#leopold vermillion fluff
xkaidaxxxx · 3 months
Nozel Silva x Y/n Vermillion
Mentions: Confession, 1st kiss, family, overall fluff!!!
Reblogs are appreciated <3 (no proof read. Random short story!)
“You’re a piece of shit Nozel. You and your stupid sister and brother. How could you treat Noelle like that?” You said. “ She’s nothing but a failure. She’s born defective.” Nozel replied. You managed to slap him even though you’re short. He looked at you with anger. Before he could say anything hurtful to you, Fuegoleon showed up with 2 newcomers and Yami. “ Hey Y/n this is Yuno. He’s part of the Golden Dawn and that’s Asta. He’s a black bull. It's your job to show them around.” Your older brother ordered. “ Yes, big brother. Yuno, Asta. I’m y/n Vermillion. It’s really nice meeting you.” You greeted as you began to walk with them. Once you reached the end of the hall and turned, Fuegoleon looked pissed. 
“Don’t you ever dare cross the fucking line with my baby sister. Have your family issues in your house, not mine.” He said. “ She slapped me because of my family issues.”Nozel replied. His other siblings are backing him up. “ Well if she did it, it must be for a very good reason. Why are you even here?” Fuegleon asked. Yami stood there loving the drama. “The same reason why Yami is here.” Nozel replied. “Ah so you heard about Asta’s grimoire.” Yami said. “He’s a commoner. He has Devil Anti Magic.” Nozel said. “So?” Yami said, defending his new weird comrade. “He’ll end up bringing  trouble to the clover kingdom.” Nozel replied. “ I don’t even know why I brought you here, Yami. Both of you can leave now. You know where the door is.” Fuegoleon said and left. 
Weeks have gone by and Leo smacked your head. “You have a thing for Nozel.''Leo said. “N-No I don’t. Shut up.” you replied, smacking him back. “You might be older than me, but I totally pay attention to your life, like you do mine. You like him, you just hate the part where he’s an asshole to his little sister.” he responded. He was right. “ Well it’s not going to happen. He’s 7 years older than me and his siblings hate me so..” you said and you got another smack to the head. “ Since when the heck do you care about what others think? You don’t need to get his siblings approval. Ask him out.” Leo said with a smile afterwards. “ You make that sound so easy.” you replied.
The following week Nozel showed up at your home. Leo was acting weird for a while. “Leo thanks for the outfit. I look like a total badass. This is such a nice gift.” you said. He said - Try it on- that little liar. A few minutes later you’re down at the end of the stairs dressed beautifully with Nozel handing you a single rose and a nice box. You saw Leo giving you a thumbs up. “ I had the jewelry made just for you.” Nozel spoke as he showed you. “ In purple too. It's perfect.” You replied with a smile. “It goes well with your outfit. He put the necklace on you, along with the bracelet and earrings. “I was surprised when I received your letters. I didn’t know you felt that way about me. I thought about you a few times so I decided to try us out.” Nozel said. You couldn’t believe that Leo went behind your back but you were happy he did. You have a fucking date with Nozel. You guys left your house. A few minutes passed. You ended up in a very beautiful part of the forest. It was also decorated. Nice lights wrapped around the trees. There was a cute table for two with a basket on the table. “ I know you have been into picnics since you were younger. I decided to plan one as our 1st date.” he said. By the end of the day. He took you both on a nice ride. You loved how the breeze felt against your skin. It feel pleasing,however it was cold. You leaned against him. He pulled you in closer. Your heart beat did raise a bit out of nervousness but you also felt safe.“ This is wonderful Nozel.” you said looking up at him. He suddenly kissed you. You returned the kiss. It was your 1st kiss. It made you worry afterwards. What if you sucked at it and he didn’t like it?? Before you knew it, you stood at the front door. Leo was covering for you, its very late. He’s waiting for you by the stairs. You opened the door. “Tonight was great Zel. I enjoyed it very much.” you said. “I enjoyed it as well, it was beautiful. You made me get out of my comfort zone. The picnic, skipping rocks, even stargazing.” he said, placing his hands on your waist and leaning down to kiss you. Leo stopped him. “Hell no!! Not on the 1st date you perv. Now leave.” he said. “ 2nd date then?” Nozel said. “No. Not the 2nd date! Have some respect!” Leo responded. You walked inside smiling. “Oh Leo…your letters sucked. She’s straight forward. She wouldn’t waste her time writing letters. She would’ve shown up at my door and asked.” Nozel said. “ Hey, I was doing both of you a favor. Loser. Nozel you’d probably struggle so much at confessing and y/n you doubt yourself 24/7. I’m the love whisperer. Okay bye Nozel.'' Leo said, shutting the door. “Did you enjoy the date?” Leo asked you. “Leo, did I ever mention you’re my favorite brother?” you asked, saying it like he was your fairy godfather. You and Leo heard a cough. “ I see you’re dating Nozel.” Fuegouleon said. Fuegoleons aura was strong. You and Leo froze in place. “Y-Yes um..Y-Yeah.” you said honestly knowing if you lied you would be in big trouble. “I um..I got them together.” Leo said. “Leopold.That was supposed to be my job.” Fuegoleon said. “Sleepover Leo?” you asked. He nodded. Sleepover meant running from Fuegoleon or Mereoleona and locking yourselves in a room. You both ran fast. “ Emo or Pop?” Leo asked. “Emo!” you responded by running to your room with him. You and Leo made it safely. 
“They can’t stay in there forever.” Mereoleona said from the top of the stairs. “You’re right. Let's sleep now.” Fuegoleon said. The Vermillion family went to sleep to be well rested for tomorrow's chase. Little ones vs older ones. 
As Nozel walked inside and locked the door, his siblings Nebra and Solid stood there. “Where were you? It’s very late.” Nebra said. “ Yeah. We waited for you to show up for dinner.” Solid said, crossing his arms. “ It’s none of your business where I go and You don’t need me to have dinner with you every night.” Nozel said. “Nozel it's almost 1am.” She said, trying to get Nozel’s explanation. Nozel looked in their eyes and felt a bit bad. He didn’t say where he was going nor said he’d be home late and on top of that he never skips dinner with him unless there’s a mission going on. “ I had a date with Y/n Vermillion. We had a nice picnic dinner. Then we lost track of time.” Nozel said smiling. “ You’re dating her? She’s cool or whatever.” Solid said feeling happy his brother is finding happiness just as he should and his other siblings as well. “ You’re with someone that could totally kick your ass. Don’t ruin it. She’s a lovely, strong and smart woman. I like her for you Nozel.” Nebra said, patting his back then ran along to her room. “Goodnight brother.” Solid said and left for his room. 
You and Nozel do end up in a relationship. The way he ask you to be his girlfriend didn’t go as planned. The strong wind blew the balloons away and the cake somehow ended up on his face and shirt but the 1st gift was already inside hidden in Leopold the love whisperer’s closet. A kitten with cute outfits and a large lion decorated bed for him to sleep on. He got you a promise ring(looks more like a wedding ring). It had a purple tourmaline stone with diamonds surrounding it. He balanced the cake with his left hand and took out the ring from his pocket showing it to you.“ W-Will you be my Lady, Y/n?” he asked you. You have him a peck on the cheek tasting the frosting. “Mmm yummy and Yes Nozel. I’d love to be yours.” you replied giggling at how messy he was. Nozel was thankful that he had frosting on his face to cover his blush. He put the ring on as one where the engagement ring would go on. This ring is more as a pre engagement and both of you understood that. Fuegoleon got a photo of that. “We’re putting that in a scrapbook,”Mereoleona said. “ No you’re not.” Nozel said to Mereoleon. “ b-but Nozel I was planning to make a scrapbook of our adventure.” you said with a pouty face. “Alright darling, anything for you.” he replied and pressed a peck on your cheek. “They’re getting married. I know it.” Leo said. Fuegoleon nodded. “ It’s not going to be easy letting go..” Fuegoleon said. “I know big brother. I love our sisters too.” Leo said, trying to hold his tears back. “ Leo, it's okay to cry.” Fuegoleon said, rubbing his back. Leo held onto his brother's robe and cried. Fuegoleon gave him a hug. You saw and rushed over with Nozel and Mereoleona behind you. “What’s going on? Leo, are you hurt?” you asked. He clinged onto you. “ You’re marrying Nozel!!” he cried. You held him. “You’re such a baby Leopold. Even when I’m married I won’t push you aside, dummy.” you smiled at him as you let go. “Okay. You better not.” he replied smiling. “ I promise I won't.” you replied. “ I plan on going on boy trips with you and Fuegoleon so I hope you are up for that.” Nozel said ruffling his hair. “ Hell yes!! Let's do it!!” Leo exclaimed. 
“ I love you guys very much.” You said it out loud. “ We love you too.” they all said. 
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intheticklecloset · 27 days
Intimate (Black Clover)
Summary: Leo accidentally hurts Yuno during a sparring match. While assessing the damage, he also accidentally discovers something rather adorable about the boy he likes.
A/N: This one is especially for @giggly-squiggily! I must admit, to this day this remains my favorite YunLeo piece I've written for you. I hope you enjoy it as well, friend! 💖
Word Count: 1353
Leo sprinted toward the heap on the ground. “Yuno! Oh my gosh, did I hurt you?”
The wind mage stifled a groan as he pushed up onto his knees. “Of course not. Takes more than that to knock me down. Ouch!” As soon as he put weight on his right knee, a sharp pain jolted through his body and he rolled over so he was sitting instead of kneeling, gritting his teeth. “I’m fine.”
“You are not! I hurt you!” Leo looked distraught, and it only made Yuno more determined to appear strong for him. The redhead knelt beside him. “Let me see.”
“I’m fine—” Yuno trailed off, his words abandoning him when Leo traced his fingers along his knee in a gentle caress. He swallowed.
Leo gave the tiniest squeeze, trying to determine how bad he’d screwed up, and Yuno jerked and let out a gasp, yanking his leg away. “Gods, Yuno, I’m so sorry. Let me see how bad it is.”
Yuno shied away from him. “N-No! It’s fine! I’m fine, just…don’t worry about it. I can always see Mimosa.”
Something flashed in Leo’s eyes and he frowned. “I want to take care of you too, you know.”
“I…uh,” Yuno stammered.
“Please, let me help.”
Well…crap. The wind mage swallowed again but nodded hesitantly, allowing Leo to grab onto his knee and press in gently, searching for the source of the pain. Yuno grunted and slapped a hand over his mouth, scrunching his eyes shut in a way that made Leo’s heart ache.
“I’m sorry,” the fire mage said again, his voice quieter now.
“I’m fine, I’m really fine,” Yuno insisted behind his hand.
It was only then that Leo noticed how red his cheeks were. “Yuno?”
“Are you…blushing?”
“No!” The reply was fast – way too fast.
Leo blinked, and a slow grin spread across his face. “Ooh, I got you flustered? How did I do that?”
Yuno scrambled for an answer. “Y-You…you’re caressing my leg like we’re…” He would not say lovers. He would not. “It’s…kind of intimate…”
“Ah.” Leo withdrew his hand and nodded. “Right…sorry.”
“I mean, I don’t…don’t mind,” Yuno muttered the last words so quiet he almost couldn’t be heard.
“But you said—”
“I don’t mind,” Yuno insisted, grabbing onto Leo’s hand before he could think better of it.
For a moment, they were frozen like that, hands atop one another’s, staring at them like they were foreign objects.
Then Leo’s mischievous grin returned and he let go only to gently grasp either side of Yuno’s hurt leg, caressing with intention now. “You don’t mind, eh?”
Yuno’s eyes went wide and he forgot how to breathe, but he nodded. Leopold gently trailed his fingers up and down his calf and shin, but when he got close to the backside of Yuno’s knee, the wind mage couldn’t help but gasp and try to pull away again.
Leo chuckled, though his smile faltered. “Maybe this is too much too fast, Yuno…”
“It tickles.”
The words were barely a whisper – the softest of admissions – but the redhead heard it, and he stopped, staring. “Say what?”
“I’m not pulling away because I don’t like it.” Yuno was back to blushing furiously, averting his eyes in that way he did when he was nervous. “My knee…it tickles.”
“I thought you were hurt?”
“I…I am. But…”
Leo grinned. “I see. Tickles, huh? But I really did hurt you?”
Yuno huffed. “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s not that bad.”
“All right, all right. But your other knee isn’t hurt.”
By the time Yuno realized what he was implying, it was too late. Leo grabbed his other leg and held it firmly in place while skittering his fingers along his kneecap, and the dark haired boy gasped and burst into giggles, unable to help it.
“Nohohoho! Hey!”
“You’ve got ticklish legs? That’s cute,” Leo hummed, slipping around to his knee pit. He beamed at Yuno’s following squeal and harder snickering. “Where do you think you’re going? Can’t get away from me with a bum leg, can you, hot stuff?”
“Y-Yohohohou’re the one whohohohoho’s hohohohot!” Yuno cackled. Then he realized what he’d said and his eyes went wide. “I m-mehehehehean—! Your mahahahahagic!”
“Sure, sure. Just my magic.”
He kept up the light scribbling under Yuno’s knee for a few moments, then switched tactics by slipping between his legs and scratching at his thighs instead. The way the wind mage blushed and visibly sputtered at the intimate move was absolutely everything.
“Stohohohohohop!” Yuno cried, struggling to stay upright at this point. “Leheheheheheo!”
“Aww, someone’s a little sensitive, huh? Tickle, tickle~”
Yuno whined and tried grabbing onto the lapels of Leo’s uniform, but the redhead suddenly grabbed his hips and squeezed and Yuno finally fell back instead, giggling loudly and kicking his good leg in the air desperately. “Nohohohohoho!”
“It’s good to see you laughing,” Leo said seriously even as he grinned at the darker boy, pinching and squeezing his hips and waist mercilessly. “You’re always so serious.”
Yuno clamped shaking hands on Leo’s wrists as he squealed and cackled, shaking his head while that dark blush returned. “Leheheheheheo!”
“You know, you said you didn’t mind that I was being so familiar. I wonder if that means you don’t mind this, either? You sure don’t seem all that desperate to get away from my tickly clutches~”
“You mehehehehehehenace!”
“I’m not hearing a retort~”
Yuno had to admit, he really didn’t mind this. It was embarrassing and his right knee was killing him, but having Leo looming over him like this, making him laugh so freely like this, teasing him like this – he didn’t mind it. Not one bit.
“Plehehehehease!” he whined, still holding the redhead’s wrists but not trying to stop him. “Leo, plehehehehehease!”
Leo smirked and began clawing his way further up, squeezing his sides now. “Hmm? Is that a desperate plea for me to keep going that I hear, Yuno?”
Yuno couldn’t even answer for how his giggling was bordering on laughter now, his mind a happy mush.
“If you’re interested, I can always take it a little further…” Leo teased, leaning down so they were nose to nose. “Gods, I want to kiss that laughter coming out of you.”
“Leheheheheheheo!” Yuno pleaded, then – before he could hesitate – grabbed onto the redhead’s neck and pulled him down so their lips collided. Leo never let up tickling him, though, which was both the best and worst thing about this moment.
“Mmm,” Leo hummed happily, suddenly darting his tickling fingers up to Yuno’s ribs with no warning.
Yuno wrenched his mouth away from his and burst into laughter for the first time, arching into his touch and squirming wildly on the ground. “AHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!! NOT THEHEHEHEHERE!!”
“Ooh, not here? Not riiiiight here?” Leo teased wickedly. He latched onto Yuno’s ribs and drilled with a vengeance, leaning down to capture his lips again and silence his pleas.
Yuno screeched and laughed into their kiss, writhing in ticklish agony, able to withstand only a few seconds before tossing his head back to scream, “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP, LEO!! LEHEHEHEHEHEO!!”
The redhead had moved his kisses to Yuno’s neck, and that did it – the wind mage simply could not take any more. He frantically clawed at Leo’s uniform and laughed his heart out, begging for mercy all the while, and finally – after what felt like hours but was only another minute – Leo let up on his attack.
Yuno collapsed against the ground in a giggly heap, shakily prying his assailant’s hands away. Leo took the opportunity to lace their fingers together and push them above their heads, pinning Yuno in an entirely different way.
“You’re cute,” he said, once again hovering just above him so they were nose to nose.
Yuno chuckled. “Shut up.”
“You’re also hurt.”
“…yeah, I know.”
“So, what do you say I valiantly sweep you up in my arms and carry you to a healer?”
“I can walk just fine,” Yuno retorted, though his grin gave him away.
Leo leaned in even closer, eyes ablaze. “Not after I’m done with you.”
And he kissed him again.
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radiantteacup · 1 year
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༊*·˚ It's Leopold's birthday and the day of his Coming of Age Banquet. After three years of being together you're both finally adults! The two of you spent the banquet lost in each others embrace, and stay that way long after its over. When your dance nears it's end the two of you begin to explore each other more, ad not in an innocent way. (Ps. I suck at writing summaries :p)
˗ˏˋFeaturing ´ˎ˗ Leopold Vermillion
˗ˏˋWarnings ´ˎ˗ Fem + AFAB! reader, Virginity loss, tongue sucking, Cunniligus, getting caught, Vaginal penetration, foul language, overstimulation, light dacryphilia(?), nipple play, licking, fingering, tongue-fucking, edging(?). Not Proofread (I’m tired lol)
˗ˏˋAlso includes´ˎ˗ Spoken Consent! (Queen shit), lots of fluff, very very sweet.
: ̗̀➛I was listening to this while I wrote this.
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His heart is hammering in his chest, the thought makes your tummy flutter. Even after three years of dating 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝 still gets nervous when he's close to you like this. Looking up at him you can't help but smile, he'd grown to be handsome young man. Man. That's right, your sweet boy friend is a man now, he's officially 18.
You're pulled from your thoughts as 𝐋𝐞𝐨 dips you down, his hand cradling your back as you dance across the ballroom floor. His coming of age banquet ended hours ago with only the two of you still remaining but the music still played, though now the candles burned low, leaving the room dimly lit. The ballroom left a mess, gift wrapping, wine glasses, and platters of food scattered across the hall. Yet you two still danced, lost in each others embrace. It's like time stopped for the two of you, for two hearts that beat in a harmony for each other.
When 𝐋𝐞𝐨 pulls you back to his chest you let go of his hands, instead standing on your tip toes and wrapping your arms around his neck. He seems to understand as he leans down, both of his arms fall to your waist, his feet swaying the two of you side to side as he presses his forehead to your own. You close your eyes basking in the gloriousness of it all, nothing could be more perfect than this, than him.
When your eyes open again you find 𝐋𝐞𝐨 staring at you. The loving look in his eyes makes your heart buzz in your chest. You leaned closer to him, ghosting your lips over his own, smiling when he chased the kiss. His slightly chapped lips pressed against your own with such fervor it left your head spinning. His warm tongue slipping into your mouth and dancing with your own. Before too long he took your tongue into his mouth sucking on it gently. The sight was nothing short of erotic and it left your heart pounding almost violently in your chest. Even more so when 𝐋𝐞𝐨's lips slipped from your own down to your neck, sucking pretty purple bruises into the delicate skin there.
A soft sigh escaped your mouth as you tilted your head to the side, giving him more room to work with. You let yourself bask in the feeling of 𝐋𝐞𝐨's affections as his tongue peeked out of his mouth, slowly licking a line down to your breasts. You flinched in surprise when you felt one of his hands begin unlacing your dress. Looking back down at him you could see the raw hunger in his eyes and feel the warmth gathering below your belly right before his recaptured your lips with his own. Slipping out of your high heels you deepened the kiss, letting your tongue dance with his once more.
When his hands got to the last lace of your dress he broke the kiss, his eyes looking to you for permission to remove the gown. Your shy nod was all he needed to drop the silks from your body, leaving only the tight corset and your panties to cover your figure. He wasted no time continuing his assault on your neck, making sure there was no way you'd be able to hide them tomorrow. You were pretty sure he hadn't even thought about that, too lost in marking you as his to consider the aftermath of your rendezvous. Especially if his older brother saw them. Fuegoleon still saw 𝐋𝐞𝐨 as his sweet innocent little brother so you can only imagine what he'd say if he saw you, Leo's girlfriend, covered in hickies. You're sure his reaction would be nothing short of hysterical. But you couldn't find on yourself to tell him to stop, not when you were so focused on the feeling of his big hands pawing at your clothed breasts.
Your thoughts were interrupted by one of 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝's warm hands traveling to the back of your corset, and the other to the hem of your panties. "C-Can I take them off? Please baby? I'll make you feel so good. I promise!" The desperation in his voice had your tummy doing flips but you couldn't say yes. yet.
"Not here, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝. Lets go back to your room, I'd like to avoid any unwanted interruptions." He looked a little disappointed, but it faded quickly as he slipped his long, red cape off his shoulders and over your own before picking you up into his strong arms. Quickly but quietly he carried you to his room, setting you down on his plush mattress. You let yourself sink into the deep-red, satin bedding which cradled you gently while you watched 𝐋𝐞𝐨 strip himself of the luxurious suit you'd chosen for him, for this occasion. By the time he crawled on top of you, he was bare before you and you were even needier than before.
"Can I take them off now? I wanna see you baby. All of you. Pretty please?" The way 𝐋𝐞𝐨 pleaded with you had you growing wetter, god he sounded so hot when he begged. You, again, gave a shy nod before flipping over and propping yourself up on your elbows. Wasting no time, he got to work untying the laces on your corset, pressing gentle kisses to your shoulder every now and again as he worked.
When 𝐋𝐞𝐨 untied the last lacing you tried to shuffle out of it but, he stopped you. "Turn around baby, wanna see your pretty tits." You blush at his words but obey nevertheless, turning over and laying on your back. Licking his lips, he slides the loose corset up and over your head, groaning at the way your breasts jiggle as they're freed from the constricting material.
Then, without warning 𝐋𝐞𝐨 attaches himself to one of your pebbling nipples. The sudden, unexpected feeling of his warm tongue on your sensitive tits has you moaning into the back of one of your hands, the other burying itself into his hair, tugging gently on the roots. You can feel goosebumps rising on your skin as one of his hands slowly slides down towards your panties. He looks up at you, asking for permission once more, but this time he doesn't take your half-assed nod as an answer.
"I wanna hear you say it, baby. Tell me you want this, that you want me." His voice was low and husky as he whispered in your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck.
Cupping his cheeks in the palm of your hands you pull his face close to yours, his lips mere inches from your own. "I want you, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧. I want to be yours, and for you to be mine. I want you to take me, and for us to be one." Your voice wavered towards the end of your confession, the intimacy of the moment flooding you with warm emotions. The look on his face told you he was feeling the same way, and your suspicions were confirmed when he kissed you.
The kiss was sloppy and rushed but it was still perfect, because it was him. When you parted, both of you were panting loudly, out of breath from the passionate kiss. But, with one final peck to your lips, 𝐋𝐞𝐨 began kissing down your body again, taking his time to worship every inch of your skin. Then, gently, he slid his finger under your panties, gripping the hem of them delicately. With a comforting kiss to your navel, he slowly slid your panties off before tossing to the floor.
You felt your face grow red as 𝐋𝐞𝐨 sat up from where he was on top of you, admiring your body with a look of awe on his face. Gently, his rough hands traveled your body, just taking in your beauty. Then, he took one last look at your face before he backed off of you, grabbing your hips carefully and pulling you to the edge of the bed. For a moment you were confused, but the realization hit you as he kneeled on the floor in front of the bed.
"L-𝐋𝐞𝐨 don't do th- mmh!", you were cut off by a moan as he licked a long stripe through your folds. You could feel your back arch as he continued to lap at your clit, the stimulation sending shocks of pleasure through your entire body. One of your hands buried itself in his hair, the other covering your mouth, desperately trying to muffle your moans. Gently, he brought his thumb to your clit, rubbing small circles on the little button before burying his tongue in your sopping cunt.
Your eyes rolled back, the feeling of his warm muscle wiggling around inside of you was enough to make you go dumb. 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝 groaned as he basked in the taste of your juices bursting on his tongue. Loud squelching filled the room as he messily tongue fucked you towards your high. You tried so hard to muffle the lewd moans that escaped your mouth but it your attempts were fruitless, especially when the sounds your pussy was making were just as loud. Whines began escaped your puffy lips as you got closer and closer to your high, your resolve dwindling more and more with every passing moment.
Suddenly your entire body contracts, and your mind goes blank as a blanket of euphoria crashes over you. You feel 𝐋𝐞𝐨's left hand pin your hips down to the bed before one of his fingers pushes into your warm cunt. Tears roll down your face from the overstimulation as he pumps his finger in and out of your gummy walls. Before you know it he's adding a second finger, and then a third, until he's satisfied with how stretched out you are.
Then he's crawling back on top of the bed. You can feel him plant a gentle kiss on your forehead before he picks you up into his arms. Then, crawling his knees towards the top of the bed. 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝 gently rests your head on the pillows before laying you down completely. He plants another kiss on your cheek before crawling between your spread legs. His big hands slide underneath your thighs, placing them over his shoulder before he leans down, whispering softly in your ear, "you 100 percent sure you want this?" You nod, a warm smile gracing your lips as you cup his face in your palms. "I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else, my love."
𝐋𝐞𝐨 feels his heart swell at your words, how did he get so lucky with you? With a final kiss on your left eyebrow he begins slowly pushing his already-hard-cock into your gummy cunt. You hear him groan as your hands gently grip his shoulders. He continues pushing into you until he's buried to the hilt inside your warm pussy. He pauses for a moment, drunk on the feeling of you, of him inside of you.
It isn't until you mumble a soft, "please", that he comes back to his senses. When he does though, he sets a slow pace, drawling his hips back and pushing back in, savoring the moment as much as possible. After a minute or two, he's picking up the pace, thrusting into with more fervor than before. You begin moaning again, that feeling of euphoria drawing closer and closer as 𝐋𝐞𝐨's big cock pounds into your pulsating cunt. "Mhhh, Leo. Fuck, please!" You're so close to cumming, so close to that slice of heaven when you feel your heart drop and you blood run cold.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧! Open this damn door at once!" This booming voice of Fuegoleon sent both of you into panic mode. What was a romantic night of love making, had turned into the two of you trying to get dressed in a hurry without even a moments notice. You slipped your underwear on, desperately trying to find your dress. Then, the realization hit you like a cold bucket of water, your dress was in the ballroom. You turned to look at 𝐋𝐞𝐨, but the look in his eyes told you he'd realized it too. Rushing to his armoire he grabbed a T-shirt and some pants he'd outgrown ages ago and tossed them to you.
By the time the two of you opened the door it'd been a good 5 minutes, but whether it'd been 5 minutes or 5 hours no amount of time would prepare for the pure mortification you felt in this moment. Fuegoleon, your captain was glaring at you like you'd just killed his dog with your dress in his hand, and Mereoleona, the strongest woman you'd ever met, was laughing her ass off behind him.
After 2 painfully long minutes of silence Fuegoleon spoke while tossing you your dress, " I trust that you both know how much trouble you're in." You both nodded too scared to speak, as he stood there staring angrily at both of you. Sure, it was going to suck later, but you didn't regret what you and 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐝 shared, not one bit. Even if you weren't able to finish, just the feeling of being one with him was enough for you.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Special Privileges (Black Clover)
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*kicks door in with my Yunleo BS* I HAVE ARRIVED!
Heyo everyone! This was very much inspired by my dear friend @intheticklecloset's HC that Yuno doesn't mind when Leopold tickles his neck. Thank you so much for letting me turn this into a silly fic! I had the best time writing it and after many moons- it's finally hear! :D I hope y'all like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo @imjusthere07
Summary: Yuno's neck is terribly ticklish, but he finds he doesn't mind it too much when Leopold's the one tickling him there. Leopold takes full advantage.
Leopold really liked Yuno’s hair.
It was soft to the touch, fluffy like a baby bird and feathery. It looked like the kind of hair where even if Yuno tried combing it down, it would never quite stay that way. The thought made him smile.
Wild as the winds he produced. Perfect.
“It’s lovely.” He spoke out loud, his voice hushed against Yuno’s crown as he carried on twirling and teasing the dark strands. Beneath him, Yuno hummed- far too comfortable to move. “How do you keep it so soft?”
“Hmm.” His boyfriend made a sound of unknowing- if he could shrug, Leopold was sure he would. “It’s always been that way. Never really knew why.”
“Lucky. Mine’s a mess when it’s down. When I was a kid, Mereo would chase me across the entire manor with a comb, screaming at me to stay still so she could brush it.” The fire mage laughed, the memory warm despite the description. “She was a bit rough with it, but I’d rather her do it than anyone else. No one else could have styled it the way she did.”
“Does she still do your hair now?” Yuno peered up at him, staring to smile when Leopold blushed.
“She…cuts it. Sometimes she’ll braid it too- hey, I am totally capable of doing my own hair!” Leopold fumed indignantly, melting almost immediately as he felt Yuno laugh against his chest.
“I believe you. I think it’s sweet- she still takes care of it for you. It reminds me of Sister Lily when we were kids. She’d do the same thing.” Yuno seemed to purr some when Leopold returned to his hair, carding his fingers through it and giving his scalp a small scratch. “I like it when you do it though. It feels nice.”
“I can tell.” The redhead laughed, kissing his forehead before carrying on his little scalp massage. At some point Yuno was presumingly asleep, eyes closed and breathing relaxed. Leopold let his fingers migrate towards the nape of his neck, just barely touching it.
“Hmm-hmmhmhm!” Yuno flinched some at the touch, his breathing hitched. Leopold tried not to giggle. He waited until Yuno was at ease once more before tracing the skin again. “Hmmhmhm! Leo…”
“You know what.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Thought so.” Leopold grinned as he traced the skin again and again, feeling Yuno twitch and fidget against him. The softest of giggles could be heard, but the brunette wasn’t making any moves to get away. If anything, Yuno seemed to draw closer, fingers curling into his tunic as he pressed his smiling face into his boyfriend’s collar. “You like this too much to move away, huh?”
“Shuhuhush!” Yuno swatted at him, shoulders drawing up to his ears as when Leopold dragged his nails against his skin. “Ahehahaha, Leehehheo!”
“Still not denying it~” The redhead cooed down at him, kissing his forehead as he carried on twitching his fingers, drawing out even more giggles and laughs. “You know- I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before. Usually when Asta or Mimosa tickle your neck you’re running for the hills.” Then he gasped, eyes lighting up. “Don’t tell me- am I special? Do I get neck tickle privileges?”
“Stahahahap mahahaking it ohohohut to be a bihihig dehhahahahl! Gehaahhaha, yohohohu’re juuhuhust coohohomfortahahahble!” Yuno ducked his hand down to give Leopold’s side a pinch, making him jump with a yelp.
“Oh, it is ON!” Leopold doubled his efforts against Yuno’s neck, his other hand coming over to wiggle against his ribs. It didn’t take long for him to have the upper hand.
“Yohohoohu sohohoohn of ahahahahahhahah!” Yuno cried out as Leopold threw himself on top of him, pinning him to the soft sheets as he brought both hands to his ribs, tickling like no tomorrow. “Leheheheohohohohoho cohohohome ohohohohohon! Stahhahap tha-AHAHAHHAT!”
“What? I can’t make heads or tails of what you’re saying- you’re laughing way too hard!” Leopold spoke to the crook of his neck, planting tickly kisses and nibbles against the skin that left Yuno incoherent in his mirth. “I need to investigate further- after all; these privileges are mine and mine alone yeah? Hehehe.”
“GEHHAHAHA!” If Yuno could smack him, he would. Well- no, he wouldn’t- but the point stands! He shoved at Leopold’s shoulders and tugged at his hair as the other carried on tickling his neck with kisses, cheeks rivaling his boyfriend’s hair and voice near hoarse with laughter. This would be his death; killed by a collapsed lung after being tickled to near tears by his beloved.
Well- there were worse ways to go out.
Eventually though, Leopold resurfaced with a grin, giving him a much deserved break. “Hehe, I gotcha good, didn’t I?” In return, Yuno poked at his belly, making the redhead laugh and squirm off of him. They were laying side by side now, just like before. “You okay?”
“Yheha…yeah, I’m fine.” Yuno nodded, finally able to speak again. “I mean- I almost died and everything-” He laughed when Leopold narrowed his eyes at him, fighting down a smile. “No, but really. I…don’t mind you tickling me there..I guess it felt kinda..nice and all that..” He flushed, redder than from the tickle fight. He wasn’t usually this shy- but seeing the growing smile on his boyfriend’s face zapped away any bravery he had. “D-Don’t look at me like thahat! It’s so duhumb!”
“What can I say? I’m stupid in love!” Leopold threw himself on top of him once more, pecking his face with kisses until Yuno was whining beneath him.
“Ohoohoaky, oohoohaky I behehieheheve you! Gehheheht oohohohff!” Yuno busted into laughter, pulling Lepold down into his chest to hold him properly. “Ugh, you’re so lucky I love you.”
“The luckiest guy in the whole world.” Leopold smiled, his chest swelling at those sweet wonderful words. “I love you too.”
Thanks for reading!
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I want to go to Heart
Leopold has been living his entire life in Clover as one of its royals, but he's struggling to feel good enough as a mage, which is why he wishes to go to Heart and learn from someone else. Maybe they'd be able to help him on his journey of betterment. But he needs to tell his siblings that he wants to do this. Characters: Leopold Vermillion, Fuegoleon Vermillion & Mereoleona Vermillion Genre: General-fluff Fanfic type: Oneshot Warnings: None, canon typical Length: ~1.8k
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“I want to go to Heart.”
Such a blunt statement, spoken at dinner, without a word of warning before it, by none other than Leopold Vermillion. And it left his siblings looking at him in silence.
They didn’t have stern or disapproving expressions, nor did they look particularly surprised. In fact, Leo, despite having known them all his life, couldn’t read those expressions.
But he wouldn’t have blamed them for being taken aback, because to them it might have seemed like such a surprising decision and declaration to make, while Leo, he had been thinking about it for quite some time. And now that he had an opportunity to do something like this, like Mimosa had already before him, why wouldn’t he take up on the opportunity?
“You want to go to Heart?” Mereoleona was the first to ask after a moment of silence.
“Yes.” Leo replied with eyes that flickered ever so slightly as he looked straight ahead of himself. “Which! I mean, I know that I’m not adventurous like you, aneue. I couldn’t go into the wilderness for months and hunt boars for days and train the way you do. But it works for you! You’re great! The strongest mage I know, and I look up to you, but it’s…” he trailed off. “And aniue,” he continued, “it’s not that I wouldn’t appreciate all that you’ve done for me. You’ve helped me with my studies and looked after me even with all your duties, but… I don’t… get all the books. And the theories and the … things…” he mumbled.
And the room fell back into silence.
It really wasn’t about Leo not admiring or appreciating his siblings. Not in the slightest. He still looked up to them, perhaps more than either of them might ever know.
“I saw Sister Theresa last month,” he sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “And she and I talked a bit… and she said something like… ‘I couldn’t train your brother the way your sister did. Not that I needed to train your sister a lot. She trained herself.’ And I… it made me think about how, if you couldn’t train in the same way, then maybe I can’t train in the same way either. So… I thought that maybe I should… I asked Sister Theresa if she would train me, but she said that she has her hands full with the orphanage.”
The more he talked, the more it seemed like he was unappreciative of the teachings and lessons he had received from his siblings. At least to his ears. But he still knew what he wanted.
He knew what he wanted, but wasn’t sure how to explain it, without sounding even more ungrateful. Which is why, the room stayed silent again, until Mereo sighed.
“You know, when you were a toddler, I wanted to throw you into a chasm and have you climb out by yourself. It’s how lions train their young,” she picked up the wine glass in front of her and took a sip. “He was against it,” she nodded to Fuegoleon.
“It would simply have been too harsh.”
“Maybe. In retrospect.” She reluctantly agreed with a glance to Fuegoleon. “But I did take you, both, out on that day to a gorge, fully intending to make you perform the test.”
Leo wasn’t quite sure why aneue was telling this story to him, but he didn’t want to interrupt either.
“However, it wasn’t my intention to get rid of you,” she said with a tone that was serious and definite. “I intended you to pass the test.”
“He was three,” Fuegoleon noted.
“My brothers are not weak!” She looked at Fuegoleon from the other side of the table, with a stern expression and a tone to match. “But I may have expected too much too soon,” she shrugged, swaying a bit on his side of reasoning. “The point still stands,” she turned back to Leo, “my brothers are not weak. Neither of you.”
And Leo… he wasn’t sure if he had ever heard …anything like that from aneue. Her giving praise or recognition in such a way, spoken out as she thought it.
“What aneue means to say is,” Fuegoleon continued, “that we don’t think less of you for seeking another tutor. The reasoning behind the decision is logical, and each one of us must find their own path as a knight. As long as your heart is true and you give it all, there’s a lesson to be learned. Even in every defeat, there is something to be gained, just as there is knowledge down every road. If nothing else, then the knowledge that there is nothing else down that path. But it doesn’t make the path any less worth travelling.”
“Life is more interesting outside of the Capitol,” Mereoleona noted. “And will teach you more than the dust-bearded stock-ups this city is filled to the brim with.”
“Keep your mind open and your heart brave,” Fuegoleon continued, almost as if it was a goodbye there and then, while it wasn’t.
“You’re… not upset?” Leo still needed to ask, because, he still wanted to make sure that there was no ill will in the air.
“We will be sad to see you go. Just as we are sad to see aneue go whenever she embarks on her exploits.”
“Show them what Vermillions of Clover kingdom are made of.”
“He’s not going there to start a fight, aneue.”
“He will finish one.”
“That is …not what I meant.”
“But it’s what I meant.”
The two older siblings stared each other from opposite sides of the table, perhaps a bit annoyed by one and another, but, Leo knew, perhaps better than anyone, that even if the two bickered and fought, they were always the first to jump into each other’s defence when there was a need.
Sure, they were capable of fighting their own battles, which was also known by both of them. But… they were always on the same side of the battlefield at the end of it.
Just a pair of lions roaring on top of each other; exercising their strength. That’s what it was. They were testing each other’s skills out. To make sure that the other wouldn’t be beaten down quite so easily.
It was something Leo had been left out of. Not that he necessarily wanted to get into a fist fight with either of them, but… it was a kind of an isolating experience. If he had to admit.
Though it wasn’t about not getting it. Aniue and aneue had been toddlers around the same time, and aneue had tugged aniue along on many adventures during their childhood. They had been playing in the same sandbox, so to say. While Leo had been in a new sandbox, a newer one.
Aniue and aneue had been fighting the world together ever since they were little, well, at least some. Though they had been quite independent from what Leo had understood. But they had also been on a common front. Whereas Leo had been someone to protect for the both of them. Which, again, wasn’t something Leo wouldn’t have appreciated.
He loved his siblings. They were people that he could always count on to have his back, and those who would be there to raise hell if something happened to him.
But… he wanted to be equal with them. He didn’t want to be someone to be guarded and protected. For once in his life, he wanted to protect too. And not be someone to be dragged along.
He wanted to pull his own weight.
‘Keep your heart courageous’ aniue would tell him, which wasn’t a bad statement. It wasn’t a bad encouragement or bad words to live by. But it was difficult while living in a kind of defeat. He just wasn’t as strong as aniue or aneue. He could understand why that was, but it didn’t make the feeling any lesser; the frustration of it.
And he was frustrated. He was hungry in a way only a young knight could be. He wanted to be better, and he yearned for that betterment. Even if it seemed to be hidden under mountains, bottoms of ravines, or in the petals of dandelions. And he was more than ready for it. He just didn’t know how to attain it with the tools he currently held.
The best Fire Mages of Clover Kingdom were, with the exception of Mother Theresa, in that room. But they were of little help to Leo anymore. They might just as well have been speaking in a language he didn’t understand when it came about mana and magic. Though aneue was much less about talking, and more about figuring it out as she went along, but that method wasn’t suitable for Leo either.
So, he’d have to find answers from elsewhere.
“So… I will go, to Heart,” he repeated. He had made up his mind, but this time, with the statement, he wore a smile. A soft, careful smile, because he knew that coming back home after the training would be easy. Or easier at least. His siblings wouldn’t be upset with him for favouring someone else’s teachings in place of theirs, but instead they’d be happy for his strength and overcome achievements.
Mereoleona smiled while bringing the wine glass back to her lips. It was a content smile. A pleased smiled. And … perhaps it was a proud smile.
Fuegoleon seemed content. He seemed happy; his supportive self. But overall Leo would have deemed him less expressive, which aniue was. He was a stoic man, whereas aneue was a lot of things, but stoic wasn’t one of them.
Leo nodded, more to himself than anyone else. But there was a strange feeling to it all. The moment, the knowledge that he would be undertaking a journey, a kind of an adventure, as just himself. It felt almost like a beginning of something, and he was standing right at the edge of the path, ready to take the first step.
There was fear in it. But it was the good kind of a fear. The kind that holds anticipation in itself and which is filled with an eager heart and a racing mind, but is coupled with a smile.
He would be able to do this.
He would do this.
He will do this.
He will become strong and capable, someone that his siblings, and, most importantly, he himself could be proud of. Now, he wasn’t sure if he was, proud, of himself.
But he would be.
Actually, he already was. He was proud of having made the decision, now he just had to stick to it. With a courageous heart, an open mind, and will to … finish a fight.
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honmonoyuzu · 5 months
Fairy's Tale
A/n: It's been so longggg but I've decided to pick this series up again so stay tuned for more updates in the future. This is quite short 'cause I wanted to slowly get back to it tho
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Chapter 3: Crystal and Him
It looks like he’s trying to come up with something, some kind of excuse. (y/n)’s looking at him, the anger on her face is slowly but surely disappearing. (y/n) is trying to calm herself, not wanting to appear unpleased to someone who she has just met and someone who offered to take her on a tour around.
“Are you going to send someone over?”- she asks.
“Of course, a Magic Knight Captain never goes against their word, Lady (y/n)”- he said - “but I didn’t say why I would send my people over. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the owner wishes he never even tried to scam people.” 
Fuegoleon said with an assuring smile.
‘I wonder what he meant by that’ - (y/n) thinks, still walking side by side with the red haired man. 
As if he has the power to read her mind, Fuegoleon said “I have already sent Knights to take care of the man, don’t you worry.”
‘Oh..’ - ran through her mind.
“Then, why didn’t you just arrest the owner right back there?” - (Y/n) asks, clearly not understanding Fuegoleon’s reasons.
“Well, it is true that I’m the Crimson Lion’s Captain, yet that doesn’t mean I should act impulsively. It’s not that I’m not trusting you, It’s just a part of my duty to certify a lot of information before arresting somebody. I hope you can understand why I choose to act like that” - He answered thoroughly.
(Y/n) let out a small hum, not saying anything further. 
‘Humans don’t seem as bad as I’ve expected. Still…When is he going to let me go?!!?’ 
“Oh! My, it’s getting late, isn’t it? It looks like I’ve taken your whole day. That’s quite rude of me, please allow me to see you back to your place miss (Y/n).” - Fuegoleon offers.
If she agrees, not only does he get to know where she lives for future precaution but he will have time to take care of the crystal shop’s owner. And luckily for him, not thinking much, (Y/n) agreed.
And their first time meeting comes to an end with them not knowing this will become a memorable story for the two in the future.
Masterlist: here
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mitsuki-komori · 6 months
Leo sleeps so comfortably in his bed… For some reason, this morning was just extra comfortable… He can’t help but wanna sleep for longer than usual… But of course someone thinks differently.
“LEO! Get out of bed! We’re going!” His older sister’s loud voice gave Leo a headache.
“Huh…? Go where? What…?” Leo mumbled as he was still waking up… Ugh, he felt so hot and cold at the same time.
“What do you mean ‘go where’?! We’re going training!” And without another word, Leo was picked up by a flame paw and placed on his feet. He stumbled from the sudden dizziness and rubbed his eyes.
“Training…? But… I really don’t feel good…”
“Did I ask for you excuses? Don’t be weak! Your enemies won’t care how you’re feeling, now get dressed.” Mereoleona dismissed Leo completely and left the room.
Leopold sighed and sat down, even though he just slept, he’s still exhausted… This was supposed to be his day off from all of the tiring missions, but he guessed not… He’s usually always down for training, but this was just annoying… All he really wants to do is go back to sleep…
Just like that she’s gone, and he’s given no time to even eat breakfast… Knowing her, Fuegoleon has probably been roped into this too.
Leo loves going out on training trips with his siblings… but he feels like his head is gonna explode. Leo rests his head on his pillow… a few moments won’t hurt… 
“LEO, WAKE UP! DID I SAY YOU COULD SLEEP?!” Leo sprang up, wide awake. He looks up at Mereoleona. 
“Sister? Um…”
“I said GET READY!”
Mereoleona once again puts Leo on his feet and gives him an intimidating look. “I just dozed off…”
“I don’t care, you have five minutes.” She says as she walked out of the room. Leo could feel her presence outside.
Leopold slugged over to his bathroom and splashed water on his face… His stomach really hurts… he feels like he’s gonna… ugh…
Leopold stumbled over to the toilet and threw up. How disgusting! It tastes horrible and now his throat burns…
Leopold sits still for a few moments before pulling himself up and grabbing his toothbrush. Was he sick? That wasn’t good… But he doesn’t want his siblings to worry… The training won’t last too long, right? He could bear it… surely he could. It’s just a day, he’ll be fine.
“About time.” Mereoleona says as Leo opens his bedroom door.
Leopold shrugs and he follows his older sister.
Leopold goes with Mereoleona outside where Fuegoleon was waiting, it seemed he had also been roped into this. “Sister, can I go back to bed? I really—“
“No excuses! If I wanted you to sleep, I would’ve had you sleep. The only way to get stronger is to train, don’t be lazy.” It seemed Mereoleona wasn’t going to let Leo get a word out… It really irritates Leo.
“Ah, I see you got Leo too…” Fuegoleon nearly sighs, but he doesn’t. As he looks at Leo, he notices the tired expression he wore. “Are you doing alright, Leo?”
“He’s fine, the training will wake him up.”
Leopold stares at Fuegoleon for a few moments and nods. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just get going.” He supposed training would be good… not like he has a choice. Maybe he really just needs to be woken up and he’ll feel better?
“How did you sleep, Leo?” Fuegoleon questions. Leopold takes a moment to process the question before answering.
“I slept fine… before someone woke me up.”
Mereoleona shot a warning glare at him. “Do you plan on staying weak forever? Because sleeping isn’t how you get strong!”
Leo sighs and doesn’t bother arguing. Fuegoleon puts a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, you don’t have to come along if you don’t want to…”
“No, no… I want to, I’m just still waking up… Let’s just get to the place…!” Wherever it was…
Getting started through the infinite trees and Leo already feels his stomach twisting. Was he gonna throw up? No… He’s not that sick, is he? It’s better to not make his siblings worry…
Leo’s legs felt heavier with each step he took… And his breath was shallow and his head was throbbing… Not to mention this overwhelming heat! Why was it so hot outside?! He didn’t understand why the sun had to be so blazing hot during the summer. Stupid summer…!
He feels so weak, maybe he should’ve eaten something… And he’s really thirsty too… Did they bring water? Ugh, he feels so nauseous… He wants to throw up right now… Why couldn’t he have just stayed in bed? He really wished Mereoleona could be easier on him for once… this treatment can get really stressful sometimes…
They were quiet as they walked down the path for a short while before Fuegoleon spoke up. “So where do you have us off to now, sister?”
“It’s a surprise.”
Fuegoleon raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “Oh, really? Then I look forward to seeing what it is… Hey, is Leo doing alright?”
Mereoleona tilted her head. “What do you mean?”
“He just looks a little off… How was he this morning?”
Mereoleona groaned in annoyance. “Ugh, that kid is always complaining. He kept going on about how he doesn’t feel good.”
Fuegoleon turns his head to her. “He doesn’t feel good? We’re still close to home, maybe we should go back and—“
“He’s fine! Just being dramatic, what’s a little cold on a battlefield?” She says with a scoff.
Fuegoleon glanced back to Leo, who followed closely behind them, nodding off to sleep as he walked. “Yes, but we aren’t on the battlefield right now, Mereoleona. You’re far too hard on Leo… If you do this too much, it’ll just slow his progress.”
Mereoleona shrugged. “He looks fine to me.”
“It’s important for people to get the rest they need… Did he say he actually wanted to go when you woke him up?” Fuegoleon asked Mereoleona with a serious look.
Mereoleona rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t matter, you’re far too serious. How is he to get stronger if he doesn’t actually train? If anything, you’re too soft on him.”
Fuegoleon could feel himself getting a little irritated. Mereoloena was missing the whole point he was trying to make. “You’re missing the point. It’s not healthy for him if you keep doing this.”
“I’m just— Oh, would you look at that? I think I just found our lunch!“
Fuegoleon followed Mereoleona’s gaze and they saw a flame boar.
“So it seems…”
Leopold rubs his eyes and sees the boar, he feels nauseous by the thought of eating it.
“I’ll leave it to you then.” Fuegoleon tells her. Mereoleona nods and goes on to chase after it.
A boat without the proper seasonings was plain and boring, but it was the best they got during these adventures. Mereoleona loves making everything the most challenging it could be.
“Leo, are you not gonna eat?” Fuegoleon asked with a tint of concern in his voice. Leo was just sort of staring at his food with a grossed out expression.
“Um… no, I’m not hungry.” He replies. Fuegoleon raises an eyebrow.
“You’re usually always hungry… and you should eat.” Fuegoleon suggests, Mereoleona eyes the plate.
Leopold shook his head. “I’ll eat later…”
Mereoleona takes Leo’s food. “If you’re not gonna eat it, I am.” Leo doesn’t argue.
Fuegoleon couldn’t help but feel worried. Leo really doesn’t look like he’s doing too good. He’s pale and his eyes looked more dull than usual… Maybe it’s his instinct as an older brother, but he couldn’t help but feel frustrated with Mereoleona that he made him come with this condition.
“Sister, I think we should go home.” Fuegoleon states. Mereoleona snapped her head towards Fuegoleon.
“Now why would we do that?”
Fuegoleon sighs with how oblivious Mereoleona was. “Because Leo is sick. We can save training for another day.” 
Mereoleona shook her head and laughed. “Like a measly sickness will stop him! Do you hear yourself? If he can’t handle a little sickness, then—“
“Mereoleona…” Fuegoleon warned. Leo was already lagging behind, could she not see that?
“What?” She didn’t like being interrupted.
Fuegoleon spoke seriously. “Listen, not everyone is as strong as you or me. Leo is still young, he’s still developing… He might be a strong fighter, but that doesn’t mean his body is. A sickness to you might not be much, but to him it could be worse… It also means his body can handle as much as us. We’re experienced mages, considered the best in the kingdom, we are adults. Leo is still a teenager and he’s not the same as us… He needs the proper rest.” Fuegoleon hoped that his words weren’t going in one ear and out the other… 
Mereoleona was about to reply with an annoyed response when they heard something from behind them.
Huh? That noise… that thud… Fuegoleon and Mereoleona both stopped their bickering as they turned around behind them and saw Leo passed out on the ground. Fuegoleon immediately rushed to his side. 
“Leo? Leo, are you alright?” Fuegoleon flipped Leo over and put a hand to his forehead. “He has a fever.”
Mereoleona stood there, silent…
She didn’t actually think Leo felt that bad to the point he’d pass out… Why didn’t he say so?! Well… suppose he did… but he… Maybe Mereoleona should’ve paid more attention?
Was he really that exhausted to this point? That’s stupid. He should be able to deal with a little fever…! Mereoleona isn’t that hard on Leo, she’s just building character.
However… causing him to pass out on the ground wasn’t really building character…
Ugh, how annoying…
Fuegoleon picked up Leo, carrying him on his back. “Come on, we’re going back.”
“Leo is in no condition for any training. We’ll just have to save it for another day. Sorry, sister.” Fuegoleon said as he started to make he way back to where they came from.
Mereoleona gazes at her little brother’s weak form and sighs in defeat. “Fine…”
Fuegoleon walks into Leo’s room with a small tray and a bucket of cold water as he sits beside Leo’s bed. He sets the tray down and gently shakes Leo awake. “Hey…”
Leo cracks his eyes open and groans in pain.
“Here, drink this…” Fuegoleon gave Leo a small cup of liquid.
“Ew…” Leo mutters as he drinks the medicine.
“I know… take some pills and here’s some water…” Fuegoleon gestures to the tray where he had the necessary things.
Leopold covered his eyes with his hand. The room was too bright. Fuegoleon notices and closes the blinds. “So… you didn’t tell me you were sick.”
Leopold shrugged. “I didn’t think it was that bad… and I tried to tell Mereoleona, but—“
“You told Mereoleona and thought she’d let you off the hook?” Fuegoleon jokes. Leo chuckled and coughed, his throat dry.
“I guess it was a dumb thought… I should’ve told you.”
Fuegoleon nodded. “Yes, you could’ve… but you just need to take care of yourself more. You have the flu.”
“I have the flu?” Leo repeats. Fuegoleon nods in confirmation.
“Yes, and it’s that much more important that you’re sure to rest… putting your body into overdrive is the last thing you want to do.”
“I know, but…” Leo trails off.
“Listen, I know you want to get stronger and Mereoleona is the strongest out there right now… but her methods aren’t suited for everyone. She’s just oblivious to exactly how rough her methods can be.” Fuegoleon explains with his usual inspirational voice.
Leo was quick to shut that off. “No! It’s not too rough! I really do get stronger when she trains me, I was just… tired today…”
Leo is silent for a few moments. “I’m sorry.”
Fuegoleon tilts his head. “For what?”
Leo’s head sinks and he lays back. “For making you guys have to stop the training early.”
Fuegoleon shook his head with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it, missing one day of training isn’t the end of the world. Plus, I think Mereoleona is the only one who really cares about it that much.”
“Ugh… I’m tired… I feel like I’m gonna throw up…” Leo complains as he rests his arm over his eyes.
“Aw, I’m sorry. I’ll give you the week off. Just be sure to drink water, take your medicine and rest and you should be fine after a few days, maybe a week at most. You’re strong.”
Leo nods and falls asleep soon after.
Fuegoleon stands up and walks out of Leo’s room. “So… you heard that?” He asks.
Mereoleona nods her head. “Yes.”
“Do you understand?”
She rolls her eyes and walks off. “Yeah, whatever.”
The next few days went by fine. Leo slept, took his medicine, and Fuegoleon stopped by whenever he had the chance. It’s been 5 days and Leo was feeling a little bit better.
Leo still felt a little bit guilty about missing out on that training… He wants to make up for it. Maybe he should try training now! He’s feeling like he has enough energy for a little bit of training…
Leo sat up and got dressed before grabbing his grimoire and heading outside.
Mereoleona heard noises… like mana and ruckus. She follows the noise down the hall and it leads her outside. That’s when she spots her little brother in the middle of a training session… What the hell was he doing?! He looks like he’s about to faint, that’s no condition to train in.
Leopold froze at the shout and snapped his head in Mereoleona’s direction. “Oh, sister, what’re you—“
Mereoleona’s fire paw lifts him up. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I-I’m training…?”
Mereoleona groaned in irritation and looked at him with disbelief. “I’m not talking about that! I’m saying what are you doing?! You’re sick, you shouldn’t be training.”
“But… you said you get stronger from training?”
“Not when you’re sick! Are you stupid?” Mereoleona scolds him.
“You told me that didn’t matter!” Leo argued.
Mereoleona sighed and calmed down. She supposed she did teach him that… Out of everything she’s taught him, this is what stuck? Is she the reason Leo overworks himself so often?
Maybe Fuegoleon was right… Is she too hard on Leo? Leo’s training himself to almost pass out because that’s what she taught him.
“Just come with me, you’re going back to bed.”
Mereoleona felt better about the situation once Leo was back in his bed. “So… training while you’re sick…”
Leo nods. “You taught me that I should be able to deal with things like that…”
Mereoloena leans against Leo’s wardrobe. “How do you feel when I train you?”
Leopold tilts his head and he gives his sister a look of confusion. “Huh? What kind of question is that?”
“Just answer it.”
Leopold thinks to himself for a few moments. “Um… I get stronger?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Leo was quiet for a moment. “Oh, you mean like… emotionally? Well, you stress me out a lot… since it’s usually pretty intense.” He finally answers, unsure of how she’d react.
“…How stressed?”
Leo wasn’t sure if there were any right or wrong answers here… “Mereoleona, you know I’m fine, right? It’s not like you’ve been hurting me or anyth—“
“I wasn’t saying that! I don’t care, I’m just curious…”
Leo doesn’t believe he’s ever felt so confused in his life. What the heck was she trying to ask him? “I mean… sometimes I feel like you don’t care about me that much.”
Mereoleona looked mad at that reply, Leo opened his mouth to speak, but Mereoleona cut him off. “I do, huh?”
“Jeez… you’re acting like I’m gonna punch you for no reason… Is that what you think of me?” She sighs and doesn’t take her eyes off of Leopold.
“I know you care about me, I guess I just… it’s just been stressful lately…”
Leo felt his palms start sweating from that indecipherable glare his older sister had locked on him.
“Then just say so next time…”
Leo’s eyes get wider as his head perks up, seemingly not expecting such a simple and calm answer.
“Wait, what? So—“
“Just don’t annoy me about it too often!” Mereoleona abruptly walks out of the room. Guess that conversation was over…?
Leo didn’t know, nor did he have the energy to continue looking into it. He lays back down and closes his eyes.
“Hey.” Leo’s dreams fade as he starts to pick up on a voice… “Hey!”
Leo opens his eyes and looks at the source… Mereoleona. Leo glances out the window and looks at the beautiful autumn leaves. He liked fall, it wasn’t too cold or hot. “What is it…?”
“Me and Fuegoleon are going out to train, are you gonna come with?” She asks Leo.
Leo rubs his eyes… training… Oh! “Oh, you guys are going out to train? Sure! Just give me a few minutes.”
Mereoleona nods. “Alright, take as long as you need… but not too long.” She mutters as she leaves.
Leo very much enjoys not being yelled awake by his sister less often than a few months ago…
“Take as long as I need… I just know she’s lying…”
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Felt cute, drew some YunLeo for a future fic :3
Lee!Yuno gives me so much life andnnsnnssnnsnsns
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amaya-writes · 11 months
rewatched black clover then saw your event and now i'm thinking how would Finral, Gauche and Leo introduce their fiance to their siblings. for the sake of this req let's say their siblings had no idea they were getting engaged (for Leo maybe his sis knew but brother didn't? idk i cant imagine neither of them knowing)
Ringtober Masterlist
Notes: sorry for the delay!
Warnings: n/a just fluff
Characters involved: Finral Roulacase, Gauche Adlai, Leopold Vermillion
Fem reader, you/yours
Finral Roulacase
His brother needs a minute.
Literally just points at Finral then you and goes you actually managed to convice her to fall for you?
Might make fun of Finral a bit but Finral can tell he's secretly happy for him.
Langris is more interested in the ring than you, he is glad to say that his brother has good taste in jewellery.
They end up discussing family matters after that and what's going to happen with certain pre established marriage agreements.
Overall Langris doesn't really care much, sure he's happy his brother found someone but it's kind of a 'meh' moment for him.
He isn't interested in getting to know you either, in his head you're like the Black Bulls—someone his brother likes but he doesn't particularly care for.
Don't expect to see much of him around either, although he does expect a wedding invite even if he might snark on about not attending.
He does in fact attend.
Gauche Adlai
His sister is so excited it's honestly adorable.
You've already met in the past since Gauche had to introduce the two most important girls in his life to each other, but she gets very excited at the prospect of having you as her future sister.
Gauche has to roam around with tissues because he keeps getting nosebleeds at the idea of the three of you living together like a happy lil family.
Once she finds our you're going to be her future sister in law his sister constantly asks about you when Gauche visits. He almost can't visit her without you because she sometimes seems sad and then Gauche feels very bad.
This one time the two of you got into a fight and she asked about you and told Gauche something along the lines of you better not take my sister away from me and to this day he does his best to never argue with you.
Overall your relationship is really sweet. Since Gauche is kind of like her father figure anyways you sort of become a maternal figure for her.
Leopold Vermillion
Fuegoleon is so genuinely surprised he doesn't even know how to react.
Their parents called all three children to the house for dinner which was surprising in itself, so when he sees you there he is pretty confused.
You're a close family friend, and ever since you were children it was sort of a given that Leo was yours and you were his. You two were just fated to be together.
But Fuegoleon presumed that his parents would at least give him of all people some forewarning before an engagement.
He ends up finding out that Leo actually proposed out of nowhere, you accepted and told both families a few days ago.
So why was Fuegoleon so late to the party?
His sister finds the entire situation funny and doesn't miss a beat before teasing Fuegoleon for being slow and not seeing the signs. Like how Leo suddenly decided to visit their grandfather (for a ring that was pre decided) the day he proposed.
Fuegoleon is honestly very pleased with the entire ordeal. You were always like a little sister to him anyways, but now that relationship is just solidified.
He does however tease Leo quite a bit about being a man and the responsibilities that come with marriage.
He's kind of surprised that Leo is going to be the first of the three of them to be married. That's Fuegoleon biggest concern rather than the sudden announcement.
Mereoleona definitely teases him about how their little brother has a better love life than him.
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lyranova · 1 year
💙🖤🤍 For Fuegoleon or Mereoleona and Leopold? Thank you
Hiya anon! Of course, and I hope you enjoy~!
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
A Hurt/Comfort HC I have is that shortly after the Elf arc and everything calmed down it began to sink in for Fue that his arm was gone and that it was someone he trusted that took it away, and he struggled with it for a long time. At least until Mereo and Leo helped pull him out of it. They encouraged him and told him that he was still a strong and great Captain for his squad, and if anything, having an arm made of flames made him look stronger and more fierce. And that no one would dare mess with him now! Of course it wasn’t the *usual* way one would comfort someone who had just gone through something like Fue, but it was how his family comforted each other and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
🖤-- Angst
An angsty headcanon I have is once the Final Arc concludes and the squads are able to grieve their lost comrades you see Mereo finally shed some tears and she tells them that they were some of the strongest and most fierce warriors she had ever fought alongside, and that she was proud to call them members of the Crimson Lions. That they would never be forgotten, and would always be remembered by the Vermillion household for their strength, bravery, and sacrifice. Leo and Fue would comfort her and would also tell their fallen friends that they were proud of them.
🤍-- Fluff
A fluffy headcanon I have is when Leo first told his siblings that he wanted to join the Magic Knights, mainly the Crimson Lions, he was thrown a small party by his siblings. Of course Mereo would leave shortly after to go back and train in the strong magic region, but she couldn’t leave without giving her youngest brother some encouragment. While also telling him that he better not give up or let others surpass him. While Fue on the other hand gave him so thoughtful and much needed advice, he also warned him that he wouldn’t be giving him any special treatment and that he would be treated just like any other new Magic Knight. But Leo wouldn’t have it any other way!
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
Written & Received Asks!
If you sent me an ask, It's most definitely in this list. Asks are (usually) written from oldest to newest; so if you sent me an ask just recently it's not likely to be posted soon. However, there are other asks you can read while you wait for your own.
Hitachiin Twins - Devil Twins' Property
TWST First Years - Silly & Strong Male Reader
Genshin Handful - Mammon-Like Male Reader
Baizhu - Hawks-Like Geo Vision User Gender Neutral Reader
Zhongli - Gojo Satoru-Like Archon Reader
🫓Bonten - Debbie Jelinsky‐Like Male Reader
🫓Bonten - Debbie Jelinsky-Like Male Reader 2
TWST × Strong & Teasing Male Reader
Demiurge ‐ Fair & Just Seriphim Supreme Being Reader
Sebastian Michaelis & Company - Riddle Rosehearts‐Like Reader
Leviathan, Riddle Rosehearts, Idia Shroud - Past Cheat Reader
Dorm Heads - Collection Having Male Reader
🫓Bonten - Morticia Addams-Like Male Reader
🐀Demiurge - Sleeping on His Lap, Gn Supreme Being Reader
#0747 Shina - (Pre‐Arrest) Idol Male Reader
Guy Crimson & Diablo - Flirty Himbo Male Reader
Dorm Heads - Sinbad-Like Male Reader
Malleus Draconia - Cyno-Like Male Reader
Kalim Al Asim - Roughhousing, Male Reader
#0382 Honey - Teaching You How To Throw Darts, Male Reader
Demon Brothers - Flirty Male Reader
Dorm Heads - Zhongli-Like Male Reader
Fairy King Harlequin ‐ Touch Starved Reader
Ego Jinpachi ‐ Assistant Reader Makes Him Take a Nap
🌾Solomon ‐ Magic Blacksmith Male Reader
🦈Denji - Half Your Melon Bread 2
Leona Kingscholar & Ruggie Bucci - (Masc Leaning) Gender Fluid Reader Having Gender Envy
Samon Gokuu - Inmate Male Reader With A Mischievous Monkey Companion
Trey Clover, Ruggie Bucci, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt & Sebek Zigvolt - Sinbad-Like Male Reader
Gojo Satoru - Gn Reader Falls Asleep Mid Conversation (Next)
Sesshoumaru - Neuvillette-Like Male Reader
Terano 'South' Minami, Kurokawa Izana & Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou - Sweet & Gentle Gn Reader is Ruthless in Fights
Azul Ashengrotto - Sesshoumaru-Like Male Reader
(T) Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou - Chifuyu's Older Brother Male Reader
Arashi 'Benkei' Keizou - Cuddling With Male Reader
Haitani Ran - Attacked By Turkeys, Male Reader
Haitani Ran - "Bitch, What's For Dinner?" Tiktok, Male Reader
Samuel Seo, Sinu Han, Eli Jang, Jinguji Jakurai, Baizhu & Caelus - Bridal Carry, Male Reader
Suguru 'Bon' Ryuuji - Very Affectionate & Supportive Male Reader
Orochi Yamada, Sanzou Houzuki & #0689489 Hakushaku - Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Gn Reader
Sebek Zigvolt - Malleus' Younger Brother Male Reader
#0944 Sith - Male Reader
Joseph Joestar & Ceasar Zeppeli - Suzie Q's Brother Male Reader
Luka - Bottom Male Reader (Postponed)
Joakim "Welt Yang" Nokianvirtanen - Vidyadhara Male Reader
Al'haitham - Tartaglia-Like Matra Male Reader
Dazai Osamu - Jessica Rabbit-Like Male Reader
🎨Kirishima Ayato - With Ghoul Male Reader Who Can't Control His Kagune
Terano 'South' Minami, Haitani Ran, Kurokawa Izana - Male Reader Doing NNN
🍬Gaara of the Sand, Idia Shroud, #1325 Nico, Cyno, Kalim Al Asim & Suzuuya Juzou - Male Reader, Hanging Out/Snuggling
Demon Brothers - Wednesday Addams-Like Gn Reader
Albedo, Xiao, Baizhu, Kaedehara Kazuha, Tighnari & Cyno - General Fluff Headcannons, Male Reader
🕸Dorm Heads - Insecure, Flirty Male Reader
Enel - Raiden Shogun-Like Male Reader
🌾Argenti - Knight of Beauty Male Reader, General Fluff
Jack Howl - Gorou-Like Male Reader
🥕Any Demiurge × Male/Gn Reader Fic
Lilia Vanrouge - "Holding Hands Before Marriage" Prompt With Male Reader
🦊Kawasumi Itsuki, Amaki Ren & Iwatani Naofumi - General Fluff Headcanons + Kicking Kitamura Motoyasu Down a Well, Gn Reader in Mind
Julius Novachrono, William Vangeance, Nozel Silva, Fuegoleon Vermillion & Leopold Vermillion - Flare Corona-Like Crimsom Lions Male Reader
Leona Kingscholar - Being Spooked by a Cucumber, Gn Reader
Poly(?) #0737 Mina & #0727 Nina - Reacting to Their S/o Ending up in Nanba for Trespassing, Gn Reader
Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix - With Celestial Supreme Being Male Reader
(WHB) Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Leviathan & Lucifer - Getting Matching Rings With Gn Reader
🍁(AFTERL!FE) Day - Calm & Supportive Boyfriend, Male Reader
(WHB) Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Leviathan & Lucifer - Kissing Headcanons With Gn Reader
Eli Jang (+ Yelena) - With Very Protective Male Reader, Leads to Smut
Dazai Osamu - Bottom Jessica Rabbit-Like Male Reader
🍁Demon Brothers - Reacting to Male Reader Who's Manipulative & Sadistic Towards Mammon
🥕Gazef Stronoff - Patron God Male Reader Who Used to be a Yggdrasil Player
(WHB) Minhyeok - Being Pampered During a Quiet Night in With Male Reader
Hatake Kakashi - Male Reader Teases Him by Reading His Erotic Novel Out Loud
(WHB) Belphegor, Asmodeus, Bimet, Astaroth, Ronove & Bael - Getting Matching Rings With Gn Reader
(WHB) Belphegor, Asmodeus, Bimet, Astaroth, Ronove & Bael - Kissing Headcanons With Gn Reader
(WHB) Valefor - Getting Matching Rings With Gn Reader
(WHB) Valefor - Kissing Headcanons With Gn Reader
(Secretary Anon) Wriothesely - With Seductive Secretary Male Reader
(Secretary Anon) (OM!)Uriel - Treating Male Reader Like a Pet
Diasomnia Dorm - With Chuunibyou Male Reader, Fluffy Headcannons
(WHB) Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Leviathan & Lucifer - Being Carried Bridal Style by Caring Tsundere Male Reader, Leads to Smut
🍁Eiden (+ Aster, Morvay, Quincy, & Kuya) - With a Cold Gemstone Dragon Clan Member Male Reader
(WHB & OM) Uriel Stalking Admiring Raphael & Other Angelic Shenanigans
Edmond - Overprotective Yushirou-Like Knight Marshal Male Reader Follows Him & The Other Clan Members
🫧Shigaraki Tomura - L.O.V. Member Gn Reader is His Infatuation
Lancelot (Saber) - Gn Reader Feels Insecure After Finding Out About His Past Relationship With Guinevere
👻Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia & Dire Crowley - Cheating With a Friend Prank, Gn Reader
👻Sebek Zigvolt & Enma Yuuken - Cheating With a Friend Prank, Gn Reader
Mitsuba Kiji, Yozakura Kenshirou, Gokuu Samon & Suguroku Hajime - Shy & Antisocial Building 11 Supervisor Male Reader Who Shows His Kindness Through Small But Thoughtful Actions
Sawamura Daichi, Oikawa Tooru, Kuuro Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Ushijima Wakatoshi & Miya Osamu - Pretty Manager Male Reader Who Becomes Flustered Easily, Headcannons
Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix - With a Gn Supreme Being Reader Who is Like Ashlesh (L.O.L.)
Demon Brothers - Tattooed Male Reader Coincedentally Has Tattoos of Their Figurative/Representative Animals
Mitsuba Kiji, Yozakura Kenshirou, Gokuu Samon & Suguroku Hajime - Anxious & Timid Vice Warden Male Reader Who's Filling in For Hyakushiki
Saitama/Caped Baldy - Monster HouseSpouse Male Reader (Might Become a Series in the Future)
🎨(OM!) Mammon, Karna, (God Eater) Soma Schicksal & Benimaru Shinmon - With Reader Who is Insecure About Themselves and Their Relationship
Sebek Zigvolt - Male Reader Who's Twisted From Tik-Tok Croc & Other Crocodile Best Fren Shenanigans
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acacia-may · 2 years
Bye Bye Writer's Block Headcanons Game *Running Masterlist*
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Masterlist of all headcanons for the "Bye Bye Writer's Block Headcanons Game" organized by fandom then by character or relationship in alphabetical order.
Arthur Poe: 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory) & 💚 (General)
Carmelita Spats: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory) & 💝 (Future)
Count Olaf: 💘(Romance) & 💙(Hurt/Comfort)
Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor: ❤️‍🔥 (Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions), 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory) & 💚 (General)
Gustav Sebald: 🧡💙💖
Jacquelyn Scieszka: 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory), 💚(General), & 💝 (Future)
Monty Montgomery: 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory), 🤍 (Fluff), & ❤️‍🔥 (Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions)
Sunny Baudelaire: 💛 (Friendship), 💚 (General), & 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory)
Baudelaire Family: 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💖(Alternate Universe), & 💚(General)
Denouement Triplets [Frank Denouement, Ernest Denouement, & Dewey Denouement] (Family): 🖤(Angst), 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), and 💙 (Hurt/Comfort)
Esme Squalor & Carmelita Spats (Found Family): 💚❤️❤️‍🔥
(Netflix) Fernald & Sunny Baudelaire (Friendship): 💚 (General), 💙(Hurt/Comfort), & 💝(Future)
Jacquelyn Scieszka & [Netflix] Olivia Caliban (Friendship): 💛💚
Lemony Snicket & Count Olaf (Friendship): 🧡(Childhood/Backstory) & 🖤 (Angst)
Quagmire Triplets [Quigley Quagmire, Duncan Quagmire & Isadora Quagmire] (Family): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💗(Family), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Snicket Siblings [Jacques Snicket, Kit Snicket & Lemony Snicket] (Family): 💙(Hurt/Comfort),🧡(Childhood/Backstory), &❤️ (Secrets)
Dewey Denouement x Kit Snicket (Romance): 💕(As Parents),💚(General), & 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory)
(Netflix) Jacques Snicket x (Netflix) Olivia Caliban (Romance): 💘(Romance),💙(Hurt/Comfort), & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Lemony Snicket x Beatrice: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory),🖤(Angst), & 💙(Hurt/Comfort)
Acier Silva: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💙(Hurt/Comfort), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Alecdora Sandler: 💚(General), 💘 (Romance), & 💙 (Hurt/Comfort)
Dorothy Unsworth: 💚(General),💖(Alternate Universe), & 💕(As a Parent)
Fuegoleon Vermillion:🧡(Childhood/Backstory), ❤️‍🔥(Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions), & 💝(Future)
Jack The Ripper: 💚(General), ❤️‍🔥 (Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions) & 💛 (Friendship)
Langris Vaude: 💖 (Alternate Universe) & ❤️ (Secrets)
Kaiser Granvorka: 💚(General) & 🧡(Childhood/Backstory)
Klaus Lunettes: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💚 (General), & 💝(Future)
Orsi Orfai: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory),💚 (General), & ❤️(Secrets)
Rebecca Scarlett: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory),💚(General), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Rill Bosimortier: ❤️‍🔥💙💚
Sally: 💚❤️❤️‍🔥💝
Sister Lily: 🧡💚💖
Solara Equinox (OC belonging to @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare): 💚(General), 🖤(Angst), & ❤️‍🔥(Hopes/Dreams)
Acier Silva & Nozel Silva (Family): 💙🤍💚
Asta, Mimosa Vermillion, & Zora Ideale (Friendship): 💛(Friendship), 💙 (Hurt/Comfort), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Asta & Yuno (Friendship/Family): 💛(Friendship), 💙(Hurt/Comfort), & 🧡 (Backstory)
Finral Roulacase, Hamon Caseus, & Leopold Vermillion (Friendship): 💛(Friendship), 💚 (General), & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Finral Roulacase & Langris Vaude (Family): 💚(General), 💝 (Future), & 🤍 (Fluff)
Fuegoleon & Salamander (Friendship): 💙💛💚
Gauche Adlai, Grey, & Gordon Agrippa (Friendship): 💛💙💚
Jack The Ripper & Yami Sukehiro (Friendship): 💛(Friendship) , 💚 (General) & 💙 (Hurt/Comfort)
Kirsch Vermillion, Magna Swing & Sol Marron (Friendship): 💛💚💖
Kirsh Vermillion & Mimosa Vermillion (Family): 💚(General), 💙 (Hurt/Comfort), & 🤍 (Fluff)
Klaus Lunettes, Mimosa Vermillion, & Yuno (Friendship): 💚(General), 💛 (Friendship), & 💙 (Hurt/Comfort)
Klaus Lunettes & Asta (Friendship): ❤️(Secrets), 💙 (Hurt/Comfort), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Klaus Lunettes, Lucky Voltia, & Puli (Friendship): 💛(Friendship) & 💚 (General)
Leopold Vermillion & Dorothy Unsworth (Friendship): 💛🤍💚
Leopold Vermillion & Fuegoleon Vermillion (Family):💙(Hurt/Comfort),🖤(Angst), & 💗 (Family)
Leopold Vermillion & Mereoleona Vermillion (Family): 🖤(Angst)
Leopold Vermillion & Mereoleona Vermillion (Family): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 🤍(Fluff), & ❤️‍🔥 (Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions)
Mimosa Vermillion & Noelle Silva (Family): 💚(General), 🤍(Fluff), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Nacht Faust & Morgen Faust (Family): 💚(General),💙(Hurt/Comfort), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Nozel Silva & Fuegoleon Vermillion (Friendship): ❤️💛💙
Nozel Silva & Noelle Silva (Family): 💙 (Hurt/Comfort),🤍(Fluff), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Rill Boismortier & Walter (Family): 🧡(Childhood/Backstory),💚(General), & 🤍 (Fluff)
Vanessa Enoteca & Dorothy Unsworth (Friendship): 💛(Friendship),💚(General), & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Yami Sukehiro & Charmy Pappitson (Friendship): 💙🤍🖤
Yami Sukehiro & William Vangeance (Friendship): 💛💙💖💚(General)
Yosuga & Mereoleona: 💛(Friendship), 💚(General), & 💖(Future)
David Swallow x Letoile Becquerel (Romance): 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💚(General), & 💘 (Romance)
Fanzell Kruger x Dominante Code (Romance): 💚(General), 💘(Romance), &💗(Family)
Finral Roulacase x Finesse Calmreich (Romance): 💚 (General), 💝 (Future) & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Finral Roulacase x Finesse Calmreich (Romance): 💙💘💕
Finral Roulacase x Vanessa Enoteca (Romance): 💕 (As Parents) & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Gadjah x Lolopetchka (Romance): 💙(Hurt/Comfort),💘 (Romance), &💖(Alternate Universe)
Gauche Adlai x Grey (Romance): 🤍💙💕
Kaiser Granvorka x His Wife (Romance): 🧡(Backstory), 🤍 (Fluff), & 💘 (Romance)
Langris Vaude x Finesse Calmreich (Romance): 💖 (Alternate Universe) & 🤍 (Fluff)
Licht x Tetia Silvamillion Clover (Romance): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💚(General), & 💘 (Romance)
Lumiere Silvamillion Clover x Secre Swallowtail (Romance): ❤️ (Secrets), 💚 (General) & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Mars x Fana (Romance): 💙 (Hurt/Comfort), 💘(Romance), & 💝 (Future)
Nozel Silva x Vanessa Enoteca (Romance): 💕(As Parents),❤️‍🔥(Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions), & 💘 (Romance)
Nozel Silva x Vanessa Enoteca (Romance): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💗 (Family), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Rill Boismortier x Charmy Pappitson (Romance): ❤️‍🔥(Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions),💝 (Future), &💖 (Alternate Universe)
Rill Boismortier x Charmy Pappitson (Romance): 💘(Romance), 💕(As Parents), & 💚 (General)
Yami Sukehiro x Charlotte Roselei (Romance): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💘(Romance), & 💗(Family)
Yami Sukehiro x Charlotte Roselei (Romance): 💚(General), 🤍 (Fluff), & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Free Space for a Brotp of my choice (Thank you, Anon! 🥰) : 💚(General), 💛(Friendship), & 💙 (Hurt/Comfort)
Frosch: 🧡🤍💖
Gajeel Redfox: 💚(General),💝(Future), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Lucy Heartfilia: 💚(General),❤️‍🔥(Hopes & Dreams/Life Passions), &💕(As a Parent)
Makarov Dreyar: 🖤💙💚
Minerva Orland: 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💖 (Alternate Universe), & 💕(As a Parent)
Porlyusica: 💚(General), 🧡 (Childhood/Backstory), & 💝 (Future)
Rogue Cheney: 🖤 (Angst) &💘 (Romance)
Sting Eucliffe: 💚(General), 💕(As a Parent), & 💙(Hurt/Comfort)
Yuri Dreyar: 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💚(General), & 💘 (Romance)
Aguria Sisters (Family): 💙 (Hurt/Comfort), 💝(Future), & 💖(Alternate Universe)
Gajeel Redfox & Juvia Lockser (Friendship):💛 (Friendship),🧡(Childhood/Backstory), & 💚(General)
Gajeel Redfox & Pantherlily (Friendship): 💛💙💝
Gildarts Clive & Cana Alberona (Family): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💝 (Future), & 💚(General)
Lucy Heartfilia & Levy McGarden (Friendship): 💛(Friendship), 💚(General), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Makarov Dreyar & Laxus Dreyar (Family): 🧡💙💗💖
Romeo & Macao (Family): 🧡💙💗
Strauss Siblings [Mirajane Strauss, Elfman Strauss, & Lisanna Strauss] (Family): 💚 (General), 🤍 (Fluff), & 💝 (Future)
Sting Eucliffe & Lector (Friendship): 🧡💙💝
Thunder God Tribe/Raijinshuu/Thunder Legion [Laxus Dreyar, Freed Justine, Bickslow, & Evergreen] (Friendship): 💛(Friendship), 💙(Hurt/Comfort), & 💝 (Future)
Wendy Marvel & Chelia Blendy (Friendship): 💝(Future),💖(Alternate Universe), & 💚(General)
Alzack Connell x Bisca Mulan (Connell) (Romance): 💕(As Parents),💗(Family), & 💘 (Romance)
Gray Fullbuster x Juvia Lockser (Romance): 💙(Hurt/Comfort), 💘(Romance), & 💕(As Parents)
Elfman Strauss x Evergreen (Romance): 💚(General), 💕(As Parents), & 💙 (Hurt/Comfort)
Erik/Cobra x Kinana (Romance): 💚(General),💝(Future), & 🤍 (Fluff)
Gajeel Redfox x Levy McGarden (Romance): 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💙 (Hurt/Comfort), & 💕 (As Parents)
Jellal Fernandes x Erza Scarlet (Romance): 🖤(Angst),💙(Hurt/Comfort), &🤍 (Fluff)
Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia (Romance): 💚💕💝
Wally Buchanan x Millianna (Romance): 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💚(General), & 💝(Future)
Ren x Sherry (Romance): 💘💕💝🤍💗
Attilius Marinus x Orla (Romance): 💙 (Hurt/Comfort) & 🤍 (Fluff)
Yu Ishigami x Miko Iino (Romance): 🧡(Childhood/Backstory), 💝(Future), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Gashu Satou: 💚 (General) & 🖤 (Angst)
Kanna Kizuchi: ❤️‍🔥 (Hopes & Dreams), 💗 (Family), & 💖 (Alternate Universe)
Kai Satou & Sei (Friendship & Family) (Many Thanks! 🥰 Also, *cries* 😭): 💛 (Friendship) & 💙(Hurt/Comfort)
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
You Like Him! (Black Clover)
Collab w/@giggly-squiggily!
Summary: Asta figures out that Yuno has feelings for Leopold Vermillion, but Yuno isn't willing to admit it without some encouragement.
A/N: AHHHH this was so fun to work on! Collabing with my friend Squiggily is always a fun time! We were both feeling Black Clover lately and decided to do a two-part series where I wrote for her ship and she wrote for mine! I think it turned out really cute!! ^^
To read her story, click here! (There will also be a link at the end of this fic.)
Word Count: 2060
Yuno prided himself on keeping his cool at all times. Never showing if he was flustered, shaken, upset, or anything else. He rarely even showed when he was happy. People didn’t know how to read him, and he liked it that way.
“You’re a tough one to beat, my rival,” Leopold Vermillion said grandly, hands on his hips as he grinned down at Asta, who was sitting beside Yuno. The two of them had tried to take a few minutes to catch up before going back to their respective headquarters with their squads, but as usual, someone had come to interrupt them.
Not that Yuno minded this one. Not that he’d let himself smile up at the redhead who wasn’t even looking at him.
“So are you,” Asta replied to him now, leaning back on his elbows and smirking. “But I won’t quit! I’ll surpass you and Yuno and everyone to become the Wizard King!”
Leo laughed in that particular Vermillion way and gave Asta a thumbs-up, turning to catch up to his sister, who was screaming at him to get back in line. “I won’t forget it – and right back at you, my rival! See you next time.”
Yuno watched him leave, proud of himself for not giving away what was going on inside of him while in the presence of the fiery young noble.
Until he felt Asta looking at him, and he turned to see his best friend squinting at him in that way he did when he knew something was up, he just hadn’t figured it out yet.
“What?” he asked dryly.
Asta stared at him for another long moment, then his lips curled up into a grin that put Yuno on edge.
“You like him!” Asta declared.
Yuno rolled his eyes and darted his eyes away, willing his ears not to burn and give him away. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I didn’t know you liked guys.”
The wind mage hunched his shoulders in an involuntary flinch, turning his head away entirely. “Shut up, Asta.”
“No – wait, that came out…weird. I don’t mind! I think it’s great!” There was a brief pause, and then Asta put a hand on his shoulder and made him turn at least part of the way around so he could see his profile. “Hey, you know you’re my friend no matter what, right? I support you regardless of who you like.”
It was clumsy, but it was Asta, and Yuno felt himself relax. He nodded once in acknowledgement. “I know. Thanks.”
Asta let out a relieved breath, then punched him playfully and reiterated, “But you like him!”
“Again, shut up.”
“How long? What is it about him? I want to know everything!”
“Oh, come on,” Asta whined playfully, shaking his shoulder now in an effort to be annoying enough to get his way. “I’ve told you everything about Sister Lily!”
“Never said I wanted to hear any of it,” Yuno replied with a smirk, and then before his friend could sputter an indignant retort, he shrugged his hand away and said, “It doesn’t matter anyway.”
Somehow, that only made Asta more indignant. “What do you mean, it doesn’t matter?”
“It just…doesn’t.” Yuno glanced in the direction Leo had gone, silent for a moment. “He doesn’t exactly have eyes for me.”
Asta was silent too. Then, “What – you think he likes me? Don’t you think I’d notice if someone had feelings for me?”
Yuno couldn’t help but turn to face him incredulously. Was he serious right now? Thoughts of that royal girl from the Black Bulls flitted into his mind, but before he could dwell on them, his friend was talking again.
“He doesn’t like me, Yuno. And even if he did, I’m pretty sure I’m not into guys, so it’s not like I’d be competing with you there—”
“Shut up, Asta.”
The anti-magic boy was beaming so wide at this point it was a wonder his face didn’t split in half. “You’ve got it bad, Yuno! Pleeeeease tell me about it?”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“Don’t tell me you’re in denial!”
Yuno resolved that saying nothing was probably the best route at this point. When Asta got fired up about something, the only way to ride it out was to keep quiet until he burnt out his own flame.
At least…that was usually a good enough retreat.
“At least admit you’ve got feelings for him,” Asta tried.
Yuno tensed. This was probably bad. It was probably very, very bad for him. He darted a glance at his best friend’s expectant gaze, then away again. He swallowed. The thing was, he wanted to say it. He wanted to talk to Asta about it. He just…couldn’t. What was the point, when he didn’t know if Leo even liked guys, too?
Asta let out a low whistle. “Wow, Yuno. You’ve got it really bad, don’t you?”
The wind mage wanted to tell him to shut up again, but it was no use. His friend was on a roll now, and he’d lost the battle against his burning ears a long time ago.
The hand on his shoulder was back, and Asta’s voice was surprisingly gentle as he said, “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll help you loosen up enough to get the words out.”
It was a trap.
Yuno turned to look at him again just as fingers pinched his side, making him press his lips together to keep the squeak in, his eyes widening.
“Don’t,” he pleaded even as Asta reached for him again, this time succeeding in getting a snicker out of him. “You idiot, dohohohon’t!”
Asta reached for him with both hands now, squeezing and scribbling into his sides, and despite his best efforts, Yuno couldn’t help but break into a grin and giggle softly. He gripped his friend’s wrists and tried to push him away while squirming out of his grasp, but the second he thought he was getting away, his best friend – who knew him and all of his spots all too well – grabbed onto his leg and squeezed his kneecap.
“Hehehehey!” Yuno snickered, forced to either take it or try to fight him off again and choosing the latter. He leaned forward to push him away, and that’s when Asta really struck.
“Gotcha!” the smaller boy declared triumphantly, tackling Yuno to the ground and swinging a leg over to straddle his, fingers digging into his sides ruthlessly.
Yuno gasped and burst into more consistent giggles, unable to squirm nearly as much thanks to Asta’s weight on his legs. “Ehehehehehehehe! Dohohohohohohon’t!”
The anti-magic boy grinned down at him. “Feeling loosened up yet, Yuno? Hmm?”
“Don’t worry – I’ll get you to admit your feelings eventually.” Asta smirked and slipped a sneaky hand up Yuno’s shirt to scribble at his lowest set of ribs teasingly. Yuno squeaked and arched to try and escape, but it was all for naught. “Hehe, still a good spot, eh? Tickle, tickle!”
If Yuno’s ears had been burning before, they were an inferno now. He instinctively covered up his face with one hand while frantically trying to push Asta away from his ribs with the other. “Dohohohohon’t dohohohoho thahahahahahahat, Asta!”
“Hmmm?” Asta hummed teasingly, pulling Yuno’s face-covering hand away and scribbling into his now exposed ribs at the same time. “Don’t do what?”
“You knohohohohohohow whahahahahahahat!” The wind mage couldn’t help but let out a snort when Asta tweaked his bottom set playfully. His friend’s face lit up like a sunrise, and Yuno whined through his increasing giggles. “Nohohohohoho, plehehehehehehease! Ahahahahahahasta!”
“Just admit it, Yuno – you’ve got it bad for Leeeeeeo~” Asta giggled along with him, scooting up so he was straddling his friend’s waist now, both hands under the taller boy’s shirt to tickle his skin directly. Both of them knew from years of experience that it was a surefire way to get him to give in.
“Shuhuhuhuhuhuhut up!” Yuno pleaded, snorting again, trying uselessly to twist away.
“Nooooope!” Asta was being purposely annoying, and it was only making everything tickle so much worse! “You liiiiiike him! Just admit it and I’ll let you go~”
Yuno was losing his mind. Technically speaking Asta wasn’t tickling him very hard and he wasn’t even going for his worst spot, but the consistency and the teasing were what were driving him up the wall. He wanted to say it…he just couldn’t!
“I cahahahahahahan’t, Asta – plehehehehehehease!” he tried begging, but his refusal only sparked more determination in his never-give-up best friend.
“Oh, you can – and you will!” Asta pressed his thumbs into Yuno’s ribs and began creating tiny, ticklish circles as he teased, “Maybe this will convince you to admit it!”
“Ahahahahahahahasta!” Yuno cried, arms flying down to try and cover himself up, push him away, anything – but Asta only forced his arms to the ground and scooted up even further to sit on them too, rendering him totally helpless and with even less mobility. “Gehehahahahahaha! Plehehehehehehease, stahahahahahahap!”
“You like Leo~” Asta sang at him, grinning when Yuno laughed so hard at the combined tickling and teasing that he began to wheeze. “That’s all you have to say! Just admit it to yourself – you’ll feel better afterwards!”
All Yuno knew at this point was how much Asta’s gentle consistency tickled, and he’d laughed so much his head was a fuzzy warm blanket that didn’t understand the concept of embarrassment or reservation anymore. He whined, and Asta’s thumbnails dug into those incredibly ticklish spots on his ribs, and finally the words slipped out of him without him entirely realizing it.
“I like him! I lihihihihihihihike him! Plehehehehease, Asta!” Yuno tossed his head back and cackled when his friend dug in even harder for a moment just for good measure. “Ahahahahahahasta!”
“Heh, all right, I’ll stop.” Asta let up as promised and climbed off of his friend, leaving him a gasping, giggling mess on the ground. The smaller boy ruffled his hair playfully. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
For a few more moments, Yuno lay there giggling and clutching his ribs protectively, grinning up at the darkening sky. Then his smile flickered and he let out a resigned breath. “I’ve…liked him for a while now.”
Asta crossed his legs and leaned forward eagerly, like they were kids back in school at story time. He nodded encouragingly. “How long?”
“It’s been coming on so gradually I can’t even say. I can’t pinpoint exactly when I realized.” Yuno glanced away again, in the direction Leo had gone several minutes ago now. “But I don’t want to dwell on it too much.”
“Why not?”
“Well…how am I to know if he likes guys or not?”
Asta smirked. “You could always ask him.”
“That would be as good as admitting I have feelings,” Yuno grumbled.
“And that’s a problem because…?” Asta asked. When his friend didn’t reply, he nodded again. “I could ask him if you want.”
“No.” Yuno shook his head and turned to look at him, eyes serious. “I’ll do it. Just…when the time is right.” He paused, then sighed again. “But he’s a noble. They have rules about who they can be with.”
“Leo isn’t next in line for his house or anything,” Asta reminded him gently, nudging him with his foot. “You have a chance, Yuno.”
At that moment, a third voice joined theirs, making both of them jump.
“There you are, Asta,” the royal girl from the Black Bulls that Yuno had recalled earlier strode up to them, frowning at her teammate. “I know you want to catch up with your friend, but Captain Yami is getting impatient. We have to go.”
“Aww, all right,” Asta said, getting to his feet and helping Yuno to his after him. He held out his fist. “Catch you later, Yuno. And good luck.” He winked.
Yuno kept his face impassive now that it wasn’t just the two of them anymore, but he nodded and tapped Asta’s fist with his own – their signature sign-off. “Later, Asta.”
He watched the two of them leave, Asta chattering away and his lady friend trying and failing to look like she wasn’t hanging on every word. He chuckled to himself, remembering his friend’s claim that he’d be able to tell if someone had feelings for him.
You’re just as hopeless as I am, he thought. Then he turned and went to search for his own teammates.
Part 2 by giggily-squiggily!
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captainsolare · 4 years
Fluffvember Day 7: Concert - Leopold Vermillion (f! reader) 
Summary: You're a classical violinist and tonight is your big debut at the Castle Town concert hall. Your long-time friend Leopold is in the audience, and he begins to see you in a whole new light after watching you achieve your biggest dream
Word Count: 1,825 
A/N: I’m probably a little biased because I am a classical violinist, but this was by far my favorite one to write so far this month! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The Max Bruch Violin Concerto no. 1 partly inspired this so if you would like to, listen to the first movement. 
You stood in the atrium of the concert hall, patrons, mostly upper crust and royalty, milling about and drinking before the event began. "Ugh Y/N, I don't know how you can stand going to these events. Everything is so stuffy, even the clothing." Your friend Leopold complained, pulling the collar of his dress shirt away from his neck. You rolled your eyes, at him lightly punching him in the arm, "Going to these events, is kind of my job you know. Plus, orchestra music isn't stuffy, you're just lame and have no taste." 
Leo was about to object but before he could do so a bell was rung and you had to dash off. "Sorry! That's my cue to go change, I'll see you after the concert okay?" You said apologetically, planting a chaste goodbye kiss on his cheek before disappearing into the crowd. The kiss was meant as a friendly gesture, nothing more, the two of you had grown up quite close after all, but nonetheless Leo was left standing there dumbstruck, hand lightly touching the place your lips had been a moment before. 
He gathered himself and entered the concert hall, heading for the Vermillion family box; he was a little nervous he had to admit, he was the sole Vermillion sibling here tonight and so a lot of eyes were on him. Fuegoleon was away on an important business matter and who knows where Mereoleona was, she usually couldn't be bothered to come to events like this, they were far too constricting for her wild nature. 
Even though Leo found these events stuffy, like most of his royal duties, he came tonight without much complaint because tonight would be the first time he would get to see you perform a concerto with an orchestra as large as this one. You had picked up the violin at an early age, and had been traveling the country playing at concert halls all over, but tonight would be your big debut on the Castle Town stage and Leo was excited. Not because he particularly enjoyed orchestral music like this, but because it was something you enjoyed.  Growing up, he had always admired the way your eyes sparkled as you talked about your dreams of someday playing on this stage, and here you were achieving the dream you had worked so hard for. 
The first piece was a long drawn out number that had him nearly falling asleep, Mimosa, his cousin, had to elbow him several times to keep him from snoring. He supposed he should have felt a bit sheepish, but you weren't onstage so he couldn't bring himself to care all that much. During intermission Mimosa turned to him excitedly, "Y/N is on next, isn't that so exciting?" He nodded, "Yeah! This is her big dream!" 
Intermission seemed to be over in a flash, the lights dimming and he waited with bated breath as the spotlight lit up the space you'd walk through shortly. When you appeared Leo felt his breath hitch, you were in a stunning turquoise dress, sparkling in the light that illuminated the stage. "Wow." Mimosa whispered, awestruck. He could only nod in agreement, the dress suited you perfectly, the perfect battle armor to conquer the stage tonight. 
When you'd told him about this concert a few weeks ago, it had taken everything in him not to launch himself across the table and wrap you up in a bear hug. Well, almost everything, despite him trying not to, he did it anyway, leaving you both grinning ear to ear and laughing with excitement.
The audience clapped and you shook hands with the conductor and the concertmaster then took up your post near the front of the stage. Leo remembered you mentioning that you were nervous about playing from memory, so he silently cheered you on, hoping you could hear him in your heart. 
As the timpani began playing, your eyes searched the audience, your hands were sweaty and your heart was pounding, you couldn't see the audience very well because of the spotlights but you knew there was a familiar head of red hair out in the crowd and that gave you comfort. The flutes and woodwinds came in next and you prepared to come in with your cadenza. 
From the second your first note reached his ears, to the second your last chord echoed through the hall Leo simply found himself unable to take his eyes off of you. Your notes were spellbinding, taking his breath away and telling a story with just sound, it was a language unlike any he had heard before. He had always admired you, your strength of character, your sense of humor, your honesty, brutal at times but that's definitely when he needed to hear it the most; but tonight, something tugged at his heartstrings and was rooting in his brain, and suddenly he saw you in a whole new light. 
When the concerto ended you were a panting mess, any trace of nervousness had evaporated as you reached the end, a beaming smile appeared on your face as you bowed, the roar of applause filling your ears. From somewhere in the crowd you heard a distinct whistle and you had to contain your laughter, that was definitely Leo. I guess he liked it then? That's fantastic!  You probably wouldn't admit this to anyone, but when you got up on this stage tonight you didn't care about all the opinions of the various noble folk and royalty that had attended, if you were being honest the most important, and perhaps the only opinion that mattered to you was Leopold's. 
You made your way to the atrium because you had to accept your congratulations from the audience members in person, it was simply good practice. Several people congratulated you, others noted that you played well even though you were not royalty, you took each comment with grace and a smile, praying that you'd be able to go home soon and celebrate as you wished to; perhaps with a long soak in the bath to ease your aching muscles.
 Leo and Mimosa appeared in the atrium, eyes scanning the room for a sign of you; Mimosa couldn't help but be amused by the way you both perked up as you caught sight of one another. Ahh, young love. She mused, then giggled to herself, who am I kidding? I'm young too. 
Leo made a beeline for you as soon as your current conversation ended and grabbed your hands with excitement. "Oh Y/N, that was so amazing, I could just kiss you right now!" He said, practically buzzing with energy. You deadpanned and he was about to pull away, but rather than pulling away as well you said, "Kiss me then." It was almost a challenge, and Leo backed down from it, suddenly hyper-aware of all the people watching you; he lost his nerve and decided to change the subject. 
"Do you--- do you need someone to come with you? To help carry your things?" He asked, nervous about even this small interaction for some reason. Mentally he kicked himself, usually, conversation was so easy with you, but now he was just a bumbling mess. Your face fell into a smile, "That would be lovely Leo." You led the way to the green room and greeted the other performers, thanking them for a job well done. As you packed your things, Leo couldn't help but notice the slight frown that twisted your features. "Are you alright?" he asked quietly. When you nodded he dropped the subject, opting instead to carry your things as he had promised. 
The atrium was empty when you emerged from the green room, and you found yourself in awkward silence with Leo. Secretly, you were disappointed that he hadn't taken you up on your challenge earlier and you didn't know how to feel about it. Do I really have feelings for him? Leo's thoughts seemed to be on the same track as yours as you exited the building into the night air.
 "Did you mean it?" "Mean what?" You asked, turning to face him; in an attempt to not misconstrue things you weren't going to answer unless he asked you exactly what was on his mind. A blush graced Leo's features and his heart was pounding in his head, "Did you actually want me to kiss you back there?" 
You tilted your head, trying to sort through your emotions so you could give him a straight answer. "I think so. I'm not really sure, I just, I said that without thinking and I'm not sure of what exactly I'm feeling right now." Leo gulped, trying to gather up the courage for his next question, "Do you… do you still want me to?" 
Your heart pounded in your chest as you nodded, eyes not leaving your friend for a second as he carefully set your things on the ground next to him. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and awkwardly grabbed your arms as he leaned in, the kiss was short and sweet, but it left you with an unsatisfied feeling and solidified in your mind that you did, in fact, want to kiss him. In fact, you wanted to kiss his stupid face again and again. 
Leo looked away awkwardly, wanting to kiss you again but not sure how to ask. Luckily he didn't have to, as you grabbed his shirt and pulled him in closer to you. "Do you want me to?" You asked breathlessly, you were so close you could feel each other's breaths on your lips. When he nodded you didn't hesitate, slamming your lips into his. 
Mimosa appeared from out of the concert hall, a mixture of wanting to roll her eyes and cheer seeping into her expression. "Took you guys long enough." She said, hands on her hips and looking away; she was happy for you both but the last thing she wanted to watch was your makeout session. 
The two of you jumped and pulled apart quickly at her sudden interjection. "What do you mean, took us long enough?" You asked, a little sheepish at the implication that she had known your feelings long before you had. "Don't worry about it. Want to go get some ice cream or something to go celebrate your big night?" You and Leo exchanged a glance, "Absolutely!" Mimosa led the way to the nearby ice cream shop, you and Leo trailing a little ways behind. 
"Was tonight exactly how you dreamed it would be?" He asked as you walked hand in hand. You shook your head and smiled at him, glancing at your intertwined hands, "Nope, it was even better." 
"Hurry up or I'll eat without you!" Mimosa yelled, interrupting your moment for a second time that night. You both chuckled and sped up to meet her at the door, filled with the feeling of a new chapter beginning. 
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi, can i request lee leopold and ler fuegoleon and mereoleona plss
kjakjekjkjarkjejkrkjejkra THE BABIES! *explodes* YESH! I've gotcha anon :D No spoilers in this one y'all! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
“Fight me!”
At first- Mereoleona and Fuegoleon looked around, brows raised and eyes wide. Surely the declaration didn’t just come from Leopold- it had to be someone invading the manor.
But then he said it again, eyes glowing and fists clenched with sparks- grinning like a fool and the two realized; oh- it was in fact Leopold.
“Why the sudden challenge, little cub?” Fuegoleon asked, lips twitching into a smile as Mereoleona started to stand, eyes dancing. “Are you sure you don’t want to think about this more?”
“No way! I’m challenging you both!” Leopold puffed in pride, fists steaming with the beginnings of flames. “I’ve got a new spell I’ve been itching to try! It just might be stronger than you two put together!”
“HAHA! Yeah right, Leo! We’ll see about that.” Mereoleona cracked her knuckles, grinning like the evil witch of the west. “Let’s do this- right here, right now!”
“We really shouldn’t-” Fuegoleon began, but his siblings were already lunging at one another, grimoires beginning to glow. “The manor-”
“GAH! No! No fahahhaair!” Leopold squawked as he was lifted off the ground, tossed over Mereoleona’s shoulders like a sack of potatoes. “Put me dohoohohwn!”
“Come on, Leo- show me that cool spell that’s supposed to beat us!” Mereoleona jeered, spinning in circles to make him dizzy. “Don’t tell me you need your feet to do it!”
“AH Stahahap, I’m gonna get sihihick!” Leopold cackled as he hung on, one hand grasping the fabric of her shirt as the other punched at her back, his blows featherlike in comparison to her muscle. His legs kicked helplessly, nowhere near her or the ground it seemed. “Meehehheereo!”
“Giggly, aren’t we?” With a wink at her brother, she tossed Leopold into the nearest couch, watching him bounce harmlessly. “What’s so funny, Leo? Still confident you can win?” Faster than he could react, Mereoleona grabbed his ankle, pulling him flat against the couch cushions. “Come on- do your spell!”
“Whahait, wahahhait- hang ohohohoAHAHHahhahahhahahahhan!” The youngest redhead tried to argue but was immediately cut off in a fit of giggles, arching as he weakly pushed at her hands. “Nohohohoohoho, dohoohohohn’t tihihihiickle mehehehehehehe!”
“Still holding out on me? Come on- show us the spell!” Mereoleona pressed, both verbally and physically as her fingers danced along his ribs. “Surely it must be amazing!”
From his spot, Fuegoleon couldn’t fight down a smile at the sight, shaking his head amused as Leopold squealed and cackled beneath their sister’s tickle assault. A part of him felt bad- he remembered the days he was subjected to such a feat.
Of course- he always had Nozel to use as a shield. Good times.
“Stubborn brat- Fuego, get over here and help me!” Mereoleona called out, shaking him free from his reverie. Currently Leopold was putting up his own fight, seeking out tickle spots. What began as a one sided assault quickly turned into a halfhearted wrestling match, the pair surprisingly even. “Grab him!”
“You sure? I figured you got this.” Fuegoleon hummed even as he stood up, making his way over to the pair. “Is he proving too strong for you, Mereo?”
“Shut your mouth before I get you next!” She growled, the threat crystal clear. Leopold almost seemed stunned by this- momentarily freezing in seat in wonder.
“Wait- Fuego’s-”
“Right, grab him, yes?” Fuegoleon gathered a kicking ankle, dancing his fingers over Leopold’s foot and making the smaller boy scream. “Still so ticklish here.”
“FUEHEEHHHEGO DOOHOHOOH-YIEHEEHEHHEE NOOHOHOHOHOOH MEHEHEHEHREOOHOHO!” Leopold squealed for mercy as his sister dug into his belly, both of his worst spots being attacked at the same time. “PLEAHHAHAHAHSE STAHHAHAHAHAP!”
“Hmm…should we?” Mereoleona asked over her shoulder to Fuegoleon. What do you think?”
“Hm…Leo, do you still think you can beat us both right now?” He let his hand slide up to Leopold’s knee, giving it a few squeezes and earning a snort.
“Are you sure?” Mereoleona pinched along the soft spots of his belly, earning a silent wheeze. “Absolutely sure?”
With no air left, he nodded rapidly, gasping when the tickles finally came to an end. Leopold curled up on himself, coughing weakly. “Ahehehe…hehehehe…heeh…” He groaned out softly. For a moment, Fuegoleon thought they went too far.
But then Leopold was back, jumping to his feet with a grin. “Leheht’s get Fuego!”
“Bet!” Mereoleona didn’t need to be told twice as they turned a vicious grin to the man.
“Ah- would you look at that- I have to go.” Fuegoleon was out the door before he finished his words- his siblings flying after him in a burst of flame.
“Ah, Master Fuegoleon- you have a visitor.” He barely heard the kind servant as ran, her message only just hitting when a wall of bluish silver came into view.
“Whoa-Fuego-” Nozel didn’t have a chance. Instinctively, Fuegoleon grabbed him-
And tossed him into Mereoleona.
“FUEGOLEON!” The cry of rage melted almost immediately into laughter as Mereo and Leo ascended upon their new target- swears of vengeance mixed within.
Old habits didn’t seem to die so easily.
Thanks for reading! :D
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For the ask game, 🧡💚🤍 for Fuegoleon and Leopold 🥰
YAY! I get to start with Vermillions! ^^
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💚-- General
He wears exclusively lavender scented hair oil, but to the particular scent he stumbled on by accident. The hair oil bottle caps had been accidentally switched at the store, and the morning he opened the bottle to use it, he did notice the scent, but was already running late, which is why he opted to use it regardless. And the scent wasn't unpleasant by any means either. So, by the time the day was done, he had concluded it to be a good scent, which is why he used the entire bottle, and based on it the store made a signature one for him, adding a little bit of richness to a custom made solution.
🧡-- Childhood/Backstory
Though Fuegoleon was a diligent student, up to the point where Theresa needed to keep him from exhausting himself, because she knew that it'd take time for him to grow, it got to Fue at times. Which is why he used to write a journal, in which there were also (though a bit clumsy) poems about his own emotions.
If he was asked about it, he'd quite simply say that it was for the sake of practicing his penmanship, with which it did help, but the real reason for him to keep it and write it, the diary and the poems, was to handle his own emotions. And it allowed him to identify and process his emotions very constructively, as well as better take an analytic approach to all situations.
🤍-- Fluff
He has all the birthdays and other important dates for his near and dear written in his calendar well in advance, as well as reminders a few weeks before so that he wouldn't miss the dates when they arrive. Partly it's about wanting to be prepared and have enough time to think about a thoughtful gift, but even if he wouldn't think about a gift to give, he wants to be sure to at least remember the date and be able to congratulate the person in question.
💚-- General
There was a time when Leo did consider another job than a MK for himself. But this was kept to himself, because he felt that it was an expectation of the family (and public) for him to be a knight, much like all of his family.
He did want to have a job where he'd get to help people though, and he quite quickly realized that politics, as in purely just politics, weren't for him, so he relinquished that idea. And he realized that thought to be just his insecurity talking, since he was still quite unsure of his own abilities. But still, if he could work with knights, train them and be more on the field, rather than stuck in an office for the job he'll be doing, he'd be more happy than being an "pencil pusher". He'd not made for the indoors.
🧡-- Childhood/Backstory
The first Leo heard about the canyon where Mereo wanted to chuck him as a toddler, he snuck out during the night. He was 13 at the time, and had heard about it by chance, but he thought that Anieu and Aneue must've climbed out of it by themselves, so he should too. So, he descended down there through the safest route and climbed back up all by himself. It was the first time he felt really, genuinely, all around accomplished.
🤍-- Fluff
He is very well versed with "language of the flowers", so he's able to order bouquets and flowers for the birthdays and other celebration days for his family members if need be, or a potential spouse later on, that are extremely fitting. Most might be able to think of only romantic meanings for flowers, but Leo knows all platonic meanings too.
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