#leonardo simoes
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edwordsmyth · 1 year ago
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The Daughters of Fire, Pedro Costa (2023)
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raptorwithink · 1 day ago
I am, as Xi would put it, "a villager of the Village of Earth, who has found a new home". I've been active on my instagram for years - since high-school, which would make my account somewere around 7 years old at this point. But I think we all know how that site is turning out. I had cultivated a lot of personal "lore" in the form of memes, motifs, and different art projects including multitude of au:s. It would be way too difficult to try and explain years worth of natural art growth. So I'll just... post. Post like I had posted before. If you're really itching to know what the fuck is going on, you can ask and I'll deliver to the best of my abilities.
I'll list some of the "characters" that frequently appear on my little one-man-show (as of now):
Don - Gashadokuro's iteration of Donatello (tmnt)
Michael / Mikey - Gashadokuro's iteration of Michelangelo (tmnt)
Leo - Gashadokuro's iteration of Leonardo (tmnt)
Simo - Fox / fox spirit from Finland, a Civil War era "Red" (communist/socialist/workers' guard) . Character that appears in Gashadokuro. Also the name of a plushie fox who is kind of based on said character (oc)
Mahito - one of the villains in Jujutsu Kaisen, my current fixation / comfort character. My boy, my little guy, my disgusting idiot cat. I just like drawing them, and have kind of adopted them as symbol for anarchy, (revolutionar) violence, and non-conformity (!?). Mahito is also one of the main/pov characters in my jjk au.
Meowhito - Cat version of Mahito. Started when I drew Mahito as the crying cat meme for a tiktok audio, and have continued to re-draw different cat memes with that thing ever since :'3
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queengenamedicietherton · 1 year ago
ALPHA-BET Is Medici Etherton Code,  Code-X Leonardo da' Vinci. Alpha-bet/Bet: B-Bergerud,  E-Etherton,  T-time. Alpha-bet 8 letters, Medici numbers 5,8,13.
'MEDICI ETHERTON CODE' Leonardo da' Vinci gave us 7 Codes/Clues for Medici Etherton Code: L, V, S, M, Co, de, X. (Co-de-X) Leonardo da' Vinci invented the Alpha-bet he gave each letter a Code and invented the English language.
Medici Etherton Code:
A-Princess Angela de' Medici is Mona Lisa (America,) B-Bergerud (B-ible, B-oeing, B-itcoin, bet, book, bank, brick, bike, ) (k) C-King Cosimo de' Medici, D-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici (day, date) E-Etherton (Evergreen, ) F- Prince Franc de'Medici (farm, Fir, fish, food, ) G-Queen gena de' Medici Etherton (Geneva Bible, Ge-or-ge, Ge-or-gia, green, Pu-ge-t Sound, ) H-horn, I-Italian,  J-Juan Etherton (Jesus,)  K-King Cosimo de' Medici, L-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici ( Lake, LoVe) M-Medici (The M in 'The Last Supper', 'The Mayflower',  Mu-seum,  Medici-ne, M-ovie, Mu-sic, Medi-na, Medi-a) N-Prince Lorenzo de' Medici (number, ) O-Opera  (Prince Lorenzo de' Medici,) oran-ge, P-Protect us  (God,)  q-Queen gena de' Medici Etherton ( IRAQ, Nasda-Q ) R-ruby ( IRAQ, Queen gena de' Medici Etherton, GEM S-ton-e, ) s-Superior (Jesus, Lake Superior,)  t-TIME (God,) u-under, V-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici, w-Washington, x-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici (Code-X) y-Etherton (Yos-emit-e is time backwards) Z-Prince Lorenzo de' Medici (zoo, zero) (de) M-ed-ici backwards and De' ember. de: (R-ed, L-ed Zeppelin, gar-de-n, De-mocrat, de-mocracy, Unit-ed, F-ede-ral, In-de-pen-de-nce, De-laware, De-nver, De-t-ro-it, R-ed-mond, de-sert, R-ed-dit, vi-de-o, Ed-it-or, Mic-ro-soft Ed-ge.) Co-King Co-simo de' Medici: Co-untry, Co-unty, co-mputer,  Co-de,  Co-de-X,  co-mpass, Co-lumbia, Co-ffee, co-caine, cho-co-late, co-lor, ee-Princess Etherton's (Coffee, green) ll-Bell Pi-(God) Pi, Pie, Pi-nterest,  Pi-ano, Pi-ke,  Pi-zza, Pi-ne, Pi-pe, Pi-nk, Pi-llow, H-ip-pi-e, Mississ-ip-pi. El-Etherton El-evation, El-ectric, El-ephant,  oo-Orchestra (school, zoo, zoom). Peacefully,  Queen gena de' Medici Etherton I am also a Bergerud.
#god #jesus  #america #europe   #instagram #facebook   #wallstreetjournal #cnn #reuters #npr #nytimes   #msnbc  #senate  #lasvegas #smithsonian #foxnews #seattletimes #nbcnews #apnews #abcnews #themet  #presidentbiden #washingtonpost  #potus #peoplemagazine #seattle #fox13 #washingtondc #komo4 #cnbc
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atletasudando · 2 years ago
Dos lanzadores que brillaron en el Estadual u18 de Sao Paulo
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Fuente: Fed. Paulista La “maquinaria” paulista ya entró en acción en la categoría u18. Fue este fin de semana con el Campeonato Estadual de dicha categoría, en Sao Paulo, que tuvo dos valores notables en el sector de lanzamientos: Alberto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho y Samanta Santos da Silva Lopes. Alberto –quien viene de lograr la medalla de oro del lanzamiento de bala en el Sudamericano u20 de Bogotá- ahora alcanzó 19.39 metros con el implemento de 5 kg. y también ganó en disco con 56.12. Alessandro Borges Amaro también se lució como escolta con 18.80 y 48.33 respectivamente. En damas, Samanta ganó ambas pruebas con 15.17 en bala y 47.00 en disco. Entre los velocistas los mejores fueron Joao Victor Santini (ganador de los 100 metros con 10.93), Leonardo Rodrigues Abarbo (su escolta con 10.95 y vencedor en 200 con 2.00) y Gabriel de Paula Sena (49.37 en 400), mientras que Graziella Camilly V. Sena se impuso en el hectómetro femenino con 12.09w. Otros buenos valores en pista fueron el mediofondista Vinicius Moraes Costa al ganar en 800 (1:53.79) y 1.500 y Victor Elias Lino Chaves, que se llevó las pruebas de vallas con 13.85 sobre 110 metros y 52.95 en 400. También hubo marcas importantes en los 100 metros vallas para damas, ganados por Pietra Campbell Simoes con 13.67, tras marcar una centésima menos en las eliminatorias. Y en salto con garrocha, Luiza Camargos Batista se llevó el título al pasar los 3.51 m. Por equipos, el triunfo correspondió al equipo de Adeco (FOTO).   Read the full article
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speakingparts · 5 years ago
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When Christ felt... his hour had finally... come... grave, calm... and serene... he approached those who sought him. All of them, eyes on the ground. The one... who had to deliver him... came closer... took him in his arms... and whispered: “May God save you, Master.” And kissed his face... as he had been told to. The path was hard. The path was hard. Both ways, and down under, darkness covered the Earth. Beyond the highest hill, arriving at last, suddenly, his face lit up with a soft, but immense light. Everything became clear. The valley and the scarp. And half of the sky... appeared... as pure moonlight. That radiant face... was the one that Judas... never touched. But the other face, the one he kissed, remained dark, as if hiding his crime. Shone no light. It was a dark night, breaking the world in two. And that half was the one that remained shrouded in shadows. We were born from those shadows.
Vitalina Varela (2019, Pedro Costa), cinematography by Leonardo Simões
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filmaticbby · 7 years ago
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“What do you do here all day?”
- “I speak to the walls.”
Cavalo Dinheiro (2014) dir. Pedro Costa
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hotguyssexynavels2 · 3 years ago
Instagram hotties
Marco Moreira (Portuguese)
Nuno Moreira (Portuguese)
Fernando Junior Alves (Brazilian)
Paulo Leite (Brazilian)
Richard Cippollini (Brazilian)
Christopher Senaldi (Swiss-French)
Michael Tubur (Israeli)
Dalio Dane (German/Italian)
Kassio Lessa (Brazilian)
Lucas Montilla (Brazilian)
Elia Cometti (Italian)
Javier Rept (Spanish)
Anthony Lorca (Spanish)
Rammon Carvalho (Brazilian)
David Oberto (Panamanian)
Mauricio Lagrecca (Brazilian)
Leonardo Monteiro (Brazilian)
Bill Aggelopoulos (Greek)
Sascha (German)
Harry Debortoli (Brazilian)
Matheus Fabian (Brazilian)
Leo Zan (Brazilian)
Andreas Eriksen (Norwegian)
George/Jorge (Spanish)
Sagi Shuvali
Daniel Astudillo (Mexican)
Wadih Vilela Amado (Brazilian)
Wandson Fialho (Brazilian)
Lucas Caceres
Daniel Lisser (Israeli)
Marcelo Pagnoncelli (Brazilian)
Julien Paje
Steven Epprecht (Swiss-German)
Guilherme Godinho (Brazilian)
Orlando Baronne (Brazilian)
Erik Vilar (Brazilian)
Tiago Camelo (Brazilian)
Yoav Even (Israeli)
Ramiro Lozano (Mexican)
Joao Bossle (Brazilian)
Jean Simoes (Brazilian)
Bradley Commerford (Spanish-American)
Tacilo Assis (Brazilian)
Hugo Trajano (Brazilian)
Alejandro Acostag
Matheus Queiroz (Brazilian)
Sean Daniels (American)
James William (Australian)
Adam Ayash (Lebanese-American)
Jaden Goetz (Canadian)
Dean Pelic (Croatian)
Corentin Gruson (French)
Robert Scott Wilson (American)
Kamil Nicalek (Polish-American)
Jay Gould (American)
Garrett Hawley (American)
Michael Yerger (American)
Lucas Viana (Brazilian)
Tobias Reuter (German)
Horia (British)
Andres Milan (Colombian)
Douglas Jacob (Brazilian)
Christophe Kyo (French)
Terry Wauters (French)
Fernando Guitierrez Romano (Cantabrian)
Carlos Lazo (Cuban)
Dominic Calvani (Brazilian-American)
Josh Watson (British)
Masked Mateo (Latino-American)
Habib Caiado (Brazilian)
Franco Touceda (Argentenian)
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deathshallbenomore · 4 years ago
quello che sto capendo di leonardo rai dalla dash (pt.1?)
la rai ha capito come capitalizzare sul pubblico fennel facendo allo stesso tempo straightbaiting acrobatico
(un abbraccione a simone “forza simo!” pill*n che ci segue sempre)
leonardo rai è etero ma solo nelle pubblicità a ore pasti
il set è ancora quello di medici, cupola autoportante inclusa
il prossimo step è il crossover con machiavelli: il thriller rinascimentale 
MANCIN* REPRESENTATION✊(maledetta emoji con la mano destra però)
leonardo rai praticamente è bob l’aggiustatutto e in più dipinge, disegna, scolpisce, canta, balla e si esibisce in drag il venerdì sera, ma ha anche dei difetti
lunghe amicizie is a thing now
leonardo rai dice cose in cui si implica la sua omosessualità ma siamo pur sempre sulla rai, quindi si esprime in modo degno dell’episodio di settimo cielo in cui il reverendo trova uno spinello al figlio e deve fargli la morale
caterina da cremona vuole il gay best friend ma si sa che i fennels crescono come funghi nei gruppi di amici quindi assigned saffica by me
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chinchillasorchildren · 4 years ago
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2020 Best Cinematography: Zombi Child (Yves Cape) 
The Nominees
Beanpole (Ksenia Sereda)
First Cow (Christopher Blauvelt)
La Llorona (Nicolas Wong)
The Nest (Matyas Erdely)
Nomadland (Joshua James Richards)
Vitalina Varela (Leonardo Simoes)
The Wild Goose Lake (Jingsong Dong)
Honorable Mentions
Martin Eden (Alessandro Abate & Francesco Di Giacomo)
She Dies Tomorrow (Jay Keitel)
Shirley (Sturla Brandth Grovlen)
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sweetsmellosuccess · 5 years ago
TIFF 2019: Day 2
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Films: 3 Best Film of the Day: The Sleepwalkers
Waves: One of the early-buzz winners in the early days of the festival, Trey Edward Shults’ film is nothing but structurally audacious, switching gears suddenly about two-thirds of the way in, and adding a lengthy denouement that extends almost into another film entirely. It’s not unlike what Derek Cianfrance attempted with the misbegotten Place Beyond the Pines, though not nearly as catastrophic. The first part of the film deals with a high-achieving high schooler named Tyler (Kelvin Harrison Jr.), whose successful father (Sterling K. Brown) pushes him hard to be the best he can in all phases of his life. As the film begins, Tyler seems to have it all – wealthy family, beautiful home, athletic ability, good grades, and a beautiful girlfriend (Alexa Demie), whom he identifies as “Goddess” on his phone, but it’s clear, somehow this won’t last. After he’s diagnosed with a serious shoulder injury, everything starts rapidly falling apart for Tyler, who starts popping pain pills, renouncing his relationship, and heading into chaos. Before too long, he’s lost everything, including the handle on his emotions, and things take a tragic turn. In the aftermath of this, the film moves onto other relationships, including Tyler’s younger sister, Emily (Taylor Russell), who, though devastated at the turn of events, begins dating a sweet boy (Lucas Hedges), who was on the same wrestling team as her brother; and Tyler’s parents, whose relationship is suffering after their family drama. To be fair, Shults is after a pretty big catch, and the audaciousness of the film – with its swinging camera, and loopy visuals – serves it well at times, and with the actors’ performances, which are extraordinary. But Tyler’s descent from beloved honors student to tweaking, rampaging monster is like something out of Reefer Madness, and as much as the second section of the movie works as an antidote to the first, there’s a serious question of why Shults didn’t just start there in the first place.
The Sleepwalkers: A far more conventional film, Paula Hernández’ familial drama dealing with frazzled mother, Luisa (Erica Rivas), her husband, and their beautiful 15-year-old girl, Ana (Ornella D’elía), as they travel yet again to vacation at her husband’s family’s estate with the rest of his extended family. As tensions rise in the country house – there is talk by the family matriarch of selling the place, while small resentments between everyone start to simmer – another, wilder cousin (Rafael Federman) returns for the first time in several years, and further disrupts any sense of familial harmony. The Argentinian Hernández has made a film, as with the work of American filmmaker Lisa Cholodenko, that feels fully lived in, the relationships between the characters offers a real sense of history, their connections organically composed. There are many scenes of dialogue between them where they talk about details of past exploits, or make reference to things that are never actually explained, that adds an air of realism to the proceedings. The ending, typically, is inconclusive, and there is little sense of plot resolution, but what we’re given instead is the sense of the relationships that will endure, surviving these stormy seas.
Vitalina Varella: For those with pervasive sense of claustrophobia, I would suggest either watching in small doses, or steering clear altogether. Pedro Costa’s film, set in ruined cement-block slums of Lisbon, is almost entirely nocturnal, the harsh light of a single, naked bulb illuminating only those things immediately surrounding it, and casting the rest into pitch-black shadow. The story is minimal, a man dies of some sort of lung disease, largely alone in his squalid flat, and his estranged wife (Vitalina Varella, playing a thinly fictionalized version of herself), who had been happily living in Cape Verde without him, finally flies out to ruminate over what her husband left behind. Utilizing long, mostly static shots (gorgeously composed by Leonardo Simoes), with actors moving at half-speed, languidly moving through the frame, Costa achieves a sort of living photography. It’s a film you appreciate more than you actually enjoy, but the beauty of its imagery, and the riveting performances from the non-professional cast give it a significant luster. And it makes you fully appreciate those few times in which Costa does fill his screen with light.
Tomorrow: I begin my day with the sci-fi thriller Vast of Night; check in on Workforce; watch Sea Fever; shift to big-budget Hollywood with Rian Johnson’s Knives Out; and close the evening with the bloody Brazilian/French co-production, Bacurau.
Photo: The Sleepwalkers
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ashlynniis-bracketeers · 7 years ago
A Small Rant and Analysis
As I browse the internet, I see the same accusations on many characters time and time again:
“Mary Sue!”
Simple, yet even through that, it always gets on my very last nerve. True Mary Sues are much rarer than many people would jokingly hope and accuse of. Many of these characters aren’t even vaguely overpowered, and even if they are, they usually have actual flaws to balance them out. And then there’s one thing I recently remembered: anyone here ever heard of a “Renaissance Man?”
For those who don’t know, a “Renaissance Man” as a person who was considered, in the broadest terms, good at everything, usually intellectual pursuits due to the origin of the term. Despite what one may thing, there were actual “Renaissance Men” throughout history. You’ve probably heard of one in your history classes at some point: Leonardo da Vinci. He was considered the “Renaissance Man,” and for good reason: he was an astronomer, botanist, biologist, mathematician, engineer, artist, and everything in-between, and is heavily influential even today. While he never actually built these ideas, he had art of a “flying machine” and an underwater machine that look like early ideas for the plane and submarine. He was considered good at everything, and he was admirable to even other Renaissance men, such as Michelangelo and other artists, and became such an intelligent, curious being without even being properly educated in a school.
So what does this have to do with characters and Mary Sues? Well, looking at all of this, if Leonardo da Vinci was a fictional character, then people would readily jump on to call him a “Mary Sue,” despite only being a man of many talents and lacking a lot of traits that are common of “true Mary Sues,” such as being the love interest of the main character for no reason and etc. He wasn’t loved by everyone, even despite his talents; he was said to have some kind of speech impediment, and the Church despised him due to his love of science and digging up of cadavers for scientific research. He was still ridiculed, despite being what the people of the Renaissance considered the pinnacle of the “perfect man,” or a “Renaissance Man.”
Some other real-life people who would be considered “Mary Sues” if they were fictional characters would be Charlemagne (Holy Roman Emperor who promoted education for all in the Dark Ages) and Simo Häyhä ( “White Death,” and world’s deadliest sniper with over 500 confirmed killed with a scopeless hunting/sniper rifle who took an anti-tank round to the face, survived, killed the sniper who shot him, and went into a coma where he woke up on the day the war ended, and lived into his 90s). Charlemagne was an intelligent, and even compassionate king, and Simo had a kill count that would make Rambo blush in shame, but both had flaws. Charlemagne would almost be considered a “Renaissance Man,” but he was very violent in the name of religion, and despite making a writing system for his kingdom, was never able to read or write himself. Finland still lost the war even though they had Simo on their side.
So, what am I trying to say? What I’m saying is... make characters that have a lot of good skills! Make an army of “Renaissance Men” under your belt, because having a lot of skills that they’re considered masters of doesn’t automatically make your character a “Mary Sue,” and they can have some crazy flaws even with their skills!
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atletasudando · 2 years ago
Quirón ganó la Copa Nacional de Clubes en la Argentina
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Por Alejandro Ariel Maldonado / CADA La jornada final de la Copa Nacional de Clubes de la categoría mayores en la Argentina que se disputó en el estadio atlético “Justo Ernesto Román” tuvo como punto más alto los 5000 metros de las mujeres con el duelo entre Daiana Ocampo y Florencia Borelli, en un certamen donde el gran ganador por decima vez consecutiva fue la Asociación Deportiva Quirón. Las dos mejores fondistas argentinas del momento, Florencia Borelli y Daiana Ocampo, le pusieron el broche de oro a dos días extraordinarios tanto desde el nivel de atletas, el marco de público y el clima que acompaño con temperatura que el domingo rondaron los 22°C. Ambas corredoras mostraron con creces sus credenciales en los 5000 metros, distancia en la que Borelli posee el primado nacional con 15:23.83 realizados en Manchester, Ingleterra, el pasado 3 de junio y Ocampo es la vigente campeona nacional con su victoria en el certamen realizado en Concepción del Uruguay en abril de este año. Así pues, la lucha por el primer lugar fue electrizante hasta los 200 metros finales, donde la marplatense imprimió un último pero letal cambio de ritmo, sacando una renta irremontable para la capitalina, cruzando la meta en 15 minutos 58 segundos 19/100, contra los 16:01.67 de Ocampo, llevándose la de bronce la también pupila de Leonardo Malgor, Micaela Levaggi con 16:41.29   En la misma prueba, pero entre los varones, Ignacio Erario se quedó con el título por tercera vez consecutiva, ya que había ganado en esta distancia en las ediciones del 2019 y 2021, en 2020 por la pandemia no se realizó, en la tarde del domingo paró los relojes en 14:22.49, superando al cordobés Bernardo Maldonado (14:40.13) y al santiagueño Pablo Toledo (14:40.39). El final de los 800 metros de los varones fue realmente no apto para cardíacos con el duelo entre el marplatense Diego Lacamoire y el metropolitano Julián Gaviola (CASLA), quedando el triunfo en manos del local por apenas una centésima al cronometrar 1:52.85 contra 1:52.86 de Gaviola, completando el podio con 1:52.90 Estanislao Mendivil (Quirón). El concurso del Salto en Alto tuvo al correntino Carlos Layoy como el mejor del mismo al superar la varilla en los 2.10 metros, escoltado por chubutense Lautaro Mantello con 2.00m, quedando tres atletas igualados en el tercer lugar con 1.85 metros, el cordobés Santiago Zezular, Ignacio Sambucetti de Gimnasia y Esgrima de Buenos Aires y el campanense Nahuel Ramos. Otro de los mundialistas que vio acción en “La Feliz” fue el cordobés Ignacio Carballo, quien dominó el Impulso de la Bala varones desde el primer lanzamiento cuando envió el implemento a 18.18 metros, que luego los mejoró en su último intento cuando logró una marca de 18.73 sellando su victoria, su escolta fue el juvenil azuleño Juan Manuel Arrieguez con 16.82m, quedando en tercer lugar con 14.04m, el también cordobés Amílcar Dambolena. Entre las mujeres, la oriunda de Maipú, Ailén Armada, completó su doblete dorado al imponerse con 14.94 metros, superando a la santafecina Milagros Menoni y a la campanense Julieta Rodríguez, segunda y tercera con 12.32 y 10.60, respectivamente.   La Asociación Deportiva Quirón volvió a dominar la escena en las pruebas de velocidad y en los relevos. En los 200 metros de las mujeres Florencia Lamboglia se alzó con el triunfo con autoridad parando los relojes en 23.68, que hubieran sido récord del certamen de no ser por el viento que en ese instante fue de 4.0 m/s a favor por encima de lo reglamentario para homologar la marca, detrás de ella se ubicaron su compañera de equipo Melanie Rosales (24.46) y la representante de River Plate, Sofía Casetta (24.64). Y entre los hombres, Matías Falchetti hizo lo propio parando los relojes en 21.21 (v.+2.9), el podio lo completaron el linqueño Francisco Santinelli (21.39) y José Simo de la Sociedad Alemana de Villa Ballester con 21.47. Y en las Postas 4x400 tanto de hombres como de mujeres, se llevaron el primer lugar con 3:17.00 y 4:01.21, respectivamente. Entre los varones, el segundo lugar fue para la cuarteta del Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro (3:17.24) y el tercero para la Sociedad Alemana de Villa Ballester (3:24.87). Mientras que, entre las mujeres, el segundo puesto fue para el Malgor Pista y Campo, que integró su equipo con Agustina Boucherie, Micaela Levaggi, Ivana Sánchez Ramos y Ana Ursini, cronometrando 4:14.28, quedando en el tercer escalón del podio el equipo rosarino de Sonder (4:17.36). En el Salto Triple de los varones Diego Dimaro se llevó la victoria con 15.10 metros (v.+2.0), que se transforman en la mejor marca bonaerense de la temporada, la medalla de plata fue para el salteño Maximiliano Albarracín con 14.60m (v.+2.6) y la de bronce para el azuleño Gastón Larraburu con 14.29m (v.+4.2). El puntaje final en la tabla general consagró por decima vez consecutiva a la Asociación Deportiva Quirón con 260 puntos, seguido por el Malgor Pista y Campo con 100 y el Club Ciudad de Campana con 82. Mientras que, en la rama masculina, se repitió el podio con los metropolitanos acumulando 125 unidades, los marplatenses con 48 y los campanenses con 41. Y entre las mujeres, Quirón se llevó el triunfo con 135, seguido por Malgor Pista y Campo con 52 y el tercer lugar fue para los santafecinos de Velocidad y Resistencia con 49 Read the full article
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speakingparts · 5 years ago
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simonadelbuono73 · 5 years ago
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Buon pomeriggio amici e followers, l'altro ieri vi ho presentato Sandra, la protagonista femminile di MIA PER SEMPRE, oggi voglio presentarvi LEO, il protagonista maschile. Il suo nome, in realtà è: Marco Leonardo Zani, ma lo chiamano tutti solo Leo. E' nato a Napoli, ma parla senza alcuna inflessione dialettale.Ha una passione per i cronografi e per le auto sportive, ma di classe, infatti guida una Audi 7 sportback Leo arriva a Firenze come dirigente della sez. Anticrimine della questura. La stessa sera in cui arriva a Firenze, invitato ad una festa in un casale, incontra Sandra, per strada, infreddolita e bagnata come un pulcino. Era uscita da quella stessa festa e stava aspettando uno straccio di taxi che la riportasse a casa. Leo rimane immediatamente colpito, anzi, direi folgorato, dalla bellezza e dalla dolcezza della ragazza. Leo è un uomo forte, atletico ma non è un fanatico della palestra, ha i capelli brizzolati, gli occhi color verde smeraldo e marrone caffè espresso, ha qualche segno in viso, colpa della varicella avuta da ragazzo ed è mancino. Prima di conoscere Sandra non si era mai veramente innamorato, ma per lei farebbe qualunque cosa. Simo ----------- #nuovestorie #nuoviamori #nuoviprotagonisti #Miapersempre #Amazon #Kdp #14novembre2019 #disponibile #love #amore #Leo #Sandra #amoreindivisa #futuro #coppia #lovestorieswriter #lovebooks #storie #amorestruggente #scrivere #scrittrice #romanticismo #SdB #simonadelbuono #scrittriceitaliana #ebook #emozioniforti https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VQsADK0s0/?igshid=ryz8m1sl2llc
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filmaticbby · 7 years ago
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Cavalo Dinheiro (2014) dir. Pedro Costa
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