#lent lanius
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dimmadomeglobal · 1 month ago
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For clarification: the reason they look different is because this takes place during their college years, which is when Dale got top surgery in my au.
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dimmadomeglobal · 1 month ago
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Lent doodles. I shall now info dump about this loser.
He's a nonpracticing medical doctor. His whole name and title is Dr. Lent A. Lanius. He's Filipino-american. He met Dale in college and they've been gay and evil together since.
Most people call him Doctor or Dr. Lanius. His family and Dale call him Lent. Why's he got such a weird name? It's because his parents wanted christian names for their children but didn't want to use the saints' names. So they got creative and named him after the holiday centered around fasting and repentance, Lent. It doesn't suit him at all. He is hedonistic and lives without restraint. If given the chance, would consume the world whole.
Lent is Dale's business partner. He owns part of Dimmadome Global, and much of the Dimmadome Conglomerate depends on the labor and resources provided by Lent's family, which runs a lot of big businesses throughout Southeast Asia. He also does a lot of the work Dale doesn't want to deal with, particularly when it comes to people. Lent is exceedingly good at negotiating. He's typically very polite and can talk his way out of most conflicts. Unlike Dale who tells his investors to "eat a lizard" whenever they disagree with him.
Lent is a geneticist by profession, though he no longer practices medicine. He used to work as a doctor at a hospital and he was crap at it. He didn't care about his patients and he frequently came to work drunk. Eventually, he had a malpractice lawsuit filed against him after he used experimental treatments on a patient. He lost his medical license a year after he received it and barely dodged imprisonment. He is a disappointment to his mother.
I'll probably go in depth about Lent and his relationship with Dale some other time. Infodump over.
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dimmadomeglobal · 28 days ago
Does Dev see Lent as his Dad or some kind of father figure?
Shrugs. Probably. Lent raised Dev from birth and basically did all the stuff Dale neglected to do. I initially made Lent for my clone Dev au. So Lent was tasked with cloning Dale, and thus, Dev was created. I'm considering putting Lent into my dalepreg au and making him Dev's biological father. Though I'm kinda hesitant to do so because he and Dev look nothing alike, so it doesn't make much sense. Regardless of the au, Lent takes care of him. So yeah, Dev sees him as his dad.
I'll go a little bit in depth into their relationship once I figure things out. For now, have this doodle of baby Dev being a menace.
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dimmadomeglobal · 5 days ago
how would lent deal with dale being pregnant
from ur latest post, i assume he was there during it
Lent's not canon in the Dalepreg au; my brain just thought of that image and wouldn't rest until I drew it. But I kinda want him to be? I don't know, I'm thinking of making an au of that au just so I can slap Lent into it. In fact, a month or two ago, I already wrote a thing of Lent figuring out about Dale being pregnant and how he dealt with it.
It's incomplete and has maybe only a few hundred words. Note that it has mentions of sex, abortion, and pregnancy (obviously).
Read below if you wanna!
Lent had known from the beginning. From the way Dale's wavering attention grew into nausea into the retching that can be heard from the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom every morning. From his swings in mood, from his newfound pickiness when it comes to food, from his change in cologne. Lent had known he was pregnant. 
He knew it was a possibility from the beginning. Sure, Dale being on testosterone lowered the chances and the two of them were always careful- scratch that, almost always careful. Sometimes they forgoed the condom in their haste, sometimes Dale forgot to take the morning after pill.
Lent didn't make any comment on Dale's condition. He simply worked his way around it, keeping the cupboard stocked with ginger ale and adjusting Dale's food, trying to keep it bland. He knew it was still early, maybe Dale himself didn't know.
Right now, there was plenty of time. Dale could still get rid of it and the they could pretend it never happened.
Today, the two of them sit at the dining table, across from each other, sharing a plate of sushi. As Lent munched on the raw salmon, the rice and the salt of the seaweed, Dale simply stared at the plate.
Lent raised his eyebrows at him. Dale just looked at him, then the food, before sighing. "Throw the rest out when you're done." he said before standing, the chair squeaking against the tiles as he did.
As he moved to leave, Lent stood quickly, the chair sliding behind him. “I'll make you something different. You like pasta? I'll make you alfredo.” It was mild and should be fine for Dale's stomach. He had to eat something.
Dale shrugged. “Sure.”
A month passes. Lent is certain Dale knows by now. He explains away his symptoms with a defensiveness that could only come from knowing what's happening and denying it.
Just this morning, when Lent found him hunched over the toilet bowl again, trying not to empty his guts, Dale sputtered, "I- uh- it's last night's whiskey. Nothing more."
That idiot. Lent drank the kitchen dry of whiskey last Sunday.
There is still time for that abortion. He would need a surgical procedure now, but there's still time. Lent is certain Dale will get rid of it. He has to. 
Sure, Dale's expected to have a kid eventually, carry on the family name. But with Lent? Hell no! Sure, them starting a family together is cute when he imagines it. But Lent is certain he'd be an unfit father. He refuses to give up his freedom to do what? Watch over some miniature, accident prone human?
And their reputations! What will the press say if they find out the two of them have been sleeping together? Good lord!
Later that day, he's curled up next to Dale, his head resting in his lap as he lies in bed, checking his phone. Dale scrolls with one hand, reading through emails, the other hand in Lent's hair. He's is close to sleep when Dale speaks. “I need to produce an heir, and I need to do it soon.”
Lent opens an eye to look at him. “Your dad's been bothering you again?”
Dale sighs, putting the phone down on the mattress. He runs his fingers through Lent's hair, from his forehead down to his nape. It's coarse and wiry and cut with silver. “Dad's cutting me from the will. He says he'll only put me back once I produce an heir.”
Lent's stomach plummets. “Oh.” 
For a moment, it's quiet. Dale stops stroking him, his hand settling on Lent's neck, too warm for comfort. The air is thick and awkward. Then, he says, “I can't risk losing the inheritance.”
Lent spends the next week packing.
And then he goes to get the milk and never comes back.
Nah, I'm lying. I didn't know what else to write, so I'll just give a summary of what I think would happen.
Dale's unaware that Lent knows about his pregnancy, so Lent figures he could lie and say that he either: a. got sick of Dale's shitty attitude (UNTRUE HE LOVES DALE'S JERK ASS) or b. just pretend he has better, probably business related things to do or c. just up and leave without a word.
Thus, Lent attempts to leave. Maybe he does leave, maybe he doesn't. Regardless, he finds himself either coming back shortly thereafter or unable to leave. He doesn't know why. He feels some sense of purpose when it comes to Dale, like he doesn't know what to do with himself without him. Who is Lent without Dale?
Eventually, he stays with Dale. When Dev arrives, he actually ends up finding a lot of fulfillment in raising him and he becomes a mostly decent father. Dale on the other hand, did not. He was the one who (sorta)wanted Dev but he still ended up becoming a shitty dad, lol.
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dimmadomeglobal · 9 days ago
Below the cut are some cursed and crappy Dale and Lent doodles. There's suggestive stuff + dalepreg. You have been warned!
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dimmadomeglobal · 29 days ago
The Dale & Lent series(?) is peak. Also, Dimma-Donkers is WILD- I will pay you £0 if you consider making more.
Also I love how Dale is the opposite of "9 months in my womb making me suffer and he looks like his stupid mum/dad" since Dev is literally him just smaller.
YIPPEEEEEE I'm jumping for joy! I'm glad you like it! I suppose it can be called a series now, since I do plan on continuing it. You can thank @circusk and his massive noggin for coining the term dimmadonkers.
I'm not sure if this is considered a spoiler, considering it's just a silly comic series with no plotline, but I intend on making the next comic based off of that meme. And yeah, Dev is just a smaller Dale, appearance wise. It's no wonder why the Dev clone theory exists.
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