#leonardo has a clan where everyone is welcome
pumpkinpie59 · 6 months
wanna make idw leolotus just to spite idw bc i hate everything about koya and how they wanna pair leo with her
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optimisticallycyn · 1 month
Cyn's Turtle FanFics!
I've seen a few of these Masterpost fanfic clips and I feel like this might be easier to find and deal with rather than updating it chapter by chapter so, let's try this out...
Disclaimer: I DON'T own the turtle boys or any of their content. I'm just a fan that makes stupid stories where I get to have fun putting them through the ringer! Enjoy!
Leo Having A Bad Time FanFictions
Welcome Home Brother
Something's been feeling... off, to Leo lately. He feels like someone's been watching him even though no one ever seems to be there. But he's sure it's fine.
At least until a Donatello from a universe he's never seen shows up, calling him 'Nardo' and talking about bringing him home.
He's not sure what's going on, but he knows that he needs to get away from this unstable version of his brother before it's too late.
Trigger Warnings: Just adding this here because I’ve had a few people now message me that they can’t continue reading because they weren’t expecting the story to get as dark as it does, so I just thought I’d put this here as an extra bit of warning to further readers. This story is not for everyone, and it gets pretty dark and deals with dark subject matter. You are following the life of someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one and can’t get over it. It has mental, physical, and emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, body mutilation and violation (though not sexually obviously), murder, death, amputations, forced drug use and brain washing, ect. If any of that bothers you, please keep yourself safe and refrain from reading. Thank you!
If I'm Of No Use, Then Why Am I Still Here?
Leo couldn't be happier that his brothers are really growing into themselves and expanding their social circles.
He's excited for them in finding new hobbies and interests that take up their time... a lot of their time... pretty much all of it.
It's fine that they're not as interested in training anymore, or running patrols because Karai's Foot Clan is doing very well to keep the streets of New York safe.
It's fine that he's finding himself spending more and more time alone because even April and Casey are moving on and getting ready to go to college and don't really have any time to spare.
He's happy that everyone seems to be moving on.
Even if there doesn't seem to be any room for him in their lives anymore...
Trigger Warnings: Depression, eating disorders, mild self harm, becoming nonverbal, isolation, loneliness, self-worth issues
TMNT 2012 September Challenge
(Wish me luck o this one...)
This is a TMNT 2012 September Challenge from Tumblr.
Not all of these will be shipping ones. A lot of them will probably have nothing to do with that. But they will be labeled in the chapters. :)
Caseynardo Multiple Chapter FanFics (Casey Jones / Leonardo for those who don't know 😊)
Unless otherwise stated, all characters are anywhere from their early to late twenties.
Stranger From Another World
Rise Casey Jones Junior / 2012 Leonardo
Warning: This story is rated M! There will be mild scenes of M/M relations! Be aware.
When random portals start opening all around New York, Casey and his new family have their hands full dealing with the fallout. However one of the portals doesn't drop a monster from some unknown hellscape, but an almost familiar face that's nothing like the one Casey knows. Intrigued by this stranger Casey can't help but want to be close to him and learn as much as he can, and yes, he's sure these new weird feelings in his stomach and the constant heat in his face has nothing to do with it.
Doll's Don't Talk! (But Apparently They Can Hear!?)
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
When Leo accidentally gets blood on the new doll Mikey gave him seconds before Casey stole the thing, he didn't think much of it.
At least... not at first.
Not until he starts to feel this weird pressure like someone's in the room touching him, even if no ones there. Sometimes it's little pets on his head, or an odd sensation across his hand like someone's holding it, sometimes it just feels like he's being... held. Surrounded on all sides in a comfortable heat and weight like he's snuggled under the worlds most comfortable blanket.
He doesn't think much of it until that pressure is joined by a voice. A voice that sounds a little muffled at first but that eventually comes through loud and clear. A very familiar voice.
A voice telling him all kinds of things he's sure he was never supposed to hear.
Mating Season Blues!
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
Casey and Leo have been dating for a few months now and Casey couldn't be happier! Leo's a great boyfriend! So sweet and thoughtful and cuddly... Very cuddly. Especially lately. But why does he keep stealing Casey's clothes lately? And why is he constantly biting Casey and hissing at the others when they get to close? And what's his deal with gifting Casey living animals and feeding him by hand? Meh, he's sure it's fine.
Casey and Leo go through their first Spring together and neither are prepared for how strongly Leo's urges to take care of his mate are going to be.
This is a no sex spring story because I just wanted it to be cute and fluffy. :) Enjoy!
Truth or Dare, and other dumb decisions to make while drinking
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
Leo's not impressed when he catches his brothers and Casey drinking, but he can't really so no when joining in means he gets to spend the night having fun with his 'secrete' crush. Besides, it's not like he'll even drink that much. Just a cup or two. It'll be fine. After all, no ones ever done something they regret with only a few sips in them right?
Caseynardo One/Two-Shot FanFics
Late Night Blues...
Rise Casey Jones Junior / 2012 Leonardo
Casey Jr can't sleep. An unfortunate side effect of living most of his life through an apocalypse. Or maybe a not so unfortunate habit after all when this undesirable trait leads him to finally having a little one on one time with with the Leo from another dimension. He's been dying to speak with him after all. But just because he seems like such a levelheaded and interesting guy... No other reason really.
Or, Rise Casey's awake, 2012 Leo's awake, and Casey stumbles through a basic conversation while trying to keep his thoughts straight...
How To Take Care of Your Stressed Out Boyfriend! By A. Casey Jones!
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
None of their missions have been going well lately, which is bad news for the rest of the team because bad missions means a grumpy Leo.
Casey's got it handled though. He knows just the remedy to cheer him up and get him relaxed. Movies, tea, candles and cuddles of course!
Or; Leo's stressed and Casey's done watching his boyfriend spiral and decides to step in.
Facepaint And Fun!
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
“Did you want to try it?”
“I’m sorry?”
Shocked by the offer Leo quickly returned his attention to the one at his side. Casey snickered at his reaction, swiping the tube from him all to easily and tossing it from hand to hand.
“If you want, I can paint your face up like mine. Let you see for yerself what it’s like.”
“Oh, um…”
He really shouldn’t. He wasn’t sure why he shouldn’t but…
“Y-Yeah.” …What? “Sure.”
2012 Casey Jones / Leonardo
Leo knows somethings off with his boyfriend when he shows up at the lair during school hours. Before he can ask to much on it though Casey gets recruited to help Donnie with some stuff. He lets it go until Casey storms out after an unusual shouting match with his brother. Wanting to get to the bottom of it, Leo follows after him to find out what's up.
Some kids at school say some things to Casey that they shouldn't have and now Leo has to comfort his boyfriend while trying to figure out how to make bodies disappear. As one does.
Turtle Pile Plus Four
2012 Casey Jones / Leonardo
Leo and Casey are cuddling, his bros decide to join in, then, so do his sisters.
The World In My Hands And All I See Is You
2012 Casey Jones / Leonardo
Raph makes fun of the fact that Casey's hands seem much smaller than theirs. Casey points out that he can still do the most important thing. Leo suffers by proxy.
These Bitches Gay, Good For Them (Bad For Me Though Damnit)
Female Casey Jones / Female Leonardo
Raph has a crush on his new human friend and can’t wait to introduce her to his brothers and sister. At least until he realizes that there might be a reason none of his flirtations are returned outside of him being a mutant turtle once Cass sets her eyes on his sister Lea.
Set Lasers to Stun
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
Leo just wanted to enjoy his Space Heroes marathon in peace. Why is that so hard?
Caller ID: Babe is Calling
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
Honestly, Casey should know better than to use such a... suggestive picture for Leo's caller ID.
But its not like he knew his phone was going to fall out of his pocket and end up in the hands of one of his boyfriend's brothers.
If he manages to make it through the night, he's going to owe Leo big for this slip up. He's still keeping all his other pictures though. He'll just hide them better.
Trick Or Treat
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
Leo didn't give to much thought to his Halloween costume, figuring the trench coat he'd worn years ago during his vampire hunter phase was good enough. When Casey pouts over it however he decides to try another, equally last minute costume, but one he think his secret boyfriend will enjoy much more. Casey on the other hand very much knows his costumes going to be a big hit. At least, for Leo it will be.
Limited Addition Kitchen Princess
2012 Casey Jones / 2012 Leonardo
“I’m pretty sure if you help me, it will be against the rules.” “So that’s what this is hm? You lost a bet to Mikey?” Deciding that Casey had been with them long enough it wasn’t surprising that he managed to figure it out that fast, Leo met his smirk with a flat stare. “No. I just thought I’d try out a new wardrobe.” Casey snickered at his sass, putting the hand towel back before joining his side at the island. “You should stick with it. It’s a good look for ya Blue.”
Or, Leo loses a bet which leaves him to be the one on cooking duty for the night, in the girlest apron Mikey could find. Casey's not complaining on the new look and is quick to insert himself in the role of helping out to make sure he doesn't burn the whole lair down.
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ariel-snow-tmnt · 4 years
The new vigilantes
chapter 1 (prologue)
    In New York city, late at night, Ariel and her friends are having fun on the roof of a building in the summer. All five girls know that it’s dangerous to be out at this time of night, cause the Foot-clan are known to attack anyone that may see them commit a crime.
Ariel, a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl, has hair as red as the reddest rose and eyes as green as the greenest graze. She’s a ninjutsu master and a learning shinobi. She has multiple weapons. She wears a black belly shirt with black pants. She has snow flake’s shape tattoos on her both arms. She wears black boots with chains on them and a belt with chains on de side. She has a black choker. She is the youngest of her friends. She is known to fall in love easily. She mostly gets used by boys to get money or so they can get cuter girls. She gets hurt a lot by them. She loves huge thunderstorms. She is an orphan. She mostly loves to play video games and watch movies.
Rachel is the oldest of her friends. She is nineteen years old. She has black hair and brown eyes. She wears a red shirt and red jeans. She wears high heals and red bracelet. She’s also the most tempered one. She is still learning ninjutsu. She uses the twin Sai mostly. As the oldest of the group, she feels responsible if someone gets hurt. She tents to mostly pick up a fight with Ariel and Lea.
Then there’s Dana. she’s eighteen years old. She is the techno one. She is good with computers. She wears a purple dress with black legging. She wears glasses and her hair is brown with purple high lights. She’s has black high heals boots. She is learning ninjutsu like Rachel. She uses the Bo-staff. She is the one that creates the most fun things that can help them find the Foot-clan better. She is trying, mostly, to come up with a way to have the same weapon resistance then the Shredder.
Then there’s the party girl Mia. She wears a pink skirt and an orange tank-top. She has orange shoes and a pink neckless. She has blonde hair with orange and pink high lights up in a ponytail. Her eyes are sea blue. She’s seventeen and learning ninjutsu with nunchakus. She also loves video game and she loves to play tricks on the others. She is the one that can make anyone smile and laugh.
At last there’s Lea. She has blue eyes and blonde with a lot of blue high lights. She wears blue shoes and dark blue shorts. Her T-shirt is a light blue. She’s eighteen and is Ariel most trusted friend. She is the most advance in her learning of ninjutsu. She uses katanas. She is the most responsible one of all. She comes up with most of the attack plans and she convinces everyone to train event if they know most of their ninjutsu. She already has a boyfriend call Oliver and he’s also Ariel’s friend.
The girls are up there on the roof and having fun when Ariel sits down and the edge of the roof and looks down in the dark alley. She sees foot ninja stealing the jewelry shop.
Ariel: “Hey girls!’’ the girls go over to her and saw what is going on down there. The foot clan was robing a jewelry store which was not something to common to them. It was mostly the purple dragons that did those things.
Lea: “We should do something.” looks at the other girls
Rachel: “Like what! Its not our job to take care of the foot. It’s the vigilante’s job.”
Ariel: “Lets go Lea!” She jumped off the roof followed by Lea, Mia and Dana. Rachel sighs they followed them. They manage to stop the foot and return the jewelry to the owner. The five girls go back on the roof. Ariel sits on the edge of the roof with the others.
Out in the shadows, on another roof top, four brothers watch the girls from a distance. They mostly stay in the shadows and come out at night. They live in the sewer with their father. They are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They made a big lair from mostly nothing. All four of them know ninjutsu.
Leonardo is the leader in blue. He is the oldest. He tries to keep his brothers out of trouble. He watches over the city to help people in need.
Donatello has his way with machine. He is older than mickey. He’s the one that installed most of the security system. He has a job on the internet of programing and he created fake ID’s for him so he can have a Banque account. No one knows about how and when he learned to use a computer but everyone is happy to have him around.
Michelangelo is one of a kind and you know where to find him when it party time. He is the youngest. He has a cat name Clunk. He looks up at his brothers. He loves to play tricks on them and always manage to get on Raph’s bad side. He has an adorable personality. It mostly impossible to hate him.
Raphael has the most attitude in the team. He is the second oldest. He has a very short fuse. He is the strongest of his brothers and he care very much about them. He acts tough but he is sensitive.
Rachel looks at her watch and notice that it really late.
Rachel: “We should go home. It’s to get really late.” She looks over to the girls. Hoping that one of them will take care of Ariel.
Ariel: “Can I bunk at one of your places tonight?”
Lea: “I have Oliver coming home tonight.” She looks sadly over to Ariel.
Mia: “I’m going to my grandparents tonight. Sorry.”
Dana: “I will be working most of the night.”
Rachel: “I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I’m sorry Ariel.”
Ariel looks down sadly: “I understand.”
They all say their goodbyes to Ariel and leave. Ariel ends up alone on the roof. She takes out her phone and decide to call her oldest friend April O’Neil.
Ariel: “Hey April”
April: “Hey Ariel. Is everything alright?”
Ariel: “Yeah everything fine.’’ She sighs ‘‘Hum can I bunk over at your place tonight?”
April: “Sure! Your always welcome to my place. See you later then. Bye.”
Ariel hung up then sigh as she looks up at the sky. The brothers look at each other as Leonardo start to move closer to the edge of the roof as he wants to have a better look at her. Donatello follows quietly and stand by him.
Donnie: “what are you planning on doing?”
Leo: “we should try to find out who she is and why did her and her friends stop those foot soldiers? The more we know about them the easiest it will be for us to track them down if they do something stupid. But one thing for sure. Why doesn’t she leave like the others?”
Donnie: “Maybe she doesn’t have a home or she an orphan. But I heard her call April. She probably going to sleep there.” Looks over to his brother then back at Ariel and notice that she’s gone. Raphael walks over to them followed by Michelangelo. They all leave to go home.
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fierycosmos · 5 years
TMNT: Leo2012xReader - Defense
You were surprised when you came to visit the turtles one day that it was conveniently timed when Karai, also known as Miwa, came to visit and finally meet her biological father. You stared in awe as she strolled through the rotating gates. You backed away, giving the guys a quizzical look, but they kept close to Karai and observed her reactions to the lair. Huffing slightly at how distracted the turtles were, especially Leonardo, you backed off slightly but followed them as the brother announced their presence back home. You were slightly touched as Karai gave Master Splinter a hug, but you were still worried as slightly untrustworthy of her, but smiled slightly for the sake of not making issues with your long-term friends the Hamatos. Briefly, after the hug everything seemed to return to normal for the lair as the boys went back to training, you were a little way away as Master Splinter instructed you to do some katas. You were already quite skilled at boxing and street fighting, but Master Splinter wanted you to gain a more organized way to fight and protect yourself. However, while you were training, you saw how Leonardo was suddenly showing off for Karai as she was the guest viewing how Master Splinter trained his sons and it made you angry, but you couldn’t deny that Leo did look good doing what he did best. The silence was broken when Master Splinter called out, “Yame!” The boys stopped fighting and everyone lined up, except for Karai who was sitting on her knees near her father. “Y/N, would you do the honor of sparring with my daughter?” Master Splinter asked as he gestured to his daughter. You look between the two briefly. “…Of course, sensei.” You hesitantly bowed. Karai got up from her seat and you two stood a few feet away from each other. You bowed together and while doing so you whispered to her, “let’s not intend to kick the crap out of each other, kay?” “All right.” Karai smiled slightly at your remark and you both got into ready positions. Master Splinter announced for you to start and Karai welcomed you to come after her first. At first, you approached with some quick kicks that Master Splinter and Leo have perfected with you. She was easy to block but the power in your kicks was evident as you backed off and she took advantage to charge at you this time. She came close to your cheek with her fist and you knocked her arm with your elbow and tried sweeping your leg underneath her to make her fall, but she flipped back. “You’ve improved.” She complimented as she got back into a ready position. You were a little taken aback by her words but tried your best not to show it on your face as you rotated your shoulder a bit. “As have you.” You nodded and you both started to charge. As Karai went with a technique closer to her adoptive father’s style, more ruthless and intense, you went with diverging her attacks with simple movements and keeping on your toes without stopping to keep up you energy and hopefully wipe Karai out. As you continued to avoid her strikes at you, you could tell Karai was getting a little frustrated. “I still don’t understand your technique.” Karai said mid blow as you grabbed her arm twisted it behind her back and then forced her forward. “That’s the point.” You smirked as your confidence was rising. She got up with ease and then refocused her mind and got back into the fight. You charged once more and got her focus on counter-attacking you as you caught her outstretched leg and pulled it towards you but to the side of your body and was able to jab her in the stomach. Karai knelt on the ground briefly and once again you smirked. “And plot twist, I don’t have a technique. It’s spontaneous.” She stayed down on one knee for longer than you expected until suddenly she got the best of you by pulling you down by the collar of your shirt. While falling, she kneed you in the back and you toppled over onto your stomach, the wind knocked out of you. “Wow, that, that was good.” You grunted as she rubbed your back while getting up on your elbow. “Yame.” Master Splinter saw what he needed to and Karai actually outstretched her hand to help you up. You gave her a wary glance but took it nonetheless. You looked at each other and quickly bowed before turning back to your sensei. “That will all for today.” He excused everyone for the time being, Mikey and Raph went to go run to the couch to play some video games, Donnie went right back into his lab, while Master Splinter kept Leo behind to talk for a bit. Karai and you left the dojo and you two went your separate ways. You headed to the kitchen, feeling uneasy and in a serious mood for some tea. You filled up the kettle and left it on the stove. While it was heating, you picked out your favorite tea from Master Splinter’s various selection in the cabinets. You also got an icepack for where Karai kneed you in the back and you leaned back in your chair as you let the ice pack work its magic. When the kettle was humming the tea was ready, suddenly Karai walked into the kitchen as you got up from your seat. You saw she seemed a bit out of it, maybe shocked by being on the other side of the fight and realizing who her true father was. In order to help her in some way, you decided to start a conversation for her sake. “Hey, I just finished boiling some water, want some tea?” You asked as you got out two cups. “Tea, that would be nice.” Karai sighed as she took a stool across from you to sit at and you brought over a few packets of tea for her to choose from as you poured the cups. She chooses a dragon lily tea bag and you brought her the cup with hot water along with lemon and sugar. “Here.” “Thanks…” Karai gave you a shy glance before she quickly took the cup to her lips, blew on it, and sipped. She was being unusually quiet and it bugged you. “Everything all right?” You asked, Karai hesitated for her next sip, and decided to put her cup down instead. “Did I hit you too hard with that spin kick?” “No, that’s not it…” Karai gave a sad excuse for a smiled as she traced the floral designs on the side of the cup. She then took something out of her pocket that you couldn’t quite get a good look at. “What a weird looking trinket.” Karai’s eyes widened a bit and she placed it a bit away from her on the table and leaned back a bit. “It’s…well…” “…What is it?” You were getting antsy, you hated suspense and you also didn’t know what to expect from someone like Karai. “It’s something I shouldn’t have.” She mumbled as she looked away a bit, leaving one elbow on the counter and taking another, longer sip of her tea. “Is it something of the Foot’s?” You gripped the teacup you were holding a bit tighter. You tried not to sound too bitter, as you have gotten plenty hurt from running into the Foot Clan, not mention getting occasionally beat up by Karai herself and brutalized by the Shredder. “Yes…” She admitted. “Well you should hide it before Raph blows a gasket.” You lean back and blow a bit more on you tea. “It’s too late for that…” She pocketed the trinket again. Your eyebrows furrowed and you could tell that Karai was going through a lot in her head. “What, what do you mean?” Suddenly Karai put down her tea and scooted the wooden chair back from the counter. “I need to go.” She quickly began to make her way towards the exit. Knowing Leonardo would be heartbroken over the issue, you rushed after her. “Go? You just got here.” You whisper yelled, as to not draw too much attention to yourself or Karai. “I don’t belong here. I’m a traitor to my own father.” Karai admitted sadly as she continued to rush towards the subway system. “You’re doing right by leaving the Foot—” “No, Y/N!” Karai turned on you and yelled, though not meaning to yell at you, she was just sad and angry at the world, but especially at Shredder. You stepped back a bit, and thankfully no one heard you as you were little ways down the subway from the lair. She took out the trinket she pocketed. “This is a tracking beacon.” “You brought that HERE?” You snapped. “I KNOW I’m sorry!” Karai yelled back pitifully. “Sorry?” You gawked at her. You were so mad, Leo has been working so hard to try and get you here, for Master Splinter’s sake and maybe even his own, and now Karai was ruining his family’s chances at closure and happiness. “How are you going to explain this to the boys? What about Master Splinter?” “Old habits never die I guess…” This is when you really started to notice how torn up Karai was over the situation as she was at a sudden fork in the road and she didn’t know what to do. You decided to take pity on her. “Look, I’m the only one that knows, right?” She nods and you take a breath as you tighten your fists. “So you still have a chance to make things right.” “How?” She asked hopelessly. “You have to leave.” You state though with some sadness appearing in your voice. “I’ll hate having to seeing Master Splinter’s face but at least he’ll be happy to know you chose to save him rather than hand him over to Shredder.” “You really think he’ll forgive me?” Karai asked hopefully. “Knowing him, yes.” You sigh as you rub your neck awkwardly. Karai looked behind her and then beyond where you were standing between her and the lair. “Okay.” She nodded after a beat. “You have to move now, okay?” You approached her and gripped her hand still holding the tracking device. “Please, don’t let the Foot find us. Shredder has so many resources to move locations if he wanted, Master Splinter doesn’t. This is their home.” “I know, that’s why I don’t want to betray him.” Karai nodded as she locked eyes with you. “At least that’s good to hear.” You give a half smile, she gives you her best half-smile as well. You let go of her hand and she starts to make her way down the subway system. “Thank you, for not trying to strangle me.” Karai says over her shoulder. “Well you’re lucky you were honest about it when I asked.” You smile as she gives a small smile back. “Now go, I’ll cover.” Karai nods and disappears quickly and you sigh in relief when you can’t hear her footsteps anymore. You began walking briskly but carefully back to the turntables that led into the lair and once you saw everything was undisturbed you just plopped onto the ground and lied on your back, rubbing your eyes in frustration. What on earth were you going to do? How could you break this to Master Splinter? To Leo even? Suddenly you heard quick footsteps heading your way and you jolted up and saw Leo rushing to you. “Y/N, are you okay?” He kneeled next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He looked at you oddly, you looked like you were dealing with something. He was always good at reading you. “What’s wrong?” “N-Nothing, I’m just tired, it’s been a long day…” You sigh as you stand up without him and began walking towards the kitchen again. Leo decided to follow you there. He saw that there were two teacups sitting on the counter still. You quickly made a move for them and began washing them in the sink quietly. Then he asked the question you pleaded he wouldn’t. “Have you seen Karai?” You winced at the happiness and curiosity in Leo’s voice. You turned off the water and gripped the sink counter with your hands, nails slightly digging into the wood. “I really shouldn’t answer that.” You mumbled. “What?” You turn around but don’t look at him yet. You move some hair out of your face and then meet his eyes and sigh. You squish your eyes close. “…She left.” You finally got out. Leo’s eyes bulged under his mask. “She what? Why didn’t you stop her?” He came up towards you, more so because he was worried than angry. Being closer to you now made you almost cry as you hated seeing how worried he looked and the desperation to make his family complete for his father. Also to have Karai nearby him as they could now be together. Another pull at your heartstrings at that thought. “I couldn’t…she was going to betray us.” You turned your head away from him, still back against the sink and you gripping the counter for dear life. “You forced her to leave, didn’t you?” Leo got closer to you. “You never liked her!” His green hands were in fists now and you were very afraid as you pealed your eyes open. “It’s not that! She had this thing—” “She would never do that to Splinter!” Leo didn’t want to listen to your reasoning, riding it off as an excuse. “Well she was going to!” You snapped. Leo looked shocked a bit but not enough to keep him from pressing the issue. You were so angry and sad, Leo had never snapped at you like this. “She had a tracking device that allowed the Shredder to locate her. I told her to leave before he could find the lair!” Once you got that off your chest you felt a bit more relieved, but then you saw his reaction to the truth and the guilt came rushing back. “She wouldn’t…” He looked down at his feet, his hands no longer clenched as the energy seemed to be wiped from him completely like you punched him in the gut. “I’m telling you she did!” You yelled, why was he suddenly being so thickheaded? “I don’t believe you.” He looked at you hard and you almost growled at him. “Goddammit Leo!” You got off the counter’s edge and that got him to back off of you a bit. “I don’t know what else to tell you!” You have tried to get through to him and obviously, it wasn’t working. You then began storming out of the kitchen. “Find out for yourself I’m gone!” As you were headed out the kitchen you saw the brothers had gathered around in shock, one from never seeing you and Leo fight, and two from hearing the news about Karai’s almost betrayal. You could see Master Splinter from the corner of your eye near the dojo, but you couldn’t stand to see his face as you jumped over the turntables and rushed out of the sewers as fast as you could. You rushed back to your apartment building and decided as soon as you got into your room to head up the fire escape stairwell near your window and sit outside for a bit, as your room was too small for your heated anger burning inside. You got to the top and sat down on the ledge and watched your feet sway as they dangled over the side. You kept wiping your eyes that threatened to let tears fall, thankfully they didn’t because one tear would lead to a breakdown, and you don’t want to cause a commotion for your building. While you were up there, waiting for the sadness and anger to simmer down, you started ripping up leaves that had fallen onto the rooftop. You would do this when you were happy as a mock “he likes me he likes me not” cliche since you didn’t have flowers nearby, but instead, you were just grumbling stuff under your breath. “Stupid boy, stupid turtle, stupid ninja clan war.” You let them fall off the building and you picked up a few more. “Stupid Karai, stupid Shredder, stupid stupid STUPID!” You yelled a bit louder and more coherently, suddenly running out of patience and just took the small pile by your side and crumpled them all up and let them go off the edge as well. You shifted your body so one leg was over the edge and one leg was on the rooftop. Doing so, you leaned forward on your elbows in frustration and took a few long breaths, hoping it would help. You then realized you weren’t angry at anyone but yourself. You should’ve confronted Master Splinter on the issue, or maybe you shouldn’t have talked at all to Karai. Then again, where would that have led to? And you don’t blame Leo for yelling at you, it did hurt of course, but you would’ve been mad too if you were in his situation. Besides, Leo really did like Karai, almost as much as you liked him. I guess you just had to face the fact that their Romeo and Juliet story would have to continue and maybe everything will work out for the best later, maybe not for you, but what mattered was that Leo and his family were happy again and had each other. “Y/N.” A voice broke your concentration from breathing. You immediately knew it was Leo but for once you couldn’t read his tone of voice, but didn’t care and decided not to look at him as you heard him approach. “I don’t want to argue with you anymore, okay?” You switched back to having both legs over the edge so you didn’t have to inkling to check him out from the corner of your eye. “So please, just save it.” You sighed in defeat. Leo stopped shortly, only a foot or two away from where you were sitting. After the pause, he joined you on the ledge almost a foot away and sighed. “We found Karai…” He admitted slowly. You lifted your head up from sulking but didn’t look at him directly. “You were right.” That got you to look at her. “Things got really out of hand after you left.” You rolled your eyes and looked forward again. “You gonna blame me for more things?” You huff as you turn slightly away from his direction. “No, no.” Leo chided as he placed a hand on your shoulder, which you usually greeted warmly but you shrugged him off. “That’s not what I’m saying.” He looked forward again and so did you. “I really should just start by apologizing for yelling at you.” He sighed and looked at his hands in a defeated way. “I had no right to do so.” “…It’s funny, I forgave you right after leaving the lair. I understood where you were coming from.” You sighed, and you could tell that Leo was a little shocked at your statement, but you weren’t through yet. “But at the same time, you’ve never yelled at me like that before. It really hurt.” “And that’s the last thing I wanted to do.” He said honestly as he placed a hand on your leg to get your attention, and you finally looked at him and you could tell he was really upset, but you had to keep yourself from swooning and falling for his beautiful blue eyes  “I don’t want to lose you like Master Splinter just lost Karai.” You were taken out of your head immediately and gasped. “What, what do you mean? Is she—” “No, she’s not dead.” Leo said reassuringly, but he still didn’t seem happy over whatever happened. “But the Shredder got to her, lured us out with a trap she was in and then,” He paused briefly to breathe and you gripped his arm unintentionally. “She, she got mutated into some albino snake creature.” “Oh my god…” You gasped and let go of his arm. You placed your head into your hands and shuddered. “That’s all my fault.” “No, no it’s not!” Leo frantically reassured you. “You set her on the right path, she betrayed the Shredder. The mutation thing was an accident.” You looked up a bit at Leo, eyes starting to get red from tears still not falling and Leo put a hand on your shoulder again, and you didn’t shove him off. “She seemed happy to finally turn the tables on him.” “I still feel awful.” You sighed as you looked down at the space between you and Leo. “You shouldn’t.” He lifted your head up by your chin so you could look at him again and you slightly blushed at his gentleness. “None of this is your fault. You saved my family. Master Splinter was happy that you set Karai on the right path. He always said you had it in you to turn the worst people good.” You blushed more but you smiled at his kindness. You gave him a quick hug, which he accepted immediately. “Wish it was that easy for Shredder to turn over a new leaf.” You joked. “I don’t think he has any leaves to turn over.” Leo chuckled slightly. You smiled too and then you both looked ahead without saying anything for a beat. “So, are we okay now?” He asked nervously. You looked at him a little shocked, thinking the hug explained it all, but he really did look sorry. Another example of Leo being clueless to notions, romantic or not. “I never want to hurt you like I did ever again.” “Yeah, we’re okay.” You smiled and he finally sighs in relief. “I’m sorry you lost your chance at getting your girl.” Leo shot up and blushed red. “W-What do you mean?” He stuttered and you almost laughed at how cute he sounded but it wasn’t at your sake, it was at Karai’s. “I mean, you didn’t get to really be with Karai like you wanted.” You stated the obvious. “What are you talking about?” Leo gaped, and you gave him a funny look like ‘don’t you put on a facade for me.’ “I don’t like Karai.” “Uh, yeah, you do.” You gave a short laugh at his charade. “You usually don’t stop talking about saving her and getting her on our side.” You began to list but then Leo came in quick to respond. “I wanted to do that for Master Splinter, I wanted him to be reunited with his daughter again. That’s it.” Now it was your turn to gape at him. “Really?” “Yeah, besides.” He suddenly grabbed your hand that was resting on your lap. “I thought I lost my girl when you ran away.” You snapped your head up from looking at your hands to his face and your face felt as bright as a firetruck. Leo blushed red too and began stuttering again at your shock. “B-But if you don’t like me like that then I totally get it because we are so different—” “No, no!” You quickly grabbed his hand again that almost slipped away from you and he turned a brighter red too. You took a breath to finally get your feelings off your chest. “I do like you.” You smiled at how dumbfounded Leo looked and you cozied up to his shoulder as you twisted your arms around his arm. “I used to get, well, jealous whenever you talked about Karai. So I assumed you liked her.” “Really?” Leo asked in relative disbelief trying his best to look down at you without making you move from his side, since he was on cloud 9. “Yeah, really.” You smiled into his shoulder. Leo laughed a little in a flabbergasted way and then leaned a little back on the ledge and looked up at the sky. “We really need to work on communicating better with each other.” You almost snorted at how true that was. You decide to get off his shoulder and look at him. “Well, I think we’re on the right track now…” You cooed and he smiled at you dreamily. Subconsciously you leaned in and you saw him blush and follow your lead and suddenly your lips met his in a tender kiss. He raised his hand that wasn’t entangled with yours to cup your cheek and you placed a hand on his plastron. You parted sooner than both of you wanted but you were both in disbelief and were very flustered. “Yeah, I’d say that’s a good start.” Leo breathed out happily. “Me too.” You smiled and quickly pecked his lips again, and letting your forehead touch his. “Oh jeez, not you too!” You both snapped out of your dreamy wonderland world you created with each other and turned around to see three boys barely containing themselves. “Guys?” Leo gaped once more, you followed suit as his three bothers were grinning like idiots, Mikey with his T-phone. “Now we got another Donnie to worry about!” Raph complained. “Yeah, wait!” Donnie gawked at his brother as the two began to tussle as Mikey was laughing. “Ow!” Raph whined as they were fighting. “Gr…” Leo was about to get up and give them a piece of his mind but you pulled him back down to you and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Ignore them…” You sigh, and then get to close to his ear and whispered, “you can mess with them later.” You grinned evilly at him and he smirked in return and returned his forehead to yours. “Whatever you say.”        
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