leo-desk · 7 years
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BACK TO SCHOOL! Today(11 September 2017) I went back to school and these are the flatlays(more like attempts of flatlays) of my school supplies and my sister's(she's 11 and her's is the one in pastel pink). I just wanted to say that from now on I will only post on weekends(Friday night included) because it seems I'll be very busy. The grading system is a TOTALLY new one and we are all super confused. Have a nice day! Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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Hi guys, sorry for not posting in such a long time. I was very busy with school. So I made this portrait yesterday(19 October 2017) and I'm pretty pleased with it. :) As you can see my head proportions are wrong and I finally found out why(the left eye is too close to the hair. There are probably some other mistakes(like the lips are two small)but it's okay, I'm still learning. I started drawing realistically two or so months ago and for nearly half of that period I haven't drawn a single line so...But still I think I got the elements very nicely one by one. Proportions though...having trouble applying them in any angle. Hope you have a great day! Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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This are the last few pages of my art journal and I forgot to share them when I did actually finish them. Today(5 September 2017) I'm going to start a new journal(actually a half-used one but it wasn't used for art practice/learning). Have a nice day! Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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Color Theory notes I took yesterday. I figured I should share this since getting an understanding of color helps making things more aesthetical.
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leo-desk · 7 years
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The Piffl Pen pencils inspired me for this diy. Wht you have to do i to basically use a sandpaper or file to get rid of that arced part on top of your pencil and attach a small gem to it when you have it flattened down. If you have pencils whith erasers whose erasers wore out, get rid of that metallic part with pliers and just attach a plastic gem and ta-da! This pretty pencils on your desk.
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leo-desk · 7 years
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Hi there guys! Remeber this little sketchbook I showed you last time(it's the same photo). Well, I finished it yesterday(a productive day in an artistical level). I tried a broad number of subjects on the 8 pages left(out of 12) and I think I pretty much succeded. Photos 4 and 5 are my only regret. At 5 I tried to make an anime character more real(Subaru Sakamaki) but somehow I miserably failed. While 4 was actually my last page and as always I messed up my last page big time(partly because I was drawing it at around 22:30) In photo six I used another tool other than the ones listed on the last photo, to make the leopard markings(a tombow black brush pen, N15 or am I wrong?!) Hope you are having a great time, Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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I finished this pastel painting(or do I call it drawing?!) featuring my cousin yesterday. I'm not very satisfied with it though. Hope you guys are doing great, Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
How to make friends in a new school
How to make friends in a new school I felt an urge to write something like this since many if my tumblr friends here have faced the situation of being left out from the school groups, everybody has friends already and they don't need you, right? Well, I've been there too, twice. And that'll probably happen this year, too. But after my second time, I think I know how you can make friends in a new environment. However, please note that this is a guide meant to help, not a math formula out of which you can not doing anything different. Apply this tips to your situation and always listen to your gut while at it. 1. Try to recognize a base-this is sort of impossible if you are in a new school because you moved in a new state or something, but if your situation is that of going to middle school, high school or college than this may come in handy. What you do is try to find someone you know. Anyone. Even people which you never spoke to before bc of being a bit shy or something else maybe but you recognize them and they recognize you, that is you are acquintances, maybe bc of sitting close in the school bus or something else. This time you should talk to them. They'll be delighted to find someone familiar in this fairly new experience, too. And who knows, maybe you'll find the best friend in the whole world. Another way to create a base is to observe through the whole first week of school, who seems more like you. Aproach that person. Make small talk with them. Become friends. You can approach them by asking to seat near them. By asking what they are drawing, what book are they reading whether you're right in assuming they like say basketball or stuff like that. Be genuine. Be you. 2. Expanding that base- After becoming friends with one person you both may like to create a group. You may also help someone else in the corners who is lonely. A big mistake people make when trying to make friends is that they approach a group of people they don't agree with or don't share a single interest with and thus force themselves to act as someone they are not. Rather identify the people who are like you and create your group who is always happy to 'recruit'. 3. Engage yourself in activities-Enter a club or maybe 2 if you can. Be heard in class. Enter contests. This way your name and you as a person will be more familiar to people maling you more approachable and you will be having fun doing what you like and challenging yourself. Well, I hope this helps you my dears, I hope it helps me too again. If I could create a group of the 7 nicest girls on earth and keep it that way for 4 years and still willing to continue our friendship, yoy can too. Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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Yesterday's(29 August 2017) drawing practice. My handwriting is horrible.
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leo-desk · 7 years
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HOW TO USE A PAST YEAR PLANNER(free organisation's planner) By organisation planner I mean those free agendas that companies give to their workers or spread at different shops or other companies as means of marketing.(Those that have a companies name printed in big letters on the cover and every page with their logo or the like) As a matter of fact you can use this method for any past year planner. (I was lucky, my dad gave me a past year moleskine daily agenda ^_^) 1. The cover- depending on how big the logos or the year the planner was intended to be used you may want to stick something on that or if it is very very apparent and can't be covered then you can make a fabric cover for it. 2. Cover the year inside of the pages- I used a thin flag to cover it, as for the pages that have calendars on them well: 3. Use free month calendars(maybe you got a table calendar by the same company which gave you the planner) and cut them and stick them to the pages with the calendars intended in the planner 4. And lastly, what bothers you most when using a past year planner is the fact that dates have the wrong days of the week for your current year of usage, you can fix this by some free planner stickers(the source of my stickers is in the photo). And ba-damm! It's as good as new. If you are using this for school and you say for example start school in september, which means that you can only use the planner for 3 months, do this: just use it normally for those three months and when january kicks in start at page one. I hope this helped. Another idea of spending less on a planner/bujo is buying one of those chinese journals with black fake leather covers on them (sometimes they have prettier covers). Those which don't have dates on them, just the place to write the date(usually they have pages with grids). They have a quality good enough to last for the full year and the paper is quite nice plus there's plenty of room for personalisation and quite fit for a bujo since the pages are blank(ok they have grids on them but yet). Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
5 Language learning tips
1. Don't be scared to start one and don't fret it much: Thing is a language is a way in which people see and perceive the world. Different idioms in english would have no meaning in another language, there are english words that don't have an exact equivalent in another language and many words from your language/your target language/any language that can not find an equivalent in english. Just from this example in which we are comparing english with another language, you can get a glimpse on how expressing yourself efficiently derives from the culture of a nation. And everyone shall accept that there will be endless meaningless gramatic rules, endless exceptions from these rules and endless times when things won't make sense and get frustrated but always accept it as it is and try to love your target language as much as you can be it that you are studying it out of your will because if you are doing something you might as well enjoy it. With passing of time you will start to find meaning in what you thought meaningless and as you tune yourself in with the language you will have an idea as how a new word is both pronounced and what it means by the different suffixes and prefixes that have been carved in your mind unknowingly. 2. Use all exposure you can get to the language you are learning: When you listen to music listen to that language songs. When you see TV, do it in that language. Listening to the news, well yep even in the news although they talk generaly terribly fast.When you use your phone, choose that language to use it in. These all seem for upper levels? You can not stand it when you don't understand a single thing?Next tip is for you then. 3. Know how it translates: Listening to a song, read a translation of the lyrics first. This not only helps you enjoy the true potential of that song but also learn new vocabulary. If you know say 3 words in a line with 8 words, their placement will help you learn 2 new others and so on. Try to remember the translated text as much as possible instead of opening a video with subtitles because they derive your attention from the language being spoken. Or: listen to your target language versions of known and loved songs by you. This way you don't have to memorize much and it's also faster. The downside of this is that there aren't many songs like this since song translating is very hard and many people who like to sing prefer uploading videos of singing the original than going through all the translation process and singing it in another language, so you will probably have to alternate between these two methods. The Bilinguapp uses a similar approach to this only instead with reading. Try that, too. 4. This should have probably been first but, anyway: Use what you have at hand: A good book is always a good help but that doesn't mean that the moment you decide to learn a new language to go out and buy 4 gramatic books, 6 workbooks, the largest dictionary you can get and as many reading pamphlets with CDs or that you should cry that you can't. Instead use what is already available, like free apps or internet sites which offer free lessons, this way you will start learning not being intimidated by the idea of studying with a textbook, will start liking the language and understand it a tid bit and when you then buy a textbook the idea of never using it will be less tempting. 5. If you want to learn multiple languages in the same time pick your style: A lot of language learners don't recommend learning more than 3 languages at the same time as it can get you very confused and such. They don't recommend learning from the same language group as you can mix them up but sometimes they do encourage learning from the same family as it is easier. They recommend learning languages in different languages, which means that you should be in a different stage in every language, a beginner in one, intermediate in another and so on. But there are those who think different. Well which one should you listen to? The one you are more comfortable with. If you mix things up in a single language frequently than you shall learn from different language groups. If you on the other hand learn the best by finding the differencies and comparing then learn in the same language group. Maybe you feel like learning more than 3 languages. Try it out don't be scared. They say you should not in order to have the highest performance in these languages. To you maybe more than 3 is not much, maybe it's the right dose and even if you fail it's not like you can't try again. Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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German, a glass of ice tea and a failed attempt for a beautiful header
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leo-desk · 7 years
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DIY RULER DECORATING I have yet to see someone who gets exited over rulers(if you do please don't take any offence, this is of course a personal thought of mine) and that happens because they are sort of really dull and rarely have any extra features. That is not to say they are not useful or needed or unimportant bc damn they are in almost all of scientific studies at least. So in order to make them more pleasing or to reyse old but good strong ones you had as a child I have been using this method for the past 2 years: Take your ruler and some deco tape(or washi for the matter or even simply colored tape if you like) and stickers(i sort of regret my choice of stickers in this one but its ok since it matches my other supplies) and simply cut strips of deco tape and stick them on the ruler like I am doing here. Then add stickers if you want. Always remember not to affect the numbers bc thats what you will be using a ruler for. I personally find this method great bc I love this ruler but not that image on top of it and this way I can not only have it like I want it, it also seems new year after year. This is my method bc it is highly compatible with my ruler but when searching for this sort of diy online I adopted also from the following methods which are more compatible with plastic or woden rulers. For plastic clear rulers(or even colored ones for the matter if you like how it turns out of course): It's pretty much similar but you will be using patterned paper instead of tape(if the ruler doesn't have any sticker on top, if it does proceed like I did in the example photos). Cut the paper the identical shape of your ruler(bc the numbers will not be affected this way) and put some clear glue or use roll glue on the patterned side of the paper(NOT on the white side). Then take your ruler and put it on top of the paper. Please note that if you want to be able to see under the number scale you may want to cut the paper shorter so that part is left clear. For wooden rulers: Protect the number scale with masking tape and paint them as you wish. And done. That's what I had in store for today(my eyes are starting to hurt so break time) Love
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leo-desk · 7 years
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I finally finished this sketch after starting it before two weeks
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leo-desk · 7 years
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Yesterday(17 August 2017) was my birthday and I am celebrating it in Ohrid with my family and I bought these little pretty things up here.I am so exited about the Oxford Student's Dictionary and for that Milan Stylus and pen in one thingie(I hope you can see it in the second photo). I also got a cheap calligraphy dip pen set and some ink. If you guys are wondering I bought the stationery at Prosvetno Delo(at least that's how I think it is read) and the books in a used books kiosk near the aforementioned shop. Btw that little kiosk is heaven. Last time I also found Gone with the Wind and a handy little thesaurus ^_^
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leo-desk · 7 years
Cousin teaching me French
Started this 2 days ago. French is hell, the fact that I don’t have a textbook makes it worse. Anyone has any suggestion? Would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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