#lend us your voice plz
secret-subject · 1 year
I'm super stoked to be involved in helping organize a GIANT hypnosis collab with aussie hypnokink audio creators Loops and Pling!
This will be as many hypnotists/hypnokink creators/kinky VA's as want to be involved. 60 seconds each and as many drops (or not) as you'd like in your timeslot combined into a giant supercut audio experience that will break the internet with it's size and scope.
Who would you like to see involved? Tag them so we can get as many people who love hypnosis like we do interested!
P.S: To do this you MUST have a minimum of a USB microphone. We are not able to use audio from anyone using headsets or phone mics at this time as to edit it all to sound consistant we need a certain audio quality. If you would like recs for cheap, beginner friendly USB mics you can ask me I'd be happy to help point people in the right direction!
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kiok0r0 · 7 months
What are all the outcodes like and how did Hook find Princess? :0?
I have spent some time going through with ones I'm confident to give you info on. Also I realized my handwriting gets super messy when small and clumped so I typed out my notes. This is also a long post because of it but I hope the below answers your questions!
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Coal (Ink Papyrus)
Enthusiastic, kind of chaotic, a "reach for the stars" kind of person
Never forgets
Leaves charcoal smudges wherever he goes
Promotes growth and creativity
Has stickers on arms
Uses a large charcoal stick to fight and create portals and attacks
Sumi (Ink Undyne)
Also just as enthusiastic, great sense of justice, compassionate
Can't perform magic like she used to so she uses inks infused with magic along with her brush to help
So many tattoos and has vitiligo
Voice of reason? No Coal and her are enablers
Loves colors so much
Pascal (Error Papyrus)
Finding his home and his friends but he doesn't remember them. He just knows (has a gut feeling) that he has them
Friendly, talkative, lending a helpful hand, though shy and quiet
Loves candy and fizzy drinks
Can easily materialize himself to other places or things out of thin air
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Hook (Killer Variant)
Bounty hunter who explores AUs to stop corruption/mishaps from taking place
A flirt with 0 charisma, the one-liner kind of guy, jokes on the job
Working on his trust issues but he trusts his cat, Princess
Previously worked with Sable (My Nightmare)
Very flexible and acrobatic, skilled with daggers
Smoke (Dust Variant)
Works with Sable as his right-hand, loyal but has his own personal goals that fits just nicely with what missions Sable gives him
"plz just leave me alone", incredibly quiet, calculative, selfish, goes and gets what he wants at nothing
Sometimes likes fooling around and/or playing with his targets
Utano (An Outcode Undyne)
Has no recollection of who she is and where she came from. All she knows is a burning rage and knows how to wield her sword
Sword is imbued with crackling electric magic
Has a good commanding voice but is most times reserved, is a bit arrogant and has a great work ethic
Got recruited by Sable for her fighting and was promised of restoring her memory and finding her way home
Loves taiyaki
She and Smoke get along when they play chess
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Xander (Cross)
Yeah he's still scared of cows
Currently finding a way to get X!Chara's own body while figuring out how to handle X!Gaster and save his world (X!Gaster's imprisoned but it's supposed to be a short term solution)
Compassionate, a little shy, at times selfish to fulfill his goals, arrogant and reckless, protective of Alphonse
Remorseful and regretful of what he did in previous timelines. It's why he's also traveling to other universes so what happened in his world doesn't repeat in theirs
Alphonse (X!Papyrus)
Compassionate like Xander, hardworking, sarcastic, and silly
"While you were getting babes, I studied the blade" But also being serious, he is skilled when fighting with his bone scythe. He's learning how to do those sword dances but with his scythe instead
Knows Xander is pushing himself to redeem/prove himself so he helps him loosen up. Sometimes it's sparring, sometimes it's jokes and sometimes it's his fine cooking
Rebuilding their relationship since they're both aware of what happened in some of their timelines. He forgives Xander but he knows Xander hasn't forgiven himself yet.
Always dishing out sword facts and sword techniques
Pixel (Error Alphys)
Will not fail at correcting her mistakes and finding her home through any means necessary
Overconfident in abilities and boasts that she's fantastic. Though scrambles when she does make a mistake
With her abilities, Pixel can alter and search through a universe's code at lightning speeds. That also means she's messing up said code which brings the attention of those who are protecting the multiverse.
Mad scientist vibes, in an edgy phase
She still loves anime
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Merc (Mercenary!Sans)
A multiverse bounty hunter/merc-for-hire with a penchant for hi-jinks
His attitude may be chill, but his work ethic is the polar opposite. A master of deception
Likes cracking jokes, a smooth talker and sometimes likes to pretend he's a secret agent. Makes the job more entertaining that way
Weapons vary from blasters to his bone staff. It just depends on the target
Con (Mercenary!Papyrus)
A multiverse bounty hunter/merc-for-hire who really loves cowboys
Has a slight southern drawl, is crafty and a smooth talker (though at times there are some social cues where he's oblivious about)
Terrific aim with pistols and his lasso. He made both of them and continues to improve upon them so he can work efficiently. Has done so many repairs
Loves crafting and using traps or luring his targets into said traps. It thoroughly pleases him when his targets fall for his gibes.
Knight (An Outcode Papyrus heavily inspired by a deltarune theory)
A ??? Papyrus who wanders the multiverse to use his powers in places in need of help
Extremely vague, yet self-righteous. Almost noble like though it feels like he's on his high horse
Never shows face until he meets "the heroes of another world"
Still gets into silly shenanigans but only if it'll be at the expense of the people who encounter him
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Phantom (Guardian of Nightmares)
To balance his brother's powers, Phantom haunts people's dreams and uses their fears and stresses against them
Extremely quiet, introverted. He's also a recluse. To most, except for some of the outcodes, his brother and Evander (My Dream). He is mostly a nice and relaxed guy unless angered or you just really get on his nerves.
Manifests shadowy nightmares and teleports via shadows
Loves tea and maple syrup on fluffy waffles and berries
Muse (Guardian of Dreams)
To balance his brother's powers, Muse guides people's dreams, using their hopes to aid them
Manifests powerful illusions, manipulate light to be used in battle. He can also fly and disappear into a cloud
Loves hot chocolate and green tea ice cream
Loud introvert, compassionate and a great pep talker
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Didn't draw him because I realized at the last minute that I forgot about him but my trickster deity Papyrus! Here's some old art of him to put a name on the face
Slash (Trickster!Papyrus)
He has another name but he likes to go by Slash to deceive others of his true nature.
Aligns himself with anyone who "is the most and will cause the most fun"
Has some fellow deity friends he gossips with after a day/week of work
Loves toying with people like it's his favorite pasttime
He never lies, he is just vague in the truths he speaks
This one isn't fully developed yet but I love the design I gave it. It's old art but I still like it! They only go by the Wandering Void and they came to me in a thought
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But anyways, I think I'll answer that second question in another post because this one got long! ^^
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azures-bazar · 2 years
Hey was just wondering if you could do an Arthur x reader and Arthur being in the saloon and his wife is also there and the guys he’s with are teasing him about how single he is and Arthur’s like bet I can get the girl to leave with me and there like there is no way in hell that woman would leave with you but she’s his wife and Arthur downs his drink and walks up to his wife like hello gorgeous, how would you like to ride home on a real cowboy I got a six pack of cold ones and my roomie is out all night so you can scream my name as loud as you need to sugar and they walk out together and everyone’s gobs smacked and the readers like will you just stop and tell people I’m your wife and Arthur’s like nah I love the surprise on there faces when the see a beautiful woman like you wants to date me plz
Lonesome Pretty Boy 
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Hello there anon, and thank you for this request ! I wrote this shot by night (again), please don’t mind my awful mistakes ! I loved the plot btw !
I hope you'll like it ! I kinda struggled with the teasing lol
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Arthur Morgan x Female!Reader 
Word count : 2.6k
Short summary : Sometimes, Arthur likes impressing folks around him, not usually being able to score with women. But tonight, this woman is you. 
A/Note : set relationship - Arthur is married to Reader 
Tags : chapter 2, Arthur being flirty af, Roger Clark’s intimate voice lines with horses inspiration, teasing, cute nicknames
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Oh, finally ! Dutch had finally decided to give Arthur some sort of day off for him to relax ! Morgan did not get the chance to have a break for weeks, and Sean’s rescue party was just a very quick glimpse of what some rest and carelessness could feel like. Just a day off, away from the rest of the gang, away from chores, away from endless requests from Strauss or Grimshaw, from Swanson’s drunkenness, Uncle’s complaints about his lumbago… or Sean’s overall presence. Just one day off felt like an entire holiday for Arthur. You two headed to Smithfield’s saloon in Valentine, Arthur wanted to be with you, to enjoy his rare free time by your side. You had even chosen your best gown for this occasion !
You had been a member of the gang for a long while already. It felt like ages, especially since you could remember welcoming a teenage Mary-Beth and lend her your old clothes. Arthur’s relationship with had always been quite peculiar, to say the least. He had displayed evident signs of attraction since the very first day you stepped foot in camp, with Dutch firmly holding you by the shoulders. He had stumbled upon you as you were on your way to a prison, while a couple of "old rich degenerates", as he called them, were begging the sheriff to hang you. The cause of their complaints ? Ten dollars you had stolen from that old man’s pocket to buy yourself some food after not being able to eat anything but grass for days. Living in the streets was no easy thing, especially when you were a young woman at the mercy of these men surrounding you, whether they were good or bad. 
Arthur had welcomed you wide-open arms, offering you one of his old mattresses and blankets for you not to be cold. He had willingly asked Dutch to watch over you and had spent a few weeks taking care of your wellbeing. He had watched you swallow Pearson’s stew in one go after starving for days, drink gallons of coffee, caress the new clothes Grimshaw had given you, enjoying its soft fabric after being mostly used to torn jeans and dirty shirts.
"It’s for me ?" you had asked 
"Of course, dear." Grimshaw had chuckled. "We can get you more clothes if you like, I just need to tell Dutch."
"No, that's alright." 
What made Arthur fall for you was most certainly the way you held yourself and your beautiful facial features he could not help but gaze at for endless minutes. He was not good at expressing his feelings, feeling awkward most of the time. But, after a few months, you felt like the two of you had known each other for years. A few kisses and many wild nights in bed after his very first move towards you, Arthur had proposed to you under a large oak tree… and you would have been a fool to say no to these beautiful puppy eyes and soft smile. 
You had been married for months already, the gang was aware of it. People did not ask about what you were doing when Arthur’s tent flaps were closed, or why the two of you would not get straight back to camp after a successful robbery. You had been with Dutch during the Blackwater Ferry Heist and had nearly died while escaping the city, which led Arthur to become even more protective towards you, being awfully traumatised after watching you bleed from your numerous wounds. This was mostly why he wanted you to go to the saloon with him. He wanted to have you nearby, close enough for him to feel alright, to be sure you were safe. 
"Take a seat, sweetheart." Arthur told you as you two walking into the saloon. "I’m gonna get us something to drink." 
You sat at a nearby table while Arthur went to the counter to order some whiskey for the two of you, one shot for him, and a bottle to share with you. Three fellers were talking about women beside him, he found himself listening to their conversation. One of them was married and was proud enough to boast about it, while the other two kept lamenting on the overall absence of women in their lives. Indeed, after spotting Arthur so close to them, waiting alone at the counter for his whiskey, they quickly reacted. 
"Hey you, pretty boy." one of them said 
Arthur lifted his head up, glancing at these three men near him, frowning a little. He absolutely hated being called pretty boy, you were mostly the only person who could call him such… without him grumbling about it. Whenever you would mention his handsomeness, Arthur would quickly blush and attempt hiding his face by tilting his hat forward for you not to spot his reaction… and this was probably the most adorable thing he would do on a daily basis, along with smiling at you when you were getting dressed.
"Yeah, you, cowboy." that same man restarted. "No woman by your arm tonight ?"
"That ain't your business, partner." Arthur answered with a smirk 
"Can’t be easy to be a lonesome pretty boy, ain’t it ?" the married man laughed. "With all these women around..."
"Them women are too great for a dusty cowboy." another one laughed. "You ain’t gonna get a nice catch tonight." 
What this man told Arthur almost felt challenging, if not rather funny. He did not mind them telling him about all the dust covering him… it was somewhat true. Despite having washed himself earlier this evening, the ride to Valentine’s saloon did not help him staying clean, especially considering its muddy streets. Arthur approached these men while placing his hands on his gun belt. He was a few inches taller than them, but they did not mind. 
"I’d get all ‘em women on a plate if I wanted." one of them smiled. "All of them."
"That’s why you still ain’t got a wife, Henry." the married man sighed 
"Ain’t you a smart one, feller." Arthur sighed, patting so-called Henry’s shoulder. "Go get your chance with a prostitute, maybe you won’t finish your night alone."
"I bet you’ll do the same. Prostitutes are a better catch than a nice woman for a man like you." 
Arthur’s eyes widened as he quickly glanced around, noticing you were still reading your book. He could remember Hosea offering it to you following Sean’s party, you could not take your eyes away from it. He laughed a little as these men started joking around, still not feeling comfortable about them teasing him. He looked at his whiskey-filled glass and sighed, turning his head back to those three men, ready to prove them wrong by getting a nice catch tonight. 
"Well, ‘bet I can get that girl right here." Arthur said, pointing toward you
"That one ?" the married man asked, looking at you. "With the nice gown ?"
"No way." Henry laughed. "Look at her, she’s dressed so well ! She’s too good for you, you’re just a dusty cowboy."
"Let’s see that." 
Arthur gulped down his whiskey in one go, carefully taking two glasses and another bottle to your table while smirking at the group of men nearby. It felt like a challenge, something fun to do. He could still hear them talk behind him, mostly excited and amazed by this sudden courage Arthur displayed. Had it been with another woman, Arthur would have remained alone all night long.
"Hello there gorgeous." he said in the most flirtatious way 
"Arthur ?" you turned your head up as you noticed him leaning on one of the wooden columns near the table
"Would you like some whiskey ?" 
Arthur did not dare sitting next to you, feeling that these three fellers laughing at the counter would spot his sham. One single mistake and this scam would be over. He handled you the glass, causing you to rise from your seat and stand beside him, gently placing your small book inside your leather satchel Pearson had crafted for you. Arthur kept smiling, tilting his hat a little as you blushed. He had never been this confident with you, despite the two of you were married for a while already ! 
"Ain’t you such a beauty, m’lady."
"Arthur, what’s going on ?" 
"It’s a shame to see you alone tonight." 
You raised your eyebrows, felling quite confused by his peculiar speech and overall attitude. You had known Arthur for a while to get to understand his psychology and flaws, noting his self-hate and disgust towards his appearance which was, for a vast majority of people, absolutely amazing. Everyone you met, aside from people who owed money to Strauss and who got beaten up by Arthur, for instance, genuinely thought he was a very handsome man, healthy and well-built, with a rather friendly face. Arthur never felt confident enough with anyone, and the night he had asked you out to propose to you almost felt like a miracle. 
"Why are you acting like this ?" you asked. "Just… sit down, you’re making me nervous."
"Well, Miss, would you like a ride on a real cowboy ?" Arthur said, pouring some whiskey in your glass while looking straight into your eyes 
"What ?"
"I've got a large box filled with cold beers at home, you know." 
"Sorry ?"
Your eyes widened as you did not understand what was going on, and why Arthur was behaving the way he did. Riding on a cowboy ? What did he try to asl you ? You spent a few seconds trying to process the meaning of his sentence as Arthur bent over your shoulder and gently bit your earlobe, causing you to shiver. His breath so close to your skin made you feel great, but the way he just came to you like this was quite suspicious. Just like Jack behaving like an angel with Abigail in order to hide the truth after messing around, Arthur’s overall attitude at the moment made you feel like he was hiding something. 
"Oh, and my housemate is out all night…" he whispered so intimately, causing you to smile a little, and leading men to suddenly stop talking
"Arthur." you chuckled. "What the hell is wrong with you ?" 
"Don’t worry, you’ll be able to scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar." 
You chuckled louder after taking a sip of your whiskey. Arthur had tried many nicknames with you, but both "sugar" and "gorgeous" were the ones he had never used. In fact, Arthur mostly called you sweetheart or dove, believing these sweet nicknames were suiting you enough for him to nearly forget your real name at some point. 
"So, gonna let me take home home ?" Arthur smirked. 
"We’ve only been here for a few minutes !" 
"This ain’t a place for us… we better go." 
"Let’s go, sugar." 
You gasped as you barely had time to place your empty glass on the table while Arthur wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leading you out of the saloon while passing by the three men he had encountered that same night, looking at him with wide-open eyes. Their’s jaws dropped as they saw how beautiful you were, so gentle-looking under his large arm. Who would have thought you would be willing to go with him ? Common people did not know about the two of being actually married. 
"And you said he’s just a dusty cowboy." one of them told Henry 
"Damn it." the latter grumbled, swallowing his beer in one go
Arthur gently opened the saloon’s door to allow you to walk outside, you went downstairs, closer to his horse as you felt like you were about to get into an argument. This was his quiet evening, you knew Dutch would not allow him going out by night again, purposefully keeping him around on guard duty while you would be doing chores with the rest of the girls. 
"What the hell was that ?" you grumbled, crossing your arms on your chest. "We barely had time to sit and enjoy our whiskey !"
"Sorry, err, ‘em men were teasin’, I told ‘em I was gonna get you." 
"Gonna get me ? I’m your wife, damn it ! You already have me !" 
You wanted to slap Arthur for his sudden lack of consideration towards your relationship but quickly avoided raising a hand towards his face by taking your book out and storing it in the horse’s satchel, not even bothering to look at Arthur. You hated when he was playing foolish games and your rather angry face led him to come closer to you, his hands behind his back. 
"I’m sorry, darlin’." he sighed, genuinely sorry. "I… I just wanted ‘em fellers to see that even dusty cowboys can get women they want."
"You saw their reactions, right ? Tell them the truth." 
"No, no. I ain’t gonna do that." 
You turned back to look at Arthur who was smiling, despite begging you to forgive him for his foolish mistake of not telling these men the truth about himself right away. Arthur tilted his head a little, sending you one of his most pleading looks he usually gave you when he knew he had done something wrong.
"Will you just stop behaving like a kid ?" you snarled. "Now, you get back inside and tell them I’m your wife."
"Nah !" Arthur laughed. "I loved that surprise on ‘em faces when they saw that a beautiful woman like you is willin’ to go out with me."
"If you don’t tell them, I will."
You really wanted to walk back inside the saloon to explain these three men that Arthur had lured them into a very believable lie, pretending that you were just a random stranger while being is actual wife. His blooming smile made you forget about your desire to get inside and break down his lie, his pleading look did not help one bit either ! 
"Please, Y/N ?" Arthur asked 
"Fine." you groaned. "Now that we’re out of the saloon, what do we do ?"
Arthur moved slightly closer, gently placing his large hands on your corseted waist, causing you to blush unexpectedly. You were still somewhat mad at him for lying the way he did, but did not care much anymore. Whenever your eyes would meet his, you would be quick to forget about his flaws and crimes, mostly focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship. 
"I can still get a large box of cold beers." Arthur smiled, giving you his eternal puppy glance. "And… since I don’t have any housemate, I believe a night at the hotel would be a great deal before comin’ back to camp tomorrow morning. Don’t you think ?"
"You’re hopeless, really." you sighed, unable to say no
"Ain’t that why you love me ?" 
You loved him for who he was, but his childish side would always make you chuckle. In fact, you could not resist him at all, no matter what he was doing or how he was doing it. Arthur was everything to you and you knew that, despite this nice moment at the saloon being cut short by his rather boyish behaviour, you were going to spend a wonderful and probably sleepless night with him, going wild in one of the hotel’s bedrooms. Neither you nor him would look fresh tomorrow on guard duty, but did this matter ? You were about to spend a wonderful night without feeling the need to worry about the gang. The rest of the world did no longer matter as long as you would be with Arthur, husband or not. This night was going to be great, and you would probably laugh about it someday. 
"Let’s go, Mrs. Morgan." Arthur smiled as you headed to the hotel 
"I can still scream your name as loud as I need ?" 
"You sure can. I even hope you will."
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jmrothwell · 1 year
 “aw, sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask…come here.” for Rulie plz and thank you
also for @daintyduck99 who asked “aw, sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask…come here.” for Rulie because it works so well either way ❤️
“Reggie, darling, there you are.” 
Reggie startles and almost falls into the engine he’s checking on. He’s certain he’s hearing things, there’s no way he just heard someone call him darling. Not out here. 
And especially not with a voice that sounds remarkably like Julie Molina.
He recovers and looks up in time to see the woman in question smiling very openly at him, another woman trailing behind with Flynn. Now he knows he must be dreaming, ignore how sore and sweaty he’s getting. There’s no other reasonable explanation for Julie to suddenly be calling him pet names.
“I hope that it’s ok I’m here.” 
Julie silently mouths ‘play along’ as she gets closer. Play along with what? Well, she did call him darling.
“Aw, sweetheart, you know you don’t have to ask…come here.” Reggie says through a smile he hopes doesn’t look too panicked. He pulls Julie in for a hug that’s perhaps a little more intimate than their usual quick hugs, so he can whisper. “What’s going on?”
“My Aunt randomly decided to visit.” Julie whispers back, her breath dancing warm across his neck, and he tries to not think too hard on that. “She wanted to know why I was coming down to the tracks, and I told her I wanted to surprise my boyfriend.”
It’s not surprising Julie didn’t tell her Aunt that she was actually a regular racer out here. From what she’s said none of her family is aware of how she spends most of her weekends. Hell, Flynn wouldn’t even know if they hadn’t called Julie out on her very obvious lie.
As quickly as the logic falls into place, there’s one portion of her statement that races through his mind faster than the rest.
“You have a boyfriend?” He asks in an impulsive shock, only to immediately remember her mouthing ‘play along’. He feels more than a little stupid for allowing his jealousy to flare up like it had. “Oh. Your greeting makes a whole hell of a lot more sense now.”
“Sorry about that.” Julie grimaces as she pulls back, right when the timing of their hug could be considered potentially awkward, though he wouldn’t mind if it lasted longer. 
Her grimace morphs into a bright smile as she turns to face her Aunt again, leaving an arm wrapped tight around his waist. Following her lead he leaves his arm draped over her shoulders. “Tía, this is Reggie, the boyfriend I was telling you about.” 
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” He manages to squeak out through his sudden dry throat.  “You staying to watch the races?”
Julie discreetly pinches his side, while Flynn shoots him a wide eyed look of dismay. And what did they expect from him? He’s not a mind reader, and what else would they be doing at the tracks? Is it his fault the question slipped out before he realized why it might pose a problem?
It’d be a lot harder for Julie to race if her Aunt sticks around, but he’s sure they could come up with something.
“Please call me Victoria.” She says, before contemplating his other question. “And, Flynn was just telling me about some interesting limited time pop up cafe they were reading about.”
“Oh, well, if it’s only here for a limited time you wouldn’t want to miss that.” He says, hoping this is the right direction. The way Julie’s arms tightens her hold suggests it might be. “I’m sure it’d be a wonderful time.”
“Yes, it’d be a shame you wouldn’t be able to join the three of us.”
Julie’s grip around his waist tightens again, almost painfully. “Ah, the three of us?”
Victoria looks at Julie like she’s randomly sprouted flowers. Flynn exchanges a panicked look with Reggie, though his is partially because Julie’s hold is starting to make it difficult to breathe. 
“Actually, when Julie shows up she stays down here and lends a hand.” Flynn quickly interjects with a casual smile. “It’s a sort of superstition of the crews. The times she showed up and immediately left, they miserably lost.”
“Oh?” Victoria raises an eyebrow and Reggie honest to God can’t tell if she’s buying Flynn’s story. 
“Yeah, I should have remembered sooner.” They lightly slap their own forehead before gently guiding Victoria back towards where the crowd of spectators are gathering. “So we should leave and let them get to it. The Cafe should still be here tomorrow.”
“Perfect.” Victoria says spinning around again, “Then all four of us can go tomorrow, and you two can tell me all about how you met.”
Reggie’s amazed that they aren’t immediately called out on their nervous addled laughter and half-hearted agreements. As soon as her Aunt is out of view, Julie’s arm drops and she buries her face in her hands with a groan. 
“How long is your Aunt in town?” 
“I have no idea, she wouldn’t say.” Julie says, pulling her hair back away from her face. “I just hope Flynn finds a way to make it difficult to see the drivers.”
“I’m sure they’ll think of something.” Reggie says as he returns to checking over the engine, thankful she can’t see how warm his face is getting as he prepares to ask her his next question. “Will, um, am I supposed to keep pretending to be your boyfriend the whole time she’s here?”
“I'm sorry to spring that on you like that. You don’t have to, I’ll think of something.”
“No, no I don’t mind.” He says in a rush, spinning around to face her again. She’s wearing a tired but grateful looking smile.
“Ok, but only if you’re sure.”
He nods and shoots her a thumbs up in lieu of opening his mouth and risking letting anything too incriminating falling out. Like how’d it be a pleasure to be her boyfriend. Even if he wishes it was more than just pretend.
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
love ur writing! could u plz write about the val boys & cuddling for chamber & sova?
Domestic Sova fics will always have a special place in my little nerd heart (◌ˇ‿ˇ◌). Since you've only requested two of the Valorant guys, I think I might write a full scene for both. Stay tuned for Chamber's!
Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
Sova- Cuddling
Лисичка (Lisichka)- Little Fox
The sounds of soft hubbub from the common area are what initially woke you up, though you tried to embrace your grogginess and find sleep once again. Despite having a few chaotic members in the mix, the agents often met for breakfast a bit early in the morning to chit-chat before jumping into the day. While you normally joined them, some mornings it was nice to just sleep in and catch up with them later. It usually wasn't that hard to tune them out, either, especially since they typically cleared out rather quickly.
This particular morning, though, you found yourself growing annoyed as Raze and Astra's intermingled laughter seemed to unceasingly echo down the hallway.
They're normally gone by now. What gives?
Your ability to surrender once more to your dreams was slipping away like stones from a torn bag. In spite of your best efforts, you became increasingly aware of your surroundings. You must've slept with your mouth open because your tongue was paper dry. You began to realize that the pyjama pants you'd thrown on before bed, which once kept you warm, were now making you uncomfortably hot. You buried yourself further under the blankets in an attempt to block out the light streaming in from the window, making a noise of discontent.
What was taking everyone so long? They were usually fairly consistent with their schedules. Brimstone made sure of that, especially when you owed him three laps for every minute you were late-
The realization hit you like a pail of cold water, sending you scrambling to sit up. You could feel the sun. You could see the sun. The sun was up.
Damn. You were so late.
Panic quickly ensued as the body beside you jolted awake. You felt a pair of strong arms encircle your waist, Sova groaning beside you as he pulled you back down against him with a stretch.
"Лисичка, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice gruff.
"Strange dream?"
"No," you croaked, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.
"The sun is- we're so fucking late Sova, you have to get up."
"Late?" He yawned before pulling your back flush against his chest, nuzzling his head between your shoulder blades. His slow, steady heartbeat was a stark contrast to the thundering in your chest.
"Late for what?"
You tried to elbow him in the side, only earning a tired chuckle. Even in your sleep-addled state, it threw you for a loop. Sova of all people was normally quite respectful of authority. If Sage asked him for assistance in the sick bay, he'd head over as soon as possible. When Killjoy needed someone to lend a bit of muscle in her lab, Sova would be one of the first to offer to help.
If Brimstone wanted them in the shooting range by six that morning, Sova would be there 15 minutes early. What had gotten into him?
"Come on Sasha, I'm so serious," you huffed, now trying to pry yourself free from his gentle vice.
"Brimstone's already gonna be livid that half the team isn't there yet! Imagine what he'll be like when we show up even later than them-"
"I mean, did we miss a time jump or something? I've never- hell, you've never-"
"Y/N, I-"
"He's going to make us run until our legs fall off-"
"Hey," he said a bit louder, his voice stern but still entirely too calm for the situation at hand.
"Listen to me."
"What?" You hissed. A pair of lips pressed a kiss to your shoulder, the sweet gesture making you want to scream in frustration and melt into him all at once.
"What day is it?"
You paused at that, your attempts to break free from his grasp coming to a stop. You rattled your brain for the answer, the adrenaline haze and the fact that you hadn't been awake for very long not doing much to help. Another bought of muffled laughter rang throughout the room, and as if the cogs finally started turning, you went limp in Sova's arms.
"Saturday," you mumbled to yourself.
"Today's Saturday."
"Good. And what do we do on Saturdays?"
Sensing that his partner wasn't going to tear the room apart trying to get them both ready, Sova significantly loosened his hold. You slowly turned until you were facing him, your noses nearly touching. His eyebrows quirked up in amusement.
"... We rest."
He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, resting his hands on the small of your back. You buried your head into his chest, pouting to yourself.
"I need to go back to sleep."
"Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere."
"But I'm awake now. Very much awake."
You could feel his fingers softly trail up and down, sending content shivers down your spine.
"Then just lay here with me."
You found yourself once more tuning into his heartbeat, absentmindedly toying with a strand of his platinum hair. You both laid like that for a long while, Sova occasionally teasing you as you both basked in the sunlight.
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
Hewwo! I really enjoy your blog and i would like requesting something!!
C!Wilbur, C!Dream, and C!Techno with an Phantom! Reader :D
Reader can't go out on sunlight, and can pass trough walls(only in Night) and is a very tired person becuz she's always sure everyone had a good sleep.
(she/they pronouns for reader plz..)
Hallo, thank you for the request <3
Btw for the person who asked, and anybody else who may be new to the fandom and not know many things (I've been there :')) CC! ic Content Creator, so the DSMP irl, while C! is Character, so their character in the SMP
Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the scenario
C!Wilbur, C!Dream & C!Technoblade × Phantom!Reader
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❝ C!Wibur Soot ❞
So there are many versions of Wilbur in the SMP, so I'll try to write all of them by order
L'manburg Wilbur would be quite interested in you. Not only because of your cool abilities but also because he could use them to his advantage if anyody tries to enter the Nation whenever they're sleeping. He likes to have you around and makes sure to keep you inside during the day; you two spend most of your time in the van just talking
Pogtopia Wilbur would also be interested in you for your abilities. You could easily go and spy on Schlatt and Quackity to see what plans they have next. We do need to keep in mind that around this time he as going a bit...cray cray.
Ghostbur, my beloved sweet little angel, would be head over heels for you. You're both basically the same, the only difference is that you were born a phantom while he was dead. You two have the most fun togheter; during the day he goes around while holding an umbrella for you so you don't get hurt under the sun and during the night you both do your own chaos while everyone else is fast asleep. Match made in heaven u.u
And then there's Revivebur. I don't think we need to talk much about him but he thinks your cool. You do remind him of is ghost self tho
❝ C!Dream ❞
I think he finds you interesting
You scared him the first time you two met
He was just mining away in the evening and you popped your head out of the ground
This man never sleeps so you two have fun going around the SMP late at night
And once the day comes, and you get quiet tired, he'll sometimes stay by your side. Just to keep an eye on you and make sure that you're safe and well
❝ C!Technoblade ❞
*insert obligatory "heh"*
He was so confused the first time he met you
You just waked right through the wall into Phil's house like it was nothing
You're probably the only one who could actually catch the blood god by surprise
Once you two have established a pretty trustful relationship he'll lend you his cap to protect you from the sunlight
And from time to time, when the voices get too much for him, he'lls stay up with you
I'm sorry it wasn't very "fluffy", especially with Wilbur :')
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minty-ghast · 3 years
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Ranboo + short male reader
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Requested: "Hello hello! im here to request a irlRanboo x short male reader, lets say the reader was the one who helped him start streaming and thay play together constantly. Ranboo invites him over for a faceless squad irl stream, and chat is asking for a hight check. Reader says no but Ranboo picks them up and just makes fun of him for being short in a friendly way. can i also be the 🦎 Anon?"
Note: I had writers block with this one and yes you can be 🦎 anon,(also what's your pronouns? If you don't mind me asking^^)(I'm sorry this was shitty)
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you and ranboo are chaotic duo. You would appear in his streams most of the time and chat had gotten used to your presence. After the stream ranboo asked when you two would meet up, you quickly replied.
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You were waiting patiently when you saw a tall man/boy walk up to you "y/n?" He asked in a soft tone "ranboo?" You both smiled and hugged each other. "Wow you're smaller in real life" he let go "you're just tall, you prick"you punched him jokingly at his arm.
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"Chat guess who is with us today" ranboo hitted the table doing a drum roll "Y/N!!" You jumped into frame with your hands in the air, the chat was going crazy, spamming hearts and other emotes.
You both were playing minecraft, ranboo lend you a computer he doesnt really use anymore. *Can you two compare heights plz <3* a robotic voice said out loud "thank you *insert user* for the 10 and sure" ranboo thanked the user and paused his game.
"No<3" You said in a joking manner "you guys are gonna make fun of me" You crossed your hands and giggled. Ranboo picked you up with ease "wait- RANBOO-" He placed you down and stood next to you "look chat he's so small" He laughed while patting your head.
Chat spammed "Awwwe ♡♡♡♡" and probably took millions of  screenshots. "Oh shut up, it's not my fault you're a damn tree" you rolled your eyes and just went back to the computer.
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jimins-goodgirl · 3 years
Plz reblog if you liked this <3
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Heeyy!! Here is BTS AND HOW THEY CUDDLE (or rather how I think they cuddle).I added a few songs that remind me of the individual members if you'd want to give them a listen 💗. Also i wanted to apologise for this not being NSFW like my usual work, i'm not feeling it today :/ but anyways, enjoyyy!!_______________________________
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- likes being big spoon so he gets to nuzzle his face into the back of your neck
-sometimes he lays on you'r chest because he likes listening to you'r heartbeat that reminds him your not just a dream
-deff COVERS you in kisses whenever your cuddling with him
-he has those big-ass plushies ALL over his bed (and they probably have very wierd names, like 'roosik' or smt💀) and sometimes just to be petty he chooses the plushie over you to cuddle. But he comes back to you in a few mins.
-LOVES it when he lays down in you'r lap and you play with his hair @////@
(hes too precious STOP 😭)
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- likes being big spoon because he LOVES feeling you'r hips/waist as you lay on you'r side infront of him
-watching movies and cuddling >>
- he always asks how you are feeling throughout the whole thing because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable at all
- he makes sure to let you know that he loves you at least more than 3 times
-he lends you his sweatshirts if your cold (ik thats the most 'uwu y/n 🥺' thing but plz dont kill me 💀)
- fluffy blankets everywhere!!!
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-hes surprisingly very clingy
- i can only imagine him as a little spoon
-he would want to get hugged from the back and when you put you'r hand on him to hug, he would hold it by his chest
-if your watching a movie or smt he will make drinks and you'll sit in between his legs
-like jimin, he also likes plushies but he probably has the very small ones which you could basically use as a neck rest so he lets you take those if you'r neck gets tired
Yoongi 😼
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- RANDOMLY tells you he wants to be little spoon and it usually catches you off guard
-he rly likes it when you touch his waist, back, and shoulders when hes little spoon
-he lets you borrow his clothes
-whenever you guys are bored, he lays down in you'r lap and lets you do his makeup or skincare
- you guys deff squeeze each other's cheeks (on the face 🤨) as a joke until one of you gets hurt or smt and the other nourishes them
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- doesn't seem like he'd cuddle very much. I think he just mostly individually hugs you and cuddles you when your sleeping. Hes both big & little spoon
-he jokes around a lot with you so no matter what your doing, he'll cheer you up :))
- he buys you comfy things like ; socks, blankets, hoodies, plushies, and little cute slippers so that your not cold at all
- he whispers a lot of cute things to you in you'r ear while cuddling
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- he usually cuddles you face-to-face so he can look at you and kiss you
-the hot chocolate this man makes is chef's kiss 🤤
-he loves it when you have anything of his belonging on you. Weather it be an elastic band or a necklace, it just makes him very happy
- i think he tells you stories while you cuddle 💗
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- usually big spoon
- actually ADORES it when you lay down on his chest
- he finds it very calming to hear you'r voice so he likes it when you talk to him as your going to bed
-taking pics w/ you while cuddling
- he enjoys playing with you'r hair a lot
Sorry this was pretty short but i hope you liked it. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!! Im very thankfull for you reading this! Reblog if you enjoyed and dont forget to like!! Send request if you have any Byebye for now guysss!! :)))
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qwirk · 4 years
*vigilantes ch. ~64 and main manga ch. ~255 spoilers*
although idk if these are really spoilers if these chapters came out a couple years ago! anime-only fans beware. anyway here’s my extremely long rant about the obvious, not trying to explain anything- i gotta yell!
so that vigilantes arc destroyed me! i’m not good at immediately putting thoughts about media into coherent points but i’m just so sad :( first of all after catching up with the main manga, shirakumo, despite being technically dead during his introduction, rocketed up to one of my favorite if not my favorite character. aizawa is also up there for me- he was first introduced as this strict teacher who seemed to psychologically torment his students for the fun of it, or at least for some yet unknown ulterior motive. but we now know that, while still kinda harsh, he does this to give his students that lead-dropping-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach rush in order to push them to succeed (or something like that?). he truly cares about his students and their growth which has been demonstrated multiple clear times. but what drives him to be like this??
shirakumo!! his actions today are a clear answer to the pushes shirakumo gave him back when they were students. they’re so obviously influenced by shirakumo that they’re almost literally answers. the main chapters are a little foggy because i speedread them at 3 am, but i just caught up with vigilantes. 
at the start, aizawa sees himself as someone who’s constantly just behind and will stay there as everyone moves on. he trudges into class drenched after leaving the kitten behind and he’s super emo about it. meanwhile, shirakumo literally flies through the window, also drenched, saved not only the kitten but aizawa’s umbrella, and manages to put on this cheery (albeit borderline explicit) show about it. it’s a CLEAR contrast between the two and aizawa goes as far to say that he hasn’t reached his “true self yet” while he looks at shirakumo and then says that he starts to change. 
as if it’s not enough for aizawa to beat himself up mentally, his classmates bring him down for not having a “heroic” enough quirk. shirakumo is constantly stepping in to bring him back up, even during real work study stuff, and goes as far to lend him a pair of his goggles so that his eyes become more useful. this becomes a stronger bonding point between aizawa, shirakumo, and hizaishi for them to start looking to the future together. while wearing those goggles, which are protecting his sight from the strong winds on the roof, he stares into the sky, feeling like he’s getting swept into the future like the clouds in the wind. (also the clouds as a metaphor. damn)
and then we come to the last fight. everyone that aizawa looks up to is crushed in the wake of the villain, and he’s the last one standing. there’s a group of children to protect, and he’s panicking and drowning in his overthinking. the way he’s given a huge panel to himself only to be visually overwhelmed by his thought bubbles stood out to me. and then the thing that snaps him out is shirakumo’s voice cheering him on. it’s a bunch of simple praise, but it means everything in the situation. the friend who’s been pulling him up no matter how hopeless or apathetic aizawa feels is of course the one to spur him into action in a life-or-death situation. aizawa realizes he’s gotta fight immediately, and even reminds himself of exactly what shirakumo told him- that his quirk IS useful and levels the playing field. 
i was already kinda spoiled for this part since i read the main manga first, but hearing shirakumo’s cheering the entire time while aizawa is absolutely toiling to defeat this huge villain would have been touching regardless. and when he lands in triumph, hurting but victorious, he screams for his friend to hear that he did it!! but then you see this joy start to like. rot away as soon as it pans to kayama and hizaishi. it’s raining again (THE CLOUDS AS A METAPHOR! DAMN!). shirakumo’s corpse is lying feet away from him, staining the medics’ sheet with blood. i don’t have much to say about this part, it was just a lot for me to process!! also i’m still not entirely sure about the way his speaker works so i might be wrong here, but did he really spend his dying moments with a traumatic head injury cheering on his friend to not only beat the immediate danger, but to self-realization?? or maybe it was prerecorded? idk but either way, truly a hero. 
aizawa and hizaishi are left standing in the rain because once again, “it fits the mood.” so obviously there’s the callback to when aizawa first said that when he comes to class after leaving the kitten and i have yet to fully comprehend it because i have no braincells for interpreting media. i guess maybe it’s like- aizawa at first felt terrible for not being able to save even a kitten while being enrolled in the most prestigious hero course in the country. getting drenched while settling with (what he considers to be) a cowardly measure is the icing to the cake for his self-hatred. it’s the classic “this might as well happen” scenario to get soaked by random rain or a car splashing you with a puddle on a bad morning. rain is sad. but in comes shirakumo, equally drenched but still the bright light that he is. he’s also done everything aizawa couldn’t but wanted to and more in this situation. he could do it not just because of his storing quirk, but because he held the life of someone who needed saving more important than the school rules. this decorum lets the kitten slide as it makes itself at home in the classroom. the rain stops soon after. but then you have shirakumo’s death. once again, aizawa, and even hizaishi, who’s usually always upbeat (almost every panel of him was just him screaming YEAHHHHH. plz give him more dialogue) both agree that the pouring rain fits the mood. this also brings us back to the present that preceded the flashback- koichi just rescued a cat and a child from a villain with aizawa’s help, and now they’re standing under an awning to escape the rain. this situation is literally almost exactly what happened at the beginning of the flashback which is why i guess it brought it on, but it’s interesting to see what changed- aizawa is the one who’s learned from this situation and teaching the student the meaning of responsibility (using an abandoned cat as an example, no less), and they’re all properly shielded from the elements this time. i guess the conclusion (that could be totally wrong) i’m coming to is that the rain sort of represents the adversaries aizawa faces in life- his self-deprecation, those that don’t believe in him, his personal failures that he has been facing lately. shirakumo has always been there to guide him past it, and once he lifts up aizawa nothing can shake him again. but now that he’s definitively gone, it’s back to haunt him for this one last moment of sheer grief. it’s only this one moment though, as aizawa clearly uses this moment to move on and better himself not just for his sake, but for everyone counting on him. he’s escaped the rain.
it’s so clear how this manifests in the main manga and i’m so happy vigilantes was able to spin out such a good backstory and explanation for his actions!! one of the most immediate ways we see his ideals stand out is his taking in of shinsou as his apprentice from general studies. it’s absolutely because he sees himself in this boy. he has a quirk that’s seemingly useless once you get into combat and everyone thinks he’s a creep for it. more people might even wary around shinsou than aizawa’s case. during the a vs. b practice fights, shinsou explains what he did wrong, clearly upset at himself for not doing enough. aizawa immediately pulls himself up, reminding him that in order to achieve what he just said, he’d have to be a pro, and that what he managed was more than enough. these parallels between aizawa and shinsou are definitely hinted at in the main story, like when midoriya underestimate’s his prowess in combat at usj, but with the vigilantes arc everything is so much clearer. in the main manga, we get a direct reference of aizawa’s expulsion rate in relation to how it helps students grow when they face “’death’” as he’s interrogating kurogiri. though dramatic, i feel like it has to be linked to the dire situation aizawa faced when the pro heros and shirakumo got knocked out during that one fight because of its placement in the chapter. he understands better than most in the story that a lot of times pushes, whether big or small, are needed to grow. he wants to be to his students what shirakumo was to him.
OK EDIT because i didn’t realize there was more to the arc after 64 lol. so obviously after shirakumo dies aizawa’s and hizaishi’s dreams of starting a triple hero agency have been dashed. aizawa seems to distance himself from hizaishi, or at least they’re on uneasy speaking terms. he’s coping by training super hard and is bent on going solo after graduation, the opposite of what they had all planned. but this time, he has conviction on what he’s going to do with himself, and that’s great! he learns that you have to be there for yourself in life. there’s a small montage leading from graduation to where is now in vigilantes and it’s been hard, but he’s been making it. still a lone wolf as ever, aside from the pushes from kayama to become teachers with her and hizaishi at ua. he thinks doing that would be a stupid choice for him, he’s been alone this whole time and doesn’t work well with others (anymore, he thinks). but now that he’s in the cafe with everyone, he changes seeing everyone fawn over the cat but their new dreams of being a popular cat cafe. 
the impact of seeing their newfound hope brings him back to another flashback of the rooftop trio, and THE PARALLELS!!! of them also dreaming to start their hero agency based on their first rescue of sushi the cat. back in the present, aizawa, who’s been spacing off, suddenly realizes the sky and his mind have cleared (THE CLOUDS KEEP COMING BACK AS A METAPHOR!!! if this happens in the main story i’ll cry). i’m still not 100% sure of what exactly makes the dots connect for him, but it’s been hinted through the flashbacks and his reactions to the rescued cat that he’s actually a good teacher himself, though he had been mainly shown to have learned from others around him. he drilled husbandry requirements into shirakumo and interrogated koichi about responsibility as if they were second nature. i think aizawa realized that he’s actually always had a soft spot for watching people grow and do good things and wants to be a part of facilitating that. or at least because he wasn’t able to accomplish doing good with his friends originally, he wants to help other accomplish the goal he couldn’t. also the fact that kayama still sends him updates on sushi isn’t just really nice of her, but it’s also another representation of how aizawa’s convictions he developed as a student still drive him to do what he does today.
MY MAIN POINT IS: aizawa really loves shirakumo. to have so much of his character based in the lessons he purposefully or inadvertently taught him is an amazing testament to that appreciation. aizawa never emotes except for the occasional creepy smile when he psychologically toys with 1a, but the emotion he displayed during the interrogation really caught me by surprise. the apathetic emo character suddenly being truly happy or sad is a cliche but this panel right fucking here was so powerful to me:
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yeah his eyes are always bloodshot as a trademark to his quirk, but the emotional EXHAUSTION written on his face is so starkly different than his usual boredom. this feeling that horikoshi illustrates in two small panels is so human that it’s instantly recognizable deep in our hearts. we’ve all been in those heavy and direly serious moments that wrack our mental and emotional fortitudes, where the only response manageable without hideously breaking down is some subtle motion of the hand or crinkle of the face. we all know what this means without understanding the japanese onomatopoeia or needing additional dialogue. before i read vigilantes, i still immediately understood what this man meant to aizawa. and that’s why i love shirakumo so much!! we all know at least a little how aizawa used to feel as a student, and to have someone constantly pushing you and acting as such a light in your moments of darkness is something so incredibly special. i really hope they’re able to get him out of his nomu state so those three can finally become heros together :’)
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poutyhannie · 4 years
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HERE IS THE FINAL PART :)))) I really didn’t think it’d be this long but i’m happy with how it turned out! thanks for reading
warnings: angst, smut, implied smut, fem!reader, unprotected smexy time, im really bad w warnings guys plz help me
word count: +3k
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Other than classes and occasional meals, you almost never leave your dorm though you hate it in there. Your roommate just moved in but keeps mostly to herself. The sun has set, casting a murky darkness over the campus. You’ve gotten into the routine of leaving the dorm around 11, the time where your roommate’s breathing evens and snoring starts. Not bothering to grab a sweater, you shuffle out of your dorm in flip-flops and your thin pajamas. It seems that your eyes are always burning and sore. The constant drum of ache courses through your body and as you wander around the relatively empty campus, your mind is blank. 
Settling down on a cold bench, you stare up to the small white moon. It seems like you sit there for hours, staring before your eyes begin to prickle with hot, embarrassing tears. They travel down your cheek and get soaked up by your shirt collar. 
“What are you doing here?” You whip around, furiously wiping your cheeks dry, though your eyes still water. Under a black hood, you can barely see his face but when he takes a seat next to you he flicks it off. Because you’re only used to Minho’s lust filled eyes, the genuine concern takes you off guard. He tries to lighten your mood by cracking a joke. “Y’know, I was kinda bummed when I woke up alone.” However, this only makes your lips twist and a sob choke out of your body. 
His eyes widen, cursing under his breath as he reaches out to rub soothing circles on your back. “Shit, I’m sorry. I guess that’s not helping…What’s wrong, princess?” A bitter taste courses through your mouth and your sore throat painfully swallows. Looking at the ground, you whisper, “I’m fucked up. That’s what’s wrong.” 
Minho’s head tilts in concern, “C’mon we’re all human. We all make mistakes and you can bet on your pretty ass that we’re all damn fucked up.” Though his words would cause bile to rise, you find yourself leaning into him, collapsing into his broad chest as tears spring into your eyes once again. “But what are you doing out here this late?” He continues, stroking the back of your head softly, “Just wanted to let it out without an audience?” You nod into his chest, letting your senses fill with his bright scent. “I don’t wanna go back into my dorm.” His voice causes rumblings against your ear, a dangerously enticing feeling. “If you wanna come back to mine, we can. We don’t have to do anything but you can stay if you don’t wanna be here.” 
Nothing exists but Minho’s arms around yourself and his scent in your nose.
He lends you a soft hoodie and sweatpants which smell deeply of him. Minho strokes the skin behind your ear as you wrap your arms around him. Minho grips your arms as you kiss along his jaw. Minho tugs at your hair as you pull down his sweats.
You stare up at his ceiling, mindlessly stroking his stomach and wondering how you could loath yourself so much but let yourself have good things. Is it even a good thing? Would he want to touch you if he knew what pain you caused to other people? Minho’s arm tightens around you and he groans softly. “You still up, princess?” 
“Yeah, sorry. I usually don’t sleep much.” When he rises, you try to tell him that you’re okay and that he can go back to sleep but he protests, “It’s already 6:30, I usually get up at 7, so I’m fine.” You sit in between his legs, his duvet tangled around you both when he asks you again why you can’t sleep. At this point, you don’t give a damn about your stupid walls and emotional protection because look where they’ve got you. “I fucked up real bad,” you tell him, choosing to look down at his hands. “There was this guy that really liked me but we were just fucking. I thought I just wanted it to be just that, but I didn’t tell him that. I let him believe I wanted something more than that.” Your voice trails off as you look Minho in the eyes.
He stops to think about your words for a moment before saying, “And instead of telling him, you met me at that party.” Worrying at your lip you nod, “When he found out, he got really really mad of course and I said horrible things to him that weren’t true and we…we haven’t talked since,” you shake your head as your filthy heart aches, “I wanted to tell myself that we weren��t emotionally involved with each other.” 
Though you half expect Minho to agree, conclude that you are a bitch, but he just nods, a knowing look on his face. “So you do like him.” You suck a breath in, wrestling over a fact that is obviously true. You don’t want to admit it. Why don’t you want to admit it? Maybe because it’s almost like a lock or a seal. Once you confess it, you leave yourself vulnerable to possibilities you can’t control. When you had him, you felt you had him wrapped around your finger. You let him go because your hands wanted to grab an assortment of things and now that he’s slipped out, you just wish that you hadn’t been so selfish. 
Despite the sound of a lock shutting you into your feelings you whisper, “Yeah, I really do.” 
“Then swallow your pride and tell him that you fucked up,” Minho’s gaze is fierce, “Don’t fucking wait here and hope all your feelings go away because they won’t. If he doesn’t think you’re worth it, then you’ll at least know that what got you into this mess in the first place is resolved. You’d be open with him and you’ll get hurt but,” he throws his hands up, “you’ll have done it.” 
You frown, picking at a lint on his covers, “But what if he doesn’t hear me or—” 
The exasperated sign from Minho stops you short, “What the fucking hell if he doesn’t hear you, Y/n? He’s got a right to do that but don’t use that as an excuse to not swallow your pride and try to make things right.” You hate how right he is and you hate how you’re missing Jisung but rather than pushing that longing away, you let it lead you. Sunlight streams down on your clothes and you lay Minho’s clothes on his bed quickly, slipping your own on. He gets up, following you out to his doorstep. Somewhere, you find the courage to look him in the eye. “I’m really sorry about this, Minho. Sorry for dragging you into my problems.” Minho shakes his head, tugging you into a hug, “Relationships like this don’t work for everyone. Just tell me how it goes with him and we can work it out from there.” Though you would just drop Minho, block his number and ignore him around campus, you know that you can’t leave a loose end like this so you just nod.
Changbin opens the door to his, Chan’s, and Jisung’s apartment, a scowl rising on his face when he sees you. “What did I fucking tell you, Y/n?” He blocks the doorway with his body and starts closing it when you try to look behind him. “He’s not here so what do you want?” 
“I need to apologize! I need to tell him that I was wrong and that—” 
“Do you know how much of a fucking mess he’s been these past weeks? Y/n, it’s been almost a month and you haven’t even tried reaching out to him once. Did you even stop to think about him?” 
“Every single fucking night! There hasn’t been a single day that I haven’t cried over it!” You respond desperately. 
“Oh boo-hoo,” Changbin mocks, “She finally has feeling. Why the hell did you wait till now to say this? Do you like to put the people you care about in misery? What, do you make them realize how much they care about you by destroying their trust?” 
By now, tears are streaming down your face at Changbin’s candid, ruthless but truthful words. “I was scared! I didn’t want to tell him because I was terrified of being hurt again.” 
“So you fucking shatter his heart.” Changbin growls, his eyes darkening. 
“Please, just let me see him. I just need to tell him and then I’ll leave,” you beg desperately, all but wringing your hands. The older boy’s cold voice causes your stomach to sink, “I told you, Y/n. He’s not here.”
Changbin closes the door quickly as a soft voice calls out from inside the apartment. “I-is that Y/n?” You want to run to that voice, to tell him that you know you’re selfish and stupid and fucked up but the stupid door between you stops you from doing that. Muffled words are being exchanged from behind the other side of the door. Changbin tells him that nothing happened and that he needs to go back to sleep. The door opens despite Changbin’s protsts. The boy in the door ways dark eyes are red and puffy. His hair is greasy and his lips are chapped and bleeding.
He’s beautiful. 
You don’t dare reach out; you don’t dare touch him. You don’t deserve it. Changbin moves in front of Jisung, jamming a finger in your face. “I’m leaving but this is the first and last fucking chance I’ll give you. Remember what I said to you. I won’t let him get hurt again.”
Now that you are in the position you’ve been wanting to be in: alone in front of Jisung, you regret not preparing what you’re gonna say to him. His eyes are still red and he gazes at you with a broken, longing stare. Swallowing hard and dropping your gaze, you begin, “I’m really fucking sorry, Jisung. I was being selfish and I was wrong for what I did.” 
His voice is croaky and raw. “What did you do, though? Do you even know what you did to me, Y/n?” The damn stinging in your eyes drags them down, but you force yourself to look him in the eyes. 
“I knew,” the confession makes your heart burn but you continue, “I knew how you felt but—” 
“Then why would you do that? Are you really that cruel?” His voice is so soft and it cracks. He shoves his hands into his jogger pockets to hide their tremors from you. 
“It’s because I’m a piece of shit, okay? I was scared of opening up to you and wanted you to not feel that way about me because I don’t deserve it!” You don’t know why your voice rises and you wish it wouldn’t. You wish you wouldn’t get worked up over this and just tell him diplomatically but you can’t. “I thought that keeping it only sexual between us would let that happen and I was terrified when I wanted to involve myself with you in a way deeper than that.” 
Jisung’s eyes narrow and he scoffs, “So you go fuck another guy. That’s a great solution, Y/n. Really smart move you pulled there,” he steps closer to you, glaring down at you, “Yeah, you’re right. You are a piece of shit cause you were too scared of facing something as normal as feelings.” 
Your insides burn and you push down bile as a you can feel a fist tear at your heart but you take a shaky breath in, “I know I don’t deserve it, but is there any way you can accept my apology?” The scoff that Jisung lets out again twists your gut and he places his hands behind his head, turning away from you. His words are slow and measured, “I need to think about it.” You reach out, beginning to say something but abruptly stop, nodding and heading to the door. Pausing to look back at him, his back is still to you. “I’m so sorry, Jisung. I turned into the monster I was hurt by.” Your words have him turning around, eyes confused, but he doesn’t say anything so you close the door softly behind you.
Somehow, you manage to keep the tears at bay down the hall and onto the stairs, though there’s a burning numbness in your fingers.  
You’re walking quickly out the stairwell to hide the tears streaming down your face when his voice calls out. Though your eyes scan around the courtyard, your stomach churns. His head is trained down to the brick ground, but he seems to know exactly where is walking: straight towards you. Rushing to meet him in the middle, any other thoughts escape your mind. You don’t even know what he’s gonna say, but a flood of relief rushes through you at seeing him. His eyes regard you thoughtfully and you realize he’s waiting for you to say something. 
“W-what are you doing out here?” You stutter out, cheeks flushed and nose cold. 
His head tilts and he blinks around your face before responding slowly, “Well this is my apartment,” he lets out a small humorless laugh to fill the empty sound around you guys. Right by his side when he begins walking, you look up at him as he continues, “I’ve made up my mind,” he pauses, meeting your eyes, “actually, I’ve thought a lot about you and me and us for the past month.” You will your heartbeat to slow to a normal pace. “I though that it was wrong of me to be possessive of you but then I realized that you knew how I felt about you,” he chews on his lip, “I feel like we’re both at fault right now.” 
“Maybe,” you start, “but that doesn’t make up for what I did to you.” 
He stretches his arms out, nodding down at you, “Yeah, I agree but I understand where you’re coming from. I get that trusting people is hard but do you think you can trust me?” 
You hold your breath and whisper, “I think I can. Can you forgive me?” 
Though Jisung’s eyes wander around you, his voice is steady as he says, “I forgive you if you can trust me.” A breath hitches in your throat and you feel hot tears prickle at your eyes as relief floods your chest. 
You collapse into him, wrapping your arms around him and speaking into his hoodie, “I was so scared I’d lose one of the only people I really care for.” 
He strokes the back of your head tenderly. “Nah, I want to start back where we left off.” 
Sniffing, you gaze up at him, “You do?” 
An endearing smile spreads across his face and he nods, “Changbin hyung will take some convincing but I really like you.” 
Your chest burns in the best way possible and you don’t feel like you’re worth it but you say it anyways, “I like you too, Jisung.” Satisfied, he leans down to place a firm but tender kiss to your lips. A tear trickles down your cheek as you feel redeemed. Forgiven.
Jisung trails his fingers through your hair and leans back onto his bed covers, you on top of him. Gingerly, your fingers trace the familiar curve of his jawline and you realize how much you missed him. His tongue is slow against yours but his heartbeat is fast against your fingers. As his lips travel over the skin of you neck, you exhale happily, ready to begin with Jisung again the right way. He flips you both over, eyes wide and asking you for permission. You nod and he slips off his hoodie. His slightly cold finger provide a wonderful sensation as he pushes them into you. Slowly thrusting them in and out, Jisung gazes down at you, a smile gracing his features as your soft moans fill his apartment. He curls his fingers in you, twisting and scissoring you in a way no one else could. With your full attention on him, Jisung pulls out his fingers and licks your arousal off them. The sight of his red tongue lapping the juices up makes you instantly wetter. Smirking, Jisung tugs down his pants, leaning down to place wet kisses over your face, neck, and collarbones. His hot mouth on yours, he slowly enters you, letting you adjust before firmly thrusting into you. Its not crazed or wanton like before, but slow and drawn out as he feels the extent of your depths clenching around him and you feel his veins rubbing against your walls. With a slow exhale, Jisung continues, his hands reaching down to grasp yours tightly. 
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you, Y/n,” he breathes. 
“I can know, because I’ve missed you more.” 
A sly smile comes onto his face and he shakes his head, “Nah, I missed you more, baby.” To cement his words, he reaches a hand down to slowly circle your clit. You arch your back off the ground and let out a deep moan. His lips finds your jaw as his pace quickens. His hair is soft and tangles in your fingers as one hand grips his hair and one his shoulder. Breathless moans escape both of your lips and when he looks down at you in the eye, you unintentionally clench around him. He groans and whispers, “I’m close, baby.” 
You nod, moaning as he pleasures your clit and thrusts deep into you. When you tilt your head to the side, Jisung grabs your jaw, staring down at you. “You’re mine, Y/n. All mine.” This pushes you off the edge and you shake as your release washes over you and you feel him coming into you.
Panting, Jisung stays on top of you, admiration in his eyes as he gazes down at you, even as his erection withers inside you. “Say it,” he whispers. Now with no inhibitions, you kiss him, holding his gaze and breathe, “You’re mine, Jisung and I’m yours.”
Jisung cleans you both up and as Jisung holds you tightly, nuzzling his nose in your neck, you realize that your past experiences no longer control your life. You alone are the author of your chapters and Jisung helped you gain that freedom. You run your hands through his hair and hold him close, cherishing him like he’s the world.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
A Whole New World Prelude Pt 3
E/C = eye color
H/C = hair color
H/L= hair length
S/C = skin color
Y/N = your name
L/N = last name
N/N = nickname
(Two hours later)
I screamed, {E/C} eyes shooting open and quickly sitting upright. Not prepared, I smacked my head into something equally as hard.
"Ow! What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head. 
"Ye bloody passed out on us two hours ago. I got ye stitched up." Harry explained, startling me. Opening my eyes, once more, I saw Harry pressing his palm to his own forehead, wincing as he did so. “Why is yer head so ‘ard!!” he hissed, glaring at me between his fingers.
"S-sorry!" I exclaimed, backing up.
I stopped when I accidentally knocked over a photo frame. I froze, catching the frame before it could fall. Lifting it up, I turned to look at it. A family photo it would seem.
Is that his dad? Wow he doesn't look like the Captain Hook I remember. His mom seems very pretty, and nice. But wait, how was this picture taken?
"Is this your family?"
"Ye. Now if ye don't mind." Harry took the photo out of my hands before I could even say anything else.
I blinked. "You have sisters?" I blurted out.
"Ye, now shut yer mouth and come on. School's out now and Uma wants us on the Lost Revenge." Harry stated, grabbing my wrist and pulling me off the bed.
~~~At The Lost Revenge~~~~~
I froze as soon as we got on the ship. Everyone was looking at me. I tried hiding behind Harry. Wincing in pain as I released my grip on Harry's jacket. 
'It's gunna be ok. It's gunna be alright.' I repeated in my head.
"{Y/N}? {Y/N}!" Uma yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.
I peeked out from behind Harry to see Uma glaring at me. 
"Were you listening?" She almost growled at me, I shook my head.
She rolled her eyes. "Well then you're going to pretend you know how to handle a damn sword. Come on crew! Let's prepare to face those worthless brats!" Uma exclaimed.
The crew cheered, holding up their swords. Harry took a spare sword from one of the crew and took my {dominant} hand and placed the sword handle there. Of course I still winced from the pain. 
Harry walked me over to a part of the deck and instructed me to stay put and to look mean. As soon as he walked away I looked up at the sky and noticed a small crack in the sky. 
'Huh? Wait, is that the barrier they were talking about?' I thought to myself, not even realizing that around the pupils in my eyes were thin rings of gold. Barely noticeable. 
"Oh Shrimpy~! What have you got there? That new girl shouldn't even be here!" An all too familiar voice boomed from the docks.
I shivered and gripped the sword handle tighter.
Mal and her gang. 
My hands started to shake. A memory of my past flashed through my mind.
My mother screaming at me when she found me in the backyard in the rain. But what she was screaming at me about was that the rain didn't touch me. It was pouring yet I was completely dry. I knew I had an affinity with water. But with this damn barrier I'm just getting nothing. Maybe it was just in my world. Maybe I'm just a freak..
Suddenly a knife came flying towards me. On some miracle of reflex I swung the sword and reflected it. I looked up and saw a boy… What did Harry say his name was.. Jack? No…. Josh? No….. Jay! That's his name.
Jay was Jafar's son. Hmmm cute but not my type. Suddenly I was sword fighting Jay. And I had never fought with a sword before…. Wait have I? Maybe as a small child.
"What's your name, new girl?" Jay asked me, snapping me out of my daydream.
"I don't have to tell you!" I replied, smirking.
Jay smirked as he continued to sword fight with me, slowly pushing me towards the edge of the ship. Shit. If he keeps at this I'm going to fall in. And yea, I never learned how to swim.
I'm unsure if he could see the slight fear in my eyes or he just thought he had the upper hand. But all of a sudden Jay got up close to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. He then whispered in my ear.
"We could use someone like you on our side. Consider this our offer~!" Jay smirked, a very quick peck to my cheek before he let me go.
I was too out of it. Didn't realize I was falling till i hit the ocean head first. Unprepared, I started drowning. Struggling under the water, my eyes were getting heavy. All I could think was, 'Why don't my powers work?????'
As my vision started fading the last thing I saw was a figure, then darkness.
"{Y/N}? {Y/N}???" I could hear my name but it was so far away.
Air? I could feel air entering my lungs. 
My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up, coughing up water.
"Oh good ye're alright! I'm gunna kill tha' bastard!" Harry exclaimed.
I looked up after coughing up all the water that was in my lungs. Harry was sitting on the beach, drenched, smudged eyeliner. And oh my god, my face was definitely heating up, mostly because Harry looked absolutely hot. Shit.
I sneezed. Shivering from having just been in the ocean. Harry sighed and stood up. Holding out a hand to me.
“Come on. We gotta go get ye dried off so ye don’t catch a cold.” Harry stated.
I grabbed his hand and with his help got up on my feet.
My {H/L} {H/C} hair was soaking wet. My clothes were soaked. My nose is starting to burn from the salty ocean water. I looked at Harry, hugging myself.
“L-Let’s g-go. I’m f-f-freezing!” I exclaimed in a shivering stutter.
Harry smirked, grabbing my hand in his. “Come on, {Y/N}. Let’s go back to my place, well I guess since ye’ll be stayin with meh it’s “our” place. But anyways come on.” Harry rambled on, pulling me to follow him.
Once we got to the apartment Harry had me go into the run down bathroom while he looked for some clothes for me to wear. I stood in the small bathroom, examining my surroundings. There wasn’t much. An old sink, a toilet that somehow manages to work, and a shower that looks like it could use some scrubbing down. I was startled when Harry opened the bathroom door and threw some clothes at me.
“There ye go. They were meh older sister’s clothes. They should fit. Ye can dry off with that towel in tha’ corner.” Harry stated.
I looked over at him and noticed his eyes were closed. At least he’s a gentleman. He closed the door, leaving me in the bathroom alone. I blinked, feeling my face heat up again. Was it just the thought of him seeing me? I shook my head. No. He’s only helping me because Uma would get mad at him if her newest recruit was sick. Also, is there medicine on this island? I have a feeling there isn’t.
I quickly dried off and got changed. {If your H/L is medium/long, then: I put my hair in a high ponytail.} I took a deep breath and opening the door. Harry was in the small kitchen area, though all it had was a retro styled rundown fridge and a sink. 
“T-Thanks for lending me your sister’s clothes.” I smiled.
Harry waved the back of his hand at me as he was at the kitchen sink. Was he hand washing dishes? 
I looked around the house. Messy, small, kind of reminded me of those studio apartments back home. This was definitely bigger than the apartment I had. But this one is definitely messier. Can’t complain though. I guess this is what my life is gunna be now. Hmm. 
“{Y/N}? Ye there? We need ta go. Uma’s gunna want us at the shop.” Harry explained, now standing at the front door, hook in hand.
How long has it been now? I walked over to him and we walked outside, and towards the Chip Shop. I looked up at the cloudy sky. Hmm. Has it really been an hour and a half already? Wow. 
“Ye alright lass?” Harry asked, raising his eyebrow in confusion.
“I’m alright, the day is just going by very fast that’s all. And…. I’m just thinking about the fight on the ship.” I responded, rubbing my left wrist with my right hand.
Harry continued with his confused look. “What do ya mean by that?” 
“Well. So um. Back in my world I had a small affinity for water. But here I can’t even make the water do what I want even a little. So I’m just bothered by that.” I explained as we walked through the market. 
I watched Harry steal a slightly rotten piece of fruit from a stall. Understanding now that this is not a place where good things happen. It feels like they get the leftovers from the mainland. I looked around as we got closer to the Chip Shop. 
This was just the beginning of my life here in this new world. What happens next? Well just wait and see? ;-)
That’s it for the Prelude! Just to let you all know that each chapter is gunna be 3 parts each. And oh boy is Chapter 1 gunna be exciting! Hope you all enjoy!
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
Anonymous said:
Tell me about ur mag7 leverage au 😶😶😶
Anonymous said:
A Magnificent 7 Leverage AU, I’ve never thought of that before but now that I’m thinking about it, I can’t UNsee it. The shenanigans and everything would be so good…Lay it on me plz *heart eyes and clasped hands* Plus the muse wants what it wants.
*Ahem* Thank you for this opportunity.
Friends, enemies, cowards of all classes, please! Lend me your ears!
Sam Chisolm is an honest man.
An odd description for an insurance investigator of one of the largest insurance companies in the game, to be sure. Even after I.Y.S. Insurance is taken over by the notorious Bart Bogue, who changes the company’s policy to automatically deny every claim until a thorough investigation can be completed, Sam Chisolm remains an honest man.
Fair, trustworthy, justice-seeking—that’s Sam Chisolm.
None of that changes when Sam’s mother becomes sick. It doesn’t change when he and his sister, Rosaline, sell their cars and mortgage their houses attempting to pay for their mother’s treatments. It doesn’t change when Bartholomew Bogue denies Sam’s claim to pay for an experimental treatment for his mother’s sickness.
It doesn’t change when she dies.
But ‘vengeful’ becomes another word on the list of ways to describe Sam Chisolm.
Cameron McCann finds him drinking at an airport bar, waiting for a shuttle that’s fifteen minutes out. It takes him all of eight to convince Sam to help him steal back his airplane designs.
“Thieves, I got,” he says, gesturing at the file in Sam’s hands. “What I need is one honest man… to watch… them.”
And, well, $600,000 is quite the payday.
Goodnight Robicheaux goes by a number of names, and Goodnight might even be the one he was born with. Doubtful, though. (He’s been through so many names and identities over the years, that it’s doubtful even he remembers the name he was born with. That may be deliberate.)
Sam Chisolm meets him six years before the death of his mother, in Damascus. (According to Goodnight, this is false. He considers their first meeting to be two years earlier, in Prague, the first time they see each other, thought do not speak; he will not be swayed.)
Many of the best cons in recent histories can be attributed to Goodnight Robicheaux. (He may even be responsible for a great deal of them.) A sure thing about Goodnight, though, is that he will always be there for Sam.
He is, after all, the finest actor you’ve ever seen… when he’s breaking the law.
Sam’s slow applause fills the alleyway behind the small-time theatre. “I thought you were great,” he says with a small, genuine smile.
“My only fan,” Goodnight remarks ruefully in the thick, Cajun accent he’s always used with Sam. It might even be his real one. Doubtful, though. “I am a citizen now, though. Honest.”
The smile grows and Sam replies, “I’m not,” with all the finality that statement entails.
Billy Rocks’ preferred title is ‘retrieval specialist,’ but to the rest of the world, he’s the most reliable—not to mention, lethal—hitter whose services money can buy.
He’s done many things he’s not proud of, and many more that he is, but nearly all of it was done without a team. Billy, like many of those in their line of work, works alone.
Less messy, that way.
“You look better,” Billy says as Sam lines up his shot. When Sam doesn’t reply, he clarifies, “Than when we started.”
“Yeah,” Sam dismisses, not looking up. The solid five sinks into the corner pocket.
Settling against the table, Billy watches him with a certain amount of interest. “Yeah,” he echoes. “And that bothers you, doesn’t it?”
“Ah, well, this isn’t supposed to feel—”
“Good? It’s not hard to figure out, Samuel. McCann screwed us, cheated by stealing from another company, and so you see him as the ‘bad guy.’ You spent twenty years chasing ‘bad guys,’ so you’re comfortable with what we’re doing now. Your conscience is clear.”
Sam watches him with the same bland, pleasant expression he watches them all. “You wanna take your shot?”
Billy blinks slowly in response. “I’m sorry about your mother,” he ventures. At Sam’s stern look, he continues, “Everybody knows. A man like you leaves the game, a lot of people notice. And it was a bad story, too.”
Faraday is crazy.
He works alone, pulls off heists that no one would even consider, and he takes not being paid more personally than an attempt on his life.
“My money’s not in my account.”
The rest of them turn to face him at the sound of a gun being cocked.
His voice is deeper, more serious, than they’ve heard it before now. Before, it was little more than a game—a gamble that he plays, knowing the cards are rigged. Now, it’s personal.
“That makes me cry inside. In my special, angry, place.”
Diego Vasquez needs little more than a cellphone and a wi-fi signal to commit his crimes. Reading the White House’s emails, pulling up a museum’s private directory, falsifying entire identities from the birth certificate to this past year’s tax records, nothing is beyond his reach, as long as its connected to a computer.
His interests include painting, playing the violin, hacking banks to pay for his foster abuelita’s medical bills, and attending the Oscars ceremony every year since he was fifteen.
“It’s a bone-conduction earpiece microphone,” he explains, handing the inconspicuous piece of hardware to Rocks. “Works off the vibrations in your jaw.”
Placing it inside his ear, Rocks admits, “You’re not as useless as you look.”
Vasquez scoffs at the implication that his role is anything less than pivotal. “Ni siquiero sé lo que haces, cabrón,” he replies, lip curling at the hitter.
“Can I have one?” Faraday asks, swinging down from his place among the scaffolding above them, not bothering to ask while right-side up.
“You, güero, can have the whole box.”
As Cameron McCann is led away by the FBI in handcuffs, he acknowledges Sam Chisolm’s last words to him: he should have just paid them.
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all-things-skam · 5 years
95, 57, 50, Crisana??
Anon: could you please write about crisana’s first kiss? 
Anon: can u make a skam espana oneshot for cris and joana plz 🥺🥺 
50. ‘‘Was this your first time?’‘
57. ‘‘I like you in my clothes.’‘
95. ‘‘The door is always open for you.’‘
Title: I kissed a girl and I liked it
Ship: Skam Espana | Cris Soto and Joana Bianchi (Crisana)
A late text from Joana pulled Cris from her Netflix bubble. They barely talk outside of school ever since she found out Joana had a boyfriend but, Cris was nonetheless excited to see the purple haired girl’s name on her screen. She paused the show she was watching and grabbed her phone.
[23:50] Joana: I know it’s late but Eloy and I had a fight, can I crash at your place for the night? I don’t have my keys and I don’t know anyone beside you…
From what Joana had told her in class, she and Eloy hadn’t been together for long, maybe over a month. Cris also recall her mentioning that they weren’t doing very well right now which could explain tonight’s fight.
Cris re-read the message, biting down her lip. Her parents had been strict about no sleepovers on school nights but, this wasn’t a regular sleepover. Joana was locked out and had nowhere to go. She couldn’t leave her outside, nights were cold and she could get sick.
[23:52] Cris: Tell me when you get here. Don’t knock or ring the bell. My parents are asleep so we have to be super quiet. I’m not usually allowed anyone over during the weekdays
She bit her lip looking around her room, everything was a mess and even worst: she was a mess herself. Her blond hair were up in a messy bun and she was wearing an old pajama pants that had better days. Quickly, Cris got up and searched for a better looking pajama and used the rest of the time before Joana arrived to clean a bit. Was her teddy bear still out?
Before Cris could find the teddy bear, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Abandoning her search, she groaned and immediately went to the door, unlocking it.
“Hi,” Joana whispered quietly when Cris opened the door. She followed the blonde to her room, making sure to not make a sound.
Cris closed the door behind them and Joana settled on the bed, trying to not sit on anything she shouldn’t - like Cris’s laptop - and bit her lip.
“I didn’t know who else to call… I’m sorry I put you through all this trouble.”
She sounded shy to reach out to Cris, hesitant.
“It’s okay. The door is always open for you,” Cris replied, giving her a warm smile, taking a seat beside the purple haired girl. “Do you want to talk about it? You and Eloy.”
Joana pursed her lips and pulled her eyebrows. “Erm, we can… I just don’t want to pester you with my problems, I-”
“You’re not.”
She crossed her legs on Cris’s bed, her fingertips playing with the sleeves of her denim jacket who was still on. “Okay. I-I could feel it all falling apart…Eloy and I. We’ve been having some disagreements recently about a lot of things - personal and both as a relationship. While we had our good times, a part of me knew it wasn’t going to last.” Joana flicked her eyes up to Cris for a few seconds. “Fighting so much at the early stages of a relationships cannot be good, right? Tonight felt like when you’re fully aware that you can’t save something anymore. We didn’t break up officially but, it was our final fight. I know it.”
“I’m sorry.” Cris brought her hand over Joana’s knee, trying to bring her some sort of comfort. Even if Joana could feel her relationship falling apart, breakups were sad.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault. If anything, it’s mine. When I started going out with Eloy, it was great. I mean, we got along well and we had fun together but…things changed for me and I realized that it’s not what I wanted anymore and I’m afraid he realized it too…”
Joana went quiet for a minute, staring down at Cris’s hand on her knee. A part of her wanted to grab it but, she didn’t, a part of her afraid to make things awkward between them or that Cris would think she’s using her as a rebound.
Feeling Joana’s eyes on her hand, Cris removed it, hiding it underneath her blanket. “Would you like clothes to sleep in? As much as I’d like to chat all night, it’s midnight and we have school tomorrow. We should get to bed.”
And, if her parents heard voices from their daughter’s room and found out she had someone over, Cris didn’t want to have to explain to them why Joana was here. Not now, at least.
“Yeah. If that’s not too much of a bother.”
Cris got up and opened her dresser, picking out clothes for Joana, skipping the childish patterned pajamas and anything embarrassing…like the pink pants with ducklings on it. Must stay hidden in the drawer.
While Joana went to change in the bathroom, Cris put away her laptop and plugged her phone in its charger and, for a moment, debated whether or not she should make a bed for Joana on the floor. Whenever they’d have guests over, her parents would pull out the inflatable mattress but Cris doubted they could bring it to her room without waking anyone. And, would it even fit? Her room was quite small.
“Thanks for the clothes.”
The blonde whirled around at the voice, not expecting Joana to be back so fast. She stood behind the closed door, bundle of clothes in her hands, her smaller frame being swallowed by the neon yellow tee shirt Cris had lended her. It was rare to see Joana in another color scheme than her usual layers of black, white and grey.
“This is really bright…” she remarked, not used to wearing colors. Certainly not neons but Cris seemed to love neon colors.
“I like you in my clothes.” Cris shook her head, realizing how she sounded. “I mean, it fits you well.”
Joana gave her a shy smile and slipped in bed with Cris, turning off all the lights.
Despite the size of the bed, Cris tried to maintain a good distance between she and Joana to refrain her pulsions from taking over. She had shared a bed with girls before but, it [never] felt like this. She never wanted to get impossibly closer to her girl friends and cuddle in a non-platonic way. With Joana, things were different. Cris always wanted to look at her and touch her and kiss her and…more.
They stayed on their back, starting at the ceiling in silence for a minute or two, neither of them feeling tired yet.
Joana broke the silence. “Cris?”
She quietly hummed, staring at the ceiling, and felt the bed shift as the purple haired girl turned on her side. Cris did the same so they were facing each other in the dark.
“Don’t be mad but…when I said I didn’t have a place to crash tonight, it wasn’t true. Eloy and I did have a fight but, it was hours ago. I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. I wanted to see you.”
For a short second, Cris was taken aback, not expecting this kind of confession from Joana tonight…or ever. Did she mean what Cris thought she meant? It wouldn’t be the first time she got a message wrong, Joana was confusing and difficult to follow. One week she tries to kiss her and the next, she has a boyfriend.
Her doubts were appeased when Joana scooted closer, her dark irises looking up into Cris’s blue ones before glancing down at her pink lips, biting hers. Cris’s breath caught in her throat, realizing Joana was slowly leaning in, her soft lips capturing hers into a gentle kiss.
It didn’t last long. Maybe a couple seconds. Joana pulled away, afraid she had messed up and that Cris didn’t want this kiss. But, she was quickly proven wrong when the blonde went in for a second kiss. This time, Joana smiled into the kiss, cupping Cris’s jaw tenderly. Unlike boys lips, Joana’s were soft and plush…and tasted like cherries.
A grin crept on Cris’s lips, stars in her eyes, as they broke the kiss, keeping her face as close as possible to Joana’s which wasn’t difficult in her small twin bed.
“Was this your first time?” Cris furrowed her eyebrows, confused. “Kissing a girl,” Joana precised, tucking a piece of baby hair away from Cris’s beautiful eyes.
Cris blushed, bitting down her lip, holding back a smile.
“I’ll take this as a yes.”
They didn’t go to bed till 2am, trading kisses and chatting quietly until they couldn’t keep their eyes open.
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dianapana · 5 years
SH Month 2019 Day 1- Living together
Hey guys Dia here, after what feels like 15 years. So i know i am late with almost a week but i was away for a music festival; i am still away so i wrote this on my phone in notes so plz excuse the mistakes, but i really really wanted to try again and do all the prompts for SH month. Last year was a bit of a failure i cant even remember how mnay days i did, i think like...3(?) But this year i wanna do what i did 2 years ago and do every prompt! They will probably be late cuz im still away, as i said, for a week and than i'm home for 2 days and i leave for the seaside. August is a bit hectic for me but i still wanna give all of this a shot
Aaaaaanyway i really hope you enjoy! And most important HAPPY SASUHINA MONTH EVERYONE 💖💖💖💖💖
“Don't you think it's a bit too soon to be living with him? I mean…you've been dating for only a month" I can hear the frustration in my best friend’s voice, and I can't blame her. I would be worried and quite mad at her if she packed all her things and moved in with a total stranger to me. Sadly Ino is far away in Italy and hasn’t been back in Japan in almost a year so there was no way for her to meet Sasuke, my new boyfriend.
“I know you're worried Ino, but what else can I do on such short notice? You know I don’t have the means to stay in an hotel until the flooding in my apartment is fixed. Sasuke offered to let me stay there and it's the mist sensible solution…”
My apartment isn’t in top condition so it shouldn’t have been such a surprise when some of the pluming failed and water started running down my walls and from the ceiling. It wasn’t all that bad the first 2 days; I was able to somehow contain the water but on the 3rd night a pipe that was above my bedroom broke and I woke up with water dripping on my face and my bed soaked. I don’t even want to think about how I should replace the mattress. Since before the flooding I’ve been considering moving to a better place but there was always something that appeared and got in the way of my search so I never got around to doing that. Maybe this is the sign I needed to move, maybe this is also the sign I needed to be certain that Sasuke is serious. With the risk of sounding cliché I’ll go ahead and say that I have never felt this comfortable in a relationship, it just feels right.
“I know that but I still think you are moving too fast. I wish I were there than we could be roomies like we were in high school and college, those were fun times…” I hear the longing in her voice. I know Ino loves being a model and Italy is amazing for her career, but there are times like this when I see how much she misses home. “Did you try to talk to Hiashi? Maybe he'll be an ok father for the first time in his life and lend you some money to move in a new place.”
I roll my eyes even though I know she can’t see me. “Really Ino? You think he will help? He literally kicked me out of his house for no apparent reason, when I was 16. Remember that? Of course you do, because I lived with your family for the last two years of high school. He did not help three years ago when I was in the darkest place of my life. He will not help this time; nor will I ask him. I am actually in a good place now. The only sucky think is the apartment but Sasuke offered a solution so that is taken care of"
I didn’t mean to go all over the list of why Hiashi sucks but it just happened, like it usually goes when his name is brought up. I hear Ino sighing on the other side and I know I won this argument. “You are right, I'm sorry. I just worry because for the past month all you do is talk about Sasuke I feel like you are jumping in the deep end of the pool and I won’t be there to help you pick up the pieces when and if he breaks your trust and heart"
I decide to not say anything about that comment. I hate it when she talks about Sasuke as being temporary. I haven’t let myself admit it yet but I am hoping he will be in my life for a long long time.
“This could be called slavery y'know?”
“Please Naruto, this is hardly that. All I ask is for you to take time off your very busy day of doing nothing at all, to help me move Hinata's stuff in my place. Considering all the times I came to pick up your drunk ass from places, how many weekends I spend listening to you bitch around about one of your hook-ups I think I earned this favor”
“Yea, yea, yea, whatever. I am in your debt forever . My life is yours and all that. But why, oh why, did this move have to be at 7 a.m. on Sunday?” Naruto says with a prolonged yawn. I roll my eyes for the 10th time today and considering it’s barely 7:13 I would say a long day is ahead.
“Because it may take a few hours to move everything and than she'll have to unpack and I would like to be done before mid-afternoon so we could go out and eat something and be back home at an ok hour since we both have work tomorrow. Unlike you.”
“I still can’t believe you asked her to move in with you"
“I didn’t ask her to move in"; “yes you did"; “no I did not. I offered her a place to stay while her apartment gets fixed"; “I mean we all thought you were joking when you said that you will live together” We both talk at the same time. Its frustrating that he, and apparently, all my friends think that Hinata will be moving in. I mean, I do see that happening in the future, but this is just a solution to a problem. We don’t have to make it a big deal.
It took us less than 2 hours to get her stuff, transport and put them in my apartment. Naruto left and Hinata is back home unpacking. I went to the mall to pick up some more things she needed and to get food as well.
I walk up the stairs and unlock the door. The moment the door opens I clench my teeth. Hinata is on the floor looking though a box, I see small changes in the apartment such as her brush on the dresser near the mirror in the hallway, her shoes in the entry way, her favorite band is singing in the background. And it hits me. We're living together, she moved in with me after only a month if dating. I feel myself freak out for a moment but she looks up at me and smiles and the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach disappears, it feels right for her to be here.
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akaluan · 6 years
Cursed by Fate (or Witches) Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2
((So this segment grabbed my muse and ran off cackling so... well okay then.
Grimmjow has synesthesia that results in him tasting magic. Why? Because I felt like it. (He’s not the only one in this verse either, which is why Erich has a way to deal with it when Grimmjow gets overwhelmed. If I write more, you can be damn sure the second person will be brought into this, lol.)
Also, send help, I’m building an entire headcanon about this verse and how it’s all put together. Plz no.))
Grimmjow wakes with the dry-leaf taste of time magic on his tongue and the citrus-bright taste of divine magic in his throat. It makes him gag. Makes him roll onto his side and press his head against the wooden floor. Makes him wish he could spit out the taste of magic on his tongue.
He smells blood — /his blood/ — and wonders dully whose hands he’s fallen into this time.
Not Aizen’s. The man’s cloying sweet-sour magic is gone from his mouth, washed away by a jumble of unfamiliar tastes. He can’t separate them out, not yet. He doesn’t know everyone well enough to do so—
If only he could rid his mouth of the taste!
Grimmjow chokes. Struggles to push himself up. “G’way fuckers—”
A hand catches his wrist, slides up to lace their fingers together. Before he can react, can pull whoever it is in, can /disembowel/ the fool who approaches a /demon/, magic washes over him. Drowns everything out in a rush of clean mint-water flavor that leaves him slumping in relief.
“Better?” the fool asks.
Grimmjow opens his eyes and glares at the man crouched in front of him. Shoulder-length black hair and sharp brown eyes, pale skin and a toned body marked by magic. By very /specific/ magic. A witch.
He’s fallen into the hands of /witches/?
His glare doesn’t phase the man. “I’m going to let my spell begin to fade. Tell me if our magics begin to overwhelm you again.”
“Ain’t overwhelming,” Grimmjow spits, ears flattening against his skull. The man arches an eyebrow at him, body radiating disbelief and amusement. Grimmjow snarls. Tightens his grip. Digs sharp claws into the back of the man’s hand.
The scent of mortal blood blooms bright and fresh in his nose. Drops run down the man’s pale skin.
The man doesn’t budge.
His spell fades away, letting the mingled tastes of passive magic creep back into Grimmjow’s mouth.
Except now he’s ready for it.
Grimmjow exhales slowly and lets his mouth open, lips curling back as he inhales through his mouth. Scents and tastes and /essence/ mingle together, an entire /shop’s/ worth of scents muddying the mix, but Grimmjow is no kitten. He takes another breath as the spell fades even more and lets the connections build.
Fool tastes like raspberry and mint, undercut heavily with cinnamon tones and a touch of sweet. Someone who tastes like sweet-ginger with hints of mint and clove hovers anxiously to Grimmjow’s left. Behind him rests cinnamon-clove — predictably undercut heavily with mint and a touch of ginger — who is entirely at ease. Melon-citrus is fidgeting next to cinnamon-clove, worried about /something/ but unwilling to interrupt.
(Fool and cinnamon-clove certainly deserve each other, if Grimmjow’s sensing things right.)
(Ugh, magic-matches. Utterly ridiculous.)
Fool lets go of his hand and sits back, a pleased glint in his eyes. “Better?”
Grimmjow huffs and sits up properly, eyeing the pool of blood all around him. His bone armor is stained with it, painted with streaks of red-violet and scattering droplets with every move he makes. His hair is weighed down with it too, pulling at his head and sticking to his back.
He must look a sight, a demon drenched in blood and in full armor, sitting in the center of a little mortal shop.
He carefully lifts his restored left arm. Flexes his hand. Watches the play of muscle and tendon beneath his skin.
(He’s not an idiot. He woke to the taste of citrus-bright divine magic.)
(The only question is /why/?)
“The fuck you want for this?” Grimmjow demands. He hates this. Hates being wrong-footed by mortals. He appeared in their shop unconscious and gravely wounded, unable to barter or make demands. He owes them now, owes them his life and his arm and his very /ability/ to remain a Lord.
They can demand anything of him and the magic humming between them would /accept it/.
Sweet-ginger bristles at his tone and Grimmjow can /hear/ the other gearing up to speak.
He resigns himself to a shit deal. An impossible deal. Wrought by someone who doesn’t /know/—
Except that cinnamon-clove darts up and pounces, sending both to the floor with a /thud/ and a surprised squeak. Grimmjow tears his gaze away from Fool to take a look and blinks in surprise, trying to understand what he’s seeing.
Cinnamon-clove is /absolutely/ Fool’s mate. Matching magic-marks gleam all over her body, bright with active power. She’s straddling sweet-ginger and has a hand clamped tight over his mouth, keeping him in place with an ease that sends shivers down Grimmjow’s spine. Sweet-ginger, the poor fool, seems too shocked to react with more than /desire/ and Grimmjow barks a laugh.
He can see the appeal.
Cinnamon-clove tilts her head towards him, eyes /gleaming/ with restrained power, and Grimmjow lifts his hands in surrender. She flashes him a bright smile of approval then returns her attention to Sweet-ginger.
“Let us strike a deal,” Fool intones once he has Grimmjow’s attention again. “You came to us in distress and we have saved your life. The deal could not be struck beforehand, so let it now commence. Make your offer and we will barter.”
Grimmjow relaxes as the looming threat of /binding/ fades away, replaced by a kinder magic. Fool truly /is/ a fool for passing up such a chance, but Grimmjow will take every bit of advantage that he allows. Still, he owes them. Owes them /heavily/. “No fucking bindings,” Grimmjow warns with a glower. “I’ll play muscle, or go fetch you certain things from Hueco Mundo, or lend you power if you really want it, but /no bindings/.”
“Never,” Fool agrees. The magic ripples around them, twisting in acknowledgment before settling once more. “I propose a temporary contract between us until magic deems your debt paid. Your only requirement is to answer the summons within two days and listen to our request. From there, your acceptance of our request is up to you.”
It���s a kind offer, one Grimmjow never expected. There’s more freedom in the offered contract than most mortals would allow, and relying on magic to judge his debt paid frees them both of subjective arguments. “No requests that’ll see me incur more fuckin’ debt to you,” he says stubbornly, “same with healing. If I get hurt dealin’ with yer damn requests, healing is free.”
“Acceptable.” Fool offers his bloodied hand, magic rippling across his skin. “Do you accept the contract as stated?”
Grimmjow scowls. He can’t sense a trap in the contract that Fool has outlined but experience tells him there will be one. Without an idea of /what/ that trap is, however, he can’t explicitly work around it just yet. It’s all too good to be true. Too lenient to be a contract forged with a Demon Lord.
(Maybe they don’t know he is a Lord?)
“Fuck it, sure, whatever,” he growls when all Fool does is wait patiently for his decision. He reaches out and grasps the mortal’s hand, flaring his inner magic as their palms meet. “Name’s Grimmjow. Call and I’ll answer.”
The contract settles gently across his core before fading from his awareness. He can sense none of the malice, none of the /greed/, that so plagues the mortals.
“Well met, Grimmjow,” Fool says as he lets go and settles back on his heels. “You may call me Rerugen.”
“Tch. You’re still a damn fool, Fool,” Grimmjow says with a smirk. “So. You got anything you need me to do or can I just poke around.”
“Do /try/ not to cause inordinate destruction or terror,” Rerugen tells him dryly. He adjusts his glasses and gives the bloodied floor a /look/ before shaking his head. “Stick to the coliseum if you want to fight. No one will think twice about a demon visiting it.”
The mention of a coliseum perks Grimmjow’s interest. “Wait, this is /Karakura/?” As far as he’s heard, only Karakura continues to operate a coliseum despite the disapproval of the Shinigami. He’s never /visited/ — it’s a /mortal/ thing, after all, what interest to a Demon Lord like himself? — but he knows of it.
“Yes. Yes, this is Karakura.” And from the sound of Rerugen’s voice, he regrets that fact just as much as he takes pride in it. Grimmjow understands the sentiment.
Grimmjow laughs and scrambles to his feet, tail swaying happily. “Well! I know where /I’m/ gunna be! Seeya later, Fool and Fool’s minions!”
He darts out the door to the sound of annoyed voices and bolts down the street.
Maybe this situation wouldn’t be so bad after all!
And maybe he’ll find a miracle in the coliseum. Some way to grow stronger. Strong enough to return to Hueco Mundo and reclaim his throne.
(He can’t /wait/.)
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hokagekushina · 6 years
naroot and also hinata for ur opinions plz
wow enji ur trying to making me gush about my fave kids. you literally chose not ONE, but TWO of my favorites and i guess i just gotta go off on you buddy. this is gonna be a THESIS SO PREPARE URSELF
okay so first i’ll start with naruto. my sunshine, my sweet summer child with the ferocious desire to be loved and acknowledged. naruto when we’re introduced to him is an absolute little shit! he pulls terrible pranks, is very loud and disruptive, and such a turd. hes the worst brat ever and this child instantly became my favorite, hes so fun and also very expressive and BOASTING with energy. see naruto is very much an empathetic character, he feels, he connects with others by listening to their stories, finding bits of himself in them and relating to them. whether thats vain or not, im not sure, but i love that about him. i love that he tries to reach out despite the fact that the entire village turned away from him and saw him not as naruto himself, but as the nine tails. the monstrosity that tore apart the village and killed hundreds. naruto just wanted people to see him, to look at him and give him attention. first he got iruka, then team 7, then the rest of the rookies saw the bright light that he is and fell in love with him. narutos so warm and so full of life, he feels things so intensely and passionately. i love emotional people like that. naruto is earnest and he struggles a lot with even his own self doubt and how he views himself as not good enough. BUT GOD FORBID U EVER PUT YOURSELF DOWN AROUND HIM BECAUSE HE IS SURE TO GIVE YOU A PIECE OF HIS MIND AND TELL YOU THAT YOURE AMAZING!! AND GREAT AND COOL! narutos like that. (which also noting that lee is very much like that to him in that special chapter when he saw naruto was upset and just bashed in his home to ask him to hang out) he keeps a lot of it bottled up and throws in a smile to “im fine!! haha :D im doing okay no worries!!” when so many people like shikamaru and sakura and sai see through that, and know hes hurting and in pain. i think its important to note that he holds a lot of those negative feelings in and even he feels like hes not even sure anymore which is what makes him so human to me seeing him struggle and strive is something i think we all deeply relate to. naruto deserved to breathe as a character, maybe we couldve delve in a bit more in the deepest depths of him instead of everyone viewing him as some knucklehead who doesnt know anything and only knows when to talk and try to talk no jutsu people when in reality hes so much more. anyways i absolutely adore naruto and i love everything about him and how hes so firm and never stops believing in himself and the people around him. though yes he has quite of a hero complex and has knack of butting in but hes learning and growing into himself becoming the splendid ninja we all know him to be. also its GHASTLY that we never got to see more kurama and naruto moments because those were so much fun to see in the fourth war arc anyways. have a little bit of naruto and kurama here 
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now onto my darling hinata. the most magnificent, uncertain dearest thing ever to walk in this series. hinata is presented off as being incredibly shy, having a hard time voicing her own opinions and completely budging at even the slightest amount of sharpness and cruelty. 
she slowly becomes unsure and doubts herself because of being raised in such a strict family situation that was very much full of prestige and traditions. a family that wasnt really a family at all but just full of an oppressive air. i think a lot of us who grew up in HIGHLY conservative households can relate to that. 
hinatas life is something that wasnt very good to her. hinata made me absolutely bawl during her chunnin exams fight with neji. neji vs hinata did it for me. it struck a chord in me and it caused me to cry so hard that i couldnt even read the panels, she just. she was seen as a failure, as worthless of not doing well and never being good enough. hinata became to believe those cruel things that her own self worth and values weren’t anything. that they were…replaceable and that u can easily toss her aside. hinatas own self sacrificing attitude i think stemmed from thinking that she wasnt worthy enough to live, but to protect those precious people in her life the inspiration she saw in naruto himself she realized “even if i cant amount to anything i can do this one thing and maybe protect people. to prove to people that i am worth something” which is very much how her fight with neji and even her short lived fight against pein went. 
hinata at her very core, is amazing and kind, she struggles and struggles with herself, soft spoken and well mannered i like to think she even has a hard time with how she views herself as a heiress. she is naive in the sense of not knowing fully well why neji loathed her but even then she was too young to remember the branding that took place and the abuse internally in the family. i think when she begins to discover those things she realizes and i like to think she begins to voice her own thoughts in the matter, i think when she was able to confide in neji and be there for one another it was so good for her because he was such a good role model and mentor and brother; her family and someone who was like her other half. 
hanabi and neji are the best parts to hinata and she adores them. also i feel like she very much is a doting big sister to hanabi, hanabi loves to joke around with her and holds hinata in high regards (without hinata knowing ofc because YOU KNOW big sisters cant know we deeply admire them duh). but i think there shouldve been some more in depth scenes among the hyugas and the training in the series in the manga. 
i wish we had gotten to see more of it and see more to hinata and her blossoming into herself as the character we all know and love. her becoming politically involved in a loose way in the hyugas is so vital i think she still even lends hanabi a hand and she was raised to be that way!! i just ugh i just love hinata and all that she is as a character. hinata has so much and so much to unpack as a character shes amazing and bright. let us also not forget her other wonderful family team 8 and kurenai who believed in hinata from the very beginning who knew how strong she would become. hinata is very dear to me in every way possible 
heres some cute hinata caps 
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