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funkyfunkyprintsco · 3 months ago
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Limited offer! This awesome Pink Pills Print, Vintage Wall Art by Leonetto Cappiello, High Resolution Digital Download, Unique Home Office Decor, Bibliothèque Lyon for $6.00.. #ArtDecoPrint #HighResolutionArt #LeonettoCappiello #BibliothequeLyon #DigitalDownload #RetroAdvertising #PinkPillsPrint #VintageWallArt #PrintablePoster #UniqueWallDecor December 23, 2024 at 11:22AM via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/DD7WuS_zaXK/
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dearvanna · 5 years ago
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I️ *had* to have this. A clown eating spaghetti.🤡 #bestthrift #thriftstorefinds #patesbaroni #leonettocappiello https://www.instagram.com/p/B3saDnhBhwY/?igshid=1fnkfh1wjv158
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michaeldimotta · 6 years ago
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Who doesn’t love a hot pasta dish? I’ve always loved the old Italian pasta posters so I had to draw this look of @manilaluzon 💃🏻🍝✨ This piece was inspired by the #patesbaroni #vintageitalian pasta ad by #leonettocappiello ! #bonappetit #manilaluzon #dragrace #rupaulsdragraceallstars4 #dragracefanart #rpdrallstars4 #allstars4 #michaeldimotta https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWSbHqBnwn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5v85p185tpbr
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3345rpmz · 6 years ago
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• Catalogues • ⋅ El Gramophone ⋅ artist: Leonetto Cappiello www.facebook.com/33.45rpmz www.instagram.com/33.45rpmz
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itsmenotye · 2 years ago
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#vintageillustration #vintageillustrator #leonettocappiello #1921 #blackbutterfly #shoepolish #papillonnoir #ciragecreme https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1d3jNuT_0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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👁 Absinthe Ducros Fils, Leonetto Cappiello (1901) #AbsintheDucros #absinthe #absenta #LeonettoCappiello #cartell #cartellisme #poster #advert #affiche #manifesto #cartellone #art #artsvisuals #visualarts (at Valence, Rhone-Alpes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sU8_MJ0Jv/?igshid=exashgavvdgd
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rospeinfrantumi · 6 years ago
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• Bouillon Kub, 1931
Leonetto Cappiello / la reinvenzione della pubblicità da strada 
Leonetto Cappiello (Livorno 1875- Cannes 1942), illustratore e cartellonista italiano (ma poi naturalizzato francese), è stato uno dei primi artisti dell’era dell’opera d’arte seriale e tecnicamente riproducibile, concepita, prodotta e commissionata per l’industria pubblicitaria. La città come sala espositiva per le sue affiches cambia pelle, dopo un primo apprendistato Belle Époque dà il via a un’estetica innovativa in cui il prodotto prende vita legandosi a idee visive sempre più stilizzate e riconoscibili: i fondali monocromi servono a mettere in luce l’attore protagonista – la merce, il prodotto, il marchio di fabbrica – accompagnato da una spalla – un bue, un omino vestito di bottiglie o che sputa fuoco, o ancora una serie di mani scappellanti – che diventano suggestioni visive irrealistiche e facili da memorizzare. Il segno diventa icona, il messaggio è solo un gioco di accostamenti visivi e verbali che subito diventano proverbiali.
Di recente una mostra a Livorno (Rèclame. Leonetto Cappiello e le stagioni della grafica pubblicitaria a Livorno, 15 dicembre 2018 al 3 marzo 2019) ne ripercorre l’arte, le idee, la leggerezza. > https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/cultura/2019-01-07/la-reclame-che-ha-fatto-storia-manifesti-leonetto-cappiello–102545.shtml? 
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manifestocarnivoro · 5 years ago
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Il Museo Nazionale Collezione Salce di Treviso ospita la vasta raccolta di manifesti pubblicitari frutto della caparbia attività collezionistica di Nando Salce. Qui il manifesto di Leonetto Cappiello, Bouillon Kub, del 1931, pietra miliare del graphic design. Bellissimo (photo © collezionesalce.beniculturali.it). www.collezionesalce.beniculturali.it
Fonte: “Regali carnivori”, Eurocarni 12/19
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flickrnauta · 6 years ago
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#réclame #leonettocappiello #cappiello #livorno #paris #bellepoque #contratto #bittercampari #fernetbranca #exhibition (presso Villa Fabbricotti) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrclL_FlSzWp29yA0GEQ_tfeTYLVE6FPEHM00s0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=87l64efcbxia
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mistressofmusicalty-blog · 8 years ago
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Fairies!!!! These aren't like any fairies you've ever met. Come see them this Saturday at the North Door at 9pm! Hey Sante.brownpapertickets.com #austinburlesque #mistressofmusicality #burlesque #northdoor #fairies #leonettocappiello
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antiqueposters-blog · 4 years ago
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1911 Eau De Suez Seul Dentifrice Original Vintage Poster by Leonetto Cappiello. Can be purchased on our website www.antiqueposters.com Visit us @antiqueposters_dot_com #artgalleries #posterstore #posterforsale #westpalmbeach #wallart #vintagedecor #vintageposter #vintagefinds #vintage #antiqueposters #decor #decorideas #art #artistsoninstagram #designer #posterlounge #posterlovers #posteroftheday #postereveryday #collectible #advertising #artonpaper #smile😊 #leonettocappiello #cappiello #france #frenchposter (at West Palm Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMiWyVnQpv/?igshid=qt1guhd00nto
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itsmenotye · 2 years ago
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#vintageillustration #vintageillustrator #leonettocappiello #1921 #blackbutterfly #shoepolish #papillonnoir #ciragecreme https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1d3jNuT_0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bestcanvasprintsaustralia · 5 years ago
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Leonetto Cappiello Cachou Lajaunie Vintage Poster, see it here https://bit.ly/2XYsWyf, #LeonettoCappielloCognac #LeonettoCappiello #VintageLeonettoPoster #LeonettoPoster #Leonetto #VintageLeonettoPoster #LeonettoPosterArt #LeonettoWallArt #LeonettoPosterPrints #BlueHorizonPrints
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Leonetto Cappiello
Leonetto Cappiello was born in Leghorn Italy (south-west of Pisa) in 1875 and has always been a self-taught artist. From our resources on him, he started to draw at the age of 14. He was introduced to a Leghorn artists group by Macchiaioli. Leonetto worked with other artists of Leghorn who were sensitive to the theory of impressionism. He mostly focused his artistic work on subject matters such as portraits, landscapes, and interiors with figures. In 1996 (aged of 21), he created a compilation of caricatures called La Lanterna magica. In this album, Cappiello created the first caricatures that made him get a job in advertising and commercial company in Paris. Therefore, at the age of 23, he moved in with his brother in Paris and fell in love with the French city. He designed for some French magazines and that his made his career rose. The French public liked his innovative perception of the language of advertising and the modernity of it, for instance, the poster Chocolat Klaus, this poster has very contrasting colors and fluid lines, creating a bold feeling to it. As a result, being an efficient advertising for the chocolate. He became an artist for a commercial company and worked there for 16 years and created about a” hundreds of posters, bills, and affiches” (800 Art Studio. Paintings for sale on line., 2018).  Moreover, before the WW1 he diverse his work by designing rooms at Galeries Lafayette, Villa Dreyfus (Saint Germain en Laye). In fact, those are high ends shop in Paris and located in the elegant and expensive part of Paris.
Even after moving and working in Paris, we can still perceive in Cappiello’s latest art piece some elements of his original artworks and some new ones influenced by the art nouveau, with his continuous lines. Nevertheless, his simplified work style was elements part of what is called fin-de-siècle.
“Fin de Siècle is a French phrase meaning 'end of the century' and is applied specifically as a historical term to the end of the nineteenth century and even more specifically to a decade of the 1890s” (Tate, 2018).
This term englobes the art movement of symbolism, decadence, and others such as art nouveau that reached their highest fame in the 1890s and that crashed down in an apocalyptic way with WW1 in 1914.
Before the WW1 started he received the Legion of honor by the French Government in “recognition of his advancement of the artistic poster.” (Mam.org, 2018).
Because of WW1, he was called by his country to be a translator (French/Italian) for the Italian information services. During his free time, he created some satirical caricatures of the Germans, therefore backstabbing the allies of his birth country (Cappiello.fr, 2015). After the war, he came back to France and acquired French nationality. His style can be resume to fin de siècle inspired, simplistic, painterly style, easy to read from a distance, modernity (tertiary section, leisure, and Fordism). In fact, Fordism inspired him because after WW1 it was the time of great reconstruction in Western Europe and North America (D'Souza, A. and McDonough, T. eds, 2006)
Finally, because of WW2 (1939-1945), he relocated himself to the south of France, Cannes, and died in 1942 at the age of 67.
‘Paris, the city where people think the most, work the most…’ (Cappiello.fr, 2015)
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(800 Art Studio. Paintings for sale on line., 2018).  
Figures on the piano
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(Allposters.com, 2018)
Victoria Arduino, 1922
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(Cappiello, 2018)
Chocolat Klaus
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(Artsy.net, 2018)
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(Allposters.com, 2018)
Maurin Quina
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(Allposters.com, 2018)
Cinzano Brut Vintage Ad
Allposters.com. (2018). Affordable Leonetto Cappiello Posters for sale at AllPosters.com. [online] Available at: https://www.allposters.com/-st/Leonetto-Cappiello-Posters_c23115_.htm [Accessed 27 Oct. 2018].
Artsy.net. (2018). Leonetto Cappiello | NITROLIAN (1929) | Artsy. [online] Available at: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/leonetto-cappiello-nitrolian-1 [Accessed 26 Oct. 2018].
Cappiello.fr. (2015). Biography » Leonetto Cappiello. [online] Available at: https://cappiello.fr/en/biography/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2018].
Cappiello, L. (2018). Leonetto Cappiello - Chocolat Klaus.jpg. [online] Fr.wikipedia.org. Available at: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Leonetto_Cappiello_-_Chocolat_Klaus.jpg [Accessed 27 Oct. 2018].
D'Souza, A. and McDonough, T. eds., 2006. The invisible Flâneuse?: Gender, public space, and visual culture in nineteenth-century Paris. Manchester University Press.
Iskin, R.E., 2014. The Poster: Art, Advertising, Design, and Collecting,  1860sÐ1900s.
Dartmouth College Press.
Mam.org. (2018). Biographies | Posters of Paris: Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries | Milwaukee Art Museum. [online] Available at: https://mam.org/posters-of-paris/biographies.php [Accessed 27 Oct. 2018].
Tate. (2018). Fin de Siècle – Art Term | Tate. [online] Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/f/fin-de-siecle [Accessed 27 Oct. 2018].
800 Art Studio. Paintings for sale on line. (2018). Leonetto Cappiello (Leghorn 1875 - Cannes 1942). Biography.. [online] Available at: http://www.800artstudio.com/en-paintings-for-sale/artists-on-catalogue/leonetto-cappiello/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2018].
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