#leo is the obvious one u guys know now that i think rinne is also super involved in that
starswallowingsea · 2 years
okay enstars instruments headcanons (this is not all of the characters just ones i felt like doing)
eichi: plays low-effort percussion. tried flute once and could not keep up with it. unfortunate truly. plays a mean xylophone on his good days though.
wataru: probably has basic knowledge in like. every instrument but specializes in flute because he can mimic his pigeons with it. bonus points that eichi loves it.
tori: wants so so bad to play flute but got stuck with the clarinet
yuzuru: learned clarinet so he could help tori, but i think it would be fun if he also did jazz clarinet in his spare time
subaru: this boy plays trumpet and is so annoying about it gdbless
mao: he's in bband right he plays guitar? probably also learned piano or something at some point but its very rusty
makoto: this guy really goes ham on the keyboard BUT cannot for the life of him play a normal piano
chiaki: touched a guitar once and the string broke and he has never been the same since
kanata: plays exclusively smooth jazz on a soprano sax
hiiro: one man band type of guy. little bit of everything going on there
aira: got jealous of hiiro being able to play instruments really well so soon after picking them up so he was determined to get better than him in one specific instrument and it was absolutely not one that he could handle (tuba/baritone) (hiiro has to help him with the sousaphone once and aira decides to just stick with baritone)
hiyori: flute and is one of those people who can beat-box with it
jun: puts up with hiyori's flute beat-boxing
shu: violin + viola and will get angry at you if you dont know the difference
mika: picked up violin because of shu but has a completely different style to him. also can fiddle like nobody's business
rinne: trumpet, sax, trombone, anything jazzy. probably recorded some of their backing tracks himself in their early days
himeru: classically trained on piano but never shows it off until rinne begs him to one day bc he overheard meru tapping away when he thought nobody was around
kaoru: was not playing that guitar in sustain memories we know this. koga does not let him near his guitars ever at all the one in sustain memories was on loan and at least two strings snapped on him. would love to have him learn like clarinet or something and incorporate that into their music because i think it would be neat
mitsuru: any wind instrument that lets him do those long runs of sixteenth notes. never gets his fingers tangled while doing them
keito: probably learned shamisen at some point but its like his temple duties and got put on the back burner
kuro: tenor saxophone
leo: also dabbles in a little of everything but is best on piano
izumi: flute or clarinet, but not both. flute because it matches the ethereal aesthetic and clarinet because it has a fuller sound
sora: he's the conductor of the es orchestra actually
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