#lepacy gen 7
anneliesembsims · 10 months
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Baby #4 is on the way!
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nikatyler · 9 months
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Not to shame Dorothea or anything but she's never taking care of the little animals. Stephen though? Always with them.
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
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\ I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, but now Marilyn has a Butler! And they’re getting along super well!! I can see them being best friends in no time. \
Also just some quick drunk texting before going to bed, nothing special
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simmeradventures · 26 days
Boba Legacy Challenge (TS3)
I have taken a break from sims 3 and while I am still working on my lepacy, I sometimes need a break and so look for more challenges. @tomatosoupcat posted a Boba challenge and didn't see a TS3 version so decided to covert it. THIS IS NOT MY IDEA AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY ONE. I kept within the theme and didn't write a massive story to them but did try add a creative spin.
Gen 1: Brown Sugar
Leaving home is tough, but you will always have mum's cooking to keep you safe.
Traits: Couch Potato, Natural Chef, Green Thumb (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Bottomless Wine Cellar OR Master Chef
Career: Nectar Maker OR Culinary
Skills: Cooking, Gardening and Nectar making
Colours: Brown, White
Master LTW
Marry a sim with 2 matching traits.
Max out skills
Gen 2: Blueberry
The farm life was nice, but there's a great big world waiting for you.
Traits: Non-Committal, Loves The Outdoors (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Seasoned traveller OR Grand Explorer
Career: Part-Time Jobs Or Skill Based Profession (after quitting business job)
Skills: Fitness or Martial Arts (or both if your fancy), Scuba diving
Colours: Blue. Purple
Reach level 3 of the business career before quitting to travel
have a one night stand on your travels
never marry
Travel until child is a young adult
Max skills
Gen 3: Matcha
You've seen the world, but now all you want is a career and a forever home...or mansion.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, workaholic (Randomise The Rest)
Careers: Any (based on degree)
Skills: logic (plus whatever is related to the degree.)
Colours: Light green
Go to university and graduate
Befriend and date co-worker (either break up once you reach level 10 of career or get married.)
Go to the spa every weekend
Complete LTW
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 4: Passionfruit Mango
All work and no play so pick up a guitar and play anything you want.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Family Oriented, virtuoso (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: One sim band OR Rockstar
Career: Music
Skills: Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano
Colours: Yellow, Orange
Play instruments throughout childhood
Date and marry someone with the Avant Garde or artistic trait
Go on art dates (museums or a cute art café)
Complete Career
Max Skills
Gen 5: Sakura
You are a party girl, but also a lover girl.
Traits: Flirty, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Romancer OR Master Mixology OR Surrounded By Family
Skills: Mixology, Charisma
Colour: Pink
Have a high school BFF
Sign up for online dating and date 5 sims (and fail)
Marry BFF
Complete LTW
Gen 6: Dragon fruit
Who needs love when you could rule the world?!
Traits: Evil, Childish, Irresistible (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Heartbreaker OR Gold Digger OR Emperor of Evil
Career: Criminal
Skills: Charisma, Athletic
Colours: Dark Red, Purple
Marry a wealthy sim and have them get into a "tragic accident."
Have a negative relationship with children
Max career
Max Skills
Gen 7: Taro
Never give up on your dreams even if life throws a baby at you.
Traits: Genius, Cat person (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Scientific Specialist OR Become A Creature Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Science, Handiness, Logic
Colours: Light Purple
Join after school club (idk if its a mod but there's a chess club, can add other ones through Nraas)
Go to university and drop out when pregnant (if not using mods or using mod that allows you to go to university in hometown then drop out and then get pregnant 
Work part-time till the baby is a toddler
Go back to university and graduate
Adopt a cat. 
Gen 8 Lychee
“You're always on that damn phone!” and “I hate normal people.” made a baby 
Traits: Unflirty, Loner (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW:  Blog Artist OR Forensic Specialist
Career: Based on LTW/ Free pass
Skills: Social Networking, Science
Colours: Pink, White
Have a plant sim
Max Skills
Max Career
Gen 9: Thai Tea
Sometimes it's good to look back. Spread the founder’s love of food! 
Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Star News Anchor OR Professional Author 
Career: Journalism OR Writer Profession
Skills: Writing, Photography, Cooking
Colours: Orange
Visit France, China and Egypt to collect recipes 
Throw dinner parties (once a season.)
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 10: Sunset
Humans have been fun, but everyone knows the supernatural have the most fun.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Good  (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Mysticism OR Resort Empire
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Scuba Diving, Alchemy, Painting
Colours: Purple, Red, Orange
Fall in love and marry a supernatural (if you choose resort empire LTW then you have to marry a mermaid.)
Decorate home with your art.
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faeriefrolic · 5 months
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Generation One of the Minnow Lepacy is coming to a close, and with that, we have scoreboard! 🐟
It's been a suuuuper long gen. I misread the initial rules and had Sable be both an angler and farmer, but she really only needed to be one of them. She did a lot this generation! Though if I'm being honest, if I did another lepacy, I would do one of the other base game career choices since I've already done the angler route with Pewter. Also, ngl a little sad Sable didn't get to have a ghost baby or marry an npc. In my first initial test run of the generation she had tried to date the repairman and woman (both of them were outdoorsy) but it never worked out and that run was cursed anyway. It was still really fun though to finally play in Sunset Valley with all of it's iconic townies and be able to meet and marry one of them. Connor Frio is an absolute sweetheart and he will be one of my fav sims forever.
Scoreboards and more are under the cut!
🐟Minnow Lepacy Scorecard Doc
🖤Gen 1: Black - BASE GAME
-✅ Start/Move to Sunset Valley +2 points-
    a. Living off the Land [Farmer/Fisher] 👨‍🌾🎣
• ✅ Have the Green Thumb or Angler Trait +0.5 point
• ✅ Date/Marry sim with Loves Outdoors and/or Green Thumb and/or Angler +0.5 point 
(Connor - Loves the Outdoors, Nerd trait)
• ✅ No Woohoo before Marriage +0.5 point
•✅ Have both Boy and Girl (You can adopt after the first child) +0.5 point
• ✅No Watermelons/Apples to sway gender of child +0.5 point
• ✅Take the Gardening Skill Class +0.5 point
•✅ Master Gardening Skill +1 point
•✅ Plant Every Plant from Grocery Store +1 point
•✅ Obtain all (or just all BG) Plants/Seeds +1 point
•✅ If you get a call for learning Steak, Egg, Cheese, Omni plant, complete it. +1 point
Completed egg and cheese plants, didn't get omni plant
• ✅Take the Fishing Skill Class +1 point
• ✅Master Fishing Skill +1 point
• ✅Catch All (or all BG) Fish +1 point
• ❌Reach level 10 self-employed farmer/fisher +1 point
Got to level 7 - Local Ahab
• ✅Complete the LTW 'Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium' +1 point
+Gain points for+:
•✅ Heir completing their LTW: +5 points.
• ✅Heir completes a Skill Challenge +1 x10
Amateur Ichthyologist  Menu Maven Consignment Store Rep/Sales/Profit Master Planter Commercial Fisherman Master Farmer Personable Celebrity
• ✅Heir having more than two children: +1 points per child. x4
+Rainbowcy Points🌈+:
• ✅Founder with custom multicoloured parts: +1 per eyes, hair, skin tone, make-up, clothes. (5 points for founder possible) x4
•✅ Child matching their generation namesake with body parts when born: +3 points
-Lose points for-:
• ❌ Not achieving a generation objective: -0.5 points
Some more extras including Sable and Connor's skill journals!
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ellissims3lepacy · 5 days
Sims 3 Lepacy Gen 1: Chapter 2 : A new Relationship
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As expected, Eileen started pursuing Hank Goddard and before long they were going out. Before moving in together though, Hank started messing around with Tori Kimura on the side...Naughty naughty. I know this because I have Nraas Storyprogression stories enabled. Granted that it is also the Storyprogression mod who is responsible for this in the first place, but it's more fun this way.
Hank was very happy to leave the Mosquito Cove and move in together with Eileen. To Hanks credit he never rolled any wants to cheat on Eileen, nor did he pursue any other ladies autonomously. In fact he was quite a good boyfriend, watering her plants while she was at work. Alas they were so cute that I even considered keeping them together, but ultimately I knew that they were not meant to be. I decided that in addition of trying to fulfill my original sims lifetime wish, I would do the same for their partner. But Hank is eventually going to want to breakup and date someone else, that's just how he was created. He's never going to be the partner Eileen truly deserves, so while they were still happy together I started to look for other eligible gentlemen who could be potential romantic prospects for Eileen in the future.
For starters we met two possible suitors: Leighton Sekemoto and Christopher Steel. Eileen had excellent chemistry with Leighton, she thought he was a 10/10. He is also a family man, which means he would definitely want to get married and have kids, which is what we're looking for. The caveat is that he want's to raise five kids from babies to teenagers. If you didn't know, Leighton is at the start of the game a young dad to a toddler called Sam. So if Eileen got together with Leighton she would need to have at least four children with him to fulfill his lifetime wish. Christopher on the other hand was more like a 7-8 out of 10, so maybe not the best option, but good enough to be a possibility. We shall see.
Eileen and Hank were both progressing pretty rapidly in their respective careers (Military and Law Enforcement) when something unexpected happened...
Eileen was pregnant! How did this happen? Well, I am using Nraas Wohooer that allows you to tweak various romantic interactions. In the vanilla game woohooing has a zero chance of pregnancy while the try for baby interaction gives a 75 percent chance of conceving. I find that this is not very realistic actually. There is something called "risky woohoo" which allows you to set your preferred chance for a female sim to get pregnant after each risky woohoo, like 15 % for example. Lots of players seem to use risky woohoo as an additional interaction to the basic woohoo which still has zero chance of pregnancy. Probably to simulate an "oops we didn't use protection"- situation. I also used to use this method but after Eileen and Hank had been together for a while, I thought it would be more fun to disable regular woohoo and replace it with risky woohoo (which will be referred to as woohoo in game even though it is still technically risky woohoo). I set the chance of pregnancy to just five percent. In my headcanon they are using a condom during woohoo and for that a five percent fail rate I feel is pretty realistic.
Most players seem to have it set between 10-30 percent, but I thought that would be too high since now we don't have woohoo with zero chance of resulting in pregnancy anymore in the game. Still that five percent was enough to result in a pregancy just a couple of sim days after I made this change.
I also have a pretty long lifespan so my sims have plenty of time to woohoo. I have decided with this Lepacy to set one sim year to two days. It was really important for me to have the proportions of each life stage match real life because it really annoys me how the default lifespans are not proportional. For example the teen lifestage is way too long compared to the adult life stages (this is much more of a problem in the Sims 2 and 4 tough)- thankfully the Sims 3 allows full customisation for lifespans.
My lifespans are as follows:
Babies : 2 days (ages 0-1)
Toddlers : 6 days (ages 1-5) - I know it should be 8 days but I think that is too long. Sue me :D
Children : 14 days (ages 5-12)
Teens : 12 days (ages 12-18)
Young adults : 44 days (ages 18-40)
Adults : 44 days (ages 40-62)
Elders : 30 days (ages 62-77)
I know there are some inconsistencies, but I'm pretty satisfied with this. The toddlers are obviously incorrect on purpose but then again pregnancy is the default 3 days which would actually be around 18 months according to my own rules, so we might as well have this to compensate for the missing two days. Then teens should actually start from 13 not 12 however then that would mean that the teen lifestage would only be for 10 days versus 16 days for children, and teens are definitely more fun to play with compared to children. Then there is the question of when does young adulthood end and adulthood begin? I don't know, I just thought 40 is a nice round number. I wanted y.adulthood and adulthood to last the same amount which means that yes female sims will be able to get pregnant into their early sixties, but I prefer this to having the elder stage begin in the sims fifties. I feel like the elders are actually pretty old and in reality I would never refer to someone aged 62 as an "elder" but this is what we're working with. 77 years might also be a little young for someone to actually die of "old age" but I didn't want my average elder to live into their 90s. Some of them will though. In this savefile I actually had Buster Clavell live to about 98, which means he spontanely exceeded his lifespan with over 40 days.
By the time Eileen got pregnant she had been in a relationship with Hank for 14 days (or 7 years) and she was now about 29 years old. A perfect age to start pondering what you really want from life. In the next chapter we will find out what will become of Eileen and Hank and see the baby being born!
Sorry for yapping about the woohoo and lifespan settings lol
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evilmeanlesbian · 1 day
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Lepacy: Gen 7, Showtime
Heath aged up to a young adult! He moved to Starlight Shores in a moody Spanish style home.
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ticklemerainbows · 2 years
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So I’m at generation 7 8 13 (!!) of the Charm rainbowcy and I’ve decided I want to do an 11-20, perhaps in a lepacy just kidding I’ve decided to do this challenge instead! I have more colors here and I’m in search of some baby mommas, as each heir for this bunch of gens needs to be a boy. If you have a sim that matches a color, or wouldn’t mind making one for me let me know! I’d appreciate it :)
There’s no rush as again, I’m still on gen 7 8 13 so there’s still a few more to get through.
Only requirements are YA, female and a supernatural of some kind~
Gen 11 - Velvet Maroon - Petunia Gloom @simside
Gen 12 - Hippie Blue - Viridian Peacock @poisonfireleafs 
Gen 13 - Terracotta - Marigold Citrus  @simside Gen 14 - Aqua Forest @annacake - Patina Viridian Gen 15 - Burning Sand Gen 16 - Eminence - Violet Eclipse @dragonplumbobs
Gen 17 - Crimson Red Gen 18 - Peacock Blue Gen 19 - Citrine @ahplumbobs Gen 20 - Ceramic - Porcelain de Lune @arogaba
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bellatheegoth · 1 year
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Lepacy Generation 7 Recap!!
Because I started playing again and didn’t feel like making individual posts about stuff that happened in game over 8 months ago. Under the cut!
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Unfortunately Gemma passed away in Ahmar’s room while playing on his computer :( RIP to our Gen 6 heir, you were a legend sweetie.
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Willow reached lvl 10 of the Acrobat career and finally got to perform in a stadium! That pretty much ended the Showtime era/gen 7 for me. 
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I was bored so I moved the family to Moonlight Falls to get a jump start on the next generation! Their house is an ingame house I just renovated.
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Ahmar also aged up to a teen!
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They got a bird named Rooney! I don’t know if I can handle a cat or dog in the sims 3 right now, so this is as good as it’s gonna get for now.
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Of course we got Bonehilda, and as soon as she was summoned her first thoughts were cleaning the toilet. She’s the hardest worker.
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Mithun decided to tell a scary story to Ahmar and his witch friend.
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Even though we don’t live in Starlight Shores anymore, that doesn’t stop Willow from performing with every opportunity she gets!
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My solution to any boring lot is to add a mechanical bull to make it more exciting.
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Aaaand now Willow is an elder! She aged up with this hair and it’s so cute on her so I’m keeping it. The next post will be the first official post of Gen 8!
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ownedbyaborzoi · 1 year
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New Carnes blog update! The last post for generation 7! I'm so behind, let's just pretend that this is a LEPacy and not that I'm several YEARS behind in my blog and on generation 23 in the game. Anyways, this update features quite a bit of drama to close out generation 7. I have to say I think this was one of my favourite gens to play, I really enjoyed exploring vampires with it. I don't know if anyone is even reading my actual blog, I've thought multiple times about cross posting to tumblr but I like having an actual blog and another place to post my side stories/saves. Thoughts? Let me know what you think!
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simsply-challenges · 2 years
End of Week 7
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There is so much has happened this week! Some of it planned and some of it not so much...
Aspiration (Successful Lineage): We still need to read to a child for 2 hours, but now all three of the kids are children, we can do that at some point next week.
Skills: Level 9 Logic, Level 8 Mischief. Since she is so close with Harley, and Harley is a little goofball, I think it would be a good idea if we have these two practice their mischief skill...
Career: Still Level 8 of the Criminal career, but miles away from another promotion.
Collection: 7/12 microscope prints (all hung on the wall in the office!)
Now we are ENGAGED to Cassandra, we are also closer to completing the 'Marry a Base Game Townie' requirement!
Vanessa and Cassandra both want to adopt another child, so we may also complete the 'Have at least 2 Children' requirement soon...
LEPacy Challenge, Gen 1, Gameplay post No. 336
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anneliesembsims · 2 years
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So the thing about Aimi, Gustavo, and Alexia is that they are obsessed with each other and often doing things autonomously that lead to pregnancy despite both Aimi and Alexia being on birth control.
Aimi is pregnant! Gustavo is thrilled, but he’s very much a family sim.
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nikatyler · 9 months
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🌈 2023 ✨
Another year is over so it's time for a look back at what was happening on this blog! I haven't really been around, it was just my queue, and maybe that's one reason why I looked at my archive and went "huh" at everything. I don't remember much. The other reason why this year probably went poof in my head is because I was dealing with some mental health stuff lol. I say lol but it wasn't actually very lol but I'm doing better now and 2024...is looking promising for now.
So, let's talk more under the cut, shall we?
We're in Bridgeport and Sawyer is living his best life. You know, girlfriends, boyfriends, being turned into a vampire, giving birth to three little vampires, threatening to sell his enemies' organs on the black market...best life indeed.
Okay I am now seeing that "talking more" about every month will be impossible since I actually don't have much recollection of 2023 lmao
Sawyer and Erin are at the best point of their relationship, but we left them alone for a bit and went back to NSB. Pastel just moved to Strangerville and got a...rather strange roommate.
The rather strange roommate becomes Pastel's rather strange wife. I love these two so much. We also say hello to Moss -- and also to Ross, who returns from...god knows where. I mean yeah, there was the ts3 Ross, but technically they're two different people. Parallel universes and stuff.
Thea is born and strange wife Jesse gets even stranger. That whole "merging with the mother plant" thing was kinda weird but I really enjoyed it. Idk what I was on but it was fun. And then, before returning to the lepacy, I posted my Cottage Living screenshots! ...which were really just me going "uwu what does this do" on every possible Wicked Whims option.
...and I went from posting weird WW Ross stuff to posting wholesome Growing Together Ross stuff. If that gave you a whiplash, I am sorry, but imagine what it must be like for me. I'm locked with this guy in my head 24/7. He's the whiplash king. A blorbo to you, a curse to me. A beloved curse tho. Ok I'm getting weird. Back to the lepacy.
Lepacy time! Loved the soap opera Generations gen. Kinda wish I had sticked to some of the storylines instead of going "eh nvm I just wanna play". I'm not saying I regret not actually letting Saywer go on a killing spree but also...imagine if he went on a killing spree. You don't see that in lepacies often do ya
August was...welp 💀 I was at the grippy socks hospital for most of that month, 10/10 would recommend, but my queue ran out while I was there so I just reblogged some old stuff for a few weeks.
September is just lepacy month. Cornelia and Archer are happy, they get married, they get more children...yeah. Good wholesome Generations times all around. It's not like they're gonna get divorced later or anything.
The twins are kind of chaotic, one of them turns into a ghost, both then bring their cursed imaginary friends to life...and the final child of Archer and Cornelia is born.
I loved running into Sawyer at the grocery store all the time. Weird vampire alleged killer grandpa behavior suits him. Dorothea goes away to a boarding school, hates it there and instantly comes back. Relatable. Oh and midlife crisis hits Archer hard.
And we're in December! Dorothea enters her horsegirl era and finds herself a girlfriend...and we'll continue that in 2024!
What's in store for the new year besides the lepacy? Well, Not So Berry will be making a return (and HOPEFULLY we'll finally get to the end. we need to). There's a story I want to do in the NSB universe, if you know you know. Before we dive into the next lepacy generation, I'm thinking of another BC with the gen 7 heir...oh and Marika's Black Widow. Shoot and I'm starting an irl job in January. Yeah no we're not doing all this in 2024, don't count on it 💀 But I'll try.
Happy New Year! 🎇
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
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\ She is so frickin adorable ;w; And it’s the start of the 7th Generation!!! \
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morisg1334 · 5 months
The Sims 4 - Stuff Pack Legacy (Lepacy Extended
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Gen 4
Gen 5
Gen 6
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 10
Gen 11
Gen 12
Gen 13
Gen 14
Gen 15
Gen 16
Gen 17
Gen 18
Gen 19
Gen 20
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spectermansion · 1 year
^___^ hi love,
im a new follower and was just wondering if you could give me the rundown for your holly family
love always,
hi! thank you for the support and welcome to the club, this was so cool of you! the holly family is my ts3 lEPacy family and also the family i’m running the hix completionist challenge with. each generation has a multitude of specific goalsets that i’m using as inspiration to guide my gameplay!
maeve is our g1 (base game) heir and i’m following the “bring me pictures of the llamaman!” path with some additives of others. in the point in which my queue is at, i believe she’s level 7 in the career and level 9 in her writing skill. she married stiles mcgraw and they had two kids, bailey and sophie. bailey is going to be the heir for gen 2.
i hope that was enough of a detailed explanation for you! you can always check out the tags #hollybase or in my pinned to read it in full :)
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