wishitweresummer · 11 months
I got a commission done!!! Inspired by The First Fight <33
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Please go check them out cuz their art is insanely good and they were so so cool and amazing to work with!!!
Tumblr- @jjoneechan
X- Jeingerbread
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comfytickles · 10 months
I could just draw this my self but no I'm too lazy plus just had a test at school!! ler dream lee dust tickle art I guess and if you want to do more than could you make it into a comic!!
once again you can always say no!🤓👍I understand..
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Click for better quality!
I had to pull up references I've been out of the fandom that long lmao!
Hope you like it!
(These characters belong to their original artists Ask-Dusttale and Jokublog respectively)
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fluffallamaful · 11 months
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mushiewrites · 8 months
Something Nice
hiiiiii! so it's been a while since I was able to finish a wip, and I'm super excited I was able to finish this one! this was started back in October, but I got some inspiration to finish it randomly this morning and...yeah, here it is :D it was supposed to be a drabble originally, but I got kind of carried away. oops. anyway, I hope u all enjoy! :3
(lee!Sapnap / ler!Dream : 2.4K words)
this fic contains feet nibbles
“I’m going to do something nice for you.” The voice came from Sapnap’s doorway, making him turn his head quickly towards the sound and finding Dream smirking back at him. Sapnap swallowed thickly, immediately recognizing the mischievous look. 
“Oh no,” Sapnap started, turning his body in Dream’s direction as he walked fully into the room, making his way over to the bed where Sapnap was laying, his ankles crossed and phone in his hand. “That look. It’s making me nervous.” 
“Don’t be nervous, why would you be nervous?” Dream’s voice was sweet and gentle, but the smirk showed the opposite; it continued to spread further across his cheeks as he sat down on the edge of the bed, the material of his sweatpants just grazing the top of one of Sapnap’s socks. 
“Well, I don’t know! You have that smirk on your face! …The one you always do whenever you’re about to do something batshit crazy.” Sapnap locked his phone and let it fall against the bed next to him as he pushed himself up onto his elbows, looking at Dream and letting out a flustered huff when the blonde tilted his head to the side in fake confusion, still smiling brightly. 
Sapnap jumped when Dream twisted more towards his body, turning his attention to Sapnap’s feet and clamping a hand down over his ankles. Sapnap gasped when he felt the grip tighten and a second later he was sitting up, his legs yanked from Dream’s grasp and pulled up to his chest. The brunette covered the tops of his feet with his hands, shaking his head quickly and staring at Dream with wide eyes as nervous giggles began to spill out of him.
“Hand over your toes.” 
The next few seconds were a complete blur - strong hands wrapped around Sapnap’s ankle and suddenly his leg was pulled away from his body, sending him flying back against the blankets before he could regain his sense of balance. He scrambled to adjust himself, pushing his body up off of the bed to sit straight again, to fight back, but Dream pushed him back against the covers harshly. He let out a whine through his laughter, bringing his hands up and covering his face when he felt the blush beginning to color his cheeks with bright red warmth. 
The two sat in silence for a few seconds before Sapnap finally forced himself to look at Dream, slowly moving his hands from in front of his eyes and letting them settle against his cheeks instead. He inhaled sharply, throwing himself into a coughing fit when he saw the older boy leaning down, his lips inches away from his own foot with a devilish smirk spreading wide across his face. Sapnap yanked at his foot, whining through his coughs when it didn’t budge an inch.
“Nohoho! No! Dream, don’t!” Sapnap cried through his panicked giggles, using his other foot to push at Dream’s hands as hard as he could. Dream simply grabbed the stray ankle, pulling it towards himself and wedging it between his elbow to keep it in place. The blonde chuckled at Sapnap’s frantic frenzy, shaking his head and using one of his pointer fingers to flick at his big toe. 
“Don’t what, Sap? I’m not even doing anything yet and you’re screaming!” Dream grabbed the top of Sapnap’s sock and pulled up gently, slowly uncovering the foot and giggling when Sapnap’s giggles grew higher in pitch as he continued to protest.
“Because I know what you’re gonna do!” Sapnap whined, bringing his hands up to cover his eyes once more as his toes curled against the cool air. He heard mischievous snickering coming from the end of the bed, making his head spin at the thought of what Dream was about to do.
“I don’t think you do, sweetheart.” 
Sapnap opened his mouth, prepared to protest and sass back at Dream when a scream tore from his throat instead. He flung his hands down against the blankets, shooting forward into a sitting position as Dream nibbled on his pinky toe. Sapnap squealed when the blonde let one of his canines lightly graze the pad of it, reaching forward to yank at Dream’s curls to get him to stop. Dream pulled back briefly to dodge the flailing hands, raising an eyebrow at the younger boy in disbelief. 
“Do you really wanna be doing that right now?” He questioned, his smirk growing when Sapnap shook his head from side to side with enough speed to send his black bear hat flying. He turned to grab for it when he felt another push against his chest, throwing him down against the sheets once again as Dream leaned back in for a second round of nibbles - this time on his fourth toe. 
“NAHAHA PLEASE! DREHEHEAM!” Sapnap screamed through his laughter, pulling at both ankles and bringing his hands up to grab at his own curls. But Dream ignored his pleas, even going so far as to pull back for a moment, taking in a deep breath despite Sapnap’s protesting, just to land a devastating raspberry on the arch of his foot. It sent Sapnap into a round of hysterics, feeling tears well up in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. Dream looked up, watching Sapnap laugh himself silly before leaning down to blow another raspberry, this time closer to his heel. Another scream tore through the air as Sapnap convulsed, unable to control his reactions.
“Jesus, Sapnap, you can’t handle raspberries anywhere, can you?” He teased as he watched Sapnap continue to squeal, planting another raspberry on the arch of his foot but shaking his head this time to make sure his beard scraped at the sensitive skin. Sapnap threw his head back at the action, no longer able to fight and thrash with how badly it tickled. 
“Plehehease Dream!” Sapnap begged, whining when he felt Dream’s teeth scrape against his middle toe instead. A low chuckle came from the blonde as he moved to nibble both the third and second toe, sending Sapnap into a flurry of loud squeals and laughter. Dream surged forward suddenly, placing a cruel raspberry on Sapnap’s ankle to make him shriek. 
“I always forget how ticklish you are here,” Dream commented, using his pointer finger to trace circles around the bone of Sapnap’s ankle. The smaller boy winced at the feeling, falling into high pitched laughter as he wiggled his foot to try and break free. 
“Nohoho, please!” Sapnap whined, making Dream giggle and stop the ticklish action. Dream leaned back down towards the wiggling foot as Sapnap watched in horror, unable to stop him. 
“Poor thing.” Dream pretended to be sympathetic, throwing a sad pout and the biggest puppy dog eyes at Sapnap as they made eye contact. The brunette shook his head, pleading with his eyes through his nervous giggles, but Dream continued his plan regardless. He leaned in slowly, giving Sapnap time to shriek before his teeth connected with the boy’s big toe, sending him into hysterics. 
“FUHUCK! NOHOHO, plehehease!” Sapnap was wailing, feeling every nibble along the pad and stem of his toe. He attempted to curl it, trying to prevent Dream from biting the most sensitive parts, but it was no use. The blonde had him trapped, forcing him to endure the most ruthless tickling he had ever felt. 
Dream pulled back for a moment, allowing Sapnap to take in a sharp breath, only to have it knocked out of him a second later when the nibbling migrated to the arch of his foot. The ticklish shockwaves spread up his leg, making it convulse against the sheets at an alarming speed as if he were being electrocuted. He felt nibbles at the heel of his foot, making him squeal through his laughter. Sapnap wiggled his foot again, feeling his toes press against Dream’s beard and immediately pulling them back to rid them of the ticklish feeling. Dream smirked at that and moved himself up slightly, letting his beard rub against the sole of his foot once more. Sapnap squeezed his eyes shut, praying to anything and everything that Dream stops before he tickles him to death. But much to his dismay, the nibbles began again; this time on the ball of his foot. 
Sapnap went silent as his hips jerked up off the bed, exploding into raspy laughter as he crashed back down into the blankets. His hands twisted into the sheets, switching from pulling them up to slamming his fists against them. It was the worst tickling yet, and Dream showed no signs of stopping as he continued to nibble on one of the most ticklish spots on Sapnap’s body. He was in ticklish agony. A high pitched scream ripped from his throat, making Dream pause at the force of it. 
“Woah, Sap, you okay?” Dream asked with slight concern in his voice. Sapnap was still laughing with his eyes twisted shut, shaking his head from side to side as he attempted to catch his breath. 
“It tihickles!” He replied deliriously. Dream chuckled as he rolled his eyes, releasing the other foot he had been holding captive with his arm. He used both hands and began rubbing at the twitchy foot, now pink with little nibble marks scattered across the skin. 
“I know, it tickles so bad, huh?” Dream teased, making the younger boy whine through his residual giggles as he nodded his head. He allowed Sapnap to continue letting his giggles out, still rubbing the tickle-abused foot with enough pressure to finally relieve it of the ghost tickles. When the laughter finally stopped, Dream immediately missed it. He glanced up at the boy on the bed, his chest still heaving as he tried to regulate his breathing. Despite this, Dream decided he needed to do one more thing. 
He leaned down slowly and placed a quick kiss to the center of his foot, causing Sapnap to jerk his leg back with a cackle. Dream still had the foot in his grasp, so he continued to plant kisses all over the soft skin. He kissed down Sapnap’s arch, leaving a few along his heel before making his way up the outer edge, making Sapnap wiggle his toes as he continued to giggle. Dream giggled along with him, kissing across the pad of his foot and over the ball of it. His toes curled at this, once again resting against Dream’s beard and making him squeal before he pulled his foot away as far as he could. This only caught Dream’s attention, and he placed two kisses on the pads of every one of his toes. Sapnap was in near hysterics again, his laughter very quickly turning squeaky, and Dream could tell he was finally at his limit.
“Okay, okay, I’m done, sweetheart.” Dream spoke quietly, sitting up and rubbing the ghost tickles away. Sapnap whined, flexing his toes before curling them, letting himself relax into the gentle massage he was getting. Dream watched as Sapnap took in a huge breath of air, seeing his chest rise and then deflate as he slowly released it. 
“Fuck.” Sapnap swore through his giggles a few moments later, when he finally got his breathing regulated again. Dream smiled as the smaller boy cracked open an eye, glaring at Dream in fake annoyance before the giggles took over. The blonde rolled his eyes, standing up from the bed and scooping Sapnap up in his arms bridal style. 
“Wh- Dream! Put me down!” Sapnap giggled wildly as Dream bounced him a few times in his arms, kicking his legs out and almost making Dream drop him. 
“Hold on, you little idiot! I’m just moving the blankets, relax.” Dream replied with a chuckle, using one hand to reach down and fold the messy blankets down to reveal the sheets underneath them. He gently tossed Sapnap down onto the bed before climbing into it, grabbing the blankets and pulling them up to cover both himself and Sapnap. 
“You were mean.” Sapnap commented as he curled up close into Dream’s side, tucking his head against Dream’s neck and giggling when the elder let out a tiny squeak in response. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, I just had to!” Dream giggled as Sapnap rubbed his beard into the crook of his neck in retaliation, bringing his shoulder up and accidentally knocking Sapnap from his cozy spot. 
“You just had to?” Sapnap questioned with a growl, leaning up on his elbow and looking down at Dream with his eyebrows raised. Dream nodded as he continued giggling, and Sapnap quickly wiggled a finger into the boy’s tummy to make him squeal. His hand was quickly snatched up and brought to Dream’s lips, feeling a quick peck against his knuckles that made him blush and return to his place under the blonde’s chin. 
“Yes, I had to, you little menace.” Dream rolled his eyes as he felt Sapnap relax against him. He wrapped an arm around Sapnap’s back while Dream’s other hand found its home in his hair, smiling when Sapnap let out a contented sigh. 
“Whatever you say.” Sapnap replied, letting himself melt into the comfort of the fingers carding gently through his hair. He closed his eyes and let out a big yawn before wrapping an arm around Dream’s torso, getting himself comfortable. 
“Whatever I say, huh?” Dream questioned, receiving a little hum in agreement. He smirked, placing a kiss on the top of Sapnap’s head before going back to playing with his hair, allowing his own eyes to close as he felt the sleepy atmosphere take over the room. 
“Well in that case, we’re doing the other foot when we wake up.” 
He felt Sapnap tense at that, causing Dream to giggle quietly as he pulled the smaller boy closer to him. Dream squeezed him tight to his chest; mostly because he wanted the cuddles, but also for another, more sinister reason- so that Sapnap wouldn’t be able to escape his tickly fate.
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sapnapstummy · 9 months
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tickle idea where sapnap and george are boxing and sapnap keeps winning, so he jokingly lets george win. and george brags and walks around the house in his boxing gloves for like two days boasting about his "epic win" angsjsnt sapnap. and he and dream team up to tickle the hell out of him while his hands are trapped in the boxing gloves and are extra easy to hold down. and dream and sapnap are all like "we thought you were the boxing champion, what happened?" and george cant stop laughing
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aninklingof · 1 year
Lee! Sapnap Fanart Inspired by @wishitweresummer
Here’s a drawing I digitalized from a doodle based on this concept by Summer about upside down tickles. It’s a part 2, go check it out!
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ticklee-vee · 1 year
Lee!Sapnap | ler!Dream & George
Sapnap is overwhelmed with everything that’s been happening recently, dream and George decide they are going to help.
Tw : i don’t think there’s any, feet tickles?
Sapnap sighed heavily, roughly running his hands through his hair pulling it slightly as he leaned back in his chair. “Ugh, why can’t i get this right?!” Whisper yelling as he scowled at the screen. “I do this for a living and i can’t even edit correctly” he had been editing his new video, one of his editors was sick and this video had to be up by tonight, so he took it upon himself to edit it. Failing, but he’s trying. A little to hard.
After a moment of composing himself, he sat back up and started editing again. Sighing every time he couldn’t master the new editing technique on the first try, his body screaming at him to take a break but refusing to do so.
George was laying on the bed in dreams room, whilst dream was in his computer practicing for an upcoming event. “I haven’t seen sapnap in a while, he usually comes in here and relaxes with us or helps me annoy you” dream rolled his eyes at the fond memories of those two annoying him. “Yeah, why don’t you go look for him- leave me alone for a bit?”
George looked up at dream unimpressed, “you’re just trying to get rid of me aren’t you?”
Dream smirked, “maybe, maybe not” going back to his practicing.
George rolled his eyes, getting up and poking dreams side on the way out. “When I find him we’re gonna annoy you!” Yelling the last word as he left dreams room so he could hear.
Dream blushed, shaking his head and once again going back to practicing this time with no interruptions.
George was walking around the house, passing certain things on the way that he’s never seen before. He really needs to explore this house some more.
Sapnap was crying, anger bubbling in his chest as he just accidentally deleted all of this progress he had done in the past 20 minutes. Small hiccups coming from as he struggled to breath, pushing himself back in his chair to ground himself.
George made it to sapnaps room, walking up to the door and gently knocking on it. He listened closely hearing tiny hiccups coming from the younger boys room. He called sapnaps name out, concerned for him.
“Sapnap, are you in there? Is everything okay?” He gently turned the door handle, waiting for any signs he’s not welcome inside. Hearing none so he walked in, seeing a heartbreaking scene. Sapnap was curled up in his chair, hands roughly tugging at his hair as tears and hiccups fell from his mouth.
Sapnap was mumbling something, to quiet for him to make out a whole sentence but with what he could hear he pieced what happened together. Sapnap had been editing and by looking at the screen with not a lot to show, something must’ve happened either his computer shut down or he forgot to save.
“Hey sappy, it’s okay sweetie. Can I come closer?” George made his voice soft, crouching down.
Sapnap looked over, his eyes filled with tears making everything blurry. “G-George- yeah.. m’s-sorry.” His voiced hushed and crunchy due to crying.
George smiled softly and came over to sapnap, taking one of his hands in his own and gently stroking his thumb over sapnaps knuckles. “It’s okay, can you tell me whah happened dear?” George wasn’t the best at helping with emotions but he was definitely going to try, one of his best friends was upset and needed it.
Sapnap nodded, giving a brief explanation of what happened having to take a few breaks due to crying to much.
George softened his voice, hushing sapnap quietly hugging him rubbing his back in a comforting manner. “Come on, it’s okay. Wanna go to dreams room?” He felt sapnap nod in the crook of his neck.
He pulled sapnap up wrapping an arm around his waist as they walked to dreams room. “Dream?” George whispered his name unable to open the door as he was supporting a very upset sapnap who had his head on his shoulder and leaning his weight on George.
Dream looked concerned and walked over. “Hey sappy, are you okay? What happened buddy?” Taking him in his arms, lifting him up and walking over to the bed with him.
Sapnap shoved his face in his neck, small hiccups still coming from him as he tried to calm down. “I.. I was editing a-and I accidentally” bursting out into another round of angry tears before he could finish his sentence.
Dream was sat on the edge of the bed with him, gently rocking him back and forth. “Come on, you can do it sweetie, what happened Hm?” Gently scratching at his hair. George was sat next to them gently rubbing at sapnaps thighs in a comforting manner.
After a while they eventually got it out of sapnap and why he was so upset. “Good job, it’s never easy editing huh. Wanna lay down?” Dream asked, placing a small kiss on the top of his head as they rocked.
Sapnap nodded in the crook of his neck sniffling as he did, wiping his nose on dreams neck without thinking. “Did you just wipe your little nose on me? You’re so gross” standing up and bouncing him a little, squeezing his sides a few times. George laughed at sapnap offering playful teades too “Gross little one.” Sapnap giggled slightly, shifting closer to dream.
Dream laid in bed, shuffling sapnap up as he placed his head on his stomach, listening and following dreams breathing to calm down. George came back in the room with some tea, “here you go sappy, do you want it now?” Sapnap opened his eyes not realising he had left the room. “Didn’t realise you left..” taking a breath in between his words. “M’ okay , have it later when it cooled down.” George smiled, placing his drink on the bed side table and running his hands through his hair.
“Okay baby” laying down next to the two on the left side, “you feel better?” Rubbing his back as he laid his head on dreams shoulder.
Sapnap shrugged, sniffling once again. “Hmmm, do you need cheering up?” A small smirk appearing on his face as he looked at dream.
“Will it work?” Looking up at George with hopeful eyes. “Oh I think so, is it okay if dream helps?” Dream placed his hands on his side’s gently stroking up and down, occasionally using his nails to really tickle along his sides.
“Ohono nohono” sapnap giggled shoving his head in dreams stomachs as he shook his head.
“Oh no? Are you not exited for the tickles?” Dream asked swiping his fingers up and down his sides. George smirked, going to sit at the end of the bed. “Are you alright with this sapnap?”
“Uhuhm yehehahahah” he giggled, still hiding his head in dreams stomach.
“Awh, come out sappy. We wanna see you pretty face and hear your little cute giggles” taking his finger and gently pushing at sapnap as face so he had access to scratch gently under his chin, enough for it to tickle.
“Eheheh gyahaha, stahahap” scrunching his nose as he laughed, squirming but not enough to get out of dreams tickly hold.
“Turn over then pretty boy~!” George teased, gently stroking at his calves and ankles as he knew light tickles there were bad for him.
“Fahahaha okay! Okahahay” he turned over, a light blush to his face as he stared at the other two. “Hihihi”
“Awh hiii~ sweet boy” George cooed, teasing as he came up to gently pinch at his cheeks squishing them.
Sapnap blushed trying to squirm out of his hold, giggling. “Stahahap you weheirdo” hands landing on George wrist but not even attempting to push them away.
“Sapnap, are you okay with us doing this? Do you remember what you have to say if you want it to stop or you need a break?” Gently taking his wrists and holding them up, rubbing his thumbs over the thin skin were it connects to his palms.
Sapnap blushed at the gently contact. “Yes, red if I want it to stop and break if I need a brehake” as nervous giggles came out at the last word as he felt George straddle his ankles.
“Okay, we’re going to tickle you now” George said as he began to gently run his fingers up and down sapnaps socked feet, occasionally switching patterns to keep sapnap on edge.
Dream began to trail his fingers down all the way down from sapnaps wrists to his armpits, gently swirling in the hollows of them.
“Eheheh nahahaha” scrunching his nose as he giggled, eyes closing and opening to help with they ticklish sensations he was feeling.
George was now poking all over his foot, leaving one alone. He began scribbling his fingers over his right foot, smirking as he watched his toes curl and uncurl to try and stop the tickles. “Ooh sapnap~! Your little feet are so tickly honey, even one little swipe and you’re a giggling squirming mess.” Taking two fingers on each hand running them up and down his foot in different directions. He tickled his toes, gently scratching at each of them sometimes taking them one by one and wiggling them to tease him.
Dream was swirling one finger of each hand in both armpits, sometimes scratching at the sides with his nails. He tickled just under his armpits at his back, close to the back bone scratching and spidering all along the ticklish bones sometimes dipping down to the very bottom of back to feel him arch his back and coming round to the front to tickle his stomach, vibrating his fingers along his mid section circling his belly button teasing him as he threatened to dip it in, he did, gently scratching at the bottom of it.
Through all of this sapnap was a laughing squirming mess, trying to curl up but pushed back down my dream, he especially listened when dream threatened to tie him up if he kept curling up.
“EHAHAHha NOHOHOoh OH NOHOHO IT- ihihiIt TIHIHIhivklehessSAHAHA!!” His arms almost coming down, dreams threat ringing in his mind as he raised them back up still laughing just as hard, if not harder. He knew dream would and he knew that both of them would jump at the chance to torture him together. They’ve done it before and they would definitely do it again.
George started pulling his socks off, he knew as he felt tickly fingers all around his arches and balls of feet.
“EEEH NAHAHAH OHHOHO GEHOHREGE” arms coming down to protect himself.
“Ooh sapnap~” he whisper in his ear. “Your arms came down sweetie, do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Sapnap blushed at his tone, immediately raising his arms up again, this time instead of going right back to tickling him dream just took them, gently stretching them up some more and placing his arms to rest on sapnaps. “Yes! I do, I’m sorry dream! It tickled so bad. I did the best I could!! I swear, please!”
“Hmmm” dream pretend to think about it, taking his finger and swiping it up sapnaps chin, watching him as he scrunched his nose.
“I think that you took them very well, so we shall not torture you today. But maybe another time~ Would you like that sugar?” He spidered down sapnaps arm until he reached his arms pits, sapnap squealed, laughing but never putting his arms down he didn’t want to risk it.
“Eee! Yehehes” he smiled, as dream pulled him up laying him on his sides. Gently stroking at his back. “Good job, you took them so well!”
George came and laid next to the two, rubbing at sapnaps back as dream switched to caress his hair.
“Thahank youhu for this..” completely forgetting about his editing problem.
This is so bad, I’m falling asleep but I’ve put it of for so long. I know I mentioned something about tea but I can’t remember and I’m to tired to look back at it 💀
Enjoy !! I have another in drafts, hopefully out soon.
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ekaniteevie · 3 months
I need more GeorgeNotFound tickle fics, im begging
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covenofwives · 1 year
The Dream Team's challenge for themselves to take Bad to the stronghold would be going well if BadBoyHalo wasn't so slippery. Dream comes across George and Sapnap giving Bad some well deserved tickle punishment before stealing the demon himself. Then when Bad acts up, Dream gives out the same punishment. Surely Bad will eventually learn right?
A surprise fic I didn't think would be done honestly. Last week I was away for home and since I couldn't bring my usual fics to work on I decided to write something quick. I just wanted it to be an outline of a lee BadBoyHalo fic since there were requests for him but ended up finishing it in just a few hours. So it's a shorter fic than usual.
This was a request from @fandom-changer and an anon. I'm very sorry for my other requests still taking so long, but this is just how it worked out.
This is of coursed based on the challenge video from Dream of having to take Bad to the End.
Dream was on the edge of just managing to keep himself calm. It had been half an hour ago he was suddenly jumped by George and Sapnap, who knocked him down and took Bad away for themselves. Dream was use to losing and getting sent behind in a challenge of course, but the real thing that annoyed him was because it was all Bad’s fault they were so behind. The demon was constantly a pest, holding Dream up or managing to wedge himself stuck somewhere. With the time wasted getting Bad unstuck and keeping him somewhere he couldn’t cause trouble, it was more than enough time for George and Sapnap to catch up to them.
Tracking them back down was rather simple. The compass helped of course but he could also spot Bad’s chaos and mischief like a trail perfectly leading him.
They were still in the forest but it was starting to thin out to a meadow. Dream hoped they hadn’t gone out to the open space yet. It would have been harder to sneak up on them out in the open but thankfully the trail veered off back into the forest and Dream’s ears twitched as he heard a distant scuffle.
“NO! Guys, please!”
Bad had shouted desperately, putting on a softer pleading voice. Clearly he was being tied up somewhere. That was perfect then, Dream could swoop in and take him and as long as he convinced Bad to be quiet, it would be a quick and easy job.
Dream slowed his steps and became quieter on his approach. He was trying to strain his ears to pinpoint where Bad was or where George and Sapnap went to. But he couldn’t hear any movement. He could hear…laughing?
“NOHOHO! PLeheHEHEHESE! Ihihi’ll behehe gohohohood! I’ll be GOHOHOOD!”
It was Bad laughing. Desperately laughing and pleading.
Was he being tickled?!
Dream came down to a slow crawl forward, though it wasn’t like he had to hide his footsteps. The laughter gave him a perfect waypoint to them and finally he came up to a treeline he could keep behind and look out to the scene before him.
Bad was leashed up to a tree. The rope around his wrist was looped up to a branch above and tied to his other hand, keeping his arms up and stretched. His zipper stretched up, showing off the bare skin of his lower tummy and the vulnerable spot was instantly taken up by Sapnap’s fingers, scribbling all around the demon stomach and sides.
“You really going to be good? You’re not going to run off and cause us trouble?” Sapnap asked, but his voice was more in teasing rather than asking. Bad sputtered out his promises he would, uneffecting the black haired man’s tickle attack.
“He’s lying!” George’s voice giggled. “He’s gonna mess with our stuff as soon as we let him go!”
Dream looked up to the branch above, where the leash was tied to, and saw George laying on the branch, reaching down and tickling into Bad’s armpits. He switched between scribbling and drilling his thumbs into the hollow, making Bad’s laughter juggle between high squeaks and deep laughter.
“I wohohoHOHOhon’t! I-I promise! Iihihi’ll lihihistehHEHEhen!”
Sapnap and George hummed between them, giving each other a look before looking back to Bad. “No, I think we should keep tickling just to make sure you’ve extra learned your lesson.” George reasoned.
“Just to be sure.” Sapnap agreed.
Bad’s yelps of dismay fell into high squeaks as Sapnap’s hands went to his hips and began drilling into the bones.
Dream’s face began to burn up watching the scene before him, but he couldn’t look away. It was like he was stunned, stuck mesmerised by watching his friends tickle the life out of the poor demon. Well, maybe that was the word to use. Even Dream felt Bad deserved a little bit of torment for all the trouble he put them all through, but he could sympathise it was a little mean.
Bad’s face stretched with his wide forced smile. His eyes squeezed shut at tears ran down his blue blushed cheeks. He was stretched up to balance on his toes and his tail whipped back and forth behind him. Or it was wagging?
Dream snapped himself out of staring, remembering they were in a challenge match and this was the perfect opportunity to get Bad back.
Switching to hunter mode, Dream brought forward his axe and quietly slipped around a few trees. He wanted to come behind Sapnap to minimise the risk of Bad spotting him and giving it away, and he found a good spot to sneak up.
The first few steps forward were fine, but when he got closer Dream went slower and quieter. He needed one good hit to take Sapnap out and make sure it was just him and George. He’d only get one chance. He sneaked up and raised his axe high, but as soon as he brought it down he heard a gasp above and George shouted.
Sapnap turned around, half screaming already but the attack already hit and he was knocked away. Another attack and he was gone.
“SAPNAP! YOU IDIOT!” George screeched as he tried to climb down from the branch. He was frantic and panicked so lost his footing fast and he fell to the ground.
“C’mere George!” Dream grinned and brought up his axe. “Just you and me George!”
The brunette screeched to high heavens and scrambled up to his feet. Dream readied himself for a fight but instead George turned and ran. Dream was fast on his trail, chasing him to the edge of the tree line and making a half-hearted swing, but it missed and George zipped between the trees and out of sight. Screaming all the way.
Dream waited a few seconds before relaxing. His shoulders slumped and he put away his axe before turning back to Bad. A shot of panic went through him when he saw the leash untied from the branch, probably from George’s panic, but Bad hadn’t moved far. The demon was laying on the ground under the tree, panting heavily and trying to shakily push himself up.
“Bad, come on!” Dream quickly brought out his own lead. He tossed aside George and Sapnap’s rope from Bad’s wrists and secured his own. The demon made a small protesting whimper before Dream pulled him up.
“Wait! Let me catch my breath…” Bad whined but with no choice he was quickly pulled along with Dream. He used the time to rearrange his jacket before quickly following between the trees. “Dream!”
“No time! Do you want them to get you again? We have to move!”
Bad never answered but before Dream turned his head forward he could see a blush starting to form on his cheeks. That kept him quiet for the moment while the two made their way out of the forest and got as much distance as they could from the other team.
Of course the peace wasn’t meant to last.
It was about half an hour later and Bad’s moment of weakness was suddenly forgotten by the demon. He was back to pestering Dream and messing with his stuff. He’d steal a piece of food off the ground from him or he’d craft blocks to wall himself off and let the leash stretch. Dream was surprised throughout all of it Bad hadn’t managed to wiggle out and escape, but he knew it would be a nightmare in the Nether.
And he was right. Bad made a quick escape as soon as they came to the Nether and almost got away. He then threatened Dream multiple times with a bed, trying to place it down and set it off before Dream could destroy it. The last straw came when Bad was caught trying to message George and Sapnap, telling them their coordinates.
“Negative 298… 40… Negative 12…”
Dream heard Bad mumbling to himself when he just came back from hoglin hunting. He was putting the pork to the smoker and saw Bad crouched by the pole that leashed him, mumbling away and then spotted the communicator in his hand, typing out slowly.
He put two and two together, abandoning the food to jump at Bad and grab the communicator out of his hands.
“EH! NOOOO! That’s mine!” Bad yelped and tried to curl into himself. Dream already had his hand around Bad’s with the communicator however and managed to wrestle it out of his grasp. He pulled the communicator away, throwing it off somewhere beside the smoker.
“NO! Dreeeeam! Give it baaaack!” Bad uncurled himself and tried to reach for his device. It was thankfully thrown out of his reach and once he realised he gave up with a sigh. “It’s mine!”
“You really want them to find you again?” Dream snapped. “After what they did to you?”
The memory brought up a blush to Bad’s cheeks. The light blue burned along his face before he looked aside. His tail lashed to the memory before curling around his leg. “That… I don’t w-wanna be with you either!”
He’s 900 years older yet more of a child than any of us! Dream thought and only stopped himself from saying it because of the possible planned escapes Bad would retaliate with.
“Well you’re stuck with me, and you’ve been nothing but a pain this whole Nether trip!”
No matter who Bad went with, he’d be a bother. He’d kick and scream and fight with every tooth and claw he had and hold them back and find creative ways to escape and kill them within the rules and all the threats and methods Dream tried have never worked.
But you haven’t tried their one.
The idea took root like a planted seed in Dream’s head. Buried for a while and blooming into an actual thought. He honestly hadn’t put much thought into the scene of George and Sap tickling Bad. Tickling was so common between the friends he didn’t really piece it together until now that they were tickling him for something.
Between the laughter and gasping giggles, Bad had agreed to behave. It was in desperation, but it was agreed to. Maybe it would work again.
“You know what, we’ll fix that.”
Bad sulked after Dream’s words but his ears perked up to the blonde’s words. He turned his head just in time for Dream to rush him. As he yelped in surprise, Dream used the distraction to tie up the leash around the wooden post a few times. He looped it around the post, then had it loop around Bad’s wrist again, keeping it tied to the post. It wasn’t tight around his wrist but enough to hold it.
“HEY! Dream!” Bad pulled at the restrained, finding himself very stuck. He looked back up to Dream. “Let me go! That’s not fair you have to at least give me the rope length to move about!”
“No, that’s not one of the rules.” Dream said calmly, and positioned himself to straddle over Bad’s hips. It was rather awkward with Bad turned on his left side but it meant Dream was looking down perfectly to Bad’s right side and his right arm lifted up over his head. “But I’ll let you out when you agree to behave. Stop trying to kill me and stop trying to escape, then I’ll let you out.”
Bad’s white eyes widened but his answer came out relatively calm. “No! I want out! Let me out!”
Dream wanted to smirk and taunt but this worked out better. For whatever reason, Bad seemed to forget what happened the last time he was asked to behave so when Dream’s hand suddenly placed on his sides and squeezed, the squeal from him was both satisfying and adorable.
“NOOO! No! Noho! NohohOHOHOHO!” Bad’s laughter kicked up as Dream’s hand started kneading. He went up and down Bad’s side, giving a little tweak to the end rib before travelling back down and tickling just a little bit over the demon’s hips.
“Promise to behave and I’ll stop.” Dream chuckled. “Actually, I’ll think about stopping, because you’ve been asking for this ever since we got here!”
“I’ll stohohohop! I’ll behahahave! PL-PLEHEHEASE!”
The demon tried twisting and using his other arm to bat Dream’s hand away, but it did little to stop him. Dream moved up, massaging his knuckles into Bad’s ribs and then skittering between the bones. Bad floundered like a fish out of water, but he couldn’t get enough space to turn himself over one way or the other. Dream’s legs squeezed him into place and all he could do was try and claw Dream’s hand off him and pull his hand tied up to the wooden post.
For all his wiggling and struggling, the only thing it managed to really do was lift up his jacket. Dream caught the sliver of Bad’s tummy exposed and he couldn’t help but reach out for it. He swapped hands on Bad’s ribs so the other reached down and skittered all over Bad’s stomach.
It amazed Dream every time when he was reminded how soft Bad’s skin was. When he thought of demons the last thing Dream thought of was soft, velvety skin. It was like petting a soft toy or a fine furred cat. It was addicting which was worse for Bad as all Dream wanted to do was tickle and tickle and tickle.
“DREHEHEAM PLEHEHEASE! I promised! I dihihid! Ihihi’ll behahahave!”
“I don’t believe you. You’ve promised you’ll behave for a while, but you keep on causing mischief and mayhem.” Dream pinched along the bottom of Bad’s tummy. “You’ve tried to kill me who knows how many times.” He counted each one of Bad’s ribs with a knead. “You stole all my food making me have to go out and get more.” His thumbs drilled into Bad’s high hipbones.” And! You tried to tell them where we were. I just don’t think you’re sorry enough. You’ve not even apologised.”
“Ihihi’m sohohorry! I AM I AM!”
Dream grinned. His hand stopped tickling over the demon’s ribs but kept him giggling with the scribbles on his tummy. He reached through his inventory, bringing out a long feather. Dream remembered cursing the thing, being the only thing he could manage to pick up after slaying a chicken as Bad quickly picked up the meat. Now he was thankful he didn’t throw it away.
He stopped his tickling over the stomach to just lightly brush the feather along Bad’s side. He started on the hip, swirling the feather around before slowly dragging up to just under the demon’s ribs. Bad’s laughter sputtered out in a mix of snorts and high squeaking giggles. He tried to grab at the feather but he was never fast enough and Dream easily moved it out the way each time.
“Dreeeeheheheam…” Bad giggled. “Stooop stohohohop stohohop! I’m sohohorrihihiy! I’ll-I’ll be gohohohood I prohohomihise! Just-Just stohohop tihihihickling mehehehe!”
“No, no, I think I’ll keep going. Best to be sure right?” Dream chuckled. “Wouldn’t want you to fall back into bad habits right?”
“NO! I wohohon’t! I wohohohohon’t! Plehehehehease! Mercihihihiy!”
He tried to make another grab for the feather, and Dream grabbed his wrist. He held it down to the ground while he painted the feather down Bad’s stomach. He swirled it around the demon’s bellybutton, keeping it there when Bad made the cutest bubbly giggles before moving back to his hip and cooing as Bad squirmed and pleaded.
Maybe Dream was doing it less to teach Bad a lesson and more to hear the demon’s sweet giggling. Maybe he got too carried away in teasing the demon till his face was glowing blue. Maybe he was too focused on the laughing demon in front of him that he didn’t hear the two hunters creeping up behind him, with feathers and rope in hand.
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
I got a commission made from @mushyruuu-art !!! Look how cute!!!
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“Dream!! Put me—HE-EEYY!! Put me down!!”
“Stop squirming!!!”
“Stahhahaaap!!! That tickles!!!”
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sleepy--anon · 1 year
Sweet or Sour
Day 12: Bites/Nibbles
Reserved by @wishitweresummer
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
You can still reserve unmarked days
Please check my writing list before you request
Warnings: Intense tickles, mouth tickles
Dream really didn't know why he was still editing, Sapnap and George bickering behind him was way too distracting. He was distracted every two seconds.
"George please! Leave Sap alone so I can work." Dream pleaded, pinching the bridge of his nose. George scrunched his face up, turning back to Sapnap, insulting his upset face, saying he 'looks stupid like that'.
"God! You're so mean! Dream! Why do we keep him around?! He's so evil!" Dream finally accepts that he won't get any work done with them in his office with him. He turned to face them, looking exasperated.
"Sure he's a little mean sometimes but George is actually really sweet too Sapnap. That's why we keep him around." Sapnap glared at him for, once again, pandering to George. Refusing to look at George’s undoubtedly smug face.
"Yeah Snapmap~ I'm sweet~! Like candy~" George shimmied his shoulders, leaning towards him, smirking proudly. Sapnap growled in retaliation lunging at him, pinning him by the shoulders. Dream jumped up straight, afraid he might hit him again, this time sober. George looked at him shocked, not used to him being able to physically retaliate yet.
"As much as I want to I'm not gonna beat up your boyfriend Dream. I'm just testing his theory~" Dream flushed a soft pink at his comment before making a small sound of confusion.
"He said he's sweet like candy, I wanna test that~ You wanna help~?" Dream took a second to catch on, noticing how George was still confused.
"Of course~ sounds like something you should test out~" Dream jumped up to sit above George’s head, looking down at his upside confusion.
"I'm so confused, what? Are you gonna lick me? Wait no, please don't, you might actually do that." George screamed out in protest when Dream pulled his wrists up, still under the impression Sapnap was gonna lick his face for revenge and Dream was enabling it.
"Will you relax! I'm not gonna fuckin lick you!" Sapnap yelled over him from his place on his thighs, both of them laughing at the thought of it. Sapnap yanked his shirt up, swiftly exposing his ribs, waiting for the realization to wash over his face.
"D-Dream you're not seriously gonna let him do this are you?"
"I honestly think you deserve this considering you also stopped me from being able to edit. This all could have been avoided if you learned when to shut the fuck up." Dream explained slowly, moving to hold his elbows into the bed. George seemed bewildered at the fact that Dream wasn't helping him, jumping at the feeling of Sapnap’s beard scratching the skin of his ribcage.
"Hold still candy boy~" Sapnap purred, turning his Nike cap backwards, grabbing onto his sides to keep him in place.
"NO! GET OFF ME! I DON'T DESERVE THIS!" George screamed out, trying to wriggle himself out of their hold, being entirely unsuccessful.
"Oh bullshit! You've been such a bitch all day, you are well overdue for this actually~" Sapnap refused to wait anymore, not caring about building anticipation. He sunk his teeth his ribs, nibbling at the bones, relishing in the immediate screams.
"Mmmmm... you taste pretty sour to me George~" Sapnap mumbled, snickering at Dream’s giggles. He VERY slowly worked his way up his ribs, feeling George’s rapid breathing, frantic kicking and attempted bucking.
"STOHOHOHOP! YOHOHOU TEHEHEHESTED YOHOHOUR THEHEHEORY! LEHEHET MEHEHEHE GOHOHOHO!" George was sweating, his biceps were getting sore from trying to pull his arms free, his face dark red, tears starting to fall from his eyes.
"Mmmmno, you deserve this you dick. I'll be as mean as I like and don't you do anything in his favor Dream, I can get you in this same position in under 5 seconds~" Sapnap flicked his eyes up to the blonde when he saw his grip falter. Dream stared in disbelief, not expecting to be catching stray teases. He tightened his grip back up, not risking it, unknowingly giving George a small break. Sapnap smoothed his hand over the bright red skin on his ribs, scoffing at his flinch before moving to repeat his journey on the other side, jolting the brit back to life.
"SAHAHAP PLEHEHEASE!" George couldn’t think anymore, all he could feel and think was the sensation on his ribs. Tears streaming down his face, he couldn't move, which in his opinion, made it so much worse.
"OHOHOHOHOKAY! I'M SOHOHOHORRY! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!" Sapnap finally stops, rubbing his ribs firmly after wiping his tears for him.
"Learn from this George, I can retaliate now." Both Sapnap and Dream helped massage the sore muscles in his biceps, letting him breathe.
"God... my face hurts... and I'm so tired now. You have to cuddle me now, that's the rules. We're even now you hold me while I take a nap." Sapnap rolled his eyes at the demand, but complied, wrapping him up entirely like a weighted blanket. Dream smiled at them fondly, giving them a small head pat before going back to his video, figuring he can finally get some work done while they nap.
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Saturday Mornings
an old wip that this prompt has inspired me to come back to. it has been a wip for 17 months 😅😵‍💫 and it’s literally set in sep 2021
inspired by @emmadoodlewrites ‘s sapnap hcs (link to post)
Summary: Sapnap’s football team is losing against Dream’s, and so he decides to ruin his watching experience in retaliation. Dream gets his revenge 👍🏼 QUITE LITERALLY PLATONIC
Warnings: tickling, swearing
Word Count: 2770
thank you again for waiting anon 🥺 if you’re still around 🫠
Sapnap let out a pleased chuckle as yet another rather livid cry from the downstairs living room snaked its way to his room, bouncing through the hallways and curving its way up his staircase. He tapped the mute symbol on his phone again, rolling onto his stomach with a satisfied smirk.
Football season had brought about a new, novel routine to Dream and Sapnap’s home; Saturday mornings now consisted of sprawling out across the living room couches, gluing their eyes to their large, flatscreen TV, and sending out screams of ‘encouragement’ to the little men that darted around within it.
Despite its simplicity, the routine had quickly crept its way up to being one of Sapnap’s favourite past-times. The ability to cheer and scream alongside Dream always managed to enhance the already thrilling parts of the game. Each throw, dive, tackle and referee call would provoke another wave of passion to erupt into the living room, creating an atmosphere that buzzed with giddy energy, and just making Sapnap’s move to Florida feel so damn real.
Early on in the game, Sapnap had actually been downstairs cheering alongside Dream. Their teams had been paired up against each other this week, and the extra addition of their pride being on the line had upped the excitement to the max. Both their voices had grown hoarse by the second quarter, and the living room walls were practically dripping with thick layers of passion. The game was thrilling! Exhilarating even!!
Except that then Sapnap’s team had began to lose…badly…
As half time approached, the usual ‘Saturday morning’ atmosphere was found to be less and less prevalent in the air, choked by an aura that stung of far more hostility. Dream’s screams and cheers had began gnawing at Sapnap’s ego, pushing the younger dangerously close to his breaking point, and it was during this time of weakened pride that the remote resting on the armrest of the couch had caught Sapnap’s eye. The first mute symbol of the morning flashed its way onto bottom corner of the screen.
It didn’t take long for Sapnap to determine the hilarity of Dream’s reaction to having his precious football commentary ripped away from him. Especially since the man was practically bound to the invisible radius that kept him within the eye-line of his TV. The cheeky prank had turned Sapnap’s moping to cackles within seconds, and quite frankly, it was rather addicting. The first mute symbol was followed by many, many more.
As soon as the half time break rolled by, Sapnap was promptly chased up to his room; bubbly giggles and terrorizing screams rocking the hallway walls. His remote privileges were lost during the scuffle, but it didn’t take long for Sapnap to work out how to control the downstairs TV volume via a few simple taps on his phone.
He knew that he was risking another ‘light-hearted beating’ from Dream — once the end of the game finally released him from his bounding radius — but the wailing cries that curved their way through the slit in his now ajar door made it all worth it in his mind. He was quite frankly having a ball.
After nearly an hour of listening to the satisfyingly irritated screams of his housemate, the thundering sound of footsteps over his staircase finally marked the end of the god-awful game.
Sapnap wasted no time in lunging for the lock on his door, a giddy wave of adrenaline passing through him via a squeaky giggle. His fingertips were pressed to its soundproofing material within seconds, and yet to his utmost surprise, the force of another being was already felt on the other side.
“You little fuck!!”
Sapnap yelped as he was shoved back into his room, a raging set of green eyes — burning with revenge — following him in. He stumbled a couple steps back across his carpeted floor, hands assembling in front of himself in a wary defense.
“DREAM! Ihi’m sohohorry!!”
“You’re not sorry, you ruined all the best parts!!” Dream scolded. Sapnap giggled as he grappled and snatched at his hands.
“But it wahas fuhuhunny!” He reasoned, dodging and weaving around Dream’s grabs, and managing to collect up the older’s hands with his own. He only had them for a split second, but it was enough time to reach up and lightly smack Dream over the back of the head, practically digging himself his own grave…
…But that was half the fun…
“Alright, that’s it.”
“nO!!” Sapnap shrieked, gasping through giddy giggles as he was tugged into the larger man’s chest by his wrist, lifted off the ground, and flung onto his bed in the corner of the room. “Dreheheam Ihihi’m sohohorry!!” He pleaded, twisting himself against his mattress in another attempt to fight back. Dream simply placed a knee into his back.
“No you’re not!!” He snapped, rejecting Sapnap’s apology and grabbing at his left arm. He bent it behind his back, bouncing the giggly boy gently against the springs of his mattress. “You’re laughing, how do you expect me to believe you??”
Despite the prank being rather frustrating for Dream, the older boy could never really stay mad at his best friend for long. He smiled as even bubblier giggles from Sapnap nuzzled their way into his duvet.
“It wahahas fuhuhunny!!”
“You’re just mad that you were losing!!” Sapnap shook his head, pulling at the arm behind his back. Dream grinned and tightened his grip.
“But I mean… I guess if you really wanted to laugh that bad…” He mulled, a certain underlying cheek in his tone. He pulled Sapnap’s trapped arm back further, ensuring not to hurt his friend, but also allowing himself enough room to skitter his fingers up and down the brownette’s ribs and sides. Sapnap felt his blood chill.
“Wahahait!!” He choked out, twisting and turning into the patterns of his duvet cover. A fleet of squeaky, breathy giggles followed his cry, breaking their way up from his chest and dancing around his room. Dream cackled at the response.
“You wanted to laugh right??”
“Nohoho, NOhoH!! DReaHEAm!!”
On a usual day, Sapnap would consider his and Dream’s strengths to be surprisingly equal, despite Dream being a fair bit taller than him. However in this particular moment, with the dirty blonde’s hands squeezing mercilessly up and down his sides, Sapnap found that he was no match for him at all. His arm remained trapped uselessly behind his back no matter how hard he tugged.
“How funny do you think your little prank is now??” Dream crowed, slipping his leg down onto the mattress beside Sapnap to straddle him properly. “Thought it was funny to mess with me huh?!”
“Stahahap youhu fucker!!” Sapnap barked, shimmying helplessly against the new weight over his back. He kicked his legs out behind him, scuffing his knees into the bedding in hopes of gaining leverage to push Dream off.
“Thought it was funny to- ruin the game for me?” The older continued, migrating his squeezing fingers up from squishy flesh to ticklish bone. “Now look at allll this space I get to work with!!”
Sapnap tried to pull at his arm again, the giggles around his room raising in desperation as Dream’s fingers crept further and further up his ribcage. An involuntary screech joined the commotion once they reached the top, long fingers teasing at the bones just below Sapnap’s underarm.
“Nohohoho!” He squeaked, clamping his mouth shut as Dream wiggled a finger against a sliver of sensitive skin near his armpit. He held his breath, doing his best to contain the nervous giggles swirling in his chest, as well as to brace for the tickly attack. He was successful at neither of the two.
“Stahahap you little bihihihitch!!”
“Ohhh, I’m the little bitch??” Dream gasped, feigned disbelief showering over the tittering boy below. He repositioned Sapnap’s arm again, pulling him over onto his right side to expose more of his left, before digging a clawed hand into the hollow of his underarm. “I’m the little bitch?? Wanna try and say that again??”
“DReHEheAm!!” Sapnap screeched, kicking his legs and yanking at his arm. Each prod, dig and scratch at his armpit sent a new wave of incomprehensible energy to his brain, melting all words on his tongue and trampling them with loud belly laughter. He muffled as much of it as he could into his bedding, screaming into the soft fabric.
“Want to try and say that again??” Dream taunted again, giggling at Sapnap’s panicked flailing. It always melted his heart any time he got to see his best friend laugh so freely like this. Sapnap’s free fist pounded into the mattress beside him.
“Oh actually…” Dream hummed, pondering aloud. “I could even get you in this spot!”
Sapnap gasped as Dream’s hand suddenly abandoned the attack on his armpit, barely managing to catch his breath or what the older had muttered above him. He felt lightheaded and giddy, arm practically slack in Dream’s hold.
And then he felt fingers return to his stomach.
“Nohoho! No! Youhuhu fuhuhucker!!” Sapnap barked, immediately tensing his stomach as a surge of adrenaline powered through him.
It wasn’t that his stomach was a particularly bad spot; not like his armpits anyway. It was just that it was an immobilizing spot, an embarrassing one, which was arguably worse in Sapnap’s mind. His right arm was quick to rush to his tummy’s aid, trying its darndest to reach under himself and still the taunting, tapping fingers there. Dream wasn’t having any of it.
“No, you’re the fucker here!!” He snapped back, letting go of Sapnap’s wrist and wrapping an arm around the boy’s two elbows instead. He pulled them back, letting Sapnap drop to his mattress below.
A muffled yell fired it’s way into the comforter, followed by a strangled yelp as Sapnap suddenly felt himself turning.
His room spun around him, dresser, closet and hallway lights all whizzing past his field of vision; until he was greeted by the view of his ceiling, and the feeling of Dream’s chest against his back.
“NoHAhHA!!” He cried, voice embarrassingly high and squeaky. He thrashed against Dream’s hold, pulling at his arms and kicking out his legs. Another screech left his mouth as Dream threw a leg over his own, pinning him down at the knees, and consequently stretching his tummy up further to meet the hand that now wiggled tauntingly above his skin. “DrEEAAAM!! Stohohop!!”
“Nawwww what’s wrong? Why can’t I get you in this spot?” Dream crooned. His voice was awfully close to Sapnap’s ear, close enough for the beginning of a blush to tinge his skin. A closed-mouth yelp forced its way up his throat, followed by a flurry of profanities.
“Ohhh he’s mad!!”
“Youhuhuhu bIHIHitch!!” Sapnap whined, wiggling, bucking and cussing as much as his body would allow; though the fight only lasted for as long as it took Dream to start kneading into his tummy.
A final desperate shriek paved the way for the bubbly giggles from earlier to return to their dance, welcoming any squeaks or gasps that cared to join the party. Dream’s fingers spread to include as much of Sapnap’s wobbling tummy as possible, draining the younger boy of any fight he had left in him.
“Nohohot thihihis!!” Sapnap whined, slumping helplessly back into his Dream as his stomach gave way to his giggles. He could feel a blush rising to his cheeks, the adrenaline surging through his veins only providing him with enough strength to throw his head back against Dream’s shoulder.
“Ohhhh not this? Not this??” Another whine bounced its way through his laughter as Dream chuckled against his ear. The tone was dangerous; he could hear Dream’s smile.
Dream blew a raspberry into his neck, moving to focus his attention on the lines of muscle where Sapnap’s tummy met his sides. “Is the little sapling too ticklish to have his tummy tickled?” He couldn’t help but coo; the raspberry had turned Sapnap’s laugh into squeaks, and then the changed position had enveloped them in loud belly cackles. He kneaded his hand up and down the sensitive section.
“Nawwww, listen to that laugh!!”
“Stahahap!!” Sapnap’s cheeks burned at the older boy’s tone, an embarrassed shiver running up his spine as he involuntarily melted back further into Dream’s chest.
He longed for any part of his body to gain at least some of his strength back; for his legs to push up successfully against Dream’s, or for his arms to pull hard enough and break free. He wished that the swirling warmth in his cheeks and stomach would leave and that instead the fight would return to his words.
But instead his tummy just wobbled uselessly along with his laughter.
“Aww, is it too much?” A squeal pierced his throat as Dream’s fingers suddenly switched to skitter over the middle of his tummy. High pitched, ridiculous sounding giggles poured out of him against his will. Sapnap shook his head as a few mirthful tears gathered in his eyes. “Are my tummy tickles too much to handle?”
“DREHeHeHeheheam stahahap!!”
“Is the little Sapnap just way too ticklish!?”
“Fuhuhuck off!!” Sapnap yelped, cheeks and stomach ablaze in a fluster. A grand roar amongst his laughter provided him with the energy to lift himself forwards, slowly rising up from Dream’s chest like a zombie from a grave.
Dream switched his technique again, leaping his hand down to squeeze at Sapnap’s lower tummy — a known sweet spot.
He giggled cheekily as Sapnap immediately dropped back down to his chest, twisting weakly as squeaky, tittered laughter hicupped out of him.
“Is this too embarrassing for our baby boy?” Dream murmured, ensuring to speak as directly into Sapnap’s noticeably red ear as possible.
“DOHohon’t!!” Sapnap yelped, his gut churning at the cruel use of the nickname. He screamed as Dream blew another raspberry against his neck, squeezing his eyes shut as a plague of goosebumps crawled their way over his body towards the vibrations.
“Where were you tryna go~?!” Another raspberry was blown into the side of his neck. He scrunched his shoulders up to counter the sensation, gasping through his now sporadic cackles, and then dropping them back down once even the simple task of shrugging became too difficult.
“Plehehehease stahahahap!!” He pleaded weakly, dropping his head back against Dream’s shoulder again. Dream took the opportunity to blow another raspberry into the side of his neck, and this time Sapnap snorted.
“Nohohoho….” The coo from his celebrating friend alone was enough to make Sapnap want to disappear into the ground, but then to his absolute horror he made the exact same sound when Dream blew another raspberry into the base of his scalp.
“What about under here, hm~?”
Sapnap shook his head weakly as Dream’s fingers suddenly fluttered their way up beneath his hoodie. A silent, wheezy scream squeezed its way up from his lungs, whilst the last of his fight quite literally melted away with the walls of his gut.
Dream was barely doing anything, just simply tapping and scratching over the surface of his bare tummy, and yet Sapnap’s reaction was as though he had been shot with a tranquiliser. He fell into a snorting fit when Dream lingered over his lower tummy, and managed a desperate screech that vaguely sounded similar to the word ‘mercy’ when he the fingers pittered their way up the side of his tummy, but apart from that his laugh was barely audible.
Dream stopped once he heard a strain in Sapnap’s breathing, pulling the younger’s hoody down and rubbing away any tingles that he left behind. He let go of Sapnap’s arms, chuckling when the boy immediately leapt away from him in a huff.
Sapnap’s cheeks were burning. His eyes were still teary with mirth, and his heart still raced to keep up with his adrenaline rush. He promptly rolled overonto his stomach, sending a punch up to the vague direction of Dream’s shoulder.
“Fuhuhuck youhuhu duhuhude…”
He couldn’t seem to wipe his smile from his face — particularly when he heard Dream giggling beside him — so he opted for turning his head away from the older instead.
“Oh come on now… You had fun.” Sapnap flinched as Dream ruffled a hand through his hair.
“Shuhut the fuck up.” He groaned, though annoyingly enough his smile only widened.
Despite all of Sapnap’s misfortunes for the day, the Saturday morning had in fact lived up to his standards. It was just as fun and exhilarating as the rest.
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mushiewrites · 4 months
Say Aaaah!
so about a year ago, @fluffallamaful + I talked about one of the weirdest ideas I think I've ever brainrotted. we told @wishitweresummer, and since then, she has been begging me to write it. and now here we are, a year later and deep into lee!George week, and I decided to finally write the idea for her! this is 100% for summer, and I'm so excited for everyone to read the silliest and most ridiculous fic I've ever written! (and thank you to @awkwardtickleetoo for helping me with the title and reading it as always)
don't forget to check out this tag to see all of the amazing additions to lee!GeorgeSummer, and you can find out more about the prompts in this post!
anyway, enjoy Day 6 of lee!George week! :3
(lee!George / ler!Sapnap / ler!Dream : 4.2K words)
“George, you’ve been here for like, two years now, right?” 
The question cut through the quiet atmosphere of the living room, only being previously filled by random videos that Dream and George kept showing each other as they sat practically in each other’s laps on the L-shaped couch. George turned his attention to Sapnap, who was sitting on the opposite side of the couch with Patches propped up against his thigh, his hand dragging lightly over her head as she purred happily. 
“Yeah, you know this…why? You want me to go back already?” George huffed out a laugh, raising an eyebrow as Sapnap snorted at his question. 
“Well yes, but that’s not what I was gonna say.” 
“Okay, then what?” George asked suspiciously, never fully trusting Sapnap when he’s asking for information. There was always an underlying purpose, never questioning things just for the hell of it. George knew he had some kind of angle behind his curiosity, he just didn’t know where Sapnap was going with it. 
“You haven’t been to any doctors since you’ve been here, have you?” Sapnap leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees and folding his fingers together, careful not to disturb Patches as he did so.
“Wait, really?” Dream questioned from beside him, watching as George shrugged at the two with little care.
“Yeah, I guess I haven’t,” George looked between the two, confused at the way they were both staring at him. “What’s the big deal? I’m fine, there hasn’t been anything wrong.” 
“Well yeah, but normally you’re supposed to go for a check-up at least once a year to make sure everything is working okay.” Dream commented, turning his body towards Sapnap as he turned to him for validation in his words.
“Mhm! Or…at least to the dentist for a cleaning, you know?” Sapnap added, nodding his head to let Dream know he agreed. Dream nodded along with Sapnap, looking to George to see if he was even still paying attention. To his surprise he was, nodding slightly before looking down at his own hands, playing with his fingers as a distraction. 
“I guess so, but like, it’s fine! I don’t need to go right now,” George continued to fidget with his fingers, waiting for one of the other two to speak, but he was met with a silence that felt too awkward for him to not continue. “I mean, if somethings wrong I’ll go, but like…it’s fine for now. Let’s just drop it.” 
“George,” He heard Dream start, almost wincing at how gentle his voice was. “You aren’t scared of the doctors, are you?” George stayed quiet, refusing to make eye contact with either of them as he kept his mouth shut in a tight line. After a few more seconds of silence, Sapnap cackled from across the room. 
“Are you serious?! Georgie is scared of the big bad doctor? Of the mean, evil dentist? No way!” 
“Sapnap-” Dream tried to stop the teasing before it went any further, but Sapnap continued to yell out comments in disbelief. 
“This is too good! Little baby George is scawed!” Sapnap fell back into the couch, his arms crossing over his stomach as he did and scaring Patches in the process. She jumped down onto the floor, quickly sprinting out of the room as Sapnap’s laugh grew louder. George rolled his eyes at the sound, letting out an annoyed grunt as he too flopped back against the couch cushions. Dream reached a hand out and placed it gently on his knee, rubbing his thumb soothingly as he looked down at him. 
“It’s okay, George, don’t listen to him. Everyone’s scared of something.” George rolled his eyes again at how supportive Dream was, almost more annoyed with him just accepting that George was scared of something so silly. 
“I’m not scared!” He exclaimed suddenly, standing up from the couch and pacing around the living room with a hand flinging roughly through his hair. He turned towards Sapnap, throwing his arms up in the air as he shrugged. “It's just…I get nervous going to new people, okay? It’s just like, an anxiety thing, I don’t know! But I’m not! Scared!”
Dream stood up and walked to where George was standing, placing his hands on either shoulder and leading George back to the couch to sit down. George was blushing profusely, embarrassed at the way the conversation was going as Sapnap continued to laugh and make snide comments about how scared he was. While he was deep in thought, Sapnap suddenly gasped, shooting up to a standing position and marching himself over to where George was sitting on the edge of the couch. 
“Wait. I have an amazing idea.” 
“Oh no.” George sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees and letting his head fall into his hands, shaking his head in disapproval as he waited for Sapnap to continue. It was clear Sapnap was waiting for someone to ask, but George wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction.
“What?” Dream pressed further for him, equally as curious as George was.
“So, it’s kind of like-” Sapnap began, suddenly grabbing onto George’s arms and pulling him from the couch. He wrestled the older boy onto the floor, giggling maniacally as it took virtually no effort to take him down. George let out a shriek as Sapnap got him onto his back, straddling his waist quickly and pressing his wrists into the carpet below him. 
“Get off me, idiot!” George choked out, trying to fling himself forward as he kicked his feet against the ground. Sapnap continued to laugh at his struggle, shaking his head as he kept George down easily. 
“George, we’re gonna help you get over your fears! We’re gonna play doctor!” Sapnap exclaimed, looking up at Dream and giggling when he was met with a bright smile. George let out a strained grunt as he tried to buck his hips up, gaining leverage as he pressed his heels into the carpet to assist in his efforts. It failed, naturally, and Sapnap laughed in his face at his pathetic attempt.
“Stohop!” George couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, letting his head fall back against the carpet with a hard thud. He pulled his arms as much as he could, continuing to kick and push up with his legs to try and buck Sapnap off, but he was getting nowhere.
“Dream, I’m gonna need a hand holding down our patient, here. He’s very nervous and needs all the help he can get to make sure he’s relaxed!” Sapnap spoke over George’s protests, giggling as he thrashed around on the carpet like a fish out of water.
“Sure thing, doctor!” Dream responded as a soldier would, giving Sapnap a quick salute with his hand to his forehead before jumping into action. Before George could process what was happening, Sapnap’s weight was replaced with Dream’s, effectively halting his bottom half from squirming. He lifted himself up onto his elbows and was met with the sight of Dream’s back, staring daggers into the blonde curls through his panicked laughter as much as he could. It was then that he saw Sapnap peek around from behind Dream, clearly kneeling in front of George’s feet and giving him a wink before he hid back behind the wall that Dream’s body created between the two. He watched as Dream leaned forward, feeling a strong grip around both of his ankles that pressed them into the ground enough that he could barely wiggle them. This only intensified the building butterflies that were swirling around George’s stomach, and a new wave of nervous giggles began pouring out of him before he could hold them back. 
“S-Stop! You’re both being ridiculous!” George yelled at them both, not knowing if they were even listening over the two speaking to each other in hushed tones, careful to not let him hear what they were saying. 
“Oh wait!” Sapnap exclaimed suddenly, pouncing up from the ground and sprinting towards the steps. “I need to grab…things!” 
Dream shook his head slowly as he giggled, watching Sapnap use all fours to crawl up the steps quickly, as if he were an excited puppy going to fetch a toy. George watched Sapnap too, but kept his peripherals glued on Dream, carefully watching him to make sure he wasn’t going to do anything to catch him off guard. The two sat and listened to Sapnap rummaging through things upstairs, hearing the thud of his footsteps as he ran in and out of rooms to collect the items he was looking for. The longer it took, the more nervous George got.
“What is he even doing up there?” George mumbled quietly to himself, not expecting an answer from Dream. He was pleasantly surprised when the blonde spoke up.
“To be honest, I’m actually not sure. He didn’t tell me anything before he ran up the steps like a gremlin,” He chuckled, craning his neck to look back at George, temporarily releasing his ankles so he could shake them out if he needed to. “You doin’ okay back there?” 
“Just dandy.” George replied flatly, fighting a smile when his wording made Dream giggle. He brought both hands up to card through his hair, attempting to settle his nerves, when he heard quick footsteps approaching closer. The two turned their attention to the upstairs hallway once more, watching as Sapnap appeared at the top of the steps, not even stopping to slow his momentum as he practically flew down the steps. 
“Okay! I have my tool kit ready!” Sapnap spoke through his heavy breathing, winded from the speed he had been running around. George observed a black drawstring bag before it was quickly hidden from his view, letting out a sigh of relief when he noticed how empty it looked. He still had no clue what the two were planning, but he knew whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be good. 
“So change of plans,” He leaned to the side so George could see him once he knelt down onto the ground again, smirking wickedly as he spoke. “I couldn’t find anything that really screamed out ‘doctor’ to me-“ 
“Good.” George interrupted, earning a hard flick to the side of his right ankle before they were engulfed in large hands once more. Dream pushed them down with a little more pressure, leaning more of his weight into the hold to assure George wouldn’t budge.
“Buuuuut, I did find things to make us dentists!” He exclaimed happily, watching as George’s expression dropped and eyes widened. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” George let his head thump back against the carpet, bringing the heels of his hands up to rub harshly at his eyes when Sapnap snuck back around to hide in front of Dream. 
“Nope! This is no joke, Georgie. We’re gonna help you face your fears!” Sapnap replied as he emptied the contents of the bag, a few things clanging together as he did so. George heard Dream gasp quietly and watched his shoulders scrunch up, seeing his bouncy curls move from side to side as Dream silently reprimanded the younger boy.
“What? What is it?!” George blurted out in a panic at Dream’s reaction, his stomach doing somersaults at all the possibilities of what Sapnap could’ve put in the so called “tool kit”. 
“Nothing to be afraid of!” Dream quickly assured him, hearing the frantic tone of George’s voice and wanting to comfort him before his mind could run rampant. 
“Well…” George heard Sapnap scoff quietly, sending his thoughts spiraling once again. 
“Wh- HEY!” George squealed when he felt a finger flick the bottom of his socked foot, moving to pull it away. He felt a deep dread spread throughout his body when he realized that his feet wouldn’t budge at all, and panicked giggles began to flow from him before he was even touched again. 
“Gosh, you are nervy, aren’t you, kitten?” Sapnap wondered out loud, tracing his pointer finger down both feet slowly to make George squirm. He applied more pressure as he traced back up to his toes, pinching each one lightly and smirking when George hollered out at the feeling.
“Plehease! Don’t do this!” He pleaded with the two, but was met with no response. George jolted his body upwards when Sapnap added a finger to each foot, now tracing up and down with two fingers and using more of his nails on the down strokes to make George’s laughter jump in pitch.
“It’s okay, we’re just helping!” Dream tried to comfort him through his squeals, giggling himself when Sapnap’s fingers traced under George’s toes, making him shriek. Just when it was starting to become bearable, his stomach dropped when he felt a finger dip into the top of each sock, slowly prying them off. 
“NO! Nononono, no! Please! Plehehease don’t!” George begged, curling his toes to try and grip onto the fabric of his socks as they were pulled off at an agonizingly slow pace. He could feel the air hit his heels, then his arches, and finally over the pads of his feet. George panicked, sitting up and gripping onto Dream’s sides, kneading into them like his life depended on it.
“GEORGE!” Dream cried out, letting go of his ankles in favor of gripping George’s wrists, pulling them away from his body as he caught his breath from the sudden tickle attack. Sapnap appeared next to George, taking his wrists from Dream so he could go back to securing his ankles before he caused too much of a mess. 
“Tsk tsk tsk. Naughty boy,” Sapnap shook his head in disappointment, pushing George’s hands against his own chest to make him fall back against the carpet before pressing them down against the ground on either side of his hips. “Dream, lift your shins for me, will you?” Dream looked back at Sapnap with slight confusion, leaning forward a bit more until he was able to angle his shins up off the ground. When Sapnap placed George’s hands directly under them, Dream suddenly understood. He dropped his legs quickly, making sure to sit back on his shins to keep George’s wrists secure. 
“This isn’t fair! Stohohop!” George whined as Sapnap crawled back in front of his feet, disappearing behind Dream once again. “Come on! I told you, I’m not scared! We don’t have to dohoho this!” His pleas were ignored, and the plan continued. 
“So what do we have here, mister dentist?” Dream asked Sapnap playfully, looking down at the tools displayed between George’s spread ankles. 
“Well, first, let’s get a good look at these teeth!” Sapnap responded with the same amount of enthusiasm, quickly ripping off George’s socks and flinging them behind him somewhere across the room. George immediately curled his toes when he felt the air hit them, high pitched giggles bubbling out of him as he tried to control his reactions. He felt Sapnap pinch each one again, this time wiggling them as he went and making George squeak every time his nail scraped the pads of them.
“Plehehease! This is soho dumb!” George pulled at his arms, trying to yank them free, but Dream’s weight kept them pressed into the floor. Frustratingly, all he could really do was twist his upper body and move his head; not nearly enough give to expel any of his anxiety. 
“Hm…seems like they’re in good shape. Could use a cleaning though.” He heard Dream comment, making his stomach flip as his brain tried to figure out what they could possibly do to him. 
“Great idea, my beautiful assistant!” George could hear the smile in his voice, squeezing his eyes shut at how excited he sounded. Suddenly he heard a click, followed by a loud buzzing, and he immediately knew what it was. He curled his toes even tighter as he began spurting out pleas, saying anything to get their attention to make them stop. Sapnap peaked over Dream’s shoulder and gave George a wink before going back to work, bringing the toothbrush down closer to the practically immobile feet in front of him.
“The patient seems ready for the cleaning, so we’re going to proceed!” 
George let out a blood curdling scream when a vibrating toothbrush touched down on both of his pinky toes, not expecting two of them at the same time and sending him into a frenzy. He squeezed his eyes shut as his head flung back, cackling as Sapnap moved the brushes over to the next toe on each foot. Despite curling them as hard as he could, Sapnap managed to wedge them under his toes anyway, making sure to get the tops and the bottoms of each toe as he went. 
“FUHUCK, PLEHEASE!” George managed to cry out between his panic, shaking his head back and forth as he laughed himself silly. Sapnap didn’t respond, simply commenting on how clean his ‘teeth’ looked as he made his way over George’s middle toe on either foot. The toothbrushes moved to the second toes and George screeched, high pitched and loud, begging them to stop, to not go to his big toes, that he’d do anything they wanted as long as they left them alone. But to his dismay, Sapnap moved the dreaded toothbrushes over each big toe, swirling them in slow circles and sending George into hysterics.
“Holy shit.” Dream spoke lowly as he watched the torture Sapnap was forcing George to endure. Sapnap looked up at Dream and chuckled when he noticed the faint blush appearing on his cheeks, and Dream huffed in annoyance at the smirk he received in response. 
“Almost done with the cleaning! Just a little more, I promise!” Sapnap peeked around Dream again, taking in George’s panicked thrashing and screams at the simple tickling on the tiny toes. He leaned back to sit on his shins as he turned the toothbrushes off, allowing George a moment to collect himself and steady his breathing. 
“P-Plehehease…” George was delirious with laughter at this point, still in near hysterics even though the tickling had stopped. Sapnap rubbed his thumbs over the tingly toes, making sure to rub with enough pressure to help rub the ghost tickles away. Once George’s laughter had settled down to quiet giggles, Sapnap let his fingers wander, gently pressing them in the spaces between his toes. George let out a squawk at the feeling, and immediately he was begging again.
“NONONO nohoho! No more! Nohoho more!” George pleaded, trying to bend his knees under Dream to knock him off and whining through his laughter when he didn’t budge at all. He was yanking at his arms so hard he thought he might dislocate them, and he cursed both boys for keeping him down like this while they played with him like a doll. 
“I’m just checking for cavities! Hold still!” Sapnap explained, using one hand to steady George’s left foot as he pushed his finger between each toe, twisting it as he did. George was beside himself with laughter, feeling tears well as Sapnap continued his search for whatever he was looking for. He finished with the left foot, skittering fingers over the top of it to make George squeal. 
“Okay, that one looks great! Now we have to check the other one, and then we’re all done!” Sapnap reassured George, gripping the right foot the same way he did the left, shoving his finger between the last two toes and giggling when George let out a squeak in response. It went smoothly between the next two toes, and the next, until Sapnap shoved his finger between the first and second toes. He stopped twisting his fingers, and instead used both hands to spread them apart. 
“STOP!” George shrieked out in embarrassment, knowing how intensely Sapnap and Dream must be looking at his foot right now. The two laughed at his outburst, but changed nothing about what they were doing. 
“No can do, Georgie,” Sapnap pretended to speak with fake sympathy, sighing before he continued. “I’m afraid we’ve found a cavity.” The comment sent George into a further panic, now struggling even harder than before, nearly lifting Dream with the ticklish adrenaline that was coursing through him. 
“What do we do for that, mister dentist?” Dream asked over George’s screaming, looking back briefly to see how hard he was blushing. He knew this kind of play always got to George, never knowing how to handle all the attention. 
“Well, there’s really only one thing we can do,” Sapnap explained, rustling around with something that George couldn’t see. “We have to floss.” 
Before George could question any further, he felt Sapnap weaving something between all of the toes on his right foot, even between the toes that Sapnap deemed to be okay not even a moment before. The feeling of whatever the weird string was just sitting between them was enough to make George laugh even harder, not being used to having something in such a sensitive area. George was babbling out pleas but nothing was coherent. His words were slurred together through his laughter despite him trying to articulate the best he could. Sapnap and Dream only laughed at him before turning back to the task at hand. 
“Don’t worry, patient! Your cavity will be fixed soon enough!” Dream called over his shoulder, not even sure if George was able to hear him, but deciding to continue playing his role anyway. George didn’t respond, not sure he was even able if he wanted. When he was finally getting used to the sensation, his whole body shook with ticklish electricity as the material started to move.
“NAHAHAHA!” George was full on screaming through his hysterics, taking in quick gulps of air as his lungs harshly pushed out laugh after laugh. He was lightheaded; so much so, it was as if he would float away. George continued to shake, squirming back and forth on the carpet at the overwhelming ticklish feeling. Sapnap continued to saw the material back and forth between his toes, laughing along at how insane George’s reactions were. Neither boy had ever heard George laugh this hard or loud, and they exchanged surprised glances every few seconds, especially whenever a new noise or high pitched squeak would present itself through the hysterics. 
“Almost done, it’ll be over soon, George!” Dream assured him as he continued to struggle, his throat becoming more and more dry the harder he laughed. George eventually fell silent, only producing high pitched squeals and squeaks whenever he was able to get a full breath in. His face was burning, his cheeks bright red with tears covering them from how hard he was laughing. After a few seconds, the feeling finally stopped, and Sapnap quickly removed the tickly material from between George’s toes to finally relieve him of the torture.
“Plehehease!” George was unable to stop the word from tumbling out despite the tickling having stopped, completely out of his mind at the intense tickling feeling he just endured. Dream sat forward to free George’s wrists and moved his hands from George’s ankles to his feet, opting to rub over his toes as Sapnap began to put the items back into the bag. Dream continued to rub soothingly over both feet, making sure to help the ticklish feeling pass as quickly as it could.
“W-What…the fuhuhuck…was that?” George forced the question through his shallow breathing, bringing his hands up to rub his tear stained cheeks and free the stray tears that clung to his long eyelashes. He opened his eyes briefly when he felt something glide over his right hand, looking down to see Sapnap holding a long, white string.
“Shoelace!” He beamed, a huge smile spreading over his face as he showed George what he just tormented him with. George groaned through the left over giggles, covering his face in embarrassment as his mind replayed the last few minutes over and over again. Dream moved off of George’s waist, turning to face him before sitting by his side. He gently grabbed both of George’s wrists and gave them each a kiss before placing them in his lap, tracing over them to make sure they were okay after being restrained, and also from how hard George had been pulling at them. 
“You okay, baby?” Dream asked softly, letting his hands run down over George’s forearms and back up to his wrists. George closed his eyes again, turning on his side and curling his body towards Dream’s, letting his forehead connect with his thigh before nodding slowly. The blonde moved one of his hands to scratch lightly over his bicep, letting the other run through his hair to help bring him back down to reality. Sapnap pulled the string of the bag tightly, closing it and slinging it over his shoulder, getting ready to stand up from his place opposite Dream, on the other side of George. But before he could, he felt a tight grip on his wrist, keeping him down on the ground with the other two.  “So,” George began after finally getting his breathing under control, sitting up slowly and turning his attention to Sapnap. “When’s the last time you were at the dentist?”
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awkwardtickleetoo · 4 months
Lee!George Summer Day 3 - Minecraft, But…
hello everyone!!!! it’s officially pride month which means all gay people are real again isn’t that exciting :) that’s why i’m making my comeback!! even more exciting tho, it is lee!george summer!!!! woooo!!!
if you guys don’t know, lee!george summer is an event created by @wishitweresummer !! make sure you check out this post for the prompts and this tag if you wanna see what everyone else has written for the event!!! originally i wasn’t sure if i was gonna be able to participate, because i’ve been so busy in my personal life and i didn’t know if i would be able to work out any of the days in time, BUT!!! i believe (fingers crossed) i will actually be able to get three whole fics done!!! yippee!!! so this is the first of hopefully three, this is for day 3 of the week which is ‘minecraft, but…’
shoutout to @mushiewrites for reading this as always <3 hope everyone enjoys!!
lee!george, ler!dream, semi-ler!sapnap (indirectly), 3.1k words
“George! Holy fuck, for the love of god, I’m–“ Sapnap yelled, grabbing the headset that had been pulled half off his head by the mischievous man behind him. He heard the signature giggle, shaking his head and sighing, setting his jaw and turning back to the screen. Just as he did, he attempted to slide his headphones back on, but caught his character just as he was shot by a skeleton. Twice. “Oh, shit–!” He yelped, letting go of the crooked headset in favor of jumping back to his mouse and keyboard, killing the enemy mob and quickly sprinting away to safely eat a piece of chicken.
“You literally suck,” George teased, biting his bottom lip to hold in another laugh when he heard Dream scoff on the couch behind him. He glanced over, a proud smile on his face when Dream looked at him in fond disapproval, raising his eyebrows and shrugging as if to say, ‘hey, you reap what you sow’– or whatever dumb thing he would say to warn George of consequences he would never listen to.
All three of them had been just hanging out in Sapnap’s office as he practiced for a Minecraft tournament he was due to play in a few days after, before George had gotten bored of sitting on the couch and scrolling through TikTok and Twitter with Dream. He has gotten antsy, constantly shifting positions, moving from resting his head on Dream’s shoulder, to looking up at the ceiling, to chilling with one of the cats as they strolled in and out, to sprawling out over the couch, to laying upside down with his head hanging off the cushions. He has played mindlessly with his phone, his fingers, some trinkets in the room, Dream’s fingers, and really anything he could to keep himself occupied.
But he was bored. And when George gets bored, George becomes a menace. And this time, his target was Sapnap.
“I do not suck,” Sapnap grumbled, only half thinking about his words as he focused more on crafting the iron in his inventory into armor.
“You do,” George leaned against the back of Sapnap’s chair. “Minecraft but Sapnap sucks,” He said, putting his hands on Sapnap’s shoulders and shaking him slightly. The action made Sapnap growl, trying to keep himself still as he finished the armor and put it on his character, instinctively going into third person mode as he swung his arm in the air and crouched a few times. The shaking made his headphones fall off again, and he stopped playing to reach up to grab them again.
“Jesus Chri–“ He mumbled under his breath, cut off when George grabbed his hat instead. “George!” He yelled, grabbing for it, but George held it up above his head, standing on his toes while Sapnap stayed seated, the distance too far for Sapnap to grab without standing up. George laughed as he struggled to reach for it, throwing his head back and clutching the hat to his chest.
“Minecraft but Sapnap is short!” George said through his laughter, and he heard Dream chuckle at the comment as well. “That’s just real life!”
“Fuck off!” He warned, standing and snatching his hat back, putting it backwards on his head and situating the headphones on top of it– straightened out now– to make it a harder target to reach. “Come on, G, I’m trying to practice, please?” Sapnap said softly, getting back to the game just as a spider was approaching him, preparing to attack. He caught it just in time, whipping around and aiming his sword at it.
“Okay, fine. Fine. I’ll stop,” George conceded, leaning over Sapnap’s chair again, this time wrapping his arms around the back and resting his cheek on the cool leather to watch his friend as he played.
“Good. Thank you,” Sapnap said, earning a hum from his friend, and the room became enveloped in a warm silence once again.
This went on for a few minutes, the three boys only breaking the silence with small comments and conversations, until the next in-game night rolled around and Sapnap was trapped in a field full of creepers and zombies. He had started off okay, able to weave between the mobs he could avoid and kill the ones he couldn’t, but his pattern was broken eventually, and he was hit with back to back punches from a zombie and an explosion from a creeper that had the all too familiar red hue covering the screen. He let out a groan, but George barked out a laugh from behind him, and he already knew he was in for an earful.
“Shut the hell up,” Sapnap said before George even spoke, but George just grabbed onto the back of his chair and pulled on it slightly.
“You literally just died to a creeper, you’re so bad,” George teased, giggling when he heard Sapnap chuckle first.
“I’m just rusty at survival!”
“But a creeper, Sapnap! You’re playing a big tournament and you’re dying to creeper explosions!”
“George, be nice,” Dream reprimanded lightly, not looking up from where Naomi had been perched next to him for a very generous amount of time, petting her little head as she purred.
“I am nice! It’s not my fault Sapnap decided to play ‘Minecraft but I die to the easiest mob in the game before i even get diamonds’,” George pulled Sapnap’s chair back further, tilting him backwards and making him squeal in shock and lean forward to level himself, the sudden noise of a dropping chair scaring Naomi back into the hallway with her brother and pseudo-sister.
“Watch it! You’re scaring my daughter!” Sapnap yelled, shoving George away, pushing him into the arm of the couch and almost making him lose his balance.
“She loves me, it’s fine,” George defended, steadying himself and resting against the arm of the couch willingly.
“Do that again and we’ll be playing ‘Minecraft but I kill George in real life’, you freak,” Sapnap teased, and they all laughed as Sapnap turned back to his screen and respawned, running towards his death point to grab all his stuff. There was a moment of brief silence, barely even ten seconds, before someone spoke again– this time being Dream.
“Wait,” He said, resting his hand on George’s arm where he stood next to him. He looked up at George, who looked down at him, and right as Sapnap collected his dropped items and ran away he looked over as well. A smug smile crossed Dream’s features, his eyes trailing from George to Sapnap, his hand sliding from George’s arm to rest softly on his back. “Oh… I have an idea.”
“An idea?” Sapnap asked, glancing between Dream and his screen as he moved into a cave to explore it.
“Yeah. You’re trying to practice, George is annoying you because he’s bored, I have a solution that will benefit all of us,” Dream explained, earning puzzled looks from both other men. His hand slid the rest of the way around George’s waist, gently tugging him to the side, making him lose footing at first before he helped steady him to stand between Dream’s own knees.
“What are you doing–“ George muttered, a slight flush on his cheeks like he always had when Dream’s fingers grazed his body so gently, but he was cut off when Dream pulled him down to rest on his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist. Sapnap scoffed at the display, looking back to the game and assuming that was the end of things. George couldn’t help the nervous giggles he let out, always giddy when Dream held him in his arms that way, and he squirmed where Dream had sat him until he found a comfortable enough position. “Dream– what is this, what…”
“You wanted entertainment, so we’re gonna play a game while Sapnap plays his. We’re gonna do our own ‘Minecraft, but’, so Sap is gonna play and every time he takes damage I’m gonna tickle you.”
“What?!” Sapnap exclaimed, whipping his chair back around to face the couch.
“WHAT?!” George yelled at the same time, much louder and definitely more appalled at the idea, immediately fighting against Dream’s hold and attempting to escape.
“It’s the perfect– stop moving–“ Dream reprimanded, squeezing George tighter and making him squeak and giggle, nerves setting in already. He pushed at Dream’s arms, but Dream simply responded by wrapping his arms around George’s arms and squeezing just as tightly, laughing happily as George broke into nervous giggles and curled his legs up when he couldn’t escape the hold.
“It’s the perfect way to have you both get what you want. But, Sapnap, you actually have to try, you’re the one who wanted to practice,” Dream reasoned, and Sapnap put his hands up in surrender. “Disconnect your headphones so we can hear any damage you take.”
“Sure! That is totally fair!” Sapnap agreed, doing exactly that, and then getting back into the game, continuing his quest for diamonds as the other two argued in the background.
“No?! It’s not! Lehet goho!” George protested, pushing against Dream’s hold as much as he could, but Dream decided to shift his position further, throwing him back onto the couch and quickly jumping to kneel above his legs. “N– AH! Noho!” George kicked out behind Dream, propping himself up on his elbows, trying to give himself some sense of control over the situation. He stared up at Dream pleadingly, silently begging him to forget the idea, but Dream simply winked at him and plopped down to sit comfortably on top of his thighs. George let out a long whine, dropping into his back and hiding his face in his hands, earning a laugh from Dream.
“Okay. Game starts now. Good luck to you both,” Dream said with a single exaggerated clap, mimicking a movie slate that is used at the beginning of filming, making George scoff and roll his eyes as he watched Sapnap’s screen anyway.
“This is so stupi–“
“Oh, shit!” Sapnap exclaimed as he saw lava flowing towards him from a hole he’d dug in front of him, and the tell tale singing sound of him catching on fire filled the room as he filled the space and ran backward. Dream wasted no time, and he grabbed George’s hips and dug his thumbs into the spot above his hip bones, until Sapnap grabbed the water bucket out of his inventory and extinguished his character’s flames.
“NAHAHA!” George squealed through his laughter, smacking Dream’s hands away and being left with leftover tingles that made his hips flinch and jump even after Dream pulled away. “Sahapnahahap!”
“Sorry! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize!” Sapnap apologized, and George let out a groan that trailed off into another pathetic whine.
This was going to be a long afternoon for him.
Luckily, the rest of Sapnap’s cave journey went pretty smoothly, with only a few close calls that had George screaming at him to “run, idiot, what the hell are you doing, RUN! It’s gonna get you!” until he reached safety, and only one shot from a skeleton that earned George a hefty raspberry to the side that left him tingling. But, when Sapnap reached the surface to the sight of a blue sky and mob-free path, George let out a sigh of relief.
Well, until Sapnap ended up carelessly jumping off the top of a tree less than a minute later. Dream decided that was the perfect time to shove his fingers under George’s arms.
“AH– nohoho! Dreheheam!” George whined as he clamped his arms down, the sensation over as quickly as it started and allowing him to air out his grievances with Sapnap. He slid his fingers under George’s t-shirt gently, curling his hands around his sides and resting his thumbs in the center of George’s tummy, softly trailing over the skin there in a soothing motion. “Behe more carefuhuhul, freheak!”
“I forgot what we were doing, I’m sorry!”
“You’re an ihidiot!”
“He’s trying his best, Georgie, leave him be,” Dream defended, but all three of them knew he was only doing it to rile George up more. And, if the way he groaned and rolled his eyes wasn’t enough proof that it was working, he didn’t know what would be.
“Yeah, plus you’re distracting me with your little giggles over there!” Sapnap teased, running along the edge of the beach to look for the desert temple he had spotted from the treetops. George felt his face grow warmer, no doubt more pink than the lights Sapnap kept on for his streams, and he ran a hand through his hair before crossing his arms over his chest angrily.
“Maybehe if you dihidn’t suck so muhuch!” George threw the words angrily, pushing at the man on top of him and squirming underneath the still fingers on his tummy. Sapnap stopped and whipped his head back to look at him, jaw dropped at his audacity, before shaking his head and turning back to the computer.
“That’s it, I’m drowning,” Sapnap threatened, jumping into the water and letting his character sink under the surface. He let go of the mouse and keyboard, sitting back against his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.
“WHAT?!” George yelled, eyes wide, propping himself up on one elbow and leaning over to see Sapnap’s screen more clearly. To his horror, he had heard right, and he watched pixelated fish cross the monitor as the tiny bubbles on the bottom of the screen slowly popped one by one. “NO! Sapnap, STOP! Get– gehet out!” He yelled, gasping when Dream’s fingers tightened around his waist as a warning, his heart going a mile a minute in his chest. “WH– that’s– DREAM! Tell him he can’t do that!”
“I’m not sure what you mean, drowning is something that totally happens by accident all the time in Minecraft, you should know this,” Dream played up his confusion, sliding his palms up and down George’s side and smiling when he felt his skin jump and tense under his touch.
“NO! You– h-he’s doing it on purpose, and you– yohou said he couldn’t do thahahat!” George complained, his arm shaking as it held him up, the constant moving of Dream’s hands sliding over his skin making him jumpy and weak. He glanced at the screen, seeing the bubbles get closer and closer to the end.
“I don’t remember saying anything like that,” Dream said with a smirk, his far hand stopping when it was cupped perfectly around George’s ribs, on the side that was already stretched from him leaning over, the other holding his hip to offer him some comfort. George whimpered, curling in on himself, breathing heavily as he watched the third to last bubble tick away… then the second to last… and then the final bubble…
“Uh oh,” Sapnap teased, turning the rest of the way towards the couch as the first damage sound played through his speakers, smiling as Dream’s fingers sprung to life, digging harshly into George’s ribs and tickling him mercilessly.
“NAHAHAHA!” George squeezed his eyes shut and broke into loud laughter, falling back onto the couch and immediately shooting his hands down to grab at Dream’s wrists. George knew he already didn’t stand a chance against Dream’s strength on a normal day, but he was already weak and nervous and trembling, and he knew it was no use to try and pry him off. He heard the other two coo at him, and he shook his head wildly at the sound, tears forming in his eyes as he kept them shut tightly. “SHUHUT UHUHUP!”
“We can’t! You’re just too cute!” Dream teased, earning a particularly wild flinch from George when the knuckle of his middle finger pressed too hard into the bottom of his ribcage. Naturally, he decided to dig in there next, and George let out a yelp not far off from accidentally stepping on a dog’s paw.
“AH! NOHO, STOP! AHAHA, STOHOHOP, PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHA–“ His loud laughter was riddled with whimpers and whines, and his entire body squirmed and flinched with every new movement of Dream’s fingers– at that rate he was convinced Sapnap’s stupid character would never even drown!
But, to his luck, the tickling finally came to a stop only a few moments later, and he managed to squint his eyes open for just long enough to see the red hue over Sapnap’s screen again.
His body went completely limp against the couch, his chest heaving as he gulped down air he desperately needed, his hands still resting on top of Dream’s wrists as he rubbed the ghost tickles out kindly.
They gave him a moment to catch his breath, before Dream pulled his hands away and tugged George’s shirt back down, swiping the spot under his eyes gently with his thumbs and rubbing a hand through his hair to fix how messy it had gotten. George giggled at the actions, blinking his eyes open slowly and seeing the other two looming over him. He whined at the attention, throwing his arms over his face and turning towards the back of the couch. Dream and Sapnap chuckled at him, and Dream scooted off him, before shuffling himself to lay down next to George.
George whined again, hiding his face further the closer Dream got, and Dream just laughed and pulled him into a hug, his hand holding the back of George’s head and playing with his hair as he hid in his chest.
“Aww, Georgie,” He soothed. “It’s okay.”
“That was so dumb,” George complained, voice muffled.
“Very. But it was fun,” Sapnap added as he laid on the L-shaped part of the couch, his head perpendicular to Dream’s as he wormed his arm between the two of them to hold George’s hand, squeezing it gently.
“Whatever,” George grumbled, but he squeezed back anyway.
“Hey,” Sapnap began, turning his head and waiting for George to look up at him as well. “Just be happy I didn’t go into the Nether.” George’s eyes widened, his jaw slack, lost for words.
“That’s true,” Dream agreed, leaning down to whisper in George’s ear. “I would’ve gone for your thighs if he had.”
George couldn’t help the whine he let out, burying his face into Dream’s neck and curling in on himself. The other two laughed at him again, and he could only whimper again, clinging onto Dream like a koala and forcing the ‘what if’ thoughts out of his head as he tried to relax into their cuddles.
After all, Sapnap still had another three days before the tournament to fit in more practice sessions.
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emmadoodle · 1 year
Prompts 14 and 23 with Lee! Sapnap and Ler! Dream? Wittle Sappy needs soft tummy ticklesssssssss🥰
Soft tummy tickles for Sapnap coming right up 🥰🥰🥰
From this post
"I thought you had said you weren't ticklish!" Dream exclaimed overtop Sapnap's adorable titters. The two had been cuddling under a tree near their cottage after a bit of sparring for manhunt training. Sapnap was lying in Dream's lap between the older man's legs, his back rested perfectly against Dream's chest. It had been nice a serene, at least until Dream had begun to fidget with the fabric of the blaze hybrid's shirt overtop his tummy, making the young man accidentally let loose a giggle. It was all downhill from there.
"Dreheheheheam! Plehehehehse hehehehe-" Sapnap didn't exactly put up much of a struggle. He was still so tired from sparring, only managing to squirm just barely in Dream's hold.
"I'll only stop when you told me why you lied about being ticklish! How could you keep something like this from me?" Dream's fingers found their way underneath the thin shirt Sapnap was wearing, nails now teasingly raking round and round his navel in a jellyfish like technique; Sapnap squealed and threw his head back against Dream's shoulder.
"Behehehcause! It's tohohohoo embahaharassing!" Sapnap hid his reddening cheeks into his shoulder while his friend only continued to tickle and coo. The two of them stayed in that position for hours. The nap the two shared was the most refreshing one they'd ever had.
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aninklingof · 2 years
Head Hips Massager
Couldn’t get this concept out of my head, so I wrote on it. 🤷
Lee! George, Ler! Dream
Warnings: tool tickles ✨Platonic✨
Dream slowly closed the front door so that it wouldn’t make noise, the lock clicking securely before the blonde tip-toed down the hall. He was returning from a Walmart trip— which he’d initially just gone for groceries. While at the store however, he got a message from George.
He had texted Dream asking if he’d buy the British man a heating pad. Having just gotten back from the Bahamas and being immediately thrown into many wild activities with friends that had come to visit, George’s back was sore.
Of course Dream obliged and headed to the health and wellness isles. As he scanned the shelves for a suitable heating pad for the older (which he was definitely going to tease him about his age when he got home) he spotted something that caught his attention.
Hanging on a mini rack from one of the shelves was a bunch of wire-head massagers. Dream’s mind immediately shot to how one of those would feel running over his sensitive skin, his face flushing subtly and butterflies filling his belly.
He then thought of George at home, and how the poor Brit would howl at the evil massager tickling his ribs and especially his bony hips. Smirking widely at the thought he snatched one of the massagers up and dropped it into the handheld basket on his arm before returning to the task at hand.
Now that he was back at the Dream Team house, he unloaded the groceries as quietly as possible to not alert the brunette to his presence. Once finished he scooped up the heating pad, along with a glass of water, some pain medicine, and the massager and headed up the stairs to George’s room.
Dream tapped the door with his foot to knock (his hands being full) and waited for an answer, reeling in his giddy smile so that he didn’t key in George to his devious plan.
“Come in.”
“I can’t, my hands are full.”
Some rustling and soft footsteps were heard before the door swung open. George looked up at Dream curiously before melting into a soft smile, his hair slightly disheveled and his clothes wrinkly.
“I bought you the heating pad, and I also brought you some pain meds and water,” Dream spoke as he strode into the Brit’s bedroom, setting the heating pad down with the massager under it and handing George the pills and water.
“Thanks Dream,” George said gratefully before quickly popping the pill and gulping down water.
“I also brought you something else,” the blonde started, plugging the heating pad into the wall so it could begin warming up. “A bit of a surprise.”
“Ooh! What is it?” George asked eagerly.
Dream chuckled, still fighting to control his smirk. “Lay down and close your eyes.”
George complied, laying flat out with his head slightly propped up against a pillow, and closed his russet eyes. The younger smiled mischievously. He got him right where he wanted him.
Sitting next to the Brit he picked up the Massager and gently stroked it down George’s chest to his stomach. The man jumped with a gasp, his eyes flying open and curling up instinctually.
“Whahat was thahat?!?” He exclaimed.
Dream brandished the evil little tool and George’s face paled. “It’s one of those wire head massagers! I saw it while getting your heating pad and figured you’d like it~”
He lowered the massager back to George’s body, simultaneously grabbing one of the brunette’s wrists and pulling his arm away from his side.
“Wahahait Dreheheheam!!! Noho, dohohOHOHONT—!! NAHAHAHA!!” The smaller man shrieked and curled away the best he could from the wire massager that prodded his ribs. He weakly batted at it with his other arm, but it did little to deter the tickly item from traversing George’s entire left side like a xylophone.
“Geez, I figured it would tickle but I didn’t think you’d go this crazy,” Dream teased like it was the most normal thing in the world. “You must just be extra ticklish today, huh Georgie~?”
“NAHAHA DRHEHEHEAM!!! SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!! MOHOHOVE AHAHAWAY FROHOHOM THEHEHEHERE!!!” George wailed and thrashed, his eyes squeezed so tight he saw stars.
“Alright, what about here?” Dream prompted before moving the massager down to George’s bony hips, twirling and gently drilling the metal wires into his ticklish flesh.
George went ballistic.
He fell into a bout of silent laughter and arched forward before crashing back to the mattress in wild cackles. It was some of the most intense tickling he’d ever felt and he was gonna lose his mind if Dream continued any longer.
Dream stopped immediately at George’s shrill cry, dropping the tool to the bed and firmly rubbing away the persistent buzz of ghost tickles from George’s poor hip bones.
“You alright there?” Dream asked with a fond and mildly concerned smile.
“Thahahat…” George rasped through deep gasps and residual giggles “…wahas ahahwful.”
“You enjoyed it.” the blonde snickered and booped his friend’s red nose.
“If Ihi wahasn’t soho exhausted, Ihi’d be tihickling that thihing ahall over yohour belly right nohow.”
Dream shivered at the thought, considering running away before he was pulled down to the mattress and cuddled into by the tickled-out brunette.
Slowly his nerves subsided and he melted into George’s warmth, nearing sleep as his breathing slowed. Just before he drifted off however, he heard George say something that if he wasn’t so sleepy Dream would’ve been red as a tomato.
“When we wake up I’m going to make you cry with that thing.”
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