#lem fike x oc
norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 20
Content warning for depictions of violence and torture in this chapter. It is nothing too vulgar but may be upsetting for certain viewers, your are advised to proceed with caution.
Warnings: Kidnap/Torture
Nora came to in an unrecognisable place. The floor was slightly flooded and her feet froze against the cold air mixed with water. Nora began hyperventilating as a panic set in and the noises she made must have been loud enough for whoever was outside to hear.
A lock pulled open and with a bang the door opened and slowly he descended the stone stairs with a sinister smile, face framed with a head of greasy grey hair and she choked on her own breath once the recognition kicked in. “Colm.”
“It's great to finally meet the bitch who's been helpin' he who I hate most.” He sounded just as imagined; an Irish bastard who thought he was greater than the world and it made her sick to her stomach. She knew what he had done. Nora had heard of his crimes and even witnessed the aftermath of what he was capable of while out on her rides. She felt like she would throw up at any moment, being here. “I ain't done shit.”
He shook his head, a hand moving to poke her injury she earned from that ambush at Shady Belle. She withheld the pain but felt on the verge of screaming out when he touched it and his fingers were in no state of cleanliness either. “Your old friend has told me all about you. Kieran. I'm sure you're familiar.”
“I don't know no Kieran.” He pressed deeper and this time she yelped at the feeling. He seemed pleased with it and recoiled his hand. “Oh, he told me all about you and about that gang. It's a shame because you really trusted him.”
“Kieran would never-” She didn't get the chance to finish before he had smacked her across the face. She was stunned at first, forgetting how to breathe altogether before finally coming back to grips with the function.
“But he did; how d'you think we found their hideout.”
“I don't know why you're involvin' me.”
Colm sneered, balling his fist and hitting her again which prompted a gasp to fall from her lips. “Because Kieran got away, as did Arthur, so who better to get to Dutch than the bitch who is the only reason half of them are still alive?”
“Dutch don't care about me an' they been survivin' fine without me.”
“Don't matter.” Colm said, bringing down his fist against but this time only hitting harder. She tried to suppress her agony to not give him the satisfaction but he heard her gentle cry and it amused him to no end.
Colm unholstered his gun and she felt the breath hitch in her throat, worrying for her own life. He pointed the barrel at her hand and a blur of emotions flashed before her eyes, memories both fond and forgotten. Tears fell astray and he laughed at the obvious fear he settled into her before flipping the gun over and hitting her with it repeatedly until she begged him to stop.
“You're gonna help us get our way, Nora.” He sneered. “Or we'll kill that friend of yours, what was his name? Lemuel?”
With wide eyes she looked back at him, confirming what rumours he heard before. “Lemuel it is, then.”
“Just leave him, he ain't involved.” She sounded weak and frail and it was the direct approach that Colm wanted to go. He expected her to not break so easily; maybe the stories Kieran told him were an exaggeration after all. “Goodnight.” He sang before leaving the cellar and locking her in once again.
The nights were the hardest. She tried to close her eyes, focus on other things and sleep but it always escaped her. No matter how hard she tried she was not free of the hell she faced currently. But each time she closed her eyes her mind wandered back to Lem and how he warned her against going and how she didn't listen to him at all. He would be so disappointed with her, mad even.
Nora didn't want to go back knowing how upset Lem would be with her but she also couldn't stay there knowing the very last thing she did with the man was argue. “Quit feelin' sorry for yourself.” Colm sneered and she winced slightly just from his presence alone.
“What do you want now?”
“I'm just enjoyin' seeing you so.. vulnerable.”
Nora whimpered as she looked up at him before quickly pulling away to avoid his harsh gaze.
He didn't even need to do anything and she was already cowering in her chair. It pleased him, seeing her trying to back away in the chair but never having anywhere to go from the rope that bound her.
Countless times he considered cutting her free and having his own way, but he was being considerate… for now.
“Your friends still haven't shown up for you. How sad.”
“They ain't goin' too, I ain't nothin' but disposable for them. Hell, you keepin' me here is givin' them enough chances to move on out.”
Colm's grin flickered briefly into a frown before he grabbed his revolver. She thought he was going to shoot it but instead, he held onto the barrel and brought the butt into her stomach, winding her.
Nora gasped, struggling to take in air and causing a  revolting pleasure to surge inside of Colm. He grabbed a fist full of her hair, just taking in the face he considered pretty before letting her go. He had enough fun that evening. , Seeing her cry was enough.
He left the basement and the hatch slammed closed behind him. Cutting off the outside world once again.
Daylight speckled lightly on the stairs, but it was still so dark in that basement. Colm hadn't been down since the night before so she believed the infamous outlaw had left her alone. With any luck that would be one of those days where she could get a break from his cruelty.
Nora twisted the ropes around her wrist, wincing as it scratched and burned the skin. She almost gave up when she felt the flesh go raw but eventually the knots loosened enough so she could slip one of her wrists free. With both her hands no longer bound together she untied her feet from the chair legs and slowly, although hesitantly, stood.
Her knees felt weak and almost buckled underneath her but Nora managed to balance herself enough to not completely collapse and eventually felt she was well enough to continue on her escape out of the building. Around the cellar she failed to find anything that could be used as a weapon, a knife or perhaps a blunt object but for some strange reason, there wasn't anything near. “Shit.”
If she wanted the opportunity to escape she had to take it now before Colm came back and caught her, how she feared what would happen if he did.
She was hungry and she was cold but that was no valid excuse to remain hostage here while she had the opportunity. No matter how much she wanted to curl up into a ball and allow the earth to swallow her, she couldn't. She'd say it was for herself when in reality she only wanted to get back to Lem. How she missed him and his ability to somehow always be right… mostly.
“When did Colm say he'll be back?” Nora hid immediately when she heard how close the voice was. Luckily for her, he seemed to be walking away from the hatch but at any time he could simply turn around and walk back, to see her escape.
Her feet would rub against the inside of her boots and she winced at the unfavourable pain, but fortunately for her she didn't need to walk too far as their horses were left conveniently close by. Nora knew that perhaps the O'Driscoll's were not the smartest of the bunch but even she would have thought that they knew not to leave the best way to escape so close by.
They were drunk too, half of them already passed out. So the opportunity to steal a gun from one sleeping body presented itself and Nora took it. He stirred while she fumbled with the holster and almost did wake up before her, but with a small sniffle, he was practically back to being dead asleep. Now she needed to sneak over to the nearest horse, a Morgan and hope that he would let her ride out with being bucked off.
“You found her?” Lem shouted. He let out a long sigh after finding the revolver he gifted her a while back and worried for the worse, seeing as she never left without it.
Cripps turned the corner and was leading Casper, but there was no Nora near. They both shared an equal look of concern before going back to searching the area in the likelihood of her showing up somewhere but they had searched thoroughly for what felt like hours. Lem was in denial of something happening to her, he didn't want to accept the probability of certain danger and yet she wasn't around to account for her safety.
“We'll find her kid, she knows how to handle herself.” Cripps said but Lem didn't believe a word of it. She was tough and a good fighter but she could remain so stubborn on times.
“What a-about her bolt action?”
“She didn't remove it from the saddle.” Cripps answered with regret. Lem let out a quiet sigh, taking a hesitant step out of the clearing as if reluctant to accept that she still wasn't here after all the evidence suggesting otherwise.
Cripps placed a hand on Lem's shoulder and gently steered him back to the road, all the while keeping a hand tightly closed around the reins for Casper. They didn't say anything more to each other as they mutually agreed to not dwell on the uncertain severity of the situation, although it upset Lem that they couldn't find her, he did know that dwelling on her negative possibilities weren't good for anyone.
Cripps turned towards Lem and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Remain hopeful, for her sake.”
She didn't feel safe to mount the horse and gallop away just yet. Although she was far from the drunken mess of a hideout they found themselves in she still worried about being caught from the noises made about the horse fleeing the scene. Surely they would notice a missing animal and come looking, but they hadn't and it unsettled her deeply. Was this a part of a plan? Toying with her, thinking she had really escaped when in reality they were only playing a cruel game.
She wanted to collapse to the floor and sleep, her exhaustion finally catching up with her but if she passed out here then someone would definitely find her.
She got as far as the river which put a greater distance between them and gently she mounted the animal, kicking him into a gentle trot just to get further away. Nora looked back over her shoulder often, barely keeping her eyes front and slowly that house they kept her at became nothing but a dot in the distance.
Nora didn't think she could make it back all the way to where her camp was, not tonight and the nearest town was Valentine which even then she didn't think she could make it that far.. not in her current state.
Her eyes grew heavy and she felt herself slipping from the saddle, almost falling to the floor. Nora pushed, silently pleading for something or someone to help her in this state, she even hoped for Lem to miraculously appear before her... in fact, Nora never noticed just how much she really did miss Lem until now.
By some miracle, she did cross paths with someone on the trail and the timing was convenient enough that when she did fall from the saddle he was there to catch her. Nora tried to stay awake, tried her best to focus on him but eventually her consciousness had slipped from her grasp.
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thedevilinherself · 5 years
I've noticed my girl always looks like she's one wrong word away from murdering people.
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Unless she's with him
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Though sometimes she gets mad he hasn't kissed her yet
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 21
I would like to thank my dear friends @journal-of-an-outlaw and @bucketofcowboys for taking the time to beta read this for me. Please be sure to go check them and out and give them a follow, some of the loveliest people I have met here.
“Easy now.” His voice was gentle and   calming.  Nora rested comfortably in his arms and while it still hurt for someone to touch  her flesh he did it so softly  she almost did not notice.
“Arthur?” She croaked, her voice sore and the male nodded slowly.
“Albert, don't suppose you could help me get her up onto the back of my horse there.”
She couldn't hear what the two men spoke about and she startled when this stranger moved her. Unlike Arthur, he was not gentle in his actions and she almost cried out from the pain that shot throughout her body at his harshness. Arthur scolded  Albert on it once and while he was  more careful in what he was doing, there was no drastic difference.
“You hold on, Nora.” Arthur told her, but the words fell upon deaf ears and she almost fell off the back of his horse when he spurred her into movement.
They rode at a gentle pace  and even though they barely moved along the trail she still held on for dear life, fearing that a fall from the horse would injure herself further after all that had gone on.
She wasn't sure how many cuts or bruises she had left from Colm and was afraid  to look and see. She was grateful to not be bleeding as much, but hell, did everything hurt.
“What happened to you, Nora?” Arthur demanded to know, the stress obvious in his voice as he nearly shouted
She was too weak to talk at length but she managed to let his name slip in a gasp. “Colm.”
Arthur's eyebrows furrowed when he caught the name and turned quickly  to face his original companion. Albert looked just as concerned as Arthur was despite having no idea on the severity of the situation with the O'Driscoll's being involved.
“Mr. Mason!”
“You head on back to wherever you were stayin', I need to take my friend here back home.. keep an eye on the roads and if any nasty lookin' people jump out, shoot them.”
Albert seemed displeased with the instruction but nodded reluctantly in agreement regardless. He shot Arthur a quick look, the worry apparent in his eyes at the almost lifeless Nora. “Farewell, Mr. Morgan.”
Lem paced back and forth in the campgrounds, the mud under him worn down so the ground was no longer level. He didn't listen to anything said by either his own Aunt Maggie or Cripps. No matter how hard they tried to calm him down from his worry he paid them no mind and continued to fear the worse for Nora.Even Marcel who wasn't particularly fond of the Fike boy had spoken with him a couple of times before giving up and passing over a bowl of stew that was left uneaten.
His pacing wore on Maggie's nerves and eventually she aimed her cane just behind him and shot into the tree, splintering the trunk. Lem jumped back, looking at his aunt in dismay.  
“What the hell?” He cried out but she only gave him a stern look in warning.
“Pacing isn't going to do anythin', Lem. You're only getting on our nerves.”
Lem was bewildered at the harshness in her tone, choosing to ignore his Aunt and not argue back to her.
He left the camp to sit on an old rock near the roads, wearing a brave face no matter how much he wanted to break down and cry.
Cripps got up to speak with him but Maggie held her cane out to stop him, instead choosing to steer him towards the table to sit down. She slowly lowered herself into the seat opposite and leaned forward to speak quietly that nobody else could pick up on her words.
“If she's dead make sure to ease him into it. Tellin' him bluntly ain't gonna help.”
“She ain't dead, Maggie.” Cripps sighed. “How could you say that?”
“JB she's been gone for days and the only thing any of you found was a gun and a horse, she's unarmed out there and you know what she gets like. You don't know if she's dead or not.”
“And you don't know, Nora. That woman's been caught in an explosion because of your nephew and got out fine.”
Maggie's expression didn't falter; she held that same harsh gaze. “Just don't go giving him false hope.” She left the table soon after and, using her hand, waved for Marcel to come back with her to the moonshine shack.
Even though It was the simplest conversation it left him mad. Cripps got up from the table and ignored his former admirer's warning, approaching Lem as he sat sulking. “She'll be fine.”
The sound of twigs snapping brought Lem and Cripp’s attention and both men turned to look over at the tree line, in time to see one angry face marching towards them.
“Shit.” Lem whispered under his breath as he stood up.
“Hello, Morgan.” He greeted, although rather reluctantly, but she shot him one mean glare and he bit back on his tongue.
“You gonna tell me what happened to Nora?” She bitterly asked, crossing her arms and standing firmly before him. He ignored the question and turned back towards Cripps, pointing a finger towards her.
“This is a friend of Nora's, Morgan Canaday.”
“I'll be leavin' you two to talk.” Cripps said as he began to slowly back away, uninterested in getting involved with this new trouble Lem had been found in.
“So, where's Nora?” Morgan asked again but this time she spoke a lot more slowly.
“We're l-lookin' out for her.”
“Like shit you are, if anyone was really puttin' in the effort then she'd have been found already.” Morgan growled slightly at the eye roll he gave her and leaned forward, intimidating  him enough so that he backed away from her.
“Listen, you better pray for your sake that Nora is fine, Fike.” She sneered. Any words Lem had were caught in his throat and he could only manage a small squeak to reply. Morgan nodded slowly but the tough exterior never faltered.
“You know where I'll be if you need anythin', but you make sure she gets home safely, understand?”
Morgan disappeared amongst the trees again and when she was far enough gone Lem was finally able to let out a long breath. “Fuck.” He mumbled so nobody could hear before returning back to the camp where everyone else waited.
The journey was a lot longer than anticipated but it was what should have been expected given the slow pace Arthut travelled at. Eventually, they returned to Shady Belle with Nora still breathing.
“Abigail!” The man called for as he dismounted. Nora swayed back and forth, ready to fall but Arthur reached forward to lift her off of the animal. Abigail came marching around the corner and gasped the minute her eyes set on Nora as he carried her towards the plantation house. , She turned back towards John who had been following and whispered something incoherent that Arthur couldn't hear.
“What the hell happened?” She asked, but Arthur simply shook his head as he didn't know.
“Found her this way, Abigail. Said it was Colm.”
“You're kidding, right?”
“Afraid not.” He sighed. “I had to take her here if the O’Driscolls were involved.”
Abigail nodded and waved Arthur to follow her indoors. John had already set up a bedroll near the fireplace and the piano.  Hosea stood waiting for them with Miss Grimshaw, an equal look of worry on both their faces.
“Arthur, you leave the women and come talk with me about what happened, John- take Charles and try and find Nora's posse...tell them she's with us.”
“Yes, Hosea.” Marston left the building and Hosea took Arthur upstairs to talk in private, not wanting to disturb Susan and Abigail.
“Want to tell me what happened?” Hosea jumped straight into the questioning as soon as they entered Arthur's room and he had to raise his hands defensively to show that he wasn't the one in the wrong here.
“I found her out on the track like that- she mentioned Colm and that was all she could say.”
“So Colm's going after Nora now, I mean, he and those bastards go after anyone they can get their hands on but she seems… bad.”
Arthur nodded. “If it was a robbery, she'd be dead.”
“Or lucky. Knowing that girl, she's lucky.”
There was a subtle chuckle that escaped from Arthur's lips but he quickly silenced it out of respect. The door to his room swung open and stood there was Molly O'Shea, her hair dishevelled and barely kept like it usually was. She looked worried and Arthur quickly prepared himself for a long speech about how much she loved Dutch and how he began ignoring her again but instead the Irishwoman gazed up at Mr. Morgan, sharing an equal amount of worry as him.
“Will Nora be okay?” Her concern confused him as Molly had never spoken about Nora before and for her to be talking about someone that wasn't Dutch was surprising. Sure, they had chatted briefly but he figured Molly was too much ‘high society’ for the likes of Nora.
“I don't know, why don't you go downstairs and-”
“And deal with Abigail and Susan?” She cut in. “No thank you, they'll look down on me and shoo me away without hearing what I have to ask.”
“I'll go down and check for you, Miss O'Shea.” Hosea, not wanting to be involved, suggested and she nodded in thanks as he disappeared down the stairs. Molly sharply turned back towards Arthur and he felt an unfamiliar sense of dread wash over him.
“She's a sweet girl, Arthur.” Molly said quietly.
“I weren't aware that you thought so fondly of her, Miss O'Shea.” Molly's jaw fell open in offence at his words but she quickly closed it, biting back an angry remark and his thoughtlessness.
“I think highly of most.” Molly gave him a gentle nod before pushing away from the doorway. He listened closely until he couldn't hear her footsteps anymore and decided that now would be as good as time as any to return back downstairs to check over Nora, see how she was doing. He didn't get too far before Susan placed a cold palm flat against the man's chest, stopping him dead in his tracks.
“I just wanted to see how she is doing, Miss Grimshaw.” He said.
“She's fine, but you can't come in here.. none of you men can if I can help it.”
“How bad was she?”
Grimshaw let out a low sigh as she waved Mary-Beth over, silently telling her to tend to Nora while she conversed with the man. “It's similar to how you were.”
“When Colm sent his men after you, too.” She finished. Arthur let out a hiss and the memory, even though he didn't like to dwell back on it.
“She'll live right?”
“Always with the question. I don't know if she'll survive, Morgan. Ain't nothing infected but… time will tell. Us folk ain't lucky.”
“Keep her alive, Susan.” He warned, exiting  the old house through the back door so he wouldn't have to cut through the same room where Nora rested. Susan's lips pressed into a thin line and she shook her head gently before returning to Nora's care.
“And Lem?” Arthur knew she would ask about him soon enough. Other than saying she felt significantly better it was practically the first thing she had said; she loved that man.
“What about him?”
Nora slowly pushed herself up, groaning as pain flaredin her sides. She grabbed it gently, thinking the pressure would help ease the ache, but there was only so much a hang could do.
“Do you know where he is? Or how he is?”
“I don't know. As soon as I found you I took you here.”
Nora nodded gently. “I gotta go back, see him.” She tried to stand but barely made it off the floor.
“You’ve gotta rest some more, Nora.” He said kindly but she knew it was more of a command. She pouted slightly but wasn't feeling stubborn enough to argue further, reluctantly agreeing with Arthur who chuckled lowly at her.
“Charles and Marston have been sent out to look for your group. I'm sure Lem will come back with them.”
“He's definitely going too.”
“I'll leave you to get some rest, Miss. Take care.” Nora looked up at Arthur with a gentle smile as she watched him walk out of the room. From beyond the window she noticed how he talked with someone, whispering in their ear and pointing back towards her.
“Where is she?”
Molly was surprised to see Lem and she gently pointed over towards the house where Nora rested, knowing it could only be her that drew him to Shady Belle. He nodded curtly and hurried inside the derelict building.
He didn't need to go far. She was right by the fire with her back towards him. Nora didn't notice the door opening, her focus solely on the flickering flames in front of her.
“How are you feeling?” At the sound she jumped. She turned around quickly with wide eyes, surprised and yet happy to finally see him again after so long.
“I'm just happy to see you again, Fike.” She chuckled.
“I'm happy to see you again, too.” He sank down to the floor with her, sitting just a few feet away. “God I was w-worried about you.”
Nora let out a quiet sigh, averting her gaze over towards the wall so he couldn't see her cry. He heard the sobs regardless and shuffled closer, placing a palm on her shoulder. She still didn't look over at him but could feel Lem's gaze burning into her.
“I really should have listened to you, Lem.”
“You had no idea what was g-gonna happen.” He squeezed her shoulder gently. “I don't care about that.  I'm just happy you're alive.”
“You're too good to me.”
He shrugged. “You saved me.”
She finally looked  over and when their eyes met she offered him a kind smile. He leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the cheek, a gentle peck and it was over no sooner than it started but Nora still flushed a bright red after it, flustered by the kind action. She often found herself unsure of what to say after any show of affection but this time she managed to splutter a small “thank you.”
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 25
“Lem are you done moping?” Maggie asked and it brought him from a daze and back into the real world. The words didn't register straight away and he blinked a couple of times to make heads and tails of what she had just said and when the realisation kicked in, his face sank back into that frown.
“Yes.” He lied and it was so blatantly clear that he wasn't telling the truth. Maggie rolled her eyes and looked away.
“There is no point in sulking about Nora, Lem,” Marcel said and it only caused this bitterness to rise inside Lem who was far from pleased at the tone Marcel had taken, it was as if he was trying to scold him simply for missing his friend.
“Forgive me for missin' her.” With that Lem rose from his seat and pushed past his aunt who looked concerned at her nephew suddenly wishing to leave, however, she held her cane out in front which halted him in his tracks.
“Where are you headed?” She asked.
“Whatever car the bar happens to be in and if not there then anywhere else.” He stepped over the cane and continued down the cars, careful when moving between each.
With her nephew now gone she turned back towards Marcel and let out a long sigh. They both shared an equal amount of frustration at Lem's attitude this evening but silently dealt with it, it was a topic that had no right to be discussed now that the man in question was gone.
“Why the long face, son?” Lem looked at the bartender once she began talking. It was this soft-spoken female who looked down at him with such a warm smile that it immediately distracted him from leaving Nora. He cleared his throat awkwardly and straightened his posture.
“Had to leave someone I really care about.” He wanted to keep it vague but hearing it all back made him realise just how much of a dick he was, simply because he left without a second thought. Hell, all Maggie had done was say they needed to leave and he agreed with no hesitation.
“Well if you had cared about them, why'd you leave?” The bartender said and he frowned. God the question stung to hear.
“Guess I didn't care as much as I thought.”
“Perhaps you didn't, son.”
Lem finished the whiskey off and slammed the glass down on the bar with such force he was surprised it hadn't shattered in his hands. The noise caused most of the patrons to grow quiet and look his way, even that kind lady stopped polishing the glass to look his way. “I- Sorry…” He pulled away and left the bar car, he had drunk enough that hour regardless and didn't need anymore.
He slowly walked back through all the cars to get to where his aunt was, but standing upright made his head dizzier than it needed and walking was even more of a struggle paired with his bad leg.
Along the way, he ended up walking into someone who had wrapped their arms around Lem to stop him from collapsing then and there from less of momentum and through foggy eyes did Lem spare them a glance, frowning when he recognised that same face from Marcel. “Come on, let's get you back to your aunt.” Lem was surprised that he didn't get a telling off for returning drunk, he also didn't expect Marcel to actually take his arm and walk him back instead of letting him struggle on his own but he appreciated it regardless.
“Oh, what the hell's happened to him?” Maggie cried when she spotted her nephew. Her anger went unnoticed by the two men as Marcel tried to lay him down on one of the empty benches but Lem was being far too stubborn to cooperate, rolling around and flailing his arms.
“I think it is fairly obvious, Madam Fike.” Maggie simply frowned at Marcel's sarcasm and ushered him away from her nephew who had stopped his unnecessary rolling and had managed to remain still on the train bench. She frowned as she looked down at him, but the guilt was so painfully obvious in his eyes.
“Get some sleep, Lem.” She instructed and although Lem pouted like some child he still listened and followed suit with what was told.
With her nephew sorted, Maggie turned around and faced Marcel with that same frown often worn and the distiller did nothing but shake his head in disappointment. “What are we going to do with him?”
“For now we just need to hope he forgets about her. She ain't worth it and he is clearly distracted.”
Marcel nodded slowly, returning to sitting and waiting out the rest of their train journey in uncomfortable silence. Save for the soft snore coming from Lem's way.
It was switching trains which was a hassle. With Maggie's leg, she couldn't walk very fast or at all without any pain surging up within her so having to try and push themselves to the earliest train was a hassle. They weren't in any particular rush, but Maggie didn't like to hang around for too long, especially with the knowledge of revenue agents still out on the hunt for the Fikes.
With luck, they were able to catch the last train leaving that day for Chicago, just before it had set out and through a rush, Maggie made sure to usher her nephew inside before them, there wasn't a need as there was no Nora or secret lover around that he needed to kiss goodbye.
“Why are we headin' all the way to Chicago again, Aunt Maggie?” He asked, she was very vague in explaining the reasons for their leaving and every innocent question was met with a glare scolding him for being nosey and a warning not to pry into matters that were not meant to concern him. Maggie opened her mouth to spout the same nonsense before Lem cut in before she even had a chance. “I think you draggin' me along concerns me enough to know, Maggie.”
“We brought you along because you would likely end up dead out there, Lemuel.” She retorted.
He let out a quiet sigh and Maggie believed that was the end of it. “I wouldn't. None of 'em would l-let it happen for your sake.”
“By ‘them’ you are referring too-”
“Nora, mostly… but also Cripps and maybe not quite her brother's.”
All it took was for her name to be brought up and Maggie recognised just how deep the boy had foolishly fallen. She had the same the exact same thing in herself all those years ago when she and Cripps were involved with each other.
“For this trip, Lem, think you could do me a favour?”
“What i-is it?”
She gave him a sorry look. “Don't mention, don't think, don't talk about the Morgan siblings.. especially Nora.”
“No ‘buts’ Lem… get over her because it'll do you know good holding on. No good.”
He didn't like this, he didn't like it at all and he wasn't so sure how Aunt Maggie expected him to just forget about Nora so easily. It was practically impossible given how much she was such a positive influence for him, hell he stopped spending so much time around his aunt and the moonshine shack and willingly adventured more just for the excuse of being close to her and now all that was gone, stripped away and Maggie expected him to just let it go. It was that conversation that made him feel sick, all over a girl.
When Lem had found a seat the first thing he had done was gaze longingly out of that window and do the exact opposite of what his aunt told him, ‘don't think about the morgan sibling's… especially Nora.’ it rang in his mind but that was all Lem did. He never got along well with Harry and James most of the time, so it was easier to forget those two but that didn't mean he didn't have a few good times, like Cripps' birthday where they had all sat around the campfire indulging themselves with whiskey until the early hours and Nora's smile for the majority of that night. She had a beautiful smile he always though, but very rarely could he see one so genuine. Sure she would smile often but that night there was something so captivating by her joyous expression, but maybe that had been the whiskey taking a toll on them.
If he weren't so blindly loyal he would get off this train and catch the next back home, or wherever was closest… but it wasn't that easy, not for him.
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norafike · 3 years
Despite all this, I still love you 29
Maggie made it abundantly clear that Lem wasn’t needed in Chicago. Why she brought him out was a mystery because all she had done was ignore the questions he asked and have him do anything but help her and Marcel.
He spent his time aimlessly wandering the city, it was enough to keep occupied but never enough to let him forget dear Nora. He thought about writing a letter and sending it but his aunt wouldn’t let him, saying it was too risky for him to consider it as their location could be given up.
That made sense but seeing her write letters for Cripps made his mood sour. He knew well enough that writing wasn’t too high risk it was him, his foolish nature to bring trouble wherever he stepped… he just wanted to know why Maggie couldn’t say that herself.
Chicago was a nice change of scenery to where he grew up, but it was never home. At first, he thought that home was back in Lemoyne where they started the whole moonshine operation, but that was before he realised that whenever he thought of home he would only think of Nora. They could be up in the freezing grizzlies or living in the insufferable heat of New Austin, but as long as Nora was in his corner he could not care for it was home.
At least Maggie made sure that he knew they would eventually be going back, she still loved her nephew after all and it wasn't nice seeing him so distraught over leaving behind a woman. Part of the reason why she had him outside all the time was for no other reason than hoping he would run into an old friend of hers, someone she knew a long time ago.
Maggie didn't realise that this friend was in Chicago until she ran into him. They didn't talk long, engaged in a little catch-up for old times sake and when asking about a certain relative she made sure to mention the unsuspecting relationship and he chuckled, always having a feeling that it would happen.
“Keep 'er safe for me,” was the last thing he said to Maggie before disappearing inside a derelict building.
That was why Maggie sent Lem down that road, wondering if he would run into that old friend himself to be confronted or if someone else made them known to her nephew.
With some aimless wandering, he eventually did divert from his usual route to take what he believed to be a shortcut back to the hotel but the further he walked the more he began to grow uncertain of the pathway as it began to shift more and more into an area he couldn't recognise and backtracking didn't seem to be doing any good for the pathway was full of winds and twists. The best he could do was continue further until he found a road or something that wasn't this alley to help get his sense of direction kicking.
With some walking, he eventually found his way to some form of street. It was abandoned, save for the odd face but eerily quiet regardless and he found that more unsettling than Nora's brother's snoring on a good day.
"Think, Lemuel, where did I come from?" He whispered to himself. The alleyway he had travelled through seemingly having disappeared just after he came through it.
There was no other option than to follow the road, it obviously had to lead somewhere that could help him get home.
As Lem turned the corner a woman walked into him while in a rush, spilling a bottle of cheap beer over his clothes in the process while slipping a letter in his hand. He let out a yelp, engaging in brief eye contact with the woman before she hurried back down the street having not said a word to him.
Alone again, Lem lifted his hand to look at the letter inspecting the folds with his thumb before he opened it up to read whatever was inside. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as there was only a very vague instruction to be read. He worried why that woman so purposely handed him the note but she was by now, far gone for him to track down and question.
He ventured further down the cobble roads, listening to the echo of his boots against the floor in the empty street he got lost it and eventually two people emerged from inside an old workhouse. There was nothing special about it, the sign had faded into nothing except a large 'M'. They mumbled as they passed him by, but he caught the slightest glimpse of a name being used and he knew it was where he needed to go.
He looked back down at the paper in his hand, reading the simple instruction over a couple more times. It was simple enough to understand, a 'speak to Lyndon' in bolden letters written across with an address scribbled underneath.
Gently he pushed open a door and approached the nearest person he could find, a quiet individual who was sitting on the steps with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"E-Excuse me, sir," Lem spoke in a whisper and sharply the man turned up to face him, giving him a toothy grin.
"I'm lookin' for Lyndon. Couldn't help me could you?"
"You ain't from here are ya? Would've recognised you, for sure." The man commented. He stood up and almost towered over Lem once he did so, it was almost intimidating. "Lyle."
Lem took his hand and shook it, ready to ask for this Lyndon once again before Lyle pointed upstairs towards a room presumed to be some sort of office.
"Lyndon's up that way," Lyle mentioned. "Gotta knock loudly though kid, and if Lou stops you just show him that letter you got."
"How did you…"
Lyle cut him off "…Know about that letter? You wouldn't have known about Lyndon if you didn't get one."
"Thank you, mister." Lem quickly walked past and ran up the stairs before he got to the office. He stopped sharply just by the door and knocked it a couple of times but got no response, so he tried again only this time a lot louder. Soon a much older man pulled the door back and gave Lem a rather welcoming smile before enthusiastically inviting him on inside.
Lem followed, taking rather cautious steps because his cheerfulness was… unsettling.
"Do take a seat, make yourself at home," Lyndon told him, speaking in an accent that was so similar to Nora's just stronger.
"I got a letter… telling me to go to you?" He slowly sat on an old crate, tapping his foot against the wooden floor every-so-often out of nerves.
"Ah yes, I asked Lucy to take that to you. When I heard that the Fike's were in town I just had to meet you."
"People know that My aunt and I are here?" Lem gasped but quickly Lyndon raised his hand to silence him before an outburst.
"Just us folk here and not even all of us then. I know of you from an old friend I have back in New Hanover and your Aunt Maggie of course."
"Well, I believe you know my Granddaughter."
Lem couldn't believe the absurdity of what words this stranger had just told him. There was no way that Nora's grandfather could still be alive, after all, she told him that the majority of her relatives were either back in the United Kingdom or were dead except for her brothers and Aunt Marge. Surely this man was going mad, with his age Lem couldn't rule it out.
Lyndon remained quiet while he allowed for Lem to process the information, but from what he remembered and what Maggie told him he did expect a bigger outburst at the news than this.
"I-I'm sorry, but Nora said all her relatives were dead by now."
Lyndon laughed lightly, of course he knew she'd say that. "Yes well, I haven't seen 'er in a very long time. Of course, that was when I was still speaking to my son and his wife."
"You had a falling out?" With Lem's question, Lyndon's cheery smile faded into a delicate frown although he looked more relaxed in this position.
"Yes.. back when this place was workin' we had a decent share of money. I refused to lend them some and they both cut me out, no surprises there though."
"I feel like N-Nora would have mentioned you though."
"No, she couldn't have." Lyndon sighed. "She can't remember me like you can't remember me."
"W-We've met before?"
"Yes, you must have been eleven, maybe twelve then."
"But I feel like I would have remembered had I been that o-old." Lem leaned forward, resting his weight against his arms.
"You would have remembered Nora too."
"Excuse me?"
Lyndon stood from the desk made of old crates and filled with pieces of discarded paper, walked towards the old windows and pulled the sheets closed to darken the room. Lem watched curiously while Lyndon walked around to the door, closing it but not moving from that new spot.
"Your Aunt Maggie and I had a meeting years ago with Cripps. She brought you because you were in her care of course whereas I had been looking after young Nora, who must have been no older than eight. She took a liking to you then, so it comes as no surprise when Maggie told me that she still likes you now… although it's far more than that from what I heard."
"I don't remember any of this, mister."
"Of course not, it's not like we had you meet regularly and as I said- Nora's folks cut me out. I didn't know they died 'til a few years after then."
"So why did you need to speak to me?" Lem asked. Of all the people to secretly pass a note too, it had to be him and by no means did Lyndon not know of his tendency to cause a mess of a situation.
"It's a difficult matter."
"That's not answering m-me."
Lyndon gently hung his head in false shame, while Lem was by no means observant he was able to pick up on the shift in atmosphere and how the welcoming trance was broken with his pushing.
"I've had people monitoring you these past few months, when I found out Maggie was back and workin' with Nora then I had to learn what was goin' on."
"And that brings me into this how?"
Lyndon moved slightly, leaning against the wall. "How much do you care about Nora, Fike?"
"A lot… but w-what's this gotta do with anythin'?"
"Give it a few days... don't just leave but you ain't any good here, the Revenue Agents know all about Nora and her brothers and well, there's nobody better to keep her safe than you."
Lem laughed, a small mock at the faith placed in him from Nora's own grandfather of all people. "Nora protects me more than I can protect myself. I a-ain't gonna promise anythin', but she can handle herself."
"Can she?" Lyndon raised an eyebrow. "Cripps' last letter to me has brought to light something about her that you seem to be keepin' her safe from. Them nightmares."
Lem's face turned grey when he remembered how badly Nora would handle that obstacle whenever he wasn't around with her, how much danger she would be in whenever he wasn't there to be an anchor and it was sickening to worry about her now that he wasn't around. He was a damn fool for not going against his Aunt's wishes and staying home. "She had been so fine r-recently, I completely forgot."
"All I ask of you, Lemuel, is to keep her safe."
"I'd not live with myself if I didn't."
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 2
Valentine was a decent town that Nora slowly grew to call home. She was used to the way of living in Blackwater, it being a little different to what the livestock town brought but she tried avoiding Blackwater the best she could. It brought bad memories her way, memories she wanted to forget.
She stood outside of Smithfield's Saloon, giving her horse an apple while waiting for Lem Fike who had requested them to meet outside of the establishment.
It was a while before he eventually did show up, giving her a sheepish look as he stepped closer. Nora only shook her head but waved at him regardless, shortening the distance by walking halfway to meet him.
"Mornin' Lemuel." She greeted, stopping just in front of him on the road when she felt as though they were close enough to talk.
"Mornin'." He smiled, leaning against the post that supported the balcony of the nearest building to them.
She stood just down on the steps, her hand on the gun belt. "Aunt Maggie requested me to speak with you regarding business."
"What exactly?"
"Jus' some things that need poisoning or blowing up."
"The usual then." She groaned, crossing her arms and moving to stand on the same level as Lem.
"I'll do it."
He opened his mouth to speak further but was cut short at the noise of windows shattering.
Curiously, he and Nora both looked in the direction to see a man wearing a tan jacket lying in the mud of the street. A crowd slowly began gathering around just as the tough man exits the saloon, resuming what looked to have been a fight that started inside.
"Is that Tommy?" Nora asked although it didn't need answering for it was clear from the chants and the burly appearance exactly who this was.
"Who's that f-fella on the ground?"
She shrugged. "Don't think I've ever seen him before. Must be new in town."
"Already startin' fights too."
She nodded, walking with Lem to get closer to the action in order to watch how this fight would play out.
While Tommy and this stranger continued fighting, three new men emerged from inside, faces covered in bruises especially one in particular who appeared to be more beaten up than the others.
These individuals cheered on "Arthur" repeatedly and so Nora could only assume that this was who Tommy had been fighting. She stood amused and surprised when Tommy was left in the mud, having to be saved by Thomas Downes who pleaded with 'Arthur' to leave him be.
She watched the crowd disperse and soon this well-dressed individual began talking with him, accompanied by a face she recognised all too well.
"Shit." She cursed, quickly taking Lem by the hand to drag him inside the nearest building to them.
"What?" He was startled but laughed it off regardless, watching as she walked up towards the window to watch their interaction from inside.
"That English man... I know him."
"Who is he?"
"Josiah Trelawny, a magician and a conman at that. A pretty damn good one."
Lem nodded from behind which she wouldn't have been able to have seen, watching warily as watched the strange group interact with one another.
"I'm going to see if I can hear a thing they're saying." She said before leaving the building. He watched through the windows as she moved to stand not too far away from them, lighting a cigarette so it looked as though she had only come outside for a smoke which would have been strange regardless.
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched them, hearing them talk of Blackwater and how it was far too dangerous for them to return there but they would have had to for they had left a friend in the company of Bounty Hunters. These people looked mean, so she hoped that none of these Bounty Hunters were her brothers.
Trelawny looked up, noticing the female and gave her a subtle wink that went unnoticed by them but she spotted it.
While inside, Lem had taken to order himself a shot of whiskey at the bar while he waited for Nora to come back. He thought of how strange the breaking of the window had been as Nora didn't act up as she usually would, perhaps it had been too loud or something.
He shook his head, nursing the glass in his hand as he waited for Nora's return.
Eventually, she did come back in, rather rushed in her footsteps as she made way to join him at the bar.
"Where is it Maggie wants me to go?" She asked, ordering herself a drink too.
"I'd rather d-discuss outside where nobody can eavesdrop, you understand."
"Of course."
He gave her a gentle nod, finishing the last of the drink and pushing away from the counter to leave, before doing so he turned towards her. "I'll meet you at Six Point Cabin tomorrow mornin', it's secluded enough."
"See you there."
Six-point cabin wasn't so far from Valentine, of course, it being in the neighbouring region of Cumberland Forest.
She sat on the hill a little distance away from the cabin itself, binoculars in hand as she spied on the new inhabitants from afar. A nasty group of individuals she failed in recognising.
They all appeared drunk, singing and laughing around the fire and failing to take notice towards the sounds of hooves not so far from where they rested.
She gave a low whistle as she watched the drunkards, waiting for her own company to arrive even though he had yet to show.
It was verging on noon by the time Lem did arrive, cursing under his breath as he began a gentle jog to join Nora as she sat leaning against a small hill with a journal in hand she began to scribble in.
He gave her an apologetic look, muttering more words and a small 'sorry'. He was about to walk and stand on top of the only cover Nora hid behind before the smaller female pulled him down by his vest, causing him to land on the floor in a not so easy thud.
She rolled her eyes, walking over to lend him a hand and pull him onto his feet. "There's people over there, nasty lookin' bunch an' I dread to think what they may have done havin' seen you." She explained as she helped him up, brushing off any dust that became unsettled and stuck to his clothes during his fall.
"Shouldn't we j-j-just leave 'em then?"
"I was thinkin' we could, but I'm kinda curious to see what they're up too. Ya know?"
"I do know."
She narrowed her eyes slightly as if it were to help improve how she saw the mysterious group of individuals but the sound of hooves coming up behind them became a distraction.
"I wouldn't move if I were you." One of them muttered, pointing a revolver at the pair as he dismounted and stepped closer. Nora got a good enough look at him, recognising him as Arthur from Valentine- the same fella who ended up in a fight with Tommy.
She let out a quiet sigh, raising her hands in the air.
"The hell are you two?" He asked, his footsteps heavy on the ground.
His companions kept back, watching the entire ordeal with a smug look but one who instead appeared to be far more terrified.
"Just some passersby's, friend. That's all."
"There a reason you're up here?"
She shrugged. "Were meant to be discussing business but it appears that some other fellas got here before us, we were just watchin' from a distance. No harm in that is there?"
'Arthur' still looked suspicious of them both but holstered his weapon regardless, crossing the space so he had now stood closer to them.
He said nothing, rather reached forward to remove the revolver from Nora's holster. He looked at the weapon and smiled, its metal being something he hadn't seen on a gun before. "Nice gun you got 'ere."
"Was a gift from my friend." She replied, waving her head towards Lem.
He nodded.
"We saw you an' your other friend in Valentine yesterday. Pickin' fights with Tommy weren't you?"
"Weren't me."
"After that you spoke with Trelawny." She added. "Josiah Trelawny. Englishman."
This caught his interest. 'Arthur' raised his brow towards her, lowering her own weapon that he had previously aimed at her. "You know Trelawny?"
"Did a few jobs for him last year, decent man, so to speak. Does enjoy talkin' a lot." This earned her a chuckle from the male.
"So you ain't with them O'Driscoll's?"
She furrowed her brows before turning briefly to look behind at the drunks. Three slowly stepped closer, talking in Irish accents and wearing the classic colour of green that distinguished them from any other gang in the area.
"Shitting hell." She mumbled, facing him once again. "No, we ain't with them bastards, didn't even realise they were here."
"Well ain't that good news for you." He muttered, all while keeping an eye on the three that arrived. They still hadn't noticed them all standing there but it was a matter of time.
"Look mister, we ain't gonna do no harm as I said, we were just passin' by."
He opened his mouth to reply to her statement but unfortunately for them, the O'Driscoll's had spotted them in the clearing and began to shoot, their bullets missing in their drunken state but it meant that they would be joined by their other company soon.
Nora startled more with the sudden gunfire, falling to the ground to shield herself from the gunfight as it ensued. 'Arthur' still had her gun on him so she remained unarmed and unable to fight against them, but the louder the shots got the more frightened she became.
There were so many and it brought back that night with the Revenue Agents, nothing good.
She saw the fire growing in her mind, telling her it wasn't safe but she felt convinced otherwise. No matter what she tried she felt rooted to the spot and unable to move.
She heard the screams of agents on fire, the burns against her skin and the exhaustion claw at her and she failed to notice how these individuals had taken care of the other O'Driscoll's for her, instead they now looked at her in mixed concern and confusion.
'Arthur' turned to face his friends, handing over Nora's revolver to the male with scars on his face that appeared to be fresh. "I'm goin' to look for Colm in that cabin, s'pose you should make sure she's okay an' Bill, mind lootin' the bodies?"
'Bill' rolled his eyes but followed regardless.
The man with the scars on his face stepped forward, passing the revolver towards Lem. He kept his arm extended forward, this awkward look on his face as he waited for a handshake.
Hesitantly, Lem took hold and shook it. "Lemuel Fike." He introduced and the individual answered back with, "John Marston."
Lem noticed the odd glare John had given Nora at her change in behaviour and how he looked to be almost ashamed of standing next to her. He was so caught up with staring at Nora that he failed in watching the fella brought along with them and how he ran off after 'Arthur' and Bill towards the cabin. Lem was just about to offer his best explanation regarding Nora's behaviour but was cut short with the sound of a gunshot coming from Six-point Cabin which, in theory, there shouldn't have been.
John turned around, noticing the missing companion and quickly cursed before running off towards the others.
By now she was bag up on her feet and running over to join them with Lem not too far behind to investigate what had been happening, greeted by 'Arthur' pointing the gun at the other man and accusing him of setting them up.
He was quick in his defence, stuttering his words as he responded. "I wouldn't have saved your life mister if I had been."
Bill did nod with this and had taken his side and it was the first time that Lem and Nora had heard Arthur use a name in regards of the last nameless individual. Rather, it had not been a name and a nickname that turned Nora's face sour. "O'Driscoll" had been used which was not anything to be taken proudly.
"Get outta here!" Arthur called after him, but the 'O'Driscoll' did not like that.
"Sendin' me away is just the same as killin' me, no I'm one of you guys now." He replied.
Bill placed his hand on Arthur's shoulder. "He did save your life."
Not pleased with hearing any of it, Arthur simply rolled his eyes. Turning to leave as he whistled for his horse.
But the O'Driscoll mentioned money from inside which had piqued their interest. He was ready to run in and grab it but had been stopped before being sent away with the others.
From where they stood, at the end of the house and against the corner, Nora and Lem were able to see Arthur's posse leave him behind as he entered the building to investigate the promise of cash being made.
"How are you feelin'?" Arthur asked Nora in particular just as soon as he emerged from inside, carrying with him a double-barreled shotgun he picked up.
"I'm fine. Ignore me when I get like that, ain't good for nobody if they don't focus on themselves."
Lem looked displeased with her comment and only shook his head in a matter to express just how displeased he had gotten with the statement made.
"May I ask you somethin', mister?"
"Morgan, Arthur Morgan." He officially introduced. "You may ask."
"What were you talkin' with Trelawny about yesterday?"
"A friend of ours had been caught by bounty hunters. Nasty business."
"Sean MacGuire perhaps?"
He let out a small chuckle but nodded regardless. "How did you figure that much out?"
"I heard the mention of Sean an' you're a funny lookin' group, which he would mention occasionally last year. could've said no an' I would have left you to it."
He nodded. "I take it you knew him too?"
"Did the occasional job, yes."
"Anybody else you work for we may know?"
"I doubt it. I only really did work for Sean, Trelawny an' a married couple up in the mountains. The Adlers, who I don't think you'd know."
His face dropped at their mention. "Maybe you do know 'em." She mumbled, but by his expression it couldn't have been anything good.
"We know Mrs. Adler. Picked her up and took her in while we were up there. O'Driscoll's got to her husband, unfortunately."
Nora shook her head, reaching into her satchel to pull out an old brooch on her. "I was meant to be travelling up there soon to give this to Sadie, she mentioned having lost one of her own. I doubt it'll mean much now but if you could give this to her I'd be real appreciative."
Arthur took the object from her hand and nodded as he tucked it away neatly in his satchel. "I will, Miss."
"Nora Morgan."
He chuckled at the shared surname before leaving them be, she watched as he rode off through the trees before disappearing.
After a moment of silence, her friend cleared his throat. With her attention grabbed, Nora turned to look at Lem.
"Suppose we should head out of here before someone gets the wrong idea, that an' we got the task for Aunt Maggie we need to do."
"With all this excitement I forgot about Maggie's errand. What was it she needed us to do again?"
"Poison some stills really. I'll jus' say we took care of it. I've had enough fun for a day."
She chuckled. "Alright, Lemuel."
He rolled his eyes, whistling for his own stallion just as Nora called for her own.
"I'll see you later, for now, I got a few errands of my own to run."
She managed to crack a small smile, waving goodbye at Lem just before adding, "See ya."
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you
A year ago she had been broken out of Sisika, freed from the work detail. She owed it to Mrs. LeClerk, any other person may have accepted their husband's death and the word of the killer being caught and yet Jessica didn't. She put thought into what was said and dug deeper than wanted and if not for that, well, Nora would have been six foot deep by now or perhaps burned without a proper burial.
The last thing she had been told by Mrs. LeClerk was to not find herself into too much additional trouble, but having taken her hand to a gun and enjoying the thrill of the fight, Nora couldn't keep that promise. Sure she didn't go to any near town and shoot the first soul in sight, she was sensible and she had morals. She shot those that needed shooting even if it meant she'd get a price on her head.
It was how she met Maggie Fike. A hard woman solidified by her past, cruel in her words but kind in her heart. She had originally intended to hire Nora's brother as an associate, but Harry declined and so she took on the job. Maggie was contempt with Nora at first, hesitant as lack of knowledge did not provide her with judge of character but Nora was quick to impress, having rescued Marcel from his captors efficiently.
It was what convinced Maggie to send Nora out to rescue her nephew Lemuel and when she returned with him, she knew immediately the bond the pair would have in the future.
She noticed the way he leaned into her, how tightly wrapped his arm had been around her waist and how they were often seen smiling in one another's presence.
She also noticed how often Lem would find an excuse just to spend more time with Nora but soon he stopped searching and became more forward, asking her out on dates which he wouldn't call 'dates' rather 'a trip to town, to find potential customers'.
They became inseparable, two best friends working together. The last time Maggie saw her nephew so happy was when he would go out on his fishing trips with Danny-Lee.
She remembered how quiet Lem was for the first couple of day's after he had been rescued from the prison transfer, how forlorn he looked to be. But Nora was quick to comfort, understanding as she was unfortunate to make it to Sisika. With her kind words her nephew became far more happier, accomplishing something that Maggie herself may not have been capable of doing.
But eventually Nora changed.
That burning fire inside her dimmed, she was no longer passionate about holding the gun to her enemies and grew paranoid. The slightest noise would startle Nora and she would rise out of her chair suddenly, drawing her weapon on the opening air and almost firing a shot before she realised it had been her nerves.
Maggie grew distrustful towards Nora, marching down to Cripps as she bitterly told him that, "that girl was not cut out for the line of work, she was startled and not what they needed."
But Maggie kept her on with Lem's convincing. He saw the potential and she saw how much he cared for Nora.
They cared for each other.
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 1
"Berry Cobbler." She answered, placing down her cards in a huff as she counted higher then twenty-one. Lem let out a cheer at his winnings, pushing the stack of money on his end of the table.
Nora rolled her eye's before adding a final dollar bill to the pile, calling this her last bet as she did not want to lose all her money to a game of blackjack in one night.
"And you?" She asked him. Lem thought it over, the question really being that of his own when he asked 'what your favourite flavour of 'Shine is.' having not been one to drink too much of the stuff he had no proper answer, or maybe, he had one.
"Berry Mint."
"The Berry one's are usually the nicest." She answered back, eyeing the increasing pile of money in front of her as she added another card to her pile from the deck.
She held her breath as she eyed the number, letting it out as it had not yet hit twenty-one which didn't go unnoticed by Lem. He raised a brow and deciding to play with her a bit, added a little more money from his end just to be cocky.
Marcel hummed in the background, a gentle tune that reminded Nora of an old lullaby she used to hear from her mother when she was a young babe.
Marcel grew to interested in his humming that he paid no attention to where he was walking and ended up knocking a bottle of rum off of his work table, the smashing of the glass ringing in her ears.
She stood upright, facing him as he hurried to clean the mess. But her sudden movement didn't go unnoticed by the Frenchman.
"I am sorry, Nora." He apologised, waving his hand in the air at her. "I was no paying attention."
She bit onto her tongue and nodded slowly, closing her eyes and breathing deeply as she slowly sat back down at the table. Lem kept his eyes on her, reaching forward to take her hand.
He knew not to do it so forwardly, instead using his fingertips to touch her own and if she would recoil her hand then he would leave it, but she didn't and so slowly he took hold.
"I should apologise, I ain't sure what happened." Her voice was quiet and she looked down towards the ground, as if being scolded for bad behaviour and Marcel could only manage to give her a sympathetic look as he had no idea of how to react in the situation.
"Don't apologise." Lem whispered towards her and slowly she nodded.
"I'm going to go for a walk.. get some fresh air." She announced soon and gently she pulled her hand away from Lem's grasp, rising out of her chair and up the stairs from the basement.
Marcel waited for the door to close behind her before he turned on his heel to address Lem.
"Please go make sure that Miss Morgan is okay, I worry about her. She's only acting more stranger."
Lem nodded. "She's scared, I seen it when I was in prison, but I ain't never seen it so bad."
Marcel let out a low whistle before patting his shoulder, point up the stairs. "Go check on her, mon ami. See if she is okay."
Nora sat against the rock, her knees brought to her chest and her hands covering her face as she gently wept, her sleeves growing soaked the longer she sat there.
Lem heard the gentle sobs and hesitantly approached, careful so not to alarm her.
"Nor." He called gently and heard her stifle her sobbing. He looked over the trees, noticing the rock and quietly he walked over towards it as it seemed to be the only place where Nora could hide without being spotted first thing.
When he walked in front of it he found the woman, her head held highly in the air and her eyes closed.
He sat down on the grass next to her and she knew but paid it no attention, but he did feel her shift ever so slightly so she was closer to him.
After a moment of silence, Lem cleared his throat to ask his question. "H-How are you feelin'?"
"Okay." Her voice was hoarse and she slowly opened her eyes to look up at him. He noticed the tears building up, threatening to fall but she would not let them.
"Anythin' I can do to help?"
"Stay. I like your company."
He smiled at this and a slight blush rose to his cheeks. He averted his gaze so she wouldn't notice but the subtle chuckle she let out was a tell that she noticed.
They both sat against the rock idly, watching the leaves that fell to the ground and counting the wagon's that past by. Hours had gone by unnoticed and soon the sun began to set; painting the sky in darker colours.
He rose off the ground, brushing the dirt from his pants before lending a hand to pull Nora to her feet.
She thanked him after doing so, crossing her arms over and giving him a gentle smile in which he returned.
"The wanderer returns!" Cripps cheered as Nora approached, walking into the light radiating from the camp he had recently finished setting up.
She forced a smile as she stepped closer, waving towards the cheerful man as he passed by with his hands full of materials gathered from the business he and Harry set up.
"Have you seen my brother?" She asked him, turning on her heel to watch him pass by.
"Harry or James?"
Cripps clicked his tongue a second before shrugging, not having an answer to give. "Afraid not. He left this mornin', probably out on some bounty hunting business since he got that."
She nodded, walking towards the campfire once they had finished their talking. While he added their materials to the pile he would occasionally spare a glance at Nora as she watched the flames of the fire dance before her, her eyes looking distant and away from the reality she was in now.
"How has Miss Fike been treatin' you?" Wanting to make idle conversations he asked. She didn't acknowledge the question at first, or rather she didn't realise anything had been asked and so Cripps cleared his throat to grab her attention.
"Sorry." She muttered, looking over at the male as he finished tying the product up. He only shook his head and brushed his hands free of the dry animal blood before approaching. "Asked how Miss Fike had been treatin' you."
"Oh." She said. "Maggie's been treatin' me fine, why'd you ask?"
"Just curious I guess."
Cripps looked forward at the fire too, using a stick to poke at the logs they used. He watched the embers as they floated around the air before disappearing once they landed on the ground, the silence that had settled upon them becoming unbearable.
He let out a small sigh; clapping his hands together once which startled Nora. He winced, not intending to do so, having forgotten about her change in behaviour this past year from her being away so often.
"Sorry." He blurted out, walking quickly to her side as she sat frozen on the fallen tree log.
Raising her hand as an attempt to show that she was okay she waved him off, not needing to worry JB Cripps.
"I'm going to lie down. It's late." Her voice was blunt a little and yet quiet at the same time. She said a goodnight towards the camp manager before entering her tent, pulling the tent flaps down so she would not end up interrupted. Disappearing inside her little space for the night.
The flames grew higher and she grew hotter. Hard to breath she felt as though she began to suffocate against the thick smoke that wrapped itself around her.
She wanted to collapse to the ground and give in but kept fighting for she needed too.
The gunshots rang in her air, some missing and other's scratching the surface of her skin. Burning.
Finally free of the fire, the screams, she collapses to the ground as the tears fell freely. She took in a deep breath, but the fighting had not yet finished and no matter how hard she wished to curl into a ball and cry, she had to keep pushing on.
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 22
“How are ya?” Nora looked over and her face dropped when she noticed it was Arthur returning for the umpteenth time that day. She sighed but gently patted the floor beside her, inviting him for a seat. She wasn't ready to talk about it, not so soon but the longer she kept what happened suppressed the more it began to affect her. The countless nights where she would wake up in a cold sweat, the nightmares not only from those days when Hixon was after them but also with the memories of the suffering she endured that night.
“What do you wanna hear?” She asked, reluctantly. Arthur pursed his lips into a thin line. Now that she was going to talk he wasn't so sure what to have her start with.
“I guess, why? Why did they take you of all people?”
“Because I started helpin' you.” Her words shook him, how coldly she said them was so harsh and regretful and it almost frightened, Arthur.
“How would Colm now that?” Nora let out a shaky breath, turning away so he couldn't look at her once the tears began to fall.
“Kieran... Colm took him in and tortured the poor boy. That's how he found you where y'all were hidin', how he found out about me.” She exclaimed.
“Do you know what happened to Kieran?” The topic was no longer about what she went through and she let out an exhale of air, glad to be off of the subject of her and onto the O'Driscoll who had disappeared some weeks before.
“Colm didn't say but the grin on his face tells me that the poor bastards dead. Do you really think Kieran could sneak away from them?”
Arthur nodded slowly, he didn't want to admit his inability to save Kieran's life just as he did so long before, but it was true. There could have been no way Kieran survived such a thing, he wasn't Arthur or Nora. “Do you know where Kieran is? Or, what's left of him?”
“Afraid not… Colm didn't even outright say that they killed, Kieran.”
“That's unfortunate.”
“More than that.” She kicked at the ground underneath her, hissing a little at the flare of pain that sparked from the simple interaction and Arthur quickly sprung forward-thinking it more serious than she'd admit too.
“You okay?” He asked.
She waved him away. “Yeah, forget that everything hurts over nothing.”
“Be gentle, Nora. Before I send Grimshaw or Abigail in.”
Nora chuckled lowly. “They're fine, it's Lem who I'd not be able to bare.”
“You don't mean that.” He hummed but Nora only shrugged, gently.
“Kinda do, don't get me wrong he is my best friend but, I don't know… he worries too much about me.”
“Ain't nothin' wrong in that.”
“I know. Last time he cared so much about someone he ended being betrayed when shit fell under, I don't want him to hurt in that way again.”
“Do you plan on betraying him?”
Nora let out a guffaw when she realised just how bad her phrasing sounded and quickly she had to reject that idea, not meaning it in that way. “Oh no, heavens no.” And he too chuckled.
“I'll send him in any way, he's been meanin' to talk with you.”
“Alright, but you don't gotta stop people from seein' me.” Arthur snorted but left the room anyway, holding the door open to be courteous and let Lem inside. When Fike was through the door he greeted Nora with a proud smile and the female felt her cheeks warm slightly from making eye contact with him.
“Hey.” He managed to slip out but he stood at a distance, awkwardly drumming against the pockets of his jacket. Nora gave him a forced smile but called him over with a gentle wave of her hand which he obliged to.
“You alright, Lem?” She asked, her face fading into concern as he kept himself drawn back. He never was one to keep a space between the two, neither was she in truth, so when he blatantly refused to walk over she grew worried.
“Y-Yes.” He kept to the one-word responses.
She raised an eyebrow and struggled to stand, her breath hitching in her throat while she ignored the ache and mixture of pain just so she could walk closer to Lem whose attention was now drawn her way when he heard the struggle in her breathing.
“Nora, don't!” He tried to warn, quickly running to her side just in time to catch her before she collapsed to the floor. Nora hissed at the force but was grateful it was only his arms she fell into and not the solid wood beneath her.
“Guess I ain't got the hang of walkin', yet.” She chuckled, attempting to lighten the situation but he appeared less than impressed with her.
“Worryin' a-about you is gonna be the death of m-me, Nora.” He whispered, moving around so one arm was wrapped around her waist and the other was making sure she didn't fall to the side. But Nora still tried to laugh off just how bad of a state she really was in and shrug away his concern like she usually would do.
“I ain't kiddin'.”
Nora let out a huff of air. “No, I know… I just hate to see you so, glum.”
“Can't help it, especially not recently.”
When she was put back on the old rug she had been sitting on before, Nora reached forward to tug at Lem's shirt to stop him from walking away, acting in that usual childish manner and he couldn't help but let a small smile slip. “What now?” He asked.
“Just stay, please.” Nora pleaded. Lem only rolled his eyes but pulled an old chair over to sit near her but she shuffled over regardless and gently laid her head down on his lap, and with no hesitation, he had placed his hand on top and ran his fingers through her hair. It was something that he could do for hours before, to be curled up with Nora under a tree somewhere while he would either run his fingers through the tangles in her hair or gently braid it.
“You're like a child.” He joked and Nora let out a low unladylike snort at his remark, her hand patting his foot in response that he could only smile at which she didn't see. He was just happy to have that old girl back, for the most part.
“I do act it on times.” She sighed, leaning further into his touch while his fingers gently continued their brushing of her hair.
Lem had been so caught up in making sure that she was okay that he had forgotten to mention how Morgan visited them, demanding to know what had happened to Nora and threatening him all in that same process. So gently he tapped her shoulder to grab her attention and she turned around just as much as she could to look at him.
“I just remembered that your friend, Morgan Canaday paid us a v-visit.”
“She did? What'd she want?” Nora looked surprised as she hadn't spoken to Morgan for a few months, the last she heard from her was just after Hixon.
“She heard about what happened to you.” He answered.
Nora sighed, turning her gaze over towards one of the windows in the house. They were in Bayou Nwa which meant Morgan wasn't too far from them, they could make it a quick trip just so Nora had the satisfaction of telling her old friend that was was okay. “We should see her tomorrow.”
“I don't think-” Lem wanted to argue, but Nora shook her head to shush him.
“Trust me, if we don't see her soon then she'll think that I'm not okay. Then we'll have murder.”
“Nora, you can hardly stand.” Lem reasoned and she knew the facts, nodding gently to agree with him.
Lem drew out a long breath of air before agreeing. He knew Morgan would bring hell and Nora hadn't seen her friend for a while, so who was he to stop her from going?
“I can't stop you. But if at anything bad happens to you we're comin' back. Okay?”
“Okay.” Nora said. “So… it's settled then?”
“It's settled. We'll head out tomorrow, find Miss Canaday.”
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norafike · 4 years
Without fail, Tunnel of Love by Dire Straits always reminds me of Lem and Nora. I mostly write 'despite all this, I still love you' while listening to it which may be the main reason but if it's on the radio or comes on while I'm listening to a playlist it makes me smile the minute the song starts. Dire Straits are also my favourite band, which adds to the positive boost in my mood haha.
But whenever I hear it my mind instantly think of this pair of troublemakers and it does improve my day substantially.
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 23
One of the biggest obstacles was getting outside of the house and to the horses without stumbling over her own feet. She refused to have Lem assist her, always shaking his arms away when he tried to support her the rest of way.
“Nora look at you,” Lem whispered while they snuck past the campfires where the men lay restless but she completely ignored his words as she limped the rest of the way to the horses.
He wasn't surprised by her stubbornness, at this point ‘stubborn’ became her middle name and one of her most notable traits but god did he wish she would stop and listen every once in a while. Or at least stop acting as if all was fine and take proper care in this condition.
“We're leavin' on your horse, right?” She sighed nearing the familiar animal who appeared more than happy to see the girl after so long. Nora dug in her satchel and revealed an apple which she was more than happy to treat the horse too and Lem simply chuckled at the display.
“I don't see Casper around,” Lem remarked and she realised just how stupid her question was by his answer.
“Right, that was silly of me to ask.”
Lem pressed his finger and thumb together and mouthed the words “a little” which earned him an eye roll and a huff.
He grabbed her waist gently and slowly lifted her onto the rump of the horse, wincing at himself when she let out a hiss at the contact. “Shit- sorry.” He cried but she waved him off in understanding, hell he was only trying to help.
He pulled himself onto the saddle and when Nora nodded gently to say she was ready to continue moving he urged the horse into a gentle trot down the roads. He didn't want to go too fast or too slow and Nora didn't show any signs of discomfort or pain while they rode at this pace so he kept it going for the time being and where Morgan usually was wasn't too far from the plantation house, it'd take them a few hours at most.
“Where she usually at anyway?” Lem turned behind with that usual cautious glance, giving his companion a small smile while she kicked at the dirt beneath her. Her hand was placed flat against a tree trunk while she inspected an unusual spot of dirt that became distressed over time.
“She ain't necessarily anywhere. Morgan does move around often in the Bayou.” She sighed, combing her hair back with a shaking hand. “We may find her, she may find us… it depends.”
“You're shakin' an awful lot, Nor.” He brought it up but she, as usual, dismissed it and limped further into the trees. Further from the road.
“Nora.” He cried, hitching his horse to the ground and following Nora into the swamps.
She waded through the water, not venturing too deep and keeping her hand on the banks to hold herself upright. In his head he cursed at her, a string of swear he would never dream to say out loud while Nora so carelessly continued further. The alligators were one problem, as were the nightfolk and in her state neither would be an easy win to come across.
“What are you doing?” He cried out, watching as she staggered out of the waters and onto the banks. An old house he recognised all too well sat adjacent from him, underneath it the rotting carcass of an alligator. The building put him at an unease so seeing her sneak into it added to the discomfort tenfold.
“Seein' if she's in here.” She finally shouted back to him. He rolled his eyes and quickly followed behind, almost tripping a couple of times when his foot got stuck in a patch of unsettled mud.
“Please s-stop runnin' off from, me.” He said once he was close enough to her. She greeted him with an innocent smile and a playful wink and his heart fluttered at that moment and he caught himself unable to process what she had just done, not until she was limping away again.
“You're d-deliberately annoying me.” He sighed.
Nora shrugged slowly before stopping in her tracks and when she turned around to meet that same scared look from Lem she knew that the unmistakable shriek she heard wasn't in her head.
“Isn't i-it early for nightfolk to be out now?” Lem whispered.
“They come when they want.” She took hold of his hand and slowly began to walk back towards the horse where Lem left it. Their attention was on high as they both scanned the area to keep an eye out for the notorious gang, scared beyond belief.
They sharply turned around when they heard a twig snap behind them but there wasn't anything there but there was still plenty of movement in the bushes around for them to feel free of danger and unfortunately for them both, they left Shady Belle completely unarmed.
“Keep moving, N-Nora… don't look back, darling.”
“I'm movin', I'm movin'.” She chuckled lowly. She couldn't go any faster even if she wanted and unfortunately, the muddy water was only slowing them down a lot more than they wished at this time.
When they were finally out of the swamp they let out a collective sigh of relief before walking the rest of the way over to the horse. However, it seemed that the two were being stalked in the swamp when a loud shriek shook through the trees and from the bushes one lonely, unmistakable nightfolk came charging towards them.
Whoever he was had his hand raised high, a machete grasped tightly in his fingers and when he was near he brought it down at an alarming speed, had Lem not pushed Nora back and moved than one of them could have been hit and who knows how bad the damage could have been.
Nora let out a yelp as she fell to the ground and it caught Lem's attention enough for the Nightfolk to get the upper hand on him; pouncing on him and trying to bite. Lem fought as best as he could but he was no fighter and it was more a test to see how long he could hold his head back.
“Lem.” Nora tried to speak but it felt as if her chest was being crushed from the impact of her fall. She tried to crawl to his aid, tried moving but the pain was far too great to let her do anything.
He felt his arms begin to give out from the weight of the stranger on top of him and the more it struggled the closer he got to hacking away at the poor man but it felt like all else was over a loud gunshot rang out and the stalker fell limp on top of him. Dead. Lem quickly pushed him off and sat upright, looking to his right to see a silhouette on horseback with a gun held high in the air. The sun prevented him from seeing who it was that saved him but there was this presence of familiarity around them that he could not explain.
“Oh shit.” He whispered when he remembered Nora, who was still lying on the ground struggling for her breath. He clambered to his feet and ran to her aid, holding onto her gently to help her back up. She put on a brave face and held back the tears but for the most part, she appeared to be okay.
“How the hell did you two get caught by one shit from the Nightfolk.” That voice was unmistakable of one Morgan Canaday and as she rode closer to the two of them it was clear as day that she was their saviour.
“Hey, Morgan.” Nora said breathily and the woman looked over with a fond smile before shooting Lem a harsh gaze.
“Let's get you two out of the swamps and quickly before you get attacked again.” Morgan said although rather bitterly.
“Thank you.” Lem gave her a thankful look as he lifted Nora, putting her on the back of Morgan's horse this time instead of making her work the short distance to his own.
Morgan lit a few candles to provide light in the small space they had moved to. “So what the hell happened to you out there?” Morgan didn't bother easing into the topic and wanted to hear of what had happened to her friend.
“It ain't nothin'.”
“Maybe we should drop the t-topic… Nora don't like talkin' about it.” Lem interjected and Morgan let out a growl with his cutting in on the girls' conversation, it was enough for him to shut up and allow them to continue.
Nora let out a sigh. “Colm O'Driscoll resorted to capturing and beating me because I started helpin' a gang he dislikes. That's all.”
“Shit.” Morgan rolled her eyes at Lem's curse and she leaned closer towards Nora.
“Could've been worse, you could be dead right now,” Morgan added but it didn't make the matter any better and she was only met with an air of awkward silence.
“Nice goin'.” Lem spat, lighting a cigarette just after a few minutes. Nora leaned back and frowned while Morgan and Lem stared down at each other with both hatred and something else mixed within it. Something Nora couldn't pick up on.
“You two should get goin' before you get ambushed again, they're not as kind durin' the night and like to travel in groups.”
“W-We are aware, miss.”
Morgan let out a small snort as her eyes followed Lem and Nora out of the door. Nora in front, while Lem lingered behind for a moment when she was near his horse and out of earshot the woman quickly grabbed his shoulder to stop him from moving.
“You make sure nothin' happens to her again, Fike.” Morgan hissed and the male took in a sharp intake of air at the threat. When she realised he had nothing to say back she let his shoulder go and gently nudged him down the path where Nora stood waiting and she watched with that same hard look she notoriously had. Lem didn't waste any time to get them ready and had Nora on that horse in a matter of seconds before mounting up himself and kicking his horse into a gallop down the roads and when he was gone amongst the trees Morgan let out a groan of frustration.
“She falls for the worse ones.” She said to herself before returning indoors and out of the humid air.
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 19
That day replayed on loop in her head often and she would usually find herself trembling with the frightening flashes of light from shooting guns and the gruesome sight of that headless horseman would appear before her eyes. At first, she thought that it had been Kieran like Micah told but after more thinking she realised that it didn't look like the boy at all.
She was curious on how Micah managed to convince the majority of the gang's members that this was their missing campmate, but they weren't the brightest group of individuals and she deemed that a valid excuse in itself.
Perhaps the events of that night were only coming back to her now for a reason? One she wanted the answers to sooner to save herself from inevitable nightmares to come. That's how they usually started and her repressing them proved to be dangerous later on, otherwise she probably wouldn't still be suffering after those events a whole year after.
“How are ya?” Cripps greeted her fondly, taken to standing in the clearing just outside of the trees with a lit cigarette in hand. She had no answer for him because she did not want to confess her concerns so soon but eventually somebody would need to be trusted so she wouldn't end up plagued by it. So she lied, at least for now. “Fine.”
“Well, that is good to hear.” He shook the embers out and dropped the butt to the ground once he had finished smoking, but the smoke lingered over them, almost choking. It felt thicker than what it should be but perhaps she was only being dramatic. “Listen, I got a job for you.”
“There's always a job, isn't there?” Her attitude irked Cripps. “Now you ain't done shit for us in day's, I figured that while you been hanging around here that you would like something to do.”
“I'm exhausted, can't you send one of the boy's out on it?” She waved back at camp and the older male simply stood firm with his arms crossed. “Lem's going with you, as are James an' Harry.”
“I feel like you're just tryin' to get us out of camp.” Nora intended it as a joke but Cripps failed to see it that way, immediately choosing to turn defensive and dismiss the claim. It earned that suspicious look in Nora's eye and eventually she let out a quiet sigh, nodding as she accepted whatever Cripps had in mind. “What is it?”
Cripps gave her a wicked grin before explaining just what it was he had in mind.
“Cripps has really sent us out on this?” Harry could not believe it, huddled together in a group all armed with rifles as they waited for an eastern turkey to scurry by.
Whenever they wanted to go hunting the lands were sparse and not even a wild horse would gallop past and it came as no surprise that the animals seemed to appear when they were not needed. There was only so much patient the group had together, from Harry and James' despise towards Lem and how little care she had left in her brother's attitudes towards the individual she had called a friend.’ So when they were all forced together as a group to undergo the most patient job ever sent on, well, the troubles started to build up behind bitten tongues and the want to take their frustrations out on the other became strong.
“I swear we should move to find them damn turkeys, are you even sure that they come this way?” Harry bitterly said.
“Positive now shut the hell up or they'll runoff.”
Her brother simply rolled his eyes at the comment. James would soon tap his shoulder and gently motion for him to follow, sneaking away from the bushes they hid in after growing tired for waiting around too long. They thought they were being sneaky but Nora knew very well by the scraping of twigs against branches and the snapping of twigs beneath their feet that they were leaving and she smirked because unbeknownst to them it was what she planned.
Curiously, Lem would watch them ride away with cheers as they thought they got away with it and gave Nora a quizzical look to question her letting them do that and she replied with a small shrug at first before going into further explanation. “They'd get tired eventually and would leave us alone, it cleared the air of tension a bit and they're probably gonna go and hunt us a turkey now on their own to prove just how better they are.”
“So what are we gonna do then?”
“Well we're gonna collect that wagon because we were never told to make a trade, fella's already got what he needs and more and so Cripps was able to convince him into handin' it over.”
He found himself impressed by the antics and followed her out of the brambles and leaves to the small clearing where their horses waited and during their walk, he praised her for the idea, but never admitting how grateful he was that she got rid of her brothers. Any longer and he felt that they would have killed him then and there. “So where is the wagon then?”
“Just a little south, near Flat Iron lake.”
“You ain't worried t-that they're gonna head down there?”
She shook her head. “With any luck they'll have some sense knocked into them, if they do and besides, Harry'll probably take James towards Cumberland Forest.”
It felt ridiculous hearing it over but the boys weren't the brightest of the bunch so he believed it, but then again, neither was he.
“Can't believe that worked... I don't d-doubt you at all but somethin' that simple tricked 'em?”
“Surprisingly, but ain't you lived here for… twenty-eight years and still get lost in most places?”
Quickly the male shook his head but did appear to be embarrassed with Nora's statement and she gently gave his shoulder a gentle pat. “I still get lost sometimes, too. Ain't nothin' wrong in going the wrong way.”
As they came close to Flat Iron lake he had been first to spot the wagon, sitting just off of the path near a makeshift camp set up for this other trader Cripps mentioned. He greeted the two fondly and even handed over a small can of beans to be polite and they accepted it with a bright smile and many words of thanks before moving out with the wagon Cripps wanted them to gather.
Sticking to the roads, while tediously long, was the best route to go and Lem had even taken to whistling old tunes from his younger days that Nora seemed familiar with. She would nod along but never joined it, just that bit embarrassed to accidentally make a fool of herself and be teased about it for years to come. “Maggie's asked if you're still any good playin' instruments.” After a while, he decided that it was time to initiate conversation.
“I don't know... but she asked and a-all I could say was that I'd have to ask ya.”
She pressed her lips into a thin line before nodding slowly, despite having not played for a while she would probably remember something good enough to play at Fike's request. “Guess I am.”
“Great. I think she'll be glad hearin' it.”
The corner of Nora's mouth turned up into a slight smirk before she kicked back into focusing on their journey home, with Lem back to whistling and tapping his knuckles against the bench.
“Good work, with this we should have a full supply soon.”
“Does this mean I can leave now?”
Cripps quickly revealed a letter, handing it over but held a concerned expression on his face. “This was left for you.”
“Feller didn't give a name, but seemed to know ya.”
She gently looked at Lem before tearing the envelope apart. The paper inside was old and the ink had bled considerably, the writing almost impossible to read but with Lem's help they were able to decipher the introduction and the task she had been asked to do.
“Whoever dropped this off needs me to meet 'em near Riggs Station and to go alone.” She said, the instructions sounded suspicious straight away. “You ain't gonna go, are you?”
“I am, Fike.” He didn't take too kindly to her answer, his brows knitting together before she even had a chance to explain. “I ain't b-bright but I know that, that l-letter has danger scribbled all over it.”
“I'll be fine.”
“I don't trust you going, Nora.”
“Look, you can't make me do shit, I'm going and that's final. But even I know that this don't seem right, ‘go alone’ has suspect written all over. Just, ride out a few hours after me and you'll know if somethin' happens, if something does.”
“Why the hell are you bein' so goddamn stubborn.”
She grabbed her bolt-action from the weapon locker and with one, forced smile, left camp much to his protests of distrust in the writing.
“Why is she a-always like this, JB?”
“I don't know, son. I don't know.”
Just as instructed she rode down towards the train station and continued further down the trail, eventually coming to a small clearing where a man shrouded in a dark coat was stood. He had his back turned but knew she was there, cleared his throat as a manner of introduction as he rose from his stool.
“Nora Morgan?” He asked and she noticed the strong Irish accent immediately. She didn't want to jump to conclusions too soon, but most folk around the area who dressed in black and came from Ireland were notoriously members of the O'Driscoll's.
“I am. You are?”
“That don't matter.” She heard the rustling in bushes around, her hand moving to hover over the holster ready to draw her revolver and very quickly someone else, dressed in that similar fashion had leapt out in front of her. She was quick to draw her gun but had it knocked from her grasp when someone managed to grab her arm and force it out. Her bad arm being twisted uncomfortably and forcing out a cry of pain soon after.
“And he said that it wouldn't be easy takin' you down. Look at you, pathetic little thing.” She tried struggling against them but whoever had her apprehended was far more stronger than she was. “Walk her away, Colm will be pleased to see her.”
She struggled a little more, managing to put up a good enough fight so that they couldn't walk far with her but unfortunately they had taken to more of a drastic approach, taking the butt of her gun and hitting her head with it; enough to make her dazed and fall to the ground. He stood over her, this sinister grin on her face before connected her boot with her head.
The last thing she heard before falling unconscious was his laughter. The last thing she saw, was Lem's expression of worry and then there was nothing.
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 18
Before we start I would like to thank my dear friend @bucketofcowboys for Beta reading this for me. They are an absolute delight and amazing friend so be sure to give them a follow as they deserve that and so, so much more.
Thank you for your help, darling. I appreciated it so much!
It was the time she felt the most unsafe. Vulnerable. The restricted areas could provide ample opportunity for attackers to strike unannounced, the fear heightened with her uncertainty of what was lurking in the shadows.
Nighttime, when everything was asleep and she lay there with eyes opened wide, meant that her greatest fears could haunt her and she could not prevent them.
She lay there, chewing her lip as her cot began to burn in a blazing inferno surrounding her. Nora tried countless times to get up and run while the fire engulfed her tent and everything she ever owned but she was powerless against the force pinning her down, keeping her pinned against the bed.
“Help.” She wanted to cry, but her mouth failed and her voice never came out; not even in hushed whispers.
She lay helpless while the fire kept getting higher.
She lay afraid.
She learned her dreams slowly were becoming more life-like. Although they had been before she was able to quickly decipher what was real and what wasn't. However, that dream from the night before was more real than she could have ever imagined. And when she did finally wake it was as if a weight had been lifted from her chest and she had to draw in a few deep breaths to get a grip back on her breathing. She had to calm herself before she broke out into hysterics again and woke her whole camp.
Lem was a light sleeper and always had been since his time in jail, so when he heard the startled gasp and the heavy breathing his sleep abandoned him. There were more important things other than what he needed, and Nora wouldn't sleep for another couple days if she had been left alone to deal with her troubles.
He rose from the bedroll that James provided, grateful to be free from the damp earth. Some days he wished for a warm spot to lay but being unliked by two of the most important figures in the gang meant that he was lucky to not be sleeping with a pile of dog shit under his pillow.
She picked up on the movements immediately and inhaled sharply to shush herself, she didn't know who or what could be lurking out there and frankly, she didn't want to find out.
“Nora.” But she got her answer when her name had been called.
“I'm fine.” Her voice cracked when she spoke, a clear sign that she had been crying.
“You don't sound i-it.”
Gently she let out a sigh before walking over to the tent flaps and pulling them open. Met with only darkness and no Lem, she looked around but failed in finding him, and so she thought that their entire conversation had been made up. Was her nightmare still happening and now attacking her while at her most vulnerable? Using her friends against her?
She sobbed quietly into her palm, overwhelmed, and fell backwards on the boards of her tent. She yelped in pain when she made contact with the wood and hissed through gritted teeth, but not a stir was made in camp at the noise made. Surely it should have woken somebody, but it was dead quiet.
“Lem.” She whisper-shouted. Unsure on why she expected anything to call back and answer, but she was disappointed when the silence met.
Using her cot for support she gripped hold of the blankets and cushions to pull her up; hissing in pain at the burn through her bad arm. It felt as though the flesh had torn open again with her movement and she collapsed back to the floor with the lack of support she provided when her arm recoiled.
The pain felt too real and then she realised that this was far from a dream. Yet nobody how much noise she made her campmates seemed undisturbed and sound asleep, unaware.
Eventually, she managed to pull herself up and once standing she brought her hand to poke at the wound to assess what damage she had caused. H and her worries were confirmed when she pulled her fingers away to see the trickle of red run down them.
“There goes restin' it.”
She pulled the tent flaps open and entered the cool night air, a chill swept over her once she had done so and the rain began to fall over again.
She left the dry area her tent provided and clung onto what little warmth she could get in the thin layer of clothing she wore. Shivering as she walked over to the campfire she figured that sitting there would be a lot better than secluded in her own small space, despite the rain she felt a lot better as though a curse was lifted from inside.
She heard the rustle from behind and turned to see Lemuel twisting in his sleep, clearly disturbed from the water that washed over. At least her brother's were kind enough to provide him with a bedroll to sleep on but clearly weren't happy with giving him any sort of shelter to protect from the harsher weather. She wondered how Lem of all people could sleep right now, especially given that in the past the rustle of leaves would be enough to wake him.
She hated to see him whimper against the cold and slowly she walked until she stood over his sleeping body.
She crouched down to his height and placed her hand gently upon his shoulder and it was as though a spell was lifted because even though the rain didn't wake him before her soft touch did. His eyes widened and he pushed away from Nora at first, not recognising her but when his eyes adjusted he quickly learned that it was her and he was in no danger.
“Are you alright?” She whispered.
Lem looked up before pulling her down onto the mud with him; holding tightly as he slowly began to sob into her shoulder.
She let him and even squeezed him a little tighter for comfort and he seemed to appreciate the affection. “What happened?” She whispered into his ear but was met with silence, save for his crying.
Her hand would gently rub up and down his arm and he slowly calmed until his tears stopped. Lem pulled away and ran the heel of his hand under his eyes to wipe away what remained before looking at her a little embarrassed, shown by his awkward smile. “Sorry.” He felt obligated to say.
“It's fine. No shame in crying.”
“I don't know- I remember havin' a nightmare... it a-ain't important though.”
“Sure it is, if you're willing to share I'm here to listen.” Her hands fit nicely in his and he couldn't help but smile at the kindness she provided. His hands found their way to cup her cheek and she leaned into the touch, but the moment didn't last long when the babbling idiot emerged from his den.
“What the hell!” Harry shouted when he saw his sister with Lem and she sighed the minute her gaze wandered over to greet him.
“Hello, Harold.” She slowly stood and then the pain in her arm surged through her again, this awful feeling shooting all up her arm and igniting. She didn't want to cause unnecessary alarm and bit down on her tongue to disguise the hiss but Lem noticed the tears brimming in her eyes, and he was no fool to see the blood staining her clothes. “Why don't you go back to bed and mind your business, it's late.”
He stood with his mouth agape before forcing a nod and retreating to his bed.
“What happened to your arm?”
“I must've opened it up trying to stand. Ain't nothin' though.”
Lem shook his head and followed her back into her tent, grateful to be out of the rain but the cold was just the same and his wet clothes didn't shift his temperature either, it felt as though it made matters worse. “It's somethin', mind if I have look?”
“Go ahead.” She lit a lantern on an old desk. He gently pulled her nightgown down her shoulder, enough to expose the cut and remove the cloth that Grimshaw had wrapped around it. The blood caused it to stick to the flesh and as he pulled it away he was the one to hiss in retaliation to seeing it, a noise that did not reassure Nora in the slightest.
“What a lovely thing to hear.” Her response was sarcastic and Lem chuckled lowly as he told her to sit back down on the cot. She listened and when done so he left the tent to later return with what was needed to clean it.
He worked gently but quickly as he knew the pain she felt from such a vital task but that didn't stop the guilt building inside at the discomfort he caused.
“We don't h-have any dressing's, do we?”
Nora shook her head and gasped when he poked the cut with his finger.
“Should do.”
Lem pulled away and smiled at the female before placing what supplies he brought on the table near. She looked on, this mischievous twinkle in her eye but quickly tore her attention away when she remembered their muddy clothes from the rain they had caught themselves in before.
“Thank you.”
“He's still not jealous is he?” Nora looked up from the glass and Maggie nodded slowly. “It's been five months and he still hates that your attention isn't on him. He's twenty-eight and can't handle his aunt having a bit of company around.”
“Lem, well…”
“I was bein' harsh, sorry.”
Maggie poured Nora another glass, their celebration still ongoing. Marcel's humming was far from quiet and women heard it very clearly from where they sat, a whole floor above him.
“Nothin' to apologise over.” Maggie tapped at the table with her fingers, dust rising from the surface with her drumming to fill the void of silence. “Lem's jealous, but he sure talks fondly of you often.”
“Really?” Nora looked surprised, eliciting a sort of laugh from the elder.
“Oh yes, it's amusing to listen to half the time.”
“You gotta tell me what he's said.”
“I promised not too. And most of it, I don't want to. But he likes your company. Hell, you should have seen the pout when I told him he had an errand today.”
“He's sweet, Lem is. Saw him in Valentine a few days ago and never have I seen someone so quick to hide a blush.”
“What can I say? He likes you.”
Lem had practically been sulking most of the morning after he slept, and the negative mood only irritated Nora's brothers more than the usual. Harry made it apparent, he always made his distrust and general hate of Lemuel Fike apparent, but at least James was more on the neutral side. Sure he would participate in the bullying but more often than not James would also take Nora's side if he felt the teasing went too far.
James eventually did stop the laughing and sat opposite Lem at the table, his stew in hand as he greeted the male fondly and for a moment this sudden shift in attitude concerned Lem; expected a cruel prank to be played on him at any moment.
“Hello, Fike.”
James reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled a small coin purse out, flicking his wrist and letting it go to throw it at him. It landed with a rattle against the table. “What's this for?”
“Your take.”
He arched an eyebrow and quickly looked up, unsure on what James could mean, and slowly leaned forward to push the money back. “I fail to see what you mean.”
“From bounties, dipshit. When we do one we divide the money equally amongst us, since we don't have a box for donations and the like.”
“But I didn't earn this money; I can't keep it.”
“Neither does Cripps, but he's more than eager to take it from our hands and spend it on shit beer.”
“He's b-been like that for a l-long time.”
James' eyes narrowed slightly before the man pushed back over what little money collected and this time it was taken with no questions asked. “Nora told y-you to give i-it me, didn't she?”
“Yep.” James replied and with that he took his leave, and went back to talking with his twin. Lem turned behind in time to see Nora look away as she had been caught staring, using her book as a perfect excuse despite the dark tint of red that dusted her cheeks.
He approached her with that same grin he used so often and she knew he was walking over to her. Not only could she feel his stare but she could also hear the sounds of his boots against the mud while he walked. “Why'd you get him to give me money?”
“Don't know what you talkin' about.” She turned the page on her book and read it far too quickly than expected, a giveaway that she wasn't actually reading it.
“But you do, J-James also told me.”
Nora shook her head slowly and closed her book shut, the noise loud enough to startle Lem who hoped that she didn't notice the slight jump of his. But Nora was observant when she shouldn't be and laughed when she saw. “I'm afraid, I don't.”
She gave him a little wink and left the area of her tent to care for the many horses the gang owned; giving them a well-needed brush after the weather and ground of the heartlands caused their coats to gather dust. “Lovely girl, ain't you.”
His words went unnoticed and she resumed her grooming of the horses.
“Your aunt says you talk of me often.” Her voice was carried in a teasing manner and Lem caught himself flustered at the confrontation.
“You're real nice, c-can you blame me?” Nora only gave him a small smile, placing her hand on top of the boy's shoulder to give a gentle squeeze and his breath caught in his throat at the touch.
“I think you're sweet, too.” She leaned up and gently pressed a kiss to his cheek and his face heated up.
He didn't know what to say in response but a small “Thank you.” slipped out and he grew brighter from embarrassment that she seemed to enjoy, even giggling a little under her breath.
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norafike · 4 years
Gonna post the AO3 link for the fanfiction here first; will actually be posting the chapters on Tumblr tomorrow.
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 5
At their feet lay the remnants of the wagon they had been sent out to collect, wood ripped apart and thrown carelessly with no evidence of supplies ever being there save for the 'seven' scratched into a crate left on the side.
Holding for some hope of being able to salvage something, they searched the area but found nothing to take back to Maggie.
She clicked her tongue to break away from that silence, brushing her hands against the materials of her skirt as she pulled away from lifting one of the old wheels. "She ain't gonna be happy when we get back."
"No an' I ain't happy about all this neither, how can someone get away with stealin' a whole damn w-wagon." He cried, carelessly throwing a splintering plank away, expressing his frustration at the ordeal with a huff as he marched over towards his horse.
"I mean, I know them Lemoyne Raiders aren't exactly shoved to the side over here, but surely somebody had to have tried intervenin'."
"I doubt it, or they killed anybody who had done so."
Lem turned back to face her but gave no response, the anger written bluntly across his face. She knew it wasn't directed at her but as she walked the distance to join him at where their horses had been left she could not help but feel guilty under the intense glare.
While she traipsed across the grass she was able to pick up on the unpleasant comments Lem made, some insulting him and others insulting the raiders for having thrown a wrench into their plans.
This was meant to have been an easy job and yet even they failed in retrieving one wagon from the next state over, something any child could have potentially done. He blamed his bad luck, something like this usually always happening whenever he tried to help out with the business and honestly, he wondered why it was that Maggie still allowed him out on errands anymore.
"Why don't you go buy some replacements for the ingredients, Lemuel, I'll go tell your aunt about this."
"No, Maggie's gonna be a lot less harsh on me than she is you." He objected quickly despite knowing this was never any arguing with Nora Morgan. She ignored his plea, slowing down on her ride as to walk at the same speed as he. "You covered for me last time."
"Last time we both didn't do what was asked."
"No, but.." He started but found it difficult to say what he had been meaning too, not without sounding too harsh. "Maggie don't trust you right now, not since.. you know."
She was already aware, still observant as an individual and picking up on the lack of faith Maggie held with her no later than a week after they began to grow worse. It hadn't been surprising and Lem just retelling her it all gained no response, at least, not one he had been hoping for.
"If she gets rid of me, then that's her choice just as it is mine to tell her that we didn't get them ingredients."
"Morgan." He tried, but Nora refused to listen any further. She simply shrugged before kicking into a gallop to get a head start on the journey back home.
Lem cursed under his breath as he saw her ride off. In any other case he probably would have gone after her, but today he was in just no mood to argue any longer and so he stayed behind, deciding to listen to her instructions and divert his journey through Rhodes to buy anything they could replace the ingredients with.
She took a few minutes to prep herself before actually entering the shack, the reality of what Maggie could do unknown and scary.
Nora wasn't sure if her approach should be blunt, if she should walk on inside and tell the woman straight out about their failure in taking a wagon back or if she should sweeten her way into the subject, start a conversation which would then lead to the lost ingredients.
Maggie would appreciate the blunt approach and it was one Nora had gone for previously but she did end up receiving a harsh telling off after doing so.
It took a while before Nora could even push open the door, sheepishly walking inside the building and sneaking down the stairs to the basement where Marcel was humming to himself as he worked, oblivious to the other's presence in his space.
"Marcel." Nora whisper-shouted, knocking the wood of the door frame to better grasp his attention.
"What is it now." He grumbled, holding his sweeping brush still as he turned to look at her. "Ah, Miss Morgan I did not know it was you, have you grabbed those ingredients?"
She gritted her teeth as the first answer and this displeased Marcel. "What happened?"
"There was no wagon to begin with, gotta tell Maggie now and thought I would say my final farewell to you before I am possibly murdered."
"Oh you are so dramatic, jus' tell her you and Lem had been ambushed or something, she will most likely not be so harsh."
She gave out a quiet sigh. "I can't lie to Maggie."
"Lie to me about what exactly?" Her voice was sharp, distant and yet so close and Nora startled upon hearing the woman speak. She stumbled forward from leaning against the door frame before regaining herself enough to turn back and talk.
"May we talk upstairs, Maggie?" The woman gave a simple nod before leading her way back, taking her time as she ascended the stairs with her cane being used to support her.
A chill ran down Nora's spine once she left alone with Miss Fike, the woman's stone-cold glare enough to kill a man and yet there was always some comfort to be found within it. That was what probably led Nora to admire her, how she was always a cold woman and yet so very kind.
"Come on, spit it out then."
"Well, that wagon you sent us after ended up bein' destroyed and them ingredients taken."
"You see-." She caught herself before the excuses came out, surprised and the pleasant expression Maggie wore upon the news. "Excuse me?" Nora asked as if believing that her own ears had betrayed her.
"I said good."
"Forgive me, but how is this good?"
The woman let out a low chuckle as she walked around to sit back at the same desk she was usually glued to at all hours of the day. "Them ingredients weren't exactly for us. I knew the Raiders were gonna try an' go for you if you began transporting a wagon full of moonshine ingredients. I had just hoped that with any luck they were the ones to succeed."
Maggie looked over at Nora, expecting her to make some passing comment at this plan but instead the other female stood bewildered in the room, her mouth slightly agape. The older woman took this as a sign to continue with her explanation and judging by Nora's face she could tell that the woman was still listening.
"You were sent to transport poison basically, nothin' we need. At least not now." She brought her hand down on the desk, slapping it firmly which caught Nora who had been unsuspecting it.
"There was the problem of sendin' you however."
"There was?"
"You're a fighter, Nora and a damn good one. I knew if somethin' were to happen you'd fight until they were all dead and you, unscathed. So I had to send Lem because you care for him just as I do."
"Why couldn't you have told us the plan anyway?"
"I have my reasons.. for now why don't you an' Marcel enjoy a drink while we wait for Lem's return. He would appreciate an explanation too."
"He would."
After that meeting with Maggie and taking some time to take a walk and clear her head, Nora found herself standing near the river with her hand full of small pebbles she tried to skip.
It was quiet in the location she had picked, no animals near and no riders passing by on the trail. It gave her plenty of time to reflect on her thoughts and more time to throw the pebbles into the water to let out some of her frustrations.
"Throw any harder and there'll be no water left in the river." A gruff voice said behind her, she had been caught so off guard that the minute this stranger stopped talking she had her revolver aimed.
"Arthur." She gasped, eyes wide upon recognising the all too familiar face. He gave her a cheeky grin, using the tip of his finger to point the gun away from him. When she realised what he had been doing she quickly holstered the weapon and raised her arms while apologising on the spot.
It was after she had realised that she almost shot Arthur did she notice the young boy who hid behind his legs, bright eyes looking at her with a mix of curiosity and fear.
Nora hadn't said anything, only looking bewildered at the child as if she hadn't seen one before and this prompted a quiet chuckle from Mr. Morgan. "This is Jack, a son of a friend, she asked me to take him out fishing."
"Oh well, this is a good spot."
"I do think it is."
She crouched down so she was level with the boy's height, gently holding her palm out flat. "Hey there, Jack." She started and he seemed to ease at her gentle voice, slowly coming out from hiding behind Arthur's legs. "I'm Nora."
"Hello." The boy spoke softly, placing a small hand on her own which she gently shook before pulling her hand away.
She couldn't help the smile that tugged on her lips. "How did you know about this spot anyway? I don't believe I've seen you out here yet and from simple interactions I don't think you're from around here, Morgan."
"A friend. He's a great fisherman and he's been in the area in the past."
"I see." She stood. "Mind some more company?"
"A lovely lady such as yourself? Not at all, ma'am."
"You remind me of Lem, always a charmer even though it's obvious that the charm's an act."
At her comment he had feigned insult but smiled upon hearing the chuckle from Jack as he stood by and watched. "Why don't we get started on fishing, Jack?" He asked, walking the boy over to the waters and passing over a fishing rod.
She didn't pay much mind to what Arthur told the boy instead she decided on taking an old book out of her satchel and leaning against the rock to read. Being caught with the lovely words on the paper she hadn't notice young Jack approach and stand before her, not until the child had gently tugged on the material of her skirt.
She looked forward and offered a kind smile and in turn the boy held up a bundle of flowers freshly picked. She closed her book and leant forward, inspecting the flowers. "Those are pretty Jack, who are they for?"
She nodded. "She'll love them."
He held them up again. "Can you hold them for me? I wanna make her a necklace."
"Out of flowers?"
"Miss Tilly showed me how to make them."
Nora gently took the flowers from his hands, careful not to crush any in doing so before neatly laying them out on her skirt. The boy went straight back to picking at more flowers before he was satisfied with the number gathered in his hand he returned to Nora to begin his craft.
She watched as he delicately wove the flowers together, his eyes furrowing in his concentration all while Arthur kept to himself as he fished. She enjoyed their company she found and enjoyed listening to the small stories Jack whispered to himself as he done so.
"You ready to go Jack?" Arthur walked over to them, putting the rod away in his satchel just as the child finished his creation.
He proudly held it up with a fond look in his eye and Arthur complimented it just before whistling for his horse to come. The boy handed over his necklace so he could stand before taking it back, however, just as Arthur turned he had been stopped in his tracks by a couple of individuals who had dressed perhaps a little too fancy for this area.
"Arthur Morgan." One greeted, while the other stood behind with a repeater in hand. Jack had taken to hide behind him once again and since these newcomers hadn't noticed Nora yet she decided to pull the revolver from her holster and hold it ready just in case.
They talked amongst themselves, with Arthur keeping sure that the boy was more protected then he was and eventually they grew tired of the conversation and left.
It was then did she finally talk. "Who were they?"
"What did they want with you?"
He chuckled. "I am a bad man, Nora. They jus' needed to speak with me about that." She shook her head, watching as he mounted up before pulling Jack to sit on the saddle with him.
"You're far from a bad man, Morgan. I'll see you around." She said, thinking that this was a farewell but Arthur didn't think it was.
"Don't mean to sound rude or anythin', but would you mind waitin' here? I think Dutch should speak to us about this."
"My mentor shall we say." Arthur tipped his hat towards the lady. "If that's alright with you of course."
"I don't mind."
When Arthur did return she had expected him to be with this 'Dutch' he had mentioned but he came back alone, this apologetic look on his face as he stopped just short of her.
She lowered the horse brush as he dismounted and stepped closer and she had expected him to apologise for asking her to stay and that Dutch did not wish to talk with her.
"He's asked for you to talk with him at camp."
She raised one of her eyebrows, admittedly confused about the request. "Camp?"
"It is a long story miss, but if you will, would you mind riding with me back to Horseshoe Overlook?"
Hesitantly she accepted the request, wondering why he seemed to be very nervous all of a sudden with this request. He thanked her, mounting up once more with Nora copying with her own Casper. "May I ask, why do you appear so careful about talkin' about your camp and the people you run with?"
"It's tricky business. Keepin' us all safe is the primary reason, I guess."
"You guess?"
"Tricky business, as I said."
"Alright then, lead the way."
When they got to the camp the welcome was.. less than warm. John, who she recognised from the encounter at Six-Point Cabin looked less than impressed with her being there and the hold he had on the repeater only seemed to tighten when she stepped closer towards him.
If that hadn't been bad enough when she did eventually walk into what she presumed to be the camp itself all eyes had turned to look at her, wary glances on her as she followed Arthur towards a white tent situated right in the middle where a fairly-well dressed man sat with a book in his hand.
She recognised him too, also from Valentine where he spoke with Trelawny shortly after Arthur's fight with Tommy.
Arthur cleared his throat as they neared the tent and he eagerly looked up from the pages, this charming smile upon his face once his eyes settled upon Nora.
"This is the girl I mentioned Dutch, Nora Morgan."
"Nice meetin' you mister." She spoke politely but felt too nervous to extend her hand forward for a handshake, choosing to keep her hands firmly to her sides and her fists in tight balls.
"It's great to finally meet you, miss." He spoke, this commanding tone in his voice that was spoken so gently. He called them both over to stand inside his tent. "Arthur tells me you two encountered some Pinkertons while out fishing."
"Yes, forgive me, but I fail to see why you needed to talk with me regardin' this, sir."
"You were there, weren't you?"
"I was present but vaguely listening to anything they said. Weren't my place to eavesdrop."
He nodded, looking a little impressed. "You didn't catch their names did you?"
Arthur opened his mouth to talk but Dutch raised his hands to stop him before any words came out and if he were some trained dog, Arthur quickly shut it. He looked fondly at Nora as he waited an answer and under his gaze she felt very uncomfortable.
"Milton and Ross, or those were their last names. But I'm sure Arthur must have mentioned all this already."
"Oh, he has." Dutch announced. "But, I just needed to make sure you knew too."
"What for?"
He shook his head just as he rose from the bed in which he had been seated. "Don't worry about it just yet, miss."
"Please, call me Nora."
"Very well." He smiled and very quickly he changed their subject from what they had previously discussed. "I believe you already know young Sean and Josiah Trelawny. Arthur's told us this too."
"Yes, did a couple of jobs for them last year, I also know Mrs. Adler too and, well, her husband."
"Nasty business, damn O'Driscoll's it was."
"Heard you got an O'Driscoll here too, forgive me for sayin'."
"Kieran? Trust me, if he meant any harm I would have shot him long ago. That or Arthur here would have. But I doubt he'll ever do anythin' to us, I mean.."
"I get what you mean sir."
He nodded, looking beyond where the female stood and at the wagons where a group of young women sat with pieces of old clothing in their laps and needles and thread in their hands. "Miss Grimshaw." He shouted, and an older woman with a harsh glare looked over to stare at them. He beckoned her over with his hand and she abruptly stopped cleaning the table to march on over.
"Miss Grimshaw, would you kindly take our friend here to talk with Mrs. Adler, I'm sure she would like to see her." He asked and quickly she had to object to the idea, no matter how much she thought it would be nice to see Sadie she also did not want to invade their space any longer.
"I'd like too, really, but I feel like I'm trespassing."
"Don't worry about it miss, you'd be trespassing if I did not allow you here now wouldn't you?"
"S'pose I would be, yes." She looked towards this miss Grimshaw who appeared far from pleased with Nora's presence but beckoned her to follow regardless when Dutch finished talking.
Nora was just thankful that she wasn't taken through the part of the camp where everyone appeared to have gathered upon her arrival. Mrs Adler was sat by a smaller campfire reading a book, completely unaware that Nora was stood near her.
"Mrs. Adler, you got company." Grimshaw announced before she walked off. The woman looked up, perhaps expecting one of the camp members to be standing there but had been surprised when she came face to face with that old friend from the year before.
"Miss Morgan." She cheered but her voice broke from the all crying and when the hat hadn't shaded her face the tear stains became apparent.
"How are you doin'? I-I heard about Jake."
"Terrible puttin' it lightly. It's like one giant nightmare." She sniffled after, using the heel of her hand to wipe away a few stray tears. "But I'm survivin', just barely."
"I imagine it's pretty hard. Sorry that it happened to you."
"Oh none of it was your fault, don't dare apologise." Sadie chuckled, the smallest of smiles present on her face in doing so. "How are these guy's anyway?"
"They're okay people. Abigail and Mary-Beth had been kind and it's nice havin' folk around and besides, I like the company."
"Must be lovely."
"Thought you had a gang of your own?"
Nora gave a slow nodded, this 'gang' really just a bunch of people who came together for the sake of things. She turned towards Sadie. "Well, Harry an' James are busy with their bounty huntin' careers. Cripps been keepin' busy at camp an' Lem an' me we still run the 'shine." She had whispered the mention of moonshine so no curious ears could hear what she discussed, but she still gave cautious glances around incase anybody was near.
"You an' Lem still run together?"
"Well yeah."
"Thought after that night you wouldn't, it all got.. messy."
"Which night?"
"The one with the explosions and then the party and drinks."
Nora gasped, it's details hazy but she could remember enough about it to understand what it was Sadie talked about. "That argument? We apologised the day after, agreed we both had said things we didn't mean."
"What was the argument about?"
"Nothin', there was no need for it. Guess we both had too much whiskey."
"Guess you did."
Nora looked away ashamed; keeping her eyes peeled to the ground beneath her and gently Sadie would pat her shoulder before retracing her hand. "I really like catchin' up with you Sadie, but I gotta leave soon, Cripps is at camp and we're expecting James and Harry to return."
The other woman nodded, taking Nora by the arm and walking her back down towards the horses to see her off. She spoke quietly about nothing in particular before stopping just before Casper.
As Nora mounted up Sadie tugged on the woman's skirt to better grab her attention again. "You tell your brothers I said 'hi' will you?"
"I will, it was nice seein' you again, Mrs. Adler."
Sadie gave a light-hearted chuckle before taking a step back to allow Nora to leave. She raised her hand in a wave before the woman could not be seen anymore and even after Nora's departure she remained standing at the path for a moment longer, holding on to that final piece of her past.
While Sadie lingered there Abigail had taken to approach the woman, as a means to check up on her. "She seems nice."
"She is, was always willing to travel up into the mountains for a simple job for me an' my Jakey." She replied, dropping her head to look at the ground. "She's always had a heart of gold."
Abigail nodded, wrapping her arm around Sadie's shoulders to lead her back into the camp and towards the stew pot. "Why don't you an' I get something to eat an' maybe you can tell me about this Nora."
"If you want me too."
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norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 13
Finally got around to updating this for y’all! Hope you’re all enjoying it and I walk like to apologise for the long wait. It’s more up-to-date on my AO3 but I will continue our Tumblr updates.
“Dutch.” Nora greeted the infamous outlaw humbly, walking with him into the old house at Shady-Belle. Inside they met with Arthur and John, who looked no better since she had last seen him. “We were hopin' you could assist us in Saint Denis.” The leader explained and she raised a brow to push him to explain what he meant.
“Angelo Bronte, you heard of him?” She nodded. “What about him?”
“The Braithwaite's gave young Jack to him. So we're going to get the boy back.”
“Angelo Bronte, huh.” Nora shook her head in disbelief, pulling the sleeves of her shirt down over her hands. “Guess I should've expected as much.”
“Will you help us?” John Marston sounded sad than the usual manner, she grew used to his snappy way of talking but he had lost his son. “Of course.”
“Thank you.”
In front of Dutch at the table was a map of Saint-Denis that she recognised well, it was outdated as the majority of the slums which were a later addition to the city hadn't been marked yet, but surely she noticed the mansion district and the very spot where Bronte lived. She pointed at the shape on the map, tapping it gently. “That's where our man lives.” She explained before running her finger along what was meant to supposed to be the roads. “Nearest bridge into Saint Denis, to us, is down here and we just need to follow the one road to get to his mansion.”
Dutch watched intently as she planned out the route and found himself impressed with her knowledge on the city, wanting to hear more she knew he had asked about any other important locations in Saint Denis for *future projects. “Don't know what interests you boys, we got a graveyard here and the trolley station down there.” She pointed at the spot and then dragged her finger up towards one final box marked on the map. “This, I believe, is the Lemoyne National Bank.”
“Bank?” His eyes lit up at the word and he leaned closer to the map, taking in the area closely to remember the layout of the streets to get there. “You heard correctly, Mr. Van Der Linde.”
“I say we wait until night for Jack, to arouse less suspicion.”
Arthur and John agreed but Dutch had a lack of interest in what she had to say, muttering a few words but really his eyes only remained on the paper. She spared a moment to glance towards Arthur who could only give a small shrug before leaving the house with John in tow. Nora prepared to speak with him but was cut off when a frantic Molly stepped in, looking more frantic than the usual and desperate for Dutch's attention. “Dutch, can I talk with you for a moment?” He frowned, pinching the bridge of his knows and squeezing his eyes tight. “I'm busy right now, Miss O'Shea.”
“You don't look busy.” Her eyes travelled to focus Nora who stood awkwardly in the room, excusing herself to leave but being stopped when Molly had grabbed hold of her wrist. “It's always gotta be about you, Molly O'Shea. You've had all this time to talk to me and you choose now.”
“I've not had any time because you're always so busy.”
“Whatever, Miss.” He pushed past the females, making an effort to push Nora behind him so he was standing before Molly. He towered over the female in comparison and shrouded her in his shadow to intimidate but she kept her ground and balled her hands into a tight fist. “I have work to do, something you don't know how to do yourself.” And with that final word the man walked away to leave them alone inside.
Nora couldn't believe just how cruel Dutch could be and it confirmed her earlier suspicions over the male, a source to not be trusted. “Forget about him, Molly.”
“It's easier said than done, Nora and I doubt you know what any of it feels like.”
“I don't, but I know people don't need to face that sort of shit. He's a bully it seems.” Molly squeezed her eyes shut to keep some tears from falling and raised her hand to dismiss the female, using fingers to wipe away a few stray tears. “Look you need someone to talk too, I'll be there an' you can write anytime.”
“Thank you.”
“I should get goin', see ya Molly.”
She left the house and frowned at the thick air, it somehow being a lot more thinner indoors. Relocating her may have been a poor decision solely based on how much warmer the territory was and Nora had to fan herself with her hand to cool down every-so-often otherwise she felt she was going to fate. She wondered how Bill or Arthur, even Lenny on occasion were able to walk around with their coats on.
“Howdy cowpoke.” She had found Kieran near the horses, his natural habitat and decided to stand near him while he ran the horse brush against Branwen. He smiled upon recognising her voice and turned slightly to face her, never faltering on his chore. “Mornin'!” He cheered.
“Seem a lot happier than usual. What happened?”
“Nothin' exciting.. guess started to slowly feel I belong. A lot of 'em started bein' nice.”
“You don't sound so nervous when ya talk too.” He chuckled and nodded slowly. “No, I do not.”
“I think I may be stayin' a little while and thought to keep my favourite cowboy some company.” She teased and Kieran smiled at the compliment, pulling out an apple from inside his coat pocket and handing it to her to feed the horse; as told by his pointing towards the creature. “Sure I just saw Arthur approach Pearson's chuck wagon. Probably be where you'll find your favourite cowboy.”
“Real funny.”
“Or you'll find Lem.” He paused to think. “Where would you find him?”
Nora shrugged, unsure of the answer herself. “Guess is as good as mine. When he ain't at the shack he's at my camp and when he ain't there he's at the shack.. but when he's neither, well it's hard to find him.”
“He ever say where he goes?”
“Not unless asked, but we don't ask him often.”
Kieran finished brushing the dirt from Branwen's coat before turning the brush towards Nora with a playful grin. “Your turn.” She chuckled, taking a step back from him. “You're gonna have to bathe first I'm afraid.”
“Oh, how funny.”
“I pride myself on my.. comedic nature.”
Kieran looked behind him and gave Mary-Beth a gentle wave once he realised she had been looking his way and once he did so the girl flushed a bright red before looking away, digging her nose into the pages of her book that sat open in her lap. “You're goin' with Dutch to rescue Jack, right?”
“Yes.” She answered, helping him out by picking up a bucket of dirty water not far from where they stood. He led them over to the wagons furthest from the hitching station and the pair talked quietly amongst themselves as they crossed camp; ignoring the odd looks sent their way from one person in specific. Everyone else seemed far too occupied to worry about the O'Driscoll, after all, he didn't feel like one to them anymore.
“How's the readin' going?” She asked to be polite and once before she had asked and he looked annoyed when she did so, but this time he gave her a bright smile. “It's okay.. doin' a lot better than a few months ago.”
She shared the joy with him and bounced on her toes and clapped her hands together simultaneously. “That's great, Kieran! I'd have to buy you a drink sometime to celebrate.”
“I doubt I'll drink, who knows what'll happen.”
“Nothin' bad might wake up the next day feelin' terrible but that's the worse of it.”
“We'll see I guess.”
She dumped the water out on the grass, a decent distance away from camp and returned back to the grounds. Kieran had waited by an old shack trying to light a match but failing in his attempts to do so. “Here.” She took it from his hands, her fingers brushing against his before striking it to alight. He held the cigarette out to her and waited for her to light it and once she had done she waved the flame out.
“When are you leavin'?”
“Eager to get rid of me?”
“Maybe.” He joked and Nora took to gently patting his shoulder. “Lovely, ain't ya?”
John and Dutch set out for Saint Denis days a few hours before they had, saying that they would keep an eye on the place before actually going in with their demands. They had no idea who they were going up against after all.
She left Shady-Belle last and made haste to the mansion district in the city, unaware of where the men could be waiting for her as they hadn't set an official meeting spot prior but it didn't take a drastic amount of searching to be able to find them, given they had sat in the community garden opposite and Dutch wasn't quiet when he talked to the men, instructing John to remain calm and for Arthur to keep a close eye on the situation...
She walked up the path to greet them and Arthur gave a gentle nod when he saw her and quickly the men rose from sitting on the steps; ready to talk with Bronte.
“Remember, we don't wanna go gun's blazin'.” Dutch warned them as they approached the gate. “Could risk harmin' Jack if we do.”
Upon finishing their walk, Nora noticed the guards all lined up along the path armed with guns and looking mean. They didn't seem pleased with the close proximity they were in and less so when Dutch had called over one particular guard to stand at the gate so they could talk.
“Run along now.” He muttered and the guard scurried off after he *negotiated with him. Dutch did momentarily tell him to return just so he could give back the taken gun and then they were told to follow on inside to speak with Bronte himself.
As soon as she stepped inside the house she was choked with the thick smell of fragrance and for a moment she could swear that they had walked into a greenhouse instead of someone's home.
The man himself sat surrounded by guards in a parlour, dressed in robes and drinking a glass of wine.
“Where is his son?” Dutch didn't jump to formalities and Angelo Bronte looked far from pleased as they cut straight to the point.
“Excuse me?”
And Dutch repeated himself, pointing at John. “Where is his son?” Bronte scowled at the forward approach and called over one of his guards to whisper something in his ear. Nora was told not to go in and start shooting but with the way things seemed to be turning out she began to worry that they would need to switch their approach.
“Who do you think you are, coming into my home with these demands and stinkin' of shit.” Nora's hand to move just above her revolver and Arthur moved in front of her to grip her wrist and not bring suspicion her way; he would let go if they needed to use it.
Bronte continued telling Dutch off while the three remained standing around in awkward silence.
“I like you-” Angelo raised a cigar and pointed his fingers in the direction of the man his smile big and yet sinister. “I do, I do like you. Please have a seat men and.. lady.”
The three on the seat took up all the space so unless she were to on one of their laps she chose to lean against an arm and balance herself there, sitting close to Arthur who looked equally as uncomfortable.
“I'll tell you what, you can have the boy back.” John's face lit up. “But I have.. a request.”
Arthur groaned and leaned forward, clasping his hands together in front of him and biting back the need to swear at the Italian. “What is it?” She asked, not shy to hide the frustration in her voice.
“There are graverobbers in the graveyard.”
“Well, that is a good place for it, the best.” Dutch quipped and Bronte laughed at his joke. “I like him, I like you.”
“Just clear them out and I'll give you back the boy.”
“Of course, I can have these three go and do that and you and I can talk a little more.” Dutch stood and motioned for the trio to leave the area but Bronte called them to stop. “Why doesn't the lady stay? I'm sure she wouldn't want to associate herself with those types of thieves.”
“Oh, I should really make sure these pair stay out of trouble.” She cut in quickly but Bronte wasn't having any of it, further insisting that she stay. Dutch placed his palm on the female's shoulder and his grip tightened ever so slightly. “I'm sure you can part with Arthur for a few minutes, Mrs Morgan.”
She raised a brow at the use of 'Mrs' but didn't want to raise any alarm regarding it. She nodded slowly and sat back down on the chair, with walking behind her. “Young couples, never can be apart.” He commented. “Never did see any use for marriage myself, but that didn't stop these two.” And now she was parading as a married woman.
“Oh, you are married?” Bronte asked Nora specifically, pouring bourbon into a glass and handing it to her. She took a sip and was about to answer his question before Dutch cut it. “To Arthur, yes.”
“Well, congratulations.”
Bronte clicked his fingers together and one of his bodyguards walked over; leaning down so the man could whisper in his ear. She tried listening to what he said but unfortunately for her he spoke in Italian possibly so they could not decipher what instructions he passed on.
“I wish for you to stay and chat awhile, but I am a busy man no? And I am sure that your husband and his friend will be back soon.” Bronte stood to escort them out, having one of his men hold the door open in politeness. Dutch turned, ready to ask about the boy before Jack ran down the stairs to join them.
“Uncle Dutch!” He cheered running to his side and the gang's leader crouched low to greet the boy before taking his hand and walking him outside. “Where's mama?” The boy asked but Dutch was reluctant to answer at first, only keeping an eye on the armed men that lined the gravel driveway towards the mansion.
She sat on the steps with him and distracted him long enough for the men to arrive and when John did return through the gates the boy took off and ran into his hands, this bright smile on his face. “How did it go?” Arthur asked Dutch and Nora specifically but neither provided a coherent answer, besides the subtle comment she made about them being married now.
“Excuse me?”
“My thoughts exactly.” She chuckled, walking around to Casper and mounting up alongside the men. “Will you be returning to camp with us, Nora?” Dutch asked as he took lead on The Count. “Not sure. If you wish me too then I see no harm in joinin' you fella's.”
“Please come with us, Nora.” Jack begged, his bright eyes silently pleading the woman to join them. Dutch scratched his nose, tilting his head over towards Jack. “It seems that the boy has spoken.”
“Alright, guess I will be goin' then.” Jack cheered and it livened up the evening for the group and having him back would mean that this turned to be the end of a very bad and stressful week.
“Abigail!” John hollered and the woman cave rushing over at the mention of her name, she faltered in her steps when she noticed her child in his arms and in no time broke into a sprint to reunite with her child.
“You got my boy back! You got him back.. thank you, thank you all.” She blinked away a few happy tears and quickly rushed the boy into camp and soon Dutch had departed while he told his dear best friend, Hosea of their little adventure. Nora turned towards John who looked longingly at his family, holding a cigarette between his lips. “Go over and sit with them, Marston.” She said and he nodded as if she were giving a command. He scurried off.
“So we're married?” Arthur asked as he escorted the female back into Shady-Belle's grounds.
“I was just as shocked too.”
“Who's idea was that?”
“Dutch's, I don't know why he said it or where it came from but Angelo Bronte didn't seem thrilled when we brought it up.”
Javier began to play a song on his guitar, one recognised well by the gang who all cheered once the first note was played. “That's a shame.”
“As much as it's been an honour, bein' your pretend-wife I am afraid that I am spoken for by someone else.”
“You are, are you?”
“Nope.” Nora chuckled lowly, scuffing the dirt up with her boot. “But I have eyes for someone.”
“Well I respect that, ma'am. I should leave you to get on with the party however, enjoy yourself.”
He said a humble goodbye before returning to his room for the night, deciding that he had enough excitement for the day.
She spotted Kieran sulking near the chuckwagon and decided that he was who she wished to take with for the evening, especially since he was one of the rare decent men around. She walked over and joined him at the table, offering a liquor bottle she picked up on the way. “How are ya?”
“I'm fine.” He mumbled and she noticed in the low light how his cheeks had flushed a red. “Good job on gettin' Jack back. Must've been fun.”
“Guess that could be said.” Nora brought the bottle to her lips and took a sip of the beverage, cringing at the bitter taste. “Didn't take too much work and nobody needed to die.”
“Well you got the kid back, it's w-what matters.” Gone was that confidence from before. The man took a long drink from the bottle, despite his earlier refusal to do so and she watched with curiosity, wondering what had happened while she was out. “Did somethin' happen to you?”
“No.” Kieran said bluntly. She didn't believe it, narrowing her eyes is suspicious before diverting her gaze over towards the scout fire where some members of the gang sat, unfortunately for her she met eyes with Micah Bell and he gave her a wicked grin that chilled her to the bone.
“Listen, I'm gonna talk to Mary-Beth for a short while. You need me I'll try not to stray too far from camp.”
Kieran nodded slowly. “G-Guess I'll do the same.”
Nora placed a palm on his cheek, running her thumb along the top of his beard before pulling away. He leaned into her touch and the minute it had gone he pouted like some child. Kieran moved to longingly watch her as she walked away from him to enter the old building, taking note of how she lingered in the doorway for a little too long before eventually disappearing indoors. “You got it bad for her too don't ya?”
Kieran shook his head to deny these claims, but Hosea only laughed as he saw through the blatant lie. “Jus' keep ya head on your shoulders an' everything will be alright.” He left Kieran alone after that and all he could do was sulk in his spot, both annoyed and confused with his feelings and how he struggled to come to terms with them. Nora was sweet and spoke more to him than anybody else, he always looked forward to her visits as they not only meant that he wouldn't be alone for a prolonged period but also because he could have a conversation with someone who thought of him as an equal and not some vermin. “How'd you end up in this mess, Duffy?” He muttered to himself, taking to drink again from the bottle and slowly he slipped into a dazed state of drunkness and tomorrow he would most likely regret his decision to so foolishly drink.
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