#lemongrab x reader
itsthesinbin · 1 year
Alright, you've tempted me further into perceiving the lemon man.
How does one exactly initiate sexy times between the two of you? Is he blunt? Is he awkward? Do we light one of those 'horny when lit' candles?
Does he jack off?
showing you the lemon light (like lime light but worse)
Lemongrab (Adventure Time)
Literally he'll just walk up to you and go "I would like to have intercourse after dinner tonight". He has to have a specific time for it to mentally prepare himself for the contact. He's flustered through the whole interaction.
He DOES jack off, but VERY very rarely. His drive is already low, and usually if you aren't in the mood he just. Doesn't really care one way or another. He'll only do it if he's REALLY pent up and you aren't around. He does it a LITTLE more after getting with you and having sex regularly (for him).
Usually he has to initiate, just because you never know when he's perceptive to it. As you stay with him, though, you can pick up on when he's feeling good enough for sex. Then you can hit on him.
Flirting with him has to be a bit blunt, but he does pick up on things pretty fast.
"So, can I touch that sour ass tonight?" "HUH? MMMM..... okay-"
Literally it's that easy. He's kinda just a huge goober.
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Christopher Sean, WHEN I FIND YOU-
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imagine-lumpygrab · 5 years
Waiting in a hospital
Lemongrab and Reader meet in the hospital. The Reader is here because of mental issues and this random lemon man offers reassurance. This isn’t shippy or romantic, it’s just me wanting assurance because I’m tired and dealing with a lot of stress right now, so here you go.
You sigh, gripping onto the armrests tightly in an attempt to not freak out any more than you already have. The people passing by in the Candy Kingdom Hospital don’t notice, but you’re shaking.
It’s okay, you try to tell yourself. It’s okay, you need this, you need to be here, you need to sort this mess out.
It doesn’t work in the slightest. Instead, the self-doubt follows the onset of panic, what’s the point, you don’t need this, you’ll be fine on your own, it’s just mild anxiety, everyone cries themselves to sleep once in a while, right?
Shaking your head, you unclench your fists, trying to catch your breath. No, stop. This is exactly why I’m here.
But your inner stupid gremlin voice immediately counters this. Is it? Or am I just an attention seeker? Maybe I don’t really have problems, maybe I’m just desperate for attention. Maybe I faked it so well I convinced myself. Oh Glob, I’m a horrible person–
“Hello,” someone says suddenly and you jump and yelp, abruptly interrupted from your self-loathing.
Turning your head, you find a familiar face with yellow skin and a pointy nose sitting next to you. You try to stand up so you can greet him properly, but your body betrays you, for whatever reason you’re limp, unable to force yourself to stand up. And geez, you’re shaking even more now. Great.
“ᴳᵒᵒᵈ⁻” Your voice is strained and barely a whisper, so you take a few breaths and try again. Wow that’s not good, at this point you’re probably wasting his time. “Good afternoon, Your Highness,” you nod, greeting the Earl of Lemongrab, who, for whatever reason, is sitting right next to you in a hospital. Why would he be here, of all places? If he was injured he’d go to his own hospital, wouldn’t he?
The earl hums in discontent, fantastic, you piece of garbage, you think to yourself, now you’ve become an annoyance to a royal. What a great first step on curing your depression, if that even is your real problem. But the lemon candy man just says: “I mostly call myself Lemongrab nowadays. Actually all days. I was always Lemongrab in the past, and am also Lemongrab in the present. I am him. Mmmmyes.”
“Oh. Well... sorry, Lemongrab,” you apologize, looking anywhere but at him and sliding lower on your chair, like it could swallow you whole if you tried hard enough.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes widen at the question. It’s full of genuine concern, something you haven’t encountered in... months? Years? Turning to him, you hesitate on what your answer should be. Do you really want to bother someone like him with your troubles? The Princess always seems really dismissive to small issues unless there’s any real danger to anyone, so who’s to say one of her higher-ranked creations is any more interested in your problems than her herself?
“I... I mean I’m here to see the psychologist but I don’t... well, I think I should be– but, no, I... ugh.” You facepalm and curl into yourself, this is really not your day.
For a minute, there’s no response, and you almost think he might’ve left. For what a loud voice he can have, he’s a master at entering and leaving completely unnoticed.
But, no, he’s still there, because after that one minute you hear him speak up: “Sounds like, mmmm... the voices.”
Raising a brow, you slowly uncover your face. “The voices?”
He nods. “One says lots of bad, nnnnmmm... bad things. Says how horrible you are, a failure, a mistake. And another says... mmmmm... says you’re not anything, and it wants you to be nothing, wannnnts you too... cease your existence. And there are sometimes more, saying other things, and sometimes it’s just one of themmm... Do you have these voices?”
You think about it, and yeah, that all sounds sort of familiar, so slowly, you admit to it. “Yup... sounds about right.”
Lemongrab nods again. “Understandable. Psychologist is a good step, they can teach you not to listen, and mmmm when the voices aren’t listened to, they get, mmmmm... bored. They get bored and leave, and you’ll be better off without them.”
Without meaning to, you breath out the air you’ve been subconsciously holding in your lungs. He sounds like he’s speaking from experience, and you realize he probably is. After all, he used to be two people and his creator slash mother isn’t really all that motherly. “Really?” you ask, and there’s a sliver of hope in your voice.
For the third time, the earl nods. You realize you’ve stopped shaking at some point. It feels like you might start crying, and he hadn’t even done all that much. But in your state, you were grateful for the few words meant to comfort you. “Thank you... so much,” you smile a little, and it probably looks pathetic, but it’s a smile and you hadn’t had an earnest smile on your lips for a while now.
There’s a much less strained smile gracing his features and his eyes, too, he seems really happy to have helped at least a little. “How long will you be waiting?”
You shrug, uncertain. “They told me just five minutes, I came in a second before you did.”
“Okay, well, mmmm... I’ll wait with you,” he says determinedly.
“Why?” The word escapes your mouth before you can stop yourself.
He eyes you with a puzzled look. “Why not?”
“Surely there’s a reason you’re here, and I’m nowhere near important, really–“
“Mmmmmmmmm stop.” He raises a hand and you shut up, hoping you didn’t accidentally make him angry. But he doesn’t seem angry. “That’s stupid. Don’t be stupid. Sitting alone in a hospital is stupid, it’s unacceptable. You’re not in a state where you can sit alone, in a hospital of all places.” After a second, he adds: “Also, my, mmmmmm... mmmmy girlfriend broke her arm trying to steal food from a vending machine, and I’m here to take her home. It mmmmmight take a while so I don’t mind waiting.”
Oh, that’s right, Lemongrab and Lumpy Space Princess are dating. In your opinion, them dating is a perfectly chaotic thing to happen, and what‘s even more fascinating is that they actually seem to have a really healthy relationship. At times you couldn’t help but be jealous of such couples. You’d also like to find someone or something that would make you feel... complete. Hopefully the psychologist would offer some help with that.
A nurse calls out your name. Raising your head, you suddenly feel a wave of anxiety washing over you again, paralyzing you, making you want to turn on your heel and sprint right out of the building. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. You really should go do your chores, yeah, those sound really great right about now–
A finger pokes your cheek. “The voices are the most stupid,” the earl of the lemon people stands up and offers you a hand. “What have they done with their lives anyway, hmmmmmmm?“
Giving a light chuckle, you tentatively accept his hand and with surprising ease he pulls you to your feet. How comes he’s this strong but also this lanky? That’s incredibly unfair. Once you’re both sure you can stand and won’t just collapse, he lets go, and the nurse asks you to follow her. Before you do, you turn to Lemongrab one last time and, since you didn’t properly greet him when you first met, you offered a small bow now that you had the chance. “Thank you so much for your words of reassurance, Your Highness. I’m glad at least someone in the royal family has this much empathy.”
He gives a shrug and a sheepish smirk. “My girlfriend helps. Oh, that reminds me,” he adds, “if you don’t feel good talking to the doctor, holding someone’s hand can help. Or something you like, like a doll... mmmmm or something. Yes.”
“Thank you for the advice.” You want to ask about his voices, do they go away for good? Did his go away already? You hope they did, or that they would with time. He really does deserve to be happy.
And, oh, you realize right then and there. Maybe, if he deserves to be happy... then so do you.
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nappingwithyuuji · 3 years
i ain't got no time if you ain't beside me
Chapter ten! (yay)
Previous - Next - Masterlist
Summary: You are a faceless youtuber who does Sims4 and ranty vlogs, but somehow you end up playing a game with your friend Rae and then things get 💕💕💕
Warnings: tw swearing, tw mental health stuff (corpse), tw health (corpse)
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The tight knot in your chest still making you dizzy from worry about Corpse, but seeing as that he isn’t answering you decided to try to calm yourself by buying stupid stuff for your apartment.
“What’s up, you guys!” You chime out as the chat slowly fills with new viewers. “Hi! I hope everything’s going alright tonight for all of you!” You hug your knees to your chest as you go over the list of things you need to buy tonight.
“I’m not gonna lie to you guys,” You say as you open Etsy on your computer, “the main reason I wanted to stream tonight's that I just wanted an excuse to buy new plushies.” Chuckling at yourself you write down the list on the bottom corner of your stream so that your viewers could also see. “Ya’ girl need some comfort right now, ya’ know?” You try your best to push down the feeling of longing to see if Corpse is doing okay as you say that.
You start with looking for a teapot because the old one you had had broken so many times that it was basically 80% glue. The issue about this was that you couldn’t decide between an old timey grandmother styled teapot with a vintage flowery pattern or a clear glass teapot that had hand painted flowers that looked more cottagecore-y.
While you let your chat decide on a poll you go and tell your chat how you were re-watching Adventure Time for the hundredth time because you found out it was available on HBOMax.
“Sure, it's because it's on HBOmax… not cause you literally sang that duet with Corpse the other day… simp.” Read a comment on your chat, and you couldn't help but curse how Corpse seemed to always pop into everything you did.
“You should get the clear one.” Speaking of the devil. His voice sounds crackly and rough, as if it were playing on an old vinyl record, making you immediately jump in your seat, flinging your legs from the chair and stubbing one of your toes with your desk.
Your cursing seems to make Corpse laugh, but you know him well enough to sense the tiredness in his voice. “What the fuck, Corpse? What are you doing in my stream?” You squeak in between your curses from the pain, to which he continues laughing.
“I saw that you were alone in the call and I wanted to apologize for earlier.” He mumbles, you’re tempted to play like you wouldn't forgive him, but you already saw your chat going batshit crazy and you didn’t feel like adding to the chaos.
“It's okay, Corpsie.” You say in the softest voice possible, pulling at the strings of your hoodie, “I’m sorry I couldn’t watch a movie tonight, but you’re welcome to stay and buy shit with me!” You make the simping sign with your hangs, touching both of your index fingers together with your thumbs pointing up.
“Oh, yeah, let’s do that, baby.” You smile as you catch him up on the list of things you want to buy in this stream and you two settle on your first item, the clear teapot. Next on your list is plushies, which is how you start searching for one of those cursed Earl of Lemongrab plushies you’ve seen on the internet.
“Oh my Gods, Corpse! Are you seeing this?” You squeal as you find a Valentine’s Day Card that says “I find you acceptable.” with a little drawing of a Lemongrab smiling. “I know that it's pretty basic bitch but awww!”
A short giggle coming from Corpse fuels your next comment, “I want to get this for you, Corpse! You are my basic bitch and I do find you acceptable!” You are about to laugh with him but his response makes your blood run hot.
“Only acceptable, huh?”
Although you have a million of calm and flirty responses coursing through your mind, you panic and say, “Well I'm not here to inflate your ego, Mr Husband! You know you’re hot, don’t play me.” Even though it can be read as playful banter, you feel your cheeks fill with color because of the truth of your statement. Even though Corpse only turned on his video on special or random locations, his sight always seemed to leave you breathless.
After adding the item to your cart and begging your chat not to buy it because there were only a few of them left, you two laugh about the random Adventure Time items you find.
“I need to get this!” You exclaim loudly when you find a hat that looks like Lemongrab’s head, it’s so horrible but you can't resist buying it just for the joke of it. “Look! There’s a matching Gunther the Penguin one!”
“Matchy matchy, huh?” You throw your head back with laughter but add both items to your cart.
A/N: this one is a shorty shorty one, huh? i loove shopping streams so i had to write at least a lil short part with it heh. if this chapter does well i might post the next one tomorrow (sat). also, im still trying to work out what's wrong with some of the tags in the taglist so pls don't come at me if you didn't get the notif! once again, i urge y'all to track "#if you aint beside me" just in case!
P.S: the 500 followers special is a wip but it's definitely coming! in the meantime, dont be shy and come talk to me about corpse!
Tag list (OPEN) : @sophiasrant, @rexit-mo, @sometimesicanwright, @socially-blue, @scorpios-echos, @gaysludge, @fairysums, @4444444-z, @bakugonua, @mishisamess, @lukewearingbeanies, @butterfly-skinnylegend, @boba-tea1206, @clubfairy, @moonlightlullaby (def not freaking out about that last tag…), @azlinh, @doodszs, @clxwnkid, @officiallyunofficialperson, @alice-went-away, @cherry-piee, @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane, @secretsandwriting, @penguinhope, @letsloveimagines, @catsrdabestsocks101 , @goddessofwaifus , @doodszs, @clxwnkid, @serosmissingtoe, @4444444-z, @just-a-sad-donut, @geologii, @duhitztrinidy,, @browneyedgirl365, @shoutaizawas​, @mell-bell, @astream-ofconsciousness, @lukewearingbeanies,
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weird.. question.. but do you know a place where i can find lemongrab x reader stories.. i think ive read them all
omg i have no idea i’m so sorry ?? i think i’ve read everything about him on a03 and ff net, maybe try here on tumblr? 
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itsthesinbin · 1 year
I don't know shit about Lemongrab, but I understand the appeal for his sour grace. What are your sfw + nsfw headcanons for him?
How does one even fuck him?
i fucking love lemongrab so much. he's so fucked up. absolute cringefail husband. also im using the final incarnation of lemongrab for this just bc trying to choose between tweedle dee, tweedle dum, and then the third version is weird. so it's just number 3
Lemongrab (Adventure Time)
Okay so. Autistic as FUCK. Do not fucking touch him. Unless he touches you first. THEN you can touch him. But only for a few minutes. Do not cross the line.
The most affection he does on a regular basis is holding your hand. At the very least, you always smell like lemon so like. A bonus honestly, unless you REALLY hate lemon. Although at that point why are you dating him.
Will ask for kissies once in a blue moon. Please do not ignore his requests for kissies or else he will be very upset and look at you like a sopping wet pathetic kitten for the next four hours.
He gets you a jumpsuit that matches his and has the belt and boot accents be your favorite color. If he's feeling REAL frisky he'll also get you a hat! Don't wear the hat too often cause he gets stressed out that you look too different from him/everyone else in his kingdom.
You're the only person that can fold his clothes the way he likes so that's your main duty when you're staying with him. It's the greatest honor, in his eyes.
He doesn't do dates. BUT he will for you, every once in a while. The only place he really likes to go is the Candy Kingdom, and he always insists on visiting Bubblegum before you leave. You jokingly call her your princess in law. You don't think she likes it that much, but Lemongrab likes that you two get along.
Separate bedrooms and private areas. He needs his alone time both just for himself and to get work done. Your bed is big enough for him if he wants to stay for a while, though, and vice versa.
Okay so sex is. Nearly non-existent to be honest. He has a very low drive and has to be in a specific mood to even be touched for that long, let alone to do something that intimate. If you have a high sex drive you might have to take care of things yourself, most of the time.
Very nervous and awkward. He's open to listening to you and figuring things out, but you're the only person he's ever been with and needs help.
You have to be double checked for injuries beforehand because you found out you had a papercut on your hand while you were giving him a handjob and.............. it wasn't fun. Big ouchies and it ruined the mood for you both and he kept apologizing for the next hour.
The ONLY time he gets real quiet. No little moans of stress or grumbles of discomfort. Just looking at you, wide eyed in awe and affection, as he gets that connection to someone he craves.
Very stiff and methodical, so usually you're the one taking the lead and helping him loosen up.
He has to wear a condom if it goes in cause it burns.
If you give him a blowjob be fucking READY for it to be sour as FUCK.
He's a cuddler afterward up until it's time to go to sleep. He can NOT sleep while being too close to someone or something. Usually you two have sex in your bedroom so you can just conk out in your own bed, then he'll get up to head to his room. He always double tucks your blankets and leaves a glass of water- or refills your glass if you already had some- before he exits.
A good partner both in and out of the bedroom, in his own way. Just gotta be patient with him.
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