themedialmercurial · 2 years
✨🥂Leo in the houses and where you shine🥂✨
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Depending on where leo is located in your natal chart, it shows you where you shine and where you are bold and unapologetically you. It's where you show the most unwavering passion (dare I say even stubbornness 👀) 🥂💛
P.S. this post is based on my own opinions and interpretations of these placements. This is my very first "astrovation" post so yeah🥸
In the first house, leo shines within the natives public appearance in both their physical looks and personality. They often stand out for their piercing eyes and big hair (if not big hair in the sense of an afro for example, their hair could stand out for its colour and general style that not many others tend to have) since leo is represented by the lion, hence its mane as well. They have a big heart alongside a big personality to accompany it, making them very lovable people. The ascendant house is ruled by aries and in turn, aries rules the brain. This would likely present as an individual with a bubbly, fiery personality who is passionate about their loved ones and their interests. They are the type of people you can hear from a mile away. You can oftentimes find them wearing bright colours to accentuate their overall glittery disposition.
In the second house, leo shines in affairs related to speaking (as in a powerful, compelling voice that easily catches the attention of others) and the way in which they are able to convey their message. The individual may have a speaking tone comparable to a lion (I know this comparison is far fetched lol). They may even have an odd yet compelling singing voice that attracts attention. Next, those with leo in the second house tend to gravitate to bright, shiny jewelry such as, of course, gold (yellow gold in particular. The second house is ruled by taurus and in turn, taurus rules the mouth, vocal chords and neck among other specific parts, connecting the dots as to why these natives have a way of speaking and wearing jewelry (necklaces specifically) that complement their fiery side. They too tend to show a particular passion towards their finances and possessions, likely to show their proudness for their material achievements through their captivating voice. Finally, this person may feel compelled to express their emotions raw, and unfiltered. The lion here cannot hold back its roar in times of great intensity.
In the third house, leo shines in its ability to communicate physically, using their arms, hands, feet to create bodily gestures, such as dancing. The third house is the house of gemini and, in turn, rules over body parts that there are two of, just like the twin symbol of the gemini. These are natives who are bold in how they express themselves, maybe even more comfortable with the use of profanity (free expression)? I can envision them even writing and thinking in a less filtered way and expressing their opinions unwaveringly. They stand firm in their ideas and may appear extroverted (even if that may not be the case in real life). The individuals with this placement may also gravitate towards more boisterous means of communication and or learning themselves such as hip-hop and salsa dancing. As for learning, they may prefer brightly-coloured media and energetic music to hold their attention. Finally, these natives tend to show a passion for learning and will likely love to share their findings with others, in a bubbly and engaging way. In early education, they can be known to be highly engaged in class discussions.
In the fourth house, leo shines in affairs related to the family and home life, as the fourth house is that of the cancer. These natives are fierce protectors of their family, especially in cases where someone near and dear to them is wronged. I can imagine these individuals planning all sorts of parties and events, particularly in the comfort of their own backyard to embrace the company of their loved ones while in their sanctuary. Also, they can be more intense in the way they choose to "nurture" their children for instance. They may come off as intense and upset when they notice something off about a relative, ready to confront whoever is responsible for their misery. At the end of the day, the pain of their family becomes their pain and they do not play around, just like the ferocity of a lion. This house too governs the stomach, to which I can envision this placement my enjoy cooking "summery" foods such as tacos, pastas, red velvet cake among more vibrant foods. As a means of self-care, they may pamper themselves with bright home decorations, flowers, gold appliances and many more things of that nature.
In the fifth house, leo shines, well in its own assigned house! Leonine energy naturally shines here and with affairs related to the heart, literally and figuratively. These natives find solace in their hobbies and romantic endeavours. For fun, those with this placement may gravitate towards "heart-healthy" activities such as cardio, dancing and running (as they promote increased <3 rate). They may even dabble in more artsy interests such as painting and singing to feel more alive. In addition to heart-healthy activities, they too will be bold in the pursuit of lovers and will not hesitate to put their best foot forward. They know what they want and they use their heart to guide them in the right direction. They are adventurous people who do not shy away from the spotlight and the opportunity shine in any faucet of their life.
In the sixth house, leo shines in its ability to thrive in their daily routine as the sixth house is that of virgo, thus shines a light over affairs planning, health and self-improvement as well. These natives may indulge in a daily exercise regiment, including workouts that are particularly beneficial for digestion (since virgo rules the intestines, liver and pancreas). Yoga, bike-riding and walking are prime examples of exercises these natives may indulge in as a means of maintaining their health. In regards to their get ready for work routine, they might opt for reds, oranges and yellows in their outfits (for some reason, a burgundy pantsuit with gold jewellery stands out here) as well as bright red lipsticks to balance out the look. They're the kind of people to blast all sorts of empowering music as they prepare for their job. After work, however, they may decompress with a gold face mask or a nice, bright bath bomb in a bath of course. I can too envision a nice robe, pjs and slippers as a part of their notorious routine. Before bed, they might be the type to indulge in a nice cup of tea.
In the seventh house, leo shines in its ability to commit wholeheartedly to endeavours related to libra-esque qualities and, of course, special emphasis on equilibrium. In affairs related to partnerships of all sorts, whether love (marriage in particular), or business, these individuals give their undivided attention and feel the passion course through their veins (since libra rules the veins of course). As well as this can be beneficial, particularly in keeping others engaged with the native, this can too go south with affairs related legal matters. The individual may not know it in their nature to slow down and may result to defensiveness when the slightest question is asked of them. They also can be prone to conflict in undeveloped, straying away from the natural libran quality of equilibrium, which can cause much internal frustration to the native as they just want to express their caring side in a way that no one would doubt for even a second.
In the eighth house, leo shines in its natural magnetism and appeal as does scorpio, the representing force of this house. With this placement in particular, strangers may feel inexplicably drawn to the native though some physical attributes may explain this phenomena. The native may have particularly appealing hips and are likely curvy (scorpio rules the hips), making them more romantically desirable thanks to the leonine energy boost. In events related to growth and transformation, leo is loud and proud in their journey, that's not to say that there aren't any struggles of course. This scorpion and leonine energy may tend to clash as leo does not shy away whereas the 8th house tends to be more secretive. This may lead the native to take a more careful approach (more-so if undeveloped maybe) in growth and during their journey, but I can imagine them wanting to scream from the rooftops to anyone willing to listen about their secret experiences. When glow-ups come to mind in particular, this individual will literally shine brighter be more in tune with their leo-like traits.
In the ninth house, leo shines in affairs related to higher education, religion and travel (journeys of all sorts), since this house is governed by sagittarius. The lion is confident in their school-like abilities and applies their knowledge sans hesitation. Since sagittarius also rules the legs and thighs, I can imagine the natives' own would stand out in a positive way. They may enjoy walking, hiking or running, to account for their travels all the while basking in the suns' natural, healing light. Or, they may end up having to a lot of walking at school? Additionally, this individual may also have strong religious foundations that they hold unwaveringly in the way the conduct their daily lives and give them the strength to tackle all sorts of challenges in life.
In the tenth house, leo shines in its public perception and affairs related to the career. This is the house of capricorn, placing a more serious outlook on the perception of the world onto the native. Depending on who the individual just so happens to encounter, authority figures may feel strongly about them. On one hand, they will appreciate the natives fiery side and tenacity and on the other, may almost feel insulted by their lack of filter. In relation to career, this person naturally occupies the spotlight, making them the perfect choice for a performer, allowing them to naturally express their leo-like confidence to the world for entertainment purposes. These individuals can often be referred to as "king" or "queen" in the sense that they appear very self-involved in their career affairs. Regarding physicality, capricorn governs the skeletal system of the body; bones, joints and of course teeth. This could result in any of these parts of the body appearing more prominent, maybe even v-shaped tips to an extent (like those of a lion)?
In the eleventh house, leo shines in affairs related to clubs, friendship groups and initiatives that affect the collective, as aquarius is the one who governs this astrological house. The native naturally shines in their friend group and gives off leader vibes in a good way. These are the kind of people who make friends pretty much anywhere and are able to join any friend circle. Also, I can see this native joining clubs that allow them to express their creativity and self-expression such as drama club or even a dance club, more than likely with their group of friends (or new found friends within their clubs of course). As for collective endeavours, the native may find themselves in events such as communal carwashes and bake sales that allow them to interact with many and share their confident energy to the collective. Since aquarius also governs the calves and ankles, returning back to the point of clubs, the native may seek cardio-like activities to accentuate said parts of themselves.
In the twelfth house, leo shines, well in affairs related to the hidden part of self, parts that are repressed and should be released. This native keeps their loud, boisterous self to themselves, often fearing the judgment of others. Deep-down, they know that they want to be seen by others but they allow their fears to talk them out of it and promptly retreat back into their shell. Only once in a blue moon may they express themselves to their loved ones though quickly shy away once they point out their abilities, despite the most likely positive response they garner. This reaction is born of insecurity and self-esteem, leading the native to oftentimes feel inadequately loved, despite their own withholding of their true self. To overcome this, the individual must learn to loosen up a little and take baby steps in revealing their personality with loved ones. Only then will they be able to expand and develop their suppressed leonine qualities and live a more fulfilling life.
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