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jamesfrain · 14 days ago
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Novo Mundo (2017) + Art 'Coronation of Pedro I of Brazil' by Jean-Baptiste Debret c. 1828
"Dressed in all the imperial regalia, D. Pedro solemnly returned to the throne, accompanied by the officiating bishop [of Rio de Janeiro] on his right and by the bishop of Mariana on his left; thus enthroned, the emperor remained standing while the Te Deum was sung; he then sat down, and, for the first time, occupied the imperial throne of Brazil, with the crown on his head and the scepter in his hand." — Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil by Jean-Baptiste Debret
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best-habsburg-monarch · 1 year ago
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Maria Leopoldina, Empress of Brazil, reigned from 1822-1826
This Barbie made Brazil independent
Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt
Died young but loved in this bracket
Please go read @archduchessofnowhere's post about their relationship here. It is very sweet.
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elizabeth-halime · 2 months ago
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archduchessofnowhere · 1 year ago
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Marie Louise’s sister Leopoldine kept her fully supplied with news of her nephew, whom she described as “life incarnate.” The little Prince [Napoleon II] seems to have been very fond of the future Empress of Brazil. She found this “very flattering” and could have “played with him for hours on end.” “Yesterday I had a delightful experience,” she wrote on July 31, “for he called me and I had to go and join him in the garden, where he told me a story of which I did not understand a word, as he had a big croissant in his mouth”.
(...) The delightful and little-known Leopoldine, the future Empress of Brazil, had also promised her sister to watch over “Franz,” whom she considered “too sweet for words,” and to protect him “against the spiteful remarks which are already being made about him.” Certain members of the Court chose in fact to regard him simply as “the Ogre’s son.” “I am always afraid,” wrote Marie Louise, “that people will forget that it is not his fault that he has such a father. . . .” “I am entirely of your opinion,” replied Leopoldine, “and it makes me choke with anger to hear certain self-important people being as spiteful as they can about him to dear Papa [Emperor Franz I]. Neipperg will be able to give you the details, because I have discussed the subject at length with him; as for myself, one of these days I shall certainly place the child officially under my protection.” She was especially critical of the methods employed by Dietrichstein [Napoleon II's tutor], whom she called “the abominable Count Moritz.” She would have liked to see much more of her “adorable” nephew— “Papa’s darling and mine too”— but unfortunately “there are people who will not always allow it, and whose eyes I should like to scratch out.” When the boy, for some reason or other, was prevented from going to play in his little garden, Rainer [Archduke of Austria], faithful to his promise, intervened; and the following month— May, 1816— Leopoldine could tell her sister that Francis was “blooming like a rose” and “taking the air a great deal, in accordance with Uncle Rainer’s prescriptions.”
Castelot, André (1960). King of Rome: a biography of Napoleon's tragic son (translation by Robert Baldick)
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alicentsultana · 9 months ago
The way we see mothers in fiction reflects our relationship with our own mothers.
Unless we're going mommy dearest and similar works that show narcissistic mothers and problematic/toxic relationships and portrayals, those are undeniably horrible and bad.
However, when we talk about general mothers portraiture we're going to immediately judge also through what we live and experienced.
I have a wonderful relationship with my mom, though she had me hours after she turned 18, and of course, have committed errors, she still succeeded in parenting and raised me with the best of her abilities. Therefore, I tend to see mother-sons/daughters relationships in a good light, as as depth and development goes by, I can change and adapt my initial opinion.
Therapist and Psychology Professors oftenly remarks that mothers, in a way or another, have some parcel of guilt over how her kids will develop and turn out, some more, some less. Relapse mother? Troubled kids. Distant mother? Insensitive kids. Overbearing/Overprotective? Kids learn to lie, omit, rebel. So on and so forth.
Mothers do have a hand on how you deal with your life. But a loving mother, a zealous mother, a young mother, an older mother, a religious mother, a free spirit mother... All of them doesn't have to justify themselves beyond maybe acknowledging where they went wrong, because, after all, aren't all of them also bound by expectations, morals, time and beliefs? And weren't all of them doing what they thought was right? Weren't all of them dealing with motherhood differently and in their particular ways? With or without support, they did what they could.
But take a look at these mothers:
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They made mistakes, do they have to justify themselves and ask for forgiveness? Because they did what they have to? To survive, to attend demands, to protect, to ensure their safety and success...
There are mistakes, and there is also another even greater problem: you have to grow up and learn how to deal with this pain yourself, talk, digest, transform it, but no one but yourself will have to learn how to deal with it, even when it was done with such toxic and cruel behaviors, you will have to deal with it. To love or to hate.
Now, let's focus on the love part.
Mary, Elizabeth, Isabel, Januaria, the Bennets girls, Khadija, Alicent, Hürrem and Rhaenyra's children, all of them wouldn't even ask for their justification, ask why they did what they did, because they all know their mother loves them no matter what, they did what they had to do. Distant or not, overbearing, hysterical, insensitive, and doomed by the narrative. They know, and eventually recognize that those actions were done by love.
So yeah, go on, ask your loving mother to justify herself, I dare you all. Ask your grandma and aunt too. Ask that one mother who pissed you off online too.
Also, don't forget that maybe, that parenting style was all they came to know about. And unless one breaks a very long and, shockingly, difficult to recognize cycle, they will unknowingly perpetuate it.
Anyway. That's how I see it. Because oh boy, I wouldn't even ask my mom to explain herself to me, no matter my grievances. But that's a me thing. How do you see it?
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rmelster · 3 months ago
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Portraits Archduchess Joanna of Austria, grand Duchess of Tuscany, by Alessandro Allori (1570) and her descendant, archduchess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, Queen of Portugal and first Empress of Brazil, by Joseph Kreutzinger (1815).
Despite the importance of their wealth and legacy, they were said to be despised by their husbands, Francesco I de Medici and dom Pedro; they died, respectively, at age 31 and 29, leaving daughters and a sole son and dying under violent and sudden circumstances while pregnant, that have led to the speculation that their husbands had a hand on their deaths.
Joanna of Austria’s only son, Filippo, would predecease his father; her daughter Maria would become queen of France through her marriage to Henri IV, and from her son Louis XIII’s descendants Maria Leopoldina would be born. Her daughter Eleanor would become Duchess of Mantua, and her daughter Eleanora would be crowned Holy Roman Empress.
Maria Leopoldina was a beloved empress and her untimely demise was met with the rage of the people towards her widower and his lover; her eldest daughter would become queen of Portugal on her own right as Maria II, and would be remembered as an illustrious and well-loved queen; her only surviving son became emperor of Brazil.
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dreamconsumer · 1 year ago
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Portrait of Princess Leopoldina of Liechtenstein (1754-1823), wife of Charles Emmanuel, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg. Unknown artist.
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tiny-librarian · 1 year ago
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An engraving showing Francis I, Emperor of Austria, and his second wife, Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily, walking with nine of their twelve children.
On the left of their parents are: Marie Caroline, Johann Nepomunk, Maria Clementina, and Ferdinand. To their right are Marie Louise, Franz Karl, Joseph Franz, Maria Leopoldina, and Marie Anne.
Missing are two daughters, Marie Caroline and Caroline Ludovika, who died in childhood. It's dated to 1807, which means Maria Teresa was pregnant with her 12th child at the time. She gave birth to a daughter, Amalie Theresa, on April 6th of that year. The baby only lived for three days, and she would die a few days after her daughter.
Two other children would also die young. Joseph Franz died aged 8, of what was likely an outbreak of yellow fever, two months after his mother. Johann Nepomuk died two years later, aged 3, of unknown causes.
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royal-confessions · 1 year ago
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“Empress Maria Leopoldina of Brazil was one of the most exceptional women in brazilian history.” - Submitted by cenacevedo15
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negreabsolut · 17 days ago
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Na Leopoldina Zanetti Borzino (1826-1902) amb un llaüt i acompanyada de dos gossos llebrers, per Luigi Crosio.
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umolhardoparaiso · 2 months ago
Bem-vindo! Postagem fixa - Welcome! Fixed post - Brasil / United States
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Olá, Tumblrs, tudo bem? Este é meu post fixo aqui do perfil, desejando a você boas-vindas e conhecer-me um pouco melhor. Tenho 38 anos, sendo praticamente 30 de carreira na arte e tecnologia. Sou da cidade de Leopoldina, Estado de Minas Gerais aqui no Brasil. Já fui mais ativo, hoje sou mais sossegado e gosto de paz e sossego na minha vida. Gosto de diversas coisas, sou busólogo, apaixonado por ônibus, gosto de viajar, me aventurar, gosto de sonhar alto, gosto de ir em busca dos meus ideais. Nasci nos anos 80 e peguei os anos 90, que considero os anos dourados pra mim. Música? Gosto que tenha letra e qualidade, que tenha significado, que entregue de corpo e alma. Sou empreendedor. Deixo meu cabelo grande e curto para fazer meus cosplays, eu amo ir em eventos nerds, gosto de interagir, mas sou bem anti-social, prefiro estes eventos e ficar em casa lendo livro, assistindo série ou jogando video-game do que ir para baladas. Já fui em raves, sabe, mas não é um lugar que eu me identifico de verdade, gosto de onde tem paz e não tenha aglomeração! Neste tumblr aqui vou deixar pra postar minhas músicas, textos, desabafos sinceros, espero que vocês gostem! Gosto de pessoas que venham para somar e não julgar, detesto julgar os outros, acho que não devemos, porque nosso dia de amanhã não sabemos. Sou de pouquíssimos amigos, mesmo, de verdade, mas sempre pode chegar uma pessoa que venha para somar e abraçar sem apontar minhas escolhas. Tenho uma amizade que começou por Tumblr aqui e vai completar 3 anos, nos falamos direto via whatsapp e já trocamos cartas (aii como amo escrever cartas), é bem legal. Enfim, deixo abaixo algumas fotos e links para me conhecer. Entrando no meu site você vai ver meu blog onde tenho fotos desde criança e adolescência e muita aventura, muita história pra contar, então pra isso também tenho um blog pra cada ocasião, para contar tudo o que preciso contar com as coisas que viajo com intensidade. Não reparem, não sou bonito, mas sou leal ;) - Quem sabe aqui no Tumblr eu encontrei alguém no casual e vamos desenvolvendo? Amo a maneira de poder querer marcar um sexo gostoso de fazer tremer e gemer os dois e não ter compromisso, pois gostando, marca de novo, não gostando, cada um pro seu lado. Eu sou romântico e platônico, nunca namorei, sou tímido, apesar de ser artista! 🎨
Abaixo das minhas fotos, tem os endereços do meu site e alguns dos meus blogs e canais, espero que gostem, é tudo com intensidade e verdade, um viajante além do espaço tempo! Visite e se gostar, comente, entre em contato, vamos ser intensos além do Universo juntos, afinal, SOMOS POEIRA DE ESTRELAS! 🌟
Gemer e tremer além do astral, venha! Orgástico colorido! 🏳️‍🌈
Abaixo sou eu quando coloquei piercing!
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Abaixo sou eu quando estou de cabelo curto e barbicha para os cosplays.
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Abaixo mais uma vez de cabelo curto, na lanchonete da minha família. Sim, temos uma lanchonete!
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Abaixo com meus iogurtes e leite ninho, eu me amarro, detesto bebida alcoólica.
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Abaixo sou eu em um parque de exposição. Eu amo parques, amo o kamikaze e crazy dance, muita adrenalina!
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Abaixo, eu me aventurando nas estradas. Sou Mochileiro também!
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Abaixo, um de meus aniversários nerds, este no tema de Stranger Things, muito bom, a cultura americana!
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Tenho um sorriso tímido!
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Abaixo, é um dos meus estilos, nem ligo pra opinião alheia sobre como me visto, gosto de me sentir do jeito que sou, nerd, esquisitinho, mas autêntico!
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Um de meus cosplays, o Harry Potter!
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Em uma tarde comum de segunda-feira tomando um chocolate quente em um local super agradável em Cataguases - Minas Gerais.
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Meu cabelo às vezes fica parecendo de outros artistas, como do Justin Bieber mais novo!
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Gosto de arte, me amarro em pinturas e museus, acho muito cultural e criativo. Este abaixo é um painel que um amigo artista pintou!
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Abaixo, relaxado em minha cama de casal e também tomando um cafezinho em cidade grande, cidade esta que morei, Juiz de Fora - Minas Gerais.
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Minha bandeira americana, minha bandeira dos Estados Unidos. My American Flag!
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Abaixo, eu no EXPÔ BUS, encontro de ônibus e busólogos, muito legal, divertido, atraente para quem gosta do assunto:
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E abaixo, pra finalizar, uma das minhas grandes viagens e aventuras com amigos, a COMIC CON EXPERIENCE SÃO PAULO, quando conheci a estande do SBT, NICKELODEON COM BOB ESPONJA, NETFLIX, GLOBOPLAY e muito mais, apaixonei!
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Agora, quero que conheçam meu site e meus blogs, acho que vocês irão se amarrar. Começando pelo meu site welingtoncarvalho.com.br, que é minha loja virtual, clique abaixo:
Conheça o meu FILMOGRAFIA TOM, com resenha de livros, filmes, séries e muito mais como minha FAN FIC. Lembrando que tem conteúdo para maior de idade, então entre se você for maior de 18 anos. Clique abaixo:
Minha Gibiteca, minha coleção de gibis de qualidade, amo desde criança, apaixonado pela literatura. Clique abaixo:
Minha vida é um Windows, sim, com meus softwares originais e um computador pra cada Windows original diferente de meu museu, conto com muita vontade e prazer, mostrando como é cada Windows a quem nunca conheceu. Clique abaixo:
Beat Choice Music, é onde coloco boa parte da minha trilha sonora da minha vida, músicas de qualidade dos anos 50 até os anos 2000, espero que gostem, clique abaixo:
Mochileiros de Minas, é nosso blog de viagens e aventuras pelas estradas de Minas, outros estados e países, você poderá gostar de nosso conteúdo, prosa, café, é bem legal, mostrando culturas de diversos lugares e conhecendo pessoas. Eu, meu amigo Jorge e minha mãe Ducarmo, 3 mochileiros pelas estradas, viagens semanais. Clique abaixo:
Dr. Wário Gamer é meu blog de games clássicos, jogos de qualidade, do tempo da era 8 Bits, 16 Bits e outros como PlayStation, Sega Atari e muito mais. Vídeos de jogos toda terça-feira, além de página de curiosidades de games. Clique abaixo:
E pra finalizar, o meu canal no Youtube, com vídeos diversos, shorts, viagens, eventos nerds, trabalhos, entrevistas na tv, projetos, música e muito mais, se inscreva clicando abaixo:
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best-habsburg-monarch · 1 year ago
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Maria Leopoldina, Queen consort of Portugal, Empress of Brazil, reigned 1822-1826
Who really made Brazil independent?
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1705-1711
Like his brother, also a girldad
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sonhosdostemposperdidos · 1 year ago
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Maria Leopoldina Propaganda
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archduchessofnowhere · 10 months ago
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In the spring of 1817 Leopoldine left Schönbrunn to become Empress of Brazil. "Nothing remains for me to do," she wrote to Marie Louise on April 4, "except weep with you and curse the word politics for causing me so much suffering. Prince Metternich is accompanying me as far as Leghorn as my official escort; you can imagine how delighted I am!?... We unfortunate princesses are like dice whose… happiness or unhappiness depends on the throw." Before taking the road to Leghorn, Leopoldine went and gave her beloved, curly-headed nephew a farewell kiss. She would often speak of her "treasure" in the letters - the unhappy letters of an exile - which she was to write from Brazil.
Castelot, André (1960). King of Rome: a biography of Napoleon's tragic son (translation by Robert Baldick)
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alicentsultana · 8 months ago
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"This is the burden of being an Empress, reign for all."
Maria Leopoldina, Empress of Brazil
Portrayed in "Novo Mundo" by Letícia Colin
Drawing of a Brinco de Princesa (Hybrid fuchsia) done by Maria Leopoldina
Decorated fan owned by Maria Leopoldina
Signed paper with oath done by Maria Leopoldina swearing to serve Brazil, obey the laws and her husband, Pedro I. March 25th, 1824
Portrait: Maria Leopoldina, Joseph Kreutzinger, 1815
Portrait: Arquiduquesa Maria Leopoldina, Friedrich Johann Gottlieb Lieder, 1815
Painting: Sessão do Conselho de Estado, Georgina de Albuquerque, 1922
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the-flower-named-fire · 7 months ago
The Queen and the Mistress
That is a classical
Add Half-Siblings angst and its pure drama
The Mistress could be just a Second Wife, with a Divorced or Deceased First Wife
I said that before, having a child from a person you love and a child from a person you hate is just recipe for family desaster
There is so many stuff you can include:
The age order (if the Mistress had children first, this may be a problem), the number and the gender of the kids each woman has
Inheritance issues
Powers inherited by bloodline
The mothers's families and their intentions
One wanting to 'get rid' of the other
The husband wanting to divorce his wife or just doing it.
The Mistress's status. Her begin a noble or a commoner changes a lot. The Queen and the Mistress can even be sisters. The Mistress could be married to another man
Which one of the two held the power? The Queen could be the Rulling Queen and the King a Consort. The Mistress could have more political power than the Queen
Which one is considered the 'Good One' in the plot? In that way you can have
Forbidden Lovers and the Evil Queen trying to break their love
The poor Queen trapped in a arranged marriage and her husband humiliates her by having a affair
The commoner Mistress, begin used by the King then throw away. The man abandoning the commoner woman he was a relationship for years for a 'better and noble woman'
The dude is a double asshole, both ladies deserved better
And there is the children to consider too
The bastard child is begin given any position of power? Keep around as a servant? Send away from their own protection? Killed? Locked up in isolation?
In the case of divorce, what will happen with the children from his first marriage? Locked up? Killed? Ignored?
A child of the 'evil' mother could still be good. The opposite also.
The stepparent now attempt to control their heir child because of their power
The Mistress might have her own children too. So a 'Mine, Your and Ours' situation?
Perhaps the concept of 'bastard' don't exist and they can inherit just fine
It can be more than just one Mistress or Wife, pull a Henry VIII, go big or go home
It can involve Murder. The wife might well just straight up kill both, or everyone really. Just see Medea, Jason and Glauce
The second lady's relationships with both the public and the other people from the household.
And I have seen one with gender bending. It was kinda off 'Queen and Her Lover' then? Really interesting. She had to send their (bastard) child away in hiding
A woman having bastards and a man having bastards will be different in the plot for obvious reasons
It ended end with them killing the King and the Lover (who was some sort of Lord?) usurped his throne, the King's daughter wanted revenge.
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