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For his highness
Side Characters Deserve Love Too - Kyle x Joe
A/N: I can only thank @dirtpie39 so much for the trust and support that motivated this fic. It was a pleasure work for these two and I hope I could make justice to them ehe
Also, can't post this without thanking @/ticklygiggles for beta reading ti for me, ofc ofc
Summary: Kyle decided to show up at the worst time possible: just as Joe was about to end the duel with her own hands. The solution to avoid the prince's scolding? Run!
Word count: 3040 words
The sword stops inches away from the Vetgen’s head. He, in fact, was just as surprised when the end didn’t come for him. The knight wondered what could have spared him from death, unable to predict what he would see when he opened his eyes and looked up to his opponent.
“I’m talking to you, Joe,” Kyle said, his voice seemingly echoing throughout the place, carrying enough strength to stop Joe’s sword in its tracks. Despite the calm, composed exterior, there was no doubt about the prince’s true emotions, about the burning inner rage that each of those words represented. “How long do I have to stare at your back?” Kyle insisted, his hands folded behind his back as he made sure to keep his posture.
Joe, on the other hand, already gave up on every lesson she was recently taught. She clung at her sword, her shoulders slouching forward while she faced the skies. Maybe if she didn’t move, the prince would think it was someone else? Maybe even leave her alone to finish her duel?
“I’d like you to explain what’s going on.”
Vegten looked up to Joe’s face, confused at what was going on. To his surprise, the fear he once hoped to strike on Joe during their duel was now showing on her face because of the prince’s request.
Her body trembled, her grip at the sword faltered. How was she even going to explain this? And, even worse, talk to Kyle about the reason behind this duel? Of course, not to mention the fact that she was ready to behead one of the marquis Collin’s knights.
Joe could feel the prince’s burning gaze on her back and she didn’t even need to turn around to know what kind of expression he was making. He was definitely angry. Angry enough to trigger her flight-or-fight instinct - and since the fight was over, this was the perfect time to flight.
A small, composed gasp left Kyle’s lips once he noticed the sword being tossed away. In the split of a second, before he could do any further confrontations, Joe was already dashing away from the scene. There wasn’t time for orders, it was clear she wouldn’t listen to him. So, with that in mind, Kyle knew there was only one thing he could do: chase her.
“Why are you running away?! Come back here!”
“Agh! No!!”
While the prince chased away the knight, all the other people present in the makeshift arena inside the training camps dropped their jaws in what could only be described as a mixture of concern and awe. All, but one: sir Snow, who scoffed a soft, short chuckle at the scene. ‘How nice is it to be young’, he thought while making sure to ease the other knights’ worry. Snow knew they needed this time to settle and would, eventually, be back.
Back to the prince and the knight, Joe pressed her eyes shut, begging for each of her legs’ muscles to not give up on her now. She could hear Kyle’s steps getting louder as the prince quickly approached her and, if she didn’t want to get caught, she had to think of a way out and she had to do it fast!
“Stop running!” Kyle ordered, again, from behind, but the only answer he got from the other was an annoyed groan.
Joe cursed the prince’s endurance inside her head, knowing she was probably just about to get caught. She shook her head, trying to get rid of those thoughts while deciding - in the blink of a second - to face the ‘problem’ head on. That was it, all or nothing.
Digging her heel into the ground, Joe braked and interrupted her sprint. She quickly spun around, facing the prince like a beast tamer would face a fierce lion charging at them. She knew what she had to do, how to achieve her way out of the incoming scolding.
Kyle, surprised at her sudden stop, couldn’t help but to run into Joe’s arms, barely managing to slow down or avoid the crash. “W-what are you-”
“Heh,” she scoffed, looking up to him, “caught you.”
Just as he was about to question her words, Kyle felt a shiver running up his body. A foreign, unexpected feeling that made his brain short circuit and his nerves freeze, overwhelmed. The prince barely had time to look down to Joe’s hands before this same sensation washed over him again, forcing a loud squeal past his lips.
“H-HEHEY!” Kyle laughed, trying to step back and make his way out of Joe’s hug while she squeezed his hips again and again. “S-stoho- AH! J-Johohoe, whahat are- hngh! S-stahap!”
“Can’t fight it, hm?” She grinned, her hands evading his in their attempts of stopping her tickling. “What’s wrong? Didn’t you want me to stop running? Why are you running away now, your highness?”
“B-becahause- agh, n-noho!”
Kyle gritted his teeth, trying his best to keep his composure while looking for any openings in her “attack”. However, the only thing the prince managed to get from watching Joe more than watching his own steps was to lose his balance, his steps faltering as walked over the unfamiliar and uneven grounds of the training camp.
“Oops ~” Joe mused, seizing the opportunity - just like the old man Snow taught her - and moving her hands up to the prince’s shoulders. After giving him a gentle, but strong push, Joe watched Kyle fall down like a lumberjack would watch a falling tree, trying her best to not laugh too loud at the scene of the prince falling on his own butt.
“Y-you, what are you thin- w-woAHI”
Still, this wasn’t the time to call herself the victor of this little battle, Joe thought. She had already found an opening in his posture and, if he was out of breath, he wouldn’t possibly be able to keep chasing her, right?
“Your highness, my goodness, why are you in such a terrible mood?” Joe feigned worry, holding her cheek against her hand after making herself a seat at the top of his legs. “Let’s get rid of this frown first, then I’ll give you the explanation you wanted! ~”
Wasting not a single other second after that, Joe put her hands back into work, latching at Kyle’s sides and squeezing the spot through his clothes. Her fingers prodded at the spots below his lowest ribs and then moved to his waist, looking for any seemingly more ticklish spot. “Come on ~ where’s that beautiful smile of yours, your highness?”
“J-Johohoe, you- agh, stohohop this nohohonsense!” He grunted, tugging at her hands as if his life depended on it. He planted his heels onto the ground, kicking the grass behind her while laying his head back.
Kyle gritted his teeth, trying to stop any more giggles from spilling past his lips. Still, with each prod, tickle or squeeze, the bubbling - or, better saying, burning - need to break apart in a puddle of laughter grew stronger and stronger. “T-thihis is not- ahah, nohot the time for jehehesting!”
The scene was way too good for Joe not to be smiling herself, meeting Kyle’s annoyed, crooked up smile with a fond, but sly smug. How could she ever forget how charming, how adorable he was?
Joe shook her head, snapping back from any fantasy her brain could form and focused back at what she had in her hands at that time. “Oh, if that was the case, you wouldn’t be laughing, would you?” Joe teased, poking at both his sides and earning a strangled squeal from the prince.
“I-I’m lahahauing because- agh, becahause you ahahare tihihickling me!!”
“Ah, is that it? But you’re still looking waaay too angry, your highness. Are my jests not enough for you?” She giggled, bringing both her hands down to his stomach and poking around where his navel would be.
Joe watched each reaction carefully, putting on her best efforts in, besides tickling the prince, avoiding his pesky hands that continued oh-so-determined to stop hers in their tracks. This wasn’t so different from sword fighting, she thought, an amused smirk pulling at her lips.
Just like when wielding a weapon, if Kyle’s hand covered his stomach, Joe needed to avoid clashing his ‘defenses’ head on and look for an opening somewhere else - at his sides, for example. Now, if Kyle tried to grab her hands, Joe needed to pull her hand away and then “charge” forward again, latching her fingers somewhere else and surprising him with a renewed ticklish assault.
Still, even more annoying than Kyle’s hands trying to stop her was his endurance. Tickling his sides, poking his stomach and even clawing at his ribcage, all seemed to earn her a good reaction, to actually tickle him, but none were enough to break past the hardened shell he built around him, successfully restraining most of his sweet laughter.
“You know,” Joe hummed, pinning one of Kyle’s hands against the grassy ground while her other hand tickled his exposed side, “this would be a lot better if you just laugh, your highness ~”
“Sh-shuhut it, Johohoe!” Kyle grunted, twisting and turning his torso around, flailing like a fish out of water. He tried to reach for Joe’s hand, either to free his restrained arm or to stop the ticklish assault against his body, but all of his attempts were fruitless. “Juhust stohop, it’s an ohohorder!”
She snickered, barely containing a giggle from escaping her own lips as those words reached her. “Pfft, a ‘what’, your highness? I couldn’t understand it. Could you repeat yourself for me? ~” Joe added with both mirth and mockery poisoning her voice, how could she resist taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime situation?
Still, his reactions were far from what she expected, from what she wanted. Kyle was laughing, yes, but these quiet, composed giggles weren’t enough for her. This was probably the reaction that fitted him the best, if she really thought about him, but he could get more, right?
While these thoughts came up inside her head, one idea popping up after the other, a (loud) detail caught her attention when her fingers tickled a little closer to Kyle’s waist. Did he just-
“J-Joe!” Kyle whined, gritting his teeth while a faint shade of red began to take over his cheeks, spreading over his face to the tip of his ears and down to his neck. “Don’t y-you dahare!!”
“Oh?” She widened her eyes, shaking her head to free it from any nasty, improper thoughts. “But I didn’t even say anything,” she grinned, her hand already resting over Kyle’s hips, making the prince shiver in anticipation.
Kyle scrunched up his shoulders slightly as those predator-like eyes landed on him. He tugged at his restrained arm, trying to free his hand while shifting his gaze between Joe’s face and her hand at his hip. l“I-I’m telling you! D-do not!”
“‘Do not’ what, your highness?”
“T-tickle me, of course, your mor- no, wahait!” Kyle widened his eyes in panic as realization settled in. “J-Joe, wahait, I didn’t meahAHAHA- NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!!”
“There it is,” she mused proudly, her thumb digging into his hips while her other fingers tickled the back of his side, earning the reaction she was craving for this whole time. “Now I’m seeing some progress! Isn’t this much better than frowning like you were doing, your highness?”
“I-IT’S NOHOHOT!!” Kyle laughed, his eyes pressing shut while small tears of mirth clung to his lashes. The air could barely make it to his lungs before it was forced out by his bright, contagious laughter. “YOU AHAHARE KILLING MEHEHE!!”
“Oh, don’t be such a cry baby. How can this be killing you?” Joe mocked, letting go of his hand to tickle both his hips.
The reaction that followed surprised both of them as Kyle buckled his hips like a wild horse, kicking his feet high up in the air before laying on the ground, helplessly pawing at her hands while what seemed like an endless stream of giggles poured from his lips. “J-JOHOHOE!! PLEHEHEASE!! AHAhahah, I cahaHAHAnt tahahake it!”
Joe let out a small, breathless sigh, losing track of the seconds that passed her by while admiring the prince’s smile. It was all worth it: the incoming scolding, the chasing and even the fight against Vegten. For him, it was all worth it.
“J-JOHOHOE! I caHAHAhan’t breheheath!! PlehEHEHehease!!”
“O-oh,” she muttered, feeling the heat taking over her own cheeks while coming back to her senses. Right, breathing, he still needed to do that, yes. “I’m s-sorry, your highness, was it too much?”
“Y-yohou- hahh… b-bastard,” he groaned, his body going limp, barely having energy to look at her.
Joe chuckled, getting on her knees and then back up on her feet. “Well,” she hummed, patting her legs to dust off her clothes, “guess that leaves my explanation for another day.”
“H-huh?” Kyle perked his head up, seeing Joe turning around, “w-wait, I’m not d-done with you!”
“Haha, sorry, your highness, that will have to wait. Now, if you excus- h-hey!” Joe widened her eyes, looking back down to her legs to see Kyle’s fingers tightly wrapped around her ankle. “Y-your highness! Let g-”
“I said,” Kyle inhaled, narrowing his eyes before pulling Joe’s ankle and, consequently, taking her down to the ground with him, “that I’m not done with you, Joe!”
A strong, and dreadful, sense of deja vu passed through Joe’s mind as he fell face first to the ground. Yes, this happened before - no, better saying, it just happened. So, did that mean Kyle planned to-
“AHAHaha, y-yohohour highness!! W-wahahait!”
Yes, he did.
“Not until you explain yourself,” Kyle groaned playfully, sitting on the back of Joe’s legs while his fingers crept up her sides. Sparked by revenge, his digits dug into the knight’s body, climbing up her torso like spiders up a wall.
To make things worse, Joe couldn’t see Kyle or his hands. Even if she tried to look over her shoulder, she could barely keep her eyes open as giggle after giggle came out of her mouth.
Joe aimlessly flailed her hands, getting only faint hopes of protecting herself from the ticklish onslaught that followed whenever she touched Kyle’s hands, even if it was just for a brief moment before he evaded her and resumed the tickling.
“S-Slohohow doHOHOhow, you h-hihighness! It tihihickles!”
“That’s not what I asked you, Joe,” Kyle grinned, his fingers drumming at her ribs in a way that provoked embarrassingly loud squeals out of her. “But I can definitely tell you can’t stand what you dish out, hm?”
“Y-YehEHEHes!!” She pressed her head against the ground, the blades of grass also brushing against her cheeks and ears, making the whole thing even worse: it itched, but in a way that also tickled and made her skin prickle with goosebumps. So unfair! “ThehEHEn plehehease, s-show some mehehercy, yohohour h-highness!”
Kyle chuckled quietly to himself, still prodding and poking at Joe’s ribcage and the space between each bone. She probably didn’t have such an easy time pinning him down, he thought, taking full advantage of his raw strength and weight to make sure she wasn’t going anywhere before ‘paying for her crime’.
“‘Mercy’, you say? Did you even consider that a couple minutes ago?” Kyle sighed, shaking his head while clawing at Joe’s ribs, making her back arch while her laughter rose another pitch. “Or, even better, while you were swaying your sword at that man?”
“I- AHAhahah, I cahAHAn explahahain!! I swehehear!” She groaned through her fit of giggles, clenching her hands into fists and ripping the poor, innocent blades of grass that surrounded them off the ground.
It took her so much effort, so many different attempts, so much time searching for the right spot to get the prince to laugh, but here she was, losing her head after he barely started tickling her. Was his endurance that much better than hers or… was he simply not as ticklish?
These thoughts barely had time to sit on her head and be processed. Soon, the only thing Joe could think of how dangerous it would be if Kyle’s hands climbed any further up! “P-PLEHEhehease, yohohour highness! Nohohot thehehere!”
“You said you could explain,” Kyle muttered, looking down at her now that he was the one dealing the cards - or, better saying, doing the tickling, “then do explain yourself, Joe. I’ve been dying to hear what could possibly justify that behavior.”
She gritted her teeth, the original color of her cheeks replaced by that hot shade of pink a long time ago. If she explained, he would surely get angry, but if she didn’t, then she would surely lose her mind!
Joe pressed her elbows down against her sides, trying to curl her body up into a ball and free her legs from under the prince’s. “I c-cahahan!! I-if you stohohop!”
Kyle grinned down at her, meeting her eyes when she finally found a way to look back at him. Well, let’s hear what she had to say.
“You’ve seen me get into fights before. I had some minor scuffles in the cafeteria. I even had a fight with his highness Isak,” Joe mumbled, her voice tainted with defeat while the only sound that followed them besides her voice was from her heels being dragged over the ground. “I fight people all the time. It’s not a big deal, your highness.”
“Do you even want to go back to being a woman?” Kyle groaned, annoyed after finally - after some thorough interrogation - becoming aware of the context of that duel.
Joe sighed, feeling the warmth of the sunset on her back as Kyle continued to drag her over the training camp, probably back to where the old man Snow and the others were. ‘He caught me’, she thought, still not believing the sequence of events that filled that afternoon.
Despite the incoming scolding, Joe sighed, pleased. In the end, she could still stand her ground and protect Kyle’s honor - and, even better than that, she got to see him smile and laugh all by herself. It was worth it, she thought while nodding.
For his highness, she could - and would - do it all over and over again.
#side characters deserve love too#side characters deserve love too tickling#scdlt kyle#scdlt joe#kyle x joe#lee!kyle#ticklish!kyle#switch!kyle#ler!kyle#lee!joe#ticklish!joe#switch!joe#ler!joe#tickle fic#nim's coffee shop#commission#to: dirtpie39
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Yes! Please write the Kyle and Stan vs Tweek and Craig fight when you have time! Talk about an epic battle! And seeing Tweek and Craig being tickled to death at the same time would be so cute!
Yes omg
Them rn:

Stan&Kyle vs. Tweek&Craig leeets get it 😍✨
Sorry I’m not getting to the other requests I’m just having writers block with them but this I wanna do. Keep the reqs coming!
Stan, Kyle, Tweek and Craig were all hanging out at Kyle’s house. They were sat on the couch in front of the TV, arguing over what to watch.
Stan and Kyle wanted to watch Terrance and Phillip, while Craig insisted they watched Red Racer. Tweek thought the idea of choosing a side was too much pressure, so he stuck with Craig’s choice as they were usually a pair with things.
“It’s my house, Craig! I should get to choose what to watch!” Kyle argued, pointing an accusatory finger at his monotone friend.
“You invited us over to watch ‘the greatest show of all time’, I didn’t think you meant the dumbest!” Craig retorted.
“Dude, we all like Terrance and Phillip! You’re the only one who likes Red Racer!” Kyle argued back, getting a scoff and eyeroll from Craig.
“Guys, guys, I think there’s only one way to settle this.” Stan interrupted, cocking an eyebrow at the two other boys across the couch.
Tweek jumped in his seat. “AGH! What do you mean?! Are you gonna fight?! GAAH! That’s too much pressure!!” He cried, pulling on his hair.
“No, no! Not like that!” Stan shook his head, cracking his knuckles and sharing a glance with Kyle, who understood instantly and nodded back to him.
Craig blinked in realization. He quickly turned and whispered into Tweek’s ear, and winced as Tweek yelled back into Craig’s ear.
“AHH! That’s WAY too much pressure!!” Tweek shook his head violently. Craig put a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
“Well? Are we doing this?” Kyle asked, slipping his green gloves off. All four boys looked at eachother, nodding.
“First side to give up loses?” Craig guessed, getting a nod of approval from Stan. And with that, they charged toward eachother like the dramatic kids they are.
Kyle lunged at Craig, digging his fingers into his ribs and getting no reaction from the blank-faced individual.
Meanwhile, below the couch, Stan was trying to hold Tweek still, who was thrashing wilder than an angry piglet.
Back on the couch, Craig grabbed hold of Kyle’s arms and swiftly turned the tables on him. He scribbled his fingers into Kyle’s sides, getting a loud squeal from the boy.
“FUHUHUHUCK! CRAHAHAIG WAHAHAIT!!” Kyle squealed, as Craig began mercilessly scribbling his fingers up and down his sides.
“Oh shit! Kyle!” Stan let go of Tweek, climbing up to the couch to help Kyle. He left Tweek just laying on the ground, panting.
Stan grabbed Craig’s arms from behind and began pulling him away from Kyle, who was thrashing and squealing below him.
Craig proved too strong at first, but when Stan dug into Craig’s armpits, his arms shot back from Kyle to his sides.
“Oh?” Stan raised an eyebrow with a smirk, quickly holding Craig’s arms still. “You go handle Tweek, Kyle. I’ve got this one.” Stan nodded to Kyle, who was already on it.
As Craig was resisting Stan’s fingers, the loud shriek of Tweek was heard as Kyle’s fingers attacked him.
“GAAAHA!! CRAHAHAHAIG HEHEHELP MEHEHE!!” He cried, Thrashing wildly under Kyle’s arms.
“I’m kind of busy, Twee-EEHEEK!” Craig cracked, squirming urgently away from Stan as he scribbled his fingers into his armpits.
“Well? Still wanna watch Red Racer?” Stan called, as he spidered his hands down Craig’s sides, earning a stream of low giggles.
“Yehehes!” Craig said stubbornly. He knew he could outlast Stan, but it was Tweek he was worried about.
Down on the floor, Tweek was shrieking and thrashing as Kyle skittered his fingers along his ribs. “GAAH! STOHOHOP IT! AAAH!!” He screamed, grabbing Kyle’s wrist and biting down on it like an animal.
“AH!” Kyle retracted his hand, rubbing his wrist in pain. “What the hell, dude?!”
Tweek took this opportunity to dash away, climbing onto the couch and trying to separate Craig and Stan.
Kyle climbed up on the couch, him and Stan nodding to eachother. Tweek and Craig were now cornered next to eachother, as Stan and Kyle suddenly skittered all of their fingers across both of them.
“GAAAHAHAHA!! WAHAHAIT!!” Tweek cried out, pulling on his hair and thrashing back and forth. Craig turned away, biting his lip as he fought against the sensations, but they ultimately proved to be too much.
“Okahahahay!! Okay we give uhuhup! We’ll watch your dumb shohohohow!!” Craig conceded.
“GAH! YEAHAHAH! WE GIHIHIVE UHUHUP!!” Tweek shrieked, agreeing with Craig on the movement.
Stan and Kyle moved away from the other two, sharing some smug grins. “Soo, Terrance and Phillip it is then?” Stan said, picking up the remote.
“…Fuck you.” Craig sighed, catching his breath as he sat next to Tweek, who was practically buzzing from the action, as Stan put Terrance and Phillip on.
#tword#south park#tickle content#tickle fic#south park ticklefic#south park tickles#ler!stan#ler!kyle#lee!craig#lee!tweek#ler!craig#lee!kyle
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"Video Games"
this is my first sptk fic oh em gee!! didnt rly know what to name it lol
fic request here :]]
lee stan (he/him) ler kyle (he/him)
30. Bold words for someone within tickling distance.
It was an afternoon on a Saturday, which meant no school. Kenny and Cartman were apparently busy today, but luckily Kyle was free.
Stan decided that he would invited Kyle over to his house to play some video games. Just a one-on-one, the two of them hanging out.
The two were sitting on the couch in Stan's living room playing a racing game that Kyle had gotten for his birthday. Both of them were on the last lap of the game, and now it was a battle to see who'd cross the finish line first.
"Hah, you're gonna lose, dude." Stan stated with a smirk, currently first place in the game they were playing.
"Bold words for someone within tickling distance." Kyle retorted, reaching over to his friend and squeezing his side with one hand, attention still on the game.
"WhAHA- What the fuck, duhude!?" Stan laughed out, having gotten distracted by the sudden feeling. Kyle snickered at the way Stan's laugh sounded.
"I'm gonna lose, huh?" Kyle gave a quick grin as Stan fumbled his controller and refocused. "You asshole! You distracted me!" Stan bit his lip as he fought to catch up.
And disappointing enough for Stan, the "you win!" message popped up on Kyle's side of the screen as he zoomed passed the finish line and finished the last lap.
"You suck, dude." Stan scoffed, crossing his arms playfully. "Maybe think before you say things, anything you say can always be used against you!" Kyle grinned.
The two looked at each other before laughing the situation off, agreeing to a rematch. This time, a fair match.
sorry its suuper short i wouldve made it longer but i had no ideas on what more to add to it
i havent written in a while either lol
hopefully its good enough tho lol !1 ill try to make my next fic longer a bit if not a lot lol
#slimey-ficlets#lee!stan#ler!kyle#south park tickles#idk what game they were playing exactly you can theorize it if you want#anyways yayaya i hope u like it despite it being not very long
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can you pls write a fic with lee!stan and ler!kyle🙏
Hi gigglers! This is more of a drabble than a fic but hope you enjoy!
"No, seriously. It's not funny Kyle", Stan said as firmly as he could, although his voice quivered a bit. The boy had tried a shortcut out of the KFC bathrooms, avoiding the narrow path for a squeeze down the even narrower staircase. It was a dumb idea, but Stan wasn't the biggest fan of how repetitive and boring school days could be, so he took every opportunity for an adventure. Now he was paying the price.
"Aww, come on Stan", Kyle said in his teasy voice, "Can I just give you a little tickle wickle?"
Stan blushed heavily and groaned, "Don't say that. Now let me out!"
Kyle walked closer toward the staircase threateningly, his fingers in claws.
"Any last words Stan?"
Kyle could be very evil sometimes. Stan shut his eyes tight and tried desperately to wiggle free, but to no avail. He knew that he would be able to get out with his friends' help, but Kyle wasn't being the best friend at the moment.
"Come on bro, friends don't take advantage of friends when they get in difficult situaTIONS!" Stan's lecture was cut short, him squealing and erupting into a peel of giggles as Kyle reached his hand behind the staircase to poke and scribble at his side.
Kyle's evil face lit up in an expression of pure malicious delight. Stan's giggles were a bit pained at the edges, as he squirmed as far as his body would let him in the tight space. Kyle withdrew his hand - he wanted to have a spurt of fun, not actually assault the boy. Kyle reached his hand in to get Stan out, and pulled heavily, leading Stan to topple out and fall on top of him. In an instinctive move, the ginger-haired boy flipped Stan over so that their positions were switched, not wanting Stan to take advantage of a potentially strategic standpoint.
Stan frowned - "Hey, get off me asshole!"
Kyle did as he was told, allowing Stan to get up and shake his head.
"I can't believe you did that man. After, after all we've been through".
Stan's expression made Kyle's heart drop in guilt - "Come on, it wasn't that bad was it?"
Stan decided to keep up the act - "It is! And you know what the worst part is?" Stan tried to force tears, "I d-didn't even g-get you back".
For a while Kyle felt his stomach sink, regretting all of his life choices and feeling like the most horrible friend in the world. Stan just looked at Kyle's defeated expression, waiting for the ginger to process what he had just said.
"Hey...wait a second..."
Stan smiled, his smile quickly turning into a smirk, "So now do you get it?"
Kyle, who was considerably more ticklish than Stan, made a run for it.
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Sorry but a can you do lee!Cartman and ler!stan, kyle, and Kenny? Sorry if this is confusing, I love your fics and I’m sorry I requested this, I really love him😭😭
-One of your fans❤️
Awww nonnie you are literally soooo sweet. And it’s fine literally ask for all the Cartman tickles you want. I will always deliver! I hope you like it!
Also I had no clue how to write Kenny’s muffles so next time 😭
Not Ticklish
Word Count: 609
Lee!Cartman/Ler!Stan, Ler!Kyle, Ler!Kenny
Cartman claims he isn’t ticklish but like we all know that’s a lie.
The boys were hanging out at Stan’s house. They were in the living room watching Terrance and Phillip. Or at least they were trying to watch Terrence and Phillip. Stan and Kyle were play-fighting and tickling each other as per usual.
And at this point Cartman was used to it. He had gotten pretty good at tuning them and their gay ass antics out. But this was the last straw. He couldn’t hear the television over their stupid giggling and laughing.
“I’m so glad I’m not a ticklish little pussy like you guys,” The bigger boy muttered scooting closer to the TV.
At this point Kenny and Cartman had decided to sit on the floor since the other two boys were taking up the couch with their antics.
“Shut up fatass,” Kyle retorted.
Honestly, he was surprised they could fucking hear because he couldn’t.
“Yeah everyone is ticklish,” Stan said matter of factly.
“Not me,” Cartman replied, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, prove it. Me and Kyle do this all the time. Keep your arms up and if you really aren’t ticklish then you won’t laugh or anything,” The raven haired boy challenged.
“Maybe that’s how you super boyfriends or whatever the fuck you call yourselves like to spend your time but not me.” The brunette shot back.
“Dude if you aren’t ticklish then it shouldn’t matter!” Kenny added, taking his attention off the television.
“No…it’s okay guys. He’s probably lying anyway,” Stan concluded in annoyance. The other two boys nodded in agreement. They were going to just drop it and go back to watching TV.
“I am not!” Cartman wouldn’t necessarily count it as lying. His mom tickled him a little before but at most he squirmed away a little bit. It was nowhere near the reaction he’s seen his friends give to being tickled. So he was sure he had this little “challenge” in the bag.
“Okay fatass, then put your arms up!” Kyle responded.
“Fine but this is super gay,” Cartman grumbled walking on his knees toward the couch and lifting his arms.
Stan shot his fingers into the larger boy’s underarms and started scribbling. This caused Cartman to squeal and immediately try to retreat.
“See! I knew he was lying! Guys don’t let him escape! Grab his arms!” Stan shouted.
The two other boys immediately sprang to action to not let the brunette escape, holding him in place . They couldn’t… scratch that…they wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to put Cartman in his place.
This was way more than he expected. This was what those two were willingly doing to each other on a regular basis. He felt like he was being tortured. This was awful. He needed this to stop now.
“Okahahay, yohohou guhuhuys wihihin! Gehehet ohohohff alreheheheady!” The bigger boy demanded. He hated to admit defeat so early but what the actual fuck? He never experienced anything like this.
“Dude! Stan barely even tickled you!” The blond chuckled.
“Yeah, we finally found someone who’s more ticklish than me,” Kyle teased.
“Trust me. No one is more ticklish than you,” Stan said, not stopping the tickle attack.
The redhead growled playfully before pouncing on his best friend resuming their play fighting from before.
Normally this is when Cartman would tease them for how gay they are but honestly he was glad they turned their attention back on each other. He sat back up still trying to stop the residual giggles that were threatening to slip out.
“What was that you were saying again about not being ticklish?” Kenny teased. Cartman couldn’t see it but he definitely knew that the blond was wearing a shit eating grin.
“Shut up, Kenny!”
#south park tickles#Lee!Cartman#Ler!Stan#Ler!Kyle#Ler!Kenny#I’m sorry it’s so short. I really hope you like it#I really wanted to get this out bc this came to me and I kinda like it#But next time I’ll write a longer fic hand to god#also I’m posting without proofreading as thoroughly bc I’m really tired
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my south park tickle headcannons! (the main four!)
the time has finally come!!! these little guys have been clogging up my brain for months- so what better way to remedy that than by spilling all my thoughts out here!!! and- it’s perfect to pass the time while i write my first fic for y’all! thank you so much for waiting!! it really means the world that people like to hear my silly little thoughts!
also- please let me know if you have any requests- i’d love to take a crack at them!!
anywho; here are some of my headcannons! thank you so much again!! i hope you like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
super ticklish!
im a huge sucker for the “stan snorts when he laughs” hc
he’s super duper embarrassed by it- he thinks it’s weird
stan goes for defense when getting tickled! instead of trying to get away/tickle back- he tries to cover himself/his mouth
he never likes giving the satisfaction of actually laughing. does hiding it ever work? no! does he still do it? yes!
i think he got it from all the times shelly has been absolutely merciless to him
(she’s a lot stronger than him- so he thinks that if he doesn’t laugh and give her what she wants she’ll get bored and stop)
99% of the time it’s her tickling him- he’s smart enough to know that trying to get revenge on her is practically impossible
definitely the type to lie about being ticklish or at the very least- the extent of how ticklish he actually is
“are you ticklish?” “no” “really?” “…i mean, maybe a little?”
he also gets super blushy - his ears turn RED
worst spot are his armpits- and he goes through great lengths for no one to find out about it
kyle found out a cute little funny trick where if you get your thumb and twist it into stan’s armpit it drives him up the damn wall
like: he starts snorting practically nonstop- can’t even speak he’s laughing too hard
i think up to like the age of 7- his mom had a little game that if she caught him trying to take cookies from the cookie jar when she knew he had some already: she’d taze his side
(it worked like a charm, and she still does it from time to time)
when he’s about to get tickled he just says his ler’s name over and over again with different inflections
“wendy? wendy- no- wendy- wendy. wendy-no! weNDY-“
(whenever he does this to kyle he always goes “yeah, dude? that’s my name!” and it piSSES HIM OFF SO MUCH LMAOO)
teases (that aren’t about his snorts) don’t really embarrass him they just kinda annoy him a little
teases don’t really work on him all that much unLESS IF IT’S WENDY- TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY THERE-
he actually really likes being tickled if it’s by his friends- he just hates admitting it
he likes having an excuse to laugh freely!!
and although i think i could go on for hours and hours about how he is as a lee- he’s more of a ler
hes canonically good at tickling! yay! (thank you matt and trey)
he tickles kyle for everything under the sun
bad mood? poke. beating me at mario kart? poke poke. won’t let me play with his blue hot wheels bugatti chiron? poke poke poke!
i think kyle is so ticklish that for a while he was too scared to even check if stan was too- so homie was in the clear for a while
he laughs with his lee- he finds their reactions very entertaining
he teases!! he’s mean!! smirks all the while!
“man, is it really that bad? sick…”
although, i think with wendy and kyle it’s more compliments than actual teasing
telepathic communication with kyle when it comes to teaming up on people! one look is all they need to know where to go
dream team with kenny- those two are absolute menaces to kyle
i don’t really think he’s mean on purpose- he just gets carried away because he’s having fun!
completely forgets how easy it is to get him back; it totally slips his mind until he’s face to face with revenge!
he is ticklish ticklish!!!
i totally agree that kyle is the most ticklish of the group- he so is!!!
and it lasts for a while after the fact too- like ten minutes later? he’s still hiccuping
unlike stan, instead of defending himself he goes balls to the walls. he pulls out all the stops!!
he kicks, he screams, he punches!
(stan has gotten a bloody nose because of this multiple times. kyle still feels bad about it!!)
he curses up a storm when hes tickled- it’s so amusing for his ler(s)
(i totally think there was a time where kenny and stan set a five minute timer and they would add a minute every single time kyle cursed- five minutes were added within the first thirty seconds and the only reason why kyle eventually managed to stop cursing was because he was hiccuping so much he couldn’t even get a word out!) maybeillwritethisoutatsomepointidontknowww
he’s ticklish literally everywhere but his ears are the WORST
(his neck is pretty bad too- but ears? WOOOO)
he begs stan and kenny to keep his ticklishness a secret from cartman. he does NOT want his finding out!
he ends up finding out.
cartman loves to just randomly blow in kyle’s ear (it’s why he wears his hat 24/7) because he squeals and jumps like fifty feet in the air
kyle has really sensitive skin so if you tickle somewhere for a little while- it ends up turning red
(stan uses this as a timer sometimes! “oh- dude, your stomach is red. …guess it’s time to go for your ribs then!”)
just hearing the word “tickle” causes him to tense up- he gets so nervous
teases work SO WELL on him!
you don’t even have to be teasing him actually- if you talk to him AT ALL while tickling him it drives him up the wall
he tries to bargain his way out of getting tickled (it never works LMAOO)
“wait! wait waIT WAIT- we can talk about this, dude! dude, let’s just talk about it! let’s just taLK ABOUT IT-“
it doesn’t really matter how he’s being tickled; everything and i mean everything tickles to him- but i think light tickles are really his kryptonite
he’s the type to giggle hysterically before you even touch him (stan thinks it’s the funniest thing- so he takes his sweet ass time before even doing anything)
as a ler he is RUTHLESS
in his mind- he needs to tucker his lee out before they have the energy to try to get back at him
the years he’s had with ike really pay off and he has some SKILLED fingers!
he makes mental notes of where his lee(s) is the most ticklish- and he does not leave that spot until he figures out WHAT exactly works the best
loves ticking ike because it’s the one person he doesn’t have to worry about getting him back LMAOO
(even then ike still does from time to time)
if his lee makes ANY noise (snort, hiccup, squeak) they need to RUN because he will relish in that shit
“holy shit, dude!! what the hell was that? do it again!!”
him and stan are absolute horrifying when they work together- you got the brains and the brawn against you
hes super mean when getting stan back for his constant tickle attacks
and for kenny, he’s only a tiny bit nicer
he picks and chooses his battles when it comes to revenge…i just think he chooses violence 9 times out of 10 LMAOOO
too ticklish for his own good!!!
he has a super addicting laugh- it really doesn’t work well for him
not only that, but he has completely different laughs depending on where he’s being tickled
he MOVES when he laughs (not just when being tickled)
he seems like the type to fucking FLY forward when laughing at a joke LMAOO
he squirms and jerks like crazy!!
and he pounds his fists on the ground and/or pulls on his parka!! he needs something to do with his hands!! very entertaining!!
he doesn’t really fight back- he’s trained himself so he doesn’t accidentally hurt karen
his friends do this really mean thing where they pretend like they don’t understand him through his parka
“…what did you say? do you know what he said, kyle?” “yeah, dude! he said ‘please keep tickling me!’” “oh yeahhh! gotcha’! jussst checking…”
he also seems like the type to shake his head frantically and scream his ass before getting tickled!
runs for his LIFE, back against the wall- just shaking his head and his hands
“mm-mm! donmph!! donmt do itmph!! dONMT-NOOOOOOOO-!!!”
he’s also ticklish pretty much everywhere but his hips are SO BAD
he SCREAM laughs when you squeeze his hips and it’s so funny
his laugh is so contagious that sometimes his ler(s) have to stop for a second and just laugh along with him!
rougher tickles work on him better- since he’s wearing his parka! that shit is THICK!
squeezes are the death of him (literally) he can’t stand them
teases work pretty well on him! they get him all giggly
i think if you tickle him for too long he starts coughing- and that’s how you know when to stop!
gets into tickle fights with karen and kevin CONSTANTLY and most of the time- he gets WRECKED!
as a ler he’s surprisingly really sweet?
i think it’s because he’s died from being tickled too much before
and he knows that HE can come back to life. his friends and family? he doesn’t wanna risk it!
that doesn’t mean he’s not a total tickle monster!! he definitely is!! he’s just a bit more cautious about it
he keeps most of his tickles light
(unless it’s one of the others in the main four- he’s MEAN to them)
he’s the type to coo and tease- what he does to karen he does to everyone since up to this point it’s been pretty effective!
he LOVES giving people really quick cheer up tickles. just five minutes of innocent little flutters and the whole bad mood is gone!
he zips his fingers around random spots sometimes just making little “ooohs” and “aaahs”
”oooh! how aboumt heremph? oooooh! heremph? awwww!”
he’ll wiggle his two index fingers and only those two above his lee before striking with his whole hand!!
sometimes he pulls his parka tighter while teasing, just so they have to guess what he said- he thinks it’s funny!
raspberries are super fun for him since if he has the parka on, it’s ten times worse!
LOVES doing the “sike out” on his lees it’s super fun
not super ticklish- but ticklish!
he has a really “ugly” laugh LMAOO
like it’s almost kinda jarring
he somehow sounds like a mixture of a pig and a gremlin LMAOO
the other three don’t really tickle him all that much actually!
(probably because they’re all just a teeeeeny bit scared of him)
but also because they hate his laugh-
(kyle covers his ears half the time LMAOO im really cracking myself up here)
but in all seriousness, they are genuinely afraid to tickle him; he’s super mean
his mom on the other hand? she does it all the time
i love love LOVE the hc where cartman has ticklish cheeks- im a sucker for it i love it!
his cheeks and sides are his worst spot(s)
(his mom uses this to her advantage whenever she can!)
he’s SO overdramatic- it makes tickling him such an ordeal
he will flop to the floor after a single poke- and then he’s back up again; ready to wreck your shit
he curses like kyle- but noT IN THE SAME WAY AT ALL
kyle just goes “shit! fuck! you’re an asshole!” you know, normal stuff- carTMAN ON THE OTHER HAND??
he makes up the most obscure insults you have ever heard.
(boobie fucker is the first one that came to mind LMAOAOAOO)
teases work super well on him- it gets him all agitated
(especially if it’s his mom it drives him UP THE WALL.)
he definitely isn’t afraid to rip his lee’s hands off of him- he is not afraid to hurt anyone
when he’s about to get tickled- he doesn’t bargain or beg he threatens
and honestly? (you should probably listen-)
hes actually not that good at tickling- he sucks at it
but that doesn’t matter!!! he still makes life a living hell!!
he searches for your worst spot; and god forbid he finds it
he won’t stop until you are in tears- and he makes no exceptions!
(remember how i said kenny died from being tickled before? [f]artman is the one to blame!!)
it’s not even warranted half the time- he’s just a bully
and he doesn’t even “tease” he just insults.
he makes fun of your laugh, what you’re doing, where you’re ticklish
the other three have gone through this at least once- and they try their hardest to never have to go through it again
#south park tickles#strawberry hcs#lee!stan#ler!stan#lee!kyle#ler!kyle#lee!kenny#ler!kenny#lee!cartman#ler!cartman#iM SO SORRY THAT IT’S LONG I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS#this isn’t even all of it oh god#writing this was so fun#especially cartman i was cracking up#anywho- thank you so much for the patience!!#i hope you guys like it!!!
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here’s a jyle tickle fic that’s super short and stuff (they’re supposed to be teens in this, not sure if that’s obvious)
"They're such a p-p-perfect couple," Jimmy said, scrolling through his phone while Kyle laid on top of him, head resting on his stomach.
"What?" Kyle asked, looking up at him from his position. He was assuming Jimmy was looking at some couple's social media, like Stan and Tolkien's.
"I've n-n-never seen them apart before, either."
"Who..?" Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow. Maybe Tweek and Craig.
The brown haired boy set his phone down on the bed and stared at Kyle before saying "my asscheeks."
Kyle groaned and buried his face into Jimmy's stomach. "You're the worst,” he mumbled and Jimmy giggled a bit.
"W-watch it!"
"Oh my god, does that tickle?" Kyle looked up at Jimmy with a smile, whos face was now pink.
"No...! Maybe,” Jimmy admitted before giggling again as Kyle scribbled on his sides gently. "You J-Jackass!"
"Wow, insults? Seems a bit rude," The redhead laughed and lifted up Jimmy's yellow shirt slightly before taking a deep breath."
"Wait, Kyle, don't you d—" Jimmy was cut short as he started laughing louder, Kyle having blown a raspberry on his stomach. He tried to squirm away, but the taller boy laying on him made it difficult.
After another raspberry and a few more scribbles to Jimmy's sides, Kyle showed some mercy and sat up. "Okay, okay, I'm done."
Jimmy sat up a bit too, glaring at his boyfriend as he giggled a bit more. "I'm so getting you b-back."
#South Park Tickle#SP tickle#Lee!Jimmy#ler!Kyle#Jyle#Jimmy x Kyle#Ticklish!Jimmy#There is a lack of lee!Jimmy content
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Not a lot of energy rn so here's a silly doodle 👍
They were definitely set up teehee by cartman
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dude ive been searching for this one south park tkfic and i cant find it ANYWHERE its lee drunk stan and ler kyle someone help me PLS
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Woop :3
this is a drawing I wanted to do cuz the fic was so CUTE 😵😵💗
istg y’all go read @fluffleetoasts fic with these two !! it’s linked here ⬅️⬅️⬅️

anyways bye bye ><
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Have some tickle art that I drew but never dropped
#hazbin hotel tickle#tickle art#hazbin hotel oc#lee!kai#lee!sir pentious#ler!reid#ler!shawn#ler!jasmine#lee!topher#total drama tickle#ler!fanboy#lee!kyle#fanboy and chum chum tickles#lee!saint peter#ler!saint Peter#lee!reid#lee!alastor#dhmis tickles#lee!larry the lamp#lee!warren the eagle#ler!shrignold#regrtevator tickles#lee!reddy#ler!dr retro#ler!cherri bomb#lee!diesel#ler!thomas#ttte tickles#Jesus that’s a lot of tags-
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Welcome home!!! So exciting to hear from you again!
Can I ask what your South Park fic is going to be? Who’s the lee/ler?
Thank you so much! I still can't believe it lmao
Sure! I decided to just put the fic here lol
I had this idea over deployment and I kicked myself cause why didn't I think of it before lol
Here is the mash-up song that is referenced in the fic! I know super last year LMAO stop I haven't been here
also sorry if my formatting is weird and my writing is rusty it's obviously been a while but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)
WARNINGS: Cursing, references to SH (self harm) and drinking
Which Song? (Lee/Ler Jersey Shore Kyle/ Lee/Ler Goth Stan) (aged up)
Jersey Shore!Kyle and Goth!Stan are having a sleepover and decided to pull out the karaoke for this one! But which song can they agree on despite their differing tastes?
"Hey, Stan. Stan- Stan. Watch me." Stan looked up begrudgingly to Kyle with one pierced eyebrow raised expectantly. Well, it was a stud glued on to his skin, but he would never admit it. Stan watched as Kyle flipped his black cap backward on his head and donned stylish black shades.
Kyle adopted a stance that showed off his lean yet toned torso and picked up his phone to start taking selfies. Wearing a tight white tank top and Elmo pajama bottoms that hung off his hips, Stan was his complete opposite dressed in all baggy blacks and grays.
"What? I'm watching you make thirst traps? You're gross." Stan rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone. Alt TikTok was his current addiction. Anyone who danced on Tik-Tok like mindless zombies were posers.
Kyle snorted at his best friend and crossed the room to throw his arm over Stan's shoulders and snapped a photo. It came out blurry as Stan struggled in his grip.
"Ah come on Stan, you're no fun anymore. Come on, you can sing with me." Stan shoved Kyle off as Kyle was already moving to the karaoke machine. Kyle pressed a button on the machine that booted up a song immediately. Kyle tipped his shades down to look at Stan with green-tinted eyes as he pointed at Stan with one hand and held a microphone with his other as the first notes of his song began to play. Stan rolled his eyes once more as he scratched near his eyelid, shedding black eyeshadow in the process.
"Hey, baby girl, what you doin' tonight? I wanna see what you got in stooore~ Giving it your all when you're dancing on me-" Kyle rocked his hips in tune with the music which Stan stifled both a groan and a blush at the same time at that; very confusing.
-"I wanna see if you can gimme some more~ You can be my girl and I can be your man, and we can pump this jam however you waaant~ Pump it from the side pump it upside down-" Kyle lifted one leg onto the couch and started humping the air in tune to the song, to which Stan stood up abruptly and crashed into him to get him to stop.
"Alright alright alright! Quit it!" Stan clicked a button on the machine that paused the song, silence filling its place. Kyle tsked, disappointed as he threw his arms up.
"Dude it was getting good, what the fuck?! Turn it back on." Kyle pressed the button to turn the song back on, but the machine didn't respond. Kyle pressed it a few more times, to no avail, and kicked it out of frustration. "This shit's gahbage. Need to get a new one, it's been acting up lately."
"Or the machine just doesn't want to play your shitty-ass song. Here, I'll show you what real music is. Not this disgusting Disney pop trash." Stan programmed the machine to play a new song, and snagged the microphone from Kyle, but not without a flirtatious wink from Kyle first. Stan's cheeks burned an uncharacteristic red as the first few notes of the song began to play. He began to sing.
"Hey scene slut, I'm still cutting tonight. That's why my wrists are so sooore~" Kyle gave Stan a bewildered look as Stan kept going.
"I know you got a boyfriend, but you're a whore. Everybody drinking, shot glasses on the floor. We be clubbing all night, gimme some more-" Now it was Kyle's turn to shut off the machine. Stan petered out the last few words without the song's help and whirled around to face Kyle.
"Hey, what the hell? It was getting to the good part!" Stan asked angrily. Kyle put his hands on his hips and motioned to Stan.
"You call that music? They're talking about cutting themselves and whores for Christ's sake!" Kyle rose his voice while adjusting his shades, which riled Stan up as well.
"What about your song with you humping the damn air? That's not inappropriate?! Turn it back on, I said." Stan reached to turn the music back on the machine, but Kyle gripped his wrist before he could make it. Stan attempted to wrench his hand back but Kyle kept a firm hold on him.
"Hell no. We either listen to my music or not. I'm not catching your depression from your emo My Chemical Romance crap." That was Stan's final straw. With a growl, Stan launched himself at Kyle and took him to the floor. Kyle's shades and cap were knocked off his head as Stan straddled his hips. Stan knew he'd have to take the advantage as soon as possible because he did NOT have a physical advantage over Kyle. It was a part of the Jersey aesthetic for men to be ripped, and Kyle was indeed that while Stan was...not.
So Stan tore down Kyle's defenses the only way he knew how. Stan started scribbling his fingers in between the spaces of Kyle's lower ribs and sides; Kyle already bubbling up in laughter as he wriggled on the carpet.
"My music is not Emo you wanna-be Jersey Shore copycat. It's better than anything you've ever played!" Stan yelled, his black lipstick staining the corners of his mouth. It's been a while since he touched up his makeup, but that would have to wait. He would have to teach this lesson to Kyle quick before he tried any retaliation.
Kyle's red hair splayed on the carpet as he laughed and tried to grab Stan's wrists. "Pffmt- Stahahan! Stohohop thahat!" Funnily enough, in his laughing fit, his Jersey accent mysteriously disappeared. Kyle's eyes squinted as his smile took up his face; Stan's hand spidering his hard stomach. How could he have this many abs and still be so sensitive, Stan thought distantly.
"No, this is the only way you'll listen. You're not only calling my music Emo, but you also called it crap." Stan's next point was drowned out by Kyle's outpour of laughter as Stan kneaded an exceptionally mean thumb in Kyle's bare hip divet. Wearing his pajama pants so low had its consequences. Kyle's eyes were screwed shut as he was temporarily too weak to fight back."STAhahahan! Gehehehet ohohohoff!" Kyle yelled out and wriggled like a worm on a hook.
"Hmph, your fault for wearing your pants so low. I mean, who does that? It's like you're asking for this to happen. This is why your music and fashion tastes are questionable at best. See, if you would pay attention to any of the Goth Tiktoks I send you, we'd agree a lot more often." Stan grew way too comfortable with the situation in his position. He attempted to hold both of Kyle's wrists in one of his hands, which Kyle easily broke out of.
Kyle's hand shot out to start squeezing the closest part of Stan to him. It was Stan's knee that was exposed through his baggy jeans. Stan yelped and folded to the side, crumbling easily. Kyle popped up and dove in, causing Stan to shriek. Kyle's face was flushed and his curls bounced around his forehead while his fingers squished and kneaded into his best friend.
"W-Wahahait wahait waihait! No nohoho no I'm SAH-! I'm sohohohrry!" Stan fought to bring his knees up to his belly to protect himself, but Kyle found weak spots all over him. He squished Stan's sides, which made Stan cover his sides, and when his hands were out of the way he kneaded into his hips, causing him to squeal.
"Oh, talk about my accent leaving? You raised 3 octaves in your voice! I've never heard you so loud. You know maybe if you spoke up more often, I'd actually care about your opinion on my tastes." Kyle swung a leg around Stan's thighs to force one of them down and attacked his belly with one hand. Stan's tummy was definitely softer than Kyle's, with some chub around his belly button. Which just so happens to be ridiculously ticklish. Stan yelped as Kyle repeatedly squished the patch of chub over and over again.
"KYhyhyhyhle! Stohohohop stohohop stop! Nohohot thehehere!" Kyle was unfazed at his best friend's reaction. He knew when Stan really needed it to stop, and he wasn't nearly there yet.
"Huh, I wonder what would happen if I recorded this and sent it to your uppity black-clothed douchebag friends. You think they would kick you out of their dick-sucking club- GAH!" Stan didn't know how he did it, but he managed to wrench his grip out of Kyle's hold and shoved his hand up Kyle's armpit and started to scribble.
"Youhohohou ahahahasshole! Gehehehet ohohout of thehehere!" Kyle winced as Stan rose higher and shook his hand in the sensitive spot.
"Yeah? Well what if I recorded this and sent it to your orange spray-tanned "5-seconds-of-fame" seeking asshole friends and show them what a poser you are? I'm sure anyone THIS incredibly ticklish couldn't fit in-" Kyle reached forward and gripped Stan's hip and started to knead. Stan fell backward on the carpet of the living room like a felled tree. Kyle smirked at how easy it was to disarm his friend.
"You're one to talk aren't you, huh Cabbage? Well, you won't be talking in a second." Kyle's chain escaped his tank top as he thrust forward and started squishing into Stan's belly. Stan shrieked a manly sound as he started to curl up into his defensive ball.
"Shuhu-ahahaha! Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!" Stan yelled out. Kyle snorted at Stan's attempt at being intimidating. Stan reached out and did what he could. Kyle's chain glinted in his eye as he grabbed the cross and yanked it off Kyle's neck. Stan kept it in a tight grip in his fist and raised it above his head.
Now it was Kyle's turn to roll his eyes as he simply started scratching his fingers in Stan's armpit. Stan instinctively shot his elbow down to save himself as Kyle attempted to pry his fingers open.
"Give that back asshole! It's my only Ed Hardy chain!" As Kyle was distracted trying to get his chain back, Stan reached forward and scribbled his fingers in Kyle's ribs. Kyle winced as he tried his hardest to ignore it, but he couldn't ignore his side getting squished. Kyle let go of Stan's hand and angrily squished Stan's kneecap to get back at him, to which Stan yelped and kicked his leg out reflexively. His Converse-covered foot kicked the glitchy karaoke machine.
Both Stan and Kyle stopped respectively at the loud clank; their hearts beating wildly in their chests. The machine made some whirring sounds, like recording and re-recording and wires getting crossed. Suddenly, a song started to play. The last two songs that were recently played on the machine glitched into one melody.
"Hey baby girl what you doin' tonight?"
"Hey scene slut, I'm still cutting tonight."
"I wanna see what you got in stooore~"
"That's why my wrists are so sooore~"
Kyle looked to Stan; his makeup smeared and his hair tousled. He lost his beanie somewhere in the fight. Stan looked to Kyle, his tank top half drug up and his hair a mess. Stan silently handed Kyle over his chain and shrugged his shoulders.
"This song actually..." Stan started.
"...sounds pretty fucking good." Kyle finished. They both smirked at each other, everything wordlessly forgiven as it always was since they were kids, and picked up the microphone, where they proceeded to sing their hearts out for the rest of the night.
#south park#south park tickles#goth!stan#jersey!kyle#stan marsh#lee stan marsh#ler stan marsh#kyle brovlofski#lee kyle broflovski#ler kyle broflovski#lee stan#ler stan#lee kyle#ler kyle
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Ler! Kyle and Ler! Kenny HCs
Soooo @taylorswitch09 pointed out I didn’t add any ler headcanons for Kenny and Kyle 😭 Here you guys go!
He can be pretty ruthless as a ler! If he wants to hold his own against Kevin he has to! He’s very sweet and gentle with Karen tho!
His tickle fights with his siblings have prepared him for war tbh.
If his friends squeal/shriek like a girl or snort he’s not going to let it go. He is going to bring attention to it.
He’s not trying to be mean but like it caught him off guard and it was kind of funny.
Since building anticipation works on him so well he likes doing it to others too.
He mostly uses it on Kyle because it only works on Stan and Cartman in certain spots versus Kyle it works everywhere.
He’s pretty reluctant to start a tickle fight and is usually only doing it to get back at his friends.
If he’s not getting revenge he is following behind Stan but he’s skeptical. He is just afraid of the roles being reversed. Also this embarrassing and childish.
He is pretty good at tickling bc he tickles Ike a lot. He’s only performing his brotherly duties.
Constantly reminds the person this wouldn’t be happening if they just left him alone in the first place!
More Stan and Cartman stuff
Whatever new thing Shelley does to him he tries out on his friends mostly Kyle
They’ll literally be like what the actual fuck was that???
And Stan will just be like “yeah Shelley did that to me the other day. It was awful”
Honestly if he has to deal with that stuff on a regular basis he has their deepest sympathies bc no matter what new thing he shows them it always feels like their souls are leaving their bodies for a split second.
As previously stated avoids tickling like his life depends on it.
His excuse is always that it’s gay or lame or both.
He is not really good at tickling.
Honestly he’s too rough and it always hurts more than it tickles. Which honestly it’s kinda helpful for when they gang up on Kenny because of his parka
His teases are more antagonistic than playful.
There is no technique or tactic he’s just winging it
If he knows the worst spot he’ll just go there right away.
The only thing he has going for him his inability to give af and show no mercy.
#south park tickles#ler!kenny#ler!kyle#ler!stan#ler!cartman#headcanons#these were fun but also i did them on the fly so don’t take them too seriously lol
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aaa omg i absolutely loved your headcanons they are so cute!! 💗 also im tumblr is being mean 😭 i hope everything gets fixed soon <33
aa do you think you could maybe write something with kenny?? lee or ler is fine, anything you want!! your hcs for him are just so adorable i can't choose which side i like more 😭 i honestly am just looking forward to anything you have planned <3 tysm!! i hope you have a good day! 💗💗
aaaa!!! toast you are the sweetest 🥹 thank you so much for all the love and support!! it truly means the world! im so sorry this took so long!!! i hope it’s at least a little bit worth it- im still trying to get into the swing of things- so im sorry if it isn’t the best! also it has a super long intro sorry sorry sorry!! i hope you guys enjoy!!! (first fic yayyyy!!!)
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
Swallow Your Pride!
Lee Kenny / Ler Stan and Kyle
Word Count: 3,038
With Cartman in Nebraska for the first few weeks of summer, Stan and Kyle think a celebration is in order! Kenny is a bit iffy on the idea; but every problem can be solved with just a little bit of friendly persuasion!
“Oh shit, dude. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
That day had started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and even though it was summer, the snow kept snowing. Softer than it normally would, sure, but the snow was a bit of a damper on the Teen Beach Movie summer that Stan had secretly been yearning for.
It wasn’t hard to believe that Stan expected today to go like it typically would: a casual hang-out, at his house, with his friends, the four of them having a fun little Mortal Kombat: Onslaught tournament.
“No! No, really, I am! It’s not gonna be the same without you, man. How long are you gonna be there for?”
But it seemed like fate had other plans today. With his phone held against his ear, Stan would pace around his living room as he spoke. Kyle sat criss-cross-applesauce on the floor while Kenny laid on his side behind him, resting his head comfortably on one of Stan’s throw pillows. They were (not so) patiently awaiting Cartman’s arrival. They wanted to start kicking some ass already!
Every now and then Kyle would manage to make eye contact with Stan, shooting him a look that could only be described as a mixture of irritation and confusion. “Where the fuck is he? What’s taking so long?” He’d whisper, crossing his arms tight against his chest as Stan held up his “give me a second” finger. He’d grumble a bit at that, adding an eye roll to the mix. They could’ve started thirty minutes ago if Cartman came when he was supposed to!
“Yeah.” Stan would pause, nodding his head. He’d turn, his eyes bouncing between Kyle and Kenny. “No, don’t worry. I’ll tell them.” He’d say, turning back around as he’d begin pacing a bit more. That seemed to peek Kyle’s attention even more, now turning to Kenny with a raised brow.
“What do you think they’re talking about? What excuse is Cartman gonna try to pull this time?” He’d ask, trying his hardest to keep his volume low. He had never really been the best whisperer.
“I don’t know..” Kenny would shrug, getting up from his comfortable laying position to be able to hear better.
“Maybe he died.�� Kyle would joke, letting out an overdramatic sigh. “That would be fucking awesome, wouldn’t it?” He’d add, cupping his hands together in a wistful Disney princess pose.
Kenny couldn’t help but let a few giggles slip at Kyle’s dramatics, beginning to tighten his parka. Kyle would start softly chuckling to himself as a result of Kenny’s infectious laugh, being quick to shush Kenny while still staring at Stan intently. “Shhh! Duhude, shut up! I can’t hear!” He’d whisper through his own giggles, batting his hand at him.
“I hear you. Okay. Yeah. I’ll let them know.” Stan would stop his pacing, now beginning to walk himself back to the center of the living room. Kyle’s giggles slowly faded as he analyzed Stan’s facial expression. He looked…upset. Shit. Did something genuinely happen? He was only joking about Cartman dying-!
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, dude.”
Stan would wait for the click, shifting his eyes from his phone to the two curious boys sitting in front of him. He looked…sad. The somber expression on his face scaring away the playful atmosphere that had once graced the room. Kyle couldn’t help but hesitate before asking his next question.
“…What happened?”
Stan would blink at that question, staring at his phone again before slowly sliding it into his pocket. “Kyle…it’s Cartman…” Stan would start, his tone heavy and serious. Oh god. Kyle would begin mentally preparing himself. He prayed to God that Stan wouldn’t start crying. He couldn’t handle Stan crying. But, after a split second, it was apparent he wouldn’t have to worry about that at all.
“Cartman’s gone for two weeks!”
The mood in the room completely changed. Stan’s face completely changed. The frown on his face turned itself around real quick, now replaced with one of the most vibrant smiles Kyle had ever seen. Dramatic asshole. That was his first thought. After he had comprehended what Stan said though, he had a completely different thought.
“You’re shitting me!”
“I’m not! I’m not shitting you!”
“You’re not shitting him?”
“No! No, I’m not! Cartman’s-“
“-going to Nebraska-“
“No way!”
“-to see his family! For two weeks!”
“Thank you, GOD!” Kyle would cheer, jumping up from the floor. “Dude we gotta- we gotta do something!” Kyle could hardly contain himself as he celebrated. Deep down, he wanted to burst out into song. ‘The Witch Is Dead’ sounded like a pretty good option at the moment. And he wasn’t the only one pumped up either! Kenny was bouncing on his toes with excitement! They had prayed for this day for so long- and it was finally happening!
“We need to celebrate!” Stan would exclaim. “Uh- shit! What should we do? It has to be something special.” He’d begin pacing around the room again, only this time; he was joined by Kyle and Kenny.
“We should go get food!” Kyle would suggest.
“Yeah! Let’s get food!” Kenny would second. Sure, you couldn’t see the smile on his face because of his parka; but you could pretty much hear it!
“Okay! Food!” Stan would agree. Perfect! This was going great! “It’s settled then! We’re getting food!” He’d announce, the real question settling in as the words left his mouth. “…Uh. Where are we going to get food?” Oh. Yeah. They hadn’t really thought about that. Huh. The three boys would exchange looks, waiting for one of the other two to offer up an idea.
“Bennigan’s!” Kyle would confidently propose, an accomplished smile on his face. “We never go to Bennigan’s! Let’s do something new and go to Bennigan’s!”
Stan’s jaw would drop, nodding his head. “Dude! You’re a GENIUS! Hell yeah, let’s go to Bennigan’s!” With that settled Stan would rush over to the door, Kyle following closely behind. The two were so eager, they wouldn’t even notice how Kenny wasn’t following after them.
“I can post it on TikTok- so he knows how much fun we’re having without him!” Kyle would smirk. He had always dreamed of this moment. He could only imagine how red his stupid, smug face would get after seeing how not-in-shambles they were without him there.
“Dude. Perfect! This is gonna be sick!” Stan couldn't help but smile as he opened the front door. He’d turn, now noticing how Kenny was still in the same place that he was ten seconds prior. Maybe he hadn’t heard them the first time? “C’mon, Kenny! We’re going to Bennigan’s!” He’d call, beginning to make his way out the door.
“You guys go without me- have fun!”
Well- that wasn't what they expected. Stan would walk back into the house, Kyle following. He’d close and lock the door, a frown forming on his face as he walked toward Kenny. “But...you have to come! It won't be a celebration without you!” He’d insist.
“Yeah! ...Do you not like Bennigan’s?” Kyle would ask, trying to offer up solutions. “We can go someplace else if you don't wanna go to Bennigan’s!”
“No…Bennigan’s isn’t the problem.” Kenny loved the sound of going to Bennigan’s. Sitting and eating with his friends sounded like so much fun. But…he didn’t think he could afford that right now. It sucked that he had to turn the offer down, but it was much better than the alternative-
“Kenny…you know we could pay for-“
“No.” Kenny would deny Kyle’s offer before he even got the full thing out. It wouldn’t be the first time this exact scenario had played out; and every single time Kenny agreed to let them pay for him, he’d get home and have to deal with the guilt of it all. He didn’t wanna deal with that today!
“Dude, it’s really not a big deal. Kyle and I can split-“
“I don’t want you to pay for me.” Throwing himself down onto Stan’s couch, he’d cross his arms. He wasn’t going to budge on his one. “Just go. Have fun!” Grabbing the drawstrings on his parka, he’d pull it shut, signaling that he was done talking. Conversation over.
“But, Kenny…Kenny, we really want you to-!” Kyle would start to say, only to get cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder. He’d turn to Stan to give him another look; just to be met with a completely different look staring right back at him.
They’d stare at each other for a few minutes, not a word leaving their lips before Kyle finally broke the silence. “…Gotcha’.”
“Kenny…” Stan would start, glancing at Kyle every now and then to make sure he was getting into position. “We really want you to come.” He’d say, sitting down on Kenny’s left. He’d wait for Kyle to sit down on his right before continuing.
“Surely, there must be some way we could-“ Snaking his hand around, he’d loop his hands under both of Kenny’s arms, turning him counterclockwise. “Twist your arm on this?” With that line dropped, he’d give Kyle a wink. His silent way of saying “He’s all yours.”
Kenny would let out a surprised yelp at being grabbed, taking a second to truly comprehend the predicament he was in. He’d try to open his mouth to bargain, or beg, or something that could save him- but Kyle wasted no time. All he managed to get out was a startled, “Wait- please don’t!” before Kyle began digging his finger into his sides. A squeal would be ripped from his throat as he immediately began to thrash from side to side.
“Guhuhuys! Stohohop ihihit!!” He’d giggle, a bit embarrassed by how easily it was to make him laugh. He’d thrash around in Stan’s hold, kicking his legs in an attempt to break free.
“Don’t kick me, Kenny! I’ll make it, like, ten times worse!” Kyle would teasingly threaten, squeezing both of his sides one at a time. Like a little pattern! “You know, I’ll stop tickling you if you come to Bennigan’s with us!”
“Mm-mhmhmhmhm!!! I dohohon’t wahahanna!!” Kenny would frantically shake his head, throwing himself to and fro as he laughed. He’d clench his hands into fists, yanking himself forward. But it seemed whenever Kenny thought he got the tiniest bit of leverage- Stan would just tighten his grip.
“Kenny, c’mon! Kyle’s being so nice to you right now!” Stan would remark, speaking from experience. Actually, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. Why couldn’t he go that easy on him? “Don’t you want to quit while you’re ahead? He’s being super merciful.”
“Stan. Don’t backseat drive, dude. If you think you could do better, we could just switch-“ Kyle would scoff, although it was easy to tell he wasn't as offended as his words made him sound. “If you don't trust my tickling abilities, that’s fine-” He’d grumble, sneaking his fingers under Kenny’s parka. He’d walk his fingers up and down his sides, making Kenny squeak from the sudden switch-up.
“No! No no- I get what you're doing- building suspense! I'm down for it, 100%. I'm just... bargaining with him! Tactics. You know?” Stan would quickly change his tune, nodding in agreement.
“Chrihihist!! Thihis ihis sohoho duhuhumb!!” Kenny would whine through his giggles, throwing his head back in annoyance. “I sahaid I dohon’t wahahanna gohoho! Stohohop ihit alreheheady!”
“But you do wanna go Kenny, that’s the problem!” Kyle would insist. “We know you wanna come- make things easier for yourself! We don’t mind paying, just swallow your pride and have lunch with us!”
“Nohohoho!!!” Kenny would squeal as Kyle started poking at his ribs. He’d jerk even harder, still being trapped between the couch and his two friends. “I dohohon’t wahahanna gohoho anywhehere wihihith yohohou dihihickheheads!”
Kyle would gasp in feigned horror and offense, halting the tickling momentarily; whereas Stan would just blink in confusion. “Where did you get dickheads from? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call us dickheads before-“
“Dickheads! He called us dickheads, Stan!” Kyle would shout, a stunned expression on his face. “We can’t let him get away with that, right? He called us dickheads!” Kyle would repeat yet again, just in case the word went totally unnoticed. “Say sorry, Kenny! Say you didn’t mean to call us dickheads!”
Kenny would visibly weigh out his options as his sat there, Stan’s arms still holding his tight while Kyle’s hands laid flat on his ribs. Sure, the logical choice would be to just concede and chalk it up to a slip of the tongue. But…Kenny just wasn’t in the mood for that. “…No!” He’d confidently exclaim after a couple of beats. “You guys are dickheads and I don’t wanna go to Bennigan’s!”
“No? Fine! Suit yourself, dude. Stan, can you focus up there?” Kyle would ask, removing his fingers from Kenny’s parka. He’d crack both his knuckles, watching as Stan grabbed both of Kenny’s wrists with his left hand before beginning to hold them above his head. “You wanna be an asshole? Fine then, be an asshole!”
Kenny would giggle in anticipation, pulling at his arms, hoping for some miracle surge of strength that would let him pull his arms down. But it seemed like his luck really wasn’t there today, since no miracle surge would ever appear. He’d squeeze his eyes shut, bracing himself as he got ready for the countdown. They would have to do a countdown, right?
Wrong. Kenny was very wrong. Stan and Kyle would have some prolonged eye contact for a little bit, communicating when to start. About five seconds after Kenny closed his eyes was what they settled on. Kyle would give Stan a moment to go first, nodding his head as Stan abruptly began scribbling his fingers into Kenny’s armpits.
“WAHAhahait! Stahahan!” Kenny would jump from the sudden attack, a peel of laughter pouring out. “Hehehey, nohoho fahahair! It’s two agahahaisnt ohoneEE-“ Kenny would start to complain, not really expecting Kyle to actually go for the kill. Sure, he said he would…maybe he should’ve known better than to doubt him. But doubt him he did, so he was nowhere near prepared when Kyle dove into his hips.
“SHIHIHIHIT!” Kenny would jolt, letting out a noise that could only be described as the scream of a man who was being brutally murdered. And, for this situation? Pretty valid. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” He’d cackle, practically screaming with laughter at this point. Very fitting. He’d flail his legs, trying his hardest to get one good kick in- just for a little bit of leeway. Even if it meant he had to roll off the couch, he’d take anything at this point.
“Aw, damn it…” Stan would let out a very fake sigh of disappointment, tsking as he shook his head. “I’m sorry to do this to ya’, Kenny…but I can’t understand you. Like. At all.” He’d say, pouting his lips. Just for the dramatics of it all! “I’m normally fluent in Kenny! I don’t know what happened…” He’d sigh yet again, going agonizingly slow with his portion of the tickling. “…Kyle? Do you know what he said? It’s really bumming me out…”
“Oh, Yeah! Don’t worry dude, I got you!” Kyle would nod with a bright smile, immediately going along with Stan’s little bit. “He said “Please keep tickling me Stan and Kyle! I love being tickled allll over! It’s just soooo much fun! That’s the real reason why I’m being such a dick to you guys! I just loveee being tickled!” Thank you for being so honest with us, Kenny! You should’ve just asked sooner!”
“Ohhhh, I gotcha!” Stan would nod, speeding up his fingers. “Yeah, you should’ve just said so sooner, Kenny! We could keep doing this all day! Oh- actually- that just gave me an idea! Let’s do this instead! We don’t need Bennigan’s, let’s just tickle Kenny alll day long!” Jesus fucking Christ on a bike, Kenny felt like he was going to turn into a fucking tomato. With how red he was, there wouldn’t be that much of a difference. Kenny wanted to keep on a brave face, just let them have their fun until the eventually got tuckered out. But upon hearing Stan’s new “brilliant” idea, Kenny couldn’t help but worry that they actually would put that plan into motion. He couldn’t handle that. Actually, he couldn’t really handle this.
Kenny would wave his verbal white flag of surrender in the air, and it would only take milliseconds for both Stan and Kyle to stop tickling, remove their hands, and let him go. He could’ve sworn he saw the two fist-bump as they did, but he was so out of breath, maybe he hallucinated it? He probably didn’t, but he wouldn’t point it out. Just in case.
“Great! Don’t bring your wallet, ‘whole thing is on us!” Stan would casually say, making his way to the door yet again. Kenny wasn’t able to fight the look of utter confusion on his face. The two acted like nothing had just happened, like they didn’t almost kill him a few seconds ago. How the hell-?
“We’re really happy you’re coming, Kenny..” Kyle would say, staying behind for a bit as Stan walked out the door. “You can catch your breath- but don’t take too long! Stan and I are gonna wait for you outside, and we’re not going without you!” And just like that, they were gone. Like nothing had happened. Kenny would be left on the couch; feeling breathless, confused, and kind of…grateful?
They really wanted him to go that bad? He thought he was just being a burden, but they went through all that trouble convincing him- just so he would come? That meant something, didn’t it? Maybe they had a weird way of showing it; but that meant they cared, didn’t it? It had to, right? Words couldn’t really describe how he felt at the moment. In fact, only two words would be able to leave him mouth; let alone come to mind at all.
“‘Fucking dickheads…”
#FIRST FIC YAYYYYY#this took so long to write#i hated it SO MUCH at first and i just refused to write for it#but it’s grown on me!!! taking a step back really helped🥹#im so sorry it took so long!!!#LEE KENNY AGENDA#but honestly this was really fun🥹#AAAA i hope you guys like it!!!#south park tickles#lee!kenny#ler!kyle#ler!stan#strawberry writes
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Toolshed's Improved Tools
characters : kyle broflovski ( human kite ) & stan marsh ( toolshed ) -- request for anon !!
" So if we beat up our past selves , does that mean we change the future ? " " Maybe we split off into another timeline . "
lee ! human kite , ler ! toolshed - south park tickle fic :3 WARNING : this fic includes the use of tools !

In the lair of the Coon and Friends residing in Cartman's mom's basement , conversation was rather dead tonight . There weren't any of South Park's typical strange situations ... no fire in Kenny's house , no oil spills , no evil almighty dark lords . The group were superheroes all night , and typically they all did their own thing in the basement until an announcement was brought up . Just in case .
Professor Chaos sat quietly in his cage with Mysterion sat chatting with him . The Coon watched television and ate Cheesy Poofs , Fastpass and Tupperware talked at the table , Mintberry Crunch sat with Captain Diabetes in a far corner of the base . The Human Kite and Toolshed sat in a separate corner of the base as well . Toolshed had told Kite a bit ago that he had been working on some new , upgraded tools .
So that's just what they did . In the corner of the base , Toolshed and Human Kite sat and looked over Toolshed's tools . " I'm still kinda working on this one , but this is a hammer that can do permanent damage to even the strongest villain's bones ! " Toolshed exclaimed , picking up a sledgehammer that had bolts on either side from the bucket of finished and work-in-progress tools he was working on . " I don't know if I'm gonna add anything else yet , but I might add a mini shield or something to protect myself from the enemy . " He explained . He wasn't actually too sure how it would work in general ( in superhero terms ) , but he came up with stuff as he went on . " Cool ! " Kite exclaimed , a big grin on his face . He loved watching Toolshed be passionate about his works , even if it was just a game .
" Wanna see some of the ones I finished ? I've been waiting to show you them and I actually wanted to try a couple out with you , " Toolshed said . The Human Kite's expression became slightly worried , slightly concerned . " Don't worry , they won't actually hurt you -- they're not actually designed to hurt -- they're more meant to stun . " Toolshed explained . Kite loosened up a bit , " Oh , okay . Sure then . " He nodded , and Tool immediately smirked a bit ... that couldn't be good . Maybe he should've turned down the offer ? Too late now , he presumed .
" Let's do this one first , " Toolshed said , pulling up a screwdriver out of the bin . But it wasn't any ordinary screwdriver -- it had a ... feather , taped to the tip . " I don't have names for any of these yet . I'll show you how it works . We can spar , " Toolshed explained , and Kite stood from his spot on the floor . " Alright , sounds good . "
" Okay ... and , go ! " Stan started to somersault in different directions , rolling and jumping from one spot to another . Kite spread his arms , ' flying ' around and ' shooting ' with his laser eyes while making " Pew pew ! Pew ! " sound effects . Kite whooshed behind Stan , a wrong move , to which Stan took as an opportunity to tackle Kite to the floor . " Ah ! - Wait , I was - FLYing ! " The Human Kite immediately yelped .
Kyle had immediately broke character in that moment as the gentle feather of Toolshed's screwdriver fluffed under his chin . " Wait -- Toolshed ! Ahahahahah -- what the heheck ! " The Human Kite giggled and squirmed beneath Toolshed , turning his head away to try and escape the tingly sensation that the feather brought . " Effective , right ? " Shed asked . " T-Tohohoolshed stohop ! That tihickles ! " Kite whined with loud giggles as Toolshed skittered the feather over his chin , neck and ears .
From his belt , Toolshed grabbed out another screwdriver . This one was a normal screwdriver . It was one of those ones with the thin , straight tip rather than a pointed tip . Kite got the chance to catch his breath as the feather-tipped screwdriver was placed down , immediately breaking into laughter again as he felt gentle but quick pokes being peppered around his abdomen .
" FUHUhuck ! Tohohoolshed ! Gehet off ! " Kite made a desperate attempt to cover his stomach , but with Toolshed prodding in different areas , it made it hard to cover himself immediately . " Ihihit tihickles ! " Human Kite whined a second time. " That's kind of the point , dude , " Toolshed chuckled at Kite's current situation .
" Oh yeah , I had another one I wanted to show you . " Toolshed smirked . In a rush , he stood up and ran to the box of tools . Human Kite lay practically defenseless on the floor in a flurry of giggles and pants , making an attempt to stand up .
Unfortunately for him , Toolshed was quicker . He immediately straddled Kite's waist again . " Thought you could escape ? " He grinned , holding up the tool he had acquired in the short amount of time . It was a wrench -- A wrench that looked normal , til with the push of a small button it ' transformed ' . The top half of the wrench twirled up , and it was connected to a contraption that made the top half of it spin whenever Stan pushed down the button .
Human Kite panicked and began to thrash underneath Toolshed . " Waitwaitwaitwait -- let's tahahalk about this ! Please ! " Kite whined , looking at the tool with a look of anticipation and ( playful ) terror . Toolshed smirked , " It looks like your screws are a bit too tight ... that's usual -- let me loosen them for you , " He grinned , pushing down the button . It made the top half spin rapidly , which was apparently extremely scary to Kite , because he grabbed at Toolshed's hands , pushing him away and trying to squirm away himself .
" What's wrong , Kyle ? " Toolshed taunted , " I'm just trying to help you loosen up ! " Shed giggled , trying to pry his hands out of Kite's grasp . Human Kite was laughing madly out of anticipation -- pushing at Toolshed's wrists . " Woah -- fuck ! " Shed startled Kite by pulling his arms back , and Kite released his wrists . Letting out a mighty cackle .
" HAHA ! SHIHIT - STAHAN ! " Kite squealed out as Toolshed began to lightly drill the wrench into his stomach . He moved it along Kyle's stomach from one side to the other , adding in some scribbles to his side with his free hand . Kite thrashed , his laughter turning eventually into snorting and wheezing . His face was extremely red . Stan smiled and ... realised how adorable Kyle was just now . Wow . He's never beating the gay allegations
But , he noticed Kyle was definitely getting to his limit ... despite not lasting very long ... and eventually brought the tickling to a stop . He hopped off of Kite's waist , waiting by his side for him to calm down . While also admiring him in the process . Kite sighed loudly , covering his face with his hands . "Thahat was fucking horrible , " He whined .
Stan smirked . " They're good tools though , right ? " He asked , to which Kite gave him a playfully annoyed look . Stan held out a hand , and helped pull him up . Their little moment was interrupted by a yell from the other side of the base .
" What the fuck are you fags doing ? " from The Coon . Yeah ... everyone was looking at them .
#slimey-fics#south park tickle#lee!kyle#ler!stan#lee!humankite#ler!toolshed#tw tools#tool tickles#I HAVENT WROTE A FIC IN A LOOONG TIME I RLY HOPE THIS IS GOOD !!!#its maybe not as long as id hoped to make it but its ok :3
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@smolbadguy ok I'm done
#KYLE IS THE BEST DAD DESERVE THIS FLOWERS AND THIS SUSSY GREED#bau onceler#the once ler#band au#onceler au#bau greedler#bau greed#the lorax#onceler fandom#oncelings#onceler fanart
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