you in charge of tickling North, Simon." Simon giggled and nodded, doodling around the bumps of her shoulder blades with his thin fingertips. North laughed and thrashed around, being one hell of a fighter, but Markus had her pretty well contained. Eventually, they both stopped, but North got an angry look on her face. "Just wait! If you try to tickle me again, I will make you laugh until you short circuit." "Tch, yeah right, but I'll be looking forward to it," Markus shrugged. "U-um! I'm not!!" Simon shouted.
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Oi oi, booklovers!
Um post "Noite Estrelada vibes" pq eu amo esse quadro e não tive nenhuma ideia melhor 🫠
Mas, para ser sincera, a primeira coisa que essa booktag me lembrou foi a abertura clássica de ICarly, quando o Freddie começa com "em 5, 4, 3, 2 e..." pam pam pampamparam I know, you see 💃🏻 kahskahajhsk minha infância todinha! 🥹❤️✨
Ok, vou deixar de enrolar e ir pra booktag kkkkkkk
🌙| 5 livros que amo
• A Menina que Roubava Livros (+14)
Vcs já devem estar achando que o Markus Zusak me paga pra fazer propaganda, mas A Menina que Roubava Livros é realmente um livro único, até agora não vi nenhum igual. Traz a Segunda Guerra Mundial com uma perspectiva diferente da maioria dos livros, que tem foco nos judeus - e com razão - enquanto esse daqui se passa num bairro pobre da Alemanha. Fora isso, qual leitor não gosta de um livro sobre livros?
• Minha Vida Fora de Série 1 (+12)
Eu sou muuuuuito apegada a MVFS1. Foi o primeiro romance teen q li e tbm é o lar do meu maior crush literário (eu CASARIA com ele sem pensar duas vezes). Além disso, é nacional e tem uma prota apaixonada por séries. Vcs podem encontrar a resenha aqui :)
• O Cão dos Baskerville (+10)
Ora, ora, se não é o caro Sherlock Holmes? Kkkkkkk
O Cão dos Baskerville é minha história preferida, talvez pelo cenário diferente e uma participação maior do Watson na investigação, porém amo a saga inteira.
• Pollyanna Moça (+12)
Meu romance de época preferido e um dos meus livrinhos de conforto. Essa é a sequência de Pollyanna, que mostra a juventude da nossa querida garotinha loira otimista. O começo é meio chatinho, mas as migalhas de romance são uma graça.
• Sem Coração (+14)
O País das Maravilhas é um universo bem conhecido, mas já imaginou como foi que a Rainha de Copas chegou ao poder? Como ela era antes? Por que ficou desse jeito? Aqui, você tem as respostas - e, pra quem assistiu Descendentes 4, eles tiveram uma ideia bem parecida pra personagem.
Mas já aviso: quem termina sem coração é você, pq ele se parte em 1000 pedaços depois da leitura 🫠
💙| 4 livros que quero ler
• Assassinatos e Cookies de Chocolate (+??)
Eu estou super animada pra ler, pq assisti todos os filmes da Hannah Swensen e só depois de séculos descobri que existem os ✨livros✨
Porém, a edição era super antiga (o nome é O Mistério do Chocolate) e só se vendiam usados na Amazon, então desanimei. Até que, num belo dia no Insta, eu vi uma resenha desse livro e fiquei tipo "não creio q fizeram uma edição nova aaaaaa 🥹"
Em resumo, Hannah é uma confeiteira que, de vez em quando, dá uma de detetive. Parece ter uma pegada bem "cozy mistery", exatamente do jeitinho que eu gosto. Deveriam aproveitar e traduzir os livros da Aurora Teagarden também!!!
• Caída por Você (+14)
Comédia romântica dos anos 2000 é um dos meus gêneros preferidos, então eu espero amar esse livro, pq disseram q parece com "De Repente 30" - fora q tbm li a amostra e gostei bastante. E, é claro, tem enemies to lovers 🥹❤️✨
O plano de Charlotte Wu é organizar a festa de formatura perfeita e as coisas estavam correndo como o planejado, até que ela cai de uma escada e aterrissa em J. T. Renner, seu arqui-inimigo. Entretanto, quando acorda, Charlotte se vê numa cama desconhecida com seu noivo que, pasmem, é Renner. Agora os dois estão presos nos 30 anos e precisam fazer de tudo para descobrir como voltar ao normal.
• Cidades Pequenas não Guardam Segredos (+12?)
Tbm é um livro que eu já "conheço", então estou muuuuuito ansiosa pra ler! Essa é a nova versão de Cecília Vargas (que eu só consegui ler o primeiro volume, para minha infelicidade), ent conheço boa parte dos personagens e um pedaço do enredo :)
Enquanto os amigos de Cecília estudavam para o vestibular, ela fez um curso de investigação profissional para, enfim, realizar seu sonho de se tornar detetive particular. Mesmo com medo de não ser levada a sério por sua pouca idade, Cecília põe um anúncio e é chamada para seu primeiro caso: um incêndio suspeito em Itaipaema, onde crimes nunca acontecem...será mesmo?
• Se não Fosse por Você (+14)
Mais um nacional, pra equilibrar. Esse livro tá na minha lista há séculos, mas tá sempre caro kkkkkkk Não julgo já que é nacional e nem tem editora, mas cara, quase 50 reais em um livro de 300 e poucas páginas que consigo terminar em uns 2/3 dias 🤡 Eu sou leitora, mas tbm sou ✨pobre✨
Melissa está dando duro pra realizar seu sonho de ser delegada. Como qualquer concurseiro, ela está sempre estudando e vendo dicas, principalmente em seu blog preferido, Sr. Concursado. Então ela conhece Leonardo e a relação deles passa de briga por uma limonada roubada a namorados por uma noite.
(amo fake dating e o ENEM tá me tirando do sério. Esse seria o momento perfeito pra ler esse livro.)
🌙| 3 livros que sempre recomendo
Meu momento de brilhar chegou kkkkkkk
O primeiro é A Menina que Roubava Livros, que já panfletei nesse post. Os outros dois podem ser qualquer um da Marissa Meyer, principalmente Cinder e Renegados (meus preferidos dessas sagas são Scarlet e Supernova, mas não posso recomendar eles se a pessoa não leu o primeiro).
💙| 2 leituras recentes
O último livro q li foi Nos Vemos em Vênus. Não botei muita fé, mas gostei bastante, embora a protagonista tenha me estressado muito em alguns momentos. No geral, ele é uma mistura de Amor & Gelato com Como eu era Antes de Você.
Antes dele, terminei O Assassinato no Trem, o primeiro da série "As Irmãs Mitford Investigam".
E pasmem: as irmãs Mitford não investigaram nada.
O livro tem foco na nova babá dos Mitford e em um policial decidido a solucionar o assassinato que ocorreu no trem. Em resumo, senti que foi muito enrolado e teve pouca ação. Seria melhor se tivesse menos páginas.
🌙| 1 Leitura atual
No momento estou lendo A Bicicleta das Dálias Vermelhas (comecei ontem). Uma amiga virtual da época do meu Ig (2020-2022) me recomendou esse livro (e tbm Peripécias de uma Estudante de Moda). Demorei um tempão pra ler, mas ela acertou em cheio! Até agora estou achando bem a minha cara.
Finalmente acabei de escrever esse post kahskahajhsk ficou quilométrico, mas gostei 🤡🫶🏻
Bjs e boas leiturassss <333
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» Resenha « ⠀ ✒️ "O Construtor de Pontes" by Markus Zusak. 4🌟 ⠀ ✒️ Após anos desde a publicação de " A menina que roubava livros", Markus Zusak lança um novo livro. Confesso que estava muito ansiosa, pois particularmente havia gostado muito da obra anterior. ⠀ ⠀ ✒️ Ao invés de sermos conduzidos pela narrativa pela Dona Morte como da última vez, agora quem nos conta a história é Matthew Dunbar. E ao invés de ter uma visão de fora da história, Matthew nos conta sobre a vida da sua família e a vez que o quarto, de cinco irmãos, construiu uma ponte. No começo da narrativa, confesso que foi muito difícil, pois achei confusa a forma que fora escrita, mas conforme o desenrolar da história fui compreendendo melhor como o autor quis escrever seu livro. Pode ocorrer um momento em que você queira largar o livro, mas recomendo que vá até o fim. A história dos garotos Dunbar nos conta muito como uma pessoa lida com o luto e os laços em que uma família pode criar. ⠀ ⠀ ✒️ Quanto à edição, achei muito mais poético a tradução brasileira do título do que o simples "Bridge of Clay" do original. Além disso, a ilustração da capa é um detalhe a mais e tenho que dizer que é a capa mais bonita da minha estante. A @intrinseca caprichou. ⠀ ✒️ O que mais fiquei pensando durante a leitura é que havia ali não apenas uma, mas várias histórias a serem contadas e que cada uma delas tinha em si uma beleza e simplicidade a serem compartilhadas.
#intrinseca#o construtor de pontes#markus zusak#book#bridge of clay#bookstagram#booktumblr#bookworm#book cover#bookish#books review#resenha#resenha literária#livros#livros que amamos#leia livros#eu amo ler#booksreview
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Até os inimigos ficavam a um centímetro da amizade.
A Menina que Roubava Livros – Markus Zusak
#A Menina que Roubava Livros#Markus Zusak#livro#trecho#frase#frase de livro#trecho de livro#ler#leitura#livros#inimigo#ficar#centímetro#amizade#amigo
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Os seres humanos me assombram.
A Menina que Roubava Livros, Marcus Zusak.
#a menina que roubava livros#markus zusak#citações#trechos de livros#books and libraries#books#livros#literature#quotes#quoteoftheday#ler#leitotes#escritores de tumblr
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Os seres humanos me assombram.
A Menina que Roubava Livros (Markus Zusak)
#livros#markus zusak#A menina que roubava livros#the book thief#literature#literatura#books#quotes#citações#trechos#trechos de livros#liesel meminger#humanos#humanidade#ler#livraria#leitores#leitora#biblioteca#bibliofilia#medo#espanto
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maybe this is a spoiler, but out of curiousity, are markus and henrietta ler the same race/species?
Yes, they're both cervitarian, a human-type on mesonia characterized by horns, two-toed feet, and wide, rectangular pupils
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Ei, eu não consigo lembrar da última vez que li um livro. Vc pode me recomendar algum?
lá vai alguns q eu li recentemente:
left hand of darkness - ursula le guin: lindo perfeito maravilhoso mudou minha vida. literalmente li em novembro e até agr não consegui parar de pensar nele. desde então li alguns outros dela mas esse pra mim foi o melhor. sem dar mto spoiler é sci fi que fala de aliens p falar de humanidade amamos nesta casa
nove noites - bernardo carvalho: esse é mto louco!!! começa como metade uma investigação da morte de um cientista (q realmente existiu) e metade meio q autobiográfica do autor mas lentamente as duas histórias começam a se misturar. não é um romance policial propriamente dito mas reads like one! to pra reler pq gostei mto
the book thief & i am the messenger - markus zusak: esses li mto tempo atrás e reli recentemente e fiquei 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 book thief é ficção histórica na alemanha da segunda guerra e i am the messenger é contemporâneo, eu gosto dos dois igualmente mas i am the messenger é mais fácil de ler se vc tá num slump… n tenho nem oq dizer esse cara simplesmente sabe escrever um livro q torce seu coraçãozinho das melhores maneiras. eu acho q book thief seria ótimo pq é uma leitura q prende demaissss. detalhe q esses eu li a tradução pq tinha em casa e é uma das poucas traduções p português q eu não odiei
a ditadura envergonhada - elio gaspari: OK talvez esse n seja o melhor p ler assim casualmente pq tem mta coisa pesada mas eu sempre gosto mto de ler não-ficção q me ensine algo so. esse aqui consolidou meu ódio de militar e minha raiva decolonial amamos sim ou claro <3 tem 5 livros então como eu disse. não é a leitura mais fácil mas é muuuuito esclarecedora, mto mesmo. aliás na mesma veia (ba dum tss) se vc ainda não leu as veias abertas da américa latina leia antes
the power broker - robert a. caro: meu DEUS esse é COMPRIDO mas é interessante demais…….. se vc já ouviu a frase “se vc quer conhecer um homem dê-lhe poder” tá aqui a fonte contemporânea. tb é não ficção sobre um cara q pouca gente ouviu falar mas q literalmente mudou não só nova iorque mas tipo, o jeito q as cidades nos estados unidos (e potencialmente no mundo tbh) são construídas. demorei muitooo pra ler pq como eu disse chonky boi mas interessante d++++!!!
esses dois últimos n são mto fáceis de ler mas aí eu acho q depende se vc gosta de não ficção ou não. mas recentemente foi esses q eu gostei mais <3
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Complete Masterpost (as of 7/30/2021)
Here is a complete rebloggable masterpost of all my works sorted by fandom. Beneath the fandoms, they are sorted in order of when I posted them (except for series, which are sorted together). You can also find these on ao3 under august_anon, or on the Masterpost Page on my blog (which is sorted better tbh). Thanks for reading my works!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
(’20) Tickletober Day 3 - Stocks - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Aang, Ler!Sokka, Katara, Toph, Zuko - What else is Aang supposed to do when he finds a set of stocks in an abandoned town? NOT see if he could fit in them? 1151 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 9 - Ganged Up On - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Zuko, Ler!Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka - They’d been plotting all week, and it was driving Zuko insane. The actual reason turned out a lot more innocent than Zuko was worried about. 713 words
You’re Dead - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Zuko, Ler!Aang - Aang has a little fun at Zuko's expense. 131 words
Lullaby of Laughter - [ao3] - Suzukka - Lee!Sokka/Ler!Zuko/Suki - Sokka's a bit too restless to fall asleep, and unfortunately all his fidgeting is keeping Suki and Zuko awake. Suki decides to show Zuko just how she tires Sokka out enough to sleep. 2038 words
Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia)
(’20) Tickletober Day 18 - Holding It In - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Aizawa/Ler!Yamada - Hizashi demands Husband Cuddles on their day off, but Shouta is being difficult. Luckily, Hizashi knows how to get his way. 799 words
Unrestrained Revenge - [ao3] - EraserMic - Switch!Aizawa/Switch!Yamada - Hizashi decides to take advantage of Shouta getting a little tangled up in his capture weapon. Shouta, of course, can't let that go without revenge. 1872 words
Lounge Day - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Aizawa/Ler!Yamada - Shouta had made it rather clear how he wanted the day to go, but what fun was that without a chase? 934 words
We Can Try - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Yamada/Ler!Aizawa - Hizashi comes clean about something he's been craving for a long time, and Shouta is more than happy to assist. There's only one problem... Hizashi's convinced it won't work. 4347 words
Carry On/Simon Snow Series
On Love’s Light Wings - [ao3] - SnowBaz - Lee!Simon/Ler!Baz - Simon and Baz are having a quiet moment together under the stars, and Baz discovers something interesting about Simon's wings. 2888 words
Detroit: Become Human
(’20) Tickletober Day 16 - Massage - [ao3] - RK1000 - Lee!Connor/Ler!Markus - The new software patch has come through, and androids can now feel sensations a lot more similarly to humans. Markus plans to use this to treat his overworked boyfriend to a massage, but things don’t quite go as planned. 1770 words
Gravity Falls
(’20) Tickletober Day 1 - Unusual Spot - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Dipper, Ler!Mabel - Mabel not-so-accidentally reveals one of Dipper’s tickle spots. 610 words
Good Morning series
(’20) Tickletober Day 13 - Wake Up! - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Dipper, Mable, Ler!Stan - Stan may have difficulty recalling anything now, but at least he knows the kids will be a constant. 1691 words
Tickle Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Ford, Stan, Dipper, Mabel - Dipper and Mabel complete their mission, distracting Great Uncle Ford, with flying colors. Unfortunately for them (and for Stan), Ford knows how to fight back. 1720 words
Miraculous Ladybug
(’20) Tickletober Day 15 - Stuck - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Adrien, Ler!Marinette - Thanks to a little yo-yo malfunction, Ladybug finds out something very interesting about her partner. 989 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 17 - Revenge - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Marinette, Switch!Adrien - In Marinette’s humble opinion, this was one of the most ridiculous scenarios she could imagine them finding out each other’s identities. 799 words
Sanders Sides(/Cartoon Therapy)
High School AU
Still Got It - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Virgil/Ler!Roman - Roman is frustrated that he’s never heard Virgil laugh. Logan presents a solution. Turns out, after all these years, Virgil is still ticklish. 2350 words
You Brought The Laughter Back - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil - Virgil may not have the experience Roman has, but his fingers definitely work magic, if Roman’s reactions are anything to go by. 2170 words
I’m Not Ticklish - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman - Logan has had a thing for tickling as long as he could remember, and he’s rather good at hiding it. It only takes one slip-up for Roman to find out and make his fantasies come true. 5588 words
Calorie Counting - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Roman is struggling with his new system of trying to lose weight. Luckily, Patton is always there for him. 1496 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 1 - Feather - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton, Roman, Virgil - Someone’s been sneak-tickling Logan, and he’s determined to find out who. 727 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 2 - Fingers - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton - Logan is ever so rudely awoken from his nap. 278 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 3 - Unusual Spots - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman finds a rather unusual method of warming his hands, leading to the discovery of a rather unusual spot for Patton to be ticklish. 278 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 4 - Stocks - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Roman agreed to help Logan with some of his “experiments.” He would never admit how much he loved it. 864 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 5 - Tools - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan - It’s Virgil’s turn to help with an experiment, and he’s getting a little impatient waiting for what he truly wants. 684 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 6 - Gang Tickling - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan, Roman, Patton - Virgil’s been in a certain kind of mood for a number of days, now. It’s a shame no one’s noticed enough to take advantage of it. 674 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 7 - Light Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -Logan isn’t sleeping. Again. Luckily, Virgil has a remedy. 461 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 8 - Hard Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan - Patton really wants to be wrecked. Logan is happy to oblige. 455 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 9 - “I’m not ticklish” - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil - Roman insists he’s not ticklish. Virgil insists that’s impossible. What else is there to do except test it out? 446 word
(’19) Tickletober Day 10 - Arms Up - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil did ask for this, after all. Now all he needed to do was actually hold out. 218 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 11 - Sneak Attack - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan - Patton is really much more sneaky than anyone gives him credit for. They really should start expecting it by this point. 233 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 12 - Unusual Tool - [ao3] - Royality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Roman - A not-so-peaceful moment together of doing chores leads to the discovery of a new possible tool of torment for Roman and Patton. 269 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 13 - Feet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil - Virgil can finally get his revenge on Patton for all the tickling, with the help of a few little piggies. 289 words
(’19) Tickletober 14 - Favorite Spot - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman, Patton, Logan - It was no secret that everyone in the mindpalace had their favorite spots, whether to tickle or be tickled. The rare thing was that, for one specific side, the favorite for everyone was unanimous. 194 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 15 - Cuddles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil, Patton, Roman - Logan’s been overworking himself and refuses to relax, even when everyone forces him to take a break. Luckily, his fellow sides know just what to do. 661 words
Work of Art - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman - Roman just really wants to paint on his super attractive boyfriend. Logan, surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), is very willing. 1357 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 16 - Tickly Kiss - [ao3] - Moxiety - Lee!Patton/Ler!Virgil - Patton’s having one of his “bad for no reason” days. Luckily, Virgil always seems to know what to do. 578 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 17 - Tickle Fight - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Patton - Virgil wasn’t sure how it started, but he was going to try his hardest not to lose. 211 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 18 - Chase - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton, Virgil, Logan - Roman may have wanted it, but he certainly wasn’t going to make it easy for them. 194 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 19 - Stuck - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Roman probably should’ve thought this through before he did it… 242 words
Hysterical series
(’19) Tickletober Day 20 - Hysterical - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - It’s Virgil’s turn to experiment. He wants to know what it takes to make Logan hysterical. 343 words
Broken Logic - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - Logan had done enough ticklish “experiments” on the others to know that they would be ruthless in their revenge, but truly? He wasn’t complaining. And he certainly wasn’t complaining when he heard Virgil’s threat to absolutely break him. 2689 words
The Attack of the Garra Rufa - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman recently acquired a new spellbook and he is very excited to test out the new spells inside. 712 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 21 - Accidental - [ao3] - Logicality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Logan - Logan didn’t mean to brush against Patton’s side, but he definitely didn’t expect the reaction it produced. What did Patton expect him to do when he realized the mind palace’s tickle monster was ticklish? NOT tickle him? 642 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 22 - Tickly Massage - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman - Logan’s been overworking again, which was causing his back pain to flare up again. Roman comes by to make sure he has a break. 994 words
We’ll Be Here, Always - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan, Virgil, Roman - Patton can’t always be happy, as much as he loathed to admit it. Sometimes he had bad days. Sometimes, those bad days had no rhyme or reason or cause. Luckily, his family’s always there to support him. 5039 words
Could Use a Laugh - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Patton’s got his hands on Roman’s new spell book. He can’t wait to put it to use! His first target? A grumpy little side who could use a little more laughter in his life. 1063 words
The Prettiest Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - All Roman wanted was to teach Patton makeup. He didn’t expect to be playfully attacked in response. 1054 words
Feathery Feet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - Roman has decided it’s his turn to play with his new tickle spells on the mind palace’s favorite emo. 664 words
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bright - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan - Logan knows that Patton is plotting on coming for him next with those silly new spells. He figures the best way to counter that is by getting him first. 892 words
It’s Christmas, Wake Up! - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Roman, Logan, Ler!Patton - Patton thinks his fellow sides are taking a little too long to wake up, and he’s ready to start the day’s festivities. Luckily, he has the perfect idea for getting them out of bed. 1224 words
Even Santa’s Elves Need Naps - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Patton’s been attempting to take on the monumental task of planning and setting up Christmas all on his own. Roman has decided he needs a break, and maybe a good laugh. 751 words
Dancing Around the Issue - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - They were supposed to be rehearsing. It wasn’t Roman’s fault he was so ticklish. 1665 words
The Featherswords series
Prince Feathersword - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan, Patton, Virgil, Ler!Roman - Roman’s been on a bit of a nostalgia binge, recently, and couldn’t help but remember a special sword a certain tickly pirate had… 3878 words
Professor Feathersword - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Roman/Ler!Logan - Roman didn’t expect revenge, but he wasn’t necessarily complaining. 2107 words
The Tickle Monster Always Wins - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Roman really shouldn’t have doubted Patton’s skills as a ruthless tickle monster. He was really in for it, now. 3220 words
Content (Valentickle) - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Switch!Virgil/Switch!Roman - It was meant to be some cuddling after a Valentines Day well-spent. Not that either of them were complaining with the playful turn things had taken. 1605 words
Kitten’s Got Claws - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - Virgil’s suspicious of Logan’s motives now that he’s started using Roman’s tickle spellbook as well. He figures he might as well be proactive and get the nerd, first. 895 words
Giddy Kisses - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman - Roman has a quite the sweet gift for Logan. It’s not his fault his boyfriend is so ticklish. 599 words
Scooch - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - The couch may be a comfortable place for a nap, but Virgil is sorely mistaken if he thinks he’ll be able to commandeer it for long. 401 words
Joyful Noise - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan, Roman, Patton - Virgil tiredly lets something slip on his Christmas list, but it doesn’t turn out as bad as he fears. 1222 words
Cold Fingers, Warm Laughter - [ao3] - LAMP - Switch!Virgil, Logan, Roman, Patton - Maybe Patton was right and Roman should’ve worn gloves during their snowball fight, but was that going to stop him from starting something? Absolutely not. 1109 words
Color By Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Ler!Virgil, Lee!Roman - Virgil was feeling more confident with these spells, now. Meaning it was the perfect time for revenge on a certain Prince they all knew. 961 words
Connected - [ao3] - Gen - Ler!Logan, Lee!Virgil - What, did Virgil think that Logan wouldn’t get revenge? 596 words
Fluttery Feelings series
Fluttery Feelings - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Magic(?) - Roman had planned the perfect prank for movie night. He just really hadn’t anticipated it backfiring on him. 2229 words
Fluttery Feelings 2: Helpless Revenge - [ao3] - Gen, Lee!Virgil, Patton, Logan, Ler!Roman - Roman had the perfect prank planned for movie night. This time, he would make sure it didn't backfire. 419 words
Provoked - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan - Patton should have known to provoke Logan so far, but really, maybe that was exactly what he’d wanted all along. 967 words
TacTickle Advantage - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil should know better than to accept a challenge from Patton when he has that devious grin on his face. 716 words
Distraction - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Emile, Ler!Remy - Emile slips up and gets a bruise. Remy has just the thing to distract him from the pain. 512 words
So Close - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Patton - Logan was so close to winning the bet, all he had to do was not laugh for another five minutes and he would be in the clear. Of course, it was at that moment Patton had to drop the secret to one of his biggest weaknesses. 945 words
Asking for Attention - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil - Roman’s been pulling pranks all day. Virgil knows what he’s really after. 509 words
Patty-Lee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Logan - Patton’s in a dangerous ler mood, but the others decide it’s high time he got a taste of his own medicine. 1137 words
Learn Your Lesson - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil - Patton should’ve known better than to go after Virgil alone. Now he was really in for it. 1181 words
“Feared” Ler - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Patton, Logan, Ler!Virgil - When Virgil gave you that grin, you knew to submit yourself to your fate. 1660 words
Get Up - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Patton just wants to get up and have breakfast! Roman, unfortunately, is being a little stubborn. 1076 words
Changing Channels - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Logan, Switch!Virgil - Virgil’s sick of Logan’s documentary, but he’s not exactly keen on changing the channel. Needless to say, a playful little fight breaks out. 846 words
Dance if You Can - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - Roman held the unofficial title of “Best Dancer” whenever their friend group played Just Dance. Virgil, the new addition, was about to show him how it’s done, but Roman was nothing if not competitive. 2975 words
Broken Rules - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil knew the consequences if he broke the rules of the challenge, he really did. And yet, here Patton was, needing to give him his “punishment.” Maybe it wasn’t a punishment at all, based off Virgil’s reactions. 702 words
Helpful - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - Logan’s neck has been hurting him. Virgil’s only trying to help. 551 words
Prince Gigglee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil, Patton, Logan - Roman’s in a very giggly mood. Logan finally figures out why. 1021 words
Not So Fast - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan - Virgil isn’t quite as sneaky as he thinks he is, asking for something indirectly. 634 words
Let’s Hang Out - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan - If Roman was going to (albeit accidentally) ignore him, then Virgil was going to ignore Roman right back. He just didn’t expect the consequences that followed. 2085 words
Shark Attack - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Virgil, Switch!Logan - Logan and Virgil are together again for summer break, and Virgil decides he’d like to play one of their childhood games to reminisce. 1210 words
Countdown - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Logan, Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman has a favorite game he likes to play with the other Sides. While most of them would never admit it, they like playing it with him, too. 1085 words
Bedtime - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, LerLogan - Patton is refusing to go to bed, but Logan has a few tricks up his sleeves. 685 words
If You Do… - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Roman had asked Virgil to do his makeup, but he hadn’t anticipated how much the makeup brushes would tickle. 536 words
Bonding Exercises - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Emile - Emile thinks that he and Virgil need to bond, and he has the perfect idea as to how. 699 words
Better Than Coffee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - All Virgil had really been after was a hug. It wasn’t his fault Logan was so sensitive. 280 words
Losses and Laughter - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - Really, Logan should’ve known better than to make that bet. But was it really the worst way to lose? 332 words
Tricks and Teases - [ao3] - Analogical - Switch!Virgil/Switch!Logan - Logan had been planning to tickle his boyfriend silly. Not have it go the other way around. 548 words
Instincts - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - It wasn’t Patton’s fault he squirmed so much at even the threat of being tickled! 316 words
Delicious Laughter - [ao3] - Logicality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Logan - Patton had the perfect plan set out to get Logan to tickle him. Logan just happened to go a little off script. 425 words
Fall of the Fortress - [ao3] - Logicality - Switch!Patton/Switch!Logan - Really, all Patton had wanted to do was cuddle. But when a tickle war was started? He was not going to go down without a fight. 733 words
Bully - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Logan’s been teasing Roman all day, and he really hopes there’s a laughter-filled payout after all this. 400 words
Begging For Lies - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - Virgil should’ve known better than to provoke Roman, seeing how ruthless he could be. But maybe that was exactly what Virgil was counting on. 469 words
Cookie Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil - Virgil helps Patton pass the time until his cookies are done. 560 words
Dr. Monster, M.D. - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman - Well, if Logan thought his ideas were too fantastical and unrealistic, Roman would just have to use that against him, wouldn’t he? 458 words
Please? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Virgil isn’t normally so bold, but with Roman looking at him like that, how could he resist? 390 words
Noisy Giggles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Patton had no idea that vocal cords could tickle someone so well. 503 words
Learn to Lie - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Virgil just wants his makeup back. If only Roman would own up to his thievery. 425 words
It’s Okay to Laugh - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - During some late-night bonding, Virgil decides to help Logan loosen up a bit. 586 words
Cuddle Time - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Patton’s in the mood to cuddle. 202 words
Strange Spot - [ao3] - Remile - Lee!Remy/Ler!Emile - Emile makes a fun discovery about Remy. 265 words
Glittery Giggles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Logan thinks he deserves some payback after Roman’s latest prank. 522 words
Lazy Day by Law - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman’s made it his job to make sure Patton obey’s the laws of “Lazy Day.“ 425 words
Problem Solving - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - After a long day of Roman being purposefully irritable, Logan finally finds out the reason. What kind of friend would he be if he didn’t help Roman out? 537 words
The Labyrinth - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - When Roman finds himself in a certain kind of mood, he knows who to ask. 677 words
Bready or Not - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman - Logan should’ve known that Roman noticed his moods. At least he was willing to help out. 795 words
Anywhere? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton - Logan’s managed to avoid Patton’s tickle-monster rampage for this long. Will he be able to hold out? 182 words
Cuteness Quota - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Patton never missed an opportunity to make Virgil smile.133 words
As Long As We Need - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan - Patton really didn’t know what he was getting into when he agreed to help with one of Logan’s experiments. He found that he really didn’t mind. 247 words
Sugar Sweet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Patton’s run out of ingredients for his cookies. Luckily, Roman has something even sweeter in mind. 206 words
Shadowhunters (TV)
Your Lips Create a Symphony - [ao3] - Malec - Lee!Alec/Ler!Magnus - Early on in their relationship, Magnus makes a little discovery while he and Alec are making out. He exploits this weakness to the fullest. 2236 words
Late Night Discoveries - [ao3] - Malec - Lee!Magnus/Ler!Alec - Alec makes a little discovery in his efforts to get Magnus to sleep. He takes full advantage of it in the morning. 1320 words
Star Trek: The Next Generation
(’20) Tickletober Day 5 - Drawn On - [ao3] - DaForge - Lee!Geordi/Ler!Data - Data had only wanted to experiment with a new form of art, Geordi couldn’t fault Data for his own sensitivity interrupting them. 674 words
Star Trek: The Original Series
(’20) Tickletober Day 14 - Light Tickles - [ao3] - Spirk - Lee!Spock/Ler!Jim - In a quiet moment, Jim discovers something new about Spock. 961 words
Energy Well-Spent - [ao3] - Spirk - Lee!Spock/Ler!Jim - Jim is determined to show Spock the perks of doing things the human way. 694 words
Liar, Liar - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Bones, Scotty - The tranquilizer's got Scotty and Bones feeling a bit silly. 602 words
Demonstration - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Uhura, Ler!Spock - Perhaps Uhura should know better than to tease Spock, but it's just too much fun. 685 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 12 - Hard Tickles - [ao3] - Destiel - Switch!Dean/Switch!Castiel - Dean should know better than to start a tickle fight with an angel. 349 words
The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
How to Ask - [ao3] - Danbrey - Lee!Aubrey/Ler!Dani - Aubrey's been craving some playful affection lately, but there's no way she can just ASK for it. No, this requires a plan. 1135 words
I’m Not Scared - [ao3] - Danbrey - Lee!Aubrey/Ler!Dani - Aubrey and Dani want to try something new, despite their nerves. Dani happens to make a new discovery in the process. 1305 words
The Adventure Zone: Balance
Touch - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Taako/Ler!Kravitz - Touch and Taako have always had an interesting relationship, but it was time he started figuring it out with this new world, since they seemed to be sticking around. 2349 words
Not-So-Silent Treatment - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - When Taako decides to give Magnus the silent treatment, he decides that that just won’t do. 324 words
Taaco Fight - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Lup, Switch!Taako - Tickle fights aren’t exactly an uncommon occurrence between the twins. 346 words
Need Something? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Lucretia - Taako is the type to annoy people until he gets what he wants. Lucretia isn’t the type to take that sort of behavior. 484 words
Attention and Affection - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - Magnus knows exactly how to deal with Taako when he’s looking for attention. 418 words
Don’t Stop - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - It wasn’t the response Magnus was expecting from Taako, but who was he to deny such a request? 301 words
Sore Loser - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Lup - Taako lost the bet, and now he had to deal with the consequences. 460 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 8 - Interrogation - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Magnus, Ler!Taako - Taako’s hat is missing and he’s going to find the culprit, no matter what it takes. 707 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 11 - Death Spot - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Kravitz/Ler!Taako - Kravitz had long know Taako’s death spot, having found it far too easily. Taako has to work a bit harder to find Kravitz’s. 1096 words
His Impatient Song - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Kravitz/Ler!Taako - Taako thought this was meant to be a romantic night, and so far Kravitz had done everything right. So why was he now fiddling with something in the corner, ignoring Taako entirely? 403 words
Dr. Magnus Will See You Now - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - Taako's been hiding an injury, but Magnus is determined to convince Taako to get it healed. 683 words
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Taako/Ler!Kravitz - Taako would love nothing more than to cuddle close with his boyfriend. Unfortunately, the heat of the kitchen and the chill of Kravitz’s hands don’t quite mix. Kravitz doesn’t intend to give up so easily. 1736 words
Like It series
You Like It - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - For a man who claims to know what tickling is “in theory,” Geralt certainly has a lot of questions. He might even require a demonstration. 2018 words
Maybe I Like It, Too - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Jaskier knew that everyone had to be at least a little ticklish somewhere, and he wasn’t going to give up until he had Geralt laughing underneath him. 3239 words
We Like It - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Geralt wants to test out a few things that Jaskier showed him the other day, and it just so happens that he's decided to make Jaskier his test subject. 1975 words
Just Let Go - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt would never admit it out loud, but he quite enjoys the touches that Jaskier blesses him with. And then Jaskier figures out that he’s sensitive to a different kind of touch. 1470 words
Fresh Discoveries - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt, Switch!Jaskier - Jaskier makes a rather interesting discovery while helping Geralt during one of his baths. 617 words
Get His Attention - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Jaskier/Switch!Geralt - Jaskier was determined to get Geralt’s attention, no matter what it took. 905 words
Wake-Up Call - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Geralt is awake and ready to go, now the only issue is getting Jaskier up. 819 words
Beauty in Strength - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Jaskier’s found a new game: brushing against scars and asking after them. If only it wasn’t so ticklish when he did so. 2271 words
Snickers and Snorts - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - It was one of Jaskier’s favorite games to play, “How Long Until the Big Bad Witcher Admits He’s Ticklish.” As of yet, Jaskier hadn’t technically won, but that didn’t mean he was going to give up. 1119 words
Dissonance - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt thought that Jaskier should know better than to annoy him. Jaskier proved to him that Geralt should know better than to provoke him. 906 words
Does This Tickle? - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Jaskier insists that he’s not that ticklish. Geralt proves otherwise. 599 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 2 - Feathers - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/LerGeralt - Jaskier seems to have misplaced his quill. He finds himself in a rather ticklish position once Geralt finds it. 1663 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 4 - Spidering - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt/Switch!Jaskier - Geralt is not nearly as amused with Jaskier’s Halloween decorations as Jaskier thinks he should be. 1216 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 6 - Kiss - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt’s a bit weird about having his neck touched. Turns out, it wasn’t for the reasons Jaskier thought. 1863 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 7 - Unusual Tool - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt/Switch!Jaskier - Jaskier’s impulse-buy leads to a rather giggly evening, in the Rivia-Pankratz household. 854 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 10 - Feet - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Jaskier’s complaining about the roughness of Geralt’s feet, so Geralt gives him something else to complain about. 317 words
Swearing Off Sewers - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - After a nasty fight with a zeugl, Jaskier tries to help Geralt wash the stench of the sewers off. Unfortunately, Geralt is a little too sensitive for that. 1693 words
Lazy Days and Late Mornings - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Jaskier wants to stay in bed. Geralt thinks it's time to get up. 788 words
Shut Up, Bard - [ao3] - Gen/Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier, Ler!Geralt, Lambert, Eskel - Jaskier causes a little too much annoyance, and the witchers decide it's about time they took him down a peg. 682 words
Habit - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Jaskier has a little habit of tickling Geralt whenever the urge strikes. Geralt seems to have finally hit his breaking point, ready for revenge. 1657 words
Certain Sensitivities - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt accidentally finds himself drenched in a very potent sensitivity potion. Unfortunately, attempts to neutralize the effects prove to be rather... ticklish. 809 words
#tickle fic#masterpost#atla tickling#bnha tickling#dbh tickling#carry on tickling#gravity falls tickling#miraculous ladybug tickling#shadowhunters tickling#sanders sides tickling#star trek tickling#taz tickling#the witcher tickling
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