#lem and mina's unit
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clarkthetimed · 3 months ago
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"Imagine, all three of us riding the Sidereal Horizon out of here... to a new world."
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segemarldoodles · 2 years ago
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I beat Citizen Sleeper this morning, I finished every story-line and ended up taking the Lem and Mina ending, but I just wanted to talk about the Gardener ending.
Spoilers below, you should absolutely play it if you haven't.
I was a little upset that I couldn't unite Hunter and Killer, because I saved both of them and I was really hoping that I could combine them into a single fully sentient AI because I feel bad for them.
Then Navigator just fucks off into the datastream to look for other AIs, like 1) I wanted to put you in the Ambergris, and 2) I never get to talk to him again to see if he found anything.
Then I got to see the Gardener and get the seed, so the entire time I was doing the Hypha quest-line I was like "why can't I just tell Riko that an AI is running the greenway" until finally we grow the interface, and that ending got to me. This AI networked all the mushrooms on the greenway into a huge data cloud hive mind and it was offering me to leave broken and dying body and join its chorus of voices, and I chose to wade against the current, back to my robot body, slowly breaking down and failing, because I still had unfinished business. I knew I couldn't come back, but I had to tell Riko about everything, I had to help Lem and Mina get off the Eye, I still hadn't helped Sabine get out from under the thumb of the Yatagan. I couldn't just abandon all of the people I've met, just to drift off into the buzz of a million minds. I need it all to mean something. So I went back, squeezed Riko's hand, and woke up. It reminded me a lot of the ending of night in the woods where Mae says that she wants it to hurt because that means it meant something.
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vmfotbollstrojor12-blog · 7 years ago
Spanien VM tröja 2018 barn  Det är inte lika
Spanien VM tröja 2018 barn  Det är inte lika lätt som att "bli av med dessa spelare" Rami i måndag eftermiddags brevlåda har kommit upp med en lysande plan att göra Manchester Uniteds förmögenheter om. För dem som missade det pekade posten på hur dåliga Messengers Blind, Darmian, Fellaini, Rojo och Smalling, innan man uppmanade Manchester United att "börja bli hänsynslös vid att sälja dessa spelare". Jag ska gå ut på en lem och föreslå att Rami inte arbetar i reklam. Antingen det, eller jag saknade episoden av galna män där de gjorde en förmögenhet på en slogan av "detta är hemskt, du borde köpa det".
Detta är en av mina favoritteman från fans av stora lag, att underachieving spelare ska säljas på, utan att helt tänkas igenom det. Äkta fråga, Manchester United fans, vilka lag skulle vara villiga och / eller kunna ta på spelare som sannolikt kommer att leda en hög transferavgift (om inte någon av dem är ute av kontrakt, glad att ta råd) och också vara på sorts av kontrakt som antingen gör dem till den mest betalda Fotbollströjor VM 2018  spelaren på de flesta klubbar?
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