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atasc13 · 10 months ago
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Nô // Le Panier, Marseille, FRA (2024)
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nonenglishsongs · 1 year ago
Top 40 Tuesday - Charting in Fiji | VT1S, Lepani - Lauti Au (Fijian)
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synergysilhouette · 24 days ago
Plotting out "Laisani" (Disney movie)
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Make sure to check out the summarized version of this and other stories in my post about the second part of the Resurgence Era! (And disclaimer: this post is a quick creation that is not the result of years of researching like an actual film would be, and thus may not match the storytelling/music that properly reflects the culture or style of the individuals behind it.)
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After the positive reception for "Weaver" and (at least, culturally) "Moana 2," Disney decides to greenlight another Pacific Island musical, this one being focused on Melanesian cultures to have a sort of Trinity franchise. They recruit Toa Fraser to direct the film, and under his direction, the film hones in with a predominantly Fijian-inspired story. Jared Bush and Dana Ledoux Miller served as screenwriters (though this garners some controversy due to neither writer being Melanesian, though Miller is Polynesian), with the music done by Lepani Tuifagalele. Disney decides to continue with the 3D style of animation, though in spots they use a bit of 2D watercolors in order to make it unique among it's other 3D films. Originally chronicling a war between islands, and then a film about a mysterious illness turning the people into birds (but changed due to it's similarities to "Totsuhwa"), the film is influenced by the god Ulupoka. The film ended up being influenced by psychological horror films (though execs made sure they toned down the content they deemed not "family friendly"), focusing on a mystery similar to Bush's work on "Zootopia," as well as elements of creation myths from around the world and dystopian films like "The Hunger Games." The original cut was said to be darker and more emotional--but then Disney realized that that'd be a bit too icky to market, so they smoothed out the edges. Another change that happened later in development was changing the female lead from a random villager to the village chief, though her age fluctuated during production.
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When the embodiment of evil and cruelty waged war against the gods, he was promptly beheaded, his body and head seperated to the farthest opposite corners of the world. However, he was always destined to reunite his body, and as he comes closer to finding his body, the world shakes with misfortune and disease, the weather growing chaotic, and the Earth threatening to open up to devour him. A chief must find the god's head before he does, all while keeping her people united.
(The images below reflect my inspiration for either the characters' design and/or personality, along with serving as a visual aid to the reader of this post rather than just looking at text.)
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Laisani--The chief of her village, Laisani is expected to find the god of destruction's head and destroy it, despite having no idea where it is. Ambitious and ruthless to protect her people, she refuses to let the gods destroy all that she's built. However, suspicion has clouded her mind as she finds that some of her people have kept secrets from her, leading her to keep secrets from them. But no ruler can make any progress from being obstinate.
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Marau--A young man from a neighboring village, he throws himself at Laisani's mercy, as his people have given into fear and chaos. He quickly bends to Laisani's authoritative nature, but his gentle side reminds her of the people she's sworn to protect and those she's fighting for. Refusing to believe all hope is lost, he serves as a constant reminder of humanity's love that thrives even in times of destruction.
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Nisamo--The headless god, his body has been traveling for millenia to find his head and unite his body. When he does, even the gods will cower before him, and he will destroy the Earth and make it in his image. He head cannot be destroyed by normal means, and with every failed attempt, the villagers who find it become filled with panic, and become influenced by the rage that seethes from his head.
(Assuming this image from "Old World Gods" is AI; just using it for visual aid)
Destiny Awaits--The intro song chronicling how Nisamo foolishly tried to rebel against the gods and descend the world into chaos, but was defeated by their united front and his body seperated from his head. However, a prophecy foretells of a time when Nisamo's body will approach his head, and only united can the mortals keep his dark powers from destroying the Earth.
Somewhere--A child recalls seeing a strange sight on the island, but cannot recall what it was or where he saw it, much to Laisani's frustration and the village's anxiety.
Stray--Marau begs safety in Laisani's village, which she reluctantly agrees, seeing his brute strength as an asset in a potential battle. However, her people begin to doubt her for letting in an outsider during a time of great stress, and she snaps at them for questioning her rather than easing their concerns.
Somewhere (Accusations reprise)--The child recalls where he saw a strange sight, and the villagers berate him for not remembering sooner, and soon the village turns on itself, with Laisani's lack of sympathy up to this point making it impossible for people to listen to her.
Roots--Upon finding the sight, Laisani realizes to her horror that it is in fact Nisamo's head, having grown into a twisted plant in order to disguise itself, and she terrifyingly realizes that his body is almost upon the village, ready to reunite itself.
Time's Up--Nisamo has finally reunited himself, and the villages on the island are in disarray. Laisani takes a brief moment to pay attention to where she failed as a leader, and how she can defeat Nisamo and regain the trust of her people.
Destiny Fulfilled--With Nisamo dismembered in more pieces than there are grains in the sand, he may never be reunited. With her village now safe, Laisani considers how she's changed as a leader, and how being a leader means that change isn't always a bad thing, putting the needs of others before herself and taking their opinions into account rather than assuming she knows what's best for them.
Hope you enjoyed this idea--or at least the sentiment!
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luciochaves · 2 years ago
Lepani - Like The Rain (Visualiser)
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thesonsofchaos · 6 years ago
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#streetart by #manyoly around #lepanier on #ruedelafontainedecaylus and #ruedurefuge #marseille #marsella #southoffrance #provencealpescotedazur #france #lafrance #francia #choosemarseille #graffiti #stencil #wheatpaste #pasteup #sticker #installation #mural #murals #murales #arteurbano #urbanart #foto #fotografia #photo #photography (at Le Panier) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1CI-jwDjT7/?igshid=vvg50es9n1ne
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stickininmyeye · 5 years ago
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Le Panier, Marseille. Août 2019. 
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Aujourd’hui nul besoin d’aller à l’université, de se balader avec son portfolio, de faire de la lèche aux galeries et leurs nuées de prétentieux, pas besoin non plus de coucher avec quelqu’un d’influent. Tout ce qu’il vous faut c’est quelques idées et une connexion haut débit. Pour la première fois le monde bourgeois de l’art appartient au peuple. Il s’agit d’en faire quelque chose (Banksy).
Marseille, Le Panier.
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aixpressif · 6 years ago
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Graffitis / Marseille / Quartier du Panier / Iphone XS : Aurora HDR
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zoerosephoto-blog · 6 years ago
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Marseille, France
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freddedeycker-blog · 6 years ago
Marseille > Tournai aller/retour: commande envoyée ce jeudi par avion. One sketch a day in Marseille / Le panier #freddedeycker #france #marseille #lepanier #auvieuxpanier #lepaniermarseille #drawer #drawing #painter #painting #watercolor #Moleskine #moleskineart (à Au vieux Panier / AVP) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNwQbXHU6t/?igshid=168nxmsas2ndh
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emmanueljacquot · 2 years ago
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Déambulations du week-end #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #bw #photography #fuji #fuji_love #xpro2 #xf35mmf14 #snapseed # @fujixlovers @fujixshooters #fujixshooters #lattemarseille #latté #lepanier #basilicswing #jazzmanouche (à Latté Club Events) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMb-jSo8hL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Le Panier, Marseille, France
Foto - Véva Nogueira
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juancarikt · 3 years ago
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#lepanier III #streetart #marseille (en Le Panier) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5HpxUrIym/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dominique44000 · 3 years ago
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Marseille Le Panier. Graffiti Dominique Dubois #graffiti #graff#marseille #massilia #graffitimarseille #lepanier #lepaniermarseille https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_TPZvK28N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stickininmyeye · 5 years ago
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Dans le quartier du Panier à Marseille, on oublie le temps d’une balade qu’on est dans une grande ville, il n’y a plus de voitures, de bruits urbains...Seulement le soleil et des piétons aux regards curieux. J’ai adoré déambuler dans ces ruelles, ces escaliers, être surprise à chaque coin de rue, découvrir les belles couleurs des fresques qui décorent le quartier. Voici ma photo pour mon projet 52 sur le thème “Boîte aux Lettres”. 
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gerardbillet · 3 years ago
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A la découverte de Marseille. #marseille #lepaniermarseille #monteedesaccoules #lepanier #lacagole #notredamedesaccoules #honoredaumier #belsunce #fontainefossati #placedesfaineants #placedescapucines #louisemichel #monumentsdemarseille #instapic #photooftheday #marseillemylove (à Marseille) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccf5hrFKM4h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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