#lennon answers
strayed-quokka · 16 days
Pls add me to the babydoll tag list 🫶🥹
I will add you 🫶 the next chapter will be a long one 😭
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klyceart · 3 months
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I wanted to understand your face
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oneflydude · 1 month
two of my friends where in actual shock when i said john lennon is attractive but more specifically this photo of him. can the johngirls out there PLEASE back me tf up!!!
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georgeharrisonsmiling · 3 months
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good-to-drive · 2 years
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franklyimissparis · 7 months
right so what does klaus voorman know/suspect/been told about johnandpaul because there is simply no heterosexual explanation for this drawing
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stargiirl27 · 7 months
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thealogie · 16 days
I admit I think about white British men a non-zero amount but we all have an ethical responsibility to try to think about them as little as is in our power which is why I will never spend more than 5 minutes a year thinking about the Beatles
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asurrogateblog · 5 months
alright so wait a minute. according to the official record the last time paul saw john in person was in 1976, and the last time they talked over the phone was a few weeks before his death (about bread). we also know, of course, that the last words john said to paul was "think about me every now and then, old friend." now.... given the presented timeline, that must have been over the phone, BUT, carl perkins said in his interview about...that whole situation, that linda told him "the last words that John Lennon said to Paul in the hallway of the Dakota building were… he patted him on the shoulder, and said, [quote]." do you see the problem with these two narratives? do you see it? now you could say that john said that in 1976, but then why would paul have such a strong emotional reaction to carl when he said it? clearly those were john's last words to paul ever. so they must have been meeting in person much later than he's admitted. WHATS THE TRUTH PAUL
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javelinbk · 10 months
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John Lennon in Get Back
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strayed-quokka · 11 months
Hi hi! I hope you’re doing well! As ‘his last song’ has reached its one year anniversary since the last update, I was wondering if you had any plans to release the next chapter? No rush if you’re busy of course, but I’m missing our district 2 boy!
Or maybe if no chapter, if you have a little spoiler ready?👀
WELL I was actually thinking about the anniversary recently because I stopped existing. Truth is I have been really, really sick this year. I was in hospital just last week.
I'm just not doing really well in the health department and that combined with a full time job is... fun.
I feel bad because I kept saying I was updating and never did, so I'm pleasantly surprised and happy to see some people still wanna read it 🤧
Here's a bit of a spoiler beneath the cut then, since the chapter just needs heavy editing and I feel not too great about leaving everyone hanging for so long and I plan to write a one shot first before going back to this just to get the hang of thing so... yeah...
There’s not many things you can imagine in the world that are scarier than being faced with the reality of death and knowing it. Jaemin was panicked next to you, begging for you to let him drown, and the heartbroken terror in his voice was what kept you from doing as he wished.
Hyunjin wasn’t far, shoulder and head above the water as he watched you both, a knife between his perfectly plump lips, hair wet and clinging to his skin. The fact that he wasn’t actually doing anything was what worried you most, but you came to realise that the second you moved, he did too. 
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therealjohnlennon · 5 months
If you had an evil twin what would he be like?
He would have poor imagination, wouldn't have to laugh, wouldn't have to look, wouldn't be jealous, would mean to hurt you, wouldn't commit arson, wouldn't want to hold your hand, wouldn't make you run for your life little girl, wouldn't miss you now and then, wouldn't feel fine, wouldn't need love, wouldn't be working like a dog, won't be sleeping like a log, would be getting worse, would have a living mother, wouldn't remember, wouldn't make a song with a racial slur in the title, would know how Paul could sleep and would believe in magic, I-Ching, bible, tarot, Hitler, Jesus, Kennedy, Buddha, Mantra, Gita, Yoga, Kings, Elvis, Zimmerman and Beatles
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bambi-kinos · 5 months
I wonder what you think of if think they ever saw themselves together as (secret) gay couple, like marrige,boyfriends or was it more like "we are friends and song writing partners" that happend to do more "drunk things together" and that's what messed it up in the end, or do you think it was a pulling-pushing type of relationship? like did they break it up more than one time, all the time and the final drop was India?
Sorry for bad English!
John and Paul have a few things going for them and against them with regards to their perception of their relationship:
Pretty much any sexual activity between men was permitted without it being "gay" or "queer" or anything like that so long as the men involved didn't admit that they were gay. I guess kissing and penetration is what makes sex acts gay or queer to the early 20th century guy who was jerking off with his mate in the back of a car or whatever. Since this was just "getting off" and it was kept far away from their wives and families, it didn't count as gay. This means John and Paul grew up at a time where it wasn't considered particularly bad to get off with your mate, do frotting and handjobs/blowjobs, whatever. It definitely wasn't something that you talked about openly (that's indecent) but it didn't make you a gay guy either. Even now in TYOOL 2024 men are weird about this and insist that getting aroused and climaxing with other men is not sexual at all and definitely not gay. That means that John and Paul had a large, large gamut to run without ever having to call themselves gay. My opinion is that they did not call themselves gay or queer, or acknowledge that side of themselves for the beginning stages of their friendship. I think Paul has always had some inkling or self knowledge but honestly, from 15-18 years old that doesn't mean much lmao. I don't think John figured himself out for a longer period of time because he already had so much stress heaped on his plate, there was no need for him to add concerns about his sexuality onto them. If John and Paul were doing anything "extra" in addition to the group wanks at this early stage then they just tossed it all under the "boys will be boys" column. And if everything stayed that way then nothing else would have happened.
Then they go to Hamburg. It's a brand new continent and a brand new world. This is where they see crazy ass sex stuff and more importantly, they encounter men and women who don't wrap delusions around their sexual activity. This is where they met gay men, lesbians, transgender people, cross dressers, etc. We can't know what it was really like but the point is that Hamburg was a huge turning point for them and it turned John and Paul from simple provincials into much more sophisticated sex havers. John got off with crossdressers and kissed other men on the mouth; Paul found a boytoy and comforted himself with his presence when John-and-Stu became too difficult to bear. I doubt they considered themselves gay at this stage but their minds were broadened in a big way. They were exposed to different lifestyles and mindsets. And they had to learn fast and get used to it because their livelihoods depended on that.
After this, things become more slippery slidey. They could very well have gone on this way forever, doing gay sex stuff and refusing to call themselves gay. Except then Paris happened and neither of them forgot it. It never left their heads. Something happened there that we don't know about that, memories that they cherish. Who did John give a pearl necklace to considering there's no mention of him and Paul hooking up with ladies on this trip? Why did John hold on to the memory of couples tenderly kissing each other for so long? Why did John and Paul come back exploding with life and energy? It's almost as if something happened where they convinced each other that they were a sure thing, that they could depend on the other one no matter what. That there was something else for them that wasn't just being mates or being part of a band. And the rest, as they say, is history.
They didn't understand what they were to each other for a long time but that's because they were teenagers. It was a genuine friendship that they built in the beginning which honestly? I'm really glad that they had that. I also think that it's exactly this which lead to their relationship lasting for so long.
Like, John's problem was that he jumped into relationships and intimacy too quickly and it inevitably blew up in his face somehow. Paul's problem is that he's too cautious and he holds everyone at arms length. But by having a concrete friendship to build off of that they grew over time and through ups and downs, they ended up becoming each other's steady. It gave them stability and a deeper relationship that they never really managed with other people. That means that, for a long time, John and Paul would call themselves "mates" and it would be completely accurate. It wasn't until much later that the sex stuff started and then when it did, they still had the strength of that initial friendship to rely on.
When it comes to the "push/pull" dynamic you mentioned, they did have their ups and downs where they got used to "crisis moments" to pull them back together after being emotionally distant from each other (and I do have thoughts about that). But I don't think they went through a series of break ups and "we're back together" moments. I think that their relationship simply strained and strained and strained until it finally snapped under the weight of everything they couldn't bring themselves to say. I don't think they suffered any serious moments of breaking up once they put 1960 Hamburg behind them.
There are lots of people who think that John and Paul never figured out their mutual attraction due to their upbringing and while this is a possibility I do not think this is true at all. John Lennon and Paul McCartney are the most revolutionary minds of the 20th century, I don't believe for a second that they were just sitting there and didn't understand what was happening to them. I absolutely think that they figured out that they were queer and in love with each other. Maybe it was in 1961, maybe it was in 1967, but they did eventually figure it out.
The problem for John and Paul is that this revelation did not make their lives better and freer. It arguably made their lives much worse. I don't know if they could even consider the possibility of being together in some capacity because of the sheer virulence against homosexuality in the 1960s and that they were both raised to think that it was moral depravity. We can see that this provided roadblocks for both of them: John and Paul had to get wasted in Key West to simply say the words "I love you."
On the third hand, they did have examples of homosexual men like Victor Spinetti, who was apparently in a committed relationship with another man, to look at. Once they got to know Brian, they were introduced to the world of gay men, not all of whom were married to women. This once again broadened their minds and they had the revelation that you could just go off with another man and be his steady.
John and Paul would probably have liked it very much if they could be a couple together with their version of fidelity in the works. I doubt they would have made a legal commitment to each other in the form of marriage (their business relationship was certainly much closer than trivial marriage documents) but they would have liked being romantic partners. The roadblocks to this were 1) John's son Julian 2) their status as public figures 3) their upbringing telling them that this was wrong.
I have no doubt that John revealed something to Paul in India, more than his 🎤. As one of those revolutionary minds of the 20th century, John may have offered something similar to the above paragraph to Paul, hoping that if he presented it all of a piece then Paul would have to answer sincerely, from the heart. After all, John could be sure that Paul loved him, right?
Well. We know what happened after that.
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drpepper-lovers-blog · 3 months
Paul Stans always acting like Paul is some sort of perfect savior. John made plenty of mistakes, we all know that. But Paul’s a racist who made fun of Asian people with Linda, a raging sexist, a raging control freak, ect.
Ya ik all of the Beatles in my knowledge did some bad thing's but I think leaving your firsts child to go with a other woman and than get a others child anf tread him like a king is in my eye just a bad person.
And he also didn't Care about Julian
U can't just completely change you life and leave your family behind and don't want to do anything with them
Also he got drunk destroy hotels , i mean he wasnt in his 20s when he did this he was over 30s and commiting violence with drugs and on the other side singing about peace and love . Thats so messed up. He was also violent verbally . Great musician but i wouldnt be a friend of someone like that. I read the other day how he messed up a place with company of Harry nilson and that Todd Rundgren criticise that on an interview (1973) and the response of Lennon was like a teenager responding i mean he was 33.
He's used the n word and I know he said in an interview that he didn't said to hurt black people but that's just crap
He's also was violent towards women and viciously attacked a friend for joking about him being gay he's was an hypocrite and was a neglectful and abusive father
So you can't deny the truth about someone .
He's was also an cheater n manipulator but kinda als the Beatles were like this
So ye he's an bad person but his music is really great but maybe he changed in his 30s and really just wanted peace but that's doesn't change the past
And I'm not even an big Paul stand Im just in that situation a stand bc he's did something really great and played Julians Father figure bc john didn't
And there are probably also so really great things john did that I just do know and it not like I hate him just in his decision he made with his children I hate him
And I could probably also write something like this about ringo or Paul
( sorry for my English it's no my mother language)
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Re: why don't they just say (they met up more in the 70s)
There's a recent episode of @onesweetdreampodcast (only available on Patreon) where May Pang says that Paul is holding back on some things because he needs to keep Yoko on side (they need consensus for everything Apple related). It makes perfect sense to me that she wants to control certain aspects of the narrative, and Paul is willing to go along with it for the sake of other gains.
I'm very curious what will happen once Yoko passes. Will Sean maintain the status quo?
(It's also possible Paul just feels really private about some of these things. I often think he doesn't say they were planning to record together in '81 because he knows a lot of people wouldn't believe him, and he doesn't want to have to defend himself about it.)
Thanks for sharing what May said with us cheap folks!! I love that she's been in the inner circle so she knows things but she's been kicked out and treated terribly so she doesn't mind saying things that won't directly get her sued, you know? She's perfect.
You know what? You're right to be curious about Sean's position on all this John and Paul business. When I wrote the tags you're referring to, I was more thinking of his relationship with Paul. Singing HTAE, allegedly greenlighting the In My Life post for Paul's 80th, how he talked to him in that John's 80th interview. But he also really really loves his mother and wants to do right by her. So you're right. It is completely up in the air as to whether he'll want to be more open about things like how close John and Paul were in the seventies.
And I absolutely agree. Paul's been a very private person since he was a kid, and decades of strangers gaslighting him about his relationship with John have certainly not helped. He definitely won't, and frankly can't, correct the record on certain things on his own. He won't be believed.
So here's hoping Sean decides to give us some truth when the time comes.
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
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fellas is it gay to look at your friend like that
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